Brickwork ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Setting out and levelling superstructure brickwork........................................................................ 3
External Walls ................................................................................................................................. 3
Internal Walls .................................................................................................................................. 4
Damp-proof course (DPC) ............................................................................................................... 4
Typical Details ................................................................................................................................. 7
Roof Anchoring: .............................................................................................................................. 9
SANS 10400 – Part K: Walls........................................................................................................... 11
References ............................................................................................................................................ 15
• Lintel heights
• Sill heights
External Walls
Internal Walls
With a non-load bearing partition wall, one must either thicken or possibly reinforce the floor slab
locally. A foundation may be required for a heavily loaded wall. Using the floor slab can be cost
effective if the upfill is deep, even if the entire floor slab must be reinforced. (Flemming, 2005)
The Industrial Revolution brought with it the need to quickly construct low-cost housing to
accommodate a growing workforce migrating from rural to urban areas. In many cases, this meant
incorporating brickwork, and the preferred method was to construct one brick thick walls to support
the roof. This was adequate from a structural standpoint, but the methodology was deficient on
nearly every other front.
To address these issues, DPCs and DPMs were installed in the substructure, as well as the cavity wall.
Instead of a single layer of brickwork one brick thick, two layers were built, each half a brick thick,
and the layers were joined together with wrought iron wall ties placed three per square yard. The
layers are known as leaves or skins. The cavity's primary function is to keep moisture from entering
the masonry's inner leaf. (Flemming, 2005)
Flashing should be used to divert water that may penetrate or condense on the interior face of
masonry walls to the building's exterior. As a result, depending on the type of construction, flashing
should be installed in exterior walls at horizontal surfaces such as roofs, parapets, and floors; at shelf
angles; at openings such as doors and windows; and at the bases of walls just above grade. The
flashing should extend through a mortar joint to the outside face of the wall and then turn down to
form a drip. (Frederick S. Merritt, 2000)
Flashing in tooled mortar joints, on the other hand, would trap water unless a means of draining it to
the outside was provided. As a result, flashing should be used in conjunction with weep holes
formed in head joints directly above the flashing. Flashing materials include sheet copper,
bituminous fabrics, plastics, or a combination of these. Copper may be chosen for its durability, but
it may be more expensive than other materials. Material combinations, such as cold-formed steel
and plastic or bituminous coating, may result in a more durable flashing at a lower cost. (Frederick S.
Merritt, 2000)
DPC below superstructure must overlap between the foundation wall and the edge of the
concrete over the jointex at the expansion joint between the foundation wall and the perimeter of
the surfacebeds forming a continuous barrier against rising damp.
Figure 4: Flashing in masonry walls: (a) over an opening for a window or door; (b) under a window sill; (c) at the base of a wall; (d) and (e)
below weep holes. (Frederick S. Merritt, 2000)
Windows and doors:
• Vertically, sandwiched against the outside leaf of brick work at all windows and doors. DPC
should be wider than the brick returning and protrude from the brickwork by at least 30mm.
• one tucked below the inner leaf and sandwiched between the lintels extending
below the lintel (This should be against the outer leaf of brickwork – vertical DPC
should be behind it)
• The other should step from below the second course of the inner leaf to the below
the first course of the outer leaf – weepholes should be formed as above
• Window sill DPC details vary - but the concept remains the same – the DPC should tuck into
the bottom of the window frame and lead out through the outer leaf of the wall.
Figure 9: Wall ties at control joints (South African National Standard, 2011)
• Bed joint brickforce shall be laid horizontally
in the mortar at vertical spacing not
exceeding 400mm
• Every course above lintels for 4-9 courses,
depending on the span of the opening.
Prestressed Concrete Lintels minimum bearing:
Roof Anchoring:
Roof anchors shall be installed in the masonry as work proceeds in accordance with the
requirements of the scope of work. Such anchors shall be located in walls at evenly spaced centres
wherever roof trusses, rafter or purlin beams are to be located.
The brickwork between the trusses from wall plate height to the roof covering is referred to as
Beamfilling. Damp-proof courses, unless otherwise specified in the scope of work, shall be provided in all
walls in accordance with the relevant requirements of figures 13 to 18. Damp-proof courses shall be provided above all window and door openings in cavity waIl
construction unless roof overhangs of 750 mm or more are provided and the distance between the
wall plate and the top of the window or door frame (or both) does not exceed 700 mm. (See figure
17.) Horizontal damp-proof courses shall be laid with mortar above and below. (See figure 18.) Damp-proof courses shall be laid to the full thickness of the wall and lapped at least 150 mm
at all joints in the running length. At ends, intersections and angles, the damp-proof courses shall
overlap the full width of the wall. All horizontal damp-proof courses shall protrude 5 mm from the
external face of the wall. In cavity walls, damp-proof courses shall be laid across the full width of the wall, including
the cavity, and shall be stepped down one course in the cavity over a mortar fillet. As far as is practicable, damp-proof courses in solid masonry construction shall not be
punctured. Where the unit width is 140 mm or greater, damp-proof courses in hollow masonry
construction may be pierced at regular intervals at the centre of each core, to allow the passage of
any moisture that might otherwise accumulate. Such piercing shall not exceed 40 mm in diameter
and the surface of the membrane adjacent to the piercing shall be depressed towards the piercing.
NOTE Piercing of the damp-proof course is usually undertaken in single-leaf construction where
damp-proof courses are provided at first-floor level. Unless otherwise specified in the scope of work, damp-proof courses under window sills
exposed to the weather, shall be in accordance with figures 19 and 20. In areas within 1 km from the coastline or shoreline of large expanses of salt water and
within 3 km of industries that discharge atmospheric pollutants which are corrosive,
a) brick force shall be manufactured from pre-galvanized wire, and the galvanizing shall be in
accordance with SANS 935 for a grade 2 coating; and
b) rod reinforcement shall be galvanized in accordance with the requirements of SANS 935 for a
grade 2 coating or SANS 121, as appropriate. In tidal and splash zones, brickforce and rod reinforcement shall be made of stainless-steel
wire. Lintels shall be provided above all window and door openings in accordance with the
requirements of 4.2.9. Bed joint reinforcement shall be discontinuous across a control joint that is tied. Walls supporting either concrete floors or roofs shall have a thickness of not less than 90 mm
in cavity wall construction and 140 mm in single-leaf and collar-jointed wall construction and contain
no openings wider than 2,5 m.
Figure 13:
Wall with
door and
Figure 14: Wall with
window openings only
(South African National
Standard, 2011)
Figure 5: a and c not less than 150 mm (solid units) or 200 mm (hollow units) b.
Lintels shall be adequately supported for a period of not less than 7 d after completion.
Figure 15: Typical section through brickwork above lintels (South African National Standard, 2011)
The design and construction of the building envelope in the Southern Coastal Condensation Problem
Area (see figure 36) shall be such that
Figure 16: Rain penetration acceptance criteria (South African National Standard, 2011)
In a masonry wall, a damp-proof course shall be installed a) at the level of the top of a concrete floor
slab resting on the ground;
a) each leaf of such wall shall be provided with its own damp-proof course which shall extend
over the full thickness of such leaf, in which case the cavity shall extend 150 mm below the
dampproof course; or
b) each leaf of such wall shall be covered by a membrane which extends across the cavity
provided that the position of the membrane at the inner leaf is higher than its position at
the outer leaf; and
c) where necessary, weepholes to prevent build-up of water in the cavity shall be provided in
the external leaf of every cavity wall, spaced not more than 1 m apart, in the masonry unit
course immediately below the damp-proof course contemplated in (a) or in the masonry
unit course immediately above the membrane contemplated in (b).
Figure 17:The Southern Coastal Condensation Problem (SCCP) Area (South African National Standard, 2011)
Charlett, A. J. (2007). Fundamental Building Technology. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Frederick S. Merritt, J. T. (2000). Building design and construction handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.
South African National Standard. (2011). The application of the National Building Regulations Part K:
Walls. Pretoria: SABS Standards Division.
Standards South Africa. (2007). SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Construction works Part
CM1: Masonry walling. Pretoria: Standards South Africa.