How Do Organisms Reproduce

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How Do Organisms
NCERT Corner
1. What is the importance of DNA copying in various groups of living organisms, including
reproduction? fungi, plants, and some bacteria. Spores can
Ans. DNA is the genetic material present in the nucleus withstand harsh environmental conditions, such
cells of all organisms. DNA carries the genetic as extreme temperatures, drought. This resilience
information from generation to generation. It is
allows them to endure conditions that might be
therefore possible for the organism to produce
organism of its own type due to DNA copying harmful to the parent organism. Spores can remain
only. For the inheritance of traits of the parent, dormant until more favorable conditions arise for
DNA copying is a must. DNA copying also brings growth and reproduction.
about variation, which forms the basis for the
5. Can you think of reasons why more complex
origin of new species, i.e., speciation.
organisms cannot give rise to new individuals
2. Why is variation beneficial to the species but
not necessarily for the individual? through regeneration?
Ans. Sometimes for a species, the environmental Ans. More complex organisms cannot give rise to new
conditions change so drastically that their survival individuals through regeneration because complex
becomes difficult. For example, if the temperature organisms have organ-system level of organization.
of water increases suddenly, then most of the
Specialised cells are organised as tissues, and
bacteria living in that water would die. Only few
variants that are resistant to heat would be able to tissues are organised into organs, which then have
survive. However, if these variants were not there, to be placed at definite positions in the body.
then the entire species of bacteria would have been
6. Why is vegetative propagation practised for
destroyed. Thus, the variations help in the survival
and are beneficial of the species. However, all growing some types of plants?
variations are not necessarily beneficial for the Ans. Vegetative propagation is practiced for growing
individual organisms. some types of plants because of following
3. How does binary fission differ from multiple advantages:
™ It is used for the development of a plant in
Ans. In binary fission a single cell divides into two which viable seeds are not formed or very few
equal halves, e.g., Amoeba and bacteria while in
seeds are produced.
multiple fission, a single cell divides into many
daughter cells simultaneously, e.g., Plasmodium. ™ It helps to produce plants in new areas where

4. How will an organism be benefited if it the germination of seed is failed to produce

reproduces through spores? mature plant due to change in environmental
Ans. Reproduction via spores offers several advantages conditions and the soil.
to organisms, and this method is observed in ™ It is more rapid, easier and cheaper method.

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NCERT Exercise

1. Asexual reproduction takes place through budding in fertilized egg. Thus, the inner lining (endometrium)
(a) Amoeba (b) Yeast of the uterus gets thickened and is supplied with
(c) Plasmodium (d) Leishmania blood to nourish the embryo. If the egg does not get
fertilised, then the lining of the uterus slowly breaks
Ans. (b) Asexual reproduction takes place through and comes out through vagina as blood and mucous.
budding in Yeast.
7. Draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section
2. Which of the following is not a part of the female of a flower.
reproductive system in human beings?
Ans. The labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of
(a) Ovary
a flower is given below:
(b) Uterus
(c) Vas deferens
(d) Fallopian tube
Ans. (c) Vas deferens is not a part of the female
reproductive system in human beings.
3. The anther contains
(a) Sepals (b) Ovules
(c) Carpel (d) Pollen grains
Ans. (d) The anther contains pollen grains.
4. What are the advantages of sexual reproduction 8. What are the different methods of contraception?
over asexual reproduction?
Ans. The contraceptive methods can be broadly divided
Ans. Advantages of sexual reproduction: into the following types:
™ In sexual reproduction, more variations are ™ Natural method: It involves preventing the
produced. Therefore, it ensures survival of chances of meeting of sperms and ovum. In this
species in a population. method, the sexual act is avoided from day 10th
™ The newly formed individual has characters to 17th of the menstrual cycle because during
of both the parents. This is because in sexual this period, ovulation is expected and therefore,
reproduction, genetic material from both the chances of fertilization are very high.
the parents mixed (recombination of parent ™ Barrier method: Barriers are available for
chromosomes) by fertilization. both males and females. Condoms are barriers
5. What are the functions performed by the testis in made up of thin rubber which covers the penis
human beings? in males and vagina in females.
™ Oral contraceptives: In this method, pills or
Ans. Functions of testes:
drugs are taken orally. They change hormonal
™ Regulate the development and maturation
balances that prevent the release of eggs and
of sperms, which contain haploid set of
thus fertilization cannot occur.
chromosomes of father.
™ Surgical methods: Some surgical methods,
™ Produce a hormone called testosterone, which
such as tubectomy and vasectomy, can also be
regulates sexual development.
used to block the gamete transfer. Vasectomy
6. Why does menstruation occur? involves the blocking of vas deferens to prevent
Ans. Menstruation is a process in which blood and the transfer of sperms. Similarly, fallopian tubes
mucous flows out through the vagina. This process of the female can be blocked by tubectomy so
is repeated every month at an average interval that the egg will not reach the uterus.
of about 28/29 days because one egg is released ™ IUCDs: Some devices called as Intrauterine
from the ovary every month and at the same time, contraceptive devices are placed in the uterus of
the uterus (womb) prepares itself to receive the females. E.g., Copper T and Lippes loop.
How Do Organisms Reproduce? 3
9. How are the modes for reproduction different in stability to population of species by giving birth to
unicellular and multicellular organisms? new individuals.
Ans. For unicellular organisms, reproduction occurs by It also ensures the continuity of a species. By
the division of the entire cell. Fission, budding, reproduction, organisms form a large number of
regeneration are some modes of reproduction in new individuals out of which several lose their life
unicellular organisms. In multicellular organisms, and only some survive. These surviving organisms
specialised reproductive organs are present. replace the naturally dying members of the
Therefore, they can reproduce by vegetative population. Hence the population as a whole is not
propagation, spore formation, etc. In more complex affected and remains stable.
multicellular organisms the mode of reproduction 11. What could be the reasons for adopting
is sexual reproduction. It is found in humans and contraceptive methods?
plants. Ans. Contraceptive methods are mainly adopted because
10. How does reproduction help in providing stability of the following reasons:
to populations of species? ™ To prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Ans. Reproduction is a natural process of producing ™ To control population growth or birth rate.
new individuals of the same species from existing ™ To provide protection against various sexually
organisms of a species, thus, it helps in providing transmitted diseases.

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