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The word 'gold' comes from the Old English word 'gyldan', which was derived
from “gulþa” in Germanic. Nearly 200,000 tons of gold have been mined by
humans. There is an estimated total of 10 billion tons of gold in the world's
oceans. It’s so diluted, however, that it’s impossible to mine. The average
human body contains 0.2 mg of Gold. Gold’s melting point is 1,947ºF
(1,064°)C.Nearly all of the Earth’s gold came from meteorite impacts 200 million
years ago.There are many interesting facts about the element gold, which is
listed on the periodic table as Au. This is the only truly yellow metal on Earth, but
there's a lot more to learn about gold.
Gold Facts
o Gold is the only metal that is yellow or "golden." Other metals may
develop a yellowish color, but only after they have oxidized or
reacted with other chemicals.
o Nearly all the gold on Earth came from meteorites that bombarded
the planet over 200 million years after it formed.
o The element symbol for gold—Au—comes from the old Latin name
for gold, aurum, which means "shining dawn" or "glow of sunrise."
The word gold comes from the Germanic languages, originating
from the Proto-Germanic gulþ and Proto-Indo-European ghel,
meaning "yellow/green." The pure element has been known since
ancient times.
o Gold is extremely ductile. A single ounce of gold (about 28 grams)
can be stretched into a gold thread 5 miles (8 kilometers) long. Gold
threads can even be used in embroidery.
o Malleability is a measure of how easily a material can be hammered
into thin sheets. Gold is the most malleable element. A single ounce
of gold can be beaten into a 300-square-foot sheet. A sheet
of gold can be made thin enough to be transparent. Very thin sheets
of gold may appear greenish blue because gold strongly reflects red
and yellow.

o Although gold is a heavy, dense metal, it is generally considered
nontoxic. Gold metal flakes may be eaten in foods or drinks,
although it is a common allergen for some.1
o Pure elemental gold is 24 karats, while 18-karat gold is 75 percent
pure gold, 14-karat gold is 58.5 percent pure gold, and 10-karat
gold is 41.7 percent pure gold. The remaining portion of the metal
usually used in gold jewelry and other items is silver, but items can
also consist of other metals or a combination of metals, such as
platinum, copper, palladium, zinc, nickel, iron, and cadmium.
o Gold is a noble metal. It is relatively unreactive and resists
degradation by air, moisture, or acidic conditions. While acids
dissolve most metals, a special mixture of acids called aqua regia is
used to dissolve gold. Gold is virtually indestructible.| Gold is a
noble metal and doesn’t react easily. Gold doesn’t rust, oxidise or
even react to most acids. Most of the gold mined still exists as of
today. Since it’s virtually indestructible, this precious metal is
routinely melted down, purified, and reused. This means that your
gold ring may have particles in it from Ancient Rome!
o Gold has many uses aside from its monetary and symbolic value.
Among other applications, it is used in electronics, electrical wiring,
dentistry, medicine, radiation shielding, and in coloring glass. Gold
is an excellent conductor of electricity and doesn’t tarnish. That’s
why it’s used in nearly every sophisticated electronic device, from
connectors to switches to connecting wires.
o High-purity metallic gold is odorless and tasteless. This makes
sense since the metal is unreactive. Metal ions confer flavor and
odor to metallic elements and compounds.

o Earthquakes can create gold- Scientists have discovered that water

inside faultlines vaporises during earthquakes, creating gold
crystals embedded with quartz.

o Gold is rare- Only 50,000 tonnes below-ground reserves of gold

remain in the world. In comparison, around 190,000 tonnes of gold
has already been mined.

o Gold is everywhere- Although gold is rare and expensive, because
of its properties it is present in most electronics. Computers,
televisions, cameras, radios and media players all contain gold.

o Gold is old- The oldest gold artefacts were found in modern-day

Bulgaria, from 4,500 BC and 4,000 BC. That makes those artefacts
over 6,000 years old.

o Who produces the most gold- China is currently the world’s biggest
producer of gold, with nearly 370 tonnes of annual production. It's a
good thing as China is also the largest consumer of gold. China is
also the world’s biggest gold consumer, owing to its technological
manufacturing, demand for jewelry, and central bank reserves.

o Oceans should be glittering-| Ocean waters are full of gold. There is

about 20 million tonnes of the precious metal, worth around $771
trillion, in oceans. But gold in the ocean is so dilute that it cannot be

o 11.2 million – If all of the existing gold in the world was pulled into
a 5 micron thick wire, it could wrap around the world 11.2 million
times.37 degrees – The temperature of the human body is 37
degrees centigrade. Gold’s conductivity of heat means that it
rapidly reaches body temperature – one of the reasons it has
become valued for jewellery.

o Even at only 10 parts of gold per quadrillion, the world’s oceans

are estimated to hold up to 15,000 tonnes of gold.
o The oldest golden object was discovered in Bulgaria. The discovery
determined that humans were metalworking with this material as far
back as 6,500 years ago.Since the times of Greco-Roman
Egypt, alchemists have believed that it was possible to turn ordinary
materials – like lead – into gold.
o Can pure gold be molded by hand? Absolutely, pure gold is
certainly soft enough to do this.
o Though rare, water within faults can fracture and vaporize during
earthquakes, creating gold.
o Pure gold does not cause skin irritation. Reactions are typically
linked to other metals (like nickel or silver) being mixed together
with gold.
o An ounce of gold can be drawn into a wire 5 miles (8km) long.
o Astronauts' visors are coated in a very thin, transparent layer of gold
(.000002 inches) to reduce glare and heat from sunlight.

Hand of Faith

In the September, 1980, Kevin Hillier took his new metal detector out for a spin
in his tiny hometown of Wedderburn, Australia. Instead of a bottle cap or a paper
clip, he found a 61-pound golden nugget barely a foot underground. The Hand
of Faith is the biggest golden nugget in existence, the second-biggest ever
discovered, and the biggest ever found with a metal detector. Hillier sold his
golden nugget for over a million dollars.

The 7 Surprising Powers Of Gold

1. Gold has divine connotations. The Incas called gold the “the tears of the
sun” and the Egyptians believed gold was a divine metal associated with the sun
god. Gold is an empowering force – positive, bright, and representing
illumination, love and elevated wisdom.

2. It exudes healing vibes. The 79th element is believed to possess energy that
brings warm and soothing vibrations to the body that can aid healing. The
theory: Gold’s properties relax the body, thereby causing blood vessels to be
less constricted. As blood flows more easily, it stimulates the growth of new cells
to replace damaged or dead ones.

3. It’s the color of victory. Gold is the mark of success, strength, and
perfection: Think medals for first-place performances, gold stars for a job well
done, the golden ratio in mathematics. Wearing it can bring you closer to your
own goals. Bonus: It never tarnishes!

4. It keeps you beautiful. Luxury spas offer rejuvenating gold facials to activate
cell renewal, while products like gold-infused serums and sheet masks promise
to keep skin glowing and hydrated. Gold is an antioxidant and has anti-
inflammatory properties, which can reduce redness, help diminish fine lines and
wrinkles, and protect against free radicals.

5. Gold was a royal pain reliever. In the early 1900s, surgeons would implant a
gold piece under the skin near an inflamed joint, such as a knee or elbow, to
ease arthritis pain. Today, gold treatment is administered by injection or pill
form, relieving the pain caused by active joint swelling, according to doctors at
the University of Washington.

6. It’s an energy magnet. Acupuncturists value 24k gold needles for increased
yang and superior energy transmission. The gold works as a mini jumper cable,
connecting energy from a strong meridian to a weaker one. Some practitioners

tape a tiny gold bead to a low-energy acupuncture meridian, to pick up more
energy from the area and give the meridian a boost.

7. Gold delivers a rush. Next time you’re anxious or depressed, tap into the
soft, warm aura of gold for a feel-good lift. Beauty is a known de-stressor – as is
self-expression. Therefore, revealing your true self through a gilded piece of
jewelry can amp your confidence and self-esteem.


Gold’s biocompatibility and conductivity have been recognized for hundreds of
years.Because gold is chemically inert, it is also believed to prevent spiritual
corrosion, fatigue, and negativity. If the wearer is mindful to avoid a tendency
toward greed, gold serves to relieve tension, anger, and feelings of inferiority.
Yellow gold harnesses the warmth of the sun and it promotes self-awareness
and the realization dreams. Rose gold enhances spirituality, and white gold
channels the energies of both the sun and the moon. When gold is used in
conjunction with other stones in jewelry, it is said to amplify the energy and
healing powers of those stones.


Gold is an all-natural mineral that is non-toxic and exhibits no interactions with
other drugs, and is easily tolerated by the body. The earliest records of gold
being used for medicinal and healing purposes come from the Egyptian
civilization where alchemists developed an “elixir” made of liquid gold. They
believed that gold is mystical and represented the perfection of mater and its
presence in the body would enliven, rejuvenate, cure and protect the body from
several diseases and also restore youthfulness.The Egyptians also used gold in
dentistry and it is still in favor today as an ideal material in dental work as it is
non-toxic, can be shaped easily and does not corrode.
Gold-coated pills and “gold waters” were extremely popular in medieval Europe
to treat discomfort due to sore limbs – (one of the earliest references to arthritis)
while ancient Romans used gold to cure skin problems.

In China, peasants cook their rice with a gold coin to replenish the mineral in
their bodies, and fancy Chinese restaurants put 24-karat gold-leaf in their food
preparations which indicate the restorative properties of gold.
In India gold is used in Ayurveda for rejuvenation and revitalization under the
name of Swarna Bhasma.
On average a human weighing 70 kg will have over 0.2 mg of gold inside them
mostly in the form of nanoparticles Trace amounts of gold are found near the
heart and in nail beds.You can eat gold - You can safely eat gold in the form of
gold leaf or glitter. Pure gold isn’t toxic and passes straight through your
digestive system. Gold can be consumed in small quantities and is often added
to luxury beverages and foods. Because it holds up well in the body and is
incredibly malleable, gold has been used to strengthen or cap weak teeth for at
least four millenia.
Colloidal gold also known as nanogold consist of small, microscopic gold
particles suspended in distilled water or any other liquid. It appears as a red or
yellow colored liquid and can be safely used both internally as well as externally.
The tiny gold particles from the colloid penetrate through the cell membranes
easily and work effectively towards providing relief from the symptoms of several
health disorders.
Gold is believed to be an energy amplifier. When worn on the body, it is said to
be helpful for treating blood, skin, and heart conditions as well as epilepsy,
scoliosis, dyslexia, and autism.
Gold is traditionally called The Master Healer. It is an excellent substance for
purification of the entire body. Producing an energy that is both receptive and
cooperative, Gold allows for extensive use with gemstones, as it is capable of
attracting, holding and stabilizing the influence of any stone one chooses to use.
Gold helps to assist with the functioning and rejuvenating of the endocrine
system. And it also enhances mental facilities and the nervous system.

Regenerative to the tissues as well as the skeletal structure, it is said to be able
to balance the left and right brain to help with physical coordination.
Gold is an all-natural mineral that is non-toxic and exhibits no interactions
with other drugs, and is easily tolerated by the body. Moreover, there are
no side-effects of wearing gold.Gold is believed to have a relaxing effect.
Use gold to improve blood circulation which in turn regulates the oxygen
flow to every part of our body. This helps to keep you fit and away from
sicknesses.Gold is used to regulate the body’s temperature control
mechanism which protects us from outside temperature variations and
further it also boosts immunity.
GOLD is an effective tonic in the case of diseases associated with the nervous
system. It improves memory and intelligence, strengthens heart muscles, and
increases resistance to fatigue. Gold also helps people with epilepsy, hysteria,
heart attacks, weak lungs, arthritis, and spleen disorders.Gold also helps in
tissue regrowth and healing.It has been observed by doctors, and confirmed
by research that wearing gold on the skin can improve and alleviate
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in a significant proportion of sufferers.
Some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers receive liquid gold injections in order to
decrease inflammation.
Gold nanoparticles are being used in hundreds of millions of rapid
diagnostic tests (RDTs).Scientists have developed test strips that can use
to diagnose malaria, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, sleeping sickness and syphilis.

Skin Care Treatment- Cleopatra famously used pure gold as a face mask to
keep her skin youthful. During the Roman era, gold was made into a salve and
used to treat various skin diseases and infections. While medical advances have
far surpassed these rudimentary practices, the basis of gold’s positive effects on
skin remains. Today, you can find pure gold in a variety of beauty products and
dermatological treatments, all said to keep skin radiant and beautiful. Due to its
ability to regenerate cells and restore their normal elastic properties, colloidal
gold solution is used topically as an ointment to treat various skin problems such
as eczema, fungal infections, skin rash, wounds, skin burns and many more. It is
also used as an ingredient in anti-aging skin care products.

Mood Enhancement-Many people enjoy the look and feel of pure gold.
Wearing it as a fashion statement is enough to give many gold owners a
confidence boost. Some people smile just by the sight of their own gold—
whether in jewelry or bullion form. In fact, this effect is so strong that gold has
been used as a de-stressor since ancient times. It has been viewed as a means
to boost emotional wellbeing.
Rejuvenating properties - Colloidal Gold has a soothing and harmonizing
effect on the body, mind, and spirit and also known to promote a feeling of
increased energy, will power, mental focus and libido. In cases of chills, hot
flashes, and night sweats, the body’s temperature stabilizing mechanism is
restored to balance by colloidal gold.
Improved cognitive function –Studies reveal that colloidal gold acts as a
natural stimulant for the cells of our body. This property improves the
transmission of electrical signals between the nerve cells in the brain and
increases mental alertness and boosts concentration.
Treatment of Cancer - Colloidal gold is also being used in alternative medicine
to treat certain types of cancer such as prostate cancer and ovarian cancer by
injecting minuscule amount of gold into the patient’s body in order to control
growth of cancerous cells.
Treatment of Addiction - It has been used to treat alcoholism in the 19th
Century and in modern day it is used for treating nicotine, drugs and caffeine
Swarna (Gold) Bhasma-Swarna Bhasma is a compound prepared by using
pure gold and used in Ayurveda with several health benefits such as boosting
immunity, intelligence, memory and concentration.It is used in the treatment of
premature graying of hair, lung diseases, bones and joint diseases, digestive
system diseases, tumors, cysts, anemia & more. It helps in irritable bowel
syndrome and is very useful in nervous disorders and heart diseases due to
high cholesterol and artery blockage. Several chyawanprash products which are
popularly consumed as health supplements and organic face masks are
enriched with Swarna Bhasma.
INTAKE OF GOLD CHARGED WATER - Its energy can be used in the form of
golden medicinal water. To prepare such water, boil two glasses of water in
which a gold jewel (without any precious stone) was placed until half the amount
of water evaporates. The energy of gold (golden electrons) will spread in the
water during boiling. Take one teaspoon of this water, two or three times a day.

Magical Properties of Planet SUN

Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Powers: Wisdom, Protection & Success
It is told that gold has been used to open, stimulate, and activate the 6th, Third
Eye Chakra.Clearing negativity from all chakras, and energy fields of the
physical, intellectual, emotional as well as the spiritual bodies.Gold has been
said to been used in the purification and balancing of the 4th, Heart Chakra as
well as amplifying one’s thoughts.

Intimately linked with divinity, Gold is particularly useful with any and all deity
associated with the Sun. Magicians working exclusively with the Sun or solar
energy, wearing gold during rituals is said to assisting in attuning with that power
source.Gold is the most magically potent of all metals, and is utilized to lend it’s
magic energy to rituals. Worn during spells and rituals, it will enhance the ability
to build and send forth energy where it is directed.When it is given to another
unconditionally, Gold will bring illumination to the giver. As a symbol of the Sun,
it is often used during success rituals.
Born on March 18 ,Edgar Cayce was an American clairvoyant who claimed to
channel his higher self while asleep in a trance-like state. His words were
recorded by his, his wife, , and later by his secretary. During the sessions,
Cayce would answer questions on a variety of subjects
like healing, reincarnation, dreams, the afterlife, past lives, nutrition, Atlantis and
future events. Cayce, in contrast, believed that it was his subconscious
mind exploring the dream realm where he believed all minds
were timelessly connected. He was called The Sleeping Prophet.

Edgar cayce worked with herbs and Gold primarily for healing various health
problems .He always said that “There are in truth no incurable conditions…” His
various therapies included process of gold taken internally or using gold with the
wet cell battery or radio-active appliance.
According to Cayce lack of assimilation of gold from food is the cause of many
diseases especially of nervous system .Cayce said that "Atomic effect" of gold,
is needed to establish the balance in certain glands that might produce those
hormones which are essential to the maintenance and proper rebuilding of
normal nerve tissue.


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