3.normal Child Development
3.normal Child Development
3.normal Child Development
DARAMOON METH, MD, Psychiatrist
@: drdaramoon@amarimentalclinic.com
Tel: 089 911111
1. What is the subject of Human Development?
Major Theorists
1.Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development
2.Erik Erikson
Psycho Social Development
3.Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis Theory
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
1. SENSORIMOTOR Birth – 2 years
• Worldview is egocentric
problem and then reverse the direction, returning to the starting point
length or weight
Spatial Reasoning
Piaget found that school-age children have a more accurate
understanding of space than they had.
• Distance
• Direction
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
4. FORMAL OPERATION (11 to adult)
• Adolescents can reason logically about
• Abstract topics
• Systematic
Birth Infants’ emotions consist largely of two global arousal states: attraction to pleasant
stimulation and withdrawal from unpleasant stimulation.
2 – 3 months Infants engage in social smiling and respond in kind to adults’ facial expressions
3 – 5 months Laughter at active stimuli emerges. Infants perceive facial expression as organized
patterns and can match the emotion in voices and faces.
6 – 8 months Expressions of basic emotions are well-organized and vary meaningfully with
environmental events. Infants start to become angry more often and in a wider
range of situations. Fear, especially stranger anxiety, begins to rise.
Attachment to familiar caregivers is clearly evident, and separation anxiety
appears. Infants use familiar caregivers as a secure base for exploration.
8 – 12 months Understanding of the meaning of others’ emotional expressions improves, and
social referencing appears. Infants laugh at subtle elements of surprise.
18 – 24 months Self-conscious emotions of shame, embarrassment, guilt, and pride emerge. A
vocabulary for talking about feelings develops rapidly, and emotional self-regulation
improves. Toddlers appreciate that others’ emotional reactions may differ from their
own. First signs of empathy appear.
Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages
3. INITIATIVE vs. GUILT (3 to 6 years)
• Pretend play and acceptance of responsibilities help to foster a
identity (Fidelity)
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
1. ORAL STAGE Birth to 1years
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
2. ANAL STAGE (1 to 3 years)
• Anus is the main source of gratification, withholding and expelling
and messiness
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
3. PHALLIC STAGE (3 to 6 years)
• The genitals are the main source of gratification
• Child attaches to the opposite-sex parent and later shits to same-
sex parent as the superego forms
• Gender role and moral development are important
• Interaction between the id, ego and superego form the basic
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
4. LATENCY STAGE (6 to 12 years)
• Sexual instincts are suspended