One of Two Gifts: Intro

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One of Two Gifts

Week Three


inTro Zeal is manifested in various ways in every church. You

have the individual who is excited about evangelism.
Read This Week’s Passage: Another one is the expert on church policies and regula-
Isaiah 56:3–8 tions. The prophecy guru is zealous over historical dates,
while the children’s ministry gang competes with the
Vacation Bible School special forces team. Theological
auditors sit in the back pew with their bifocals while the
conspiracy theorists have their own unique enthusiasm.
From audio-visual techies to prayer warriors, the church
is a home to all types, shapes, and sizes of zeal.
Then there is the Auntie (or sometimes Uncle). She is
zealous about getting every single person in the church
married off. Whether she works off a database or her
memory, she is a human android that can come up with
creative combinations and statistical compatibility rates.
We may snicker, but the zeal of this ministry is important.
Perhaps you have benefited from their ministry.
What may lie behind this zeal, however, is the idea that
singles are incomplete and that communities must do
everything they can to eliminate them. The first chapters
of Genesis are often quoted supporting the notion that
it is bad for individuals to be alone. While it is true that
married individuals have benefits and advantages, the
rewards and pluses of singlehood must not go unmen-
tioned. Afterall, the Son of God Himself was a single.
Though this quarter addresses the topic of sexuality, this
week will look at various passages throughout Scripture
that touch on the gift of singleness and its juxtaposition
Sexually Designed Week Three to the other gift that God has given. 25

Write out Isaiah 56:3–8 from the

Bible translation of your choice.
You may also rewrite the passage
in your own words, or outline or
mind-map the chapter.

26 One of Two Gifts


inGest Unlike the goal of Auntie, the goal of conversion is not to make every
singleton into a couple. While it may be in the best interest for evolu-
tionary biology for each human to procreate and further the complexity
Go back to your scribed text and of the gene pool, it is not the sole goal of the gospel of Christ for people
to experience matrimony. Yes, the church is a great utility and facilita-
study the passage. tor for this purpose. But this is not its main purpose.
Christ’s goal is the redemption of humanity to its original purpose (see
Circle repeated words/ the inVerse study on Education) and to bring forth the righteousness of
God as through justification (Rom. 4:3–5; 6:6, 7), sanctification (Rom.
phrases/ideas 8:4; Eph. 5:9), and glorification (Rom. 8:17; 1 Cor. 15:53). Marriage or
singleness is not a prerequisite to this righteousness.
When Jesus responded to the Pharisee’s question on marriage and
Underline words/phrases that divorce, the disciples responded by saying, “If such is the case of the
are important and have meaning man with his wife, it is better not to marry” (Matt. 19:10). Jesus replies
to you with Matthew 19:12. Note before reading it, however, that this is a very
difficult passage. It is sandwiched with verse 11 as, “All cannot accept
this saying, but only those to whom it has been given” and the end of
Draw Arrows to connect words/ verse 12 as, “He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.” We must be
careful to understand this verse contextually.
phrases to other associated or Jesus didn’t say, “No, no, no, one must always get married!” This is
related words/phrases very much the cultural custom in many places in the world. Many cul-
tures consider it a religious duty to be married. The single individual is
seen as incomplete and given some temporary status until they marry.
What special insights do your As the first week established, we must forgo cultural conventions and
marks seem overall to point to? be willing to accept the scripts of Scripture as the basis for our Christ-
focused lives. What did Jesus say about singles?
Yes, God did say, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Gen. 2:18).
But it’s interesting that He said it was “not good” and not “bad” (did
you follow that?). Meaning, He didn’t condemn singleness; rather it
was just not ideal. Good and evil clearly exist in the Scriptures, but “not
good” exists as well—which should be avoided if possible because God
Memorize your favorite verse from has something better in mind. But at the same time, it’s not bad. We
Isaiah 56:3–8. Write it out multiple have clear examples of this in the life of Jesus Himself, as well as that
of the apostle Paul.
times to help memorization.
Jesus gives three categories of singleness in Matthew 19:12. Though
He uses the word eunuchs, the definition transcends our contemporary
Why might some people consider and limited understanding as one who is castrated. The first category
are those individuals who were born from their mother’s womb as natu-
marriage as a prerequisite for rally single. These individuals were biologically (perhaps even the word
righteousness? genetically could be used) single to describe their sexuality. They were
born to be single and not married. Jesus acknowledges people who have
a physical, biological status that results in their singlehood.
Why might some people consider The second group consists of those who were made eunuchs by
singleness as a prerequisite for others. This correlates to our most common usage of eunuch. These
individuals were those who were made single by external forces. Some
righteousness? references suggest that Daniel and his friends were made eunuchs to
work in the royal courts of Babylon (Dan. 1:3, 7–9). A category of indi-
viduals not born this way exists, whose external life experiences have
made them single.
The third group have made themselves such for the kingdom of
heaven’s sake. These have taken up singleness for the higher calling
of the kingdom of God. As the apostle Paul lays out in 1 Corinthians 7,
the goal of the gospel is primary in these individuals, and they take on
singleness for this evangelistic purpose.
What is wonderful and just as profound is that after this discourse
Read more at on singlehood, Jesus blesses little children, saying, “For of such is the
kingdom of heaven.” These three sections (on marriage, on singleness, and on children) are distinct, but the underlying common theme is
that whatever course of life you are in, you should do it for the glory of
heaven. A difficult saying indeed.

Sexually Designed Week Three 27


The main passage for this week spotlights the purpose of singlehood inTerpret
in Scripture. Though the historical context addresses those who were
normally excluded from being a part of God’s people, Isaiah 56 foresees
After looking at your scribed
a time when strangers, foreigners, and eunuchs are welcomed whole-
heartedly. Verse 3 addresses foreigners who no longer have families. and annotated text, what special
Verse 5 addresses those who no longer have children. Though an Old insights do your marks seem to
Testament historical fulfillment has occurred in Israel’s neighbors who point to overall?
were converted, the eschatological (or end-time) fulfillment has yet
to occur, seeing as verse 7 speaks of a holy mountain and a house of
prayer where all nations would convene.
What Isaiah alludes to is a promise that transcends the blessings of
marriage and the blessings of descendants. Whereas ancient cultures
What questions emerge after
found security in spouses (namely husbands) and in the number of
offspring, God promises that those who remain single-minded for Him studying this passage? What
will receive a larger blessing: Himself. In other words, more than the parts are difficult?
pleasures of marriage, the joys of children, the security of status, and
the reassurance of family, God gives Himself, His house (vv. 6–7), His What other principles and
mountain (v. 7), and His joy. Isaiah 56 is a call for singles to display
conclusions do you find?
their devotion to Him through piety, obedience, justice, and truth
(vv. 1–3). This display would glorify God more than would marriage
and/or childrearing. What is more amazing is that God grants them a How do people treat the kingdom
name “better than that of sons or daughters,” namely His name (pun of God merely the means for
intended)! sexuality, marriage, and family
The ultimate purpose of singles is found in verse 7’s “for all nations”
relationships? Why is this wrong?
and verse 8’s “yet I will gather to him others besides those who are
gathered to him.” In other words, God will use singles for discipleship
and ministry to bring others to God. This means that the kingdom of
God grows not biologically but through discipleship and relationships;
through regeneration, not sexual procreation. Seeing as relationships
in Christ transcend time and space, these connections transcend the
boundaries of normal marital and familial relationships.
This promise is a paradigm shift, since the Jews built their nation
through biological propagation. Adam and Eve were told to be fruitful
and multiply. Abraham was focused on the biological son Isaac. Parents
throughout the Old Testament had to continue their “line” and the
genealogies to continue the legacy of Israel.
Deeper than just having children, Jesus had discipleship and conver-
sions in mind when He quoted Isaiah 56 in Matthew 21:13. Instead of
being a headquarters for discipleship, prayer, spirituality, and connect-
ing the Gentiles to God, they made God’s “house of prayer” into a “den
of thieves,” or, in other words, a for-profit organization for themselves!
Jesus sees the fulfillment of this chapter in the last-day church of
Philadelphia in Revelation: “I will make him a pillar in the temple of
My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of
My God and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which
comes down out of heaven from my God. And I will write on him My
new name” (3:12).
Sexuality, marriage, and family are not the end game, but only the Read more at
means by which the kingdom of God is established. How often are
these mixed up!

28 One of Two Gifts


What relationship do the

following verses have with
the primary passage?

Matthew 19:11, 12
1 Corinthians 7:1–16
1 Corinthians 7:25–40
Genesis 2:18
Matthew 21:12–17
Mark 3:31–35

What other verses/promises

come to mind in connection
with being single?

Review your memorized verse

from Isaiah 56:3–8.

Sexually Designed Week Three 29


If sexuality and/or marriage were a necessity for righteousness, surely inVite

Jesus would have participated in them. Despite what some shows and
myths allude to, Jesus was a celibate man whose twelve male disci-
ples and many other followers became His family. He understood that Where do you see Jesus in
those who desired to follow the will of God were His household (Mark Isaiah 56:3–8?
3:31–35). He redefined relationships beyond the biological connection.
At the same time, through all of Jesus’ teaching He did not compel His
followers to be celibate or remain single. If we look at the reasoning of
Paul’s singleness in 1 Corinthians 7, we find the practical logic of sin-
gleness for the sake of the gospel, not because sexuality was inherently
sinful in its pleasure of the physical. How has Jesus been a model of
First Corinthians 7:34 presents this practicality where spouses care
about their families but singles can be single-focused on God and His single-minded focus in your life?
“things.” Because of no “distractions” (v. 35), full attention can be
devoted to God and His Kingdom. Anyone with a family, children, or What is Jesus saying to you
other dependents to take care of knows the difficulty and weight that
these beloved individuals bring. It is a different ministry entirely. through the main text?
Second, verse 32 speaks of pleasing God as the main focus. Hebrews
11:5, 6 informs us that it takes faith to please God. Although both the How do you see Jesus differently
single and the married can focus on faith to please God, singles can
experience a different spirituality and intimacy with God alone, which or see Him again?
is often complemented with aloneness and isolation. Whether it is
permanent or temporary before marriage, this is a wonderful locus that Prayer: How do you respond to
should be taken advantage of.
Last, Paul presents some theological threads in which eschatology is seeing Jesus in this way?
presented in 1 Corinthians 7:29 (“the time is short”) and verse 31 (“this
world is passing away”). In the context of the kingdom of God and the
work of Jesus in the last days, Paul presents his entire life to be an offer-
ing in imitation of the Lord Jesus Christ and in service in these times.
What is amazing is that Paul’s singleness pointed to the ministry of
Jesus. One powerful aspect of Christ’s ministry can be seen in Isaiah
53. Verses 2 and 3 describe the Suffering Servant, a passage so famous
that it is highlighted in the Ethiopian’s conversion story in Acts 8. This
Servant takes our griefs, our sorrows, our transgressions, and our iniq-
uities; He is even “stricken, smitten by God” (Isa. 53:4, 5). Our response
is to reject Him, crucify Him, and to bury Him in a rich man’s tomb. This
is one of the clearest Messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures!
Verse 10 states, “When you make His soul an offering for sin, He shall
see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord
shall prosper in His hand.” Though He was single, His single-minded-
ness to the glory, work, and mission of God caused Him to have seed,
offspring, or children! In other words, this would not be propagation by
procreation but by discipleship and spiritual conversion through His
sacrificial ministry.
Even more amazing, Isaiah 54:1 continues in exclamation, “ ‘Sing,
O barren, you who have not borne! Break forth into singing, and cry
aloud, you who have not labored with child! For more are the chil-
dren of the desolate than the children of the married women,’ says
the Lord.” The chapter then continues to describe how nonbiological
children will inherit the kingdom of God on earth (cf. 1 Cor. 4:15). How
much more poetic could a description of the gospel going forth be!


30 One of Two Gifts


inSight “Jesus did not enforce celibacy upon any class of men. He came not to
destroy the sacred relationship of marriage, but to exalt it and restore it
to its original sanctity. He looks with pleasure upon the family relation-
Review the memory verse. ship where sacred and unselfish love bears sway.” (Ellen G. White, The
How does it apply to your Adventist Home, 121.)
“As in the days of Noah, one of the signs of these times is a passion for
life this week?
injudicious and hasty marriages. Satan is in this. If Paul could remain
single, and recommend the same to others, that he and they might be
wholly the Lord’s, why not those who would be wholly His, and wish to
make a sure thing of avoiding the cares, trials, and bitter anguish so fre-
quent in the experiences of those who choose the married life, remain
as he was? And more, if he chose to remain so, and could recommend
After this week’s study of
it to others, eighteen centuries since, would not to remain as he was
Isaiah 56:3–8, what personal be a commendable course for those who are waiting for the coming of
applications are you convicted of the Son of man, unless evidences were unquestionable that they were
bettering their condition, and making heaven more sure by so doing?
in your life?
When so much is at stake, why not be on the sure side every time?”
(James and Ellen White, “Dealing With Those Overtaken in the Sin of
What applications can be made in Adultery,” Review and Herald, March 24, 1868.)
“What ought every Christian to do when brought into the trying
your social life?
position which tests the soundness of religious principle? With a firm-
ness worthy of imitation he should say frankly: ‘I am a conscientious
Christian. I believe the seventh day of the week to be the Sabbath of
the Bible. Our faith and principles are such that they lead in opposite
directions. We cannot be happy together, for if I follow on to gain a
more perfect knowledge of the will of God, I shall become more and
more unlike the world and assimilated to the likeness of Christ. If you
continue to see no loveliness in Christ, no attractions in the truth, you
will love the world, which I cannot love, while I shall love the things of
God, which you cannot love. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
Without spiritual discernment you will be unable to see the claims of
God upon me, or to realize my obligations to the Master whom I serve;
therefore you will feel that I neglect you for religious duties. You will
not be happy; you will be jealous on account of the affections which
I give to God, and I shall be alone in my religious belief. When your
views shall change, when your heart shall respond to the claims of
God, and you shall learn to love my Saviour, then our relationship may
be renewed.’
“The believer thus makes a sacrifice for Christ which his conscience
approves, and which shows that he values eternal life too highly to run
the risk of losing it. He feels that it would be better to remain unmar-
ried than to link his interest for life with one who chooses the world
rather than Jesus, and who would lead away from the cross of Christ.”
(Ellen G. White, The Adventist Home, 67, 68.)
“The high, noble, lofty design of God in the institution of marriage is
not discerned; therefore the purest affections of the heart, the noblest
traits of character, are not developed.
“Not one word should be spoken, not one action performed, that you
would not be willing the holy angels should look upon, and register
in the books above. You should have an eye single to the glory of God.
The heart should have only pure, sanctified affection, worthy of the
Read more inSight from the followers of Jesus Christ, exalted in its nature, and more heavenly than
Spirit of Prophecy at earthly. Anything different from this is debasing, degrading in court-
ship; and marriage cannot be holy and honorable in the sight of a pure
and holy God, unless it is after the exalted scriptural principle.” (Ellen
G. White, The Adventist Home, 55.)

Sexually Designed Week Three 31


Share insights from this week’s

memory verse and Bible study
as well as any discoveries,
observations, and questions
with your Sabbath School class
(or Bible study group). Consider
these discussion questions with
the rest of the group.

Why do people opt to be single?

What are some selfish reasons for

remaining single?

How can singles be sexually pure?

How are singles complete in ways

that married couples are not?

What are some examples of

“eunuchs” in the categories that
Christ listed?

How can you be a blessing to the

single people in your community,
church, and/or local area?

If a single, how have you experi-

enced God “without distraction”
and pleased Him in the “things”
of God?

How can sexual temptations

be sublimated into avenues for

How can singles “bear” non-bio-

logical children in the faith?

32 One of Two Gifts

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