Acting 1 Vocab
Acting 1 Vocab
Acting 1 Vocab
Relationship: the shared bond of history and feelings between two characters
Objective/goal: what your character wants to do to or get from others (‘I want to…”)
Moment Before: the character's experience prior to the beginning of a play or scene
Exposition: the part of a script that gives the basic facts needed to understand the story and the characters;
the part where we learn who, where, when, etc…
Rising Action: the part of a scene or play where two opposing characters' objectives clash and build up the
tension of the scene
Conflict: the clash that results when two opposing objectives meet
Climax: the section of a scene where one character wins and the other loses objective
Resolution: the period after the climax, as we see the way each person copes with the outcome
Analysis: Using script information, imagination, observation and research to create a character
ACTING TERMINOLOGY Name___________________
Acting 1 Block___________________
_____________the part an actor plays
_____________the shared bond of history and feelings between two characters
_____________the reason why your character does what he does
_____________where and when the scene takes place
_____________what is happening or going on surrounding the story that affects it
_____________what your character wants to do to or get from others (‘I want to...”)
_____________type of word stating objectives and tactics
_____________why your character wants what he wants
_____________contradictions and ambivalence within your character’s desires
_____________something that happens or is understood for the first time
_____________emotional significance of the outcome to your character
_____________the words spoken by the characters
_____________the meaning and unspoken undercurrents under the words
_____________the character's experience prior to the beginning of a play or scene
_____________the part of a script that gives the basic facts needed to understand the story
_____________the part of a scene or play where two opposing characters' objectives clash and build up the
tension of the scene
_____________the clash that results when two opposing objectives meet
_____________the section of a scene where one character wins and the other loses
_____________the period after the climax, as we see the way each person copes
_____________the actors' stage movements in the scene
____________blocking that involves the specific, necessary use of a prop
_____________overhead view sketch of the setting
_____________Using script information, imagination, observation and research to create a character
Character. Text
Relationship. SubText
Motivation Moment Before
Setting. Exposition
Situation. Rising Action
Objective/goal. Conflict
Action Verb. Climax
Motivation. Resolution
Opposites. Blocking
Discovery. Business
Importance/Stakes. Ground Plan