Air Force News Jan-Jun 1939
Air Force News Jan-Jun 1939
Air Force News Jan-Jun 1939
c lJ.~,lli("Il
SenJ! ce
JANUARY 1, 1939
,.. :3
.. {-.0 VOL. XXII
18 to distribute perlonnel in the Regular .u~,Reserve connected with aviation. --... 000--
1. ,i'.,viation.
the thirtieth
'PhirtJ years ago on that daf the Arll\1bought 1. ts first military airplane in the world. chapter, lJ'ineteen-thirty-nlne,
you officers,
should be proUd. this new chapter, however. with a full throughout the world for behind
realizaUen air
the race
becomel sterner.
of this
teampl~ ~e
Let us
marcl\. together,
moving forward on a Bingle, united front air foroe for our national d.fense
to our objective,
a more effective
~ ~
DROP..;.TESTING PARAOHUTES RANDOLPHFIELDRANtOLPHFIELD FLOODLIGHTS AT MOVED The Parachute Depar=ent 'at the Air ':he War Department Ls advised ,tiat Oorps Prir.uary F171ng School, Ran401pb $2. 000.'OOw111 be allotted, for the JlX)VeField. Texas, 1s: IDeJ1Ae4 a corqplement .mento! the Northwest Flo()C~ by . .f, -: c: of twelve men operan~ ,:l~om'two '8e~8tallat'10n.t,RandOlPlJ,F1e~d.:' h.c rate estalHishniente - one on' the Pi' y tion where. they w1ll. not. ., and.the other on the J38.t1c Stage.. 1'he rnenaceto ts.xy1Ilg aircraft . two 'departmentsh. e.:.:ve ..... t.h.etr '.~a.te 01'-. nhh 'adequate illumination", ganiza'Uons and operate &edt,tinct tion of tlie, landing ~ea no,,;. units coordinated bl the Post Parachute by the'se lights .' Off1cer throu8h Staff Serceant Wilbur f'Wlds. the ramp in front of, Lage. who exercises superVisory control and the area now occupied by r over both departments. Each de~artment lighting 1n.stallation at the' is outf1tted w1thldent,"caleq'\l pment.. corner of the building area ~'1',' floor space and dryiJ2&.t'ac11i Ues. tended to provide a complete. It.") ----ar.8a. clear of obstacles, o~ jr A total of 615 parachutes is cared for i ting aircraft may be maneuv,e " ~ ~v~; at the present time. th1s requiring .the from this hangar. .' e' ',. I" daily of approximately ten On December 9th', specifica .,,,': Ichut-esand the monthly drop-teBoiing of blueprin ..ta furnished by the " '::.'.~'" slightlY' over fiftY. Division were turned over to' .. .'." ----E. V. Dunstan, Quartermaster 1Ifi~., As a result efthe past year's 1nwill a.dvertise for bids and pr~ . create in the number of flying personnel, the contract for the relocat~ !<d'11D:tif both student and permanent. and a not'.Jl~~ l1ghting 1nstal1at1on.:tor:bhnd~ 'v.J commensurate increase in the number of the award. which will be mad$!~ *-... E parAchutes. the post is ra,ther badly Quartermaster General..d.:t no cellh handicapped for parachute equipment at '. '-____ .cO'I(;,!jn.iJo~> this date. NoUcewasrece1ved from t!ifl~1tl.i:iI 'iijereae formerly each cadet was ia.sued Progress Administration of th.r.tulQl-",B .; ) an individual parachut,EI.ithas become tion of. Federalfund8 .to, the- SllJCMlitj~ necessary toraUon out' chutes to each $6.575.00 forwaterproof1nit;r1iai:ftttJitIW. C{::; fl1~t, which then operates a.poolfor glaziIlg and performing ineldtfit~ theOadets' use. J. certain amount of appurtenant work on bu11din'~ .~.l:ledr;:' conr",.ionio inevitable 'and 'conoiderable dclph Field, !fhe project -_~'deta1~ work and responsibil1 t1' is given contrib. ution of $1.5SO.00bY.ltb~l!t,. .r to the flight dispatchers in connection' formater:1e.ll.tranJiportatto1't,. .P. with the storing of the 'chutes when not principal i tam in the project- . ..," r in use and with accounting for each one the painting of doors and steel~8i~:: as iseued and received from the students ten hangars. seven having been . for each individual flight. " under a previous. W.P.A. proJia1t ' '. ~::l~; The present system is working out with ---000-- J.LfOrIZJJ, reasonable success. however" a.lthough ~11.i:.8'!: jri-S.U': resulting in grea'l;er wear and tear on PHOTOGRAPHIC AT'RANlX)iflP*~!.r' WORK egu;lpment di1e to increased handl1ng,~r~LnaB\ stralnsarising from mis-fits. inade.' The Randolph Field Photo '~i I qmtestor~e facilities in hanga1"'8 anei, boasting of a nation-wide ci~~ ;.. lncidentallyr. nearly triple the use per received by their picture of '. q'!.r~ t chut.e than Iormerq encountered. ' , Roger Y. Ramey. Assistant ~' .s~r. ----co. man. at the "West pOint.~Of ,. m del' .A:~~~' Randolph Field has a total of 21 jumps and two FlyiJ!g' Oadets inspec '. I~_. in its history, but the rate has been stallat10n of the newly devi; , falling off laliely. In the year since slots for BT-911. In addit1'o ''t Septem}:ler., 1937, there has baen only one used as- a recent cover for ~ ~ Jump, and that ~ose from a. ~eunderNEWS LETTERtblsphotographr it'~ . atanding be'tween pilot and passenger. It P.rivate Leslie Bl~d, AM2nd;' ... . tv!:t ).)'.) Beemsthe enlisted passenger, with photogra~h'er. was"published !.. little flying e;perlence~, heard the mate~ f1fty newspapers through 08 pilot of the B-IO call the control tower Unitea States as well as in ~ woi e On the r~diD. andbei:agBomewhat 10nelYAphotogr~h1C project, co~ .J:Qf~ and apprehensive 'out in the't'rontguntaking of pictUres of eaChF~1 . .,) ner'~c.ckplt, decided not to take 8JJ on the Bade Stage, approxi~ 8J.'! ,.~~ c;hanees with an airplane out of control numb' ... e.r'ha. ,s. been cO~le.te~llI~. ' ,.. .. < the only word he heard) and fOl'thwi th vate 1st Class Be.nrz.B 'SCO~M,.t";. ':'". ...r . ~~ made his exit from about 2.000 feet. Photo Department. These pi' ~~j;':;
--000--Twenty ,airplanes of the Squadron. Selfridge Field, Mich flew to Langley Field, Va recently to, 'WitneBS eobombing demonstration.
for.. coc!qJiW.B'. a,th,e 9, w:l.l " '. . e Of. :8rr.. Oadets! .. the mal Vi. t of by the PUblic Relstions Offlditif.. R. T. Wright is Photographic ~ .Oo~. A..t . ,::Barr is the noncomml~ . officer in charge of the Photlb V-7933, J.. O.
~1 ...
lll'!H~ , . :'1... ;; .' ,"'" , ,ad .LL,
b 98.:
GIOSSARY OF FLYING CADET T1I1UUNOLOGY :By the Randolph Field Correspondent' take r>ff ,tor the, , Co~try Club,. becauaew' re not push button pilot.. and are liable to .'ind up in the -.8hing _chine if we' don1 t Ipin in e8r~.1f
your. fla;ps.
-evOlTI erlJ
Lieut. J... MorriS,. Air con>. .~".o.t... he e 1 79th Pur sui t Squadron was abO'll' 200 mile. from his nome station ~ 'dale Field .. La:, enroute to WichIta. Xan.s, ~~~~'st -- The Stage Oomnander'e when ne detected the odor of h;rcJ,Ul1l1~ fluid in the incl08ed cocia::lit ... 1m- . ail~r~!IM~ namfui because 1V 8 the lalt mediately tried to. extend. his 18Jldi~ p ~~ cfA:des in before being washed gear and found that. the wheels remained po8ition. L1eut. l~~~t' iJ) Pilot. _ 'l'hoee cadets who in their retracted Morris then correct.~a8.umed that & to Fl~t. ua1~ PT-13'1 or hyltrau1ic fluid'lin's wa. broken. . :;;.~~nUi, as d1:tferent1ated There being no@eSti.onabouta."bellY ;Rt.4ets'w!iO train on the more landing," to ~f*.--, ~e P'-3" 8 are consider Field! and the pilot returned Up, :Ba1"~1{ he landed "wheel$ II '!'hI" e ~f'ficult. prope ler was damaged beyond repair. 'but _ , "ts --.-Any Cadet in "A" otherwise the airplane. e8caped further' 00 'IJorh: .. ~e save for atew bent cowling.. ' The "13" CompanyOadeta. The Curti,8 a~N.ane factor1 i8 furII .:L'~~~~ur flaps II _ Stop talking. nishing new fi ttl . . 1 tor the ~dralllic S"t ... .l letter from a system which wil :eliminate the p088ibil~ c ~ friend. ity ot further acoidente of thi. nature. c:-- Comehere. -~oOo--~ , .... ~7 fhename every Cadet is JmiQ.JAlf:a" .' ... ~e daV he arrive. at Durinc the month. ot. November the kin.ering Department of the San Anton1D lir '. theeJ:liJl1nation on the ~po ~can lield, Te~, overhauled 1 . ". .~' ser1ee. dtallng With f11i .... rp.a.GlolJ and. 99 8pclne and r~1r.d . .... ~'loQ.' . Solve tA~.ente:nc.' a total of 33 airplane. and 8 epgines'., ---000 ' .. ~L~t b~ddocg1ag and roll 'QP V 7933.. A. C. OJ ,
of a: leota from..&~thical ' comingOa4et PbiraBeology. At .J.d..alth..C)'Ogh e '.1..1~. Cat ' t !ioes not .....h. have the back.J~IL.J...."""'neratlO,ns otstwientl .. a has ~a te.8 Ml1.,1t.&n',deJD1, .. a .. '!'i"ro~IN:'~~'d 'corps has been built 'JP 1n'g.1ngto ~owda14r. eof theoadet.1s dotted w{ ~010rfulexprels10nSt neW 0I~ . ded al the occasion ariles. (, ,08e ofth1s andeubsequent e~ .8 -keep the A1rCorps in general :Of. t.he late I. t Phra ." olog , . .. ter . ..' etc., for "It~s the .~ of t ~,_t t a accepted .tomorrow. " ~~ . ce - ....A furlough or leave of ab~"!, Ji1!!t RQ,! ISJilver! -- Used b~ mail orderlytorhMu:[C:[lD'Ice collection of mail. BI8dIt ~B&q -- Calesthenics with rifles on that day. Country Club -- Randol~ Field. :Bi~~ -- When a lower cla8-.nan dM ICtli:-an .~per claSiman" date. htj~ -- TO strive to the utmost. ~1uUof'io!t . llB of lint that auddenly app.,.. ClDljaefloor;.DlOst noticeable 'Wh8D..rIPe5lOa. at attention it'18 d~aWt.pect1onof quarters. 'IrlrcM~;~&i; ttle "nats, " . . d.~~ -'!';T; Go to bed, or take a nap. '1 To. leave at a high rate of sP1!J9~ lee i~~fiqWyAO~~ ~~l~p:~ ~thing Waah out '-;.: To be el1mlnated from ... flight train1118. or one who has been eli~.qf~om the Oadet DetaChment WailU'rig *It&Ohine-- The Flight OOumMdrie pI!. R
.... -000-....
The Observation Section, .~rP. Advanced FlY~ School, Kelly Ft,ld, Texas, completed 1t. customary t~1ng in ar~11lery _acUu8~ent on DecelDber9th. Allot the Z48tudents' undergoing ii .. struction W.1th this Section par. tiQiP&. t ed and received thi.8valuable tra,ln,in,;. The instruction direct charse Qf Captain Ruesell E. 1tandalltA1r Corps, the Saction ~let" helcl onthQ Stanley ReBerVliLtioJi~r'ethe actual firi~ was conducted trom DeCember 6th to 9th., Inc111li,... The ,Ob,er- ' vation studentl operated from the~, Bullis landing field. .sPlendid coop-61"ationand a'818t~oewa. given Whole~ hear..tedly by the officere and men or .. the 15th Field Artillery .. , whicllcontrib .. uted in a larg$ measure toward the succeslof tbe mi.sion. . total of 192 rounds of smolte ahell and 1320 rounds of H.I. shGll was expended in giVing the OD8srvatio.n' etadents adequate experience. in this moat important phase of their training., ' -- ..000 ....-
, ~'O
rainfall, .andmo&t" of 'Chese months have had lees thari. balf tbeus'\ial. 'amount. ' During July, a total of4.Q.e~eb4'tJ of The main bodY of the 331'dPureuit Squadron,LanglqJ'ield. Va., 11 now,en- rain fell,lnlt.since alrJlo.tia~,Wl'" gaged in gunnery' qualifIcations at ValDa- of this fell in one cSa.v, th~ ~diItrA. ra1li1o, Florl'da. .lflight of :ten PB...aA.1s, of the mon.thwas aric1 In:t~tlIfi;ttj;r ~Jl: led by Major RusseUL. Maughan, ,finally .' Despite th11 dry spell, ~1le~~~. tooIt ,tf. from Langley Fieldon :the aftertraining hal gone f01!ward'b~tj)e_ j-' bounds. The present. class Ql(o~toPmifaanoon QfDecember 5th, after being held up for two ~sby tbre,atenlng weather rr Stage passed the 4O-hou:r.JMtJk ,ido'ee the Chi"lhtmaB holidays star1l8I,;t_4Cn' the' route. 'Three other p1lots; the Badc, Stale the. ClaSI . aajptGaQl(Capt(1.1nLane, Me.d1cal Corps, an dtwen .. ing the 80-hour mark. With lbDe~;t fOur. enlisted men accompanied the fli t 1n . a 0..33 and a B-18. So rough was t e course on Stagetl".'~~rl;t ai~ during the latter's fUght that ruabout 65 hours, and, that Of ;:t~lie."loa mor reports only a faw of. the hardier State UB\18.llyset at103 hOUJ'.~.iiU1$:I~ menee.c&iled ,the blight of air sicknel long Bpellofweath~):" interf.t,,~, .... The tle~l1:ngs, who reported from the clallas will finish' their 't~at;a~:t'9o . ahead of schedule. L IoO'Io..(n.ut October class of the All' CorpI Trainl~ Oenter wer~ left continue fa-~-oOo--IasW e~'Ioe~ :j.el enJ j B miliarl zation wer)c. .l~nted blthe arrival on December 5th of 2nd Lieut. RANOOLPH FIELD A FAIRYLAND,'OJ'st.tGBTSol DURING CHRISTMAS. ..,nioqq,s e i a . C.O. Moffett, Air Reserve, who was de:old a'lrl :'! tained at the Kel17 Field hOlpi tal due to ilJ,.n'e8s, this .group has been "check .. Dominated by Its maa8ive'4~1ld~ ing offl' in the Be..l, under the direcMoonBuilding, an arch1te'Ct'UN1. ~.firtionof Captain Bodle. 1ng the day, Randolph :B1.eld'3.Mij~ The entire Squadron is eagerly awaitirg veri table fairyland of .11g]).t. eI -..i\i the the J?-3~ I 8, del:1very of which was pro':' Christmas seascn nightl . ~O~~ltI6a m1sed: dur1ng December.' . flood lighte 11luminatatbe'!~toO tower, elihanc1ng the beau~;ot(~~ Otl.cem6re the 35thPursu1 t Squadron ready highly praised creatl:eneif. aaill .. ,r.turned to .Langlel' Field, this time tectural perfection.Ne ... e from the gunnery ~ at Valiarai so, of the buIlding rows of Cht'!I*ta6a:.. . tl Flor1da, where.i ts"Warr1orl qualified baV. been placed, th.e gene.A.lo. . ." . ec e 1n&eria1 gunnery - yea, and tliey did being that of a gigantic Obri . e. 'it, for everyone qualified as "expert. II To further this theme, thBPO.~" beaco.n on the peak~.~""4dT.b,eselection by the 36th Pur sui t i:ng appears as the star of J3.~o 'SqUadron of the range for tow target bl1nldlJg its message of thetadd::d"~J:rr frt1I:lg, just 80uthof~Virginia :Beach, seaeon.t ebasW' I)n.s Va~ proved to be a bad idea for the Other public buildings of;l..itM~-e.o earit part Of December. ' No sooner had the Sta tlon Hoepital, Air ebna.~ the firing started when the more enthuhouses, each of the su enliilail?~_ elastic gaxu.eIportsmen of the outfit, barracks and finallY .t ~the\hR~aZ &U>Y1:;; tbe thoulands of wild ducks quarters! ali are gal~ il1uia~3 float~ leisurely and Unmolested in the Doth ins de and out. RBJida1]Jtv'M8ldfA1a.s back, bat below them, contracted the nume. rous evergr..een t.resl .1c(h.81_hun t1:ng fever. They could hardly walt rioue buildings, and there 'lite ~) to get back on the ground to gather their "anootin1 irone" and shove off for u. a afternoon .' Pole on the u.i:~;,i;.r .. 0' Ill''..~' ~.". !I. ~. .10~ e tb'e . .... the wilds of the North Carolina swamps. .... -000- ....... Christmas, making 111s f1r"~ , atop the Administration ~ .. . , DROUGHT CONTINUES .1T RANDOLPH FIELD this vantage point he ':" ." .~ children of RandOlph F1:el'~!'~ The extended drO~ti which Itarted ia in tPe Post Theatre, where; June, 1938, continues unabated at Ranpresented withindi vidual d 1$lJTi;)i~t1tin dolpb.J'ield. Student, while' it John. ,,~ Waterman. poiJt, c~li1tn'I~ n charge of the arrangementS.,,:noLJ'.B'Iqas has not been curtailed:by the extreme _--oOo_':J.:~f 'I. aqaja lack of rain, has at least been made unpleasant, instructors on both Pr1ma.r7 and Basic stages olaim. Clouds of dust Lieut.Colollel: Cl1n.on. "~rl t hanR like a pall over all of the five Corps, has beenreli$ved ~! . auxI11ary fields now in use, and when a. and duty. a.t Ham.. member.11'.el 1.1t. ' of .. on. .. .~~ . ::~4h group ,of ineuuctorlare ,on the ..ground\. detailed a grading stu~nts,on .their 6C(:U1l'8.ct ~anCl- Staff OotPland aS8~nedto lngl "I1IIU'11' approaches 0 ~ t,"oea., d\1ft p8J,"tDulnt Genera).$~a?f ,'er ... " X ..,I.... to, the 1X>or vision hori.ntally. . ' ' ry' 4, 1939. . Colonel :Beginning with June, every month exordelt"s for dut7,1nthe~ cept July haa had lee8 than the normal Chie'! ofStaf'f, 'fielUngton' n V-7933, .1. C. ACTIVITIES or LANGLEY FIELDPuRsul~mS
'tl'>o1i:a. .
es~~: g~.
Je'r.o.. J ....
. ,. ;-\~r ~_H;,.c,
, ;':IIi'ClltiQ..ed in the membership of the fW',:o-lus.'Wldergoing instruction at the .A~J'.' a.rp.w: Advanced FlYi~SChOO 1 at Kelq'~ld, Texa.s is F 1ng Cadet OlarelTeifclreonard Tinker . r., 22, a stuclent,~:c'101e Pursuit Section, who is the sonof'jQolonel Clarence L, Tinker, Air Oorps,U.,'S', Ar'Ifl:!. Cadet !l)inker, who reported at Kell~ Field~la8t October, upon graduation from the.Ur~adrps Primary FlyiI1 School at the:}\WastPoint of the Air 'If was born at Sohof1:eld,.:Barracks, Oahu T.H., while >hiBf;father was serving with the Infantry a..t:t thaj~:foreign service outpost. He receiv.d"h1.s education at the Riverside Junior Coll~e, Marin Junior College and George Washington University, and While at the latter institution was affiliated fOTiraO,,ta%' with its ROTC unit. Prior to his appointment as a Flying Cadet, he made his home with his parents at Wash.. ing;t~tlrj1:D .C. where his father, Colonel :~~~J.; .:1'S on duty with the National Gua.rd'~E)au of the War Department. c. ~ol~~lTinker. who first entered the .erY~ce:'.as a member of the Philippine Cov.s-ttt.b'\il$.ry 1908, was appointed a in eecend lleutenant of Infantry, April 24, 1912. He was promoted to First LieutenaJldon'J~ly 1, 1916; to Captain, May 15, )'9i1.7.;:~toMajor, July 1 1920, and trane.erroe:G. ,to;.,tne Air Service on November '26(, -192Jl .. ')'He was appointed Lieut. Col. .... .teIn]lO!\al')" March 2, 1935 and received Ms'petma.nent appointment In that grade OJl,.rA'ligb:BJli I, 1935. He was promoted to his:, ~rade on August 26, 1936. and was detal1ed to duty in the Office o;fritheChief of the National Guard :B:u.x-eau <e:f"the War Department on December .1~.',l93.&.:~; is a graduate of the Air He Serv~ce!P1rlotsl School (192l J.. the Air Sep'l1i.-oeDhservation School ('::121) the ~:;.A.. iirl~.rv.1c.e Tactical School 1925~, and the.,,000lll'Dafui General Staf School and (1,926~ri e.-Heis on the General Staff Corps Eligible List, and holdl the aeronallo"b~1.:,t:atings of Military Airplane P:U. t~d Airplane Observer. He is also the:'~~8.~ssor of the Soldier's Medal, wh~chlfa.t&'awardedhim in 1936 for hero~'$JIl,;g~ji~~ed in rescuing a fellow offiO,EWrr~.fQijl o:!i\+ burning airplane. c'~~~ieadet Tinker. who e~ectli to .' j ID'~.. ~Ua~ttt,r",.o. m the Air Corps Training .. rre~~r 9n, February 15, 1939, has great aspira~iorisof following in the footsteps ef his illustrious father. -----
1;)~.' being sOffice Washington, Regular :Before all D.C. commissioned in the J.rmy,
--000--Ail 50 i 1 . pprox mAte y a rp anea and offlcer s , .. .. ~ a~~ .B;~ :.S. ection and who is descended of the 1st Pursuit Group. Selfridge Field _ "f1":.OJi1. ~'. ~{J~. ,!t~... line of mili tary men. Mich" wer~ led in flight. under the com''''J t;.; de~~s-syts father, Major Rene mand of MaJor Lawrence P. Hickey! to E d)l~.;J;ijissy, Quartermaster Cor", ilil ~~ley Field, va'e,_~nibDeJ.'tcl' 3th, to ~ no on.iQ.~~ in the Quartermaster Gener. i tness a bombing .... u .s. ,'J:." -iV-7933, A. C.
LW ,~i
,,:~.q; '"":.;;~,~truction at the Advanoed Fly 18 .; ,1);*:-. . .eJ~,Kelly Field, is a Flying Cadet J'o~, .ft:) de Rusey, wh. member of
. o~
Major de RUBeyserved with tlie 71st Infan try. National Guard of NewYork. and accompanied that regiment to Santiago, CUba, in April, 1898. when it was muatered into the Federal service. He entared the second Officers' Training Campat Fort Myer, Va., and was commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corpe, in 1917, serving with the 74th Coast Artillery in France Major de Russy is the son of Colonel R.E. de Russy, who was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry in 1862, and served with distinction throughout the Civil War and in several Indian campau:ns. He was discharged for physicaL dIsability in 1886. Colonel R.E. de Rusey wae the son of General R. E. de Rusey, the founder of this military family. General de Rusey was graduated from the U.S. Mil! tary AcadeIl\Yin 1812, and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Engineers, He served with distinction through the War of 1812. the Mexican War, and the Civil War. He rose to the grade of Brigadier General and Chief of Engineers. He died in 1865, having been on active duty in the service of his country for 63 years, He served as Adjutant and Superin tenden t of the U. S. Mi11tary .A.cade'Ifl:!, and as Chief of Engin8ers, during his career. Fort de Rusey, the beautiful Coast Artillery poet in Kalia, Walkiki, in Honolulu, T.H is named in his honor Cadet de Ruesy. who expec t a to graclu.ate from the Advanced FlYing School on February 15 1939, was born in :Baltimore, Md. He attended the University of Hawaii in 1932-1933. and the U. S, Military Acade'Ifl:!n 1936-1937. He had prior i service as an enl1sted man, haVing serv,d as Private in the 27th U. S. Infantry ~Wolfhounds) at Schofield :Barracks, T.H., from July, 1934, to June, 1935. He graduated from the Air Corps Primary Flying School, Randolph Field, last October, when he reported at Kelly Field for advanced training. Upon eucceaafu'l completion of his oourse of instruction at the Air Corps Training Center, when he will receive his wings as Airplane~l1ot and his commission as Second Lieutenant in the Air Corps Reserve Cadet de RUBSy has aspirations of following in the footsteps of his illustrious great-grandfather as a commissioned officer in the Regular
.,the prom1nentetudentB
AOCIDJitl:jT;.:, starts aro'Qrld. ~ersonally the '\1PperA studeat of the Pursuit Section,~aAFS, most thing in 'my 'mind was to stop who was involved in anaircraf't accident rolling. . . recently while on a 'studentna.vlgatlon All of th,ese things.can 'b.a~uneone.a tre,ining f-light,' was instruc.ted by his with my first statement qn~fJ~~tiaB Chief of Section to wri tea.'. report on hi of your head. sol figure i t,::W&LI'.~m(J'. accident. The student reported as important met.hodof pr~entf-Ba:~~d;'J' followst ..... 100ps~1I .LCY.~~-9.r.r;f "Sir, the weather waJ cold end between 000___31. ':f!~:nn2:.r2 Kelly .Fieldand Tylel"' t. lo~t. my p1p~. . ."~~;";' :.t f~:/?:: 'lheP-1Z,as you. probablYkn. ow" Sir, is a MANY liDX END VISITORS~. --H~. .~v ,t:' ... verY drafty airplane and i'athercl'l!l.mped FIELD' - .~~.r~rr)_ I t e11 you 0 f . t"':.t. Si r, in :.LA beja.rL1" t 9 'f" . ..,.1' an , . U:.LS, . '~~1 Clitab -" hopes of establishing my me ..ntal condition K. elly Field, ..the ven e.. ... rable..... iJDm.ediatelY proceding my unfortunate ae- the Air Corps Advance,d Flyi~ il ~1't9:: eldent. , ' usually plays host tomanY}J~t B&iMi . I dghted Oklaboma City end shortly Corps personnel, particu.larl':90yor net following, the airport,. I turned ,ali t- ends, when former "Grads" .and Qd'.Jae40ase., tle sq'q~h so as to ,give myself a little while on routine training ns..i~tUl f!~. more time to looko.e'r the field. Final flights head for San Antoni<l /tOI'rtiiJi$i'l7 11'. I saw the 'f'f,indifockand it wasparal old friends and haunts in $hiet1,'fr l~l ~o ~the North",e1!lt~:SoutheAst runway, where liThe Sunshine' Spend.1ihi.r:d{nt~~ 1t'ttbthe .. small endqft~ 1Soek to the Last we. end (Dec. lB--;19.)Ji.J+~~.'. ek
~,s~:r~.'' I'. eingthe. gun ..and turned Of. .on ~he 1. as.t Sid.e. to u sua..".de. . and at Kelly. ff)ftlf1e. ' .. 1 d bust one. n.a' ~~. the field cut ics and the like land . , .A.llwe.& "~l. ,I .contlnued my to. the regular crowd of visl~~la .. g.l. ide and C8.ut1oned..q. Ie.1 .against .. going f.rom all pOint B. ,gf th.e. COK1P8Js r CJ~. ,.,]".[ to slow and t~eJ',\ sett.led down to the bus- descen,ded \\:pon the old airdi'_rife~ in~8:~ of . " flights of bombers .from Hami1i L~ ... 1 going to Qlear that ~way'.Ah! nute and. Langley Fields..A. ~. I just w111---tbatl fine---now easy dt>es .. ! .. ' ~..:~~ . It-aasy-easy. ~' .Ab!Down! i7~11, Pm sevel). ~-,18ls, Captain JullUS) ., . ~~ gl.. a.d t.ha.ttriP '. sover . Right there, Sir, Commanding, arrived ..m.,, ' .11~ d imade my mistake'. t bad finished .flyon December 17th and ip.ol ' .;('Wf~f ing and the .ehill ha dn.'t.,. She s.tArte.d to twenty-thr officers ,and '.... ... .. '" th~ right and:.not l> toes I ap- Another flight of two:B-1B :If.:'1n1 plied. to.o mnQh correction. Around to the ~ecemb~l" 16th from La:p.gley,'l!i!H..' left I went . Fir,t ~hewl~ tip, then Major C. Goldsborough,'.. .~ she. kind, of,llopped and~he wheel gave we. ana. included a crew of. fi~ ~~F8 nth a sad crunching sound. The. motor and enlisted: men,whoC8l'.!le;.' .: was stillrunnings .. 1: turned. off tbegood old AntOllio to bai. gas, cut the 'twitch' and Push~d.,the throt-'sunshines,nd otherwis,e .I1Jo~: u~ tIe. fprwa:rd and got out. Oars 'dousel1ll1ate. .b:otber~1; ~o . ...t arrive, nobody paid much attent~on to me away from it, base to as ,18 .. ,~'. qF:.~a t:t1.~y were all aroun in front looking at bl"ie.f pe.riod the iq'. ..C01d .... .31 i' ..d .. , ... Jf~... IrS: the ship. I walked around to see how it Illinois, arri1fedfrom '" :t, all . '9n l.oked.. It sure was a sorry sight. Lt. December 16th, withL1eu:1f ..,, Bundy reminded me of the Form 1 sol pilot; Lieut. Williams,. .' 2 filled it out and went back to the line. also carrie'd Colo~el COus ,tio': These ground loops are caused mostly bStee1e. (Lieut. Musgrave ;ifi .. ,Lif Lc the location of your head. There are Arnold USN). ., JJ:lt,J<''J1iJ 0:1: several secondary things that can cause By noon of Decemberl9t.b.1:rdV~ them. Fir~t and ""at i'*Portant is to be and crewa ""re hel\cl,odfO"'~ bO!': on your toes. When you.,et your Kelly Fieldwa.s once ~ill;:.. . (\dl-9.c doWll it gives you a false sense of secue- have played host totbese,>. "W),. tty. Right then is when you .tart havin other groups of visitors t., ... ,. ~~. r tJ'Q\lble. Observing the direction of the to mention. . "~Ci~,. :c:~.,;, wind is al so ve ry iJ!lPortant. Landing in.. .---000--' ;[~11, to the wind is cons.ldered the best form. Aeria.lgunner;y actice ~1be~ .L.''ll Next your ~ice, of. the place to land. started by ,the 27th PurSui!1;l~!i;Q. When lan.' .... ..di;ng .ata.U 'll.k.1 ..d1t is best se.lfridg ...e .Field. M ..1ch~ .. ~~.~ '. '~ to stay off tl:Le.runway" If it has been Sguadron t s tlrBt.exper1e~ _~ ~8'
rain. in,. i.n ,th.highert. part d.a1S., the..t:1ebetter to ,land on a.. a P.~.B. f._ ~f .. 1.t S ld. There is oneecbool otthQtJ,ght that "suggest. pouring the coal to her when she
.r :
on aer a.l :t .' .e.t ~ Wl. News;' . . planes l'&~.the... th . ~Jlftrh respond.n'i wetind s,t v~,. 1; from the. 0 dar type a.irplarf8:B. :eo" sn: -6Vp7933, A. C.
->:Eq:qif srj
11J}8;o&ntrlloel>,,of FlyiDg Cade,ts Oklahoma National Guard; fOur.,years of atla~ooli~t!OOn>s.A.aV8lloed Flying Scbool ROTCwork at the University of Oincin:f@~mtMn~~ 'i.S superv.hed bya perInan. .81't nat1;. and now .h.O.ldS a,,:comm.ission as Allirr~S ;ficer,who, 1s the COlllIl8Jldant aecond lieutenant in the Coast Artilof tine .Fi~D.g Cadets. trhis important as lery Corps Reserye. He ie assi~ed to s1gnment 18 now.ably filled by Captain. the sec.han for training. Jolin F WadJDan1. . Air. '.Corps. '1'0 as.81st. ,him Cadet Li.eutenan.t Guetafeon, 26, i8 with ~~l'. ~aptain Wadmanhas a staff from Seattle, Wa~hington. wherehi$ consU~ o~ permanent commissioned and parents, Mr. and,Mrs. Henry Gustafson, enlisted ir Corps personnel, and Flying reside. He graduated from the UniverCa~te fr;' ". he class i tself~'l'h. eae Fly si ty of Washington in April, 19351 with t .. ing1ea!W t~whoare especially selected a B.S. degree in Aerona.utical E~1ne. erfQr .~ij!. e,tltstanding qualifications, ing. He has had four years of Haval i'lie~ajj~el1i~t1on,. mi11tary se.rvice,abl1 ROTCwork at the 'ttniversity of Washing1 de]Clhip, military ... bearing and ton, and until quite :rec. ntly held a e neU1l888" and personality, are announced commission as Ensign ~Cla88 DV-G) , in ~~~lf~r the assignments and given United States Naval Reserve, whiCh he thei~!~lo. ofCad~t Captain and Lieutenresigned in order to become eligible te.,,,,W+ fh. 8i'n);)erform du.:t.1es wi thin the for. appointment as 2nd. Lieutenant, .Air C~t;iiil~r!which their corresponding rank Corps Reserve, upon the completion of n.ori''1yj~B.l.lS for. '!'he F1Yingc. a.det of- his course of.instruct1on at the. Air ffl M'/lthe p'resent class are Robert Corps Advanced Flying School. He 1s ~~de~'.'L18.utenant)~,J.Ohn Huie. de assIgned to the Observation Section for ~.l{.eatld8t Lieutrnantl, Thomas Ncher, training. . ~.{~ .captain, and ROf William Upon graduation, these young men will G~o~;wadet L eutenant). They have receive their "wings, It the rating of .... .. .:ible Basic Stage at "Airplane P.11ot,.". and beoomrn. Re1 ~. ./r e.spon.8 the 1'081 tiO.n.8.'.since J',lmentto ed as second lieutenants,Wi.llAir Corps s.sion tAA:; ps Primary Flying School, and serve, and placed on extended acUve t~~a experience gained Should serve duty with tactical units of the Air ~1" O"d stead when they receive Corps, where they will also ha'V'e t~e h~ ~ent assignments. opportunity to qualify for conmissJ.ons ~t .Cem:tainFletcher, 25, the senior it?-.the Re~lar Army as vacancieaoceur ~ I1B> ~.~ officer,is from Scott,Ark., Graduatlon Exercises for this Class t' Ell.' ~e of his parents - Mr, and (39-A) , the largest one in the history 81,;''1. ~ ~Fletcher, Sr grad. of .the Air Oorps 'l'ra.ining Oenter, .and uat "Hi . fipinceton Un1vere1ty in June, consisting of four Regular J.:rrrt:! off1pl~;anA.B. degree. He now holds cersL six National Guard officers, and '"4" . ~nas 1st Lieutenant, Field 166 "H'lying Oadets - present strength ... e. :R~ser.v.e.. and is a.sligned t.o be will be heldFebruary 15. 193~. Texas, on .. , at Kelly Fie.ld1. 9}} orl'Section for. training. Wednesday, : '. e ii\ite:na.nt de Rusey, 24, is from . --000--~ Wi. ! ~o:a8',D. C., the residence of his .t.'pe.~ 9MU' or and Mrs. Rene Edward de Ril,Bit,a~l1i. or de RUBSY on duty in the LIEUTENANT is Ml-CXEY COMPLETES 'lQf:f-!~1Iofj .... e. Quartermaster General, War REFRESHER OURSE C De~'M'~~ C&detde Rusey, who is. a By the Kelly Field Correspondent ,rlMlt-bU~80nO ..f General R. E. de,
'0 ::'
e~~=JZ~sf;y ~;SL.;~~azr~di9~:~3~" and~e United States Military Academy .t:;.ft,tL.i'~ip;tin 1936-37. Cadet deRussy ha.d~.' .~.r en.l.1s.ted se.rvice a.s. a. mem.. 'Qerop;8 .. f8.JllOU87th U. S. Infantry 2 {W ~' with station at Schofield ~. H., from July, 1934, to June, I~. e . s now assigned to the Attack Section for training. Cadet Lieutenant D1ck, 24,i8 from Tul~e0~oma~ His father - EldonJ. ~1itlesthere. Dick attended the Un1 J..~~~.Ot ...... 'l'ulsa in 'l932-33and the Cinoinnati in 193~-371 gra' latter inst1 tut on ~lor ofScienoed~eein . ~~"Engineer1ng. He has had.... . one y .d'u4ut7"ith the looth Infantry,
Ai~e~~~~r~;~U~o J~:pte~~e;g~~de~~ty. the Air Corps Advanced Flying School Kelly Field, Texas, since November 25!. 1938, undergoing a refresher oourse or instruction. for Air Oorps Reserve officers (non-graduates of the Ai.r Co:t"ps Training Center). Buccessful~ co~leted the qturee on Deoember 33 1938 with te other cla8smate.s. He 1s being retained at Kelly Field for duty asa Flying.Instructor at the Advanced Flying School. '. Lieut u"'ckey who is' 29 ye ...... 0.11> age, marri:d! and whose hOme 1; in.1 Oo.lumbus, OhJ.o,has had a very interesti%1& and varied career in aeronautics, as evidenced by hie many acoomplishV-7933, A. C
suit Seotion. .\. c='{JiOO H!A Cadet Camp, 32. is from,~~1!.~' Texas, where his mother ';"~j . J. Camp .. resides. '. Hisb:l{(O Ht a 0 Li t Wllb D CamP Ai'!!!< oftlpa> ua~:d. 'from ~~117 Field. i~. '~ii3~iationf on Februa1'7 15, l~.~$~j now stationed at Barksdale lJitelAmJ.dht Cadet Campattended North Texas Agricultural College in 1935-37,bn:9!iediil1 tary e~erience ~nclude8 TthbNeOfit0? Camps, at yeirs wlth the Guard, and l;years' ROTCWo:i4tll'~Be. etudentat. te" Te:m~ t . t~ Oollege. Prior to his appCf ~ Flying Oadet, he held the ~s~ 0 accountant, .nrr-r $.L Cadet Philbrick, 24, is,t~oi ri~line., Mas sachuset. ts, ,the r./,i.ttl,! g: '!~f .. his mother, Mrs. El.h:abet.~h"~rr f' brick. His brother,' 2ndl4;'! . :h ~ ard \Y. Philbrick, Air Res~~ WAt .. ed from Kelly Field, in BoIlb'l" . "ntJJ",viation, on June 16, 1938, an snow stationed at Mitohel FieldfI. netdo'llT PhilbriCk bad no prior mil~b.~ty,~ce upon his appointment as aiilJliDclGairi, being at tbat time employedltllai S;J )['0 mechanic..'S86n anw J 1 Cadet Schriever. 26, is ':t~elQJ .Adtonio. Texas, where his mo~o.:;.raMb&j!, Elizabeth. Schriever .-. r.eS.i.d. es.tmHi 'brother, 2nd Lieut. Bern. r.& .ilns~EtV--a &1', Air Corps, graduated Field, in Bombardment AViS:" cnf'rff ' ~e 29, 1933, and is now statio e~.'8.t il ton Field, Calif. Cadet:;,or ~ )ifF.,~ attended T,xae J&M, St. sit;y, and the Vnivers1t;y'--,o;:~'P~~ , Lo , intermi ttent1y durl~ .~ 1931-1938. He has bad 1 8 0 C work while a student at '." . or'[. Prior to h1s aP.:POint.m.ent.,l . a..... . IfJ:'!',Ir. f~. det, he held the position. Cadet Van Auken, 23. is. .0, Illinois. His brother, ltf1t \.onfUdl.10n H. Van Auken, Air Corp8J:r~ from Kell;y Field,in Purs~~~ on October 12, 1929-1 and. tit ~ lIi'ia-,'i; tUned at Randolph '!'ield. ,~1Iott~ Mrs~.,Howard ..R. Van en . <l Jort BeJ,voir. Virginia, whW~ ,; FLEDGLINGSOPEFUL OF ~1NG H BROTHERS brother -1st Lieut. H. A. .fW .. 8 B;y the Kelly Field Correspondent ;~edical Corps... i., Cad Van1Uken attended GuilfoI:d'.l !f Four Fl;ying 0adets, now undergoing in- 1933-35, and the Genere1 MO. struotion at the Air Corps Advanced, Fly- tute i~ 1936-38. He ~.: " ing SChool. Kell;yField, have brothers "io.e .uponrec. elvl.~C hi. _, a' ~. in the Air Corps and Air Reserve, and Fl;ying Cadet, beinf e':] 1: Ofic.~ e they are looking forward to their engineering tra nlng4t >' 1:1;1 1:6mod uation from the Air Corp. 1'rainlng Cens All four of tl;\ese young s: tel" on Februar;y 15, .1939. ,when they can bry.o ilots re~. r. ted, .. X;~.' . at. II: j i wh &r last October, upon'.gradua !b ~ue~ ion th e i r 0Id er b ro t'" . . -4ers f . 0 e 8erv- ,"ir CoR s :Primary Flying S 0 at Ran.. n&w1 th Air COrps uni teat trJ,dely lap~olph.' ,8'1,d....r,To .....euc""'"s-",.J __ ~_ ' " PO atatedstations . 1'h&se.Cle.detll'are J1"8d- ~\OI ~"Y06.-~ ~rlokl. PhilbriCk Of t.~Attack Seotion; tionA of the. cour,eof. ~Cltj;.J1lcdlolflAt.i:'ij and .Marshall P. ~. GtJ,11ardJ. Schriev: the ..,ir CorpsU.vanoed Flying School '81"",a.nd.. Robe" D.Van,.A.uJcen., of.the Pur(Continued on Page 10) -8V-7933, ~J.. . C
Dients. He has been most prominent as an air show and raoing pilot, as well as flying instruotor (oommeroial) sky wl"ite and author.. ' I, In May. 1936. he represented the Unite States in the AcrobatioEXhibition, held in Paris. France. and in December, 1936, he won the Freddie Lund Trophy for Aoro)atiosat a competition held at Miami, Florida - an invitational affair, partielpated in by five of the best known aerobatic pilots in the United States. , Lieut. Mackey was a team-mate of 0010nel Roscoe Turner in both the Bendix Trophy R.ce, (Los Angeles to Cleveland) in Septe-.r, 1937, and the Thompson Troph;y Raoe Hi.t Cleveland) in September. 1938. He was leading the Bendix race when he Was forced to drop out at St.Louis, due to engine trouble, his average speed out being 265 miles per hour. In the Thompson Troph;y Race he placed fifth with an average speed of 247 miles per hour for 300 miles (30-mi1e course - ten laps), for which he was awarded a cash prize of $1800.00. He piloted a ~eddell-Wi1liams 'monoplane, powered with a 500 horsepower .Pratt & Whitney "Hornet" engine, in both raoes, This young officer, who has had over 2500 hours' flying time as pilot and who att. ended the OhiO.State Universi t;y (19251926), haS, participated in ever;y major air show held in the United States during the past .f. ve ;years, at each one of which i he exhibited his famous bag of aerial tricks. He has in his possession about 25 trophies of all descriptions which he won at intersectional as well as National Meets. .He is the author of two well-known beoks-"Aorobatics" and "Sky Writing", both pUblished by th.e Athens Airoraft Di ... reetor;y of Athens, Ohio. He was appointed 2nd Lieutenant, Air COrpl Reserve .. in August. 1932, from civillan life, and has had several short tours of active dut;y. While at Kelly Ffeld, he was assigned to the Pursuit Section for trainbig. ---000----
~.~.~U> !!i!'
~I' ,,1~
~ec,.nt~ eompleted one of the mo, at imPQrtantbuild1ncs on any post .. a "Day Room;.1f!It 18 certainly a ~reat i~ove' aqua, d,ro,npartielp ~~'r:l~ e Joint ,Anti....nrcr&ft - Air ' ment O'VEtr the tent whiCh W8.sformerq ua.d..declares tb.e NewsLetter CorresC ~ , s'lX 'fee he14froJJlNovember 5to pondent. He adds that a nutnber, of -LWp, ~'36,o nd tlle results were highly pieces of new furn1ture have been ob,.tf&~~~1.Returnlng to norml rout~ep~on personnel 'started 100lt1ng tained for the Day Room. ~~91f;6[, the, holidq season. The 50th Reconna1ssanee S~dron -l1:~A a.exeT ' --_.. ' tattled down to normal operations on -H'fb.e ..emnd ';]3ombardmentSquadron just co~e~~ts partlcipatlon in tne J01nt November 16th, after' two weeks of stren.Antl"~~ .. .111' Corps Exercise, 1938, uous exercises dUring the anti-aircraft maneuvers.. From this Squadron's standJAcll1'\v1, Mo_s, considered very successful. W$resuccessful .. ed poln.t,theexercisea ~~i, the squa" it is eng,88 , ng, dronis , and nro.ohvaluabletrainlng was provided , ,Jil~nIi bombing, and stated for its personnel. :o~ a~ent section 1. really on Demo, lition bombing exerciseBcommenced e run. ' on November 21stL this Squadron being attached to the.tieadq,uarters and Headi~",~c',een,tlY, ~~mpiet,ed,'J01nt .1ntiJ[u :e .","411' Corps Exercise, 1938, the quarters Squadron, 5th Bombardment Group. for participation. 4tl2i n&.ilJsance Squadron enjoyed the ---000--+tr.~.' experience of being used -, fiJ.;a'I~oe:18sance forcera thaI' than ".vf.ts'~~aI ~IU~'. leas a bombardment force. NEW P_36t s FOR 55TH. PURSUIT Sq,UADRON ~on __ ~ __ AIR CO:Bl'SAClfIlITIiS IN H4"AIIAN DEPt':.
l~iJI~' ,w.,
. Tlt.b4Jeh ll&connaissance Squadr~m_B ' G~)C!.ll'd~to perform continuous sur,T0it])lPlitJlifvertwo airports on Hawai1 and t.'blacflc opposing 1'orces of aJ11' s!ze. It was necessary to plan on from seven ~e~m1ssions to accomplish' this, ~4:\'!SUC~fu.l results were obtained.
''''.''''J~r~"i'l. ~18,'" a1,rplane, B O"fth,e, 5Ot,h and 4 .~ssance Squadrons reCeived .~~l bapt1sm on: November 1st. .. oW! j~ eflp Sq,uadrons combined their ,,~!a dS.Y and night mission. AS '. : ' t thel conducted the'~, est of .1ircraft and made dq o ""'."..lPr'liIi'oo a. :~ll1bing attacks on Objectives "" . ,~n~.:~er ,-~
"5<~ ~
II Shuffle off to Buffalo" hal been the theme song for all' the ranking officers in the 55th Pursuit Squadron" Barksdale Field. La. Captain Nelson has made four trips; let Lieut. Sanders!.. three, ;, and 1st LJ.eut. Saxton, one. :L'neSquadron now has sixteen new P_361 and it won't be long until each pilot in the SquadrOl, w111 be an airplane commander. .
Lieut. "Montana" Miller had his first experience as a 'lbelly lander," when the pressure line on a p.... broke:," ,. he 36 tried to let the landing gear down for e landing at Oklahoma Ci ty. Okla. Very li ttle d.amagewas done to the pl~e, ano no damage to "Montana."
ent Group. .111 typel 'of Jdropped, the weigh t of the ~d8a:Ji.bEO::B>n ~OmbsTarying from 100 to .l:ilO()~o.: "The targets used included PK-.- ()/w5 rhul!.S,Bl1cks end other float~~~. ''clUS bombing was un1qu~, i . ~ 1 t was the firsttlme th1$ ~ ~'dropped demolition bombs "l~par 1934.
T1:te conmieSioned strength of the 55th Pursuit Squadron wal increased by. two Regular afficersfrom the last gradoat .. lug class of the Advanced FlYing School at Kelly Field. '!'hese two ol'fice.rB, 2nd Lieuts. Ivan W. McElroy and HaroldB Wright, have completed their familiarization training on the P-36 and will be reac3 for full squadron duty when the ho l1d1qs are over. strength of the. 55th Pursui t Squadron has been materially increased since November 5th. From 64 men on tha~)~te it was brought up to 83 at the preient writing. Sixteen ofthe8e new men in the Squadron have had previou& service, and the other three are recruits. '
---00'0--'!'he e~liBted
~',~~:~:~t-S:U:~-: l;~n
. nQf the Joint .A.nti...A.ircraf ',,' Cise, s. th,is Squadron. P, r ... r a "the 5th Bombardment Group ,mbing Exercises. With s', 1,,0, ns" aChed:,:uledfor,' the scheddaY, ~ive tracking missions
!11~t~;~q~1rplane8 and cr~ws loo!!:5:: ' _ -&en01~)oJJlbardment Sq\UldrOn, H1oka1l1 FiM4101~~' 2!'ehabill tation ot the post"
Colonel Arthur S. Cowan, Signal Corps, who was ldent1fled with ArrI'q a'd,ation in the early days and cOlllDSlldeCi Signal the Corps .1viationSchool. San DiegOi Calif. in 1913, retiree for 8&e onAplllL 14, I 3~ V-793~,?A.C . ...
. O.A
l~c:.e-": '.
bombing, directh~t. ~~vh.?O.O ..0Bound bombs caused the target':to dfs Vior The.Newa' ettsr CQrre~ndentof L the 15 to 30 seconds. In8pits :0. i~q1t 5th BombardmeJ;itGro., L~ Field, 'l\H., would reappt:!~,a,.ndwa. recov@fed Qn reports that, after .. "eral year, of fu- completion:()f~. exercise r . 'iWW'.1BftlY tile efforts, to find sUitable targeta on diBadvant~& of)th~, y"pe 1, ,l&tb.~ta wh~ch to drop live. a,emol1ion bomb,.thi, does require the _enloe' of ict4ie"l t organization finallY achieved 811Ccee. ' vellel. This difficulty ~:1'De~O eome and has juatcompleteda period of inby the use9fcc>ridemned. life,').. ~~~ tensive comb. .. P.l n'.t& vari. ty of iilg B i flotation b~1 tied to a.cabt~ ea.Ne water target .. d~'1ng.1rhlch 'Q~ 1 .28 can be carried on the deck o,..~ n4a~ a.lve bombl'were l~~end.ed. In add1tion t.1velY small.,boat ..and 1ntla~M r:::. .. etotherNU.1.a.r allowance. fifty-two de- fore being O< adrift. Wi~It e molit1on Dombs, including 6001100 'and a Bea anclior would probably 'MI'irI: 200Q-p0\U1derB, were made avai1a.bleto able to reduce drift if a l~ar.a the(b~oup.. Bombingwas conducted on was available for bombing. "X;!'[ t"tBm e,ightQqI in accordance with a.prearResults of the bcnb1ng have ~._ ranlie.d sChedule. . been tabulated, but it Is be~dvctbat Str8.Dgeas it mq aeem, in this land they will be sat1sfacto17. cans:Rld'bg of.JJl8.nY islands not one has been found the limited recent bombingelC!p8l3dn'ae i that we can cal our ownas abomb1ng in the Group. . ''0 '[~1: targe.t, declares the NewsLetter Corres. --oOo---:on jolLa pondent. Likewise. with all the miles c js jaeb of beach-line' not one foot has 80 far Fledgl1ngs at Kel~bi'1fte~q been obta1nabie for the placement of a (Oontlnued from e:~ Sj,s.ri ovr wat-er target for demo~tlon bombs. .As a . ',rOI. result, it was neceasary to obtain 'tarthey will be .conmise1oneda. t~rl gets Whiehcould be towed out to sea for lieutenants in the Air Reser.,.. ~ed '\188&8 aiming pointe. With the coopera- their hard fought for "w1ngs!t?c..1 JJ1&rtion .. the Traneportation Section of of plane P1~te, and ordered tor~tMdid the Depart~nt Quartermaster Depot, a active duty with tacticalun1~ o~o~e ves.el was mad.eavailable to the Group, Regular Aruw: ir' corpS!, A and with 1ts assistance various targets their rightful place a 'ongB1id.~Crfhur: ".-et'O ..ed to the bombing'&rea south of o.lder br.oth. rs Who. like. th.e e '. .. Oahu and cast adrift. Condemned flyiDg S11ccessfUl.l7 .. complet. d th e ... .. ~ru. .nboat hulle,a rectangular frame type siva ceurseof instruction gl' tu.aet ..and a '.'sea. serpent" typ~eall were Uncle Samta very exacting Ali'lJ'1 . ! tried. with varying Bucce8S. The hulla Training Center. . 't)( Po :1i7 furnished a good aiming point but were -......000--' :::<fj' 0 o_g good for a short eriod of bombi~ '.~qro:b!le.H: ~:r'r~:~B~~Wi~ :~P1)~ge AIR CORPS alEF VISITSRAN~~~$F'D C with emp.ty drwns for addi tional flotaMajor General Henry H. ArM' b .... ef tion and covered wi th fabric had been of tne Air Corps, viei ted t ~ bUilt for use as a moored target for Flying Schooh Randolph Fiel t '. practice bombi. ng. This was trie.d on one on December.wth. while enrouu to ~ but found to be unsuitable. Du.e to Washington, D.C., from the ,iu~ Coast., 1t was difficult to During the course of his lnf"'ot'tsI&1. 1n,tow oat to the range and, as. Boonas the spec tion of the Schoo .cons er le 1, t'abrlc was ~ed by hits. wal practicnme was spent in the Cad.t' ' nt allY invisible.. . area, partlcu.lar attention'! A.s a la8t resort, the Materiel Section to the two newbarra.cke' un. was,called upon to design and build a tion, the first Ofwhichwtl~' '., ilrltarget which CQuldbe towed out at a, pleted about March lOth'. ac' . j 'l~o r8&80nable sPeed, could 'be Been without the contractor. . ,';"1'00,8 , 'dtff1cult,. from bombingfi,l.t1tudel and Following the inspection,."~ . whicb.wouldBta.nd up un<ler ~lit1on Arnold addrened the entireS"t. Ofpomb. lng. .An adQ,1tional reauirement was ficer Detachment. After ~l-ero " the that tae, target must be su.Chtlu:\t.if of.fioers to the.'AirC:ts .. :.,a,ri\f' .. ,a.1nbrOken wou.ldoffer min1nmm halard lng;c_~Ge. neral Arnold r. . .. 6!# to ENrfaoe ves.sels. . The reault,dee1gnear+y days ofmil1t~ avia, f ed and bUlt with the dooperation of the lnsteadof the-.compliCated' lnM t HallaHan .Air Depot in about one and one- boar dB of .theIMdern a1r,p1.. I. .. nly half daYs, resembles a monster of the 1natrument wasa~iece of st Chde,p. It conaish of a steel cable e. tO. a 8tru.t. Theetr-ing. '.,. d ". dt..bY about .100,fe8t in length. to which are its streamline, whether tb;e attached at 3-foot intervals" emptroil olden daYI were flli~ 8tr' . ~ pain tad yellow. !be mb107' ~ level, climbing, g11cUng.. r.~ .' e. b. \01181\1 one end; and when in posl... .. A.f t.e. r.emai... ... 0.V r:niD.!S!.1. r .... ... '. ,.est t.1~ the ende fastened together. Ita of. :Br~acti.erGeniral. ~1O " ' vlefblllty is good, and 1t i8 pract1calcomma.n(lln'~l!ral,nibg 'Ce'1\ , eral 1.y "i~ to dama8e. On the la8t dq of Arnold left tOr :Bolling field. D.C. -1 . V-7933. A..C.
'!olV1'.1Jit&aD1SPA'.rQBEI... '.S'Il'LL ONImYl.'l . ICELLY'lIELD VISlfiD BY COLD SNAP j ~IMI"a1>.~ .,-UNG SOBOOL, . ,andX..t~tot ....,. COile and .. .$1I.a.... pel lnjtric~ ..a' JII .CO. but 'Ih}.vtt., .,~ ..t>M'u4.1l b~ 1l0atir .1, ef,tl* lA.eo. ~l.! .... ;i..onff)r. ;,nrlt ..'i8. a. ~_~.t8kerfJ&cU_'" ~.t . 8 Of~V&ilable . :)~D&e'tn tP e. Pr.i...... 1" S .. ..~..' '. t.. Bando1ph ~~.~~r ....1.'bi ~ 'r~ .teredthis . fi.Ui ...... is mor...~, tA;.. lh&n p. o.t~. t; .. pt .. 1ow'1)1" 22& i.'4Cl"eee. In 2,~e s.P:tem.b~ 1923, !IlQlo"etb&n 15wntown '.san. An.toPl0. ,11rtir . he SUnshine ....... ' ".'j.b " .... 'R'O,,' ~. records of". evert atu4ent ndl th. "1tltt1'l tn. more fortunate -.e~ _rlv1N~th, the bPpeot becom- teeideJol" otth8,tfair.oittenJot"ed more eq .lrLG.'U&lU.iedi l _.' :~.,. edthro.... .. ;...110.t ..... . orl ,}a1DV: e iDere 3348- . :f&Ifue "~f -. . gean~ 1ltJ,e 1. Leonat"d. gr.e ..~' A;a a TeaUltof .thi8 .:lttreak" cl1B":'..s~ '.' e earlY 487. ot the hi- ma:Uc'concU.1;1oii. nunbel1ev1nc .local a mary ny1nc ch~ol at Brook. field the pre aUehate1,d.acrlbed iti11 ite jIIe~ .. ~noo .. se.lo.n. edotfi.C. erl.. ;he is colUlllll' 4tUnUlUalll and !'phenomenon.1l ;t(~:iXt)1t)~ cle~n the ,Primltr;y ;;tage. In one of the cl'4""" ne.. ~r,. 14r J.H. a..:'basf8lllJm more .'.,000 ItUdel1tl come Jarboe, local United state. Meteorolo~~~o~ . e.Chool. . Man1' of them giet quoted al ~ing that thl-a fell by the waye de, but almoat every freak andunueual "I)henomenon"-'. causpilot now 1n theeervlee, who was to ltu- ed by "'ra.p1d,radiatlon. II . . dent at :Brooke'or Ran<1t)lph )'1e}.dl, hae a According to the lCelly lieldCorreepon. page.bib .'sergeant .LeonarcP 1'800. book. I rd dent , What Mr. Jarboe had to 88l'on t .h e . No~cme .tudent ina lmnllred who ~adsubject ~" be 80, but it waa m1ght7 uated knows Sergeant LeonaJ"dp8reonal17, cola regarille.a and all the peraonnel htJ1M.tltM, un1eashe haa eerved .with him liVing on the field 1n the 01d.war-t1me1 ,_,r.a:t;w ,paduation, for on).l "We:ahout,lI t~orary quarters didn't need to read .w11Q. ;"1't to the Stag e .'Houaefor their ... the article. appearing in the local ;.t)*ll.~~1dewi th the~. e CoJtlD8.nder. have preas to learn a.bout the eaid rtphenomeceCo ~,contact .. with hsm. The others non." All they knew aDd were ooncerned ~1\W .'8~e tul1J. oompleted the courae about .1 that there.a no "ra-diation1f !'lU,ilJ.O'1-lPuW Sergeanl Leonard, but he present .. but cold, YJl8I g@"'e5A.~ for, In. addition to handUng All concerned tru8r1hat tAe new quar~ J'I!' liMO. rds .of var10u.I IOrt8, he 1 tare which are now be1~ bullt at Kelly tl ititication .Board. covered w1 th Fleld w111be completed before next win~ i ~.~l pictures almost daily, and ter so tba.t. they IDB afford ~e garriaor~ t acomes acquainted w1 th eve17 one a mealJU!'8 pro teo.t ion. @Baln.t the ot ot the 350 student pilot. whO report at vagaries of the tfun~l" a .1a LafJ Randolpb Field three time. each year. ,Angele. weather JUtt experienced as (j.T:.;~m fora short tour in Panama, well aa the annoying oonditl QAob... Sergeeift Leonard ha, been on duty contaln'iDg due to a a~veri,month1fng Grade J 1fl.{, _~ . . on the Pr. imar.,' r Stage w1th a 1s Steee. He drought.. ., . _.' li Clerk on that --o~'." '" .tf113 enlisted men. i)j eZi c' --000--.AJBRIAL GUNNERY PUC'!ICIIOR PURSUlTERS
. The 94th,P.Ur8Uit Sq~c1l"Qn.let Pursuit Gro~,S.l~rl~eFleld. }ji;ch., started ,,,0" ent.. lB. Corpe Adva2lcedFJ.:v- maki:gg~epar,,'lo~. C.1&. w to on JanUB:rY' b .,at the Air no. for.. va nortda, forgwmer~ . <sliol, Kel~Field. Texal.ha. practice, wbich 1e slated to continue ~ ..,~~~;1ts half-'W&1' .rk1n the cour.e until a'b~t ~chl. 1939. cp'~r' .~ tion at this School. with satThe eobelon.>oonll.ttng of , 18 &ctoZ7 progress b7 all ,.ections in e,1ght truca'an4 one ambulanoe. t1rane. ~!~lJJg and ground Bchool 1n8t~P9rUng 110 men'U,zlderthe c()liIII&Jld 2nd of ..'hJ JJ ~ Lieut. Charlel W. Stark, _., Air Corpa, ~rfj' ~ning was IUspen@d from Fridaf, was 'Qhe~l.d to move towal'4 Valparaiso' . !1? 231'4,' to MondU, '1U:OA'1!"I 2nd. on J&.I'NM:l2nd. Thirty P-35 and. P-36A. e 'f1Q) lj' 'the enUrelJalrGbership of.the Pureu1t'p 'lb were to proceed to Valpa.. '.~lat1ng .(it R~ar .t.i'1qy ofrad.o on e same date. while four .t . I' .,aNa.tiOnal G. ,.. ot.t~e.r. uar d ... an. d P.-36.A,'.. to remain home for 1'1nt;er '([ll +1 .Cadet.) have taken _dvantage 1'eat lure'.... The remainder of the .-d~LUJ<t'. "::i1U1.'. ~ in .ao tiVlt)r. bY ... ".availing ".t Pwauit' Gr9UP.~cJron consisting ~d\o;i . e. of-s)lortleavelof abe.nee of the-17th, B7tb and ~ter8 I ! '?Mhltovl.t,t their .home. over S~onl, _11 lend tllghf.'at .eparate . .'f.*' hoUdAatl and. to relax ~rom ly de.~~.d :perlod, forattaebment to ' .... Qt.... e t.wo. . mono ..thl. 'P A .. lve ..ent at the 94t1i'---000-Squadi"on . ~'d. ~ lcsachedu.led to .lJ"adua te .rJ:~'!e., tiJ.!(.Alr., 00.... 'l'raining 13 ) . .... ' ... 11). on, Pace C.uter on .OQnt1n'\J8~ .:).a' ,f ..11 V-7933 , A.C
." 1 F .
'18" .
.. . .j,\~~.' .,.
',.f'.ta..d~ro~lltctll'l!A1r.. .,~aw.Oalit. .'H:.11 .jqBO ;i~lcu:ilerf~"l!'\tbcm-.&ke1!.fleld, eai.1f.' '';: O .\tJ itB! ~ ':rpl~e. . .. tha o~'l.oUd Oakland. Oalif. <'i. t .jJ jd ec;l ,o'tp'.lfmi, c~i'ic. are Seattle. Waeh. 9ao,dj 10 .. "ep~euou.'b1 th~~t.ab.en~e.~m. of. lewar~tlJ.J. ." 1;r9,dj ') ., heftibanno~e81Dent.of .' he.e 'Prophet,. t Bolling Field. WaBhinr;!05tt!'''~l.r c1 of dOom were' tha.t:~'Fl7inc Fortress last Jostoni Maa.... .r on 'IUl.stn ~3 "as too. JIRlehaJ, n>lanefor iU'11.. l>uteuperBrainard Fie.ld,. Bartfoftqello.-J! j pilots, tha ti t cow.'.d,J),Ot be 'opera. ted .. ..... Pope F.iel.. .; 1 .0. .' ..'rsa '_'[~." d .t.aM . except from mammothairdromes and under Lowry Field, DenveJ' ~."1QL.nIV, , perfect 00. nditione;tha .. t .it eouldntt be Post '. ield.. ".o.rlSl11.)~.q~Oo ,~t in commission: and that it would Oleveland, a ,S" q.s have a high accident rate. MinneapQlis, Minn.. fir1SmS'I eV{ Wright Field, Dayton.~vel,do~ 'We"of the Second BombardmentGroup,' Santa Monica. OaJ.lf~ .,tam edT take such prid.e in the achievements of Oklahoma City. Okla. ,[00 .j.cre.I:eI our flying Fortresses that we dadl7 Phoenix, Ariz.., brrs a-rrrorf " run ~he risk of bO;l"ingthe reaa.ers of Scott !leld, Ill .. ' ..... j'aeVl aliT ,the Air Oorps NewsL. tt. er Wit. a few . e h Middl. wn Air ])epo.t.K;.~......"'.lPa. ,'eto. 8tatistics and historical facts. El Paso Texas . ,-'t:t1:o'ibrr.r . The first 13~17was delivered on. l4a:rch Bark.aai.e Field, La. 'alI 'I e.!ll: , 1. 1937, and the 13th :B-1? on August 5, '131' .. ':l'le14. 'J!ensa: 9j c .e.rr;~ . 1937. As of December1st, these 12 ai1'M~el1Field, Ala.. [fj .cwtaq?:: planes have flown 9,293 hours over land LiPeru,Il ~eitl.w~.,:: and seat 1.n summerand winter, in foe ma, Ai .,A,rae t1.... 8e.r~ at:~\;. and. ice,. and e.ven in good weather on o e~:"~ r~ie .n~,a .. ,n.! jar' .... '"~s1ons. This total of hourscorres.A.lbrooi:Field.,O~Z.. .':.9J:J. 1 eLiT ",.., "RQn~s i.o over 1,800,000 miles of flight. France Field, p~ig~~id'!n~I,;,lfhiCh is ,q,lUi] to 72 circumnavigations Harrisburg, Pa. '~ooa 3UOdt', ;;~f.~b"earth at, the equator. or to Aberdeen. Md. \"'16v$..nT .d.b.Oll~1?2cir~vigations of the Orlando, '!m'!A. ~ltt00 ,..e ...t.h on..t.l:\.~rou,te. flO 'WX1by.. H. that .... a.r. ... T~,F. Mount, N. o.. la. . . 'to 10 aWN} S\1.~~ .... record.. proves oward Ro ,.~'"l<; thlit8e .a11'.\)lan~sc.anbe an~ have been Wins ow, Ariz. . ;C!~ .' kept in eo_"siQn a ve"t'Ylar~ percent:BowmanJ'ield., Lo~sv11~ age of the time. . '. Our airplane oo~r_ It!s a.dJD1 ttad that our accident rate by scmiorU,. froJlla.\l3;(J .. , . ,~.'beetl ~. So, high. that out of except those Wbose.q~ ." ",~YrJ the orig!. . . t~ ;e.;.17'1Jd.eliv&l"edto us, staff officers ,reqU1J,"e e>we have9nly 12 left. Furthermore, .. tion as such. and f1.1rthermol'e. eveN -, th.ese '.a1.'i' ezC8 ... ...11.ent f11- o.ffioer of the Group who.'. n. . the s 1nCco'BcHtl0n. \otlq as, the7.were when minimumrequired ttumber;lin.,. ri! and. they rOlled. out .Offthe :&6ei. ngJ'act0"t'Y. hours of fI7ing experience. . ...... eked .'We;l.i~ew1fJe admi.t .that we nave not. off on a :B-1? atthet.l~tt~ 1t~ 1 ..... f... a... . Byet op. .. rzfiblj eBS t. . . ~or 'CO.t'tiOl1 ed 'but ~patcow bave land,.-are& ai.rp 1aneco.IIUIl&t1." fields, rom 1. lOur '. ,... 4er.~ . .. . ~.fokeJi offi.~I> . V.~ ordiDe.171UrLt . ei, Ilob,rt OJ,d o : . ... "r.t.,R with l1Q ...troU1S.;te1rha ... atsoe'Ur. An' Maj. ,v,.J,".e1.oX' L.eL~l;n~, .. ' .. 5~ . -. . " naUo,' ofth.o11o~ingliet of MaJ. 'H . .Geot.,;1~~~.crO!1::+;o 62 L ,fle14ti1nwh1ch. the Grouprlagghip. MaJ., . 0.'. ,Hanle~; ?f1".ca ~J:rcif,e 80 .~l'1'No. IB-10 . 'hadl~ded, will prove.CaP~. ; 1l.,K,Wlt\ko'P:.,~' a~~: ;: 63 our.'.oonte~t1on.'.:B~17 aJ,rp. lan .. . ecap.t ... _. R.1J... ll..... ,...~~~:.O.M '[ 81 ~ 11. ... ;~..... , c;an~erate .froll ~ field from "hichQapt.O.B.M~&l eIf;t&-x~~cf eo &n7 o"ther modern tacticalalrplane can QaPt. W.D.O~. ':'3oe(ftUr', ~ &2 JPerateJ .. ..... . ...., eapt,. .. AoL. ~;td:ti'i! 5$ ": ;I.aagl~tJt'J'leld" Va. . '. , Capt. ,1).B.A11d~;,. sM;%' 61 .~lct1?e.l ~l'tt Miam1:,nat Oapt.N.!.Har41ug;Il~'w .[52 B.ari461ph F1'et!. Texas . ~t... F.l.J:,auel"' _;Pl.'I ' '''9 Fon :S:11V,~ ' .' Otf1er'fu117;qWlUilt~ .1t. Pattersoil.Ji.ld, 'Ohio Who. &~&_f1own.;~.'~"""~ h Fort~wortll. ~8. nate airplane, co.. J)(Je-.e-j.~ Mttc11G1'!{eld, N.Y., Maj. E.1t~'M.~a.! &JtI' ~rr.:. Haml1ton'Fie14. CeJ.1f. eapt. :B,'\f~ ..4}U.dlaw ,MarOhJleld, Qal1f. Capt. J. S. Milla ..12V.. ?933, A.C.
.Yera . -..
I Suhmitted b7 1st L1eut~ D.M.1Cllpatrick, :U"TCorps '17 J!71ng 'FdJ'tTei81..to4a7 un1-. Coa11lica! ,,~lf.
.:B:.11itqI,;C .
.H, '[ it CrJ~O
.r.....~ a.~f.,
Capt. R.I. loon let Lt. I. L. T\ickel' Capt, C. E. 0' Connor l.t Lt. '.H. H1a:I8I Capt. F.H. R()b~n80n lit .Lt. '.A.MatnenJ 1st Lt .: '.C.Bentl.y Capt. R.J ~a.V1. . lat Lt. C.E. 1';;_y lat'Lt.J.I.,(Uantzbe lat Lt. J. W an Of lho se ..wb.O have been. traneferred to oth~ .,.ftatlone (lu,ri!Jg'thi, ,period, the fOll'6.JllCi>10.e.r. B_17 pl10t . con~r1but .. 8d ~ no"tnorthyfUgbtB prior to thefSeoll."ture:. '" Major .. ey)C. ~ Gile. Ma.J or .1J>b.n I. e cap,.~.... ..'09rnelius W~... ala.:nd C8;ll;~n~.A.rchi'baliiY.' tb ~ .......'$mem;ber with Pl'. 'de t:he following : : aeMavedJ:f1ts: . The IaBt ... est continental record by W L1eut.ColonelRob~t Olda of twelve hours and fifty minute.. . The Weet .Jas1iContinental . recordb, ..J:,1I,~tt.ellkl.l'OnelRObert Ol~ of ten h()ura and forty-eix minu.tes.', : ~e fllgh tof .1.% B-1 7 J~efr~U:ll~1alll1. Fla.. .to ihlenos....u-ee. I.rcen't.lna. in two hop. with a .tot .. l of 26 hour:8 an,d SO minutes flyingUme for tba.d."'stance of 6036 mi1et. This time inc;l:Uded time aIllBembly,lanc;\l,ngan~take-offa. !he flight of .~hree .~17' 8 to Bogota. Colombi....n .' . . 'lbe 1Uter~t1on of, tl;\e l~er REX about 650 miles from New"lork. . . TA.yery8UCce.atulpa~t1ei~t1on in Jobt ~ .... NaY7hercS.e .re@ring 1'DlU1T houra of; fligh,t hundrede.of.411e. at sea. . . -The ~ hours of taQt1cal operation . abod!3O,IJ)()Oteetin t}1erece:o,t For,\ DsJ')~_ta ... 1rcraft e.rcile .~.! O'that th.abovee~. lain. the d.... '. -6'f conf1dence and pride w1th .,:~. ~~ard our ll1ing J'ortre8lel. ~. ,9 ... om.... ---000-_
r !
4propos of therotaprint
1n the
~ . due in ... b .. '.. of an4Fmle.lrplane .. tion.. of a.. :. ki.'.hc> tt.Ditib.. ,," DC pij'l1lion.. an4 ~ruea.eame a' ~Ja the2:lee:eml>eri8S'\18 of ro~.lVn!10N embowbc'thehint that .A:rrqaerlal photOp'ePherl ehou14. d1tp~1DOr." '. '.~~ .. "'1.1'4 the'1r".tJhots" .Of a... . iri>.lan. e 1n e fJ.;aht. the tol1o'triM. COIllnent,aerecelved from. POPU'LAR IVIA~IONI .' "Weareextreme~ well plealed to aee that the A.rmv Air corp a can take cr 1 ticism in thel1ght in Which lt is ~ven "'s IOU know, we have been so ',tarved' for fine firat-class Qviationphotographs that we have had to use an 1lncommon number of British p1c~e8. to ade~tel1' illuBtratearticles. There have beeu maD times when we 'ffOu'ld have welcomed shot, made by e1ther A;r:rrq or Navy photographer, in this count17'. However, you inow emc tlY how.much cooperation we bave gotten along theaelinea 1n t!l.~ pa8t. " POPULAR AVIATION expre.n:.tha hope that the comments nowaad.'pev10us].y made on aerial PhO"ill Air Co~s photo lecUoDs 1ntod.Q1Jwl:8omething about the s1tuation cicn will have the effect of I'pepping up". aviation ... eister PVo'bll. cation POPULAR PHO'.OOGBAPHY ... hal expr sed.1 ts willingness to.pan on &nl' advice or suggestions. of ate. c1w.lca..l. nature that miiht help .A:t:rq p1lot~r~ber. 1nmaking a Detter photographic IhOwing t~ the .public.
1PUl'. .
\ '.'f
Cla'rO~!itn~:rt'~m'~;Jft)Matk :reb~ 15. 1939 when !r~lon cere"! mon1es Wi.ll be held at Xill1J'leld. The faoul t7 of the AlrCO;rp. AdV'anced Flying SChool condItt of the tollowing "'ir Corps. officers; CODlDAndan'tColonel hank: D.LaclclNld "'ssiitant CODlD8Jldant CODIIaD4aDt and of StudentOfficel'e -Co>loMl,I.B.Lollmaa se~t~laFi~'tl~tS. ecre... ~ .. &.10. r . veT W. Pro'.aet. . Di1'8ctOr' of J'ltJi TraU,1nc - MaJor I aaiah ])adel' ..... ' . Director of Ground !rainl_ .. MaJor Albert B. Pltta. senior Inet~rl , BombardmentSectIoli Z-or John V. Hart ObI. Section .. ~t&1n Ru88811 &. Randall. . Pu:tau1tSeeUon -Qaptain Burton M. Hovey, Jr. " .' Attack Section - Captain E~R. Todd
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R 'CeD. t.,lt.' conne. . etiorfwl th cOWl.f.lap '.failureebec;ome muchmor;eM't.~~~;j: atop.: 1netalled on .1 17 a1'1d ... .1-17;1airwhen.. he temperature I 'are .tie'l; t Plan ...a.. ~..eQue.8t.,iOl'l.Ofde. aired .C7. . .. '~inder 2000 C. The longer theCf:" head t,mpera.tures during norJDl4operaoperation the gJ"ea,terbecO tionhaa ariaen; . Apperen't18ODle lsin- qu.encyof tal lure'. Inao m format1'onh.e becoJll8' widely.ceep.ted to 1n the, ~l;;Ltere8t t .. fev.: i' o " the effect .that the m1nim.umt~er&ture ~;ylln9aJ' replacements 1I'eJ"'~ for efflcientoperationi.2000 C .A.ctu- 1200 houra' operation..' -1.111.2000 C 1a tooh~for cruJ,8ing C~l1nder he8.d teq>eraturU :=~a~:-~;om ~~r;g l~e~~ture. .. ~;ce~~~t;. ~:e:c~~~;e~~ndjnr The reason for reduclng~~hec;yllnder such temperatures in proper head.temperatures below 2000 C for 8tallat10n8 will be of re :t""l.'='''''''' cruiSing i8 not because of any differduration. such as duringt B ence in the efficiency of pi>werof. the and, 1n case of fa11ure cit;: engine, but to proloDg the life of the multi-engined equipment, Q:~~~.~~.~'I!. cylinder head and to reduce the amount t10n of the single engine.: "of carbon formation and sludging;,in the theBe teq>erature. do affile' . oil. lnpowerwill be no measurable differ der 11f.e., has iBthe., ..onti.n . ... .. c. enoe There output of the engine, at ture that it the greatest:" the aaJller.p"m. and manifo~dpreS8'Ure. temperature in exces. ,of with cylinder heads at 140 or 2000 C. as Iilaximum for take'-Off an~ There i8 not enough difference in the prolonged operation atthat~ temperaturea of tne internal parts of willadv&rsely affect the ~ thee~1ne to affect appreciably fricstre~th and may result in; tion hOrsepower and, llkewise, the tem- der f8.ilure~ peraturedlfference is not enough to "CYllnd.rheadt~erat.~ai} cauienoticeable difference in volumeted by the spa1!'kplug ga8ke'tliva ric efficiencies. In other words.i t couple are a rel8.tiveindii'Ali maltes 11ttle difference to the engine. entire c. ...'.c,,' .. Y ..atu.t' r as .e.,. P9tler generaUngmachine, wheth,er heads.,areexceesive17 hQ:t'i,:- . ita eJ'linder head temperatures arel40oba.rrelstlinbeco:rre8~~~ C er 2000 C, but 1tdoea makecona1der' Piston lleatia r811e.. d able ditferencewi th a "numberof indithe.maJorportion i8 con ,~ vidual parte. ObV10US1~' orlinder Head ,the piston rings and. ~rt., '. -,; temperatures conBiderab below 140 Cinder walls, the remainder'" d:. t'o or considerably above 2 0 C would at-the engine oil splashed on the under feet power. aide of the Pis.ton. If th~.~.. . . T'1 .A.l~num and most of its alloys have bar,rel teD4Peratures are h, .," .. .. very poor hUh temperature cha.ractercates that the piston 1s h. "'t i8tles. TheIr strength and fat1gl,l8 pro- desired. Under these con .. t ~~t pert1~1 drop off rapidly with an increeee oil contact1Dg the Piaton.B', ~; In t~erature For example. an alUJIdrn- "coke" and forms fl8ke ~ fA~' v_ um ca"ling w111Withstand 23.600 lbs./ bon .~ema1n, on, the pi.ston' t':I};',' min. \y1eld p01nt, atabilized) at room builde 'IJl) to such an exte t~era ture but will with.tand only weight caue.'.it to fall o:'Y"f" .oA-.,~ l7..:1500 lbB. in. when stabilized at erationand collect ~nth&.~ ~o C. Simlar values for 1600 C. and This fl,akeoarbon circulatf!'S 2200 C are relPectively 19,500 p. s.1. tank and lOdgeaon the oi],.. and 16,200 P.I. i. The drop. in Itrength sulUngin collapeed lOre' is not in. dlrect proPQrtion to tempera- Cuno filter., and re4uctioDi::'~. ~.~~ ture;, r~id,at hiEher suree.lnadd1tlon.theo -r-r er.ra rs........ tepzperature& "'ae~le. the decrease thepiatQn rings becomestt. in.tr8l1g~ Inth~1..~9. 0 ri'e between causes ther11'.lis toatick~; 200 to 2200 C iB'.~~.'.ercent greater result in blow-bY, 10BSO!; th&:n a correspon ... riee'between 'in lo.s from the, breathers.'. .~ .,) 1600 to 1800-0, Noac 1 values are pilton seizure. Identical. D8 1188.1navailable on the fatigue characteristics stalled in different a1~lanes in which of aluminumcastings at elevated temper- the cooling in one bas be.. .~. aturel. Ex.Perience indicates, however, and in the other unaaUaf -'~ IJ that ta. fatigue limits will follow the proved without quelUon ~ ~ S8megeneral trend a8 the tens11 proper- difficulties to De e.xpec ' ~ ties. of specimenl Sta.. bil.1. .ed at ele.vated stallations z that operate !J1W!I. ~.' teJ!IPeraturee. ,. ... factory cooling. rlit. J COmmercialair ';J.inee2;Peri'enee in'41... The minimum cylinder heaj; S"I i-a~es. cates that. "".tl?norma.l.,cruising tempera. if ever speoified. are pri . 'lPFtv tures of ?QOO and abOve~C1l1nder head. the purpose of ineurlng tha e spark . -14V-7933 A.C. ,
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DISTINGUISHEDISITORSAT RANOOLPH FIEL' V , , Randolph Field, Texas, the "West Poim ,of the Air," received numerous distinguished .visitors during the month of Decamber. Major General Henry H. Arnold, Chief of the.~ir Corps, dropped in for an over~ight stq, which is described in detail elsewhere 1n this issue. Two officers of the French Air Force, Colonel Paul J.J. Gama, newly appointed CommandingOfficer of the Istres Air Training Center, France, and Lieut. Col Rene P.G. Weiser, French Air Attache in Washington, D.C. inspected the functi01 _i.f;.UJ1,~ ~1 ~; , . ing of the Primary FlYing School on De:;:_c~r "~,;head temperature measurements camber 20th and 21st. A complete tour ;.~.(j.n. r#!~_accurate as might be desired. of both Primary and Basic Stages was ar; ~~~U$~ a~ery rugged gauge 18 necelsary ranged by Brigadier General Barton K. ''!i..O,'~:;I',,~,' '!';~arge vibratio~6 :teat gauge C. The Yount and Lieut. COlone.l JOhn,B. Brooks, ma.4'i . ,~'~ ..'..d. as 7i the 2000 error COlllIl8Jlding eneral of the Air Corps G _~'t~~ , affected by improper Training Center and Commanc;l1~ Ofricer } ..itst;$,l, ,~i~ or dirt or grease under the of Randolph Field l respectlve.1.f. gaSke~"'"l'1'J:).e temperatures indicated by Considerable interest was eVlnced by rt~a;~~K~lug thermocouple8 are usually the visitors in the details of student '1;~S'$' ",~tl1e actual head temperatures training, the me thoda o.f instruction anI "Wlrt'~b..~'.,~d';only be recorded by more ac- the type of equlpment used. Since the ;dUtat!Pi'i ~.mocouple installations. This visitors spoke only French, Captain d,:U't~:r ""~,1s recognized in choosing op- Donald B. Phillips.!. of Randolph Field, e:t*a~'1 1: mite. The inste.llation as now and Lieut. Joseph vonigl1aro Coast Ar~~~4~i~ in general satisfactory and tillery Corps, a student officer at the 'Pto!t~~j~!l?ractical guide for safe oper Primary Flying School, acted as inter,-;a~iQ~.if.!' t:t [ " ; ,preters. J~'1C4Us1tli:. it may be restated that Congressman-elect Albert L. Vreeland, ~tl).e; ;'$~tne,power output will not vary of the 11th NewJersey District, was -appr~~l~U' with cylinder head temperaanother visitorat Randolph F1eld earlier ~1.U;'.efr':t'~l400 C to 2000 C. Cylinder in the roonth. He mad" a tour of the hea.~~~elratures of 2000 C and above, stati-on, accompanied by General Yount\).Ous, definitely reduce the op- and Colonel Brooks. "e~1:1~:-Mte of the cylinder. Another visitor was Brigadier General '," .' ---000-A.O. Seeman, Assistant ~termaster , ''''~';'_'' .. , General in Charge of Construction, who P~,-' ,.' DECOBATION FORMARCH viewed the progrels of construction of Fr~';o.,:, ED MAN. the two new Flying Cadet bar;oacks which, .. _;10 .:, ,;' according to the contract. w1l1 be comames Barry,' 8th Signal Serpleted in the spring. General Seeman J'.i,c;E!I':. March Field, Calif rewas accompanied by Captain E. V. Dunstan, ~1V~ .1 ,,' ):;,1al notice recently that he ConstructIon Q1:la.rtermaster in this vicir, w11; ~b ,ded the Purple Heart on aci tY and Captain F. H. Kuhn, RandoIph c,o,aI}." . ,..w,.und received in action. Fie i d Quartermaster Officer. , -;t. " ;?918, while serving as a priSenator Alberto Salinas if Carranza, of ~class, Battery C, 108th Field Mexico City. completed the list of dis,.".~l.n, , tingu1shed visitors for December. A , .- ~ ,'~arry, in the fa~e of heavy preparatory schoolmate of Colonel Brooks f... " ~d a wounded BolClier. In ef- at Manlius Academ;y, N.Y., during the '_~ ~~ rescue he received a severe years 1909-10-11, Senator Salinas r .'- "" . ,.., ,d. Recently he hae been Carranza, shortly thereafter. went into . <~edP.:me'. . for the Soldier's Medal in aviation, taking hiB training at th~ old , 'l:ioDA'6~1 "r,n th heroic rellcue work durHempstead. Long Island. N..Y., airdrome, ing.~!t_.strous flood which swe,pt . in 1912.. ./Lfter serving .for several year: o"!!!! Californ1a in 1937, as a Colonel in the Mexican Army, he re~ r'O:,:: ~r;""f' ,---000___ . signed hie conmis$ionto become 'a senator . "":f'~..,;~'~; ---000 ..~~'p'ial Orders of the War DeCold weather eervice tests "1,11 be COJ1,p~~en'~tV :c.e,ntly issued, Malter Ser .. d~cted at Selfridge F1eld'and Oscoda, ~~' . ]3pllinger, of Ba8e HeadquarMiChi~ during January. on. appro~1matel1r ~. ~' nd Air Base Squadron " Gen11 a }."planes of various " . es. ,'The t.B\a er&'ljWiid. 'ter s Air Force, 1& piaced will be conducted on new d8v~10pe' equipment and standard ai craft equfpmen o~ ~h,,re..~r~d list at Mitchel Fle;l.d, ,'.N.lf"",'r!fJfr~ tlv& December 31 1938 and EpgineeT1D8 ~d operaUngp_ereonne""l will wl11'W-ij l' to his home." , thus be ta.ffi1U~ized witll "the problems :"'~.J':~:.~ ~Jr.1J J: involved in cold 'weather opera~10n. -~ c: ":", -15V-7933, AtC
plugs have reached a high enough tempera ture to burn any accumulated oil ofr the: points. 1'he majority of present da: ~. ~. 8 are te.rmea "cold running, II mealil~' ~ !. ,c&t,~J.' ~.,e built to cOOl.UJ;lder, ac\veree CO,hd.t~~*. ,'9,f hid! power ou.t.put, and, t~ete~.~".' noi qUite a8 efficient in 'e th~ ',aYj', , -'e of fouli;lg at very redllce,d tenr.P'e~! Obviously, too, at very ~er temperaturel' the oil on the cyJ" -. ~i;Yl~llswould not flow freely and inad qua.~e'lubrication might result. C~~,~Q;e~fFe.adtemperatures of 1000 C and ':r~1j~~~,~~t~,.sufficient for adequate lubricatJ,Q8:~, :<t.'u.suallY fo1t .. spark plug
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STATUS REFRESHERRAININCf OF T OF AIR RES:B:RVE OFFICERS. Of the 19 .Air 'Reserve off1cerl 'UnQ.e:ogoing the ccur se at the Air Coz:ps Advanced Flying School. Kelly Field. Tem., eleven were:schedul .. ed to complete same on December 23,. ,.. 1938, and ~enbe ordered .:toextended . active duty 'With tactical units of tl:1e. Air Corps. . These officers . ",hoar. no~graduate . of the Air Co!J>1.'!'raining Center, are. rated as "Airplane Pilots," and are:' . Total 2nd Lieutenants FliipgTime Armstrong, .William C 1.000 Lakewood. Ohio :Beckw1he james 0., Jr. t 2.50C) Burlington, Vt. . Gibboney, Lawrence R. 2.700 Cincinnati Ohio Hawkins, Walter L. 2,400 Oklahoma City. Okla. 750 Holmes, William W. Mineral Wells, Texas 1,600 Koster, Robert J. Mt. Washi?Jton, Ohio 2,400 Langmack, Charles J. Albany Oregon 2,500 Mackey. Joseph C. Columbus, Ohio 1,900 McCurdy, Eugene uinton, Okla. 700 0' uinn. Claud A.. ~ifton, Ga. 701 Postal, Frederick H. Chicago~ Ill. (Note: Lieuts. Armstrong. Hawkins . and Mackey specialized in Pursm t Aviation and the remaining officers in Attack Aviation. The flying time is approximate.) The other eight Reserve ~econd lieutenants who are ,till undergoing training at Kelly Field ~seven in :Bombardmentand one - Lewis M. Sanders -in Pursu1 t) are: Fred M. Morgan Charles W. Ma1!lard John A. Laird Alvin J.H. Mueller Lewis M. Sanders. Luther E. Thoma. Norman K. Warner Cloyce J. Tippett .Sick at Station Hospital at Fort Sam Houston, Tems. I t is no t lenown at this time when the above eight officers will complete the prescribed course. The following Air Re~erve office~e reported at Kelly Field on Dec.ember 19, 1936; for the advanced porU.onof the refresher COWl'lefor Reserve officers: Second Lieut8~ Don D. eascio. Staten Island. N.Y. (700 ho~,) .and John A.H. M111Eir~Coffeyville, Kanaas (1600 ho'llrs. ) ---000--
Chari ty Fair, held on Decemb8l',-aXldF~rd ~ and 4th, . by offi.ere of the n~~e ~,:,,' ntit tee who are maldng a final; 'I'&)Y01!t "en c the three-ds event. They repor~$d" J ~" that the receipts exceeded laatJ,iyeart., .: Fair by $2.000. ':;;;'Ie ,j{",.:j', . The expenses this year trebl$l(fGth08&~',: of the first Fair held last 1ea!"Pl'E~t ; hangars were utilized instead';o)fMt"'flv&;.'J' requiTing increased arra.ngeme.Dtj.Oj1!~.."t:..; ing and equipment. AlthoUgh .tli!i~., :.1 attendanoe was 10,000 above 1~. ~&iP -B, 1t was not as high a8 officiat8'(h~)i ._~'.~( ticipa ted. because of the in~1'.~.'~ ~:., :L, weather. . '. l.C., .'- - ..... A large part of the expense'tf 1te.tleJ~ . tributed to the Charity Ballt':,Wh1~i_B; held on December 3rd at the ~'~J'}u. Field Gymnasium. This venture~~a:. to have been one of the most. . 8,l"e.'! eocial affaire ever held on th"W'lO! 2 '!;l .', Peninsula. .'.:JI: "1')'1. c' cJ Mayor James V. :Bickford, of:: HsqJtbn ..:~'!' announced that the total ,quota: r&:el~ed" by Hampton, Phoebus and Enzab:&t1i'{J1.;tl;;~~t coun ty from the pro ceedB of the'.. ~O~annual Peninsula Charity Fair- ltatfm' . !l;~';.': $1 551.00. Hampton and the COlUltY'~r94; celved $1.034,t00L and Phoebus[~aaf t.he: recipient of ~51'(.00, to be d1~~buted' among charitable inBtitutions~o abd ,'or": the aid of the nee~ at Chri.~lrt1~~ 1. Y2rk and Warwick counties eiIlOhi'ece:1y..;.;' ed $200.00 as their share. 'l"bel ~.t;~ share - $1 749.00 - was turne4;0"R1"i~0~~_: the Newport News authorities. I'}: ~YJ>:.i!':'! ~ ---000--' :'..
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The following-named officerir:;oIt 't}le.: . ; 94th Pursuit Squadron, Selfri~J~ ..JIl~ldt Mich., will participate in th" .f~hc:em-f ing gunnery exercises at ValpatI.-l<to,'" ; .. Florida. for the periods indl_Wd'i.L,.8~;.'" Fr m Jan . 5th to 25 1nd1. 'fi'~::L '". win:lo:~. ~orse: A ~C~'; e2~~: !~t~~" Charles E. Trostel, Marvin L. il~N"~~e,. Charles E. Grogan . Andrew D. Moore, , Melvin F. McNickle. Dale D. :Brannon. George M. MacNicoll. Hamilton MQOl~~,_ .. James R. Watt and .I!Te.nklin HJMa~ ... ton, Air Reserve.. ott""'. ,'I From Januar 26th to March. 9th: \e .... Lie~t8. R. wiflricson ~~ .~~~. Magoffin. Air Oorps. . ;,1 . ;l.. . i.~ emain entire gunnery perifit ,_".~', .
W1l1iBmR. Olingerman, JohnG. , ~1;l .. r: Charle~ t. St~k, Howard F. ~~j:i~ .. i~; ~,)j Major Charles M. Savage. ,Air COsr&.hal been re11eved from duty at the ROckwell Dimmick and Neel Atr J)epot. Coronado, Calif.. and assign---000--. (.j ite.:,: I:; .3 + ed to the 2nd 13'alloon Squadron at Fort L)~ .!:.1 :. s l3r&&g" N. C. '. -16V-7933, A. O.
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lWWQ~I1i'JELD HOSTTONEEDY CHILDREN ~.t;tiAa 120neec;tr and underpr1v11egedcilii~ of San An'tonio 'Were guestl o:f,',iheD~~drons at Rando.lPh Field, T~~~J!\;.anr'1littma8 l)a.vtor a~~key dllUlO~oll~1il:l:alltb.e trl~1ng8. The proJect ~"~{'fIi>Ontaneous gesture.on the pqt.~'(;t~.f~nl1sted personnel Of the various organizations who, real1zing t~'o~~l1'Ould be ~ children whose C~~~'J~uld be dull and dreary unle~~~e invited them to dinner, s~lJte,41,jillat each squadron play hoat tQ".' ~~,,}~en arrived shortly after ncu:m,; 3)~es furnished by-the Randolph FieldJ' . Gortation Companyand the Public Serv1ce Comp~ of San Antonio. 1.. _~~ ~wing of techn1co lor cart~ d~:Jlfltibe. Post Theater was first on tne e~tad.Dment prQgram. "Santa's w~~. l'~i.,whimsical cartoo.n, dealing w.. .~. :a:i,(ringle working all year long :. at is o~l~at the NOrth Pole making t~s for delivery on Ohrietmas !My; ":.1'n.lti~"~ Polar Bears," another color plJMt'$a,~ and a third picture made up the JIJ)v~~~gram. D~~ .1JU readY in the mess halls. which w~; decorated in honor of the v1~~_)U1gster.. At each table a8si~ ~v.tbe children, several enlisted m~.:Jmt~[AAterspersed to lend assistance shcm1'd.~.tGb~ needed. Bags of candY were handed each chlid betj)J'jl:d.a~ the dining room. but for tlua~ pa:r:tthe bags went unopened, forQ.:e~e n.ook and cranny was a1.ready fil.Led with roast turkey, mashed potatoes and mince pie. A tour of .the post and the hangar l~Jt:I"eJ'e, several airplanes were on disp ... . wound up the program. ~ "It 18 hop~! ~~res the News Letter CorresPO~m~t. this custom started th1s fWlri 1.-9~.comean annuai event at the West ,~.j..B.jEof he Air. t The San t of Salvation NIDI! off~ .j' endid cooperation 1n their sel '. ;.the children to be invited t9i:J. ~M\eJ A~tmas Dinner, also in their P.~4l~9. ~ the children during their st., #..~9field. II ;
On the morning of December 22, 1938, while piloting a P:B-2J\. irplane some a three miles Galt of Oceanview, Va on an instrument traini~ flight, Second Lieutenant Gale E. E111s Air Corpsl pilot, and Private, 1st (llaBs, Ch8.r es S. Downer, Air Cerps, passenger. both of the 33rd Pursuit Squadron, GH~ Air Force, Langley Field, -Va.~ were lO.lled when the airplane crashed and burned. Parachutes were not used and the cause of the accident has not been determined. Lieut. Ellis was born in Pennsylvania on February 5, 1914. Following his grad us. tion from the U. S. Mi11tary Acadelll, Vlest Point, n.y., in June, 1937, when he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Signal Corps, he was assigned to thE: Air Corps for flying training. He graduated from the Primary Flying School, Randolph Field Texas, in June, 1938, and from the Advanced Flying School . Kelly Field Texas, where he specia!ize( in Pur sui t 1viation., on October 5. 1938, on which date he 'WaS rated as "Airplane Pilot." Assigned to station at Langley" Field. Va. f Lieut. Ellis was on duty as Assistant Adjutant of the 33rd Pur sui t S~uadron since November 2. 1938. . l'rivate Downer was born at Pi.ttsbtirgh, Pa., April 10, 1910. He enlisted in the Ar'C!J Air Corps on December ll~ 19:39, ane' he served with the 99th :Bombardment Squadron at Mitchel Field, N.Y., until September 27, 1933. when he was dischari ed by purchase. On March 4, 1932, he completed the course for aircraft armorere at the Air Corps Technical School at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., a.nq on Ma~ 15, 1932, he completed the course for parachute riggers at this same achool. On August 27, 1934, he enlisted for service with the 37th Attack Squadron at Langley Field, Va. and he lias been stationed at this fie i d, performing the duties of aircraft armorer, since that ~---First Lieutenant Watson M. Frutchey . Air Corpsi met his death on December i4'1938, whi e engaged in aerial gunnery practice in the Hawaiian Department. The pilot preceding him having shot the
;~~~e~~~:i~~~~ ~~: ~;~;epr~~~1~e by maldng diving attacks, firing at a 1'ber<?7t)p.jiureu1 Squadron recently com reef a.bout 500 yards off shore. Civilian t pl~!PI ~~ens1ve period of training witnesses stated that, after pulling o...t in ~'t~fltPj"lon. Much time was concenof one of these dives into a steep climb trated on liJi.ptov1ng method. of intercepthe airplane fell off after two or three ti.n. Y~t,?~at this time the results hundred feet above the water and dived have.P,9jtI'~~ mado fina-l, the belief is into the sea. The pilot did not use his 'that importaat. .improvements parachute, and up to thiS writing his wer'e cl:~long this Une.. body had not been recovered. In. . .,~th Pursu1t Squadron the fly.A native of Moorestown. N.J., where he 1ng e erolls.;.countries ee ~iey, :Ben- ''Wfa;' born on March 13, 1907, Lieut. niiig :Barkedale and :BolJ;ing FIelds was Frutchey graduated from high school at suppi emented by 1nterception problems Ea8ton, Pa.; from Drake Business Colleg~ and aerial gunnery pract1ee. and 1n 1927 from the Montclair~ N.J., .~.'- .~ -17V-7~33, A.C.
Secretarial School. After being eng88ed I in. the heati. Di; business .for several years, LieUt. Frutch87 , enlisted in the Air Corp. in June, 1930, and wasassign~ ed to the 7th Observation Squadron at France Field Panama Canal Zone. Pass..~ the e~nation for appointment- ae a FlYing Oadet, he began traini~ at the Prl~ rlYing School, Randol F1el.d,. Texas, with the March. 1932 las8. He graduated from Rando. Iph F1e1d on October 'j 15, 1932, and f:rom the Advanced Tlying School, where he specialized in Pur8\lit Aviation, on Febru8.I'Y24, 1933, on which date he was rated as "Airplane Pilot," . CODll1issioned second lieutenani a in the Air Reserve. and assit;;ned to extended active duty at Langley Field, Va., where he served with the 33rd PursUit Squ.adron in ~rious capacities. Relieved from active duty in January, 1935, Lieut. Frutchey enlisted asa Private in the Air COTPsin order to take the examinat1~ fGir a commission in the Air Corps, Regular.r~. A.s an -enlisted man he served for a brief period at Bolling Field, D.C., and then at the Boston Airport,. ~ss. 4ppQin~ed a aecond lieutenant in the A1T;-.-cea112 .. e Regular ,#t.r~r August 1,1935, . Li,eu,1,;F1!Utcheywas asugned to Self. J;"i,c1ge. ~i~ld, Mich., as ArmamentOfficfJr, S7iji Service Squadron. In the fall of 193,6, he was assigned as student to purwe the Aircraft .Irmament course at the Air Corps Technical School, Chanute Field. -Rantoul! Ill. Following his gra.dUation from th s School on June 30,1937, he was transferred to the Hawaiian .. ar tmtment for duty with the .18th Pursuit ~ at Wheeler Field. While on duty 'lrith this Group, he narrowly escaped death on February 7,.1938. following a JB1d-air collision, and lD8Jl8&edo reach t tha ground safely through the medium of hi. parachute.
P11ot"and assigned to duty With the .7th Observation Squadron at Irance Field. Panama.Canal Zone. In January. 1937 upon the completion of hts tour of aervice in Panama, he was ass:igned to duty at Hamilton Fi~ld. Calif.. While stationed at this field he quaUfied as a Dead Reck.o. ning Havigator fn the GHQ, Air .re.e. . ----.' .. Lieut. Pollard -.s born at Medfor4,Ore. May 20, 1915. After graduatipc frdlll hig. school and attending Fuller.'on, Calif ... Junior College for two years-, majoring in Aeronautical he was appointed a Flyil Cadet in the A r Corps, Prior to th1s appoinement he served as a Sergeant in the 115th Observation Sg~dron . ca11fofnia National Guard. FoIlo.,ing hie graduation from the Primary Flyill8 School Ranciolph Field ... Texaa, February:: 23,1938, and from the Advanced Flyil1g SChool, Kelly Field. Texal, June 16, 1938, where he special1zed~ in Bombardment, 114k rated &I "Airplane Pil~t,lt' CODlD1"~o~edl second lieutenant i1) the Air .Re~a.nd assigned to extended active duty -a:t .. Hamilton Field, Calif. . --.,.-' Lieut. Rvdle was born in North Dakota, July 23, 1914. He received appointment as cadet at. the U.S. Military Acade~~ West Pointt N.Y., JUly 1, 1933, and upon his graduation therefrom on June 12,1937., he was coumissioned a second lieutenant. of Infantry,. and was as'signed to the ' 30th Infantry with station at the Preddio of San Francisco1, Calif. : --~-. Captain Rueb was born in Missouri, February 23, 1902. He grad~ted from the Uni verd ty of nUnois in ,1926, with the degr. ee of A. B., and in 1931 from the Wash:\.ngton UniverBity Medical SChool, with l ----the degree of M.D. He was comm1ssioned' distressing aircraft accident in the .. 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Corps vidlnity of Uniontown, Ala...l late in the Resene June 9, 1931, and iu the MeClical aftlarnoon of December 23, 1':138, resulted Corps. Regular A:rf113, Septem.b 111932. .r in \he c1eatb of lIt Lieut. James D. He was promoted to Captain, July ,1934. Und6rhll1 Air Corps; 2nd Lieut. John W. .In 1934 he graduated from the Medical PoUardl._lir Reserve; 2nd Lieut. John H. Field Service School. He was Itationed lfydle, ;,uth Infantry; captain Fred Rueb, at the Letterman General Hospital, PreJr. Medical Corps; Privates, lit Class, aidio of San Francisco, Calif., at the She gon S. Johnson, Humbert D. Narro and time of his death. Private Ben L. Jones, Air Corpe. ----Lieut. Underhill, the pilot, was flyPvts. Johnson, Jones and Narro were ing a B-18 airplane about five miles all members of the 9th Bombardment Sqdn. southwest of Uniontown. Ala., when a at Hamilton Field, Calif. Pvt. Johnson line squall was encountered and the airwas born May 11, 1912. at Gloveraville, plane crashed. Up to this writing the N.Y., u~ tnlht.clin the Air COrpl on . cause of the crash has not been determin Aug, 29, 1936. Pvt. Jones was born at .' ed.. Schlater, Miss. April 20, 1904 and enL~eut. Underhill wa~ born in Kanlas on listed in the Corps, Feb. 1937. r'l 26, 1910~' After graduating from Pvt. NaiTo was born at Nogales. 1 riz., .. U. S. Mil1tary Academyin June, 1933, October 19, 1911, and enlisted 1n the te ~ e~ he was COlDlss1oned A second lieutAir Corps. May 17. 1937. He graduated enan.\ ()f tnfan try. he -. ,&u1fned to al Radio Repalrer and tor from the the. A~J' C011>8 .. lylX1g train ng,. He for f A.C. 'roohnical School, ute Field gl'afluated from the pr1~. . . Flying School, Ul; ~t. Johnson gradUated from this Randolph Field, Texas J,e 30 1934..~d School Airplane Mechanic 1 frQJDthe Advanced Fly lng cboo. Kelq 'rhe d\~Utp8ympath1of-the Air Corps is . extend.d -the bereaved rel~es ... 81 V_7933 A.C. ,
I he was awarded the rating 13,of 1934, Who.. Bomb. ardme. nt, on October .en "Airpl.l[me. I
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The chief purP08e of this ~b11cation 1s to distribute information on aeronautics to the flying personnel in the Regular ~, Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected with aviation. ---000......
The words "Qlro instruments" have long tors or spinning wheels. If electrical since become familiar to thole interest- power were used. it would be necessary ed in aeronautics. Pilots have uledthem to carry wires acrosB the gimbal bearand have learned how to rell:~on them in ings and probably to install conmutathe form of bank: and turn in'd,icators. tors or slip rings in the rotor and flight indicators, turn indicators, and ' brushee in the rotor housing. The automatic pilots. However, just what friction of the brushes and'the stifftakes place inside of the cases of theBe ness of the connecting wires across the instrument. is mysterious not only' to the bearings have meant that electrically driven gyroscopes in the past have been l~ person but also to ~ engineers. The gyroscope is essentially a spin-' used wi thou t difficul ty only in bank ning wheel the spin taking place at a and turn indicators. If'air under high rotatIonal speed. The two fugdapressure were used, it weuld be necesmental principles of gyroscopic action sary to remove every bit of oil introare those of inertia and of precession. duced in the air by the pump. as wall The spinning wheel, if B'\lPportedin a as to inclUde safety features in order frictionless manner, will retain the di- to,reduce the dangers of hi,gh pre.sure rection of its axie in space, indepenwhich might result from a stoppage in dent of the direction of the earth and the system. Therefore, bucke-ts have bee of its magnetic fields. It is this efbuilt into the periphery of the rotors fect which is made use of in the Sperry and the rotors have been driven by air automatic pilot, flight indicator and under vacuum which is pulled into the turn indicator. The second principle, instrument through an orifice producing that of precessionr is made use of in a Jet of air which 1mpingilllsonthe the bank and turn lndica tor. When a buckets. force couple is exerted on a gyroscope In the bank and turn indicator operin an effort to change the direction of ating under a vacuum of two inches of its spinning axis. the gyroscope exerts mercU1'7 Within the instrument case the a force and moves. unless restrained, in velocity of the air in the Jet is apa direction at right angles to the approximately 300 m.p.h. The i~ipheral plied force couple. The movement is in liJpeed the rotor is approx of tely a direction that tends to put the plane 60 m.p.h. of rotation of the wheel in the same A large l!lmOunt development in of plane as that of the applied force couplew vacuum BYstems for operating these inwith the wheel turning in the directio~ etruman1s has taken place in recent ,tha the applied couple would have it t years. In the first place the vacuum turn. In aircraft instruments the gysystem is so designed that in case of roscopic element consists of a brass e~ine or p~ failure the instruments Wheel, approximately .2 inches in diamewIll continue to operate. In multiter and one inch thick, rotating at engine airplanes this is accomplished ~eeds of approximately 12,000 r.p.m. by having two va~uumpump8 ei ther of These brass wheels are BUPPorted on the which hal suffici<mt capacity to operbest beari!Jgs obtainable in an effort to ate all of the instruments in the airh ave the abSC7lute minimum of friction. plane. A manually controlled three-wa.r The bearings in turn are supported in a. vacuum selector va1v. is installed in g1mba1 or ring and this gimbal 88aln is such a .~ that the pilot mar select 8~orted in the best beariJ1gs obtaineither or both vacuum pumps to operate able for the same reason. If there is the ln8t~entB. At the present time ~e slightest amount of friction in there is no check valve which has a e1ther the rotor or gimbal bearing" 0. sufficiently low pressure drop to war:Iro will tend to precess and the in.rant ita use in aircraft vacuum lines. struments will read incorrectly. The development tlfa suitable valve has The above considerations have neces8i- been initiated. It 1s confidentlY extated the use of air for driving the ro- pected one will be available in the near
V-7946, A. C.
future. With two .such valve., one Installed in the line to each pump. the pilot could set .his selector" valve to connect both pumps to the instruments. Then in caae of the failure of one pump or .f one e~ine, the check valve woula automatically cut it out of the circuit and the instruments would operate without interruption. In the case of the single engine &11'plane, the veI;lturi tube l1as been used to furnish the alternate source of vaCUum. However, one type B..4 Tenturi tube will decrease the high sPeed of an airplanf
;;~~~8~t ~~ :.~~~~-~~. J~~~~h~y dU~e :la~er1el Division is n~ . .j~~k1G& 300 m.p. h. As hl gher ape;aa are being on a meanli of eliminating'a attained, it is o Dvious that the t:iPe well as dUlt from th, lystem'i/:'LlIhia'deB.4 po'Werventuri tube is too inefficivelopment is being looked fo..-rd 'tc);by ent to be used. It -should allo be reaircraft instrument engin.eJ'8i~tk.f,. membered that in order to enable a flight eagerness, as 1 promisee to,:1nOrease t and a turn indicator to operate in an the reliability and life of,~D.dop~~ emergency glide of approxImately 100 instruments. . ..z".":,,,,;!~;.:. m.p.b., two such venliuri tube. are neces ---000---,' ').'" '_J s8ty. Aircraft manlU'ac turers are now ,,"S'N . " working on retractable venturi tube inACTIVITIESOF THE FIRST PURSUI!l':: 9lWUP stallat1ol1e BO arranged that as the -,.b .:. r c . pilot selects his alternate source of lilt has been noted," B~S 'the $v1t.,;. vacuum, the venturi tubel w111 be thrust ridge Field Correspondent, JJtbat,.s.e'Verinto ~be air stream. i a1 Air Corps officers are claimi~11yThe Air Oorps specification f{)r the \ ing time in excess of 5,000 hOurs.: . installation of vacuum operated instruSelfridge Field has the distinctionJof mente req1Ures that in single e~ine having one such officer, Major.Will1&m airplane. an alternate source of vacuum R. SWeeley, Air Corps, whohaa';5160.' be provided for the bank and turn indica hours 11lot time. In addit1ot:l.. f"bAi.bae tOl'S only, on. the as~tion that the severa hundred hours' Ob.erver bank and turn indicator is the only es3'1';' ',i. r :, ,ential gyrosoopic instrument from the The Cold Weather Equ1pnentr;~nt-, . viewpoint of safet)" in desconding through' which started at Selfridge,Fteid.Ob.i';: an overcast. The alternate 'Qurce pro- ! January 2nd, was called of_~b~se2of vided should be either a small type A-3 warm weather, and there wa'i.eV817.:r!lndiventuri tube or the suction prOVided by cation that there' would beJl~,o':,oGlcl-'(" the engine intake manifold. The latter I weather in the immediate fu.ture. [,f.), 1s at a disadvantage in that it is not However on January 12th, ~1m ihcrurB available in case of engine failure. The I after ail visiting unit. ba~~eturn.d type .A.-3 venturi tube hal a drag of .50 to their home stations after .,iiher:B\1s" pound at 100 m.p.h. as compared with 2,0 penl10n of this test, it eO'lIID8aeed\.pounds at the same speed for the type snowing, and this continued!thr.,ougliout B...4 venturi tube, This in turn means the ~, turning colder tha',,:evenIDg~\' that the decrease in h1gh ~eed of an --'<,,-::0"1:; I;::: airplane powered w1th a 1000 h.p. engine During the absence of MajOrFHaroJ,d.' at 300 m.p.h. is only 1.8 m.p.h. R. Wells, Air Corps, CODlIlaDd1.Qgt:OM.1~ Tbe use of the alternate source i8 I cer of Headquarter. Squadron. ;,;lstJPurmanually controlled by the pilot bymeans suit Group, Captain James E...,~ti,-:' of a four-w~ valve. The bank and turn Air Corps r has taken over the: ~cb'o.n indicator 1s connected either to thepwup CommanderB duties. ,.-'~C .,_.' IiLS in normal operation or to the venturi it : c-.,:,; " .... tllbe or 81lbine intake manifold. Two second lieutenants of othe'-iA.irJ'.:-: The Air Corps is now u8ing one vacuum Reserve, James O. Becni th, lDid:rrwt~l1. pressure regulator 'Which servel the C .Armstrong. were alsign&djto ~;i' double purpose of regulating the v~um Pureu.1t Squadron aa of Jan~f:l12,_'1939, pressure in the instruments and of reupon the completion of 8t~tJ::t:ta1n-lng l1ov1ng the pump when the line to the at Randolph and Kelly Fiel-3.LL1'eUt.ln8tl"Uirents 18 closed. It relieves and Beelarith hails from :BurUng~nr.;: V~.'-"': regulate.. This regulator is installed and Lieut. Armstrong fl'om c.l8~lantt, . not mOre than approximately 2 feet awq Ohio. :ti"q 8;'7 ,-:: froIll the pump and is a~sted to mainh.,'~ ,I.": :. tain a vacuum pressure of 4.00 .25 Sergeant King and PrivateY;illflt:,rCIEtJJ;8, inchel Hg. in the cale of the flight i.1l- Koch, of Headquarters Squa(bt"@.,~"1ftgne:d dicator lor all e~lne ~eed8 betweenQn the dotted ""line for an()~iI".L~'" 1000 r,p.m. and the max1mwn rated engine year8. "Could they be thiz'ty~Y~m~n?1I the NeW8 Letter Correspondent lnquires. -2 V...7946 , A.C.
speed. lA!I'::,G. _::~ :~, .. It is essential that a BUdIJln~. be used with each1nstallation of v6Cuum operated in8trumentt.T11e:.i:,;1lt haB no other 'Wq. of lolowing:.h1AF~e . instruments mq be relied upO~. c:';.; The greatest d1fficulty en;c~"l' .. d in the operation of gyroscopicd;ne~ ments is that of bearlng fa1<1. ..... :., Moisture alld dust pulled into't1ie$netrument from the surroundinG.atr eauee corrosion and pitting of the 'bebi:Dg . Filters &1"e now standard equ1pment.:OIlall instrumenta, but they lCe.P"O'I1t~.
.ACTIVITIISA~ MARCHIELD, CALIF. F Lieut. Colonels Benjamin G. Weir, Warner ~. Gate., Majors Eugene L. Eubank, falter R. Peck, EmIl J. Kiel and Luca8 V. Beau, Jr., left March Field for the .Air Corps Tactical School at MaxWellField, 41a., to pursue a thlrty-~ course in Naval ~ctice, beglnn1n& January 9th. .
Lieut. Charles M. Fischer, .Air Re.. serve, recently announced plans to start production of a new safety airwas one Of the crack The factory flYers of the 91st Observation Squadron," plane ~or private flyers. ,c.o-1.-'l:~ aaid. "I never became inti- will be located in Glendale, Calif. The airplane will be mown as the FisCher _tWr~nted wi th him because he - n .. a few dqs atter I join.Air Coupe. . -{".ec1jth.f,,~dron, but I remember well his The old blunt-nosed B-1S' B are rapidb&1", iItl~tI, down. ly being replaced on the 19th :Bombard$i3~'erau.It,,()f five planes had been Bent ment GroupI s line with the "shark nose" :imlo-m (pl'tt081"aphbridges near Veraun. Tnl B . was on the ~ tlie Argonne drive B-1SA's. was started. Brigadier General :Barton K. Yount, "We were flying French observation type CommandingGeneral of the .Air Corps cil>1$leA~~J?._ companion and I were at the Training Center arrived at March Field tail end of the formation on the left. ant a chap with him by the name of on January 4th l n a :B-18 for a short ..,,:I-eUyitnre in the same position in the visi t. _,"~Ct'oBP"m&nly the right. II on On ThvrB9q, December 29th, March CQ1' said an anti-aircraft shell Field was honored in a fifteen-minute 'I8tJn1C)~ira()irZ7IShip, epl1ttiJl& it intwo. s "salute to a National lnsti tution" over :,ItIfe'll-,'apart in the air and cra.shed. the Columbia :Broadcasting System. The.'1>laaes in the group had been flying ,Jt,l #lgl+. ';ia!.ti tude, The new 350-men barracks, neariJl& " ,)~ 1l1nety..tirst Observation was one completion at March Field, will house of the worst sufferers of casualties, the 19th :BombardmentGroup and greatly Col.tioncan said. Its flights were all reduce the crowded condi tion at March made bier' the front line trenChes. Ger~ ':tJl1aaagllDsl:wereonstantly c trained on this Field. ---000--i.J!tbu~t"i8.eau8e of the orack flyers that
:.4illJji~[COrpS officer who saw rrancia :Bi .. ~~W Denver World'ar t'lyer, thot down ~(ldd.lled on September 26, 1918 r.~~~:~lda visit to the field Whioh _8::~ed(1n. honor of the Lieutenut. He ..... .aaeut. Oolonel Ala N. Duncan ke.c'\l~ e:Officer of l4&rch Field, call~. , <:'~~j c:lL"8eTSnsurvivi~ members of Lieut. ~~:;~qu.a.dron still in the Regular
DROUGHT :BROKEN SOUTH IN TEXAS we were hit by Col. Duncan declared. "was South Texas, suffering from a seven ~;1Q1rD.~,aa8.. When I joined the Squadron months' dry spell, finally ~ot a reI2was9thevoungest man in it. Th1rty spite when rain, which started falling da.Ya"'1aiPer.,I was the oldest." J ,<d;~reaa.jno secret, he said, that Lowry on December 22nd. lasted through Chri stmas Day. Al ~hough the local dust 1'lt!8 icm8':JOt 4he crack airmen in Uncle problem has been alleViated, temporaSam's forcee. adding that that waa not oaIJj'IlWs~nion but II the old-timers de- rily at least, a generalized dust storm cltied_b ..... one of the best. It swept down on the Primary Flying School -"ll~tarlil .eu-tainly a fi tting tribute, II at Randolph FieldJ. and all of South Cq1ti~a1i declared, t1that the field Texas on January oth. Despite a cloudlets sky, visibility H~ stfJthe .Air Corps Technical School should be named after him as .. .as reduced to one-half a mile during lasting tribute. The .Air School here most of the ~. the local weather sta~p~.!~'me destined to become one of ti~n reported~ __nd for the first a time ir~~\S great aviation centera. tI this .inter f~1~ was cancelled because of duet. Previous to the Christ:fjf:~~ <1itiLowry Field" Col. Duncan was the outlying airdromes c.)j:\ije*~~.dlf Col. JacoD R. Rudolph, Lo19rY mas holidays. .,~~t4jC~dant. Col. Dunc~ was taken used for praotice work both on Primary - O.~.:M.J:J3xt.EtJJ1{ive of the field and tour and :Basic Stages were very dusty due to the lack of rain, but after weathering ll1-.~~'reat interest 1n the work beJ0031~ov Col. Du.dolph remarked that ~his unpleasant 8it~ibn,' the flying he was planning to have painted at the perso~el we~e forced to curtail in.' School a huge picture of Lieut. Lowry etTQCtion When the generalized dust eto:rm swept down froD) the northwest. ....", . ~mt.. ,.t the with officials F.e~ ..iatiDg view to securing in the r, th ----000- .... os:sual"8~"
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The News Letter Correspondent from Randolph Field, Texas, presents herewith the -B8ccnd lnnallment of Flying Cadet phrase I expressions, etc., Which have either been originated in the Cadet Detachment at Randolph Field, or have been given s~ecial meanings by that organization. Their vubllcation 1s for the general informat1on of the Air Corps at large, tha tthey mq be acquainted with the phrases as they crop up from time to time. ' , Contribution of phrases "hich are popular at ,various Air Corps stations are requested by the Public Relations Officer of Randolph Field, 80 that eventually it ~ be possible to publish a complete glossary of Air Corpi Terminology. " Storm -- Name applied to the concUtion one is in when he is ~Kcited and doesn't know what he 1s doing. Dawn Patrolling -- One is said to be dawn patrolling when he arises before revei1.le. Also noun,the Dawn Patrol; also adjective - a Dawn Patroller. Dodo '!'om- The janitor of B Company, whose service dates back to 1922 at Brooks Field. For the information of former Flying Cadets, Dodo Tom is no" on Civil SerVice status, butstlll haa never been in an airplane. Dodo -- ~e name given to a lower ClaBBIDan,which he retains until he is promoted to Basic Stage. '- Gun -- Verb To ask a wa,iter in the MelsRall for a second filling of a dish. For example - "Gun the potatoes," meaning, have' the potato dish replenished. ~- Gunner -- One of the lowerclassmen who s1t at the end of the tables in the Mess Hall and 18 .cbarged with keeping all dishes replenished. '- H.P.-Abbreviation for Hot Pilot . one who is exceptional17 good. Gig -- The popular name for a demerit. --- Tour - An hour of marchillg on the ramp with rifle and -.nite gloves. Given as a p~nalty. """""" "6 and 20 Tootsie" -- Any bit of young enticing femininity who is responB1ble fer a Cadet returnl~ late from a week end leave - "6 and 20" meaning six demerl te and 20 tours. Power Birds of War -- Another name for all Flyi~Cadet8. ' Ci ty of Wings -- Der1 e1ve term for Randolph Fiela, uaad usually durlngreet periOds of Infantry drill. ' " Riding the beam -- Gazing at the ceiling after vlolating a custom in the MeBI __ Hall. :Bunk Flyln.!: - Talldng aviation while in the barracks. "Drive it in the h4nt:ar." -"Let's ,top bunk flyl~." , ' Cadet Widow - A young la~ Whohal
known F17lng Cadets for levereD: (,;;;,..: ~ classes. ": lElr"-i:,;-. :;', ---.000 ....., . t )fi~:-... .': , 'J" rr .t ''-" ," RANDOLPH FIELD SETS FLYING'~' .': :' JOR WINTER MONTH.' clj ~-';,J,' J ;;; ;
AnasBing a total of 15,99~~;~~ of ~ing time dui-ing the niaptlL ctf;rU I' Dec er, the Primary Flying $riiooJ;.;at Randolph Field eet a record:;OJ',: ~.:. during a wlnter month. Whenat;$U~ membered that student tra1niJlt'llQ ':tQihcelled on December 22nd for;otfI;EJ(.~t,mae hol1dqB, the total num)[.hOc. presents an even more 1llJP9ai~ ~... ance.: a'I~en.r;j~:~ Only twice in the h1Bt03~~h Field haa this figure of W~ hours in a single month be_~"""d. Last .A:'!Jgust,more than 16,5OOr~. '~,~ were flown and during Sept8l1itiwrH:1th6J all time him of 17 ,373 hOurC ..... :J~).:: flown. A t the time, it wa. j'CJOQ)UWd .' that" Randolph Field airpl8.Dd' f1.~ '.e;', distance of more than three: t:1riie8l 'Xi around the world at the e~tbnI8.'M# one of the thirt:_~~_~:~,.~~i::
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SOLDIER'SMEDAL PRESENTED 113 . ':':: l ~,f! R.A.NIX>LPH FIELD S:ii:RGF.A.N'f r.f.t i.::-,:> :" ' ':; To the strains of martia:h' ~, .sergeant Harry M. H~e., of tHeJ~' ,')/!,f' School Squadron! Randolph ~elbI;~, was presented wlth the 'Sol$i~~ a t a review on January 7th.'jiE.Rt General :Barton K. Yount, ~~.~., General of the Air Corps T:I': . ' ... ter, presented the medal. ,:.rC'~ a r "!,:,~;' Theent1re commandof R~:Pb';jftfil\i was preeent to pay ho~e,_:':fil'~: Hayes, who on July 2 1938ill'.tf Af',li, e 1 pilot and two compan one ~ airplane which crashed into 't.'"~ near Maria ta Poin t, Mala P-elil~ '., Republic of Panama. The ~Pr-t '. K.B. was in danger daze,df~, ' ~~,ta~''it" ,HObson, was 'Of dro and Sergeant Hays extricated ",: pilot' 8 cockpit, dragged .1ti~'~,~ wing of the overturned plalil 1. ~ '~' p11ed artlf. 1c1al reBPirati:~rJ~B tie "t H~8 then 1,nf'lated the, eoll~ ,~ ''fe raft' and got thethre9 men , sergeant H1qs fi ,ed in .. r' n two' occasions prev~U8 to li~,!;' rescue in~. lie made-ian-- e . ebey parachute lumP from a d1sab1.~ .e near ~dei't !exas, and tenW 8.. .r ~ made hiB aecond emergency ~ tf11-'8~"~ time from a Bombardment a1 1 ilL d '!'; :; Sergean t !Jql en tered th. l~'rii 1926 at KellY-Field, Texas'~~:i,"~~GO,f his service has been at the '~:3 Center and in the Canal ZontS~ ~lrr0" .. Co R V-7946, A.C.
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In an. address before the Soc1.ty of "Bombardmentaviation is the basic Automo~"kineers a.t Detroit, 'Mich., subdivision of. the flying arm Just as on Jan'tJIR' 11-=-1 1939~ Major G,neral Heni7the infantry is the basic ground arm. H .Arnold, Ch ef of the.l1r Cor,PI, d18U~n bomber success will depend the cUssing some recent trends in the figh~ e.entual outcome of the air struggle. Ing ..~l1U1eand acoeUo.l7.developmen't.'.. 'l1'hia knowledge-hailed UI to cencenstated that there 1, an.inelatent de-.nd tnte on perfection of this type . Ml1,/,~~~: ,0 speeds. in ~~. l_t . f1ghtit8ry strategists of every nallonagree na.planaa,., It appears. *"&lllt_, that the modern bomber must have the. lt " t.h.8. t.' ncr.p .:lane can' b.e considered .for ...fU-. range to reach any vi tal target in the ,:tur:8:'.:d8\!:elopment which 1'111 not ha;ve a enemy nation: it must have the. ~eed to slMd 1nJ':sxcess of 400 m.p.h., and gur, reach that objective in the ~ic elt ,~ngl1iee'ml;Are talking quite seriously": of possible time for efficiency in the ,QOOa'P~l:Was ,a practioalpos8ibilit)r. performance of its mission and as an , .l:at~::propo8e to reach thaie speedi po.' escape from hostile pursu1 t. it '.oll~oiDl'two ways. First in what 1. . must carry a sufficient ~t1ty of ex~ ~'l'...clee.nup of design,' the plosiv88 to make itl errand an economehgineers sq, they are going,~o bring. leal one and to give it the capacity to :'[~~~:th1tng 'indoors and lock the door; destroy any objective . .no..~ :.-3:11be left proJectUg or ha.rJgllThese IUPerlor reguirements have led . '1,. J)~.aide. The other method is by a us to experlment wi tli substratosphere tr8JU1tdbue. increase in the horBepower of andover-weather flying. During the the:'~'''POwer p:l,.ant. There are other pastiear we have had very active4': in accueo.r.iea and adJuncts which will pl8\V operation our own substratosphere plane, v1.\41"j), such as propellers and the, XC-~ which has served as a liigh fuels ... 'lhe definite trend for the fight- alti.tude iaboratory. Our success with er i8,.O'r a. lmaIler and lighter airplane. it lIldicates the early probability that llii",.illl1e ',BIDalland as ight as pOBgiant bombers will house their personslb1.<.b~ing in mind that it must house nel in sealed pressure cabins and that a power plant of some 2-4,000 h.p., and they will be designed and equipped to there be a g\1D platform, probably fly in al ti tudes in excess of 30,000 for a si~e small cannon of at least 37 feet. mm. caliber. It will have but a Bingle "Last September the President of the occupant,as the pilot will also serve the United States presented to me as Chief -1NJl ,~,,111 be electrically operated of the Air Corps the Collier Tropq, and ~lrolled. There is but one slight emblematic of the outstandil1g aeronaut.c~t4to:a.$rom this mighty little atomof ical development of the year, for the Jah>QglWeJb,'1dlich have Just describedand .1 work our Corpl did in developing ad ~~~ be. the advent. ef the mult1testing the 8ubstratoephere plaDe, the se~L~ter. There ha;s been consider firBt pressure cabin plane ever BUC-4~~ .. -aeiLitl6 of late tha;t the modern air I ceufully flown extensively aJqWhere in war is going to require a plane of the the world. This il a fair indication il~~~~ which can carry lOOrearmaof the import of high altitude f~ing, , ~~3~~S two cannon and from two to both for military and cOJllllercialplanes. "t9'J1h~n.e guns of 30-50 caliber, in It would not be surprising, therefore, O~~' . may engage in combat with if a considerable proportion of future th~' . ,Fortress on more equal terms. traffic will be beyond the sight " _tt~i;country we Jumped 00 an early and sound of terrestrial inhabitants. u: '" n, ~.!S' category men our eng~neer. Necees! ty and eoono~ will demand this w~ , ~~~r;~~perat1on of the Bell Aircraft innovation. 0 , fal .. , produced the XN-~, a. o liThe great inorease in abe and speed _. __ , ~J':. f1gh ter wi th which we e~eof air velsele hae led to tremendous r~ ~t year and which has nowbeen chance s in the dimensions and types of o~..Ii !J.~~ 1 .. ,i~l" service ~ti ty of 13. Pel'- airdrome.. There 1s now a general j.~., ~ a~n>lane prodUced last year feeling that Yfemust concentrate on .. .-;~ . ~i@:rAi.A' such wideapread conmentboth reduction in airdrome requirement . by .:& 'i~~ ,abroad a. this so-called building into our planes slower land~lA~~I!.L A :British magazine said of ing speeds .. I believe that this re"1~~ ~,~8<llJ:t.S Ar~Alr. Corps' new Bell .. .earch will all variety '-;~ ,,' e ~ ~e coudng thing. 'the techof flaps and elotsin an effort to ob,,-~lL, . 1: :~ent of every air' force in tain better control and to reduce land'!:t ~~'~ w.Quldgive a lot to have 48 i~ speeds. ' n0!ll,4" a :M.(wi th this machine. I This TIt is posB1ble that during the next Qvere~J .lIf~hter verdon w1l1 have one five years the airplane ~ take on an 9~1 ~~dvantage - it will have a appearance considerably different, at I~~~t ,.ill permit it to accompany least s~er. ficially, from its present ,~M.@ tur own bombudJDent formations form. ~8ically. the wing-boW comon""'longa.Jir:ra.1ds. (Continued on Pace 15) ... ,~~~{' ) .. ... V-7946. A.C.
Corp~i Captain William F. Pd~t" :U;~ officer; Major H. R de~... is a Cavalry officer, and C1 Jfl~:.~ While piloting an .1-17 airplane shortWilliam C.D. Bridges is in . ~I.t. ly past noon on January 8th. 2nd Lieut. of Engineers. Ana. while tOUtth~~~~ Wa.llace Embry Hau. Air COrP8~was killed these interesting coincidei1~~ Wbi:Wv instantly when the plane crashed into bf;;an r1Jnrock some nine miles south of Trichere. more appropriate name could"'~ Colo. during a snowstorm, The engine was the Finanee Department of th&t~ ~ torn from the airplane by the crash. The Overcash? Actually an off1a&ifi'l: ~ name has a Reserve commisstbh j:U'.'~t parachute was not used. I 'a~B9~ }~ Lieut. Nau was born at Cavalier, N.D branch of the service. ---000--" .: i j Xi[.~ ll~J"!'j~: n Se,tember 16. 1915. He graduated from . t~::':il.B ~.>!{; Mareha.l1 Jr. High School. Pasadena. AIR-MINDED CALIJrolUU.A. '. 'o::C<~ d Calif., in 1931. and from the Pasadena ; '10 WI 00 illC Junior Coll~e 1n 1935. Shortly afterThe Civil Aeronautics Autlmill1 tl\o otrr3 wards he enlisted in the Air Corps and the United States recently r~eu served as a private with the Station statistics, as of October 1e, ~, ,.~.:r0 Complement at March Field. Riverside. which show that 11 per cent.fo1;jtl:1e; 1:1i csnr. QUalifying for appointment as a Flying 10.091 certified aircraft oS>ltlIe.unUed states is registered in Ca~e1i'r~d Cadet, he graduated from the Air CO~8 19.4 per cent of the 21,52g::.!pftctt.B'~ Primary Flying School, Randolph Field, the nation 8.1lea180 in this' s.~.) 11; c Texas, October 10, 1936, and from the ---000---,aq:tfiaJ *'f ~,j Advanced Flying School KellY Field, ,,",~"Ic;a r,r(j r Texas, where he specialized in Attack NOTABLE INCREASES AIR IN Aviatlon, on Februar.r. 17, 1937. He was .~J: Ci afrr(!~;,.L given the rating of 'Airplane Pilot" and assigned to duty under his flying cadet Western Air Express, :Burb~~~lt., status with the 95th Attack Squadron at flew 665,000 passenger mile"~. ,j. 11ng'~. March Field. He received his appointNovember 1938. to show an:4fb~".'G'f nearly 66 per cent over th~UB,am&' 'mchtth ment as a second lieutenant in the Air Relerve on June 20, 1937. About .,~ear last year, and thus establieh'1iil!'&. later he pasted the examination for a all.time November passenger- frec!6l;'d'o'" .: conunission in the Regular J.rmy, and on Nearly 2,100 palsengers w.~r~:~~.l'"'1.' ,~d July 1, 1938, he was commdssioned a on the Western :Air Express' ... 't(9rsecond lieutenant in the Air Corps. border system during Novem't;~S)u\i!c.ot~. .. f On A~st 26, 1938, Lieut. Nau was pared with 1850 who flew We"erni~'" transferred to Lowry Field, Colo., for Express during the same mol1~~. a gain of 14 percent for Nov ~f~8. duty as a s tuden tat the Denver Branch of the Air Corps Technical School. At November's mail load of .'15\ ~ds the Air Corps Training Center, the derepresented an increaee of'~iAl'~.f~t ceased JOUng officer'proved an apt pupil over mail poun~e carried'~ mr;;;,~. vember 1937. :;.ro ~;';, ; and he _. on the way to a succeBsful , ---000 .r I.' ~rl~ ,')-r:1 ~ career &8 an Air Corps officer. ;;.1 ,l,J: ",.',01 . The .Air CorpB extends it 8 deep sympathy to the bereaved relatives of the de- KELLY FIELD SOLDIER RECEIVE>' ~ceased. TIONFROM S. COAST U. GuARi>-:-:n oj ,,2S,., "e,; ---000--Private, 1st Class, Willi~~".~l~.~ WHAT'S A NAME? IN liewgley, 12th Air Base S~~ Jl tiL , Air Corps Advanced Flying ~~o fl, il~liY A telegra.Phic report on an airplane Field, Texas, was the reci'l>1-en~~'~ly of a letter of commenda~~ 'oJ accident at Randolph Fiel~ Texas, gave the name of the pilot as l!'.LyingCadet Captain William J. Wheeler .:'~.tqp,& t F.R. Pancake a student at the Primary Guard. Commander, NewOrle*bIP~~i . Flying School. The accident, however, expressing appreciation f~~Q:was no t due to a cause such as the name tance rendered following the!&y' of the pilot would imply. He was engag- a Coast Guard ~irplane at ~ O;,iffCJ ed in night flying and struck Bomeflood Texas, on December 19, 193~,e~:fl%!~ ter follows: ,'n ax-rsna i r lights in taking off. The Cadet suffered no inJury. lilt has been reported to 'tlWl 11e~In the ArrrI, as in other walks of 11fe, er. NewOrleans Division, ~.9*9~~1" there occur many instances where the Guard. that Private fir8tcIJ.I.BiO~l9-=f. name of an individual is peculiarly coHewgley, U.S. J:rrI13', attache~1:t'e:t.<tfl~iir incidental with the nature of the occuDetacbinent under your coJJlliiHarL r~'id pation in lfhich he is engaged. For inexceptionallY fine aBsist~~~~ eo~'" stance, in the permanent commissioned operation following the c~~12:~f personnel of the Regular J..rm::f such names Guard J2W-l airplane, V-157 B.~' are noted as Code, Patient, Ryder and Texas, on the evening of D~eeMB rY. :Bridges. Nowit just happen. that Major 1938, which resulted in tli~~~~ '3 !~a Jamel A. Code, Jr., is in the Signal (Continued on Page 8.)~ n V-7946, A.C. DEATH OF PROMISING YOUNG PILOT
e"~t "'.~JHij
.. val1-! turn trip he ran into disaater. When riBk- I he set the plane down he mashed hie are front elevators and bamboo outrigger~ v1-yJ.-~~,rles for Clair, G. Horton, of directly into the president of Cuba' 8 San. ~wl.o, an "Early Bir4," bJaeelf French automobile, ,who:OOM.~ri death in the thrill-packed Undaunted. Beachey developed into a ere. O:ti~~e pusher type planes. daredevil and stunt flyer and in the ... !0d8I'i. .Horton 1s rounding out more than same year 1911, flew over Niagara 30 years' continuous experhnce in the FallS. Ai,o in that year, during the aeronautics game. AI foreman of Chic880 Aviation Meet. he went up to the aircraft eho-pa at Duncan Fie14. he 11,000 feet and won the world' B a1t1comes in ;close contact with ,the mo',t tude record. madern of p1anel. but he's neV'er pl10ted Later, Beachey was drowned while fly~' 0;) ith8lll. ' '1ng a.t the California Panama Pacific,\,,! he has never flown" any p1ane Fair in San Francisco. The wings of b'tlt pf the old pusher type because his plane folded UP. when he was coming hiB ~'\faltlying career extended from out of a vertical dive. S. :Juns~ ~al~ to March, 1915. :But during "The year before Beachey' was killed!" J;,~"~ and'as a mechanic both beHorton sa1d, "I had seen him flying n f'W.!i~cl'.af:ter his pilot daYs, he saw a 60-mile gale, dive 5,000 feet unto,1d8dt .. part of his dally life, the straight for the earth and, when 300 hardshljB-. the drama. the incenul ty and feet l'rom the g:round. push forward on the perlls and courage aS80ciated nth his elevators and throw thepl1sher ea.1'}jr.'\A~t1on. "planebottom up and fly with the wind ~ng -hi. closest associate. were such fora quarter of a mile. '!'hen he would . ,'f~pllots as Charles Hamilton, pull tne elevator back, dive down8&ain 'lJi,~.;lA, ,, ,eY Glenn H. Curti88,l!Ngene until he came right-dde-up and comein 1 ,~Mfl,r8. :ugult Post. Jamel J ."ard and land. . "\1 ..jicCuray. "The plane he used in his trick had , ,~'rlt;.career began in Sept.mber~ no horizontal or vertical stabilizer 1,.,i'~~he obtained empl01Jll8nt.with whatever; there was no fuselage to re:the;.~e~:H. Curtiss,lirplaneand .)4otor- strict the maneuver. and I doubt if C1<u;e}~=:- at Hanmondsport, ,N.Y. There modern planes could maneuver in as 1'1:e -llo't, 0 , worked on aircraft but, asclose a8 he did, It Horton said.. 8~~'~~orcycle8 and tested them on Horton remembers James J. Ward, while at Cienfuegos Cuba, flying a plane .::;:"~" ,.'.e joined the Curtiss Exhibiwith a prope1ier that was patched toc:!j~~,OJl"', , ," .~ at, Baltimoref 'Md., as avia- gether with ordinary glue. Everl once ~tt.~', 'anlcian, as sembl1ng, maintainin a while the propeller would fly '~~L _' ~. 8assembl1ng exhibition airapart and eacht1me it would have to be P.l.WlEJ8 e flown at various cities glued together again. thro~ut e eastern and louthern secHe recalls the coast-to-coast air tions .f the United States and Cuba. race which Ward and Calbrai th P ..Rodgerl ,"..i~.i9![l ~ in Havana in January" 1911, entered in 1911 for the $50,000' prize lfll-enJ.~. D. McCurdyattempted to Ily from money offered to the first man to fly KeY,West to' Havana, adiatan8e of 9S from NewYork to Los Angeles. After mile1t;; ,.,~dy ran out of oil 10 miles Ward had spent about $20,000 trying for fr~, ,'b~,' .,8t1nat10n and dropped into the the $50,000 prize, his backers dec1ded \~~~ . o ~~co.' He was picked up six to call it a day, and he went back to .~~&J"r by the United States Navy exhibition flyiI;lg. to~~ .~ Paulding, one of five which Rodgers f'inalJ.Y landed at Pasadena on ~~}>=t~tiOned along the route for Nov. 5, after numerous ferced landings . JJ~1"I ,LtIln emergency. '!'he race had started Sept. 17. On .&.i.~ ~~8 blplanewas kept afloat in Rodgers' last run out to the edge of the v~~ iu."-j.nfested waters by two safety PacIfic Ocean, some sea gulll became tanks to the lower su.r:face of lodged in the chain and sprocket of his .tAAI~e'.L..:a happy foresight, for sever- elevator controls and he dove into the arswks uad collected by the time beach and was killed, Horton said. -.M9~b rescued from the top wing, Horton, himself. h& nearly drowned wn~~(,~eJ~~id taken re:f\lge. twice 1n accidents involving his ~druHpri~o~I',eealls that ljl those dqB plane. once in Lake Winnipeg, Canada, -rprr~3j5, ~"r~~,,laCking in numb, ' er, and it when a strap became entne8hed in the i"~:~~ l1B~1 for a man to 8010 himplane' & mechanism. throwing the craft 8i.H any previousfging experibut of control and into the lake .-nd ~.,a man was Lincoln 13eachey, again when the plane overturned l n .~, :tli8ifJ'~ t\must be aald that l1e prev~atorm-lashed Lake Ponchartrain. La. e 1, ' .. ,;1!, ~e, a dirigible pilot for n In the latter accident Horton was uns~ 6; M~~&. der the ~ter more than two and ene,lin 11 ~ (~~r8t take-off at CampColumbi.., (Continued on Page 8 ) . '"" ',(H. -; V-7946, A.C.
"that be t aviation'
I made a successful flew into the wind and Havana, Beachey hop, but upon hiB reI
~I"ckS. ,
"~B~~t" 'D~~!
For the purpose of acquainting .., 263 lees and. standa-by. on. 31Q~~j:It'g9ning A1r Corps personnel with tbe~.m... tinually. The,~ A.1rW88 g ~ 1~medations and facilities available. ,to tions Station (WYQ,) operates q~d' .. transient aircrat't visiting the Mun1ci.. kes to aircraft'and etands .... Dloon .. pal Airport at ~ledford, Ore~on, the folkCB from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00:P;W1':~~ ., lowing information is submitted: including SundaYs and HolidaY's'. ;. '8 PeJ;sonnel: (:Unth Corps Area Air Corpe yet has no facilities for r~lv ~*., Detachment): weather reports. Pilots approaching . Staff Sergeant Willie M. Dawe ....N.C.O. should c~ll the Department of Commerce In Charge - Airplane Mechanic. Station ~KCX)for weather and f1e~d Sergeant AM 1st Class William T. cond1tiona.::J]l!! HJI.. Wheeler - Airplane Mechanic. There is no restaurant at "Eb.tfM:o., Private .AM 2nd Class Joseph V.Mendrala the nearest one being Q.ppro-x .' two Airplane Mechanic. miles. There are three goo~ ~and Corporal AM 1st Olass Allen P. Cross - three good theatres in thecetyr~Wof Radio Operator 11'1 Charge WYO.. which have very reasonable 'r~8f ~1~11! Private AM2nd Class Pete "H. ChristianSeveralpilota have expre.8'.H.'., sen - Radio Operator. prise at finding a detacbme~ O:1!"1 e Private .AM 2nd Class John E. Nagley Air Corps on duty at this Al~diiU . '1i,hd Radio Operator. ihe News Letter CorreBPondett~:~~ ~.: Private A.M 2nd Class R~ond W. Kalblilt is believed if the infotmat~oA.GY~ fle1sch - Radio Operator. herein is distributed generSil1Y':'~4h Accommodations and faciH ties,,: the medium of the Air Corps !~w'~;~etter There is alw88 an ample supply of more personnel will take adWin,,,,,. of government contract gasoline ~92 octane) the excellent accommodatlo~lDa~f~iland 011 (120) available. Should more i ties at this field. It m' t5b.6'1.W~11 than our normal store&e capacity of 2000 to stress the fact, too, that7ltlit. isa gallons of gasoline be required, one or regular stop for United Airol~~ ~d more tank trucks can be sent out from th th-e run~s (one approxil!lfl'elYt?eaOO. x city in approximately twenty to thirty 150' and one 2800' x IOOt),'a.r&.r"l~B minutes. Airplanes can be serviced at in excellent condition.".yeas .ar.., the rate of about 28 gallons per minute. r---. ---000--" ,~t.o 'CLi1i:. Air Corps supplies are very limited !1I~rlY :Bird," From l)~e 7 .'?'il! ~v.s:~ ... but, should the need arise, spare parts (hat mInutes beforee coul~!'~i11.mcan be ordered and delivered by air from \ self. He had a passenger wtth~bip1I<>n the Air Corps Depot in approximately ; both occasions. In the latt"er,''iiCcident three to four hours. ia control cable became lOQged)~n The munic1pally-owned hangar has ample the back of his neck and tl$;t~it'l~x_ storage space, being 100' x 110' inside, tension of his life preserver; qt1 .!took and is in excellent condition. the last bit of Horton's 8tte~~~ The Air Corps Detachment is equipp~d pry the cable loose, . '-,,,.J ;;;~' 1 wi th a Chevrolet Reconnaissance Car ~8-. Horton, who remembers manf!~~eI: . passenger), which assures ample transpor; thrills and tre&edies of thit.t1,f!e.r;IY" tation to and from the ci tY which 1s :Birds, II has been a civil se-l'~ice.;~' about three and one-half mli as from the pl~yee since 1917, and has ~~n) ~'1i": airport. Additional staff cars and Duncan Field for the past l1J:l yea~). trucks can be secured from the Medford' liThe greatest change in tl&l'!~~'aeDistrict Headquarters of the CCC, should sign from 1914 to the pres~n1f. tt:t~:.; they be required. , saidi "is that in early models dti.t!'nT"" mechanics srs on duty daily, instruments or flight ind1~ ...~ns elUding Sun<1aysand HolidaYs, from 8:00 , gauges and other such thi ' w.~~sed. a,m, to 4:30 .m., and arra ements have They had 90 horse ower e : been lflade wit~ the Depa.rtme~ of commer~. top speed of 55 m~1es per ~~, ("~reaB Radio Operator on duty to call the Air- i modern planes have 1,800 t(9J.:, port $1?perintendent Mr. T.lL. Culbertson~ hor.epowe!:l 40 or more in . :rtiV/ and 1 Jr., ~2nd Lieut., lL r Relerve) and one fly from 6U0 to 4oom11es\&...~ ~.:" of the mechanics, should any aircraft ,.,'. '~'~"'"- San Antonio arrive after closing hours. The men on ---oOo---";! ,[I" C'. duty meet and service all aircraft asCmnmendation for Pvt, Hew6l~ (Fr. P. 6.) signed the .Air C.rps,. the Marine Corpl. .j'.p\ 9tl'j. Navy, National Guard and the n. S. Coast Guard. ' death of two Coast Guard~<t.jH.jrIe., Coast Guard petty officer~afta Ie,iia~ There is maintained at the Airport a ni)n-corxmisBioned officer, n;flVl;: ?M weather bureau, teletype station. and Department of Cotomerceradio station in The assistance rendered_ btIPfi~e addition to the ~Airw~s Communica- first class srn Hewgley,.,!" . ~e, 1 very much apprec1a ted.~il~l s e '"'retion Station. The artment of Commerce radio station iCX)operateB on quested that record be ma~ a:fl"" V-7946, A. C.
, i:l-.
"'tvThl-o. KeJ"lv Field
REFRESHERESERVE OFFICERSLEAVE FOR R NEW STATIONS . The following-named second lieutenantI of the Air Reserve, who eatiefactorily completed the refreSher course of instruction for Air Corps Reserve officers at the Air Corps Advanced Flying Scilool on December 23,1938, departed from Kelly Field on Januar,y 4, 1939 for their new stations: Wi1l1am C. Armstrong and Jamel O. Beckwith, Jr., to Selfridge Field, Mich. Lawrence R. Gibboney, Waltel' L. Hawkins, Robert J. Koster and Eugene McCurdv to Barksdale Field, La. William W. Holmes to Brooks Field, Texas. Charles J. Langmaok to March Field, Calif. Frederick H. Postal to Langley Field,
Correspondent 8ubmit..J~~..1~Lfol1owing article. which appear-e~c.~~'!',!!Ue San Antonio Evening l~ews of 1)~t;:~R~,,~' 1938. and which he believes 's1iQ1Au'peof interest to J.r~ A1r Co~s ",ho formerly served at KellY -:.... ( : ,j- ftZooming over the Airdromes . By T.D. Hif5ins , '. I Veteran Ari'1nte~esting Character out Kelly ,~ftl.' Mrs. W.E. Rowe. who has opl~tt1e cafe Just off the air':~ :.p~. the past 21 years. during '';::: ,l~ itriili she has seen thousands of
:: tt!~~~f J
RADIOMEN GRADUATE mOM TECHNICALSCHOOL Twenty six Air Corps enlisted men were graduated from the Radio Repairers and Operators clan of the Alr Corps Technical SChool, Chanute Field. Rantoul, Ill., on December 16, 1938. These graduates were Bent to the following stations: Scott Field, Belleville, Ill.', 1; Kelly Field San Antonio, Texas 2; Selfridge Fleld. Mt. Clsmens, Mich., 4; Barksdale Field, Shreveport, La 4; Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 1; Langley Field, Hampton Va. 4; HamIlton Field, San Rafae,lloalif., 4; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, March Field1 Riverside Cal!f., 1; l MitChel Fie d, Long Is and! N.Y. t 3; Chanute Field, Rantoul 11., 1. Since October 7, 1938 there have "::.T_i> receives cards from the been 174 men graduated ~rom various mally distant painto. This courses taught at the Air COrpl TeCh~J ' ~. _ she heard from some in Panama nical School. The number of graduates ~_') ~ ~, ,. _~.' They never f,orget her. And and the courses from whiCh they gradu"" .l':~ l ~ come and go wi th the years, ated are as follows: .~:: : ~~t;,~~ ,remains in her little cafe .Radio Repairers and opera torI, 45; :~n..~ .~, e building she has occupied Atrp~e.meChan1cs, 58; the p"".21 years. II Aircraft maChinists, 6; We 'tli:1lik so, too, Mrs. Rowe! Aircraft welders and eheet metal --000-worker., 12; Instrument specialists, 13; . ,.~~ ~th Attack S~dron, Albrook Propeller specialists, 13' ~F~@lAL~~ Canal Zone, 1S planning a Carburetor specialists. 11; "~t 8P..f}'l;t , t to Guatemala City late in Electrical specialists, 12; tlie mon of JanU8r7, and preparations ParaChute riggers, 4. ~.1~~ made for a flight to the --000--.Jt~J.e~ ..:' ~e:.te of departure of the ..~~1rQC?kl{.1eld ,110tB on thill flight has .~ib,!,.yet, ...en announced. , V... 946 , A. C. 7 " .' -9-
a-room frame building since year that construction waai.JdN",'ted at the present Kelly Field ~~!j2~ILShe was there even before the ':i'~J;~,tJ arrived. : =' arJli ;,jOwe is very proud of the 1boys I _.: .i.~e ~Ave.called KellY Field their home .:.:4m'~JJg,. ~~e past two decades. . ~: ~~.r.;.have never been any better boys _:~~4NrlP08t in the country than those .~ w. ,.'~biVe erved here thro~ .. the years. I ".. I.Ji;+;tell you with conviction. She 11as seen ~ of them retired from the Army at KellY Field. she haa Been others leave never to return, and ahe has wel...C-"OIIl.'.~~"*t'rs ack after they had been b l~1?tm';&;.wr,~do other posta. t ,.~LJ~1;r~,e other ~ a soldier who was a .<~f;~\'Ift~er~.t Kelly Field when he was trans . :fe:rfAA:~ 14 years ago, paid her a vis .1tJ:~8'~1' of his first acts in returning -tei !~, ~~drome. And he came back as a first sergeant. ~n;l~rged classes at Kelly F1eld VI~~ .. ~lIle~ssi tate. more flying, doesn't'I. Rowe in the least. She said ~.rf},~ lots more flying during the Wq~~\War:. The noise of the airplane --dl1~)fp_fL~.~m was so great one had to _,~:I~~~,carry on a conversation in the
Second Lieuts. Joseph C. Mackey and Claud A. 01~nn were assigned to the Advanced Flii!l& School, Kelly Field, for duty as flying instructors, the former w1th the PUr lui t Section and the latter with the Attack Section . ---000---
.\J~""~ mOlD
The Quartermaster GeneralL~~0.~ Ar'C'qhal advised the OoIllIl8.ti~O'fficer of Randolph Field, Texas, t ,".cf.t.e ---000--President has approved a s~ te n~ LOW FLYING TORFJ.DSIGNPOSTS State W.P.A. Project in the . r;. $27 390.00 to effect vario~i1 :9ve~ Just outside the main gate of Randolph mente at that field. The ~.:\ ,"_ ';" Field there are a series of small arrow $9,907.00 is provided for'~) ~~~~ type road signsl with the ~st1c direction of twenty double letl:.'bf ~ n.c' : tiOna "Inner 13," "Outer B," "Inner J ," mise10ned officers' quarts' .: ':t "'00 "Outer J, It "Inner H, n "Outer H~' and many for painting sash and exter If .' , ~f others of a similar nature. .'J:neir purtwelve officers' quarters, ,. ~ : fo pose is to direct the operato~. of the for termite er~d1cation in.> -~ ,. radio equipped trucks, used in connection buildings and ~14.807.00 ~.~ng, with the lnstrwnent Landing Syttem to the hauling and spreading top" 0.\ _' .-. proper Itations, depending upon wind con- backfilling around bUildlngi( ,(ro,I')ls di tions. . on the post. . ..~., Finally one afternoon, a youna..lady of '---000-' ,. l. San AntonIo asked her escort a8 they pa88.':.:.',.C:~:t R I;: ed thr01lg. the gate,. JUlt ,;hat wa.o tho h Upon tho oomploUonof ~_.~~. ~~f meaning of all these 'C'qsterious roa.d . duty in the Panama Oanal. ,,'1i ....2nd signs. He was experienced tDtb8art-ofBJUlLieut&. Harry L. Donibht:' "~ .. ' .. eaJ,ng que,tions of a technical, nature. Elk;rldge,'.Jz .., a..a prop ~ and for fear of becaning inval'Vie,dIboW.d Air 061")31 ~ical School fQr~YI . he attempt to describe the intricate the ,first-named at the Denwi'J: . h~at 'Workings of the Instrument Landing Sl8Lowry Field, OQlo.~ -.nd the81is', - d tem, he merely passed the question off at Ohanute Field. Rantoul. >11l~~)':'" r -10 ~ . V-7946, A.C.
i~~~ai ar;~~t ~B{~ ~~:t c:~endar year 1938, a recent survey of Post Operationl Office records disclosed. ItAltho1lgh these figurel do not compare in volume with some of the stations in the east and north, they indicate that the 'West Point of the Air' haa aeaumed the role'of Alma Mater to an increasing number of graduates. who are beginning to look on the Training Oenter a8 more than another school in the United States Arrtl',{ 'lstem, for it was at the Primary FlyiI1gSchool that their future career, were moulded," the Air Oorps News Letter Oorrespondent declare During the last 15 daYs of December, pilots and orews from 21 fielda in a total of 49 airplanes dropped in at Randolph lield, either for servioe or for an oVQr~ight stop. Among the fielda which furnished visitors during this period were. Adams Field, Little Rock, Ark. 4naeost1a, D. C. Bark.dale Field, La. Bolling Field, D.O. Chanute Field, Ill. Hamilton Field, Oalif. Hartford, Oonn, Hensle~ Field, Texa;. ~leY' Field, Va. ~e'],l Field, Ala. Wai'Oh Fie ld, Oa11f Mll1er 11eld, N.Y. N,Wkl N.J. Moffet; Field, Oalif. Mitchel Field, N.Y. Lambert Field, Mo. Lo,wry Field, Denver, Colo. QUantico, Va. P'en~acolat Fla. Wright Field, Obio.
,,1th: ItOb, they're just used Oil'~ction with Inetrument ,L&.nd1~". II ,., Puz.. dad for a ... nt over.' er, t~.'yo-gng 1& then brighte~~ . arl4 laid: ttwell.,dI guet' tbe pO'~;JJpi br~': bave to fly awfully low to ~ i,b ~ read those little signa." r:~~~l~.~br.~ _-oOO__L ~.~.)'\:'11 L...
, ':; t~ .,.:
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NEW DAY ROOM DEDIOA'l'.IiID14!~mJ~~D AT The 2nd Air Bale fta1J.'fll Field, L.I., NewYor~, de~~. i1~j new Day Roomon'Deceinber 22',' " '" Oolonel T.J. H8nley~ :sale '8fficer, and Ma.JC)r ames W. .' J . I~gtmand1ng Officer of the 2nd;.A.t e '~ Squadron '. were among those":.s ~ing the festivities. Fir.t~ iat~ RUIsell Highley delivered an~ i.l~. during the course of which"aw iMfi1ied the Day Room to the ~mbimlo,' ~t>t the organization. Rdr:e .... nt.~ .... ~l:t.ed and all members pre-aen~ .-~?\"_ ~ selves.,r ....~> .,.,II.c , '!'he ne'ff n&.v Room 11.1ocatil. tp.' basement of"AII Bar~ ana"'eoM> approximate~ 3000 square f~~t'"Mi';f;toor space. It 18 equ.ipped -.n~~i9~ ultra-modern chrome tr~d~~b~l~e~d furni ture and indirect 1~~~~f1!~~~ tures. A fire place.flo~1' .1, .~)~,rd table8- and lNIgazinea .Jnak. e~.. .;Of the "hom.Btll dq room" .rtolMd. throughout .i. 11c, ;"r", MemOer.~f ~he2nd' Air extend their 1nvi tat1onto.' r::.,..1~.. . ":'8.hlisted personnel to, 8pend t&i .,p~ time taking a.d~tage of tli!l e__ ~ftable Day Room" :)..; .....;
'.~' .
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AroPTEDBY INDIAN TRIBE AIR CORPS'LARGEST POSTHAS MINIMUM . OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDEl~S. ,jJ'~' 2'~ff1cer Harrison Bi1l1Disley, . The Randolph Field Correspondent def. .r Air :Bale Sqwa.dron, MarCh clares tnat if a city of almost 3.500 F 'e~ i-B terd4ei' Oal{t'e! was recent'1y aCl6~.~a 5 the 0 dest .tr be' of the Hopi persons went through an entire year !ndiani In secret ceremoniel conducted . w1th on17 four minor automobile accidents, consisting of scratched andbent in Riverside. He wat the 126th white fenders, would in all probability man to be adbpted b7 the tribe. .Among be nominated as "the nation's Safe.t , ~~, ~B.e"l'face" brothers are:' a. relative CulohiI'131111ngsle7, who for'17 year. City. n If this city had an automobile population of one car for every two ;bi8~!~Ni~~sel7 associated with the ana a fraction person8. this record it ~~ s and act. &1 their interpret ~~5 nlted Sta~e. Senato~ Ralph M. would be considered even more remarkable. l~~f.. ~~fArizona. "The I o.ity'o! Raridolph Field, Texa.," ~.,Mr, . ~lng.lel now goel b7 the name he B83Si It~s.boastiilg of this record, '0':) ~jb-kee CFox OlawI), an~ strides which was disclosed in the annual inOm his office' "tepee" (Air 'ttE 11') , with thedigni tl and calm spection of records in the Provost Marshal' 8 office. The official popula.b ~.~ rihis exalted place of honor in tion,of Randolph Fi:e1d is 2 ..980 per._~ Li ~ricat s "fir It famil1'e8." Bons Whoactual17 live on the post. It GiiN'Oi ~ completion of the ini tial is estimated that an additional 500 f" two very hospitable chiefs civilians are empl07ed on the post 1\ :3,. eb~1pe - "Looking for Wh1 te Porcup ne QUIlls" and "D1splqed on the SaCI8 either on the construction of the two Cadet barracks or A~R~. -'.80"' ited "Fox Claws" 'to Viai.t the new Flyingempl07ees in var!ou.a a8 .. civilian capaci3~. iD~ in its native Arizona. tiel. . . "1,'I:;r e;~~ifa visl t,lt the7 urgedit "Come , liThe Provo8t Marshal's office reports ,,1:!e~[ly.I,;and sta7 for a year. that 1,018 automo1;li1eaare registered -;~f~:-t,i~:~~: :. ~i;~~:l:i~t~O on the post, but this number does not include the cars operat-ed by thet~J,t!ach th~ the use of modern rarily employed civ~l1ans.ln addin J.11ngBle7 learned the CUB toms of tion to the automob~les permanentlY thfllan Blal Indians of South and Cenr~istered, there 1s a steady flow. of visi tors to the t-weat Point of the ;:H~~!,~e~~~a while .n a tour of duty in Air. t but deapi tethe 'down town' traf".... m'd;'he secret tribal order of the . p: ~ !-9~' its history back to the an- fio congestion that occasionally arises, onlY four minor traffic acci,II'j n'f.IIl1d builders of Central dents have been reported in the year erica woo.lived in 2000 B.C. As an o'bllation of membership, Mr. 1938." Billingsley Is to attend a gathering fer ---000--the adlDipi.tration of higher degrees at Mesa, .A.t1z_na, in Febru.ary. VETERANONCOMMISSIONED N OFFICER . ---000--RETIRESFROM ACTIV~SERVICE
' 'H
Sergeant Hubert Jones, veteran of more than thirty years' service,- rer. ~}~if ~on th~ visit to March Field, tired at Randolph Field,. Texas, 'On the r ~'i1::January 9th, of Colonel John last ~ of December, 1':138. War DeH..., ~1r Corps Coumanding Officer partment Orders, dated Dec'ember20, O'f".'.. " ~:"/"F1eldi A. la., the News Letter 1938, authorized the retirement. _9Rl~ . nt re ates that the Colonel. A member of the 47th School Squadron ~p.~ ~ comma.nded March Field, was since April 23, 1931, Sergeant Jones n j;s arrival by a host of was presented with a sporti;ng rifle at . '.:t'. f ~~.I'j.Jle.. e However, to thelr ear- a dinnerSquadron prior by hie c011e8&\1e8 8g . r to offer hos!?i~ali ty .. tendered him to h1~, ret1re'd,,;t . n ~. atay. in the n~. ~,. 'that he be a guest in one of ment. He plans to make his home in or . t 'J:-. '1 COlonel Pirie: .turned a deaf near san .Antonio. 'S . a1nedr. Sergeant Jones' service date. from .r. IIJ \\lithe time I Was COIIlll&nding A:ugu8t 28, 1904, when he enlisted in ';0 ot':~arch Field. I aaligned many COIDp&pt 29th Infantry. M He served a visiting offi-cer to the guest quarters with the doughboys until January 8, tn the Officers' Club, where they had 191~, when he transferrfd to the MedicI~ql.ity of taking a bath in the a1 Corps. After another short tour ; ".1) . fJfJ ....~'b1aOk. -tile." .batht.. b in.sta.11e"'. with the Infantry, he transferred u .. to ~. ., ~ ;itts ll13 turn - and I me~ the Air COrpl on november 13, 1923.when . BtSf 'oJ-H ~tale ot itl" .... .,.,. '. , he .. '''8s~d to the 46th School ,-tift .,.~'+' --000--SQ.\\&Qr.' on. He transferred to the 47th j::. l~l':R~i~:ions of material for the News SCbool Squadron on April 23, 1931, and bLe ~a~e~~oliclted from Ham11ton,Scott, served with that unit until his retireUS:che~...:: .Owry and Chanute Fie1d8. t Jn9nt, ", .~l. 1'"}4.~(."'.. 1).. V-7946 , A. C.
e, ... '
RETIRniENT TECHNICAL OF SERGt,ANT MOORE he and his wife intend to live part of the time. He also owne a sma.~~~t 'rders were recently received from the Cotulla, and he expects to ~i~i~e'h~s' War Department placing Technical Sergeant time between these two placejB.. ~I.JW John Henry Moore. 46 years of ace, of has a number of relatives l1:v1~;1:n,'" Kelly Field, Texas, on the retired list both localities. ,":"T> of the Army, effective December 31, 1938, Sergeant Moore, who is ret~r;~ ~t:i.a:n . after more than 30 years' active service. unusually young age entered:tli~ .er~: Sergeant Moore, who was a member of the vice at the age of 17. He bene{itted, Medical Department (Veterinary Service), considerably through the do-uq)"et1zfle.. first enlisted in the Regular Army on credi t he received for forei~'~~~vice. October 19, 1909, at Columbus Barracks, He was bern and raised at Fr1,I/-lly,,:.-' Ohio, during which enl1stmen~ he served West s. Hexecalls that aft~t2l:e~V~~ with the 15th U.S. Infantry "Can Do" his Friendly home he proceel1~a.::.~o~".;. Regiment) in the Philippine slands and Kentuclq to win fame and f01't'\Ul~.':Be in China. During subsequent enlistments found work there, but Itates'.JihAt.\!t: he served with the 20th, 8th and 31st did not come up to his expecs~I~:tiQ~ : reciments of Infantry, both in the States and looking to other fields1).$deQ14ed. as well as in the Philippines and in that the Army was the Placet6i,'~'I"nC ... Siberia, andof military posts. in the Medlcal Department. He his flag continuously and .};\., 'ce. c e<:,.~. :~"$f.V.'.at a number ed thereupon enlis. ted, eVRt' During the World War, Sergeant Moore The Sergeant received thec,~~~ 6. ~t"-. served with the American ExPeditionary Technical Sergeant on Decemp.~r.,.1~~, Forces in Siberia. He recalls that his and is the proud possessor 'It'0'~ ~:r". .::l ~:. ... service in that far-flung outpost of World War Victory Medal with S1%r.i.~" Uncle Sam was probably the most unpleasclasp. ;jd'~ ~r~ . ant in his career due to the extremes During his earlier ~s 1'.0:,. . ~'r, in tezq>erature. it Vladivostok, where vice (19l3-1915J, he recalls~1i : de he was stationed, the thermomet~r registhat he was a member of a ~, . '. tered 110 degrees in the shade ~AND NO Fort Bliss that escorted Ge~~ SHADEl in the summer of 1919 and during of the Mexican Arrrr:/ and his;". '~.'?If;1:'l.~ the w nter of 1918-19 it regIstered 63 5,000 men from Marfa, where c . ~Ie:ral degrees below zero - where for three had surrendered to a. detachme~;o.J:.J;lle ~s and nights the men of his organiza15th Cavalry. to Fort Bliss,:);~'a:' t}len t10n were unable to leave their billets to Wingate, NewMexico, for ..%w-f"~jliit due to the severe cold, and of necessity at a detention camp. Accol",~ ... o\.the ~ wore practically all their clothing and Sergeant, when the initial :~t'F'~S" bedding to keep from freezing. The most made of the Mexicanprisoneta. ~ pleasant moment of his service in Vladl5,200 were counted, but aft~~ 8:l)o~t-r~: vostok, according to the Sergeant~ was week, when the word went th.&. )'-'~~ .: ~f ' the day he led the Armistice ~y Pazade how well the Americ~ Army :t~<t k~tU.i:' in that city - which was participated in prisoners, .an addi honal th-p~l.:;" by all troops of the Allied Armies :r.risoners managed somehowo,:r;!.~ e~~!~~, .. when he was Drum Major of the 31st U. S. 'crash" the stockade of the .H'.:JJopr.[,::.: . Infantry Band. All of Sergeant Moore' s~. . p , While in the Philippines, Sergeant certificates bear the notat;i:9n,j,., .' Moore took personal care of Major General "Character - Excellent," an41llEt;AA~,. Omar BundY's favorite mount, and upon re- been the recipient of numer~~ceiving hls discharge from his then curdations for his meri toriouS:(JJet~'~~~e rent enlistment was given the very unlatest being the one receiv~.d ~'t riO;; usual distinction of having his discharge August from the Quartermast.e,r-~. ';. certificate signed personally by General Officer, 8th Corps Area Ge.n.~r;c: . . 't~ Bunq. . for the efficient manner in~i:eh.\" In reminiscing over his happy 30 years performed his duties as aS~lI~t~ ,~" of interesting and varied active service, the Veterinarian of that :oe~t, ;t1~ipc': Sergeant Moore looks back to the most the conduct of the Third Ar1lI '. s~~Va~~y :i t~j~~:d15~1:n~e20~~ h Maneuvers. ---000--- .'j; i.'" . . :.; regiments of Infantry at Fort DouglaS .. ".. .." i. r Utah. He reiterated, however, that h ls TD4POlURYROMOTIOJS~"-:'J~.j;,J. P more than nine years' service in the ~..: ;; 1, ~-, Philippines, China and Siberia were proSpecial Orders of the War D:qNltm~J1~a~, bably the most interesting and diversirecently issued, announced, . .l~~or~fied. ry' a:ppointment as of Janual'i' 9.(' This splendid noncommissioned officer, of Lleut. Colonel John B. ~~99~,J itj who has served his country in the far Corps, to the rank of ColoZlf3; ,MP.DQr.. corners of the earth somehowor other Joseph H. ~v1dson, Air Corl <tCrith~j managed to serve at l ntermi ttent perirank of Lieut. Colonel, and'\;G&p_i~ :j~ ods in the San Antonio area for about 10 Everett S. Davis, Air Corp.....:;tOl.l1tlUlT ' years . 'SArgeant Moore owns a home on rank of Major. '.~2 OlS" ':I.;.\~.~ Monterrey street in San Antonio, where ---oOo--:r ,Crjj ,.11 1. <, -12V-794e~ "'1Q~')"
.~.c aJ'.l,:jn.Lri~:' ~~
the introduction of instrument flying In&'tructlon in the Air Corps. I t had ~a~~qrder8 at" the ..... War':DepartrDent.: .been firmly eE!tablished that individurecentl'f"fBSU8d. ':re1,.ieved:Lieut . Colonel ala . were blind-folded, placed in a D.a"{fd.,4~Jti.8i".-.:lled1Cal-oorp8 .,Flight .. r~volv1ng Chair and rotated for a few . $Uti e. n.".Jflo~m ... o .. ~"i~the: .. ?:dc . ().f the o ~n .. , invariably replied after the Chi f r~l' ..~e . .ur-Oorpa.,:':washit1gi.:l D.C., ehai1t was gently stopped that they had an~ si~d him to statian:at . Iton started to turn in the opposite direcFie.~4~.,S~;,Rafael, 'Oa11f., Colonel~er.., tioIi,' of p:i'1or motion. The tendency of .who '~$, &~n on duty in the' ..MedicalSec- an individual's eenles to play him t1Q~rreft. 1cc., of the. Chief, Of the Air .:' falle in a 8i tuation of this kind is ... OCtP8~~ 8!hce February 20, 1935, became' . the r,eaul t of induced vertigo. Cbief ..~tlJ,at Section on October 17 '. Colonel lqerl gave this induced verti193~. ', n .'the relief from duty as Chief go test toOolonel Ocker to ascertain,Gi. eon of hiB predeces80rlLieut~ lrhat the mental reaction, ofa.n oldOo).t~i" colm C. Grow, Medical liorps. time pilot would be when he discovered ~'):l>~~fi of Oambria Wis.!. where he he coUld not tell whether he was turn._,.~b~l"Ir'PJl June 16, 1876 liolonel Myers ing or si tt1:Qgstill. Following the -gta~~d..'trom high schoo 1at Marshfleld, test, ColonelOcker departed without w~~,:~" ...hen attended the Univerei ty of comment of.8.n kind, but soon returned t M~ , t$,~for two years, and in'tbe year 1Iith a View box which he carried in his 11'9 'll~~ZO@.dua.ted from McGill Univerai ty, hand. Colonel Ocker had realized the Mop.~rj.'panada., with an M.D.C.M. defallibility of the human sen.esas a grlre~"'"- .. true barometer of the actions .of an ~i~., + tbe World War, Colonel Myers,' airplane in flight. when the visiQn of f~~f9'b.'Vr' 19, 1918. was appointed a the pilot was cut off by fog or Qtber ;-' ., ,'tl~~~the Medical COrPI U.S. ,Arl11. conditions. He and Colonel MYere de" 'i'seter-al weeks he was on duty as an signed a small box with a bank and turn :inatruCtorat the Medical Officers'. indicator and other instruments which T.rai~J~ at Camp Greenleaf', Fort was intended to be used in connection .01'e, : 'e, a., follow1~ which he was wi th the testing of pilots in the re .. ~.if." ' d to Payne Field, We8tPoint. volving chair, in order to demonetrate Mislfirhere for a period .Of about six the fallib i11 ty of the h'WI&n lensel when : mtJ1 ',h:$; was on duty as Assietant Post contact with the earth by meana of sight ~i!eon:,and later as Post SUrgeon.' wae no longer possible. ,.;k'ft;&i" &,';period of duty &s a Itudent With the view box in his possession, off'1'C-erEitthe Medical Research LaboraColonel Ocker was again examined by .tori ~'~zelhurst Field, L.I' New Colonel Myerl. ~e revolving chair i York. :~l.<$ was then the Schoo for , test _8 repeated in all combinations Fl~t' 8urt;eons, and followiDg his grad- of rotation. using the unl1ghted box -..a.tldi1:,;tbe-refrom,he was, on July 25, to cut out the light and thul remove 1~gf.[*8.ri8ferred to Post Field, Fort Bight from the equilibri'Um sen8e8. Sil.l1'-':ok:l:a.., for duty as Flight SUrgeon. There was the usual induced vertigo, OnOct"dbet-'ia 1919, he was transferred with the usual inability to tell corto Ke'J:1y!'P1eld, Texas, for duty Flight rectly which wa:f the bo~ wal turning. ~n;ln.connect1on with the Mexican One of the instruments, a gyroscope, :eortt~&r") trol. In APril., 1922, he was was then started and the Bank and Turn aut e"toduty as l'light Surgeon with Indica.tor was into action. JA. the iOb"Bervation Squadron at Fort flashlight bulb installed in the view Bl-tffs~:r)'exaiJ. box was turned on and the testa were . 'F()t~~'1ythree years, from April, repeated. This time every anlwer was 192Z ,..:eol~n&l Myers was on duty in the correct as to direction of motion, Ha._l.~: cDePartment as Senior Flight stopping and Btarting. Even the eonru~,~wilih statiOn at .Luke Field. sion of reversals was absent. The BenUpon his ..eturn to the United States eations were felt the same a.s before, in May, 1926, he was&ss1gned to duty at but by giving the answer ehownby the Cr188Y Field, Presidio of San Francisco, indicator needle on the Bank and Turn Calif., a.Poet Surgeon. Four years instrument instead of the answer promptlater, he.'wastransferred to Mitchel, ad by hi, 8eneew. it was found imposF1~1~ L. It NewYork, where he served sible to co~uBe him. ~~~1{i!AM-~i. 1933, when he was auignsd Th~s demonstration started the re-tir: . tl~!Fat Forli $creven, Ga . where t.. loarch ~nto blind flying. It was 1mhe~,~rvea ~. Post Surgeon, alsQ &s Dis" recognized that here was the t'~()~',$Vg'eQn, C.C.O.1. for tlle ta, te. of answer to the inability of pilots to Flor1~.; Gtorgiaand south Cqolina, un- perform bl1nd flying without a visual ttJ.JhttJ "'I~ent to duty in Washington reference to gravity. By lighting the in 'ib~y~, 1935. ' box, the equilibrium senaes were re!~.i_8jav1ng tb,e year 19a6~ .n Co .. .tored to a coordinated action. Merely l. Myer~ 'WaS stationed at OrllW 1te1d. r.stori~ .1~~tto the equilibri'Um Cal~f., that.he andL1eut. Colonel Wm~ 0 8enS8 is not eno~ however. There OCl(erj..Ui-,JQ(>rpe,conducted certain ez- be something within the pilot' .. P9.r1ments end J'eeearch work which led to range ot vision that will a.ct a8 a ver. -13V...7946.. .4.C. ~~~.:l'~_
,,- ~'tI
';" ,
AigO .topper and teU him ..hat jlOe1tion both at St. Mary'l HOlpital at Olhkosh, I ship 11 in with relation to the . WiLl., and St. ~el Hospital ~.d9~idu earth' 8 surfaoe' 1n other word., allo. Lao. Wia. j Surgeon at the Soutnw tern thep110t mentally to viirualize Rwhere Hospital. Law~ont Okla., and ~~ting. 1. the ground II and to establish hil Surgeon at the 1Cl0wa. C01IlD&l1Q):.u.r:,'IAA~)' Ipatial poeition. The needle on the HOSPita.l, alBo at Lawton, Ok~,: ..:~'.\\~ .'a ",~ Bank: and Turn Indioator ,,111 accurately also surgeon with the Southwe,.~-@'n: . 1 abow motion in either direction, right Telephone OOIJ:I.P&%lY and with th"~iS " ~ .t: or left, and will come to a dead center western Electric Company. FoI:,<AtPn:~()~ and r~main there when there i. no rotaof eight ~ear. he .... 8 J.8e1st~.}-&taUt ': Uon. Heal t1i Officer for Oklahoma,: ,Mdt othpr, Constant repetition. of demonstration. CiViC~sitione he filled WeJ'tttl;;,tl\QaEt.,'lo-t., with the Ocker-L\Yere IIVertigo Stopper City dc1an of Lawton, OklehOllL.' ~ Box" finally convinced piloh that it County ~lic1e.n,Commanche COu.n~~:l;';, W&sa.'real lie d. tector and that, on the Oklahoma. e ; ..; ~i 0 ," gro-.nd at least, they could not tell Colonel MYerl is a member of .th.e!'.ua.rwhich we:y they were turning, provided iean Medical ABlociation and.,aBB1UQJf::; there 'was no visual reference on whioh of the .American College of Sutrg8Dill8;lQ!e the lense of sight could depend. lerved al ..1e1.tant profes8or,8 WJEr.di~; W1 Colonel Ocker at the con tro 18. th Jur1 eprudence ,Oklahoma Univemi \y";1. ~i;J Colonel M.vers spent m&IlY houra in the also ae pre81dent of the Oklahoma ~~. air as a-1tBl1ndFlylnglt oblerver in a Medical Aeeociation; preI1d.enb.r~~_v1C8hooded cockpit in wh1ch no instrumente president of theCoIllIllUlche ~~hact been installed. ~ means of stringel al AS80ciat1on, and vlce-pre.d.cbm\r of~l! he com:mm1cated to Colonel Ocker what lie I the Southwestern Med1oalA.s'Ctdls.t1:Q1l~o.(Colonel Myer8) tho'Ul:ht Colonel Ocker I ..-000:...... <')' 'jw "t:,t waa d01ngwith the sliip from time to ",,:,n;,. r,,);',". time. Colonel Ocker kept of the .1 NEW CRASH BOAT RE1C.HES~OOX," nllhD various maneuvere the a1rplane put ".".",J..,., ,:.- . through, and~n returning .from theae .1 new orash bo...t, dea1gnat8Jd:; ;,tha:; flightl the ob8ervatione of Colonel I P-18, was delivered to the Tr~ldyers '.on, the actual perfonnanoe of the t10n Officer at Albrook F1e:Ld..-! EaDaDII, ' ' were CheCke, d. .Invar1ably Colonel O&tlal Zone, late in 'December'i!h4Vhig J[ era .was,'lm8.ble. to t,ell with a.ccurac7 been shipped f:roomthe Statel ~udr the 't~ .maneuvers'the p~e had gone .A.rmy Freighter LUDINGTON.~o-.e.lfT tp,roug}1orin: whatpolition the plane re8cue boat i8 a 35-foot, orub.,. ;~lr,t -s~,:at a certain ~ecifled. time. in Freeport, LODgIsland, N..rl.'1f.1JQd.j,~ , :''lhe.yalue 0' the' Ocker-Myera vie. box i capable ofapeeda up to thl~_ 'JQ1, :';' becama' generally recognised ..s the only I per hour. ,: lOti ..j" ...:, ' ' 'ineansa. vallable of instructing pilote j. larger boat! whichia be~'.'t'eb'\tl1t 'and prospective pilot . while on the from a Navy hul , will, wh~~ted, &round. in the seneatioI+,lthey would exbe t-urned over to the A & R '];)$aJ!>,1Dent peri'enceand the reactions they would I at Albrook 'ield and placed<atct1ile:'M~have,'ifthey at temp,ed to do blind fly- ~: osal of po.t personnel for l:'eCl'lIatirmi t p ing,with-gut an artificial horizon. The purpo.ea. ' .. ~:\r ,'~ " definition given for "Artificial Horizon' --...000--":' . 'r':~::l ';(': 1s set forth in the original manuscript I ,<-i:. IWC':.: i:' repOrting on this re.e8J,"ch work, and ls .AN IBRAND OF MERCY IN THBl,~. zon as tollow8: I C~ .r:(.:;~" "iJ tt.Any 1netrument or combination of inOn the afternoon of Decemb.r,,':2ath,~at strument. which .. 1-11 quickly, easily and i the request ot the COIIlD&ndiDg 'Officer reliably give the pilet information whi~ of ths7leet Air Base at Coco Solo, he TIJB:Y mentally visualize in terms of : canal Zone, an aerial search .. .ae1nl ..'-, . Where is the ground." I tiated for a Naval officer :'~tairi ,,Alluding to Colonel Myers ..s the silent; Sherman, who was overdue Coco Solo, partner of Colonel Ocker in working out I enroute from David, Republic1fl':;Panama. the faulty reaction. of pilote and the Before the 8earch plane. had,"nthe necenity of learning to fly by instruI air, a repcrt came in by t&lepituine.Jof ments, a high-ranldDg . 90rpe officer II the forc.eci landing of the .bllP, '~t7Pe:. r made the statement that if it had not F4B4, from the town of 1& Mesa J.wnez.e. been for Colonel Myers' work it is doubt-! there 18 an aUX1l1ary land1naj!t.14.~o. ful whether mu.chprogre.8 would have I the David route. Two A-l?' 8icf~_"'b1 been made in this connection. I Lieut!. Clark and Gent, .... liMptO-u ----I the field,with Lieut. Coloner.rWooclPS~ Colonell4.vers is the author of many Woolford, Medical COrpl.. to:'!CI8.I'.oto~!tbe article. which have bee~ publ1ebed in injured pilot and retU1"i1lliJl,3.t'oehlS<HjJ medical Journal.. Follow1ngbJ.8 gxoadua- .station. ":oa .rn:Ja L!.t tion from McGUl Univerl1ty, hewaa en.. The plane had been or h8d&tAJ:e,E;to~~gaged for several year. in poat Bf_cmatt> ed landing and the pilot,' work in medicine at St. Loui8. Chio,,&o from a broken and brokeA/l;.tb.)'I~ .. and Cleveland. He.. house surgeon been.brought in on hQrlebaokJ f'O~f)..tur, -14" V-?946~jA~C{}";
I i
J L,.
aeJ'o~c cleanne,. of deentails emooth contour., low drag powerun1t'l' thin wing., comCo-l~l' Cherle. deJ'~ Q " '1", who.. plet.~ retractable, and1J1gJ.ear, no atfl11at,!tA''Wtth ~ aViation in It. lnterferene .. , the a'Q_olute nlmum of '88rly~. from the v~y beginn1ng" ud coo11~ drag, and the general ab8ence whocvls.'Jlowonthe retired ';Listf tiJEe. of all bumps such as expoeed rlvet., ex'C&pt1on'to the "'t,ateinent 'in liheN ..w lap jo1nt" tall wheel" exhaust stack., y .. ,~ .. t1ng of the Chlef of the Atr air Intakel aerial and a ho.t of ,~' ~n"~ January let i8sue tO"the other parasIte.. .A emooth finish 1, etfeo:t'.JtlW;t July' 29th 1s the a.nn1v.rlary requillte to reduc.d ,kin fr1ction drag ;dat'i :of:)rti purChase of the flrlt jzrrq and all openi.ngl must be carefully a1r~t;'He stat that that date 11 .ealed to prevent le~ and 8Ubee~nt a blt too Boon according to the off101al interference 10..... ar.w ~ccommoda-''o~,f :adding that the demo~tratl0naf' tions and arrangement UIWItbe roduced th..:~ ...coimtry feature and epeedt t to the minimum cUJD8nl1onscone1stent j!or <the:'~.\ght airplan. bl On11, 18 Wright 11'1 efficient th :fulfillment of the mili.... ,~: carlauotedal part of the official tan" milSion." \ triaUt;.~-J!ort Myer ~ Va. until July With ~e.pectt to aircraft engine '~. 'GD:8Vda.v after the date refe~red to General .Arnold .tated that, no matter - don',:tli:~tIJgft.tlng a_ the purcba date. He how &ero~c&lly clean aircraft may - 'add.' ~th8r that after all of theta_t. become ~n the future,crule1ng had: lfAJi, teompleted the .leronauUcal IPeedlof 300 m.p,h. and above for bomBoar4:he'ld;'a formal l:rleet,lng on ,.l'UgUet2, bardment alrcraf~L and bj,gh epeede of 190~. which proceedings recommended ,the between 450 and eoo m.p.h, for pul"au1t ac~e.ptan~e of the Wright machine. The planes wll1lJ18an great increase of pndeecllng_ of the J.eronaut1cal Board hor,ep<)wer 11'1 th a considerable ,_tepu;p were approved by the Chief Signal Offlin ,the unit of enginel. Motor. of c."on.rt!ie, 18me date. ' from 3-4,000 h.p. no doubt 11'11.1 e b ' 00101181;' 'Chandler contend,that beoaule built and eng1ne_ of larger 8ize wl11 01': that' actlon on the eecond of .Augu.~. be constructed if these irovelatiait lrou1~f .eem that date 18 the proper one factQJ7 He added that B1nce in all to ue. I the beginnlng of ,Irm:y AvIation. probablh ty we have a1rea~ attalned 'l'he'N Letter expr ..... ita appr.clthe maximuin lize in the lndlvid'qAl cylation,to'-Oolonel Chandler fOl" brlDC1~ inder the probl.m becomes one of i:VBa~ent1on to thl. matter 'and gladll' groupIng a multiple number of cylindere acce~t. ~e correciton, in an arrangement that create. the . ,Colonel Chandler .a commanding Offlminimum amount of aero~c drag.! .l, 'c.rr,af. th., first #Jq AViation SohoGl, airplanes grow larger we undoubted.l.v ,at:COl1ePark. Md. and .l'UgU8ta. Ga., aha1.1 b'U17 the engine. cOlDpletely with~tdg:;tPe years 191i to 1913. He wal a in the wing. Me.ban1cal lqout. ~ool-' m"'bf"LJot, the Board of Offlc.r. cond.uct- ~ng, balance~f1ring order distribution, b2S 'trb.'.Wr1ght a1:rPlan. trlal. at Fort and lUPervia lhou1d all b. thoroughMyel', Va In 1909.Dur~Ilg the World y analyzed 11'1 a view to great 1mlrar he .erved overseaa al Ch~ef of the provament. Balloon Section, .A.. E.)'. , from Novemb.r, I '''Eng"ne development and fu.l develop;.. 19111,Jto' J.bruary, 1918, and then 1D8nt! progreesed band in hand. Th. ord.F~~ to Washlngton for duty a. Chief ~mprovement in anti-knock value of "Ie;f ,talW~1100n and J.1rlhip Divlsion. fuels haa been largely utillzed by , ".,t::.(n --000pre lent a1rcraft .ngi~ea ln obtain1ng . ,.;,C' C . increased power ou~t. In thi. c~nT!.n, 11tan .Aircraft n.ct1,on the engine of to~ burn. 1ta r-.' ;~'. ntlnued trompage '~~~', ' 'own "e~ght of fUel ln a four-hour i ".!J ..-, 1._0, , fl1ght at cru1sUlg speed. For long ' .pcmenta1:will probably change but 11ttle,' airp1ane. one oan readily Boe molded by 1nflexibl, e 'lawl Wh, low specific fuel conaumption .re \ a.Jthe~'cr., 'gOTel'D othe contourat del1gned to pall 11'111 become mol'. important thaD. speclfrea4t,ly., ,o-ugh a fluia. JIled1um~ But in ~o welght of engine ,alle.l,arr.angement. Itv.ral recent de"The long range airplane w111be of YolO~tl~; .... or ~re p~oper1..v epeak1ng, l~ttle vallie un~e .. 1t8 wnl' plant. r,eviYa1::o~\ old ldea. - have 'begun to ex- are able to function for long perlodl ert,. qllll~e a large and di.turblng lntlu.of time under minimum fuel Qon.umption eac ....()':rTje first 1a the reinoarnation of condition., SUCh enginel mi1et be de.,th'()~I'.t-)wh.el, the ume "in prindple aa I1gned for extreme r.llab~l1 ty and em.the?,Ol1ecue,d ln 1908, The ".econdrev1val rabilit7 far in exceel of &J1Yth, ing ii .t~~l .ome distance off, but it 1, &yailable to~. It 1. au1te probable -f'*1aA~e~radical change;: 'that 11, the tha. ~~hthe aircraft afructure and taU"*fit.-*'arr~, ementt'~,"i'hl' ,c,o,'n'~',t,'~ the P, ,fQpell.r will have to b. lnlU1a~ed UrfIQoaUnc: the hor'.on~). ,~;a. .~~ ... qa~n.tth.,abAotmallv - vere vl'br&-' aaeadpoflthe wing and th-u,1 ut~U.lng tlo~ tha\ 'Qreed in the engine. of ~bell.t.. l1 surface. in & Uftlug l.ft.ol",t.-.~. appeal to me that engine develIt goeB 11'1 thout e~lJJg t~t we",. , OPJD8nt t the prelent time 18 lagging a . ~llV-7946. A.C.
JL'~C!;tf.~!, DlTE OJ' J'IRST ABMY.uRP~/ .:l"LJ., , ":',:1 '~,' of the Air Ne", L.lter,
iUcn and ~,
behind many other aeronautical featureB cause of the~r good forg1~prope~tie8 and accessories and that there must be and their ab1lity to develop high and early stimulation of engine develo~ent uniform properties in relatlvel~VY to provide us the airplanes we require." sections after oil quenching..u:':": . ris Pointing to the pose1bility o. the. f need for. a steel whIch w11l bBY e::~aluminum indUstry being serioualy handisile strength ot 260,0.00 to. ~.:OOO,. capped in supplying all the needs of t?e pounds per square inch~toge'~'~" a aircraft indUstry in the eveJlt of amaJor I reasonable ductility,, emergency. General Arnold stated that the 1 and a fatigue strength 0 b8.1~' d~. ;ul! .. 8 Air Corpl is now inveltigat1ng the manu- ,timate. SUcha Iteel has no.t:1(J't; ap~, facture of airplanes made of materials peared. .~ other than aluminum; that bakelite pro"The developznent of aU8tenittu"t s~~l:e pellers and pulleys have been known for and the years and instrument boarda and cases well as the nickel-molybde~n; 8.1... are now being satisfactorily molded. 10Y8, w111probably continwl:(;.. There is the possibility of molding wing fort to get a more 1IU1table ma~tal,; spars and ribs and fueelages from thermo forexha'l18~ stacks .. Weare:~ for setting plastics reinforced by wood and something which will*~cm! wire. "The industry," he said, "can be and 8caling and yet hav.,ea )li~ ~ expected to investigate this ponlbllity at elevated temperaFuz"ee., , - '" SU'j :~~~. fully in the very near future! with what "The use of paint-type coa~sJon;~ ma.v, erhaps be startling p resu tl. the exterior surfaces of metaJ. ~~'d . "'Teare today flYing a small quantity airplanes w11~probably deerA.,,~"~Iv,is of Ipot-welded stalnlese. steel Winge and doubtful if the weight added:.~~Ilt predict that the use of spot-welded finishe., their cost of appl1@.#JroIi~~d stainless steel is 'on' the up grade. More maintenancet especially With:"'l\lrEJS41~.iot it. will be used, particularly around culty of ma1ntaining the CO.. t4't1gB~01t.l the engine nacelles to reduce the fire leading edges of high speed .:l~ .... ballard. Perhaps we shall make a conplete and the cost of removal and'jfefl'Wt1dmg air.plane out o? stainlels steel eventuafter a period of service wa~_b~,t;lie ' alll'. return to painted surfaces on ':it\lW'; "Tne spot welding of aluminum all01s aircraft. . ':~'Iq:.:~.a r..:' i8 also on the increase, and witllin "The replacement of rubbe~._ ert4~,' a fewy .. rs take the place of~Ush ri. which ~s a strategic material.l!:~JflH'Ubvets on exposed surfaces. The Air Corps I ber-like synthetics is being 'Hl9~Oy!.oha.l one }:lair of aluminum wings f~ing compl1shed. Synthetic hose for fuel. t09aYwblch are entirely sPOt-welded. II 011 and prestone lines has.,;pr.9:'f,4.,J\+~ Dec1.~i~ that the modern airplane re- perior to the rubber hOle, and,'~';uee qUire. D:l$terials having a high strengthof synthetics is rapidly exte:pd1~, to t"o-we1ght'ratio, General Arnold added tirea, tubes and balloon fa~*i:ci~ ... '~J ~ that other factors, such as fatigue "'Ie oxpect in the near fut'nriOtorab .... st:re~th. yield strength, notch sensitiricate our parachutes out tl" vity, dUctility impact strength and material whlch promises in 'e~~"r . ct corrOiionresistance, are of importance to exceed the performance aft~'~~~ . and must be considered in designing airties of the fiber made by the.P!~:rm. plan.e parts. Weare doing eVerything'POIJ'.~ . :~(t,', "At. the present time," he said.!. "aluI utilize materials made in Am ~ ''He", minumalloll constitute between '/5 and search and development wi11'" ~!~.; .. 85 percent of the structural weight o. f with the objective of maldntr, ,!.~Y8S ~_military airplanes and approx1ma.te- self-sufficient 80 that we '~t'~::~ ly 50 percent of the weight of the enhave to rely upon a foreign' "Q~~ at. gine. There is room for improvement in lupply for an essential ra.~~~~ial '. the ability of these alloys to resist in a time of national emerg~1cn' . fatigue. Forging alloY8 of aluminumhave Pointing to the pr08peCt1~'1~r~~ ..e a fati~ strength of only 25 percent of in horsepower, tOiether wi~~t . l~their ultimate whereas in the forging ned increase an h1gh altitu.~' '~a8 alloys of steel ths fatigue streD8th ap- requiriD8 a considAlr,able t~ proachee 50 percent of the ultimate. Per- in propeller development, General _ haps some brllliantmetallurgist in the Arnold stated that the sol~n of ~ronear future can rearrange the grain pellers for the smaller airplanes w11l structure, or perfect a forging techn1que .probablY be found in .the d'~. Qt' ..;proto develop further this very important peller8 havi!Jg four and fi~~ o.5;~" ... phf.'sical property. bladea of relatively small.~ itiU'~ IRecen.t developments of an alloy of mounted either in a 8ingle~~ , J:~.' ,jid~nesium-aluminum-zino and manganele ed equally between two hub.- . ..~ .
Of~~~! ..
on. It appears that other metallurgical i~rovements may extend the application of ~e.lum in airoraft construction. "The heat-t~eated low-alloy Iteele are standard materials for highlY .streued a1~lane and engine par.ts. The use of SAE~l40 and .4340 eteel 1s 1ncreasingbe-
same center of rotation. t~. l .. ger airplanes the solution t . found in the development of prop fte~8 of three, or possibly four, bla.des having a diameter upward of 20 feet. The primary des~n'problem here necessitate. the aat1stactory dev~lopment of -1 V ..7946. A.C.
lighter ln weight than preILl 13 U T T L while atl11 JIIa1ntaining 8&t-'UnOIqIDQU8 lafaC'.tm. blade effic1enC7. enduranoe . AtUi \p~t aafety. Hollow eteel, hollow Lut night dut"ai:fr.Jll8gnee1um. pla,ticallY in:preg- deep in tbe page8 of a allele and nat"ea- ,Il10041 all leem to. be PQ8elb111tiel. papered PUblloatlon whlob I b~ Becau,e: 'Of the high efflclency and each month to look at the picturel flenbl11 ty of operation of the control- I chanced upon the discreet and ,la'hbt. pr.DpJller as 1t ex181;s today. 1t dignified advertisement 1f1.11:.tlifi~ year' before ~ otherme&n8 of a ~7J1ified 1nS\U'ancefirm .~: ~s1on. Iuch al rocket 01' jet for his te:l:1; ~~181.on.. can be expected on a large the. adwritel' .00iIio~, had chasen the calm efficiency '. a.:e...~o the 1r8t completelY auto of modern fqiDg IIlSiti~ ~ to be made amrirhere in the and men UaniDg no exception, I::'warr1ci all, ibav Dg been accoilpliabed at declared that olden dqB at lJright 11e1d in A'UgU8t. 937. and to the glory and ..dven~e 1 ~t(~ have been made linca th "havepaaeed a~ in thi8 great c, .~no1a stated that although the induetry ::ipxtasEmt.tequl:P.!lent not reached that has and that calm prechien 1, the .~ o~ d.evelopmentthat enable, us to byword ef the air . U8tt ..:f~dm produCtion a~1ane" . we hope wIth pilote ra111Dg ldds and chlcltena ;td eerT~ce-telt .. emall ~tl~y before in8te&dof hell loagc::..~ engineer, whO developed the becoming pl11ar, of the1r oommunlties a1lw_Uc J,ancUng devlce." he eald, ...... 1 were t ;awarM~.the Mac:lri1' TrOP~lt ~ep~embeZ'the me,sage ft8 put acrO'1 :..f~or'.!~e:,:OUt'tanding 111111 tl~t ot in fine Itlle ana. quite tM:~ea.ri' When completeLY veloped. convincingly this apparatu, presage, the time When but none the leea of lero visibl1ity 1'111be no was aomewhaterroneOUB .\;1 'tvuc:faotor to the operation of the for there iB no 11ttle of '\ a Dl~4lt either civil or ml11ta17." ......he old har17 t "~.;c., ';\, .-000-- in everyone whohal ahaken hand.
.nntt1 tJpea
h .
if tbatedwr1tel' 1t'Ou1dget canned , "Adc@~~= to Itatl.tlci compiled by lt lome joe forgot h1s manner . tAe,,~.:.le Calif. t Olwnber of COUl-momentarIly M.~~.Ae.~".':'.u:* u originating in that c1t7 and enapdebutante. dougla.s ... rolled a ; "'~.;~ ""'.a l_oadY growth year after full or and other "i'ii'A" 'l'~" 'ied on ofticial record., the important people . .f, - ,j ~,"al that beglnnlDg in 1933. no doubt there would be . '~lue!~,'era of' the apac10ue trl.. a 8t1Dk _ .,JJ1OtOr,~9--A-1J' poundage the the thought i. far fetched at the Loe ~ele. poet of- yet amu.s1Dg lt~'I; ~ that year .a 494,601. 131 and 1t lervee JII1' point . t~~1934, the p'Owidage had grown for 1'111 ertain m1eter tJ.dwr1 o tel' t9' l for ~hat period. For the would quallfy hle t ;' ~, the alr mail increased to statement 9 .2 tor 1936 to 1.230.730 with a little a.terlsk denoUQg -PQ11n~! ()r 19\)7 to 1,468.579 pounds. certain air COrpl activities -~l'"-a~ ?Z8 to 6772 pounds. ThUl, were he privlleged to see .. p twent)r dx the i t'J~11 poun e in 1938 .... e three being properly maltreated ~ll~ __1t'th time. that ot 1933. ~ . in aerobatic maneuver. ," . v~;':~c,.: .--000-.. tor there can be 'no calm .. '" t rJ"AJm"n 'Precie1on j ;,t.~;~.,~_YS A' ALBROOXrIILD ~en you're tail 'UP in .. 100
o';~~m~~iiC 'I
work on the propoeed run- ~~ttl: =~tonto a 'j~~~~~DroolcField. Panama Canal WQndering ._ c: .... '~c) need on the morning of Decem- behind which cloud the ground -, 0., '.. et It i8 reported tha, onlY 1s hlUQg. "'- e..: a~ot the landing area ot Albl'oolc ... 000_ ~ .l~:. .;~elng used at the present time. ' ;,,;~ ,~ .,~der be~ marked of! w1 th
,. ,'~'.i:- ;~::"l)c,[j
j ! 4.~
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The' cbief ~I' of ~I ~licatlon .11 to 41lvlbute 1ntormatlon on aeronautics to the r~nc perlOrmel in the BecuJ,ar ~, I..."e Corp., National Gu.er4, .and other. OODAect.dwi th .riation.
(hoacl1pl.Uonxerellea .tor theprelent e lain, and Major BarY87 W. Prosier, .Air (39~) at the .A1r OOrpfUY&I1ced cO~'i Seer.tarT of the Advanoed F1Jr1rc Fqiug School, KellY neld, Tuaa were Schoo. . .et for Wedne.daY, J'eb~ 1, 19&9. Other eventl scheduled for the dq Th1lclas8, whlch consllta of 4 RMUlar are 11.ted, a. follo .. : . J.:rr1x offloerl, 6 National Guard ofllcera 7:30 a.m. - A8.embl of Fl7~ Cadlltl and 161 J':l.1"lDB Ca~t!1 lIthe luge.t to to accept thell" commi.8l1.n. and accomcraduat. from Xelg neld ln the hl.tory pl1lh oath of office aa .econd l1eutenof the Air Corpl Trainlng Oenter. ant. ln the All" Corps Re.erve. Plan. or~nalll' called for the Q'adu8:30 a.m. - Graduatea of the Olul atioD to be held on J'eb~ 15th, but report to thelr reapecUve lection ... th1e to the excellent weather 4ur~ the 8155 a.m. - rgi~ Oadetl from th. tlr.t three monthl of tratniDg, the Clals Baslc Stage at RandOlph field to form w~ enabled to complete thl ~elcJ"11)e4 al a ~Cl ,of honor, and to witne8S the t ytDg houri and ground Iebool far in revlew, ln front of Po.t Operationl adVance. OnlY.~ ~8 were 10" due to Offlce. inclement weath (lncluding JrldaJ. 9:00 a.m. - GradDatlQg clall to take Jan~ 20, 1939 atatloJl8 ln airPlane.. . The rOlter of studentl who are ez;pectl9:05 a.m. - Airplanel to taq' out on ad to graduatl 1, glveu hereiDafter. the tield. Colon.l Clarence L. Tinker, .All" OOrpl, 9:10 a.m. - Take-off. who 18 In dnt7 in the Office of the Proupt}.;y at 9:30 a.m. the .1erial ReChiet of the National Guard Bureau, War view w"111 aegln. Department, Waahl~ton. D.C., _I an9:45 a.m. - Various Qpel If': &11"nounced al the prtnclpal fi)eaker for the plane. ueed at the All" COrps Advanced raduation 08remoni. Hil 10n,Fl;y~ PqlQg School will be on 41splq ln Cadet 01artmee L. T1DkIr Jr., a ItUdent tront of Poet Operations Office for the in the Purlu1tSection, I. eJC;P8ctedto lnspection 1)f spectatorl. cradute with thl. CUll. 10:30 a.m. - Arrlval of graduating The graduatlon eXlrcllel will lnclu4e cla at POlt Theatre the CU8to~ .Aerial Revia .. bl' the grad10:45 a.m. - Beglnning of graduation 'Uatel, followed by ceremoniel to be held eurclael. . at the POlt TheatrlJ where Colonel Tlnker, In addition to the thoulimd. of lPec~~er lntroduction D7 Colonel hank D. tatore, a large number of dlltingui.iIhed ~klaDd, .Air Oorp. Coumandant of the mill tar;y and olvillan gu.8ltl arl ez41r Corpl Advanced nrlD& SchoOl and te~ pec:ted on that date. pOr&17 colIIDImder of-ill; Air CarPI Tra1nUpon receiving their wlng, a8 a1rpllm lng Oenter, wl11 ad4re ~e cal. and pilot. and their ooJllDi.,lon. al lecond pneent each gra4uate wlth hl1 el1ploma. 11eutanantl 1n th .Air Corp, Re.ene. InolUdld in the rev1e~ party, in the ~ing Cadetl will be ~laced on &0.cld1tlon to Colonell Lack1in1 udTlnker, tive dUty at Kelly 1111d fOr their ini1rtJ.,1be Colonel 1 .1. Lol:uDan. All" COrpl, tial dutl' period. It 11 o~8Ct411iltant OOIlllllUl4ant the .1ir Corpl of ed that thq w111 remaln. at Xelq J'le14 Advanced lblDg School; Co10n.l JobD :B. until J'eb~ 15th, by which ttiDe lt )rookl and tint. Colonll Idwln B. ~on, 1, anticipated ~rmanent ar48r. will be .11' Corp., CoDlll&Zl4ant Ael1ltant Oom- rece1ved, and they will thin proo.ld to and ~dant, re9Pectlveb, of th, J.J.r COZOPI thelr new .tatto:a.. i,n thelr eXtended 1mar;y Fq1ilg SChool, Randolph J'lelcl, activi duty 8tatue. .' e ; Lint. Co1onll Oolel'tde L. Beaven, The four Regular .lr!q offlcerl will ed1ca1 OOrpe, COIIIQ&DcJ.nt the School of be tranaferrea from their preHnt ~tAvi ..t1on Med1cine, Randolph ]'1eld;.4 branche8 to thl All" Corpl and will be ",or John R. Morgan, ".1r OO~I, D1reoordered to duty with taCUcal unitl ot lior of l'1.Yin, All" OOrPl Training OanMr. the.A.1r Corpl. tn offlc.ill wil1 ...1ao occwp;yleatl on The 11x NaUonal Goazod offlcerl will, the ro.trum at thePOlt Theatre, al well upon ~t1on, proceed to their home .., Colonel IdJDondJ.' Qrlftin, POlt Chap- .lat~M 1A accoraancl with inl$rUo-1V-7967, .... O~
tiona of The Adjutants General of their respecthe States. BOS!ER OFl'RO~ECl'IVJ: GlUDUA.TES Re-"...... r J.1'!!I'f Off' lcers K a Nall. Eugene. Cav., J1... Kelly. Colin P" Jr ... IDI. &dison. Flao Broadhurst. Edwin B l.J.. anithfield, N.C. Sebastian. Henry A.' IDI. Gainesville. Texas 1st Lieut. t 2M Lieut. All of these officers graduated from the U. S. Military AcaderI\1, West Point, N.Y., Lieut. Sebastian in June, 1934; Lieut. Na11 in June. 1935; Lieuts. Broadhu:rst aDd Kelly in JUM. 1937. All of them specialized in BombardiDent .Aviation. Natio:cal Guard Officers .. 2Dd Lieutemnt, Railsback. John Benjamin I4oline. nl. Hughey. Bobert JerOme Univel"sity City. lie. . t Gee phil-.2-''Ohia ... Huston. V1IlCen rge ~ao ' .. a. Dwming. John Affleck San Anton 0, T~ Cantrell. ~Xld Lee Spokane, Wash. Jones. Bobert Lee Spokane. Wash. ef i cers spec iali ze d i n Obse:rvaf these 0 All 0 tion Observa.tion am are members of Air Corps National Guard units of the States as hereitlBfter iXldloe.ted. vizl Lieuts. Huston end Bail... bec1c, Pennsylvania; Dumdng end Hughey.w'ssouri; Can\rell and Jones, Washington. :r 1 yin g Cad e t I Attack Aviation
Barksdale, Wi11iem S., Jr. Wathneon, Philip Lembeth Hindson, William Si!DII8 Wrigglesworth, Wi11iemJ. Stinson. William JDmett Potter, Philip 'Orville
Q81tf!.1 """. ~
' . ,,>-;
Ellison. Holden Fowler Altocma, Ala. Yarbrough, EugemeTury Guntersville, Ala. Breckenridge. John !':reston lJB.1'88Ould. .rk. J Galusha. Heznoy Leslie Little Bock,.11k. Terry. David Dickson. Jr. Iti ttle Book. Aric. Gilmore, Jean Dowell .A'Dd.rson. Calif. Hall. Byron Eugene Caupbell. Calif. Lanford. '1m. Archibald Wood Lake. Calif. OliTer, Balph Lodmar Palo Alto, Calif. Smith, WeldQnHalliwell Berkeley. Celif. de Russ". John Huie Washington. D.C. .!'..i ~.l r ' CarDaak. John Edgar Decatur. Ge.. Obsenation Aviatiop;: =:',: ~, Allen, J':r8llk Chicago, Ill. netcher. ThClllaS,Jr. . '! ,$oQtti.~,J,:rk. Holt. Harry Joseph Great Lakes, nl. Ed-.rds. Albert Benton, Jr. B_~l.n,,:Oi1if. :Lewis. Dwight Framis Corning, Iowa Babb. Harold Thaddeus f:-- l)ali:on; Ge.. Coyle. Lawrence William Coffeyville, lCaz:1s. Holbrook. Thanes Harber .a...roe'i Ga.. Thornbroush, George Wayme Lakin, Xens. Jarek, J'rank ltlllilllD : ,Ch1eqo-i;Ill. Barrow, Leonard James. Jr. New Iberia, La. Setchell, James Frederick 'i~FU1. Philbrick. J'rederick Neil Brooklime. Mass. Wiltjer, Clare:aoe P. ,,,1rat.aeka,,.nl. Birchard. Glen R. Bay ~tl, I4ich. HWlfeld, Harold Ibmett,W~_'~ McClure. William !llen Boyal O&k. l4ioh. Wright, jdolf Milton:LOu$.8"ti11~, Ky. ~ton. Ieith Earl St. Joseph. Mo. neo1iae'D8. Andre J. J:;Uta~h.N.J. lIdee. Seth Jefferson IIlDlo, Mo. Bouse, John Albert J:tocQaat-er."1t. Y. !loszies, ~Xld Fred. ca.ha. Nebr. Sohroeolc. h&rl1clin E. 5J1f&1c&/'N.Y. Gutru. George Henry. Jr. NtIWDBn Grove. Nebr. Tucker, Theodore Y. Cleval_ '~gQ.ts,.,'"Ohio Saunders. Jack William Athens. N. T. Carter. Boy),lilton : ~~~t;p~ Ckla. Johnson, James Allison Wasoner, Clkla. Veatch. Bema:rd W. .~':'~'l~qd~.:; Von Tungeln. Herbert J.. No1'DB.ll. 01cla. G1mble, SidJ:leyBl"UOe,Jr. Sem ~~o~~,..:~8X811 Will5ie, Harold Asher. Oklao Gustafson. Boy Will18m ~h1l,. Wash. Giazmatti. James Uniontown. Pa. Marshall, Cbad.s S. ,~.".Va.
,('I' < ;
Bclmbardment viation.. A ' '. Chaffin, Harold Newt .J'ol"tr ~th .. .Ark. Sheffield. Charles Paul . 1ft . IUt 'Ark. Ford, Ernest Gordon Pacific. ~f\ ~Ca1.if. Mc<"auley, Cl&1'eDCe ..Arux;ra.Oilif. V Wilson, Harold J':rederlck Los ~l!uf'.JOOif. ),(anson, Hugh Boyd, Jr. Jack~~le;:na. Peff David WcNair West L8t~.". Ind Holsteen. Theodore F. BurlingtoU.,)lIowa Neely, Cla.rsrx:e .Arthur ::~'J!me.flowa 1"rioe. Bruce Burns SBc':.QH1; r.;I01I8. Ber;ry, James Dean C:ri~.~~. Crouch. Bobert Xdwar4 lit. ",bi~.: Ky. Stansbury" Williem G. . .. ' .,l1tobi Schofi.ld, Pamer r. .-,Valid .... e.' Dougherty, John Eugene l4iJ)'D~' T~Dn. ~ Harold It. ,'r. tC:i"-' Spence;, Tr1mm J... Jr.Csih'isoilo;t~.lL. lloerr, John Joseph PO'l_.,.nt"~. Y. Heber. Malcolm)QO.llAm Whit.:flluuf'::N.Y. O'Neill, Brlem ~Yo:ilkm~N. Y. Busse, Eaymo'Dd Joseph Glenbua~2N.D. Gould. Cempbell HeXlderson :'s. ~ol.'~~Ohio Keis.r. DoIl&1d McIay""~i:::ohio McNeal, Thomas Ca.:rl CI~,.7.ohio '101'1.1', "1'1 Wilson .' LittlelltOwlii Pa. Stiles, Joseph Erha1'It ,,\l.~J: Pao Aylesworth. Theodore R.hgsvlll.j: Pat Chiles. Shipe CQ&o~"': i~. Smell.r. Harold Celclwell N~l"i~. lIorgan. Maurice Allen ;';~.li1atf,if ~e~ BaXlks. Wilson Harper B~te"i'~exas Bazksd&le, Ielph 1. G&i1l8~1, . !tjjexas Bogan. Charles WillilllD" '~~'~QB.s Glober. George Ed-.rd San'~elCS:;"I.t'ei:as Busch. Qlester Olarles :
~~J=~ejr. Crabtree. Martin P. Sneed. Charles Boy Jenkins. Jack SimDons La.'De. 1fUl1am. Jr. Dumn, F1'I!L'Dk Lowry Kizag. HemryPreston Hubbard. William R-.:ra II
:Pil~~b~T~ l'u;su\t 'viaUon',:~)::;_(:"Decatur, Tems Gray, Leon Welton '''~~~n~. piz. Ennt, Texas Parker. Kingsbury E., Jr. San ~f~fi0tJ.1f. Levellam. Texas Turner, Sullins Preston :' "J.~~_, Ge.. lLarshall, Texas Cellini. Oliver George ".~.~~~9,~~Ill. SIm Antonio, Texas SohwiXld.Burton Eugem -~;~~Ill. arm Marcos. Texas Swanson. William Howard ':;~t9A80, III Sweetw.ter, Texas Waller. William III ' ,. e&le&go. Ill, -2"-7967. A.C.
Iowa ,-... "'!l' Zee '" U-.v 10. Cit7. lowe. '... ~~ ..Jemes J\mgtion City. Ius. . ,~; 'Kenneth Loui ....ll18.. lane. ),{.oore.Paul'L.G. Wichita. laM. 'lIo~.: ~s AJ:m Bew1img Green. Iy. .BWy, .Qtba Bennett. Jr. U.., Iberia. La. P.Qur~; Raoul Joseph rretJChTUle, Me. . ~7..remeS .tUex Detroit, Mioh. . ~;;.".~ R.. Jr. SegiJ:law. Wioh. .' ~..i'.J.ohn Scrimgeour St. :Paul. Winn. ;:~f'1HtiUrm Ward. Jr. St. Paul. JliDZ;L. :;,\:)~tIC80~ert Burl st. Joseph, Mo. .>: ~o~. George Herbert Billi Wont. ":lM:l~:r;'lde~:'.Bobert Lawrence T8CUll86h. Nebr. .:: .!~:~ Allen Lincoln. )Jebr. ~.,:C:bades Nelson Staten Isl_. N.Y. . RaymoDd Frank '~felo, N.Y. .:~' iI~r Norris :DeTils LeJce.N.D. .:' :-'8X'qWllll-a.- John L. Bexley. Ohio .-~1&it:Arthur ~ Co1uoiNs. Ohio ,.' :G~i1lr6derick C. Clnoeland Heights. Ohio .: .>N~i'.U Arnold Ltlkriood.. Ohio . ':. 'ORe.i-l ..,!bz.les Martin CleTeland. Chio .: ..~utltlYEobert Richari Lodi, Ohio II . :. :Ss-BdaD,C&;ymond R. Cincimati, Ohio :,; ,';QrfrWfl:l; Paul M.. Jr. 0kle.haJa City. W.. " I,dkp,."1:f8wton Robert Tulsa. Okl.. _ .J~ .c~J;.Ge.rrett Altus, Olde.. . r..~. "lo"_d ~ Boston 110"'"", CJda, , . "',.Thcxnas B. Weatherfctrd, Qkla.; . ~ 4Jl.r~1..bert Lee .lrdmtre. Ita. Louis Clairton. 1'80. ,.; '~'HJloIt~l Pyron Arlington. '1'uas , -, , Colu:ribus BNW'DSv111e. eas T :ral.~lpaf ... ...c.eil Lee , Bellevue, Texas ::.$t:r~~~Eugene L. 1rlington. Teas ," ,'N~~.,l(;1barles Afton Bellaire, Texas ~:t~~. Baile7 Jr. Charlotte, Texas Bo~l'" . lie R", j r. Dellas. Texas Rhdle. ICyle Loyd Decatur. Teas J eDkins. Harry .u.bert Montal bat Texas ,r,"SQhi'4enr, Gerhard John San A:ntonio. Texas .', IOiIr"U,,:--.:tlddmore Neal. Cumberland. Va. d; U'Dlte.:; Clarence L Jr; Arlington, va. .;., Van"'..... &bert D. Fort Belvoir, Va. .,~ r~l'j:fI'1lliam Wallaoe Seattle, 1Faeh . 1.. :Gn~:Dln~';Virgil Mo:croe Shinnaton. 1'. Va. Il4on18t .. >JakeMeIhnald ; Hamlin. W. Va. . ,' .:Moo~.9d.whibald . Weodrlxn Huntington. W.~. .': utieUfc.'Oli.rreU T. BenaokvUle. 'We Va. , r., :'Wthi ... ~fiCiiIias Cullen Marlinton. W. 'Va. .. .':w.1t~~4bbn William Bowlesburg. W.Va.: .:~Ueiilkl9 Harold Jen.niIlga Selem. ".Va. ,I: "~:leuiiU. Edward auntiDgton. W.Va. .:~:." .iid~~; listed above who hold ccmm1ssions in . ';tailbBi~erve of other 'branches of the s.rvi~ ~"'i'~i~ l)e1Qw. as foUcnrsl
lim. a. Jr.; Diole. JlaivdenaDd Teats. When this claas stu-ted training at the Air J,dftnOed nyhgSchool. it ~r1sed 176 n. The reduction by fin students at sraduation time is 8009unted for b7 the fact that OJW) n,-i.Dg Cadet U'errell Dug1as Hooks) -.s killed b an airplane accident; three Cad.ts were dilJCbarged for failure to make the neoes8&1')" progrus. 8Ild oue lost so III10htime due to illness that he will probably be held over for the next clus. The State of Tau ~ by IN' the largest representation of native sons in the gra.duating olass. The TeDZ:l8In this class munber 26. The states ~f Ohio and IlliDois have 11 student. eechl Califonda a:od West Virginia 10 eachl OklehcmL, 9; New Yos aM Itennsylva.-
Cclaet 4rUne~
Q tleuts.8rksdale.
8 eech; Xanses, 7; .Arltansas aDd Iowa 6 each; Virginia. 51 Georgia, J:entudcy' Michigan, Ne'bra8ka a:ad Washington, 4 each.
Other States represented have three or less students Chicago. Ill with 7 studtmt lead.. the cities represented in the graduating class Her nearest cClqletitor is Ian Antonio. Te:ras. with:3 students.
---000- ......
The Cclrrespondent ef the .Air Corps Ad:vamced J'lyiDg School reports that infomaUon was
recently received at Kel17 Field to the effect that ten Lockheed ~4Ql airplanes are being assigned this School for student tw$.n-engine training. He adds that all ~l at this field. a:od particularly the dment Sect ion. are hoking forwa.rd with a SX'eat deal of interest to receiving this IlX)derntype air-plane from the Lockheed Aircraft CorporatiGn. Burba:ak. Calif at an early date. ---000-
. '11W@~ts.
" " r -
Orders were racei Ted recentl7 fran the War directing the transfer of the fo1lowiDS"'mmed enlisted men fran the 12th Air Base Squadron. Xe1l7 Fie-ld. Tems. to the 3rd Comuunfoations Squadron. .111 ,ransfers were ued. without loss of grade eM or or Air Mechanic rating. vizl Staff Sgt. Francis Le Doux Sergeant .AM 1st Class Ienneth W. nise Sergeant AM1st Class Jess R. Guthrie Private Spec. 2cd Cl. Oliver D. Gassett :Private 1st Class. Specialist 4th Class. JQhn H. Carswell Private lst Class. Specialist 4th Class, 0lar1es l4. Toon Private lstClass .AM 2nd Class. Bruce T.
Department C8X18d;y
eswerth. ille $ t: !'!~U s. etcher, Von Tungeln. 2ndLieu.ts. ~~tt. Neely. Schroeok. ScbwiJ:xl. "
:Private. Specialist 6th Class. Walter l4. ~r Private lst Class. Specialist 1st Class,
Bertr8n Chedester.
These men will reaa1n on duty at Xelly-Field. V-1967. A. C.
With the beg1nn~ ot a new ", ~ :!~!'"' 511.!. things new and different are to b. noted. Laborato17 teat, at the Aii'. '~C'ffl. ~'.{iaThe major chaJlge rellUlt.d from the 18W- teriel Division, Wr~t Fi.lil, ~~o4, &nee of General Order. NO.1, HeadquarOhio.. have been completed on .Ql0WC tere 18th Wing, .Air Oorpe, for 1939. In tn. combination inertia andli\!lJlretC" accordance nth this ora&r, the oOD:lD&Ild. cranking atarter. Thi. ltartir'ii[;~otL'Uke and Hickam Field. are combined dgned to operate e1ther a8 ,i ,,~t. ~t .~ under the Command1D& Officer, H1ckam inertia starter, a stralght'd!rtllitQ. Field, and the Head~tere of the 5th cranldng starter, or a combi~lion'')Q! Bombardment Group moved to Hickam 11.1d. both. It .i8 of the inert1a'i~ilol.liIt Colonel Shepler W.J'1tzGerald took is, the fgwhee118 energ1zeij pt~jo(!b"l over the combined coumand on the first hand or electrically,. and th 8.'I ",.i: .. . . Cl]ing of JanU&1""1. and Lieut. COlonel Walter J'. arrangement i, IIUCh Ulat, ~t~~~ij_ /" Kraus a.. umed coumandot the 5th :Bombard- fl"fWheel is energized, the s~~ijtUOin ment Gs-oupon the lame date. The movebe meahed with the engine and, ~~'~O'#ment of the- Group Headquartere to Hickam rent held on the motor. Th$ Field will facilitate admin11tration, stored in the f~eel break. since prior to this time the "adminiatra- ,tna 1001. and bringe it up to ~ . 'ng tive" eection operated at Luke Field and speed, from which point the .. . ~'~1s
l ,
'ir~~ ~ i'ti:;)~
Tema' exhibition at the cotn!.~ ':' ' I!World' a Fairs! both at Newyq~lf,;iill::San FranCi8CO, wi 1 be a contin~a~ Q~ng of a full length techn1color~, ~ #.~ picture, depicting the beau;t"lJ ~'::~f the Lone Star State. The A1:r: - I"" Primar;y Fly'ing School, one Ot:. '". ,'W place. of the state. undoub\e4' . 1 I playa prominent part in th.e .p.' , .. n.,.,..on, ,fer a three-man oamera erew~t. Fitzpatrick studioa, in Hol of the film, vis1ted', (lQ%q.;; During December, the 50th ReconnailField on three occasiont to. -'rj~'e. i'lt.;n.,.' sance Squadron continued dead reckoning I f'Ull oolor the stor., of R~dQl. I~.l. d, navigation. Practioe bombing was conI the Fling Cadets and the aCXt' ~~- ~-;~ ~t~~r~~iFi~~dw;:~ t~~~a. ~:~e;r:~;r ~re in daily U~~'1r~1'~~~~ On December 14th, the S~dron held & I !he fin1~d picture w111'li4Jijl 1io.t~n unit exercise with two airplane. and i two apecially conetructed tb;8~. If_i;)me .. ~ crewe attached from the 4th Reconna1sI at each fair. According to,:,'eJ tM~4. sance Squadron. The problem included i of the 'reme State Fair Oo~.'~,:Q,'~e reconnaissance learch and patrol methodl I picture will be viewed b"l :p,te a t lea, oomba bombing and gunner., and t during the two Faira than i t ~*O'It' "be a test of .quadron ooUmu.n.1cationsfacil- 1 were 1. t relea.led on a natior,utl ..':~ '~: Hiel. "In connectacn with the ~ --000-I value of thi. picture to th.etl'~' " .. _.<.' I generallY. there have been " ~ .,..,~ Lieut. Colonel Ooleridge L. Beaven, I new. picture. publ1thed frolJl",t,(F Wedica1 CorpI , is relieved from duty at i time ~n papere throughout tlll the School of Aviation Wed1c1ne,Rando1ph conoerning Randolph 1'181d." ., Field.l, 'reDs, effective about February Letter Correspondent .tate.,_' .. 't.. 15t, 1~39 and assigned to duty in the I makee the r.~eet tllat ,1UCh:c ~ OfI ice of the Chie? of the .Air Corpa, I regarding Randolph field aa .c ~t6 ~;~e Washington, D.C. Colonel Beaven return'lattention of A1r corp.I per.'O ..8... f .. . _' to fa.m1l1ar stamping gro~d, &8 some forwarded to the Public Re~ ,_' q;:tlyears ago he served a tour of dut"l in cer at that ata.t10n,! the Medical Section of the Office of the --oOo_:,~~, 0: :".~~ Ai ",:, "~,,:.,~ ''''', Chiaf of th e ... r vwrpe. ... ,"'.; ,. _
funct oned from HiCkamField. --The new "lear alao finds the training program of the Gr9UPaccelerated and enlarged. Sohoo1e in Navigation Bombing and B-18 Transition for new of:hcer. and in Bombardment and Reconnai8sance Aviation and Air Force for all officer, will occ'UP"1 least four afternoonl per week at for the next three montha. Muchprogre. is being made toward the end that ever., mission will include dropping of lome bombl. _____ The 72nd Bombardment Squadron ie now bus11f eng~ed in preparing for the train1Dg of personnel in Aerial Gunner.,. The SSdron recently completed its train of personnel in record bombiDg. Ver., sa isfactor., reaults 'Were obtained from this bombing training.
cranking. warm engine, ~~~. b tt~a principle need not be u8ed . '~ ~. ~ch can be thrown "full en" and: ". ,. tion of the starter will .t~, ~~. lately. ' ,.;; "'~' --000--~~~,,-CJ;,':
': ,:,: .
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V-79fi7; . '~'G~,
1~. emmal 15 ~. or f e a. tra1n~1pg the period from November 28 to ,Deo_er 12 1938. Del carmen, Pam.p-q";~,*)Qut 7~ kilometers north of Mull.;. wa. the bate of opera tionl. The ',tr!J16.;J;l;'Of the eOJllDSDd t4e fleld.1 ln 90~!~c$irl, 96 8n11sted men (6 of whom ... !ere~8-~~&6hed) and 9 airolanel. TheIe ;,'rPl~,' ~,.;6p'mprlsed 6 0-46t .. and 3 0_19t I. .:.,t ":J;'l!l';~r"p to Del carmen "I made by 3 'al~:laii~and truck oonvoy. The oODln1I',to_onnel were houted and mailed "l~,,~!'~an&a Sugar Oentral Club. The -. n~~~~: e {nenwere ~uartered In a larga bU' ~;{prehouse) oelonging to the 1 -:.A.dministrative SuPPly, Opera. <,,i~Etidl0', PhotographIc and Wesa Sec.. 1 'm'~~e established in the 1umediate .V it'll~and all departments functioned t lior1~. about a mile from landiIlB The Del Carmen H~ '" catea the ~U~eadquarterl. wa. ut11ised for - 8.%f :ng.. and ~e-offl. Reconnall8&nee oarl were uled to transport personnel to and from the field. W~t;",,~e exception of one ~ of ra1n, and~a-tY1>hoon threat which did not mater1a11&e,-the weather was ldeal. All fJ:y. ins 10ns scheduled were co~leted j",~n4 If:~,.th compoa1te"Gro~, of which the ,~n~-i j, y~t1on Squadron 1s an element, -. ~ teauirement of 20 hours of f~;1 'r. ;f!eld oondi tions was fulfilled by , etfficer. e, missions flown were included lIeance, photographic, intercep"" " f . ~i'endezvoU8 problems; tiailon .. , -w ).24th Field Artillery Phll1p~.,,' b ~~I) and 26th OavalrY Phil1p"'1$Q9c~',) at Fort Stotsenburg; strange t~J.~- I dings 1n Northern Luzon.. formae '~~ '. ',~\, lt nav1gation n1ghtl. The "a, ..l. l ,_: operated under actual 1rere f1i q~~O~41tions, and mea.ures for paa'-dfe a.;fjiiee ln the f1eld were adopted. MORE GRAIlJATES REFRESHEROURSE OF C ,rli~~i~QIUded disperlion and conceal.:~~ :. n '\~ near the land.1~ fleld, ca.~ '~and organization for ant1-airThe following-named leyond lieuten~r ,~e:p.le. Camouflage neta were u8ed ants of the 11- Relarve \non-graduatea , 'fc',~~~'s ~d4 . les incident to airplane conof the Air Corps Training Center) l' who ea' ~ have been undergoing a courle of n.', ~.the field the organizat1on etruction for Corps Reserve offiwi ~*~ed on December 7th b~MajOr cer, at th, Alr Corps A.dvanced F1Jring r 6hn H. Hughes, COlllJl8J1d GenSchool, Kelq Fleld. Texal eatilfaoto-
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~uartered. and all tundrie. were availaole without leaving the area. A libra17 waa al80 provid.eil. , General Hughea ... al.o enthuaiaetl0 in hi' ooument rHard1ng the mower bath. which had been deviled prior to the maneuver. for u,ae in the f1eld, and he laid that wal field soldiering de luxe. . , The off1eiall of the P~a SugU' Central =erated to the fulle,t extent in Dg the oAq) a 8'1eoelS. ':he1r two golf cour.e. were ava1lable to all. They 1nstalled telephonel where needed. provided electric power for the radio aection when the Squadron plant .. a temporarily out of comn11Blon, etc. They aleo furnished guidee for tho.e who expreesed the desire to be conducted through their buge plant to oblerve the mechan1cs of augar making. ~ took advantage of opportun1ty. and 1 wa. a never-to-be-forgotten t experlence. Officer I on the JDlmeuverl were Najor Lloyd C. :Blackburn. Squadron Qaptain Alden R. Crawford AdJutant and Operations Off1eer~ lit Lieut. TomW. Scott, Engineering Officer; ,lIt Lieut., Charle. B. Harvin. ABs18tant J:ngineeriug Officerl Harry N. Burkhalter. Jr ,A,88iltant Operations Officer; Henry B. Fisher) Parit.chute Offioer. Andrew WeulenDerg. Photo~iC 6fficer: 2nd Lieuts. James R. Wess Officer: and Jdwar d W. Walcluneyer, AI 11s tan t MeS8 Officer. Second Lleut, Carl K. Bowen, Jr. of th6 S~on, unable to participate in the maneuvera, he being a patient at Sternberg General H08pl~1 convalelcing from a leg 1nJ'lrY lU8ta1ned in September. IncldentallY. he recent1.y returned to duty and relJ\1tD8d his office &8 Ale1stantOperations and Commun1cations Officer. ---000---
ii~~n:o~~~:;~im~~;~ir Of~d:B:r~df1) ,,': d William H. Cram COlIlD&ZldlJlCawa1t1ng permanent a.s1gnment order.: 0.,8'-( cit, the 4th Compedle Gro~. All Norman K. Warner, Cloy08 J. Tippett and 8 ,e":El,d themselvel &S h1ghl)T pl.aled Charla. W. WaYnard. ,,!~, ;.:r~~ ,encampment and the effortl that Seven addi tional refresher studenta , ,~~e;'~':made for the care and colliort are purlJl1ing the courle at Kelly Field 'of'('ftflEi;., ',+~8ted perlOnnel. and are expected to complete lame at ..,.~Et: :,the Squadron athletic eau1~ent an early date. Theae eeven ltudenta -~ 11~rl1J1o~~ from Nichola 11erdt 1n- are epecialiling 1n the varioue branchclUd4~ golf leta, volley ball and Ine8 of combat aviation, as follOW.: one door bi.aeball. In addition, the N1chol. Attaok, 2 Pur8'1it. and 4 Bombardment. F1eld !Qat Ex~e operated a branch ad--000J809an1i':'O' the bodega where the men were V-7967. A. O.
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FIRE DESTROYS SUPPLY WAREHOUSE CHA.NU'l~ J.T FIELD ~ the News Letter corresponden.t
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Chanute ~ield was vi8ited by the red iOI1&!le DemonFire on Sundq, Januan' of 16, 1939. J.t about 5: 15 p.m., an ezploBion ftl heard in the Air Corps SUPPl1 Warehouse Building #53, and lmmedlate inveltigation d1lclosed thai the bui1di~ wal afire. The fire wal discovered in the ea8t end of the building amid denle ImOke that prevented f1.ghting the flamee from the ina1de of the Itructure. It DI believed to have originated in the v1c1niq of the clothing or rubber ltorage. .Attemptl to reach the blaze from the outside quickly spread the fire throU&hout the old frame structure, and within a comparatively abort time the building was ablaze The local fire Department 1nInediately responded and made her01c attempts to lave the property, but were unable to c~. wi th the a1 t'UA tion, d:u.e mainly to the age of the building and the type of its conltruction. This was one of the original buildings erected at Chanute F1eld during 1917. The fire quickly jumped the intervening space oetween the Air Corps SUpply and the Fire StationGuard HOUle, and shortly thereafter the latter building wae on fire Jrhloh .. ' .oon aleo out of control. Upon arrival on the loene Major William.l.. Worley and Captain DeWitt T. Yul1ettt ~rtermaster Corps (lire Marahal ana .lssistant Fire MarBhal, respectively), requested the alai.tance of the RantoUl. Paxton, Champaign and Urbana Fire DePartments", and all of these responded. Thele rire companies functioned under Major Worley, and largely through their splendid efforts it wal posliDle to confine the blaze to Buildings Nos. 50 and 53. On numerous occasions the Poet Head~rter. Building was en the point of bursting into flames, but a timelY wetting aaved the structure. .111 property had been removed from Headq"Uartere and the Photo Hut, and cre"e were etanding by to eV&CUalie Hangars NOI. a. SA, 9.1 and the Technical School Headquarters :Bu1lding should they be en4aIlgered. The 10B8 of the Corps SUpplY is a 8eri01l.8 one, and provisione have been made to house thi8 ~ortan t ac ti vi ty in a metal hangar pending the completion of the new construction recently authorized b~ an. act of the la8t Congresl. The new oonstruction i8 rapidly taking ehape, but the warehou8e cannot be occupied until euch t1me a. the heating plant i. com,leted and in operation. The thanks of the comnand are c1ne the Fire Departmentl and City Fathere of Champaign, Urbana, Paxton and Rantoul. and are oheerfulq given. It 1s doubtful if the fire coUld have been BUCceS8ful4r combatted without the valuable a8-
eietance given by theee gen.. A. usual in most d1aalteX' . e;." .::.. phone operator. maintained, .. tions thro1Jghout the fire. ,', .... .. ' board i8 located 1n Post B .. and great clOUds of smoke ~ . ~ structure for more than two '.. ?If: ii:. ~ theBe operators manaced to maintain cOJllUl1D.iCatiOns.A .... it ftl impossible to rema1n ..on';j -'ir more than two minute. wi thou~~r!i' The.. men are especially d erl~~"~;; commendation for their devot~o~~fto2G~b duty: .' :JLiJ :;P;'H.;Sergeant Floyd Iricklon. S~iJi Cq~, Privatel Merle Yard. Jamel -te:ri'I~);,J.' B.L. Benson, Signal Co;n>I, .:) ~)l;tll2.'91~L J3.' Private Dale Rotz, J.1r CO;rp.iyB~~~t, 01a81 10. Radio.!. ad Trans. S,~~n.H: Middletown J.1r Depot..;; No estimate has been made .o.II : . lie, aa practiaall1 all records 1f.."'~. . ._yed. .A. board, composed of ~tr~.; &ilP ... B. Carroll. Roy J.. Camblin aIl4;~1ifIJ11l Edgar T. NoyeB, Corpe, h&.ti bNDti"-ppoInted to report upon th1s mat:m~; --000--.;;:.;r .... ~J r.~.J ..,
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The 35th Pursuit Squadron':i~~!t' Field, Va is ver:Y pl'_~Jn-~ ~he performance of the pea-t,h%o.~~! u;: (P-36.A.'I). The abipe, lt 1~.;'!t.*~~ ~.:., .. are exceptionally ran and~8nl'i ' handled, which 18 what the .~~-en': 8 been wish1ng for all alOng.,_.,~n '''litMee have been rece1 ved eo far, ~5 ..!'i' others are expected in the,eJil,,~~ future. ' ........ rd-., . ,} The Correspondent of the '~f$lij ~.~.1 t Squadron. Langley J1eld, every member of this organif'~ Ff'. ,~.'.om the lowest ranking private. 0,.,. I{lmand1J:1g Officer, M. ~ feel nfr - "~'.~ ' .. superior1 ty each time b. ee,_ ~.t;'J):, . ~. P-36A. rolled into the hanga~.)~~:pefIDanent assignment, forI he ad~,~~ 1'(~8 been quite a whJ.le s nee had reason to boast of hav ._.~;~ . ~ ;c, ... honest to goodnee8 Pursuit . ...--. and new onel at that. J.nd, ..b'~",. i po ssib ill ty that we will 80~ .. ~~~~ enough for each pilot to be' ~ .~.~d.''::to one. This, we know. will u" f!j_~ creaee the efficiency of tAe: 'gJf~, al we have been operating 'ti~.tW;~~iX half the number of airplanes, ',!Mb~d. It ---000.'.... .b"l:;';i~)l!
Dur1Iu!: the month of De08~~;~ the Englneeririg Department of the san Antonio DePOt! Duncan Field. Texas, overhauled a tota of 10 airp)ai. and 51 enginesln&nd repaired 48 and 11 eng el. _~'1r)~n.,.,,.~:
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_ rerrel1 ~al Hooklt, 22. len~, a I t in me .~ ,:jlt Section ot the r Co Ad" ., '_ ,ng School, Ittl1v J1.1d~exaa, cUm of an uuforlunate &1rp1aJ:ut "'At). .:t;lf~t'_ ,Wb1.cb occun'e4 about twelTe thea,t of San .A.n~nl0i Texae, on i\' .r~rniDC, J , 14, 939. Cadet It'bS6n on ~l'WIlent teat ;, 1 t'lijl{'th his lnltr\1Cwr, l,t Lleut. jrB. ICellq, I-ir eorp., in a BT-a air' . ~!:Jwhen tbe erath oCcun'ed that c~a 4'ltlii. Itudent11 11f.. Acoord1~ to"(l,~V:r~,lellqt I accoot of the &0014ent~ hi0and the etll1deDtwere tl31J1Cjut r the ,'base of cloud. about 4500 feet "'Wi bjff.'1ced that hia .tu4entawho unt LUe hood, bad placed the p_.a.ane in ia g~tle cl1mb. He In.tructed 'the stu" a~~ 8yi'/i1n_el"Phone, to DOae 1t down a bltflUbtwDld geltil1g into the cloude whm~libout warni~, th~1ane made a 2_ .. 1_. into a Terti DO.e dive. " 'ft' et~tor remembers t h. reached :r-t)~:. 'ItOlltrol stick 8Zld throttle, wlth~ e\'N 'Wiedeaa. and wa. catapulted forward ~t1ott ~e plane. LtmtBiIell81 deeceoded .ateloT "i thtion hl. chute and ... w the plane continue ~ . - +t'tar'oT-.tlca1 eliTe and hl t the 11'0000d " .. fth"~errlflc impact. The plaDe did not ~~~~e. "':11:';1. s.lble to determine the caUls ~~. accld.nt. du8 to the demo~l=~~4i)onl!1tion of the airplane, de.. clit'"~tihe 'Ne.. Letter COrreepOndent. .,ltllat Cadet Hook. _I considered ':,i!1?t~.~ ~Ti"'averagell endant, partlcular17 'fii-h '~li~ und.r the hoocl. .''8 i-ti1dent attended We.tern X:en~ TeaChe~i"'eollece from September, 1935, . ;t9 le'b~. 1938, b.fore going to Ran,t.lo. for train,1ng. He reported t~ti '"l1eld on October 8, 1938. for rainlng. d .... IcheMed to -g ,t~{;W1th the preaent olal. on leb" '1;lil939. Be ie INrV1ved by hi. "'Pl!i'~ nt"lJ4r. and Mrl. Luthel' B. Hooke. ",'O,.r 8C,0 ICentuclq. The ersonnsl of .~j,).' ;:J'j.%~ci and the enUre IiI' Corps ex'tim .~~lr 8)'DIp&t~ to hie parents in the\r:: "ber-eavemen t. :-.~U lervlce. for the deceased Fly-\~ ~~ were held 1n the Hanovan "~ Parlors, San Antonio, Texas, at ~~OO'-;;-Pl:at~.,o Janua17 16. 1939t. and Were .~e~~Dl' the facult7 of 1ine School ~~Iein:, aft11able memberl of hl, c1&81. .. T.h9-~~-ti. were escorted to, Eddn-ill., '. '.ett'~1P.b7 J'lyiDg Dad,t James Uva Howard. ir Corpe, who _I Cadet Hooke' c).assmateat Weltern Teacher. Co~lece aa 1!~11r_~c Randolph and ICelly J'1eld..
Planl were projected for the holdine a reunion of \he Feb1"UA17t, 1929, olMl, whl,* d'uated from 1ine J.1r Corp, Advanc.fi1YiM School at ICel~ J'1eld, Texal, in Jeb~ IL decade ago. !hi, 01&1'" which conliated of 4 Regular Anq olfio,r, and 82 ~iDg Cad.te, A1r COrpl an It, da7 of graduation on leb~ 15, 1929~8 land, Air Oorp.,1>7 been lnvlted Colonel hank -D. Comandant of the SChool, to held ita Reunlon at )[el17 Fleld. Incidental , thle ie the flrat "home comiDg" of )dud to be held at tbat fleld. Firat Lieut. Wl11iam L. Lee Air Corpe, for-. mer Chief of ~e Phillppine A:!:mY Air Oor'PI, and ~ member ee-the J'e~t 192~" cla.1 (who ls new .tationed a~ Xell, lield).- was placed in cbN'ge of maldng all the &rraDgementa, and from all reporta the Reunion shoUld prove a h'Ucl.e succe.e The p;oogr8lll includes the attendance of the "Grade" ln' a bo~ on Wedne8~. Febl"UfAZ7 1939t at the graduation 1 aerial rev 1 ana. ceremonies of the ew pre.ent clue now undergoing instruc~ at Kelly Fleld; several ahort bueine.e le.elona - at waich time the election of cla officer. will be held - a receptio .. &nd several other very lnteresting event The hope e d that all vlsi ting "Grada" wiW"be accoJlllOOcSated in the Vle1ting Offlcerl' QI:larters dm'ing their three or Aore W.' a~ at the home of their R.A.lma Mater II where juet ten 7ears &CO the7, Uke the 7oung,ters of the preaent clas., experienoed the thrill of a 11fetime when handed their graduation diplomas and "wings" ~n the completion of the ve17 ,tiff eour.e of instruction at the A1'm" very exacting Corps Advanced 1ng Scbool. The pre.ent cla"" No. 3~. conlll.tlt of 4 R8gular J.r'rq olflcera, 6 National Guard o1'f1cer8, and 161 FlYlng O&det, the largest cla88 in the hi.tor7 of the All' Corpe Tralning center 1l1eut. Lee was IUcoe f'ul thue far-in looating all but 30 of the 86 membere who graduated w1th him. and from all indications a large representatlon will arrive b7 air and other modee of tranepprt&tion to attend the Reunion, during the course of which lt is expected that a great deal of reminiscing and IlhAlJ6&r flYing" w111 be the order of the ~. It Is lnteresting to note that 37 of the graduatel are still in the Regular J.rray Air Corpl, .ervlDg at far-flung p~et. throughout the United Statel and. .n fore~ servioe; one 1. now serving ':",\. ~d~ ''':' --000in the Caval17. haVU1g transferred to ,'..,' ,_J,1... that branch due to p~.ieal dllqual1fio,,;J, :L.~ft~~':Oolonel J'ab1an L. PJ-att,Wedical cation for flying; nine bave lost their aQtMllJ.t!i~. been reneved trom duty at 11ve. in airplane craahe. after gradea--H8m1'1 nelda. Calif., tOll and ass igned \0 tion' two re.1gnod from' the J,;rmy to dut7 a. C01!lD8'Q ot the School of Avint oivilian occupation.' pne retiration Medioine, Banc5Dlh field, feml. (Continued on ~ag. ~ l . :fP.C9~DC Lt. Col. Colerlace "". Beaven... .. V-796'7, ,l.C. 7
Ii ..
that numerous Air Corps RESERVE CTIVITIESAT OAKLAND A AIRPORT ~nticipated pilots on ~adio air navigation training The 92nd Training Group (Air COrpl Re- fll~hts will be anxiouslY list~n~pg for serve), operating at the Oakland Munici'OAT and discover that thet'wl'l~',;j~t pal Airport, Oakland, Calif., with Caphave time to ',take in' the F~Jr~.!i'h@ly tain George E. Henry,. Air Corps j Un1t can then retur~ back East apd: in!r,rifi Instructor, and twenty enlisted men from the people around NewYork 9~i "_/r_:;.t~L_"f. Go the 9th Corps .Area Air Corps Detachment West and see a Fair.' (No:P'1 j;x~: doing the chores for 165 Reserve offitreasure leland meant. but ~ ~f@Ur:":is cers! 23 Enlisted~ir Reservistsj 7 BT-9 goi~ to be something no on~:~b~~<c' .. 01'" -"'airp anes, 2 BT-2 airplanes and an 0-47,A, miss) " 000 .~jO'I():' airplane! which is assigned to the Com----j ,.\.IJ;j~"'l~f manding ~eneral, 9th Corps Area, takes a breather and "1"eports: . KELLY FLYING CADE~ PROMI~.''',~. IS '.~ETE That from July-~ 1938, to December 1, By the Kelly F1.eld Corresw:nd'eh9i~ _ ' ) [i _, ..:._ .. 1938, 40 Air Reserve.-, Group I pilots completed tours of a.ctive--,d'\J,tyof 14 da;.\l'S It's a long way from knock-in.$?~: wck : each. The 40 pilots on active duty flew around on a Canadian ice hoc~;t :Uuc to approximately 1410 pilot hours duri~ winging your way across thei'~s;'!b their tours of duty, in accordance one of Uncle Sam' 8 Pursuit'Sh~fi-J.-l>ut the training program in effect at this the.t is the road traveled b1 .}qyi . station, and this flying time was, disCadet Raoul Joseph~goin,~,~ i,Oi . 8, tributed as follows: 23 years of ~e. who will be'D~~ed Basic instrument flying from KellY Field with the Fje'b,~J') under hood. . . 241 hours class. ' <:Jl:~.J '''''2 Radio Orientation under hood 191 II Back in 1933~ when~goin :iH~;amied Instrument flying instructor 431 II on his skates lor the last tuiEPfbr Aerial gunnery on ground St. Joseph's University of -Mdbdtton\.lN'.B . targets .. . 192 II Canada. he little dreamed ~~~.:. ::' he would be -looking forward to e r . Night flying ~roficiency II and nav1gat1.on . . 204 those silver skates with a--~ ~'"of?" Uncle Sam's coveted silver~nksr,~'; Fctrmation . . . . . . .. . 152 " A total of 70 Air Reserve pilots enBOIlil'goin who is a native.~~1enChville, Maine, attended St. IJ '~fi gaged in inactive flying training at University for three''-'~ ~:.Ltih~n enthis station during the peri'd from July rolled in the Madawaska No:tG':EJ'.lTa:tn1 to December 31 1938, flew a total of ing School and two years later. '1~; approximately 1323 pilot hours on misthere to continue his 8tudie:tr~, . th,e sions listed below: Pilot proficiency . 350 hours University of Maine. He waB~~j~~ed from the University with a:&a c. "of Air Navigation, Radio . 215 II Science degree. J~ a) :; Air Navigation. Miscella-' . During his toils for an ecrua.att6W, neous . . .. 314 " Formation Flying 143 II Bourgoin took time aut for ~~~eti~s Instrument Flying under hood and probably earned letters tn_,'~ffJOJf,.. and Instrument Instructor 302 II sports than any other Cadet, ~~"'~:ining at Kelly Field. In add.i~;O:~;~~ The, total aircraft hours flown during being active in the sports c~ ~ active and inactive training during the known to the American youtA &$' -'as period from July 1 to December 1, 1938, football, basketball, basetn1:ti '!~'e is ~s: and track - he participate4"~' Active duty trainees 1082 hours ice hockey. and the winter"~ ., s Inactive training . . 1095 " that are so dear to the heart:~J ose The calendar year 1938 passed on within the north ., :' \ )~~; out any injury to flytng or ground perIn the winter carnivals h$:;., ')it{n.. ors . sonnel. Aircraft damage totaled but one in the ski jumping, racing', "~~~1llssdamaged wing and two scratched wing tips country events. He was an ~~L~ti_ on account of greund loop as the result cipant in the snowshoe Obs_t~-:q~~~Mtt1fe_ ' of pilots quitting flying before their ice skating, and the sprin~ ~f; airplanes were safely in the hangar. After graduating from co_~,~ nrb.BQllr._.In conclu.d1ng the above aumna.ryof the goin accepted the role of ;t'~d flying activities at the Oakland Airport coach in a high schoo1 at: ~:;~: the News Letter Correspondent states: Foxcroft, Maine. Here he. . e~ "This operative would not dare toretation by coaching both h~s fer to climatic conditions of this part and basketball teams to ch~R.1..ftWi~p of the country tr to a new Island located in San Francisco B~. called 'Trea.sure During the summers he wor~~ Cross examiner. One sumrneJf~ ,'.,. Island.' Where. according to reports, talking over old times with.' -~ there Beems to be much activity and Tau Omega fraternity brotl-_ . r : earnfeveriSh resolve of exhibitors and fan I~l.a~ dancers to start off with a bang on Feb- ed of the "West Pcbint of Randolph Field and the tra1: f lfMn ruary 18, 1939, to open what 1s called young men by the United State~ Govern.The Cal~forn1a World Fair, '1939.' It is (Continued on P~e 9. ) - V-7967, A.C.
COYO':CE LOSES'1'0 MACHINE. AGEIN :BATTLE ITH W AIR CORPS OFFICER ~y the MarCh Field Correspondent -:.- ,j;~a:J~Jo',:"alter K. Burgels.;Comanding tighter and tighter, is alao used by : O~!icei, Headquarters Squadron, 1"tW1ng" two or more etockmen in running down ',f.e~.tly 'had an oPP9rtun1t7 to rem&lJlber and rounding up bands of wild horaee .. .. iii,Q,+U8," tricks .fl.horsemanlhip he learnand other wild animala. But this is -, e.d;.,a'W;':1M his youth in the cattle gountl7probably the first time that an auto;.,8ffJlf;it-orn Oregon. This time,however, ' mobile hal out-~.tered a coyote at". , M.aJ",%'".~Qrges"t orse was an automobile" h own game. ana: -the oDJect of his pursu1 t a large . ---000--ctyote. ' Returning to March Field froUl RiV. r- , ',Kelly Fl:.1ng iadet e Prominent Athlete , a1@.,.-.-onedaynotlOngagO. Major 13urge.~ ,Contnued rom Page np'UCed a coyote run acrose tne highwe.Y and"enter a large, unfenced stubble mente He reaolved to take the examina:ti~d :near which some sheep !Weregradnc. tion for entrance, and arrived at ' - '.])riv1.~'offthe road, throUgh the shalRandolph Field last March. He is no"" J:~'t;Al..\chand into the fiela. Major a stUdent in the PurCnli t Section of - :'PtUrM.,took up the pursuit, ridIng offthe Air Corps Advanced Flying School ,'~(.J.o.p..' .,the him into a mill. Kell.y. Field.. and w11l to obtain grad',.!B.Q1l.~tt1ng Bwiftly running coy.ate. the For and uated. His aInDition is Boon be a :; ;t~~~@;tI~hree minutes of the chase, the regular commil8ion in the AirCorpe C~.J.':8 spee4 he 30 miles an hour, ac- and fly the la teB t Pur sui t s~ipia.' co~u~ng to MaJor Burgees' speedometer. ---oOo-~-' ,..R~ ,in wide circles, ~he coyote kept "1~ll;l&:...back over his BhoUl r ,He would de. R'fOion of Kelly Field Gr,d" , . t:~~-.A~d!~-, turn in one direction,' but : ontinued from"86e 7: , , ,e~te,it in the opposite direction, ' ,~~;:t,. Ways the automobile would stay ad from the serVice. ,due to injuries reto;. ~'X",ear and the left of him, forcing caived in an airplane orash; four are hiJri. ,;;1)i._;~:. Uldlter and tighter . circle.. now flying for Transcontinental and .,#~iiF; lx mInutes the coyote'l speed . Western Air TraIllport Company; and two W!iP,e,d,to 20 miles an hour. This yadare on extended active duty a8 Air ~ll:~p:ecreased until, at the end 0 20 Corps Reserve officers. It 1e believed , ~u~~''J he was running about 6 miles an that 8everal are flying in one capacity ho'Ur. '1'or another in foreign countrie8. ' .i:j~iJ;lg, 'all thi s time, Major Burges8 Very anxious to locate the thirty "ke~; ..An ,the off position to the left unac.counted for members of the cl& t ", u!q.e;~ in the rear of the animal, Lieut. Lee has spread the word arouna. -, c'1oBing the mill until the circle. were ,that they conmunicate with him 10 that .~~,c.?!V,,~ a hundred yard8in diameter. he JDlq personally acquaint them with :~"~~ :W:le. end of twenty-two minute8, the all of the details of the reunion, e03,~,t~( 8til1 gamely trying to elude hil The enUre perlonnel of Kelly Field i.P.~r~,had slowed down to a mere &t~-I anticipated with a great deal of plffal,8t.1. ;)'~i".l:h ;8n, his tongue hanging out, hi. ,ure the honor and privilege of serviJ:!g he fell directly in ' &&host to the first 01&81 Reunion of ; .6~'eihausted, -, ~Q:Prt.'''otthe oncoming car. ' ' the Regular .A.:rrq Corps. -:.,.~i'~l.ed by the coyotet 8 game ~ffort8 ~:~.~~. Major Burgen was sorely '.:'t"t~,.to let him go, but the fact that KELLY FIELD OFFICERSDELIVER ,'_,-;ooi"~te;':have done so much ~e to LECTURES ro MEDICS. - '~o'i11t~ and small domestic animals on ' " -t)rIM- .. ~. the vicinity l of 'March' Field. Four Air Oorps .fficers on Gblty with " pt~, t,e.dhim to run over the prostrate the Air Corps Advanced Flyi~ School, Thus, the coyote' dled~ a victim Kelly Field. Texa'f were selected to nO:'f ~:ftery method employed by '.1',.' i d.el1ver lec.twes a.~ the School of .A.v1a, t.lq1hg &heep and other &p:i&11. aniJ;l81e.l tion Medicine, Randolph Field. Texas, _."",~e,.~~ote, which we1g~ed ~r. than 35' aa fol1818: ' ' i,:U01Wi~~va_. turned over ~o l4&Jor Bower. January 2llt - "Organization and Dn-14a~f~""e:ld Veterinary. When'Major ~loyment of Observation Aviation, It by s a5~~tC:~eh~~. cg~~c.~{ the Sja~.~:, ~2~~:i.~ ~A,tt~i'~viat10n,." b7 .,: ,,: bpunty generally paid for coy()tel, GaptainEdgar R. fodd. -~.',d that pqment had been di,sc,' onJanuary.'. 24tb';' "~8U.1t Aviation," "..4: lalt year due to lack of county by lIt Lieut, MarvinJ1l.Stalder. 1. . :',, " January 26th _ "~ombardmentAviat1on, I -v . ';.':;" .~~thod of forcing the coyote into by Capt41n Delmar T. 'Spivey. ' ,J!l~ lq~ ,~11e the pu,rsuer stays on the '--000_:AA~P~;, his circle, pue4ing him in ..l.~! ._,:'~ l-:;~~}' -:. V-7967. A. C.
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So high .. standard of valor and selfsacrifice has been set in previous instances, when officers and enlisted men of the Air Corps and Reeerve officer a were presented with the Cheney .Award, that the Board of Air Corps offi... cer s appointed by Major General Henry H. Arnold, Chief of the Air Corps, to select the person or persons most marl ting the Cheney Award for the year 1938, deoided after most careful consideration that the award for the paet calendar year should not be made, and that the award fund should be maintained in the custody of the trustee. The Cheney Award, which is given each year for the most outstanding act of valor or extreme forti tUde or se If_. n .~;.; sacrifice in a humanitarian interest, not On January 12th, under op~~~-t~~n.:a;,ornecessarily of a military nature but ders issued by the 19th Wi~ .. 'l~tLCprps, which shall have been performed 1n conairplanes of the 44th ReCOnliiJi']' nection with aircraft, was established Sq,uadron at Albrook Field. ~ f,':-;t~e twelve years ago in memoryof 1st Lieut. 7tll Reconnaissance and 25th'1!:9. ~~.'.eent William H. Cheney, Air Corps, who was SquadrOl1Sat France Field. ,'~al killed in an air collision at Foggia, Zone, conducted the opening,p. ~.::6f a Italy! on January 20, 1918. The donors three-~ mission in cooperat 0 w:t~h of th s award are Mrs. Mary L. C.Scofield, I the war vessels of the Unite9j", ate. of Peterboro, N.H., and Mrs. Ruth Cheney Fleet, en route to Caribbes.if' er,$'.for Streeter, of Morristown, N.J. the maneuver a, The long range r,cll' "smother and sister, respectiveiy, of the sance planes reported the en,'tty'Qf,;:J;he decease<\ officer. Th~ have JOlntly set fleet1nto Panamanian water8"~a~ap.~ed aside a fund of $15.000 the 1nas a covering patrol as the~1F'8, terest accruing therefrom to ~e used to their w~ to the Pacific en~r~~;~.~~ make the award, which is bestowed annuthe Panama Canal to awai t t'r~~.,~ ally by the Chlef of the Air Corns. The the following ~. "'1';';.' sum of $500.00 goes to the reciplent, On the 13th and 14th of J v "the along with a bronze plaque bearing the 24th and 29th Pur sui t Squaa.n~~flt the engraved name of the individual receiv74th Attack Squadron tOOK~,;tA~i".~ver.. ing it, together with a certificate of I ing mission at daybreak, ~e. ~i" . 'l.the award. passage of the fleet thro . -~' 1. Except for the years 1930, 1934 and Constant patrols were mainm:"'.Q.v~r 1937, when no awards were made for the I all sections of the Canal thtp~ ..)\t same reason as that prevailing in the I the dqlighthoure. '1' "+1'" year 1938. the Cheney Award has been The chief purpose of the IffiS$.io..A~~s made annually since 1927. In the exto teat existing'~'-",1J.ioepted years there were no acts or incities and to--.provide traini~ ~!.t;~ :"':.use dents which seemed exactly to fit the of codes. The fleet Sc.b.e"~ . ,.tp terms of the grant or distinctly to remain at anchor in Limon :a~,{ merit it. Atlantic coast until Januatt'.,~'''(.' n Thus far, twelve individuals have been which date planes from the ~ r ,~, dhonored through the bestowal to them of ment Group at France Field ~~i"el~dthe Cheney .A.ward. Master Sergeant Harry uled to cover the sortie to .Q:ne~~tindred A. Chapman, then of the 19th Airship miles at sea. Comp~, Langley Field, Va. t was the ---000--first to l'eceive this award, and it was .. " . in recognl tion of his heroism, presence Flight Lieutenant R.A. C i'.' ~J\. ~.:'~. ; ~!the of mind and extreme forti tude during the Royal Canadian Air Force, ~ ~~.-p.. tor great catastrophe on February 21, 1922, at Kelly Field, Texas, Janvift'X. ~1.4:.and when the AirshIp Romacrashed and burned. 6th inspecting training m.l&rfA. inSergeant Chapmanreceived the award. in ' sta i lations at the .Air CorpJ".:' - ':'"ed 1927, and in subsequent years the honor Flying School. He came to te,. .: ld haa gone to Captain Uzal G. Ent Air after a tour of inspection 'o:f.~:~~~f{Air Corps, for 1928; to Captain Wiliiam A. Corps stations in the San ~t.~i~,~ea, Matheny, Air Corps, for 1929; to 1st and while at this field he:~;.~~~se Lieut. Robert D. Moor (posthumously) and guest of Lieut. Vance..,,, -;"e 2J:1':: to Private John B. Smith, Air Corps, for ---000--- (;"dc. "~'19:31; to Private Arden M. Far1ev Air u~ 1 d E Dun i:~":'~ Corps, for 1932; jointly to the" i ate wco.Jor au e. C can, ~CliJ,lor~, was Lieut. W.L. Bogen and to Staff Sergeant ~h~8f'1~:dofr~eMfuir~?10f~!~~ ,to Corps, Washington, D.C. ." -1 V-79~7, A.C.
Doy D. Dodd and Sergeant Thomas J. Rogers for 1933; to the late 1st Lieut. Robert K. Giovannoli for 19;3~~ t.o Major Frederick D. Lynch an~; 4ft c.~ergeant Joseph L. Mu.rr~ t .Ai;" '" s~',;~r 1936..';;,,"' ::. :'r: Although th~ income from t~e ~rti8~ fund exceeds '1>500.00per 'G~~.~ ..1bh is the amount of the cash dona~~J,}.ijr}U.'~ goes with the Award, unawa.I:'d; .~~:are placed in a sinking fund for".po,~.~'~l. e use in case more than a IingX~ ,,-m;U.yidual in anyone year is select. ~4.l;fo~ the ..... award, as was the case in seVetti~: ihstances in the past. !~ ~~~:l;'l .: ---000--,:,'.1.,.',::.:, ",' COOPERATIVE MISSIONS WITH THE'1u;~; ., NAVY PANAMA. IN ,~"~ :>':'
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c':, 8.0.~etime the use of a p4l,rtion of Few people know or realize the degree . the rtitng field on SUnday. and hol1clqe 1la8~'BeeIi offered to the me.ny MOdel .A.1r- of precielon in design and construction necees&rY for the p~oduction of a satp.lane Q.~UbB the vicinity in of Moffett iefacto17 watch. The design, except for F~-el~..Call. AS a result, hundreds of ' and ma~Q.~'1)~1111derBt. ith their various typee details of constructlon w terials. is very well standardized. ~e,of-~~r~~a.nesl I'requent Moffett Field sides fine worlcnanship. however . detail~verr.oal~ar ~undai. ed care in adjustment and re~lation ", ,on~ ;\.aci is doing outstandil'lg work in are required to enable the watch memqd.el,p.'9-11ding. His name will not be ment;O~4f but a description of the ship chanism to give correct time lndications. he haa' designed. 1ts flying characterThe heart and brain of the watch is istics, and future developments are ll81'e the escapement. which is controlled by given. the balanoe wheel. This little part F:1r;Btt~;it should be understood that does not weigh much, but every bit of thi!'airplane has been completely conthat weight must be in a particular preceived, plans drafted. and all construcdetermined loca.tion. The design must 11y done by its owner. It 1s be such that temperature and the "state .,,:,ot' 56~qu.e design, its wings being a f~'U~ ,~'d1ficat1on of the gull-wing. It of windll of the mainspring will not affect an absolutely uniform rate of '~'l'~CYClelandingthe airplane by gear, which nas movement. This uniform movement inf '~~, . ~ damage to ~:; e:t .. ~~ nose-overs and ground loops. sures accurate timekeeping. In addition to the design and 'Work~~. ~~.~'.' .r.Plant 1s a fifth horsepower manship. the materials must ~es1st wear " ":~~o,> . very compactlY placed in to an unbelievable extent. All conven'. ~'~ e ..f the ship. Fuel for the motional watches are designed for 5 beats . ~'t":'C9n'S"'~ts of a mixture of gasoline f"~,,~JJ~~~J).ty grade oil. The Dlane usualor ticks per second. In a daY this ,~IJ.r.~~rl~s about two minutes' fuel: how- means that the balance wheel has ticked ,"~vet ~"ihiLch more than thi 8 could be caroff 432,000 beats. while in a year the . 'rl~Ci-'1f there were some means of connumber of beats is well over one hund-'~ro~tJ.~~, the ship in flight, and thereby red and fifty million. It is no-t UIlpre~~,~ift1ng. The young designer ie commonfor a pocket watch to indicate 1VOrld~ on radio control in order to accurate time after twenty years 'of ,~li~i~~te_ this trouble. use. To enable it \0 do this it must. ;:'J }j~;r'-f'o-r, a brief description of the of course, have been cleaned occasion~-" minute engine is star.ted ally. At the end of twenty years, the 'Ueted to an UObroken hum. .A.lbalance wheel has moved through the /.:t.h .. ~'~-e gusty wind would be dangerous staggering total of over three billion ,"' beats. Accuracy to within a few sec. "t~\ ,,' having the conventional land1-1~,.~t'~~ the tricycle gear on this ship onds a day is usually expected. Not only the precision built into a. ~~~1~ perfectly straight on the takewatch originally t but also the parte ,off1 f short run of fifteen yards and of a particular, type of watch. must be ," ,tlt~e, ~~ leaves the ground! starting a interchangeable with any other of 'that , ".',"81 ,:p;l.-;mbing turn to the eft. for . type manul'actured by the same company. I':tt-:bae been trimmed. .A. ust of g ~, ;O;p'8 a wing and the ship slips to- To make this possible, all parts are made in machines or tools that must "'_~ound. but the balance and maintain the shape and size of the part ,,+~a.s been so well engineered t~t to very close limits. gpt amount of speed picked up Very few people accord their watChes ,;, r ,1: ;t'Ems the ship imnediately. ,L'. e -se of the, strong wind. only 60 the care required to insure 8. long and seconds of fuel has been put into the accurate life. Fortunately, watches are so constructed that they will withsmall tank. and after reaching an al tistand the shocks and jars incident to <,"R{ ,a.Qout 75 ft.! the motor stops. ordinarily careful handling. -:rd ~r~,tlM ~:a"held and e ngers are crossed The primary necessity for periodic ';;:,~~n:~-' small craft starts its glide, .~~'. cleaning is to remove the gum residue , I>.dr -reason too. ~ model owner8 remaining after evaporation of the oil , -:~~, 'tb}Ied their creations perform r. b~ ~'-ly until the glide and then The watch should be correctly oiled af'r ..,J~,,~\o . them start a dippIng motion ter having been thoroughly cleaned. The "',",b,~~' . L,~heglide is slow, and at the watchmaker lmows that too much 011 is as bad as no oil at all., because the w~nt wing is .lightlyground. Or, '~''Sl'na "one dive into the heaVY,causoil may ~ throughout the movement and ng a steep spiral glide until the ship cause contacting parts to stick, or crashes in on one side. The owner of seep onto the hairspring and cause two ~ I.,': ,~~:sh~. apparently lmew of these difcoi18 to stick together. The result ) ~ , fitd)U,ti1$5i' and by careful deS~ing. and will be that the watch rate will change c6~~ion prevented them or hi. entirely r,(Contin'\%&d Page on . ~Continued on Page 1.2 .). 1.../ -1 _ V-796 7 A.C.
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~y the Materiel
D~vision Correspondent
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further test~ and training. in its use by all 1st DivIsion units during airground communication cooperative misMajor George C. Kenney, Air Corps, sions in the current traIning year. In Commanding Officer of the 97th Observation Squadron, (Corps and Ar~) Air Corps, addition. the 97th Observation Squadron based at Mitchel Field, L.I., New York, has forwarded a description ,of.~ftliesyshas introduced to the Second Corps Area tam to a.ll Corps & Army squa;dro:ni3 and a system of flag signals in amp1ificatio National Guard Observation unt~) with of and as a possible substitute for the request that it be service tew~d and use of j)ansls and pick up messages. This tha t a report of findings and'rvbommentype ofalr-ground communication was dations be returned for use infideterminorlginall;y used. at Fort :Benning, Ga., ation as to the final adoptio~.~~ this before bSlng introduced in the Corps or other methods of communica.:td4h.. .. . ---000--'J,t .:,; , , Area by Major Kenney. ",. ,.. DUring tne past summer it was tested Time;eieces (From Page JiLl ~ ir by the 97th Observation Squadron in .i ..... -: f field cooperative missions with various Care must be taken to.preYien\;rplaC1ng ground arm units, and appears to fulfill the watch 1n & strong m8&neti,C:ofielci. all the requirements of good air-ground If the watch has been 1nadvjiM~tlY;JIlBgcommunica trans. netized, it will be noted t~1J''lthe.~Mte Flag signal s are executed by means of is conslderably off. It shoul.!~thm be the semaphore code. If no flags are on placed in a demagnetizer ori.~iernating hand, they may easily be improvised. current field to remove the ~eti..sJn. Messages are sent from the vicinity of ---000--,:,j Il:1-:. ~'::::: the identification panel of the sending ",-,.-"',' r' uni t. Four signals only are re~uired: Model Airnlane Flying (Fram:PMe:rri) , (1) a dot, made by executing' D" of : ,-.,,"1 rrsemaphore code; airplane settled into a'~ (2) a dash, made by executing "R" of glide. The landing was int,tmes;:ting>cto se~phore code; wi tness because of the new tw>e::ia.n4ing ~3) "End of Word," by chopping flags vertically above waist. gear. The forward wheel toucbe4 th'e ground first, then the ship ~ettle4son (4) "End of message,'\ by moving the flags horizontally in front of the body the two rear Wheels. And, a,Hhaugh:sthe landing was made in a stroD8;lcro"SB.~'z. from a dash po si tion and back to the windt the tricycle gear prey.utad STen "dashu position several times in fast a s1 gh t tendency to ground1oep. ."The succession. One man is required to send the mesship rolled to a stop, mak1IllE~nt2le .::::: sage and ana ther to read the me ssage to flight so perfect that it eJl:;0ept him. In an emergency. one man will suf- realize there had been no pil-Q,i".'~ design and construction,.:~~o': .?r:; fice. The young owner hopes tod~~n'Bt~te From the air, procedure involves locating the identification panel, receiv- a flight wIth radio control .~Q~. Bts plans are to first place t~e:~Q~t~~l ing the message, and dropping a written on the rudder for ex:perimen~,9:i .w. J.1I answer along with message received at panel station. weight and flling cha,racter.i.1J1t~_es . :;' Then, after tl'leSe tests are~~ .... t.q.~put Flexibility and simplicity make the con trols on the ailerons anQ.,~lllva.tQrs. flag system more desirable than panels in many cases. It is much faster, and ----.. ~:.~ ~"/" .~;' Several men in the SquadrQAII;.e.t ;:' with very little preliminary training Randolph Field, Texas, llave'~::qfik~n ~ permits a speed of transmission of six model airplane building wi~~':'iwpr'~.,ing to eight words a minute. A detail of two men can replace the six or eight men results. Among a half doze;[)'iJll.g~or .. :; normally required for efficient panel jobs already completed. one_'1qq~! communications. AS a substitute for ob- e~durance record of 45 min~~~~o~n .~e alr. .,,,,,.~,. .. taining messages formerly received through the method of pick-up, it is As a matter of fact, this.:tiPa;e-bime superior in most instances. Troops on hobby has grown to such pro~Qt:t!oni:: the march can signal from moving vethat it has been necessary tq.'cW't~l hicles. Messages can be sent from almodel airplane flyi~, due' ~$.osemost any place, whereas pick-up requires ness of the ha.nF':ar hne and, ., n~ill Open fields and clear approachesf often ity of controllIng the fl1gh't.,.q~ a:~'~ at a considerable distance from the Com- model in the air. r r~~.' ~ ."---000--- ."'~".; . ~': ~~:'-;'-'-' mand Post. Flag signals aleo avert the ,'. ,.... u danger from the suspended hook to the ground troops involved. Major Romeyn:B. Hough, Jr ~.~~~Vi~. A recent training circular of the lIt been found by an Army retirID geoa~ Division at Fort Hamilton, New York, has incapaci tated for active se. .~~j o!tZac~ . described the s~stam and designated the count of disabili ty incideJil'~!'M':Fe~w;, Division Air Officer and Division Signal has been retired from activ~I~C'~~vi~. Officer as the coordinating officers for effective January 31 1939.. _..aJ:l3J h 1 been on duty at :Boll ng Fie4.._':'-j~. c.e. -1 V-7967, A.C. GROUND - AIR COMMUNICATION
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Hurshell B. Paul ,: J,', ~ter. Leo I. . ~. t~s. George W. ... 5.,lij,'ffU. George W. i: i, ~A:nderes. Wilfred J. ~ '7.. 'IDiDgle" , Arthur 8. ,1~S, Henry T. 9. Bowe!l, Fred B. 10. Rooney. Logan J. 11. t.~~, George S. 12. Giles. John L.
70. 71.
76. 77.
85'. 86.
-am ,
88. 89. 90. 91 92 93. 94. 95 96.
103. 104 .
107. 108. 109.
111. 112
113. 114.
120. 121
123. 124.
128. 129.
, t) . -i,
Ervin W.
Von EuW', J' ohn B. Glassoock, Benton D. MiY'ers, Allen G. :Dozile 8, John Fihgerald. John E. 140. Palmer. Clarence A. 141~ -Kelly, Robert J. Neff, Frank D. 142. Snith, Alfred N. 143. 144. }{JOorhead, William B. Thompson, Benton T. 145. 146. Cat tar ius , Adolph Casto. Clyde R. 147. 148. HoffIIBll. earl'" 149. Thooas , Beber' H. 150. Tupper, Hobson 151. Thomas, Edwin D. Saq>son, Harold F. 152. 153. Hooe, Boy W Baldwin, Thorms J. 154. Clark, Irvin L. 155. 156. Craig, Don J. Ferrell, Bruce R. 157. 158. Bell, Charles C. 159. -Jones, William L. 160. IOmbeck, Jacob S. 161. Mick, Vernon Stol te, Arthur 162. 163. *Lawrence, Harry E. 164. Bosser, John C. 165. Johnson, Harold V. 166. Waters, Claude G. Sri $her, Douglas M. 167. 168. Moore, Virgil T. 169. -Casey, Patrick Glenn E. 170. Freshwater, Raynnnd C. 171. Parrett, 172. Burrp,ushs, John J., Jr. 173. -Wright. Lee R. 174. Wall.e, John R.D. 175. Young, Stephen B. 1?6. <CUnn, Ral-ph E. Revert, Art ie L. 177. .178. Waddell. Walter A. James A. 179. Forrest, Walsh, Lambert C. 180. 18l. Freathy, Albert E. Hartley, Ernest H. 182. Townsend, William B. 183. 184. Fox, Will iam B. 185. Olson, Gilbert W. Redifer, Earl B. 186. 187. Henneck, Michael P. Scott, Elliott 188. 189. Randl es , Arthur E. 190. Symington, Douglass 191- -Bishop, Edward J. George C. 192. -Kilmetz, 193. Hughes, ~nd J. 194. Edwards, Frank S. 195. Pope, William E. 196. Faust, Carl M. 197. -Miller, Joseph J. 198. Craft, TenqysonM. 199. Sil vel'S, Lee Marth, Hugh J. Reist, nil 201. V-7967, A.C.
216. Brown, George D. 230. ~ue, Arthur H. 3:>2. Gossett, Henry 217. Scott, Grover B. 231. Brees, William M. 203. Akers, Thornton 218. *Arl'ord , Leo W. 232. Hewitt, Albert G. 204. Tomberlin, George D. 219. *;)n, WilliamT. 233. Dryer, Roward)J~,;_, 205. Foster, Edwin C. 220. Crawford, Wallace W,. 234. -Gerton, Willi~;~;,:" ., 206. Croy, rlii1liam D. 221. *Ha:rt, He:man 235. Grey, Joseph~~'~f"I ::: ~ 201. Hamilton, Bobert E. 222. Field, Charles B. 236. Fulkrod, Benjaml~ r;,'.~ 208. Grossnan, Paul 209. Callaghan, George 223. Dozier, John 237. *Johnson, L10jr~,""~{",:, : 224. Schooler, Osoar H. 238. Totuan, Theoq.oi~ :o,:-,'~ 210. W8i}"tulonis,Victor M. 225. Phila'P7, Thl-;sell t. 239. *Mannion, Marti*" ..~ .','"," 21l. *Adams , Jarms B. Henry H. 226. *Holt,- Jewel A. 240. *JohnsOn, Leo~4"Gl"" . 212. G~, 227. Siebenaler, Frank J. 241. *Hudson, Littn ....OJ,l.~.~i.:: t , 213. Hernan, Leo 1. 228. *Hahn, Rlohard W. 242. *HartnBn, Ferai.~'~; 214. Mitchell, Gregory A. 229. *McKemla~ inus F. L 243. -Burke, HarryM.>',_'.~,; I .' 215. Housen, Syle W. Note: Asterisk preceding name indicates rank of First Sergeant. Renaining sioned officers hold grade of Tecihnica.l Sergeant." ~ri ,Ie:~' Technical sel'geant Hurshell B. Adams was appointed to the grade of },!a:8-ter':'~'le Sergeant sin:e January 1, 1939. as were Master Sergeants Kurutz and: RioKlier.: The list of qUalified Staff Sergeants eligible for proIIX)tionto the ,~~,:J :. of Technicel Sergeant will be published in the next or succeediDg issUe (>~,~'i r . the Air Corps News Letter. " --. ---000---
P.A.NIX:lLPH FI:ELD NCO CLUS HCLDSNNUAL ELEGr ION A By Wallace H. Williams, Secretary and Treasurer
The Noncomnissioned Officers' Club of Randolph Field, Texas, held its annual election of ub officers for the ensuiDg year at the West Club Building on Thursday, January 12th. The election was held prior to the regular Thursdq stag di:caer. The popularity of our genial President, Master Sergeant B.D. Booth, was obvious by the UllBnim:>us vote of the body for his reelection without further solicitation. Master Sergeant Joe Daly, of the School of Aviation Medicine, was elected Vice President; Tochnica1 Sergeant Wallace F. Williams, Secretary-Treasurerl Sergeant J. Story, Cbairuan of the Entertainment Conmittee; Staff Sergeant Ralph L. Andrick, House Director; and the manbers at large constituting the Executive !toaN. Master Sergeant W.H. 1lni. th, Technical Sergeant Grover B. Scott and Staff Sergeant Hubert V. Valentine. At the present time there al'e affiliated with the Club over two hundred active manbers, and its record of achievement for the past year is one of lIhich all must be justly proud. The entire msnbership attributes this success in DO small measure to the loyal devotion and work accaq>lished by lYJ8.ster ergeant Booth. S Not to be outdone by the mere IIlEIle,the ladies of the Club held their nx>nthly ''Gettogether Family Supper" in the East ~ub Buildlag and. according to reports, was enjoyed by all. The entire club membership extends an invitation to all noncommissionedofficers of the Air Corps to visit our club buildings while traveling Texas way. There you will fiIJd and enjoy the good fellowship 1olownto this fair land and nay partake of the southern hospitality practiced at our beautiful command. ---000---
, .... ...... t
Thanks to an alIIX)stuninterruptea~; ~.i!Jll'o!, perfect 1yiDg weather since the '~llttSe11ii: . classes at Randolph Field start~',~lMnt~: ~n both Primary and Basic stages las-t,;the student trainiDg at the PrimarYlrlYi!lf.'$cli6.ol is well ahead of schedule. .1s tbe Chi'fstttBs holidays ended, a series of wet'nor~ner~;dUst storms and, finally, soggy airdr~~;.'c-Q;'tS'.ned the instruction to some extent. ' ~e~!tl; this setback, 1;owever, both stagevC~~~.-qt{> cOlIJlleting theu program well before: t~e.;t;lOrnel date, which is usually the tli~O~~~~rt?;f
Fe1:~tiCs constitute the main. i~~'~f'~ struction on the PT-l3t s, with fi':pe!:'8l'le8ka: by the flight coIllI8nd.ersbeiDg s~'fjic1iea'in. Due to the unusuallyloDg spell ~:ti~ r'- .., weather without the usual interr1.1P.t1::~I1$:fo~ in the winter class, a high pero~nil~~,'~f .. .'::, cadets are still on the Prinary S~~e;'~re ... than 60 peroent renaining.:,.;," C":.: Basic Stage reports that their !?~~~en~:ll' : course is alIIX)stcOIIJlleted, with 9.~y;~n~~;-ument flying, sane phases of naviga~~.Qn~; . fOl'D8tion flyiDg left to be cl~cl \1p . Won the final c~letion of the class; ~~Qf the instructors and flight comm.nders':nll a.~t on extended navigation flights, c~:te~l~', this phase of the War Department 1'~~tli~g','m:" rective between ckasees. '. -'~ . t:'. ---000--..."; : ~ ~ ...~ '
.... ; !
Air Corps oonconmissioned offi~~~".#1o',v.e been placed on the retired list, .$;"eQHt~:-January 31, 1939, were as follOwSt~:.~' .: . Master Sergeant Ernest Brown, BCJ.:i~,;ana." . Hqrs. Squadron, Air Corps TeohniQ4,$eh6Ql . Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. '.,:...' Technical Sergeant Haner Routt ..1~tl1, Squadron, Bandolph Field, Texas. ~-- 0,-,:;,' :':, Master Sergeant Harvey H. Hewitt, Air Corps, Staff Sergeant. Richard. Zane, 99-t~'~~"t. Sergeant Major at Luke Field, Hawaiian Department Squadron, Mitchel F18ld, N.t,.... ,; :'.L ment, and for ~. years Sergeant Major at sergeant Brown was advanced onc,~e.~;~~.M4'~ 'elfridge Field, moh., was appointed a Warrant list to the radt of secoIJd lieute~t;,.~,"' Officer, U. S .A:rrrv, effective February 1, 1939. the .A.ot of Congress, approved 'May '7: 1'93"~: ' -14V-796?, A.C.
atratford.. Conn. Boetcher. John Edward Waterbury, Co~ SUtliffe. Th~ Henry Washington: Do C., Hill. Jamee Wilborn Washington, D. C. W11 burn, Donald E. Bourne, Even Franois ,Jr. Corel Gables. Fla. Gainesville, Fla. ltenDington, Tbate.s C Jr. Miami" Fla. Motaohlan. J.ames TBJqla, Fle. Aubert, George J. Tazq>a., Fia. Moe, John Gillette, Jr, Tarq>a, Fla., 14organ, Marion C. Cedartown, Ge.. Haile, James E., Jr. Deoatur, Ge.. IIcWhorter, William Hugh,Jr . Fort BenDing. Ge.. Clarke. Leo George, Jr. Ma.oon, Ga. .Adams, Benjamin C. Sylvania, Ga. mi ton, Corson L., Jr. Boise, Idaho Bevington, J'~ mark Boise, Idaho Poulson, l'aul Heman, Jr. Torelle, Albert Ed-.rd,Jr. Coeurd'AleDe, Idaho 'Pocatello, Idaho Large, Jackson Ibuglae Bloomington, Ill. Auburn, Ala. Hardesty, Harold J. CarlinvIlle. Ill. It eel &, l'arker, John Lowe etlIl y, ALa. Dixon, Elmer Austin, Ill. Margaret, Ala. ld L ChIcago, Ill. Red Level,.Ala. .a1'DO , ee Chicago, m, Sulli ent &, Banknan, Jaclc A. g ,ALa. Ga~es, Nicholas L. Chicago, Ill. Tuscaloosa. Ala. HUIIIler. Clinton BolllUld Chicago, Ill. Dreke, .Ariz. Laris, James Chicago. Ill. Phoenix, .Ariz. L~-.:a-..t.. Ge E , Jr. Chioago. Ill. "hoenix &-i ~,orge. c , 1II. Mahler, William Miobael Chicago, Ill. Tucson, .A.riz. lIartin. Glen Webster Chicago, Ill. Tucson, .A.ri z. .. e t erson, \AfolO' ~,""""Oe .lri "'--1 .. ......... Chicago, Ill. War .... Chicago. Ill. Greenb~i:;, :Priestly, Ralph B. Chicago, Ill. Lit 1 'D-ck auith. John Fra.dc t e ""V ,.Ark. neming, Francis M. E'Y8Ilston, Ill. Li ttle Book, .Ark. Lamb. Robert Stewert I:ewe.neel Ill. Ye.gadne, Ark." F --,- N J LaGrange. Ill. Berkeley, Calif. ""raves, r_ " r. IfonDOuth. Ill. ""--_'1..._-'- Calif Ross, Dean Riner D~~, '1. Calif Hays, 'iT ban Eo urne .nat N01'JlB1, Ill. Bur,.cu.a.. Beazy, HaroId A.b;nuJCIW -'--OtFallon, Ill. Bur1 Ulgama, Cal if. L Ottawa, Ill. - &_-'- im Corso, eon AUClUe ,Cal if. n L ui :Peoria, Ill. "--1 bad Calif naDsrmD, 0 S H. ~ s. 1 ff J'r-_.... So J Riverside, Ill. Colton, Calif. .DIg 0 , -, r. Springfield. Ill. J:l Centr~, Calif. Good, Robert Ogden Tane.lco. Ill. Gnss Valley, 00 if. Floyd, Harold Marous Tolom, Ill. Los .1ngeles, Calif. Fackler, Paul H. Urbana, Ill. Los .Angeles, Calif. Morgan, MaoPherson Shelbyville, Ind. I.e A_ .... 1 Calif LaBarbera, Sal~or P. s -.008 8S, Gilbert, GeQrge A. Princeton, Ind. La Canada, Cal if. South Bend. Ind. Northfork, Calif. Swinehart, l4arion Louis r"I_'_' __ .. Cal'1. Buis. Kenneth Leon f Terre Haute, Ind., 'O-be'" Terre Ha.ute. Ind. Cal'f Underwoed,..... rt". Ri~~, 1 1 .Ames, Iowa. Riverside, Calif. Eyres, Wi Ham Gordon t'l.. t Cal if Walker, George Alexmlder Council Bluffs, Iowa. QDCrame:tl. 0, Zoeokl J hn, Iowa. San Fr$ncisoo, Calif. er, 0 L. Des 1Io 1nes , Iowa. Santa Barbara, Calif. P~, Paul Hugh Hedrick, Iowa Shaver Lake, Calif. Trigg. William J. T Calif Parsley, Harold Vincent Horniok, Iowa racy, Ford, E~IlB liatthew West Bend, Iowa BeJ,lvue, Colo.' St 1 Coluni>us, Kans. DenTer, Colo. ea e, rdon It. LawreIlCe, Ka.ns. J'ort Collins. Colo. Gorrill, Bobert Barr Wichita, Kans. L8velaDd. Colo. Lowe, Robert Clyde Winfield, Kans. Venzl!LlXlla.,Colo. Stuber, Lovell Swain J:aet Hartford, Conn. JeDldns, Charles Frank Bowling Green, Ky. lAst HartfQrd, Conn. Frazier, ThoJms W. Jefferson Town, Ky. :East Hartford, Conn. Lensing, Will iam E' LouiSTUle, Ky. Glreemrich,Conn. Tyler, Henry s., Jr. Louisville,Ky. North HaYen, Cmm. Gayle, Hubbard L, Jr. MDrganfield, Ky.
& &1>.'
:10. __
V-7967 , A.C
'I ..
WiIlChester, ICy. Schulze, Herbert Otto SyftOJ1S8. N.Y. cawood, Francis L. Winchester, Ky. Pratt, Harry B. A~Til1'e, N.C. Todd, Thomas M. .habi, La. Kingsbury, F~ Fayetta-.nlle.,- N.C. Bynun, Richard E. ousa.s, La. Johnson, Jemes McLean Greenil'boto,- s.c. Norwood, Albert M. lle, La. Brown, Paul Paisley, Jr. llal.eigh;,1lf.C. Shea, Jim ~ Howton, Maine Matthews, Joseph A. ~ei'gli, N.C. Dow James Frederic1c , South Portland, MaiM Will1ems, John G. Jr. !/al'eig}l,'lT.C. Dow, Th~son Faxon Van Buren, Mai~ Newsome, James Wyatt Wak. '~N8t,"lT.C. Cormier, Everett L. Hurlook, Md. Rivenbark, Teal .Alexamer,Jr. . W'atha,N.C. Andrews, Stephen Elwood, Jr. Chevy Q:lase, Md. Martin, 'Wheeler, Jr. Willi8Dlaton" N.C. Wa.esche, Harry Lee Boston, lIass. Leonard; Harold Thooas '.FtLrso, .:S.D. LaBols, Leo Lewis Brighton, Mass. Olson, Orville R. ' " :r.i~, }l.D. Sullivan, John G. Brookton. ltfass. Amstutz, Warren J. Be8:w~Ohio Bailey, Arnold James Cambridge, Mass. Barrow, William Robert ~,:Ohio Cu:oliffe, Rioha.rd King Dorchester, Vass. Pontius, Howard lI'Umer\fausfeOn,)t>hio Blood. Richard William East;,])edhem, Wass. Brown, Boderick No1'lJ8Z1 ., A1t~ ~ Okla. Knoll, Helnnt Julius Methuen, l4asa. Bamsdel, Joseph William BSrmd~l,Ok1a. Doran, John William Shelburne Falls, lIan. Cannon, Leo Loftus Blfiokwe'll, :Ok:la. HQDe, Boger W. West Newton, Mass- Harkey, Paul 'Ida~];, Okla. Stetson, Jefferis Wollaston, Brett. ThC*1B8 arshall M .. NOJ:Jlll!L21; .<lda. Clarie, Harry A., Jr. Worcester, Mass. Meyer, Milton N. No~;.Okla. Foulkes, 3Ja.vid Robert l:r:m hbor, Mich. Minshew, Davis Oklahclia ,011<1, Ckla. Fuller, J'ra.Dk LaVern Bay City, Mich. .Fhillips, Proctor Elliott Oklahc:ima01-1iYl': Okla. Ball, Russell Louis Benton Harbor. Mich. Trosper. Earl Joseph Oklabora CUy,Okla. McCoJm811, Benjamin F. Detroit, Mich. Wilson, Richard Rupe OklebCma.Oiiiy;;Ok1a. Adams, William Carrol ton Detroit, Mich, Schaller, Otto Henry Okmulgee, -;'Okla. x'uszkl, W~ tel' A. DetJjO~ M~~, t. Gorins, Tim St.igler , Okla. Sofian, Peter Youbg, Howard M. Gladwin. Mich' :to~s Ben Htm:i7 .Su1phur~'Ok1a. IronwoOd, Mibh~ teud,. ~ H~d .', T~le,(kla. Anderson, Wesley Alleyn RQtmlus; MiCh' Lueas, erDon Danitt'ro~; Okla. Bayles, Glen Shelby, Mic~ Koehne; George Hen1'y, Jr.T,d"he.~ Okla. Ford, Tbco:Ia.s . R Brainerd, Minn. Beker, Nolan !lillian talte1's; Okla. Crust, luibert W. Ferrell, Max Everett Cass Lake, Minn. Eilers, John Fred Coi'vtl11h .- Ore. Fort Snelling, Minn. Stidd, Elbert Northam. Jr. 1?&i'tllbid.Ore. Gtoay, William Torkelson, Elmo Prescott Lyle, Minn. Comito, (;oSlOO L. Brownsrll-18, .Fa. Colburn, Richard R., Jr. Minneapolis, Minn. Hutton, Jdward M. Cbaii1bei~.btn'g:,. Pa, Schmidt, Abner Dennis Minneapolis. Minn. WilliaJDs, William Frederiok Pitl_~ Pat ltfattson, Russell Stenchfield. Minn. Curd, J edio Albert . Lyi1Aorn e Pa.. lfashburn, Leon Waddell, Jr. Clarksdale, Miss. Hanmerle, ClareIlCe B., Jr. uobnstown, Pa. Baker, .Albert Buford Cruger, Miss. Guerrina, Albert S. Philadelphia, 1'a.. Cooke, Chester Guy, ,Jr. Oxford, Miss. Robinson, Edgar A.. Phoen1xvUl&, Pao Boyett, Curtiss George,Jr. Shelby, Miss. McCrackin, Marion Riffle 'Soott4ale, Fa. Eurns,Robert Wiygul State Line, Miss. McMullen. Harry Leo, Jr. trniontCnin1,Pa. Landaker, Walter E.; Jr. Clinton, Mo. I Hill, George Dourian Yeaclon, Pa. Hosford, Jack Cunningham Columbia, Mo. Taylor, Ra,yImnd Cent!'al 'Falll1l.R.I. McCorkle, Leon 1-4arshall Salisbury, Mo. Axderson, David Vibe Fl'Ovicl~e;1t.I. HerCln, James Redden Billings, Mont. Larson, Nils RodDey Providence. R. I. Thoq>son Falls, Mont. Bodgers, Fenton Riverside, R. I. Larson, Robert Sherxmn Willi 1!IIWI0Xl , Walter H(mX'y Beatrioe, Neb_I Tyler, Olarles l4atthew Charleston, S.C. Falls City, Neb. Riddle, Harry Duff't'Otunbis.;" S.C. Lang, Do:DaldWashburn Lincoln. Neb. Stricklin, William Joseph,Jr. ~c>re~~ . S.C. ' Scott, George, II Brown, Babngrell Walter lAJaha, Neb. Oliver, Harry . ,' ..l;fezpe;;S.C. Harding. Burkley CUeha, Neb. Boatwright, Lewellyn T., Jr., Ridg~~i~,;S.C. P1rruecello, Joseph S. Qnaha., Neb. Carter, Landis Owen V~118."S.C. Sutton, Wllburt Judson Elizabeth, N.J. Turner, Mannie P., Jr. WestCOluiii>!~. S.C.Closter, N.J". Taute, August Fra:okl. in .BrootC#g8,S. D. Quincy. hthur Joseph Bash, Bobert Edwin Maplewood, N.J. Fuller, Stephen J. ~Mo~:ri~;S.D. Lyons, James Raymond Maplewood, N.J. Sheldon, BeDjamin N''''e.t~~~!J:l..S.D. Chambers, Carleton .Alfred 'l'renton, N,J. Womack,Edgar M. ~tat~"1'enn; Lane, Robert George Hurley. N.Y. Wood, Eftr~tt Newton Jobns~il.~ty.~ Tenn, Iloberts, James Th0m3.s Aroade , N.Y. Hall, Wlll~ Lenoir '..-tQ~~TeIlIl. Healy, Jtm3S J. Bronx, N.Y. Milner. Robert Rutherford~hilil. 'TeIlIl. AIlgelopoulos, Evan Brooklyn, N.Y. Brann, Ralph Austin Sa~;T;eIm. Hawes, Deniel G. Brooklyn, N.Y. Chel3O'll'8th. ax M A~ilQ~;t Te~ Mel!ls1~ Alfred Brooklyn, N.Y. Sprizg. Gilbert Manly A.pple .S()ri~~, .T,exas Schwartz, William Brooklyn, N.Y. Carlisle, Guernsey IslaXld IUs~~ -Texa.s lappill, 'Louis Olarles Elmira, N.Y. Floyd, John Edward . A.~~1~ Texas .A.rentzen, ThOlIl!l.s Oscar Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Potter, Edward Jack ,.1uffl~~'Ie:xas Cranston, John F. N"" York, N.Y. Adkins, John :EClbert~~r Tems utton, Carleton C. Syracuse, N.Y. Brower, Ogden' r8llu; Tems 'P..azo80n_ Burton E. Syracuse, N.Y. CullUbl., Felder Wilson Dallas, Te:zas - s.. V-7967, A.C.
r. '
Bowers, William R. Toccoa, Flight B,16th Obs. Squadron, Fort Berming, Georgia. Bradley, Donald E. Chicago, Ill 19th Pursuit Sqd.n., Wheeler Field! T .R Stone, FraDk L. ChJ.Cago, Ill. Hqrs. end Hqrs. Squadron, Air Corps Technical School, Chanute Field, Ill CaTswell, John H. Blakely, Ge.. 12th Air Base Squadron, Kelly Field, Texas FitzsilIIOOns, William David Huntington, Mass. 1st Bombardment Sqdn.,. Mitchel Field, N.Y Larkin, John Nantucket, Mass Hqrs. and Hqrs. Sqdn., Randolph Field, Tex. Baker, Donald R. Grand Rapids, Mich. 46th School Squadron, Randolph Field, T~ Van Allen, Edward L. Greshexn, Neb~ 1st School Squadron, Cham.te Field, Ill. Freeram, Edmmd Frederick Manchester, N.H. Rqrs. and Rqrs. Sqdn." Randolph Field. Tex. Bad, ice , I8niel ViIlcent Brooklyn, N.Y. 18th RecoIlllBoissanoe .Squadron, Mitchel Field, N.Y. Lyon, Howard Britton, Asheville, N.C. Base Rqrs. and 1st Air Base Squadron, Langley Field, Va. Wheeler, James ClareIJX:)re, Okla. 47th School Squadron, Bandolph Field, Tex :D1xon, Bay G. '1'allequah. Okla. Hqrs. and Hqrs. Sqdn. ,Randolph Field, Tex. Reiner, Harry O. Reinertonj PaRqrs. and Hqrs. Sqdn., Mitchel Field, N.Y Beasley, James Carl Chattanooga, Te:cn 11th Air Base Sqdn., Randolph Field, Tex. Foster, John C. Chattaoooga, Tenn. 53rd School Squadron, Randolph Field, Tex. Brown, Merle C. Lubbock. Texas Hqrs. aDd Hqrs. 9J.dn., Randolph Fie1d,Tex. Ezzell, Ben Quinton San Benito, Texas 53rd School Squadron, BaDdolph Field, Tex. Hutchison, A:tms M. San Antonio, Texas 63rd School Squadron" Kelly Field, Texas HarbUn, William Leonard Wichita Falls, Texas Slight C, 12th Observation Squadron, Fort Sill, Okla. ENLISI'ED MEN _ OTHER BRANCHES OF SERVICE Infantry Booth, Wendell Joseph Washington, Iowa Hq. Co. 3d Inf., Fort Snelling, Minn. Fr~udenthal, Charles HildiDg Worc~ster, Mass. Co. B, 16th Infantry, Fort Ja:y. New York , ~....,. .... ,~w" " Cassutt Thoxx:e.s enneth K Duluth MiIll1e LH~l~. ies Osborne Los Angeles, Calif. Co E' 3 d Inf try F t Sn lli Mi . 'lst.,W_:ther Squadron, March Field Calif. ,r an., or e 118, nu. BOu,- ;l~ .. . E Los Ang~les, Calif. S1gnal Co~ 'B~s .~s. and 4th Air Base Squadron, Baigent, Victor Bedford Hills, N.Y. 'lIar'Cli.~e1d Calif. 51st Sig. BUn., Fort ~IJm:)uth, N.J .~.: '1;;#11", "JOhn ~as Los !,ngeles, Calif. Coast Art111ery , -'. ;~th:,ui\ 91dn. ~ch Field, Calif. Turner, Paul, Jr. Tarboro, N.C O:P. Ooean Park, Calif. Rqrs. Battery, 51st C.A. t Fort Monroe, Va. ,....:.;.ir~ua:rt Field Artillery . 'l!&#p,-, eld, Calif. ~ <lth Ai 1" 'D~M -. .A el'S _e ~_l'On, Koonce, Swagle:t HeD1Cle Spi-.:I-'Ie, B.C ..' -!-,w q ............ , - ,Van.,!ert:. -clinton EaTl Pasadena, Calif. Battery D. 4th F.A., Fort Bragg, N.C. ,. - l1~z;ir'~ Hqrs. Sqcln., Lowry Field, Colo. Medical Department ~ . 1Iun2Qnr ~Vid Jerome New Haven, Conn. Kalberer, Klero Franklin Oakla:ad, Calif .... ~1~R;6Me;t"Vation 91dn., Mitchel Fie~d, N.Y. Station Hospital, Hamilton Field, Calif . Cl~t.,,;r~seph P. Jacksonv'1l1e, Fla. Evers, John Clay Haynesville, La. rters Air Corps Technical School, station Hospitail., Barksdale Field, La. - 'p$ Field, Ill. Bujold, James J. D-uluth, M~. ,,' 'lfat1' ~1 JaJISS C. (Corp.) Putnsm Hall, Fla.. Station Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Tex ~ .' . ~~.>J,!~~ther Squadron, Barksdale Field, La. Gunckel, Richard Henry Blackwell, Okla. . :.r., r'~ FitzsillX)ns Gen. Hospi tel, Denver, Colo.
Edinburg, Tems El Paso, Texas .':).PeQen" Jack: B. El Paso. Te~ .: , llilliBiDs,: William A. El Paso, Texas . ~:Blackrt' Ha:n:y' Gean Galveston, Tems . '!,Mo~.:.-George M. Galveston. Tems .... MclCEIlii<e!o'.t1a.clc F. Hearne, Tems ",. Reep,,:'fBW,el A. Houston, Texas . Williioi'a, J~s H. Houston, -Texas H_hoi'he, Harry James Iowa. PaTk, Texas BoJl"lrl~~.:liaIrbld Jacksonville, Tems By,rd;.L:Hiilton Homer Kilgore, Tams . -Stawafrtti;"Albert Roland, Jr. LewisvUle, Texas .,.:xD,ai.l.. ,.-~l'lilliam Mack Palestine, Tems -:~~U; Francis M. Bockspri118s, Tems ,: '}lo.alib!,J:lelphi C" Jr. San Antonio, Tems .;;LSm;liA-,!~lliam Hightower San Antonio, Texas ,;[;WbU.,;.:~n E. ~ay, Utah 'Jiro:I.l:Os~ {~S William Salt Lake City, Utah "~crstll:..c.,,ijtverett Thomas Sandy, Utah , . :';Waii'b!~.::Clarence J Jr. West Pawlet, Vt. , >i:sen_ ...:J:ames Bradley Bristol, Va. _ ;J'ex+~, .. fpes Earl J Norfolk. Va. ~~~~P.eniel N., Jr. Roanoke, va.l "'dll\.J;:r;'iS;: 1:1ol!ert F. Roaooke, Va. . : '~:J,':OEi.fik~'lJobn Griffin Seattle, Wash. _ .' ha:Q.II",'~aBioward Grafton, W, Va. '. D.alfSOlli.iJane, s stenger Morgantown, W.Va. :.Gr~:f:i1ti!J." .Fra:ok T. St, Albans, "',Va. ~rlilQ.j. ;Clarence Paul Beloit, Wis. ..'; ,:auql;~rn:e.n John La Crosse, Wis. . '_Zel~, Raymond. PortrIan Ladysmith. Wis. . .; BuJ,l.Qcl. .. ..lfarold Abbott Milwaukee, Wis. . EstWlM~'Jl].mer Frank Milwaukee, Wis. J~Ol!'llk~~. John W. Milwaukee, W~s. XQ~.1:J .'1.4fJdieAl fred Marion, W1 s. Mabo~y ..,;J:~ Allen Waukesha. Wis. F~i.U.: r. ]h:uoow William Wauwatosa, Wis. ?pQe~~~..!:~Frank John Platteville, Wis. CiJ,'OSS'ilW~ter Winfred Bawlins, Wyo. . '. ' '," Mtl\$.;;'~~j,fayfield st. Louis, Mo. :P~~}'''t:c,J.ohn Walter st. Louis. Mo, , WO'ld.!ifo;TRQmas ,Jr. M. st. Louis, Mo. ~elh -;john Eugene Spartanburg, S.C. Ev~fJ~S A.. Jr. Hillsboro, Texas DOl~:a~pry :Philip Honolulu, T .H. ENtIsrEP MEN - AIR CX)RPS P r i vat e s Eiii>~i; . ~~ Reed Nauvoo Ala.. 'ttl] ""~q Sqd.n ACT S "--11 F'1' aId' Ale.
, BOD$',Fr~
Rollin M. Elgin
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Husband, Howard Pershing Tonka... , Okla. Station Hospital, Ea.ndol~ Field, Texas CO!'ESof Eng1neers Nelson. James Perci\7S1 GefrettsvUle, Ohio 29th Engineers. Portland. Oregon. With a total of 30 student". Texas leads all the other States represented in the new March olass at 'Randolph Field, although the Lone Star State is closely pressed by !lliDOis with 29 students and California with 28. Other States which are represented by five or more students are Oklahane. with 21; Massachusetts and New York, 14 each; North Carolina, 12; Pennsylvania, 11; Wisconsin. 10; Michigan and Minnesota, 9 each; Connecticut. Florida. lowe. and South Carolina. 8 each; Alabeme., Georgia. Kentuoky. Nebraska and Tennessee, 7 each; Arizona. and Missouri, 6 each; Colorado, India1l&. Mississippi and New Jersey, 5 each. Leading the cities r~resented in the new class by a wide IIB1'gin 1S Chioago, Ill., with 13 students. Other oities having three or more students are Los Angeles, Calif with 6; Brooklyn. N.Y., 5f Oklahoma City, Okla., 4; East Hartford. Conn.; Tampa. Fla.; Detroit, Mich.; CAmha. Neb.; SyTaouse, N.Y.; Ealeigh, N.C.; st. Louis, Mo.; Austin, El Paso and San .Antonio, Texas; end Milwaukee. Wis., 3 each.
These lean-to extensions, when completed, will provide class rooms. storage space. etc., and will extend nearly the entire length of the hangar to which they will be attached.
Deolaring that there ought to be a law om 13, the Kelly Field CorrespoXldent goe~ on to say that Captain C.B. Overacker, Jr. ~13 letters). Air Corps, undoubtedly was feeling better on Saturday. Flying ship No. 13 from March Field, Calif., he took off on Fridavr. the 13th, from Kelly Field, Texas, with 13 passengers for his home station. Before hopping off. Captain Overacker searched the field for ope additio~ al passenger (according to reports). in the hope of reducing the "jinx defying" numerals. but failed to iIJd an;y. To top matters off. his flight plan called for a trip of about 13 hundred miles. However, 'WOrdwas received at Kelly Field on Saturdavr, January 14th. that the CClIltain arrived home safely with his Bo-18 Bomber.
Eighteen Reserve officers, all seoond lieutenants, have started a special refresher course at the Air Corps Prine.ry Flying School at Randolph Field, Texas. As in previous classes of this type. advancement from the Prime.ry to the Basic Stage will be on a proficiency basis rather than on a predeterunned schedule. It is esti~ted, declares the Randolph Field Correspondent, that the refresher students will complete their work on the Primary Stage in ap-proxiuately ro hours, and will then be sent to the Basic stage for .additional training on the BT-9's. During this latter phase of training. instrument flying and formation will be particularly stressed. as this type of flyin:it: is DOt an integral part of the training of cIvilian fliers. Among the officers taking the course are Second Lieutenants .Arthur A. Aro, Berkeley, Cal if. Albert J. Baumler. Trenton, N.J. Earl A. Field. Tulsa, Okla. Walter R. Ford. San Antonio. Texas. Wilson Gillis, Los Angeles, Calif John M. Tillnml, Lorain, Ohio. William H. Turner, Portland, Oregon. Seth S. Strachan, Portland, Oregon. Fred S. Shine, Claremont, Calif. Arthur A. Goldsmith. Manchester, N.H. Douglas N. MacOdrum, Cambridge, Mass. George W. IrelaXld, Cincinnati, Ohio. William N. Vickers, Beaum:mt, Texas. James w. Stowell, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jesse C. Hayes, Shawnee, Oklahooa. C.J. Jensen, Eureka, KansasA.B. Walker, Miami, Fla. Clifford W. Ludwig, San Antonio, Texas.
---000---FUNDS FOR HANGAR LEAN-TOS RANlXlI.iPH FIELD AT Advice was received from Washington that a State W.P.A. project for the construction of addi tions to the Lean-boa of fi ve hangars at :Randolph Field, Texas, has been oleared for approval by the Works Progress Administrator. The project calls for Federal W.P.A. funds in the sum of $28,809.00. and the sponsor will contribute $21,203.00, thus providing a total of
Each of the pr~osed lean-to extensions will consist of two 20 x 50' additions of concrete aDd steel oonstruction, steel deck roof, co~ orete floors. large glazed areas on outside walls. oomplete with plumbing. heating and electrical utilities. -18-
--000--V-7987. A. C.
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NEWS COR P S VOL. m I _.::A.;...I;;;... . ::R-:-_.....,;..~....,;;;,.Information Division February 15. 1939 Air Corps
T-:":'"-;-:~~:::-::~;-::-:-I. E R NO.
The chief purpose of this~. b11cation is to distribute info~tion on aeronautics to the flying perlonnelin the Regular Arrq. Reserve Corps. Nationa.l Guard. and others connected w1 th aviation.
---000 .. -
TH! Ey a Materiel D1v sion Engineer O. February 6. 1936. the pilot of an 0-25C a.irplane, which had been left out over night 1t'hen the temperature was below 50 F., sts'ped into his airplane started the anginel and took off in lour minutes. This tea. was made possible by an oil dilution system which, .ince that datel has been installed in most new tact cal Air Corps airplanes. The oil dilution system has been developed after a large amount of intensive research. Its primary purpose i, to provide & means of decreasiQg the Viscosity of the engine 011 in order to reduce the starting torque required to start an airplane engine 'lnder cold weather conditions, and to r~duce the time of warm-up pr10r to take-off. This result 1s obta~ned by the use of an oil ciilution Une with neoessary valve and f1 ttings and a hopper type oil tank. The function of these units, although described in Technical Orders, wll1 be brief~ touched upon here. Oil Dilution Line and Hopper Tank The 011 dilution line leads from the pressure side of the fuel pump to the oil inlet line to the' engine. In this line is a metering jet, which meters the ~uantity of fuel added to the oil, and a Shut-off valve operated from the coCkpit to start or stop dilution. This valVe provides the pilot with a means of di.luting the oil into the engine be'fore Btoppi~ it. He should not :neglect th1s precaut10nar,y measure if he anticipates difficulty in starting his engine due to cold weather. The hopper tank: consists of an oil tank1contain1ng a hop~er with a eapaclty Qf l~ to 2 gallons. The hopper is BO installed in the tank: that 011 returned from the engine enters the top of the hopper with a 8w1rling or spiral motion, passes down. through the hopper to the outlet and thence back to the engine. The Purpose of introducing the oil into ~he hopper in a swirling motion is to . eliminate the air returned w1 th the 011 ,,-.y the engine scavenging ~. b The bo tt9J11 f the hopper i8 80 designed that o - 011 from the hopper bas a direct pa8sage to the engine. while 011 from the tank can enter the hopper through an annular openiDg at the ;bQlitomof tliehopper, when the static head, or oil level, in the hopper becomes less than the statio head. or oil level in the tank. In this manner the oil .in the hopper is recirculated through the engine many times, and as the oil ls diminished by use, new oil from the tank forcea its w8.Y.. into the hopper. The advantages of this type of tank are as follows: a. When the oil dilution valve is opened, only the oil in the hopiler is d11uted. b. Atter a few minutes of operation the oil in the hopper is suffio1ent~ warm for the diluent to vaporize off and oil of the original viscosity remains. Recirculation of Oil It should be pointed out here that recirculation of oil through the hopper with the rewltant rapid rise lntempera ture is not conducive to overheaUng of the 011 since the oil t~erature 1s controlled b7 the thermostatic 011 valve in the oil cooler. If the oil temperature regulator is functioning properly, the temperature of the oil out of the cooler will be held wi thin fixed limits. The oil then returns to the tank:. Since the cooling oapacity of a tank is negligible, it makes no difference whether the oil returns at once to the engine through the hopper or remains for a time in the tank. It might be noted here. however, that if the engine scavenging is erratic. the oil level in the hopper may drop, allowing a comparatively large amount of cold 011 from the tank to enter the bopper at one time. So far as can be determined this has no deleterious effect upon the engine. Poor scavenging on the part of the engine however, hal 0 ther more serious effects which will not be discussed here. The effect on the average age of tla. 011 of reoirculating the same 011 is interesting. Assuming a hopper of 11g,llon capaci ty and an engine oonsumIng 1, gallons of 011 an hour, 1.t may be computed that at any time, regardless of the length of operation, the average 8&8 of tb, oil in the hopper will be ~Cont1nued on Page 16)
V-7976. A. C.
OOU:BLE :BARS DEMAND IN Special Orders of the War DeP~tment, recently leaned. annoUnced the promotion of 36 first lieulenants of the Air Corps to the grade of captain, with rank from February 2, 1939, viz: Robert E.L. Pirtle Leland S.Stranatban Wilbur Erickson. Ernest K. Warburton Lilburn D. Fator LeRoy Hudson .Archibald M. Kelley Roland O.S. Akre Ralph O.Brownfield Paul E. Shanahan JOeL E. Mallory Roger V. Williams Donald R. LYon. Frederick A. Pillet Warren H. Higgins Wm. H. McArthur Stanley K. Robinson Reginald Heber Willard R. Shephard Homer L. Sanders George W. Hansen Draper F. Henry Minton W. Kaye Robert D. Johnston Aubry L. Moore Walter R. Agee Ronald R. Walker Hansford W.Pennington Lloyd H. Tall Guy F. Hix Francis M. Zeigler Murrq C. Woodbury Frederic 1Glan tZberg Paul B. Wurtem1th Eugene H. Rice 1m. ,A..R. Robertson --000--15TH OBS. SQUADRON RECEIVES FIRST ~-47A declares the Scott Field Correspondent, "the Fifteenth Oblervation Squadron received its first 0-47A'B. Tne first four were ferried in from California by Major Raphael Baez, Captain Fay O. Dice, Lleuts. J.,A.. Ronin and Henley V. Bastin, Air Corps. The last of the group came in on January 21st, and since that time the Squadron has been busy with familiarization. flight. and crewi~. The Squadron ex- _ pects to receive four additional 0-47A's during the latter part of February to complete the quota." --000--STUDY IN NAVIGATION AT LANGLEY FIELD
tt.U long last,"
Lieut. W.P. Ragsdale Lieut. W.R. RODertson Lieut. A.H. Roge~8 Lieutl O.J. CoChi" Lieut. C.K. Longa.cre ., . J Lieut. H.S. Williams, Hq. d&'Hq., Sqdn., GHQ. Air Force ': .:. '.., Lieut. E.M. "Witan1 21st Rec.Ob8i:l.$t aance 8g,uadron. (;HQ. Air ..FOro~~. , Lieut. J.T. Winstead, 218t-~~~naissance Squadron. GHQAi~. ~~ce
. .
The hangars at Langley Field . V~:.. are 110 feet wide. The long 'dllIu~m.tfm of each hangar parallels the ~t;'~u.l". ., ramp, and tlie interval betwee~:hang8.t.~ is only 130 feet. Can the B-~5; "'w~~e~.' wing span is 153 feet, be man~uveX"~a' ;.'. into one of the center hanga%"s?-: -. Langley Field Corre~pondent 'd.eciar~ .. 8.' that the answer is yes, II as the:~~15:' has actually been squeezed into: the.. ; 49th Squadron-hangar on two 0~C~B10~~.once last fall, wlien the hurric.,ne, .; threatened Langley Field, and' aiieeond time way. for the engine change no" ~ae:r '. . ... ---000 ..--"::: :,'.~.. .
~e ..,_
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About a year ego the 49th :Bo~~" ment Squadron submitted as an. m.~00t'P8 News Letter item the announcemen~_tl:iAt Lieut. C.E. LeMq had just B~Bd:>h18 first 25 straight in skeet . !i. 0 ''vt~ o .. the:.. 49th Squadron announces that. '' cer has just smashed 184 str~b;t,: ~ . Airplane B-17, No. 81,'R.B; Williams, commanding, ..the Second Bombardment Gro~at ,t~c.Q:ra' .. Weather Tests at Selfri e Fie'Id.Jl1cli., is at Langley Field wait ng for .~!i_ cient ice. snow and low tempera.t.urEJ-~tSelfridge to Justify resumptiQri:~f. t~~ tests. .
The -following-named All' Oorps officers r.:;cently completed a courle in dead reckoning and celestial nav~ation at the Navtgation School of the Second Bombardment ~up at Langley Field, Va.: P.36' s are Btill-b;l~ reSfo\i.'v.! by'" ..~ do. Captain r.M. Palmer the three squadrons of the ot~~.sU1t Group with open arms. and most~.-tbe Captain F.H. Robinson Captain J.A. Samford I officers in the 35th Pur sui t ':~~dJr~~ Lieut. T.L. Mosley have been Checked out in them .... ~e Lieut. C.W. CarJ.maiok News Letter Correspondent declv8.s, .. however. "that we still hav_:,~m., . Lieut. I.R. Selby Lieut. J.A. Feagin place in our hearts for the J',Bt ~iiAJ1d. Lieut. J.S. Sutton hope we will be able to keep a'f'~,'.'. around. II . . .'. . .. The Navigation School has commenced the first of two dead reckoning naviga----...,:.~'- .," '" .. ,i; tion courses for the junior officers of Lieut. Don Coupland, ot tb, 3~t9-.PU;the Second Bombardment Group. The best sui t Squadron., has been ......k1!'i,,~ stUdents of these two courses will be glider target fer several lt.8.: .. ;..... selected for a course in celestial navibobby), and expects to test't~6pi ~:;';;, ' gation. The following officers are atsoon. The test will be ma~0a.t:: . *\8Y tending the present course; :field and the target towed.:~l .~;,J . .:.b:.!:: Lieut. J.H. Rothrock (Chevrolet). The results w~~l .f;)~;. ;y.bLieut. R.A. Ping lished in this column. :: .. (~;j ".~ J.,.' Lieut. C.H.W. Rueter V-7976, A. C.
DISTINGUISHED 1LYING CROSS AWARDED MAJOR HAYNES On the afternoon of Tueld.e.Y, February Staff of the Ar" nv, then read the ci ta:ll9i~ ... tae Ron. Harry H. Woo tion for the a-.rd of the Distinguished Secf'etary of War, 'before a diat1 &bed Flying Cross to ltlajorHaynes, ana which CO~-_~" foreign officials, off oerl 1. as fol1c)we: of tl)... \V)Ir .:Department and of the AmerloSl "Caleb V. Hqnes, major (captain), RedQ~Qesiawarded the .A.r~18 Corps. United States Arrrq. For exed Flyl-qg Orose to Major Caleb V. Bqnea. traordill&l'7 achievement while partioiAir Corps. for his feat 1n f~1ng one of pat~, :1nan atrial flight from Langley the .A.rI!ly' 8 largest Bombers, 10a.ded w1 th Field. Virginia. to Santiago! Chile, medical @upplies, from ~ley,F1eld, February 4. 5 and 6, 1939. AB CommandVa to Saritia&o. Chile, alter the earth- er and Pilot of the XB-15. Major Hqnes quake., .' transported without hesitation and unJqt~. "nes flew to Washington from der emergency orders, a total of three LIit1t,.eT..~ .. eld, Va. following the aerial thoueand two hundred and fifty pounds r~:vl..@~,~'d.ceremonles held there in the of Red CroBs medical supplies to :;'\1p," on his arrival trom Santiago, Santiago, Chile, under conditions which Clii "~o:H~:"_B accompanied by the crew were extremely hazardous and exacting. of ',$.A.~6f%'~cersnd enlisted men who a Loaded to absolute maximwncapacity, fl~, ::~;h";n1m in the XB-15 on the long the XB-15, under the superior pilotage jo ,~10" the stricken South American. of Major Ha~eB, cleared LaJ!gley Field, co ~' Y>".1'bese were: Virginia, before daylight, Feb1"'\l&t'Y 4, . ~ ~ W.D. Old and J.A. Samford. and adhered thereafter to a rigid .j~~B".R.F. Freeman and T.G. Wold, fl,l&ht sch,edule which involved the b ' Sergeant A. OattariuB, pe:q.etration of unfavorable fging . ,'S"geants W.J. Heldt, H.L. we,&ther, a night landing at Panama, Hin ' ',"D. t'~ SPicer, night take-of?s at Panama.and Lima, Corporal J.E. Sands, and Peru and en arrival, on schedule, at Private 1st Class Russell I. Junior. 6antlago Chile. early Feb~ 6, The pr~yntation was wltne.eN by Gf1939. His extraordinary abil1tl. d.evoficia1a 'Of',the Chilean Embassy, as folUon to duty, and excellent leadership ~o,". . made possible the successful acccm. eilof:'~n Sergio Huneeus, Charge l1shment of this mission of mercy and :::1d Interim; Senor Don C. ~huS reflected great credit upon the ,j!e '.. ~ ~)ira, First Secretary of the military service. It lb\)ii\ /:ai11i Squadron Leader Ismael After the Secretary of War pinned the ~ "' ,''):~i!,Anach8, Embassy of Chile. D.F.C. on Major Haynes' blouse, the -- :It'l~~~r"esent were the Hon. Norman latter raceived congratulations from Armour,-ct'lfe:American .Ambassador to Brigadier General George C. Marshall, Ch, ,."'la., Mr,' Ernest Swift, repre, eentAssistant Ohief of Staff; Major General ;~.,. '~h8" .~rican Red CrOBS. Henry H. Arnold, Chief of the Air ,. 'd',~' q,1ti'lngts speech of presentation Corps; Brigadier General Barton K. 'IV ,Qi h~1;lows: Yount, Assistant to the Chief of the ,.: [~:ror~mtYnes, it is a great pleasure Air Corps, and others. to ~~ '1:eJU. and the crew of the AI'm;y's As the result of the successful ~: ...'(fla~ft1ane here today. l When, at the flight of the XB-15 to Chile, the .Amari"e~~llc)Ythe American Red Cross, I iB- ican Red Cross was enabled to place sued orders for your ship to carry a without de.lq in those areas of Chile 10s,c1Qf 3200 POunds of medical supplies devastated by the recent earthQ..uake . ~S\~~~:Bhort notice and on a-flight urgently needed vaccines and other . 1tlitQlF'ded ~eed, night landings and medical supplies. ti1lte.,.etffi';;I fully realized the diffiMajor Haynes flew to Chile in 49 cU]:'js.r'i~;the taSk. .A.t the same time I hours and 18 minutes, total elapsed was~'~nf~tfent that the trip would be time; and 1n 29 hours 53 minutes mad,~ni~tlFthe efficiency we have learned flying time, over a distance of 4933 to ntieqr,Of the .A.rrq Air Corps and the miles. GH4".ll 'ree. The flight was so sueMajor Haynes, who was born in Mt. cess!'f1il accomplished and t,he mi,ss1on. Airy, N.C.,!.March 151 1895, graduated earriedout BO completely tbat your from Wake.I!'OreBtCol.1.ege, N.C. with c.n _~cbiey~ent 1s aclqlowleclged'w1th the LL B. degree in 1917, and enlisted a. iWara~cf the, Diet1i1gu.1ehed'F1yingC,roes. Pr l vate!,c 1st Class, Aviation Section! -1 tin~!~t~"expresB to you and to the Si~al uorps, August 15, 1917. Short y memb-its--()!'lhe orew who made the fU,ht following hiB graduation from the "P~li~'\h~ appreciation of th,e War De- School of Military Aeronautics, Georgia nt,!.o ' the h,1gh standard of eff1ciSchool of Technology, Atlanta, Ga., e~?~;;-Q'U. ~e demonstrated. November 10,' 1917. he was ordered to -biJOi': . es, I ~ del1ghted to be duty overseaa, and he received his flya 'l.e to e this award." lng training at aviation schools in. General Malin Craig. Chief of France. He was on duty with the A.E.F. JJ . t. ,2 ';'C! . V-7976. A. C.
m~tJ'~,:ng, ..
-.ift~~~,~~r-: -
AIR CORPS RESERVE ACTIVITIES in France to June, 1919. He received hie appointm9nt ae Second ~1eut.nani, Air Service \ N'a tional Ar~), May 30, Provided the cooperation of Air Corps 1918, and his coum1seion as a Second Reserve officers ,is seeured,it is proLieu'lienantin the Regular Army on July 1, po,ed to devote several colUJlD83!d:::iKhe 1930. He was promoted to First .Lieuten-I A1rCorpB News Letter to Air, QMop~~.' , : ant on the 88me date; to Capta1n, Octpeerve activities. )<)!i:.:lc:.. ~tlI ber 14, 19321 and to Major \ temporary) Any items pertaining to Re~v.&. J~:;: August 26, 1~36. fairs 11'111 published under::.JL be ~.ep&;i-l~ Upon his return from France, Major rate heading of' "Reserve New "I.!Re:8eWe ~es .erved a tour of dutl at MItchel officers having neW8of Reserve ~;8 Field, N.Y., and other Air Corps .tatiCD or other activities of genera~, .. i.ll.'t~ in the East. He was on duty in the Offor publication in the News ~:tt*'. 'JJ.lJ fice of the Chief of Air Service, Washshould forward Bach items ~:~!lntOrington, D.C., from April, 1922, to June, mation Division, Office of thfJt ~'fJt!,~ 1924, when he tranlferred to duty on 'I the Air Corpe, Washington, D.'.C.t:~ ;.!~ ..'~ theWeBt Coast \Crisey Field, Presidio Due to the necessity for ecb~~'\: of San irancisco ... CaUf.), where he publishing the News Letter! .1ta:ItAreu8erved to March ~,1927. From that date lation is limited, and it e ,nd:t?~~::. to June 30, 1931, he waa on duty as Air sible to mail it to individual '~~" Corps In8tructor with the National Guard, officers. It is mailed, bewem,,'" ~:02 Sta-te of Washington. Following hi8 grad Reserve organizations, and ft;',l''Jl:;;b.,:r _ uation trom the Air Corps Tactical mailed to club rooms or other<3~~~" School at Maxwell Field. Ala. he _. places of .Air Corps Reserve ,~8 J -: l aae1gned to duty at Langley F eld1 Va.. where a SUbstantial number Ofr ~DF'L::'~ where he eerved until August, 1930. He I evince a desire to read 1t. L.I!nl;:tAi...,.! then attended the CODlll8Jld General and wrq 1t 1s hoped the wideBt pO~tllljW~Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., circulation _y be lecured f.t>rtt:the:.t~. . until 19, 1936, and after gaduaLetter under the circUlnBtanceaC.oflO..v" , Uon retuned to Langley Field, hi. pre- \ The permanent National Hea.~~' sent station. of the Air Reserve Associatioa)~'the; ~ Major ~es cOlIlD8Ilded ne of the six o United States, formerly mailitlO.I1~qtt,,; B-17 :Bembardrnentairplanes in the Goe>d Columbus. Ohio, is now estab'liehe:6'M"Will Flight from Langley F1e1d to Buenos the office of the National .1erobll~' .Airee, ugentina. ana return, lebruary Association, 1909 1,{assachu88;t~r~, 15-27, 1938. N.W., Washington, D.C. . .L.e.~ '" '-"" ....,. --000-: National Officere of the Air ~ve3 i Association for 1939 are: ~,l :)c:oL<) BUSYTIMESAT KELLY FIELD President. Lieut. Albert H/ ~'~"'r"~'.~; BowmanField, LouiSVille, ~ . c'Vr18c. 'jll':: ~ The first week of Feb;ruanr was a bUa;y " Senior Vice President, I Caixtii.inttB.I rH~ one at Kel~ Field, with the graduating Merchant, 3722 W-:-rrense., class of officers and cadets holding the I Washington n:, C. ,., ... 4, ~-:' r c l1'f limelight. After month. of extensive \ Second VIce Preeident, Major ~;.w. , stUdY the Cadets' training period at I Ranaon, 5640 Swope Parkwq.,~I8~tJ~t': .. the A l Corps Advanced Flying School r I City, Mo.;':o3:!!')Jv., 1,) ended in a maze of parties, receptions. JUdge Advocate, Captain Mtl:Ie.r:a.> and marriages, attended by families and Towman, 1711 Kenneth Road,GO:-eifi.UiUl&.,'!(J friendS frem everywhere. i Calif. ; . "I S!:::: " ~, One of the featured events of the week I Secretary, Major William 'Lr;:.p~t was the reunion of the graduating class I 901 Vfm. Oliver Bldg., Atlanta.~~F'1':~~ of lebr~, 1929. Thirty members of Treasurer, CaptaIn Lawrenb8?~.;J.~\\ this clan were present at the Reunion, 201 OakwoodManor, Dayton, ~/:01.: the details re~ard1ng which were publ1shNational Headquarters is !nj4~dei tif ed in the prevlous issue of the New8 Captain Merchant. Membersh1pl",~rp-a~~ Lettor. tions and dues should be fOrRr.~' ,oL' On January 21st, from 12:00 to 7:00 through Corps Area Departmento~~., p.m., at the Kelly Field park the er e , wherever possible, for tl"a:t1trm18,u,:, Cadets staged a party!. featur l ng a D\1tch sion to National Headqua.rterti:~,Li:(t~a'i lunch. Sweethearts Irienda, and otficommunications for the Assoc-1:a-ti&ht.:..n~ cers and their families, trom Rando].ph should be forwarded to N'at1ona):!~'" and Kelly Fields were the gueetl. The quarters, but conmunications)ltl'tfn'i4ia.. Cadet. attende~ a dance at the KellY solely for the National Offi~~~~ Field Officers Me88 on Januery 27th, be forwarded directly to them &,'t ~r> ~d on the .night of their graduation addresses above given. . t.:'. '10l,.,':'" \Feb~ 1st), a buffet 8UPPer was held ---000--- "-'~;' LlI1LL'!?,'~' at the Officers' Me88. Officere of 'I' 1;j3~~'lt:, . Kelly F1eld and the1r wives were 1nvitMajor st. Clair Streett, Air~~~~~8 ed at 9:30 for dancing~ Which laeted relieved from detail as a me~.~~ ~ until pa8t midnight. '.L'llieparty took General Staff Corps War De~~l::" . the place of the usual noondaY reception effective June 26... 939, andi:a~~ 1 by the graduating cla88. a student in the x939-40 8eni4~~' at the Naval War College,Newport. R.I. -4V-7976, A.C.
Colo~e~ W:~.Tuttle; Senior Reserve Offic~r of the 8th Corps Area. and his party;. ' . Mr. H~nk:ley of the Oivil Aeronautics Authority. Followl~ the Review. exercise. were held at the Post ':heater at 10:45 a.m., where the', claSI and the "old grade" were a4 reBsed by Oolonel Clarence L. TiIiker~'Ail" C03:"1>e, th'e National of Guard .tmreau... "aBb~ton, D.0., who presented each member with his graduation diploma.' All graduates received their. "Wi~Bn and the official a"ronaut, itiill rating, of "Airplane Pilot. II, Hundl"eds of friendl, relatives, and interested personl attended the various exercises. Among the members of tho ~aduat1ng class 18 Flying Cadet C~arence L. Tinker. Jr son of Oolonel Tinker. Oolonel Lackland's introductory remarks were as follows: "On behalf of the personnel of the Ad,vanced Fly~ng School and Kelly field" desire to congratulate each member or the. class on having BUCcenfully complated the course. At this t1m~ I also desire to welcome the members of the Claas of 1929. who have selected your graduation date as the ~ of their class reunion. ~oq 'r!, I desire to introduce as (lur IPeakor Colonel John B, ~rook8, Air Corps, an officer of the Air Oorps who, through C.~t.:of the Air Corps Primary Fly- long and wide experience from Second iD6 Scho 0-.16" Randolph Fiela.: . Lieutenant to Colonel, is 80 eminently #l~~t .t :CDlonel Edwin B, Lyon, Air qualified to speak to the members of Corps. AJllJj.ietant Comnandant of the Air this clauwho are now prepared to take Corps Pti~ Flying School: up their duties and responsibil1 ti on .1L~~ ~lOnel Ooleridge L. Beaven. active duty in the Air Corps. Colonel Med1qak~"f' Comnandant of the School Clarence L. Tinker has served with disof Aviation Medicine. Randolph Fieldi tinction. in many responsible & R. Morg~J .Air Corps. D1rec ments and COIllJl8J1dl.Having served as tor, ~.teIBj..llg of the JUr Co)"ps Training ASBistant CODlDandant nd CODlD8.ndant a of Center. the Advanced Flying School, he is tho~riUi-f"ve members of the class which ro~ familiar with the course that gra~d..4.n February, 1929 (Class 3-~), you have ~. completed, and I am sure wAAeJ,.:pr,.@t for the exercises in conthat, in ~on. it ~s especially apnechon ~tl1 their first class reunion.. propriate that he address this cla8s, M~,ti:;iEllly Field coincident with the .ae his son. 'Cadet Clarence L. Tinker, gr.=ll:IOf the present. clas8. ~ Jr is a member of it. I take great visi - ~~es arrived at Xell~ ,J1eld, pleasure in' introducing Oolone1 Clarence C&fr~ .'~d grads" and other officers L. Tinker, United StatesArII\Y Air Oo~s." ~ U> witness the ceremonies. Colonel Tinker's address was as fol.~' e~:.ere, in addition to indiv1d- low.: , ua ,&Wi." one Pureui t and one Attack IIGeneral Martin. General Kilner ColOi sSnr liQXIl Barksdale Field. La. nel Lackland, members of the facu ty " 1 j)1~loJdng d1sti~shed gueeh ' and members of' t~e graduating clas8: I ~!...SHfJ1il1eAerial Rtview 808 Ipecial. a w1,ah ,to c~l1~.l1't you on the fine .9.'- ;Q~lonel Lackland: . . Aerial Review we have Just witnessed. Ma or 'General Herbert J. Breet. Com- Alth9u&n I have' witnessed ~ graduaman ng General. 8th Oorps Area; , tion reviews at this school they never ~rigadier 'General Frederick L.Martin. l08etheir thri~l for me. With your .comman'ding General .. 3rd Wing. permission, I". :111address my remarks _ Ur-tlorGe, Barksdale Fiel~, La.; to the faduat~ class. B'rJ.cMdj._d~'eneralWa.1terG. Ki~er. I tee it. a dist,1I1ct honor., as well M~lUef of the Air Corps, &8 a pleaeu:re'. to.:be allowed toofiiei~~~D.i. D.C. ally congratulate you upon Y01U' Bucce88.1.E lj,!').~:: ..5. V-7976 .A.C. ~.or~n exercises for Class 39.A w~ <held' a$ the.i1r C"or'psAdvanoed Flying scholJ K.elly Field ....Texas; on Wedn~.v'ADrUarY I,. 193':1, the class con81,rt~tOfT:4 Regular J.rII\Yofficers, 6 Nat,iJmj,l" Quard officers and 161 Flying Oadetll. s61s graduating clasa const1'b.utatt :tha!largest one in the his~ory of the Je.kt;O()rps Trainillg Center. ""I.1'hEf ~llght of all the events of the ~':..-&; the huge Aerial Review at 9::30 a.m in,~ch 111 airplanes of all typel w~ ,P'Jdo:.tedby 19 flying instructors and l3fh.~Qantts. This waB one of the larges~t~on Aerial Reviews ever flown "" .i.eld. and it was witnessed by so_ 7 '.'SPectators. Thetc8nttl1re student membership from the ~~~. of the Primary Flyl~ School at ~ Fie~d. TeDs, and 12 Air Reserv~~;flners (refresher students), also frQJn:ltand.Dlph Field, formed a guard of honOj"ij'~~<.the reviewing party, which con ~.ioEt:d[j)f"the following: . Colone;Je~j1ra.nk . Lackland, A1r Corps! D C~"of the .Air Corps Advanced FyI ilW'{:ScN>cac and temporarl' commander.of t~4U:1dlClJ"P8 Training Center; ~~..olfU'ence L. Tinker, Air Corps, N~~d Bureau. Washington. D.C.: t!_~lt~H~1t~ene A. Lohman, Air CO~8. llss1etant ConmandaJit. Advanced Flying
f 1
~ "'! \ a1 3' 1: ,
ful cODlptetion of the rigid oour ae of ment wish tb give the1mpreaai~p"1t1;l&~,1 instruclion at the Air Corps Training am advising tou to become fOUr;';'~liop&~1t Center. Any man, be he military or civ- month airdjaie pilO,tl. , Such" 'P, il1an must of nece8Sitl feel himself not only utelesi fx:oma ,mil1~a;i;"0 .J. espec ally privileged if allowed for of view, but are ve~ often.~ It:' 1 even a ahorl moment to ezpound hiB theo- to the rest of us.. I $XD. sitD.PltrT;,:all, .. ~ riea to such a representative group of 1111: that you balance pilot ~~ .,,~ young American manhood. a oackground of flying exper~~~~ ... _ I oeg your patience for a few minute; fore attempting each new fl~~~,,'u~~~, while I offer some observations on f1yI naturally suppose that the .~ .. t.lp.f: 1Dg and military life. I lmow you are you expect to make military flyi~,~11I' anxious to complete this cerelJl)11T,there career' and that you will ~:l fore I will try to be brief. livel as officers e! the Arrq,y;. 1Q9rpe, You have Just successfully landed on and in due course of time wi,l.le .;gu~ the first rung of the ladder of your ing the delti~ of our air ~f~cN!::" f17in& career. You have mastered the our older hands weaken their, g.4-P)L~I\&e manipUlation of the airplane. The evireins of guidance. This sUPP~M~~;3 dence of such mastery is that you are leads me to discuss briefly Bl);(jt1l'JJ~[ here today - graduatiJlg from the finest damenta 1s of military life.Awl~.:dj,jt!'S.,.; flying training school in the world. I cussion of the military event'Uala.}lb J'~ ~~ s~ advisedly that you have landed on brings up the word l01alty. "~~~~ " the flrst rung of the ladder, because I interwoven in our lives that vo.u ,fi,lalC have found b;y my own experience and the hear i tcoupled with the wor.dil1lJcJo~; experience~my contemporaries that for line in practically every t~,~~~BJ ~",p'i~~t,l flying trainlng never ends. Army officer to military per~Nt8J.'}u'"!o:, There .ts~o successful pilot, regardless From the dictionary definl t;l0jl81Qf;;tbel of his ~e and the amount of his experiword loyalty I have selected two to ofence. th8.t does not learn something from fer you for ;your consideration - One, each new croBs-country flight or each 'To be fal thful and true to1ll.1dUl_l;ovnew tactical mission. ernment.' Two, ITo be true tQ any perThe mastery of pilot technic is a fun- son or ~erson8 to whomone owe&.;fi-dtJ3.4amental essential to the mili tary pilot i ty. I These two definitions fg, r.~jL; tr: but doee not of itself constitute the solid foundation upon whiCht~.~~~~~~ millt~ pilot. Refardless of our pilot military career. To be faitbtuJ."(~:: .. proficiency, and et 11 further, regardtrue to lawful government is. a,:~,~9!:J less of the proficiency of the aircraft our oath of office as officere~~J] ~_,::,; which icienceprovides us we are atill Arrq. To be true to the perSCllu w,,' i.. ib value1e al a defense uni t to our coun- whomwe owe fidelity is a re~\1A.8..j.,~ .to, try unless we master the tactical app1i- hapPY' association with our ~~~~ cation of the airplane. The B-17 is ries. Of all the ramificati<iln.i9J".:~l'useless 'Unless its crew can navigate it a1ty in mil1 tary Ufe, the: .oD4li~'~:: to a target on land or sea and destroy appeals to me most is the lot~ tTr,ofrrc the target promptly once it is fO'Und. It the superior for his BUb()rdiJl8;,~'a.~' bw 18 posSlb1e but not necessary, to carry, me the unit whose conmander"ii8:;J.ntensef. this exempll fication on for each type of I ly loyal to his men and I mi11tary flying. Suffice it to S8 that their loyalty and d!SCiPline.tfM,i..U~lqU, ea,f the pilot to be of mil1 tary value muet tionable. Loyalty d01mward.;fmitolllit'1e~ master the tactical employment of the ally produces loyalty upward. ,~: :,:,,1:; n' airplane. This means a never ending Milltary law and Arrq Regu.l.a.jie:ils. -:': stu~ of navigation, ,bombing, gunnery, place in the hands of officerB.''.certadn;,. reconnaissance, photograp~, and a I!\Ypowers and prerogatives wbichLi~i'e"e~ rlad of other details that are necessary a8 rank increases. The righ~~~o~co~.: to the successful accomplishment of a mand and to demand obedience-.:,u; expect':' tactical air mission. Just when we ed to be exercised, otherwl,ae;lii: woUld think: we are at long last about to maenot be part of our law. However,"'ln.::'::; ter the details, science and aircraft exercising commandover other men, ~"e) design ~set our calculations. The meshould ever be watchful that;:we?aot .,1.,' thods of tactical employment of a 100 wi th understanding and justice .U4Ciitl\ MPH airplane are obsolete for a 200 MPH a complete lack of bluster a.Da,p~~ 0'",,+ airplane, and by the same token the meI w1Jab to thank you for yO\U!~aherice thods evolved for a 200 MPHairplane in listening to me and if a.nut~JMG1,: '; will become obsolete as the speed ratio which I have laid is in any~~~ h~lpliji QJ the airplane sufficiently increases. to you in the future, I wil1':~}C~~$v, Modern American life tends to make us than repaid for deserting my normat.;':'~~ impatient and over-anxious to accomplish role and masquerading as a ~a.K8TJ..r.k our p\U'Pose in life by rapid stride,. Weare happy today to have,~.,1jm~ This impatience when applled to flylng ure of being present at the ',claH NJ.':"--; is fraught with potential disaster. The uniQn of the which grad,.~fJtt.tJBa~ atte~t to cut corners or expect pilot ten years ago. I was presentJ~Z~$Il\,,!j'~ skill to take the place of air sense graduation and have served w.i1h~~~~1rmore often than not 1s expt,m, sive in both of them at various times 8in~~/-~ '-'I: life and equipment, I do not for one mo- the class have a1rea~ become outsta.nd- V-7976, A.C.
:J J~
1ng t>ft).~W1-s the .1ir Corps. and the of FLYING CADET TERMINOWGY seno.. ?)j~Ih9U1.d. f.eelat Just. 11' time to ot i tl. Pb .... .l.wiJSh ...l .. . prow!.. cOn&rat /' Continued from. p. .ev10ul i nue8 . r p1"()d.Ubt,/. this ul~e-i tli~~1aS8 of February, 1929, and /" BISCUITGUN- An imaginary appliance to1'i!.lJh.m .. onUnued success. c . which i, said to be rolled out on the .: ~jV~1it"1.i"esent graduating 01a8s. I ".:lflying field to shoot biscuits and other tlbiS'8 't'-b"i"!-ach you a 8UCCessful career food up to the Dodoe who bave made levas-'~Od)fil&)'""d1erB and useful citizens of eral approaches to the field and' ~~. Mq you have blue aldea, Bhot on each attempt to land. f'all~M~~~indB, and many happy land'BLINDERS The mail orderly .. a lower 1.>~r~.r".;l:: . claSIJlllU1of the Cadet DetaohiDent must TlnfJ~~tes comprising Class 39-.1 shield his eyea w1th hi' hand whhe .wW 1"tWt~'4in the previous ~8Bue of the collecting the upperclassmen t smail. A:1t'...J;m1l~:.)lews Letter. The Flying Cadet ~-GIG GETTER .A. rifle which. in spite gl'lMl~l~-.eceived their appo1ntments as of all the time effort and energy ";j4OMl~~1.~utenants in the .111' COrpl Re,pent on it. fall. to pass inspection. 8eI'W~j'"re dilcharged from their en- ~Sae GIG in previous issue). l-ii""dV~a'tUs on Febru&.ry'1, 1939. The T~'''liOLY FLA.W - An expression of extreme w8flei:1:tltW.ordered to active duty at Kal surprile. disgust, J01. or Jus' plain Fiel&~rJthe1r 1ni tial 15-day tour of expression. BUi!lh. ~t9"r. effective February 2nd. Later,. HOLD IX>WN - ~eS8 IT the noise. or~ ~'~l be recd ved reass1gningthese Term 1s used thro out :.the dIq in JDB.nY n~~'s810ned Reserve officeI'I to various forms. suc a8 1n Cla81 room taDtl~ ~1ts of the Regular Arrrr Air mess hall at drill. etc. Co~_..'-~out the country as well al . SLUG,OR ~UILL - Same &1 Gig a 4eme~IJth~ Iu~lar possessionl. rite .. ,:) (.r ,J\';,i ' --000-THE JEEP _ The Link Trainer for tn,"..,) - ,,~ strument flight training .. The bane of -v':;~eUE!rD'4t>ES LAND OFFICEBUSINESS A ev~~y llPper olassman. . _.'ld':[ VIJ3 "t " WHOOFIN To tell _ a rather tall -,~r"48:l~s after the graduating exfable. ~WI~f :Class 39-Al. Air COrpl Advane re WHAT THE HORRIBLE ~!1 An exH . r d,bbol, Kelly Jrield. Texas. on ression of extreme ~ile. More exFe . 'let. the Army chaplains and the pressive than Holy Flaw. (See above). c.bJl~DI: in. the San Antonio area were --000-kepVD1:iiJ,e *8~embers of the graduatin& RETIRE clalf81 ~1<t'he1r fiancees! who came from RANDOLPH FIELD VETERAN NON-COMS fet ~ ~r. took the p UDge 1nto the Two veteran noncommissioned off1cers ~fbll1itt!"1mony of Randolph Field, both wi th thirty -'~.xtre~n1oung men. brave and true. to~~i"il,lllJlge. the News Letter Corres lear8' service to their oredit, retired pon&6ntJ~ ... t1ng that. according to prel .. on January 31st. \ Master Sergeant \H;'t?iDfot_tion, the following-named new William B. Pulliam. 47th School Squad"; ron, and Technical Sergeant Homer'Routt, ~ pioned Relsrve officers were entered the Air Corps during its Lieutenant. James D. . . WAO ~~~f.Aadre J. Dechaell8, John S. Evans, early Wqs, will make their homes in or O-tiocll;!oJIu>~, Jr Harry J. Holt. near San Antonio following their reWil1 am E.. !iubbardl Ill. W1lliam Lane, tirement. they bath declared. Jr. ,;.))wlht; F. Lenl. r, L. G. Moore. Sergeant Pulliam. who entered the then Mau1ce::>k-rMorgan.. Ralph L. Ol1ver.Brian Air Service at Rockwell Field. calif O~"~i1laerhard J. Schriever. De~ N. in 1916, after more than a decade of SkQw~~GeGrge Thornbrougb, and Herbert W. .ervice with ground troops. was not ~ ~)'on8TlJ.ilgeln. pre lent for his final d8,y of duty at E)Thi:;Ne.B~:Letter Correlpondent a180 Randolph Field. He was in a hospital men*10~S0th. marriage on Februar,r 11th bed at Fort Sam Houston Hospital. reato\'h,rrJor~:_S8m Houston Chapel. of Mill covering from a fractured hip received Loui.ecSiaraona and 2nd Lieut. John H. ~n ~ fall from a bicycle. u.tiu.aG, Gand adds that ~nd Lieuh. Sergeant Pulliam's first service HBI'~iTlll'r Galusha, F1'ederick C Grambo, date,. back to A'UCUltl 1903. when he enLH:alY4;qGDl. Harold E. Humfe 1 Hugh d. 1~8te4 in Troop l, l~th cavalry. at ~nli_v".rq Robert L. Morrissey, CampY08e~te, Caili. After 11x yearst Mt~cl :t~,\\~iorm and Harold J. Whiteman service at CampYoaeun.te! he spent several years in oivilian 1 fe, returning :g:JiI~~i~~rled during the following to the .ervlce at Rockwell Field in DeAl~,o..tD\Qe above acid up to Just 25 cember 1916. His career in the Air ~ __ ~es'amongst tbe ranks ot the CO;'Pe Inclq.dea duty at RockWell Field, KelJ.y and Selfridge Fields, Camp . ~! the gr~tin& clau. '.'C~'Lthe yO'Uni couplet invo lved Nichola. P~I.l. March Field and. final. ~.f~i.cant conllderat~on.oi the. ly. Randolph j'ield. where. he has been ~\A-~ rl1Une as the popularly conaider.tatione~ aiAce December, 1929. ~ ~~Qn for 8uch permanent union lCon t1nued on Page 19 ). -.r;fl:~j ;::ji.:'J, . V-7976, A.C..
,rl'\\~, \~-\
DIVI$ION AIR OFFICER By Majer Bolam Birnn, Air Corps. Instructix-. Air Corps Tactical S:lhOOll:.:
On the staff of every Infantry divisio!. duties. etc. there is, or should be, a Division Air Of'ficer. ~. Reports progress of training,'~~~ef of The Tables of Organization provide for a Lieutstaff am. G-3. . " .',' ,,:' '\ eDBnt Colonel, with a force of five Air Clrps c. Arranges with A.G. ani G-lf9t: If:~l'aceeDlisted men for this air section on the divi.. lD!lntsif an.Y of section un,-qt~,e~~~oro sion special staff. duties., ' . : () .:; The Infantry division, as it is x:.w organized, 3. DAO orients division staff. Re1a.ii'q~1rith has no organic aviation, but depends upon the taff ',,' ,i~':;,,,-,,, c0rJls' aviation for the st1p?ort or attachment ,: Conference with G-2. Fix ex~~t'~f. each of observation aviation and even lighter--thanone's responsibility in: ,:,.",~~,~, air lInits. In our school situations we have (1) Intelligence ADnex. ::.,'.>0- . the dhision G002 end G-3 sit dewn and wtrry to(2) EValuation df e.eriai;g8~il10n. gether, then reconmend the at~hment of one, .p,.. t;pnference wit~ G-3~ " ~~,,', Obserw.tien squadron and a bal eon squadron to ~(;.,.J directs training di:feoH''ttor ditheir division, due to the fact that the divivision to be in more detail '~!s sion h going into action dd must have close found in the corps di:ectiv~.,: control over the operations of the air units (2~ DAD asks for aviahon c9Ji,e/;'rpt:.e upon which it relies for WO:t'Datio:a. As far staff. ~i'''; as we 1alaw, suCh attacbme:at would be satisfacc. Aviation conference. 0..3 pres,"j A,t)sf. , her tory for a division in actual coaibat; a diviG's and mos~ of Specie.'!-staJ,firElsent. sion really in the combat zone and DOt one (1) MO outl1.nes needs 1.n S~+'~~fi; just being bandied about by a service school conmurlcations cooperation, ..:A1ijo !iives : student. his conception of his relatlon :ivijih With a foroe of five enlisted. men there is Special Staff. 'H".:t little danger of the Air Officer building up (2) DAO then discusses propQ,s,epraj,ni~ an elaborate schetre of paperwork or interior directive. Makes revisions:~:4iacus-:administration. Of all officers on the division proceeds. : :(.j :L', .csion staff he should be the least sedentary; d. Later aviation conference. Chi...f of.~ staff there is so much to do outside the confines of presides. Division ConmmcleJr1~t, division headquarters that he needs an Brigade CoDDlBnders. .!o:J c' ".!J'< tionally able Master Sergeent to head his sec(l~ Tentative training directi~~~ . tion force and hold the fort for him while he hned. ~ ~_' .;.; -, is awe;yfrom headquarters on busiDess. (2) Approved by Division Coxrrw>MrF:8.fIn situations which can be dsuelized, the tel' minor revisions suggested ~iBr.i:Division Air Officer would probably be his gade Conmandersand staff'me'O'ibeao.~" busiest just prior to the division going into e. :Reports results with training direc~ve combat. There are so lXSnY jobs for him to perto Corps Chief of Aviation. ',c;': (,.; form. so IJI8IliY "actions taken and orders issued" 4. DA.O trains division troops. <,> i: i~1 .;: by him that perhaps we can best d8DX)nstrate by a. Conference with Brigacle, Beg!,tl:8I!li')'some a chronological chart for a typical situation. Bn S-3' s. G-3 present. ,0.;,,.(': ),(]BILIZATION PERIOD (1) Explains training directi:,'8.f~ ,. (2) Announces standard of p1!o:f1eii!incy in 1. DA.O reports to Division Hq. cooperative work, ground units"rith',air a. To Adjutant General, signs in. presents service. :i:';.xL i,;"~ " orders. b. Arranges for siD11lated missibus0Wh.en!IX)b. To Chief of Staff, introduces himself as bilization will have been cODll.P~_t.d. memberof staff. c. Co-ordinates with 0..4, Signal m\f:O:v~ c s . To G-3, under whose supervision the IlX)Il&DCe fficers: supplyneed8:':tldr.)fu~Jll'e; O _ .. bilization is being carried out. panels. pyrotechnics, air dgMl";,e~pS. To 0..1. Discusses personnel of Air Secmant, etc., for troops. : )I,,"~ (),c ti(on). S. Co-ordiIlates with other ste.fnottiQers 1 Headquarters Col1II8%ldant called in in matter of proposed siImlatei~.(~ ' to take care of DAO' s 11 ~ng a.rslons. . ~",.' c '::' rangements. e. Reports progress to G-3 a:od Oliief () Air Corps Master Sergeant ( "Serge2 of Aviati6n. ' ). ',A t.: ant Air Office") called. in to discuss personnel of new section with hDBILIZATION C()dPLErED-rRAINING ;E'~$i~s DAO and. receive G-l' s approval for 1. Troops training, preliminary .",Jer~.:",.i~'; Jprocurement of certain individuals Db iu: lli for section personnel. !:. 0 ser~s exec~tion o~ traini~., ~~ " e. To 0..2 and 0..4, in turn. Introduces self. I erahve misS10ns (sUmUated' ai~ceJ _'1. To Division CoDDlBnder. Introduced by Chiefj .p,.. Reports progress continualJY~' t6;':pu--3,'!Cr accoIq)a.nies G-3 on tactic81:\~~!.ons. of Staff. 2 Confers with 0..3 on use of aviat-iG.tP~ 2. MO organizes and trains section. corps' groups (still being DJl)b};~i~~f. ,~ .!:. Trains section in duties. Uses Training 3 Confers with Corps Chief of Avi~i<fii C1n""W" Regulations aJXl old ACTS mimeos. to train in staff or 6.......... :tation" pRrlerwork, ..... -~ ployment of Observation and 'Bd1!~bih!o('~.C -r Squadrons. . .,:~, .n-;? ,1 ...
r ':,~d;
I .
V~7976, .C. A
am '9atlon flight. IW) Z'ecoIIDlenis extent of flights, 1'OQ.tes,total number missions. Group CoIIJJrmders assiszmmt of squadrons on for troop training. 10. DA<> in G-2'. office e'98luatiDg observers' 5. Gets decision from Chief of Staff as to eJ:aM 8q~ operations reports as to trustworthiness. etc., of report. t~t (pi ,;cqll:ll!lM. he e:urcises over air trOOP,1 '. ttaCh.eed. . to division (division air servioe). 11. DlO leaves G-2 office to reconnoitre b&oo loon beds and other ~ement8 for Bal\.I"~f .Qfficer, t Field Manual, part one. loon SqOadr()nam interview observation ~a:r..~:. r, 1.) 6. '!roop training, eaploying actual air units. tetal8 at advanced IBZ)dingfield. Receives iQfol'llJl.tion on possible landing fields up ~l,.~es liaison officer training be. tW~en'O'bservation squadron am all troops fo1'W8.rd fran team of coIIlJlUld plane and others. r,,: ~f'b,~~w.een.Balloon SqlBdron and artillery. BepOrt's traming progress to Squadron CaD- 12. IlAO returns to Division CP. Informed by mandel'S. G-03 rest of Observation Squadron will be ,e'nQQ,~~rence, troops. Group Cormender and .. attached to division at 3:00 p.m. Given .. . s;.;3;' msservat ion and. Balloon Squadron Comu>vement order of Balloon Squadron in divi sion area. .. !QI!l~~ $-3' s, and ~3' s of brigades. . 'r'e~1; and as IXIaAY battalions as pos13. DivisionColDD8Dler decides to attack in 'si1)1e. _Subject: Progress in training in 00 lOOming. Staff works up order for at~.~~:t;'!-'i;r"f.emissions, standards of proficitack. "ebcy', needs. Presided o~r by G-3, with 14. DAD to Group &-4, (after consultation with G-.3 aM a..~) "attach emergency supply ,G-.! ...P.-~ and Signal aM OrdDaJlOe Officers truck to Balloon Squadron truck train """, , .p~re~~: ;if available. U>ving into division area tonight," :'/":E."~)' ol>~S to Corps Chief of Aviation on , " .,'..., ap i11~nt in troop conferezwe. 15. MO to G-l. Shows a.1'0&S. on map. where . d.:. ,serVes execution of cooperathe trainbeet available fields are located, (to assist G-l in recommending site for ~l1k:"a&cCtnp~ing G-3 on tactical inspeoonew CP for attack). .Pf reporting progress to him. Dr ' .,' 2'DNE. DJ4EDIAT:&LY PBIORTO OOYBAT. 16. From G-3. ascerta.ins gist of division plan of attack. 1. Situation: Division is advancing toward eneConference with G-3 and Artillery Com:ae:nd". '~uFl ;~s, G-2 reports are iM.dequate. Di17. ere .~n:needs closer cooperation by air !:.. Reeomnendsatta.ehment of Balloon Squadservice. ron to Artillery Brigade, as soon as 2. Attaaba:im:t:of air service to division. SQuadronarrives in division area. a. G-2 suggests to G-3 the attachment of air !.""Reconmends airplanes fora.rtillery 3 -s~~to division. support, 2 for CO!lDIB.11d missions. -E..D~ Suggests to G-3 the most desirable c. Artillery Comaander aSks for Liaison s~rfoX' attachment. -Officer from Obsenation Squadron. ,00:)Diwsion Chief of Staff requests Corps 18. Checks G-2 Intelligence Plan (aviation "1;-3 for att/jl.chment. section thereof). uakes recomnendation ~.. Division geta one flight attached for opthereon to G-2. ~':'ei'a.til6nk:within three hours. to 3. MO to Squadron C.O. (at group airdrome a.r~ 19. DA.O Observat ion Squadron Coummder asks for :3 Liaison Officers to report that by~~' evening to Division CP ...' .!!O:Jieecli,~of fiigb't ro. To G-4 and Provost Marshal. Requests that [:b--'.. hed.e;of division? ; they expedite m:>vement of aero supply 4. ~O checks availability of previously racontruck from division rear boundary to ad-,' DOi~e~8dia.d:vaneed landing field and message vanced landing field .a"'~UIg~,groU11d. 21. To lst Sergeant, Special Troops. Sergeant .6"'.1i~ Q:tl..: .. AOarranges for eare of four men in ad!.;'10thers:,up near present head of colunn. vanced landing field orew. -~ .;O."lifh"lipprovel by G-3. 22. Sigcal Officer notifies DA.O new CP and of 5. 1rAO asks G-4 for engineers and other labor adve.tlCedlaDding field location, and time diQ .i.~~e 'landing field. of opening of both. They confer on wire S. ~iq,f':leld arrangements. commuDications between field and Division ~. Info:nmtion on adequacy. Erte., of advame,.r.t ~g field phoned to squadron. Sergeto ant AD keeps squadron informed &8 to prog23. DAO Engineer. Arranges for labor in ~rovement of new advanced landing fie14. ress. with ".~llei.~er .service and wire comnmieations 24. Conference SigDalG-3, Headq~ters Coxmsnd.ant, and Officer. Arranges for !a.nd,,~Jj,eld and division a' arranged beswl tching of messenger service from old _ .. ~ t14A,~G-3, Sig. Off. and Hq. Cudt. to new landing field, between field ani ~~'.. ~ ~ on adve.need landing field. CP .:!:..~~l.l'P; ~~. to DAO; ''WhenU>ve suppl i es to 5 Intelligeooe AImexapproved s..4; "Will Worm you when 2 .!" DAD adds explanatory notes and forwards copy to Observa.tion Squadron ComnBnder. di~~p..t~~ area less congested. !. DA.O notifies G-2 and G-3 oopy being e....p-,a; w..;~...l~ G-2. 'Use all planes on re, forwarded. oO~tIJ!l~e missions." . 9. DA.O confers with G-2 on missions for obser26. Liaison Officers arrive from Observation Squadron. V-?9'l6, A.C.
4. Confers with Corps Chief of Aviation
" :. r ~~ ~<
a One officer to So-3. o: One officer(main) .ArtilleryInf.Brigade ueking to of Brig. -enveloping attack.
&-3 i!1.
29. 30.
~ecently the weather personnel oj;~~':WJf: 31, Field, Texas, were both surpriseif'~ ~H;&l\t~ ed to see a trailer full of wea.thGr i'rl$t;ru-"" DURING cnmAT menta. drive in. It was an exhib~''bq;',:t1i~::(' 1. Inspects G-2 and G-3 situa.tion maps. Frieze Instruuent~. The ()PEi*'t~~~~lf-< 2. G-2 canplains of inadequacy of reports. ducted lDt .. "itei visItors throu~:ji1,. .J~.J:!l. : a. Enemyreserves not located. ''Weather Office on Wheels" and ~1~Elt~}'~:'~ Two dropped me~sage~ lost at old dropthe latest weather instruments. ,'Th~.~ _~:,: O~ . plDg grounds durlng nIght. strument which received more att*1~'fk~l. '" ~ 3. DAD to Observation Squadron $-3 (by pho~e). aJliY of the others was the radio-n)l:J .. _; arranges for latte! to read copy of It has long been known at Randolpb e ,::' ing reports to ASS1stant G-2. when such what a radio-meteorograph is but .. ~i copies have been lo~ated. .. roost of the men had never seen o#,: ~~~(, ~'; ': ~ 4. Receives an observer s report that DiV1Slon Stevenson, the ~erator, gave a ~ j!R~:/iEi;:J\ CP easily seen from ~r; DOt well canouplaDation as to Its working parts. ~ :l :"'. ".",'~ fl~d and too much In-and-out t~fic.. ---000-.'0"1 :i' ,:1 eauly observed by enqr observatIon avaa.. :l; ,Ll'o' .G' 1. ion. t tosr AND roUND '1'.> '1 01,; '-' it? 1V DAOt 5.repor s: , 1iJ..'W J!:. Poor canouflage to Headquarters and Q:m. On the aftel'XlOonof November 25;.' 8A.,t.,(~.'.@.:' nandant and Engi/neer. A.B. Custis Ordnance Dept. Barlss !PEfl~, b. Excessive traffic near Division CP to La., turned'in at the Store:.Keep.~~. ~1iIJ.. ~~.c.fl' "lieadquarters Comnandant. the Flight Division. Naval Aircra# -1~~o:rY.t~,_ 6. Observation SquadrC?n ~~r and Balloon Philadelphia. Pa,.; the following.:i'i.~lJ.~ vuit DIVIsIon CJ? equipment: ,:",0'r.1a:..r:!-J" .!:.DAO 1ntrodll?es Balloon Group Comnanderto 1 ea. Helmet. Flying. Type B-3.:, ";O,nei':ii. Artillery Brigade 5--3. 1 pl'. Goggles. Flying. Type B-1, 6:>IJ:!i~'i~eWii. ~ DAO conducts Observation Squadron Comcorner broken). ;':.0 \:~).jJ_::,,;; -. mandaI' ~hrou~ G-2 office. t1;en to advanc1 ea. H~-Set. Radio. FlyingLc''b1@ ~a."-'l ed land1ng fIeld. together 'WIth represenOn the aftol'XlOonof November 2?1t~"lijM;: tative. of G-2 sect~on, latter to interview Custis returned to draw out flyi~ ~." reporting observatlon teams at advanced and the above listed items were fdund:.:So;:bilJL~. landi~ fiei instead of at squadron airmissing. The Store-Keeper. Mr. J il~ot) ..r~JC~ frane In re'ar aree,s.. plained that to facilita.te the sp~I,~of 7. MO turns/transportation and driver-guide equipment and as a courtesy to th~,~!l. over to /Squadron CoJIJUmder ho goes forw he had allowed several of them to.rc~ iJ~:1;o10e ward to recOIlIlOitre possible sites for new the cage and get their own equipmellil:. ~.i:tilai advancedlandins fields (sites satisfactohe thought lt was possible the mi~ftn@c.~~' r:( ~o ~on ComrBnder ~eon~ J t mant had De8Jltaken by them by ~ct~11 ~ f~:' LIaISon OffIcer with atta.ok~ brIgade. Major Custis hes sent out lett8~s;~Li~ a. D~.returns with G-2 transportation to Di- to all the visiting Arrr!tI personzwlW.h~5.1F~ V1S10n (l'. Naval AircJ'El.ft Factory regarding~AB~~' -10v-791s/jA~\O;' t i o
c. One officer renains at Division CP until -specially needed. DAO and Liaison Officer fIG to G-2 office. a. Q]an observers' and squadron operations -reports. b. DA,O instructs Liaison Offioer in evalua-tion of reports, how fer he should go in evaluation, DOt to ass'IXll8 responsi bili ties of (;,,2 whoevaluates them according to their military ~ortance. c. Leaves Liaison t>ffioer at G-2 office to -continue such work. To new advanced landing field, a. Makes sure energency supplies satisfac-t()ry~ b~ Inspects ~rovementwork on landing -field by engineers. c. Estbntes time when field will be avail-able for use. d. Inspects progress on establishing wire -comnunications. To (;,,4. 'iNeed more labor in preparing advaneed landiDg fielda" Arranges with Liaison Officer #3 to share duties throughdut' night. a. Evaluation of observert' rep\)rt.. 01 Progress on advantt~d "ld. 1l'AO to quarters and sleep.
9. Conference 'With G-3 on assiganent of comIEBnd airplanes on missions. 10. With G-2 revises aviation section of Intellige:cce Plan to conform to rapidly ehanging Iituation. . 11. Notifies Squadron S-3 of SUChioha:asw.s.3,~ 12. Squad.ron ColDIII.Dder returns to Divt~~n,~.;r Takes Liaison Offioer 1/:3 with;.bJ.tb,i:(liIl1i re;.! turn to Squadron Ql."~I.B oW'lL;,:, 13. DAD arranges with~, disposit~IO~l~e&age of frieIld1y airplaM 01'~ t. di~:. vision area. Coordinates wi'Oh: ~'S-4. 14. Conference with Division Co~8r4JQ1te.'f,' of Staff, G's. and Engineer OaW>atl~OiV;" passive means of defense of i~lml: e~~ tabli shuJents am reserves a~.' ~. os~,i(b ... 1e enerzv air atta.olc... r .,)'!-, ' . -, 15. Copont i XlUwork with 0...2 in e~~!~~~ .8S ..:J~ ' rt s 16. Instructs Ass't G-3 prior togeheloeJI :Pel. ,.. oonnaissaz:8 flight by latter 'i<nI~aii~3'%Jd:; ail'plane. .. ,GJ '? 8\'~, .: 11. LieJIx> to general staff 8ect~ons-'tffrla~~~:L~~ matters, materia! fOr the1r~tii~h\ ~ :ports,'W; f!0,,,."~' --000-. WEATu--. O.'-"~ ~....... -Jo....-.4"!;l,i.:;:.,,:,": s
r ;::.:_,~
! ..
ot '~
"'I' ,.
ALBROOK FIELDN.C.b"s GORIDINGIN .A. CAYUC.A. By the News Letter Correspondent Aa.,~eUf.;amOW, "cayuca" i8 the Panamani upon being allowed to furnish a house name:clot'vilrboat hewn out of a log and is for the weary voyagers to sleep in and th.~t 0b1dli mode of transportation of the arrange for someone to do the cooki ng. natives along the rivers and the coast This offer was accepted with thanks .4f,'Panama-.~JbU.t or ocean travel - well, f and the gang settled down for the night, tba"t 1, litlut. reason for this story. but not for long, as one of the Indiana . .l""t-,a:l-1;:, Bft.rted back in April, 1938, had recognized Lucy as the gringo they wheni'-.t1;libIliitA1ans the lower Darien in oall "El Doctor" down the coast at PrQYi.. :.f: Panama made and gave to Mas- Jaque, and passed the word that there t~, Stl'pall.t W.D. Lucy a "cayuca," 28 was a doctor in town. Almost iumediate,fe~\ ;1o~.4 feet wide, and 4 feet deep, g the three gringos were besieged by liewn :trom the heart of a hardwood tree. Indians and other natives asking for Wb~ t;~r.'.IkJ',launched1t was Just about as medicine for every known kind of ache stable as a log. Being round-bottomed, or pain, and before the night was over witll. ~~ow beam, it would roll in the many cuts, burns, bruises, etc., had ~H1,)~p:ithe least provocation. The been taken care of. A minor operaUCln boatwaa towed to Balboa and hauled out was performed on one of the natives ,tq; ~9~q~}c ,;&'1eld, where Master Sergeants . who had a large splinter in h1s foot lii4~89PJ~d. LUCl, Technical Sergeant that the local Indian medicine men had Johnson and Staff Sergeant Richard W. been unable to remove, eo now all three Davenport spent most of their off-duty members of the party were village dochours fixing it up, which involved the tors. There bei~ no medical service installa~~p of two 25-gallon. gascal1ne or medioine available in the interior tanks, an ice box, dry lockers, seats, or out of the Vie::! places in Central w~!Jrl.~4'"JUl 8-1!1ch keel! and-roll1ng America, anyone whOpaints a cut with ghQ~@l ~c~ng, electric ights, and a iodine or gives someone a CCpill i8 weJl:~fOF);1,\25-horsepower, 4-cvcle outlooked uti to by the natives and called bOaJ:d~i~~.. f1 II Do ctor 'tl _mii:tQ,4>~~:JV8.S finished and launched The second night, our adventurers dur'fng-J~ 'latter part of November. The were ma.ny miles from any roads or means b~jJ..di,:s;:~e so confident 1n their of fast cODlJIUllication, and they were ha.h,41~:\l1at they put 1n forI and ob., hearing the sound of the Indian signal tallt~a-vf1.?,7~ furlough to v 8i t and dance drum that was to be the ri.can countries. ti. with the in- ing music for manv more nights. The t~tt" ~. ~ ".# ) the tr i p 1 t he ... ;';1.... d ..., 11-" ~ n BOun 0f th ese drums oarr i es f or many e~e~, .. . " r miles, and makes your hair stand up, if ,'Sti'o~:r~4aY, December 4, 1938 Master you are alone in the hills. Ser~~4lits 'Anderson. and Lucy and Staff The next day they shoved off and S~B.ifft -1Javenport set out before dq8&a1n headed out to sea and farthel' light on a'trip to ~ere down the down the coast. Smooth sailing was enPacific coast of Central and South .Amer- joyed for about three hours; then 1cat with a full load of ga80line, proRother Nature and the Weather Man came vislons for a month, a week's supply of to the party and brought with them a wa.ter'r~k1ng utensils, dishesr-liehing high Wind, strong current and speci1al~ te:ck~f' ... aumnmition, C10thlng. med- mane waves with white hats on them. Af~oe.~~~ ;~;"eameras, etc., which altogeter battling the elements for a d1ethe!"Lwe ~. slighlily over a ton and by tance of 65 miles, they dropped anchor n0911~tha. . they were sixty miles down in the :Bay of Puerto Pina, about 25 mile the'"'Ooa~1 forty idles out to sea and miles from the Colombian border, an going strong. ideal place to spend a vacation, and AndersoI\ ~d Davenport acted as Capthere established their baBe c~ in an ta1w'''8.zIdrCOhief Engineer, respectivelY', Indian hut that had been built for them and Lucy as the Deck hand and Chief by the local tribe of Indians. The' hut "w'"dlcei -en.ier." was about 25 feet B~e, ra~sed up on'U'~day roved uneventful, p and pole8ten or twelve feet frolIl the the:z.'-t:trtftlnight was ~ent at Gorda Point, ground to keep the animals out, and covab<nlto185.~rmtlesrom Panama. f ered with a palm-like leaf which made -' Thecncbnd day was a duplicate .of the the hut waterproof and is Bup~8ed to fir~,l~t that upon arrival at last from five to ten years . There .1l~lf'c>1t .. a native town of 2,000 per- were no doors or windows in the hut IIOU.,l tDa:o one member of the National in fact, there were no side., and the Pol.'10Aj .wbo~lactBas Cue toms, Immigration, only way to get into it was to climb a Jl~1~1ia1l4 Military Authority there, notched log which acted as .steps and n a ~jQeurteoue manner ascertained front door. When70U wanted to be .tU.~:lHid.e~\1ty, mission, place of depar- alone, all you had to do was just to t urej;.cj&i!-U.~tion, etc., and after havturn the log Over with the notchea 111C[~1laa.t the~ were not deserters c1own. The hut was located on the or f~9R-s, _~leeing from the law, ins1Bted shore of a small cove where the Pinas -ll~ V-7976, A.C.
River flows into the ocean. Fresh water i the rain. They always bring home the for drinking and cooking purposes was bacon ' available within a few yards of the hut. There are no horses or ntul!l;.,t#':t~~~ Oampwas established. The automobile part of the country, but that' dct'~~ve'" battery type radio, which was something domestic animals such as hcage ~d-C9W,_ the natives had never seen, was set up also fowls - a few chickens $ii_i~ts~'.~ by stringing an aerial to the top of a Ohickens, ducks and turkeys ,~rEL~~, t~ tree and hooking on a 6-volt battery. A raise, due to the fact th8.ttig~rs .~a., native was engaged as a cook and careI snakes raid the chicken coops,ft.~tl'P'~Ft~taker. Fishing tackle for deep sea fish- ly .-:,.:. .. ,':1",' ,: i~, and the shot guns that were taken The other natives are mostlt'~:e~~lalong for hunting were assembled, and ani or Oolombians, who live ~eW'~~b~;,,-' general preparations were made for a ocean and subsist on what theY, real vacation. b-uy from the various tradersih t~,t':,9t' " Early the next morning the voyagers there. They are all very frlert~:: q,.t became fishermen fJJldwent out where thp white men, and everywhere a W1>.11"" , ,":',". wild "Pez Gallo" ~meaning rooster fish}, goes he is made welcome and as,ij" $~~(1,~1,i, i corbina, dolphin, and many other species every way possible. They are. e ~,11et1t of fish hold forth. Davenport won the boatmen, guides and packers, ~,an, "Qut', ':'honors for the ~ by landing ten aSB,ort- p~rtv took full ali, ant~e ot ',~he,',ttl'1,~,lv edspecies and sizes and, needless to J.ngtless to help' 0-:/ using them,'()J;l.'~t1~f say r the boat was welcomed back by the, up the rivers. either in the "Ps'1l1t'ta, i natlVes, as they had been told that all Lucy's boat, or in the shallow native of the fish that the AinerieanoB did not river "cayucas," whlch, by tluJ "!lay" are want for one meal would be divided so shallow, narrow, over-sensi:ttv&"on' amongst them~ In return, tht\Ygave the the triu .... er that, when loade,Q.",'.k~;("ZQU g~ oranges limes, chickens, etc. change your chewing gum from on"r '$~a~, The majority of the natives in that of your mouth to the other tQ.e".'ft1.~'":" part of the country consist of Indians ship water. .r.; ;:.:,-, .- -:. who are descendant~ of the Aztecs, and Wild game in the Darien C9v.rtt~t;~ls;',' they are a very pr1mitive people. The plentiful, and consists of tu+.k~t;"s,;', clothing problem for them is easily sort of ifrouse, p~eon, dove, ,o.~etl" . taken care of, as the men wear an abrabbi t, conejo" (Which meant)~t;~bo~t, .,. breviated gee string of cloth or beads, in Spanish, but the size and' shepe:~~f;"' , and three yards of colored cotton cloth, the animal is nothing like 0~:rS%4t~}'J,'\ wrapped around the hips and tucked in at rabbit), tapir, ti~er, wil~-.adg,-ri'lt,t.: the waist, const! tute the morning, after otter, squirrel, w1ld hog (whi~:f1, ..c~~"~::. noon and evening dress for the ladies, siet of tlle pecarri, cienn~anij; th~r , .. a.ugmented by painting the body and limbs regular old razor-back: hog)~a~_~t r ;.~ with vegetable dYes. Ooin, shell, and course, there are !D8.IlY speel,I-Qf'.'''l' , ":'. animal-teeth necklaces are worn on spemOnkeYS parrots, birds, snak~i;l~4-;" cial occasions. The children up to butterf i ies in the woods. . ,;j ',y';,~' ' about ten years of age are not hampered Many interesting experiences,were e~, by any clothes at all. ' joyed by our explorers, and 'two' ,iii"~them They all live on fresh water streams shoU~d be classe~ as IIBel1eve,;~;,.~r./"' where fish and wild game abound. corn, not, which were. ,", " t., '." yw.cca, sugar cane yams, plantains and One evening as the gang we~~,,~iitq:::. i rice cO!IlPlete their menu. The women one of their canIps, a large .qqh~jp~>.n". raise the rice, corn, etc. and the men \'out on the beach toward thelffi.~~Et.w~~ furnish the home larders with fish and a tiger. weighing about 150 po'OO.ds. -,1".. game. Salt is obtained from the variright behind him. The two In~aris~ wao~ ous traders who go t~ the villages on were in camp grabbed up rockl(tP)d;~Y('n.~" the coast, and cane Juice is boiled down into the water and killed ~8"QQneJp., .. to a syrup and used as sugar. The tiger got away, as the ~8~"er~' ;"_ Fish are caught with traps and spears locked up 1n a drY locker ~cl'ic~'\iJq.~,' .. made of black: palm wood, and game is not be assembled ln time to ~ ~~. .,' killed with either bows and arrows, beast. Even though there was;~ru~ib~i~ traps, or 28 gavge shot ~s. .A.nmuni tim about locking guns up where 'tl}~"QoVJ.l!,: tor these guns ~trade guns) is a problem, not be reached in a hurry, oU,r;.gI\~'~d. but they seem to get on very well by conejo for supper. ": .. " ., b-uylng brass shells, caps, pOWder, and The second liBelieve it orriotn';lia.n~.~ sheet lead from the traders. pened in another camp where the Shot for the shells is made by punchat high tide was Just a few yards from ing holes in a aeonand pouring hot lead the hut. One of the Indlan8i wijq ~d through these holes into coconut oil, just received a course of iriqtitlctiQi;i .: and then the tear-drop shaped shot is in the operation of the gun"", '~,~~'~iP'-~';," trimmed to the size wanted. The beak of two cannons (double-barreled.:~o~~.:. a banana bird is used as a powder measto you) as he called it, saw"s '~:!te~~t: ur e ; wild cotton is used for wadding; in the water, grabbed the guxi~~~ti8"4and beeswax used to seal the shell 80 then climbed down the notche-dl-l~"u@Et<1J that the powder will not get wet when as steps and retrieved a ten~~~i,""r,. they swim the streams or get caught in snook he had shot. Our gang~.t ' - V-79 6,
water" ,
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r~d not the fiehlng rod, had er of fifteen ~If in the ,t,~nf',} ~trli during which they travel:v,ft#)
--:~J,~i,1'iil,.&O,'{J~~mo~e~ ~~i~f~, ~ ~{hers bJ" 't'~~dventure ta1as. 0: :get the idea that our advent"~a'~-not have to climb mountains, ~~,ljJh~$iS" rivers, cut traUI, swim ~-,,~tt -~ql?ipment in order to see the ;lJ;n~~' r~Bting things that are in that >r~it1ve country, fOr theY' - ,',l:Jt~ 1 ",but from all we hear it was o ~J?r1; .'::effort. ,.t ---000--7 .~
:<l~~~t~Qt,7Pa:am:s~~wgO~:br:a~~tn would ~ 1:aP~~_~J:~n:~n~~e;~"$.Jl old salt coment abo~t with all units dropping Demos on pracr ",'-.ter, our gang oame;.back home tica1lY all fl1hts and.perf.ct1~ ti~w~ and varied tale. of adventhemselves 1n ilie other~phases of train-
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i~tr:~tal1=~rYin n;~~g~:t~:rand since no luitable radio beam statlen 1s available' at pre8ent, technique ascent and d,scent through overcast, using the hom1ng loop ana a 1ecal broadcasting station, is being emphasi zed. Due to the character of weather conditions encountered in this vicinitY', this method appears to be feasible. ~e system used ~s as follows: after arrival at a point ever.\he statien, the G': lJll ,', formation flie. aWtJ:v from it on a pre~1.lMZ~~~;~~RMANCESWITH'!'HE BIG PINS determined course :tOr three minutes. At the expiration of this time, the leader :i!i~Ydi"1.temB relating to sports are turns 180 degrees and returns to the tlie station and begins Remainfen $J.~~laced in under last heading 80 of lng planet turn at his descent. intervals Ke 1hg 'nt"" the page or one-minute the eii ,l;I~~ter, the following contribuand follow in trace. Each airplane in tio~ f. "ti,:;~, e March Field Correspondent mak1~ the descent loses altitude Q.t de8_r~ ~4'big headline, viz: 500 feet per minute at an indicated l$.d: Sit .if you can. Private First airspeed of 130 miles per hour, and Cl. 8~lt~~~t .Ammerman, th Air Bale 4 flies out from the station for a time Sq ~~~~ ... ~ch Field, amazed spectators _ necessary to lose one half of the difwij~nr~~ Q~,.led a perfect game on Jan~ ference between ceiling and the initial 24th.,~ J.~:c;reated ~ite a bit of talk, altitude, then turns 180 degrees and a8"!~:~". :':the second "300" score to be retraces the ccuz-se, maintaining the ro11e;:{~ i1i"the four-year history of March same rate of descent until station 1s Field'. 'rtig,uation alleys where many an reached or "break: through" is accomexp~r.~"''8Q''IElr as flung hard rubber at h pllshetL A variation of this system uncC~la~ning pins. has been tried in 'Which the return leg But the amazed spectators became daeed of the descent does not return to the wh~n0~e~ repeated his feat on Janu- Btation but is so placed that it clears
art~f'y~~~~'admired Ammerman. They conth:e~~~~o~~~ m:~e:wmerY' by the ceded ..h, !a.s a mighty fine bowler. 13ut squadrons of the 5th Bombardment Group, it ."\1.u,f luck, they said. It won't under the provisions of Tn 440-40, is hitBDeBl,iiii.n in a long time, t!lel added. being conducted as follows: gunnery-by n i1!n\;.J ~~ 31st, .Ammermanalml.Y' c the 23rd and 72nd Bombazodment quaCirons S chalke! " (another perfect game. The and bombil1gby the 31st Bombardment dii'edF' ~~~d spectators were f1abberSquadron. The Group gunnery range, gaitedf. .tocled you). Bltuated in an area frem six to twenty ()fti~' , - ' 5th, the amazed, dazed, miles off the west ehore of Oahu 1nflablS,f &s1:M spectators watched cludes sufficient space~ for simuitaneADmei''~Qil ?El, then 287 and then OUBfiring from three airplanes. InanQtll:, .~. (Confidentia1iv. the spec- terference bY' bad weather is not often t~rji_r~,';MW completelY b8l'uddled; encountered in this area. The present tlieycefUNd no comment this time - they bombing target is not so well located Otll"'_~1mi~d.) in this respect, being situated at ~~~~~~:e:~;11 up we'll aoon ~~o~:id~bO~e o:tr:~e e:~;t:;:::n~f ---000--trade wind blowing from the norawest .. 'l~: ';i,-:;"!. ., produces a cloUd bank that often covers l'bfi ,l!lit' 01servation Squadron, Marshall the target. .Another adverBe factor i. Fiet1 ~:)~r.~Riley., stood inepec- the proximitY' of populated areas, which t10H~ 4J"8Bed in review the morning of allows approaches to be made from two J -., caUL in honor of Brigadier Gen- directions only. One of theBe, para~NlV. ~ T.. .lienry. the CODJDand1ng Gener- lleling the shore line and startlng ~~"'fof: ~~~lleYj who ret1r,d from &0from the vic1ni~ of Diamond Head, is t1>t;6;J~wrvlc:::l' anuaorY31st. on Band made particularlY difficult by the va~, e1Ct<,~.. 'shed bf t,he 9th Cavalry Band, 17ing air condi ilona caused bY the d~I!HtjfJjlie oCO&81on. (Continued on Page 20) ; .J', ,r'\\,J.,_ " .1 _ V-7976, A..C.
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A series of four fifteen-minute interviews, held once a week, concerning Randolph Field and the Flying Cadet Detachment, are being heard in the san Antonio area over KTSA.,the local outlet for the Columbia Broadcasting System. Starting soon after Christmas holidays, the programs are designed to tell the story of a Flying Cadet from the day he reports to the Secretary's Office to matriculate until eight months later when he completes his training on the Basic Stage and is sent to Kelly Field for his final training. Accerding to the present plans, representatives from the Advanced Flying School will take up the program and in an additional series of interviews, will tell the, story of the final ,four months of the one-year course. On,the first of the four radio programa. Colonel John B. Brooks, CommandingOfficer of RandOlph Field. and also Commandantof the Primary Flying School, answered aumerous nuest10ns concerning the entrance re"J,ui t f Fl' Cd t th nw i q remen s or ylng a e s, e p."o1 s cal examination, the pay and allowances of a Flying Cadet. and the method of making application. Colonel Brooks then turned the program over to Captain James S. Stowell, Commandant of Cadets, who told of the housing facilities for the student pilots th 1 thi d h d th b' e c 0 ng.issue t em, an e pro lems of the Mess Officer. When questioned on traditions of the Ca_et Detachment and Cadet "slanguage", Captain Stowell ':--000--: reeled off a typical sentence in Cadet '~<= 1)1i) ~ ~arlance that surprised even the station I COMM1JNICATIONS AT BANDOLPIfj~';,:.~ announcer., L_ " . ,. The second of the programs featured Several changes have rece~~ff~o~aiiCal'tain James W. Andrew, Primary Stage red in the Post communication.. I1S'e~:l,.b'n s Commanderand Captain Charles A.. Harring- at Randolph Field due to c;.'~r~ "~.' ton, his assistant . who told of the described, by means of the.~ e~ . -'as course as gi van the first four E. T. S. This section could ,.~, fiead";-' months. and the maneuvers used for inlines in the "Believe It or.~~~lItll:C~l.,~ struction purposes. The third program by the statement that their o~r~ear~ de~lt with t~e Academic Department. Major I "are too ambitious". In recenf monrtlj,s, C. W. Pyle. Duector of Ground Training; 1 three enlisted men have le'ft.:ty!~~~cf' Captain Guy B. Henderson and Lt. Don Zim-j tion when their term of enlf1itmel'1t;'exmerman of the Ground School Department ,pired, and have returned to ,:clV:i!l?UU'i' covered thi s phase. The final program ! 11fe for the purpo se of coritinu.!ng ,~,': of the se::i~s will cover Dasic Stage, and I their education. As a re~U1't;.; ft!>~if their tralnlngprogram. Captain B.A. become necessary to train ne~,-~~rat9rs Bridget, Basic Stage Commander, and Lieu- (to fill the vacancies. . ,,< '!." .. ,;~," tenant Robert W. Burns, Aesistant Stage Apprentice operators are~~4k~& w~th Commander. will be the speakers. the utmost care from availablEP~lii.4' ---000--cants. Special attentionUfp4Jid:ttd'; BAlOOI,.!'H SEWAGE PLANT GIVEN TOPBANKINGthe indivIdual's educat ton, ~s~tty, his adaptability to radiodp~Nl~ifon~.' , I speech, typing speed (toucll(",s"B1l:em~i, Randolph Field s sewage disposal plant and interest in radio. Prcispacthi.i' was given top ranking in the State of operators are given voice ;1ms1l:tll.lotioD Texas by the Texas State Health Officer, in enunciation, voi ce 8peed;,~8t1d~.\,:neDr. George W. Cox, in his annual Honor fore he is allowed to make~et~1r,).:l'? Roll. issued recently. The announcement broadce.sts over the air. SDecta:L:a\ten. -14V-7976, .C. A
I I of j
"PRODUCING THEBEsr SEWAGE EFFLUENT FOR THEYEAR RANJ:)OIiP;Hr.JIJmiD'~. Nominations for the Honor.JR"o'ltlt:a:hF submitted by the District Med~g~l1)~ rectors of the Texas State ':o~tI"tm~';t of Health from more than 600Te:xa"~ nicipali ties, "and selectiOrisiT9- '~, on the basis of accompli6hment' and/~~cord of operation, treatment an~[~~daction, as reviewed by the Stat~8~apt~ ment of Health at the close of'eacm:' ' year. The State Hea.lth Offt.ce:r, r.:h~',; transmitting the Honor Roll,.11ftIaJ!k::'ed that the placement is a dlstinQ~J~pliment to the ~ost and is thEtl'restilt of definite achlevement in comP~~~ion with all of the other sYBtemsJ,.8J::td;!.~" plants in the State". "'0'1::' ':r,' The Sewage Disposal Plant'. .:lro:caWd'on the west side of the Cibolo. oraeki ~t I off and across, the County Road;:fx:om\rtlle main reservation. about one-beJ4 ;:~I'IQ.~ south of Scherti, Texas, W~s-,t;91M.t~''t is Bubmi.t. t,.~",'cblL!~l,_:,th.'.'e ~ Post Surgeon to the Texass~, ., e~~t. ment of Health, covering wi -, . '":' , ... tion, daily sewage flow. set.,' ab"lA ' solids ami stability of effllJ;ent.,.. ,#izl r filter bed, chlorine used, 're)J~<iUAt.:_ chlorine and outlet stream.s.taO:.~ll-(tv .. -r ti tl " ,1!J. _,.:a Sugges ons and instruc o,t+$; Cte+ve ":f8 .. freg,uently from the State B<ia:~d:jQ.:t:l, ~~; Hearth, based on monthly repoti' of tne Post Surgeon, are closely followed and have proved to be extremel,; ~~vl' in the efficient opera.tion of~i=--j)la.nt", Major F.D. Shawn, Q,.M. cOr:P'a'.-1'~)st Quartermaster stated
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ti.'Olllis.FaL:aopaid to alertness, accuracy; on amateur frequencies. ~!-Pl?mp:tnes8 in the dispensing of in- I An important function performed by fQrmat~~~ to pilots. After pro~ective the Langley station is to train amateur o-~rgt:or,8<1lave served, their apprentice1" .' 'operators in procedure and to furnish ship.r~<t)jeybecome Jun10r Operators. A emergency set-ups, in case of any di sasS~~i9~,Qpe;:r~tor is in charge of each I ter. Being directly affiliated with w~tob.,~~~h- a Junior Operator as. his as- I the American Red Cross, the medical sup, -8,, 'llhe Chief Operator. or one of I plies, boats and any other outside help ." hiSc asr.siJStants, is always on duty to su- \ could be obtained within a short perioe. pe~i&e '.iee.ehwatch. Operators make hun- "of time. dreds ,o.i;~Qntacts each week with permaWhile no local emergency operation nent-JPBil!sannel flying on local and crose-] has been necessary, station WLMG stooi cGUntl'7'jllii:s~sions.and with transient i by in preparedness for operation during ,a~e1!alf'&.!.T i the recent hurricane scare. Then, too, (,*ieaa~~ 45-A, 40 watt transmitter, : the operator has worked directly in operat1ng.on 4280 kilocycles, is used lother disasters, similar to the flood for cross-country work, and contacts lof 1936 that swept Pennsylvania, Connec..'withreilfplanes within a 500-mile radius I ticut, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, >oi', ~~h Field is not unusual. How- i and many other neicllboring states. ,:~eT,:i.d;.ue:to atmospheric conditions at ! ---000--t1IDe1s'an'lt'occasional dust storms, it is : '~fi:tU'lfu's\1.8;'l to fail to make contact at : THETENTH ORDNANCE SERVICE COt,.iPANY 15 mile~ from the station. By Norman E. Noll ~;'~:fQ:'oj~';;,:3cl. AllenH. Carlisle of the:, It is now a 11'ttle more than two -l53Q; 'Sc1')b'~l Squadron, one of the old timeritl"ri ''t,Ae>station. is returning to civ- i years since the Tenth Ordnance Service ~~,f~ ::r:t,~e,-February 24th, for the purI Company, located at Langley Field, Vir,<?"~e:_~,:f'l;t?9'.mPleting education. his Car- I ~inia, has established itself among var11,~1~i'~~ to the radio station in May. :lOUS units in the General Headquarters " J;~~g(-g~.:r~. '. ,Apprentice Operator and lAir Force. to 1t :i1(.2: hU'. t A itt Chi f ,'Headed by Ma.jor Edison A. Lynn. Order r~~;_.sway up 0 ss sane [nance Department, this unit began its ~Rer_~~tC;~i,.\ I important role at the time of the organ~"""0J~,' ---000--ization of the GHQ. Air Force. At that , ._~~~ $'!ELD I S AMATEUR RADIOSTATION time it \Vas deeme4"necessary to furnish ".. ;~~S CONSIDEBABLE 'llBAFFIC i~i~d~~rS~h:i;:j~~U~~~~~;n~~ ~~a~h~roBy NormanE. Noll Army. After a series of conferences beRad DX I t tween various Air Corps and Ordnance 10 ers hroughout the c?untry representatives, the Tenth Ordnance Co~ have.:: z.a.: heard the hum-drum llke dot ~ pany began to ..render . their service to and sy~:em Qf the amateur radio sta- the GHQ Air Force. ~l,~.o.n. ~.} .. I3,q~~:... ,jLMG),but only recently were t The original plan provided six pla:~ElY"":~~Bzed of the fact that the local toons in the entire company; one at }!t'a;t. ;;o;~l.!!,a.f:i awarded the 1;on~r of being each of the air bases included in the ::;},M~.~.,,~o~eof the nahon s leading am- organization of the GUQ . Air Force. ~~~~E~'L_'_ 1C handlerso These six platoons in tne organization "JO\Yl ,~4op~rated solely by Private of the GHQ Air Force are still in eft1:~lirj;.,l.. .slh AMFirst Class, 7illiam H. feet, the main platoon being at Langley ..:-,$~.1~ca-".,~ Administrative Section,Base Field, Va.; the Second Platoon at Wit'f!.q,._.:~~:tr~l1st Air Base Squadron, this chel Field,N. Y.; the Third Platoon at _~ta.t~J~eLorganized in 1936 for the Selfrilke Field, Mich.; the Fourth PlaP~;Rg~.l~f(standing by and being fully to on atlMarch Field, Calif.; the Fifth prep~,~:ftQ~ immediate operation in case Platoon at Hamilton Field, Calif. and ~f~y ~J!)EIr.gency. the Sixth Platoon at Barksdale Field,La. ,.~ (:T1l.e.-:eal.l~jlettersWLMG were assigned by The First Platoon comprised an inithe War Department at Wa.shington for the tial strength of one officer and 43 en:~,&Q$,:~~iB station in army amateur work, listed men. In addition to all other 6llJa'p~cial' army frequencies, and to asdutie .. as Air Base and Seco.. Wing WLM Washington in admin- nance Officer, Majo~ Edison A. Lynn was of o:.tht-118;,bllV~- message handling, the latand assigned as commandng officer of this L ter..~betng,~e national net control staiorganization. ti,chr<drari1al'lAARS. I This outfit was organized from enllstWl:telbt,.b~be.c:amemember of the Ameria ed personnel who voluntarily transfeI""!' caticBadjof~elay League (organized to band 1 red to the various platoons from the -togethGl'l tlie amateur radio stations for I Third Ordnance Se~ice Company, the eme~~C1~d message handling),W3GTS' Sixth Ordnance Ma1ntenance Company~Air ,:1t;;~~~~~~, .was rated a.t 200 watts output Corps organizations and through re 0_ , .. ,J, .. crui ting. -15V-7976, A.C.
As soon as the men and officers were provided with the basic fundamentals, the necessity for training men to handle the new problems of modern aviation wa~ realized and. through the personal efforts of both Colonel Russell L. Maxwell and Major Lynn, the Tenth Ordnance S~~ vice CompanySchool of Aviation Ordnance was established. Classes moved underway on October 1st, 1937" with a COIJl'lOl J, plete faculty of two officers, three noncommissioned officers and one clvil~ ian. viz.: Colonel Russell Maxwell,Chlef Director: Captain Edward P. Mechling, , Director; Mr. Thomas L. Gaines, ammunition inspector of all items pertaining ~o ~unit1on; Technical Ser~ant Robert F~ ~okoly, Chief Instructor of the entire class; Staff Ser~ant Francis E. Rogan, Instructor of Small Arms. and Sergeant Fred Riley, Assistant Instructor of Small Arms. The extensive bombing with both praotice and demolition bombs in the fall of 1937 presented the Ordnance Department a splendid opportunl ty to 8tu~ the technique of bomb service. Upon return from the March. 1938 Second Wing Exercises in Florida. it was necessary for the Tenth Ordnance Service Company to prepare for the General Headquarters ~ maneuvers throughout the Northeastern Section of the United States. This exercise called for the full participation of the Ordnance membere, 25 officers, 80 enlisted men. and approximately 40 lir'Ucks being employed. Bombs were available for Pur sui t. and Ordnance service was faithfully provided at twenty air fields. Later, the October.A.nti-aircraft Exercises kept the L~ley Field Platoon busy providing all needed Ordnance service for both Langley Field and the Pope Field. N. C. ,areas. Dropping all the cares and worries behind. members of the lOth Ordnance Service Comp&B1ecently celebrated r "Organi zation ~Il with a banquet in a prominent restaurant at Hampton, Va. The principal guests included Lieut. Colonel Edward Montgomery, Chemical Warfare Officer of the Second Wing' Major Steward H. Elliott, Ordnanoe Officer of Fort Monroe. Va.; Major Edison A. Lynn. Secen,4 Wing Ordnance Ofticer' 2nd Lieut. Harry R. Melton. Jr., AssIstant Air Base .A.d.1utan of the Pen1~sula Airdrome; Mr. t Jefferies, civilian employee of the Ordnance Department at Fort Monroe; ThomasL. Gaines. Ammunition Inspector of the GHQ Air Foroe, and Warrant Officer Henry C. Wathen. Members of the First Platoon, Tenth Ordnance Service Co~~ who were present, included: Technical Sergeants Ernest BeBeler. Robert F. TokOly; Staff Sergeants Roger R. Fitzwater. L~8ter E. CUmming8, Georg. A. Aamold, John J... Dolan. Herbert V. Jonea, Leroy
Maher; , ,. ~ Sergeants Marvin G. Cooley,'Jeh'n E. Gillespie, Pete Kovacevich, Fre.d}.~, \ Riley' ~"">""' ..' , CorPorals Jake D. Robbins, ~~~+ei;~o: Shaffer Nick Zarzesk1; ";:"::';- i";. t: Privates First Class Semuel'''' John Dziubek. Charles R. Mil~ttL.~~~iJ'. ],t. Powell. George S. Shearin.:'~~t)~~. S~ Smi th .Arthur R Thomas' r-: ~ A,} Privates Wil~ W. Boyd. W;ilit"'9,t:,." Bradshaw, William A. Brown. ~ol)~~~'V,. ;"; Dl~ .Anthony Dirienz J08,~;Pb.v :l"~,'" Drob1n:uei.z..Pau1 W. Fowl~r. Ja.~p~., Goodwin JlTank GuBlq Elmer l3~' hi>:e1'''d William' C. Ha.11, ~ Idlan*,.J. C~el E. Jackson, Richard C. Jone'h,!:"-8e::~i King, Bennie Kinley, C1eaU.' ~b9ftr,~ Frank Pepe, Earl S. Pierce, '~.~~e' ~",;.: Reed! Marley J. Thogmartin ~~ re: ~,.i Will ams.' .,'.ift) ~~ _\.J~ ---000--..::.;;;j J 'C",J I
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one-half hour and lea8 than' d~4l.atfi -of one percent of the oil will lf~:pef:: r five hours old. It 1s this Mf~~' "-:" that makes it 'Unnecessary t6-~e'(~e 0111n a hopper type tank . ,: "1C;1",;'; ",J '~j;'.';Ll ~ Oil Dilution T ests i.'l' ,::::,; -',.;:~' Recently a test was run at tlI~,.:.$~.:;.: teriel Division to determine t~~~t~; hazard created by d11utiDgthe,~~;, wi th gaaoline. A BC-l airplqe:i1r&';;~,,, used for the purpose. After,~" up the engine~ the oil dilutfon.cya:l.v~ was held open for Beven min~tQs:ito"o-'Q~ ta1n as severe a condi tion ot., ;QJ.l~~ ... , lution as possible. A gasol~n~~eo~ed rag was lighted and thrust, :the . cowling Over the engine breatbe~~f;': : There was no flame visibleun401'" lbft,. cowling when the burning ra& edt A further test was run 'bYbcUl'l11i~:J ing the 011 as before and ign~,lllg fumea at the breather with &:ispal'k;.pl1Jg. The fumes ignited and burned a'..;jb. '~ breather, although no f1reor e~lo.ion in the crankcase resulted.!Gn~torlll11a1" tests with normal dilution Qf;fOV~> l' minutes, no fire could be seeUJ1e"c."x,:. From these tests it wasconclude~l'ba. the oil dilution system contrib~'I-tq a fire hazard only in the casedot;md'" functioning of other equipmenj;fr:fo:r."'."Ii' example. an oil dilution valve:~tAcg1~ open in combination with & Qro~n..1.o.J:~:r haust manifold m~ht result in061{ Since the e~ine oreather iB~o~$140c} ~ the fire wall and cowling ot'rjha'J"cC"Bory compartment of an alrpltLDJi"Jocbe;& fire would not necessarily be.:oi ,ST!':' OUB consequences. : c'l ,j1.j (.<:: The oil dilution system has::b,,eJJ.i:de~ veloped to meet a vi tal need,)of,d.tbe:;:: service. It has been,l' of meeting that need. It 1'.l.jO.B~\l;Jt:.. that improvements in the pr enitJl7s1om can be made as difficulties (Continued on Page 1, . OI"!f;V ~;; -1 _ V-7 76, A.C,
ft~~~h' .
last! the offlce.ra and men with their fami ieB were invited to a barbecue party at the new Skeet Range, Golf Brealting )into the columns of the Air DrivIng Range and Volleyball Courts. C,rp~Ne~~ Letter, after a long period These places of recreation will be the of &'ilene., the Correspondent from Pope scene of many a. happy hour in the fu'~&14,,'NliiC., declares that JDal:Iy interture, and w1l1 furnIsh entertainment 8stinE1j.,:eviJ:itshave transpired during and exercise heretofore found lacking. that:period and proceeds to touch upon In conclusion. the Pope Field 'considered most notable. respondent wishes to announce to the C~c,~1~ the air traffic aituation rest of the Air Corps in big bold type at Po"~'l~ld, he submits f1guresshowint thjt:~;rrom November 1, 1938, to Janu- "that we have a.brand new and modernly furnished HOTEL GINK! We are ]1lroud DE ary ~L;.'.~-< 39, the enlisted personnel ~' '8., total of 450 transient air- . of this new establishment, which has been completed and is adjacent to the ~M'.t.r,~,. ~.luded among which were 327 hangars of Pope Fie ld. Wehave accomf';'OYb '~' :R~gular Jrrrrv and the National modations for leven personst with two ~4dL ....he remaining 123 visiting t adjoining showers, and a th1rd room ..-were from the Marine Corps, b.,6". ~J'the. Navy and 10 from neighboring that functions as a recreation and reCoa' ,"Guard bases. "Weknow, It he Bay'S ception room. Won't you come by and "that there are other fieldS that handle spent the night with us?" much more transient traffic, but we feel ---000- .. ::t~ ..:~i$. is a pretty good number of sbips. and we are proUd of the way in PURPLE HEART DECORATION SGT. SCHULTZ JroR '1fh101h~." were handled. It . Atr'~ ~p~esent time the personnel conStaff Sergeant Steve J. Sehultz. of sist'.:Otr;;95 members of the 16th Observathe 13th Attack Squadron 3rd Wing. GHQ, !i.on,:S~on and 124 members of the 2nd Air Force, Barksdale Fieid, La recent.oa116on'S"quadron. However. only two ly received official notification from flights of the 16th are at Pope Field, the War Department that he will be the third flight being at its neighborawarded the Purple Heart for wound. reing-,~f:iEn\ito the south - Fort Benning, ceived in action during the MeuaeG~1.JiJ . Argonne offensive, while a Private of The feoumiieeioned personnel at the preCompanyE, 9th Infantry, U. S. Army. eent.:;.t'i1Del.1ncludesthe following heavier Sergeant Schultz participated in the t~w','p1:lots: Lieut. Colonel Vincent 'following engagemen-ts during' the World B.:'.1)1Xo:tFCommanding;Captain R.R. War: Toulon-Troyon; Aiene, Chateau S'(~,'Wajld:8t Lieuts. E.H. Rige and J.T.) Thierry! Aisne-Marne, Marbadie. Limey, M&lbY1=an4,2ndLieutenants lAir Reserve St. Mih el, and Meuse-Argonne. A,t.>.!.ogd.l1, M. W. Schoephoester N.H. "It is of interest to note that the Ran0lt. ~JJr'L-~ Hormell and D. Cha1.mers. The Order of the Purple Heart is the oldest membe~.~of. the Balloon Squadron are decoration in the history of our miliMaJor!i: Creighton and Captain S. B. tary services." declares the Barksdale 'Ed.1Ia1f~.~., ,'he additional officers are Field Correspondent. "It was originate~~"d~:to report in the next month or ed by General George Washington in 101 wa~t':(]ha.rlea Savage, of the Lighter- August, 1782, and first awarded to cer.',tlS.n~AltPbranch. and 1st Lieut. George tain officers and men of the ContinF, la.o.~ Heavler-than~ir. ental ~ for singUlarly meritorious ::~'::'In.r'ta. Une of flying equipment, the action." 16(l'nabfsrvation Squadronl1as at the ---000--preslU'~t1me 3 0-47A's, with two mQre exp'e~,~~rt?be delivered early in FebThe Oil Dilution SYetem (From Page 16) rUi"Y.IJ,'ou.~.C-19, a C-8, a 13-10, a !'l.GiL!;ciinc! a new Grumman0.1-9 .Amphibian B1atem develop in the .ervice. It i. dile:'ftoobei'.del1vered 80metime in Februbelieved, however, that an understand~Y'J~"i,Thefl!alloon S~dron has a type ing of the f~ctioning of the oil dilu~O.t.3"~'Pt1ve balloon in constant 8ervice. tion system wJ.ll assist in proper di8Pi&llSrl~e':now being made to have a I crimination between ma1f~l;ioning of mo'6~i-lecFba11oon of the 0-6 type at the system and other engine ailments POp4eiftitldl iand already the men of the which have frequently been attributed '-b,~100nif0u~f1t have practically completto the oil dilution system. "ea,.tla.a ..hQllium compression sys tern. ---000--. J'D18 l.~rc,Corps Station Supply has grown top btg,for ils present sel of quarters, Special Orders of the War Department,\"~~e:'near future they will move recently issued, relieves Colonel Hugh fro~;th.oohe half of Hangar One now beJ. Knerr, Air Corps. from his present in-,.OCQ11piSd Hangar Tliree, where the to assignment and dug at Fort Sam Houston, wh~1lta~tf:uDture will be at the disposal Texas, February 17, 1939, and directs :;01;; 'tA1'f.~ct1vi ty. tha t, for the convenience of the GovernIhiildtQ; projects have been going on ment , he will proceed to his home and 1~ !ar~~~~'plaaas. On January 28th. awai t retirement. l ' -17V-7976, A. C. ,.;;- ~,V~~IES AT POPE FIELD, N.C. ~
... )
"B" Flight of the 27th Pureu1 t Squadron. lat Pur sui t Group, Selfridge Field, Mich. proceeded under the command of 1st LIeut. Murray C. Woodb~ ,Air Corpa, to Valparaiso, Florida on January 6th, a distance of about 800 miles, on an attempted non-stop flight. The flight, however, was interrupted, due to a baggage compartmen t door on one of the planes becoming unfastened, and a landlug was made at Louisville,~. At th1e wri tiJlg , "B" Flight is engaged in an intend ve ~eJ"Y program on the range at Egl1n Field, Valparaiso, nat A friendly rivalry in ~ery proficiency between "Alf and liB" nl~te was created when Major Willis B. Taylor, Air Corps! CODlll&nd1ng Officer of the 27th PurBUJ,t S~on, suggested that the highest Icor1ng flight might be able to '0 crosB-country to the San Franciaco Expos1tion. "Weare looldng forurd to Bee Bomevery interesting scores as a resul t, II declared the News Letter Corres ponden1i. "AlfFlight made preparations to leave Florida on or about February 1st.
states that Fridaf, January 2Q:b~ will be a long remembered daY. .A. ...f:J:re waa started,presumably by 50 cal. tJ;ac~rs going tbrouch the back stop of~ ' &1ghting target. At first! nOLo#,. t<)Gk it ser1eusly. having had 1 ttle-~:r~Vl~; ous experience with bruBh fire.; :SOoh,: however, the fire spread, and;.~ s,n.~tJ. alarm 'Wasturned in, The drr ~i8"J -. aided by a brisk wind, carried' We(;-i:.U'. through a wooded area. and at :pW:t:1ane the blaze was headed for some ~i: t1:'" tion iDuks. All men and off'"1cirrJ . ' " pitched in with shovels, and tt:,.s-O,nlY by quick work, along with a ,~ ip':,' the wind, which prevented the, '~!,.,.\~rb!D reaching the quarters of the. ~~el.; Personnel of the CCCarrived on~tb:~ . ~ acene with a truck and spread ChemicaJl,e. After about two hours' work, the';fJ1r.Jfwas under contro 1. Manywitlia"e:d~ '\he_ conflagration and cheered and'&pp;I&Uaed the fire fighting efforte. ,.. , :,'::',
J ~' "
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The Barksdale Field Corre spondent'.; ~ .tates that 80 many stations had ' their 11ttle brag about the vol\Jinfof ' traffic handled that it Beemsftbcut~" , The scribe of the 94th Pursuit S~d.. time that Barksdale should jof,nr1n :the' ron Selfridge Field writing from Eglin chorus. He adda that without 'a:orlri:- , Fieid, Valparaiso, Fia., states that it tention of ooumitting plagiari,em'"e,nd . was erroneously reported and publ1abed "i th no fear of misusing tbee:xpre.:'" ' in the Air Corps Newl Letter of January Bion, Barksdale Field bal become;a i '. 1st that the men of tba.t S~'U&dron were veri table "A.1r crosB-roada of "tp.~,' transported to ;!gUn Field oy truck. United States." .: , ,: ' Seventeen came by private automobile, 77 During the past oalendar year. were transported in B..1BAt s, under the were serviced at Barksdale Fiel:cl'::3P8'l:. commandof Major Connell. He adds: airplane., 393 of these beine; lf~Vf~: ' "This was a real treat to many of us who planes and 3288 Array planes. EV~ri' get little air travel. Visibility 'Was station in the .llr Corps waa r,~r'e'8'ettt .. good, and we stopped at Maxwell Field I ed, and practically every Nationa~;' ",1 for dinner, continuing on to Fl1n Field Guard.llr 90rps unit. ,".~.: " in the afternoon." Of tranS1ent enlisted men ot,v~iO'\1,8 The first Eglin Field was Ipent classes who remained overnight,, in making oond1t10ns at the camp livewere over 1200. These were takett able and workable. The pilote were en- 10f in practically every case 'bi~~~'.:' gaged in practice firing on aerial tow 79th Pursuit Squadron which ~f,~~~';'~. targets and ground targets. During the signated as the organization ta';:~,"zj.tah aecond week, work started in earnest, such accommodations. ',~,'r.,:': with plenty of aotivity for all person"So it can be Been," the cor.r;s. ond-: . nel. Record ~iring started at dawn and ent states in conclusion, Ittha1;..,e>, , continued untll dusk. In two weeks of handling of both transient airo. .,,~'~d activity, only one morning18 work was transient Boldiers has become a large_ interrupted, the weather man putting a and serious proposition for th~~'8ta~' complete stop to all operationl. tion. " .. '. " Enumerating as present at Valparaiso ---000--0} .. ,' "Bit Flight of the 27th Pursuit Squadron, ::~ ;J',:.: "Bn Flight of the 17th Pursuit Squadron, The Selfridge Field Correspond~t:': , and Flights "All and "C" of the 94th Pur- states that tlie glUUlery training ,~ei~ luit Squadron, the Nen Let~er Correepon- conducted at Eglin Field .. Fla~if':-:by '~~ dent deolared that these una te Bbould Flight of the 27th Squadron ~$bq:en ',. complete their ccurae 80, as to be able greatly ba.Dl>eredbr. Inclementwee..the:r.,: to return to Selfridge Field about Feband ro~ alr. ".A.I Flight wi).l rir'o.~,eAd ruary 1st. He added that "B" Flight of to Eglin Field on the returnOf'~".'. '.. ' the 27th completed the 30 cal. phase of Flight. Lieut. H.E. Kofabl (ee.lll,'t() j)-.B the aerial gunnery course and turned in the most accurah gunner of ,the ,"'13".' " a 631 average for qualifications. Fl1ght, he having obtained thf;L~Igh,e.t Touching upon an entirely unexpected score so far. " '/ incident Which occurred during the aerial - ..-000... C l gunnery practice, the Corre~ondent V-7976, .A.. C. -18-
~ei'th:Pursu1t Group, Wheeler Field, T.H.1'.. elda b demohstratlon of life rafts and ~fe saving e~ipment, just off the new Hidkam Field pier, on Saturday, JanU&r1;14,.1939. All the officers of the lIt~.Nrau.1t Group motored down to ijlc~;Field to W1tness the exercise. .TeJc~,.part in the demonstration were Ca.p~~~., ,~,p.e~rge Acheson, 1st Lieut. R. R.W.~lI~U'. 2nd Lieuts. C.D. Vincent, ,R..~~~~pn, J. C. Tuell and W. . Sparks, W J~:. was esti~ted that approximately t~f.'~~YY.~~:'~T. officers witnessed the Corps ~tT~~lon, including General Walter 11. .'.F, ,commanding the 18th Wing. and ;ki~!'cJ~&9lonel Wil~ia.mE. Lynd, commandVeteran Noncoms. Retire (From Page 7, ). i~. e.);!J3thPursUJ.t Group. erlla ~~t1cal squadron of the 18th Sergeant Routt started his military f~~t:;~ro'!.lP demonstrated 1ts method of resculng pilots who had been forced down career in December, 1903, with the 15th to the Air Corps at sea, or who had made a parachute jump InfantrYl transferring and the b8th Service Squadron in Febru., ever water. One pilot from each Bquadary, 1924. His Air Corps service inr~n,,~~ .-rowedout from the pier in turn and'a'lvecilnto the water, While hie cludes duty with the 68th Service, the B~9iJ+ .officer flew by and dropped him 48th School, the 72nd Bombardment Squadrons and, finally, the 46th Scho~l a ~~~,.~t. Several methods were used. ;iJ.'ri~~:.Pursui t Squadron used to\, oneSquadron at Randolph F1.eld, where he ma.ri'.:I!~.~t1c rubber raft folded into a has been stationed since February,1933. A testimonial dinner was given by the ~~l;F~. r. designed by 1st Lieut. L. I. D4.~1S'''~.' fas tened to the bomb rack on 46th Squadron in honor of the veteran thEt-:;f,~ ;Eilrplane. There was just noncommissioned officer! and on FebruenQ.~. :".'-r in the boat to keep it afloat, a.ry 4th, a squadron reVlew was held, ana.'th~;.!~i1ot, Lieut. Puryear, flew low with Sergeant Routt taking the review overt~Ellit. Tuell in the water and realong with the Squadron Commander, leased'the boat by use of the bomb reMajor Stanton T. Smith. l~e ..handle. Lieut. Tuell then swamto ---000--t~1iOa.1f!:':inflated it with the attached C . ~Q..t:~ e and climbed in. .. L LIEUT. DENSFORD ONEOF NATION'S <~e size boat was used by Lieut. BESTPISTOLSHOTS.;eA'~;' 19th Pur sui t Squadron, the fnv~~~~ a raft to Lieut. sparks. According to press dispatches, 1st However;'"the system designed in the 19th Lieut. Charles F. Densford, Air Corps, S.~~,qll"'bY Corporal Shultz provides for on duty at Kelly. Field, Texas, with the tlle. i 1.11,:l;Xlg.,' raft b;y the C02bottle \ Observation SectJ.on., has been named to of the ~'A' :..e,J:~~se the boat from the P-26 of the select list of the na.tion's best bOm~ ~~~. Here a great lesson was pistol shots. The National Rifle Assoleai~e~ic,. In this type of e9.uipment the I ciation~ governing body of the sport of ,~ai.~~.-:t be dropped directly up wind of I target shooting, which annually makes "eIl~' man-:tn the water, as the inflated I the selection of the year's outsta.nding 9.()~~ j,~ ,very easily drifted by the wind, handgun experts, places Lieut. Densford afid;i:~ ~IP' only after a very sustained as seventh of the U.S. ..38 caliber ,.FHt,.dJ\!r,:1.M. print, amid none too helpful s marksmen, with a season's averi!e of 'JC~lil,~Ef ~~ajeers from the pier, that 280.45. In building up his hi averLt~~ .,Sbarks was able to overtake his age, he fired in 23 events at our refast "d:r:r"l'ting raft. gistered tournaments. Captain Acheson, with Staff Sergeant In top position of U.S. shooters is BreChtel as passenger, in an A-12, threw Alfred W. Hemming, Detroit police offif,roI9,.~l?e.f.~ar seat a large five-man rubcer, whose performance with all three cer.r.~~At this point the spectators calibers of handguns brought him the ~:ue';~J:-;Lu~:ded a bit of amusement, and All-Around Champlonship rating. Hemming two ent lessons were, very forceholds many world records, and is easily ~enhome. The raft was dumped the outstanding pist91 shot of the c!J;(t, '" , . Sergeant as the plane passed country today. Fall1~ below Hemming >'o'V'e1i..~ in the water r and natural," on the All-Around listlng is Emmett ,,+ .J;a.'r!\~,c1.Q. rest some good dlstance beJones. member of the Los Angeles police yron~,.Jat~. Denson, who fina.lly reached force, with Charles Askins, handgun ~Eil,~:e~;';~s it was not inflated. How- wizard of El Paso, Texas, third. To ~V'e-:tJ,'~d\ sheer exhaustion and in an the Los Angeles group went the lion's effort to inflate the raft hurriedly share of the honors, as they placed -D'V-7976, A.C.
'r~ .. -.
and get aboard, Lieut. Denson did not secure the boat to his body in some manner, and the minute the large raft wa. inflated it went sailing away with the breeze. The row-boat standing by returned the raft and it was brought to the fatigued pilot who, by now, was depending on his own life vest for support The demonstration was both interesting and beneficial to the pilots of the 18th Pursuit Group, and they will now have more confidence in the lifesaving equipment should the occasion ever arise to necessitate the use of the rafts. ---000---
f\1J'l" ( -,
er- ~~
geven of their men on the roll of honor, accounting for nine of the thirty places making up to top ten in each division. The annual selection is compiled by the Natienal Rifle Association on a basis of averaged scored fire in all registered pistol competition during a year. ---000--CLASSES ON PRIMARY AND BASIC STAGES AT RANDOLPH FIELD COMPLETE COURSES.
UNGLEY FIELD AIRMEN'S REA.DINESS TO AID "CAVALIER" SURVIVORS. Shortly after midnight of January 22nd, Major E.E. Glenn, Executive Officer of the Second Wing at Langley Field, announced he had received information from the Pan-American Airways that several survivors of the stricken flying boat "CavalierI!had been picked up by the tanker ESSO BAYTOWN. He said that, due to the rescue, a proposed flight of seven B-17 IlFlyingFortresses" scheduled to have taken off at 6:30 in the morning was cancelled. The mission was to have been led by Major Harold H. George. Each plane was to have carried nine men, and Ufe rafts were to be dropped in the event any survivors were located. The flight had been fully organized and was ready to take off at a moment's notice, if needed. The flight preparations included arrangements for two-way communication with the Langley Airdrome and the Coast Guard, whereby the latter agency might be notified so that nearby ships could proceed to the rescue. The life rafts were provided, it was explained, because of information received to the effect that the passengers of the "Cavalier" were provided only with life belts. Flying a B-17, Major Vincent J. Meloy had taken off from the airdrome at five o'clock the previous dgy to ~o to the rescue of the "Cavalier" surv1vors. He took off after notification was given by the airline company that the air liner had been forced down about 180 miles off the coast. When Major Meloy was about 150 miles out on the mission I of mercy another communication from i the airlIne comp~ gave the ~osition I of the "Cavalier" about 300 md Lea due I east of Langley Field. It was then f that Majo-rMeloy was ordered to return . to the airdrome, because of bad w~ather conditions. He was about 20 to 30 miles shQrt of his objective. He retlaned to Langley Field at 8:30 p.m. ---000---
Class 39-B. Randolph Field's twenty~ second class on the Basic Stage, complet ed training and will transfer to Kelly Field, Texas, for the final four months' of instruction at the Advanced Flying School, about February 25th, it haa been announced. EnteriIlgRandolph Field last July with almost 350 Flying Cadets and Student Officers this is the lecond class in successl on to complete the Basic stage without a serious accident or fatality. Due to the unusually fine weather that has prevailed since the start of both the Basic Class and the Primary Class (39-C). the schedule of flying instruction has been c.ught up with and passed. The present Basic class is composed of four student officers, four foreign students. and 158 Flying Cadets. a total of 166 student pilots. MeanWhile, trainirtgon the Primary Stage will end on Feoruary 14th - also ahead of echedule. Of the 336 student officers and Flying Cadets who started training on the Primary Stage last Octobert approximately 227 of them have successfully completed the first four months' work and will be transferred to the :Basic Stage.It This number, comprising more than 67p of those who actually started training, constitutes one ot the highest records attained at Randolph Field in the matter of students successfully completing the Primary Stage. This class also completed ita training without any accident to mar its record. More than 18,000 hours will have been flown by the Primary Class when the course ends. and more than 20,000 hours will have been flown on the Basic Stage, all for a grand total of more than' THE LANGLEY FIELD AMATEUR RADIO STATION 38,000 hours, with onlf a few damaged wing tips and an oocaaf onaI bent propelSupplementing ~he article on the above ler on the work sbeet of the Aero subject on page 15 of this issue, it ~. Repair. be stated that at present plans are bei! made for the construction of portable ---000--equipment for use in an emergency, and Traini~ by the 5th Bombardment Grou;p wliichcould be moved to the vicinlty of a disaster on short notice and set up Cont1nued from Page 13) for immediate use. trade wind coming over the Koolaus at For the past ten years, Private Stull right angles to the course. Up and down drafts seem to alternate and provide no has been operatin~ amateur radi~ stations, first at W1l1iamsport, Pa. and end of trouble for the bombing teams, then at Honolulu, Hawaii; Washington, However. the experience gained under D.C., and finally at Langley Field~ Va. these conditions more than compensates ---000--for any possible adveree effect on the bombing scor ea. '-7967, A.C. -20-
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The chief ~ose'o' this pUblication 1s to distribute information on aeronautics to th&t;'.Ly1Dg perlOnnel in the Regular .A:rnrr, Reserve ,Corps, National Guard, and othere connected with aviation.
MAJOR HAYNES RETURNS. FROM MISSION MERCY CHILE OF TO Ey the Langley Field Correspondent aid the thousands of injured in the Major C. V. Haynes, Air Corps, who was and inwelcomed Langley Field. Va on Chilean earthquake has thrilled 'spir~d. the people of our country. AlFebruaru 14th. after tranepor~ti medical supplies to Chilean earth e sufthough in l1ne of dutl. the task was ferers, flew the iDodern super- omber of performed 80 generous~ that i~ has won the General Hea.dquarters AIr Force to the admiration of everyone and will alWlq8 remain a splendid chapter in the Washington where. later in the daY. he was presented the DistinguiShed Flying history of. the Red Crose. The Red Croes for proficiency in leading the Cross is ~st grateful. Would you be mercy missIon. good enowdl to extend our thanks to All available ground troops, as well members 01 your crew." as 54 airplanes, were in formation on The medical supplies, consisting the concrete ramp at Langley Field as mostly of bandages, serum. ether the h1Jg8 oraft put in its appearance chl.rofo~ and surgical appliances, shortly before 10:30 a.m. The ceremowere taken. to Santiago, Cb,ile, at the nies were not scheduled until 11:00 a.m., request of President Roosevelt, who had and Major Haynes. wi. th his crew of fo'\U' been aaked by Red Cross Headquarter; to officers and six enlisted men, circled authorize the flight. The plane left the airplane around the Peninsula until Langle,y Field on February 4th and arrivthe time for him to descend. ed In Santi~o several ~B later. Amidst the plaudits of fellow officers Members of 1lhe fl1ght stated that the and the several hundred spectators, he weather condi tions on thi s long journey made a perfect land~ and tax1e~ up to were generally good, although they ran the big plane's usual resting place on. into several periods of rough and rainy the ramp, whereupon Major General Frank weather. They stated they saw 11ttle. M. Andrews, CommandingGeneral of the evidence of the earthquake in Santiago, GHQ ~ir Foroe, and other high officials. which is 200 miles awa:yfrom the most . went out to greet the returning airusL severely stricken'area. ~ley Field Major Hqnes was the first to alight. was in con"o.t ~with the airplane by He was greeted informally by General wireless during most of thefl1ght. Andrews, who joked: The presentation of the Dist1Dgu18hed "Hello, C.V.; where've y-ou been?" Flying Cross to Major Haynes was to The hu~ CommandingOfficer of the have been made upon 'the arrival of the 49th J30mbardmentS@Adron smiled. "Just flyers at Langley Field, but the plans been on a little trip. Sir," he . were changed When the War Department announced the.t the award would be made ~1.1ed' by the SeQJ"etary of War, the Honorable You did a grand job." General Andren told the airmen. who were also greeted Harry H i1ashington. by Brigadier General Arnold N. Krogstad, In weico~ng the returning flyers, CommanQing Officer of the Second Wing, General Andrews said: and Lieut. Colonel Robert Olds, Command- "Weare glad, in4eed., to have y-ou ing Officer of the Second Eombardment back home after ygur successful flight Group. to aid the Chile~ 6arthquake victims. Shortly afterwards. General .Andrews and I had hoped to have the pleasure of extended Major Haynes and the other flY- pre sen ting you with the D1s tlngui shed ers a formal welcome from the 8 400~ile Flying Cross .... I extend mJ sincere trip, which was begun from the ~eninsu1a congratulations and hope in the future airdrome. i'he E-l5 arrived at Langley you will have many more opportunities Field from Miamir Fla. of being rewarded for merltoriouB Mr. W.~.Millner Field Director a' flights." . Langley Field for the American Red CroBB. Among the civilians who the read a message from !ir. Norman Davis, edge of the field were Major Haynes' Ohairman of this organization. who prals wile; a1a pe.rents. Mr. ana. Mrs. C.H. e~ the mer~ flight. stating: ... Hqn~8, of Mount JUry-. N.C.; and his "The brilliant execution of your'm11sister, Mha Rachel Haynes. of sion of mercy in tranllPOrting by air .Red Eeaufol"t N.C. Cross 1nedical and surgical s'Upp11es to Fifty-two airplanes went aloft in the
V-?988 , A. C.
ing cer~~1e8. They taxied aleng the concrete runway in lingle file, then .. ared into the air and gathered in mall formationl. In the review were three B-l?'s and aix B-18 I a from the Second
t low Whlch followed the welcom- Bombardmen Group; I1t B-18' strom
the 21st Reconnails8Ace S.uadron;J~a4 ztI~a Purlu1t airplanes frolii the E1gli.~:; 8ui t Group, and nine B-18 airP,l~.~:;'("' from Mitchel Field, NewYork. 'v'- .;' <~. "I' 1!.'.L :.,.,
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XB-15 FLIGHTTO CHILE- LINKING THE AMERICAS OF By Captain William D. Oldt~Air Corps . Oo,""iloj) on the F1J.ght
'1 , '
\,~. "~bout midnight on January 24, 1939 a the weight or the cubic vOl~: aection of Chile, extending from santlet;o supplie8 would be, tbre, plane$"rir1i' , south for about 400 miles, was rocked by made ready, two B-l?l. and th~.tlf~1-~r!:': a terrific earthquake. The center of The XB-15 i8 the. largeat lana..)P'l~.T in this shock occurred in the Concepcionthe world to~. It has a w1~ ~~d" Talca ... hillan area. Chillan, a thriving C of 150 f ~1e powered by fb-ur::'!~r~~t~~ city of eome 40,000 popula hO!.', wae C4Ol- and Whl1;ne;rdouble row r" pletelY demolished, and eome J,;c::,OOO 'Of' that develOp 1,000 hOr8etlOwe:r,'" ''L';~. '.-.:/r"... : ita inhabitants are dead, with many more . . .... 'N inj"l.1'ed. The quake actually lasted a four Pullmatl bunks and a gal1~;,rrt#!o-~,:, little over two minutes, but for houri hot food can be prepared. ;,:~':,' ..~ afterward weakened buildings continued Colonel Olds' plan wal tot~ ~~~to fall. Casualties for the damaged XJ3-15and, if all euppliea 09UJ.1t.)'~.,~.,.~~ area were estimated to be 25,000 <lead placed aboard this plane, anY t:t!i~ , and 40,000 injured. The injured reau1rwere to be loaded into a B-1? .4.: ~11C', .. ed great ~Uties of medical suppI1es. was immediately b~ to groom'tlle All availaole in the Argentine were rush- planes for the flight - twenty~hQ1lr " ad by air and rail to the stricken area. checka were made; one bomb-ba~r.t8i1kwa.8 Two United States Arrrr:!bi-motored Bomb- installed in each of the B-l'r".i'j, -1&1;,:.;' ersfrom France Field flew south with a forms for the cargo were bu11~ itt,"~ :: Red Cro S8 represen ta ti ve and all of the bomb-bayl; ?2-hour ld ts and ~erg~Jiet:: eerums and medical 8upplies that could overwater kite were loaded, ,andth~: ..: be sathered \lP in the Panama Canal Zone. planes serviced with gas and'oit:~, 'J,;~e Then, on February 1, 1939, there came an navigators assembled the nece~ , urgent call from the Red CroBB in Santimaps, charts, and equipment 'fQt.:t . ~ 8&0 to the Red cross in Washington for fUght. All was in re~d1ne8s'l).l.:":~:~:~. certain additional medical supplies. The o'clock on the morning of FebrU!it'Y'2ttd. only way to transpor,t these supp~iel to At about 3:00 p.m. February 3rd, the Santiago, a distance of some 5JOOO miles, supplies arrived - 6~ cartons containin time to be of value, would De by air, ing cotton, ban~e8, surgiC~lo.v~s, so the Red Cross requested the President ether chloroform, re:t tilDls, " ....'der .... to send a Flying Fortress. This request mics, and two bu.ekets of Pla. 'q,f was il1ll18d1a.telyapproved. Paril, and needles. After ch,c " ' the Orders for the trip reached the head- I loading began. Captain Witt~"1ra .. _~equarters of the 2nd Bombardment Group at e1gnated to fly the B..l? the.t:I"!to.' i. Langle~ Field, Va., late in the aftertake what could not be put a1::l~ ~U~,,-:, noon of February 1st. Things began to B-15. His disappointed expt~s' _~~ hum. Colonel Robert Olds, the Command- unforgettable as he watched ,1:Ae' ij1:"ing Officer, designated Major Caleb V. carton hoisted in the nose o:t";'t)1 .,- ~".,:. Haynes to accomplish the mission. Major XB-15, for he was anxious t<i_~'\~t.We'~, Haynee, the Sg,uadron Con:mander, selected trip. , ,;, .~::,~."i7::: a crewae follows: At 6:35 A.M., E.S.T' satur,dIi.Y'f.!l~e'b:~ i Co..:pilot, Captain William D. Old; ruary 4, 1939, the XB- 5 sta~~~~",~.QllNav~ator, Captain John A. Samford; ing down the runW8 into the ,~as Engineer-Pilot, 1st Lieut. Rtchard the throttles were opened.. ,'#.t'e' ,-a S, Freeman' normal run she lifted intot1x~.:a '1' and Weather Officer, 1st Lieut. Torglls was loon headed for Panama, t~"14iaJ1, G. Wold; a distance of 1945 mileB._.:-'.;~'~" .'L.. Chief Aerial Engineer, Technical SerClimbing, we were Boon ove:r~~;~'*~1. er geant Adolph Cattarius; c Ioud l@Yer that obscured thQ~'~9~d ." Assistant Aerial Englneers, Staff Ser- and at 5,000 feet the MaJo. '!l,., r. geant8 William J. Helat, Harry L. Hines, off." About an hour later, ..tlt~ . ,X~~ ' David L. Spicer; began to dissipate and we gQ~~af ~~" Operator., Corporal, I.. M. lot on our drift ao we oro edtlloc,Eo ~t Class, James E. Sands and Private 1st Bogue Inlet, Just wBet of c ... b'o Mt. Class A.M. 1st Cla88, RusBell I.Junior. About 8:00 a.m., the radio ,r. .Asl t was not definl tely known what tion at Char1e8lion. South C~ll . t:f~; V-?988,.i. t 13:;; ':.JW
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udJ mu~l c" ' g~.lJfS i\the winds aloft, &nd we discov- I course to the soufh, Due to the high er.e4-r.~t.~~a",tour, 5,OOO-feet level we had mo~ta1J'1' along the West Coast of South a he~i .. d of, 52 ml1es per hour, while .AmerlcaJand the perpetual bad weather at 2,<Jlfeet' it was more of a cros' aloJ1;tne coast or Ecuador, oaused by wind, witb 'a ve1oe~ty of only 20 miles the meeti~ of the Humboldt current and per hour) eo down we went to take advant the Dos Ninos, 'Re did not set a course age of tne lesser wind. ,Palm Beach. for Lima but headed for Pai ta Point, Florida, was 'id~ntif,1ed as we paseed to ',near the most western part of South the east, of it,well ,to lea . As our America. ' course and the east coast of Florida We cl1mbed to 5,000 feet, and in the were converging, the coast 11ne became moonl1bt watched the dark jungle bemore die tinct , and at 11:45 a.m., we neath fUt by. Soon the Isthmus was were five miles east of Miami Beach,Fla. crossed, and we were over water once Fr9Hb~t. point, captain Samford se~ a more.. About 30 minutes later, we cro seco~-Mws~~a,' ight for Panama1._ hich took w ed P'inta Mala, our last pilotage check us :8,pl\:th EMmOst long the l:'Uth meridian. a for &Ome 600 miles. Shortly after s between Miami and Cuba were l&av,iI1gPunta Kala, the navlga~or got ~, 'U'uJ.' sight that daY - glasBY, out his octant and made his first celcf . :iW;,BO clear that the sandy bottom estial fix, using Alpha Orux in the c. '~H,~8een beneath us as far as the Southern Cross, which wal ,traight Nt" ,Channel, just north Of, Cuba. ahead, and the moon low in the heaven ~t?-' '~s~sighted at 12:48 p.m and beto the Shortly after dal1ght we fbr&,. ~ we were crossing the low flew over lower cloud bank and before marsbY coast. The interior of this long we could see indications ahead of IfI~ng, our course was a checker the bad weather that we were expecting .b" . : ar cane fields, haciendas, However it was no more turbulent than .8 ~.f'r t,rals and palm trees. that whl we had encountered the afch , ,. . ~~'bfl ,passed the southern shores ot ternoon before coming in to Panama Cub'a::- \jl~t.tle east of Cienfuegos and just clouds and moderately. heavy rains. hea ',,~th across the Caribbean lea. At 7:31 a.m., our m posit1on showed . AAXt 150 miles the slq was clear that we were crossing the equator. '.~ ,sea enough white caps w.ere Captain Old, the only member of the v !~~e the reading or-drift crew who had not crossed before, was t ~' drift meter a simple matter. duly initiated by Lieut. Wold, who took Tl1~, ~ng of the ..hi te caps told us a rag that was used to mop UP' the rain t~~;,fjJ,Je 'd a surface wind from the east. that leaked through the' fron-t windon We'.~' ',to the east of Little Cayman of the cockpit and, wrung it out over I sl~;~ from there '\IILttl. piclt~ the novice I shead. t~, ::.ftIi~! ..Field radio beacon J8v1gaJust as a safety precaution, to int.WJ1 :.tL.,entirely dead reckon lng.' sure that we were not drifti~ toward >:;~' /'';~'.':_' .' the land and the high mountains each ", '.J i~':"" ' time we "went on instruments," we turn .; V'(";' ', Wewere in ed 10 deg. to the west and then. when an:4}l~t"dt, C.10Udll na. rain for the next a we broke out in the clear. we headed 500';~~!'. "Radio reports indicated that for the point. Five times we turned J;~e ~"" 'P-.t France Field bad paued, but out and Then land was sighted :t;ll~~': t;.ceil1ng _. 2,000 feet, so we through. break. Our D R pod tlon 1,000 feet. At about 6,00 eho.eil th&t it ehould be St. Elena ,,~a, a branch ot the PanPoint, and a better view verified this. Lines, gave us two radio After cross~ng the Gulf of Guaya~il we b' It't, ':~J;ndicat1ng that we were to the came out into, the clear again, and from welt" ,:'o~, course, and shortly thereafthere, to L~ we practically followed t~+!tw~ ~1.Ck:ed up the France Fie Id radio the, coas tuder clear skisa. However. bda6oi'1;''ih1ch also indicated we were to tbe maasil'eAndes to the ea$t were t~;.;>';J,we,at.,j,':.l,b~ought the needle back ,0 ~e practica, ,llF, shrouded in clouds. Some ~+by sWJ.nging a few portions to be section of at Ete~ .. - the left and the plane p.m. huge 1~8rappeared- a 1qer a of clouds, a d at 5:45 cake a w,e'"a~ra:j;~h of light at thee,ntranee l~er of mountains and a lqer of t9 , -1,.., Canal. It was a most wel.... clouds. cQl,ii~j ~t:~ At 6:5S p.m., we 1anded,and There 1s a surpr1si%lgly large strip sdin thereafter servlcingand routine of arid desert land along the Peruvian ~~ ~$nWlCfebegan. '. Coast, but it is e-qu&l1y surprising , ;~e it]) at 3:00 e1 clock the next how fertile and productive are the mo~ c .; after getting the latest areas in this desert where water from l' ~ ~ 'from Panagra. the big plane" the mountain streams make irrigation 1 wl'~'3,OOO gallons Of gasoline, possible. Wepassed over numerous g.~f.Qrun for the "take-oft" at villages, some along the coast, some ~~;~~L1ma:. Peru, 1560 miles di,.... , back a few miles from the Pacific. From he destination. All of the our altitude, three things impressed fte1 .' Jed. .After climbing to ,the one about these villages; first, the nortf" we had 1,000 feet altitude, IiLPpar,entsturdY twe ot construction; we st iM'a slow turn to pick up our the square with its walke connecting - V-7988, A.C.
dro~f~r . t;!.
'ftJi' .''-~',
~e oTposite corners, and the inevitable Mon~, February 6, 1939, and attet two cemetery near the towns. circles around 1ts edges, wef,!emde(l at At 12: 50 p.m., we were on the excelLos Cerrilos, a ve~y modernldJiPeriw:; len t airport at Lima, Peru, and by the used by panegra. There tOg1"eelCI'uiIl~ time the chocks were under the wheels were Mr. Wesley Frost, fromtlie .n\iji~ the crew from the Pana&ra Air Lines was ican Embassy; Colonel Ralp~'H'f[1W!ot~~, ready to service and assist in any neces Air COrpsL the American Ml1it~..;,A\~" Bary maintenance. On the Limatambo Air- tache to unile; Commodorecail'i'?> :'O'Mef port, Pana:QP.W1intains a very modern re- of the Chilean Air Force; Co1i1fflEi.nder:r,; I pair shoPi After a leisure and very de- Herreros; other officers of th.e~~t~ean lightful uncheon at the Country Club, Air Force; officers and menO! jne'c we returnea. to the Airport to check on flight from Panama, and repree~'~it~Jel t"e servic1llg. Our schedule called for of the Red Cross. Shortly ~~'ter:' ~ah<lan arrival in Santiago about B:OOa.m., lng, the unloaMng of the su..~ .ii)l"'~',,,ethe following morning, 80 Major ~e8 gan, much to the interest o)~~ll set 10:00 p.m. as the time of take-off. crowd that gathered around~~l,.t. '~ From the American Embassy, where we had After cheek1ng the 8upp11eB,~~~~' ., e dinner with Ambassador and Mrs. L.A. loaded on trucks to be'i: S.t.einhardt, we again returned to the Cross Headquarters in san.tiag. o~. Airport and made ready for the take-of:f. It was learned that Lieut,s.' d DUe to the mountains around Lima, one Lee; from France Field Panama; : must be careful on a night take-off. Zone were tak1ng off ina 13~]83<a:.t.,; After we cleared the ground we started 110:00 a.m., on a trip to Chi:tta;tft:~ut our climb and headed out to sea for 15 220 miles to the south, to 'f$i:~~"s~~ miles, then Bet a course direct to badly injured earth~e v~~Jt~Jfs.'e.k Santiago, 1545 miles to the southeast. to Santiago, where bet~~ w.',:tal This course took us about 300 miles to facili ties were available., EtO:~ ..... ;t:p sea. At 6,000 feet, we were over a low- Old cum.lbed aboard to have jl;.~ ,.,'-&; .:. . er cloud ba.nk;, with the moon and the the destruction to the sou~~~. !~(,"; bright stars of the southern skies above. Santiago is located abou1l:~~" The extremely smooth air greatly fac1l1inland, at the north end o1"~~. :tf ,~e tated the work of the navigator in makvalley that lies between th,a' .,.:s~. d ing his "shots" to determine a fix In a lower range along the coa,&rl1!":'~,~~e aerial celeatial navigation a bUbble cc- south this vallet widens out .,~'~~ tant is used. and due to the acceteraalmost completely cultivated.:.ManY ,.' tion of the 'bubble a series of observaprosperou~ appearing hac1eri~~1. .1i!~ tiona must be made, averaging the time their fields, worEt~ln Jm__ of the observation, and the altitude of l dence , The irrigation can8.1jf~dltrom the body. The smoother the air the few- numerous streams that riseh~.61It.5t:he er observations are required. Celestial snow-covered Andes, could D-e~~s1'l'l. fixes were obtained every two hours, but traced, as they were outl~n~(V:!~tlfi'~.. po s1tion reports were transmi tted hourly single rows ot tall Eucalypt11,,('.~f1~.~ to panagra where they were rel~ed to and Cottonwood trees. ';. - '. France Field, then on to Langley Field. The first evidence, from t~ a1i~'of A.t dabr eak , we were still over a lower the damage caused by the ear"-'tJin' e:Or cloud bank but, as more Ught from the "terromotto,1I as the Chilean$[ all-:~t, Bun began to appear in the east, we could was seen at Parral and froi"!.W1orti:.~ Bee the outline of the Andes about 175 southward each village was:'i!amate~~'0 !niles to the east. .1t first it was very a progressively increasing ex~ent;-j:!!Dedifficult to determine whether they were struction was not con:fined~'~tt~eflt~;llow mountains fairly near, or large ones lages alone, as many J.80latea"'lfar,ftt' very distant. Our Blow rate of closing and farm houses were down.'~~~l~lan on them proved the latter. It was a we circled low over the pfl~ :of'~lde~t.i8 beautiful light to watch the sunrise that a short time before he;(F8~,ti,&',J over the .Andes - the lrregul~ silhouette prosperous city of some 4O.e~'-$~~JI. of the mountains stood out the teeth Newspaper report8 conCerniXlg ... e of a saw, and the clouds that obscured were in no way exaggerated. :.Jl~.f their base gave them an appearance of oompletely the demolished c~~ClI.;\.b.,~in . being set in snow. which the entire ci ty appear~ij., "'~,nll' A.bout 15 milee from the coast \bILlowwondered how 80 many esoape~.:' '.,;'>: er lS1'er of claude ended, leaving the The type of building con.~%.'U,Q~~otL, coast clear and distinct. Wegot out used in Chile was probably ';r~~!'~~1l)le o'\' detailed map of the west of for the numerous casualtleG;':-~ _:,.';: South America and located our pod tion houses were all very sturd~~"". Ji.1,::t;of definitely. I t was found to be about large adobe brick, with rOO~"Q:r. ~!ff y : ... v e~ht miles to the left of the Lengua de tile, supported by heavy t1 ~t -F-:fgen Vaca, the point for which we were headthe walls collapsed, down G ", .-: ed, From there to Santiago the roblem heavy roofs. before the sle&l( ~.1 1J
age. . Ye arrived over the beautiful and very modern city t)f Santi8&o at 7: 30 a.m.,
the 6th of February, salv~' .r '" . S BUll going on, and new v1~ i ... l!fif , constantly being found",~;~b ';;[j~,,~i V-7988, A. C.
aed on the atrport at Ch111an to tarpen fisherman. The fish originally a~;eG"' ~arrival of the ambulances wUh weighed 35 pounds, but since that time th@'rp~~J.!Jlts. ~. ite a few.of the natives it lias grown and 1s still growing. 8~k..~ ~AArly good English. and during We cleared 9: 15 a.m, on . ~ij~b~n~ersation,i t was learned that they Monday. and when about 100 miles out"'8.9._<l. q.\illilred their knowledge of the lang- we passed directl~ over the U.S. ArrrJ1 ~e_ Wq-Ugh .American talkIng pictures, Transport REPUBLIC, ound for the Canal b wh~ch~~~ ~te popular in South Zone. The return trip acrOSB the ' J.meJ,"ioa. ,Caribbean waB made in almost perfect W.~t~ tl lght patients and .tlJo doctors .. weather. At 4:20 p.m. we were on the l abo~~ ..... headed up the valley ,towards e Municipal Airport at M ami, where Major . Sap.~l~~'i~and upon our arrival the paAndrews had made the necessary arrange, ,t1e.~'i!~re immediate~ r~d and the ments for servicing. , pl4ile, ,CQmpletely disinfecte .At 5:40 a. m., Tuesde.v, February 14th, - ~Jili:SaJ:LUagO we had an in llting ,tq. we were off on the last leg of our}~}~nts kept us busy. We were trip, and at daYlight we were well up ~-!'i~S.,,9f, AmbassaClorand Mrs. Norman the Florida coast. At 10:35 a. m., we .l.r'tadur,,)(r. and Mrs. Wesley Frost, Col. were over Langley Field, Orders were llalph Wooten, The !'Club received by radio to land at 11:00 -,' and the Officers' Club at a.m., and at that time we were on the li. , .. ~ . '6 ."the Sant1~o base of the ground, ending the longest flight of 1 , ,,G~ ~l}:r Force. It was at the dinner that nature on record. " .~~ ~ii;:p'}.Ub ilit81'e that Major Haynes M General Andrews, General Krogstad, n.'ted with the Chilean "Commander Colonel Olds, and other officers of the .~~,,. '_ der of Merit,'1 and Captains GHQ Air Force were on hand to greet the ", "W' .. Tate, :from France Field, were flight. After an address b;y General -p~e '~' ed, with "Officer of the Order." Andren, a Wing review was flown. ,.'14ajor ~eB planned to make the reAt 12:45 p.m., the crew climbed ~ .. ':fl~t in easy stages, with stops aboard the B-15 for a trip to WashiJJgat, "and Panama, but word was receivton to viei t the Office of the Chief of ~d:, ~.~'-BU1table gas was not available the .Air Corpst. and from there to pro'~t~. 'ma:t.t ~,thU8 necessitating a change in cee d to the OIfice of the Secretary of , ~ , It was then decideCl t,.o loao. War, where Secretary Woodring presented ~, Q:'ga-Ilons of gasoline abdard and Major Ha.Yneswith the Distingul.shed ....., "fq~Panama" with Tal81'a', Peru, ~Ying Cross. ~~t ,:~ miles south of Panama, as an It is impossible to estimate the ~I~~nat.ea1rport, and where gasoline tent of ~the good will which was ere,~!.t&~'1able. ated by this flight. In Santiago, ., ,"f1l,,~"lU:'ed Los Cerrilos at 6: 10 p.m. , people stopped members of the flight on ~,~ ..February 9, 1939, and headed the streets and expressed their appre~9i~~ea~# to follow down a valley to the ciation for the ase1li1tance Bent by the coast 'in order to avoid the high JDOunUnited Statel. They were amazed at the ,~ta1n. ~t were on a direct course. We distance traveled in such short time 'L,!~,.!ji~""r.. Valparaiso a little before and. realized how quickly assistance .J<lBz.~~;..-n~".u8ing that city as a point of could be obtained from this country in , de~I~~e"we again headed for Paita time of need. It is efforts of this ~o ~\;".,~e return flight was uneventnature which greatly the 80li_.;',LU t :, that about midnight the en- \ darity of the Americas. , :.~:'tIi~it,tb.~-"'an ice up. However, this to ---000':' ~~,!.qlP- ,~~ remed~ed by appl~ca tion of ~,.:~tffi;j:i"!,or h~at. At about 7.00 a.m., ARCTIC WEATHER OVER SHREVEPORT, LA. -: :OUJ;'r,D!~ . lP.B1.tion showed that we should 'D~ ~e~i~'land and shortly after pasBWhpe e~aged in an ordered flight to i~"t~~'Qgh a l!.~ht rain area we saw the \serV1.ce ce1.ling on February 6th, a ",,:',t:O~U::to,~the eaSt. We turned in for a flight of six P-36A airplanes, under ,,~;,pJ.?o0leie'flx and identified Paite. Point, : the commandof Captain M.R. Nelson, Air , :~ar.:4-l'() ere set a cour-se for Panama, Corps, reached an altitude 80 high . a,~' ~e-li4,ample gasoline to make it. above the earth that the temperature of . We lan4~d ,..t Franoe Fhld at 2:05 p.m" the outside air registered 40 degrees ~~:,ebruarY with 550 gallons l~th, below zero Centigrade. Strangely ell. ~ .'. "4bO.&r. d, after a flight of 19 enough, this temperature" when convert~ li .a;:ll.nd,55minutes, covering about ed to Fahrenheit, is 40 a.egrees below The flight from Santiago to zero, and 1s the only temperature at ..; _~~ lt~ld is the longest one that hal which both Centigrade and Fahrenheit .i'j e~>~~'~b1 the :8-15, Wehad received are the same . crmms,,,:tti~,re~in in Panama,~til Mondq t "It 1s believed, 11 s~s the Barksdale .,,;;3-'. thenpr,Qceed to Miami and Field corfe~ondent, "that the altitude :In. .H(~' Jt~n~t theJ'e". and depart in attained, 33,800 feet) i8 the highest "~r1ve at Langley. F1eldb;r 11:00. p oint. from which human eyes have ever .. ':r.t'1m:.. ~ ~bru&rl,14 1939. Durlookod down upon Shreveport and its IDg' 0 *topover in the Canal Zone,MaJor vicinity, Points over 100 miles awaY H!'Y~es"~e~~,,trated his abiUty a8 a ,Continued on Page 7)
" a~.'~
'.~ ~:~l...
A. C.
ARlviY BE-CLASSIFIES IR CO~S OFFICERS A As a result of intensive study of the planes requiring a pilot, co-pilot, navflying qualifications required in han- igator, bomber, and machine-gunner, the dling modern airplanes in order to pro- distinct need for an experiencedrdi,t'e:ct~ vide for increased safety and efficiening head, not necessarily at the cbn.~:~):: cy of the Air Corps, the Honorable Har- trols, but on whose decision d~l1d1:P-tbe ry 1l.Woodring. the Secretary of War, successful completion of the co~t'm1sannounced today that all Air Corps f11- sion and the safety of plane a1'1dicrew,:; ing officers will be reolassified into has been indicated. -, y!. 1 ., the following groups: Command ilot, P Senior Pilot corresponds to pi,Vot -now Senior Pilot, Combat Observer, and rated as Military Airplane Pilot-,find-': Technical Observer. corresponds to civil airlines Fi-rs.t"I ':, In the earlier days of military heav- Pilot." -,:c';-',: ier-then-air aviation, the single-seatPilot - Corresponds to preserlt'cair~;. er plane, or the bi,lace plane provid- plane pilot rating. J:-,":' lng for a pilot and an observer, led to ';,.CombatObserver. - Takes over obser"la~ the ratings of military airplane pilot, tion work, defends the airplane tn;reai" airplane pilot and airplane observer. hemisphere as a machine-gunner 'andfdoEls In recent years the trend toward the command observation or air observationl, larger crews required in bombing airof, artillery fire. . . - ,(;;"'J:~ planes has indicated the desirability Technical Observer - An officer ,in: 'r of having different ratings "hich would this class maintains technical;:profic."!' 1. be more representative of modern devel- iency but cannot fly in othercla1l:~8;; opment , Furthermore, these new ratings unless physical and professional7 ebii.d.i~ would take cognizance of changing physi \ions warrant a higher rating. -,;.'[,' ,'. cal and professional conditions so that ---000--' "i 'J, officers would be able to fly only . those types of planes for which they ARMY AIRMEN IN HA~JAII OMPLETE COURSE C are professionally qualified and in caIN CHEMICAL i7ARFABE ", ',; pacities only as rated. The new regu.": lations also provide for a changing of January 30, 1939, marked thecb:niple!classification in which an officer may tion of one of the most importan't"PM'ses be placed as his development during his of the January 3-June 30,1939,::re~heAul~ service may warrant. for the ground training of junior 'o'ff~t.. The new ratings are as followsl cers, when 60 officers and noncoiDin1:'e~j:, CODlIllaIld Pilot - All Air Corps officers sioned officers of the 18th Pu~w'iit-r.: with 20 years' eervice in the Air Group, Wheeler Field, T.H.,rece1ve~'~rom Corps and 2,000 hours' pilot experiLieut. Col. Wm.E. Lynd, 18thPutSdit' _noe or with 15 years I experience in Group Commander.newly engrave(l eertifithe Air Corps and 3,000 hours' pilot cates attesting to their proficHJn~'in experience. Chemical Warfare. Capt. S.E. Wliiteaides, Senior Pilot - All Air Corps officers Chemical Warfare Service, was the'inwith 10 years' service in the Air structor who so ably conducted the-:- [" Corps and 1, 800 hours' pilot experiSchool. "" ence. Those officers and noncommisSibne'd.: OfPilot-All graduates of the Air Corps ficers graduating were: Fl)"ing School. 1st Lt. Baxter, Tech.Sgt. Cayhue,'and Combat Observer - All graduates of the Sgt. Booth,Headquarters & Hea~quar~ers Combat Observers' Course at the Air S~uadron. , . " ... ' Corps Flying School. 2d Lts. Hoidiman, Holloway, Cain,~xl~eTechnical Observer - Those Air Corps ver, ~inn, Flack, if intermute_ ',aha" , officers who have not received a Tuell, Tech.Sgt. Asherowskys Staff,'higher rating, or who will fly under Sgt Bailey and Postvit, Sgt.- We~4~, thIs category in temporary circumand Oorporals Hess, Walsh arid "itkO, stances when their physical or pro6th Pursuit Squadron; _ fessional condition may not warrant 1st Lt. Kaye: 2d Lts. Robbins~~Hammo'nd, their flying under a higher rating at Posey, Pinkston, Salzarulo; -~4fic:eY', a particular time, Sparks and Roberts; Mr.Sgt. ,DUp:r~r All ,nots to be further subdivided Tech. Sgts. Dol'TIling and Van Mati'e.t JStaff into limited and unlimited groups. The ""a'a.Johnson, E.R., Johnson, !i.'I~ s .... former are those whose piloting must bel' O'Neill and Villiquette, 19tb~~~it limited in some wa:y, differing with the S~uadron. ' 'J ,,': individual, and depending upon prOfeS-12d IIts. Eckman, Barden, Durham'.. i :.'Danson, sional and physical fitness. Cole, Hubbard, Robinson and' stuai't;' Command ilot would be senior member P Mr.Sgt. Weber; Staff Sgts. Brechtel, of a combat crew. In larger type Doughty, Duggar and Smith, ~~R. ,< 'end ... V-7988,'.'A.:'e;;"'
i1hei..:co~struction the children I s 'I encountered in the large magnifications of schQa-J;, at,Langley Field, Virginia, necessary properly to display the which"wtk1 be one of the most modern pictures. . and we11~equipped educational instituHoused in the west wing of the bui1dtiona in.the Tide,.ter area, is about ing, which is 35 feet by 30 feet, are 65 percent complete and the builder's two classrooms with seating arrangements cample~~on date is June 24th, accordfor 30 and 35 children respectively;the ingto a'recent statement of Lie\lt. principal's office and kindergarden. Clar~caRenshaw, Constructing ~uarterThe kindergarden will include several master at Fort Monroe, Va., and,the innovations and will be well equipped Aip.;S1'Ia:bion the Peninsular area. of for the purpose intended. On the hardLocated on Dodd Boulevard and approx-!wood floor, marked off in permanent 1-ms;te1;v .. midway between Thompson and lines, will b$ a small play ring. The :Bo"en;~Stl1eets, school is being the pupils will have the comfort of a large erected,~by E. & E.J. Pfotzer of Phl1a- open fireplace during inclement weather. de1>pMa', -at a contract price of Along one wall will be built-in book $67,000. The sum of $75.000 was a1benches with bookcases arranged on both fot~edifor the school, and the remain- sides. ing~fun~s will be expended by the ConBetween the classrooms is the princis~~ Q.uartermaster for the inpals's office from which an electric ~talaat1on of the necessary outside assembly and dismissal gong is cbntro1facllitiel=J, such as roads, walks ,1and- led. scaping, etc.,and the purchase of The east wing has the same over-all school equipment not required to be dimensions as the west wing and will ilnfta.'1la-d under the building contract. contain two classrooms, one for 30 and Erected over a concrete foundation the other for 25 pupils. Between the and floor with brick walls, slate roof rooms is to be placed a teachers' lounge an.~~~ partitions, and being air-con- and meeting room. '. ,d:1~p.~~A .and heated, the school will The building will contain 10 rooms and P.~:~lllQ~rn_ fireproof in every deand will have a seating ca:(lacityf 175, exo J;Bii~;.;,~;thts architecture reseIll'!-- elusive of the and the kinderi blil~lhi~Pe.,:styleearly colonial days, garden. of . thetlNAding, when completed, will preWhen construchoI,lhas been completed, .~t,~e same general exterior finish equipment will be l.nstalledand the .alJ,th~"post chapel, which is located grounds will be landscaped, it being an.;d}j~~~ltacross Dodd Boulevard. The ticipated that the School.will be ready ~rea~~qf_the school building faces the for occupancy by the openl.ngof the fall .: ~1J~a~J9p.:hospi tal. term. ,~1e'I~.lls f the structure are rougho ---000--surf~~~d:and constructed of variegated Chemical Warfare Instruction in Hawaii brick with limestone trim. It is de~ (Continued from Page 6) .1~~t ~ an "H" and has an overall measurement of 167 feet by 85 feet. Corporals Graham, Henson and Thomas, ;,T1;le, part of the building, or Wft 26th Attack Squadron. ::': ~~~~:-1,f.tng, is 107 feet by 30 feet, 1st Lieut. Carter, Staff Sergeants and conSl.stsof an entrance hall and Carnes, Garten and Gaudry, Sergeants -~~ri~~, boysl and girls' rest-rooms, Felkner, Geisinger and Va'Uhn, and Corhe~J:~om, book room and one classporals B8ham and Wales, 18th Air Base ro~~th a seating capacity of 25. Squadron . .M_sil, included in the main part is an ---000--.a~SilJP~ room, or auditorium, which will seat 128 persons. At the east Arctic Weather over ~eveE}rt. La. '8n~ ~ the auditorium is an elevated (Contl.nuedfrom age ,,~t~'J~u;ipped with a screen and drop were visible to the pilots of the .ix qa~~i~ ~xtending across the full airplanes as they flew above Shreveport '. :': l1Pid,~J9,;f: the room. ~~an~ qall for a projection room at over six miles in the air. Members of the flight, in addition to " ,-~~~l{!t .end of the book room, which Captain Nelson, ware Ca~tain Sanders, will be equipped with motion picture Lieuts. Tacon, .. :apPllt'at~8forthe projection of 35 mm. of the 55th Pur Grove, Keith and Miller, suit Squadron. fii~lt~~-sized or normal films). . ---000--,h.:Bteieducationa1 films shown in schools :OlM"e. e-ither 8 or 16 mm., which are so naErQW e ~n width that difficulties are -7.. : ,: V-7988, A.C.
_ f
- , c71l
, ! '.1_
The FlyiZlg Cadets who graduated on Februa.ry To Laz!glez Field., Va.. ,,f' 1, 1939, from the Advanced School, Kelly Wilson Harper Baxlks Theodore:El.,'Ay}13~h Field, Texa,s, and. were Comm.ss1oned.seoond . Joseph Busse Balph And.el'Iif~ ~~e . lieutenants in the .Air Reserve, we~ plac~ on John Edgar CamBok William S. j~~k@~,Jr. active duty at kelly Field for a br1e~ per10ci Kei th Karl Coapton ~Ild Fr~ir:Q~&~i~s pending their !!LSsignmentto various Air Corps 1,Arthur ~ De Bolt Charlie BaDlRn BojA., Jr. station~ in the United States and in the Insul James GiannAtti Raoul Jos~a~~S9~ possesS1ons. Virgil ilIlcnroeGillum Paul M.,J.,. Special Orde-rs of the War Department,. recentJ~sAlva Howard. Scidnxlre NeN.!!l~E1tt lieved these newly conmisBloned. ly issued, J. Garrett Jackson Dtha Be~tt' ..~~dJf'Jr. Reserve off1cers from their assignment and duty Joe KeD,DithoNay J~ Bailey RIt~ :~r. at Kelly Field on February 14th, a:cd assigned James Daniel Mayden Hugh Boyd~tJ.f. them to the stations as indicated belows :Robert Burl M1eller Philip, .~~~ ttli.n To March Field, Calif. Philip Orville Potter William Wall~~~r Glen Robbins Birchard Lawrence William Coyle Kyle Loyd Riddle Robert L. ~fft'~~ John Hule de Bussy George Hen:ry Gutru, Jr. Leo~d Boston Storm Carrell Thul.~.td4i~tell Ernest Gordon Ford Harold Marklin ~ Sull1ns Preston Gerhard J~~' ~-ever Jean Dowell GilIlXlre James Allison Johnson Harold Thaddeus Babb TheodorE;tW1 ~.'. . .JNck:er . Harry Joseph Holt William1rohibaldLaafo~ *For duty with 3rd Observahon, ~~~. HeJJrYPreston King GeorgeW8iYJl8 Thornbrough To the Hawaiian ~~ ~. , .;: Maurice Allen Morgan Eugene T~rry Yarbrough Boy Milton carter 'iHillam~. ~K~..,.. ,. Mph Lorimer all.... Ilarold'''11.i. Cecil L.. F.u1lale. Ilarb<li"lf.;ok William Je:rms Wrigglesworth Byron Eugene Hall WIn. Edward Hull .,:)II To Mitchel Field, N.Y. William Allen McClure Jake McDom1~ " Jr. t Charles Martin Open Weldon He,l.U~1? th Chester Charles Busch Charles Paul Sheffield I Edward Charles Teats :Ba.;ynx,nd Bobert.l.~$8on John Joseph Iklerr CanpbeU HeIlder90XlGould I Curtis Edward Wood Earl Wilsoii' Dwight FrallCis Lewis Malcolm McMillan Heber Harold Frederick Wi!son" ::.1 r. ~.' J Thc:aas Carl McNeal Frederick Neil Philbrick e: . Brian O'Neill *Franklin :Bbmett Schroeok To th., P8XlBlIla Canal Depar'9!*ny: .. , Parker Fall Schofield *Bernard Willmore Veatch J~s Dean Berry Cha=les Wilu:~,r~sPn .For duty with 97th Observation Squadron Ma.:S'~l Pyron Cazql Joluil?t'eston .'~. ~~: ~.'~idge ~ . To Selfridge Field, Mich. I Leon elton Gray Kingsbury It,. P, e~ Jr. ,. I David McNair Peffer Herbert A. '.V'OXl,' U'il,Keln uames Alex Barnett George Herbert .A%mst1'9ngThou:as Cullen smth John William W~l~ Robert Lee 'Baseler John Landrum Brownewell c;.t" .: Willis Eugene Beightol Je:rms Robpt Bruce, Jr. To F6rt Lewis, WashiZlf1jWlh11 '; c, EngeDe Louis Clark Oliver George Cellini I Roy William Gustafson Albert Benton~Ed.>w8i-ds JJ: Newton Bobe;ot Dick John Scrimgeov.r ~ I '. '.1 . r,.;", ' Harry Albert Jenkins Charles Nelson Fendr10h To l.farsball Field, Fort Biler Neil .Arnold Newaan Frederick Charles Grambo! Harold Emiiett RUliit'eld' '.' Edgar Allen. Ranberg Archiba.ld Woodrum ~ore Tc Moffett Field, Cali-t/:~;. ~);~} Delmer Norns Skew Paul Le1:mmn Glenn Moore John .Albert Rouse . ,~iJ r',~c R8.ym:lnd FrazJk laldell Heram Ward Ba:ldall, Jr. I Burton :&.Ugene SchwiIld Robert :Riohex'dRowland I To Pope Field, Fort Bras' . Joseph Columbus Snith William Howard. Swatlson Thonas Fletcher, Jr. .., :J'~ :musene Lee Stric14fmd John Jacob Van del' Zee To Scott Field, Bel1eV1U~, .nit", ~. B~ &mmers Barold JemiZlgs Whitsxan Frank William Jarek ClareJ;)e Jl'ef#IWi'~er William Waller I III WoodrowBurton Wilmot Je:rms Frederick SetcbQl~> ,. (.: . Robert Danforth Van Auken To Brooks Field. San Antonio.c)!N.1 To Bamsdale Field, La. .ADdreJacques Dechaene ~:t ~: .' " Frank Lowry Dwm Martin Perdue Crabtree Sidney Bruce Gimble, Jr. : 'c'~' ::.\ , Harry Leslie Galusha Holden Fowler Ellison To Fort Knox, ky. ' [;C, f'i j ~ Charles .Af~on Ge;yle Jack Sinnons Jenkins Charles Sylvester !4arsball i ;"IL~L 1 William Lane, Jr. Cecil Jarres Looke, Jr. Adolf MiHon Wright " fjr:'l~ ie' Seth Jefferson LfcKee Jack William Saunders --000-: > Ln" Charhs .Boy Sneed William bDett Stinson ['o.n of. Leomrd J.Ba.rrow, Jr. David Diokson Terry,Jr. Speoial Orders of the War Depar~'t ~ Cla;rence Leonard TiXlker, Jr. DOUllCehe appointment of ColoDel~g. t 'H. To Hamilton Field. Calif. Brett (Ail' Corps)GeDeral Sta:ff'Co~'rM;As-Harold Newt Chaffin Robert Edward Crouch sistatlt to the Chief of the Air Oo~, i."i;ith Clarel3Ce Shipe Chiles John Eugene Dougherty the rank of brigadier general, for.:th.~od George Edward Glober Theodore Fred'k Holsteen of four years, beginning Feb~1'."118tG~, DolJald M;Ka.y Keiser ClareIlCe Vernon McC'auley his relief as Chief of Staff. GBQtJd'r~fbroe, Clarel3Ce Arthur Neely Harold Caldwell fbelser L&ugley Field, Va., and from the 'G&.o&iait'ltaff, Bruce Burns Price TrImlan.A. SpeXlCer, Jr. end his assiguDent to duty at Wdgtit .1lie!L1I.,O. , and as CoIJmWiant, A.C. EngiDe~ SalltoQ\. V... 98'S, A..C. 7
Jt~ r.':
J. ';
ment of the B-1?, will be 1st Lt. Robin C. Oannon. 2d Lt. William R. Stark, Sgt. Nolan L. Thibodeaux, Pvts. llcl Ernest TheArcmy Air Coi-ps and Hamilton Field G. Werner and Clarence A. Le Kieux, and , ~~ ',U<fW boast the dtstinction of being Pvts~' Bobert J. Dunn.Jr. and Allen N.S1y. , ~~lctal1y represented at the Go1de~ The link trainer, which will be on ,Gfl;t'&"lnternat1onal Exposition. since di,splay and a.t the disposal of anyone ..'~p'e '~. livery to Treasure Island S8.tur- having in his possession a pilot's li. ~t P'ebruary 4th. of the B-1? "Flying cense, is expected t. provide some 'l'ort:ress" amusement and diversion for the men on .. -t, .:~e :$tory of the placing of the plane this detail. who anticipate a constant barrage of questions and not as much fun ,~o~!"l,1:ea'!!Iure is one of diff1culIsland ti~$.~d.. well. situations. Major.C.p. as you might expect on ~ch a mission . ~'1'a,1.'lt~~ the hard-working Base B-2. S-3, . ---000--.s;.;.4:0!f'1cer Hamilton Field, was deat ta~IeQ.~, in addition to his other duties, ARMY EXHIBIT AT SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITIOI tp:Qaxldle the details of the project ' inception. Major Talbot was , Included in the U. S. Army Exhi bi t at , '~'8!~t.early in January to fly the the San Francisco Exposition on Treasure :..:p:.l.a e~o the Island. which is not more Island is a large mosaic of the San ~ thazirJ.we miles away from Hamil ton Francisco Bay area. Visitors to the Ffeldby water. and land her in a suf- Fair can see a clear lay-out of San ,~.~<t.i.eftt;t.y smooth area, weather clear, Francisco. the Golden Gate Bridge, the ',p.~~lqing. wind right. and all the Oakland Bay Bridge, Trea~re Island . oli'mrl"ifs" contingent upon getting and many other interesting details. ':, :t~;,~fn t. ship on the little men-made The map, covering an area of 108 sq. :Ja~'~~' miles, is 8 ft. wide by 12 ft. long ..; ~:u..t' .ruckily, before the proposed. Seven hundred pictures were used in fl\~j;. was made, some slight obstruclaying the mosaic. They.were taken from an elevation of 6,000 ft. with a tions were noted in the "clear, smooth K-3B cemera. Three months were spent are~~,."These obstructions proved to in completing this tedious work and .,pe,cl~posts, which the Exposition 'WOTltii,'t,8 had inadvertently set in cement, credit for the fine job i8 accorded Moffett Field, Calif personnel in the . ~~~~er-boarding the intended landing A. C., 'S}'.ot . ,and consequently making a landing persons of 2d Lt. Karl L.PoHfka. pilot; Pvt. J.D. Goldstein, photographer; _~~~t~ }.sland out of the question. T~1s situation might have s~ed the at. Sgt. Raymond M. Bishop, for the laying out; and Pvt. 1st Cl. James West. ordi~,individual, but not the Army. the painter. &~roB'!"fL7as flown to old Crissy Field w ---000--and placed near the sea wall, where she 1 cchia -be put on a barge and towed to GAS DEFENSE TRAINING AT HAMILTON FIELD the island. It was at this point that the Army found out about tides, winds, The 88th Reconnaissance Squadron, Hamand the wetness of the Pacific Ocean. ilton Field. Calif., has completed in The~;r~. built to hold up the 12-ton January 1939, a course in "Defense 10aCfTrom the sea wall to the barge. Against Chemical 4ttack". and in trainfa~l,~ to withstand the high tide.and ing each of its of{icers and six en" :CGIllre.Q.Jl,ently was beached thirty feet . away li~' night before the fateful jour- listed men to act as Unit Gas Officer and Gas N.C.O. The instructor was 1st ney was 'to take place. 'lJriae.ul'rted.. however, another ramp was Lt. Leslie O. Peterson, A.C., a graduI ate of the Chemical Warfare School at built on the following morning. The plane was put on the barge, towed. and Edgewood Arsenal. Md. The course was given over a period of two weeks and a lifted over the sea wall on Treasure Island by crane, and now she stands re- total of sixteen hours was spent in le~ splendent in the center of all the Fed- tures. At the close of the instruction, each student entered a gas chamber to eral exhibits. emphasize the effectiveness of the army After a bath, a coating of shellac gas mask. In addition, concentrations ~Q; tr~tb,tand the -..eather. and plenty of the common chemical agents were set .pt,JIletaJt polishing on the part of her UP in the field so that the class could t!f9Qmtt~).:tl1e is readY for all comB-'l7 \identify and familiarize themselves ~B .~,.:theFair not ol1'ly to see. but wi th the characteristics of each. After " :.~.spse\: inside and. satisfy that flying completion of the course. each student was presented with a diploma. .~~j:~~tiy detailed from Bullton ,j"Utlcht".othe Exposition for its dura---000--.' ~U01i.,j.Feb. 18th to December, 1939. to .~ra ~ explain the parts and equip-
I , I
SOLDIER WEDA.L t S AWARDED CORPORAL WILSON waa led by Captain John E. BCtdl~'1!tfr~:(::. the 33rd PursU1t Squadron.. aiia." the plane. B were flown. from the ~~Ib ..)C1::: Corporal Frederick H. Wilson, Air plant at Buifalo. The new t~ "~,))"'I Corps, 2nd Air Base Squadron, Kitchel flew at an altitude of l3,OQO;~.c,~: Field. N.Y~. was awarded the Soldier's no at temp t was made to estab 1.:~"'!\ D :; 0 J ~ Medal for heroism disp1qed 1n ext inrecord of any kind since the:~l .: gui shing a fire in a burning airplane. are new and the fl l ght was a rn~.t"JI2L":' The presentation was made on February ..2 -rerljec' 11, 1939. by Major General Hugh A. Drum. formation. Several P-36A plane a have PtlenJ ~.J:"'"J~,~ Commanding General 2nd Corps Area. Capried to Langley Field in reC6l\.t JItU1u'1I,', tain J.M. Bevens, lir Corps. Base AdjuTwenty... our of the silvery oneM'"ler1t~' f tant, read the following War Department participated in the aerial r~yiew held Citadon: in honor of Major Caleb V. ~t1fo:t."Frederick R. Wilson, R-1845622, prilOWinghi s re turn from & merqi Ji'->alll1Jcm:: vate, air mechanic. recond class, Air to South America. ,::cJ:j.i,L.;:lJ::. Corps, (now Corporal , United States --oOO--~j v i 'r~ A.:rr!i. For heroism d sp1~ed in erlin..~li:r:J.SL~ ~1C',~"'1 gu1shi~ a fire in a burning airplane at Mitchel Field, New Yorkt on July 5, 1938. QUARTERS AT HICKAM FIEIlDjo~I'l~ , ':'l. J I. I " iJ L C Noticing that a fire haa. started in the right 'Iring of an airplane which was beThe long awaited quarters at Hic~~~ ing taxied by him to a position near Field. T.R have reached ~eial comseveral other parked airplanes, Private pletion, and the first of :reb~r-:ro:: Wilson turned off the fuel valves and found a number of officer."f'UleS5tllT~~ the master ignition Bwitch of the ship, BombardmentGro:uPand of the.18ib'.rfiiig leaped to the ground and picked up a moving out to the new post. .~The,~.j fire extinguianer. piqed its contents struction ~termaBter haa80W&1'qnillly done another fine Job." declarDIil~)th6;i,; on the blaze. On the arrival of the fire t~ Private Wilson, with comNews Letter Correspondent. "and it iac"/ ~pparent that Hickam Field 'Ri1l78QQ~) plete disregard of his personal safety, well knowing that all fuel tanks of the take its place as one of the ~t.D.t-i', tractive Air Co~s poats." ,''!\Y"1:~:) airplane were full and ~t there wal imminent danger of an explosion, ran to The construction of the quarter.;'ha8~ the truckl seized a hose and pl~ed fire- been so planned as to avoid the~p.ijranc e of mono tony. During the p .:: 8.Y,.. B exti~isning chemical therefrom on the eral years an efficient nuraery' helL ' i< blazing wing until the fire was extinguished, after which he again took a been operating on the poat. and: :thousands of flowering plants. Slu'UD.:~Od).;.' nand ext1nguiaher. climbed into the still smoking shIp and emptied 1 contents ts trees are available for uBe~n.::be~ ... into the cite of the blaze. The heroism fying the POllt. Land8capi~, aa&-J...a'd planting in the vicinity of ~~; dis~l~ed by Private Wilson on this octers are nearing completiont;' thus addC&'10n averted possible loss of human ing considerably to the appearAnCec 'fff life and prevented the destruction ~f the post. 1;; 01 :.It)":', valuable government property." ---000--... j '(: j:v 101lowing the presentation of the medal, the entire commandof Mitchel Field passed in review for General Drum <",.~'.,; 2,~~ and Corporal Wilson to the strains of martial music supplied by the 62nd Coast An item of equipment which "b8i&::longr'! Artillery Band from Fort Totten, Long been desired by the San AntonitmA;#,-ro,:DeIsland, NewYork. pot. Duncan Field, Texas, was[ .~jWrllf~ The News Letter Correspondent declares ceived. name~, a ~nificent ,~~e C-2 Wrecking lhuck (airplane, 'tor8iBh.T~f.., that the entire commandof Mitchel Field is prOUd of Corporal Wilson's actions in, manufactured by the ~'txlP:. averting what might have been a fatal Company. Henderson, N.C. Thi-s:JllOn.Ii4terI" aocident and wish him continued success vehicle, which weighs 26 tons. is 70 in the Air Corps. feet long, bas 22 wheels, anc;. ~_s Pl"\0~er.,. ed with a 250 h.p. motor. r.~ --000-driven from Henderson to Duncan Field FASTFLIGHT BYNEW PURSUIT PLANES by truck drivers Edward Lanottie ~;.; E.G. McMonigal. of the Motorl~rt Officials at L~ley Field, Va., were Department of the Depot, and.itlW ~'i II qui te satiBfiedll with the performanoe tance of 1900 miles was coveliedd11l1 clWf of five new P-36.A. ur sui t planes which P time without a single incidentntiio; ~i: were flown on February 17th from Buffalo, the journey, which might vort~ 1:;:,' NewYork, to the Peninsula airdrome. something of a record. They,:Paawcti:S:. These new planes!. which became a part thro:ugh the States of North ~i3; of the war b1rde 01' the Eighth Pursuit South Carolina. Georgia. Florida~.();.tj..e.i:J:" Group, made exceptionally fast time on Alabama, Mississippi, Louisfal'llt".l8mI bo:: the approximately 43Z-mile Jaunt between Texas. Sincere appreciat1o~-rG;~J:ltof L8ll8ley Field and Buffalo. The f11gh t {Con tinued on page lIl}r.I'!.eI.L-~F1 -10V-79aS, A.C.
ASSIGNED WEA.THER 'ro SCHOOL deal of favorable conment was received from listeners as well a8 the local s,eo-l<ailJ-order8 of the War Department, preIs. Major Davie8' topic was "The receh't, '.llsued. direct the followingU.S. Arm:! lir COrpl." Daaie& .\filii.ted men of the .Air Corp. to --000- .... pro.ce&d~(::"ithOut 1088 of grade or rating. by Jj;t'lll. '. aircraft if practicable, KELLY FlltD FACULTYEARD ON THE AIR H Ot~.l y rail, to the Air Corps Several memberl of the faculty of the Weather School, Patterson Field, FairAir Corps Advanced Flying School, Kelly fie-bti. Ohio~ to rePQrt not later than Field, Texas were recently heard in a F&b-~.2'1, 1939, for the forecasters 8eries of radio broadoast, over station cO!\Jr'lf.'SCOIIIDencing that date: on KTSA, "The Voice Of the LiMt, II San f!~t:'Ji "",c!:.Dr,t Weather R~ion _'Stitf~ t.$Vgeant Bernard Hotfman and Antonio, Texas, 8pon80red DY the San Co;rpe,l'ltil: Ifenry A. smitt, from Fort Lewis, Antonio Junior Chamber of Commerce. The talks were baled on training activities Washington. at the Advanced Flying School and were Private Fir8t Clas8 Jamel A.Roeentiel, from Hamilton Field, Calif. a continuation of the recent .talkl given bi the faoul ty of the Primary Privatflli.:First Class Claude N. Hall Flying School, Randolph Field, Texas. and William A. Pope from March Field, CaW;-:i~r ,.t,r:On the first of thele radio broadcast., Thursdaf. February 9th Colonel -1:".)) LJ ]econd Weather Regioi Cor~ ,Earl U:uay, from J>erdeen Eugene A. Lohman, Air COrpl, 1 8s1stant ho1t1Iigf,8round, Md. Commandantof the .Air Corps Advanced ..,.,Bttvate111ossA. Somer" from Fort Flyi~ School, was interviewed by Mr. L.t._Lampe, Chairman of the .lviation 13J!I!M.o!fiC. -:CoJ:rPOral ale W. Akins, ~rivate D Commi ttee of the Junior Ohamber of WillEtrd,O: Snyder, from Langley Field, Commerce. Colonel Lohman de8cribed the Va. L .. L ~., ~ purpose, and objective of the .lir Corps Corporal'Stephen Kubica, from Bolling Advanced FlYing School in general. Field, J D.O. On the following Thurld8. Captain Corpo~~l Kenneth W. Smith, from Burton M. Hovey, Jr Air 00;1)8, Chief Chanute, ~leld, Ill, of the Pursu1 t Section, and 1st Lieut .. ~ ..~Tate. First Class Harold F. Guth John H.lves, Air Corpa, OPerations an4,~r.R. Robinson from Patterson Officer of the Attack Sectlon, wwe FielL'~Ob1Q similarly interviewed, and they deJTiTat&1 First Class Keith H. Asher scribed the history, organization, and ana)eharle .. H. Harrison from SCott rolepl8.Yed by their respective branchFie14;'1111. es of- aviation, as well as the method. employed in training the students of 'riva~e.First Cla8s Leonard A. their respective sections at the Troa~ skd~ from Mitchel Field, N.Y. ... , :'.. ";:,' ~'J.'nird Wea ther Re~ion Advanced School. Pri'Vate"<l'irst Class cW e8 F.Needell, On Thurs~, February' 23rd, C"ptain from Post Field, Okla. Russell E. Randall, Air Corpe, Chief of Privates Kenneth H. Smith and Herbert the Observation Section. was elated to J. Gustafson, from l3arkedale Field, La. be heard over the same radio facilities :C:Orporal Donald D. Fay, Privates Fir,t on Observation Aviation and the course Class Maxwell W. Roman and John~. Crews and methods of instruct l on ~loyed by fr,QJII'Ke:J:1Y ,Field, Texas. h1s Section in training Airplane Pilots - .Cor.poralEarle W. Clifton, from Ranand A1~lane Observers. &>!-plf <ti~ld Texas. The follow1~ week it is expected that Major John V. Hart, Air Corpe. '''mvateflrst Cla8s LeRoy N. Cookinghani~,;-:t-rOJli HenB1e~ Field, Texas. Chief of \be Bombardment Section, will C~ Coyd C. Gibb8, from Biggs bring th1s,eries of radio broadcasts Fbbl;;r'iexas. ' to a close. From all reports. this series has been well received by the ,y' :; I .' --000--- L . r'-"'-r .:' i general public. MAJOli;Jill,:lES DELIVERS T.ALK TO RlSmVES ---000-ENLIST~ ~.
_.h . '.
,l'Baiah Davie. Air Corps. Direc- Big Truck (Continued from Page 10). at the lir 0011,)8 Advanced F~ ':School, ielly Field. Texa8, was the State High~ Police of these 1Ihe) J)ljiIlClipal speaker at a meeting of States, and all other traffic officials the-1{fUierve Officers Association of the along this entire route. for the courUni Wd- S1f&tes (])e.llae Chapter) at teous and able assistance they rendered Hentl~;Field, Texas, .n the night of at all times in facilitating the pasF~',8th. Major Davies' very intersage of th1e giant truck. e8t1ngJ_dinstructive talk was deliver---000--ed to-; J.7--6"ReeerveOfficer, (of all ~e.)~ of the Dallal Chapter at their regularl:S.cheduled meeting. .A. great ,~: .A. i":':' ( ., -1 V-7988, J.. C.
I;[r) 1:"0:
.: .'~ ,
AIR OORPS PRIVATE HONORED SKILLWITHPISTOL FOR In recognition of his skill in the use of the Arrrty .45 caliber automatic, an Air Corps enlisted man was honored at the 113th Annual. Old Guard Reception and Ball, held at the Hotel Commodore, New York City, on the evening of Friday. January 27th. Private First Class. Specialist Third Class Stephen L. Kross, ~?th Observation Squadron (Corps & Army), stationed at Air~ase Mitchel Field, Long Island. New York, won the highest individual honors of the 1938 New York State Pistol Meet with a score of 291 out of a possible 300. He was awarded a handsomely engraved silver loving cup, presentation of which was made at the Old Guard Ball by Major General Hugh A. Drum, commanding the Second Corps Area. The state-wide pistol meet was conducted under the auspices of the New York National Guard. at Camp Smith, Peekskill Mountains, N.Y during the month of October,1938. The Regular 4rmy "L" courses were used. involving both slow and rapid fire phases at distances of fifteen and twenty-five yards The c.mpetition was open to all comfr....
- -000---
and included representatives from m~litary, police and civilian'r.P:.;.~ Prive.te First Class Kroes fired:!stf fit member of the Nassau County Poltot ,1ie8tn, which garnered top team honorso~r~,~' 1938 meet, and in the individual ~~ tition he represented his army, "(~': ;;), organization. ..'::! '~ This soldier's military record ~~i":" closes long interest and markE!d':8~&S with the use of military weaponl~8C~lng three years with the Field Artll,J,; : lery in the Hawaiian Ielandl,h~~'wae. ;1 qualified repeatedly a8 Exper~.'~er'; and Pietol Expert. In 1932, wlii!e~Bt&tioned with the 25th Bombardment~S4uadron at France Field, :Panama Private Kross won the high indlrlt1 ' .: honors in the Panama. DepartmeI).t rii~s,91elimination, Using a standar~',"'~ ,.je caliber automatic. His presen,t ,A'=tr -:-. C~rps ratings include qualiftee.tfo~~. Expert Aerial Machine Gunner:~d,,!1~~91 Expert. He is performing duty ..~'B,,~fr;.. plane and engine mechanic in. h1.s "1!~4ron engineering section. ,< ,-',', . Prior to enlistment, Kross residea,.:Jn . Cleveland, Ohio. ..' J
. J,;J"
To Second Lieut. Troy Keith, Air Rebe acknowledged that Barksdal~~ld:. serve, 55th Pursuit Squadron, GHQ, Air pilots and planes can take it; in ilp,;." Force, Barksdale Field, La., goes the small measure. , L. . dubious distinction of being the The P-36A. airplane which L1e'Ut'.,~' " world' B fastest flier. It 1fill be re,Kai th was flying i8 very similar: in, ' called that about a fortnight ago Lloyd I type to the airplane whlch made'thti. Child., Curt.1ss-Wr~t teet pilot, atformer record of 575 ilea per hour." tained a speed of 575 m11es per hour --000--. ,j , . " while testing a plane for the irench,.:; ,:';,~'i, Government. On Monday, February e, 1939, m:A.TH LIEUT. WILBUR. OF D.:,:OA.Mf.:.' this record was bettered by appronmately 50 miles per hour when L1eut. Keith, On the afternoon of Feb~'~ ~;t9~~, while flying at an altitude of 28,000 Lieut. Wilbur D. ~, Air Co~:,.d18d feet, lap8ed into aemi-UllCOl1ICiousnesB, as a result of sh()ck and e~,e' after due to the lack of el2ttloient oxygen, the sailboat in which he WB.,B rt<!W and went into a power dive. Upon re\ capsized on CrosB Lake. nearmnt~port. gaining conec Icusneaa Lieut. Keith La. . ,.l'", '-':, , found himself at an altitude of l~.lQOO Lieut, Campwas born in W~~o;"'I)ks. feet. w1th an iI)dicated speed of ow on March a, 1.914. Following :}ii's' 'adUmiles per hour ~corrected to 625 miles I ation from North Texas .Agricu1!~ 1 . ',' per hour}. Due to the terrific speed at College in 1934~__e entered f,ni~A~J . h which the plane was travel1~. it reCorps Primary F~ing School -at' ~6f,l.l)h qu1red another 6,000 feet of altitude to Field. He received his w1ng.'<~~(j&.. nlake the pullout from the dive. plei10n of the Advanced couril.:." W&l1.Ly An examination of Lieut. Keith by the Field all 1ifa1reb. 1 1937. H,'apeC'!8;'lUFl1gh t SUrgeon at Barksdale Field after ed in ~ sui t A.viation. Ordered. Wid the flifht, disclosed that the pilot was l3a.rksdale Field, La., for act~\'dUlty, normal n every respect and had .uttered h. was a181gned to the 79th Putt. ata1\d;:t no ill effects from the dive. This ocSquadron, 20th PurlUit GroUP.,-Gn~~r.: currence refutes the statement of a Force. He was commissioned a,:ocQJtd'> radio cOIIlll8ntator, made recentl1 to the lieutenant in the Air lle.erY+,~"~JI.. ,. 1 effect that such a epeed and pul out bt, 1937, and in October, 19~,.-J.J..~ meana about three days in the hospital I was commissioned a aeccnd li.fiU.:\.~t... '. for the pilot. Either that, or it must in the Air Corps, Re~ar ~ .,<ij1", -12V-7988, A:u. .
.J',~". II c,' I '" ','
d~u~~ Field is a level spot on the anticipated the comforts of his downy ~lain8,of Illinois and, although the couch1n the Fire Station. Yes, the buHcUngs utiliz1?Jd for the Air Oo rp e Chief even thought of his worthly posTechn1;a,g.l ,School are of wood and What sessions in the Fire House and opined h vulga.dy known as "war.. tim~ construe he would break out in the new brown Uons1t, eerious efforts we re put forth checkered suit and diamond ring in the f by the Civilian Fire Chief, Herman .A. morning. ,The world was decidedly a B.or~ .q..M.C., to keep the Old Red De- fine place and the Chief was at peace m~n-Flre away from our doors. wi th the world . The story is ended except that as the --.T;he.Chief may have been seen on any and all occasions poking into a build- Chief rounded the entrance to his home ing, examining the fire fighting equip- bailiwick, he learned to his dismay that the Fates had indeed been unkind menh"holding drills to determine the len,gt~ pi time necessary for his smoke- and that they had unleashei The Old Red Demon on the Air Corps Supply. Guard ~ati~g -J.a.ddies o unlimber the hose t and pla~e a stream of water on his sim- House and Fire Station and qUickly consumed them and the worldly goods of the ulatea.c6nflagration. Chief, downy couch, checkered suit and '~t:~asan impressive sight to watch diamond ring, leaving the Fire Marshal the C~ef, bald pate shining in the and the Commandini Officer to battle btigbtsunlight, stop-watch in hand, pull'an alarm box and have his boys bop the blaze he had so long trained to conto it 1~an effort to clip seconds from trol. What a oruel triCk to play on an ambitious Fire Chief! the!ast run to the same location. ---000--Th~~Cnief, his fierce eyes glowinf' would stand around with agony plain y WING TACTICAL EXERCISES IN HAWAII etched on his countenance, loudly voicing his disapproval of the tactics and The high-light of the past several technique displayed by the "fighters" in attempting to hook up a hose or play weeks in the training activities of the 5th Bombardment Group. Hickam Field, an extinguisher on the theoretical T.H was the Wing Tactical Exercise flame. Everything must be done just conducted on January 25th. The Bombardso, and one little slip would draw a ment squadrons of the Group were disgrowl from the Chief. persed to airdromes on the other islands ~Fe~ ,i~ no q~estion but that the while Reconnaissance squadrons operated Chl,;~fbplieved an preparedness. His ; as friendly reconnaissance from a disequipment were shining things of beau- persed airdrome on Oahu. A leconna1sty an~ efficiency. He rarely wandered Salleeuni t was de tached from the Group far.from'his appointed place of duty, and. operating under direct orders from and if not found in the Fire Station, the Wing, kept the "hostile" :Bombardhe 'could be readily located in the Mess ment airdromes under surveillance and Hall or the War Department Theatre. trailed the "ene~" after they left Alas, The Fire Station is no more! dispersed airdromes for attack on vital On,January 14th, the Chief gave the installations en Oahu. The defending 18th Pursuit Group, uspost the once over and, with smug sating position reports furniShed by this isf'action, decided that all VIasunder Reconnaissanee unit. took the air in eOX1tro1.'~ Little did he realize the time to interoept the Bombardment as fate t~~ was in store for him as he they approached the bombing target. Am~)'ui:t'tl,a' his trusty new Oldsmobile and heaaed north to see how the boys in the fierce air battle ensued, during which time yards of sun camera film were Windy City of Chicago were getting "fir,d" by bot~ sides and the :Bombarda+~g.~1~h their problems. Tooling ment deposited 'its load of bombs on the no1ft~1fi.lJ.the Chief toyed with the Point bombing target. id~,p~,.oalling on the Fire Commission- .A.hua ---000--.~):~ Qf.fering gratuitous advice anent ..tbe ~;L.e,,;sojls learned during the past, The 72nd Bombardment Squadron in the fIN,~ dlj!~ed this in favor of a show ~.wa.iian Department under the conmand ,-and.;a,,u.1.b.t's in one of the local or Major Oliver P. Gothlin. Air Corps. rest inne. ;.,j, wa.. awarded the Department Commander' 8 ,Jlavin'g~satisfied his aesthetic side'r streamer in recognition of attaining the iOhilef: headed southward to Chanute, \he ,highest rating in the 5th :BoillbardP'.t.l~t,;.()n evening of the 15th. He' ment Group 1n efficiency during the .the g&",~tho'\fght to the fire fighting or-.. pa.t fea.;-. The award. are made at a 'flaD$cat\ol\he had at Chanute Field and 8pecial rev1e. t~ the element of each si1ent~."',,,l,lihed an opportunity to for regiment 01' similar unit which during de~t1fte its worth. He was fast the past training year hall had the best getting"<ll'owsyas he neared Rantoul.and record 1n all-around efficiency .. ' ,'. e . ..13V-7988, A. C.
40 to 200 gallons per minute W1tn_~ of the two pumps, giving a maxiJ!)U1l1SUP,ly for each trailer of 400 gallolt;fl' of gasoline p~r minute. ',' '' ' A dolly is provided which co~~t8 , each semi-trailer to a full trailer . enabling th! tanks to be towed by ~mUi tary veh1.cle. : ,,'., The total gross weight tf tanks 'and, trailer is 57,000 pounds. Thisweigllt is distributed over 18 tires.. ' '. , , .. The gasoline tank refueling ~1a,l1r.t.,4~ livered at Wrifht Field is the 1t:'~t.,,,t an order for f vee It was sent ,1i.Q ;:: ,J Wright Field for observation e.n 1"Quteto NewYork where it will be shipped. to.~' Hawaii. Others on the order_ill be~,.: distributed to various Air CorpSj sta..... ' es tions where the larger Bombardm~t of aircraft are in service. - '--
MOFFET'r FIELDPILOTSQUALIFY I~' ~~Y The 82nd Observation Squa.clro~ t'~.", .... Moffett Field. Calif., recent~",badi,tije following off1cers qualify as . rt Gunners in Course TliI'ee, Aerial., ". fJry: Firat Lieut. Robert Alan, Secon4.'t1ri.h. Potter B. Paige and, Xerm t A. '1'iler'~',4ir ~orps. Second Lieut. Frederick L.Moore, Air Corps qualified as SharpShooter. Lieut. llan shot a high .co~e of !729 for the complete course, while Lieut. Tyler took honor s for the exceptional high score of 229 out of 200 inPhe. One. -.
aircraft crasnee cou!d be neatly sidestepped by .. . ':.;; crashes due to weather arede~" re.' w1 each improvement in thtt :88riYj.~. ~ th Lieut. Ackerman outlined 'Wp~er. pncedure and concluded by inform1pg :.t~ audience I that he would Bt1ck.h~,8,peck out' and predicted 5 deg. below, ~~" for the following morning. l11's neck must bave been frozen, sinCe th~"f+Ck1e i:::te on~yd:~P~~~v:he red l~.;:t;~ ~, Il~~e John shoulebl't st1dk'li!' .@8k out," concludes the Chanute- .Fte~f,-J4P:respondent. ' . +,q'._.J; ..41 V-7988.. ,"0.
First Lieut. John B. AckerlI8A~; r-:, # Corps, conmanding the Weather..Se;<f:t.iop of Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. ,.,.Q.e.livered an address on Feb~ ~0~AP~f9,e the American Institute of Elec~,~l; Engineers at the ElectricalEngiD.e~.J";ti1g ld.i~, Un1vers1 ty of Il11no.'!fit. '~()~,,' ..'.: the sub ect of 'lWeather ForeQe...8_~t-ng.Nld ita- app lcation to Aviation. n '~ Lieut . .A.ckerman outl1ned~' .~lce of the ArTIg .A.irCorll.;!J ~ iil;
el1~!r". ,
POINTCOMMANDANT OF CADETS VISITS FIELDJOINS TELETYPE ETWORK WEST N RANDOLPH FIELD. 'l'h~~'t Weather Office at Rando1.l>h Field; 'Texas, formally Joined the main. L"eut. Colonel C.W. Ryder, COIIlIlalldant linea 0:, the Civil A.eronautics A.uthority of Cadets at the U.S. Military.A.cadeIDJ, teletype, system at 10:49 a.m. ~ on Febru... spent several days on an informal ~art 9J:h,wben the first mesaa&e 'was res:pection tour of the Air Corps Primary eel'ri4 dn the new automatic printers. Flying School at Randolph Field, Texas .~~,iQ:;:, the installation 't;Q of addi tion- The trip from West Point to Texas was ~:].;JeQ.,;:tpnient, the Primary Flying School's made in a BC-l airplane, piloted by Me~6'f'o"I-dgical Office received all its Captain Robert W. Harper. Air CO~B. weathQr observations, and Poat OperatioDB Colonel Ryder spent considerable time O1'fieel14'1spatched and received its PX at the Flying Cadet Detachment area, '}meis~esthrough its companion field in during the course of which he inspected the San J.A.ntonio'Area, Kelly Field. methods of housing, feeding, and school::.,?tnlt. system entailed certain del~a 1ng the future pilots. Air Corps mainthat .er,e.unavoidable and plans were tenance problems also proved of interi mads fOitiie the Rando ph Field office est to the West Point Commandantof iBtOa tQ.e':Jnainline of Circuit 18 of the Cadets. He accompanied Colonel John B. J ,tel:ejYll$.' vstem. Work on the installaBrooks, CommandingOfficer of Randolph Hon of a perforator and also addi t..1onal Field, on an inspection tour of hangars printers were started late in January and alrplanea during his visit. and completed for the first message on Colonel Ryder was also present at a ..F~19th. The mechanical equipment formal inspection of the Flying Cadet .of'tlie otfice now oonsists of one perfo- Detachment. first viewing the cadets r. ato.~ for...automatic transmission, twO in barracks and later, wi tnessing the p~~: ~r~i;L~ersi Modal 15. and one tape inspection under arms. pt1ht~r~J.0de 14. ---000--, e~t"~~t~:18 of the teletype system oov~".[th~'Atlanta - Fort Worth - Browns.. FLYING CADET OFFICERS NAMEDT A .Vi-l-!~. Airway, with a relay from Atlanta, RANDOLPH FIELD, ~.
Ca~:taD;~~l:~th~;~8 i~ai~e o~~~ry 24tll, Lieut. Colanel Edwin B. ~yon. I Assistant Commandantof the Priinary ,'1.:; Fly11]&School, Randolph Field, present:Student flight training at Randolph ad 86 Flying Cadets of the ClasB 39-C, Field for the present classes, 39-C and the class being trapsferred to the 39-B, ended on February 14th, somewhat Basic Sta&e, with warrants for their e.heaS:, i. schedule, due to unusually fine appointment as Cadet OficeTsand Non., c weataei"':fdUt.lng the greater part of the col'nmis~ioned Officers for the ensuing per'-pd. Primarl stage, which started. four mnths. The awarciiof trophies and tt'6."'~.lnt"iwith 335 student.~officers and medals were announced at the same time. Fb'l~~al!ets, eliminated only 98 for Flying Cadet Herbert W. Peters of '-'f~~:lure' to meet t14e standard of flying I Appalachia, Va., a graduate of Virginia -~~fioiency required, or less than 30 Military Institute, was named Battalion p~~&nt . An add! tional ten men Wer~ (Japtain~ CompanyCaptains~ as announc-. : e1:1trl1ihatedfor var10us reasons or reed, will be Flying Cadets r'aul C .. signedJ ':Thus, 70 percent of the stuSchauer, of Fort Wayne, Ind. 1'haddeuB i '4'$nt'PllQ~t8. who started fl1ght training L. Woltanski, of Chicego, 11 .; 8UCceBsful~ completed 'the first four Nicholas N. Metropolsky, of Salem, btni;'ttelw&rk, $!lei it constitutes one Mass.; and William W. Walmsley, of New ot:~~~. htcest percenta&e marks ever York City. &t~lned i,t the Primary flying School. 1!hirteen Cadet Lieutenants, four ,:'Me&!ftWlfi-i1t, Badc Stage, Clas8 39-B" First Sel'geants, 30 Cadet Sergeants and st*1i-&ll'ite training last OctClber with 34 CadetCorpora1li also were announced. ];gl1.}tt:tident pilots, including three Flying Cadet Jack C. Jones, of Dobbs f~&1gnbff1cers and two Flying Cadets Ferry, NewYork, a member of the Class - f'roIlft'he-Philippine Islands. During 39";B, which is transferring to Kell.v this 'o&UFse, 4 student o~ficers and Field, _as awarded the Catlett Medal 22 ~~~4ng:Cadets were el1minated, and for Soldierly Efficiency. Flying Cadet 16'5, 8Uo,d~fullt comp1:eted the course. William B. Reed, of Kintnersville, Pa., " ',,' ,~', --000--... was awarded the Williams Medal for . ~r&. ,the month of January,1939, the Athletic Development, and Flying cadet Eng1~ee1:t1ng Department of the San Antonio Harvef E. Greiger! of Wanatah, Indiana, Air :O~~!t. Duncan Field, Texas, overhaul was glven the Cauno Club Me&al for _ed lQ~' ~anes and 94 engines and reAcademic Proficiency. pair$a planes and 6 engines. I ---000-'''\.: .. "-115V-7988, A.C.
','~,';~,,~;;,~, ---000---
A TRUESUCCFSS STORY The story of a boy born and reared on a farm in Iowa, who yearned to become a pilot, and who served in the Army almost eight years before he achieved his ambition, is that of 2nd Lieut. Dwight Francie Lewis, 25, Air Reserve Officer, who recently graduated from the Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas. :Born near Corning! Iowa, Lieut. Lewis had his first trip an the air at the age of 12 in a barnstorming plane, but even before that he wanted to become a pilot because he had heard of the exploits of his COUsin, A.L. McClain, who was an instructor at Kelly Field during the World War. In order to learn something about airplanes and to be close to them, Lieut. LewiB enliBted in the Air Corps at Chanute lield, Ill., on March 28, 1931, and a year later graduated from the Air Corps Technical School as an Airplane and Engine Mechanic. He was then transferred to the 52nd SChool Squadron at Randolph Field, and he served there aB an enlisted man until he passed an examination and became a Flying Cadet on March 1, 1938.:But while he was an enliBted man he attended' the San .Antonio Public School of Law at night for a period of three years, graduated with the :Bachelor of Law degree, and was licensed to practice law in Texas. His examination to become a Flying Cadet would have been unnecessary had the Bchool he attended been affiliated wi th the American College ASBociation. But as it was necessary to take the examination, Lieut. Lewis stUdied harder than ever and was more determined to become a Flying Cadet, and his efferts were rewarded b:[ passing the entrance examination. Then he successful1y completed the year'B flying course of' the Air CorpB Training Center, graduatIng as a member of the Attack Section. Lie ...t. LewiB' brother, Lieut. David L. Lewis, is also an Air Reserve officer, having graduated from Kelly Field laat June. Another brother, Corporal .Arthur :B. Lewis, is a member of the 11th Air :Base Squadron at Randolph Field.
Orders were received from the Air Corps Training Center. aB8igJ1~N; ~'Pther record ClaS8 of student .,;fpruo."", vanced training at the Air CQrDflAiWWJ.ced Flying School, Kelly Fleld,otl'euJ';.' Th1s class officially known NO",fJ .: .: l 39::..~.tcons sta of 166 studen~". 1J ~.'-=r .Army Officers, one PhU~P1>:J.M~' Army Flying Cadet and 45 U. S~ ~W;;,.:, Flying Cadets will specialb! Jl ~tUtCk AVlationL~ Regular Army O::{{ ~&-,.lld 38 U. S. ~ Flying Cadets wi ,'.dir,,\i' with the :BombardmentSection;..: ~;~RMular Army Officers one Phl11P~kW Officer. one PhilIppine Army , ADg]~.'", Cadet, and 20 U. S .A.r~ Flylng ,d$!t,,': w111 train wi tb the Observat,lon.$eet.~'9n, while one Philippine Army Off~"'.~.d~ 55 U.S. ~ FlYing Cadets W,ill ~~e~ye "high flying 'pea &hooter' PU.l"~t-~J:.; !, training. . ~,I! c.: ,~, This claBB waB scheduled t~ r~.k at Kelly Field on February 26~ ~~ the periOd to include FebruarY.' ~e.ui-l')' was to be utilized for proc~ell~ .~udents, etc., with flying tra, i~~,;,'l, ' slated to begin on March lst.:,,",!)r.P!d\14';" tion ]):I.yfor this class ba8bG~U;lf',.1i~ tatively eet for lda3 31, 1939.. Md.:th'O Kelly FIeld Correspondent expreUe8: the hope that Old Sol will glv~ ':th,,' 18, section of the country a break bY.h8,llging around, thereby affording this .' claBB an opportunity to complete i.ta: prescribed course and allotted .fly.ilJlg' hours in record time." ' '., -
u:.. ~.:
.:, ,'~.:
.. .: '
speclal refresher course of '1nstnl.ction for Air Corps Reserve officers at the Air Corps Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, on dates and in t'b".,L specialized branches of aviation indicated, and were aBsigned to, .tb:e':s~ tions shown after their respectiy.e :names, viz: .. il,c~J ' :BOmbar~t :i.",' ,.1,,;. ---000--Fred M. Adams. 31, ~ank" Call1'f-,'~' Jon A. Laird, 30, W~~J Texas;;11y.!U!:: The construction of the two new barJ.H. Mueller .. 28, Segw.n, Tom.,2and: racks in the Flying Cadet Detachment Luther E. ThomasJ.29, Austin~ra...',. area at Randolph Field Texas, is, to ' on February 4, l~39, and to . ,tDtl outward appearances almOst co~leted. Field, CaUf. .,f'oj r.c:' .. The east ba.rracks l 11 be completed and 'II A~aCk': .)j r . .turned over officially by the contracter Don D. Cascio", ~ Staten Islan,' d\~, .: about March 15th, the News Letter Cor, N.Y., January 2tsth, returned :c.irll'. respondent believes. The west barracks, II life i Joseph R. DeLaume, 27, Port .. ' >,' started about forty da,ys later than the Arthur, Texas; Robert H. Monroe,.:M, first, is maintaining 1 ts relative prog- . LOBAngeles, Calif.; and Charle'B J..: ;,.'. reS8 and shOUld be available for occuwatt!" 33, Detroit Mich., on hbi"Uar1; l pancy about May 1st, next. 21, 939, and awa ting orders." ' .'~":;:'.;,'., ---000--Pur suI t ~:) ~;_,~"l ,: John A.H. Miller, 35, Coffeyvil1.~ ,: Kans., and Lewis M. Sandere ,3l, Qf:~. ( Continued on Page i 7) \,:L; ,jc C. V~7986~:A.a:
j,;.'. .: :.
GUAT~ AIRMEN VISIT PAl~.AMA CA1~AL ZONE His only living parent, Dr'. T. S. 'u]... e,:Proxmire. resides at Lake Forest. Ill. "Lieut. Proxmire's vacancy will be .~~ 'utplanes of the Guatemala Air most difficult to fill," declares the Foree'!lAnded at Pa! tilla Point Jdrport near-.P!i1am&. City at 1:45 o'clock on the Selfridge Field Correspondent, Hand he will be miSled by the whole field aftU1l00D' of February 9th. The flight, undel'~:~e commandof Colonel Henri as well as the 27th Squadron." M&fJQt .as on a good-will tour of ---000--C_tn!l America and bore a melsage from NAVIGATIONRAINING T FOR INSTRUCTORS Gen_~l<l..Torge Ubico, President of Guate.~D&l~, 't<-. President Arosemenar of Panama .~'!1'h~~t~malan Squadron flylJlg five In the interim between claBsel at the 'W&eO'!,t>iplanesnd five Ryan monoplanes, a Air Corps Primary Flying School at -~me-t: in the vicinity of Rio Hato and Randolph Field, Texas, almost one hund'R"e()~:to the Panama. airdrome by the red instructors and other permanent 74t.hrA'tt'ack squadron led by Lieut. personnel departed on navigation i ~t~ Willis H. Ha e. After circling flights as part of the annual War De.~f8il_$,ty, the planes landed on th~ partment Training Directive. ~~~. Where an array of officials Practically every Air Corps station ~~r;;.,1ihl :Republic and of the canal Zone, in the Uni ted States will have been Arrri!fJ O'ffi.:ce, and diplemats were gather-, visited by at least one Randolph Field rs ed to meet them. Later the fliers were :BT~9between February 15th and March t es;btw'te4 'to the Union C ub in Panama. 10tht when training will be resumed on C1ltt:J lll*re they were the guests of the Primary Stage. DeBtinations a8 far FOr&1gh,nnister Garay at luncheon. distant as Pearson Field, Vancouver - ,ron ,'ttle"'following ~, the Guatemalan Barracks, Washington' :Boston Airport, offica:te' C, alled on the Governor of the Mass., and Chapnan Field, Florida.L were ~f1'l~one~ the CommandingGeneral of on the clearances issued by Post uperath-.;,Psama Canal Department and the tions Office. ~iD\g General of the l~th Wing. The instructors on the Basic St88e I~.Ute'!-oVeni~ they were guests at 'I found it necessary to curtail their tlalJbbmevof Colonel Hale, Comnanding flights, due to the coumencement of - &:t1!1c'e'tG1"' Albrook Field, where they I student training in that department on were presented to the officers of the February 25th. PO&tJ. nA,'&nce was held in honor of the ---000--V:1a1:ti1hg cfficers at the Officers I Club, Post of Corozal. The planes had been StUdents ~~lete RefreSher Course flown from the conmerclal airport to 1 Con nued trom Page 11). AlbrookF).eld in the late morning. 'I . The third day of the rid t was taken I' San Antonio, Texas, on January 28th, up in sight-seeing. In the evening the and to Selfridge Fleld Mich. v1s1 tors attended a dinner dance at the I There were a total ot 24 Reserve ofVnion:~~b. Early the next morning, the ficers trained at Kellv Field during :.lan.,i ,took off for San Jose, Costa Rica, the period of instructlon of the regu.'o~~~ftrst leg of the flight home. lar class of students (No. 39-A). It r :,,:i, :', ..: ,', ---000-..... , is anticipated that an additional 18 ';- I,.', ,1.)" Reserve officers w1l1 arrive at Kelly ._:!L~~; }1WXMIRE PLUNGES HIS DEATH ~~~:e s~~ri;~t~c~~~~e TO a similar Qo;~~uary 19, 1939, Second Lieut. ---000--Magmt8L::B~ .Marks, Air Reserve, of the 17th Pursuit Squadron, Selfridge Field. PURSUITERS REGRET DEPARTURE P:B-2A'S OF Mich~'- saw his c~lI11panlOnnd very close a friend:-~:_! seeond Lleut. Theodore S. Prox- I "Very shortW," declares the Corresponmue~: Jr~1 Air Corps, of the 27th Purdent of the 3Gth Pur sui t Squadron, sui1.t'.S~on, plunge to his death in ! Langley Field, Va., "we will Loae our hilil".p.ltiJie.into the Lake santa Fe, Fla. I old friends, the P:B-2A's, which have l,ie.ut;;:'Ma,rks made a forced landing stood by us for wore than two years. We nearby in his endeavor to render aid. are sorry to see our faithful steede but ,to ~~ avail, in spite of the crowd leav~ u., and hope that they are treatthatbhaa;formed at the Bcene of the aced Wlth respect 1n their new home at clCten'J e.fterwards to try to recover the I'Maxwell Field. The new P-36A' S, .rebody.v'!) . placements for the P13-2A's, are Just B&~h.p11ots were ~nroute to Valparaiso,111ke new one-year old colts, alw8B Fla.4 t~cm'Jacksonvl11e, Fla., to Join wanting to kick up their heels and get t~.,',J'1~.t Pur sui t Group, which was engoing. Everyone 1s well pleased and gaged in.both aerial and ground gunnery hopei that we have room for all of this practice. , expansion in the Air Corps, so our UiUtT,~~oxm1re was born on August 29, ~8teeds can have a roof over their 191:5', Hie attended the Hill School at heads. It Pottsto1Q)'; Pa.; Yale UniversitY and ---000i g~~~~ from Randolph and Kel y Fields. -~ V-7988, A.C.
La.t1g, Donald Washburn Falls City. Neb. SChwartz. William Brooklyn, N.Y. Okl-\....:....;,'"'ei,iil,r a.. )OOJ;a. Since- the ~ublics.tion in the F ebruary 1 ti s- Trosper. s Ear 1.lJOS eph aM~ 'l'Q. .s.'f'}...r,l sue of the Au Corps News Letter of the list of Wilson, Rioherd Rupe ...... ~ v ..,,'iji "'!L1 I;A candidates selected by the Chief of the Air Schaller. Otto Henry Okmul gee-;? Okla. Corps for appointment as flying Cadets, to be.... Williams. WilliEll!i Frederick Pittsburgh. Pa.. gin training at the PrilI81'Y flying School. Ban- Hill. Geers-e Dourian". Y'ed~ Pat dolph Field. Texas, on March I, 1939, 59 of Larson, Nih Rodney Provid~~~ I. these young men, for various reasons, chief Tyler, Charles Matthew ChaitleS'tW,T$.:C. arrong which being their inability to In"!,lIt the Oliver. Harry '1'.HaiIIIlUr;;'I$<C. m:mkey wrench from the grasp of ''Dan Cupid, II Boatwright, L.T Jr. Ridge SprUlg."'S.C. d&Clined such appointment. Married men are not Milner. Robert Rutherford MemphtSi '.Tenn. eligible under the regulations for appointment Black. Harry Gean Ge.l~t:ito'tJ.,;11'e:xas as Flying Cadets. but Cupid bides his time and McKemie. Jack F. H~.' T~ manages to exact some measure of revenge when Byrd, Hilton Homer lCl1~~;'T~ Flying Cadets graduate from the Training Center FairbaDk. John Griffin sea.").~~i.1rash. and are conmissioned in the Air Reserve. As a Franz. J. Howard . ~r~~~/W~'Va. result. the marriage license clerk in San Iawson, James stenger Mor~ Antonio is generally a busy individual arouxd Griffith. Fra:ck T. st.Al~.~. wr.Va. graduation time. ~. s : 'J,; 1 Because of Cupid s activities aIIXlngthe you:og Koonce. Pvt. Swegler HenkleSpiha~e(':'IDC. men who had entertained the hope of UDdergoing Battery D, 4th F.A Fort Bragg,'.W.C,r':fi;:J flying training at the 'Air Corps Training CenCandidates selected for flying:~r~/ "~:~~ ter. there was one instance lfuere an entire h wh ~, . ~ state delegation was wiped off the original pointment. to replace t ose 0 deV)'olr,~_r,' .;~. list of prospect Ive students _ West Virginia. accept same. are listed below, as ~'O. ~ Connecticut's origiDBl delegation of seven t Civilians .. ;~ .,'1'~. l students ~ be.dl,.- dedinated. but one lone stu-I Preininger. Clair B. Los ~~~'~'~f. dent Sherwood Frederick Herren Los ~$,:f ~lf. The oandidates who declined appointment are Jack on 'Daniel Miles South Pa.s$d.ena',. ~f. listed below, as follows: I Lee. swaiter Aloysius New..Ha~~-, '..cimn. Foshee, Ben C;un Red .L~vel.Ala. i Murravr. Burton W. DeFuniak SRnDgst' nat Walls. James M. Magaune. A:k. King, James Neil Ga1~vq.~a,.,e'l:~Fla. Clinch. Downey C. Grass Valley. CaCall~~.Kiser. Marion J.~~.; Pa.Goff. Boyd Matthew Sacramento,1.. Yow Jones duBignon Jr. ", ~999~; ,Ga. P:ice. Jerald Clifton Fort Collins. Colo. Ensign. Lewis FlaXlk' B~dI~o C1.ccalone. Thomas James East Hartford. coun' Sizer, Richard Lucius ~gno.; ~11. Olshesky. John James East Hartford, Conn. Lacey John William Ql?-<JpgQ-y Ill. Granberg. Edwin C., Jr. Greenwich.Conn. Omens' Nornan Harry cqi9~'L:o.1Cavadine. Octavius John N~rth Haven. Conn. Heggy: Edward LeRoy Dive:rnon.Ill. Boetcher. John Edward Stratford. Conn. I Martin. Leonard Melcher N~.~s. SutHffe. Thozms Henry Waterbury. Conn. Atwell Lawrence Austin Wakefield. Mass. Hill. James Wilborn Washington, D.C. Bohn, john W Jr. Webste.:V.~~.!f, Mo. Adams, BeDjamin C. ~on. Gao Brannock, J. Fra.clc Lexil';l.&tQ~.:N-.C. Bevington, Frank: Clark Bo15e. Idaho Davis John Elmer Jr. ~:, ,Oltla. Poulson. Paul Hern:en. Jr. Boise, Idaho I Ale~er. Eugene' S. Still;we.~,p~a. Large. Jackson Douglas Pocat?l1o, Idah0l Peok , Gaillard Bay To~,: .01480. Ba:rikne.D. Jack A. Chicago. Ill. Jowdy ~fiilliam John .Go.~e.Qs;-e. Priestly. Ralph B. Chicago. Ill. I Jack. 'Lewis N. L~do.lflP)L ;Pat Floyd. Harold Marcus Tanelco. Ill. Dorn George Eldred Gre~'J's...C. Swinehart. iku-ion Louis South Bend, Ind. I Chamberlain Charles Henry Fl~er,~ .. -$,oD. Bui,s , Kenneth Leon Terre Haute. Ind, Fletcher W~do Brown Jr. AbU_ ..'.T~xa.s Underwood, Bobert W. Terre Haute. Ind. Beers, ~orge Albert San Ant~~ .';r~~ Eyres, William Gordon ~s, lowe. Noble. Gail Lewis Burl,.i~~' .Wis. Tri3g, William J. Hedr1ck, Iowa. . " c' ;Jd'l c.':'l,., Parsley. Harold Vincent Hornick, Iowa Hall Conway Scott Litt~ ,&C~~j.Ark. Ford. Eugene Matthew West Bend , Iowa Martin. JOml Byrd .",M;~c.rGa.. Steele, Gordon K. Columbus. Kens Porter. Edward f Jr. tll. Lowe. Robert Clyde Wiohita. Kans. I Welsh Albert M. DaltoX+,.CM;lf)coUl. Jenld~, Charles Ft-a:ck Bowling Green. Ky. t Howorth Arthur J~s ' .,,~~r)' ,~. l'razier, Thon:e.s 'fl. Jefferson'l'o'Wn, Ky. Miller 'Richard Ewing Fo~; ~e~:lud. Lensing, William E. Loubville. Ky. Ha.wtho~e. Earl Coe Abil,~neHJN.s. Bymzn, Richard E. Arabi, La. Broidy. Vinton Edward BeJ.t~;rel,_d. Norwood, Albert lI.. Opelousas. La. Kaliher Russell E. ~dji:; Lann. ' :Dow. Thompson Faxon South Portland, Me. DeKin Donald G. "U.1o~,)t.,Y. Sullivan. John G. Brighton. Mass. Sutto~. James Harold ~rlO;trttl,'N..:C. Crust. Robert W. Brainerd, Kinn~ Boyle. Paul C. . i/il,J"gcTN ...:O. Cooke. Chester G~. Jr. Oxford, Miss. Rubi Richard C. ,.,11~to~. Pat Hosford, Jack Cunningham Columbia. I'ark~. Russell Ni,xon Phi,l"el~, ia.!ul'a. McCorkle. Leon Marshall Salisbury. lr'JO. Griffin. Louis G. ~1'I$DJ1f';S.C. Larson. Robert Shemen Thompson Falls. Mont. (Continued on Page 19) ~1s.. V-7988. A.C.
cm.~Qy. ..
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Lee, James A. Brookings, S.D. effective February 20, 1939, relieving Yeager, William Henry, Jr.. SIm Antonio, Texas C61o~1IA.W. Bobins from duty as Chief of the Whitmm, John R. Sweetwater, Texas Mate~ie-l.Division, removedone who during his em, J. Weston Richmond, Va. _ti9~ of- ser~e had become fri end as well as Furman, Robert B. Larsen, Wi s. executive to those with whom Cam:l in daily he Enliste'li Men, Air Corps " co'nt~t, .. . .' As a token of the esteem in which he was' held Pri vates by th" of Dayton, as well as by his aasc- Bedford, Boyce H. lClbile, ~a. eiat~lil.,of Wright and Patterson Fields, a del.. Hqrs. and ffilrs. Squadron; Cba.mJteField,I1l. p,'ti.on'of Dayton civic and. business leaders Proffatt, VictorJ. Los ADgeles, Calif. oesJ.l~JJPO~ Colonel Ibbins to express regret at Hqrs. and Hqrs. Squadron. 7th BoIritlarmn.nt 'his ;lc~ving and wish him future success. 'lha.t Group, Hamilton Field, Calif. . ~,; ~mUe Wright. the first person in hiato1'7 Poplawski, Henry Richard Worcester, Mass. to lift an airplane in powered flight, formed 3":'dAir Basa Squadron, Selfridge Field,Mi~. tme.cOf,ttb.tedelegation, lent to the occasion e.A Culver, Theodore Grant . LiIlCol;l,N&b. added.J~ono,r and dignity. Colonel Robins' new 3d Staff Squadron, Ft. LeaveXlWOrth, Kans. assignment is that of Co~t of the Air Xauf'hold, hade George Haclcensack, N.J. Cortts .T:ro.aining enter, with headquarters at C Base Hqrs. and 2nd Air Base Squadron, 1lai:ffi01~ .rield, Texas. '. Mitchel Field. H.Y. Gol~l' Robins oeme to Wright F1eld asBd8&- Faulkner, GeOl'ge E. lDugene,Ore. dier General, Cllief of the Materiel Division, 1st Weather SquadronDet., Base Ht1rs. Ill:Dd . ();n_Apri~, ~,1935. His arrival was del~ed a . 5th Air Base Squadron, Hamiltolt.Field,Calif. :sp.Q~tt'1;neafter his appointment in order to ' Croom,Wendell C. Kershaw. S.C. ~bl'e: ',JXim to complete his course of study at Hqrs. and. Hqrs. SquadroJl, Bendolih ':~e Army',War College. His four-year appointI Field . Texas. . 'e' t 8.$' grigadier General expired January 31, KriS. Albert ." Sisseton, S.D. .. 939-,;.-Du.:ring ' his years of cClIXDllmd, none}mew I 2nd Weather Squadron, Selfridge F1eld,Mi"ch. im'~.~ DOt impressed with his attitude of 'I Cook, Seth:Rea ~lt Lake City, lJtah fri'eDd1'iiiess toward the personnel of the DiviIUtrs. and Hqrs. Squadron, 7th Bomb. Group. sidh 'and his sense of absolute justice and 'Hamilton Field, Calif. Ia-i~s. Before leaving he sent a. letter of Boyd, James Kenneth Langley Field, Va. ~r&die.tibn to all employees for the coopers.11th Air B<8Squadron, Langley Field. Va.. tion"he ~~ received. It ~s hoped that his f~ Enlisted Men, 6ther Br!pches of Service ,ture-dutJ,es will often. bri~ him back as a SchokDOeCht, tAwar! 'It., Jr. visi't;ei";' ColoIl,el Robins left D~on for his 6th Signal Service ~any, Selfridge hew .po~t. on February_~~~~. Field, Mich.
, I '.'
.. Thecoming of Brige,dier General George H. Brett'" t~e ;:leW Chief of the Materiel Division J1ei'8.ldedby the pleasentest forecasts conP~'Z1g 'him 'as. executive and associate. He bali ~'l':i'~-ends azoongthose with whom he has come lfn cb'ritact on his various visits at Wright Fielll::,i;Also, rn:my civilians at the Division se~li "''*Uierhim from 1924 to 1927, when he wu on d~y ~t Fairfield, Ohio. These have the hi~t:.praise both for his ability ~ his p~r$otlliUty. Many whohave not come 1n contact withh'unQaV6 received the impression of a vigorou!5 and cooperative leader. .. <aJ'th~ '.bole, the :Materiel Division is -ae ~tj.r:eI'.P'oup of officers a.tld oi vUiens who ~be,... ".bho'_their work because they like. it ad ~owfto give the best service in it.' To iebch:e; capa.ble leadership is a blessing. ~the requirements of such leadership, espe.'.~iUly;'-.t the present time, are mst exacting . tiDd.'a11'fibUJ, t to meet is deeply appreciated. .. Th,eD!V'isi<Qnopes that General Brett will fiDd h cheer.ftl1'cooperation awaiting his eve-q need, .. aild, thati'his stay at Wright Field will be a :ha.pp:r'~~. .. GiJ~i<aJ.~J)rett' history, including lin envi.. s'flcord, is too well known to nt4edrevievnng.a,t -thla t~.
According to the latest infomation aw.Uable in the Personnel Division, Office of the Chief of the .A.irCorps, the March 1, 193$, Class at t4e Ail' Corp~-Primary Flying SChool, Randolph Field, T~xas, cOlq>risas a total of 342 stlldents, of which number 291 are from civil life and the reuabdng 51 are tmlisted !DIm of the Regular A.:m\y. -000--WEIGHT FULDENGINEERS HOWOmlD
Wordwas received onFelf:ruart ~st at t11e Air Corps Materiel Division of the awardJf the },(ell'lOdeJ. Medal to two members tbe Division. Messrs. Opis Chenowetham A.L. Berger, as co-authors of a pe:per enhitled "Supercharger Installation Problems." This paper was selected by the Soci~ty of Automoti"{Te Engineers for the honor as Whe wkJn,ing contribution for 1938. The paper was originl:\11ypresented at a meeting of t!le Society on June 14, 1938, at White Sulphur Springs The MarilyMedal is awarded each year by the Society of AutaDOti e Engi~er8 to the author v of the best paper "relating to theory or practice in the design or construction of, 0'1' research on, aeroDaUtio !'Owerplan'tis 01: their -19v..7988 , A. C.
parts or accessories."
Messrs. Chenoweth atld Be~ger are engineers of long standing and wide eXperi8ZJM in the, Power Plant Branch of the Materiel Division, 811d the distinction bestowed upon them was IZOst gratifyiDg to the Division as a whole. Mr. Berger has been with the organization since..1pril 16, 1919, am Mr. Chenoweth since AUSUSt 27, 1923. With this award Wright Field is honored for the third tima in a deede, S.D. Heron haviXlg been the recipient in 1929 for the outstanding paper presented duriDg 1928 on aircraft fuel investipt ions , and F. L. Prescott, in 1932, for a desct'1.ption of his work on engine pressure indicators on test engines. The Medal perpetU!j.tes the 1D!IUlOry of Charles M. MazUy, a pioMer in the adaptation'of the interIl&l combustion engine to aircraft use. The telegram azmounclng the award was sent by Mr. J .A. C. Warner, President, Society of Automoti ve Engineers.
Twelve red-cowled airplanes of the 6th Pursuit Squadron taxied out on Wheeler Field, T.H., recently, and took off by elements, headed for Makapuu Point to initiate . new members in their first inter-island night around. and over the "Middle Islands." A few minutes later,. Ilia hove into view, and it wasn't long tmtil we zoomed over the vast pastures and pineapple fields surrounding Homestead Field on lIhlokai. After landing and taxying back, we took right off to drag the field ailCalaupapa, the home of the leper colony. Flying besides the vertical cliffs, their tops hidden in the clouds, was conducive to illusions. Hundred of waterfalls laid th.eir narrow silver bands on the face of the lush greeMry, hiding the gray and brown- black .---000-lava. cliffs. Soon the cliffs seemed so nee:r that one fel t one could reach out and touch ENLI S1'ED 'MIN CCIclPLErE WEATHER SCHOOL OOURSE them. They seemed like ux>UIJds. One had. to .look at the a,ltimeter twice before believing The third class of the Air Corps Weather that one was well over 1500 feet high and. that School was graduated at Patterson Field, Fairthe clouds above were hidiDg the top of those field, Ohio, on Fri~, February 24, 1939, c0n- friend;ly ''little'' cliffs. cluding a six months' course in mdern meteoroThen came Brant, and one wondered how aDiY'one logy and the allied subjects efme.thenatics and could land on the side of that mountain. Overph}'s1es. shoot the field and - well, one had better be 'l'he three students attaining the highest able to swim. Another few minutes of sea stding were: first, Prhate, ls't Class, Jacob crossiDg, and we were buzzing Hawea Point on Follmer, Little Falls, N.Y.; second, Private, Maul. Then, with the sea on one side and Is\ Class, Thomas C. Cobb, Jr., Nixon, Texas; densely overgrown motmtains and ravines on and third, Corporal August W. Throgm::>rton, the other, we continued on around toHana, ~lold, Ky. wi th UX>re buzziDg to look the field over. Prhate Follmer had four years t prior trainKolekole Peale reared its head above the tow ing 11) Aeronautical ~ineering at the Universtrata: of white cUlD.l1usclouds, so up we si ty of Michigan. He Is beiDg retained at the went. Bare are tb,e occasions when ~e can Weather School as an instructor. fly over Haleakala am examine this kanga:roo Prh ..teCobb had one year's prior trahiingat crater with all its baby craters tucked. into St, Ma:y's University, and will be returned to its pouch. Kellr lield, Texas, as a forecaster. WiOO whistled about our ears as we passed Corporal ThrogJlX)rton is a graduate of Western over, the Sum:ili t House and zoomed down on Teaohets College, and coq;leted two terns at Maalaea. There was just a j"lJlIll or two from the thdversity of Indiana. He is also a graduthere to L8J'Jai, where we brushed our wheels ate r~io operator and radio mechanie of the through the pineapple bush tops to'land in the Air Co"l'psTechnical School at Chanute Field,. first third of the field. Ill. COrporal ThrogntJrton is un4er orders to After a cigarette and a good old seventh report $ot th.e Air Corps TrainiDg Center, Ba,n.. inning stretch, we were off for Oahu and hoo:J6. dolph Field, Texas, for forecastiDg duty. Oahu looked good, too. So the grass isn't Twenty-five enlisted students eompleted the al~s greener on the other side of the fence course. A new olass started on February 27th. or islands.
Fri811ds of Captain Corley P. Mcrsrment, who '1'"etired as an Air Corps officer on September 30,1936., for disabili~y in 'line of duty, will be interested to learn that he was reoently appointed as head of the public speaking department of ColumbQa University's Jtmior College, washington, D.C. . Capt.a.hl !lcl)ument served as aD enlisted man and as a eomadssioned officer during the World War, being appointed a second. lieutenant in the Air Service on August 22, 1918. Following his retirement from acti'v'e servic81 he became a writer and. lectlJre"t.
Special Orders of the 'War l)epartment announce the reI ie! of Lieut. Colonel Cl inton W. Russell, (Air Corps), GeMral Staff Corps,from assigIlllent to the War Department General staff and from duty in the Office of the Chief of Staff., We.shington~ D.C.. , and his assigIllll&nt to the General staf with troops and as Chief of .Staff , GHQ Air Force, Langley Field, Va. Lieut. Colonel Joseph T. McNarney, Air Corps is relieved from assignnent and duty with the 7th Bombardment Group, Hamilton j'ield, Calif., and is assigned to duty in the Office of the Chief of Staff; Wie~Dgton, D.C.
V-7968, A.C.
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The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute information.on aeronautics to the flyIng personnel in tbe Regular jrrrv, Reserve Co.rps. Natlonal Guard, and others connected with aviation.
THE WRIGHT BROTHERS I Ig!EW THEM AS Colonel Frank P, Labm, Air Corpi
duct! aeronauUlal duty in September, 1907, ntro on and direct~d to make not to exceed two It was Jl'I3' pleasure to know the1rlght vis! ts to London and :Berlin for the :Brother's in the earliest daYs of the Air purpose of investigating aeronautios, I Corps, though my first meetIng was lim.:. compl1edwith rrv Orders, extending rrv Ureq unofficial and in no wa::;conneot- investigations to Brulsel. and Fredered with the service. In the ~er of ickBhafen as well then reported to 1907', while recuperating from a long the Chief Signal 6fficer, General Allen illness, I was lying in one of those in Washington, the last of 1907. He beautiful gardens at st. Germain. outdirected me to report to Captain C. deF side of Paris, when rrv father wa.lJted in Chandler, in charl!,;8ot the Aeronautioal the gate with Wilbur and Orville Wright Division of the S1gnal Office which he and there began a friendehip that wa.e to had organized on August 1st of that oontinue for many years. year. Father's first Signal CorPS Specificatione It ~ be interesting to know how my On December 23; 1907, invi tatlons father knew the Wright Brothers. It is were sent out by the Chief Signal Offia rather long story, but briefly put is cer for bide fora heavier th8.n air maa8 folloW8: In December, 1905, while chine of the followingapecifications: living in Paris, he heard a report that carry two persons having a combined the Wright Brothers of Dayton, Ohio. had weight of 350 pounds, sufficient fuel actually flown in a heavier than air ma- for a flight of 125 miles. remain conchine. He cabled to a relative in Ohio, tinuou8ly in the air for an hour with as followsl two persons during wbiph time it must "Verify what Wright Brothers claim, be steered in all directions without neoessary go to Dayton, prompt redifficulty and at all times under per~onse oable." . fect control and equilibrium, after The message was forwarded and deUverwhich it shall return to the starting ed in Chicago in the night, but was a point and land without any cUimage that puzzle. However, m::I uncle vaguely rewould"prevent ft immediatelY8tarti~ called having heard of the Wr1gh t upon another flight; have a speed of 40 Brothers and their flying machine in miles an ho'" in still at.r. wIth a Dayton. so he wired and eventually visit- bonus of lO~ for ever;y additlo~al. mile ed them in ~ton. interviewed witnesses up to 44 and a re~ctlon of 10 of the Of the flights, talked at length with purchase price for every mileelOw 40. the Wright Brothers and made a full rebu.t below 36 it would bei'ejected.. The port in writing to my father in Paris. machine was to be accepted only after This report was presented at a meeting successful trial flights. includ~_ of the Aero Club of France, but it fell presoribed tests of its speed, enuuron skeptical ears. although it did lead ance and all otherrequiremenh 'of the to a violent discussion lasting late specification. Three trials were to be into the night. My father then publisha~lowed for speed and three for endured the report in the Paris .~itlcn of ance, and both tests, the expense of iven the NEW YORK HERALD. where it whicb must be borne by the manufacturer. the heading "Flyere or Liars. II Th. s led were to be completed within 30 ~s to more discussion, more doubt_, but did after deliVery of the apparatus. lead to a direct oontact withthe Wright The machine should be quickly and 13rotheJ"e. So it was natural tha,t when easilyaaaembled and taken apart and they came to Paris in the summerof 1907. packed for transportation in arnw he should Bee them and le~n the facts w8;on'and then reassembled on the first hand.' field and put in operating condition in WashlpgtoQ. 1998 abou.t one hour. It should be able to My next meetingwitb th, Wr1ght Broasc$nd or de8c~nd in a'llf country in Washington. Rayine been de- Countered 1nfleld aervl.cei land1~ tailed to the Signal Corp. tor 'wi thout requiring a specia ly prepared -1V-7993,A.C.
spot and without daJDeg1ng ita structure. The starting device sliould be simple and transportable and another device should be provided to permit safe descent in case of an accident to the propelling machinery. The whole machine should be sufficiently simple to enable an intelli gent man to become proficient in i te use with1h a teallonabh time. and the price of the machine must include. the instruo .. tion bf two men in its handling and oper aUoil; The generai dimensions were to be determined by the manufacturers, who must lubmit with their proposals: (a) Drawings to scale showing the general dimensions and shape of ~he machine they propose to bUild; b) the speed for which it is designe ; (c) total su;oface area of the ,upporting planesi ~d) total weighti ~e) description or the engine used lor motive power; (f) material of which the frame. planes and propellers were constructed. On February 1, 1908, we opened the bids in the Offlce of the Ohief Signal Officer and found the results not only interesting but in many cases highly amusing. One man sent in a rougli sketch on a piece of wrapping paper and said hi s machine would comply with the specifications. Many were unable to meet the requirement of enclosing 10%of the purchae-e price. One of those who failed wrote: "Where there is lOOneythere are no brains, and where there are brains. there i8 no money." He presumably came in the latter class. Of the many proposals received, three appeared reasonable and were accepted by the Board: one from Mr. Scott. of Ohicago, who offered to build an airplane complying with the jeCifiCatiOnS for $1,000.00; one for 20,000.00 from Mr. A.H. Herring, 0 NewYork, who had done a considerable amount of experimenting and claimed he had already made numerous flights. TIie third, for $25,000.00, was from the Wright Brothers. Mr. Scott replied that he appreciated the honor of having his bid accepted but that he c.ould go no further a8 he was unable to finance the construction of his machine. The failure to deliver the Herring machine is a long and amusing story that I will not go into here. Fort ler 1~8 In due time theigAtothers appeared in Washington to arrange th~etal1s and select a place for the demotl.tration of their machine. The drill ground at Fort Idler was decided upon, a shed was erected. the pylon and 8tarting track were set up at the upper end of the 'field and, late in August, Orville arrived with the machine and his mechanic. Oharley T8lor. Here began an in time. te association with Orville which was to continue through the daily tuning up
flighte lasting to September 9th, 1th.eai I had the thrill of ~ first r.:l,'le, ..~_ lasting about six and a half mi:~88)'-~ Major Squier. of the Slgnal~~'S' . ~~ taken up a8 a passenger a felf'~e s. later{ followed on. September l~~'~:-ri\Y frie~4 and associate, Lieuten-tJ.~~-: Selfridge. U.S .4..' . ... <: This !'l1ghtterminated in an\intqr-tUnata ~cident in wh~cb Mr. Wright'was 'ie1+~seriously injured and Lie1lth.Self'ritlge lost his life. the f1rllt 'or-'IDa!!t victims who were to sacrifice themse!Vee in the advancement and perfect!!lmSof _. the airplane. Weput Mr. Wright in ,the hospital at Fort Myer. where ne"l~ for some weeks under the devoted care .of ._ his sister, Katherine, who came, on. frqm Dayton immediately. In my fr~~~~t " visits to the hospital. I came~o'~ .... and appreciate the sterling ~~~e~~rS of this third member of the team 'Wl'iOc-was with them through the v1.'i"~cl~' of those early days, sharing the!r. "v hopes and disappointments. . ..e Fort M.ver. 1909. . . The following summer. 60th WilbUr .!p.).d Orville Wright came to Fort My~r"''''i~'a new machine, followed shortly b:'( . .' , Katherine. and the program of tlie''f,)receding summer was resumed and carrled to a successful conclusion. ',By this time public interest wa~, . ' , aroused to such an extent that, e.,.~ry , afternoon large crowds visi tedJ;h~ :.., field. Prominent visitors were nUe~~ OUSt including President Taft,- ~~mber8 of the cabinet, foreign ambasead,Ors',and military attaches. and many other';p~otninent people of the capital. .' :'-. .: The Wright Brothers had come,~o. -ws.!nington for a purpose, that WfiLBi,tQ e~~plete their contract wi th the' ~'~cnal Oor\>s and deliver their machine ... '.'.~."~. the1r characteristic determinatto!l'~. they stuck to this purpose. !luf 1909' airplane with its maximwns~e~' (),!;~i miles per hour was not 80 man.{~b}.~_'!~': the high winds which mean so -llttltt/~'() our present day machines with t~elr, ' normal speeds of 180 to 250 miles' an hour. Flights were made only'in $ winds and, while large crowd. and. ,h. . officials were often disappointed!' '.' Wrights were adamant in their.~~ s10(1 not to fly unless condi tionswete--.=Juat right. . : ..~-, .,,', Earlier that year. whep Wi~~~r.,a. ' flying at Pau. in southern Fr~ee'l' -:l!l;i~ ' story is told of an American.Jtd:l'l,~i'1~' aire who went there and anno~~.d: lie-' had come to make a flight. ~e~~1iQn4that Wilbur was not taking pa.s.~~ ..Me '. i. ' he replied: "Oh I dare S8 ~~~~~~. l!e arranged. " He ieft Pau wi th,Qli't~V!g his ride. ..' .J') ':-; My collection of photographs dt tnb,e days. Bome29 years ago, ehQ1t~;jtllfBr). that I am sure would provoke-.i..pi,+.eq.! froIn the feminine sex. and ,t~e ~M tj",. while entirely different, ~r~.,tip'l}l~.~ o wonderful than the ones nolt 'I'tOtn-'l)t.. --2V-7993, A.C.
j " .. '
. '" Officer to, a two..~ celebration in epeedteet-i ...... t ~'a>.eris8whlch ilie nation, the state and the Of~.~l.:capt1Veballoo~ . over. a.1'8."city 1'1, shoWing their admiration ~_. ,~~e from-Fort Myel' to.Al1ur.&ndrla, e.nd enth~8D1. for the two pioneers of an . OJf,.i..;Z;l1l,y 30th, L1eu~.':Foul:ai8 9.Sfl1&ht.Speeches, dinners, banda.. pa\~-.e~ ~conpBn1ed Orn.l1e :WJ;:1ght. on radea, and finally the presentation of . .-th,;._~~ trip over this COurS8 t. detbreemedals capped the climax of the te~ne'-the .~offici.alspeed. .We .of the celebration. One medal from Congres8 -~~4r~.d,W:Llbilrstood c;m.theground. was presented by General Allen; one ~f.1'.iQ.' take-oft,.--'watchedttie" machine from 'the State of Ohio was presented 4X'., ~Pt..-r.over the to the south bl--the Gov~rnor, and one fl"om the City &lli~,;.t4tn.wa1ted in .uspenae for'it to of Dayton was presented by, the Mayor. -t'-e&,JlPW . Wilbur "ith a atop watch. The attitude of the twobrothera was had:-,a~~ately calculated ~he exact 100typ;Lca1 thro~hout the two ~8. Their 'JJl,n~..:a)iwP..i.che: expected to seethe ma- pleasure; h the1r appreCiati.on wero (~1~tre~pear coming out of the south pl~in1y apparent but. above all .... uuan4:;,)~~~lt failed to do 80 he, a8 well mode8ty, which might h~v8delert8d them .:~'.t1i~~ ~~st OfUB, palsed a very uneasy under the shower of praise and acclaim, 'fEt~ .. ~t.,.8 .un.tll at last it came in ~ had it not been their, in*to~~ilanded safe~, to the cheering herent qualit~ o :i ~@.. ge' crowd of S ectators. Then . ton. 1911. b86M ~endurance test in which it My next conact.w1th the. Wrights was . Wa.8tM"'jl.,,sure to ride with Orv1l1eone i.n 1911, whe. it was m:f privileg~ to nour'I~~ 14 minutes, a World's record at spend a few days as a gu.estat their thattimEa tor two passenger.. home in Dayton. During this visit I . CoU.e~e.P!Fk.:1909. . was to have anew experhnc8. that of .: ,.~(~J~e90nt~act R8not completed un- piloting an airplane -under Orville' 8 ,~U'+i~WO.r.~.. ..officers M.d been taught to instruCtion. eqUipped w.ith ~ee18 in .. fIY. .~1 )~nan.t Frederick E. Humphreys, stead of the SKids I_e accustoll1ed to. O.~S. .. and _se1.f' were de- ThiS. came in good stead the following s~'M @'l. S the ar11lground at. Fort two years, as three Wright machines . MYer' . s\oo small. we.'8earched the were sent to me in the Philippines, eoun~nr t9r a larger .and more suitable where 1 used them in 'giving l"l1'ing in. fi.~~;.; ~ offers were made and many struction to officers of the .Ar~ in si'Ce~ii'.$fe,visited, but all were reject1912 and 1913.. The 1911 visit waltpere4ePJfH~~cf'rightBrothers as not meeting ~aps. the highlight of ~ aSBociahon ~~~:fJt~iU1,.menta. One daY while making with the Wri~t8 and the one on. WhiCh '~,",b~ B~*d1.BCensionfrom Washington, . I I look back W1 the happielt meD1Orie th -:5lM~e _;;JAYer ~llege Park Maryland. saw C It was a p1cture of the Ameri~an home a.-.n.kellY lo~king'level field, later and family of which we are. so proud. and -~~.@'d 8-f ~Altheground, and eventually it w}lich fosters those CJI:1Sol1tiesthat 'pro_~. ~~tnt~a from the 0WI?-erBnd became a duoe the typical AmeJ"icanci tizen~ the our,\_~"in1Dg ground. one who places culture, fainily, fr1end. ,-~9n OC~R~~r5th, we.moved in, built a and ~he higher things of life above the tiUe~,~tr.:~~e machine, set up the pylon triv1al and passing interests Wh1chwe &A4::Jr~PlF,and Wilbur began our pilot are inclined to e~erate in this 8&8 t~il~~_ A.t the end of about .three of materialism. hqlr~lcf . :--'1, we were turned loose and ... ~ awreeiaUon, . 9 ;t1rat so~o flights. ... few dqs The quest on waaolteX,l put to me: ~tet,~:':" ~~ even considered qualified ."Which one of th.e two brotb.era re&l~ to:1~~~.p.a.seI!8ers and d1d'so, taking invented thea. irp1ane?1r lqanBwer 11 L~~}1F.,' ,,,t of the NaVY' m:f victim as ne1 $er one" but the woworldng tor;q.lA ~.. ~~t aroun~ the field. gether, checklng each other,argu!ng .;Y:Ll~~.,~8 a pahent and understanding out theirprobleIIls step by step. t~~O~t always readY to explain anrorv,ille once expressed '1 t when be Ii. , e ..... ~d .not und8r~tand, alwqe said theY' would--s'tart to thrash out a ",a ,t~ help us, to make easy our . question. one arguing on: onedde,&nd vep~F~ ;~!1to this new field which was one on the o:Gher, and bet'.are they. t~~By {,QCl.,l~~l understood~ anyone at .isbed they_hs.~c~~d8'1des 1n the ar-. tAA~:' ~~ . :' .Be~ween fU ts and in. ~he gum ent. 'lhey ap.p:t()~chedall their eVc}~M.~. ~li.a (1 long ta B on avtahon. f':B. pro ()blsms from ~. str1c.tly- Bcientific an. d in~~~, on the Wri~t machine i~ imath~tical. angle. never leaving any~ f:....p.1t;+~._.~andon.h.e .. uture ot&vi&.. t f '. ~1n&:oin doubt. one Of. them '.once ~ ~11J' ing. and, !hlle we had great .said: IIIf we lmew what was wrong. we R~.eae~ '. n itBfutUre, .I adId.t that could eventual find the Bolution~ II our wi! .dream '~.d1d not forese. e .. The.~eate8t. dlff~cu,ltY was in: tind~ s$~~l1 ~e~~,~afety, car1'Y'~ capacity '.d out Just wbltt W&awrOD&...1'hatb~lng. , ' lON.r . -of the,19~ei1Pe or airplane. bac;:.k rather amu81'!1g. It.l1.ncidentthat a 00"'.l!'".celebr ion 1909 ~red at Jort Myer durlng the 1909 08 3'V s .0 on an e flighta, . ':Several 'times the airplane t r,~me came in. 9091 when IaccQID- ,was P'lt. oni te cradle. on the track. the a~'l-eral A~len,the uhlet S1cn&lmotortpeeded up, the weight released, .~ .." .,.':' -3V-7993, A.C.
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end of the airplane BO that we can go and the machine shot ferward end left the track only to lose speed end come to back to our experimental work." ----~' the ground. Finally, Wilbur end Orville ----Ed. Note: !he cover featuring this left the crowd, went out on the field by themselves, put their heads together and issue of the News Letter embodies the evidently were having a profound discue- reproduction of a photograph of the sion. Somewhatawed, we remained at a Wright airplane at Fort~r, Va. i in he year 1909. Lieut. , Cava rye distance to watch the proceedings, think now Colonel, Air Corps is shown i.n ing 1t was something very serious and ~rant of the airplane with Mr, Orville technical. Finally, one of the brothers Wright, while Lieut. Foulois ,now walked over to the machine, looke d at Major General, U.S. Ar~, Retired) is the spark lever and saw that it had shown at the rear of the plane with slipped baCk due to lack of friction, slowing the engine down and causing the the late Wilbur Wright. machin, to lose its flying speed. It ---000--was all so simple when they found the PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN difficulty, but I can imagine their ex- UNUSUAL NIGHT periments were full of just such occurATRANDOLPH FIELD rences. The Wrights nev~r made a:ny extravagant What is believed to be the first night claims for What their'.machine could do. aerial photograph ever made of an airIn their first and unsuccessful negotiaplane in full flight was released ra. tions with the War Department and in cently by the Public Relations Office the later ones which finally ied to its at Randolph Field, Texas. Manypicpurchase, they asked only for reIIIWlera- tures have been made at night, both by tion based on performance and were ready Ar~ photographers as well as by comto demonstrate its capabilities before mercial photographers, which show an receiviDg a penny in payment. airplane either landing or taking off Simplici ty and order marked their pro- in the illumination furnished by the ceedure and their lives. The camp at field floodlights, but a picture taken Kitty Hawkwas a wooden shed large at 3 000 feet above the airdrome on a enough to house the machine and their mooniess night had never been attempted living quarters, and a photograph of the before, according to the available ininterior shows 1t was a model of which formation. any housewife might feel proud. A.t times The equipment used to make this unthe nights on the coast of North Carolina usual view was a sta.ndard commereially were cold, but they were well Bupplied manufactured camera, a flash bulb synwith bedd1ng. They had their own expres- chroniZing attachment and one flash sion for temperature; that is, a "one, bulb, also in general use by newspaper two or three blanket night," depending on photogral?hers. Three negatives were the thermometer reading. made the flight, all of which No question put to them, however unim- were satisfactory from a techni~al vie~ portant it might seem, failed to have point. . careful consideration and a well thought Private,lst Class, Air Mechanic, out answer, and you ~ be sure we asked Leslie W. Bland, of the Randolph Field ma.ny questlons. Photographic Department, was the photoAs stated before, the Wright Brothers grapher, and Lieut. Hugh O'Daniel, an were primarily scientists, interested in instructor, was the pilot of the BT-9 the conquest of the air from a scientific which was used as e. photo plane. Lieut. point of view and not at all from a mer- L.R. Hughes, also an instructor at the canary angle. When, in 1905, they had Primary Fly1ng School, piloted the flown their machine sufficiently to satplane whiCh was photographed. isfy themselves it had reached the prac---000--tical st~e, thef stopped further work and set out to d1s~ose of their invenSpecial Orders of the War Depa.r~ent, tion, not to the h1ghest bidder but to recently issued, announced the promoreliab-re-organizations or associations tion of Captain Donald R. Goo ch, Ail Qri that would exploit it for the common Corps, to the grade of Major (tempora~ good. Here was a new and revolut1onar~ from February 1, 1939, and of Lieut. invention that was to mark the beginning Colouel Harold A. Straus~, Air Corps, of a new era in transportation, a new to the grade of Colonel \ temporary) , factor in our economic life, and while I -from March 9, 1939. doub.t if aJ;lYone,inc luding the Wright $, . _ fully realJ.Zed just how important it was _war Department Special Orders also to become and the relatively short timeaknounce the retirement from active within whiCh it was to prove itself, I qb- 'i~vice, to take effect July 31, 1939, know that to the Wrights it meant agre8;~'10f Colonel Alfred H. Hob , Air COl1'81 ley deal more than merely a means to finan! upon his own applica.tion, after more cial success. A pertinent remark of one .! than thirty-five years' service, ..under ~f them has always remained in ~ mind: the provisions of Section 1243, Revlse< I Wewant to finish up with the buslne.BS Statutes .
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:the ,'tme convertedth:e GHQ Air Force into ~~a1'~. M.the effective.all-'Weat"her unit it is .An4re'tr8as Commanderof~e Generai' today. Its splendid organization and Headquar~ers Air Force~ ,On that date he state of training, and its readiness turned9verto hie succI or. MaJor~nto go into action on a momentts notioe, era.l Delo-s,C~ :Bmmons., a.w.ll ... organbed~ are tribute. to a wise administration amoothly-operating uni.twhlch, four years and courageous leadership. . ago, e:ds~ed only on papel'. '. , . Hii clear concept of air defensfJ led Conceived by the DrumJ30atd 1n 1933, Gener~l ~drew8, from the beginning of and authorized byCongre8s1n r~.ponse b1s regime, to champion the cause of to. the urgent recon'lnenda,tions of the ' the large military airplane of the Boa.rd beaded by the latt,t Honorable Newton four-engined typo, the splendid per .. n.Baker t the GH~,Air Foree combined in formance of whlch duriIlg the past year , one, tactlcal figlitine: unit all of the has clearly indicated its futw8 im.Army'Bscattered comoat Elov1ation in the portance in natiC!nal defense. Continental United States. It placed On every occasion General Andrews has under the commandof One man air units fought for principles which he believed which up to that time had been operating to be vital to the proper developnent under tlle nine COrps J.rea commander.s. of the nat1Ol1ts air power. Yet withal, Bailed &s the greatest step forward in he has exhibited a soldierly reltraint military aviation in th1scountry since and di~ity whi~h has WOn for him the the World War, the existence to~ of admiration of his contemporaries and thiBcoordinated and integrated combat respect .of h1sseniors. Asa result, air unit is a tribute to the wisdom of he has been instrumental in obtaining those whfurged its creation. . recognition of air force requirements It stands as a monument to the ability and principies which have le.d to betand leadership of General Andrews, the ter. airplanes, facilities, and personnJ&n selected by General Douglas ne.l; and .ee a better general underMacArthur, then Chief of Staff of the standing of the problems of modern mil. Army. for t1\e task of organizing and i tary aviation. 'buildin& ~ this new unl't of the Air A.graduate of the Military Acade~ Corps. 'Chosen ~ver many seniors because in 1906, General Andrews' fir, st service of outstandiugand ~IDOn8trated abil- was with the. Cavalry . Since his transi ty as' an organizer and acbnini8trator, .fer to the A1r 'Corps 1111917, he has General A.ndrews assumed'a.t the outaet aeerved in ~important 'executive ce.. p'ersonal leadershi12 Ofth, e GH,:Q,A1r Force \'P, aci ties. In, 19M,he was, detailed to which hehaa s.teadIastlymalnt8.1tl'ed, . ,the War Department General 'Staff, and t,hrO, ~hO,' t his tour of dUty a, S ,its Chief]',!, .t,'.,' ,8 while ser,Vi,ng i,nthis u capacity a lead,ershlp whiLchhas .... rved &s, an in... as a.Lieutenant Colonel that he was ;8Pirat, ion ,to the Of,i, aeraan, d ,man of h,i,' f selec,te~ to, cornnan, th~ newly fO,me"" d r command. The heterogen.eous as~ortment. Gene,ralHeadouarters A1r Fo.rce. " 0,: Uncoor41nated unitst:urned over to him " ..General. Andre~., .has" an able ,succes.80r on March 31. 1935, haa been transformed in B;r1gadier~n8ral Delos C~. l General EmIOOnsas Comnandin.g-E!nIn9ns. into a compact and splendidly efficient .General combat te~t a un'it whose tra-ining durof the F.1rstWing .for .thepa$t, i:ngthe past four yeal"s has been eucha.; years, has had an opportun1 ty,'jecond vastly-to change the modern concept of only to that of General .A,ndrews, to obmilit~r aviati'on.8erve 'and ad,minister to the growing General .Andrews pel',,80nall1has taken a pains of the GHQ. Air Force.. Hebrlngs J.,ading .p~ti.n: ~he developmen.t of modem with him to his new office a. wealth of standards of flyJ.Dg, andhl, oarly expersonal experience 1nthe inner .in instrument fly1ng,which at lngB of tactical air command,,of all that time seemed to be unnecessat'ilY types and an intimate understanding of haz'ardOuQ undertakings, now appear In : the problems which remain. to be solved tl1ei1" :~rue n~ht:as pioneet"'ing nece8sary lin.national air defense., " to a, type, of f4r~ng Wh,i.Ch a@JnOWbecomelGr4s:d'uatingfr.omthe,MilitarY"ACademy h commonplace. During .his regime as Oom- 1n 1909, General Emr,non.sW8.s flrstasmand1ng Qenera~ of the, GHQ; Force,: signed to the Infantry. He itt. one of 9'ener"al.A.n,dre,WB, .inaddi,Uon to' hi, 8 arthe veteran Army pilots, f,or his .aer. ,,dUOUB adm1n1strative duties' :has fonndvicew1ththe Air Corps b~an 1n Janut,im, t"OP11o:t 'biso.wn fleg'hipatota~ e 'arY,191?, when h~ began his flying of some l500hoU1'l1J, almost half of wh1ch training at the S1gnal Corps Aviation have been a.t night. " '.' : School at San Diego, .Calif . The brilIt wa.s no,t d,ifflcult .for IUch a ~omUant lea.dership and .scuad jUdgment exman,' "der, to eat, ,v.p,~,g"h.tu1n~ng '.o,'bjee-, "bibl,~, ad during.al1man,~uv,rB invo;]"yi.~ tiveB. Thtt6X'liUlP:Le'ofhi. p"".~na-lex,;.:thelst 'Wingh&vegaii'J6'd'for General' p.rience popula.r'lz~da Btrenu()uirou"ne ltIDmOnathe respect of the .Air corpe and of tra1niDg whiah4n a .remarkablyshort the.A.rar1. -5V-799~, A.C.
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ANNUALIFLE MATCHES 46TH SCHOOL R IN Sq.DNiVICISSITuDESOF AIRPLANE TRA.~ IH THE PHI:LIPPIliES. The 4th apnual small bore rifle ~d pistol matdhes for the Steve' s TrOtl~ '~ing the tecl;lnt zrianeuvers in the were held ,recently in the indoor rl ~ PhilippIne ~partment, Major.Gene.ral , range of the 46th School Squadron a Jblin lr. HUghes, in order to lIave,,~out Randolph Field. Corporal C.W. Jones, two hours' time traveling byal1t.Q~P,11e, firing three courses - rifle, prone; elected to make his trip to ~n.8~$~t::~e rifle off-hand, and pistol - was the ' troops on maneuvers 1t1 an .A.1lIPhib~4n, d,irwinner with an ~egate score of 257 plane. One of the OA-4' s waB~al1,se~out of a possible 300. The new championviced and ready for him when:hei'&tr~yed dethroned Corporal Norman G. Hower . 1aat at Nichols Field, accompanied ~tb~~; year's winner. Corporal Ho'!'eT f l nishAssistant Chief of Staff, G-3.:~8#~~by ed second. three points behand with an his aide. ,,~:'~' ,;:, ~egate of 254 out of a possible 300. The General was given the -hl)ni>~$~t Sergeant Paul H. :Banghamwas third with alongside the pilot, and tw.e~:t.~riitnm. s e a sccre of 246. later they w~re circling the ': '. ';-,8..': ,;' The Steve's Troph1' is presented annuwhere he deslred to land. The., l$inbDt;l ally by Master Sergeant calvin T. Steven stakes of the fish traps wel'e' ~e~n,;ly Bon for cOtllpetition by members of the all Over the water, but finatlY :the' 46th School Squadron, Randolph Field, on pilot found a place where t,he'f. 'A' ~if..~,a. their 50-foot indoor rifle and pistol no stakes, but just as he wa~-~~~~~.o range. It was first offered into compe- set his plane down the Genera.);' ij1"4~ed tition in 1934, and since that time has out some more stake8 under, th. ~-il.~'.:<he , become an annual fixture. circled and finally e.,tt..e~Rd):i.. All firi~s conducted strictly a.csafe landing.'>,~-~, ., <';; cording to Regulations and also ' 'The landing was made about'., - );f:r:~)Ut rules as promu gated by the National in the water. due to the t1~;; :~'out, Rifle Association. For both the prone and there was about half am~,.' ,-,pfnt\ld.. ; and off-hand rifle events, caliber .22 ~ tidal flats. A large b~anda:'-: _~d target rifles are used, while competiby four native oarsmen, co" ~'~y a tore may use e1ther .22 pistols or Major of the Q:ua.rtermaster CO" ... ::t1iih .22 caliber target pistols on standard outriggers and all complete~ .p.'d4~. fd, to -. t U. S .ArmY caliber .45 automatic frames the side of the airplane, anq. ,'Gsi,i'.e.ral in the pistol events. Hughes and his staff' lef~ the. ;AWP'p.1bian IndivIdual competitors are charged for I for the banca, The banca wa:a,.tf~:a4.l,e~ the a.IIIlIWlition used both in matches and over to a carabao cart. which ha.d"been also in practice. while the range itself, backed up in the water to its axles, constructed in the basement of the and the three officers left the banca squadron barracks, i IS maintained through for the carabao cart and were transfunds supplied by the 46th School Squad- ported slowlY to the automobile waiting ron Rifle and Pistol Club. on the far shore. Another trophy, known as nThe Squadron Despite the several meant3,(}f tra.nsCommander's Trophy," also offe;red annuportation employed, the Getle,~,1.t111 al1v, will be competed for, durl~ the I saved about two hours' travel~llll~~ .' manth of March. General skill an the ---000--'. use of both rifle and pistol in various' posi tions will be needed by the winner. \ R~]UNDSTO TELE.PHONE USERS'IN DAY'1'0N f Events in rifle, prone; rifle-kneeling;;'." ',; rifle standing; pistol slow fire, and ~ne St~te Courts of Ohio ~eC~~t~.' pistol rapid fire are carded. Individumade a ruling requit"ing the 9;h~~,:B,en al medals for the winners in the various Telephone Company to make cett~.noverclassifications also will be offered. p8lUent reimbursements to re1l1~~t. ' In connection with the co~etition for telephone uaers of Dayton and 'O~d. the Steve' B Trophy, Corporal Hower won Ohio, for the period January 1,~"19~. the rifle prone medal wi th 97-100. Cor- to include Deceiaber; 31, 1931..':" 'l'p,if( . poral Jones with an 83-100 in the offamounts to about 75 cents petmonth,j>er hand won the medal for that event. while telephone, or about $30.00 for 'M ,offiPrivate Albert L. Malok captured the car who lived in either of the'~Wv~ pistol series with an 80 out of 100. cities during a tour of dutyot rb~ ---000--years at Wright or Patterson Fi;~lds. To obtain a reimbursement. 'e~ch of,fiTwo noncommissioned officers of the cer should make a written orp.ersonal ~lr Corps were placed on the retired application to the Ohio :Bell~Te:'t~ph01le list. effective February 28. 1939, viz: Ccmpany, ~ton, Ohio, stat~ng'Bt~~t Technical Sergeant Joseph Caminske, 19th addresses and the approxima:~e ,,~te~:-of Pursuit S@Adron. at Schofield :Barracks. residences thereat.,. ..:,: T.H., and 1st Sergeant Clarence A. The officer at wright Fieldv():IQ p~l1Hanmer. 77th Pursuit Squadron, GH~Air ad attention to the above sta.t'e1J~~',ha.s Force. at :Barksdale Field. La. over $19.00 due. which shoul.d bUy ,,~~e ,baby (age 18) a couple pairs' of ~;q~s. -6V-799,;3. c;.'. ~
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:,.':#t~fi>ract1cab111 ty of 1:t,1rcraft as a would be least ,subjected to jars ~d "~.nJ.e~80f safe ,and speedytraneport ...tion . rough handl1~ was desired. The au"');>f'.' if :r_l1eeqUi~ent .... .. -'8' d.emon.strated' ,po lane was decided upon as the chosen . 'Lt~Qent~ ;.lnthe ,fl1ldlt- from California ,:carrier . . ;~9~J;Q8~on, Mass ' o'ftht new experiment"ArraagementB were made w1 th the U.S . . '8.].!"Klistron" radLo tube, developed at Arm:! .Air Corps interdepot transport $t~ord Univers1 ty. service to pick up the tube and equ1p'~Pl'an:s'h8.dbeen made to conduct demon- ment at Moffett Field, Sunnyvale,CaUf., 'Mra-tieD flights from 'the kat Boston From there it was flown to Patterson ..'. '.l-pOrt~ Boaton,Mass., during,theweek Field, 0., via Sacramento, March Field '''~eb~y 27. - Mareh 4 for repreBentaand Duncan Field, Tex. At Patterson .tiV.~,~. r'i.o.f.the Civil Aerona:.:utiCBAuthority Field the. equipment was carefully un': 'th~Jrt~" ~ and the Massachusetts Inloaded and transported to Wright Field .~ 8~~~; 5>f Technology. by .A.rrrq truck, Where it was reloaded .,~e ~e, still in the experimental aboard the Aircraft Radio Laboratory _~~:Of:.<levelopment, is a sensitive and airplane. From:Wright Fhld the e~p.'rA1~l1l;8,fU"ticle and requires considerment was flown. directly to Boe.tonand '~'bl'~~P9ciated equipment, such as power delivered safely to the MaBsachusette .~;Ltr: .Yoltat;e regulator and high lnsti tute o~ Technology officials. At v;ac-. -pump. It is capable of generatthe conc Iuafon of the demonstration ,1(U",ge, powers on extremely high fre:flights in :Bos~on, the "Klystron" was ,g;, .',1$fit:.8lld'!Iill eventually be used, 1t agaIn placed. aboard .the Aircraft Radio :;~s' ,~;ve'd, Jon solving many present Laboratory a1rplane and returned to . '~).r.~~,. ,pro~lems, such as those conWright Field. . 't!.~:th lnstrument landing systems, At each 'unloac;ling ofthetlKlystron" 'so~~".altimeterB, and marker beacon tube from the airp;Lane, the equipment '. ". .' ~ tt~rs. When:packed for transporwas found to have suffered no daln8&e .....:... ; ~.i.PJ!~'_.q,tlle total. we1.ght of this equipfrom Vi. bration, .jars, or haZar.dB. :..,-~, ,:000 pounds. . It is believed tliat no other method of ":,;; '." .~lle. 'of the tube's fragility, : the transporta. tion .atpresentavailable ti1i, .$":~:r transportation in which Jot could have offered such 'quick and safe '. : ~';,-.:' transportation 'Bervi.ce.
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NONdOMS. HONORED ONEVEOF RETIREMENT 20-hour inapections, thirty-.two 40-hour inspections and two 80-hour ',i~8pectionB. ~ St~ Party to celebrate the retireOn numerous occalions indiv~[s ment of three Bolling Field noncommishave expressed their appreci~~ion ~f sioned officers, staff Sergeants Hugh the efficient manner in whlch~t~e1~~ Du:ffy, Thomas~. Standeven and Joseph airplanes have been;~tht\:~J '.i' Mathleso:n, was held at that field on the Transient ~ircraft Hangar Crfnr;".::3.. ~:.: evening of February 27th.. I ---000--,:: . '?7 ~~:.', The exerciSes were opeJl.edwith the in-j .~. r.:; troduction of the CommandingOfficer, GENERAL FRANK INsPECTS18THPURSUIolf'-': Lieut. Colonel F. E. Gallo;v8, Air Corps GROUP. :"0':11 by Warrant Officer Charles Maylon. I . J~-'f.: Colonel Ge.lloway gave a short talk, .in Brigadier General Waltar H.,,~anki,:. which he congratulated the retiring non- ~ir Corps, Commandingthe 18~LWi~;,,-; commissioned officers on their records Air Corps, witnessed on FebruB.'J:7I~ " in the service and their retirement. He all aerial bombing and gunnery ~rion.' then introduced the Chief of the Air p,erformed by the 18th Pursu1:~' ~J:i~' Corps! Major General Henry H. Arnold. Wheeler Field, T.H., against'~' . DUr ng General Arnold's talk, he men- raft targets anchored sever8!l, '~Jl~IOU.t t10ned the ~ir Co~s Expansion Program at sea. After dropping their.-=DO. DOreti~ and stated that the intention was to the Pursuit pilots returned 'ioL~fI't4j double the number of airplanes, officers the targets with machine gun ;3:,,'tV and enlisted men, which would mean pracWhen the flight returned to,:rwaHle;v tically a complete reorganization of the Field, the planes were lined''W'~%f';:; Air Corps. General ~rnold congratulated inspection of the combat cr~w~,b1'::,:8 the ret1ring noncommissioned officers, General Frank, who was accompaniI4,:,'it and on benalf of the Bolling Field perColonel William E. LYnd and sonne 1 presented each with a beautiful --000--... ,,.:. Hamilton watch and chain. . .i: .rv. Lieut. Colonel William Ord Ryan, Air EFFICIENCY STREAMER FOR19THPlm'$U[T Corps, who until recently was the Com'\.('\'.~: mandlng Officer of Bolling Field also At a ground review, given at' ,Se)la-. spoke briefly and congratulated ihe non- field Barracks. T.H., on Feb~ '3,,'. coromi sioned officers. s 1939, the 19th Pur sui t Squadr'ofi,: ere-el vr .Among others present were Major ed the Efficiency Streamer fe>'f! t>e~' Charles P. Prime, Executive Officer; the mOst efficient squadron in b~f'18th Captain H.M. Turner. CommandingOfficer Pursuit Group during the year .:1.g32~of the Base Headquarters and 14th Air At the end of each year, a c~r~~ Base Squadron; 1st Lieuts. Lewis R. check is made of the records'of, '.th8" Parker. CommandingOfficer, 1st Staff four squadrons comprising th,',th,~Squadron; Ralph Rhudy, Commandingorrr, suit Group. The record of the.l:91lih. car of the 2nd Staff Sq,uadron; and Eugene Pursuit Squadron was of such me~1t:'.that H. Beebe , Aide to the Chief of the Air it was also included as one(}f""t~'ten Corps. most efficient mil1 tary unitB:1Iil:th&'~ The retirement exercises were followHawaiian Department. ' t . - <.>: ed by a buffet dinner which was enjoyed Captain James A. Ellison, 19th~.:... by everyone. sui t Squadron Commander, wa$. yretfe;ri:~d ---000--with tlie streamer by Major ,GeI\.er.dI;J;f::; Charles D. Herron, U. S. Arm:ft'l~tBOlli~ Field establishes commendable ment Commander, after which't~ (;S~dtecor handIlng transien t ron passed in ground review; .. : s L
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During the calendar year 1938, the Transient Aircraft Hangar personnel at Bolling Field, D.C'l established a very commendable record n the handling of Visiting aircraft. The crew is under the leadership of 2nd Lieut. Wilkie A. Rambo, Air Reserve. and. Technica.l Sergeant Robert 13. Norris. and consi,ts of three noncommissioned officers ~Sergeants E.T. Upczak, A.H. Rober teon and Corporal W.S. Reeae) and ten privates. ~ll personnel assigned to the Transient Aircraft Hangar are members of the Base Headquartersa.nd 14th Air Base Squadron. During tlie past calendar year they have handled a total of 3.362 airplanes of practically every type operated by the Air Corps, and completed seventy-six
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..j <s : ACKNOWLEmMENT ,; :,,', " -.:: 1: .:'~ The pen and ink drawing- of .:0010:oe1 Frank M. Andrews. Air Corpai:;wliichJ faces the article on page 50~ Aihts!'~ issue of the News Letter. giving,.a::q brief resume of his accompUslim*u8:as CommandingGeneral of the GH~.. Ul'!'~"" rarce, is the handiwork of .S8~geant,c Frank J. Lorenz, of the Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, GH~~j,1r,:.Force, Langley Field, Va. ' '.. Readers of the News Letter .ill:recall the drawings by Sergeant ~to:lt.s Which featured the cover pege'on: ': several occasions in the pa8t.2Cw&r~Xpress our appreciation to th~ S'~t for his very helpful coopere..t1M'i .':~
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close to three mile8 in to shore and against the wind, so mf pro~eBB against the waves was no t on17 alow but \ T4e. following is an account of the qui te tiring. ate~ ~aJ;ldiDgof a P-26A type airplane "To make mattera worse" I had become n P~ .. y 2nd Lieut. William W.Jones, lost from the aearchiDg planes and I had b Air Corps. on February 13th: to watch them circle aWa::f ut beyond me, o While engaged i'n formation firing on a and occasionally passing within a wat~J"',1iarget, the engine failed and the stone's throw without my being seen. If pilot was left with only his better judg they couldn't see me among all those ment and four hundred feet of alti tua.e. , ..hi tecaps and waves, I felt ce)'tain no While., was undoubtedly a suc- rescue boats could - and the shore was cess,:.Lle.ut. Jones is convinced that the still only a mira&e in the distance. alternative of the parachute would have "After about a hald hour of this, I been: better under different circumstanbegan to get a bad chill, as the water ces ,and at a higher al ti tude. a t this time of year is qui te coo1 "Recovering from a dive on a water a;ound Panama. I could feel ~ leg ~.rtarge.. t'."1ieut. Jones stated, I'the. m.otor muscles and even my stomach muSCles. in :~,.:i-2:6A. failed. After checking rq trying to tie themselves into very hard i>n8~eJ;lts and altitude I realized it 'knots..And that, coupled with frequent was t,ooe a water land1ng. Rebuckling . sloshes of salt water in my lungs, cauaIq -eat:ety .bel t and headi~ in to the ed me some unhappy speculations as to st;r.OJ1g,trade wind, d1rec~ly towards eOllsequences in case my life-vest sprang shore" 1 rolled down full flaps at about I a lealC. :f;Uti1:feet and landed into Panama :Ba::fn \ "At length, Lieut. Freddie smith, in i a fv.l1r. tall. an A-17, picked me up and wauled hiB . liMy first sens~tion was going deep wings in response to my waving, and m::I down under some very sa;x% water. I un- , feeling at that point was closely akin ~'t1.C3:xed J1J1 belt and scr led out only to that of a starving'man Bitting down to have a bad fright when rq chute caught to a lunch on the house. After that on",.o~e part of the cockpit - Btill unI had plenty of company with other airder ~..-te:r. Reaching back, I pulled it planes, none of whiCh eould help mater-','fr rand: groped for the surface, which lally, but could aid in directing a wal, ~ nearer than I thought. All I boat to me. In a few minutes a P-26 c!'~4: .,jl was the last half of the ship came straight for me and zoomed up, P01J1't.~pg. '8traight up and losing altitude followed soon by another. Looking back fa6:o': .,In.flating my vest. I swamover in their direction, I saw one of the and1','C];~,mbed on the trailing up edge of prettiest 11ttle white speed boats a ;;t'hft:.lWwwhich stood like the edge of a man ever saw. sha4'p:kni;fe about a foot out of the lilt soon came alongside and I gaily 7 ,':tr&W':o.., There I freed rq parachute and tried to climb aboard, but it was only ,.,s11cL"baokinto the water. I swama few a useless gesture, as I had to Bubmit yards _e.~ and, with a lump in my throat, to the ignominy of being pulled bodily watched m::I little airplane sink: quietly over the side. I was 1rimiediately ..o.u.t ot's.ight, lea-Ang me very mucn alone seized with a great nausea and head~l1~v~ry, wide expanse of tossing white ache, which passed after I had lain in c8j{lt..-:(,' '. the BUIl awhile and ceased shivering. I ;,1 :E\~H zing I would be hard to Bee from learned the.t 1t wa.s a police beat and, . ;ct~e,;o~r airplanes of the format1Qn, I being the closest .to the crash, it had pulled the rip cord of rq float1~ para- been hailed with make shift signals by c~te, but the silk, instead of flaring Lieut. Roy Shores, who had been in ~ out in a big whiie circle, pfbmptly sarik formation. The time indicated that I and lJegan to tangle\Uldrq feet. Afhad been in that cold water one hour ter a few minut." i swamaway from it and five minutes. and'-llett' to its ate. At about this rtYes. you can land in water ... if luck t1meIl .... be!>~ to rellleJllber the tales I'd 1s with you. :But don't try it unless beud about sharks as long as the ildne you have a hard head that won't get p1An~e1' launch. J.. small cut over my eye knocked unconscious when ~ou hi t, and .:C8.U8U1g: uops of blood to fall into the there is a decided lack of slti tude, water. I expected any minute to be apAbove all - don't fail to wear a sound ptoac~e"d'for dinner. Too, I had seen no life vest. I'm fraining mine. II :eoM ...~_'o,;f:&p description for miles. and ---000-~.... .... -._.-, no~fly1ng boats were readily av~ilable. The prospects looked rather d1IJl, so if Recent orders from the War Department -"r8.e~ came to worse I might be able to relieved the 120th Observation Squadron, .~,~ojahore. Colorado National Guard, from attachItli(~empvedm:f shoes and, .1th a bad ment to the 45th Division and attached ,~~i~:of,:l9:ntiment for my beat uniform the 8~dJ:'on to the 24th Cava.lry Divi.: ~ Bbi~B, I cast them off and started Bion. "It is believed. It declares the 1nJ~; 8.tages for shore, meanwhil, keep- News Letter Correspondent, "that the ~ng a."i~ watch for1'aboga J3ill tlong- summer field training for the Squadron 'e.-t Of''''the launch-long sharks). It was will be at Bod se , Idaho, June 10 to 24. It
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V-7993, A.C.
KEEPING THEARMY AIRMEN PHYSIC.A.LLY FIT By the Langley Field Correspondent The important task of keeping Langley Field t s flying personnel physicalll fi t at all times has a1woye been one of the leading p~oses of the Station Hosp1tal, it was declared by Colonel Irwin B. March, Senior Flight Surgeon of the Virginia Peninsula Airdrome. Colonel March who haa 15 years of experience as a Flight Surgeon with the Ar~ Air Co~, sL was first placed on flyint; statue in ",anuarl, 192~. He arrived' at Langley Field in Februarl, 1937. from duty as Flight Surgeon and Po,t SUrgeon at Selfridge Field, MtCh. Dur1ne; tlie World War!. he served wo year' ovel'leal with the J!'ourth Division of the American Expedi tionary Forces. His services in the ~ of Occupation in Germa.Ill' ere w in the oapacity of Director of Field Hospi tale of the Fourth Division. Colonel March is assisted in the important duties of keeping flying members of the various organiza tiona 'PhYsically fit by A staff of medical offIcers and enl1sted men. It is estimated that approximately 375 examinations of flying officers are conducted twice each year, together with OVer 400 enlisted men of combat crews, who are examined once each year for the purpose of securing a clear estimate of an individual's ability to perform the task de.mandedof him, and to find and correct p~sica1 defects that might interfere with their flying duties. Realizing that defects which may be :possessed by any personnel enge.ged on flying duty may directly or indirectly be the cause of serious accidents, it is easily under-stood Just wb the Flight Surgeons closely check at all times the physical fitness of the qualiHed pilot, co-pilot, radio operator, machine gunner, bombardier and the mechand c, It has often been said that the measlU'el. established at the airdrome are of the preventive medicine type and, since the government has invested in every member on flying status a considerable sum of money, it is evident that the longer these men are able to carryon their respective military flying duties the greater the return will be on the government's investment. All Langley Field flying personnel are required to undergo a thorough examination at the Station Hospital twice eaCh year to determine their physical fitness to fly, special attention being paid to the eyes, ears, lungs, heart, blood vessels and nervous BYstem. The difference in air pressure at high altitudes causes the blood to absorb less oxygen, and this requires increased activity of both lungs and heart. It is apparent, therefore, that a Bound car-
diac and respiratory system 1se>;!.>~, treme importance.. .' ,-"!Hille: Without doubt, the orban of~.~t:u I the most important factor to ,.a1~,"pat-.. sonnel engaged in flyint;. VilUlU .8.Ouity must therefore be I}ormal, wbD!"(Q I technically termed 20f20 with '$i~l3.ep.' ' test type. .~ L'::. ,,;,j I Among the older personnel, *"re,l. perience compensates for minot: .ttB~ft of distant and near vision,' 'W51e:fa.f'or theSe minor defectlJ are graDt-e<1tJ thUl!f permitting them to continue ion ~t~. duty, provided thesem1nor detC~~.'~ be corr.cted tb noi'nla1 Or near~1" by.glasses worn under their g~l'EfIt/~ The extrinsic, or voluntar~ b\\fltYl6'd of the eyel are tested by an~;;1n:&~t called a Phorometer, becau8e:(iflw~:-O'f these muscles are weak the Pl'ior~t~i]'1-, when fatigued from 10~houri::O-i, Sf'lt, ',illg lose his abil1 ty to Ju e di,lt~et(ap,d may even lee double f an 80 r$t ".:tlii'. ' danger of wrecking his airplane' <When"' he comes in to land. '~' ',' ,,;: Hearing must also be normal i:n, 'bO'tK ears, due to the fact thatradi.cS''::eoI&'..t munications are of vital impcnata.:ac'eJ in aircraft operation &ld it;Jj necessary to disregard the noises; e~l&'t"ing from the motors, propellers, iti'1'dthe', . howling static picked up by' :the'~4i.-O receiver during inclement W8&,;~l\e~ .; xc With challgel in barometrict :p'ej8~' producing considerable effec~bn ,th~' ear drums, the eustachian tu"'G~'WlUeh' runs from the middle of the ~ ~-W.'~-e upper ~rt of the throat, ~"l''Wedt;ree from colds or the presence o~}~dend.i4 tissus.. Therefore, the noseJ&.nd ;\'.: throat are also carefully ex8rJtine'd!,r:land any obstruction to breathing must ~ corrected by operation or treatIb'e\\~ before the individual is re'turh~d,~t,O,-Or I placed upon duty involving fl~~:':' l ' All in all, the' matter of keeping: the flying personnel physi~a~l..l ,!i~ to fly i8 very important both,f '-8.1~' medical as well as an econoin!~f}~:t~i1point, tending as it does to;'#!U~~~ accidents wUn their result~t.',lQ'S8 ttj both personnel and materiel, 'both- of' ' which are very costly to Unc1ef,,~~
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'!'he 120th Observation SquaE4'oiJ,i., Corps, Colorado National Gua.rd",:~npW',:c, boasts of four 0-47A ob8erVat1~n, '.~)li:t.;..l, planes. '!'he last one was ferr~ti(:f~ the North American Aircraft f'@~9ri.~l\~: Inglewood, Calif. i duringthe.t~'t~: part of January, 939, by Capta'1n"3 K. Nissley, Air Corps, who is, .t:p,eLT instructor on duty wi th this ID!l~M>ri8.~. Guard 'lUli t. ' ""~', 'v,' -1 _ V-799'3~ i~~'~
ACTIVITIESOF THE2NDBO.mABIJIENT GROUP'Wright .. Field, Dayton, Ohio r on February 13t~f for two weeks I duty 1n connection The Seoond llomb~dment Group, ~ley with bombl1ght equipment. fi:ei1.dJl va.} .under the commandof Lieut. ----Col.nel Rooert Olde eng&i;ed in a varied The 49th :BombardmentSquadron recentJSs.ot~nt9f aotlvltiea during the palt 1y welcomed to its fold aixnew o~fi"~:JIEiaka ..whichproved very in1ierestlDg. cerl, five of them coming from the Air " . oDD Ja.Jmanr 21. 1939, one of the. Corps Training Center and one from the (Ir.o.'lI:',B ... "l's l flown by Major Vincent 8th Pursuit Group, namely, 2nd Lieut J-..LlXe-1bYt'::P&rt!ciPatedin the learch for :Barksdale, ~nd, Carmack, Giannatti, the Brit sh flying boat CAVALIER. Orders Mathewson and Clark .~I1'i\Wt. War Department were received at atbiO.~ ..Dto,i8Zldhalf an hour later the Captain Palmer and Lieut. Fea&in, of 'r~li'~;,_~,;ready for a take-off with a the 96th Bombardment Squadron. were as~Jit# ctf ~U'a life rafts, life vests and signed to the Cold Weather Teat group for this year's test in Minneapolis, ~ 1:rA10w overcast and Bevere icing Minn. Their conclusion was that "it is ~n6".p.u forced the airplane to return quite possible to have a warm town in VQlrr~~ Field. .A.fter landing. the re~.,' cA-.;j>O:8i tion was found to have been a cold .climate. If i~.M\~ 100 miles. Plans were iJmDeLieut. MOffett! a recent graduate of : '-~~,~eto have six B-17' 8 take off ~ the Advanced Fly ng School, Kelly 'A} ',~.iO~January 22nd, but the finding '~, '~lh~t_d~V.,ivors by the ESSOBAYTON Field, Texas, was assigned to the 96th Bembardment Squadron, and reported for :[~ i%'1the undertaldng. d-.ty on February 14th. , 'r'. 1st, word was received .t s and the XB-15 were to be Four other Air Corps officers, allO ,~~ _,,;1.!Q leave with a cargo et medical recent graduates of Kelly Field, name~, 2nd Lieuts. Compton, Manson Bank supplies for the earthquake-stricken and Potter, were assigned to this or~le upon twenty-four h.ur.l ganization. They are at present on U~ ,. ~b~V. era1 airplane., were at the leaves of absence. Mil ~~,Air Depe t but, thanks to ener ---000--..Ii., ~~1G, &.t the Depot, they were fer:J;!~ii :1\0 Langley Field within 24 FOR FLIGHTTO CHILE 'ho~~", i . "hich time the Gro~ wal ready COMMElmATION MERCY ~it%j~f~. Fortunately" the need for The Chairman of the American Red extrSro~~ies was not BUlf1ciently ~~6. 'r,equ1re this mass flight. How- CroBs, Mr. Norman H. Davis addre'led a letter on Februar~ 15, 1939, to General ey~, :1, c,Q1ia.nceo render an act of t Malin Craig, Chief of Staff, as follows: ~._~,~t lost. as the XB-15 was J1i.1~ ~J:l. to take about 3,200 pounde liMy dear General Craig: 'AA'-P!~L-@' BUPplies to ChUe. Once again the American Red Crosl is ~,-, il.i.' ~,d account of the flight of indebted to the .Army for its splendid. ~ne 0.;\.0 Chile appeared in the precooperation in bringing re11erto the !::.,.io.~ ''',lfYte; of the News Letter. victimS' of the recent earthquake in '~" j;.;lJJ::: .. ' ---Chile. ibis prompt and generous re~lanes of the 20th :Bombardsponse to the needs of the situation '1,l,lltm; ,~ performed a navigation contributed in a large measure to the 'fll, .u U 9-', ch Field, Calif., and repreven t10n of suffering among the vict~--a'C12 C;)i:, ' tims of the disaster. The splendid flights of airplane. on 0,+ ~ry 25th:-p;;sonnel of the 2nd missions of mercy nave won the admira13,,~. ,~~~GroUPl flying in six B-1?", tion of the country and I . ~'18;d bomb ng tactics to members be grateful en tire would 8&press should if you to the ,gr :' ,'1~ Affairs Commi ttees of cren our very sincere appreciation.'f !'1b ~ eand House of Representatives. ---000-.-De~t~' bombs of all sizes from 100 Ibs.... b "TWO lbs. were dropped. COL. ll1NCAN RETURNS CHIEF'S OFFICE '1'0 ----~~,l&cDaniel, Gf the 96th :BombardSpecial Orders of the War Department me"ft't'%''''SC uaefron, conducted extensive teats relieve. Lieut. Colonel Ala N. Duocan, . - o.~e airplane on varying oil Air Corps, from further a8signmen t and PJ:at hign altitudes and at varyduty at March Field, Calif., and asi_ if: ~.atures. ~erimental firing Bigns him to duty in the Office ot the " , ~AP; On by airplanes firi~ at Chief of the Air Corps. washington, "tmd that of an accompanyiJ;JC D. C. a '~~c,'tLheresults 'Were very Bat1sColonel Duncan's previoua tour of ,~ , ~j;:,., duty in the Office of the Chief of Air ~~~tttb..:; :barlmark:-B~~kman, and pvt. lst Corps began in JU1Y 1931, when he au~~ed ,to the Tral n1n& and Operations cr. ~el1., vt the 20th :Bombardment Division. Later he commandedLuke S~~~(~~_ere ordered to report at Field. '1'. H and the 5th Composite Group. -11V-7993, A.C.
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31,OOO-MILE FLIGHTIN LIGHTAm~.' .Vl:U,-. A cUpping from the Manila Dl\;11;Y- 1: .r: :BULLETIN January 28, 1939. o:pWJdided of to the Information Division by; Oo'lOhel Ralph Royce, Air Officer of the :Ph1.M;p,pine Department, gives an account of the lanCiing on the day previous at the N, ielsen Airport, Manila. of ~I{lY'~n"': tore, Lieuts. RUQ,olph Jenett .. ~.).N! " i Horst Pulkowsld (30) of the,.:. ., ,r SQ.UAmONAIDS SOLUTION F MURDER IN O CASE.\ Force. following theIr 15,OOO-mile I flight from Gerrna.nyin their li~ht , .. The News Letter Correspondent of the 1 .A.radoAr "9 cabin plane. Thie:::plEiliJW.l First Observation squadron! Air Corps, 1 which is of the inexpensive W~ .. at Marshall Field, Fort Ri ey, Kansas, out in Germany weighs about' . 1:-1l:1i.~1 reports that this organization had an I and flies on 65 horsepower,,,it 4&1." opportuni ty to assist local authorities horsepower in reserve. Its gf!., .U<tle'~ in the solution of a murder case recent-, capacity is 3,984 liters. appzte~~l.Y lYe A local automobile salesman was : 1100 gallons. . i~""\Ln"'~,': missing under circumstances which caused I The arrival of the fliers' in 'MAW-illfi authorities to believe he had been kid- I marked the completion of the "i-r~(,~!f napped or murdered. of their 31,OOO-mile flight .:fJ!le~I. ,::;":' About noon on Sunday, March 5, 1939 Germany to the Far East. Th~(llJtf!lt')edJ' the Geary County sherl-ff and. prosecuting they began their flight from.~aIl~~~:~ attorney requ.ested that an al.rplane burg, Germany, on December search of an area immediately south of made stops at Naples, Tripol1"rt.A.J..~wan:: Marshall Field be made in an effort to dria. Calcutta, :Bangkok, PelUUJ4(,';~, locate a. dark green Plymouth sedan, which, Sumatra, Java, Timore, Port'l;)ahillii'.:,.' the m1snng man had been driving. Due Normantown, Sydney, Cape York, !rew'.L:".' to bad weather, which had grounded air Guinea, Makassar, Tarakan and: CMU;:J'u;"; traffic thro~h this area, the search Sydne~, Australia, marked ttie.-.n.iIg could not be l.~ediately conducted, but point 01 the~r journey back to':,<rl3r~. was delayed unt1.l Mondaymorning, March II via. the Phil1.p, slanda, the rO~6' 6th. ShortlY after taking off from they intended following be1ng from Marshall Field. Lieut. Gerry L. Mason Manila to :Bangkok, to Calcutta, Mysore., located the missing car in a saucerDelhi, Djask, Bagdad, Alexandr;~a'J - < " shaped depression where 1t had been Cyprus, Rhodes, Athens, :Belgrade' al1d' missed by ground searchers. The sheriff Bucharest. was notified and immediately came to I ---000--,h (;i':,J1," Marshall Field with deputies and an I . '\1 ,vorc~; 1J agent of the Federal Bureau of InvestiMAJOR SMITH ORDERED SACR.Al\!ENIDci" TO gation, who had entered the case because (',~:inc':~ of the kidnapping angle. Major Lowell H. Smith, leadef o;f~:tha Officers from Marshall Field conducted Air Corps Around-the-World Flight ,1n,~" the officials to the car, which contain1924, and the only member of ~).raqeed mute evidence of a. brutal murder. tion still actively connected "ittbithe There was no body near, but an inmediate Air Corps is under orders fot., d1l~;at effort was made to reconstruct the crime the ne", Air Corps Depot at Sacr.~,o~ and estimate where the murderer had hid- Calif. He is scheduled to lea'V'e,Jbz,J: den or disposed of the body. .A. bridge his new station on or about J.une .lyli.on the road into Junction C1t~ was con1939. lor the past four year8";M~~J.'! sidered, and at the request of the. Smith ha~ been on duty in the' 'Of'f;'f sheriff. who wished to leave his own car the Chief of the Air Corps, Wa8lDJ.~. with deputies to guard the murder car, h D. C., as Chief of the Inspecti6n,-Di-i>~ and the F.B.I. agent were taken to the sian. , ''>l. .'.H!,'J bridge. Blood spots were discovered, and ---000--.:". (,i:Jj:;fI")~ the Sheriff was taken to town to organiz i In:",I,(,,['--: -12V.,l7~1A~C.
"For the first Ume in 10 theBe ~ moons," de~lareB the Correspondent of the 36th PurS111 Squadron. taMley F1eldt t Va "each pilot in the 36th hai a tl1oe, bright, new shiX)y airplane to call his own - "e~l. practically each pilot has one. :But that won't last very long, be-. cause the balance of power is be1~ upset by the quota of new officers from the Air Corps Training CenterLieuta. R.J. BourgoIn, P.M. Brewer, Jr., .l.R. DeBolt, S.N. Garrett, V.M. Gillum, O.B. Hardy, Jr. and J.:B. Henry. As men. they are well met, and as officers they bid fair to maintain the spirit of a highly zealous organization. These officers reported for duty during the week of February 20 - 25. They bring the commissioned strength of the Squadron to the all time high of twenty-s:bx. II --000---
,a crew forsoon discovered river, t~.J.'WB.S dragging the . It was tha1i. I a wrong lead, however, when a 10,cal. ..
citizen identified the blond~ts:ras ,_ those of a dog he had killed 'on;' ~h&'J':l':! bridge. A local youth starte"dda!le~ri ,du.t nome, end in a field next:::i'tl t}W'0 bridge! near a steel power po~,w~~'::J found 'lihe body of the missl:ngl,35lC1eBEJ& .AD arrest has been made and tnevn:epec't charged with first degree mur~~. "~.':!(;:) ---000--....~" ,. ,., '
'I"' .
Sprankle, Kenneth W~ West Lafayette, Ind. Jrackson, T. Walter Ames, Iowa Stetf&,rt, Everett W. Mamlattan, Xarul. ~e:,~l~s~ of student offioers end Flying Sauuel EugeXl8,Jr. Baton Houge, La. w111ch for the past eight III)nths had 'un- UwreDCe. c1e~,J.D$truction at the Air Corps Pri.mlpy MacDonald. Q1arles Henry :9aton Bouge. La. Salmela, Oliver R. East Weyaouth, Mass. n~ ~ol, Bandolph F~eld. Tems, ccqleted Richmond. Luther H. North t,I1ilbraham, Jiass the 4.~~ towards the end. of February on .'ib...,:2ij~h.;!>f that III)nth was ordered to proceed Gorman, Paul Joseph Detroi t. Mich. ~~P:. ,W~yField. TeDs, to pursue the ad:va:rlCed Harker, Ward W. Detroit, Mich. oourse .~,nying instruction thereat. This Lichter, Carl Jerome St. Paul, Minn. class. uumbering 166 students, oomprises four Dusard, Lee Framis. Jr. Kirkwood, Mo. officers of the Regular~. two officers ot Con~, Ralph Francis Socorro, N.W. t~ ~.lJUi'ppine Araq. 158 Flying Cadets of the Wheeler, Ansel James Genesco, N.Y. U.S. A:mq. and. two Flying Cadets of the Seynour, Rudolph Bcmulus Cary, N.C. PhUippu. ~. Exum, Wyatt Patrick Goldsboro, N.C. : ~,J~ecstup.ents were assigned to the ve.rious Slocumb. Charles Dewey, Jr. Goldsboro, N.C. sect4t)ns of the Advanced Flying School. as Barnick, Roland J. i.4e.x, I.D. -fo11.Q1rS : Nunzennayer, Wilmer Walter Kent, Ohio ...Observation Section Fisch, Ted B. Milwaukie, Ore. ... ~ .'. Officers Milne, Jack Gillespie Meyersdale, Fa. Columbia, S. C. 2et,Lt'l'!'J0hil T. Shields. Ca.v. Louisi8.ll& Hornsby, Thon:as William Gilbert, William Frank, Jr. Lyuan, S.C. 2d;'lit. ',Will iam S. Steele. Inf. South Carolina AbUene, Texas 3d. Lt'~,~erto B. Luzon Philippine Amv Qlerry, William T Jr. Ort. Rudolph King Wichita Falls. Texas Flying Cade\s Cate, Albert M.1rray Plainfield. Vt. Lukar.::J~ Webster Porterville, Calif. Darling, Henry B., Jr. Lexington, Va. P8.i~er, Russell,Jr. Old Greenwich, Conn. Tokarz. Clemence Paul Port Riohnond, Va. MotYl. tt.s D. Wilson. Conn. Wood, Paul Davis FairDX:lnt, W. Va .A1l~. ~a.r.~es Oren, Jr. Panana City, Fla. Bcwen, UTilliam S. Huntington. ',9'. Va. JOD8fii.:~amasnaJ.ton Sarasota. Fla. . '~~'J)'i1,l,~am Nelson. Jr. Lexington, Ky. Norri s, Robert Parks Banks, Ala. XhiD8:ud. Eugene F Jr. LexilI8ton, Ky. Hubbard, Thomas Harvey San Diego. Celif. Wf.];1;.i ,A,driel Newton ..... Shelbyville, Ky. Rosasco, Henry P. Washington, D. C .Jla~Ptt~JJ'~, Edward C. Bloaning Prairie, Minn. l6cCaferty, Gu3' Franklin Fort Bliss, Texas Dech. ~esley Minneapolis, Minn. Davis, Allyn T~lor Los _eles. Calif.,'cr~ Lloyd Herkimer, N.Y. M!l.tthews, Robert Lee South Bend, Ind. ~~t ...:~ph Itl. Ottawa. Ohio Attack Section Wilkins,~ohn Can;>bell Corvallis, Ore. :Jqhn I. Philadelphia, Pa.. FlyiDg Cadets .~l.e . Nlpster Evan Florence, S.D. Birmingham, Ala. Bar~".Jemes Carlton Houston, Texas Riddle. Sennel S., Jr. Nogales, Ariz. ChaIid;.l,el'.Qbarles G., Jr. San Antonio, Texas Frazier, Robert M. Bagers, Ark. Bar~ 'Joseph Anderson Stephenville, Texas Curry, Jack Harold Fresno, Calif . !~, . enk :Robins h Staunton, Va. Northamer, Kenneth Walter H~d. Calif. '~~ .. ~~ltr~ Dentler Los ~eles. Calif. Hubbard. Barry Vaughn Los Angeles, Calif. :O.. ~n ..Vi~r H. Phllippine .ArIJv MacPhee, Angus C.B. Thornquest, William L. ,Jr. :Redlands. Calif. PurSui t Seot ion Kittel. Babt. Stewart Colorado Springs, Colo. , Officers Bratton. Leslie Rayn'X)nd. Denver. Colo. 2nd Lt~1H.envenido E. Feuer Philippine Arr1 Laborde, Fred N. Southbury, Conn. Flying Cadets Cook, Bailey Cavenaugh NewCastle, Del&. A, b Al Savoie, William FrBllk Chicago, Ill. Gilchrist, William Iavid, Jr. AU urn, a. Barthelmes, Karl T. Dixon, Ill. Libbey, Harry G. Univ:':U;: ~:: Kuhl. Phil John Riverside. Ill. T ipt'6'ii.:J&lleS Baird A_' Alta., Iowa Tuc son, AI"1Z. Clark,if Donald Leonard __.2 G Grossetta, Anthony V. Fort Logan, Colo. Evano ,Ale.-...uer. Belle Plains, Iowa Gr.een..'" J'renklyn T. ---hingt Same. Burton tKresge Calver, V'Kans. Woocf.SBn!'i~l Gordon ,on,.. DC Gee Alb John Ci _ Fort Lauderdale, Fl.a. tz, er Dodge ty.. ACIoUII. - B..ydu~ ll.rri.old Walter "'--d Carl ton. William Cl8i}rl;on Minden, La. M&i118it~. Qeorge Br8iY Winter IJfta& en, Ga. "a A'b Avondale Estates, Fla. ,., tki na, Tar 1et on H A er deen Prov ~ Gd 'll.2 s, aog.. ~t.iL*wis Bruno Edward William. Jr. Arlin on. Mass. Chicago, Il. Higgins,Robert Chester 1 Evans, ~fdo!ltd4tehael Jacob Detroit. Mich. Loail,.,'Donald EugeDe Qlicago. nl. Ballard, Norman Luellen Bay City, Mich. Rilt\;)i. Harris Dean Chicago, Ill. McNelly. Fred Wright .Anokti, Minn :Frell Vinton La1'obille. Ill. Belumnn, Orville H. Bertha, Minn. ~Bo-.tli, ~ilUam Joseph A. Oek ~ark, Ryan. Clair f.. Springfield, Mim. , Cof;r...c 'bat Arnold : ~ Park, nl. Fradcs. Perry Lero)" Lincoln, Neb. H_.wr, r~8dhn.E:enton Wes~~n:: Carlson, Francis Bernard Ossin11lS. N.Y. Kelly, Joseph Anthox\y 1 li I Vosper. stanley Richard ~11, Ohio Terhume, Ol8.r,les F.., Jr. ndieJ*po s, nd. Schurter, Orie Olin Burli1ton, Okla. Reed, 1filliam !enj~n South BeXld. Ind. 111 tab Ind. Anthis, Rollen Henry El eno, Okla. ,~.;G:d~r~"Harvey Emil 8.Ila , Newton, Dorr Ellsworth.Jr. Malvern, Pa.
JOiLt,y FDtD
V-7993, A.C.
Texas OOURNMENT OFFICIALS VI~ BQ&BING'D'OONsrBATIO Texas By the Langley Field Corresppnde~t Texas '" ,10lrl1,h Texas Powerful demolition bombs roared' '~'~~) Texas, on the oorning of February 25th ,tid 8i party. <i:f Texas high ra.nkiDg officials of 1!ra.8hingt~.',,~ 1~:Texas rived by ste~ at1d plane to insPeCt liLriile.-i',:' ments, vievr a bombing a,nd gunnery 'd~t1t&-, '~a.rre.n1i, YaxlCey3:nith Waco, Texas tion at Plum Ttee Island, and wit~ss iring SUUS a.t'~t:,~lt. l4artin, Maurice Leslie Vancouver, Wash. from huge COast Artillery Cunningham, Joseph Austin Clarksburg. W. Va and Fort Monroe before returtling thl!i'Is,llIl1Iit~;:'", {,;:J ';.L_ Pike. Harry MacCulloch Portage, Wis. night to the Ca.-pi tal. Cbairn:en Mq, of the Rouse lI.ili Conmittee, headed the delegation df;g~.. Danley, Ja1I13S Ramey West Los Angeles, Calif. o 'Cormor, Robert G. NorthEmpton, Mass. members of that Conmittee and foutt~berg:of the House Appropriations Ccmni tte~, wb:o ~:r::e Julisoo, Godofredo :M. Philippine !~ greeted at Old Point Ccmfort by nl11i:tti1'f:8U-~ 3omba.rdmentSect ion thorities upon their arrivel by s~.<,.~ther delegation came by plane fromill;$~l?n Officers to Langley Field. c" r: 1st Lt. James :8. Buck. Inf. Texas Six B-1? "Flying Fortress" Banb~ri .iefM"3G-' 2tId Lt. Jack A. Gibbs. C.!. Oregon Pursuit planes engaged in a bombi~:aJicF~ nery detlX)nstration at Plun Tree Island while Flying Cadets the Washington officials and 'Rogers. George 'Wendell Tucson, Ariz. watched from Messick's Point, thei~~s ~re4t', " a few M,yer. Glen Antho~ Cuperti:oo, Calif. yards distant. Following the aeria3. '~~i~s, Alder. Glen l/.i.ller North Los Angeles. Calif. the entourage traveled to Fort Stoi";f'to-r 'll~ Carter, John Henry PasadeDe.. Calif. and a deuxlnstration of 31 11M, 5(T!-\:Iiilf r.,3d' ,i Brown,Doa Cornelius Paul Venice, Calif. cal i bel' lIBChine guns alld 3-i nch atl'&i4it1'cre:tt Boyd, William Ellsworth Boulder, Colo; guns. The group returned to Fort Monroe to Carpenter, BandaJ.1Hamil ton ~7ilmi.ngton, Del. see the 1Z..inch disappearing seacoast Miller. Saauel Hudson Decker, Ind. guns of Ba.ttery DeBussy in act ion that aterhick, au! Sta.Dley West Laayette. Ind. noon. Maney, John Randolph Cedar Rapids. Iowa The bombing da:oonstrat ion was inaugurated by !tz. Milford Felix Osage City, Kans. one of the four-motored Bombers, wh\chJ~ped C1'8nstoa, George Echelbary Winfield, Kans. eight 300-pound bombs at the rate cif tnree per Holt, James William, Jr. Hazard, Ky. Whitaker, Narce BoX8JlB" Ky. second ,from a height of 12,000 fee!~ ... ~nt Tartar, Jerome E. Mintonville, Ky. later, soother B-l?, flying at the..rijepie:,~"",i,.~son. John G. Chevy Chase. M::l. I tude, dropped four BOO-poundbanbEi~iiitJ?:~L~te Rozwenc, George Stephen Nort~ton, Mass. of three -per second. A, third Bo~e~j'!~OSe.a,' two llOO-polU1dbombs in one secon4 &!;.l~('.f1f)IW Preston, Joseph J. St. P~ ,loiinn. ,!the Henry, John Elwood Ridgefield Park, N.J. U?Seen through a hazy sky ", All ~!'l~l~~ Jones, Jack ea:rey Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. p1lots of the planes were an'c~~ tion with the group at Messick'sPQi~t.~~ Brown, Paul D:>uglas West Orange, N.J. Wilson, Frederick Gerald Delaware, Ohio through a loud-speaking arrangeme~: ~~~~ Morse. ~nd Steel Fort Sill, Okla. the spectators at what JlXlm8!1t the n4.~"~'l), . ": " Chadwell. George Theodore Purcell, Okla. were dropped. Three ?--17' s, flying in fOr.I8ti~n f3,hl~~OQO Beard, Ibbert Wallace EugeM, Ore. Spieth. Harry Edwin, Jr. Portland, Ore. feet, ended the banbing exercises biY:~d~m~~g am. th, PiDkham Providence ,R. I . in train ten ~OO-poundbombs of 8F, ~J!~,~ ~:~,' d ~. and ro~e,4.!J~Be:'0'; Bussey, Carver Thaxton Flor8IlCe, S.C. flame on the lsl~ DuRant, Francis Fill Georgetown, s.C. blea.chers where tne v1s1tors wer.-;~!!&~~ch)_-. ~hirty-six. Pursui t planes, f1ying,;~-p.~j:. ' Reeve, Balph Azros Milbank, S.D. fl1ghts of aU planes each, fired,.t~y.~ Pratt, ee.rlos Conrad Bearden. Tenn. The;l.~:.fJ.i~1 f,'; Cox, Ray LawreIlCe Vernon, Texas targets ~in:ultaneously. tracer bullets whi~ c~~~b~, c Hendrix. William Iv.::urray.Jr. Fort Belvoir, Va. p1anes,flred the Jeffrey, Thomas stanley, Jr. , Lexington, Va. seen as they belched f1"Ol11 nacb~i.,~Qf ;',1':0' ar ..,,::,' Fitzwater, John Timothy B\1clcharmon,W.Va. the speec;1Y.crat. An off1C1al program ~escribing ~';.~~ Hahn, D,e1bert H. Milwaukee, Wis. a:nd gunnery den:onstrat10n said th~;A~~~8iYn'\!B.S Van de Lester, John Rineir HemDond, Ind. arranged "in an effort to il1ustr~:l~~.3~~ Ezzard, Richard Francis Winter Garden, Fla. tent of training am preparedness of;~~1}~",~ ---000--Air F~rce, exeq:>lified by the unit!J ~MM!8L! part 1n thi~ ~enDnstration." L )',:,' e ,,1".1 Under Special Orders of the War Depa.rtqnt, "No artif1c1ality is imposed i.n"t~!:j4~ recently issued, Lieut. Colonel George L. Usher stration of aerial banbing. A.ot~\4,~~wn is relieved from duty in the Office of the bombs' are dropped," the program P9.~q ~1j.l Chief of the Air Corps and assigned to duty at "using exactly the seme tacticstQlbt'J'~~jll!a Bandolph Field. Texas. 0010%181 Usher has been used in time.of war." It furthe .. v~~'1 on duty in the Personnel Division for the past that by JIIl1 t1~lying the 'ffect e(,-~.:I~ four years, serving as Chief thereof three yrs. (Cont1nued on Page 15) -1 V-7993. A. C. Ragland, Richard If.. Handley. F..ouston, Beck. Geoi'ge G. Brooke, taWreIlCe Iii. :Randolph Field, Houston, Gresory, Charles E. Redtor, talter Stokes ' Houston, Wh.less. Hewitt ~errel1 Menard. Dah1be:tg, Charles William San Antonio,
":! ',~
.. :.' N I G H T
The airport, like a jeweler's tr~ ~ (9l~e.shvelvet that night l~,,.~1,liant stones about its fringe. .And(n~, b~Dd, a yellow tinge Of.,Qi;\!y ~ghts from buildings high ~'.~d ,to pierce the lowering sky. :~ed with emeralds green; D~rubies in places seen; While in between the green aad red ';Phe .~ dian::ondstook their stead, Andi.i;~!ng was this bright array, Thi!t~irpo~t like a jeweler's t~.
plane formation by four an accurate idea of the results to be obtaiDed by a full strength squadron T1E::f be shown. .AJIx)ng those listed as visitors from 1Jfa.shU1gton were: Cbai1"llBn ~ (Ky.): Representatives Thomason, linday (Texas); Faddis, Rutherford, ~er (Pa); Turner (Tezm.); Schaefer, AreDfl,s (Ill.); Pace (Ga.); Sparkaen, Starne. (Ala.); Clason (Mass.); Martin (0910.) ; istron. Harter (Ohio); EQmist~n(West Va.; 9nith .... L ~ u",_ (Conn.); Merritt (N.Y.); Costello Calif.); c.uu ieut., Al,r -Claserve, A_~ (,,_) ~ (lnd) T (A-'k ) ' Pope Field, Ft. Bragg,N.C. ......erson "!&J'; ess .: erry .... ; " aDd Engel (Mich. . ---000--_---.-.~ Senators Bridges (N.H.) and Gurney (S. D.) could !lOt cor:oe to the Lower Peninsula. although they were included in the group scheduled to 8CCODJI~ the ~r.sentati ves who IIBde .;' ~ei~e~iy Field nx>nthly stae aM "get-together the trip for first bud l.nformation on the ,_ ;P~l.:'ij~d. on ~iday night, February 24th, was Administration's military program. j'uijd, er~Be $Uperv1sion of a conmdttee composedof 't4e;:ridio,nthusiasts at that field, namely: ~o~~~bert B. Pitts, Captains Holmes, Guest, TOA (HAMILTON) FIl!LDLmSE -I;hUU,,:9undy, Nelson, Sergeants Hagin, O'Connor, OR 'WCE AI1J ABOOl' mI'HING" '1'rWetli-ei':'~ebaus, Talley a:ad O'Hara. (in the Group Adjutant's Office) ~ t.l'hh'~_i$ the first party to be given under the sup6r~is~On of different ccmnittees of the field. Hickory, Dickory, Dock. The"eoitmittee spent a great deal of tim! on their entertairment. which consisted of denx>%)- You've heard of the m:luse in the clock; But here's about one :8tr8.'i~ the, abili ty of the different Section Whothought it great f\m Chiefi~ their assistants in their indoor To hide in the Group Adjutant's frock. 'lbliMc.fiJ:it$ equipment over a ''hot'' ~ and beam:e~$e. Due to the 1"Unway''hot'' not Persistently, cunningly, avoiding pursuit, eoougli'/jia.rticipants were required to renx>ve Qmg in the pocket of a WB.1'!Il flying suit. their ~&li~ ''Help! II cried the Captain, ~'1e.nting this dElDX)nstration were other "Sergeant. COIle quick rad~~~e&!ures, including a photo-electric target '~e~'rermte radio-controlled slot n:achine, Bring me a gun or fetch me a stick!" c*z:lll"a';denStration of the Ci'osley "Readon (fae ''rhe British are ooming," the Sergeant. cried, s~i.lepri,nter). This ''Reado'' receives radio '~hey've got us surrounded on every side, ba' '&$~I!lof' printed news items aZld pictures '~-' . 't~<J.Uces them on white paper. This deur>n- Sound the Charge! Forward! Typewriters present." ~.~t .~i" coDducted by Mr. H.L. Roper. repThe whole office force to the rescue went. reS'~~~~t~e Alamo Distributing Caq>eny of San Ant8nW1'; and' was of great interest to everyone Then ensued a battle that ued.e Bull Run who atteXlded. Look like a picnic before it was done. ,-:-~~h~t":VEiry i~teresting feature of this party ,,.,'1Strahon of expert pistol shooting by But the home guard fought fiercely t and at last turned the tide. ,L~~, .. G~iford, ) of Kelly Field; Mr. L.L. DiAe, ''Bravo!'' oried the Captain; you've ~onquered ~l"ec:t'Or"6 the National Rifle Association. aml the pest, ' Pft~a._r.l()fthe Liberty Pistol em Rifle Club; "Sergeant! Help me get d01llllrom this deSkt.'1 f -J)etedtilile~'R.iF. ate, special investigator for T _ 15V-7993 A.C ,
labove the field ,Tm-ee:-IQ9+o,r,ed lights swiftly wheeled~ .'rh_ r$;$..idiZlgdown through the clouded sky Straight for the emeralds did they flYI A)'edy~sl1tleft, a green light right, ~ a!Qypl~s eye that searched the night. " .. .. ,The-~q~t settled on the tr8, ~,~~ ~,t~ place in the rich arra:l, A'b.irt.;~.'P:\atinum it might seEm ':P~tl~~t~ into the jewelry scheme. It t~..a.up to the waiting line, Bu.~~ ~~fJd. the jewel in the dream of mine. "t,y Nathan H. Ra:ock,
the Chief of Police of San Antonio; Mr. H.M. Kline; a:ad Mr. Ben Mouton, target holder a.nd. retlOwned high diver of the circus. The audience received nun:erous thrills during this shooting, watching these experts shoot pieces of chalk out of the target holder t S m:luth and buttons off his vest while holding the I pistol in odd positions. The balance of the evening was spent in various forms of diversion. Says the News Letter Correspondent: 'IIf the I subsequent ~arties are as entertaining as the one held Fr1.d~ night. it is believed that the Officers' Club at Kelly Field will have to be enlarged. " --000--BombiI!8 ])enx>nstration at Langley Field (COntinued from :Page 14)
.. ..
Yo~ oscar kloh was Just a squirt a .wee broth of a lad as it were tending hi s pappas pea patch out in oklahoma one morning in the early twenties when suddenly wi th a scattering miss and a coughing sneeze something with two tattered wings and a greasY pilot skidded betwixt two rows parted two strands of barbed wire and sli thered to a stop poppe. klotz and the pilot who called this vilieezing uxmster a goddamd h fixed something in the engine with sc:methinp,offa poppas tractor and put some card'boaxd and adhesive tape on the tattered wings with more sneezes and more coughing and a pat on oscars head not to mention one more st~ wf barbed wire the greasy one was gone but not forgotten because young oscar klotz had found his calling years passed. and though between times osoar had been exposed to higher I earning and shoulda known better he would still get up on SuIlda.r rrorning and dri ve twenty miles to see the from 8IX81' 1110 land aDd driving home with Emxv Lou who still admired a football player at 0 u he would renew his plans to write his name across the sky in crirrson letters 80 oscar went to texas with pappas blessing and a spark of interest fran ~Lou i met him there he was a good joe and together we walked the area and bu,ted shock cords and generally tried everybodys pat ience but we made it and even on graduat ion day oscar said this ~s
%lOt for me
i've got bi~ things to do and i S&1dyou goota eat too and i'll betcha in six months you'll wanta. ste.r bUt he said no and so the air corps took us in hand and told us we didn't know it all not yet 80 lissen so we lissened and learned somemore and one day oscar and i dropped into oklahoua city and there was poppa klotz and IQC)JI]J8 k10t z and eaIlV' lou and the football pl~r from ou 8nd a hundred others they took oscars picture and put a big story in the local papers about oscar and his ~er ultra fighting ship and how he was UZlCl e88ZllS left 1uuld buddie and a lot more slo.t> bUt oscar ftS ~ressed and etmfflou forgot her hero and JJllU'ried oscar not right there but sometime that night time passed apace and the nan of desti~ became a fair. to middling mess and supply offioer but he still dreamed dreams of far places and taking off SCIIlle morning for tierra del fuego or something but eq- lou enjoyed the post bridge circle and liked. to root around the p x and was all for the arr:qy as her career and. even oscar weakened when they let him lead an element and gave him arnement and commnioatioos and told him he "118.8 DOW the squadrons right haal nan next time i saw him ~lou had proudly presented oscar wi th oscar jr and he was talking air corps poli tics and cQDl)&ratl air Ve strengths instead of
financial backinp; for that tierra del fuego proposition i might have guessed it but when the next list of new second 100ias air corps oame out 10 young osoars pece led. ell the rest this is a long dissertation not tc have a moral so i' d better put one in it's about a conversation i heard once between.two prairie dogs just north of north platte nebraska a big one said to a little one if the hole you t re in isn't big enough make it bi gger don't go running around north platte looking for a bigger one all the big ones are full
and somebody might steel
your Ii t tl e one and a missus prairie dog won't want you ranning around digging a big hole shetll just make you feel at hane where you a1"e. --"000--NEW CRASH TRttt IS INrROIUCED TO NEW TRAN9?ORl' PLANE Whenthe San Antonio Air Depot Correspondent reported. in the previous issue of the NewsLetter the acquisition of big new airplane crash truck on February l7th, and a newc-39 transport plane on the 15th, it _ not dreamed that, unfor'li\Ulll.tely, these two craft would be introduced to each other so soon. On Febl'lla'q' 21st, the DeW 0-39, pilote';' by Lieuts. L.P. Kleinoeder andT.K. Dorsett, en route with oargo to Bal'ksdale Field, La.., was forced down by ~i~ faUure near MoUJ1t EI11;efPrise, Texas, sane 80 =los west of Bal'ksdale Field, fortunately without i~ to personnel. The new orash \ruclc end the neoessary mechanics were sent \0 the scene of the. orash.
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APRIL 1, 1939
NO. 7
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I~ormation Division Air Corps
1, 1939
The chief purpose of this pUblication is to iistribute information on aeronautics to the flying versonnel in the Regular Arrtry, Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected with aV1ation.
commnd of the Training Center on August S, 1938. Effective September 30, 1938, Colonel Walter Personnel - Appointments, Changes, etc. H. Frank, Air Corps, was appointed texq>ora:ry The tour of duty of Brigadier General Gerald Wing CoIlIl&lder, with the rank of Brigadier C. Brant as Wing CoIl1I8nder of the 2nd Wing, GBQ General in the Air Corps. He 1'IB.S relieved Air Force, Langley Field, Va., terminated on from duty as Chief of Staff, Hqrs. GHQ Air February 28th, and on the following day he was Force, Langley Field, Va., and assigned as assigned as Comre.ndant of the Air Corps TechWing Conmander of the 18th Wing in the nical School, ChaDute Field, Rantoul, Ill., and Ha1'lB.i Department. ian the branch thereof at Lowry Field, Denver, Colo. Effective October 13, 1938, Colonel Herbert General Brant reverted to his peraanent rank of A. Dergue, Air Corps, was appointed temporariColonel. ly a Wing Com:render, with the rank of Briga,Colonel Frank D. LacklaDd was relieved from dier General in the Air Corps. He was relieV"assigIment and. duty as Chief of the Field Sered from duty as Assistent CotmaIXlant of the vice Section a.t Wright Field, ~on, Ohio, and. Air Col'J?s Tactical School, Maxwell Field,Ala., assigned to duty as Conne.nd.ant of the Air Corps f:nd asS1gned to duty in the Pamma Canal DeAdvanced nying School, Kelly Field, Texas. He partmeJ;l.t, where he arrived on October 14th and assumed co!llIBlld of this School on March 25th. assuned com:r:end of the 19th Wing. Effective March 1, 1938, Colonel Arnold N. Brigadier GetJ.eral Henry C. Pratt, U. S. J.rav, was relieved from. duty as Con:mandant of the Krogstad, Air Corps, 1'IB.S appointed a Wing Cemmander with the ten:porary rank of Brigadier Air Corps Tacticel School, Maxwell Field...Ala., General; relie'fed from assig:cment and duty as and assigned to the cormend of the 23rd BriColIlllfJ.Ddant f the Air Corps Ad:vaooed Flying o gade in the Philippine Department. He departSchool, Kelly Field. Texas, and. assigned to the ed from Maxwell Field for hi! new assignment CO'Ql'8ndof the 2nd Wing, GHQ Air Force, Langley on August 7, 1938. Field, Va. General Krogstad assuned the duties Colonel Jacob H. Rudolpb, Air Corps, assunec of his new position on March 31, 1938. ooum!l.Xld f the br&llCh of the Air Corps Tech .. o Brigadier General Jemes E. Chaney, upon the nical School, Lowry Field, Denver, Colo., on upirat ion of his appointment as Assistant to July 1, 1938, relieving Lieut. O&lonel Junius the Chief of \be Job Co~.. with the ~ of W. Joae8, assigned.. to ;::~~ in '\he ID$'pector Brie-dier Qeaen1, OIl Jul.7 18, 1938, was Noston. 1),0. 1ieved from assigx:ment and dl\ty as CoaDlendiDg Brigadier ~erel Henry H. ArDold, As.istant General of the .Air Corps Training Center and Chief of the Air Corps, was appointed Chief of &nigned to the cormend of Mitchel Field, N.Y. the Air Corps with the rank of Brigadier GenThe appointment of Brigadier General George eral, for a period of four years, beginning H. Brett as Wing Comrender of the 19th Wing, September 29, 1938. General Arnold assUDBd A.lbrook Field, Pa.nana Canal Zone, terminated on the duties of that office on Septe~r 30th. October 29, 1938, and. he was assigned -to duty Colonel Walter G. Kilner, Chief of St&:ff of as Chief of Staff of the GHQ Air Foroe, Langley Hqrs. GHQ Air Force, Langley Field, Va., was Field, Va. appointed Assistant to the Chief of the Brigadier General Barton K. Yount as relieved Co~s, with the rank of Brigadier General, for from the oon:ma.ndof the 18th Wing in the a period of four years beginning September Hawaiian Department and. assigned to duty as 30, 1938, and assigned to duty in the Office ComrandN:It of the Air Corps Training Center, of the Chief of the Air Corps, Washington, Randol~ Field, Texas, succeeding Brigadier D.C. General Jerms E. Chaney. General Yount "S8~ Colonel John H. Piri.e, transferred from V-8013, A. C.
are~ as practicable. The Board e~ etif.o},fe.rchField, Calif., to Ma:ltwell Field, Ala., tal of 746 applicants, of which n~i'65': assumed command of the latter field on Ootober were found qUBlified am reconmetld~! fer,:~; 4, 1938. Brigadier General Barton K. Yount, Air Corps, pointJnent as Flying Cadets. The BOard. ct'8t~ad to the Tre.i.ni118 Center on A~ril 13th, after was reI ieved from coJlIll8Ildof the Air Corps traveling a distance of 5150 m1les, utilizing Training Center and assigned to duty in the Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, Washingtwo BT-9 airplanes. " i .' Seven Inspectors of the Bureau of'A:i~ C(jmton, D.C. Colonel Millard F. Hal'mOn, Air Corps, e.ssUDed merce. Department of Conmerce. holdi.~ :Co.h:ini~sions in the Air Reserve or in the National coIIlX8I1d the Air Corps Tactical of School, MaX'Guard, arrived at the .Air Corps Adva.neeanrwell Field, Ala.., on December 6, 1938. Lieut. ing School, Kelly Field, on Mevr 9th, for t~ Colene1 Donald Wilson was assigned as Assistant porary duty, to receive a special cOu;'.se,of Commendnt of this School. a A total of 17 first lieutenants of the Air pilot instruction o~ two-engined ~ui~~~, Corps were pronx,.l;ed to captain, with rank from Each Inspector rece1Ved from 12 to ;15 .~.oUi's of pilot time on local and cross-count~ June 7, 1938, and 61 additional first lieutenflights, and they completed the co~se ~n ants were promoted to captain, with rank from May 21st. .. . June 9, 1938. Thirty second lieutenants of the Air Corps Graduation exercises for Class 38-. B'I ... th.e . 9.:t:. were prom ted to the grade of first lieutenant, Air Corps Adva:cced Flying School, 1'IE!.r.~ '~eJ.d9n effective June 12, 1938. Effective. June 30, June 16th. The graduati118 class oOnS.iste<f~ two offioers of the Regular A1'!IV"6' foreign 1938, 38 additional second lieutenants were officers, and 88 Flying Cadets.,... . advanced to first lieutenants. A total of 341 students were se1e9ted fot. Nineteen Air Corps Reserve officers servi118 on extended active duty were ooaudssioned secappointment as Flying Cadets to enter the July I, 1938, Class at the Air Corps "Prinm'Y ong lieuteDaXlts in the Air Corps, Regular Arm:I, with rank from July I, 1938, under the previFlyi118 School, Bandol'Ph Field. Thi.s..c,ons,tituted the largest number of stw.ents:;e"lj'er. te sions of the Acts of Congress of August 30, 1935, and A-pril13, 1938. begin training in ~ olass in the Ms~oiyof '" ~,' As a result of corq>etitive examinations Bm0118 the Air Corps Training Center. A total of 114 second lieutenantsor~thi_. Air Corps Reserve officers on extended act i ve Regular Arrrv, who graduated from the.Uni ted duty, 188 received c~ssions as second lieutStates Military Acadqr, West Point, NS H' on enants in the Air Corps, Regular Arm:f. June 14, 1938, were assigned to the.Ah. COrPs for ly1118 traini118' They SCHOOL .AmIV1T DIS Training Center during the latter p~ ~~f: " Air Corps Training Center September. During the Fiscal Year endi118 June,:~, .,1938, The maintenance fl ight of Class 38-1. of the Randolph Field offioers and studen~lJ tJr .... ,.the Air Corps Advaroed Flying School, Kelly Field, unusual total of 102.932 hours enQ..2g ~~~_s, Texas, was completed on January 28th, with no exceeding the Fiscal Years 1936 and,l~~1,-:-by; mishap, despite dela;ys encountered due to adverse weather conditions, includi118 dust ~:O~~:;y 6~ f~~~n:t~=b:~~~t~~~'iir sto~, low ceilings, etc. Corps was iDCree.sed by 61 comnissioned offiOn February 16th, Class 38-.1, caqtrising 5 eel'S, graduates of the Uni ted Stat"s:Mili tary officers of the :Regular Arnv, one officer of AcadeD\Y' the class of 1937, who-: of S\1Cc.l:>~~the Brazilian A.rrrr:f, and 55 Flyi118 Cadets graduated from the Air Corps AdV8.DCed Flyi118 School. ly completed the course of instruet~Qn ~t. the Air Corps Training Center. ..: ; ... '!1ombe.rdmenttraining was reestablished at the Graduation exercises for Class 3~Cftl'e Air Corps Advanced Flying School, beginning held at the Air Corps AdV8ZlCed Flying $ChoQl.\ February 23rd, with the iDComing class which on October 5, 1938. The class consisted of graduated from the Prinary Flying School, and 80 F1Y'~~JCM.ets Randolph Field. Foux officers were assigned \0 64 Regular Arrrv officers _ was the largest graduating th~ . duty as instructors in the Banbardment Section. history of the Air Corps Training. A total of 101 students of Class 38-B, coIXt Class No. 39-. reported at Kelly. F!~~ o~ prising 2 Regular ~ officers, 6 foreign ofOctob~r 8th to couplete its instruot~o~ ~~, ficers and 93 Flying Cadets, who graduated fran the .A1r Corps Traini118 Center. This.9:lail~, the Primary Flying School, Randolph Field, the largest yet to be sent to the'M,yB.'IlIQ,,,d, Texas, reported on February 23rd at Kelly Field Flyi~ School, consisted of 176 stwi~IJ~s.,:" for advanced lying training. 4 be1ng Regular ArrIff officers, 6 Nati,Q~ .,A class of 321 students reported at the PriGuard officers and 166 Flying Cadets. . .. mary Flying School, Bandolph Field, for lying Eighteen second lieutenants of t~ElA~Jl'~ training with the }larch 1, 1938, class. serve (non-graduates of the Air Corplil:!P~JPpg A special Traveli118 Board of Air Corps and Center) began on October lOth a ref~rr Medical officers from the Air Corps. Training flying course at the Prinary Flying Sc4~ .;.' Center departed on February 14th for the purA total of 236 Flying Cadets r~tt'8~;Jillt ... pose of visiting colleges and universities in Randolph Field early in October to ~)bog~p%':~ the 7th and 8th Corps Areas; first, to examine nary fiying traini118' Includi118 t:b;e'ites:k:J" applicants for appointment as Flying Cadets; Point graduates assigned to the Air Corps for and, second, to disseminate information conlying training, the nuznber of st\ldents -,hi' cerning the Training Center over as large an V-80l3, A.C.
~hi.s ~l. . s otalled . 350. . During the perIod from July 5 to October 5, 1935,~a. ~tlal of 20,761 hours wa~ lawn by airplanes at the Advanced Flybig School. Other Schools N~ classes in dead reckoning and celestial naviga.~ibn, the courses lasting six weeks, were b'egtin''bhe first of the year a.tHamiltQn Field, Cal1'. , '33 pilots being enrolled in the first ,class.,'. '.
faculty of the Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala., coDducted a "Pap~r War" at the aeriel gunnery base at Valpa.ra.1.S0, Fla. ApproxiDBte1y 76 students, 14 ~bers of the faculty, and 120 enlisted men part1.cipatec Students attending the Air Corps Tactical School Maxwell Field. Ala., received their certificates of graduation on June 3rd frQm . Major General Oscar Westover. Chief of the Au Corps.
On ~ 21st, the first class &ttend~ the After' two weeks of intensive instruction, 20 Autogiro training school at Patterson F1eld, selected officers of the Air Corps oOIq)leted on Ohio, graduated, ~t~r five weeks of intensive JaIiUa:i"YZlst a special course in Naval Opera.air and ground tra1nUlg. tionsat the Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell ---Fiel'd', Ala. Ten Air Corps officers were detailed for duty as students at the Air Corps Engineering :F'in8l-orders for IXOvingthe Departments of School at Wright Field, D~on, Ohio, for the 'Pho'to~hl and A.mmDent fran the Air Corps 1938-1939 course, beginning August 1. 1938. '1'ecliriical .,School, Chanute Field. Ill., to Lowry Fle'l:et,' Denver, Colo., arrived on February 7th, Nine Air Corps officers graduated on June ~.,~reed.ays later the freight and passenger 2200 fran the .Amrr War College, Washington, tre1DA, oa.rrying personnel aM equipment, were D.C. on their W8iY' to Denver, Colo. A total of 38 Air Corps officers graduated Theseoond class of the Air Corps Weather on June 20th from the Ccmmnd and General School at Patterson Field, Fairfield, Ohio, reStaff Sohool, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 'POrt~dfor duty on February 1st, 26 students, statioped in various parts of the United States, Eight Air Corps officers graduated o.n June r~o~ti~ ,for this t~~~ng. 23rd from the Arnv IndUstrial College; Washington, n, C. , Eight Air Corps officers were assigned to dUty as students for the 1936-1939 course at The second course of instruction in Autogiro the, A~' IndUstrial College, Washington, D. C. , nBintenance and operation started on June 8th anddireeted to report on September 10, 1938. at Patterson Field, Ohio, five officers and ----four enlisted men being in attendaooe. On.1i'ebrua.i-y 19th, lB members of the cl~s attending .~he radio school conducted at Harmlton Six Air CoI1* enlisted men graduated on July 'Fiel~; ,qalif., graduated. Th~ course.sta ted 2nd from the Badio School conducted at l4a.xwell oriDecember 2, 1937, and the 1nstruchon an Field, Ala., for the purpose of traini~ enradio included both the theoretical end pra.clisted men as radio operators for the a.1~s t tCal phases. control, airdrome control and post commun1.c~ t ions sect ion. 'Nlae.medical officers graduated from the
-9chOdl:of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Field, Te::x.e.s, ,'.onMarch 31, 1938. Diplomas were presented the graduates by Brigadier General James E. CIi~~,ColllI&l.ding the Air Corps Training Cente~. '-: .to train Air Corps officers and enlisteahnell: in the operation of the Aut~giro, four"officers and five enlisted meoba.n1.csbegan oti:APril'2Oth a six weeks' oOUJ'se of instruction at Jia:tterson Field, Fairfield, Ohio. Three Au~ogiro~:were in use .. Thi~ was the first. scbOol'; operated l.n th1.s country for II1lit8.X7..nying training and nBintenance of the Autogt~. Ino;rder
in dead reckoning
October 3rd marked the opening of the fourth annual tWO-m:>nths' course of instruction at the sChool of Aviation Ordnance at Langley Field, Va. The class consisted o~ pine enlisted men stationed at Langley F1e!d. On October 7th, a total of 12 students graduated from the Airplane MaintenaDCe course at the Air Corps Technical School, Chanute Field, Ill. This was followed with the &raduation on October 21st of 48 students from various other courses given at this School.
On November 12th, seven Medical offioet's of the Regular Arnv and seven Medical officers of the U.S. Navy, also one Medical officer of the Cuban Arrqy. graduated fran the School of A~ation Medicine at Randolph Field, Texas.
:l'o~teeIi enlisted men graduated on April 25th tratf'the'two months' course of instruction at theSob061 of Aviation Ordnance at Langley Fi.J:d>;-:.Ve. 'Brigadier General Arnold N.Krogstad. ..: Sedond :1lItiig Comiiander, presented the diplomas. In 'th4't1ilO ~previous olasses of this School a tot~~,~r23 students graduated. DUrmg'the middle of May, the students and
A oourse of instruction in Dead Reckoning and Division, fQr exbaordiDary aohieve~n\ while 1n aerial fl ight. ()ii( ~e1R6er Celestial Navigation tor Air Corps offioers in. partioipating ~. 19~, Lieut, Kelsey. pilotin8~:e,n'~4ffPl'ime the 18th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field, T.H from M1tchel Field. N.Y to Wri~t _:Jr~'fJ~'d:.f was oOJqlleted during Nov_er. at an altitude of 1000 feet when,?ti~t .. warning. the left motor failed ~ .1ih'el4f~ On December 26. 1938, 26 Air Co1i.s enlisted men were graduated from the Badio Repairers and wing burst into flames. Maintaining' qont~cl ~erator8 oourse given at the Air Corps Techof the airplane with great diffiQ~tre.'.' ~~e.'to the darkness of the night and the -1:l~ . ~ School, Chanute Field, Ill. glare from the burning airplane, t.ieu ..'1telsej Eleven .Air Reserve officers (non-graduates of uanaged to effeot a safe landing at Wright Field, thereby preventing the destruction of the Air Corps Training Center), completed the refresher course of instrw::tion at the Air Corp valuable govenment property. " ; ".,. ----~ Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, on DecemLieut. Colonel Robert Olds, ~.'~ ... .. ber 23rd, and were assigned to extended active duty. manding Offioer of the 2nd. Bom~ 'q.roUp, Langley Field, Va., was presented. t1:i~.Ji!stinguished Flying Cross on the IrJ:):m~ O,A,p:cl.l DECORAT IONS .AND A.WAB[)S 30th before the personnel of his Gr,o,HP'~ a Decorations and awards IIBde during the calen- large number of friends and speotatQ~' '. ~e dar year 1938 to Air Corps personnel for heroic deooratiC?n was bestowed upon Colo~.' ..' ;for conduct or distinguished service in connection extraordJ.n&ry achievement while~iQ t~ng with flying are enunerated below, as followss in an aerial flight fran Lang1e,yri~1 ~. Distinguished FlYing Cross to Buenos A.ires, Argentina, South America. MaJor General Frank M. Andrews, ComxandingthE During a forrml review at llandolph Field, Tems. on February 12th. the Distinguished Fly- GHe.(, .Air Foroe, IDlldethe presentation. ing Cross was presented to 2nd Lieut. DRoss Ellis. Air Reserve, for heroism displ~ed while The aclcay Trophy"',' . partioipating in a flight from Hensle,y Field, Dallas. Texas. to OklahomaCity, Okla., onApril Captains Carl J. Crane and George it, &11024. 1937. 'During this flight the pilot of the man, Air Corps. were awarded the ~TrophJ airplane, Lieut. Robert S. FisheX', was pulled for the year 1937 for their outs~i~, _: from the airplane by his parachute which had achievement in successfully deve1qp.i~ -. acacoidently opened. Lieut. Fisher's body struck tual1y denx>ostrating the airplane autanatio the tail surfaces, badly dauaging the rudder landing system. On the morning of:~tober taking off cOIX!>letely the elevator on the left 14th. in the office of Hon. Harry If.'.:'foo<b-ing side and leaving a stub of some 18 iIlChes in Secretary of War, gold medals emblU1l8.t1ct:Df length of the stabilizer. Believing Lieut. the Ma.cka.y Trophy wer~ presented by:tIlieSOOreFisher to be badly injured, disregarding his tary to these \110 off1.cers. ;" :G'~ ; ownpersonal safety and mindful only of securCooperating with Captains Craneaud,.Ho11oma ing aid as quickly as possible, Lieut. Ellis in the development of this systeitu;f :autamatic displayed great courage when he piloted the landing control were Messrs. Rayunnd. :stauti. badly damag~ airplane back to Hensley Field P:oject Engine~r, and C.D. Barbulesco, of the and landed 1t safely, thereby enabling him to S1.gnal Corp~ Auoraft Radio Laboratory,:both report the accident within 25 minutes of the \ connected mth the Materiel Divisidn at. 11{righ1 time it had. occurred. Shortly afterwards the F~e1d~ Ohio. Tl;e provisions of tba deed .of body of Lieut. Fisher was found by ground g1.~ an connecb Ion with the ~ T.fOphy,_ searchers at a;pproxine.tely the location reportlimiting its award to military perSonnel. "rened by Lieut. Ellis. dered it iII!>raeticable for these tllO mvilianf to share in the Ma.cke Trophy award. The War Department anaounced the award of the . Distinguished :F1yiIlgCross to 2nd Lieut. Homer The Collier Trophy ,.'~ : A. Boushey, Air Corps, for heroism and extraorAnnoUDCement made by the Na..t,l;o~ ..Aerowas dinary achievement in a flight near Fort Lewis. nautic Association on September '15th :tbat the Wash., on Ootober 5, 1936. Structural failure ArmyAir Corps had been awarded the::COl1ier in the airoraft resulted in the loss of both Troph! for 1937 for the successfu1..:~l;ishailerons and caused the plane to go out of con- men~ an high altitude fiying by the'p1"l!ilS8ure trol. Ordering his mechanic to jump with his oab1.nmethod. The citation 8CCUDp8J\Yin:g lthe ~achute, Lieut. Bushe,., by the sklllful use award reads: 1'1'0 the United States:.~Air of the remaining controls on the disa.bled airCorps for having designed. oonstructed and' plane, brought it to a safe landing, this recompletely equipped the Xo.35 sU.bsi~atosphere sul t ing in a great IOOnetarysaving to the govplane, the first pressure cabin ai~laneto ernment and making possible en engineering be. flown successfully ~ere tlle'~\fQrn. II st~ as to the cause of the structural failure 1'l&JorCarl F. Greene, Captain Alf'rlS4ill. !. of this type of airplane. Johnson and Lieut. Colonel Oliver:P. ,~.Ibb01S, Air Corps, and Dr. John E. YoungeX' ''H'.Moited At the Auditorium at Wright Field. Dayton as the principals in the research and develop~io, on the IOOmingof March 9, 1938, 1st' ment work which resulted in the a.ward.. L~eut. B. S. K?lse;r, Air Corps. was presented The presentat ion of the Trophy rmde by W1.ththe Dist1ngu1.shed Flying Cross by Briger President Roosevelt at the Whi ~ K6~.e'6'n" t dier General A.W. Robins Chief of the Materiel
V-0013, A.C.
The De.edalian TrophY The Colombian TrophY The Cheney Award In an ~ressi ve ceremony on the morning of Announcement was made' on January 20th that September 21st. the 19th BombardmentGroup, the Chepey Award for the yeer 1937 would not be under the co~ of Lieut. Harvey S. Burwell, UBde~''ihe ,'3oard of Officers , appointed by the Air Co~s, drawn up on the pezade ground at . "CIii~:Iilf'1:he Air Corps to select the person or March F1eld., Calif., ... s_y~sented with the -pe:i$<)i'iS~st ~riting the &1Ia1'd~ melting the new De.edalian Trophy by 1l4e\jor General Oscar 'recoTJ'l'riend,ationthat while there were several Westover, Chief 01' the Air Corps, just a few itI$~es of heroic feats in connection with hours before his tragio death in the airplane .,~~~~operation, involving risk of life, accident at Burbank. Calif. Major General 't~ rifle'not of a cha1'acter distinctly to Frank M. Andrews. Chief of the ~ .1ir Force, <~'b'I-tilie:';Awa;t'd, according to standards set in ~ .ph.anted the Group with the Colombian 'P:te~Ju$ :years. TrophY', a gift to the Aras:! Air Corps by the CoIOtPbianGovermleIlt. These two trophies were " ~"l:,: awarded to the 19th BombardmentGroup for its ., " The Soldier l s Medal splendid record of 10,942 hours of fiying. At a colorful and impressive ceremo~ held during which only one minor accident oocurred. on February 26th at Langley Field, Va.., 1st This Group flew during the preceding year more Li~nt~ Joseph A. Bulger, Air Corps, of the 8th hours per airplane than any other organizatior: ,t:'~"luitGro-up. was presented the Soldier's in the GHQ, Air Force or in the entire Air 'veda1'~ citation for distinguished valor in Corps. res6itl~':a"litt1e girl from drowning in the ,'. wate:l's"of:ebe sapeake Bay in May, 1937. Hawaiian Department Comzander's Streamer
:~.'" .* "; ~):' ~..:.
~,~~1i,Qibei:16th, Brigadier GeneralRenry H. ,,':-;~,:: '" ii, .,',.1, S,sistant to the Chief of the Air, : ;-C9~~Il.'acoepting the Tr~ on behalf of the 1?r,i~.~PB1's. Also present at this presentation Q~~were Brigadier ~ral A.Y. Ebbins. r,:~, ')~l,',~et ~t~e Air Corps Materiel c;,f Di, visi,eDI' 'Mr . '. ~'I'~,s~.Horner, president of t~c NatioM.1 " 4~.:i:9~'i1~ic 'Association. and Mr. William L. ' 'Editor of Collier's'Weekly.
La.., second consecutive time attained the highest score I Barksdale Field. aerial having forwastheagain of the -year in gunnery, awarded the Luke Memorial Trophy, the ~resentation being DBde to the SQuadron on November 5th by Brigadier G$nere! Frederiolc L. 'Martin, Air Corps.
'~'~uDOement was made by the War Department <m(Ajr~17 28th of the award of the Soldier' B Medli];;:t'o'~rporal Richard F.Miller and Pri-ve.te ~lit Clias:s ~l W. JordBl). Jr., 1st Corps Area Air Corps Detachment, for heroism displqed in .. a'bt~ting to rescue a soldier from drowni~g in ~ Boston "Harbor. Mass., on the evening of Decem"
,ber ~22~'J-:l:g37. . ... . (':.:~ ~ . '. On 'NtJ#ember 4, 1938, the 18th Pursuit Group at' Wheel-sr ,Field, T.R., held a presentation . .fotml.'!li~' during the course of whiCh Corporal Paul;'" Stone, Air CArps, was presented. the 'So.lH:i8r's. i-.fedal for heroism in rescuing a clvUian'-:f'rom drGwning .11 December 26, 1937.
The 26th Attack Squadron. attached to the 18th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field, T.R and oomnandedby Major G.A. McHenry, Air Corps. was the recipient of the Department Coama.ndar's Streamer for demonstrating the highest military efficiency during the year 1936-1937 The award was made by Major General C. D. Herr6n, U. S. Arav, CoIlIllandingGeneral of the Hawaiian Division, during an inpressive ceremo~ at Wheeler Field, T.R., on January 18th. TRAINING 1st Wing, GHQ, Air Foroe Utilizing two B-18 Bombardmentairplanes, the 88th Rec:om:aissance Sq~ron, Hamilton Field, Calif., made two frights, beginning March 14th, across the Gulf of Mexico, to qualify flight personnel in .elestial Il&vig&tion, this being a final test for the course of instruction in that phase of training. ' Thtt 9th BombardmentSquadron of Hamil ton Field, Calif., began bombing p~ice on February 10, 1938. The bt Wing Dved to the Pacific Northwest, August 9-15, to engage in long range reconnaissance missions and to familiarise ~ersonnel with the terrain and available mihtary facilities throughout the Northwest area.' Units from 1leroh and Hamirton Fields were based at various lOCk~ities in the Pacific Northwest and, in addition to recnnnaissance missions, staged boni>iDg demonstrations. The 7th Bcmbar'dJnent roup, of HalPilton Field. G Calif~'. consisting of 37 offio,ors and 100 enV-SOl3, A.C
Tee Harra:>n Trophy The 79th :Ptirsuit Squadron, 20th Pursui t ., ~.~~;, 'Ba~ksdale Fiefd. La., having attained t~eHi;~e'st efficiency standard of ~ combat '~ron'[~ the 3rd Wing, GHQ, .1ir Faroe, during the"'Fiaca1 Year 1937-1938, was seleoted for the ,'&wa1'dI'Qf.theHarmonTrophy, donated by the ''biJ.s~.HJ8ri of Shreveport, La., to Colonel 1liiille;rd.:r.. Ha.I'nxm, Air Corps, as a token of theircetrtJeemand friendship for him. The pre":'~aU of this Trcrphy wa.smade to the Comr:uerid.iag,,Qficerof ,thIs Squadron, ~tain' "ThBiYer~iS"01ds. Air Corps, by Brigad1er General Frede.i9lt~lI",.Ma.rtin, Air Corps. ColJl1l8lidinshe t .3~, ''f.t.ngi QijQ, Air Force, on November12, 1938. ',a.t-.B~.aetl.eField. La.. . '".''rThe' Frank Luke Memorial TrgphY r.'L . ~c~7r~ :P~sui t Squadron,stationed at
.. '
The 9th BombardmentSquadron, Remilton Field, Calif., coDdueted auni t navigation and asaemb17 problem over the week-end of September 2-5. The problem consisted of individual dead reckoning and celestial navigation missions to Bandolph Field, Texas, via Bakersfield, Calif., end El Paso, Tems.
2nd Wing,
On November7th and 8th, the 20th' :~ard" ment Squadron, 2nd BombardmentG~~'~:f~ley ~t:;d;'i~h' th~o;;~ed a joint t~~Jj~r_____ : ! ~'.~":'v1
The 33rd Pursuit Squadron took i>ff"f-rOti, Langley Field, Va., on ;>ecember.5i!,h .~ci'~-~p& raiso, Fla., to engaae 1n aerial: ~e%'y qual. ifications. A flight of 10 PB-;aAs ~ the trip to the Florida _____ gunnery base. ;::'I. -J:~ _ ~'; 3rd Wing, GHQ Air Force, ..~.' As their part in the tactical dem;n~tra.tion held at Barksdale Field, La., in Feb~y, 1938, for the students of the Air~~.(~aotical Sehool, the 20th Pursuit GrO\~lhGf ~ 1iliat station furnished nine P-26A airplanes for a trass gunnery deIJX>nstration. -""~ .:::.'
, ~ ;';~ ,-,J:J .
In October, 1918, the 90th AttackSquMron, Barksdale Field, La. , participated:in .coo.per81 ""B4b~ .17 '-rs, menned by a crew of 35 officers and. 66 enlisted men, and conmanded tive missions with ground force8v~}' 0 by Wajor Vincent J. Meloy, Air Corps, landed at these operations was at Fort Riley, ~s, and they were conducted for the officers of Xelly Field, Texas, on Je.nua.ry 24th on the rea turn portion of a routine training flight from the CoIIDBndnd General Staff SchOol.lof Fort Le.ngley Field, Va., to March Field, Calif. The Leavenworth, Xa.nsas. distaIlOe of e;pproxiIrately l~ miles from March to Iel1y Field was accomplished at an average Hawaiian Department . speed of 200 miles per hour, six hours being The 18th Pursui~ Group of Whee1~~: .... ri~ci, required for the flight. T.H., spent the week end of J~~l4~,in the field at Haleiwa. " .' Air Corps pilots of the 27th Pursuit Squadron, 1st Pursuit Gro~, Selfridge Fieldl Mich. On March 25th, Air Corps personnel flying i and led by Major Wilhs R. Ta~lor, Air LiOrpS, ' six airplanes of the 18th PUrsuit Group, began on February 9th a long aerial journey Wheeler Field, T.R., dropped aerW 4..Uvery scheduled to take them through 16 States, durcontainers with food to a deta.e.hment. f ~he 9 ing the course of which they were to cover 2nd. Battalion of the 21st Infantry' ~ol;I.Jwas 4600 miles within one week. This flight contrarching through rugged country. tlOJ'.th'!V8st of stituted part of the regular annual training Puuiki. This exercise afforded valuable trai program -required of all the arnu's fighting air units. A great deal of valuable experience was ing for air and grou:cd units end' ,dElIllQti.Stra that food and water C8:l be delivered. ,by air gained by membersof the Squadron during this to lost and IIBroonedparties. ., , . flight.
.A B-17 l30tnbardment irplane of the 96th Bana bardment Squadron, Langley Field, Va., with full combat crew, and piloted by Captain ten R .Alkire, Air Corps, a.ccCGlpl1shed January on 5th a night navigation, boniling and gunnery mission to Maxwell Field, Ala., and return, "i thout landing at Maxwell Fleld.
, ~
- .. ---
Seven B--12airplanes of the 50th ReconnaisOn June 12th. t!\aseB-l? airplanes of the 2nd. BombardmentGroup, Langley Field, Va., while on sance Squadron winged their WB(f i'!1: a ,mrth western direction on May 16th to B~ Field, a rout ine training flight, intercepted the in a "eeko:t\,~ers. steamship 'Queen of BeX'IIllda" bout 300 miles at Xauai. to participate a sea and then returned to the home airdrcme. The The personnel on this flight consislbed t)f 9 officers and 34 enlisted men. Operations for three planes were piloted by Majors Caleb V. the period consisted of reconnaiasence' flight ~es, Edwin R. McEeynolds and Ceptai~ A.Y. and aerial machine gunnery practice ..: &li\h.
i.; .'
After giving tht T;~;;ort JI~Uin, from Honolulu on July 18th. a he~:star~; of 21 hours, BombardmentSquadrons of the 5th B0mbardment Group, Luke Field, perf"oJ'Iel::an intereeptio~ mission on the vessel' 81nd 1I&deoon tact With it SaJl8 285 nautical.mi1b>:&tisea. after a flight of 2 hours and .8!1!li.mIbn.'} Brigadier General Barton X. YbUat,l:Air: Corpl relieved from duty in the .Hawaiian Department During the Fiscal Year 1937-1938, abplanes was aboard the Transport. assigned to the 27th Pursuit Squadron, Self. ----ridge Field, Mich., were flown for a total of The 4th Reconnausence SQuadr6h:W1Jke .lield 4,123 hours. corqleled at: interesting and inSt~vln=ooPel _____ lative misS10n during the m)nth.~ AugUst:wi+,h The 36th Pursuit $Quadronreturned to Langley Battery.A. of the 15th Coast ~ti1il:~~'The Field, Va., on November20th ater two weeks object of the mis. ion was to s~. s ..:test a of aerial guxmer,y- t~ing at Valparaiso, Fla. means-of accurate location of targBtSc'iOl" the 16-iDch battery located at Fort Weaver, .A. light of seven PB-2 Pursuit planes from f the 33rd Pursuit Squadron, LaJ)gley Field, Va., took off on June 6th on a high altitude naviga. tion mission. The. flight was joined by six planes from the 35th and 36th Pursuit Squad1"Ons. As a resul t of this fl ight, much was learned of the capabilitios of biplane Pursuit at high altitudes.
V-SOl3, A. C.
Philippine Department 11th, approximately 35 officers and S rd 'D--ibe:rdment qwmron, stat ioned ~ .ouw t "" ~t:'Ri~Field, T.E., participated 1n a DX)S Early in the fall. Air Corps offioe~s of the interesting navigation ~ssion. The Squadron. 4th ~site Group at Nichols Field, P.I flying ive :8-18 airplanes. flew 559 miles out oClq?leted aerial gunnery and bombibg practice. tll, an average speed of 204 ~es per Of the 14 officers participating. ten made 1Io~. 'It was appro:xtnatel,y 7 hours in the air qualifying scores. ,.:be!or~ ..landing at the hOm9aird:rane. ". '. -. ----The 2nd Observation Squadron, Nichols Field. 'DUring the month of August, the 72nd Bo:aiba:rd- conducted cooperative training ~ssions with ment Squadron COII!Pleted intensive two week.' the 60th Coast Artillery regimmt. stationed an training course at Bellows Field. The training at Fort Mills, P. I two ~ssions being carincluded-ground and aerial guxmery and bombing. ried out daily, involving anti-aircraft and .. .. i'~ ~ the period A~~t 15 to "P, the 23~d machine gun training: __-_ ~dmmt Squadron conducted fi.ld training The 2nd Observation Squadron, Nichols Field, at .Bellows Field, WaiD:m:lalo, T.R. conducted its azm-.l 15-daya, field traini118 :, . period from Noveui>er28th to Decezriber 12th. On September 29th, the 5th BombardmentGroup. utilizing the Del Ca1'men Sugar plantation in Luke Field, performed an interception mission 1'8IIIpanga, about 75 kilometers north of ManUa, ,:''}''l1iJtlie~:ArnvTransport mPUBLIC when it was as the base of operations. The strength of -"-: ~'80111&:Mhours of Honolulu. The vessel was out the conuand in the field was 9 officers and ", ;.~:~C8?~d at a distance of 329 miles fran 196 enlisted man, utilizing 9 airplanes.
-. ....,~ f .' :L.... .. ,~n 0.,i;!~ e
. , n....A~t
Ten officers and 46 enlisted men of the 23rd BombardmantSquadron spent five ~s of training on the auxiliary airport at Rilo. Hawaii. ---.~ing;the latter part of October, th~ 23rd :B~~~nt Squadron was engaged in fiy1ng 6i!htlJ'~.oowere.tive ~ssions for the 64th Coast Artillery (.Anti-air~aft). Pa.nBlI8 Caml 1?epartunt ,,'the 74th.A.ttack Squadron. Albrook Field, i'u:i~dtC):the gunnery camp at Rio Hato, Panama, .. o~ SeptEEtler lOth for two 1reeks of gunnery and .~t~ operations.
.:, L" 'i. .. ~. _
Miscellaneous Air Corps Organhationa Personnel of the lst Observation Squadron, Marshell Field, Fort Riley, ltansa.s. during the period from Me;r 2nd to lOth, pe:rticipated in d~ and night ~ssions in connection with the Cavalry School's "Field Exercise Maneuver No.1." Incl1Jd.ed.n these activities i were reoonnaissance ~ssions: liaison miasioras, utilizing radio and dropped messages: end photographic missions, including aMts of troops in action and photographs of each d.a' s bivouac.
The 22nd Observation Squadron (Corp's and at Brooks Field, Texas, furnished the air observatioa for the Proposed ..' 'The-'29th Pursuit Squadron, Albrook Field, was Infantry Division Maneuvers and for the Pro"eno8mped at the aerial gunnery base at Rio Hato posed Cavalry Division lofaneuvers. The pe~ for two Weeksof gunnery and field mmeuvers, sonnel of this Squadron d8DX)nstratedabil ity October 3rd to 17th. in locating positions. movementof troops, and other activities. ~. 24th Pursuit Squadron, Albrook Field, arrived-at the aerial gunnery base at Rio Rato on The lst ObservatiOD SQuadron, stationed at - .~otob'er .17th to engage in a two-week per iod of Ma.r~l Field, Fort Bdf.y. Kansas, )S"08nt wo t 'aeriBJ: rgwmery praot ice. weeks (August 28th to September 11th at C'.azql McCoy,Wisconsin, paiiiclpatiD8.. in maneuvers :.r 'J.1he44th ReOOmlaisS8l3Ce Squadron, Albrook of the 14th Brigade (Reinforced). Field .. '-.s ~ed at the aerial gunnery base at Rio Hato for a period of three weeks, beginFlight B of the 16th Observation Squadron, " niDibec~ ls~. to eD8888 in aer1a1 gunnery stationed at Lawson Field, Fort BennIng. Ge., .. . 'sm' ifi8W. maneuvers. completed on Sept~er 24th a two-ye8k period of aerial sunnery training at Eglin Field, Valparaieo. na. Eight officers aDd 20 en1bted men. with two Field Artillery officers .. 0118 ~ioal officer at_ached, participa ... ed in this eD08rIpD8nt.
.l:nxv) ,stationed
---- ..
Air Corps National Guard Orppizations Air Corps Tactical School The 120th Observation Squadron, Colorado " - , ,.. AboUt. J~3airplanes and a convoy of trucks, Uational Guard, conducted its annual eooemp'c~38 officers p.nd 78 e:olisted man, dement at its home base, the lofunicipal .lirport, 'parted, from ~ll Field. Al.... On October Denver. Colo from August 1st to 15th. ''26th ..,~.Eglin Field. Valparaiso, na., to parb-icd:pat8"in aerial gunnery practice Clver the The l54th Observation Squadron, Arkansas -week end!. " National Guard. returned Septeni>er 3rd from V-8013, A.C.
: . r r
Eglin Field, Valparaiso, :rla., after c~leting one of the :mst successful field training periods in its history. During this lo-day period, practically all pilots am observers of this outfit qualified in aerial uachine gunnery. The total flying time during this encampment was 363 hours a11d 35 minutes. All pilots were afforded the opportuni ty of lying the North Amarioan o-47A Observation plane, and they handled it perfectly.
dEIX\Y, West Point. NewYork, wit~8Ml'~~' August 17th a bombing deIXX)nstratio~e~m~ by the 2nd BombardmentGroup over Pl~.i:~Jj~;,~ Islend. near Langley Field. ';';:':~':(.)l'.'_'::During the National Air Races at,~m~~, Ohio. September 3rd to 5th. the a7ibL~A\1it ~uad.ron of the 1st Pursuit Gro~ .,&tU~Mge Fleld, Mich., flying Seversky risnters, staged demonstrations of~~actip.~ maneuvers and forxmtion nying.T~Alti~,;\prp: also furnished a ~round exhibit O~tlt.irplanes, represent1ng one each of the standard IXX)dern types now ut i1 hed by the Azsw,.M"r Corps. .ff .
The entire student class of the Air CQrps Tactical School, lie.nell Field, All&., and most of the instructors, attended the GHQ, Air Force ;.; 1. ::' denx>nstration at Barl:sdale Field, La., on FebBefore students of the ConUand aM~'~h~ra ruary 5th. The deIXX)nstrationwas staged principally to give the students an idea of the use Staff School of Fort Lea~nwOl'th. !:~#S;.For of the Attack, Bombardmentand Pursuit arms of :Riley, Xansas, on October 2O~h. wa.s the scene the GHQ, Air Force. The students and faoul ty of of a de!IX)nstration by all branch~s;.9f ..~p.e .A.1'nl Air Corps of bombing aM ma.chine~1l8"Qf the Tactical School made the trip to Barksdale silhouette targets. Attack, Bombi.t~P~~~ Field by air. Participating in this dexmnstration were four Pursui t units of the 1st and 3rd ~n:gs ;~t.the in thiS'4.l9%?-~1ira 13-18Bombardmentairplanes from Hamilton Field, GHQ Air Force participated .' " . ; .. Calif., these planes returning to the hams sta- tion. tion on FebruaJ:.y7th4 also three 3'-17 Bombard-_ The 19th Wing in the Pa:ruma ~:llePa.ijmen ment planes from the 96th BombaZ'dment Squadron staged a Review on SeDtember 7th, ).?'O~i4~ it of Langley Field. Va., and one attached from departing COJDIS.nder, ~rigadier ~~~~',~rge the 20th Bonibe.rdment quadron from that statio S H. Brett, Air Corps, who sailed fo~j;b$,Vn1., 'tel which deIJr)nstrated the method of attaok on an States on September 9th. .. r ~ :~.:,.". outlined target, using various types of bombs and fuzes. Organizations stationed at Baxks$~ard. dale Field also participated in this delXXlnstra- Twelve B-17 airplanes of theseco~ ment Group took off from Langley 'Fl~~";Vo.., tion. for March Field, Calif., to pari;.~.~pate in th I exercises incident to the Ameri*Lf)iiOJ:l. Con On the !lX)rningof April 27th, Arrr planes venti on, held early in September .e.t:~L~~ tr: from Franoe and Albrook Fields. led by Brigardier General George H. Brett, Commander f the .Angeles, Calif..:l"" o r',';:> ----... . 19th Wing, Air Corps, new in an aerial review A dQIXX)nstration the use of'~~~~ of honoring Major General David L. Stone. Pa.naua was staged at Fort' :ae~~~, by Ca.nel Department Conmmder. upon his arrival at artillery the Infantry School on the aftern0.9~B;f:~vem Cristobal, Cnnal Zone, from the United States. bar 14th for the benefit of the entir.class On August 4th, Pursuit, Attack am Bornbe.rd- of 76 students attending the Air~~!!ps 'raotic. i .. ment airplanes of the 19th Wing welccmedPresi- al School, Maxwell Field, Ala. dent &osevel t when he arrived in the Pa:came. Canal Zone to make a tour of inspection. The EXEECISES AND MAmroVmS 1, ~ entire Wingpassed in review on the port beam Tactical squadrons and groups. o!;~~jecond of the Cruiser U.S. S. HOUSl'ON as she steamed into the Pacific entrance of the Panana Ca.nal. Wi~, GHQ Air Force, coneentratedAn. n9Jida durlng the period fran March 14th.,~ ,3l~t for At 4: 35 p. In., the following <bv, when the President and his party arrived at France Field their annual field exercises. T}le.I;"enrand the nation's Chief Executive proceeded with bracing central and north norida:,~ mecte for the exercises. The 17th ~~uti&;~on his inspection, all the Air Corps troops were of the 1st Pursuit Group, Selfrio~,~t.i formed ln front of the 1ine of airplanes in Group Review fornation. Brigadier General Mich was based at Tampa, Fla. .Thi) .S~Dd George H. Brett, Comre.nderof the 19th Wing, BombardmentGroup, with a persopnek;ot,$!) ofC~ was ElIIX)ng officials the selected to accomp8J\Y fleers, 225 enlisted men and eq~ the President on autOIXX)bileours of inspect prising 9 3-17 Bombard..'1l9nt p1a.n~.!,~I)wglas tion of both ~ and Navy defense establishBoo18 Bombardmentplanes am 2 A,..17lA~$.Ck. planes, Was based at Orlando, na...T~.~th ments in the Conal Zone. Pursuit Group of Langley Field, Va; ~ base .. Brigadier General George C. Marshall, Asat Sarasota, na., and comprised 2ii;oifJ.cers sistant Chief of Staff, and Major General Frank a.zxl 143 enlisted men, utilizing 22,P~~la.irM. Andrews, Chief of the GHQ Air Foroe, while planes. The 9th BombardmentGroup:o.f.,)(i.ioche Field, N.Y., cOIq)rising 37 offic.etS'Ib:l.ldr.aO making a tour of Air Corps stations. made an inspection of Kelly Field, Texas, on the morn- enlisted men, with 21 B-1OBBombardment ing of August 17th. planes. was based at Lekelandr Fla.".:!:)T One of the prime objects of therField-:1ibteraises was to test the new aircraft WiibH whlch Cadets from the United States Military Aca-8V-8013, A.C.
Corps e>rganizations participating being the 30rd end 36th PUrsuit Squadrgns, Hqrs. and Hqr~. Sque;drcn of the 8th Pursuit Group. the ,2nd Wing Hea.d\,:;:ers, end the 2nd ~Iribarc1ment ,Group, ~l of layField, Va..; the 27th PursUit Squadron,lst Pursuit Group, of Self~idgeField. Mich.'; the' 9th Bombardment roup, G Mitche1 Field, N.Y., and the 18th ReoonnaissatlCe Squadron of that station; one Attack 'Squadron of the3rd ,Wins. Ba.zksdale Field, La. fUld one :Bombarcl.mmt Squadron of the lst Wing, Ma:tchField, Calif. The eXorcise involved the concentration of a large percentage of the Regular A1"JIV antiaircraft artillery in the United. States. Inaddit-ion to the heavy concentrations of anti-aircraft 'end 4ir Corps defense equipment, eivilian aid was enlisted. on a large sca.le in the installation of an extensive aircraft war! ins net encirclins Fort Bragg with a radius ',' ,'~:~~:th' saw the c;;ii;tion of the GHQ reachins'to the North Carolim coast. The general function of the warning net was to ::rOl"Q.:~vers on the East Coast, during the warn the defended area of the of a:tI3' 'CSo~j'j(~ which 19 t orary air bases "re hostile aircraft in order to provide for i~ '?-t~~_t~!aa., . The tacti:i situation assumed Was terception by defending Pursuit aviation end that'of defending the no1'theaste:rn section of imnediate defensive action by the anti ... .ira the United states from attack by a "coalition oraft artiller.y. , , ,of As,\at;io and. EuropeeD Powers." Statistics The work during this period was very intense ,,', ~b~~9,($.(l'tbat2,285 plane hours were flown in for bOth fiyins end ground personnel; ~ ,~tu$.1 ,_I?P~ations involving 340,254 mil ea. , ,,;~'1'h~~(Ptovisional Transport Squadrons were , missions were executed dq fUld night at high 'utilhed 1n t1'8Qspo1'tingofficers and men to " alti tudes. the various, airdrcmes where the Air Corps units, ~uaclrons of the 5th Bombardment roup in G ,we:r:e ~~ed durins the Maneuvers. The three the Hawaiian Depa.rtmantparticipated in the 1fttlg~ers with their respective staffs joint anti ..aircraft-Air Corps exercises held 'reachffer t~ DBn8UVer area on Me.v 3rd. . ,-': Tliii'l8aa.qUarters of the 1st '-ing, comzanded in that Department fran NovaeI' 5 to 16,1938. b.f~2-'lRe:di'erGeneral Delos C. Emoons, was set up i!L~'~NEnrHaven, Conn.; the Headquarters of the CHANGES IN ORGANiZATIONS AND srA.TIOUS 2nd Wins, comnmded by Brigadier General Arxlold ~. Krogstad, was based at Middletown, Pa., end . War Department orders were issued on Januar: 1I11tChM. Field, N.Y., was the base of operations :t>th, transferrins the 31st Bombardment quadS ot :the 3t'd' Wing, oonmandedby Brigadier General ron from Hamilton Field, Calif., to the '~eci'er~CkL. Martin. Hawaiian Department. '~~,~h~.the course of the two weeks of ~-'" 82'S,' ~rGeneral Frame M. Andrews, Cortmmd:Lng The 31st Bombardment quadron, fran Hamil S tor. General of the GHQ Air Force, and his staff, Field, Calif., arrived in Honolulu on February arranged for the extensive tests of new port- ,1 23rd, fUld was assigned to station at the new able fh111- equipment. .,~ "",~ HickamField . __ .9ne ,of'the interesting incidents in connection-With,' the Maneuverswas the reoonnaissance The designation of several squadrons starflight bf th:ree B-17 ''Flying Fortresses" 750 tioned. in the Hawaiian Department was chansed, .milia out to sea to find the entirely friendly effective February 28th. The 4th Observation Italian liner BEl. The pilots on this mission ~uadron was renamed :the 4th Reconnaissance _zoe WB.jOl" Celeb V. ~s. Captains Cornelius Squadron, and the 65th Service Squadron was . ~#'a.nd. Archibald Y. Snith. Handicapped by redesignated as Base Headquarters and 17th Ai, Uae;: s~1s and wind shifts, the pUots never- Base Squadron .:th:eIes:e navigated a.courately, and after four hourif'ol,'fiyiJlg sighted the steamer. Circling On March 1, 1938, the 75th Service Squadron the~l;.much to the eurprise of the passen- at Wheeler Field, T.H., was redesignated as g6~ and. C1'Elw aboard it, the airmen then return the Base Headquarters and 18th Air faae Squad~::',~~Wi"U:hel Field on schedule, despite edron. ,~rse weather conditions. __ ~ s.o~,'in interest to the lons range recon- ) During the IlX)nth April, the 72nd Bombardof Da.l~.1UlIOe flight was the "blackout" of J'aJomins-\ment Squadron was IlX)ved fran Luke Field, T.R" ", dal",. .;,t.'l.", NewYork.' The ,Offioials end 1'8Si-j to the new HickamField. ',~en'8'tf.this comwnity :respcmdedto thh air m~~:t~~~'-tri. enth~~~~tic cooperation. th On June 15th, work was started incident -i;o-the exchenge of stat ions between the 28th ..Jo~n~.Anti.~ircl'8ft-Air Corps Field Exercises Bombardment nd the 3rd Pur sui t Squadrons in a --:1Mr8",heId,dur1ng the period OCtober 3-017, 1938, the Philippines. The 28th Bombardment quadS '-'at :ron Bragg, N.C., end. its vicixd:ty, the Air ron was transferred from Nichols Field to " -9V-8013 , A.C. the;1ring''Wl!is eqUipped. In addition to the p1'OblemeCof supply, nainten&DCeandrepa.1'r. an int1mii'i'e',study was nede of 'the :c~the perforaance of new eM old. "aircraft. The Banba.rdmentand Pursui tplane_were tested at all ,"~~t~Wd~~aM ~er ell p08sib1ecODdit'ions, 8D!, uiudl:i useful 1nfomat ion was abqUired for futUii.:"r(ilference. At the coliCl"..ion'of the 1btertlids, it was the CODC8Xl8WI of. opinion that JD:acll"ll8d :been accomp1ished to benefit the sec, ~d Wing with respect to the develOpllllmt f the o "air-:defeABe of this country. ~ " .-:' ;.' . :-'. 'DOrU'!g the IlX)nth March, the 5th Bombardof ment Group, Hawaiian Department, -participated in joint mmeuvers 'with the U. S. Navy. A oon,id~ra~~~ ~t of 'V81uableinfOrsJationwas - ga~4; ~ oonneotion with the problems inherent ;.ntb'e aefense mission in the Haaiian IslaDt1s. : ....
Clark Field, and the 3rd Pursuit the latter field was transferred Field.
]Loon :RELIEF Cl'mATIONS furing the disastrous flood in Southern California the first week in Maroh, Air Co~s personnel from March Field, :Eliverside,. Callf. , aided in rescue work and perforued various other missions to help relieve the situation. Under the direction of Brigadier General Delos C. Emnons, 1st Wing Commnder. the 38th Reconnaissance Squadron ~otographed inundated areas; the 17tli Attack ,.~ ',. oonstantly flew over the flooded sections, direoting and facilitating the rescue work by means of radio oonmmioat ion, dropped food to people in narooned c~ mmities and tOWnsand acted as a news agency in the dissemination of actual and unexaggerated reports of conditions, in addition to assisting the direotion of outside help. nu-ing the period from March 3rd to 15th, the 17th AttaCk Group. UIlder the ccmna.nd Major of Carlyle H. Wash .Air Corps, oonducted 37 missions, involving a total flying time of 51 hours and 40 Il)i.nutes. Of these, 14 missions were flown to locate ma.roonedpeople; 4 to looate washed out roads; 8 to locate destroyed bridges; 6 to check the condition of dams; 2 to check broken power lines; 2 to drop food to marooned people. and one liaison mission to Los Angeles, Calif.
From .April 8th to 11th, heavy rains in the vicini ty of Maxwell Field. Ala., caused the .Alabama, Coosa ~ Tallapoosa :Eli vers to go on a rampage and to cause considerable damage to the secti~n between Maxwell Field and the coast. Several portions of Ma%well Field were flooded, necessitating the removal of ammunition and other supplies to higher ground.
TORNAOO RESCUE WORK On March 15th, a tornado having laid waste to
Artqy airmen in the Philippines tQ~ a IlIl:lOOe of interesting photographs of Mt. -Mayon ...the world's IOOstperfect -volcano, whicl,I; t~e,d i $ eruption on June 4th, after ten te~$ (if-fDac tivity. Thousands of natives _re- :o~ea: flee from their homes as a result. lof '1;he :eoo:l: IOOUS lava flow from this voloano. . -,
Photogr~hic work was cOlq)leted in ,August for a IXlOSa10, embraoing 3500 square !niles. by the 1st Observation Squadron, statip~a_a.t Marshall Field, Fort Riley, Kansas... ':Phis 190:1: was done for the Connelld and General' Staf:t School. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. '~, .
ERRANDS OFldERCY, SEA1lCH MI SSIONS.ErC. Six airplanes of the 28th Bomb~~nt:'~ ron, Clark Field, P.I., participa~ed i~'~ search for the '&.11 Clipper" reporye~ niss ing on July 28th. The searchw8s-ca~{e4out for four dqs, in cooperation with'Na,.- ap'c:taft. Planes from the 4th Con:posit~f'c.rOUp covered approximately12?,OOO sq~~ ridles without mishap. No trace was ~e "Clipper." .' '. ,.~-~ .
On the afternoon of-P;~ember ~ria search was initiated for a Naval 9ffi9E!r ,reported overdue at Coco Sol", enroi1te ..f~' David, Republic of Panama. .Advic,~i'b~~~ ,late recei ved that the officer bad eff~teii' a 'fore ed laxding at an auxiliary landing .ff~ii'c~ee:r the town of La Mesa, two A.-I? ~l~ '.'.flO'ltn l: Lieuts. Cla;rk and Gent, were d1$1iaWhed.o t that fie1<1, a:coJI4lanied by Lieut~:'COl,o~tW. e Woolford, Medlcal Corps, Flight ~d~Q~ . , The injured officer was taken c~ ~~<;~ returned to his heme station. ..' .':,~-' .....
an area of eight blocks of the City of Belleville, Ill., .Air Corps personnel from Scott Field, Ill., were promptly dispatched to the soene of the disaster. where they aided in resoue work, and perforued gua~d duty to prevent looting until the arrival of NatioDBl Guard troops. .AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHICIVITIES Am Photographic personnel of the Air Corps .Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, began on January 18th a project involving the IOOsaic ~ing of an area of approxinately 950 square miles around Fort Clezk, Texas. This napping work was for the Use of th& 1st Brigade at Fort Clark. During the period April 9th to 13th, photographic personnel at Maxwell Field. .Ala., {lerforpd almost Qontinuous photographic misS10ns for the Corps of Engineers. relief agetlCies aDd the press, during which approxinately 1200 square miles of river basins were photographed with two uulti ..lens cameras.
RADIO BROAIX'.ASl'S FBOM .AmPLANM," A.successful radio broadcast frdrp.t.he.' , Lockheed XC-35 sUbstratoSPhere~~~rp.l~.was a complished on January 22nd by lIIIl3.jor :~l 1.. Greene l!nd. Lieut. E.H. Beebe, .Air. C9;i>sa :the plane being piloted by Lieut. L.l'~~,.Ai Corps. and the broadcast being made.Whi.te. fly ing at an altitude of 21.000 featQ"ltSi', Cllica@ Ill. .~":.~:"
On April 3rd, in cooperation wHJ:l.~he;Natio al Broadcasting Comp81\Y, a radio broadcast we conducted in honor of Artqy ray. One 'J?poa.d.p was from the XB-15airplane flyibg,qver. ~ York Ci ty, wi thMajor General Osca;r Wes'bc?ve Chief of the .Air Corps, at the microphone, aD the othe%' was fran the Air Corps substratosphere airplane, flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet over NewYoJ:kCity, witilMajor Carl F. Greene, Air Corps, at the.mibrophone. The latter flight happened to be lil<' record one for the sUbstratosphere airplane'mien. of course, is not built to accomplish altitude records but to serve as an experiiiiel).tal laboratory for the study of the practioablUty"'Of comfortable flights between 20.000 ad' 4O~OOO feat al ti tude. .
V-8013. A.C
I nardim. At the
28th Annual ~ 910w at ~ -garCalif held for a 10-d8l' per10d endingMa1'ch 27th. the Arrrv Air Co~s for the first time ar1'EIng8d an aeronautiCal exhibit. Thi.consisted of abplane engines. parachute and phOtogrepb1c eq~pDIilIlt, airplane instruments. bcuibsand Ordxlimcee~nt. The Shovi drrianatteXld8:Dce of JJlC)1'e't 200.000 people and rJl)r8 than 20',000 people iDlc1'ibed their D8lDe8 in the register at the aeronautical exhibit. '.
The first National Aviation Planni, Conference was held at Cleveland. Qhio, on anuary .April 6th. at'LensJ.8Y )'ield. Va.. 11th. Major General Oscar Westover. Chief of the Air o,rp-s, was ODe of the principal speak~,~?U!' ~ypes of airp~~8 of theSecoIld Wing ers at this conference ..~' ..... n.~~d, at various localities to emble , ~" v~~!t,?~$' inspect them. At one o'clock one to Some 2500 membersof the Southern Californi r .q~ron'e$Ch of Pursuit planes. ''nying FortAra:q Ordnance Reserve .lssDC ion and their iat '~. ,~~_e8'.' t )3~18' and Observation planes were ~ families visited on Marcl 4:~cnre ~Xlthe V1.cinity of the Peninsula on tee- 20th, where they March Field. CalifBrigadier 1f8re weloorned'by' ~1,~~o#"E$lons to enable residents of near'by' General Delos C. unons. 1st WiX)g Qrrmsnder. C cines tOWDS see them in action. to Speeches were made by various officiaJ.s.and A.t Chamlte Field. ~toul. Ill.. thousauls tne derJl)nstrations during the ~ included '.:9t, ~~ti!!De of surrouIldlng COIJIlIJnitie. visited anti-airoraft gun drills 'by' a detachmimt of \0., inspeot the activities of the .Air the 63rd Coast Artillery; an attack by Attack: , -.r'~~cal School. type airplanes: the 10adiX)gof various types :' ;:: ~l1J.'i~t Field. ~ton. Ohio, 'by' virtue of of bombs; dropping of 'bouibsand curtains of r~j,{~~on issued throl)Sh the Dayton newswater represenUX)g chemia:als; firiX)g of field ~sa.nds of visitors took advantage guns of various types and the 10adiX)gof r~~,,~~.n House" at that Air Corps activity Banbardment airplanes. All types of weapons Xl QOAA8ction with the celebration of Army and military equiJlD8ntwere on display. . " ',,;, ,'~e.~ Aeronautical I61seum -.s thrown Luncheon was provided for all visitors at open ~o,"t~e publio. and a hsnga.:r was devoted the various squadron messes and the Officers' .t91'.~::~ibition of new types of A:rDu ail'cratt. Club. following which A1:rrv OrdIlBDCe piotures 'Despi t~ the rainy weather. a crowd.est1uated were shownat the Post Theater. at between 5.000 and 6.000 persons ..... present at the field. A flying exhibi tion was A.rrt:r:! aDd Navy flyiX)g personnel in the Pa.nemr att~t~" )ut it was necessary to curtail it . Canal Department fittingly c()Il:IIlerJI)rated the duel tJl.,. unfavorable weather. Silvel' Anniversary on April 27th of the first ',. :""1.S~~~~sof the Air Corps Advanced FlyiX)g airplane flight over the Pa.naua Canal, which ~~~.,.i':r~,~lly Field. Texas. atteIlded on A.rmy was made by one of the pioneer aviators, ;".])s.1.' J~4m~~tration by the Second Division at Robel't Fowler. when. flying a hydroplane. he . ~ F9.~1t., l1O'USton, exa.~ In the aftel'DOon a T 00'\l8~ the distance of 35 miles between the ~' r'P~~,~ staged at Kelly Field to whioh the two 6cea.ns in 57 minutes. Six A.rI:qy' Bombers ,;~:p,)ltt~,'9"JIJe.~.invited. This program included an con\l'Oyed airplane of the Pan .lm!lrice.njiran 'ln$p~otfo1'1 ot the airplanes on the line blind ways fran Albrook Field to France Field. ' landing deux:>nstratona. student flying by the i '.' .' ~~~.t,~ Attack ~Cltions. inspeotion of the National Air Mail Week. May15th to 21st . ':~n~",~~ ~e. a link Trainer den=stration, observed at varioua Air Corp~ :,,$'1d' ~ de.soription O'Ier a publio address system was fittingly fields and stations. .. ~_ tlie all'planes displayed. as well as .. de,m~~~~-C?n.~()fth~ bUM lendiX)gmethod while On June 27th, rJl)re tha.p 12,000 residents of : '~~~,~~_~?Stra.tlon was in progress. Denver, Colo and'vicinity, took advantage of Lowry Field's first ''OpenHouset! to see how ':,: . , ,. AIR ro1PS EXHIBITS the Air Corps lives azJd to view the equipment used in teaching the students the subjects of '"'b0'tl*i lEllterna.tional Air !!how at Chio ~~t and photography. .:~~r.'r:J8nuai'y 28th to February 6th. the ~ r'A1l1'IQnops; allotted & space of approximately The renaining menibersof the 50th Aero $quad. 5'~SOOr.8quare feet in the exposition building e~hJ:lIH.d:the latest type of Curtiss Attack ~ ron, A.E.F., which orgariization foUnd the :Cost ..'j~18,.slq.hrsuit airplanes, also the Kellett Batte1ionduriX)g the WorU War, staged their anntlal reunion for'tbe first t~ in WBshing-~.t,1~Q~ivarious sizes ot bombs. a sectional. ~~e4 PJ.'&t~.~,~ tney aircnft engine alongside ton, n C.,. fran Septexmer 3rd to 6th., This is the only World War outfit with a continuou~ t~e original Wright Brothe"' 4-cylinder 811record of reunions. .' g1De, a 3-b1aded propeller. the 9-1ena aerial camera. and two transparency cabinets present~ iX)g.~~e ,newest types of mil! tary airplanes V-8013, A.C. ~l .'
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Flying the flags of Chile, Argentina, Peru and the United States from their oo~its, six The second.GoodWill night during 1938.iof: B-17 Bombersof the 1938 GoodWill Fl1ght to A:rrrv airplanes to a South AmeriCI!IA ~b;t\.\;'~to BueIlOsAires, Argentina, Ullder the comne.nd of represent the United States at the'ina.U~iJior Lieut. ColoDal Bobert Olds, Coxmanding the 2nd oereIUlnles of aPresident-Eleot, te~ed'?; Bombardment roup, GBQ. Air Fo:r:ce, taxied onto G successfully at Langley Field, Va. .'the .pt,int the landing ~t at Langley Field, Va., at 5:00 fran which it started - on the atterno,on oJ p. m. on February 27th. August l~h. Three B-17 airp~anes pe.rtile'il:l;IrtThe flight took off on the trip to the capital ing in th1Sflight, led by MaJor Vieoen.tFif ..': of Argentina. on the JIDrning of February 15th Meloy, Air Corps. negotiated the long'''ovM!md and reached the airport at Miami, Fla. 5 ho~s and water journey to Bogota, Colombial~'ail4 ->reand 45 miIJUteslater. .Shortly before i:oo a.m., turn "ithout incident. The tWo other .~11 ~ February 16th, the flight again tpok the air planes in this flight were piloted by'~jo~s tuld, after covering a distance of 1100 miles, ~ Harold L. George aDd Caleb V. ~s: ....,'. assembled over Colon, P~. Faced with unfaThe flight took off from Langley P'i'eia+e;-tS, vorable weather conditi@~ Whichwere reported 9:00 a.m., ,August3rd, BAd landed :e:t!1ffl:e~ at the equato~, it was Dtverth~less decided to lmnioipal Airpor~ at 2:35''il.m., c~yejing 8Q continue the JOurney soufhward for the reIIain- miles in about ~ hours. Taking off"fi"csa;::'-... del' of the flight to LiIIa, Peru, part of whioh Miami at 3:00 a.m., August 5th, the A:rrw about 300 miles, was ttede above an equat~ial ' men 18%lded the airport at Bogt)ta a~~~ at storm at an altitude of approxiIIately 23,000 ft. hours later. 'S!., 'c. s: Li_ 1d:J reached at 4'25 p.m. The six planes The visitors were the guests of th~r . -:.';S made the record non-stop flight of 2695 miles Colombiangovernment during theirst;t ~- q:, in 15 hours and 32 minutes. Bogota and, in addition to attenditig ~t'he i:JS.' At 11:05 p.IIIo, February 16th, five of the augurel cereIIOnies.for the Presi4efttZ~edt')" B-1?' s took of~ for BueIlOS A.ires, Major Meloy, they were special guests at a numbej0~ ~piloting the sJ.Xthplane. being delayed at Lim tions tendered in their honor by ti'1!.x~~;~~ due to a defective propeller. The flight land- sonnel and civilians of the Colombi~ ~: ed at the Buenos Aires airport in slightly IIOre and by the AmericanAzribassador. 1.': ~~J..:.: than 12 hours after leaving Lin:a. At one stage The return flight to Langley Fie~dwas Ij~artof this flight, the Arrrfr airmen flew at an aled at 9:15 a.IIIo, Augus~9th, aDd ~-.t'ieJA, ti tude of 21,000 feet. . Penana Canal. Zone, a d1Stance of ~OOiifiles;'" Major Meloy, leaving Lima 7 hours a:od 15 min- was reached 1n 3 hours and 17 minl1~s~n ~l!lC~ utes following the. departure of his cOJIll ons , off from.the Canal Zone at 8:30 a.~)~ ~~. ani and after an all-n1ght job on the defective .11tho the airport at Miami. Fla., ~. i~$d propeller. le.z::.dedt the field at Buenos Aires a at 2:45 p.m. The flight departed?rom'ilmd. aft .r a flight of 11 hours and 5 minutes he at 9:30 a.m., August 12th, and land~')it"' ...::.'. having taken off from Lina at 6:20 a.IIIo,'Febru- Langley 1145 p.m. .:' t:.,.') ." ary 17th .While at BueIl?sAires, the Arrqyairmen part ic1pated in the 1IJaUguralceremonies for the DaW LONG- """ CE 1 President of the Argentine Republic. Five of D =AN :FLIGHTS".1~,.. . the airplanes departed on the homeward-bound Among some of the long-distanoe'n'~~\'~~.~( journey on the IlXlrningof February 22nd. at during the year 1938 were the fol1o.W~:;;'~~~ 7:10 o'clock, Captain A.Y. amth piloting one Randolph Field, Texas, was visi'teji.,qD.Keptuo~ the planes, being delayed at the airp\'rt ary 2nd by a flight of 13 B-18 airP.1~~~~ 1ve hours due to a mishap to one of the landdel' the cotDX8ndf Colonel Harvey ~~~' o ing wheels. The five plB.Des landed at Santiago Air Corps, which was enroute fran ' . .4'ield, Ch 11e. at 12:05 p.m. The next morning, at 8:00' Calif., to Barl<:sdaleField, La. ..... ""'.:~ I o clock, they took off, and landed at ,'. "-~ 5:05 p.m. Here Captain Smith joined the flight On April 22nd, Lieut. Colonel ~~Pl'ds, he being fw:other delayed. by engine trouble. "ith a crew.of 3 officers and 5 e' '. ~~'~J?, On Febroary 25th. the night took off for in a B-17 a1rplEUle, estabUshed a. res:o.;,~ . , Panama tuld landed at Albrook Field after a 9flight from the West Coast to La.rii!le*:fi~~J hour flight. At 6:00 a.m., February 27th the V~, the flying time being 10 hour,s- ~,~5:, -, flight took off fran Panana for the final'leg mnutes, thus bettering by 16 minu..tesMs.preof the bomewardbound journey and reached vious record for this same flightwJ;iiphi.~; Langley Field in 10 hours and 45 minutes. established in Februa.ry. The fl~;lgib~ (,~ _____ the westward journey to March FieU.""y 12..', The 19th Wing, .Air Corps, PanamaCa:oaJ. Dehours and 27 minutes, and eclipsed ~he prm" partment, under the oomrend of Brigadier Gener- ous record by one hour. al George H. Brett. departed fran Albrook and:'-;:"'::: France Fields on February 7, 1938 on an exPiloting an A-17 Attack airpl~EI',.~J-9r. tended navigation and Wing concentration flight General Oscar Westover, Chief of.;tbe,:u,-r:. r~ to Guatsnala City, Gua.teuala. A total of 80 Corps, accompanied by Staff Serg~r::~~J'l.'. offioers and 70 enlisted menmade this flight Hymes, crew chief. took off on ~'"1'3 in various types of airplanes. Departure from Bro~ville, Te:ras. for Panba. . :"~4D Guaten:ala City was effected on Feb1}J'llry 11th Mex1co. and GuatezxalaCity, Guat~~-: n,; and, after an overnight stop at San Jose, Costa purpose of General Westover's f~~r~ \ .,'~ Rioa, by 3:30 p.rn.. February 11th. all of the was to inspeot Air Corps aotivit-l~s,'AAL !<;.' -12V-B013, A.C.
airplanes participating in the flight had landed at the home stations.' :l."~ f L :E~:
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_. ,";1~~Hins
General Westover lacded at Albrook wheels 'of 'his special Lockheed.monoplane rolled tq a stop at this ~ airport. Field on the morning'of w.;y 15th. aod,after,reH~es r8acbed ;pat~s. J'rNIce, on 1b~. ~. i~. the Ca.nBJ. ~ne for the period, of a July, ,11th. "t 10:55 a.~ ,crossing the Atl~.,~. :hetook off on WaiY 22M for the return tic ,and co... ring' a distanoeof 364l mi~es Jon .r: r:Q~1;,::following the same route as on the 16hQUrs lUld' 35 minutes ... trhe ,next leg of the . ,s~u.~~ journey. Htl reached Washington. flight, to WoSeQWi U. Si S.R a distance of 1675 +:Q.C- .~n'~ 26th. miles. ,~, C9w1'8d'in,? ~s, and 49 minut~s" .00000'.', U~~~~~,R.. ,1~80 11lJ.lesdistant. _s ...... ,,~~s.:.lOairplanes ~~f-the 6th bbar~;Qt:; 7 'ed~"g9~s ~ 35 minutes. am Yakutsk. GrO)1p,".s~tionedat r~e Field. P&nIiIIID&.' ~ in 10 hpurs and ~,:,)W$ze flown to San Salvador. Salvador., and Siberia.;3177 miles dis~t. 31: minutes." The next and longest leg of the ~et~~ ,9Y W8iY of San Jose. Costa Rica. 1he ~tlre,night. involving a distence of 2456 flig'b.t . ,*loh took off on, AprUl9th ...~' ..led tldles to Fairbadcs. Alaska. was oovered in 12 'by~~~t .. Colonel George E. Lov.el,l. Jr., .liJ'. hours 8Dd ~7 minutes. The flight, to MiI1Ile8r" . COrps, 8M conststed. of 20 officers, end 2O-enpolis.l&inn.. 2441 roUes distant. required 12 l~$ ~':rhe airmen' were cordially hours am one miwte. and the l054-mile lap }.~;V8d e.nd. entertained by high' officials at to Floyd Bennett Field _s negotiated in 4 ~_ ~~tal cities of both of these Central hours and 23 mlnutes, Amer~canRepublics. Major Gener8l Oscar Westover. Chief of the Air Corp,. III!I4e special flight t() New York a 'l'l:v1zig & new Severs1cy: -35 Pursui t p1aDe. P to extend in per~ his hearty congratulation: 1st teut. Harold L. ~eely .Air Co~s .. on. July to the globe-encircling airnan for this 28th, flew across the American cont1nent at a epochal feat. lies sages of congratulatiQn werE SP. Qap. pro:xiJ:zately 218 miles per hour. his wlred to Hughes by Brigadier General Henry H to.~:~lapsed time bei;lg 11 hours and 29 minArnold. Assistant to Chief of the Air, Corps, . ut~~., r;,stops for refueling were U8de at Selt and by Major Lowell H. ani th, Air Corp~. who _,~~ q1:t7., Qmha. and Cleveland. for a total _~ ':cij':~ hour and 35 minutes. thus n:eking was the leader of the Arra:tAir Corps Aroundthe-World Flight in 1924. ~y's flying time across the continent Associated, wit};lMr. Hughes on this flight ::I hoUrs and 54 minutes. was 1st Lieut. Thomas L. Thurlow. Air Corps. winds the speed record of a stationed at 'the .Air ~s Materiel Division. :a-;1,~'AiDiber on the first transcontinental nonWright Field, Dayton. Ohl0. who served as one of the tllO navigators on this record flight. l!:!ff' . ,":ti.~~tever made in a craft of this type. ~., ~ . off ,from Hamilton Field. Calif on ~ ;l1bh. the pl~. piloted by 1st Lieut. THE XB-15 BCImARIIlENT' AIlI'LANE ~:~Gt ..,,4rmstrong. of the 11th BombardrDent Sq~~ .. Hamilton Field, Oalif., lamed at The flight-testing of the new XB-15 BombardW. tohel Field. N.Y.. 15. hours and 38 minutes ment airplane con:mencedthe latter part of later. The distance traveled Was 2510 miles. February at Wright Field. Dayton. Ohio, with Major S.M. Umstead and Lieut. L.F. Harma.n at Lieut. Colonel R:l.lph Wooten,Air Co;ps. the controls. Preceding this flight test. thf : 4., Air AttaChe to Bolivia 81ld ChUe. underwent, a thorough inspection '1e:tt.'.Bohing Field, D.C., on Ausust 16th in an huge airplane Division ,engineers. This fourby Materiel .',~.,.1.7' t'~ plane for his new post of duty. engined formldable weapon:of the air was de.~t1:~~.v~ ;Brownsville, Tua.a; Guateuala City. li wred to the 2nd BcmbardmentGroup at LangAlbrook Field. Panaua C"Amal Zone; Field. Va.. on August 6th. being piloted b " ~:l,.:tolQmbia; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Talura and ley Lieut. O:>lonel Eo.... Olds. COTJll'8.tlding thai by e i.:ia1..-Yeru, and Antofagasta. Qlile. he arrived G~up. . at Santiago, Chile. on August 28th.
:;:~~",~ral Chief of the ';Ur" _ s, arriVed at Hamilton Field. Calif 01', ;p~~~;, fran Washington. D.C.. on Decnber ?tnt!" :~o~ the purpose of making an inspection of-''t~\ a~r base and the Air Depot at Sac:ra-mento~ "P8iif. On. his return trlp to Washington ne '"Visit~, the .Air Corps Primary Flying School -at:-::~ol~ Field. Tuas. December 10th, and _~~ ,It.f~ inspection of that School.
DROPPING FOOD mJM PLANE TO CA.VALRY mAaIMEN': D\lring a period of. four days ,beginning on April 14th. tests were conducted in the Big Bend Di.strict of TeDs. in the vicinity of Balmorhea, with respect to the practicability of utilizing, an airplane to drop food for per .. sonnel and grain foraniuBls. A 4,etacbmen"toj troops in the field, the first platoon of ' Troop A. 30th Qavaby, consisting of 30 m8s and 30 ho:ses, 'w,.$ assumed to. be cqlete1t'. ROUND THE WORLD JLIGB'l' BYHOWARD HOOHE8 isolated an a. IIDUPtaiDo.: reglqn where it _ us\igh,his rermrka, :b1.eachiev.ement of encir~ossible for an airplane to land. It waS nk[th ~, b' necessary for IIDre than 1.000 pounds of supc ~~. ~ o-0.e ~ covering a distance of plies to be dropped ,daily from a B-10 Bomber. ~~es J,n 914 t1ying hours, Boward Hughes. .l11 of the SUPPlielil. except hay and wood. _'~ r~ibj ~ ,~. 1 Spart8lI8Zl Pilot. d8JlX)zwtrated ware dropped i~speqial, oontainers supported e of the United st~tes by indivldual parachute.. The plane WB.8 flown es took off from the noyd ~"'!~ff rt at , an ,~ ti tude ot400 feet. and all but three the of m. ~t~~ ~n out of buridles dropped from the plane lande ed wi thin 300 yuds of a panel which was laid . , ..', // -1 V-80l3. A.C.
out, according to a report oovering the teat on Bepublio of P8Zl8Ir&,o tre.:asPo~~'~oine t the first~. The report stated that the test to a civilian who was seriously UJ.;",,:.,' h:, was highly satisfactory, edding that only tllO -----, " j :,c eggs were oracked out of four dozen deli V8!'ed. .ABMr !'tAN:&: JI,IES.AIJ[)ar SIX MILES-A 'KLliXl'E
f'" -',
A NEW CBASR BESCUE BOJ.T The P-ll, .intended for use in the Hawaiian I slands as a sear-going rescue boat, was launched at Greenport, L.I., New York, on ~ 18th, the oer8lJX)I!Y' being witnessed by over 300 pereons. This vessel, reported to have a speed of 32 knots per hour, is 72 feet long, thorougn ly streamlined, and powered with two Capitol P-12 engines oonverted for -.rine use.
On October 26th, Lieut. Benjami:~".$~,(~j"S:~';', Air Corps, lew a new Amr! 1'ursui t ~~, trom Dayton, Ohio, to Buffalo, NewYork, ~~. 8oJ\, average speed of 350 miles per ho\U".' Li~'i~ Kelsey stated that this was a reoor4 fev', ~ ArrIv Air Corps plane.' ~,~ :,' ~
... fl. ~
For the purpose of obtaining the standardiza,tion of aeronautioal specifications between the A1'!l\Y end the Navy, a new Arzqy- Navy Aeronaut ioal Specification Un! t was established at the Air Corps :Materiel Division at Wright Field, Dayton, CONrRACl'S :roE AIll'LANES ANI)'~~ ,~ Ohio, the a.d.mi.nistrative control thereof being During the calendar year 1938, ,t_ lMIB:L"d of vested in the Chief of the Materiel Division contracts for airplanes end engUies I\Iin8 $Iland the executive control in the peruanent DOUllCedy the War Depe.rtrrent on the' dstfee! b working com ttee of the Aeronautical BoB.1"d. in indicated, viz: ' ',,; '),.-,.,c!' Washington, D. C. January 4. To the United AirordtGbl'fora,.. tion in the 8XIXlunt $318,521.6'1 t' '-covermg of Wi MErr'HOD TEarING LIQUIDS OF the purchase of spare parts for 3l6~1 R-183Q..13engines, these spare par-ts;lieiDg The Materiel Division, Wright Field, Ohio, prooured for the engines DOW servir:dg\.e.s: epower installed in its material laboratory a new plants in P-26A airplanes. Alsea . aIIJitnet superoentrifuge, in which from 30,000 to for 40,000 revolutions per minute can be obtainea - to the above cOlIpatliY 142 Model:IW>~7 engines end spare parts for instalJatiOn':ln ten times the speed of the us~ centrifuge. Be-l airplanes constructed at the -p1&J:+t. ~rif, thl Use! for the clarifiCation of viscous l~~ds, tests can be completed in about twenty tes North American Aviation Corpora.iolI. ~~lewo... ( t O Calif at a total cost of $866;aoo.59:."',0, with this laboratory xoodel which would ordina(: .!.. .. , .. ~ ~ . rily would take a ~. March 25. To the Douglas Aircraft~y. Inc., for the procurement of spare ~pe:t"t.,;ifor ,4VIATION TRAINING FOR WEsr :r0IN!' CAJ'!!t1S the Northr9P Attack airplanes in the During the period from June 18th to July 9th, BIlX)unt of $210,741.71. . ~ :.:, ~'.:'.:' ~ . .r 1;, 456 West Point cadets of the Class of 1939, received a practioal test of the ~ the A:rmy May 21. To the Bell Aircraft Cclq1~,i' ; Air Forces are en:ployed at Mitchel Field, N.Y. Buffalo, N.Y for 13 YN-l Fightexi~ane& at The cadets displayed a keen interest in mili~ a total cost, including spares, ;O.ft;$'3-;:1~.265. r. ~ tary aviat ion. July 1. Contracts totalling the~1Zl'~ ].' $14,433,196.88 for 98 airplanes end"~ve PER!!'ro'r B.W:OBD FOR BOMBA.RI:UENT fSUADRO!! Air Corps equipment. Included in thes&:ddn-The 31st BombardmentSQuadronat Riokan tra.ots was one covering the purchase '\)'f 13 Field, T.R., accOIq)lished: what is believed to edditional "Flying Fortressesll(:&-11"~). at' a be a record when it finished the Fiscal Year total cost of $3,174,802.05; 78 ~di'"oIl: 1938 without an aircraft accident of' 8.XliY' B-1aA.BOD1bardment planes at a cOst'~M {;:< -,' nature. $5.703,287.64; 7 YA-l9 Attack ah'plane$:.tW,a total cost of $297,180: four lerge,~~" contracts, totalling $2,573,286.65:,1~,"2?5 EltCHANGE OF AIBPLANES of different types. Other contriiCt1i 'for A ~tal of 25 Boeing :r-12 airplanes, assigned propellers, trucks. trailers, ins,t~;;' to the Air Corps Tactical School at Maxwell cameras and various othe!' accessories.';:': ' Field, Ala., was .transferred in June to the Air Corps .A.d.vanee(l. Flying School at Kelly Field, December 9. To North American AvlaUon,lnc. , Texas. These planes were replaced at Maxwell Inglewood, Calif., for the construction'of 74 Field with 14 P-6' s. Q-47BObservation airplanes and spare parts therefor ~t a oost of $2,346,128.14.;, f~f~Y ANmwm OFMEBC!' of these a1rplanes being l'rocured: 'fo1"')J'at,J.ona On April 20th, Lieut. T.J. Meyer, .Ai!' Corps, Guard Air Corp~ organizat1ons ana:tl,ilf't~ made a l50-mile flight in a Douglas .An:phibian ing 24 for units of the Air Corp~!'~Re~~~ from Albrook Field. Pe.naua Cane.l Zone, to Penas Arr.qy. . , ' -1 V-8013, A. C.
_____ _! :::'. 'I
N.AWING OF FIELD AT rom' LEWlSa:;!AjIi . Announceznent as nede by the We.r'~1inent w under date of April 12, 1938. that the Air COJ"PslyiIlft field at Fort Lewis;~:1I&I2:k;.::.2aa f been named 'Gray Field,~l in rrerrnry of Captain Hawthorne C. Gray, Arrtq aeronaut ,. lost hi life during a free balloon flight from Scott Field, Ill., on NoV'elJhr4, 192'7. , ~_n.i ,
:: ...\..;' -,
DB:ATH OJ' cmr.EBAL WESl'OVER AND HI S wmwnc September 27th,' at the . ArliDgtonWatiotlBl Cemetery, natked. the filial rites, with tull military honors, for the late .,~,.~ Osoa:rlleetover, Chief 0, the .Air -~~~s.~~ w$. th his tneohani c, T eclmical Sal'. $~t'" ~ Hymes, were killed in anairp~ane aocj.d~. at BurbeXlk, Celif., on September 21st. Mote; .than 500 persons we:roe resent at :thecem.ep t~r.t on "t1:1h sad and sQleun oocep.s~on pe;y . to thei\' le..t respects to the dec..,.d .Air Corps Chief. The funeral at .hlington NatioMl Cemetery . of ,,~~ Sergeant, Hymes took p,"ece the . p:req~~ d.aQ". . . .
, HAMILTON FIELDOFFICERS Xil'LETE C GROUND OOymE IN C!LEsrw. NAVIG,ATION. The 88th Reconnaissance Squadron, Haxnilon t Field, ,Calif ... ~leted a ground course' in celes.t ial na,vigat iO~ in February, 1939, under th.instruction of 2M Lieut. G.!. Pieroe, Air Corps. '.'A total of 13 offi-eers took the course, consuming 60 hours in lectures and grotmd practice during a period of four weeks. '.'..' The Squadron is now flying actual navigation missions, j!l.Dli it is expected that all students will be qualified navigators in a short time. At that tifD8, ~s the NewsLetter Q)r1'8spondent, twenty of the twentY""oneofficers in the l3quadro~will be rated Celestial HavigEr tors .. ---000---NEW C4Jlm BARRACXS .A.T RANIXLPH REAIlY POR OCOUPANCY'. FIliLD
The Selfridge Field Correspondent states that if ~ . the Arm:! expansion program becomes a ~;~it_ls anticipated at that field that a . luse- :m.milerof additional l'eorui ts will be re-.oei'lled'.:'.\!Preliminary arrangements are being ~?' be saQ"s, "for the housing aJJd feeding of the~e additional men, together with their train i"l:l8aS technioal man. No definite word has been''%'8Ceivedas to the mmiber of this iDCreasedal:Lotment, so therefore :co inforl18.tion is &'V& as to the method whereby this expansion .will take place. Should there be an 8%pamrion, the people of this locality will again 'ritiUas recruits in large bodies ~ing thru 'Preliminary instruction in squads right' . .etc.',1 the basic training of all soldiers. "!l'lie type of recruits received in the last few ~ears at Selfridge Field is very high. The greater percentage of them are high sChool .gt'ad'Qates, and some with college ed~tion. . The,y'8Ze' blV'ariably fran fine American families and~os.e8s hig~ ideals.of oharacter ~ citizenship. They are eXl%i~s to learn and eventually become excellent ail'Jilane mechanics or ot:q.r -technical men. The high percentage of "~e:tll1.stments of these men indicates that it is an econcXoicreason why they are in the Aruv, but because they enjoy the facilities ff;; the Service. Because of their high by J.,~.,Qh.a.racteristics, it is frequently dif. :fic~t .to . select one man fran a group for pro~i;Qnc4: great number of our recent recruits ~e (f~ DBighboring towns and cities. This is ~<Nkrly advantageous to the aol'ale of ~e'1frtjg~Field, because these boys are privi~sit their homes during week ends and hQ~s . ,The Arnv is. indeed, fortunate iu .,1at~~:tpe servi.ees of these fine YOUJl8 men. .:, .'!~\. .h<:Jped that should the expansion take ~ ~!,'.J3d.l:Q)re recruits are assigned to Self':" ndge.J!'i:eJ.9., that the local youths will take advantage of the opportunity to beCOrtl8 embers m ',.~"~'.a .~ .. Ji.l.~,'tary nits stationed at Selfrid~ ,.j; D u ~~ _,'.J: '~:;..: ,---000--: . _ : : ""'01~~ge C. :Kenney, Air Corps, -.s relievwith the 97th Observaticm Squadron &.; ~ ':Leld, N.Y. and ase1gned to duty at \fr1ght rteld, Dayton, Ohio.
Finishing touches are rapidly being added to the first of the two Il8W Flying Cadet Barracks at Bamolph Field. and, according to the "\'1'8sent schedule of wont, they will be cccupfed by April 1st. The X4archclass of Flying Cadets, 339 strong, r!\l0rted for duty on If.arch 1st, aM. were inmed1ately assigned to co~a.nies and roaDS, pending the final coq>let1on of the first of the two new barracks. The Cadet Battalion has been reorganized into four coq>anie8 by Captain James S. Stowell. Commandant f Cadets, in anticipatior o of the forthcoming JIX)ve. The former organiz&tion consisted of only two c~ies. Bandol,m Field's second Cadet Barracks uncle! construction was started several weeks after the first, and will :cot be ready for occupanc; until la.te Ma3" or early June, according to th< latest estimates. Upon final acceptance of the new building b~ the Air Corps, JJX)ving ~ for ''0'' ~, OC~ cupants of the barracks. "ill be accoqlished in short order. The co~~ will proba.bly JIX)ve DaSSe from their present location in en the east half of ''B'' QmIp~ Barracks. 'UDon COIlq)letionof the JJX)ve. IB" CoIq)~ will 'take f a deep breath and spread out in their own . quarters, while "A"am ''11' Caq:lanies will continue to double up until the last of the four. bartacks is ready for occup8:lcy. ---000--CONrACl' WITH HIGH TENSION WIRE PROVES ATAL F
~.. ~.*
Private Richard. H. Ge.ble, Operations Section 1st Air Base, Landey Field, Va., was electrocuted on the night of March 7th, ,.hen he brusl ed against a high tension wire takiIlg down a l'adio Dast from an instruc ion truck. The accident occurrMat 6:20 q cloak on Harris Creek Boad, near 13a,yview Manor in Elizabeth City County.. A Board of Langley Field Officers was e:ppointed to investigate the accident. . Private Ge.ble was operating a radio truck used for blind t+, yi-Ilg ~ns. ' truction when the acoident ocourred. He enlisted in the Ar!;qy I on July 25, 1934. He is survived by his JIX)the: -15V-80l3, A.C.
.A.M:BITIOUS IN 63RDSCHOOL MEN S~U.ADRON the mechanics. But BeeingthQ.t).~ ~ can daunt the fight and. co~e:' '01" :~ 35th, this obstacle has been a,.i~~~;umed The scribe for the 63rd School Squadto a minimum ' ' ',. ,,"~ , ron at Kelly Field, Texas, s~s that at 'l'he 35th h8.ted to Bee Genera.l' Jiri~ least 60 men in that organization are gual1f1ed for entrance into Chanute leave Langley Field, but were ~o11lsl'~ by being In the personnel format 1on',", . Field and are very anxious to get there and that many more men expect to qualify tha t saw him off. General .A.ndrm-a. in the near future by passing the A.lpha well liked by the 35th. ~.',~:,, .'~"'. Test. He adds: 36th Purs~t-Sguadron .....' IlSince the bars have let down, permitting more Kelly Field men to attend the The indOctrination Of the ne~8:t'~ar_-. rivals from the Training Center -:1.B-. iri' , schooJlrat Chanute and Denver, the 63rd has sent more men to these schools than full swing these days. ThePB.~.'.'':1J., ':,~ '. any other squadron. This squadron has BC-l are fast being mastered, ~'d '1;~' "had more men qualified for entrance at seven new officers are look~(o~d avidly to the day when they can} s't9!.r.t' , all times, and the men seem to be fightbending the throttle on the P~3_oAt:8., . ing for the chance to go to sChool. Along with the usual technical courseR Comes the new regime! With th~~m-' offered in the S~dron SChool, whiCh missioned strength of the Squadron up runs continuously for three hours weekto 25 officers, the lOng-Char, SM(\. , , ' i ly throughout the entire year, the squad dream of having a squadron offU~~. ron occasionally operated a basic educa- instead of jU,st a sq'?Adron.has,b~_~."~-. . tional scheol to assist the men in passrealized. The 36th lS now comp<rs!:td. ,(j-fing such examinations as that reguired three flights, led by Captain CCf.:l{~t:Ffer entrance to the Chanute and Denver and Lieuts. J. E. Barr ana J.B. 1ie~. schOOls." Jr. The activities of the orga.m.~~,c', --000--tion, operations and engineerl~ai:e' ,. to be handled by flights from ~1f.;q~.: NEW CARGO AIRPLANE FORSELFRlroE FIELD .. -----.. ..... . .A.ndstill the P-36A' s keepr-o-rll~ .: Selfridge Field, Mich., recently rein. The qualified ferrying pild-t,s J~, ceived as part of its flying equipment a the squadron have been making th8"J , :B-18 late type :Bomberfrom Hamilton ,:Buffalo jaunt almost as regularly atr'o. Field, Cal1f~ It was ferried to the ,. the Air Mail. It doesn1 t irk anyone field by Colonel H.B. Clagett and Major though - the more the merrier .fo+:.a11 W.R. Swee1ey, and will be used as a carconcerned. . go airplane. AlthOl12hnot as large as The entire squadron regre ts e~.!;l~_d:the "Flying FortresS'f type, the News ingly the departure on March 9~cf' Letter Correspondent states that it has 2nd Lieut. Stanley T. Wenrick."" s.taii many of the recent improvements, being terminated his active duty in k1r of high speed and large carrying capaCorps Reserve to take a pos1titf.ri.~tlF ci ty. the United Air Lines. He caine' to .: , ---000--Langley Field from Kelly Fieldlri' '.:,. June, 1938, and during his servi~e :~~~e ACTIVITIESIN 8THPURSUIT GROUP had made many lasting friends o.~,:th~ , ': :By the News Letter Correspondent post. .: ~,
New that the new P-36A.has claimed the I 33pfu:Pur~ t SLuadron ,'r'.' " spotlight in this Group, the old P:B-2A's, The 33rdsui qu.a.di'onwelcbmes~'" which are being transferred to Maxwell seven new Second Lieutenants to its Field Ala.~ create very little interest. midst. The new officers reporting.hare l The f rst ox the PB's were transferred from the Training Center are 2nd:'~1-eute. on March 7th, the flight consisUng of ;Robert L. Morrissey, RobertB,.: ~\l~,J.,' l,er, 10 airplanes, led by Captain Stuart G. Kyle L., Riddle, Gerhard J. S.chr.fev~ Ii '. McLennan. Leonard B. Storm and Sullivan P.'~J~r:. Under the instruction of Cap~a:i~:. . 6l,Pl 35th Pursuit Squadron E. ;Bodle, the new officers are :r~.1,lSy, -. '. Our five latest officers are coming ge~ting acquainted with the new'~~!Y;;~ along fine in their familiarization of The good old PB-2A's are on thalr "WJq.' the P-36A., BC-l, and the P:B-2Aairplanes. Four of them were lost to Maxwell)rield They are especially well pleased with last week, and more "ill probab]..Y~.t.n the performance of the P-36A's, which the near future. Weall hatet:Q" s'ee~-a ~uite different from the training ships good old horse go. - .' ,tbey handled while at school. ---000--Although our hangar is very crowded, we are getting along ve;-,ynicely -rl th :Br;gadier General Jacob E.,,'~: our maintenance work. The 35th S~dron Ai r Corps, has been relieved fl"oPl ~t:i~ BOOresthe hangar with the Hqrs. and at Headquarters, 9th Corps Area-" ~Mj;.. Hq;"s. Squadron, 8th Pur sui t Group. All dio of San Francisco, csur., ~{~~ to~d there are about 35 planes in the signed as Wing Commander,1st J',i~, t4lliQ hangar, which makes it plenty hard for Air Force, March Field, Calif. .' , "'li' -1 _ V-8013, cA.~li.-
Nlrie' more .!1rCorpl R erve officers at Kelly Field to ~Bue & Bpe~i~l Refresher cour Ie. , beginning Wa:rch lS'th, They are $econd Lieutenants: "wfison Gl11.1s (30) x,os Angeles, Calif., ,600 hours}, Attack -s~ct1on; Jesse Courts Hayes 30) Shawnee,Okla .., ( 1600 hours). Attack ect~on. e~~e. William Ireland (2S5,Clncinnati, Ohio .. 200. hours) Bom"bar~nt Sec.tion; m;: .iford w. LUdJdg(27) san Antonio, Te.~stl300 hours}, -A~tack Section; Fre4~tevens Sh~e (25), Claremont, C~Uf:....'.1200 hour'ti'" Pursuit Section; : JQJDe. s W. Stowell 30), Memphis, Tenn., ( ~50~urB}, Pur . t S,ction; John .Ua:~ice Tillman \29) Lorain, Ohio, (680 "hOUrI Pursuit Section; :.~J1am... rlx9n Vickers, Jr. (25) Beaumont '. Texas. ~2500 hours), Bombardment le &,ec~n; ~dwel1 Walker (29) L Miami, .. \1900 hours} Pursuit i:)eot1on. , There are a total of 18 Refresher studentS undergoing training at Kellv Field, s~ecializing as follows: Attack, 5; Bombardment, 6; and Pursuit, 7. It 1s antici.Pated that all the Refresher students at're:tlY' Field will complete their course, wi1)hin six weeks from the date ot reporting. '.. . ---..000--r~Qrted
'60mP~ing with an emergency call for serum.frqm Scottsbluff, Nebra6kaL~Major F..If. Bonfils, Commanderof the lGUth Observation Squadron, Colorado National Guard, accompanied by ,Captain Raymond M. Wilson 'and Technical Sergeant Charles Wes.t, ~ .depar ted from Denver a.t 9: 30 o \cl,ockon the morning of March 15th with the serum, but were forced down at Cheyenne,,due to a heavy snowstorm. This necessitated forwarding the Be~,On to Scottsbluff by automobile. ---000--.. ~.,,~ OFFICERS A'l' SELFRIIXlE FIELD "~ete.1tere recently assigned to' Self~t.~~'Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich 32 Re8FVEi,~!ficersl graduates of the last c~assJAt the A r Corps Training Center, thu~(lXIaterially augmenting the officer P~s.Onnel of the let Pur sui t Group. :.... . ~~es.&young offic"lrs are rapidlYac,q.u+:r.1Xlg. the technique of flying high . sp~'e.d. Pursu1 t ships, and can be seen almost every hour of the day famil1a.r1zing themselves with this new equipment. Each and everyone of these officers 1s very well pleased that they were Qs~~~ed to Selfridge Field, declares the ~ews Letter Correspondent; first, becSaurle. f the honor of serving with the o 'r6UO"wtledUllts of tho 1st Pursuit Group, 1 ,&nd.secondly, because of the id~l lQcal1ty.
officers, headed by :BrigaLesley J. McNair, U.S. ArTIJ', witne8seden the morning of March 8th, Langley Field 'personnel flyi!l8 in the lat~st types of Bombardm~nt planes ,drop deadly demo tion bombs on beIi araggled Plum Tree Island in the Back Ri ver. The Langley planes went aloft at about ten o'clock. Following the bombing practioe, the visiting officers were scheduled to go to nearby Fort Monroe to inepect latest anti-aircraft guns of the Second Coast Artillery regiment. They returned to Washington by plane in the afternoln. In the party with General McNair 'Were Colonel EdmundL. Gruber and Floyd L. Parks, of the General Staff Corps, and Lieut. Colonel Floyd E. Gallowl[l\Y CommandingOfficer of '~lling Fieid, D.C. TIley arr1:v-ed a.t the Langley Fleld airdrome at 6:20 p.m tlie previous day, from Fort Benning, Ga.., where they inspected the Infantry School. Fishing and boating in Back River, a tributary of the York,wft. suspended during the aerial demonstration, and patrol boats from Langley Field lingered on the edge of the river to escort river craft out of the danger zone. No m1shap~ were reported. The demonstration was the second one staged at Langley Field in the period of two weeks. On February 25th ranking government and army officiaismade an overnight tour of both Langley Field and Fort Monroe. Included in this latter party were members of the Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Military Affairs and Appropriations. ---..000--"DUSTER" ITS RANOOLPH FIELD H
Riding on the wings of a dry "Norther one of the worst dust storms of the year hit Randolph Field at 11:30 p.m., March 11th, and soon had the visibility 'I restricted to a mile or less. The dust was picked up by the strong wind in the dust bowl, which comprises the arid I plaine of Eastern Co~orado and New IMexico, Western Kansas and the Texas TPanhandle. It traveled as far south as the Gulf of Mexico and as far east as Northeastern Georgia. By .:en 01 clock t the next morning, the wor,t of the dust has cleared aw~, leaving a liberal .c.oating. of silt over everything in its , wake. Since only i t1nerant flying was schedUled on Sunday, the normal training activities were not hampere1. ---000---
~fb~sJh1n~igeXl~~jgt, can Field! Texas, overhauled 13 ~irpanes and 8, eng1nea and repaired ~ plane B and 2 engine e, -1 ~V-8013, A. C.
~~~ l
Dawn of SUnd8.y March 19th, broke through Bomber clouds over March Fie Id, Southern California's week-~ run~in-the-Sun, to presage the arrival by noon of the largest crowd of national defense fans in the history of the field. The occasion was the annual meeting of the LOB Angeles Ohapter of the Array Ordnance A.llociation, but the public was invited and showed more interest than ever had been demonstrated before. More than 35.000 people floCked through the military gates to witness an aerial demollstration and to inspect aircraft, ordnance and anti-aircraft equipment. The roadwa.v along the line, and the whole parkl~ area of the huge landing mat was filled with a milling, jostling but good-natured and orderly crowd that ehowed alert interest in the bristling mili ta:q array of aircraft drawn 'lP for inspectlon. state highway patrolmen declared that the traffIc, Whlch fOr seven hours clogged main h~hWfqi with a soUd line of cars stretching clear to Riverside ten miles aw~, was the heaviest Riverside County has ever seen. Greeting the Ordnance group, among whomwere Earl B. Gilmore, PreSident of the Los Angeles Chapter!' Major General Ewing Bootli. former .1S8 stant Chief of Staff and now retired; and many other dignitaries! was Colonel Rush B. Lincoln, Commandingufficer of March Field. The Association. composed of Reserve officers and prominent businessmen of Southern California. met at 10:00 a.m., to conduct its annual affairs and discuseions. Its coordinator was Major Thomas M. Jervey. March Field Ordnance Officer. At two o'clock, with the regimental band of the 63rd Ooast Artillery plqing, General Booth 'Dresented battle ribbons to Los Angeles' 363rd Infantry in an 1mDreaaive ceremony. A.t 2:30 o'clock, eighteen Northrop Attack planes of the 17th Attack Group, led by Major Lotha A. Smith, Air Corps, thundered down the field in a mock attack against anti-aircraft placements. Flying low over the level terrain, they 1008ed a water curtain to simulate a smoke screen, and drupped d~ parachute bombs. Shortly thereafter, a stubby P-36A, which took off on a routine carburetor check! thrilled the crowd with aC?robatics, c imax1ng ai\h a lang a14ntlDgHUve that brought the plane rocketi~ down the line at better than 400 miles per hour. Among the airplanes on displq. were the B-15, brought from Langley Field by Lieut. Colonel Robert Olds and MaJer Caleb V. ~es; a B-17, aleo brought from Langley Field by M~or/McRe~olds and Major Crocker; twoP-3eA'8 flown. from Barksdale Field, La., by Captain -
Sanders and Lieut.Silen; a. vrJ.. ~~e Attack Bomber; the Do~las DC~'51 fl.":t&st tricycle-land~eared h~h-Wl.~~Jr~~~ port, and Douglas Bomber8, N(rtthl.'PPt;~ Attacks and North American ~'81c:~~@bat l)lanes regularly stationed at" }i(6.~~~., Field. Fortunately for the the B-15t the B-17 and the P-'36A.J~ 8:'~d arrived uWO ~s before the .Sbo~.0J? .. ~llo~~~ne cross-country fuel.~ C~Q~,~:~ ~e visitors wildly cheere~,the~:etricient aerial demonstration. an4. eXhibit ed mu.chinterest in the anti-~r9ratt equipment displayed by batte~1,~iic:: the 63rd ooast Artillery. .. ,,;, When darkness fell under. ai8t~1l;'~.t.: clou~ $lq, late stragglers w.J,"~~?:~~ lng behind a brilliant day' B""or~ .'Q'f Southern Oalifornians' Army ~~! C.orp~ mindedness. . " --000- ... : "','.-' :. ~-. - v..
v~"1~x::e. .
" ,;
MECHANICS BECOME ATTACHED ro.:AI~S over losing hi~ ..:ta:i~ul the 0-14 (494), Serg8@t A.M. 1st Olass, W.E. Morgan,' Us' cr;t chief for the past two years, IsemlLto b" down and out dnce its de~rt1U'e',:: according, to the News Letter C9r~e~6ndent of the 47th School Squadroi;l;j'; " Randolph Field, Texas. Tlie $.ar~ s only comment to the Correspo~fi':'-;~.: "It makes no difference now.'!,,~:,.t ,~,~ Thep,ersonnel on the ~~1+~fiI.P~ the 47th recently bade farewel):; 1i6 ".: this old faithful 'l'ran8Portp~~; ;tt had aer.ved its time and, due t<f-M.''tl:,it became the subject of a surv~y'~~l~~ was recently approved. ; ." ' ~<;',:.;:,;,~ --000--...., , ,
014 airplane,
IMPROVliDNTS COME WITH MAnCR 6~;'~t~ . _.~ . .. The ecribe of Headquarter. ~dHeaaquarters Squadron. Randolph n,lOi~'- .. Texas, states that that organl~~t~~n is undergo i~ qui te a chan.9:e the,~.~ <!N'e, in ~ different ways. Flrst~_ t!le .p~~nt bruSh can be Been around any 'P!or.t:ol. the barracks, and there!. not4~M- ..tbat makes a neater appe&1"azIce ...,a .:gQOd ~., .. coat of fresh paint~"" " .. Another new improvement, be:.~~ii,.;~s the set of chimes that areb~lng~~11BEtli 1n the mels hall, adding ~t.:,:~.,:~q'\mle of the bOYI are practicing o~)~~~;:;o.nd in a short time they will be :ab:LIH\O; play the .ArDtv chow call. It i,-~:goat Cleal different from the shr~t" M~(:':1 rallCUS chow bell that nearly' deafens a man when he happens to walk by the KP., who usually lees how 10U(Lb., .can e.,~ . pound on it. : 4;'1;)::: ---000--, " :.. ..ri :
;:<:u :'1",::;
LARGEST COMBINED CUSSES IN HISTOBY OF RANlX>LPH FIELD. With 360 Flying Cadets, Itudent off12er~f9l'e1gn officers,. and fore1gnca~Pi 1110 the. naw'Marcb ..W1mary clal8 at J 1'R.'!j' ~OlPbW' :.:. ,hId, ... eX&s't.a.nd2~ .tude~t T pi;,' ,t) . ergolng trauihgon the Ba*lc ,.,S,t e~';.,.J~ Primary Fq1ug School has the , lar~.t'C9mbined CI8.8S in its hietoryj a tO~~l:'.Q ..f:,.j600 stUdent pilo.ts,actuallY be*P'::,~ty at the "West, Point of the
Not exactly typical of the many lettersrece1ve!i each da,y by the Secretary' a Office at the Primary Flying . School. Randolph Field. which request infor_tion or application blanks' for. the FlyiD& Cadet Battalion, the f0110wing letter 11 reproduced as a matter of general interest and a8 a graphic i1luatratio.n that the spirit of youth i8 veri much alive:
A.~1'~ar(No,,when the March claBs re,,----- -------- SCHOOL. porte'Ct~ 'it was slightly Urger than the -----, STATE OF--------preseXlt. Primary Stage class, bUt, at. .that .. Mar 1 1939 ~~e~~.' class on the Basic 'St,. did Sir' ... . ,;~;~~,~ the, present cla.~ ;.~P?int Here is just the kind of a guy you fatfprellent class on the 81lacg need to pil.t one of your super shipe ..i ,r.o.p.or. training on Match,. \h .is you claim, to like it. I go want this be a ted rtea. a~t .. 1Jh lf:lying on March 1st ~ but I don t .have. I t.o to Schaal., -' o~e~' 01' 8 officers from the. . ar combat pilot and enter your school. I ~o~Mexican Ar~ officers 1. ilipdon't. need to tell yeu that got 11 ;1, Ati:IrI officer .. 3 Philippine FlyiDC the brains. because any bird that can ade'te. ~39 FlYing. Cadets of the U S st~ in th18 place hal to have brains. .kd 7 holdovers. a total of 360. The air force need_s plenty of new men '" / .(IT:Baai,c Stage class is composed of at this time/ so you had better give me - . ~ 8't.Uaent officers. 3 National Guard a chance. I am 18 years old, am 6 (_.off1~,~,.. 128 Flying Cadets. and two feet and weigh 180 Ibs. I can take ~[. Q1fj;.ff;~ .." tho Peruvian Air Corps who care of myself o. ey. . . e k I 11ke the eet-up -m';l .~ a special short course and. out there and will be wa1ting to hear t 18, Reserve officers who are ' f~om you. I take to the air like Grant p~M~ "the Refresher course _ all for took Richmond. . . a' t'6'ti.l:~ f 240 men in traini~. Just address ..,~i:J.r.tle~t,,~esto Gomez CorniJo and ~~~BDolank:e eat at ~~'~~inoza. of the Peruvian Air r 2 COIF,;:. 'p.orted at Randolph Field on Blank, Blank. M;'27th for a special short courae P. S~ in8t~' tion on the Basic Trainer type Plea.8e reply. soon because' X hope to la~~~. 'I .,.tel' they will be tranlferred be able to get the H... out of here and ~h. eld for additional training live like a human. n " i A~1:li.t. b'afore'returning i to their home "Honestly, this is an exact reprod:u.c, - ai.~oure at Las Palmas Peru. The two tion. and is on file at Randolph Field, I! ~in\orf1cers have been in the United the News Letter Correspondent declares. State. for several months. They will ---000--ferry an export version of either the ,RT~~ I)r ,tp.~ A-17 to their homeland ~n IMPROVJJ.4ENTGASOLINE OF SUPPLY SYSTD4 '~1nPl~lti1)l'1';of their training. Both of-AT RANOOLPH FIELD . are. gradua tea of the Peruvie.n Air Center. a. counterpart of Additional funds in the amount of Ra'-Ft.ld. $8,230.00 will be expended in the near .: ~:; "the first two weeks of. the prefuture" for 1mprovingthe Aqua gasoline <Bit i.e Cla'ss .. which started itesec~ply system of the'Air CO~B Primary b~dv.totU"-monthB' period of instruction :FlYing School. Randolph Field, connect, o.n(.':A~y 25th. there were as ~ as ing tlie linea .from the ga.ol1ne SUpply ',~4:7:"titF1li\dergolngtrainiQg. This figtanks to the storm sewer lines and perut8~'lii1c.ludes seven Corps officer" forming incidental work.' This was an~egular:l~assigned to Randolph Field;. nounced by Major F. D. Shawn. Q.. M. C. ~*h8a~te~~dergoing the 3D-hour' course Post ~terma8ter .. , ~Aa-'he~i1c St~e Instructor' B COUl'se., The State W.P.. . will furnish. $5,.210 A J.&:w~ti~~te1y:A5 PrimarY'Stegeinstrucof, the sum need~d for the_~rk wh1le .' .1eo:rirJ~~ce~ved instruction ln~ this course, ,the additional :p2.920 will, be ~urn1ehed d'QIi~(:~Ep interim b.etween classe.EI. in locally. Whenplaced ill operation. the j.GO~.~ i.ns true tiona. 1 methods on both proJect will provide employment for 52 st~~t,:ge~d be better coordinated. men for approximately two months . a,l,..~ .... .... ..,...;.... B ---000 ..... --.. -- ..000-";'-
Ii' ..
-i ,
'.~,t .: '
,-="'''Lil4iU.tli.rCG.'.olonel J s.!tn. err,' Air lfugh .Lieu~.. CO.lonel J.oseph "T MC.NarneY~Air . Corps, having been .found by an .. ArmY reCorps. has been detailed as, a member of tirl!bboatd. incrc1tatl' actltlt... ve . the General Statf. Corps and a~B1gJ!ed. ,,pry e', cNeto :lsq,b1J.i 01 nt . to the War DepartDlent, General Stiff. ~~F.'t .. WA\8 ret ed. on n 3 .1939. I ~ V-8013. A.C.
edr v:!
SbLDIERS MEDAL PRIVATE. t '1'0 ,~ORDA.N . ...., Private LeRoy C. Jordan, of the First Colonel Frank M Andrews, Air Corps, -. School Squadron at Chanute Fielp,1 .. who assumed commandof the General Head- Rantoul Ill., waB the recip-i~~:~..:. .. quarters Air Force when it was establ1shMarch 22nd at that stat1in of".the~Wrl\l, edtour !i&rs ago and welded it into a Soldier's Medal for an act of~ potent lament of national defense, i~ saving the life of an 8-year o-1d~'" left Llang ey Field on March lOth for e. gl.rl in the Illinois River, ndl" ".t1'ie ..' brief leave of absence before assuming Chanute Field Rest Cam,p, Havana:,: {,<; his new duties at Fort Sam Houston, on August 12, 1938. . ... L~:_._::":", Texas. The decoration was presented'~ Ma~ Officers and enlisted men of the Air General Stanley H. Ford.!..Co~ng-'!', Force were lined in military order at the Sixth Corps Area. '.L'neF1r4lt:t'()!1.. nine 0' clQck that morning to salute him Squadron under the commandofJJ) , . n as he walked from his former quarters on Ray H. Clark, Air Corpi, stoodf~tea.~)' Benedict Avenue to the main gate of the tention while Private Jordan~vel. airdrome to drive with Mre. Andrews to bis award. The congratulation1P"Of ,.~ Key West, Fla. . field go to Private Jordan. . 7., ~. ">~:~ Accompanying him in the br1ef ceremoWhile at Chanute Field, Genera~J~ nies th8.t morning were Brigadier General made an inspection of the po$::~ Arnold N. Krogstad, Commanding the 2nd particular attention to the fl."11ng'.2~~' Wing, GHQ. Air Force; Colonel Lawrence S. equipment and the new constrg.C.\~iQl' ~e ... ~ Churchil!, Air Base Executive Officer, Corps Area Conrnander appeared to.:be &9and Lieut. William L. Curry, well informed on bothc:.Jttt6.oc~ncamp to Genera.l Krogstad. struction and the airplanes _l:~.1L Succeeding Colonel Andrew. who held to this station. r \,>'[j',,-:1 the t~orary rank of Major General durGeneral Ford concluded his :s,tq wl.tli ing his tenure of office as COIIlD&Ilding a brief ca.ll on Colonel Gerald~"e::.()ClBran General of the GH~~r Force, is Major Air Cor~, Comnandant of theMTr-::,.eo;j2s General Delos C. na, who took Over Technical School...(1 .r:.. I1UJ , the commandof the GHQ, Force on Feb---000--.:,:~,!_~~__ ':. ruary 28th for a period of four years. ,::~,'~:~,f..~ . _-__ PHOTOGRAPHING FROM GAME 'mE c-JiiIR,n ~"r : Members of Headquarters and Headquar'G:.:'.)r~,:"J ter'.;Squadron of the GHQ, Air Force, Airmen of the 9010rado Nat19~,'~rd Air Corps.!. Captaln Harrison W ::\f$b1iIIin, . L.. t~ Field, observed the fourth annivereary of that organization at a banJr., and Gnd Lieut. Edward C,'~~J"l, qy.e1;,.on the afternoon of March 4th in at the reg,ue8t of the State ot'.! Oii;[ol'&dO ~ :~Z'ganization dining room, Game and Fish Department, fle.'wne .. ;}" Colonel Frank M. AndrewB was the prin0-47A airplane, on March 2nd,.. o'1w';U6 cip,al speaker on this occasion. mountainous regions of the State-1md'~<:' This organization was authorized by took pictures of deer and e~,4'JL~ " ., U:'US";' the War Department on March 1, 1935, and at various places. ita initial strength included 22 SerDue to the deep snow lying -in: tHe F: geants, 7 Corporals, 18 Privates, 1st mountains, the State has been+!,~~~ C1&ss, and 18 PriVa1iBs. The personnel the game, and it was de ~, now includes 118 enlisted men and 27 ofa count of deer and elk. The'.:phbto...... :,. ficers. graphs secured were highly QS.~l~jory Captain Elwood R. ~esada was the for this purpose, and additio~?f';-::-' Squadron's first comma.nder. Major John quests were received mre compl's. . 81)1'"... ..~ E. Upston took over the commandon June Guard Squadron for a by the N.".&.,.:t"i ~.J.:::., 6, 1935, and on Aue; 1st of that year S~a~~e feeding grounds r, ~Q~~ be was relieved by Major Eugene C.. Eubank. The latter was succeeded by ---000--Major Clyde V. Finter -whohad been sta. 1':,1; -+ :.f i tioned at Maxwell Fie d, Ala., on PERUVIAliJ' OFFICERS RECEIVESP'~CIAL:<''.: i: . August 20, 1937. TRAINING KELLY AT FIELD. .:oj .:t,', -,,:;;d" ~;..' ij 1.- \.Jrrr ~ ---000-Lieuts. Enrique Espinosa andr,k%leato Colonel Henry B. Clagett, Corps, Gomez-Cornejo, of the'lI~I> CommandingOfficer of Selfridge Field, corpsl reported at the Advaneed.:Flj's:Lmg Mich., recently co~leted an aerialround Schoo, Kelly Field, Texas, on MarCh trip as pilot of the C-33 Transportplane 18th, to pursue a special CD~80l,1Ii':,1ncarrying enlisted men to the Air Corps struction, specializing in A~~3ef.ra~ Technical School, Chanute Field, Ill. His tion. Mention of these two P.or.u\d.att i t1nerary was ~ley Field. Va.; Mitchel Air Corps officers is made elie'ihiiIe'in Fieldl N.Y.; Selfridge Field, Mich., and this issue of the News Letter:' ',(.:1!h~ ChanU1i6Field. His pa8sengers were stuare expected to remain at Kel.J8)J!';1e"JAJ .. dents enrolling in the various courses for a period of approximately' 1JM).;.\', [:0 given at the Air Corps Technical School. weeks. -2 V-8013, A.C.
i . ~1lr::
rielS. n.c.r; 2ad L ..ieut..Lel'07 A. Ra:1D8Y t)" J'O~ kelly J'Gld, ,Teas... ', ~&;JU'o~, ~. t Colonel B)"1'QI1Q.'.J0n88, f:ro!'lQciUjY',.NmS i'Uctor at the ~ War Collese, Wasl1~. ,'D. c. , upon' complet ion of present
ColonelWal t.r' R. Weaver has been tlWlSferredfrOll1 Langley Field, Va." to Maxwell Field, Ala., and; ,fleotive on or about ,April 1,1939, designat.a .. Comnend8nt, the Air '~rps TaoticalS:bool1v1ce Colonel Mill~d F, ,Ha,rnDn, who, is designated as C<)D'I'III!ndant ~ thE' Air' Corps Tactical School, vice Lieut, Colonel Domld Wilson. reliewd. Captain DoIlSld W. Norwoodrelieved fran assigunent and duty at Denver, Colo.; 'and direct ed to proceed to his home to await retirement.
'. ~ ,\p;revious ord8'1-samended). "friel-d Denver Colo.t :;MajorJobn P. Lieut. Colonel Earl L. Naiden deta.iled as Ttmpe it r~ eye, a. . member. f the General Staff Co~! wi. th troops o and assigned to duty with the ~ Air Force, ;~"~' Calif.: Major 01ar1es E. Bran__ .~1'8iI8nto, Calif., Air Depot, for tangley Field, Va. duty as Assistant Air Corps Representative, SeCondLieut. Will Wright McConnell. Air ~Z1!~~nt District. Field Va. r. eaptain Wentworth I Reserve, Kenton Chio, assigned to extended active duty at Patterson Field, Fairfield. , 1. C8lif. t n Field Calif.: Lieut. Colonel Ohio, to Muob 20, 1942. _ (,Uer, ~rom foreign servioe. Previ~~)o~s. In his case amended. AlVf AIm4&:N MADTIm' TO oourHERN I~ Field, Ala.: ~.r Sam L. Ellis, from u Y as instructor at Commndand General The 28th Banbardment Squadron, stationed at SWf ~l, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to duty Clark Field, P. I., eatp1eted the first south, .Me: "'~!I: .of the Air Corps Board. ern island trip of the new year on February x::!IM:Field. C8lif.: Captain T1"UlI8n H. 10th. Seven B-lOB's, Major GuyL. McNeil, Air on, ran Pa.neme. C8iiB1 Department. departed fran Clark Field To Bandol hField, Texast 1st Lieuts. Edward Corps, ColIlJBJ'lding, on February 8th for Jo10, Jo10, P.I., via W. suarez, rem 1& BUiiUiil. and Trenkc:ll.1l1 i".:rMeyer. fran Panaaa Department. Zamboange., Zamboanga, P. I. Zamboanga1188 the first overnight stop, g0Previous orders amended. ing to J010 the second da.Y and returning to ,'~'JlD';)!~l:Fiel&J'Y': 1st Lieut. 1h1ph E. Z8mboanga for the second night I s stop. ~J. sen, fran Han Department. en the third da.Y, the fl ight left for San . .:. R~18ton, r D.C" for duty in Office of the Jose, Mindoro, via Iloilo and other points, Qi.l~~ e IiI' COrps: Major Oliver s. Ferson, but while flying in the vicinity of PEma,Y. fr<la1~e Field, La.; Major Edward E. m.l6rel1lth.:..,fJ;'Om Maxwell Field, Ala.; Captain word was reoei ved that a typhoon was approaching over .lvlindanao, whereupon the flight returr L~.Ji>.o"1tten, from Wrijht Field, Ohio. ed to Clark Field without stopping at San Jose ia 'l~' Canal ~artment: Lieut. Colonel Frano11FBridY ( erat Staff) from duty with .Arnv 'Pilots on this trip, in addition to GRQ .. ~ loree, Langley Field, Va. Major McNeil, were Captains R.L. Schoenlein, W.A.R. Robertson, 1st Lieuts. Hunter Harris. !aiJr,~t.Field, Ohio: Major FraddinO. Jr., L.R. Brownfield, D.N. Mothenell and W,M. CeiOUJ, io'di duty as ASsistant Air Co~s ~roc~i~esentative, Inglewood, Ca11, Gross. Several officers from other branchesoL the "~~I~ '~Aotive dutfor Air Reserve Offioers service were passengers on the tri~ ~,lj.e" '.' V'andenburghEndress, Fort Worth, Brigadier General F.W. Honeycutt, mmsnding Ir~~.~, ~L~ooks Field, Texas, to.Ma%'ch14,1942, General, Fort Stotsenburg, P. I.; Lieut. Co1s. +~ ..I.~~t .. Jeff Coleman!4ock, V1ViaD, La., to E.W. Taulbee, W.E, Buchlyand J.T. Pierce, B'e:rltsa8le Field, La., to March 29, 1942. 26th Cavalry (p.s.h T.G-.M.Oliphant, 24th Tnnsfers Field Artillery (P.S.); MajorP. LaToney, 31st Infantry, and 1st Lieut. C.V. George, oUr Ba1st Liellt~aurice M, Simons, Air Corps, to the Coa8t-,Arhllery, end fran duty with the 91th seI've, from PAA. ' Observation Squadron, ~itobel Field, N.Y., to Enlisted men accOIIpaD3Ting light as the duty with 51st Coast ~il1ery, Fort Monroe, Va. flight obief, crew obiefs and radio operatOR, ?~Jt1.'iauh. :Andrew O.'~~ch~, Corps of EDginwere Tech. Sgt. M. Brueher, Staff Sgts. S. .us~J"C*t.Vo'Itltosh, Texas, tze,nsferred to Air Daniels, M. Paschini, J. Stookwell, Sgt .1.\. Q:lep~:J8i~c1,i~'ilSs1gned to duty at Bandolph Fi8ld~ Spade, Privates S.W. Stacy, C. Poly, W. Ott ;.o'r;;;, Pranotions and n. Jenkins, while Pvt. 1st 01. G.~.Tweedy, :r'!o'UblO6&1(tenpo1'al')"): Lieut. Colonel J\mius 2nd Obs. S9,uadron, Nichols Field, was the ,WI; t1aii~ f:fram March I, 1939. photographer on the flight. ',llie\\t':,:.Colonel (tetq)OlW':Y)t Major PaW. J. The natives of Jo10, ooming in from the .11&, t I'O'!ll 7 1939. hills, gave the light quite a reception, as 'or~(~eiiporarY' I CaptalnsJulianB. ' it ft.S their first cpportUDi ty to see the ~, ' 1tfe:rebl5th,: and Haynie McComl1ok, BooIO's, this being the first time the Squadro1'J from lisNl ,1.7.', 1939. ~ landed there.' The landing fields at J010 -21V-9013, A.C.
.phoo.~oiel~Field~~', lat~ieut.
," .J:.
and Zamboanga have been enlarged, aIld the B-lO's have plenty of room for landing and taking off. Servicing facilities, for the benefi t of all oldtimers that have blazed the trail before, are the same as usual - out of the good old 5-gallon cans. Th:JieBatELsaves a lot of sore muscles and back es,as 400 galloms per airplane is rather a nioe workout. ---000---
It is anticipated that the present class will complete the course of training in three months' time instead of the usual four months heretofore allotted. .Goodweather and good luck have prevailed thus fa:r, and it is believed no insUl'lOOuntable diffioulty will be experienced in completing the course in the time scheduled.
During the ~t year (February, 1938 to .AIRlf.AN FROil1SOUI'E AFRICA VISITS .ATJII'f srATIONS February, 1939) 162 regular students (student officers and Flying Cadets) have been trained by the Pursuit Section of the Air Corps AdCaptain G.A. King, of the South African Pervanced Flying School. This is by far the larmanent Force, VIasa visitor at Kelly Field on gest nutIi>erof students that have been trainee March 7th and VIasshown the installations and by any one Section at this School. In addivarious activities of the .Air Corps Advanced Flying School by rrembers of the faculty. He tion, Reserve Offioersundergoing a Refresher also witnessed student training in progress on course have been graduated during each class. All students undergoing training received the that date. Captain King is a memberof the South African major portion thereof in the P-12 type ail'-' Instruction Corps, and his present status is plane, supplemented with some training in the that of Instructor in Signals at the South Seversky BT-8and instl'lmleIlt flying training African iAiU tary College, Pretoria. He is in the BT- 2Bl type airplane. spending three IrOnths in the Uni ted States e:The fiying instructor personnel of the Purter a 17-m>nthsI assignr::aentat the British sui t Section include Captain Burton M. Hovey, School of Si:snals. Prior to his visit at Kelly Jr., Chief of Section; 1st Lieuts. ~e F. Field he made calls at Forts 1rX>IlIIDuth. Benning, Meyer. Operations Officer; Melie J. Coutlee, Sam Houston, Riley, Knox and Sill. Conn:enier of 1st Echelon; John H. Bundy. Ccmmender of Second Echelon; Benjamin J. Webster, ---000--Daniel S. Campbell, Earl F. Signer, Fred N. ACl'IVITIES ADVANCED FLYING EaIOC!L .AT Ward, William I. Fernald, Wilbur W. Aring, 2nd Lieuts. William Wes, Boy W. Osborn. A total of 40 students was assigned to the Robert F.Worden, Chester L. Sluder, Jam::Js M. BombardmentSection of the Air Corps Advanced. Jones and Joseph C. Mackey. Flying School. These students, belonging to Second Lieut. William Irvin Fernald, Air Class 39-B, started flying training on March Reserve, now on active duty at Kelly Field. 1st. Since that date six officers, taking the was proneted to 1 Lieutenant, with. rank st Refresher flying course, were added to the f~ March I, 1939. class. Flying instructors yresent on March 1st were Major John V. Hart, captains Delmar T. Spivey, OONFtJSION NAMES AT PRIMARY FLYING SCEIoar. IN Leroy Huds.n, 1st Lieuts. Roger J. Browne, Boy D. Butler, fuvid N. Crickette, Nornan L. The middle names of two Flying Cadets who Calli sh , Laurence B. Kelley, TITilliam Xennedy, enrolled in the March, 1939, Class at the Air L. Troup Miller, J.W. Cexrpbell,E.J. Timberlake, Corps Primary Flying School, Randoll)h Field, 2nd. Lieuts. N.K. WarDer, Leroy A. Rainey and Texas, became ilIJlOrtant to Amv offIcials well Flying Cadet J.E. stiles. it was discovered that both bore the name of Since March Lsb , Lieuts. Rainey aDi Warner John D. Wynne. Since both were listed as bah~ve been lost to the Section, the former being ing Californians that did not help to dispel transferred to Bolling Field, D.C. while the the confusion, because inquir,y revealed that latter was relieved from active duty to accept . . John Douglas Wynne's home is in Los a posi tion ",ith the Eastern Air Lines. Captain Angeles and John Davis Wynnecame from E1 Hudson was transferred to other duties at Kelly Centro. In order to simplify rmtters, the Los Field. Angeles Wynne was designated as WynneNo.1, .. because he was assigned to the first squad in Twenty-four sbudenbs of Class 39-B, including the Cadet Battalion. The El Centro Wynne was two effteers of the BegulEU' ArrrfI, two officers dubbed Wynne No. 5.beeause he is a memberof "f the Philippine Amryand twenty Flying Cadets, the fifth squad. John Douglas Wynne attended reported to the Observation Section of the Air the Oregon State. College and was a Private in Corps Advanced.Flying School on March 1st. Unthe 4th Air Base Squadron at March Field. der the supervision of Captain R.E. Randall, Calif" before he was appointed a Flying Cadet Chief of that Section, training is conducted in John Davis Wynne was appointed from civilian fiying the Observation type airplanes on such . life. He attended the University of Arizona missions as visual reconnaissance, aerial phot at Tucson. graphy, instrument flying and navigation train---000--ing. First Lieut. Bieme L~,Jr Air Reserve. Ground instruction in the use of photographic at his own request, was relieved from ext~ed and radio equipment and artillery adjustment active duty at Langley Field. Bound for Holly. procedure have taken up the e:ternoon periods wood, Calif., he is to devote his time to a ana filled up the evening periods with home l'l'Orkstudy. motion picture depicting the life of an Arm:! flyer. He wrote the book "I wanted Wings." .. ~ V-8013. A.C.
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NEWS 1939
The chief purpose of tili8 publication i8 to distribute information on aeronautics to the flying personnel in the Regular ~, Reserve Corps, National Gusrd, and others connected with aviation.
---000--THE IXPANSION OF THE .ARMYAIR CORPS :By:Brigadier General :Bvton.J(. Yount. Air Corpa. Assistant to the Chief of the Air Corps An address before the Philadelphia Chapter, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at Philadelphia, Pa., on J:rrrr:l ~tApril 6, 1939., Mr. Chairman Membersof the PhlladelIncreased range, incrAtased speed, inphia Chapter, Veterans of FOreign Wars, creased capacity of airplanes have and your guests: changed our re~irements for defenIt is a great pleaaure to be with you sive aviation.' today and a great honor to addresl a paThere is a new range and ~eed to oftriotic organization such ae yours on fense. It has, therefore, become ne.Army Dal'. After listening to the preaessary to restudy the defense re~uired amble of your Constitution and knoW1Dg to meet pre.ent possibilities of offense of your splendid organization 8Z1d your against us. What 'WaS adequate national great interest in militar~ affairs, it defense 15 years ago! or even five years is unneoeasa1'y to l'eview for you the ago, is now inSUiic ent , The proper record of the Un!ted Sta teB .A.rm;y in the s treIl&th for our defensive forces mtq ware in which this country h,aa partic1be figured from several different pated. You know that splendid record as points of view: well as I do and you know that the Un1 ted 1st - The amo"Wlt f national defense o States has never been defeated. which can be provided without I am ;ure that you s.r8 also familiar ca.using general objec'tion. to wlih the Army's accomplishments in helpwhat must be paid in taxes. 1Dg to build ~ our great nation. It is 2nd - The maximumdefensive streDgth enough to a~ that the United States _hiCh we ~ conceivably reJ..r~ has been a veri table "Vanguard of QUire, and American Civilization'. and that its in3rd -.i nece8s~y comprom1tlebetween fluence in peaceful pursuit. has matohed the two ~considering the forces its explol tEl in "'ar. which IDq' probably De brought Gentlemen. we are living in tr~bled against us) - the minimumnetime.. Our press is filled ",1th records cesaary to lafeguard the interof the peBti~ence of present wars and ests of the United States in the threatB of wars to come. this Hemisphere and to protect God grant that we may never again be us from invasion. ca.lled upon to defent our shores or th. The President', proposed aviation exinsti tution; which we have struggled to pansion program i8 this minimum. '!'his build and which we have fought to proprogram, when necessary appropriations teet. :But one tbi~ 18 certain, and are made, will provide an J.rrq Air with th1. l' know that you gentlemen 'Will Corps of 6,000- plane agree, we will fight, if necessary. to Lalit July. Mr. J.M. SPaight, in his protect them. .lIR powm IN THENEXT WAR.lald: And. so to~, instead of talk1Dg of "History 1s full of wars that were ~ur past, I am going to devote e. few neva- fought. Air ~wer will probaminutes to tell1ng you something of our bl7. add to their number. Is it not plana for the fu$ur. and in particular conc.ivable that we are on the 801 to how those plans apply to the exthrellhold of an era in which wars panaion of our Corps. w111"be won before they are fo~t?n In J~, the Prealdent of the United Under such conditione the nation SiateB in a meBs~e to Congress said: which is hop~les8lY outclassed in mi11"What needs to be emphaeized 18 the t817' strength has in the past and must great change whi.Chhas come over conin the future accept such terms 808 the fIlet. between the nations linee the nation with the overwhelming mili t6Cl7 world war and espec1ally in the past power is pleased to diotate. five Or I1x years. n Wheni te c1t1zens are atte.cked by Later he said: foreign nationals with the open sc"1411lt8.ry aviation 1, increasing today quiescence,and even the encouragement at an unprecedented and alarming rate. of a stroDger foreign government, the - 1V-8028, A. C.
weak nation must meekly accept this eendi tion and, perhaps, be duly thankful that matters are not werle. For fortY' years this nation has been a first-class power. We must now decide whether or not we will continue to be e. first-class power - whether or not we will protect our citizens abroad from bei:cg abused - whether or not we shall be able to protect our flag from being 1nsul ted by some arrogant foreign powerwhether or not we shall be able to protect our country from foreign invasion whether or not we are Willing to fight, if needs be, in defense of our own,principles of democracy. Webelieve that the President's J.rrrr:i Corps expansion program providee the minimumforce whiCh will give the necessary air protection to our nation and to our citizens at home and abroad. In the ground arms the fire power of the defense has 80 outstripped the power of the offense, in recent years. that fronts !!!!l quickly become stabi.Lized. To the conmander havi:cg the dominant air power, aviation provides a means of effective attack behind the hostile Une s. No longer can the Maginot Line protect Paris; no longer can the English Channel protect Londont no longer can munitiona of war be saIely and peacefullY produced to supply armies locked in a a\ruggle on a frontier 200 to 300 miles away. TOda, the bombardment of Cont1nente.l United States is not a practical military operation. But, who can say what tomorro'W"ill bri~? Laat November, two plane. flew nonstop from Egypt to Fort DBrwin~ in .Australia - a distance of more than 7,100 miles. This 1s some 1,000 miles more than a round trip between the ~uropean coast and New York City and, according to the published fi~es an equivalent in fue~ of a 3 OOO-lb. bomb. In 0 ther words on this f iigh tit would have been p~sically possible for the planes to have taken off from Europe, flown to NewYork, dropped a 2 000-lb. 1 bomb! and returned to Europe w thout land ng , Throughout the world t'od.a.ythere are on the drawi!J.gboards numerouB designs capable of flying over 9,000 miles nonstop, but so far as we know there is today no fore~gn Air Force able ffective1[ to bomb any point in the Unite States from either Asia or Europe and return to its home. There ie, however, no reason why potential enemies may not at the present time, peacefully ac~re and organize comnerclal air bases on Atlantic and Faclfio islands, or even in continental North or South America. There i8 no essential difference between a large well-equipped commercial air baae and a military air base. From luch commercial air baaes in this Hemi. sphere maee attack. could readily be
launched 8& vi tal elemeM",~of our military defenses even prior~, to'ee4efo!o claration of war. J J ,:).::'", SUch basee could be made .1n.etf.eeti.'Y8 only by the use J2z !!! of a pcw&r:11l;&1 Force. Our aviaUon must rema1n strong, if for no other reasQii""'llian that. no _~ foreign nation may be tempte.d' to.,uaa::. commercial air bases from whibh,t&'a.-t'tack us. .. ,f' .: Wemust have a strong and ~aMlY,' .. expansible "vi~ tion industry, cspabl&: not only of maintaining in peace the.. number of planes re@1red for OUIL Air: Force, but ca~a.ble of meet1Dg :the:.demanda which w:l.11be made upon ,it ':1Il .:
Wemust remember however., that-:A'! strong aeronautical indu8t~ and 'an adequate provision of airplaneal.Po. no-t, of ~emeelvea, insure an efficiaR~'AAr Force. .'.': :.l. The other elements of a pro'P~;J.u;'balanced Air Force are trained ground crews to fly, service" l~d &inta1n the aircraftt and the neeeg~: buildings and equl.pment to .IIlBJc$.-fpC'''' sible the proper maintenance.. r8~'" and supply functions. . "L3 <.. ~';, " Whatever it& sizs, o-.r Air be balanced. Once the amoun1i~JOf,f,iinds which can be provided has been/determined, the proper compod tion ,of ,it.various elementa can be determtned .. It " is most essential that each. of .the IS ; variou8 components shall be 1n:proper proportion. It is impoS8ib16 to!impro" Vise any one of these elementa(.after war hal been declared. ~ ,j't .'. Wars will be fou.ght (certain~'lclu1l1~ the first few mont1is) with the-planes and trained personnel available in:;.i peace. In peace we must maintain each element of this balanced ,Ur,Force at the strength we will require dl1r~. thE first few months of war and not'~for, just the opening date. To attain the minimumof trained pilots neceS6ary un" der the President's program, before. the end of 1940, will require that S9lIlE 370 Flying Cadets begin ~ra1n1ng.e",ery six weeks between now and then. Th1e lE more than twice the number nQ.~belDg trained. The War Department. plan' allows nine months for the training' ot each clas8. The first three;.moz.the'':' the Primary stage - will be.giqn;.at selected private con:merc1allyi~', schools. The second three month&~- the Basic Stage - will be giveDi.a;tJRandolpl:i Field, Texae, and the last'thre. It10nthE the Advanced Stage - will begiT&n ~t Kelly Field. Texas. . ,.,~ '1-;;~'i The three months' instructiOltrMthe selected private commercial f''J..1tm, .' I " schools should not be conful,a "he f1yi~ instruction to be ~iv9Il y:~e Civil Aeronautics Author1ty'lhvth! COl.
the 'tl'aJ.tl1ng of pilots in the flylJlg tors, radi. repair men electricianl, .. uni:ts:whlch ~ve been organized at thirphotographers. stock keeperl and clerke. teen c~.lleges distributed throughout the ~e aircraft 1ndu.stry aleo needa simiUnitecl.'.S,atel. If the exper~nt proves lar expert meChanic., draftame~! elec':~8'Sful, he hopes tQ be able to protrici&ns, . etc. OUtstanding in<11vidUala .vide ,:fund of around ,7,000.000 a y~ar in these various eategories rise to exto give training to &8 ~ as 20,000 ecu.t1ve position, and form the backbone co:ll:ege. students annualq. Thes tuof the 1nc1:llstry. -dants' w111have no connection with Arrrt Wemust train our high school gr.,duF1yi~ Cadet training. However, IUCh of atea to fill vaciancies in the ~ A~r them as~prove particUlarly apt w111 con- CorpI and in the .American aircraft inaUtUM 8. valuable reaerv01r from wh1ch dUltr'l' if we are to secure the full eftoselect cadets for J.rrrq F1yil18 cadet feet from our increased numbers of a1rtraining. craft. To complete the President' 8 .ileretofore. of thoae who paned ~e program, the .Ur COtpl w111 require rig~ .pbysical examination lome 6Q~ or sl1ghtly mire than as,ooo men auch al 1e.e bave shown the natural aptitude for theae, in addition to those we now fly1 .. ,nec,s8sary for our military pilots. have. llyaelect1ng those of proven aptitude .. it At Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., and . b" hOped that we can graduate a ~ at Lowry Field. Denver. Colo the.A.1r .fia'r;per.eentage of those entering our fly Corps m&1ntainl schools for training iJJg schools. mechanic8. At pre_ent lome 900 to 1000 ....'U~ ... the present plan for Air CO~8 men are enrolled in the.e two schools. [:~ralDiDg, the .Advanced F1l1~ School at The enrollment will loon be greatly in. ,K"8'll1: ;fi~ld will be expanded to accolllJOO-crealed. It will be impracticable, da~~~~add1t10nal ltudent. neceBaary. however for theee two Ichoola to maet RaaUlphF1eld. the prelent Pri~ our tra lning needs. Some additional Sol1ool;;.: hich netwincludes bothPr1Dlll.r1 w facilities must be provided. and llas1c Stages. will give :Basic trainDuring the World War we found it ne.~ .1g-onl1. . oelsary to organise a mechanic'. school ... Tbe.~w feature of thil plan, which and lome 5 000 to 6,000 men were,:n6tbeen tried out 'UP to the present ated from 1t. At prelent there are time, ..1:s the method of giving instrucvery probably as many students in . UQJLin the Primary stege. For thil at private and pUblic mechant1PeJ.~Ofin.truction, it is planned, ae ic's .chaols of various !dnds throU&hp~eviC)Ul1y stated, to use .elected COm- out the country. The necees1 ty for .mereial flying schools owned and operatthe utilization in war of every exist. ed,bYJ.:private individual I. lng facility app1!el equallY well to ~ft8r numerous conferences with such schools. Webelieve the ealieat .thelr~eeent operators, a lound plan and molt efficient ~ to solve our Aasbeen agreed upon by the. War Departpresent problem il to use theee Icllools ment. Under this plan the Air Corpl in somewhat the lame manner a8 18 ",will. pUt chase at a reasonable price f17- planned for the pilot Bchoo1e. The ing1netruction from those schools whiCh graduates of thes. civilian mechanioll .me~,1i.:.the government standard. To insure schools are filling positions, not on1t uniformity of product and to a.cquaint in aviation but in ~ other branches the instructors at all of thele schools of industry. These schoOls! under . "wU;h.c'the-,Arm,ytandard. all of the aivil- their present m&nli&ement, th an ins w i811'~ln8~ructers will attend a courle for creale of illStl"UCtorlj principally in ,F~1Dg:,' Instructors at Randolph Field. the lower gradel. COUldbe enlarged to Th."goysrDJllent will also maintain at train leveral ,times their prelent en.:. eath.'8cAoOl one or more Regular Air ro1lment and '.re .ArII\V plan. to use C~P.:o.ficers to check eaCh student them at iealt 0 a lim ted extent. froIlt' U~ to time. They will function 1 have talke .at lome length on the J'Ilst; ;a8,.1nepectore at manufacturing Prea1dlitntl s .Air CorpI expane10n proplan.t.I,.who inspedt the manufacturer' I gram..11 though the Congr.IS has palsed prOdu.rii to lee that it meet .Arrrg Itandthe authorization bill for 6,000 pJ.anel ar~ L.In fact. the same sort of inspecand the President has signed it. the .;i1olkhu,',been goi~ on for years at the appropriation bill must Itill be passed ,. :.4.nt"pJ'lting Schoo1sr where each student and we are certain that it will be. c JA'Lat pe.... a check-p1lot at every stage TO SUMMARIZE: "k~ .. 1n.truction. The only easentIal Here briefly are some of the importdifference is that the flying in8~ant things the President's air program ,\j.o"':,~der this plan will be given by a will do for the coo.ntry: CiV:J.~!.~:at a civilian .chool instead of A. It w111 give .UBan efficient Air '. ';-.n.:.;l .Cerps officer at an .1ir Corps Force, in the shortest possible time,of SJ;)loo,.. ,. the lize required for national defense. _.'.NQ~ro~1y the flight creWl, but aleo on It 1s. not an offensive force built to the ground, traineCl men are .. necessi t1'. carry war to foreign shorel. Far from .1';; ~.,~lII.VAir Corps mIlst have 1k11led it. It will provide an air defense for cl,w~.~etB and crew men, radio operathe continental United States and its :. -3V-80'~8,.A.C.
We be Ueve tha t the Pre e1 den ~,'" p.e., poesessionfj - that and thlatonly .It . at~:~~il will ~ot then be as large some of the air program 1s. an essential preparedness for this country.' ';fe:.!beothers in the world, but it w111 lerve lievetbat the Congress of the Un~ted notice to all international trespassers not to encroach UP9n our continental states express~d the will of o~il~~~~ when it voted reoently by an ove~ . shores except at their own riak. E,.It"Ul raise tp.e aircraft industry ing. : ajority to authorize that m toa proper level. The aeronautical in. This new program will be ce.rrI.~~t to the last detail and on Unle., -WEtarE due.try in this country 1s at present wholly inade~te to supply our need. ready to start - o'Urpla:ns"'8.'fi.-p~ectfor military aircraft in a major emered, our machinery 18 oiled ... b'u:t.1;~.rege~cy - the facilities are available but mains for Congress to throw th&i;swttch they are not being utilized. 1'his pro .. by making the appropriations 'ava~~ble gram "ill inaugurate military airplane and Congress will carry out 1 tBP.-r,t. Let us not make the mistake o'! b&K1nDuild1~ '1n many aviation factories! wh~ch hive had no experience in bui ding ning too .late. Wemust bear in';m.~a militar.r aircraft. It will train a that much time is required to 'bUil~-'Up large addi tional group of engineers and an .Air Force. It cannot be doli'e:"bverskilled wormen, supervisors and foremen night - 18 months are re<1u1r~d'~t.Q::i'$ch in mill tary aircraft manufacture. quantity production in planErB"":.~~:; c. It requires the training of a 1ar~e years are required to train pe~~el nuiiiber. of additional mil1 tary pilots. By to make them competent to hancUe '0'01'" providin.g a certain amount of training complicated aircraft of today~ '-,Delq in civ111an flying achools we will train in beginning will make for undJ;ie " -~te theae acho.ols in the type of work they in tryiDg to ca toh up and fren1(i~~.I< would have to do immediately in the caee haste me.k:esfor wa.te and ex~ce. of a major war. It i.s wile indeed to I urge then that we remember1ill,lsf A give them this experience now. Itperstrong Air Force may go a long.~t9mits us to perfect, in peacetime, a sys .. ward keepi~ .America out ofJ!N':,~:i:il1tO a strong .Air Force may be abBoliite).ytem which "e kno" we shall have to use in time of war. vi tal in keeping war out ofj.Jnel"1ca., ---000--. .. : .:.
TRAINING PERIOD COMPLETED IN CANAL ZONE The annual training periad for troops in the Panama. Canal Zone came. to a c 10se ~ch 28th with a final critique, held in the Fort Cl~ton theater, on the maneuvers which had been conducted during the past thre& weeks. . During the maneuver period,all available forces in the Panama Canal. Department had been offering a concentrated resistanoe to a simulated BlackA~ of invaders ' bent upon the destruction of i the Cana.'t. and who attacked from land, sea and a1.r... During most of the exer .. che .. the 6th Bombardment Group from France F1eld, and the ?4th Attack Squadron represented the carrier.base a1r force of the. invaderl,carry1ng out bombing and chemical attack. upon Canal installations and upon ground forcee. 1'he 24th and 29th Pursuit Squadron. were assigned defensive mislionl with the Blue force8~ aided by reconnai.sance missions by the 44th and ?th Reconnaissanoe Squadrons. . ---000---
Benning, Ga.,. The demonstratiorL.tia~ place on .Apri;l~13th; and the fl1gb,"ti" returned to Mi tchel Field the, .!"Q1;1o.w1ng day . '"': ":." ;".:
Six B-leA airplane. from theia'~: Reconnaiesanoe Squadron tookof~ trom Mitchel Field, under the conmand.of Captain Em:netO'Donnell. Air 'CorPe-;~'for a :flight to Ford Airport, Dettol.t" .. Mich. Upon~riving at that airport. luncheon W8.eserved for the ore.;. following which the Air!sonnel were conducted upon a very inte~e8tlng tour thrOug4 the Ford Plant at ~~' born. The flight then Selfridge Field,.' Mt. Clemen.~ ..M1;Ch~., for lervici~J.and then followed _.:, night fUAt Dack home. of the flIght, expressed their s1'hcer'. appreciation for the cord~~l ~spile;l1ty accordedthetn while v1sit1~~J;he Ford .Airport. and Ford Plant~ .i, .
Mitchel Field wa;-~;iled' UPo~Cto,t:1 theC-33 airplane to Ithaca, Ne.w. Y.ozok, on an errand of mer~ . i.e ... , port Staff Sergeant John Grah8iD,." . ~ROTC), Cornell.Univera1 ty .to 1ih'.:-MITCHEL FIELD .ACTIVITIES Walter Reed Hoapi tal, .waehlngt~~,: ,DIO. A l3-Bhip formation of the 9th BombardMajor H.B. Chandler, Air Corps, pJolot ment Group, under the c~nmand of Captain ed tUe C-33,and Captain L.H. Lawaon. F.R. UPth~ove, Air Corpe, took off Air Corps, .was the co-pilot . Li~t. f~ Mitchel Field, New.York, on April Colonel R.K. Simpson. Medical O'orp,,' 12th. tor Fort' ::Benning Ga for the . and two enlisted attendant ..' accompanied the flight. .. purpoee of etaging a oombi.!Jg demonstra-....-000 .. -.~: .'.. tion at theInl'an~1 School at Fort _4_ V-8028, .A. . C
lWOl:S A1mOUNCDmlT .
.r.~~~~ij~4'i:by_'anuninterrupted stretch of .... lA-~.~:WAath. er, flight. training. onboth -:~ l:m , .'-' "{.-.ana Basic St. . 8-S at tlie ,Air Flying 'chool .. Randolph vl~N;' .~~8, is IOOv1ng ahead at the : ..~.' "'i;U1\'O 'e, with first phales students al.. '~."'. their the.~' alic .. of night ." "
-:fl,i "...
number of' student '-'.'I~te."~ve. r to be in t.rain. ing atRandOlP.h . c. o,n the :BaeicStageand 336 on .. ~-:.Yr.' - . Stage I the weatlier neceliaar rn ...pAH'a.-An importantJart. A few daYs i. . cf41!~verc&.tl or r .' n, results in the rlo. It-,Ft;-literal~y thousands offly~ 1l-q1~ .w~Ch must be made ~ when the 1(.. ~"clears. During the early por~., ~ ~f:lthe course! training on the Pri .. '-- 'S"ta&~is partJ.cularly. hampered by .." . ' .' ance of bad weather, for the '-"'"S~.a.oefore solo have d1ff1cul ty in -,~,e.1i :" .. instruction for seveJ;"al daYB. ~tiiiJ:~~t is conducted daily. This .. :~~, . '.'&. so faces the ~asic Stage stu~ut to a lesser extent. o v. '~.':~--:~ des .. of the flying field have be 'Mi'ted greatly by the lq be,t ' ,.];assee, tiny green sprouts of g.raS8,making their appearance Where beforev&st barren areas met the eye. ...-... For those not co~lete1y faiDil1ar .r(~~e'q~.,LPu1s W. Proper recentlY rewith meteorological terminology, a l~~,:ka.ndolPh Field from the ,. . . 'Department and was a88igned &s man's translation of the a.bove article ~!'iib'" . ruetor on the Primery stage. has been pre~ed by the Randolpb Lieu.tB. Joseph G. Gordon and Daniel A. Field News Letter Correspondence. This CO.9~~ ll.avebeen assigned' to the Basic translation 1s a8 followl: . $tfil'Er'" instructors on the ~T-9'1. "Spr1ng is Just around the corner .' ---000--and summer 1s no t far behind. II
\~,:;~i .~-thelargest
'Th~iolar ..fron.tor eeparaUonUne of Continental a1rfrom 06nadaand -the Arct19.' l( Reg1()nand the .Maritime .. ir A ~ver the Pacific Ocea.n, GUlf of Mexico, and So-q,thAtlantic Ocean,iS81ow4r IDOVing north~d. The wave dev:e:Jo ~ en te alo~ th1, front, known as a familY .of cyclonee, ve .less intense bec9.Ulsthe marked 'contraatbetween the two differenttypes of air iedecreasing The earth' IIlOviJ1g i teo <n'b1t around en th~ sun is at its greatelt distance from the sun duri~ the apriD4; and summer monthsi however! .the d1reC'tne88 of the sun'e r~B, inc ination oftha earth's -axi8, and the variation in the absorptive p-opertie8of thea.1:rare Blowly bri.nging al>out warming .Bond1t10ns in the nortliern lati tude8. Since the Polar fro~t i8 displaced to the north and the dYnamic and coDvectivecomponsnts of the8e wave formations causes aD east to northeastward JDOv.ement. e find w most of the United States, and Texas in particular, covered with a continental inflow of warm, moist: a1r, accompanied by an increase in temperature to maximums which should be reaChed during the montha of July and August.
'1 RE'tlt~ENT
..' 'f~chllical Sergeant Joseph 08IIlineke of ..the J.~th Pursuit Squadron at Wheeler 1,:: . -F~~:la,tcT.. H., was retired from the U. S. ;!~ . ',.Oil;March 1 1939. - . ':,~etera.n AIr Corps technician wound UPj~ ; years of service with the colors. H'e.... ~nl1sted in theArJIVln~908,~.e'J.37th Company, Coast .Arhllery ~~~ ..:.e.tId he Berved 1'1 th this branch of ~1i~.~ ;until ;1.914. From then on until -:_",~, ~,~:, ~p. he was transferred to the Air CfOTPe;lS'ergeant Caminsks serVed wtth the t-termaster Corps. He __ a member of " e. 61~rt Service Squadron until 1935, . (f131'il~e then unt:U hiB retirement he ~ in Hawaii wi th the 19th Pursu1 t -!fJ ... ,oJ the 18th Pursuit Group at . ~F:';l1eld., . , ,.yice wishes, Sergeant Caminake a .,',':i '." in his well earned r.etirement.
.<~~r!" '.'~r~;.:,:,:':'
Hundreds 01' residents in the neighborhood of Langley Field. Va leated by their radios on S"Wl~ afternoon, .April 2nd, l1etened to the thrilling detalls of a simulated attack by eneqr planes and their sl4;cessful'repulse by giant "Flying ..Forq-esses" and Pursuit planes from that fi,ld. The demonsvation of thenaUon's efficiency on l),nd and in the air was '~el1m1nary to the observance of ~ On 'l'hureda\Y. April 6th. e l"WUli~ comments on the demonstration were made by ~ri~dierGeneral FredEP"ic H. Smith,- of Fort Monr. oe, Va Oommanderof the .,rd Coast Art1ll~ District, and Major General Delos C Emmo~s, wbo receni;ly assumed commandof the GSl19r&lHead"ql:l&r .. ters Air. Force &.t --000--~ler Field . Uic:roJ>bonesdistributed ':~iOJle'i,a. enr~ W. Harms AirCorpa, has at var.l'0'\11point, a.'.l'ort Monroe record~teA~11eved f.rom duty in the Office . ad tb COmmand.of the officers" . .8 the 01j,f~,'-Gb1ef of th.e ir Cor~ 1I'ashing- sound of wh1rling planel, the b.ar1d.J3g ~" :., ..' , H d of -.chine guns and the 'reports ,.of atton, D.C and ael1gnedto e ea qu.a.r-tac~lD6 'f.fflcerl tbatthe l.n"l&81on bad ters, 9th Corps Area, Presidio of San . Continued 011 P"~A 6 \ F.Jo~c~aco , Calif. .-. t .'.' ." ... '., V... 028, A. C. 8
liN ANTONIO AIR DEPOT EXPANDS Having refe&ence to the Air Corps Expansion Bill approved by the President on April 3, 1 39), the :t-Tews Letter Correspondent of the San Antonio Air Depot, Duncan Field, Texas, declares, in effect, that so far as the personnel of the Supply Department of the Depot are concerned, this expansion program appears to have been in effect as far back as six months 880, so considerable has been the increase in activities thereat during that Jeriod of time. The consolidation with the Lighterthan-Air Depot of Scott Field was completed during the six months past. all supplies and equipment havi~ been transferred to San .Antonio. While the estab11shment ef the Ene:ineering Branch of the Lighter-than-A.Ir activity at Brooks Field has been indefinitely postponed! the Depot w11l carryon with the supp y of Lighter-than-Air materials to stations allover the United States. There is considerable activity in the warehousing department, broUht about by the necessity for construct1~ new warehouses for the 03 classiflcatJ.ons and. a new rubber storage room. In the meantime, it has been necessary to employ a number of additional temporary laborers for the numerous rewarehousing projects under way that were made necessary by the influx of new and add! tional supplies. Numerous stocks must be relocated and rearranged in order to utilize to the maximumall available stor88e space. The annual audi t of the property account is now in progress. It is ant1cipated that five or six months will be re~uired to complete this audit. The shipping department was reorganized in preparation for the additional packing and shipping activity. During the six months period ending January 31 1939. the total inbound and outbound%'4i freight itaachfid 3,065 tons. The total inbound and outbound air freight hauled during the six months was 877,520 pounds, compared wi th 713,798 pounds during the entire fiscal year 1937 and 1,422,677 pounds during the entire fiscal year 1938. The total inbound and outbound tonnage(for the six montbs was 9,736,982 pounds not inclUding movement of supplies within the Depot to the Engineerlng Department). . The number of alrplanes in the San Antonio control area has increased approximately one hundred percent since 1936. Several new types of airplanes and engines have been acquired. making it necessary to stock many new replacement items for this e@ipment. .ADo ther e1gnifican t index to the increa8ed activities at the San AntonioAir Depot during the present f1scal year is shown in the increase in the number of property vow.chers 1ssued. Approximately sixty thousand vouchers had been issued up to March 1st during the fiscal year
11938. Seventy-two thousand vouchers , have been issued up to the same date this year, an increase of twelve thouaand vouchers for the first .months of the fiscal year. . :.:' .: <. Some fifty-five thousand item a.w8:Z'. ".~ ... I carried iil stock at the begi,~~~.:P~-, the fiscal year 1938. A coneery~t~ve estimate at the present time '~wo-uld..:.v place the number of items in .tq~;~t. sixty-five thousand, an incre~Be.. Q.J;\ some ten thousand items during ,th~ ,past year. . '." A work order Bection was addedW.'the Supply Department a few mont'b.s,~"t.o. coordlnate and expedite this ~IIIPOJ"'labt function of supply with the Eng1RS~ing Department. Thls section 1s ,a"featur.e I that has been needed for some td:ane;~ due to the great number of work order.a-;18'sued daily, and is proving of ']>.,enejtri-t. in ma.ny wqe to the Supply fun:otibn,of the Depot. Since this section ha.a been inaugurated work orders are 'i'8aued r , '~. pro~tly, riled properly and acCurate credlts posted to the work ordetia.upon completion by the Engineering Depert. ..... l ment , Material needed for work'orden. are traced promptly and a c108e "1i~.1BOn is maintained with the Engine erialiCDepartment to insure prompt compi'etlon:" of material needed for issue to ..:the . various stations in this area for-,' .. " ~ ! stock. < ::.:,,: .: In conclusion, the News Let.terl.aar ... respondent states that the EJc;pansion~. finds the Depot Supply Departmebt'::',of;: the San Antonio Depot well ahead[.af: r: schedule and ready to absorb the' e.ddiitional duties that will devolva ~n1t by reason of this expansion.' ---000---
r ..
.... ';'
Radio Broadcast of Mock ComDat.,' (Continued from Page 5 " .... . . '! I been repulsed. . .' .,'. _ . i In a simulated aerlal battle BOmewher lout in Chesapeake Bay, the "e~nw-,I!r_, j driven off with the loss of n1,lii1erCu.8~ .. 1 bombers, and an attack by ano squadron was frustrated by th~ mach1ne I gun and anti-aircraft weapons..of:,:5a:t... : teries C and D of the 2nd Coast.A.r.sU.;;.o I lerY stationed at Wilson Parkr jManF' i peop e w1tnssed a part of the i de~n';' stration from the Chamberlin iKotel., and other vantage points in the v1c:iJll~ty": ---000--' .i: :J .,:;. r.;' ' With the arrival of Spr1n~h,ithebU11ding program at Scott Field. Bel1e11~', Ill., showl evidence of rapid grow.tb~:, Q.uarters are heg111ning to grow out ()f.. tue holes that have been plantEJd,;wtt11, basemen ts all wintar. The upward .:B'UiJg is due to the fact that the we&~er'Cha8 been above freezing for a chilnge~"1l!illI111 ' work on concrete pouring and br~1el1f,'lqing bas not been lnterrupted.'"r.1J . : . ---000-.'; ,I C"t;:,' ;"'~.",.1,.t;'_ V-8028, A.C.
'3~:8:.1~'U';'l J'~ .hb ~1!;L'-.
effort to bind between the one small pamphlet all the inf~t'fon, history, advice and othet> ~fljYeht"da.ta a newly reporting flying ~.ad6:t-'Sl'1'Ou1d have at his fingertips, <Ja.1.~t:ed successfully. J."if) ~h<()f the 342 Flying Cadets of "~.Jthe~ch. -'let Class reported to Captain ~ames_S. Stowell, Commandantof Cadets '~a"t '~andO;lph Field, they were handed a 24~p&ge'mlmeographed p~hlet, edi ted by ;lt~-~~ts, ;themselves under the super~'i~1i'Ot an officer assigned to tb.e :.Cad. ',iDetachmen. t .,r. I,nwthe first section of the booklet -tlie~...1s 'given a short history of Ran.cldlfh'FJie(kd dating back b 1927, .-hen 1the"thiited' States Congress first dis"::c:u:ssedl the aPl>r()priation of funds for the cQnstruchon of facilities fer "a mihlairf1eld in the vicinity of' San .hton1n .." The remainder of this sec t10n ' ~'('fii th' the problems incident t. ebc"lt~:"the necessary land and th& drill ;~~.idf ;water wells, and a financial re,~uIlu~'.;i18q~iven the total cost ef conof s 1ilniG"Ub11. ~~h& sscond portion of ~e newly compl~tl.pamphlet a resume is given of Flying Cadet social and extra-curricular aclliv1:t1.~'8. V~ious fcrIDel,ldance. and their1Isj;gnificance is discussed. Consf'der-BbUr space is devoted tethe tradit1ona];;,G"I. Church, the show produced .f.dt1seal'h~ class by the lower clasamen. j' L~nlng of the upper classmen and burlesques. of various scenes and activities o~ the Field usually make up the maJor ~ort1on of the thrice annual G.1. Ch1F~"l' . ... ~~t is no disgrace to be 'washed out' at Randolph," the outgoing Cadet First Captain declares in his' section, ,b.ea:d.&4. ; ":A.dVijefrom 1st Captain. " "Iv (_a1i~ out dOes not mean mat. you are not. I&:' flyer ; it s1.nrolymeans that you do not auite approach the high standards 8S.t.i!01! pilots who w11l sliortly be intnua.te4'>W1th airplanes which cost as 1Il'De1l;r&sj& 'half JQ.llioll dollars apiecs. DQrlut 18... the tear of 'washj,ng out' be a JboCe,' to you _ rather let it be the 'spu:t,.j;h8.t encour8&es you on to greater ef:(Oi'ta.Jtaward achieving your goal," the 1s'" Captain advi sed. "Inasmuch as Flying Cadets are pohn,..ji1A:ln ottficers, the Horror System is used. ~.:Ho.Qr Oommittee is comprised of a g~~p;~t carefully chosen Flying Cadets wbo l1andle.all cales involving breaches ot,'fltQUC)~J,The sy,tem 'has been-tried .. and :,1'\.J'WO~k8,rll., .the advice concluded. L:.='f~tdma\\and concb1ct of lower classmen etqlr~~ithe third lection of the Cadet _ttMblle .. "I:,; In it lU'e discussed behavior " of. the lO'Rer clas8 at all time8, the s~1t that should be prevalent at all t 8" and the conduct of Flying Cadets
The first
While on leave or on a visit to San A.nt~io. The Honor System, as used at the FlYing Cadet DetaChment, comprisee What is perhaps the JOOstilIlPortant section of the "Bible." CarefUlly worded so as to e;plain in great detail what a breach of honor consists of, this section discusses numerous concrete examples and the ruling on them. Then comee an informal discussion of the flying training, and advice for the men who are just starting their priJIl8.1'Y' training. "13ea 'Glootqy Gus' rather than an 'H.P. III (Hot Pilot) is the gist of the advice given in this department. The final two pages of the "Bible" are devoted to a compendium of Cadet Termine-,logy and Slang! practicallY all phrases being comp ete~ unfathomable to ariyone but a Flying Cadet. Plans are now going forward to 'PUb:11sh tor distribution to clasBes to f.,llow an enlar@:ed edl tion of the Cadet "Bible, II possibly bound and printed rather taan mimeographed. All States, except Delaware, were represented by the present Flying Cadet class which entered Randolph Field in March. Two of the three foreign possessions are represented, with two cadets from the Philippines and one from Hawaii. Other States represented and the number of cadets from each are as fo llows: Illinois, 31; texas, 29; California, 24; Oklahoma, 18; MassaChusetts, 15; North Carolina, NewYork, Pennsylvania and W18consi~, 14 each; Georgia, Florida, lUchigan, Nebraska, and NewJeree~t 9 eaCh; Tennessee and Minnesota, 8 each; Alabama, Arizona and Indiana, 7 each; South Carolina and South Dakota, 6 each; Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa and Virginia, 5 each; Kentu~, Oregon! Colorado and Utah, 4 each; Connect cut, Wissi ssippi, )(1 stouri and Maryland, r~ Dakota, Ohio, 3 each; LOUisiana, ltains, bgtOD and Rhode leland.. 2 .ach; 't ,New Hampshire, Montana, District 'f Columbia, Vermont and 1t'yomiJ1g.. each. 1\ ---000--
Under Special Orders of the War Department. recently is~d, two field officers of the ArrrI3" Air Corps were or .. relieved from their present assignments and duties and ordered to proceed to their homes to await retirement. The.e two officers are Colonels John H. Howard and John R. Pirie the forIXIer having 'been on duty as ill' Officer of the 7th Corps Area, Omaha, Nebraska, and the latter serving as Commanding Officer of Maxwell Field,. Ala. ---000- .... V..8028, A.. C.
and Andre.lF;:J). oore, M ~ir Reserve, transferred to the 17th Pureu1t .$quadron and Headquarters Squadron.. Mayth.e1s'.:ne."lI homes be pleasant. . ,,; J;' .. --000-:;1 ",'1,j"J ,.:,:;
i~I~!:~~iig~ t~e,~~~r:a~f SAN .6.NTOJI~ AIR DEPOT PUYS originally organized as the Sixth ~ero FERRYINGERSONNEL P mOMP.A.NAJU.J ~!;~. .s.., S~dron. Aviation Section, Signal Corps, :'.' J::' r/,.' on March 13, 1917. . The San .Antonio Air Depot, Dunc~: Food and refreshmente were served from Field, Texas, greatly enjoyed Pe~;;.r', 9:00 a.m. to 5:01 p.m. L. fried chicken host to the recent Panama Fl1~j;,~.e.pmbe1~ the main dish. l'J:le schedule for posed of some 24 officers and ,17-- ~::,j.; the_ euq included ba.eball games, volleylisted men, with H.H.Co'1iltl.h:.:'-n ball and horseshoe pitching. commandof the flight and Ca.ptain T:~R~ Captain Robert W. Douglass .. Jr., Squad- Baxter 808 fl1ght leader, who lU';".ive.d,:on ron Oommander,gave a brief n1story of March 26th, ferrying ten. Bombinglllatiles the Squadr.n and presented lei8 and from Panama to the Depot forreaastgnalohas to tt;;h.rt-timere" who. two ~s ment to various other stations.. .!Iha:: later on March 13th, left for the Dl8.1n- flight departed on March 3Oth~J fer~ land on the U. S .A:rrrrs Transport REPUBLIC. baclC to Panama ten BOlJlbardme~~,:p~ .1 letter of cengratulatians frem the Com- recently overhauled by the DePo-t.'.;,;.1lhe manding Officer of the 19th Infantry was fl1ght was accompanied by an O~ ',;" 90180 read. Ampn1bian plane. '1 J.. letter, giving an account of the -'. early hiB~.17 and service of the SquadGeneral officers of the Air~ Oorps,' ron in Hawaii, was receiv~d from Oolonel who were recent visitors at th& san .. John F. Cur~, Air Co~s \now Oo.,nding .A.ntonio Air Depot, included BritGdter: Officer of Hamilton Field, Calif.), the General Frederl.ek L. Yarti~, ,ThI'1."4'L' fir8t Squadron Commanderof the 6th Wing Commander, Barksdale J!'1.81<4~ IiI.~:', .. , S~dron. It arrived too late, however, on March 20-21 during the ,~~rlDf"&. to be read at the Organlzatien ~ piccross-country fl~t lo this v~cin+'~-, nic'. and Brigadier General George.R.: Blf&tt, The Honol' .A.DVERTISER honored the Ohief of the Materiel D1vieloni,'; Ai:tr.~o~ Squadren. by printing a history of the Corps on ~pril 3rd. ThiBwa~G~~\I. organization wi th a group of pictures in Brett's first visit to the .DePb~ .~e lts'ma&azlnesect1on on March 12, 1939. hie recent appointment to h1s.~" . ---000position. He W&8 a.ccompanied ' T.R. Ohapman, of the Ma'terielDlrt8!O'h. NEW COWl SSIONED PERSONNEL FORSELFRlInE They left on .April 4th en route. ~r '~: vi sl t to the Saoramento .Air ,D6pOt. ~.: The 27th Pureu1t SQUadron, 1st Pursuit --000',. ~, Group, Selfridge Fiard, Mich., recently added eleven newly commissioned Reserve RANOOLPH FIELD C~ DIES IN' C~. v, r officers to its r08ter, namely, 2nd Lieuts. Joseph C. Sm1tn, Lewis M. . Flying Cadet Warren L. ward ..' 2'11" ofSander 8 , Harry A. Jenkins John L. Auburn, Nebra.eka, was 1n8ta.nti.,,71U/ll.ed Brownewell, Frederick. C. Grambo, James shortly before noon on April' 5't1i ,.:h-eh: A. Barnett, Archibald W. Moore, Paul L. h1 a :Basic Trainer. a BT-9 t. eralh~ ,from G. Moore, Heman W. Randall, Jr., Eugene a low altitude just a halr mile ~Grt L. Strickland and Charles N. FendriCh. of Krueger Fiala. Witne8ses declare The training of the new men has been that Cadet Ward, who was =i9.i~. . .jpJ,ratome progreasing quite smoothly, with but one solo landings at the awei mishap in the WS3of a forced land~ by was in a gliding turn. into the field when the plane whipped into & ,q1~'from 2nd Lieut. Pa.ul L. G. Moore. The circumstances were extremely fortunate, as the 500 feet. landing occurred over the Packard ProvEntering Randolph Field 1ntbe P~t~ing Ground, the center of which is an b er ,L 1938. Cla8s, Cadet War. SU~~811';" d emergency f~eld itself. fulJ.Y completed the Pr~ St8geuand' started his Basic training on,..:r&b~ The 94th Pursu1 t Squadron extends ita welco3ne to the newest members of the or25th. He had more than 3ohoUi'it .flt~ ing time in the BT-9 type plai&_&tl1,th~ izAtionL 2nd Lieuts. Eugene L. Olark. time of the accident.' .,..... ~C ..; obert L. ~seler, WoodrowB. Wilmot, a.ton R. Dick, Robert D. Van .luken, Funeral eerv1ces were held 1n ;th~:J mal B. Sumners, William R. Swanson, Bandol~ Field Ohapel on April &t'A~';' Flying Cadet Robert D. P08tlen.J'e(;'ao~ J~ J~'v:~:~~e~O~\r:ro~~W}~~ltecompanied the remains of thedeeeiU!:... man, AU Reaerve. It is with r~et Fly1ng Ca.det to ~uburn, Nebra~18i~".~ of1'icial e8cort. ' _.... ~.:t -~-', that the 27th bide farewell to 2nd - .....000......... ::. (~.' ":i~)j ~!J~:: ",:. .. Lieuta. John R. Ulriclon .A1r Corps;
i ' .
expressed hios'.pleali'Q.l'eat tbe progre8s of building and stated that he woUld short17 depart for Scott Field for a U~~,loueen f07: .A.r~.~, April 6th ".. ;h.14 \at ChaJlute J'1e-ld,Rantoul, 111.. sim1lar .inspection. . ~--oOo--and it proved to' be theIDQ8t 8UCce.8;f~ celebrat1-on of this event .bthe . ' " WHERE IS SELFRI:OOlilFIELD? history of ~t field. T&e~' '.- 6Ptu"ationa for thi8 event and the li-city incident thereto were af-It i8 said that visitors,se and know feet vely handled, and this, coupled more about e. 10ca11 ty than the inhabi twi~i1&v.()rable weather, 'resulted in an ants wl10 have lived there for year8. out'JUring of more than 65,000 visitors. "Thi .. would appear very true, II declares ,:;e91e .~oal and ChiC8&onewspapers featthe Selfridge Field Correspondent, "for ~4' the "OpeI1Housel! idea, publiihed sometime back' tW9 officers walked down ~0\i8 photographs of the field act1WoodwardAvenue ~in Detroit) with the v.i.tlea' ahd cooperated generally in preexpress purr;e of determining Just i: .ent-UJg'>the Ch8.nute F1eld invitation to what perc en e of straDgere they acr't.he;~tt1e&n8 of Illinois.' costed could ell them where Selfridge -\~Station ms, of Champaign, Ill., Field was. From Grand Circus to the douBited.th1rty minutes of radl0 time . Oity Rall, twenty individuals who apc~~ the. evening of .A.pril 5th, and the peared to be represEll tative citizens ;6i.~id"uppl. '1.ed the entertainment. The were asked the question 'Where is ,Q}Wmu.t8:'}'leld Wing Chorus, an organizaSelfridge Fleld1' Of the twenty, three tionoL.'thirty male voices, under the had a very definite and accurate idea cdirection of Chaplain Wallace t. Wolver~ of1ts location; five had a very generton, assisted by 2nd Lieut. Paul H.Dane, al idea' fow had a vague idea and Ai;mCoJ(ps:,.appeared in a program of five e1gl1t did not have the remotest idea n'\l.lllbe-s:..'MaJor Harry A. Johiison, Air where it was located, although some of <>ors,:,,::,r.ead an especiallY prepared invithem knew it was some place In Michigan. tatlfonLtothe public. The program was "Here at the very door of Detroit, W~;Ul cp:n:Q.ueted and, no doubt, contributadJacent to the city of Mt. Clemens, is ;ed;t1&~ially to the success of Army located Selfridge Fleld, the home of ~J., '., . the renowned First Pur sui t Group. This ;~'~lJhe:f'a'e.tures of "Open House" included unit's war record is outstanding and tOUl'.iB'.o!.the Air Co~s Technical School comparable to none. It hal to its cre. iJrEl:,{c'lasses were in attendance, spec i- dit more enem;yplanes than the combined ~$IP~. of student work and airplane U.S. Air Units which fought in France. Outbound trafflc was routed It names amoIlgst its former members the '~;Q, ;' the new construction area and most famous 'Aces' of the American ,_ ~. J1 &11 visi tors an insight as to forces, inclUding Eddie Rickenbacker, utwp CQnd1 tions at the field. Major America's Ace of Aces, who commanded Winf~e-ldS. Hamlin,,Corpe, was the one of 1ts squadrons the 94th Pursu1 t officer' in charge of parkil18 and traffic. Squadron. Incidentally that Squadron The success of the program was grat1is a.ppropriately cOl'IlD8llded.t present a fl4;D~:to the personnel of Chanute Field, by Major Harold H. George, Air Corps, ancCthey feel that their efforts have, himself a famous 'Ace' during the World 1~)~ '1!tea,sure, served to inform the War. Yes the First Pursuit Group ls, r,s)-trt~D.o.:t' the communlty of the peaceindeed, steeped in glorious tracUl:Lons. t!~.act1v1tieB of an.Ar~ Air Corps "Every working day of the year, single i':fla1ikoa:;~d the Air Corps Technical ~irplanes and large formations caa be S.~Ql"'L aeen practicing their maneuvers over ~"'I.' . : --000--Selfridge Field and adjacent territory. . The drone of the powerful motor s of the t': ,~TER GENERAL ISITS CHANUTE latest him ~eed Pursuit planes, the V 'fighters'-of the skies, is commonplace .': ):V~UDced, Major General Harry to the people of Mt. Clemens. But fow ~ibbins, ~rtermaster General of the realize that each maneuver 1s a defin'UJ{frt. PtJJ,d a brief visit to Chanute i te i tam in the training of these Fj,.:MkO.Bi.;Apr11th. 6 General Gibbins arguardians of ouralr - that each flight .r!V.d'~J1 ~a1gn, Ill., during the has a purpose in the scheme of national .'~MM the preceding day and was the defense. o{ 'l:5Ql'niA,tguest of Colonel Gerald C. It is evident that a great portion of :B~an Ail' Corpsl Commandantof the Air ... the populace in the 'vicin1ty of Detroit Corpl Tochn1ca'l l)chool. are unaware that they have a slq proG8~~~1 Gtbbins visited Chan~te Field tector of such magn1tude and efficiency on J)t.y. and numerous visitors were within their borders. Selfridge Field P~-'S8' .-Whtn the custo~. salute to a is not a restricted areaf and the pubg~Ht~ u~ftlcer was f1red." lie 1s privileged to viS1t it at any e ~terma8ter General met with time during dql1ght hours. to inspect Cap ain~eJijamin F. Vandervoort., Quarter- the equipment and to wi tness the operamaster Corps, Constructing ~r~ermaBter, tion. In fact, it should be the duty ~~ l~tjedthe new construction. He -9(Continued on Page 10).
,"10'.'.\ .
[ ~~._~.~ l..' ":
V-8028 , A. C.
TRANSIENT AIRCRUTAT LANGLEY FIELD By Norman E. Noll In checking the records of the emergency crew at ~ley Field, Va., 1t was learned that members of this organ1zat10n during the Fiscal Year 1938 proved themselves an important factor to the local division of the .A.rT1J1 Air Corps, for they participated in the required service, inspection and maintenance labor of approxImately 3 600 military aAd civili,an aircraft coming from localities allover the United States. Second Lieut. Richard Kight Officer in Charge of the Traffic Sectl on and the emergency crew announced that of the above number of military and civilian aircraft which were serviced, approxi... mately 1700 were stored overnight in 10cal hangars. The emergency crew, now conlist1ng of three noncoum1ssioned officers andel.ght privatee, who hold various c1aseificat10ne of Air Mechanics ratings, wae formed some 14 years ago and occupied the old Qperations BuildIng of the 59th Serv1cre Squadron, which wae conmanded at that time D1' Major William ~rd, who recentl1 retireii from the service. '!'he outf! t was maintained with the Service Squadron for a period of almost ten years before joIning with Base Headquartere and 1st Air :Base Sg, March, 1935, when the General Headquarters Air Force was created. Naturally, like the servicing of a family automobile at a nearby garage someone must do the cleanillg, .ervici~, lubricating and adjusting labor on all visiting aircraft, and 80 upon the shoulders of the members of the emergency crew were placed the important respons1bil1ties of kee~ing the planes in safe mechanical operat10n, inspecting the radio and auxiliary equipment and determining whether or not transient aircraft were in safe condition for the continuance ,!f a further scheduled navigation flight. Included among the leading ci vi 11an aircraft handled by the emergency crew are those flown by inspectors of the C1vi1 Aeronautics .Authority, who arrive from WalhiMton once each month for the purpose of Inspecting commercial aircraft in this locality. ---000--Where is Selfridge Field
(From PEl8e 9)
:~~i;~~:i~~ ~;f:~:eP~~~~f~ his locality. For this reason, there are no restrictions placed on visits of the public. liTo obtain the most knowledge a visit during the mornings of week ~s affords the maximumopportunl ty to view all activities."
to obtain all
The following-named Med1'cal:'ON!~r.J, who have been pursuing the t~ur;rta)~th" basic course of instruction' .at,J :tW~F:'.cj School of Aviation Medicine,. lttmdb~~~ Field, Texas, graduated a8 Fltgl1"~; geons on March 31, 1939, andhr.'-'liI.l::.o... . signed to duty at the stat1on.~~~~i~ after each name: ,'~ L~.l. Captain John D. Morley, Fran~eaFlel~, Panama Canal Zone; . '~'!, ~,:1 c''! Captain Clarence A. Tinsman)Se!frl~e Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich. [.; ;),1,; ..')~ let Lieut. Levi M. 13rownlng',\e.~cPf;"" Fie 1d, Rivarside, Calif. '."jj>:J or: '. Captains RaymondW. Kerwin, -Metlicai~ Corps Reserve, Chic~o, Ill~i~and~AaZ~n H. Harland, National Guard or"N6~Ji:.:'J',: Jersey, Newark, N.J., joined", ih.l~ltL~, on February 15, 1939, for th, :,eli",.L;y weeks' practical course. BQth~O':h4. cere, having already completEJd:?t~~~~!f tension course prior to coml~'tG.sWlO' School, graduated with the reelden~"!:' class as Flight SUr~eons.;" ,:i';i ': ,j Colonel A. ,. Robins.&.COIllDillltU~L~f~I, cer of the Air Corps 'lTaint~ 0e~w~~;~ delivered a very interest1ng.:.atl~',iil ...'J 8pi:ring address to the cla88 C fol~tjg which he presented diploma' tio.f$~~~:! the students and addeCihis PE!:r80,Ml~'~~~ I congratulations and words of~~d_r/'> 'cheer. .,';. ",.'.J.~, The introductory remarks,!" ex:e~~ae()lil,' Lieut. Colonel Fabian L. Pratiti .M&~r't.l CO~8 Commandantof the Scho(U~6' ~''': AViation Medicine. The 1nvot!at~~ and. benediction were delivered b7:CMpla1n J. W. Westerman of Randolph Fie14. ~'\Aaj number of distinguished gue.'8"jrel:a~j Uves and friends of the student ()ffl~ cers were present. . ,'c:e';:,;L<' This class makes the forty-ninth to graduate from the School since i~~ ~~; tablisbment in 1919. In,. the resident courses, the SChoo1.alsoC conducts a corres~ndence course for medical officers of the Orge.n1zedfReserves and the National Guard. "!here' are 448 students enrolled in this,odr;" respondence course at the pre.sent" . .. ; time. . ---000--, :. . , r I, ", Second Lieutenants Phillip.~a~~~ Durfee and Jack Ferguson Todd!,:~;;; Reserve. the former hailing ..trom'~ l1ngame, Calif., and the l8.t tbJ"~f"rom1 j ,Visalia, Calif., have been 8. .a1g%le.d.t:to extended active duty to .Apr, il,b!i'lS40~~ Lieut. Durfee was ordered. to ,~1.l)otl:'
~~;~~, Fr:t~:.
T~~to~,~ " .Announcement was-;;d; of th'e' a~p()intment of Captain Cornelius O'Connor. tir Corpe, to the grade of Ma,JO-!" ~.: teI!IPorary) w1th rank from March.2Q .. 939. : ~~""
---000--_ ....;~.) >1~J
catt1. Lieut.
V-8m~8, .A.C.
1>1. .
The Primary Stege at Randolph Field usually expect. to Itart tralnl:Qg F~ac .. ~. (rom the father Qf'a1rly~.. Cadets whose association with airCM.' (nJmo, ~J a .tudent in the PWlU1t, plaael hal been limited to .eeing them s.Q~I'Jl",t. t';~e A..1rCOrpl AdVanced Flying from afar, but the present clall of S.cb.OoJ. ..,~~eadl as follow.~ more- then 350 student pilots built 1JP '1\ K '" " 3,030 houri of flying time before re"Dear-.tSar~l: porting to the "West Point of the Air." .;,lfl'ill~D..Ji'lCA.V.... hal written Thirty-one members of tbe Clals of 'to me several times about the wonderful 40-.A.bad flown 1010 in planes. varying ,;'8'4:.,lJK~hemeel at tbecadet mell. I from the tiny power gliderl to the Kid tne pleasure of vilitingKellY Field larger 8i~le-engined cabin type airand,)w;,'so~laBt week Ma.rch lOth, 11th planea. One Flying Cadet has a backand 12tb' and being there at noon mess my ground of more than 400 hours. while. s2IL~JcQd,ute to eat with h1m.and I read1-' one yollt18mM reported his total flying CJ4b. ~~~iP.teo as I st.ill bad vilions and d experience as "one hour dual--one ho.ur r~e~r~~os of the A:rra:! tood of '17, solo--one landing solo." ~~aE!'ll4.f~ll,9 and had. not swallowed his A total of 69 of the Cadets had preJ,;ett~ ... abQut the tood at Kelly. ViOU8flying time dual before entering r'~~0tr.ida.v I had luncb with him and Randolph Field! their records ahow. j,~:'jq.A.~gO()tl I did not sq anything. 'but During the f rst two weeks of the Slmi1JI~~d, lunch with him again and preBent Prl~ class, more than l,9OG tli8.,n.I;;o01Dl1Ch. I had to feel up hourI were flown, bringing many of the tha '11e Was right. .A.fter the meal 1 . I students up to and over the h~ of' -YIII}9 ~~rlhim to tell you personally I their first Bolo. The "Dodoes" - thoBe aD~'8-~7i~~ 1i~~was informed by the cook w1:).o -haven I t 80loed, are beginni.Dg tQ tl1fi~lY~llr.h$,deft so am takin& this l feel the weight of their goggles around iJJ~~O le~ you knowtbat all.that ra:! . their necks,. the traditional position '~Wl8 '~Uten ie true and that the, for goggles at all time., except when q,u.q. a" quality end leasoning 1s all, actually in an airplane. "I thought that ~",;fair minded person could posthe weight of. these things would put a sibly want '01' wish for. All I have permanent hump in JUT back," one cadet ... te.~9-::11)Qh :Boythe food at Kelly. I So declared to his instructor, all he I' ',~i,l S*,&'you and the Cook must be proud4r raised his goggles to his fore., e c~~"!/Qf those earnest desires of head after hie first solo. ~ ~eJ4J~~: to get over to Kelly F1eld." Twooffice" wbo were recently atHj:at~ffC'~er.geant Childl'esl, of Headquar.. e1gned to the Primary stege as Instruct81'S .and"Headquarters S~dron, Ai.r Corps tors are Lieuts. L. W. Proper and C.E. Ad1l'&nCedeJ'lying School i8 the Mess Ser- Peeler. The previous stations of these ae8.i1t of'the fa:mous Kelly Field Flying two off~cers were in Hawaii and Panama, Cadet Detachment Mees.. respectlvely. '.,,: j:: ---000--The :Basic Stage at the Primary Flying _"'C, , .' Ii School continues to maintain the schedcoteN-it,.!RANT ADDRESSES MILITARY ORDER ule of f1ing despi te th~ spring fog Oi21'HElWORLD WAR. that often rolls in to blanket the air'If/'! :" ". drome during the early morning hours . CalOnel :Gerald C. :Brant, Air CorpSi' Night flying, both dIlal and 8010, is we C01!IJl8ildant of the Air Corps Technica well under we:y. flare landings having Sahool.;;substi tut1ng for Major General been started. HenryH~' 'Arnold. Chief of the Air Corps, Lieut. A.O. Lerche., former instructor was the principal speaker at the ArT.'!'V on the :Basic St~e~ who received a comDay Celebration ahd :Banquet conducted by mission in the Co~s of Engineers, U. S. the M1litary Order of tlie World War in Army, last year, has been transferred at:.IettbQ1'i,,'Mo. back to t~ Air Corps and assigned to G~a;Liarnold was prevented from ath1s fer.mer duty of instructor at 1re.. 4i~''tlte banquet, due to the preIs Randolph Field. Lieut. Lerche spent 0:fbofi'ie1Albus1ness. Colonel :Brant his tour w!'P the:J!:ng. ineers at Fort eilt!aT<ta!. . "~the Quartermaster General of McIntosh, lAfedo, 'rexas. thel\~_ .I,Major General Harry Gibbins ---000"' FIeld during the morning of A.pr1lo6 th', 'and departed! via air, earlf Gunnery-exercises for the 15th Obser1n the af~ernoon to filthe speak1ng vationSquadront Scott Field Ill., beengBement in St. Louis. gan April 3rd when the outfl t, under .. --000--the coumand o~ Major :Baez took off for J. Eglin Field, Valparaiso, ~'la. If shootMa.t4k'e~Sgt. Paui KurutZ 11th Air Base ing We& thsr holds up t the organization Sq'Q.lJ4rCiDJL~.lir Corps, is piaced on the expects to get in ~lenty of practiee,as list at Randolph Field, Texas, 1t will. be down 11).FloJ'lda for the effective April 30. 1939. montb of A.pril. r-. .v V-8O:~8, A. C. -11-
.t~'~.,4.:... of.recently recei:ved: the J)e.;. le~~er "T~ the Kelly Field.JlnJ3C Me.,.
'" .1-.
Membersof the 5th Bombardment Group in The Parent-Teachers .A.ssociatiQDlot. the Hawaiian Department have for some the Randolph Field Grade School:l{'eCMttime been endeavoring to conatruct and 1y held their annual election ~f'of~i~ provide suitable targets for bombing cers, with results as followl: .):j.::; practice. Constant effort resulted in President, Mrs. Arthur LaSalle SIllith; a considerable improvement of target fa- Vice President, Mrs. Bernard Wal1a~e; cilities. but weather conditions and Secretary, Mrs. Paul Jacobs.Treasurer, other restrictions imposed by nature Mrs. Wilbe~ Lage, and Historian. ,Mrs. have made complete success difficult. Robert Warren. .,~.,.~.. ~ While perfect flying weather is the rule Following the election, an. inte1! ... rather than the exception. in this gsnering and educational lecture W&s,;cWlin al area, it is almost axiomatic that by Dean Shelby, of the Depart~nt ~fLfs there are a few clouds over certain Education, University of Texas. ,;,~'iHe"q p~ts of the Islande, especially Oahu. Dean spoke on "Radio in Ed:ucat1on~" ::ilie The fact that these clouds usually exist entire school was fortunate in baYing: over locations most sui table for target Dean Shelby present and bei~ .abltJ1'co" areas causes no end of trouble. In adhear this authOl"i ty to speak on ac!aub+ di don, the physical features of Oahu ject in which he MS won worldreJlOlIih, are such that these areas are within the Dean Shelb1 has received the Rocke~ '1:: danger zone of seacoast and anti-aircraf feller Education Award for artillery when those units are conduct on this subJect._,.: .1':\-. firing. "The Parent-Teachers Assoc1atie~~'!2 Two targets were constructed and fixed decl~es the News Letter Corretpondent, in position in desirable locations adJa- "can well afford to be proud '0 their'. cent, to Oahu. They have been used for local accomplishments in thepa8Jt::,eu, considerable bombing but, as indicated, and their efforts as interested"parents use of either or both 1s not alwaYS has brought to the SchOOl many'iceIebr~feasible. Under the accelerated program ties who, in their treatmentof,'~G' of bombing traini:gg, these targets are educational SUbJects, have bro'W!:Ut~ -.:,1 1 entirely inadequate for the needs of the about a closer and more cooperaii:ve.:,UBGroup. One means of solution. has been derstand1ng between the Parent in the use of aluminum slicks. instructor. ,'.. "l .t': ~c~,~ Certain designated areas, usually free "The Randolph Field Post Grade~5c1Ulol of clOUds, have been assigned for sUck is indeed a source of pride to\!usllasrij bombing. Whenneither of the fixed tarparents at this commandwho Q(t,... SlrtuJ,t gets .1. available, it i8 often possible nate enough to have children ai~endtng to continue combing by dropping slicks the Scheol, and in no small wrqv~ WSw in one of the areas assigned. The 23rd attribute the high stand1ng-ofi:the-.;:-<', Bombardment Squadron has just completed School to the Principal, Miss, SUe>:'.,~. ~ course of TR 440-40 bomoing, using Burcham, assisted by Miss Jane sUcks extensively. :Bombingwas conduct Miss LucIlle Jennings, Miss Dorot ed every fly1;\g day which would have Scully and Miss Betty Montgomery, or been impossible if it had been necessary in their inauguration and executl0n;~e to use one of the fixed targets at all modern instruction principles wbOrihows times. In general, very satisfactory but from this School the future CHIEFS results were obtained. Slick bombing, OF THE AIR CORPS.~ arile.'! , i:','.; i j_., however, is hardly- a complete solution ---000--of the problem. The sUck disintegrates ? L;~!r;: ;,_, quickly in a heavy sea and is often d1fPERVERSITY THE WEATHER'3': il:.:":; OF f' locate, especially when ap. . t')01~~)(: proaches are made at any angle towards The 94th Pur sui t Squadron~; lsti..:F.ul'HJ the S1m. The expense of sUck material lui t Group, Selfridge Field, Mich~f.".-':;' is another adverse factor. Slicks are oompleted a very constructive ,p8Zlio1t ot usable, however, and the fact that thq V.... ning at the gunnery camp a.uoYalpaprovide needed targets i8 welcomed b7 raiso, Florida. First Lleut~-,;',Anaer80no the 5th Bombardment Group. rema1ne~ I,everal days after thea$quad. --000--ron :ietart1ed. home and report8Jthat'i.tb'6 day after the Squadron left.tlt&",wu*,r cleared and the winds rema1ned<~~~for Two Captains of the Arrrr:r Corps several gqs. This 1s rather;";ir~l ... werer~centll promoted to the grade of Major ~temporary), Captaln Park Holland, because for the nine weeks the ~:$q~ with rank from April 2, 1939, and was a" 'alpuat~o there were'~~~ Captain Donald F. Stace, with rank: from or f1 ve days SUl table for reoor'd and it surely needed a couple .():t'"'~a April 10 1939. dqe towards the end of the ~~~~A First Lieut. Loren B. Hi11'inger, Air finish record. '. C':; t ait).L' Corps, was transferred to the Cavalry, - ....... 000--:1': S~ ,;.~ ..~; April 5, 1939. and assigned to the 2nd ~"'o'r..-r'.i (\-', Cavalry at Fort Riley, Kansas. V-80~8: i.~ v C~. -12-
pc," ':.:
mD~iixWg' ~~m
jOfU!t "page '8to ry covering. the one-l.-u-HCO'lll"a.'of the AiJ" CGrp. Hiln1J1g Canter_appeared in the SUndiV edi tion of .the UllS.A.S CITro sm. on March :S6tla:~;'" ~)P1l.otographs" supplied by the Randolp!l; held-Photographic Dep$.1'tment, ,n,ppl i1ted the article wri tien b)" WI". J~tfne :'D~:Bowersock, avIation eeUtorot the- STAR. after a two-day vidt to the Schuh:'l'exas School . i'\!:\-..n:a;'student is 'washed out.ttas thlJJ:U7,'lt will be the dechlon of pertiap8.six officer. ~o have had a to:lS~1:'oi")t1:tt)' man-years' .... t"'I'~".'IIr. Bowersockdec1ared in hie .tory,.dwhich p01ntedout that, contrary to';,;sb.e 0!,1n10n of ma.ny uninformed, ever)' 8Holf~hi.imade to complete the training of &4P'1arse a percent~e ot student '::pU.04.:; -,possible. Be outlined In detail the procedure of compili~ daily gri4ee'for each stUd_nt, followed at pe.I'ioditoqiatei'vala b)' check rides b)' the flti;h$: cOlDmanderli. Concrete examplee, .wi ~11.t, Q.8JDes,were ci tod by WI". Bowe",'.Ou.;",Ohe, case show1ng that a ltudent .had;been\::transterred to another instrueto:f,i'f,tlheil.:'he failed to progres8 8&t1sfactoriJ.t:3with the ori~1nal one. Later -lttdewIWith two flight oOlIlDanders and. f.iil8lla." .the Primary Stage Coumander. oonf1rmed the statement of the f1ret in!: Iuuetor' that the student did not have thas"lIIII.k:\lngeof a military flier," a8 Mr~'IJtowerBock phrased it. .. <The; UNSAS CITY SUR J\.vl& tion Ed! tor W&8 given a taste of actual instruction on ~IJt1mar,y Trainer to give' him an insight~\.tnto the methods 'used . ' Thie fte also::1ncorporated 1n hie feature BtOry.
IN 46'l'H SOHooLSQ.UJ\.lEON.
The annual emaIl bore pi Ito 1 and rifle matChee for the Major Stanton T. Smith TropbJ, conducted 0)' the 46th SChool Squadron., were- cap~od .by Oor... pora1 Charles ". Jones with an.agp-~- . g,-te score of 434. CorpoJ:.d. Joneethus disp~aeed Corporal Norman G. Hower .a8 SQ!1&dron~ion. The matchee were 'p.:~)': ---000-heJ.d on the indoor ~e of the Squad~ c" 1. , ron at RandolphF1eld . Corpora,l Jonel registered a 90 with .lSSiiGIJIlEN'P AIR CORPSOFFICmS 'l'O OF the p1stol,slow f1re; J8 at rapid fire; ';eo~ .AND. GENERAL STJJ'F SCHOOL. ,. 98 wIth the rifle, pronei 81wlth. the . rifle, kneeling and 81 with the rifle Under Special Order s of the War Depart off-hand,to outdistance his cl08est ment, recently issued, nine .Ur Corp. compet1 tor, Corporal lqron Lampart~ . officer. are a8s1gned to duty as who took aecond honorl with a. total of dente at"the Commandand General Staff acore of 427. . School.- -Fort Leavenworth, Ian ... -for ta8[ii9i9~1940 courte, reporting atth11 Oth~od mara turned in by some of tbe S . en! a Ibote included Private SchQoJ.~not later tbai1 August 30th neJtt. -;_,IJ!~"l!~these otfic$rs, MaJor James 4. Elmer JQ~n.,. with a 423 total~Corporal Howeri th 421 .and Staff Sergeant WI1.11IOI1.- Capta1ns Charle. P.Oabe11,. Bangb&m placed fifth, w1 th 415. JAtin::.B.d4cOormick, .William L. Ri tch1e Ind1v1 awards .were a. follOw: M4:'~1:d F. Stace, are at present on. dU.YJa.t.iUdents at the Air Corps TaoPi8. tol mea B - l.t plaoe, Staff sgt. Bangb8UJ. wi &95 out of a po_libl. cUJoal-'.S6h'ool- at Mazwell Field, 41a. 100; '2nd place, Malter Sorgeaat Steven'::, ~'~edl&in1~ four offioers are: IOn.; 3rd place, Corporal Janel. ";~~_1Bemu.el M. Connell, Mitchel ],ield, Rifle medals. let place, Oorporal ;~~<". uJrl.ewiYork. Jenel, with 266 point.e out of & POI"; - ~ '_Idward W. Ral.e1.0ffice of the JohnBOn.i c C!tt:the .urCOrpa,., .'.abington, :0. C. dbl_,3OO; 2nd p1aceJ.l'rivate ~n ,G,eargeP. T.o\1r.tello t, -In8tructoX", 3rd place, Oo:rporal Hower. Air rGOQ.'.~K1chlgen 'Natj,onal ,GUar4 . 'Ita-. ---000--tioned at Detroit, MiCA. C.&Pta1nThoma. l4.z,o"e, ,Port Col1]JRbue. Major Otto G. 'l'ruDk. ."l,.,u.r ~orp :n .. ) Oo~umbu.t. Ohio. appointed a Lieut. 00 ~n,l temporary .J~ wi th rank from April 1, 193 -1 ~ . V -8028, A. 0
NOTES ONAIR CORPS ADVAliOEDlLYING SOHOOL with 11. and Il11n01e with 1.0.r:i0rt0eJ'J::' State8 represented bY' five or ,.... l~ Officers of the .Air Corps .Advanced Fly dents are Indiana and Minnesota, 7; Florida. Kentuclq. Maseachusetta'~ ing School. Kelly Field,. Texas, once New York, 6; Kansaa. Oregon and.~1again are confronted wi Ul the extremes vania, 5. ,j-: ~:,.t'.bJ:!0 in height in two of ita Flying Cadets ----)'~ ~~ !;t o.rnt;:'l no", una.ergo1ni: ad~ced instruction with The onlr foreign students tn. ,:.c1.&U':'Il the pre lent class ~39-B). 39..B are four Philippine Arr1tT oft~~ CaClet Charles Edward (}regory. a native name17. 2nd Lieut. Blenvenido ,J:x&~lC. of Port Lavaca Texae, who is specialilr ing in Attack lviation, is JU;~ inches Ferrer, 3rd Lieuts. Victor H1Y:o~ i.,-: Luzon andl.:,:s!{: ',,:, taller than his classmate, Cadet Charlee Dizon. Ruperto ~on Godofredo Mariano Jullano.'::~' :~~:;. 13 . Gardner Chandler, a native of Evanston, Lieuts. Ferrer and Luzon Aol~ 00-..1If. Ill., specializing in Observation Aviasione in the regular PhilippiU #fq:,,',::' tion, Who 1s 5 feet, 5 inChes tall. Air Corps, while Lieuts. D1zoA:.c:L:'.."lG Oadet Gregory gtaduated in 1938 from Juliano, who reported to Kelly,).Fhbl'Bf the Texas A & M. College with a B. S. as ~ing Cadets, were recent1: degree, Wh1ie Cadet Chandler attended ed 3rd Lieutenan~s by the OolllDlOnweal.'th Northwestern Un1vereit7. Government of the Philippines., :",Iob":: ~ ..... Lieuts. LUlon and Dillon are;;~*],;,. The present class undergoing instruction at Kelq Field cons1ste of 165 ltu~a'J~~St~:%~.'errer ~.~~.~, dents, the second largest class to reThe.e four Officers have hl1:t.boPnr cei ve advanced training in the history i1:lEr~', ot the Air Corps TrainIng Center. It il of satisfactoriloY cOJ!1,P1eting vanced course of flying instrue:tiimL:t:m:: e~ected tnat graduation ~ for this or about M~ 31, 1939, at Which t1me~'; class will be on ~ 31, 1939. they expeot to receive order .. 'frt>l1 ,::;. their government! through the',WIir ])e... .. Eight Flying Cadet. of C1all 39~ atpazotment. assign ng them to taCtic:a1.'. tended Pursue University, West Lafayette, uni ts of the U. S. Arm:!' Air Corps ,for:. Ind1ana~prior to their aPrintment as duty and further instruct1oll.t pend1nc<:: I'I1Ch.. 'mey are Harvey lI)nl Gri~er the beginning of courses of lns.tructi1>i1 Robert Lee Matthews, William BenJamin Reed John Rinier Van de Lester, Paul which they will be selected top!u"aUe:' Stan 1 urick, :Bailey Cavenaugh Cook, ey at the Air Corpl Technical School ,at; i r Ill. and ,LoWry Charlee Houston Terhune, Jr. and Kenneth Chanute Field, Rantoul Field, Denver, Colo. FollowIng such c: W~e SPrankle. post~aduate instruction, they, 'will.;,,) All of these students, save Cadet Cook, graduated from Purclue with a B. S. return to their native country. .....-.... ":(.: ..,.' ... degree in Mechanical Engineering. Cadet Slgc members of Class 39-B are' :tbe~.- . Cook, eon of the late LIeut. Oolonel sons of Regular ArmY officers ,niDe:ibr, ( Seth W. Cook, Air Oorps, U.S. Arrr1L atLieut. James Baird Flying, cadetil tended the U.S. Military Acad~, west Cook, Jerry Dent:terc'i Point, N.Y., for two years; George Wash- Bailey Cavena~ ington University, Wa8hi~ton! D.C., for Page, Tazoleton Harvin Watkins Harris",' Dean Riley and Frederick Gerald tiilOll". two years. and PUrdue Univers ty for a similar period of time. He 1s specialLieut. Buck and Cadet Cook ~e:~ v10usly mentioned in these notes. .. , .of izing in Attack Aviation. Cadet Page, son of the late 'CGlolial, ' Oadets Emriok and Van de Leeter are William TraCT Page, Infantry, .': specializing 1nBombardment, and Cadets Manila, P. I., 24 years ago, .gr~ted" Grieger. Matthew., Reed, sprankle and Terhune in Pursu1 t. from the University of SoutherntCaU ...:.~ ' fornia in 1937 with a B. S. degree;. (;{i o With the exception of cadets Van de Cadet Watkins is the son of Captain, Lester, Cook and Terhune, the men of w. W. Watkins, Air Corps, U. S. .k1:'s1!q,.; ~.ol Purdue hold commissions as second lieutAberdeen Proving Ground", Md. He a tIeIi '-~:" enants in the Field Artillery Reserve. having had four years of ROTC training. tended the Universi ty 01 arrlaD4,,~' University of Dlqton and Tem.,'Ai. ,&:M. College. . . ILL,;: --,' Firat Lieut. James Baird BuCk. Infantry, a member of Class 39-B Who is speCadet Riley, 25, who was b~ at'-t"'~Poughkeepsie U. Y. t. attended.'tRe. ':(1 r,:,.,j cializing in Bombardment, 1.s the son of i Mich:l.gan Col ege 01 Mining and 'ledmOlMajor General BeaUJJ10nB. :Buck, U. s. t 4rilf, Retired. Lieut. BuCk graduated oQ for three years. He is.'ll"e';~<!Dtof Major Harrie D.W. Riley, Co~.o:c:;, :", from the U. S. Mi11t&11'Academy in 1935, and prior to being ordered to flying 22, son of L1l~~t>';~rc;}/ traln1Qg served three ~ears a8 a commis- E,;,~:~r;ilson., Louis O. Wilson., 't.M.C., was 1X)fti,?in~!:) sioned officer in the Infantry. Washington, D C., and graduated in 1938 Texas again leads all other Statel of from Obio Wesieyan University with a the Union. in representation in Claaa Bachelor of Arts degree. 39-B. '!'he Lone Star State leMs with 14 Cadet Watldn-a is specializing in Atstudents, closely followed by Oalifornia tack. Cadet Riley in P,urBUit, Oadet -1 V-8028 , A.C.
r ..
-- -
... rifoJ'1'Del'enUated'm,n of the Recu.-l. ;..&ritv'.are'memb_s'of C~88 39-B. ,. Cadets Barry Gilbert LlbbOl~Lawrence Monroe Brooke. Clair EdImmdRyan,' John Irv.t.I_pper~Vine.,Jr., and Ralph Monroe., . :a., .erving with the. Air Corps .Ames DlinI.:tJ".1.:>!otyl With the CO< Art1.~i-ery. and. ~'11i1 Il!homasGreen1f1th the'\~~. 01 Engin:eel"s. 'nteyare receiving epe:dlalizea trai:Q,i~ at. Kelly Field. 8.S.. 01f lO".F'-Flq1ag' Cadets Motyl De Vine and Fa~tt .. Obs8rVaUon Pilots and Airplan~). serve";Brooke and Ryan"as Atta~pllots.:. and Libbey and 'Oreenaa'Pur~~tp11"Ob."" d~;~ib~ 25 of Mobile. Ala., atten!1ed Spri. III 6011~ei 1934..1935,' ~:CeDtenary College in 938. . ,j.r6rdel :Brooke, 24, of M1ssion, Texas. attended Wentworth M1litary Acadeuv for tWllllJl8&1!8. OeUlet.&-een, 25, of Bol1var, New York. atte:m18d\,Cornell University from 1932 to 19M; 1: ~ i, .. , " Cad8t1'De'VineJ. 22. of Atlantic City, N.~ 'a~tended .t'ennsylvania. Mil1 tary Col~-tirom 1934 to 1937. 0ade1&&:'. ;'MG. -~l. 27. of WilBon. Conn.; ~~jS6:t of SPringfield M1nn.; and ~,e1a7, 01' Ottawa,6h10, received . thata:-nCf,c1et- ppoi'ntmenu tllrough .the dU a f1d11 tL'<pDttpess pauing of the witten ~t1~l' examination required in the abaenae ~ the required amount of college cre'd1'"k .."" .'. . ,'. . ----Major Robert T. cronau Air Corps,Post Ope~ana Officer of Ke ly Field. was i r.~ill named as pres1dent of a epeclal FJdng C~det Examining Board which. w11l funcUonfoT a period of two monthei, 5,' 1938, visiting coleges .and.'11n1"teraitieB tn the 7th and 8th ~ ... .eas for the purpose of contacting pr~ctive applicants for appointmoi.r:.:a8;.Fl)1.1lg Cadets, selecting and exam1n~ ~liCaJ1ts for such appointment. aadJd1es nati~ information on the ~eC't i'. 01 flying traini~ at the Air CC?rt>tF~ingOenter. The states to be v:t1U.te~.inelUde Missouri, Kanaaa. Iowa, ~., Nebraska. Minnesota~ North' Dakataf:! '-South Dakota, Texas uklahoma, QoloJ;.6dDciNew Mexico and ArIzona. .'.fyo .(J,,:tl:uw-mer,obers the Board are of Captain Edward J Kendricka. lledical Ccn-p1l s.ndl :lIt Lieut . Jacob E. Smart.Air . C~l"ps. ;!Otttl1Of Randolph Fiel4-. .:. ~ Gronau, stationed at KellY F1eld a1nce<;1S __ vember lOt 1936. was l)irecto-r of ~ngot the Advanced FlYing SChool from JUne 15, 1937. to J'U,Jl8 lS. 1938. ~.'~be_ .~v1ng .., PoetOlJerat-iona ,OffieeI'U:B~ Fel>ruary18,193"1.. ,,(,~'.! !l.t b'... ' ~ .--;;...000--'.
!'our Reaer,ve officers of the Air Corpa. all lecond lieutenants, sat1sfac~rU.~ completed th.e prescribed c'ourae of instruction. at the Air Corpa AdvancedFly~~ School .. Kelly Field. Texas., on MN'cb,31. 1939. They are Albert J. Ba~er, of Trenton, N.J.; QU-i... ian. J. Jensen. of Eureka. Kansas; t $etb S~ Stra~ of .Pot't~and, Oregon . and .. ~ H. Turner, of S. Antonio, ,Texa.~ . . LitN,t. Strachan! who specialized in Bombardment.:v~at on, was assigned to du'ty at March Field. Riverside. Cal:l.f.~. and deIl.arted for hie new .tation op . April 5th. Lieut ... ~a'Wll1er, Jensen and Turner. , all 0..who~ apecialized in Pursuit .Aviat1on1were assigned for duty with the Air uorpe Advanced Fly1n.9: SChool on April 1st as instructora In Pursu.1t, Bombardment and Attack, reepectively. ---000-HANDLING THE AIR TRAFFIC AT THE ARMY FIELDS NEAR SAN ANTONIO.
if ':
Kelly Field's Post emerations Office joined wi th the main 11ne8 of the Civil Aeronautics Authority teletype syat.em, beginning on April 1st, to h8.ndle a11'.. ' . craft movement messages for all the . A~ .ir fields in the San Antonio area (Randolph!. Brooks, and Kelly) . The orfice was tied in with CiroUlt 53 of the C.A.A. teletype BY.tem. which includes nearby as well as. distant points. Three teletype machines were recently installed in the Kelly Field Operations Office. Upon receipt of ai~cr8.ft movement messages from all points of the.' United States, the operator deliver. them to the Operations Chief Dispatcher who in turn posts the various intor'matton contained in the message. on the huge Aircraft Traffic Board maintein.ed in that office. The upper portion of the boar.d is reserved for Kell~ Field navigation flighta and it is. the except!on when all lines are not fil),ed in; particularly during student. navigation tra~ning. The la-weI' part of the board i, for the handling of transient aircraft ~raffic. and hardly a daY goes by withou\ at least several viei tlng pilota' n~es being registered thereon. Fre~ently, and espec1ally over weekends. the twenty or more lines are completely occupied with visi tingplane data arrivi~ at Kelly Field framAir Corps stations allover the nation on routine training misaions. Aircraft movement melsage8 which concern the other three Arrqair fields in the San Antoni.o area ar&'re~ed to the respective Op'fationa Offices by Kelly Field Cont1nuedon Pago_16 ) to. C -16V-802o .A....
the flying time of all the permanent flying personnel assigned to that airPrivate Walter RiChard Taliaferro, drome. as well as those pertaining to whose name conjures up memories of the the approximately 200 students normally early days of mil1 tarY aviation! appears receiving training at the Corps to be on the road toward real1z ng his Advanced Flying School. Other activiambition of becoming a commissioned ofties of the Operations Office include a ficer of the United States .A.rmu. Recent- Mapand Navigation Section which mainly this 2l-year old enlisted man of talns and keeps posted the latest nav!Kelly Field, Texas. was the recipient of gat ion maps and information on the ~ an app.intment to the United States milaids to alr navigation, for the use of i tary Academ-v.West Point, N.Y tendered the several hundred rated and student him by the Hon. Brent Speece, representaairplane pilots at Kelly Field. The tive in Congress of the 5th Congressional Airdrome Control Section handles lncomDistrict of Kentucky. ing and outgoing traffic, and the MisPrivate Taliaferro won the competitive cellaneouB Section handles miscellan&examination conducted by Mr. Spence at ous administrative work of this importFort Thomas, Ky last November. and ex- ant activity. peets to receive orders directing him to Major Robert T. Oronau, Air Corps. ia report to the United States Military the Post Operations Officer. His staff Acade~ for the class beginning July 1, consists of Warrant Officer Joseph 1939. He is the son of Lieut. Colonel Brown, U.S. Army, Chief Clerk; assisted Lucien H. Taliaferro, U.S. ~, Retired. by Staff Sergeants Collin L. DeBall and Private Taliaferro served a one-year Frederick: '.Seidler, both veterans of enlistment with the 15th Field, Artilmany lears service at Kelly Field: and lery at Fort SamHouston, Texas, and 15 additional enlisted men, all of whom then reenlisted with the Air Corps on are members of the Headquarters and July 13, 1937, since which time he hal Headg:u.arters Squadron, Air Corps Advancbeen a memberof the Headquarters and ed Flying School. Headquarters Squadron of the Air Corps ---000--Advanced Flying School. During his enlisted service in the Regular Arrrq, he FORCEDANDINGEPORT L R attended the West Point Preparatory Poor Doe was flying around one night School at CampBullis. Texas, for six~ As complacent as could be, month periods during the past three years. Thinking of two months from now. Whena Second "Luey" he'd be. Aside from hie ambition to graduate from West Point, Private Tali8!erro is He was thinking of that Gal back home, also ~xious to be permitted to undergo As he whipped about the sky, flying training at the Air Corps TrainEverything was as he had planned, ing Center and become a flying officer. in order that he may follow in the And his spirits rose on high. chosen career of his famous uncle, the Suddenly his motor conked, late 1st Lieut. Walter R. Taliaferro, It sputtered and it spit. Aviation Section, Signal Corps, who at Poor Doe just sat there frozen, the time of his unfortunate death in an And he near ly had a fi t. airplane accident at San Diego, Calif., in ),915, was the holder of the endurance All his dreams turned to the past tense flying record in heavier-than-air craft. His head whirled as it fell, --...000--"An Officer-husband I11l never be , Cuz Ilm headed straight for H.. " Hand1tr~ Air Traffic at Kel~ Field ontinued from Page ,. But he did recover consciousness on a local or more commonlyknown "pony" And glided toward the Field., circu.1 t. He made it by the Fates above Circui t 53 handles only aircraft move- And the magic that they wield. ment messages, and in view of this ex"A 5 star landing this will be elusive service is able to give instantaneous information to all receiving And my classmates I will thank." 8 ta tions on the movementof aircraft. But instead he got two silver stars Weather reports will continue to be reFor running on an empty tank. ceived and sent by the Kelly Field - SUbml tted by an anonymousAttack Weather Office, which is also housed in stUdent. A. C. Advanced Flying the Post Operations Office but as a sepSchool. arate activity, over Circuit 18 of the .. -000--CAA teletypesystem. The Annual Conference of Air Reserve The Kelly Field Operations Office is a Officers will be held this year a~ beehive of activity, for in addition to Mitchel Field, L.I., NewYork. on Mo~ handling an immense amQ'W1t aircraft of day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Octoher traffic movements it also maintains the 9tht lOth and 11th. October 10th is Flying Time Record Section, whichrecords dengnated as "Air Reserve Officers Day" at the N.Y. World's Fair. -16V-8028, A.C. PERSEVERAHCE WINS
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1. 1939
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Mq 1, 1939
The chief purpose of this ~blication is to distribute information on aeronautics to the flyIng personnel in the Regular Ar~, Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected wi th aviation.
A hea~-duty tractor for towing large towing large airplanes such as the airplanes has appeared on the lying 13-15, 13-17, etc. It is powered with an line at wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. AI engine capable of 40 brake horsepower it pulls the great Bkyliners from flying at 1800 r.p.m. field to hangar, it reminds one somewhat Operated by one man with the convenof the small tugs which draw the huge tional automotive controls, it is about oeean liners from their harbor piers out twice as powerful as the towing trucks into deep water. previously designed. It starts very This small tractor, although not con- gently, so that there is no jar to the structed of iron, is known in hangar par airplane. The top speed is a trifle lance as the "iron mule." Weighi~ apover 15 m.p.h., while its low speed is proximatelY 6 000 pounds~ it develops a that of barely perceptible movement. It drawbar pull 1n excess OI 4800 pouno.s. is capable of turning_within a circle It is 108 inches long, 67 inches wide, having a radius of l22 inches. and has a 6-inch clearance. Fenders The towing facilities on airports for cast to a thickness of approximately large airplanes will be greatly improvfour inches provide weight and ruggeded by the advent of this equipment. ness. It is designed especially for ---000--ACCESSORY POWER PLANTS The Materiel Division, Wright Field, ,Jayton, Ohio, has been actively engaged for some time in the development of accessory power plants. These power plants, which consist of ' small gasoa line engine on which is moun ted an electric genera tori are for the purpose of making availab e power other than that obtained from the aircraft propulsion engine. This additional power of the accessory system is used for the operation of generators, Pum.Ps, and many other items of electrical equipment. A 10 KVA (kilovolt-amperes) power plant, designated as Westinghouse AC-10l, has been delivered to the Materiel Division and has successfully completed a 160-hour type test. This is the first 1llli to complete such a test as the two t power plants now being used In the Xl3-15 airplane were submitted to only a 50hour test, due to the necessity of delivering them to the airplane contractor. The Westinghouse unit Is small and compact and occupies the space of a cube approximately two feet on each side. It consists of a four-cylinder, air-cooled engine wi th double crankshafts. A roots blower to provide internal supercharging is mounted between and is driven by these crankanafts. A 10 IVA alternator is mounted directly on the engine crankshaft and crankcase. The weight of the unit is 330 pounds, which is distributed as follows: Engine, 165 pounds Alternator, 125" Voltage regulator, 25 If 13a ttery charger, 15 If Tests show that the unit could be rated at approximately 25 percent higher capacity than re~uired by Air Corps specifications. This over-rating accounts for a part of the fixed weight, which is higher than desired. Economical fuel results were obtained during the type test. Values for specific fuel consumption were as follows: 50 percent load - 1.73 75 percent load - 1.3 lbZkw. br. 100 percent load - 1.1 IbZkw. hr. 125 percent load - 1.0 lbZp. hr. 150 percent load - 0.96 IbZ~. hr. These values may be compared with those of the conventional e~~ne-driven generator now used in the ~~ori ty of Air Corps airplanes, Where a sJeeif10 fuel oonsumption of 1.1 pounds per kilowatt-hour W&I obtained. The oil consumption at 75 percent load was .0364 pound per kilowatt-hour. At this value it would re~1re two gallons to provide sufficient oil wi th a 50 percent reserve for a 50-hour flight. The unit will be subjected to further development to rednce the fixed weight. -..000--V-8043 , A. C.
. cers referred to, completed ,~erC~~'~ on March 31st, as mentioned.'! ~:tb~~P.~ Instructibns from the War Department ViOU8 issue of the Air Corps ' eri:-~'e'twere received recently by the COUlllB.ndanttar. TheBe four officers ~~ l!~,e~t.,. of the Air Corps Advanced Fly1ng School, Albert J. Baumler, Chri8tian;;X\.-J" ... p, ~ Kelly Field, Texas, that the preBent Seth S. Strachan and William B~'.~~. class now undergoing instruction at this Lieut. Strachan, who spec1al~z~d, ,,~: school will be graduated on Thursdq, Bombardment, was assigned t01Jxfu.. t~~~t"'i May 25, 1939, wi th the customary gradua- March Field, and the remain1 1 ' ~(~ .. tion da ceremonies. officers who specialized in" '. "'~-~' The Flying Cadets are to be commission- were assigned to dIlty at the AdYEPX~ " ed second lieutenants in the Air Corps Flying School, Kelly Field, a$:'1'},1t " Reserve on May 25th, discharged from instructors. " ",- ~'" their enlisted status the same dq, and A total of 42 second lieut,?1$n:t'8:'Q;('~ ordered to extended active duty at Kelly the Air Corps Reserve were g tV. 'e~.~ th.'e.-. .. .. .. ' Field on May 26th for a period of ten refresher course of training:~t"~d, days prior to being ordered to various Field duriDg the period of Ci.~8issl 3. }~.A Air Corps stations. These newly comm1s- and B, briDging the grand total ;.6':( ~ sioned Reserve officers will be placed tra.1ned since the initiationof'tW,:tL on oommutation of quarters status for type of train1Dg. "._, '. the ten-d.a period of active duty at ---000---" '-Kelly Field. - .;: .~~. ? ( .... Class 39-B which commenced training NARROW ESOAPE FORKELLY FI~;, ~Ji1lt. ~: at Kelly Fie id on J'ebruary 25 1939, ' .: - _.. , c.::, " consists of 4 Regular ArtIJ of:hcers, 4 Flying Cadet John Irvine De,V.i~l;'jJ~, foreign officers and 157 Flying Cadets, 22, of Atlantic City, N.J., a.",~~1J.)~ and no 108ses have occurred to date. The in the Observation Section. of'- tne, ~1f;: class has been making satisfactory prog- Corps Advanced FlYing School-t:'lr~\l~. ress and is maintaining its prescribed Field, was on Apr'll 19, 193~f..;f~rC.~~j;0 sch~~ule. Since training began, a total resort to his parachute in or~J:~,. of ~ dqs was lost from flying, du.e to save his life. --' ''-,,:. ~:, inclement weather. Cadet DeVine had been ona.~ ... ' '1Ln~.,:---000--night navigation mieeion to ~JlI , l' Field, La., in an 0-25 airp~~e; wi . LASTOF RESERVE OFFICERSCOMPLETE the Observation Section."~ REFRESHER COURSE KELLY AT FIELD. ing Hensley Field, Dallas, T. e~B-'. ," on:~''.: the return night flight, he waJ.1Inabe The last of the 18 second lieutenants to regain control of his airplp.n~ ~ 'Qh of the Air Corps Reserve have completed had ~one into a spin. He r-e~ot~~cdit(> the special refresher course of instruchis T chute and lailded safely:a~c If>. tion at the Air Corps Advanced Flying miles south of Waco. Texas. . ThEf~~~!\~. School, Kelly Field, Texas. airplane he was piloting was .~dn:Ip}.e~'eN Second Lieutenants Arthur A. Aro. Earl demolished though, fortunatelY,.~ ..:'~~~'i' A. Field. Walter R. Ford, Arthur A. was no damage to private pr~~,." Goldsmith and Douglas N. MacOdrum. com- injury to eIther the pilot~r.,F1i:_ .. _~ . pleted the prescribed course on April persons 7th. Lieuts. Aro, Ford and MacOdrumspe Cadet' DeVine phoned this in:fo~~-tib:n cialized in Bombardment Aviation, the to Kelly Field Headq1,1a1"ters,1JLte:.,1e-!1f first two named officers being assigned nes~ night, April ~9th. A;t:\illi~,~'~ to March Field, Calif., and the last wri t1ng tlie full details as to' :th-e namad to Mitchel Field, N.Y. Lieuts. cause of his "bailing out" are.''D.Q~' -'-:, Field and Goldsmith specialized in definitely known. . .' :"~~,_:-Attack Aviation, the former being aBBign Captain Charles D. McAll"ster,.~,.::-. ed to :Barksdale Field, La., and the latCorps. Base Engineering Off19sr:' an:d-",:" ter to Langley Field, Va. member of the Aircraft ACcid~nt: Cla,uNine of these officers completed the fication COmmittee! depart~~tro.~1r~~ prescribed course of instruction on Field in an 0-43 e. rplane fdr -th~ .. ,~ April l4th1 Lieuts. Wilson Gillis, Jesse scene of the crash, in order to invesC. Hayes, vl1fford W. Ludwig epec1aliztigate the accident and return .'Ca..dA;t. '.",.. . ing in Attack: Aviation; Lieuts. George DeVine to Kelly Field. - ':' '~~'~:~:' W. Ireland and William N. Vickers, Jr., ---000---. -, -' in Bombardment AViation, and Lieuts. Fred S. Shine, James W. Stowell, John M. Two Air Corps officers una.l#p~._~!J Tillman a!ld Andrew B. Walker in Pursuit for duty in the Office of th~.I.I~f~.,~p Aviation. the Air Corps, Washington, D.C,,~..~f(,. Lieuts. Gillis! Ludwig, Shine, .,Walker, Majors Harold L. Clark and PaulJJJ..~}:r',: Tillman were ass gned to station at Burrows. The former is nearb1g,~' ~~_Barksdale Field, La. .Lieuts. Hayes. and completion of his tour of duty 'i~ . _: Vickers to March Fiei d, Calif., and Hawaiian Department, while t~. '1. ~ Lieuts. Ireland and Stowell to Langley has been serving with the Or Field, Va. Reserves in the 9th Corps .A.ite\' .~The other four of the 18 Reserve offitioned at Pearson Field, Wa.$h"\"'~ ~~. V-Str4~A" ....... GR.AlXJATION DATESET FOR CLASS39-B
I'~' .~
RECOGNITION "THEFLYINGOOG.I FQR I With the greatelt of solemnity !l,l1d military po~. a citation was bestowed upon a mel4ber of th-e commandof Hamilton Field. calif at 10:00 a.m., Satur~ morning, April 8th. Th8.t member was IITeddy," the Flying seems that Teddy fir.t came to'the notice of the Hon. LOuis John.on. AIs1stant Secretary of War. during a fli~t in which both partioipated (part of eddY's regular cross-oountry training , when Mr. Johnson thought he could partake of a sandwich. which had been brought along for lunch, without offering some to the pup. Teddy not only protested, but did it in typical dog l'ashion, via the teeth way on one of Mr. Johnson's pedal extremities. I t was nip and tuck over the lunch for a whileL it is told but all ended well, with ~ed~ reclin l ng, for the remainder of the flight, on the lap of the Assistant Secretary of War. The Hamilton Field Correspondent transmitted to the Information Division a photograph of the citation, which is printed in Old English type. Two lengths Of narrow ribbon are faltened along the left margin of the document by means of two Beals. one at the top and ane at the bottom of the sheet. The citation reads as follows: WTo All WhoShall See These Presents, Greetings: This i8 to Certify that "'rEDDYII is hereby awarded this Distinguished Flying Dogtificate for Es'peoial Performance While Participating in Aerial Flightl
~~~na.t10ns held in leveral aUbiecta 'Q.~tEl the 'last week of March co, eted 'mpit~Qf'lhe training conference' hat ha~e~~en conducted every available afd=ing thie calendar ;year. The co, -:p's ... w'blch have been completed inc,1..' ,.m ..ibardment Aviation and Air Force, c'~~ ," ed by Major K.N. Walker~ Reconnti1ssB.fice Aviation. by Captain Homer W. F~-':~Qr).; and a couree in Chemical Warfa.rR-+~l" ~ the supervision of the 18th w~~.~ ~lcal Officer, Captain Sterling .. : E.', d t$s1des, C.W.S. In addi t1on, sev."ei-'al::;. -ec:tu.res of one or two-hour durat1.oP:-:l:Lav~ been given on important eubJe'e'ts'. . The courses in Bombardment Aviation and Air Force followed the latest texts ~rt~~'\1bjects now being used for ins"tructhn' oy the Air Corps Tactical SchooJ ...i: A complete and detailed course . 6~~~iJth:1.ction was given, at the eame .~ :atford1ng officers ~he opportun1 ty o ap;vancipg their own theories. queBtic~'ii: ~d ideas relative to all :Pliaees of' 'the.r.1a'.a.1ning. All officers 01' the GroUp reel that instruction in the.e ci,.-ea .." .. .s been of the greateat ba. .. intere" ,,~~has provided an unusual opportun1. ". ;fo: ' training. _".,. " c.'9Urae in Reconnaissance Aviation wa~e~.ecla11y interesting to officer. ot .~,-;Fifth Group. due to the fact that ,t,ubst ()ff;1cers were trained in :Bombard'lIieJit biation. The problems and Icope of: R~c-oiuiaiesance Aviation, as ably'd. '. by Captain Ferguson, were to , ~~ ~.~mt1rely new phase of training "8,1i'~~ proved to be extremelY ..
e'!'Cheni1cal Warfare course included all~'ort1cerl. as well aa noncommiSlioned PRff~q~s .Of the first three gra'del. of t,. ,Alf.; Bal8 and of the Group who had no ,pF;~yiouB1yattended the school. ',.A. tota~c~~ ten hourI' inst~tion waa give'iJ;.:to more than two hundred officer. and ~oncomm1ssioned officerl. Included i~~t~e ,c,ourse was a trip to the Chemical War,~eLJ)epot at Schofield :Barracks, ~ . ~~' B~r~eractical W p instruction fil ',-"g~Veli1~1dentifying modern war gases -and'11+ .ns\ltral1zing contaminated areal. .i~"'::j ---000--'.~",c,
Teddy, flying mascot of the Seventh :BombardmentGroup, Hamilton Field, California. by his endurance and dignified restraint, by his alertness and pleasing impression on airplane personnel during fati~ng flights, by his enthusiasm while fly1ng 52~:45 hours, has brought great credit to himself. high morale to the Seventh Bombardment Group, and fine service to the Army Air Corps. Given under I'II hand at the C1ty of A~MS OF INDUSTRIAL OLLmE C WashiIlgton. GRA.DUATES. This first ~ of ~pr~l, 1939 .,,~c~;q'e upon the completion of their LOUISJOHNSON CQurse of instruction at the " ~~ trtdustrial College, Washilliton,D.C., The .A.uistant Seoretary of War. M~Ja~~ lJoward Z. :Bogert. Dnile T.Kennedy. .. ---000-4~~. ~'d''W4' ,Marriner, Clifford C, Nutt, : Lieut. Colonels Laurence F. Stone and Y. Propst, Capta1nl La~.nce' C. Gerald E. Brower, Air Corps, are under ,-' , . an. Clarence S. Irv1ne fe a .d. ' ~ orders tOrr <iuty ae Ine .. t%"\lctors at the B' ~.~, .. duty with the Materie DiviCommandand General Staff School at Ft. " ~.t Field, :p&yhn. OhiQ, and Leavenworth.. Kana.b" resent Col. -~~1., :Borumin the Office of tho Stone 1s ondut;y at SeJridge e Field and Ch :'tbe Air Corps. Waehington. D.C. Col. Brower is a .tudent at the .Ar~
c ~;~~
~i ,.t.:s.
. .', . ,.'
V-8043 , A. C.
KELLY AIRMEN SEARCH lOR COAST GUAm PLANE the Station Hospital at FOl'.t~~ Houston. Texas. Sergeant Harnqjwali At about 9:00 a.m .A.pril 7th. the a blood donor on MarCh 27th in the COIllD8Jldant the Co~s Advanced of case of Mrs. Madeline. TooheYt:.r~wtl~.fiO'f Flyi~ SchoOl Kelly Field, Texas. Colo- Technical Sergeant Thomas F; fooh8~rf')~,J' nel Frank D. tacklan~! received a radioAir COrpl. This letter W&B fdrwir4a4e gram from the COmma.DeuDg Officer of to Sergeant Hartley by Colon.l--fftaDk.rJ). Biggs Field. El Paso. Tems. stating Lackland. Commandantof the~irneolTlJ.l'q that Lieut. Grantham. of the Coalt Guard Advanced Flying School. who a4'a.edrfllai Air Service had left Bigg. Field the commendation thereto. ,;jdnq r.r ~ before lor Galveston. Tems. via Del When the call for volunt r.';-bloOdoia Rio and San Antonio. and that no word donors was made. 18 enlisted menqai-ri..s had been received from him after he wal Kelly Field volunteered withiaj~~ja sighted over the Airdrome at Marfa. Tems. hour three being sent to the ,staUaJn The radio asked for assistance from Hospl tal for typing and SergeaAt:H Yr(.~1 Kell,y Field. . Hartley being selected. },; , ,. cor':' Within an hour after the receipt of ---000--hr!{ brr o this information. a crew of eight offi. ,'H)j on.;'! cers. one airplane meChanic ana one CHILEAN AIR A~CHE VISITS X~~)rI~ radio operator. in five Observation type ~:)j;19:1 e[{j airplanes. in commandof Colonel Eugene Squadron Leader Ismael ~.9A1.r A. Lohman. Assistant Commandantof the Attache to the C~'lean Emb".s)'!jJ)n:til?Air Corps Advanced Flying School. took ed Kelly Field on April 18th, off from Kelly Field to conduct a search shown all activities and ine~q~6ii for the missing plane, while the local there by Colonel lohman. Asdif'tlilt .CGAradio .tations were requested to broadmandant of the Air Corps AdVd~ ~ cast this information and wire any ing School. ':"" .;:v.fJ "clues" to DE'yden. for Colonel Lohman's Squadron Leader Sarasua e~& ..~:"rc.~ information. his pleasure for the courteel~ ~Later in the dB:y the Kelly Field party ed to him and stated that hi'8-:;iVf1~'~s was Joined by three Coast Guard planes. very instructive. Prior to ht.:arttv..The available information wae very' al at Kelly Field he had vid'4e<r:'),,:< u me8&er, but the search got under we;y in ~ley. Maxwell and Randol])h:.Fi-e'l1lsv:. the ~ed CO'llXltry the vicinity in of Upon his departure from Kel1~~-e.l.ta'iM A.lpine and Marathon. Tems. was Icheduled to visit Fort ~~ ;:rr The following ~. Colonel Lohman reworth. Kansas. <: .:'11.'-:;1:.13 ceived a report that three survivor. ---000--',.:10 or:r. <:;: were at a ranch house 30 milee south of ,'. ,,:o::,\,,;t :'( Alpine. They reported that the pilot of FILIPINO OFFICERIN FORCED.'.''W\lTM, .. the Planel realizing he was in a storm ::'3'~;J. in mounta nous country and there was no Third Lieutenant Ruperto B~~)~Zi't\~w,f hope. had ordered .them to Jump. The the Philippine Arrr:I1 Air C~': who('I.%" a three Coast Guard enlisted men were sue- student in the Observation" .. cenful in "bailing out" and the pilot the Air Corps Advanced Flyi .. se ,.. went down with his plane, which burned at Kelly Field. Tems. made~' . i:bB when the crash occurred. landing about midnight Aprilr1.~ 0 Colonel Lohman stated that the Coast liom8' 15 miles nort1i of San ~tIOhl100J a Guard authorities acted very efficiently While on a return night fligh:tL'Mm'-l[:J': and were prepared for an intensive Hensley Field. Dallas. Te~~'; search. Two radio trucks were di8patch,;. visiting Barksdale Field duM.~ ,'! ed to DE'yden; fuel was placed at Marfa. light hours. Lieut. Luzon rf3P ,j:1 and authOrity was obtained from the that the 0-38 airplane he W8.'B-W! Mexican government to permit Army and ran out of gas. and he locate~a:} Coast Guard planes and other equipment t ing area in open country by .he1.~e' t enter Mexico at will. his aircraft :flares. Ire made: a~1' '~:. The feeling of respect and cooperation cessful landing without any l#J~. ;~? between the two Air services was demon- himself or daInage to the airP:l'in ;: ::.l strated by the promptness with which On the morning of April 2O~~:._n A.rmyauthorities responded to the request Ruseell E. Randall. Air Corp;8:~h_1 :r f to search for the Coast Guard plane. and the Observation Section, flft!. "fj::( the manner in which the Coast Guard auairplane to the scene of the.' . ~., thoritles. tur;Led over equipment and carrying with him 1st L1eut~~, ~, other fac111tles to Colonel Lohman. F. Densford, Jr Observs.'t1. L~n1(' ---000--tor. The latter. after servid~,,~]~ Lieut. Luzon's a1rplane. fb;lf'l:r ~ COMMENDlTION SERGEANT FOR HARTLEY to Kelly Field. . i~I.;.c;I:,~f
:bfl' .
Technical Sergeant Earnest H. Hartley, 63rd School Squadron Corps, Kelly Field. Texas. received a letter of commendation from the CommandingOfficer of
~1~March. the~inm.mente San Antonio Air DepOJ'I.. lq. Tems. overhauled 12 plane1l! .gines and repaired 35 planer s V-8043. A.C.
CL 0 CI D1vie1on Corre8pondent
been standardized for CO~8r1\l8. an eight-da1' clo~ that would 8 11'lH:rbe the an8wer to the qu.e8t10n. of :'UDl8sfV.r'he pilot and navigatOr for P-wnt98ea'of dead reckoni~. '!'hie clock lei 1h.8:,!bJ:)e A-8. It 1& larger than that in present use, baving mounting d1meneioD'Gtor~e8Ponding to the altimeter air+ep d indicator. and other like in~ struruate. {!!her;1nd.1.aations &hown on the dial are convent1oaal or zone time, elapled time from a departurel and a_,top sweep 8econd band. The d al is at inche. ln diameter, with the time grad:uations around ~'ip'el',"phery and the bands mounted in the oenter. The band run8 continuously. .:fhe .a.aed time dial i8 a small circle oftcradUa.tions between the top of the MMtl .u.a"~e center. ~ere are two ~~jf911.: ,tbJ.s dial, 1nd1cat~ hours -Mi.d ~ll~e... These are controlled by a ~ ~ib.,near the eight o'clock poelSuccessive operation of the puah kno)&~, the elapsed time hands to ..JJ~ ,~bp, and to fly back. 3.f'\V second band i8 cont ,de)N a uSb knob at the four ~c O*1,p.).t~on. Succenive operation 0fejW,: lQl.Q]l causes the Iweep aecond ~':.t~ &.t.-rt, to stop. and to fly back. Iii ~J;l.on, to the "conda indications around the periphery of the dial, there ia another small circle of graduation. between the six o'clock position and the ceg;~,r-:i .On this dial ie indicated the minutee to sixty. aCC\1J1Il1:J,ated the by '!"~.fil,_.,_c~>n. .top ium~ (a minute regild. '~~.!')'b~\ ~ The. band on this dial turns c9i!A JF,:!"Clockw1ee. ); . ,; 't~ six 0' clock oBi tion i8 a, ., ;~cb controlling tEe color of a do ~di ....e1y above. This 1s used to t Itopi.~~ ,_tart the elapsed time banda at &!lY::'i>9'fi:~,1on their travel. of When the e1a.p.~, t~. hands are started, a dot in tWIv.:.d . .F dial turne to red, when til It ::.10 S half red and half white. . f:.,.:A;lth.e.ela sed time handa are at ~,J.: .~~o pOsit~on the dot 1e white. 'n".:-;,.,lir.any reason, it i, desired to t~.:-:> ~J,:~ out" on the elapeed time 1n~wp.~the small knob at the bottom i.e t~'e ..c.10ckwise which caUles th.e show ..hiteo '!'he elapsed 'l 4~~., .. ~ then be atarted again by
bulky complications in the clock and caee. Ever,r organization conducting service telt of this equipment hal reconmendad its I tandardization.
MORE P-12 PLANES ron ADVANCED FLYING SCHOOL. All of the P-12 type of ai~lanes in the Panama Canal Zone are being shipped, dismantled, by freighter to the United states, destined for the .Advanced Flying School at Kelly Fie1d~ Texas. Despite their 88e. the ,t'.. 12'a are in excellent condition and show the excellen t maintenance they have rece1 ved in the PIQ$I& oanal DePartment. "Certainly thcy~ll be of greater value in training than the older typee in use at the present time at XellY, " dec1arel the News Letter Gorrespondent. "Their departure leaves a blank file in the Air Corps equ;pment in the Canal Zone, where tlieir versatility was put to good uel."
DUTY .A.SSIGNMEN'lS GRADU.ATES THE OF OF .ARMY W.AR COLLmE. Effective upon the co,letion of their present course of nstruction at the J..rmy War College, Fort Humphrey., D. C., the following-named 'Corp. Gfficers, now on duty &S students at this ineti tut1on, are assigned to duty, a8 follow.: Lieut. Colonel William O. Ryan to duty as instructor at the ~ War College. Lieut. Colonel Oliver P. Echole to the .6.1:' Corps Materiel D1vieion, Wright Field, ~ton Ohio. Major Max F. Schneider to Maxwell F1ela., for duty with the Air Corps Board. ~ajor Victor H. strahm to Langley Field, Va. Lieut. Colonels .Arthur B. McDaniel, George E. Stratemeyer, Majol:. John E. Upston. and Captain Hoyt S. Vandenberg tQ the Office of the Chief of the Corps. Washington, F. C. Major Morton H. McKinnon to Mitchel Fiela, N.Y. Lieut. Colonel EdmundW. Bill to Bolling Field, D.C.
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... wer dot to show red. e'ls, of the starting er stopping - 1 ,. . led time and ato ,",eep leco Ii _;~.~ conventional ~1me indica~c-Fl~~tlflue running at the same rate. cock 1 wound by turning the s ~urled sleeve around tho elapeed time ~unter-cl~ckwi8.. One should pI . ~ t. 'to turn thie lmeb or .leave _ , ~ there ie D.Q ratchet, the ina. 3;P~ ,-'if which would reaul t in
e knob counter,clockwiee
~ """ ".. -J
Three Air Corps officers, now on. duty in the Office of the Chief of the Air Corps. are under ordera for duty as ,tudentl in the 1939-1940 course at the J\r~ Induatrial College, Washington, D.C., namely, Lieut. Co1onell Michael i. Davia, .Arthur E. Easterbrook and Captain Jamel W. Spry. ---000---.- ' V-8043. A.C
NEW PHOTO LABORATORY MARSHALL rca FIlCLD ~ photographic laboratorT for Marshall Field, Fort RileY'i Kansalii. being buil around the oldPlo 0 lunga OW on the west end of the hangar line. The construction will be of stone, tile! and conxete throughout. To eliminate a 1 duet and insects, it is contemplated filtering all air entering the laboratorY'. The photographic personnel are look1;g for,ard to moving from the present location. ~three rooms in the hangar Wing) to the new laboratorY' designed for photographic purposes sometime in June. Plans for the new laboratory were drawn up bY'2nd Lieut. Hilmer C. Nelson, photographic officer! with the able al.1stance of Warrant ufficer Nico G. Lo~OB and Technical Sergeant Lambert C. WalSh. ---000--
In an airplane accident atJ10ii$ ;)U~ '. Crockett, Texall. on November. 5;~'934.{EL. there died one of the moit ou~..tanUiwz ... officer.s in the Air Corpi - ~"i'i1t~f(';:lIt" Colonel Horace M. Hickam - and;l.F~i-;' ._ in h':Qor of his memory tbatH1.c~:J~Isd-' .. Field has been named. .' ,X..;]; In the naming of the' parks and avenues of the new a1~I 9~Jlft* the War Department deemed it appropr.Late to remember also thOle pioneers of aviation who were killed in tl;1e!~j i.: ~W()= Hawaiian I.:lands as the result of airplane acc~Ptents through the yegJ.-:lA It was in 1917 - twenty-tWOc,ytUI:J::i91; ago - that the first aViatiO,.n'r~~jq'er'l rived in Honolulu. During tbtesj1JMi1 ~ years, that one small uni t ha&,rU!o!IJk,~i~ to a powerful arm in the co~b-i.rif4.~~i..C; fenses of Oahu, but not with~~ -tht 8i~J COMMENDlTION FORNATIONAL UARD G PILOTS lOllS ofa number of the me~.1fAA.~~1 given their lives to aviatiolkH''I,:j -;td::o,il Lieuts. Robert L. ~in8worth and HarleY' We who today are enjoying .. ~!.c~<:, A. Teall, of the l20th Observation Squad beauty of the boulevards and.:JN"~" '~!f!I ron, Colorado NaUonal Guard, were com- Hickam Field should silently} pw,~tt1"'m:1 mended official~ bY' Major General ute to those flyers who have(':Pa. ~~ cei! ... Albert H. Blanding, Chief of the National on' - to tho se men in honor r:>fi.~ :tNilJ Guard Bureau. in a letter received April following aVenues have been .co~~~f. 10, 1939, ed: ..:<,'":c:: .)'~S',; While on an aerial mission during arrtIY' FOfs~oLl:~;:dRObert R. Fox lIl&Il.8Uversn Wyominglast August! theY' i saw a cloudburst W&lha~ a rai road Cornet Avenue - ,~ ':JeEl: ~ bridge. The prompt measures theY' took Pri va te Herman J. Cornet . ,;, ;;:1.920to report this occurrence no doubt reBoguet Boulevard ,="c;-.7:.!G' sulted in the saving of lives and pro1st Lieut. Ulric L. h,-,;l~:lrn. pertY'. At a formation following drill Manzelman Circle " ",... (',V)'J::' on the night of April 12, 1939, Major 1st Lieut. Earle H. Manzelman '1;, 1~ Frederick: W. Bonflls, CommandingOfficer Vickers Avenue .i "c; .:<3.Hr'~ of the Squadron, read General Blanding's Staff Sgt. Vernon Vicker;... :,!.92l-. letter of commendation to the personnel Owens Stroet '''(,.'a :fO:',l: thereof. Sergeant Ross Owens 1922* --000--Julian Avenue 1st Lieut. Rupert Julian . THELANDING FIELD .A.T FORTKNOX,ICY. Monthan Street ;'.i:;T>~:' 1st Lieut. Oscar Monthan 1924. The 12th Observation Squadron (a. & A.) Moore Street :. .1 r~..t i:: is now using the major part of the halves 1st Lieut. William G. Moor~'.' .:~:~. of two runW8s when the wind permits. Brandt Park ';'0. ,.z) .: i: LJ However, between the soft shoulders and 1st Lieut. Howard C. :Brandt ,;.:'::::~5!1' fifteen-foot drops on the sides of the C&tlet1iStreet ,i;t ',C: 21,:) one hundred-foot strips and an inclined 2nd Lieut. Carter Catlett;: .,~ ,~ a.ngle of only fiftY' d~ee. between run- Wyoa Park tt .; e '1':':"::) wB3S there are frequently unfavorable 1st Lieut. John W. Wyatt,. ~ ,dl925* winds that preclude using the field. Due Porter Avenue ..; S",' . 'r'.}: to the hazardous conditions, the field Technical Sgt. Aaron A. Por,ter?iill.9a5:t has not yet been opened to visitors lest William. Park .: ':,v ;:;:&:)1.":. some pilot (like many of us have done, 1st Lieut. Charles L. Willi~v'19i1t accor~ng to the News Letter Correspondent) Should come in without having preWOi~i~:~t S. WOrthi~l.~~~ viously carefully read the Notice to Pilots. The Correspondent states that Signer'::." if the too-frequent rains abate for.a Kuntz Avenue ',.:"lC;1l." ':J apell, it 1s hoped to open the field b;y 1st Lieut. C4rde A. Kuntz' ;'n)~jl92~ the end of May at the latest. Even Work. Park' '.. :..! ~"!O~l: . then the utmost caution will be neeeS8&2nd Lieut. Maurice 11. WorkS:- I~l' '"a.~\ rYa because it will take many months to AtterbUl7 Circle ,';j::; 0m09 fi~l the fifteen-foot canyons. 2nd Lieut. Ivan M. .A.tterburrI:. oj ~ V-8043i ~.l~ ei{T
'.~~;~f~ s.
lUlls :BQY1evard Stat;t~SON1' eant :Ralph O. )4ill, 1930. e 2nd !~~~t. William J. Soott B~tc t~oet -o ~.d!i ,~'llt. George C. Baker W son;;.street P~ht:.j;.e 1., 01. Hicks G. Wilson 1935. Bear~ enue 1st' taut. William G. Beard 1936. neeletField
.... !.':',-I' .J:.
.Air 0~rpl uni ts in the Hawaiian Depart ment['"offered exoellent opportunities fo:p::cO~rative missions with ant1ai~::unlts due to the numberst size, pro-~l~.ty,and Btre~th of the laher uni:t:a ... well a.s their requirements on the A1t' CO:n>s for training. Cooperative m1ss1Qn8 including daJlight, ,tracking and firIng on towed targ~, &re :conducted throUghout the year. In!~d41't.~on to these regular cooperative mi.slbna',: the 31st Bombardment S~dron hall '.l~~~.OO. pleted 8P&9iat telts with the . m 64-th .COI:"tArtille~, ~.u.. In conductlhg~the.&.tests, three B- 8 airplanes were used. One of the ai;-:planes _s e~fied with muffled enginel and night e lage paint, the second with night o~~lage paint only and the third was eu:a.tand.ard airplane ~ th nei ther muffled engines nor camouflage paint. ".r:A .eries of tests were deViled" the purpOse being to determine the elfectiv 11~~U!~: ,the' muffled engines and camouof flage paint. Several Air Corps officers 'I.1'i1Ued the anti-a.ircraft installations and observed the tests. """ --000-kORIDERS
.,J.,!' ,', , ,. ,'" -
Durl~ the week of Maroh 26th several Ml~el Field officers were busily engag edin explaining Air Corps tactics, ecp11pmentmethods, etc . to twelve offic,ers of the ground arms who bad aBsemble at::',the Post for an Air-Ground contact Course. ""';:lIaJor S.F. Landers\. the Bale 5-3 Offic~, was in charge 01' the courae, and th& . .1newu:ctors included mo.t of the officer. of the Bale Staff and the 97th "'~va:tion, Squadron, aa we11 as .ome ",rom the 9th Bombardment Group. "'*'.'O'fl'1.ear ~.fromposta in the Metropoli__ tan ~ea oame by automobile, while thole fl'omLmore distant Itations were ferried by airplane. Bad weather interfered fO~derablv and resulted in several officers misslng the first part of the "' and;,also cauaed oancellation of 80me of the flying which had been ecbed-1:ea:: to cn,monatrate .Air Corps methode. ~e.ti~J.I), halt "If the week was devoted
to work with Observation units, and the ground offioers reported.,that a great deal of valuable information was obtain ad which it is eJt;Pected will result in .moother GPelation of the cooperative missions whiob are Icbedu1ed 'later in the year with the 97th Ob.ervat1on S~dron. ~e latter part of the week occupied with Baae and GHQ. Air Force matters and included conferences on Bo~ bardment, Attack and Pursu1 t .Aviation The B-15 Bomber wa8 flown up from Langley Field by Major Caleb V. Hayne8, Air Corps, in order to give the ground officer. a view of the late8t Bombardment equipment. They were also taken on a bombing mi8sion in the B-18 airplanes by the 9th Bombardment Group, during the course of which they haa an exoellent opportunity to observe practice bomb. being dropped on a target. The weeki 8 work was concluded ...1th a night mi8Bion, during which the ground officers had an opportuni ty to ascertain for themselves how muCh could be learned of ground activities by Observation 4viation at night. In view of the fact that most of the officers had not heretofore flown at night, this mission _8 probably one of the most po~lar features of the course. The officers taking the courte all had more than fifteen years' servioe to their credit and many were eligible for General Staff duty, in vie'Wof which every effort was made to avoid details and to give a broad general picture of the Air Corp. and its activities. Both Ai.r and Ground officers received a great deal of benefit from the cour8et and several of the ground officer. 8'tiated that it was the most interesting course that they had ever attended The fohowing named officers attended the course: Major Chauncey.A. Gillette. 9th Coast lrt1l1ery, Fort Banks, Mass. Major Arthur H. Rogers, 18th Infantry, Fort Hamilton, NewYork. Major Harold D. Wooley, 28th Infantry, Fort Niagara, NewYork. Captain John R. McGinness, 5th Infantry, Fort Williams, Maine. Captain ClarenceP. Townsele~ 5th Field .Artillery, Madison B ~., N.Y. Captain Numa.A. Watson; 1st auK Co., Miller Field, N. Y. Captain Francia H. Fa1kner~ 1st Engineer., Fort Dupont, DeJ.aware. Captain ired J. Wooda, 52nd Ooaat Artillery, Fort HancoCk N.J. captain Maurice E. Jennings, C.W.S., Fort Hamilton, NewYork. Captain Saum.el 14. Lamsing, 16th Infan try , Fort Jay NewYork. Captain Lester J. ~a.cey, 7th Field .Artillery, Fort Ethan Allen it, Captain John Mesick, 25th Field .Ar, tillery, Madison Barracka, ll. Y.
V-8043, A. C.
Sei~\ty'1,lfiiB field __ observed in Sqs:~~~~:~:t~d c:;rf~!r=r' a very elaborate manne~, and people from rable celebration to thil.y .... ~8r'iiR' allover the State gf auch1ga:n.and parts ])a)". In BPite of forecaate4; rR-Nll ~ of Ohio visited the field. Although no Inow, the threatening wea-th~,;.. ~;\tg. accurate official count could be mad!l._ ed the planned actiVltieB, ... the crowd was estimated at about 15 wu. 8trated to a h'\JCecrowd of: B.PPl'19 . e by Major Benjamin B. Ca8si~, Air Corps. ly 20,000 civilian spe. tatOl""8.ii' ,dJ c <'. BaBe Intelligence Officer. UrIr/ Il!q wal by no meanB~~ber.J.daY The field was opened to the public at for Selfridge Field. Each ,01lJJAni_t1o: 8:00 a.m., and at first only a few car_ participateCl in the ~'s Pl"OgreA.', ..' ) droveint.but a little later on in the either ln the air or on the grj)~ .;Jlx morn~ ~e traffic became 10 thick: that hibits 'fiere to be seen in tbi. B~(~'" it was a problem finding sufficient park- Hangar. giving the pubUc 4;iC~\'.' iDg &pace. story of how the Air COrpl, 18 1)lf~ted The entire morn1Dgwal given to the and maintained. Seven differ.,iJ_el diaplq of airplanes and eq'U1pmentin of tactical airplanes were ,on,~~. h~ars 3 and~. At all tl'mes from ranging in size from the P~1'io,,;_ about 9:30 a.m. until the flying activ1:8-18. Certain airplanes on d1lplq tiel started, a Itea<tr stream of people were providsd wi. th wooden Ictm4.str'P poured in and out of the ha!lgars. stands, which\D~] The recruiting office at Detroit to view the cockpit and CQIlt<l)..~e Mich., sent representative, to assIst modern aircraft. An offic~i .. st~elocal personnel. in answering questions ant nth each airplane on eual"'fl--Glltregarding enlistment and paesi'ng out repaining ita tactlcal vall1e,rUd.e.ster crUiting pamphlets. Personnel were alsoing questions. Other exh1Di~'jlu.~e on hand to glve information concerning Armament. Communications, HO'Jtal~';i' ~1Dg Cadet appointments. A great deal Parachutes. Instruments,ioiJM,IJ of interest was the public as a ing Clothing and OX1'gen Jq1aiPlD'.tQ'2 1 whole in each subject. lunches were available in'll,;:;])e.t.,,,ijaz: J.t 12:00 noon, JAaJor :Benjamin :B. gar. ' Caes1dq, acting for Colonel Henry :B. Throughout the daY, mus~~-,,-,!!"ic Cla&tttt, Air Corps, 'Base Commander,'Who ad through the Publlc Addr."<3 st.t81'J1. at that time was in Cleveland, Ohio, fn this manner also the .pec)a1iortao_J greeted the people and delivered a speech guided to the various exh1bit ... ~ .. ~Ift. ; on ~ Deq and the history of Selfridge nouncement was made from't1mect.o;U_ Field. as to the time and place of TU'10'\18A & .Lt 1130 p.m., the First Pursuit Group monstrations. . J.:cr' ~"'C-, ! ' took off for aerial formations these The ~t s activities 'Were4'll.maucl 1 terminating with an aerial revIew. An a 24-ehip aerial exercise,;(le.dr~r .':~ exhibition of patachute dropping with Captain Dixon M. Allison, ,.A.1r .:~COJ'1UJi d'UJDJDies put on, starting at 2:00 was CommandingOfficer of the11th.~, o'clock. Bal.f an hour later, the 1st Squadron. Twelve of the 24p1aJ:le8'.lft] Pursuit Group again took off for a final from the 27tiJl.Pursuit Sguadron.. and tl aerial review. remaining 12 from the 17th Purs:Q1t.:; :Barracks No.3. of the Ba.BeHeadquarSquadron. Following the8pec::dlie\i.'li.r tera and 3rd Air Base Squadron, was open take-off, Captain Allison JD&D8U'eJ'e.d tor public inspection d:Uring the dq, the 24 planes through variOUB'~except for the periOd of the noon meal. tions, revealiDg the preclsioh :&.n4': The crowd began to depart at 4:00 p.m., tlexibility of the pilots ()~s~ and at 5: 15 most of the people had left Pursuit Group in f1.yi%1& modern '. '_ the post. Traffic was .. problem through- ment. Perhaps the most ape . . oJ out the ~. 'alere were no traffic acphase of the air work the, 'Ll1ibft:l1 c1dentl. hOweverl and the per80nnel aaCircle, followed by a rat signed to direct JJg it performed their was belt described by oneapecta~ duties in a molt efficient manner. to wit: liThe Bk:.Y is being .. orm,-aeim4el t The Post Exchance erected small hot by man and metal. II '. 'l :,.:~c",;'r dog stands here and there around the Following the formation.'~" tile f1eld, and the personnel thereof 'fiere planes of the 27th Pursu1t-~, hard put at times to keep a sufficient led by Captains Israel and:Wa~ SUPPlYof hot dogs and bread on hand. made a. 8iDIlllated diving attack~.,;' l.lthough the day was cold, everyone :8-10 Bombardmentplane, tliUiJ: ~l appeared to be havine; a fine time, and ing a combat exercise w1th~,P-u1!lJa4i~v it is beUeved that A.rmy DaY has brought versus :Bombardment. Dur1111f tlwr-*: a new and better understandl~ between attack, tiro durmJw parachutilf~r.e ... the public and Selfridge Field. leased from the ~ombing p3Jel .\ri~ ----the demonstration the a*~!:~OJ !s tendipg to &hed further l1ght on paralle11J:lg war time tae'\lC;8'I:",o.r.Io1: ~ Day observance at Selfridge Field, -- ... _ _ .l;;:OW the Correspondent of the. 27th Pursuit ,1 i;;;'3WQ
COlora~H&t~onal Guard; ,ers, well &s conduct instruction on ,;~'IOqftes~G,bsetval;8n Squadront C010- I inst1')1lDent or "b1ind"fqi!li, using r~:;i1rl' o~l Guar!1, Denver, par''ti~oipe.t- :B~8. P-12 and B'l'-ZBl airplane ~~~ "DayceleOratiou8 on A~1~' 6th Ob.ervation. Section to perform s1mu~ ~1. ".~.!,}g a' flight of four (:~71 artillery a<!Justmen-tproblems, -~M,t~, ~1t', 'j led by Captain John K.N1~a'lfu, .~t18age1n instrument ff1ngf and recon',1tii, -1'ifJ'l;'iCotj)8 Instructor. This flight.,. ,~lssance and photogre; ic miedon8, --f. bM-lt:Qf':;'& larger formation made up bT ,,-,sing 0-25, 0-38 and ::B -2Bl airplanee. t)le D,n'1e't:Branch of the Air Corpe 'l'echAttac:\c and ::Bombardment Sections to '~,"~'&mool. ~rform minions similar to that of the .J,'+ ,A't':~'[,conclv.sion of the flying, oPen , ,s~ t Section, using .1...17, :B-18 and .~o'q.iHf."'lr'observed at ths Munlclpal :B..2:Bl airplanes. ':';'!P,' oA'~d the air .. inded citizens of m .Arr~ement8 were made for di~llqing De~: 1N1"e affoi-Cled the oPPQrt'Unity to o~ thenangar line west of the Post ~t::'t:he aircraft on the f~ing line. Operations Office, tor the inspeotion 1)."3,, 'J)lf.1Cto~ the formation flying, CaPtai of v1eitor8, one Of ,each type of aira-,sll",'-rliw Major General W'lUlam IC , plane used at K~lly :Field, such as Ob.~.' General of the 24tb. servation, Bombardme~t Attack, Pursuit, ~liv~lr11)ivision, to Kansas CitT, Kanea8. Ins~rument and Cargo airplanes. The ",CC.l..:-:':'L -___ 141n~ature Range, located 1n the white el1~ ield FortRl1e concrete builQing on the eaet end of sJ. .,;' ',.' vance 0 ~ , e It Ob- the hangar line ~d used in the lnltruc. 8~atl~Squadron of Mar 11 Field. Ition of Observation students in Art11-:''=:taAtlq,'Xansas, sent a flight of lerT Adjuatment, was to be open for -~:e-4'Ai!lr;to visit nearby cities. '!'he inspection by th, public. -'I:j~eru.t_n'..l'assed in review at R. O.T. C. Xn HaDgSJ," No. 12 was Icheduled a de':~:~4~8*;. ..nons at Wi hi ta Universi ty, c monstra tlon on the Link Trainer, a Vf.ichtia~cla11sas, and Kansas Un1verslty, minature plane 'Q.sed:i,n the tra1ning of :~t taw8!ioe" Kansas. Newapaper repreI stUdent pilots in instrument or "b11nd" ~eJata~v~. :rrom the cities vi si ted were fl,ying, beacon orientation, and beam -ff..cp."Qge&te on the trip. flying. ----I :AI the final event of the d.8.v, from -h.t~ lAo.x. Ky.: 114: 15 to 4: 30 p.m., 1st Lieut. John H. ,~i2eqryone !mows," declares the News Bundy Air Corps, instructor in the )'!:,t&ttW,;Oorrespondent, "our Chief made PursUit Section, was scheduled to make -::'th8LI1J)et~ .. e ~ Dinner speech at 101118a bl:1nd landing on Kelly Field in an :J.v.u~.'oD.A.pril 6th and ever 8ince the instrument training plane. ':;:,>.:;.A.U'c"eo:ps-personnei these parts have 1n ~ecial1y qualtf1ea personnel were . been pfn'dol}ably struttine;. .Andour non- selected;o announce and describe all p AU-A~Bc'1?riends not onw seem to forevents over a. publ1c addross system. givo.'U8'.but think it appropriate and pro- Milt tary police were detailed to handle ,Pf'I"I.:;NQt.:a day has palled that someone traffic and direct vis1tors to the vaj' ~ll().t, gone out of his way to tell. us rious eventB, act1vi ties and in.talla,'!~,how,'her'enJOyedthe General' B talk. n t10n.s, and ~lified personnel stationi:1J .iu>: ed at strate~ic location. to disseminK~el_4. Texag:. ate informahon of interest to the pub"l:~or 'the 0 servance of ~ Deq lic. bODtemplated a number of lnlere8t1ng ----~,_ ~clally arranged bT Colonel San Antonio Air De~fi F18D1r: d}oJLackland, the Coumandant, for This Depot Joine n celebrating Ar~ ~Tthe :enJter.ta1nment and inspection of the Day, April 6th by holding open house -~~;or .more vis1tors expected. on the fqr visitorB ai 1 day. The very large ats~djhat ~. To Major George M. number of v1Bitors who were interested ~<:~hliIlar,('Ia1rCorpB, ExecutIve Officer of in viewing the operatiqns of the Depot, 01ohf1., ~i ODrps Advanced Fqing School, particularly the Engineering Shops, was ~J~.ted the task of coordinating exceedingly gratifying and rather unex'1:;;~JI1UlC1diUQ7 arrangements. pected 1n view of the very interesting Whl'le routine flying by practically speciai programs and exhibi ts ., more etdl, ;jlhe,;.lB5stUdents nOwat Kelly Field popular appeal held a.t the othtr Ar'I'Iq ~d for the entire day, emstations in this vicinity. p1:o~s.'IJ~;"Uof the 168 airplanes in comAmo~ the visitors, tne Depot me afternoon program - an "Open lighted to welcome Douglas Corrigan ..the n"l:~~) aUairJ Was arranged for the con- noted transcontinental flyer, who was V~atl.dDenef1t of those who had then on a visit to san Antonio, and who ~~'4t ~". ,Yielt JCelly Field. stated that he greatly enjoTed his trip ... el~ri'~O~Lto 4:.30p.m. ~e four thro~ the engineering snops, as he -:;,I ~!tlons of the Air COrpl Advanc- had been an airplane mechanlc for eleve: l:Icfrio . .lebool were to eng8&e in the yearB. The Personnel of the Depot were followi~fil.ying mission. at the alrquite &s much interested in Mr. droms: Corrigan as he appeared to be in the Pursuit. flying three and Bix-ship Depot, dnce he was kept bUST Bigning .~~. to perform accuracT maneuvautograph after autograph. -9V-8043. .C. A
Calif. H~9ua:rter. end Headquarters ~~!!!;:, ',.' e arriV9I of spring With tti1:i~ ... PO cellent flying ".then- has been a JWim1l~Il'~ the aotivity of this organization .. Tb~ fi~ acquisi tion of elevenP";36.1' s has e:ca.blfld ' , Headquarters Flight to take to the air witl:L;a venge8JXle. In fact, according tbSOUWJ'of.\he taotical squadrons, the sky is pract:1oa1:1t' covered with Headquarters ships in ,t~8 " fomations IIZlli attitudes of night..';~' .. : Like n8ryoXl8 else. the p,ersonnel of -t:-s:: outfit are ell atwitter over the~-ste1'1Ous possibilities of ''E'' day. The cloudsl)n~~~ r\UlOr preceding the coming expansion 8.ll'~ ,causing a slight owrcast in this area. . .:.:.-: .
( .L ,~
IIarch !'ield,
They're newr off duty, Their ~s never end; Chasing Old. Dame Nature Right into her d.e, W they'll tell you exactly Which wq she will 'bend. Who are they? You guessed who The Weather Men. It'., midnight to 8~, .And seven to four, Four to midnight, .And again as before. A. service for Pilots Nigh perfect in score; Using thermometers, bBrometers, .And instruments galore.
Pressures 8Z1d t~erature8. Convergence and bars, .Are plaoed on Jmq)S .At ungodly hours, To show PUot' s routes On their light 'neath st81'S, In order to miss Nature's lofty spars.
But behind it all, With your feet like lead. With recordings all Imde You're off to bed; , From the way you feel You're sure you're dead. ( Th81'e are a lot of things Best left unsaid). Whtm inspections are over You're in the red For dust .wr there But nothing is said Of the meals you've missed Just to be in bed. To rest your bones .A.nd your aching head. .And then - there's your Buddy. Your very best friend,
36th Pursui t ~uad.ronl '.~"., ,. .: i The Fleet's n!!! - Nobody's quite. ~~-18t how this is going to affect the 36~ Sl~n but at least it will give the offiders,~ men a chance to look over battle _gobse;Ql! find out sane things of interest a~t~ sister branch of the national defenSe., ~ four aircraft carriers anchored ou.'t. intlle 'brq should ccme in for their sbRe -of,~ stared at - if', as the News Letter ~~~~ dent puts it - "they let us get on\oar.d~': Lieuh. Wallace, Wells end Sekowskireturnec to the Squadron from what was virtually.,,' detached service status while they 1fe1'6 ~t1;ending the school operated by the Eisf!.th t Group to aid A4' Reserve officers in preparing l.hemselves to take the examlnatiQn. t<l~ pern:anent oonmissions in the Air Corps'umt~r the provisions of the ThOlIBSon .Act. The. ep. aminations are &11 over. atld fJIJW COlDes~ watching and waiting. The entire wishes these officers the best of l~ on' the outcome of their exams.'
Transferred somewhere,
NeTer seen again; And that furlough - postponed 'Til God knows when. You swear. "1'11 buyout If it bap-oens again!" all - itt s the A.rav the men, For a soldier will' growl Often, now aDd then; But in en outfit like this, With the C. O. as their friend. They're mighty proud to sa;y - we're The Weather Men. But after
And not
cOlq)osed of nine planes. .Another 1,ljQtt~,.~ EngIneering Flipt, is m:lr8 of apU;:scel-la,neou character. end :Lt supplies the "A" ttBt' Flights with planes to replace t1;lOse which, D8i be out of comr:dssion. ". .';. Referring to "A" and lIB" Flights, .tli.dieJr8 Letter Correspondent states: ure wil.l 'nOli, get ourselves into a lot of trouble 'by sa.~J?f'~( which flight is JZlOrefficient, e '6Ut'_~l say that as a whole these two nights. ~:-:he.r to beat. whether it. be lying or wh8.t-~i. you." ' ....' . The pUots in the 35th are ~'~.,J~18rssted in getting to the top of~tadde~~ Seven officers took the Z8mine.t,ioJ:\,:;fQrJltCom mission in the Regular J.mir. ~l"'cIr~lN-ts. Leonard C. Lydon, Haner 14. Truitt. Don ~'!>lend, George B. Greene. David L. ~in U. ~e and GUbert L. )leyers. .~.~ ron wishes them the best of luclc ~ .~~~ that they will make the grade. . ~J, ~~ ;"
is operat iD& ~ry:e#:i:ciently under 1tS tI8W set-up, which ':qo~l~~ of two flights - ,~" aM ''B''. Both~~~~S-a%'. e
".i, '.'
A'Ct bec a law thelrriq ~uld be reactr .to pu.r~se withoutielay the fighting air',"tH:~Rr.'146S0) .'the Uenorable tolUos Johnson, latest and mOst effective ~.ii ..8nt Secretary of War, announced the craft, with necsssary ,ertgines, inBtru~ t fo).wwing dq the award of contracte for mente, and equipment to operate ,them. Ind1scusBlng the eontracts alrea~ '57.l"aitplanes and. their equlp_ment under let, Mr. Johnson stated that the suc"tbe cauthori ty of that Act. The purchase celS of the four:"engined Bombardment 01\ :theseplaneB aggregates a total of airplanes her&.tofore developed is well $50.000',000, including the requirements known. They fly at speeds ,in ettcees of of engines and various accessory equip250 miles per hour, carry 5- machine ~ needed for the complete airPlane guns. a crew of 6 tOJ9 men, and have -,~e.tely after the P1'esidenthad aff1Jte.d.his signature, Mr. Johnson C108- very long rane;e. All members of the -2ti C<i)D tJ:'act B amounting to $19.535,320, as crew can freely exchange etations,and reliefs can be arranged f07/ long misfollows: sions. From the point of view of main(1) Heavy four-eng1ned Bombardmen. tenance, ruggedness of structUre and airplanes, tn>e B-24,from the ConsQlinational defense requirements the four:'.te~lJircraft Corporation J San Diego, l engined Bomber meets a s~ecif c need in ,.r0aUt". ,.:tor a total. of $2,880.000. Army aviation. :'~'":~Buit airplane., linsle.,;,ngined, The Consolidated Aircraft Corporation !ye~.P...40. from the Curhes Aeroplane has had considerable experience in the t>1N.i S'~Qn ot Cur ti se wright CorPoration, manufact-ure of large planes. Itfurlie., ~.~lwN. Y., totaling ,$12 8?a,398. nished the U.S. Navy with its seaplanes .t.13,r.r Pw'suit Interceptor a irplanes"t_. which made a mass flight from Norfolk, ~n&J.:neo. ,1;ypeYP-38, from the Lockheea. Va., to San Diego. Calif., in 1935; -. 1~-~t:corporit1on, Burbank, Calif" and 'from San Diego to Hawaii in 1937. fO~!.,;tOjtal of 2,180,728. The ;ingle-engined Pursuit type is ::,~~",~"l," i:,~slii t nterceptor airplanes, exemplified in the Air Corps by the -).8iD~ '~Ilgined. type XP-39, from the XP-40 type, developed by the CIlrtisB -':Bod ~.~._, .. r$aft CorpQration, Buffalo,N.Y., .... ~ -CoDIP.any.The P-4Q differe from its .:. ~~~~l. .. 1.073, 4J3:6. predecessors which are in use now pri%l-', {5} . otographic airplanes, t~e i-2, cipally in the fact that it,is powered t:'f-wn~!~p.~ .Beeeh Aircraft CorpoJ'ahon, with the Allison l1~id-cooled engine. '1 W~h~,t8..1 ' !Cansae, to taling $528,749. This engine has a built-in blower tyPe ~-',',mhe,r_1nQer of-the above $50,000,000 of supercharger. This plane w111 develop speeds considerablY in excess of ",'ld.~lJi~ 'Q"Bed y the government \0. purb 300 miles per hour. The P-40 is an in,:lCs~:J'rom the ma.nllfacturere quantity lols Or engines. propellers, fnetruments, ternally-bra.ced monoplane of all-metal construction, except for the control accessories, etc. Th~ equipment procured in tbese quantity orders is furnished surfa.ces, which are fabric covered. The landing gear is retra.ctable into the - ; .b~'Y. overnmen t to the airplane con'fling. Twomachine ~s are provided, ~"'a ~~s ~o be inco~orated into comand oJlYgen equipment is studard fQr It ~ '-" .,~rpla.nes. A saving i,n the cost operation at extremely high altitude . ot' lUf "C:O!I1Plete airplane to the governThe interceptor Pur sui t is a :recently thereby effected, and the pro'., tiOl1,,Q1' airplanes by the manufacturdeveloped type designed to intercept and aitack eneJl1Y aircraft, _particu1.arly et9/f, faciU tated. The contracts w111 8O'OU' be&" 8.nnounce~ heav1~ armored :Bombers. These planes ~"~i.l11'1 ~ad41t1<>n, ~~ox1matel)l' $19,.000,000 are po-wared w:1th J.llison engines and ~ ...... ~. ~ " 'e;xpended ...1. thin the next few a tricycle tlfpe landing gear; "dQ'i . the procurement ,of Attack :Bomwhich improves the landing cbaracter~ 1st1cs. They develop speeds of ~on.idThill design competition at the erably over 350 miles per hour. .,~.'~er'lm~ntal Stat1.on. Wright Field, ": '~~(jri, Ohio, has been completed and is The Beech photographic airplane being bi-lng ':evaluated. pr~cured by the Army is an al~-metal _ d . port,i,on of the total expendi ture8 3-place. 2-eng1ned, low-wing ~ono~lane, 'I';LnT.q~d will be met from re~ar fiscal and is designed to carry tWQaerial ~!~';'19g9' apprOpriations avaIlable for lD80pplng cameras. in tandem. It is espe-c: '''thalPP\U.''Po se cially built for use for rapid and ac.:;;;~lfh~ ;.W~ !)epartment plans required to cura te mapping of lar~e areas and has :'i'~l'~t(i)~ effect the provisions of the therefore been so de81&Iled that the ;""~AC~' ini tiate.d as early a8 last Nov- max1nlurn possible visibilitr 1s afforded -'$'iI1berland were complete at the time the the photographic observer and the Pf'RldQC.t 'affixed his aignatu:re. to the pilot. It is also able to use the raAct .AIltioipating_tllat these. fUnd, would lat1veqenall a1rdromes which so frebe available by this spring, the War De-, quentlY.must be ul'ed when mapping the "', par:~~nt ..had directed the preparation of mountainous sections of our cQun~ry. . -~ ,4atai'ibd.1 contracts, so that if sUell an ( Cont1nued on Page 12). V-8043, A. C.
W~ th'tbe signing by the Pree1dent on . "~f!'1'1 26U1.of . t~e .A~ Apprgpriation Act
,1l..~.~" ..
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, Air ReUnder special orders of the War D~serve, reported to the Chief of the Air partmen t, recently issued, .tha- .:.'-o ~l6'RCorps on April 19th for a period of aclng-named Air Corps officers ',&te]de.JJl.J'~ tive duty and for several days spent tailed for duty aa studentsi.n ':;he 'i~'!~~: practically his entire time in confer1939-1940 course at the Armt,We,.~ '~~;: ence 'With various officers of the War flege, Fort Humphreys, D.C.: ',.' ,E.. ;.:~ Department and of civilian research ae-. Lieut. Colonel Howard C. DaV!d~ ..r., t1vities, one of the most iIlIport~t of and Major Charles Y. :BanfUl: ~'!'GIiJ:--:'tHe' which was the conference held on April Office of the Chief of the Alr..l.GOCzi'p8F' 20th at the National AdvisoJ:y Oommi ttee Washington D C "l~' '''i.( for Aeronautics. Lieut. Colonei Robert L. Wl\l~, n~w' Oolonel Lindbergh left ',iashington on on duty as a student at the ~':In:duBthe morning of April 22nd in an ~ trial College. Washington, D..O;'[:~ , .. / ! P-36 Pursuit airplane, following the Lieut. Oolonel Floyd E. Gall~~:":'\. completion of hie preliminary work incifrom :Bolling Field, D.O. ' . n:~, dent to his survey of aeronautical re---000--;"J, ,:.,.J search facilities of the nation avall-~.;';\)~: l' able to the Army Air Oorps. The fact New Contracts for Equipment (Fl'oin F:ll ) that he has had a unique opportuni ty to observe the progress of aeronautical deThe funds required to cover:-theGt:ost velopment both in this country and of planes in tlie contracts ment16nicl:T~ abroad prompted the War Department to are only part of that necessar.j!J to ~take advantage of his lmowledge in makry out the Expansion Program.,' Eagtii'l. 1~ a study of the research activities instruments, auxiliary power, :plaJlt~o .. of the United States 'Which are available aircraft radio equipment, mach~'lganil. to the Army Air Corps. I ammunition, bombs, etc., mu8tla.I.Q~be' There are in the United States at the I provided. Funds to permit th.~8niilt. present time some 25 to 30 separate orment of additional mechan1c8~ fi171118~;J ganizations and activi ties engaged in cadets, etc., are also provided,) !fh8; aeronautical research. Of this number, purchase of other types of airc~a.f.~c for but one, the.Army experimental station I training, cargo, etc., is contemblat,d at Wright Field, Dayton Ohio, is diwhen the anticipated addi t1onarl!und8~' rectly under the controi of the Army Air for the complete expansion pr,ogram' are Corps. DI.1e, to the close cooperation and made available on July 1st. coordination existing among these actiWar Department plans for the d.iatrivitieB,~any discoveries or ~ improvebut ion of the $250,000,000 remaini~~ef ments made alol'lg aeronautical lines bethe *300,000,000 recommended :Of: ,t~'f.S" c<?meimmediately availa.ble to Army enPres1.dent for the expansion of,.~~u~ ganeer-s , Colonel Lindbergh probably ! Air Corps have been made and wiJ.l' .b'e;~ visi ted all these a.ctivi ties 'Rhose faI' submitted to Congress at an early date. ci11 ties are available to the Array Air The pre8~nt appropriation, itrclUdl~ as Corps. These consist not only of the it does :p50.000,OOOof this $300)000-;;.;,. Army Air Corps experimental station at 1000, provides the necessary ~-' w,~~' Wright Field, the National Advisory Com- start the Array Air Corps well Ol\J ,1te-' ,', mittee for Aeronautics. the National way to the achievement of thei.COO ,', :Bureau of Standards of the Department of Army Air Corps planes authori~e'd,' b)""i~ Oommerceand other purely governmental Co~ress for the Array AirCOrt>s'.::.: ["I," experimental and research establishments, The expenditure of the total of but also the plants of the various aero$300,000,000 for the expansion program nautical e~erimental departments of I will take into account badc a.~I' ~e~th9se me.nufac;:turers in the United States ,.fense requirements in additi~~:p,o:'lJ:ir:wh1ch mainta1.n such research establish. craft, and will cover the prO'owementrments. ' Several colleges in the United of personnel, air bases, armament,,. States also carryon aeronautical ree~lpment, engines, housing f~rp&r80naear ch along. specialized lines and will nel and other items necessary::tp:''tlitf; be l.ncluded an Oolonel Lindbergh' 8 Burcreation of an air force. " ,': "':'~':. vey. Steps are being taken to ilisure'~'t ---000--the provision for more perso:iute~,~ :the~r traini,ng, includine; pilots an,d: ~1.., Majors John M. Clark, Roland C.W. ics and other flignt and gI'oUI1d,~ :Blessley and Arthur Thomas, .Air Corps, members, the preparation of :oas.eir~a who have held temporary rank, were prothe acquisition of other items , moted to the permanent rank of Major for 'Wardon a balanced basi":".i:th ... ~ , in the Air Corps, effective April 1, production of aircraft. . . "";~',, 1939. ---OOO-__l :<_ Captain Jack Greer, :Air Corps, Fort Colonel John H. HO'Ward,.A!.r,.''O&~,~ r:> Riley, Kansas, is retired from active havi~ been found by an ~ R;e.,\'1'~ service by reason of disabil1t)" incident :Board incapacitated for ac1a.,'Vjf~iqe thereto, on April 30, 1939. on account of disability iIic'ident~th'eI'e. 1~fiiB30~ti9~~.from active service on _ _ V-8043. A. C.
, ' ;'1
~ OJ""
r~/~" ~
-,~fl .fJl\gbtof the 17th Pursuit Squadron~~,aQ . participating in aerial gunnery JHW1<bu' the direction of 2nd Lieut. JaJI"I Q.tGutbrie Air CorpI , at Qamp Skeel, Oscoda, MIch. Thole pilote who didi-AA;m~t the requirements of gunnery ~;TFi(:l;iA Fle :1.d,Valparaiso, Fla., are nQ,~.~~cl'\de d in this present gunnery practice.
To litche1 Field. N.Y,: Captain J0 sep SIii1tho To !'1dO Fie Id, Texas: Captain Claire tro. " Captain To ~st St, Louis. Ill.; Leonar 11. RodIeck. ---000---
..... - ...... ,
.. ~~
per week - 3 room cottage per week - 3 rooms in lodge per week - 2 rooms in lodge ----, per Week - 5 rooms 2 bathl in :T::>8i.nC8Jthe 7th of March,the"lst 2 Pu:r- . lodge ' suiii'16rOUp has been receiving 'on an aver$ 4.00 per week - Auto trailer s.pace ... qo of ~8 .new P-36C a day. Ferry .:piI.1G:I;J4 of. course , are wondering if their . Qne-Half Week Rates . hoI!1lH.sH,n-;the air between Buffalo and ,Sdfridge Field or here at Selfridge. 4.00 per week - 2 room cottage Nevellitheless. they are prOUd to be sport5.00 per week - 3 room cott~e 1ueJ:a.,new.Curtiss P... 6C and, declares 3 4.50 per week - 3 rooms in lodge t.h~flCqjreSpondent. "the,e mechanics to 3. 50 ,per week - 2 rooms in 10dge wha~ tb.8;-.;planes are assigned are so .A maxl~ of four days appl1ea ~proaisoftheir new planes that they st~ to the above. flPj &1~:D.1gh to groom them. Ask the t 2U\hu1q:Uadron; they ought to know about Daily Rates i t.~1I,.:t~-F . ~
-.lth Chemical Warfare train1Dg. the:'lli1tPursuit Group recently com~lev~j"",."gas chamber, "We are all waitlng t'o 'test hop' this new ehamber ;" BayS the News Letter Correspondent, "but when it comes time to do 10 that wlll be ano-
- cf.i4'4-tbree Air Corpe Reserve officers 1.hgG~~~ligible for Regular commissions wer.::-r.1Ic~duled to s tart schoo 1 on Mondq, '.:.A:~ig.d~4th, in order to prepare for the f1Mlf lUIPuna tion on June 1. 1939.
.~-.,jf:~~L~\:I'1,(';, 2" -Qf.ft1dU',8, , .
~ ~ ~ ~
2 3 2 3
room cott8&e room cottage rooms in lodge rooms in lodge .. seven years
Mess Rates
$1.50 pe~ per~on $1.00 for Children seven years of age _::"T~,(}'.[r.,f, --000--and under - ".11-; rI t:" .,.',", .AMt~1{M~~OF GRADUATES THE COMMAND $ . 50 per meal OF ~~J~ STAFFSCHOOL. Address all communications to the 4- rs ~'!"~";-~, " Secretary, Maxwell Field Officers' -.1OJJP.\>~.~~' completion of their pJ"esent cOe~Ebpf:;-~nstruction at the Command and Club, Maxwell Field. Alabama. ---000--General StiLff School at Fort Leavenworth. ~~t:jJ*efollowing-nSIIled .Air COrp8 Major Lowell H. Smith. Air Corps~ who ,.~ttj1.1c~fh~e assigned to stations. ... as for the past four years has been on .,a,-Q.. ~~i':~ duty as Chief of the Inspection Divirt . &nama Cae artme : Lieut. sion. Office of t~e Ch~erof the Air e on an a or Cqrps. .n.D, 0 ha.8 been as .. o )4ajorsugned to duty -at -, nglewood Calif" I as Hegenber- Ai~ CarpI District R,pr88eniative, Web tern Procurement District .. Major John F. ---Major Sam L. Ellie is relieved from dut~ &8 Instructor. Gommand and General Captain David d '.PeDS' Staff School. Ft. LeAvenworth, Kana.,an assigned to Atlanta. ~.; for duty witl the Organized Reaerve.. 4th COrpl Are' . :-l . -: ,r.,......-1 V-8043. A.C.
of the 94th 'Pu:rsu1t Squadron -ar~):l~ much interest in the. plotting e"'~d::which ue being.held in the AiJ'j .DCala.nd Section. ValUable training 1s)UpgJ",eceived with the ...e 'mock' inte~pt1onproblems and through the endeav~.r.s-',~e.ingmade to "croaa" each side up. ~:., -,'
s9. 00
per week per per son $4.50 per week ror children of age and under.
Daily Mess Rates
Pursuit planes of the 18th Pureu1 t . I last eruption, as there were huge areas Group, under the cormnand Lieut. of with no e1gn of vegetation. In a few Colonel William E. LyndAir Corp., minutes we rounded this desolate extaxied out on Wheeler FIeld on the morn- panse and saw the green pastures of ing of March 25th and took off on an South Cape and the runways of Moree inter-island flight, with Hilo, Hawaii, Field. We landed there to eat lunch as the destination. and to refuel our ships. The 26th Attack SQ....uadron the Group led At 1425 we took off for Hilo andr as formatioU-t with the J.9th Pur sui t Squadwe advanced up the east side of thlS ron in a left echelon of elements on immense island, we saw the mountains tht1lir left flank, and the 6th Pursuit give way to cattle ranches, pineapple S~dron in a right echelon. of elements and cane fields. In the distance we on their right flank. A Headq&rtere could see Hilo Harbor. :Before we Flight, consisting of three P~6A airrealized it, we were touching our planes two B-12A ai;rplanes and one wheels on the paved runway at Hilo OA-8 airplane, led the formation. Airport, where we staked down our After climb1ng to 8,000 feet, the forairplanes and prepared for rest at the mation immediately headed for the Island Kilauea Military Camp. of Molokai! which is separated from the On Mond.a.vMarch 27th. we took off r Island of uahu by the Kain Channel. tlln, from Hilo lurport and, at 8,000 feet, a few minutes," report. the NewsLetter formed the group formation for an unCorrespondent, ."we were flying over Laa.u I eventful trip back to the Island of Point, which 1S the western tip of Oahu and Wheeler Field. II Molokai. Wecrossed this narrow tip of ---000--the shoe string island and found ourINCREASING INTEREST SELFRIJX}E IN FIELD selvea over the Kaloahi Channel that separates the Island of Molokai from the small Island of Lanai. Wekept this Whatever the csuae, the general ;pubbeautiful green spot of lanA on our 11c in the vicinity of Selfridge Fleld, right as we approached the !sland of Mt. Clemens, Mich., is becoming vitally Maui, which is the second largest island more interested in that field, as indiof the Hawaiian Group. On MaUiwe eaw cated by the hundreds of visour first ~InOW high on the mountain of iting it each Sunday. Haleakala ~lo,625 feet above 88a level}.. Since Army Day, each Sunday aft.noon This white cap made the rest of the has seen the ramps black with peopler green islands seem enchanted and unreal. and parking apace on the main roads 1S After leaving Maui we found ourselves at a ~remium. The roads adjacent to over the biggest and roughest channel of I the f1eld are also crowded with parked them all, Alenuihaha Channel, which sep- I cars. arates Maul from the big Island of Although on Sun~s the only flying Hawaii. activities are conflnad to arrivals and As we approached this beautiful ieland departures of transient aircraft and we could Bee the famous MaunaLoa Moun- some miscellaneous flying, the public taint This gigantic mass of lava and i has evinced a great interest in viewing volcanic aab is one of the few active i the airplanes parked on the flying volcanoes in the world today. 'line. On week days, there are groups Whenwe were directly over the northof high school and college stUdents. ern tip of Hawaii, upolu pOint! the also aeronautical and flying clubs. group formation broke up into ndividual visiting the field. The number of squadron formation, and proceeded to an young men inquiring about flying trainindividual landing at South Cape. ing and Air Corps enlistments points to As we proceeded down the southeast the fact that for them it 1s more than side of this beautiful island, we were idle curiosity which brings them to treated to a sight that can be found no- Selfridge Field. There are ample where else in the world. On our right guards and guides on duty at all times was the boundless expanse of the blue to safeguard and assist the public. Pacific, and on the left was a range of ---000--towering green cliffs. The tops of the cliffs were hidden in the cloude and the A group of 51 students of the San sides were covered with a thick mat of Antonio Vocational and Technical School tropical plants of every descriPtion! made a tour through the Engineering penetrated onlly by numerous waterfal S. Shops of the San Antonio AIr Depot at Far ahead and to our left we could see . Duncan Field. Texas, on April IJg,th. the top of the extinct volcano, Puu 0 The young men expressed great interest Keo Keo, and the black roads in the in Viewing the processes of aeronautgreen landscape that were caused by the ical mechanics. lava flow of 1907. As we drew nearer to ----000 ... thi s blackened mass we could see more clearly \he great damage done by the -14... V-8043, A.C.
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The chief,p~o,e of this ~bliC, ation 1. to,d1.'r1b~te information on aeronautics to the pereonnel in the Regular ~, Relerve Corps, National Guard, and others oonnected' with aviation. ---000--GR.AroATION CUSS 39-:8 mOMADVANCED Oli' FLYIliGSCHOOL In accordance with instructions issued by the Chief of the Air Corps, the cla88 , now undergoing instruction at the Air Corps A.dvancedFlying School Kelly Field, Texa., will be graduated on Thur8day, Mal 25, 1939. Plans have been c~pleted for the graduation exercises to "be held at Kelly Field on that date, a. follows: Studen t Officer 8 and Flying Cadets from :Basic stage at Randolph Field form in front of Post Operations Office. 9:00 a.m. Graduating class take stations in airplanes. 9:05 a.m. Graduating c1.aS8 taxi on the field. 9: 10 a.m. Take-off. 9:30 a.m. Aerial Review. 9:45 a.m. TrainiDg airplanes on disp1Av in front of Operations Office. 10:30 a.m. Graduating cla8~ arrives at Theater. 10:45 a.m. Graduation Exercise. at Poat , \ Theater. Invocation by Chaplain EdmondJ.Griftln, U.S. A.rmy. Introductory remarks by Colonel A.W. Robins, A1T Corps, Commanding Officer, the Air Oorps TT&1ni~ Center. Address by Co1.onel Herbert A. White. U. S. .,A,rrq llet1Nd. P~e8entation of Diplomas by Colonel White. ~enediction by Chaplain Griffin. The students who .are eJlPected to graduate wita the present cla8. are li8ted in. the roster whIch i8 civen hereinafter. All stations are re~ested to consult this roster as to @Pecial1zed training received by such of the st~ents a8 ~ be aaaigned thereat to preclude, the ne-' cessity of numerous telegraphic inauiries as to ~e of specialized tra!ning received by Regular ~ and Reserve officers aOigned the various Air COrpl 8tatio~B. The ~sterllk pr.ceding _ Flying cadet's name 1"1c.~tea that he hae made application for appointlllent a. a second l1eu,tena,n1; in the ReiUlar J.rrq Air Corps. ~ee of the four Regular J;J.-rq officera listed among the proepecUvCil g;o&c1uate. have .applied for and expeot to 1'8"; cei ve orcle.t"etr&lfll'!errlng them to the 8: 55 a. m, Air Corps. One officer declined to make suCh application. It is expected that the four Filipino stUdents Uated on the roster will receive orders upon graduation assigning them to tactical units of the Regular Army Air Corps for addi tional instruction pending coumencemen of courses of t instruction which they will pursue at the Air Corps Technical SChools at Chanute and LowrYFields. following which they will return to their native Philippines. The Flying Cadets of the c1&88 will be commissioned second lieutenaats in the Air CQrps Reserve and ordered on. their initial extended active duty for a pepi,,4 of approximately ten ~s at K~l1:f,lield, pending receipt of permane~~ llsignmen t orders. may be interesting to note that of ~: 15Z Flying Cadets in this' class, lK> or 5?~) are college graduates hol degrees b the various arts and sciences from coll~es and universities in the entire nation. Almost all had RQTCtraiBi/(pri,0, r t,o being appointed a F~ing_ det~ attested by the fact tbAt Q4 or Flying Cadets in the Cla88 already 1l.O d commi aions in e five arms of the Officere Reserve Corps, as follows: Infantry 21st Lieuts. and 25 2nd Lieuts. Field Artillery 1 1st Lieut. and l? 2nd Lieuts. Coast Artillery 8 2nd Lieuts. Cavalry 1 1st Lieut. and 5 2nd. Lieuta. Corps of 5 2nd Lieuta. Englneers These commissions will be automatic&111' vacated upon acce:gtance by the Flying Cadet. of their appointments as second li~tenants, Air Corps Reserve. Several of these Cadets also hold certificates of c~acity for promotion to the grade of first lieutenant or captain in their respective branches of the Ofticers Reserve Corps. With the recent announcement of the e~nation to beheld tbrougheut the country for the appointment of second li~utena.nt., in the .A.1r Corpl, R8I:U1ar Army, 127 ot the Fly1ns Cadets lIsted ~n the roster and indicated by a.,terV-8061, A.C.
Corps, Flight Surgeon. ThepreJDtnary ieks! as previously mentioned. have examinationB will be completea ~ ~ applJ.C&tion to cOJll)ete in that examina15th, and the final examinations June tion. All of the.e young hopefulB have It is believed that the Kelly high aspirations of passing these exam- 7th. Field exam1ni~ board i8 be,ond~ d.olWlt inationB succesafulq and being one of the fortunate 300 or more candidates who handling the large.t numberof'c&mUPOBt,State or Corps will be commissioned in the Regu.lar Arm:! date. in any ~ Area; and all in all, wba t with graduaon or a'bout July 15. 1939. The Kelly Field examining board con.... tions, active duty assignmeuts of. ,the dsts of CQlonel Eugene A. Lohman, the newly commissioned Reserve officel'., ABsiatant Commandantof the Advanced Regular Arr!r examinational reasB~Flying School; MaJol".11bert B. Pitts, mentB of graduate. to new 8tationB~d Director of Grouna. Training; Captain a new ClaS8 of approximate1i.190L~tuDelmar T. Spivey Ogerations Officer of dents reporting to Kelly Fie~d' fur _ the Bombardment ~eclion, all Air Corps; training on June 1, 1939, ~. \iIlq and Captain Clyde L. Brothera, Medical ~s are ahead for the ArD\Y' 8 :f~e Air Corps Advanced Flying Scho~l\'" Rosm
. l.l.
in Attack Aviation oreisn StUdents 3rd Lieut. Godofredo JuliaDo, Philippine A:rcrfI. Reserve. Flying Cadets .Anthis. Rollen Hemy' El Reno, Okla . Ballard, NormanLuellen ~ City, Mich .Be.rthelmess, .Karl Theodore:3 Dixon, nl. *Beck, George ronald Houston, Texas *Bratton, Leslie ~nd Denver, Colo. -Brooke, Lawrence M. Bandolph Field, Tezas Carlson, Francis Bernard 8 Ossining, N.Y. Carlton, William Clayton Minden, La. -Clark, Donald LeOXl801'd 6 Alta, Iowa .Cook, Bailey CaveDEl.Ug1l New Castle, Del. lit unningham. Joseph A. 2 C Clarksburg, W. Va. -Curry, Jack Harold 2 Rogers, Ark. -Dahl berg. Charles mliam San .Antonio, Texas Denley, James Barney West Los .A:Dgeles, Calif Evaooff, Alexarlder G. 2 Belle Plains, Iowa Evans , Bobert Chester"{ Detroit, Mich. -Fras, Perry LeRoy Lincoln, Nebr. -:Frader, Robert :Mark Nogales, Ariz. Goetz, Albert John Dodge Oity, ltans. -Gregory, Charles Ed1'lB1'd Houston, Texas .Higgins. Edward WID. , Jr. .Arlington, Mass. .Hubbard, Harry Vaughn Hayward, Calif. -Kittel, Bobert Stewart,Colorado Springs, Colo. -Kuhl, Phil ip John .i Rivers ide, Laborde. Fred Nestor Southbury, Ccmn. Mac1'hee. ADgus C.B. 2 Los Angeles, Celif. Martin, Uaurice Leslie Vancouver, Wash. *McNelly, Fred Wright Anoka, Minn. -Newton, Dorr Ellsworth,Jr. Malvern, 1'a. * Northamar , Kenneth Walter Fresno, Calif. .0'Connor, Bobert Goodwin Northanpton, Mass, -Pike. Harry MacC. 2 Portage, Wis. -Rector. Walter StoICes Houston. Texas lIt:RebzMnn, Orville Herman 2 Bertha, Minn. -:Riddle, Sarmal Stuart, fr. Birmingham, Ala. Ryan. Clair Edmmd Springfield, Minn Same. Burton Kresge Oulver, Kans. Savoie, \b. Frank 2 Chicago. nl. lit churter, Orie oliii 2 S Burlington, Olcla. Tarrant. Yancey ShU. tE' taco, Texas -Thornquest, '\'hI. L., Jr. :Redlands, Calif. Vosper, Stanley R., Jr. 2 Akron, Ohio Wa.tkins. Tarleton H. Abero.eetiProving Gds., Md..
Wheless, Hewitt T. ! ~~~4;~.Teu Specializins in Bomba.rdmentAvi~ti"Ori llegular Arnv Officers ,~ .~,.:.~~ 1st Lt. James Baird Buck, Inf. ..",,,.T~ 2nd Lt. Ja.ek Alban Gibbs, C.E. .. _ ,Qregc Flyi;ag Caclets .. :.i Alder, Glen M. 2 North Los _eles,Cali:! Beard, Robert ""allace~ .. usene, Ore E .Boyd. Wm. msworth Boulder, Cole .Brown. Don C.P. ~Seli:f Brown. Paul Douglas West Orange, N.J *'Bussey, Carver T. 7 Florence, S.C * Carpenter , :Ramell"1I. 7 Wilmington. Del .Carter, John Henry Paaa:d";--:<:eaJ.i::l .Cbad:well Geo. Theodore 6 PU1'dell';.CklE Cox. Bay'Lawrence "V .1tQCn~fTeX -Cranston, George E. .wWllf4& "ka.n! .. -DuRant, Francis Hill 2 GefJrge~: S. C -urick, Paul Stanley ~ West t8.fqEf~,: lncJ -Ezzard, Richard F. 6 Winter .Gai-6ft FlE Fitzwa.ter, John Ti,ui;'thy VE .Hahn, Dalbert Hen1'yW.l~, Wi! .Hendrix, Wm. !hrray 8 101l.t B~I'{o'c)f'1', VE .Hemy' , John Elwood Ridg.i~~?~ N.~ -Holt, James", Jr. ~. KJ litItz, Milford Felix 7 Osag~ .~-_ .( ~ Jeffrey, Thomas S. ,"1r .2. L~i___ .~, VE -Jones, Jack Carey 1 DobbS~. ,~N., "Maney, John Ba.ndolPh Ce~ lepi7ds.,. lO'I *Miller, SaJmel Hudson _.De~ , In( .Morse, BaymoIld S. &. Fort .Si1-.l!~,''"tk Myer, Glen .Anthony Cupe1"tiI'ld.:j:1alij *Pratt. Carlos Conrad a .tk:ta:t'd~ ... Tem *Preston, Joseph J8ItI3s-" $t.,Pdi ..14iru Reeve, Balph J\nx)s 2 ,- w.?-~~" S.l '. Rogers. George Wendell 4 Tuas9\S2~~ i: h Rodenc, George Stephen Nortbliib~:IIa!u -Simpson, John GillilEmd 5 cilQ'Of"IJ_'. r~" Mi .Qnith, Pinkham 6 Pr?;1vi.' ~~ R.J .Spieth, Barry Swin,Jr. Por'ti ' \ OrE .Tarter. J ercme VJ.ntomn;" 1t -Van de Lester, John R. H~.InC Whitaker, Narce . . Rti:Xaha.. KJ Wilson, Frederick G. Del~~. Oh Specializins in Observation- iI~ Regular .ArmY OfficerS: \ :,1 -c.. am Lt. John Thomas Sbields,Ce.v.,;:. Iii. .c,'. Lf
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A. C.
f.~, Lewi. 1h'uzlo 1 Avondale Estates, Ga.. S.C. -Mil~, Jack Gl11espl.e ~ Meyersdale. p~ :'L: , " .. ; -: . , -~Z', Wilmer We'Iter lent, Oh:L, '~i.~",'; " F01!eiE StudClU -Nonis, lbbert larks Banks, Ala .3trIi LiJI.; J:Yperto B~onL1,1lon Philippine kt:trv -Ol't, Ruclol'PhXing Wich.ita lal1s, Texas 3zd';Lt Victor H'YODgCO Dizon Philippine Arrrf! -:ijeed, 1b. Denjam1n! South Bend, Ind. ;,:~I HeBei've " -Richmond, Luther Hemoy,North Wilbraham, Mess. , .': ' Fbi.!?6 c@4ei~8 . ", '*Ri1ey, ,1Iarrie Dean ChiCS80, Ill. , . *Rosasco, Henry Peter Washington, D.C . '~~~@, 01ar1es Oran,Jr. ',i 'a~.fltC1tYT,na. Salmela, Oliver 1\eiIlO Wej'm)uth, .~lutm, 'Jaroos Carlton .~ .... on, exas Seymour, Rudolph Ce:ry, N.C. , .~z.; WID. Nelson, Jr. " ; . Lexington, Ky. -Slocumb, Cbe.rles Dewey,Jr. Goldsboro, N.C. - ~,:~~er~ Ch.a:rles G., Jr. San .Antonio, Texas. sPra.nkle, ,Kenneth Wayne 6 We'it La.fayette, Ind. liestor Evan 2 no...... S;1l. Everett 1Il.1sozi"2 l/enbattan. Ka=. ,.~ith W~sl~y-.z Minneapolis, Minn. -Terhune, Cbas. Houston,/r. Inditmapolis, Ind ,.1u., John trv;l.D8,J:r' Phil~elphia, P,a.:.'Pipton, JarDBs. aird 8 B University, Ala. ,!alp .. ~. O'b~ CJiio .T~a1'z, ClemeIlOe pa.J Port Bichmond, Va Fol s, John Lloyd 1 . HerkiJDar, N.Y. -Wheel~r, Ansel Jarms l Genesco, N.Y &bberstad., Edward Clair,BlOOlID.rgPm1rie,Minn. -"ood, Paul Davie Fainnont. W.Va. Jo:n:l Jf'.lrIleS aJ.on D t SEmlaota.,!'leo. .Wood, Samuel Gordon 4 Washington, D.C. Xi rd, Eugene F. ,Jr. Lexington, Xy. _*L~er, ;J~s Wester Porte:rville, Calif. ~capi tule.tion =-:; ,'':'l'!'MOlji~' James Dimitri Wilson, Conn. ~e..i,..xQ;t'JI' Dentler Los Angeles, Calif. Beg .A.rrrq Foreign Flying TriIiCa1te; 'Frank F.o bbins 6 Qta.unton, Va. Officers Officers Cadets ~ Section _ Parker,:Fra.nk R., Jr. or Old Gl'eenwioh,Conn. :,', '~.;Rag1and,RS:chardMilner HandleY', Texas 45 44 1 0 . "'1olWi!kins, John C. 6' Corwllis, Ore. Attack 38 Bomb. a 0 40 *Williams, Adriel lrmon Shelbyville, Ky. 24 Observation 2 2 00 :,':',',~:~*'eo1alizing in Pursuit Aviation 1 Pursuit ..Q 22 ~ 4 '4 Foreign Students 165 157 Total .;::};-:it'Ii't"','Bi'envenido Ex:equie1 rener. Philippine Notel :': ,Vj'.'.l,) . ~. r ~e underscored nUDeral foll~ the ':" ,': ',~~... ~ ; . Flying Cadets names of FlyiDg Cadets listed above l.ndicates -1 ~ , r'~i ;}bland Jo1m l Max, N.D. the branch of the service in which they hold .: ~~J.'\',! Arnold We! tel' Fort Lauderdele, Fla- a Reserve comnission, accordiDg to the follow-iDg keyl '. .B~" -,Wn. Joseph Alvin Oek: Pe:rk, Ill. 1 .. First Lieutenant, Infantry Reserve .' :.;t~i ~ Sebn.stian Huntington, W. a. V a .. Second Lieutenant, Infantry Reserve .: .,;:Qa,t-~:41bertMurrev'"2 . Plainfield, Vt. 3 .. First Lieutenant, Ce.wlry Reserve ,:'.QbQ~.' ~ Terrell.J'r. Abilene, Texas 4 .. Second Lieutenant, Cavalry Reserve .:t. :~, ,~ph Francis Socorro, N.lL 5 .. First Lieutenant. Field .Artillery .. '.: =~,tol.rt Arnold Oek Pa:rk, Ill. Reserve . >:. ,.He:ory Bosworth,Jr. 1 Lexi~on, v.... 6 ... Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery .. ,,' ~.i: 4Uyn TElYlor t08 Angeles, Calif. Reserve .'"", -.~4:,',,~o Francois,Jr. Xirkwood. Mo. 7 .. Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Wyatt Patrick Goldsbo:ro, N.C :aeserve ~< tFim, ,,~ed Bernard Milwaukie, Ore. 8 .. Second Lieutene.nt, Corps of Engineers ." ,~~~\mt"''': Wm.Frank, Jr. L;yman, S.C. Reserve 'j ,', G-Uohrl4t, ~Tm. David &. Auburn, :Ala.. .~. ,Jliche.el Jacob! Chicago, Ill. "-'-000-_:~~, Paul Joseph Detroit, Mich. EMERGENCY LEAPIrouRES srUD1i:m' OFFICER .: ','\.' ~~.~~yn ThODlB.S Fort Logan, Colo. . ".,~G~~~,. JJarvey &:11 ! Wanatah, Ind. Lieut. Edward W. Jacunski, a graduate of the ",i,:g~tte., AnthoDiY Vincent ~son, Ariz . ". :,;~" ward W. Detroit, Mich. Mili tary AcadElllV June. 1938, was injured. in , .' ~~t: John Kenton 6 Peoria,I11. during an emergfmCY parachute joop frexn a Thomes liD. Col_ ... S;C. !spinning Mo09 airpla11S,. near Handolph Field. '~J(. 4.. '1'~ Ha.rVey San Diego, Calif. Texa.s, on April 17th. Witnesses declare tha.t " '. o,~ Thotms Wal tar jme. , Iawa Li8l1t. Jacunski .tarted the spin at about ,iii ~) ~o.seph Antho~ Westville, Ill. 5,OOO'feet, finBlly resortiDg to his pe.ra.chute .: ~.. ..hed Vinton 6 Lal.bUle, when the spin. reached 1,500 feet. Severe leg ::{ ~~~, Sanuel E. ,'31'. 8 Baton Rouge, La. . injuriaswere received by the student officer, '),' l. . q, Harry Gil bert ,Jr. MobUe, Ala. possibly when he was struck by the wing as he , : or, Carl Jerome 1 St. !'eu1, ,clear the plane . .... ---o()O..~ ., J'1p .l)onald EugElD!8 ! Chl~, ., : _ .d. Chatles Henry Batoll, lb\\so, La. MajoT Clayton L. Bissell, Air. Corps, now a "~~.' 6 ,SoV.tQ, B8;Ill, IXld. student 'the NaVal War College, Newport,R. I., .McCa.tfe$:. 0:uY ~l. 4' J'Cii't Blbi, Texas bas been ,assigned to .duty in Washi~on, D.C. , .;J .McMil1~, ,George Btlq' ,.,-.. Winter ~8D, as a ~ber Qf the War Dep&J,'tment General Staff ,. V 8061, A. C. ... ....... .... ' . ~
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six DELIVERY :BC-2:BASIC OF COKBAT AIRPLANE, until his ventieth birthdq, years MO. Harold Montee waa the first pa.lenger The .A.se1stant Secret&J7 of War, the tranaport pilot in Southern California Hone . Louie Johnson, ,announced on APril i flying from Los .A.IJgeleeto the, Imperia 30th the delivery of the first of three. Valley in 1921. He and his brOthers :BC-2:Basic Combat airplanelby North were early operator. of the Mercury American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Flying Service at Clover Field, Santa Calif., to the .A.rD\Y1r Corp. at Wright A Monioa, Calif. of whioh Willism C. de Field, ~ton Ohio. . 1 Mille was Pree dent. '!'hey did much of This is a. s!ngle-eng1ned low-wing the "stunt" fly1Bg for motion pictures monoplane, powered with a Bingle-row at that time. Pra t t & Whitney engine, driving a threebladed propeller. The crew consists of --000--p:Llot and gunner-obslJ'ver. COU)RAOO NATIONAL GUARD AIRMEN MAKE The approximate w:Lng~ is 43 feet. length 23 feet. The Wings are of a1l"CROSS-COUlrmyn'1'OBOISE. IDAHO. : metal construction, and the fusela&8 of During the week-end, April 22-23, the welded tubular steel, fabr1c covered. The armament comprises two machine guns, 120th Observation Squadron, Colorado Naone fixed, firing forward, and one flextlonal Guard, performed a successful ane interesting cross-country flight to ible, mounted in the rear cockpit. The basic combat type 1s a training :Boise, Idaho, for the primary pm:P0se OJ ;plane which has been made necessary oy inspecting the camp and airport facilithe high performance of modern. combat ties at that city l.n connection with the summer training of this organization, airplanes and is used as a step up between.. the :Basic Trainer which "the Fly1Dg whiah will be in camp there from June Cadets use at Randolph field and the lOth to 24th. The flight of four 0-47' 8 with aJor combat planes with which tactical units F. W. :Bonf~18, CommandingOfficer, leadare provided. .A. :BaBic Combat plane i8 provided with all of the various instrui~, comprised among its personnel :Br1gadier General H.H. RiChardson, the ments, controle and other "gadgets" Adjutant General of Colorado, and Capwhich the pilot is required to use on modern combat plane a, and is at the same tain R.L. ~118J State ~termaiier. time small and much cheaper to build &Il.d The Squadron melDDersconBi8t~ Of:: ta1n 5.W. Gregory, 1st Lieut'iIHQ maintain than combat airoraft. In this way a student has an opportunl ty to reM. WilliamsJ. Claud ThO' Bon; ~RO'8~r~,: ceive instruction in proper manipulation.. Ainsworth, ~nd LieutB. .E~~~e~~~ ":'; Sergeants J;'JGfti:5t: and utilization of all of the eqUipment E. C. Fackerell, R.A. Castetter and M.M. ~eta~:J.u~".v of a modern a1rplane while flying one that oosta' from one-third to one-half Leaving Denver at 12: 10 qo as mweh. flight :t1:P0n arrival at . .G was met by Captain John K.:~!~l ~\e r ---000--Corpe Instructor, who had arr!'V~ 'f ~ earlier from March Field,eali!r~e!h~ A FLYING FAMILY five planes then proceededti6 J1Q!ii~i Acoording to t.he News Letter CorresIdaho, and was met by Mrs.Al1iHief;') pondent of the 120th Observation Squadpublisher of the "Idaho St&.te!~f!. Ii'. r on, Colorado NatiOnal Guard, aviation who was hostess to the ent~'r~:Jo~!f~iq can boast of an unusual family among its during the oourse of the eveminl,ori e t adherents. On the following morning, :~~iet~ Announcing the.t word had been received was held with General MOCO, ,l,:t!i:, ,ne,!' that Harold Montee, one of the famous AdJutant General of Idaho, ana~(J<tl ''0'''" Montee fLYing family and a former member Hummel Corps of Engineers, ~al.~JM of the l20th Squadron, resigned as aero- berB of General MoCOnnel's -st'atlG" ' nautical inspector for the Civil Aeroinspection wae made of the.~~ ~e nautio8 Authority in its Kansas City of- new airPort under construct~1'r"'''' ~ fices to become branch maneger in the the mem'bers of the f11ghtw "",!A.o.&.ii;l':ioli Chicago headquarters ot Aero Inaurance vorably impressed wi th :Boise'ViiM., ; Underwr i ters J. the Correspondent goes on facili tiea there for a sumniei' ~EtiIci ...: to eq that l18rold Montee's older broment, and they are looking fot" ',If ther~ __ enneth, wae a, war-time instructor K the period from June 10th t.~_ in f~1ng WhO!after thousands of hours Leaving :Boise in the earli ,at~~~~ of hazardous nstruct10n flyi;og and the return flight to Denve~,~s' ,-~ barnstorming after the war, died of in four hourI' flvingt1lD8' ",'R1~t}t . " scarlet fever in 1926. hour' 8 stop at Salt Lake :0In 1919, however lCenneih Pad ta..... 'ht vice and for additional weatet"' brothers, Harold (17) and i:iph. mat1on.-\;:;)<: n,-:.;i (18 to fly. J,mong them the three bro---000":. "aDO_1 there also taught their father to fly Capta1nToWDeend Griffi,s {m'~ ~o;";I. and at the age of 60 he acquired a prlassigned to duty 1n the o:rt!~, ~15M,."fftt,-" ~ vate pilett B license which ""hekept up of the Air Corp., UjpQn compl'e: ii!i--ro..~~1 inltruction at A. C. Tactic",:I' S6b."d'Q "'-~" -4V-8061', 3,k.6._L01.I'... ,
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Staff Sergeant King'e personal vie". regarding the present maintenance system in the Air Corps and his recommendations on tne engineering let-up for an organization are very interesting. His article is published in the Air Corps NewsLetter not only because of its general interelt but a180 because it is desired to obtain the views of other eXPrrienIeg maintenance and engineering personnel in ne I r Corps. It is quite l1kelY that many w111 anare Sergeant Kingls views .either as a Whole or in part, while others ~ be ln total d1sagreement w1th ~hem. . .\ The problems of th. 'Air Corps are many and varied, and for ~ of precedent can be found upon. which to bale a solution. In publieh1~ the Air Corps News Letter it had been hoped all along to feature there1n round table dilcussions on various Air Corps matters fully realizing that one person's ideas would probably inspire ideas 1n otherst thereby affording some measure of auistance in the practical solution of these problems. Possibly Staff Sergeant King's article ~ set the wheels of round table discussions in motion., and mq lead to the New. Letter 8erving as an open forum for such d1scU88ions - something which had been hoped for some time would come to pass.
is he? Your guess is as good a8 mine. In any. case, he certainly hal not been 1: .;~8'-ur COrpl) who has at one time or given suff'icient instruction. in ~ one of tne various instrumental mechanisms, 'ano ~i' ...'been a Crew Ohief, Flight Chief .' gadgets, etc., to insure h e being an ~I;; . ar Chief, "i th 'faryi41g degree. expert and certainly, therefore, lie is 6f SliCee81, and who has for the past not bel1eved capable of tralniDg hie 8e)f't' l~r8 been .A.8siatant to the Techa8Blstants properly. For tll,.eike of 0l!~al-,rijp.rvisor of the Middletown Air argument let' B take the B-l8A. twe of' .; let)o~iP~~trol Area, in which latter cai airplane. When thele a1r.planee - then . a.ct;1!~' opportun1 ty .was afforded for known as the i-18's - were first g1ven o.p'!erv~ the Air Corps 8ystem of mainto the 'serVice, crewe were sent to the tm!!' ~ and more important.for obtainfactor,y to f'erry them to their home i( ~ ~Jl~dlvidua.l enl1.ted man's views stations. The"Crew Chief" was and 1s, 'b~~~.who actually maintain. the,noerning the maintenance sYltem we will say, usua).ly given about ten ~s at the factory to familiarizi1Simas n.6!.i:' . qonltltuted, I should like to be ~M~ 'li .. cI, through the med1 of the Air iiTf "ith an airplane costing the Govum ~rnment in the neighborhood of e6~~~ e Letter, to expre8s ~ view. ,100,000.00. whereas, in reality, if he ,'~i,~ons 1n connection "i th the could thoroughly fami11arize himself rmethod of maintenanoe and to . eat:A, possible reme~. . with half of it in ten mo~ th' he would ""~ .. tet:,ear. s and year. of "Crew Chief's" be of above average"'iiitel 1gence. Anyone has but to take a casual look at ~. 1. 'r '.' !I9~,believed to be high time for tion in the Air COrpl. Our the various gaQgets, instruments, meOi' engines, instruments and acchaa1ems, etc., on a B-18 airplane to C" 'e>shave now reaehed the point realize the magnl tude of the task of' ~ becoming thoroUghly familiar with it . ~.;;'"D'ii1ll'~t, 'is no lODger humanly p08sible . . ;) .~ Man" BUfflc1ently to ?amiliarNowwe come to ~ecialization. For elf wi th them - all of' them - to the Bake of' argument, we will ask: ~ ., L . .' ~ oper 11' to inspec t and maintain is 1t more neceas&r;y that we have specit .... -.'irst class cond1tion and, aJ:>ove alists in .Armament!RadiQ, photograPhY, _ .. ': .~ to instruct otherl &88ign- etc., than 1n airp anes, engines, in_fl ~~tants 1n the proper oare and struments, etc.? ~ not let the BCrew tIl&; . ee of' them. Chief'" do all of that too? Certainl-Y, To~ the ~or1ty of our ai~lanel, if he i8 capable of absorbing all of a eci.,a ly ..he later multi-engined types, B-18 airplane, a little t thing lIKe ar!. iN ed 'with many .and varied kinas , ' . te and mechanisml .. ith whid1 tna ~ 4;ual no.wknown ae the "Cre. hand, if we had specialists 1n airChie ,-.J .~s)uppoBed to be f'amiliar. But planet, engines, Instruments, carbureV-806I, A.C.
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tion, etc., in each organization, does i not sound reasonable that such special1ats could better 1n9pect and malntain the eQUipment in !t..u time and. what :La more fmportant, befter-min thoae alsigned as assistants than could one 10called "know it all Crew Chien" Then we come to the old argument: WhY have all these special1lts in an organlzation when we do not ordinarily make re pairs to thi.s egu1pment, but simply' remove it and replace it with servlceable equipment? The answer to that is: How ~ times has it been oblerved that the "Orew Chief", "Flight Chief" and "Hangar Chief" and on up and down the line have found it necessary to remove about twothirds of the accessories from an engine in order to correct 80me minor trouble that could have been detected by a specialist almost irmnediate~? The amount of time spent in "tinkering" with an air plane or engine by those not thoroughly l'amil1ar with it, trying to find out whe. i B wrong ",i th 80memechani em 0r t gadget, would be appalling if there were any way of keeping~ track of it. An engine specialist, g1ven an a8&1atant. can inspect and maIntain an engine in one-th1rd the time it "'ill take a "Crew Chief," and do it more thorowdlly, too. The same holds true for the alrplane. instruments, etc. In Approx1mately 8ix month. the asltistant- or asaistant8 to t~e engine ai~lane or inl strument mechanicra wou d themselves be capable. whereas now who know8 when a "Cre", Chi.f's" assistant, can be conaidered capable? It all depends upon how well the "Orew Chief" himself ls informed. ho" adept he ia and how willing he i8 to impart what he knows to his asBietant.. My idea of the ideal engineering department "set_up" for an organization ~ l)rg~~~~;~~nt ;~i~;:~ing officer an"- {iloBBistant. (2) A competent organization inspector with as many assistants as deemed necessary, the inspector to function dire~tty under thQ, organization commander. \3 Competent "trouble shooters" for airp anes. engines instrumenta, etc. Such men would be l nvaluable to an organ~ hatton if the::'l kne, their businelB, 4l A competent eng neering clerk. 5A co~etent crew of airplane mechan cs 1fith competent foremen. (6) A coq>etent crew of engine mechtf,nlcs with competent foremen. (7) At least three competent men on carbure'ore, ignl tion and electrical ey,t.ems. \8) A.t least three coq>etent in8trument mechanics. (9) .A.crew of "Cleaners" "ith a competent foreman whose sole mission would be to keep ;!rplanes, engines, hangars an"- hNlgar equ1pment clean at all times. (10) ~A sufficient number of flight
mechanics who could be pooled and one or more of whomwould be re~red to accompany, in their turn, each and every- flight originating in the organ1zation. Give an organization 8UCha.~~eeri1lg department set-up sad it,.:;tH&J>k-.;c l1eved the results will be a.8 :M:, Inspectione will be performe,(1 ..}l, ~.~ proximately one-halt the t~_ ,n~ r4mi @irod, many ~roubleB 8Ilaount~"itA~ airplanes and/or engines will died without the indecisioIl:rJ~*ijj;K, etc. now experienced. E9.~ ~~,l be cleaner and all in all, ~li8Jtt~l~ organization, Insofar as eng.1~l.'Ji~~J.' concerned, should and undoubteil~;,,~J'ojl. resultI,1'j Where are "e going to get, .~'h;1:;~WS for each organization? Well ...yo~ 3~W gu&sa is as good as mine. . ...:; t, "!'3~\. --000--.,1"'(; ,,~J . ~,<'W_'& RUNWAY CONSTRUCTION A.TALBRO~~J!~ ~f' -:t:.> v r ::;. Construction on the main tion at .A.lbrook Field was co ..' l. :'and the runwa~ opened to traffic ~'. Ti:l': morning of April 17th. At t~Q:\'.s;:! time work was commencedon the,.~ phase of the new inBtallation'l~ing of a shorter, narrower str.1ll:~1~secting the main run~ dl~~~;Wm<N1d a taxi strip connecting a r~Il~:~ pleted hangar with the aprons'.MWrc;ll(;j' use. The zDainrunway which. waQ~mnmenced in December. 1938, lioe -,l'A!:"-C l~orth-South direction. and~~At"a.QO\,:(fie long by 260 feet wide. 'l'he~rt tiQ& run~ rill lie in an . . .'f direction and will be 75 fee~1;.. ~"f:' ,; Albrook Field is a gigant:i.Q.l. .' material dredged from the C . ~I a clq tQP surface and dur~~ t,\hi!'1lJlPlonged and frequent soa.kingEt.A~.-~~c
r,:a~o .
~i~m::~B~:;~:. ba~& ~~:~ the new runways this condiU()Jl_~~l~ entire~ eliminated.:.,! ~'!~E Simultaneously with the OPQ.Il1M~{f the runway to traffic came. tbi' ,qft~ radio control of air trafflc,,~'~ilg andlea.ving the field. 'l'he.~w ~~l tower is situated on top of~~ ~occupied by the 74th"Sg,jl and commandsa full view of. !:t~nfi _ field and of the line. Cle_~3D~.. . ~ landings and IlIlls1;n,Q,Wfl)~ , tained by radio. .:" ,'hI 'le ---oOo---:~_ "i:tel
;~C'GJ ')~:~
, ..- .Ln': d:~ Colonel Fred H. Coleman, A..l~O~~$ commanding the Panama.Air DeRP\4'~1:~e past two and a ha1:l' years, .~lri ~l Ap~il 6th on the U.S. Arm:T 'PJ':aIl~\c. REPUBLIC for his new statlem....,1OK~.a~ters, 3rd Corps .Area, Bal1dilloxtetild. Lieut. Colonel George E. Lq,.1~;I-dr1., Air Corps, assumed cODlD8nd:.oC ntM.uc 'Ie Panama Air Depot on April ,?.t,:--1S3I,cr;c') V-BOb1. A. C.
,bG s i .
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Chief Engineer, Aero Insurance Under. i tar. . tree. He a l for severalW&I in at critical condition da;rs the local hosp! tal. ed the haystack: all right but struck a Now is flying agai~ but continues he to loop and banIC eteeply over the buaineBs d1ltrict." That report 1s typical of the overconfident pilot. ~eedle8s Of warni~., Vanity continues to grip his controls Whocan doubt the outcome! Vanity in Aviation is not confined to rash pilote. Someengineerl and executives could confels ma.ny errors in judg, men owing to self -complacencyor t1ie t desire to outdo a competitor. Such vanity has been evidenced by indifference towards uncertain factor. in design like the danger of flutter or by inlufficient attention to detaii. the i~roper location of a carburetor drain. creating a fire huard. Fatal errore have reiulted from over-confidence instilled by past BUCce8Set r o by obstinate preJud1ce against new methods of dsdp and analysi8. Examples of thi. type of Vanlty are numerous. One well-known designer refused to provide adequate balance for the elevator s of hi s new ship contrary to the opinion of his aero~ics expert, beCause no previoUs designs of his had s~fered from elevator flutter. Another refused to admit that hie mechanics or inspectors were infallible in spite of an expensive forced landing, due to the absence of a bead around an aluminum oil line. In another instance, a high oompany Official wanted to dazzle a nearby co~etitor with a new design. His normally conservative pilot performed incredible stunts close to the factory of the competitor, at noan, whenall could see. Perhaps he had been instructed to showoff. Weshall never knowbecause he is dead. the victim of that Vanity. . . Truly in the world of Aviation- the meek shall inher1 t the earth because the earth will inherit the others. But Aviation is fOTtunate. The preponderance of engineer8, executives and pilots yield to GraVity the respect it always deserves. Modest and humble, the' men who are mak:lng Aviation the safe industry it is tod!q show their reverence for this gr~t God of Aviation by the utmost care and forethought in everything they plan and do. As a result, our Safety record i8 extraordinarily good; over thr~e million people flew last fear, 99.99~of them 8&fe~. Records ina1cate that airline flJing is alrea~ as safe &s travel by automobile. Accident, have be.n &-voided a rea~ by ~Con t1nued on Page 9}.
:By Jerome Le er er
I T I"
, .Abo1ft'600 B. 0 Polycrate8. tyrant of anc~'&ht' Greece. bragged to the great J)hl1(ftH:1P~,Pythagoras, that the Gods held-111m 'in very great esteem. His luck .~ ~~O'Od. he boasted. that if he were .W{~ .. ' bis ring in to the Aegean Sea, -1"t':i:wb11l'a ,be re turned to him the next ~. .~_i~ing. Polycrates threw hie ring .I.l.~, ... ~:_ter. pYtbacoras exprelsed ai1P.~t8 on the outcome. But true to i.'t)ijt' ~t"YJ':ant'I boast!., the ring _. found :j,nrrth~b-elly of a lish 8erved at his table the next daY. uii'!'h1.~iBanifestatlon of luck and power was -400 much for wise PY~oraB. After warning the tyrant, he hurrIedly left the palace fearing that a man who would ItO" t.a=t the Godsmult surelY meet a kifr!i'liletate. So it waB. 13efore long, Po17crate8 _, crucified. He had tried ,"tliet ~ence of the Godaand loat .." ~tll the Godof Aviation. It 1t o.JIIIB~pr " aeent. It endeavore to destroy t~~=.ho do not respect it; it never re,~; -It detests carelessneBs, exhi-.:bi'tll,on.i.IlDl'or other form Qf Vani9 in any --:__ I18.,Ua';, Obituary notices are its tabrbr~ 'ile&nsof publicity. The great -;~ .Gtiav1,ty is aggressive. alert, quick tGi~SIb,any lack of reverence. -i1ftiat:'~onBtlutel lack of reverence? t G7:av.lJWy <&newere grimly. Acrobaticl at j~wMt1tudeB, steep climbs or power ~'tie .. the ground contempt for unf~b'le weather, blind flight into fog or disregard fo-r authorand . d' et year in pri.vate flying, seve ; 'ed ai~lanes were severely ~~d ..and at least 160 people were b4dlI, hUrt or lost their lives as a di~,; io.\N1t of carelessness, bravado or ~~i.on1em. Over-confident pilots ~~;their luck. Vanity in the air. Here fo 110wsa case hiBto:r,y Thi s !lOt-'tW'11feexpectancy i8 long overdue. ~tY _ be toying with him. , ,~ ',';..' ;lhasbeen flying for about three 1 '11Ei~..'1fe .has never had his license re~ ott iany disciplinary action taken ' ~;:.h.'1m.bY the Government. He is - '.,:-asa rislq pilot and we knowof ~J lnelden t s such as landing on the .a"<sf a beach and in the bacqards of friends. He hal been known to fly 10. in cornfields, low engugh to take the tops off the corn stalki to .eare his friends. He has had one bad crash 8J1Idr~ tbr-ee 0 ther occae1ons he has '-'<.rSOJie4 broken propellers while land'or i., ~J,'Ua1t1ng off. Whena &oodfriend of'ttW.;-a killed two year. ago, he said -fDHwCNDld take chances again., but his tl1O-1;. .fDb.v ctJaJiou.e accident occurred onlt: four min tli:a ".-. He was flylng wi tb a friend aro~,t8: U188 tack leeing how 01088 he coula~~W1thout hitting it. He m8s-
. 0 .~" r:
A. C.
NEW RANroLPH CADm :rwmA.CKS OCCU1'IED The first of the two new Flyi~ Cadet barracks at Randolph Field was formally occupied by Comp~ "C" dur1n6: the e.f'ternoon of'il 22nd. )4ore than. 100 Oadets! assigned to the new barracks, accomp ished the move in leBs than an hour l'rom the time the building was thrown open for occupancy. Room assignments h8.d been made the previous daY; pre lim1nary packing of personal beloDgings accoIl;)"1ished and, when aprel1m1nary format1on., at which. last minute instructions were given., waS dismissed, the actual transfer took only minutes. .An ~vercrowded condition that has ex.isted in the liv1Dg quarters of the Flying Cadet DetaChment Bince the inception of the enlarged claise. more than a year ago was thus partly relieved. It will ~ot be until June, When the fourth bar .. racks is completed and opened, that the situation wi"11 be completelY normal. In outward appearances, the two new buildings are identical with the two original barracks conetructed in 1931. Sli~t modifiCations have been made in the interior desi~ in the paint trim, and in the basement of the barracks, but only a close in$Pection reveals this. Prized possessions were moved by the Cadets, but none were handled with more care than the yhotographs of "The One and Only Girl Friend," which occupies the place of honor in the wall locker of almost every Cadet. Living quarters for 106 men! two of them oCQ1fPyingeach room, is lihe normal quota of the new barracks. Due, however, to the attrition re,te of Comp~ "C" since the start of the present class, the present occupancy is slightly less thaJithis figure.
Frank .A. .lrmetrong,Jr. Richard 1. Dugan WilUam.... Watheny Edwin M. Day John P. Ke~ Jack W. Wood Lambert S. Calla~ooo~es Ht~:;~~lf'ce
1 ",;;'
ASSIGNMENT TACTICAL OF SCHOO~ \~~~S In accordance with Special~~ri~f~f the War Department, recently--'1(iIlHIJ the following-named Air COrp8~ff"'~lt now on duty as students atll1e;;;A.Ii~. COrpl Tactical School, Maxwe11~il'4~ Ala., are &ai1gried to duty.e.t.~t~ . atations indicated, effective. ~on'J~eGj completion of their present IOO"@ .,f:Of instruction, viz: ..: -:::>1' S"IC1:1 . '-" .-' r : 1i.~,~ To~anute Fiel!, IlliJi; " '~.. :.,c;i"" . or Harvey lie HoI nd .. :.:) .ic r r Captain Charles G. Pearcy., .,:ii.\' hq 18t Lieut. Charles T. Arne~t.rJi'"l be To KellY Yield. Te~ . H.etiau:: Oaptain Henry R.ter .. r I -, 1:-! 1. "" Captain .Arthur L. Bump, Jr.~:"'., h:~S ~ Captain Robert E. L. Choate .: .. '~.:l.'9 Captain Frank J. Coleman . ;;~1~~'~~6~2; Captain John P. DJyle, Jr . '1.8".' '!. O' 1st Lieut. John 'I. Persons ~... ";;.:i' ;;; T le Field Va. f 1- 3j ll~''; or s. u .1... .l a "180 or Clarence B. Lober ;~:. --:;~:T Ma or Edward M. Morris .'. V'!\'loJ Ma or William B. Souza. ...~.: ;;.i:.f''lj Captain Walter G. Bryte, Jr~ .:;11:0w Captain }fugo P. Rush .:. b I ':.u:'t
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ToC~t~:lMii:~~, JNt~~th _::' Oaptain I.J. Xerw n Malone .... e a F" To Moffett Field~ Calif,: .:~!l.. Major Fred C. ~elson_-: :> -ir;1'l
---000--PROMOTIONF FIRST LlEUTENAmS, O AIR COBPS .Announcement was recent~ made by the War Department of the promotion of 42 FiretLieutenants of the Air Corps to the grade of Captain., with rank from May a, 1939, as follows: Edwin R. French Reginald F.C.Vance JohnW. Persons William L. Lee William C.BentleY,Jr. David D. Graves Sam W. Cheyney HayWJQd S. Hansell, ~ . Max H. Warren William T. Colman Edwin L. Tucker Paul M. JacobI Ralph Rhudy DI1dley D. Hale Isaac W. Ott Herbert L. Grills Edward H. Underhill Benjamin S. Kelsey Trenho 1m J. Meyer Thomas L. Mosley John J. Keough R~nd L. Winn William H. MaveriCk Leonard F. Harman William P. Sloan Kingston E. Tibbetts George F. Kinzie Richard H. Lee A.lbart Boyd RobeTt W. Stewart James W. McCauley Lewis R. Parker William M. Morgan Ed1l8.1'd Alexander H.
Lieut. Colonel Otto G.~"";~.:~.] fA Major William M, Lanagan :. ~ f rj(3 ""'1 Captain Samllel R. Harris, ~re :!C~~.s Captain Glen C. Jamieon.r;) '.';,]1.:: '! Captain Walter S. Lee ..'c. ':'.si.'!S Captain Aubrey L. Moore . .- _,-,17', ,: To Ran~olph Field. Texas:.. .", v~;f1"(; . 1st 1eut. Oarl R. Storrie j~f:!r.Q,i-,; To SeUri ~e F1e1d~ M1ch.: .:J J ',' ..~ .r. '7 J captain Ohri N. ones . , L' \~F..... , c Captain George W. McGregor ,r;:;{.- l i Cs; tain Allen R. Springer,., r' -:- :: ,f
g~1t::r ~ r~1s fot.':~'Sr orps Representative at.' ... t of the stearman Aircraft .. . ~ To Wri Fiel ton Oh~.~ .-11"" or a nes ,.. . '[il" ~-'j or James A Woodruff. -. - L, - (S '" ~.Ol~ Captain carl J. Crane . :"~' ;:;L~;'l~ Captain Jame B K. DeArmond .. i , i) I.' " Oaptain Alfred H. JOhn80,1\, '.::;:~;"ii' v.. Captain Ernest K. "arbUX:~OJl~;a';'s'-I") 1st Lieut. Leonard F. ~c '~'3~~ To ~el1dMld, A1&,;.'.... .. <-9... '1 "", Os; ain. ice F. Daly' . ~~,~~o ':~j To wa1ian artment:", :;,)1112ft s or enry e ; .. 3:'1~lev ..)
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roSY FIELDPASSES FIRST BIR~Y minor details should he fail to tit hie mask correctly to the contour of his fafte. The procedure usually followed is for student. to enter the building with their masks off, then for the inetructor to light several capsules of tear gas. After Bniffing the gas the students ~t on their ms.iks hurrie~ and watch its reactions before leaving the building. If the students have not used their maBks sati8factorily, the gas will affect the tear glands of their eyes, causing them to cry profuaely. . "The camera obscure. laboratory 18 an enlarged version of an ordinary camera by which bombing activities can be carried on without actual use of bombs. "Use of the camera obscura for bombing praotice provides for each bombing approach a permanent record which can be studied to correct con:monfaults in bombi~-flight techni~. This method of prelIminary training is lell costly than actual bombing and at the same time eliminates hazards involved in the handling of the high explo .. aives." ---000--"Vanity yerl}t' GJavit~" (contihued rom age ) willingness to recognise the operating l~itations of man and airpl~e; by humility in the presence of uncertainty. Humility 1s the antidote for Vanity. Thousands of distressing accidents will occur and hundreds of lleople will be killed because pilots an an over-confident, cocksure mood, do not paU8e to reflect that "Pride Goeth Before .A. Fall" ---000CHANGES WEA.THER IN OFFICERS ASSIGNMENTS Firlt Lieuh~ Leo P. Dahl, Ivan L. Farman.and Donald L. Yatel, Air Corps,
.. ~',m1lI11-te.
~~i6rua.ry 29th last represented LoW%'7 Field'8 fir8t anniversary. In on :.~)l~28, 1938. that a hundred and seventy students, who had been tranl:f.;8~~:fA~'I~om Chanute Field, began in8truct~~Ai;'~: the Denver Branch ot the Air r.reQhnical School. TllIL,e~t1re population of the field a iJAill&Owas approximately 300 officer. -Ull_.nU,ted men, while now it is close tosWO.-.. There has been a constant ex)an.iQll. of the field to a point where no more personnel can be accommodated until addi tional barracks are provided. Lowry Field has the enviable d1stinction of being the first .Army station privileged to welcome the newly app01ntad futute Chief of Staff, General Marshall. General .Arnold and General Marshall visited Lowry Field en April 27t~ and an excellent steak dinner was enJtlyed at the Buckhorn. Lowry Field regreta that high pressure buainels conferences :blf Generals .Arnold and Marshall with the officers accoUlpaDYing them prevented a real delpidida honoring our distinguished visitor.. The latest addi tion to the School at Lowry 1ie1d is the .ArmamentCenter for training in various phases of armament work. Placed at the ealt end of the field, it consists of a skeet range, gas chamber, camera obsc~a, small arm. range, machine gun laboratery and ltorehouse for pyrotechnics. The Denver POST dalcribed these act~vitle8t as follow8: e. sk.eet range 11 operated in accord. ~.~th the rules and regulations of ~ -'Na1;ional Skeet Shooting .A.arociation. Altho~h this is c~>ns1dereda sporting phaee .JflnstructJ.on in the train1Dg of armorerli it 1s designed to teach the value of targetpract1ce as it affectl aerial ~ers. "The clay pigeon targets of the Ikeet range raprelent to the student a. hOltile' airplane which is ei thar attacking or being attacked. The shotgun, wltli itl epray of bird shot, i8 to him a brace of f1.exible _chine guns spraying .30 caliber bullets at the rate of 300 'oundB or
. II ~
.j ." ~~ee~s declare this type of ehoot.~\$'~tn9rlt valuable in teaching gunners . ;t!lEf8,d~ their prey. "In ~ ..19as chamber, I students are the 8ubJects of slight 'gassing,' though not to any alarming extent, to get a chance to smell various war gales and to identify them by odQr. "Tear , is used ~u1te often in the chamber';:,w1ncipally DecauS8 of its harmlesl ~l1"ties. StUdents are ta~ht to 'se tneir ma$ks efficient~ and learn thl characteristics of ths gas. Officer8 say the student who has been careless in inspecting hi8 complete equ1l)~n~for defect. will be lmprelsed to' .t'he pOint of not again
of instruction. at the California InBtitute of Technology, Pasadena, calif. t are assigned, respectively, to Lang~i March and Barksdale Fields: Lieut. to duty with the:t.2nd Weather Squadron. relievlAg 1st L~eut. Torgils G. WOld, Lieut. Farman. tb duty with the let Weather Squadron. relieving let Lieut. Sam H. Wiseman and Lieut. Yatel to duty with the 3rd Weather Squadron, relieving 1st Lieut. Arthur F. Merewethor. The officers thus relieved from dUty 'Wih Weather Sq'U&drona t will report to the Commanding Officers of the reepeet1ve stations for assignment to duty. --000---
cour ..
Photogr~h1c Seotion at Kelly Field. Texas, in APril, 1925, and later to the Philippine llllandll for a period of three years with the 6'l!h Pho~o Sec,1iion, Eight Inspectors of the Civil .leroWarrant Officer Leiby returne4 tov~ na. u.Ucs Authority r~orted : for te,orary duty at Randolph F1eld on Mfq 1st or a ~ley Field in January, 19~ "~~ttspecial course on the Primary Stage, de- 1~ his present pod tion.. of ,U'r~&fsigned to familiarize them with the Air fieer in Qllarge of the PhotOgl>ii. WI>epe.rtment of tbe A.dm1ni8trat1v~ .' :1()n. Corps system of flight training. This Born at Derry ChurCh no", at r-tV.oI grOUl' is the second one to make a ltu~ of the Primary Stege work, the firlt Hershey.!. Fa., Warrant 6ffiCQ~ttended 'J:eCh. High Schoo1 at g, ~up spending a two-week period at the Pa.t.prlor to hIs enlistment~fbr{~ Well Point of the Air" earlier in the l041iJ:lCoaat .Artillery Corpe,~ FO'i':t::'10 year. Walh1ngton, Md., on October 30... ~B. The eight inspector. all of "'hom are ---000--- ,: <l C <.'l(T'::s Reserve officer B in ei ther the .Army, avy, N .... -::I.!j JJA. Marine Corps or Coast Guard, include: MaJor G.A. Wiggs and Lieut. G.M. Jones, . LANGLEY FIELD ENLISTED}(EN ~~T AIR COBPS nCHNIC.AL SCHOOL. r.(~ ';';:)$[18 i . Air Reservej 1st Lieut. F.H. Longeway. .', .:';1 aU! National Guard: Captain. F.M. Clarke; Eighteen memberl of Ve.riOll1sf:oz:g~aLieuts (Junior Grade) .Arthur C. l3urXUI tions at Langley Field, Va.,- '.de;pattQdl and J .0. Christian, Navy; Captain.. Robert by air on April 24th for CbatiuMHftd .'E. Bake , Coast Guard, and Lieut. J .R. Rantoul, Ill., to pursue cotiNalJ~l1nCram, Marine Corps. structlon at the Corps ~8ChutPkl ---oOo-~ School. ; ;~'~ ,r:.l~l[ The training of the enlist8d1lm8matnr TWO RA.NIOLPH ASTER M SERGEANTS HONORED the specialist courses in c~etdiOln, instruments, propellers, and ~ee.~l Master Sergeants Paul Kurtz, 11th Air maintenance labor will be ~);a I4z Baae Squadron~ and Lester Harrison. ~C, l "'eeks' period, Wh le a six'm~bLpeon duty at Randolph Field, Texas, were riod wl1.1 be required for the ,...~ jointlY honored at a dinner in the 11th subjects covering airplane :me-cbali!jlcs. 1ir :Base SquadrOD." MelB Hall on April parachute rigging. radio opereA~lJj8l'ld 26th. Sergeant Kurtz retired on. April repairers. ' ':",;','uil,-,'" 3Ot~ and will make his home in CleveThose who departed from ~~D:Nield land. Ohio. Sergean t Harri schedfor the M~ 1st Class inclUid,i;[$~ uled for retirement on May 31st. Sergeant Stuart S. Brougher, Headqua;rColonel John :B. Brooka, CoIllIlal1ding tars and Headquarters SQ.uadron. GHQ. Officer of Randolph Field; Major E.:B. Air Force: Sergeant Artnur R. Loftus B~ley, C&mmanding Officer of the 11th and Private William J. Kermes, of the .1ir Baae Squadron, and captain Francie 49th Bombardment Squadron..; Ser~~ H. Kuhn, Commanderef the Quarter,master Charles H. Powell and Corporal William DetaChment at Randolph FieId. were the C. Goldman, of the 35th PUr"sui t Saua.dspeakers. ron: Corporal John. Bettinger and Pri--000-vate. Specialist 6th Class, Dermon~~. Leonard. of the 20th Bombardment SquadMASTER SERGEANT LEIBYAPPOINTED ron; Corporal George W. Loughery. WARRANT OFFICER, Privates 1st Class Stephen Io~and Glenn Hite, Privates Herbert ~b Master Sergeant Charle. C. Leiby, of and Charles E. Slingland, aU o the Administrative Section. :Base HeadHeadquarters and 1st Air BaafiiJJ~n; rters and 1st Air Base Squadro~ Private, 1st Clas8, Lawrence 14. Stuard. ley Field Va., recently received 96th Bombardment Sq-uadron..:Private. 1st not fication trom the War Department of his promotion to the rank of Warrant Of- crlass, Nelson C. Howe, Jr Headauarters and Headquarters Squadron.. 2nd ficer, whiCh became effective on M~ Wing; Private Joseph H. Sweeney, of the 1st. 36th Pursuit Squadron.; and prm~~ q Warrant Officer Leiby bas been wi~ the service in the Virginia locality for Frank Mason. Jo sepb R. Buch'fu;-:w,. .~ La1frence D. Lesh, all of the~ ,,11: ~ quite a number of years having served . - ~. ~ with the 4th Coast .Artillery Corps :Band conna.1se&nce Squadron. - ... -000--- .: A~(J, .f at Fort Monroe, Va., prior to his transfer to the .Air Corp; ln February 1920, Lieut. Colonel Rqmond ~. :O:I:x~);iJand in the capacity QrPhotographic instructor of the Air Corps Technical School! Major Perry Wainer, of Marc11.o ') which was then located at Langley Fie d. Cal!f.; Majors lIldward C. Bl&c1e:" Oliver K. Robbins, of Hamil-ton;;E This School was transferred on June 30, Calif., have been relieved 1922 to Chanute Field, rri., and a at those 8tations and a.8i~c:.iW :r litt 1 over a year ago to Lowry Field, e a t the Air Corps Technical ~~ Denver. Colo. Chanute Field, Rantoul, Il~,~,) "f/'11 l':ij After being transferred to the 22nd -10V-8061, .A. C. CIVIL AERONAUTIC INSPECTORSAKETRlINT ING AT PRIMARY FLYINGSCHOOL.
1.\( 1
"DON'T SIT IN THE OENTER OF THE COCKPIT" (A Parable from the Primary Fqing School)
belt altitude. and Flor.sville a. my first check point. I checked the equipment in the baggage compartment and noted that everyth1ng required aucll aa radio extension, X-country envelope, thermos jug, and flight schedule", were ready ana loaded. I was assignea to fly ~T-9 i222. a plane with which I wal thoroughly tamiliar and whose engine and instrumentl I knew to be in excellent condition. My passenger_s Corporal ..... a first class mechanic, in whomI had every confidence. 2. At 12:45 p.m., I carefully warmed the engine, checked the Form 1 and atter calling the control tower by radio, I was satisfied that everythi~ was in perfect order. I taxied slowlY out on the flying field, being very careful to look around for other airplanes and l scanning the area above and beh nd me 80 thoro~ly that my neck wall fatigued as a reault. On aeeing that all .a clear, I proceeded to take Off noting the t~e 801 12:51 p.m. AI I ciimbed to the desired alti tude, I was especially careful to carry sufficient right rudder to counteract for torque. to sit exactly in the center of the coCkpit. At 1300' I changed to high pitch and set mf courle for Floresville. I arrived over Floresville 15 asconda earlier than I had 'calculated and noted -"l..t~~.rL ~.~ ().... I -.. slightly off coueae, Accordingly ~::~;:,~ ., Randolph Field, Texae. I changed mf course to the right one ",I.',' April al, 1939. q'uarter of a d~ee, and made a note of e.~:i.t :l.e ':, the fact that I was ahead of schedule. s~: FAILURE .find Pawnee on Navi Phyeically, I was very comfortable and to L:L.tL.LI',~1 gation Flight in connection mentally serene. During the time I was -:v,;;r-':" w1 studeni training. th not occupied with flying my plane or -!'.:( watchiDg my course. ! meditated on the ,(100:.,. 1st Lieut. (.An Instructor ..... ) method I could pursue to improve my -:'J",~, >A.C. work, still further, and become an even greater asset to ~ flight, and to ,:1: ,':;Jou will explain by complete in.:Basic stage in particular. The minutes passed very rapidly and plealantly in d~8&ment hereon Why you failed to find thie fashion. ~e:.e, an a recent navigation flight in 3. When, according to mr figures, I ; ,~"t1on wi th s tuden t training. . ..... :", .. (,. ........... :.:':', 2 estimated I 118.8 over Pawnee, I cut the ,: ,o!: 'cj ," ~ JOHN IXlE, throttle and expected to see the air-, 'r.~ . ,.. ',> . captain,' A.C. port as I spiraled down.. My consternation and distress were a si~t worth :"'~~'. .,.traveling miles to .ee when Pawnee ap8JiJ z c '.' 2nd Ind. peared to be noWhere in light. I flew R~~~;Field!. Texas, April 24,1939. in larger and larger concentric circles, T~ ~u~ Doe, uaptain, A.C. t Bandolph but all I could lee were innumerable "?1Ie J:ef, .Jl'exas. fields and groves ot mesQUite trees, 1. On being assigned to proceed to !ith a tantalizing white '"highwq wind. p~e Texas by the Flight OOIlllIlBnder through to the southweat. After a ::.r-:lto"it the ~rrlval of students I made few unpleasant min1ltes of this I bore c8ti . preparation for the f11ght I off to the east, loipwing that a rail'~ne'necessary map received a' road ran somewhere in that Vicinity. I ex"'report and made a flight plan eelected the firlt town along its track iJ~ncr veloc1 ty being rather great' dragged the station and noted the naill, e " r' t perpendicular to rJr route' was Tuleta. I thereupon mentally made 'l"n. -or careful attent19~L~s I piot~ rapid calCulat10ne and computed mr ted rI13. course. I selected ~t as the courae for Pawnee. I had no difficulty .Q J ,r:; -11. V-8061, . C. A EV'J".8~noeRandolph Field _. con8U. s j~~.d the Pr1mary Flying School in - '1 i9Pilr:tretudent navigatioIt flight, .. to -':,!leu'a1r:P9rt, ha"febeen a part of the i:.~. These crOSB-COuntryproblema MVJt!,~en carefully selected, every ef-:t=eiuc made to .tart the F1ing .~ :on the more simple f11gb ts, grad~J:ead4Dg up to navigation mission. of ~,to,~ ~les. .H~ t1rst navigation flight for the embryo pilbts is to a Civil Aeronautic. Author.~ intermediate field, known aa ty TRaJIbIlh. 61 mileB from Randolph Fleld. Check points on this trip are outstanding and frequent. Half ~ to Pawnee is -.2<t.hi'~bwn :.f "Floresville, 8i tuated on a .o.'bJ:b&l4 .concre te hi~wq. From there to .,fJ~N';1t is about 30 miles 808 the crow -r::lflJ1at,: ,with additional checkpoints. .r.upm-the day of the navigation problem, an ,instructor is diepatched to the '1cdeBMnaUon. about 15 minutes before the ,.f.-Wats:.tu.dent pilot departs. The inL:::.. ti:~torfirst inspects the field, lands, ~ checlts the Cadets in as they arrive. -~,,!Z'j1he dispatches them .,t intervale .,);he .homewardJourney. ,ad~l.'procedureof dilWatching an in;fl8It~,.tor- ahead of the first atudent was followed recently. These extracta from .fJL)Uhe'~.w.Dg "correspondence" are aelf~tory:
1" ,:'10;;:::.,,2
finding the ainlort thia t1me, and after JOIH'!UBCISES WITH IJ!q ~Yl.\ carefullY circling and dragglng the field, I landed. 1 ftl wai'ml.y greeted The Second BOmbardmen, t Gro~~~'\ ~T by the studen Who had preceded me and 11eld, va. took ~t ln a J~~'1 .were anx1ou,sl1' a'W'&1 'IJJ arrival. ting I Nayy !xerct.e! b&dng at Pro:v~,.~ jtJ i refraahed lD7lelt With a drink .t warm R. I on -'Prl 20th and 218t.: ~ t!i water from the thermos jug I had brO\1Cht, B-1711 arrIved at the Rhode II ,J5pu and proceeded wi th the ouilnel' of Airport latei.n the morning of1 .:20~h.. checking in the remainder of the 8tucWnts Late in the afternoon of the .amt-I~, ae thel' arrived. all ten B-17'. headed out to sea~,AP4 4. I .. w that I had paaled .~e~ the maneuvers were on LongN"~~:dark over Pawnee, and lf DV naviption. had. Prov1dence was glven ita fj;rat:clirllDae not been 10 pertect, or it I had DOt eat of the returning "~ing 10rtl'.~ i!':.;, 80 e:mct~ in the center of the coc!qlit, appearing out of the ... stern:haiet~Rth or even if.l had not been 110 careful to all runnIng and pa88ing lights fU4 on. correct for the torqueJ_t would bave .After a late but bountiful tupper palsed en~ to the r;Lgnt OJr lett of Colonel Robert Olda, COmr:D8Dd1ng:O~f1 Pawnee to hive leen It. I then made of the Group! iasued an order alerting mental note to let a sUght error cre~ the per80nne at 4:30 a.m. the naa.' into ~ t1)r1ng in the future and avoid repeti tion of thil dilvassine ezper1~e order "Stationllt l~a~~~i,~t~ enQe. about 8:30 a.m. The obJective .'PlJ;; ft (Signed) "An In.tructor qu1ckll located and con8tructiyeuv ..cUt1st Lieut., J.C. stro1'ea at sea with a 3O-lmot'.ta11'1w1nd ---000-and eood nav1p.t1on exped1 tlna ~t,erl. Before noonJ..order 8 were received. acliiP ~ m.usION PROGRAYATLANGLEY FIELD. A. vanci~ b1' G4 hour. evacuat1on,rfot.d~1ie V \ home ba.e at Langle1' neld.,' The~a.The Langley 11eld' Correspondent re, semb1111t; eQ.1P.pment 1UPP1'e.~,_a of and porta that an extenei ve two-year expan- -accomplished with BtLCh rapidl.tJ''1tbat sion procr-, which w111resUl.t in tl;le Colonel Olda was able to d1Q&tcb.othe addi t10n of about 1,000 enlisted men and plane. on the wq home with11i,a :co1QJle 300 officerll to the perlonnel of the GHQ of hoU1'8. Thus, on .April 21at, jtided~a .Air lore. ai Langley Field, 11 leneduled briet but instructive Joint;~.;,.av;. to get under wq in the near f'ut'U1"e,ac- Exercise. :lu," ,,:,,;",(" cord1JJ8 to an off1clal announcemen.tmade Each re~larb .Isigned B-.l'l tirPlme a t the Peninsula Airdrome. Commandern thIs i :now" ' 1t-1Ile5.t. Recruiting tor enli8ted men to lerve a in full, the blind Group.has q,UI'.Ut1ea-) ~~ mechanic. wIll beg1n at the post within Uon requiremen ta publ1 shed.l))T ,;th. :.i~_ a ahort t1me, and the fir,t group of be- Chief or the .111" Corpe. '!'hl1 aocoz*ori '. tween 100 and 300 officer. from the p11ehment, believed to be the f1rxa'l4n .Army' a tralning station at Randoll)h record for the entire tact1~al ....... 1Gn. ~ield, Texas, will arrive at the field of a CombatGroup, reau1red'he'.~r in June. part of five weeki. nth the. ut11UV Six new units will be formed from the B-18 car17ing the load,. ' , , Second Bombardment,quadrone, Eighth Purau1t Group, 21st Reconnaissance Squad F11'ing Fortrel. Chuckle. ron, Baae Headquarter. and Fir.t .Air After coffee and Ialldw1chea tin' ,~hl Bale Squadron. The exact nature of the uon arrival at ProV1dence ao1tl$,O~'~~; new units, their official del~t1ona .el. 6 .., ., :ISC' and the dabs on which they will be 01"- UP: RUO s th e U ganlzed will be announced 1r1thin a Wh:re the heck' a the Yea. Of!~ ... abort time He took ott tor the c1ty., ',' .. ", r.;;. : "He'd better keep right Qngo,lng,. Jot In add1tlon, a great deal of conltruct1onwork of a temporary nature will be- he does comeback, it nad bettC' be., gin at the POlt. Permanent Qon.truct1on with a bo~guard. . : ~,'; '~.~; mq be beg'9n.during the latter part ot the expandon program. In the mornl~ during the "'r~d~.o; The program to begin at the airdrome antic1~tion of the attack or ~. WlUle w111be a portion of a large-scale ..lrDv the Engineer Pilot. and Bombardier. Expan8ion Bill, recent~ approved by were on the line ready to ltart-. aUr .. Congrels and approved by the President. tour motor. upon lnetant no.n~.,:::::"~,,,,,,: ----oQ.o...-. civilian approached lIlDgineer, ~~",,!q ~ Robert .A. 1'1Dg. 17 '''''e ~ YaJora Jrederlck 'I. Chrlltine and "What do you do on those b~ ~~ James T. CUI'17 Jr. .All"Oorps have SonDT?"he querled. " "'j~' r ii', been relieved from fu.i:ther aal~nt Pee WeeP~, tor lack ot '~~!'l&'i', and dut1' .t Karch 11eld. River.ICi8; to aq in hi. usual ruah. l'epnecML~J',: Calif.. and .'8~d to 4tlt1' at Scott am the bomber." .':' i'l ~ J'1eld, Belleville, Ill., depart~ for "You cant t kid me SOn,.. , the 9ip. their new atation about .A'UgUlt 9,1939. 1 came back, ~ou coUicm't to Wei ' bombaout 0 the plane." -12V-8061, A.C.
-lrJr",:.,..." .. " ~~
," 'f'
to Providence, Major out of :B-17 #80 and lOOking. firlt at the -ilij'iirt'la.nd then going over and Icrut1nid~;'tl1e landing gear. ?!1e Major .... tch ~ lltm for a couple of minutel. lQoldng ";<~~.Mai:fOing from one wheel to another. .l~Jr.~' f1Ml Y ailted the gen tleman: III. ,Q'r.'.qy quest10n you would 11ke to _11'1:1 '" -i",Bbnt0 61v11ian scratched hi. head and 01'wtiedt ttYes. I can't for the life of m~aftpJI. how you get tl;le power from the d.j~1Ig~a~ ', down to the wheel. for take-offl.' L. ..~. ---000--," ',' -;:-_oWOOiPi J'IELD CORPORAL RECEIVES MEllAL
More rlcorda_re t dur1Dc the mon1i of April at the Air Corp I Pr1.Dlu"y Fqing School at Randolph 11eld, Texal when 16 299:20 hours of f1yi~ t1llle were piied up durlng the thlr'Y-~ period. Thls fi~e cQnet1 tutee the largelt number of ho'Ur8 ever flown by the SPring training claise. and 11 the third largest month ln the history of the School. On only two occasions hal the 16.300-hour mark been pal.ed in a single month. S~tember, 1938. setting the all-time hi of approximately 17.500 hours. ccord1ng to prel~t .... /..l:l"li",s. ~ indicaUona. even thls figure Day be than 1 800 Air Corps troops, inaurpaesed during the present month of cluding the Flying cadet :Battalion. })aid I4ay for, accord11;lg to ~elent planl, homage"fto. Corporal Harry A. Te8g\18,Head- trainw act1vl Uea on both Prlmary ~.tllrl'Squadront Randolpl;a.Fleld. on and :saslc Sta&e. w111 be coutpleted by -~.;6$l1.* men they paa.ed in review be- Ma.v 31st. ~~forjl.the' veteran nOncoJ'.llD1slionedofficor 1further .t~ of the stat1ltica adut1Dg :the ceremony in which be -, prereveal. that all but 2 ooo houri Of 8.imt.8d"rith the Purple Heart with ()ak the over 16.000-hour f gure was IIP8Zlt ';Clulter. alIa a S11ver Star Medal. on stUdent training activit1el. :Bade MaJor':General 'Walter Krueger, OODlll&ZldS~e. with approxlJ:!1t,tely 190 etudentB, tl~:::li.Ji'l'al of the Second Division. made new a total of 7 429:45 houri during th8r)r.'lntat10n. the month of Apri 1 and the Pr~ , tliiCoJ!pGNl Teague .pent 27 monthl ov.erStage. with an aVera.g. Btudent cla88 of 8.~I:)Qurt~ the World War, serving with ab&ut 300. flew 6.858:25 hours, all for ntl1e,L2Sth.:Iilfantry. He waa awarded the a total of 14.388..tlO ho~B , of student ~ ..,lleart in an announcement by The train1ng dUriI!i we month. A~utant General, in which the Secretary '11th ni~t flYlng, and navigaUon, s':.rqw&1\ 4!rected 1ihat a Purple Heart and trainlng. both dq and nigh'l oCC'UP11ng O~oI1eat>,Cluster be pr ented to CQrpothe mE!Jor portion .t the !aa c Stage JI&1ll'!~ for haviJlg been gal.ed ill ac- training dUring April, JD&nY ot their tioBwxnJ'une 9. 1918, while serving al a BT-9's flew more than 100 hours during PN:tet."Xeadq11&rters Company, 26tb the month.. Practically all of the War f~aD:t:r7, and ""later wounded In action on Department '!'raining Directive for the :CW..... "4.. 1918.wh11e lervlng al bugler. permanent peraonnel of the station 11 '!~"Bl 26th Infantry. al80 done In the :BT-9t a. thus help1Xli: ~ra Te~e flr.tenlisted in the to build up the1r total time. Army at Tulsa. Oklahoma. on July 3. --000-19115, and served wi th CoIlIp8Jl1' 3rd G, "Infantry. at Del Rio 'leDI undl he DEMONSTRATION :BY96TH BOMB.SQUA.DRON .a11ed .for France with the Flrst Divl" ~.l~~, ~une 14, 1917. I).lrlng the 27 ,l:i~ Three B-17' 8 from the 96th lJombardmontlta ,o,verleaB lervice. Corporal Teague ment Squadron. a'U&lDented one E-17 by pu:ti:a~t.d 1n five maJor engagements - from the 20th :BomoardJDentS~dr,ont st. lW:il~l. SoiIS0J18 Meule...Argonne. both of Langley Fleld, Va. f took part 1 ,c.anRi and .lu1l&uvi leo in the demon.trat1on for the Infantry . l C<) . '~. John :B.:Brooks, Commanding Ot- School and the .Air Corps Tactical fl 'fIr 'Randolph rield. cCUDDllDded the School on April 13th. last. IIThere troop. durlng the review. Mue1C.I were sufflclellt hi te on and around ~llJbce.~ bY' the 23rd Infantry. of Fort this target after bomb~ to jUiltify ~~ujton. Texas. our raison dletre," declires the Ne.. :C' !;',V\, '~;)' '~---oOo-Letter Correlnaadent. a-rf>'::!:.:-:.t. . NT -~oOo-_ .. ~'f~ll9wl~-named Air Corpa officeI'I The following-named .Air COrpl offihav~Plft1i. relieved from dutY' at their prenWtJ.etation8 and asa1gned to duty at cerl have been relieved from auty at their preaent Itatlonl and assigned' to ~~r'1,~ld. Denver. 001&.: Lieut. Cola. 1U"iier ~B. Gates March Field. Calif.; duty at the Air Corpl Technical School. Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill.r Wl11!~.~ ~eeier. Se~~e Fleld, ~fi;,,..~ 01'8 Jamel W. nd. Witchel Majors Arthur W. :Brock, Jr Wr1Pt FielCJ:{;Ni I Roy 1'. camblin. Chanute lie1a, Ohio; Lewil I.. J;laytoll Maxwell l1eldlAlabamal and Alfred Llndeburg, ~f!~:ij;1d~n~a~0.coe C. Wr$.lto~ Barkaaale 11e1a., La. -1 . V-806 1, A. C.
.! '-
~ ""8
One interesting item i8 the formation of low Itra tU8 cloudl in the l~rMn1g: Major General Henry H. Arnold, Chhf and early morning, when m~ ~<:U1. 1 of tne ~1r CO~8. wa. a visitor at Kelly occupied by tropical Gulf- al.~Q ;. - e Field on ~ lett and wae accompanied by one of the things which ~' s Brigadier Genera George C. MarShall, iDg in Texas particularly ~i1 ~j ~eputy Ohief of Staff of the .Ar~; L1SUt. . .lfter ~ long months of.;' '.' 1. Colonel Carl Spaatz, Air Corps: captain men of the weather office lat! '. lph lloyd L. Parke, General Craig's Aide, Field took the examination. rec' . 1'4 and 1st Lieut. Eugene H. Beebe .Air promotion to the grade ofSt8.f ~Corpe, with an enlisted crew consiBting geant. Duri~ the examiZl$.tiEiill-.fJw:gj.c of Staff Sergeants BuzenBki and Langlton lasted three daYs, teste .,In, SJ and Private Meade. . mathematics were given the:"~)r~,r;,M', The Chief's party arr1yed ina C-41 mapa and forecaet1::lhene3ttl"'~;~aume. airplane at 7:50 p.m. from TucBon.u1z . teorology the last ,w1thHi'ee. where they visited General John J. hours allowed for ea. subjef;' .~'~lJliosE Pershing, after dedicating the Sacrataking the examina tion wer~ ;:,~~rt~lpftB menta Air ~ot. The General. were C.F. Miller, J. T. Treat, .A V( .'J.Ilit'~g.. Colonel La and' B guests duriDg their morton. and Private, lat Cle,fHH;i'f\ 8t~at Xel1y Field where, in addition Fredin,!. all of whomattended~~h.G ::tT te> looking around the a1rdrome ot the Corps weather School at Pat1;.~ Air Corps .Advanced Flying School they Field. Ohio, and Corporal A.';/:!.l . d in-'pected the ~ter. constructio~prowho was rad:uated from the ~e ject ot the new field and observed stuSchool a Anacostia, D. C. Tlfi',,~ tEl !ent training. They also conferred with of the examination have not- yet?,,1)iien Major General H.J. Brees, ComtllB.nding announced. ::C,!jT;! .' Gene:ral of the 8th Corps .Area, and ---000..--' i'~.~.1':" ... -: t J 'l.i.J ~j Colonel A.W. Robins. CommandingOfficer Qf the Corps Train1ng Center, on the CLARK FIELD ~CTIVI~I~~~T tollowing morning before taking off for Bolling Field, D. C., via NashvIlle,Tenn . Work on enlarging the fly1~1k~~id at Clark Field. Pampanga.,'P~~. $:J~'sgo. --000--ing on in a big waJ. A co~~ 9~b Engineers from Fort McKinley tO~~.i:OVe DROUGHT P.A.RTIALLY BROKEN T IWmJLPH A the Job, and it is expecteq.thf!f.I'same Randolph Field and vicinity received a will be completed in a c<>up~" '~~8(d much needed rain during the month of monthe. Several of the b6y,~.:~oJlilibe April, when .38 inch of precipitation 28th Bombardment Squadron~.,~lhJg was measured .April 27th after a thunderup the hours, lince the org8ii'1Z'~~~ storm the night before. This area is has to furnish so many trac:\Ow';cjl:iverE far behind in its annual average of rain ----'bO~ .f:6'-') tall, and vegeta~ion here is in great A flight of Bombardmen,tP,l!i' ~ need of a rain. The flying field also. out to greet the new :Boe1nS'(j.ot! ~ re !las been sending l4P clouds of dust, makcently. According to the~. ,~ ing it disagreeable for both pilote and Correspondent, the Clipper.~,,,'1lar ground workers. Malt of the month has old 13-10' s look like a fligll.i:;'~~f~peabeen eSPecia.l1y favorable for flying, ahooters. ", t<:i7jC-:18 with only So few flights postponed due to ----,,', s-e .... ,dj weather. Traces of moisture were me&sFirst Lieut. Jaokl.' 8blJ,o.~,_Ni&~on ured several times during the month, but Lieut. Paul E. Todd, l1d1i 0: only on the 27th was any appreciable March 6th for a Southern 1... UbN.p, amount recorded. and were accompanied by MajQf'r:&.JhI."iI Starting out on a program of general Armstro~,. Medical 1!'Ps; ,oaP~~L. improvement for the entire Clfnee and Lande 26m cavalJ7 P.S.)l;'~.te.iti1. the collection of data that will be of E.J. TraCY', Medical orp8t:Fli~ht:).s:ormuch value to the climatological records geon; Corporal Stanovich an!t::f)r1:bte, for this station, the Randolph Field 1st Class, R. Moon fl1gh~*,cl1anlte", 'eather Office has just instituted proand Private, 1st Ciass, J. 'Kinci\'l'a41o Jecta in which every man on duty therein operator. Stops were made ...taeilllut',' "'ill take part. The program 18 under Zambo~a Jolo, Davao and ;.DokMQIlte. the direction of Lieut. T. S. Moorman, as The flight returned on March.i:1Q~h __ s1stant weather officer. ----.' : ..::'~! '~J:':" ; .Amongthe topic. assigned for research The Department InlPecto~.d~'Jl1tlij are tbe construction of diurnal tem,pera- annual vIsit to Clark Fleldi:Q:n-~ ture charts, pressure variation charta, 9th. .... ~)'!~Il the paesage of fronts, the number of -_000-"I, :;"dj joe dqs the different air _S8es oc~ied'.i. -, W'~ Randolph Field! ieallobarl0 component of Majors Rufua B. Dav1daon;.'~~eWtbn*l th'" ..... 'd acce eratio'" di " and at :Barksdale Field La., &nd;. '1'-a",:,rJild'o otho;~7 'Such information aiwib. be a student at the .Air Corp. ~~~r.~ gained 1ftll be. of great importance in School, Maxwell Field, Ala.,! ,v~ 'lBId8r etu(Jt1ng 'Weather peculiar to this area. orders tor duty at Scott Field. Ill. -14... V-8061 .A..O. GENERALFFICERSVISIT KELLY O FIELD
':~r..e1far7 ot 'far, the Bon. Harry ~.Qf;.r recentq announced that the ,j~.\:l ':c.lvillan flying .chool. have ~ ~,. ,c,ted for the prImary flying iVY! -;of m1lit~ f~ltl student. in. /"-. _.1. ~~: OJL th the .Arrrs:t EXpansion ProWi _ . ,Scbool of Aeronautic. ;.' ' . cr., S{Li Ml:Ql.1cipal Airport MBa, Okla. l '"l.:.' ran,~J'aF1a School of Fly ng . ,.~~QfClk Airport, Santa Mari., Cali!. _; ;~....,,!~a8,.ly"ation School and Air College, JiOKk:J'181d, Dalla., 'rexa.e. 'd , ~l'fan chool 0 f Aeronautic s, . ~,-,~~1,lt ,ergh Field, San. Diegop Calif. .A,~&b,fD& Institute of .A.eronaudcB, Inc., ~un~~iJal Airport, Tuscaloosa, Ala. ..q.:r,~4; \/.~tral Flying School .' ;.!nl.Oentral Air Term1nai, Glendale, ..p~)t ..l,Air Co llege. , ~ark . Airport,Eaet St. Louis, Ill. LinoolA' Airplane and Flying School, Union Air Terminal, Lincoln, Nebr. North Suburban Flying Corporation, Curtiss Airport, Glenview, Ill. Thi's'.1s'the first time that flyi~ tr~P.1ninghas been given to jrm:r pilot .bCI.(l!i'Ut8B by other tbanaervice .chool, , l~!nc. the days when the wri~t Brother, aal G18im:H.' Curtiss gave fing instrue.:'ltiij!ivf '. ~;::rBJTl~Fll~Be of this innovatioJL h to rincJ:'eale'lhe output of graduates of the 8 -.:l~ .. Q<j.rP.... Training flying unite of the ... Center available for ,~ ~~t to the
1 a
~~H!'.'YO .. -g..,.,
The first clal8 will enter the civil flying sc:boolaon July It 1939, followed by a elal8 every 81x weeks. Candidate. from civil life for appointment aBF:b'ing Cadets DII18.t unbe married male ci thens of the United StateB, more than 20 years of ae;e end must not have reached their 27th birthday. The phye1eal examinationi. neces. sarily a very rigid one , particularly Wi th respect to vision ana. the nervo118 BYBtam. .llong educational. lines, candidates must have completed at lealt two years of college work or the equivalent thereof. If evidence of this .cannot be furniShed, a comprehensive txamination muat be taken in nine, SUbJectB! including United Statea history, ~ iSh, geogr~b,y, higher al&ebra, plane and spherical trigonometry and elementary p~8ic,. Where satisfactory evidence of completion of the necessary college credit. in a recognized college i, submitted, no educational exam1nation is reQUired. The pq of a Flying Cadet 1s $75.00 per month. In addition, each cadet is allowed one dollar per ~ for ration and il furniShed quarters by the government. If no government ~terB are available during the period the CadetB are attend~ng the civll1an IIchools list. ed above, $22.50 per month in addit1.n will be furnished eaCh student to permit him to rent suitable quarters, making a total of $52.50 per month, in , f --" addition to hi. ba.e pa:y of $75.00. The " :',N 'e '-iiUJilber f graduates "ill be ino government allO furnishes necelsary c;feasedby reducing the length of the 1,T.. ~t. year 1 s trainlrig to a nine mon tha' flying clothing. Oandidates must agree that, upon suc'0'1 ....' .JI'he student will BPendhie ceseful completion of the cour.e of in'.i~ ~ee montha at a civl.lian echo-ol struction as a Flying Cadet, they will, ,~~ ..r~:,1~' primary trainlng~ the next if their services are desired, serve -;.~~ .. nl>nthe at Randolph FIeld, Texas, for three years on active duty with the engaged in basic trainlng, and the final Regular ~ Air Corps al Res.rve offithree month. receiving more advanced cers, unless sooner relieved by compeL'~I,.:tzl8.ilJJ1~ . t Kelly Field. Texas. Except tent authority . :S ~.f. spee'~al1zed training, the nine Upon the completion of the course of ~tl$.~duate8 will compare favorably in8truction at the Air Corps Training with.{thl>e9 trained undel' the preaent Center a Flying Oadet receive. his ..: "~t&la1'>'1be new student,. howeverI wi. 1 1 A "Wings and the rating of Airplane r~l~~l. epeciaUzed training .n the Pilot. Upon graduation he will be - "Ltac.tiC&l'. squadron s. called to active duty with tactical .~~A~lcth.chools selected by the War s uni ts of the Regular ~UJ Air Corp. in ,i)epar4im8lit . as listed above bad been the grade of S;Jnd Lieutenant, Air ~r~re~iQu,1;y approved by the C1V11AeroReeerve, wi thsame pq and allownItJIUo"Ti.UthOrity aa competent to give ance I as an officer ofthi8 grade 1n ,;ying training, and they eatthe Regular 4rrrs:t, Upon c~let1on of 1sfli:iall,'War Department reg,uirements. three zeus' aotive duty, he is promotE~ch f:b'ing instructor w111 hold a cered to First Lieutenant" an which cale t.fiic!"tft';Of cQmpe\ency from t.he Civil he m8 be selected, within the limit. AfeJ:t~l1t1c. Author1v, and ea6'h will ot appropriations available, for addihave compl~ted a standardiaation course tional active ~ty. The graduate' of at the Alr Corpl Train1~ Center .to 1ntbe.e Bebools, after having completed 8Ur~ ~ltorm training. ~e eivl11an ~l. ~1l1 use pr1muy tral~lng plane .. one year's aerviee al Flying cadet and Reeerve Officer combined are eligible t c: <lbrInt."by the BOvernme~t. One or tocompet, forcthe exi.ting vacanc1el mc:fq){Al~ ~orp8 officerl wUli euperv1ge toJ' Secon4.Lieutenant in the RMUlar ":~~ and flying training. (Continued on Page 16) J.l..l. .111-., - 1!6 V-8061, A.C .......,
Another example. St&1f Sergeant John WillOn haa a tots. of 21 years, 2 months .ervice in the ArlDl'i 18 years, 6 month. and 10 days service in hi. present grade t 20 yeare, 5 month. and 5 daYs service in the Air Corpe. To determine his place On the Technical Sergeant Eligible List, h, will be accorded credi t, a8 folloW8:
Additional Credi t for Service ... alt for Years VOiiths DEI\iB Efficiency Total .b'n\Y Service . Service in grade. or hipe:r . SerV1ce in the Air Corps . EffioifmCY Eating ''Very Satisfactory" Total Gl'SIJd 'Fotal 21 2
0 10 5 10 10
6 5
1 1
15 15
In order that the Officel Chief of the Air Corps mar have sufricient data available to complete the number of credits for effic1ency~ __ station commanders will iIIlDed1ateJ.Y furnish the Chief of the Air COrpl with the proper efficiency rating accorded eaCh noncommissioned officer reoommended for promotion on the 1939 promotion list. for Master Sergeant and Technical Sergeant, Air COrp8, and will also furni sh iuch efficiency ratings at the proper time for those noncommissioned officers who will be recommended for promotion between November 15. 1939, and December 15, 19391 for the respective 1940 promotion l1.sts. ---000--Augmented Training of Pilots ~Con tinuea: from Page 15) .
-------------------1 Additional
25 13 18 10 1 0 3 15 0
Air Corpe. When a Reserve Officer has completed three ~ears' active dnty, he receives in add! t10n to his r~la.r pq and allowance. a bonus of ,500. , except when he 1s relieved for the purpose of accepting a commission in the Regular
The 15th Observation Squadron stationed at Scott Field, Belleville,Ill., i 8 busy- laying plans to move in to tho field for two weeks at Wisconsin Rapids Wi8con.i~ to cooperate with the maneuvers to be held there from Mq 22nd to June 7th. -000--V-8061, A. C.
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NO. 11
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June 1, 1939
Washington, D.C.
The chief purpose of this publicatio~ is to distribute information on aeronautics to. the flylng personnel in the Regular .ArIl\V, Reserv!' Corps. National Guard, and others connected with aviation.
TEN-MAN PNEUMATIC RAFT LIFE By the Materiel Division Correspondent Recently under teat at Wright Field .Four two-section metal oars make proDa~ton, Ohio, has been a pne'UIIlaticlife pel ling of the raft possible in the raft, developed for use with large airwater for a considerable distance. Four planes of the Bombardmenttype when en~ canteens of water, a quantity of gaged in over-water flight. Wheninemergency rations, emerg8ncy signal kit flated and placed in the water, the raft with six red flares, and a pyrotechnie is capable of seating ten meni while a pistol form additional equipment. All life line attached to the raf~ and exof these provisions are encased in tending around it will support ten a.ddi- water-proof holders. tional persons. In order to repair possible punctures The supportil1g structure of this raft While afloat, an emergency pump is procensists of a li.tex rubber bladder with vided. With a repair kit,this makes a heavY rubberized duck outer cover. The it possible to keep the raft afloat inbottom is of heavy rubberized duck defini~. Whellinflated, the buoranfabriC! and contains three pneumatic in- cy is that the raft i8 virtually flatab e seats. The latex tubes are nonsinkable. It will float even if equipped with valves and manifolds for turned upside down on the water and C02 inflation. A.bout five pounds of the has been found to be coneiderabiv -IOOre C02 is reguired for the inflation operetable and more easily handled Uum atlen. Tlie cylinders containing the C02 the smaller Biaas. are attached to the raft and fed directIn the Bombardmentairplanes, the 1y into the tubes. The weight of the rafts will be .towed in a position raft wll.eninflated is approximately 1115 wi thin reach of personnel. Pt'unds. Whenfolded, the raft can be Experimental testing at Wright Field rolled inte a bundle approximating three h8ving been completed, an order was cubic feet of space. placed for a service test quantity. ---000--:roUR-BLADE PROp~m INS'rALLED ON PtJRSUI T PLANE
The first 4-blade controllable propelwi th dural blades of standard design. ler to be construgted in this country, The rapid increase in engine powers so far as is known! was recently install for small airplanes the Pursuit types ed for experlment~ {urposes an the U.S. for example, necessitates an increase A.~ Air Corps P-36 Curtiss) Pur sui t of effective propeller area (solidity e.i~lane at Wright F eld, Dqton.,-Ohio. ratio) without increase in propeller '1'b.1sis the same airplane recent~ used diamater. One solutlonfor future defor the installation and experimental sign purposes, therefore, revolve. testing of dual, oppositely rotating about the use of propellers ha'Ving four propelle7s moun~edIn C1088 tandem. or even a i1'eater number o"f blades. The ~ecial objeot of these exPeri---000--ments will be to obtain comparatlve performance data on the airplane when The following-named Carpi offie~pped ~th the two ~e. mentioned cers, upon the completion of ~ir tour aoove.' and also when e pped with the of d~ty in the Hawaiian Department, are usual censtant speed 3- lade type. aSB~ned to the following Itations: For a giVen propeller diameter. the MaJor John I. Moore and ca.ptainRobert 101id1ty ratio of a propeller ~an be in- W. Douglass, Jr., to Mitchel iield,N.Y. creased by adding blades. More efficiMajor Bernard J. Tooher to Langley ent operation can thus be obtained for a Fiela, Va. given power and 4iameter at high alt1First Lieuts. Edward S. Allee an~ tUdes, especlallt_above 20,000 feeT. The Sory Smith to Chanute Field, Ill. four-blad8d propeller used has a Curtiss Captain Frank F. Everest, Jr., to electric, constant speed hun equipped Lowry Field, Denver, Colo. -1'-8074, A..C.
.; GRA.DUATION EXERCISES TACTICAL OF SCHOOL Rush, Hugo P., Air CorpS I Mudgett, Gilman C., Cavalry The tranquili ty and usual routine of Griffi88 Town'end,. Air Corps Austin Hall was broken Fri~ morning, Smith, l lton J., AJ.r Corps i M May 12, 1939, due to the graduation exMinty. Russell J., .1ir CarpI' erches of the 1939 Clan of the Air White, Walter C., Air COrpl Corps Tactical School, !laxwell Field, Jamison, Glen C'1 Air Corps, '.;' . Ala. Pearcy, Charles li'., .t..1r Corps "; " Uter spending the preceding night at Nicholson, Arthur B., Coast ArH~l~ Langley Field Va., and mOlt of tlie ~ Smith, Archibald Y., Air CarPI .. " " at Barksdale Field, La., Major General Martin, Darwin D., Coast Artl~leq . Henry H .ArnOldi Chief of tne .1ir Corps, Bump, .Arthur L., Jr.!. Air Corps piloting a Doug as B-18 airplane, landed Crane Carl J., Air liOrpS ." at Maxwell Field on ThursdaY afternoon, Ri tchle, W1l1iam L., Air Corps . where he was to be the baccalaureate Bryte! Walter G.J. AU COrpl " . speaker for the graduation exercises. In Cabel, Oharles ~., Air Corp.:' . the evening General Arnold attended a McCorm1ak, John H., Air Corp... \; Y : reception gIven in his honor at the Offi- DeArmond, James K., Air Corpl.:.'> '.).' cers' Club, where the commissioned perJohnson, Alfred H., Air Corp. >':1 ('; sonnel of ~he post and their wives had Harris, Samuel R., Jr. Air C9rp."", the opportunity to meet him or renew Doyle, John P.~ Jr. Air Corp~'" their acquaintance. Baxter, Henry !t., l r Corps w.', ,""., A Graduation exercise a began at 10:00 McNaughton, Kenneth P., .All" I,iO,rp.:;', a.m. Colonel Walter R. Weaver, Air Burwell! James .Air Corps' , Corps, COlIllIlaD.d1ng Officer and School Lee, Wa ter S., r Corps _ ' .. Commandant, who was the presiding offiMalone, .A.J. Kerwin, Air COrps" : cer, introduced General Arnold, who then McGregor, George W'r Air Corpl'.::: .' del1vered hiB address (which appears Daly, Maurice F. A1r Corpa ',': ,; elaewhere in this issue) and awarded the Deichelman, Matthew K., CoastArttil~el diplomas to the graduates. Jones, John N., Air Corps <I' Of the 76 officers who graduated, 60 Springer, Allen R., .ur Corps r : , are from the Air Corps; 5, Coast ArtilColeman, Frank J., Air Corps .;.' .. ': '1ery. Corpsl 2,Infantry: 2, Signal Corps; Gibbs, David R., Air Corps ",":;' 1, Chemica Warfare Service; 1, Field Sams, William C. Air Corps' z: .... , ; Artl1lel:'Y; 1, Cavalry, 3, Marine COrps, Warburton, Ernest K., Air COrp6, ",' and 1, U. S. NaVYi Moore, .Aubrey L., Air Corps . ~'c. "', The following s a list of the graduRobinson, Stanley K., Air Co-rp,S:.' .... ates in order of rank: Firit Lieutenants':' . Lieutenant Colonels Persons, JohIi., Air 001"p$ ." ."" Almond, Edward llt., Infantry Harman, Leonard F., Air CorP_-: :J;'. ' Kingman, Allen F., Infantry Choate, Robert E.L., Air COrpS:;'C, . , Ma~or8 Arnett, Charles T., Air Corps ;:'.:' Dutton, Donald L. ,oast Artillery Straubel, Austin A., Air CorpS'''' '. Personst Wilton B., Signal Corps Storrie, Carl R., Au Corps' .. Trunk, utto G., Air Corps N~ Officer , .. n Walker, Ralph B., Air C01'ps Overfield, Dav B., Lieutenant , Lober, Clarence B., Air Corps Marine COrps Officer. ' Vitzthum, Harry L., Signal Corps Smith, Joe N., l4Jor ' B1es81ey, Rowland C.W., Air Corps Jerome, Clayton C., MaJor, Holland, Harvey H., Air Corps Weir, Frank D., Captain, . ( ", '''. Post, Leo F., Air Corps In the past years the Scb.ool-~.;ha\ Gaines, Edmund P., .Air Corps a few monlihs' recess before8*ar.iUlg I :Nelson, Fred C., Air Corps new class but this year the "De"', p'):a.SI Morris. Edward M., Air Corps begins on' June 5th _ three:'~~~9B':'lar. Souza, William B., Air Corps lier than before, and as i;.1~ ~ Kelly, Oakley G., Air Corps matriculate approximately. 100' .stu. .ntl Mollison, James .A.., Air Corps which is nearly 30 more th$.n:.;~~:ti5 .~, Woodruff, James .1., .Ur Corps the School is now working' unclerca"l'orc Lync~, Frederick D" Air Corps draft preparing materlal tor tn'a :d'ew Perrln, Elmer D Corps class . :; ..... .i r Rei ly, Henry H., CoI'J) 8 ---000--. ': :.':::-' .~,' . LanaganL William M., .Air Corp I. 'r~c Cl'U.Ck,",ames C., CarpI The following-named .Air Corp .. OfflHarris, Ray G., Air COrps cers are assi~ed to duty 1n-.~ ,ot-fic Williams, Randolph P. r Air Corps of the Chlef of the Air Corpsi.' ..-sbslng . Captalns ton DC' Shelti:Jll, Cyrus q., Coast .Artillery Corps Lleut: Colonel Robert C." ~~~:: Gerhard. Frederick W.,Chemical Warfare f rom th e Hawai1 ..... Depar t men.,. ;,,,,'.1-' t Service Colonel Clarence L. T~: lI:tWfr Kelfer, Homer W., Field .Artillery the National Guard Bureau ...e~~;t.;.'fe Stace, Donald F., Air Corps not later than June 30 1~3~.";
, V~~4~.'!l;;c.
./ .GmJiBALARNOLD AnDRiES:BlCroRE ACTICALCHOOL RADUATDJ tS T S G 1 am happy to be here this morning to influx of Reserve personnel who will have to receive specialized training and extend to you my congratulations upon the succe8sful completion of your course be taught the multitude of other duties of instruction. Tq..the Staff and FaClll- that the experienced squa.iron officer must know. ,.~y cl ,e~ress my appreciation of their To provide the required pilot person~'ef1'ori"t which have made this graduation nel, we will follow th1s plan: Primary pos.1J1~Je. To the ~uate8 from other training, 3 months, wil~ -'be given at sethil:rF~~~.Air Corp_ '.y I say that it .. lected civilian sChools. The ground wa.s\8."pI~asure to .,. bad you 'with us. school training during this period will Thro~,associat1o!t'7,", th you, we have be about the same as that now being ~ivgained a greater urtaerstanding of your Basic training problema~ Your knowledge of us and our en at Randolph Field. will be given at Randolph Field and adprobl~ma, assures us of increased undervanced training at Kelly and Brooks standing by the other Arms - and such Specialized training will be mutual ~derstanding is essential to au Fields. units. ces~' teamwork 1n our national defenae taken over by the tactical There is a two-fold reason for trJin~ To ~'U: of the Air Corps, this is a this system of primary training. First, truea.,Jlom,mencement." You are entering upo~'a'period that w111 be of intense in it saves us the expense of enlaltging our interest to you - a period that will be vi Training Oenter to take care of tal t().:~e Air Corps. You will be call- creased demand that is temporary 1n nature; second. it gives us a test on a ed uPOAfor abnormal efforts, and. the Bystem to which we feel we will have to training30u have received during the ':':c'~;e1:gbt months will be of inestimable resort in the event of a major war, when a large number of pilote would be r&value to you and to our Corps. I will give you a summary of our plans 'Q.uired. We feel that our standard of instruction can be maintained.. The civilfor the 'Proposed Air Corps Expansion. ian schools have been carefully selected; In two y~~~s our airplane strength will expand l~, from about 2300 toa minitheir instructors have undergone an instructors.' course at the Training Center, mum eft '5500. About 3300 of these will so that the training will be standardibe aQ,~ive airplanes and of these about 2000 '-wi).l be cOJPbattypes. The task ot zed; and at these schools we will have )roduetion is, for the most part, on the our inspectors - you might well call shoulders of our aircraft ino,ustry. Our them "stage Commanders"- who will check on the instruction and pass on all major,task is to obtain, house, and train' .he necessary personnel. The mag- "washouts". nl tud@.ot. our training task is apparent Our enlisted problem is also a major one. In two years we must take in when you co.nsider that our officer per25,000 men, and of these about twosonnel w~ll be increased about 9(J/, and thirds must be given epeeialised Air our .nlhted strength by 25,000- a.l46.' Corps training. We are establishing a incret.._. SChools at Scott Even if we had a sufficient number of branch of the Techni~ qualified Reserve officers available, we ield, w~ere the mont~s basic ceurse could not commission them all in the Re will be given as a preliminar,r ts cerL'::'(~U ArJ1l'at one time without creating a tain of the courses given at ChaDute and " . :.~tOIlOUOD.humpI. Our plan spread. this Lowry Fields, which will operate on an ' ';'.'lti.cfeaaeover ten years. About 400 will expanded bas 18. Also, we plan etn using school. t~ eupple.~:'r~~e~jm~ ionea. \hi. year and about 126. 10m, selected civ1li~ ant our output of ~rpl8De llecbaoic8. _ ~:l)~~~ .. tt:r1tlont ... ch rear tberAftert ,~"'J.l~~i;'\'e' ~fficeJ1a wUl f111 the remaining N units .ill be form6d as equipment and personnel become available. At the ~.)::!a~c~e8. Thus, early in the program conclusion of the program, we will have ':'J~ ,,~;J.l.bave fewer Regulars than Rethe following tactical organizations: lerves. As time goes on, the number of Regulars w11l increase and the number of 5 1laV1' ombardment Groups, 6 Medium B Reserves will decrease, until at the end Bombardment Groups~ 2 Attack Bombard_.j:~~: ~'1'ears we should have, roughly, ment Groups, 5 Single-lhgine Pursuit ets s: .:t}le:p:l1oport1onof two Regulars to one Groups, 2 Interceptor Pursuit Groups. - E,!i.4\J&.'e"e~ "It is during the first two 2 Fighter Pursuit Groups. More than 40 new squadrons of all types years ~at the serTices of experienced oNfe&rs~ 'W111be invaluable. During tba w111 be organized luring the Expansion. In this program, we have just eo much ~. ,,~~,ticOd:~.~nite will be formed and pres u c~t ~.xrcanization8 will be subdi.,ided, money to spend. 'e have to buy a cer16Jtl! 's:a:men.yas three times. Our exper- tain number of' e.irplanes. A certain number of pereoamel are requi red to -;len'(lekt~~ar Personnel will be spread '''vtlry and we will be faced by an operate our active airplanes and to
4. C.
carry on our other activities. Waintenance requires its share. We have to buy bombs. We have to carry on experimental work. To do all this, we have to ls:eep our construction costs as low as possible. Five new bases are to be constructed - one each in .Alaska, Northeast United States, Southeast U:p.i\e4 S\e.iee, Puerto Rico, and Panama. New station. in the United States will have but five sets of Officers and six sets of noncommissioned officers' quarters. Permanent barracks and quarters will be constructed in Alaska and Panama, but CCC type barracks will be used elsewhere, and tropical type quarters will be constructed in Puerto Rico. Hangars and technical 'buildings w111 be held to a minimum. I have given you a brief outline of the proposed expansion program which is our immediate problem. There are two other current topics of immediate and vital interest to Air Corps officers and, indeed, to all officers in the Army, but more particularly, of course, to those of our branch. The first of these might be termed: "Changi~ World Conditions Which Have Necessi~ted Revision of Armaments." 'l!he President of the united States ably epitomized this thought when he the Congress of the United States on the state of the nation. January 12, 1939, in these words: "What needs to be emphasiZed is the great change which has come over conflicts between nations since the World War ended. and especially during the past 5 or 6 years. "Therefore, it has become necessary for every .American to restudy present defense against the possibilities of present offense against us. lIMilitary aviati.on is increasing today at an unprecedented and alarming rate. Increased range, increased speed. increased ce.pacity of airplanes abroad have changed our requirements for defensive aviation." The foregoing statements by our Commander-in-Chief should be pondered over by eve~y military man. Even the casual student of world affairs must be cognizant of the tremendous change which air armaments have brought to bear on national policy, international. negotiations and current diplomacy. In his message to Congress, the President restated the :MonroeDoctrine and what has been oommonlyca.lled "Hemisphere Defense". Congress is now engaged in a prospective revision of the Neutrality Act. There is ample evidence of the national interest in the military establishment in committee hearings on War Department and Naval appropriations ~Bt concluded and on the sizeable increases for the military establishments containe
in the late appropriation ac~a".,. r' Abroad, there is no longer:Alr.:'lt:~~n to hide or to evade the preao~1~' pB which air armaments are pla7,1. 'i~(-ipternational negotiations.T;o',5WnioP:':' strate conclusively the pa:rt:,.lVID.,cn:,~ .. e Britain feels that air warfar,~'p,Wt(~ i national safety, it is only.~~'I$t.Y point to the fact that her a.1~ , ' .. " I:tt for the coming year will be one billion dollars, or more .t~':":. t for either her Army or Navy M.a. n16ra than twice our own outlal fo.~t}f~:#t branches of both the Army ~d'N~'.'" The second of the prime eo~s~d~~~ tions which I referred to mailbeo~e "A Reco ition of Air PoweraiJ:cr t~L. s 0 s ca on el ere s a pro a y nex year, for the first time in its histoi' the course at the Command and Ge~r. Staf School at Leavenworth will in'c ude lec tures on Air Power and Air E~rc~ ... vel' " similar in scope and treatman.{;t~t~os which have for some time beejiJ,.~t~~1il here in the Air Corps Tactica17S~99~. For a long time the terms 1lJ;!r"'P,9"'@~" and "Air Forces" were held bi,:Ulost'.~mil itary men to be large words 1n~tlie~: mouths of young Air Corps offlce;J;'s',~7:: i practicable, improbable,;l~Y~E!oretical, - anathema to the old'scliool 0 military thinkers. It is quit~':ejrUen now, however, that these ter~: "Mi':, Power" and "Air Force" have \)e~~la,,'ten erally accepted here and abr.oa~;'~:i<" This raises one serious que.~l9n~; which gravely concerns all of~Ui~..,~iln our tactica.l tests and dem.oD.8i.'~.tti~&. e, we must make certain that no .. ~ .ic$.~ncies in training belie or dis.~~d.l&:: th claims we have made for theb:~'ca~ 0: Air Power and the accomplis .'," i Forces. Now that we have solfl~.a,'~ idea in warfare. we must make:-4P~ sure that it is not unSOld.bY.~.~1Uf,l$or performance of our air unUa,., :~Jjlg the next two-year period. our,t'~c:;:r;,cal uni ts will become, in effect:.';~1.,rang establishments, in order that', :~AEL1;Jlcreased number of graduates,.o~ sphools may receive their $p, ~.o.i1.'t,l.ed training. Many old .q,uad.rol).e;;~11:)e broken up to form cadres for n~ ... ts :uni It will be difficult, ther~'f<i1iel~,~if: o n imp08sible. to maintain our .~f:r~~,!11CY on the present high planef'ie J',~rl~~'~,n the GRQ Air Force today. ~o -9!~rc6,lDe in part this serious eituat,1q~.tliave recommended the formation h~t,e .4t.~~well Field of three demons~r!~to~r~ual rons, which will be composed'~f cOmoat crews trained up to the minuts, 'an! we shall rely upon these units ~~ g~ve thl demonstrations at our spec1a~~seH1ce schools and cooperate With-;lo ~~ arms to the end that our cl~ Ij . ~ Ail Power and Air Force may be.: "~.li3~~'~ut V-8074. .A.. C.
u.e.. ..
.....~ ..
ing possible accurate area bombardment on localities obscured by clouds or fog: (.~~~;/fi8.~e'i in ArmvAviation since been that combat crews could ride in planes . . --191!k-,:'foJ" over 28 years - and I can say in the sUbstratosphere, sealed in pres- ; ,.,').~'t: lt~urance that mil! tary aviation . sure cabins with the warmth, comfort and .- r ~", "li!a~ed a stature, a prospect and o&ygen and pressure equivalent of n01'lll8J\ :;. ,C';, ,~\U1J far beyond our early dreams or earth level atmosphere. Yet all these I ':Q'11~, cfid,rly recent expectations. Whoever things, though the nightmarish fantasie .JA~~t '~n the earl,- days that fight~ng of yesterday'. are the successful exper- I ~~1~~. would fly at 500 miles per hour, iments of toda,- and will be the mass i . ~t: JJlPers would weigh thirty tons and production actualities of tomorrow. i ~q. ,!lve tons of bombs for eight Undoubtedly we shall be called upon \ '~MAAd miles: that singl.e engines for great effort during the next two \ 1f~,cCaevelop t~o thousand horsepower or ,-ears, but the result will justify your \ ,. ~t'~rial cameras could make clear effort, The President's Air Program I :p'lO'tp~phs through layers of clouds; or will be aceompliehed and we shall have 0~~'lnstrument8 would be developed mak- covered the first mile in providing' i .:::,'" ., this nation with an adequate Air Defens~.
'"l... ~~.,.'''f")'''
~,::.vTl1e .~6th Attack Squadron conducted a . "'.'~tere8ting cooperative mission on " tU 12th wi th the 2d Battalion of the . ,;3.. :thJJilantry, Scllofield Barracks, T.H. _ .. Mij~r!ecker, commandingthe 2d Battal"{on~.i..!Z1d 9aPtain G.R.A.clleson, commanding .' th~:.~tl1 .a.ttack Squadron, personally . "tli~ae'-'~h~ plans for the mission. . '."': 'lh&~problem was one of attacking, bar.. ,'~i.~~~t.and delaying the ground troops 'who '~'dto cover a short distance of ~~, ,rjta.d and cro8ll a gulch before '. 't'ea~, their objective. Only six air~"were available to the squadron. ..,o'!~,"'ere divided into two flights of ~j!l~: ~'ch '<) siJllulate complete flights .~Jit~tu!t~airplanes. The tactics of the . :J:.ittkc;k';ineluding the use of lime water :='. - ,\'!>'.lI~ate chemicals, successive low~. - . q.1. ~-' C\~. .,,~8. au! ts,delay. feints highly caused and that ,mt and were sue;M:~, aeoording to liajor Becker; and were very illuminating to all ~ . .' . of the :Battalion as to the capa-. i .. ~.\ie,e.:,.Of ttack Aviation. A koeption. .. '.Yr1natructi ve to the newer pilots in . =" ~~Stl:1 Squadron, the problem gave more trAi~1~~ 1n tactics and technique in one ;:..~~~rtbin could have been gleamed in .. .... ~.Jic),~8 of study from text books on
"ii~n: ...:
, .... :.~The ..8UCc.essof the mislion and its ,.J;l~gl1tra1.n1ng value was due to the fact :~~liIA~jDO~ commanderspersonally d1scue.,.... :\~d planned its scope. ( "It is to be r,~;:80~e4'!:t".' ~8s the News Letter Correspond--'~s~~., ~~h8,t similar problems. ",hich 11lus :.,o.(f')t..'r,&~. J~o.clearl,- to the younfer officere ::,~~ oapabilities and limitat ons of hie ");' ~, .1?,~boonductedat frequent intervals.' :::~~~~~.~.;.ot:n;~~~i;~o:. a:;t~~;r. .. @V ~~nWashington, D.C., and, for j"U~~file.t); ~-renlence of the Government. pro-~o .,,~e~.~ ~ .....,., .~h home to await retirement. ........ ~..
"I :~:. ~
Master Sergeant George W. Edwards,7th Reconnaissance Squadron, Air Corps, with more than thirt,- yoars of excellent service to his credit, was returned to the Uni ted States on the USAT"RJiPUBLIC" nd a sailed from the, CaD~l lotte. to be placed on the retired list at the Army BaBe, Brooklyn, NewYork, on April 30, 1939 Sergeant Edwards' first service datee back to December 30,1907, when he enlisted in the 64th Co., Coast Artillery Corps. After three years with this organization, he reenlisted for the 122d Co., Coast Artillery Corps, a similar period. He then reenlisted in the 3d Co U.S. DiscipU.nary Barracks, and served from April 11. 1914 to June 23, 1930, when he decided he wanted to be an Air Corps soldier, His career in the Air Corps started with the 20th Photo Section, A.O.,then followed the 12th, 14th, and f1nall,- the 7th Reconnaissance Squadron, A. O.,wi th "'hi cll he servsd up to the present time. A testimonial dinner was given on April 5th by the 7th Squadron. at France Field, in honor ot this veteran non-comDdesioned officer, Sergeant Edwards' service has been excellent all the way. Hie d1scma,I~ tiflcates all bear "Character,' He has been 4ischarged as a noncommissioned officer on eaCh and every enlistment. In the Air Corps he served in grades up to Master Sergeant, Sergeant Edwards now e~ects to make a WorldOruise. He will visit a brother in Australia, and w11l then. return and settle on the West Coast. The reecrd set by this veteran noncommissioned of~ ficer is well known by his fri,ndl and members of his organization,wno have the highest praise for hie abilit,-,pereonali ty and coopera t1ve leadership. The en... tire organization is proud to congratula~e Sergeant Edwards upon his retirement and wieh for him web happlnell and easy sa111n~-.f.e.t----tl1'e rest of -the wq
V-8074. A.O.
ACTIVITIESOF THE18THPURSUITGROUP The work and industry of the Hawaiian honey bee was emulated lately b:r ~e 18th Pursuit Group, Wheeler l'1eld. For two weeka during the latter pert of Aprll quarterlY test.. Department alert. and fechnical in~ection. added their demands to those of routine flying and the heretofore carefree "PeaBhooterl" ere 100k1ng rather Berioul. The annual Technical Inspection was made during the firstweelt of the month 'by Major Edward V. Herbeck, of the Sacramento Air Depot. Due to tne location of Wheeler Field, pilots have long been handicapped b:r a lack of practice on rad10 beam faci11tiel. Fortunately, this field hal recentl:r received a new type Link Trainer. and all pilots are undergoing a course of instruction and practice OIl- radio beam flying. The 18th Pur sui t Gro~ recently attend ed two very educational lectures at Hickam Field on subjects vital to officers on duty in Hawa11, and they were given by qualified officers from the Headqgarters of the Hawaiian Department. At -:a340, April 17. 1939 the usual peaceful calJn of Wheeler Field was shattered by the sound of "Call to .Arms" telephone bells and alarm systems. Sleepl officers and soldiers were informed that they were "on alert" and ordered to report immediatelY to their poat of duty. The entire lIawa11an Department. exclusive'of service commands on outly1ng islands. had been alerted. Shortly after 2400 0' clock, all units were reported present, and the recall order was given. The fourth quarterlY test for the Fiscal Year 11139 was held on April 18th. The 6th and 19th Pur sui t Squadrons fired mass ~ery on three 3O-foot tow targete flown. in formation, and tne 26th Attack S~dron bombed and machinegunned deBignat~d water targets. Brigadier General Walter H. J'rank. Coumandlng the 18th Wing Corps, accompanied by Lieut. Colonel William E. Lynd. commanding the 18th Pur sui t Group, and hi. staff, made an inepect10n of airplanes, pilots and hangars. --000--CONSTRUCTION CAMP MORSE OF AT FIELD The new Control Officer of Out~ing Fields. lat Lieut. Richard T. Coiner. Jr., is constructing 26 tent frame. at }lorle Field, Hawaii for future maneuvIrs. Construction Is progrelsing rapidlye . Six enl1sted men, under the commandof Corporal Luther Thompson.. all of the 17th Air Baae SquadroJ4 have been loaned for the construction of the camp. Drawlng commutation of rations, the men organized their own mess and are enjoying the time spent awq from '2raliUIUt flu'ies.
For two weeks during the~lY"JlJLrt of April, the grey LoUisiana dawn:tmm the pilote of the 77th Pursu1ti S.~.dro: of Barksdale Field, La., w1~M1g;':~. r wat. to the gunnery range. 'lhef'~1 enJoying open aeason on ground .targets The News Letter Correspondent"da~, clares that the P-36' shave pro,Yen-:to be an ideal platform for both'thei~l a and 50' s. En thus1asm among the 'pilots is running high in an ticipa tion .0 -:duplicating last year's record &1id;Jceep1ng the coveted Luke Trop~ ill 1;hei1'. possession for the third cons~t1ve year. . : .r., ~ The cancellat10n of the annuab'fh1rd Wing Maneuvers permitted the 17t"1+ . Squadron to eet up their aerial gunner camp at Galveaton, Texaa, on May: 11th, and wh1ch was Icheduled to contlnua..:un til June 5th, which will be thefil?st period. The aecond per1odwil1:.extend from July 11th to July 20th. . : :;
-- ..000--;...:~:.
The 79th Puraui t SqUadron 20 th:. Pursui t Group, GHQ, Air Force, left: Barksdale Fiela, La., on the morn1ng,of, April 12th to participate in the,:Th1rd Wing GHQ Air Force Demonstration:' the following ~ at the InfantrY" Scb601 a Fort Benning, Ga. ,':X'J , ' The Squadron of 18 airplanee(demotlstrated mass firing attacks '88~ silhouette targets simulating a bomber ment lfltgh\ in Javelin formation. The firing formations used, me'.~olu of flights in two-plene elements ,~d 8 squadron maas with flights echelOned down and to the rear. .. ,;',;")0 Six of the nine silhouette: :t!'r,ej~ were destroyed by fire reeul1;i1iig~ from the uae of tracer amrmm1tion. "~.~emaining three targets were riddl~ py the heavy volume of fire. '> ' .. :,~ ---000-. ~:'.;
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Belng loaned to a Cavalryottio~:at the Bale Flight Section at Bar~W4&~ Field, Shreveport, La., for' a:;if~ t his home .tation at Fort :Bl~.&[";fJTe.G a parachute, upon arrival ati'-'];.ggti:': Field, Texas, was turned ovelfJ'-'CO ~ SupplY Officer on April 5th. While ani tlng transportation for ~t8 ~,eturn to Barksdale F1eld, the paraob:o.te' was loaned to Radioman, first cl&l1sj:<'JiA. Dinan. of the U. S. Coaat Guard Detachment. for a flight 1n airplan&f "1!Y#e J2Wl ,*V-l58", and was used i:r1'JM::em!.rgency jump xrom this craft on ..l~~~ 6th, near Alpine, Texas. AftElrf'llt-.',.wal retrieved and re1iurned to :B~.~hdd. it was immediately forwardet-l&.l.:Bal!k8dale Field, with remarks f-or- B~te (Continued on P8&e 8) .IIJ.
V-8074 , .A.. C.
Selfridge Field has the privilege of claiming the unofficial world. B nonrefueling endurance flight for a single place, lingle engine! Btandar.d equipped Fl1f!re .. ~ service PurBU1 t airp ane of 800 c;~:;tthe,.flve squadrons in the Group, power or more. The airplane 1s ~ a}-},."bu1i wo have completed ~~Ufication ~ Severeq P-35i and the duratJ,on o'f the Qfo~".in both gunnery and oombing. The flight was seven hours and twenty-three ~l ~h'ing two squadrone will complete minute.. The plane was piloted by 2nd ,;Jtiis:i1l" ..qualification training by June Lieut. Robert H. Qp.igley, of the Head-r;b5tlh. !Ll '. quarter. and Headquarters Squadron of ._q:,.,1fu.i':mg the first four months of this the Fi;ret Pursuit Group,- and. hi, fhght ~ar.~ aPProximately five thouaa.nd :prac;:- was remarkable for the Iact that he t:i;<ie"bGNIlbs have been dropped in conJunc- landed with fort; gallons of fuel, un.. t10n with other training. .A.course in der the orders of the Group Operations b-xclea;direokoniIlg navigation is now being Officer. compl6i'\'ed. In addition courles have "It is calculated," Bays the News y,,~-,beet1 g:\oyenin Chemical Warfare, Recon.Letter Correspondent, "that Lieut ,!naluan;ce Aviation, :8ombarQmentAviation ~gley could have remained aloft nine -L:s'an,bA1rJ'orce. The courles have been Hours and thirty minutes 1\'1th still ~'~plelllented by several one or two-hour enough fuel remaining to land sateq." J'f'lec1oures on subjects of vital importance Contending that no two motors are the to officer. of ~he Air Corps. Bame or that no two carburetor. are adTraining in Oombat Gwmery, accompanl- JUBted the same, Lieut. ~gley experied by a course in skeet for all members mented several days wi th different a.1r:";of-~oombat Crews is now being given atten plane. in the Headquarters Squadron. betion. fore selecting his airplane. He then .j:-:Flt4>&aU indications, the month of May had several hourI of experimental fly'W&e':L sd1.e.dul ed to pr eaent a full per 10 d ing at diff eren t al ti tude. and wi th of'::activity. In addi t10n to the routine different throttle, carburetor and pro,;:a?.demolit1on bomb Ing_ exercise _8 slated peller setting, together with their j;o.:; be-. con&1cted by the Group on the 4th, consequent effect on the engine per.i.: 9th, and the annual Hawaii formance, oil temperature and cylinder Department Maneuvers were calculated com temperature. It was also found that -J)'letle1 .to abeor\ the energies of the con.vectional air currents made it difGr~-t'rom the 15th to the 27th. ficult to maintain constant altitude L'L' ~' , .', .;: --000--with a full tank of gaB, crui sing at .. u.' r ~,. 125 miles per hour, with 16 inches of .::;J~~R&AN1UTION TWO PLA.CEST SAME IN A crIMEmanifold pressure. . r: "l;!; .;J ~ , . .. It was decided to wait until the wind i;'JI1iUen,.Major .R. ~lnghouBe. N Air was from the north acrosB Lake Huron.. Corps, d.eparted for hIs new station, with the J;"esu1tant amoother air and ~ield, Calif., on the transport lack ot convectional air currents. On r: . (}:, 1st Lieut. William A. SChulgen May 3, 1939, the wind was 22 miles per ";' -e.U'tI!led, ,commandof the 17th ~ir :sale hour from the north. !!!hefo lJ,.owing '{(S~dx.!<m. In assuming command, Lieut. infor_tion on this flight may be of . SChu1gen became a dual squadron command- interest to other pilots' er, as pa.r1J of the Base Sguadi"on st111 The average spee4 of the flight was functions at Old Luke Field as well ~s 125 m.p.h., and at no time was the airat Btckam 1'1eld. plane flown at stalling ~eed. ~e ".lxi' exce"llent job is being done by the first three hours were flOwn at 3,000 , -;nD.iS~dron conmander," is the comment feet at 16 inches of manifold pressure, :Qf.-*b,', ~New8Letter cor,respond.ent. He and the airplane could climb at 200 JC :A~;t~1; al tho~ orders come in feet per ~nute at 110 miles per hour . ~~;.If ....Jl.~.~. are issued in "twoa" - to two during this time. ..~ The oil teDlletature .t'{,~,1Ciir.;l8. ho eoumanders of the guard, never exceeded 67 d~.e8, and __ 65 .~tllCr)."8erlee.nts. etc. degree. durin& the atter part of the :J L' -000--fUgh1!. '!'he cowling flaps had to be ;,'~r;;:,'C ;;;;; ,'-.. : partlal~ closed to keep a desirable 30SN 1Ib~;!,Ql.lowlM-named Air eo1s officers, cylinder temperat'Ure ..1J1;PRl}::;~, ,th,co,letioneanO! lthDeir tm'U' f are cr.A.eaf.teerdfeuee t btbr ~ourc'onl~' &Stihone.w;tghe ti: ;lde _.:j'~~ .....,..;. e a epar ~n. ~l~ed rto station., a. follows: tude. was ncrealed to 1000 feet. The ',LeOnidaS L, KOP, and Peter E. la8t half' Q.oUZ' of the fight ntz _s perJ... 8~to Selfridge Field .. 14t. Clemens, formed at 13 inches of manifold pre,las,; ",-.'J,..' Bure and air speed of 105 miles pe~ .L.r~' ~W.uFranklin C. Wolfe ~ Wright ho~. The oil temperature dropped to -e~ .~Gj Ql;l,1o, and lIt Lieut. '!'homas L. 64 degrees and the cowU~ flapa "ere :JjLilfl~ . !. ~. '" to Chanute l1eld, Rantoul, .closed further. .A.tno time cUd the -1'11.--'-" _' motor miss or show signs of malfunctionbw-tli.e i~'fitl
.. h:~8t..iwcelerat,d training pr~ 1n Bombardment Gro~, Hic Field, c:o'4~~~1f.: .effect since the first of the 1nL '!~eud8ir".;Y8ar,is &bOWing considerable
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V-8074 ~.C. ,
ing. Said Lieut. ~gley: "I oertai%!lY hated to land wi th forty ga.llons of fuel left, 11 Fuel consumption averaged 21.1 gallon. per hour, and duri~ the latter part of the fll~t, lS_gallons. It is eatimated that he flew 950 miles, and could have flown 1200 miles in the full period of nine hours and thirty minutes. ---000--NOVEL HOME FOR:BABY KITTENS
Prior to a flight on April 13th of sevenpllots of the 6th Pursuit Squadron, Wheeler Field, to the middle illan of the Hawaiian Group, four new members of the Squadron made their ini tial appearance and were heartily welcomed by GUNNERY CAMP FOR19THPURSUIT: . ... .. .~ all. When the life rafts were being inspected for the trip, it was found that Of late the~19th Pursuit S~on four baby kittens h8.d established themWheeler Field T. H., was bUSY'].' rS!D4 for the annua move to the lBth.~ . selvea in the air-cushioned bow of one 1 of the rafts. Needless to S~L another Gunnery Range at Bellowe Field~' ~" T H ...) raft was found, and Technical l:Sergean t Vielock appointed S~dron Nurse to The Squadron was scheduled te'~'eQ.a about 14 da..vs in the f1eld. mo'V1bg''i..~ Kittens~ in addition tOllis duties as Flight uhief. Bellowl Field on April 27th and joMVn. TIle flig1lt was made in P-26B airplanes ing to Wheeler F1eld about May" ~11tb;~ under the leadership of Captain R.W. Good Icores were ant1c1pated.~w!'~Douglal8. Air Corps. Fields on Molokai, standing the fact that it was to be thl Maui and Lanai were reconnGitered, each first time for 80me of the y~u.ftg~ .. member of the flight leading during part pilote to fire the entire covje-',i.'~' c of the trip. No enc~ent has yet been Besides the regular per80JU!l~1";()'f~e Squadroa, tour attachea piloter'..Rf8'; to made on the Island of Maui. The apectacular beauty of the white sand beaches. acc~~ the 19th into the: f".el~.~ .. .. '!") ' the 8urf, the tropical JUDglel. and the name1Y. Lieut. Colonel Lwndj Ca~Js .,~'_,:.:1 :.:. maQY waterfalls of this island impressed Ramey v.... e and Erickson f ~ "\ - ..-000--.,,-,-..~ , .:~:~ everyone, and ~e B6W8Letter Correspondent expresses the hope that the organi.A.dventurea of Parachute (From .Pac'&:6 ). zation will camp there sometime in the . "! ~.L \~~ .:' future. Record Card repacked, and r.~tut~li; to ---000-the BaBe nIght Section to awa1:t :f'llii'. "). (l " ORG.A.NIZlTION "AIR COMMAND OF SECTION" ther adventure I. Says the News Letter Corre8PQn~nt: According to the Selfridge Field Cor- ''Where it may appear to you as' :lJ:ust. respondent. the " CoumandSection" at ano ther par&chute. I an 0ld ~~hUt~ man can read plainly wri tte~:1i:bonvl"11 that field is believed to be the only sturdy strapB: II am locat~' l~"'the'! "Air COI1lD8.nd Section" exieting in the Air Corps at the present time. .A.n "Air heart of the Southern Milltary.1k~t Command Section" was organized within whence come you and Owh1 ther" #0;"':, ~.~:~ ' the headquarters of the 1st Pursuit ---0 0-:',' ." .. , .. , .. Group, nth the following functions: FIRST PURSUIT GROUP NNIYEit.~;fj .. A '...' ',,'J:':., a. Control of the Group while in flight. Friday May 6, 1939. marke"d 1;il~{,ju b, Reception and evaluatioa of informs.hon concerning the en~ in opera t10n twenty-first ann1versary of ~e. ~~gan1. within the net of the "Aircraft Warning zation of the 1st Pursuit Q.:r~l)~ . ~p. Service." the occaB10n was celebrated, .. ~~~tE c. Direction of the combat unit. of gi ven in each organization, 0 :, 1;h-e:. :this Group by telephone and radio to the Group. At each separate b..,nq.uJlt";tb.e interception in flight of ene~ aircraft respective squadron cOnJDander-'t~a:?j;he opera t1tlg wi thin the r&n&e of aircraft history of tlie Gro~, the war'hl!Ill}~ty, ass1m1ed to this Group. an d the names of the "A.ces,". Within the last few montha, problem8 G roup. ~ .... T ~,. have not' been carried out in great num .. ---000--- .' '~."~' bers, due to inclement weather. although Major Oliver P. Gothlin, Jr.~(.~ the ~raining in the 8ection was carried Corps, upon completion of 'h1o.B~1l0f o~ by "mock problems. " Practice in duty 111 Hawaii. i. all1gned 1Ql :A~rp theoretical problems i8 conducted, inRepresentative at the :Boei~" ~n'I'To t Co. Seattle Washington . ~ll.~.:..,;,. -8-' V-8014i'~.-{1.o
eluding keeping the time factors to th very second and. as.umlng that the enem; is close enough to be eeen,it 1s consi ered a good interception. . . '. When the weather permitl,coocF:v1eibi 1ty, one 19ua.dron will aSB1iil.a.~e::.tbe en~, whire one of the other ~.qua(1!ion will be used al the frien~. f6rce.,: By th1B method each problem .i,'1iork8a::'"ou very carefUlly, and every bi tof ii!tor mati-on and knOwledge 18 taken. ~a!~~1 of during theBe problems. .. " )'." Every problem 1, aupervi.ed''by Cattain Jame8 E. :Briggs. S-2 Off1eer;:;~d ~~~or Lawrence P. Hickey, Gro~ ---.000--. .. ,'"',
1 -,." ,
s~:ii~ON .
;)18r:00 81
U,d",!'li'!6~g.ier, General Arnold N. Krogstad. ~. ' r i Commenderof the Second Wing. ,-.~C' '~,' r"Force and former Commandantof .: t1?-~j ~Oorps Advanced FlYing Sohool. . ,wa~;.(:~isi tor at Kelly Field. Texas. _.:,f"tom";1(8.y :15th to 18th. He arrived from " ,')J~rc~~~Fleld. Oalif.. where he had been inSpecting Air Oorps training actlvi tiel. -M~ W8-s",accompanied by Major Caleb V. i:., tl:P!i~,~t,A;1.r Oorps. pilot of the B-15 l,:;:> ~ o~L the tri , and Coumander of the ~ li 13ombardmen~ Squadron Langley Field. Va.; Lieut. C.E Lel4a.y; Lieut. 'I.L. Curr~; Technical Sergeant A. CattariuB; i,:08.'ta.1#~,~&ergeantBL. Spicer, W. J. Heldt, D. tr.L~'hines; and Corporal J.E. Sands. OSlO ,A;J,-..erQ'\J,tine inspection was bei~ ">!1i:~ ";Ph, ',:r", e, huge IIF1y'ing Fortress, II !t~. r~l:: ogstad. Major HaYnes and if ' n ~J tA.. Lohman, Assistant Commandan o~ the Air Oorps Advanced Fly1ng ~!iiJ o~) flew to Mat880rda Island. Genera o ,., ,4 and his party took off in their .'.1' ~8~OO a.m., !4a,Y 18th. enroute to L1JIld.eF;cFleld, via Barksdale and Manell
to the Air Corps Tactical School. ----Colonel E.A.. Lohman. Assistant Oommandant of the Oorps Advanced Flying school has been detailed as Direol tor of Fly ng Training. during the temporary ab sence of' Major Isaiah Del.vies. who i8 now at Wright Field. na.~ton. Ohio, as a member of an aircraft evaluat10n board. ----The CommandingOfficer of the 63rd School Squadron, Captain Dyer. and the Squadron "Engineering Officer. Lieut. BiBhop, are giving preference to the older men of the organization who have been trying for ma.ny years to attend the Air Corps Technical School. Aa a result. four Air Mechanics, 1st Clas8. and one Air Mechanic. 2nd clas8 are now included in the following lIst of eight men who are now taking course8 at this school. viz: Sergeant. A.M. 1st Clas81 Aldei J. :Ba.r1teau and Private, 18t vlaB8, Rob.ert -IIli..-U.'.' B. Kercher, Co IIlllIWli tions Oourse. ce ,.[;; 81 cJ ?,: ---Sergeants, A. M. 1st Class. Dm E. PF.',BarveyW. Prosser. Albert C. McGi'trenyand Claude M. Tinme. Sergeant, Fo 'lJ'"lter E. Richards. John V. Hart. A.M. 2nd Class. John J'. Tracey, and s,-fJ'aM8.19.ill;LmerT. Rundquilt and Russell Corporal. A.M. 1st Olass, Oren Nix, ,):J ~::au~.ilj,.ll were recipients recently of Airplane Mechanics Course. or~.rf~Oii:"ect1~ them to proceed to MaxPrivate, Specialist 3rd Olass, 3l,,~J.J'G,~e~,d.Ala for enrollment as stuNathaniel A. Pape, Airplane Mechanics dente in the June 1. 1939, class at the CoUrse. Air Corps Tactical School. They will be Corporal Anthony B. Sedlock, A1r on a temporary duty 8tatus for about Oorps and Technical SUpply Clerk . ( ~~;CtCiJIlQn~hs,instead of for nine months Oourlle. 8.s-1n the past. Upon completion of the This Squadron has more men qualified cJ C9~lL'theY will retwJt to Kelly Field for entrance to the courses at the _Q~! f~"oX'iginal assignment8 w1th the Technical School than all of the other A.l.r Orp8 Advanced Flying School. squadrons combined.
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:j~'~~~,C6mbat pl~;;-.or1g1nally design)\dvanced tr,ainlng a,t KellY F1eld, aHV."c~ ri4J,.'ly found their wq to the Adv~ :i:Fqing School after first being ~!\ .,tactical organizations. liTo cd8.1l.~\" i 'of the planer have been recelved at 'Kelly neld, declares the News Letter Corre@pondent. "and an inWl-Jl< number of others are expected b.t6r'e'training of the next Cl8.88 s~l .... ,we hope!"
'91 .~,
... lgn~.OllowiD-named officer. ~o '.' '., J! station. and duty with ~;,'C,.P1'P,' s,.A.dvanced Flying SChool. 'n:' ~-j~ot'l1P;].etion their course of inof .~ ~. 'i,tjiLae s\udents at the Air Corps a;c,t . ,1 School. Maxwell Field, Ala.: 'C'a; talns Henry R. Baxter. Arthur L. BumP. Jr., aobert E.L. Ohoate. Frank J. 1&nd 1st Lieut. John t. Persone. 10 ~;" 'eld looks forward to the ar~o-"IO~ , :P.. t~eBe offioers, who will re ~~~~:1. ,,:,pffioer personnel a1tuation ~ tlieabsence of a number of the o.:tf.~~1!"'"Who are now under orders to re-
The 63rd School S~';;dron boasts that it has the finest flower gardens in the Army. Every known flower in the book is now growing around the barracks. "We are particularlY proud of the varioUB type8 of ro se8 ln the large beds in front of the Squadron.," ~8 the News Letter Correspondent. "SUCha floral array does much to improve the appear&nce of theBe old 'war-time' buildings. II ----The famou8 63rd Schc>ol Squadron Orche.ira, dJ.rected by Captain Harvey F. Dyer, hal cealed activity for the summer month.. '.rhe Big MuSician and .A.se1stant Direotor, Sergeant 13ariteau, is now pursuing the Communications courle at Chanute Field. Ere the winter winds begin howling through the old barracks 88ain. the orchestra will be going strong, building pleasure and morale. ----. . Ma or Geor e M. Palmer .was detailed as Station A~n18trat1ve addition to his other duties, replacing Capt. John C. Crosthwaite, relieved. V-8074. J.. C.
10t35 in the morning, made. the. ~nute flight to Washin~~on, andlr~rned .waj~r General Delo I C. lmmone. ColDlDBZ1d- the Virginia Air Base immediately to !ng ~eneral of the GBQ A1r Force. ret~ after the conclusion of the ce18~~~s Maldng the flight were 42 P~36A;:'"Jfe" ed to Langley Field, Va at 8:45 o'clock gle-ee&t er planes of the Eigbt-h.~ on the night of MOZ1d~.May 15th, from Group, under the commandof Lieu:tI.:COl Puerto Rico, where he and :Brig.General ~eorge C. Marshall, recently named as William I. Kepner. and nine "Fl;V:in~',,: the next Chief of Staff, conducted an FortresseB" :Boeing :Bombers... the ".. f:t ond :Bombardment Group. under the: ,0 .. inspection. mand of Lieut. Colonel Robert Ofda .;G General Emmous, who used one of the The planes engagei in brief ~,-t\.1Y:~);'1 army's famous "Flling Fortresses". left I.angley Field on Thursd.a)r of the precedover Washin,!;ton, in honor of the ;~0Ir ing week. with Lieut. Colonel Robert ragwm Chief' Executive. i: ..', 3"1 The Pursuit planes were f.r~;ije~~ 011s as pilot and Major Harold L.George 33d, 35th and.~ as co-pilot. The first leg of the 1.000- quarterBSquadron, The Flight COmmaBd. mile journey carried the flight to Miami, Pur sui t Squadrons. ers were Majors RusBell L. Mangball~. Nee Fla., where the plane was refueled, and Schramm; Captains John E. :Bodle....~~ from there the trip was resumed to Barcus. Clyde Richard and l8t!~~~t:. Puerto Rico. Francis GriBwold.-. General Emmons expressed satisfaction PilotB for the bomberB ware "cgOnel with the trip and said that conditions oias, Oaptains Robert B. Willi&f&8!w' ('fil. were favorable. However, he JlBde no com11em D. Old and IBt L18\lt. ou.rTr~.~ . ment regarding the purpoBe of the LeMay. of the 49thSquadron;Mi{~t'l1f&r. inspection. old L. George, C~ptainB Carl ~.:~ .. OtherB who co~osed the crew of the iel and Darr H. Alkire, of thJ,/g'6~t. ." .. ~L "Flying FortresB were Capt. Frederick E. Squadron; and Captalus Alva ,H:ffi .. ~~ , Glantzberg, navigator; Staff Sergt.Jacob Neil :B. Harding, of the 20th ~ .Li .~ E. McDonald, crew chief; Sergt. James J. ---000 ..-, -~,' ,.,; r :Boutty, aSBistant crew chief; Privates Archie R. Jester, Joseph B. Walsh and KELLY FIELD :BOWLER MOiVS']!:ifJ.;~::.r Walter G. Wilson. Corporal Albert I. Smith and Private Albert G. Smith accc.mFeel1~the urge for a 11tt'ltt.~~- .. panied the plane as far as Miami and rni c~ee ear one mo the ~te' t~9; $ ....':~ communication during vate Ben ina. of n6 recen. ...... r. t~ the flight. Corps Detachment ~d star Ke;J.~(" ~ sauntered over to the.JJ:e ,. !,~ bowl1Dg a11e1 for a practice qN.10,. i', !RITISH AIRMAN VISITS LANGLEY FIELD It was a lucq urge for Prih'e.~ "UHf;: a couple of practice balls Wh.n,~ .. , ; registered .trikes. he came'J.tliro~:~"~ Wing CommanderDavid F. Anderson, of " the Royal ~ir Force of Great :Britain, who with twelve more to join San '~~tOiil.J,..9' exclusive group of "300" bo"Urs. ~Ul/ is on a "good will" tour of the United the hits were New Yorkers. nth..Wt. t States and is engaged in a study of the exception of two,' which wer'e pei'~ijct I, progress of aviation. waB a guest on Kay :Brooklyn strikes. Private. ~Qya"'" ~:;. 11th and 12th of Colonel Lawrence S. Patterson and Donald DI1ckett. Churchill, :Base Commanderat Langley Headquarters and Head~ter, Sg "on, Field. Va. Wing CommanderAnderBon was Air Corps Advanced FlYing Schoo~,,, "~~ conducted on tours of inBpection at the neBsed the feat. '_ ',,: iI,,?:' Peninsula Airdrome. and on the afternoon ... ..000 .... .~, ~~_ .... .< of Kay 11th made a visit to Yorktown. Williamsburg and Jameltown. PURSUITERS ON LONG NAVIGATI<:)}L#tIl1*: He left the Peninsula post on I4s.y 13th Eight officers of Selfri~eFi'et~;; .. for Norfolk Naval BaBe and will also ViBMich.. under the cOIllIl8Jld ~or'" ot .: . ,it var1ou8 air fields throughout the Will1. R. T~lor~_ of the 27th.''Pu:r.)~'t;: country before concluding his tour of SquadrO~ recentq returned tro~# .~~inspection. tended croee CO'Wltry flight w~~"}~ "--000--them as far east al Hartford.&.: C~~"'" ,';.: and al tar south a. Dallae, Te~i;'.'; 4 . LANGLEY PLANlB M.U:E MASS FLIGHTTO trip waa made with Uttle d1;ffi _~ .., NA.TION'SCAPITAtr .---0 O 0--.., ,i' H ., Fifty-one Langley Fie~ fighting planes Upon the completion of hi., lIou:r': 011'.. took part in ceremonie. at WaBhington, dut7 in the Panama Canal DepartJJae~'" D. C., on May 5th. eerving ae an air esK~or Geo~le W. Polk Air COrPl 1 e .. cort for President Anastaaio Somoza. of dgned al .a1atant lJ; Corp.,til-prlM N1caragua.. The plan left short11 after Bepr8Ientat1ve, Weatern PrOCUhDlIhI~llh trlet. with .tat1on at Ingl flC1&I.if. -10.. V-8074. A. C.
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_r'lAmI DA.Y AT ;, MXDDLI'roWN AIR DEPOT FREAK STOBM FATAL TO FLYIWG CAD-:ijT b~:,_,~-:~e New.etter Corre8pondent ho Randolph Field. Flyi~ Cadets, re19~9, _8 celebrated at the. tUl'l1'lng to their airdrome on a night no ~,_ Pa., Air Depot. 'by hold1n&. 19at1on flight on May 18th, were trappe '1Q IWl_~.e e,and .. it proved to ~e the IDl)ltby a freak storm 50 miles s40rt of ~ .. ~ ..vent- ever held in the CODllll1- the1r,':goal,. forcing both to take to .'m Ahea.vy downpour of run CUdnot their parachutes. Flying Cadet Donald _" -11 -the enthuaialDl of the public on E'~,Roberti, 23, of :Bessemer, Alabama, m1~ tin'. '.. _&.viat1onl .at over 18,000 pea.Ple was: killed - possibly as the result of . of' ~~,age8 attei1aa4. NeighboriDg" hestrik1l1 a tree after the descent in a P41~~" anc11U.Kh School. a&c1&l"eaholiminiature twister which suddenly swept :, . .r21t! order -that their.tudentl might across- the course. Flying Cadet MalVa-n .-'ncFand8ee how m1l1taJ17 airplanel H. W. :Brown, who also leaped from his are r~aired and r.couiDislloned foruae :BT-9 training plane at the height of "n-rt'l1~, mi11ta17 lerriee. Young .Am,rlca the storm, i8 in the Fort Sam Houston lbt"at'su. d.ed in force, and lome 1'8Hosu1tal with a broken leg .-QBtneJ ~i'1 the curfew r~. Fifteen Flying Cadets departed from k"H 'r.he';i:,JUbllc1t7_for .A.ruw' DI9 was very Corpus Christi, Texas. at five-minute banCUed by MaJor Cr lY. intervals on their last navigat10n N_WQflUla~.end radio for a radiul ot 50 problem of the present :Basic class. The milel oooperated fully. al attested by first thirteen of them co~leted their .i~aturnoutw1th such m1lerable mission with no untoward incident . .Mta~"_\lj " Cadets Roberts and :Brownwere the A vfi1!:.'6n'eatsouvenir program, wal prelast two to depart from Corpus Christi, -w8,4:.;~d given a~ free. Thil program and when in the vicinity of Falls City, ~t8.1ned the order of d1.plq., togeTexas, are believed to have encountered .. & description ".~1' ot how civilian. the "twister," which residents in the , .o:bta1n 8J!IP1oYJl18Dt the Depot, a at vicinity oftha twin orash declared . ".ct(iJcription of the new propoeed swept across & 8mell area. Two instruc. Et~ce SYltem "How to Become an -tore, also returning from Corpus' :..... ... rplane Pilot," Reorui t1ng in R~r Christi, passed through the same area .A.rD:ii'.~d Recruiting in Regular Arrrq within ~en minutes after the accidents, Re ~.' and reported nothing unusual in the WB ~~.feature 91' the eZh1bitlon of weather. -le~'~'Fom,pl..te IlWwl1'lg of bow .. wreolc- A thunderstorm was stationary about d-& nlwxe waa taken through varioua 20 miles off the course duri~ the 1,.1i .. ~ 1T~, ~. the wrecking traIler thro~h evening, and a meteorological officer ell - 8 .~. to final aaaembl.v and flight was patrolling the area at the time as Cl:.~. ;lg a demonstration of an added precauti.on against just such 1'1 :t<'~ntrol. The Depot ~pl1' Exan occurrence. bi In-c.1uded lamples ot flYing c10th"It is believed," I8S the News Leting~Pt-.1.1 Flying Equipm,nt accel.oriel ter Correspondent, "that the twister ~j..1."le Air Transport load of sup- suddenly developed from the main storm tl"'-';;~r ~ loading in an Air 'lraneport area, dashed &Crols the course fo llowed ~e."';::'. . by the Cadets. and shortly after dis&1- .-:'wi~.-aerved local 01US.ens of propated. Residents in the vicinity of mtn~ci~ ' the Depot ~ineer~ Off'iFalls C1ty reported considerable damBge .~Dwm'. and hil ltatf al81lto houses and ba:~o~o _ !!O~M. the da.v many favora."", comm~nt8'b''-'-tbe pubbc were heard on the SECOND NEW OF CADET :BARRACKS COMPLETED ~li~ o.t work .'Iential to maintenance Of equ1pnent,and ,1t is be11eved the The 8econd.of the two new F1yine; tW;Gen~,1Zl ebowiDg tbe public bow Cadet barracks under construction tHffi"tu'money 1, spent by the J.rrq Air s1ncelast fali,was formally turned I.~.ed to good advantage in edu- over to the FlYing Cadet Detachment, can' . e',<publ1e in general. In ad.d1and Comp~: "Dlt will move into their t\CWt;. ,I.eetters of appreciat10nwere new quarters as soon as furniture, beds, \"8p-', ,.., Colonel Wueet, PoetOommand- etc., oan b'" installed. Thus the four -ffL~1.;~( C)m1nentpublic official., , companies of the Cadet :Battalion each ~,~,'E l~ ooncern., Rotarian., bave their own ba,rracks, relieving the co ~\"~ ;;'~~'d.'pof. ..uront:~ieepBOe8Xttwaendeed lirO o~O~:B:t~e:l~~:~~:e w:~e~n_ ~ "" creased one hundred_percent 1n March, handled l' ~or Ia"uImn and membere of the 1938. 'lbe 8Quth ball of the basement 2n40~tS~on. DI1e to theheavy of this building will be used as the rdDijs.~ar1dngOf carl was quite an Flying Cadet Supply Room,, and the north __ - dail.a '_it __ handled w1tli dispatch balf will serve as the FoQ"ingCadet ~eout~;~ougbout the~. The Carpenter Shop, also as a storage room organisation could be for the Post ~rtermaster .~~tt~Wd. . .z .: .. -', -11V-8074 , A. C.
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By F.rEUJk Welsh
Hqrs. 9luadron, 7th Bombe.Z'dment Group H8ndlton Field, calif. Dedicated to, and in DlillIJ017 the offioers of. aM men who crashed in a 13-18 Bombing Plane, piloted. by 1st Li8llt. J8DleS D. Underhill, U. s. Arav Air Co~s, on the afternoon of Deoember23, 1938, at Uniontown, AlabaDa. Grey dawn streaked With long, shiDing Twin motors roared Warmingup for the the Marin hills arrows of light; on the apron, flight.
Then, the great silver ship, in the dawning Lik. a monster bird of prey, ' Roaring a challenge of power, Soared out over the bejy. Pilot and crew on duty, Brave aXld. dauntless men, Sailing away in the morning, Never to 'COIl8 again. They flO'" the ship on its mission, Still at their posts when it fell, To perish in awful disaster, In a naming. fiery hell! Died as soldiers do bravely , Those gallant, fearless men, serving the flag of their country, Fai thful until the end. On the twenty third day of December, That splendid ship came down, Taking toll of our finest, In the crash at Uniontown.
Apprentlce embalmers and a.1~. .. ~ .. ~~~f e slgners - ~Ct1C1ng attorne~8 '~d! 1mal husban n- aal10rs beto.r,e ',. :;~: mast and ra 0 research engine:e~fC-:" these are some of the varled l>ro~~C"'!' lions followed by the FlYi~.:~.'Cl~ 1M Randolpll F1eld before the wh1ni~ ar of a1rplane engines beckoned .,,;b;~ 't'd.a career in mill tary avlation. ,,: ,',',t3 ~:'1: Flying Cadet R.A.. Nowot~ prentice lineman, working oIl.t.hf.~~~ tenslon stuff carryi~ up to,~-.9:Q(L . voltl." Cadet E.F. Porter was'1~~~ r. on a prlvate yacht on the area't"'t4iik before enteriDg Randolph F1e).d'.:1,h~'t March, 1939, claB8. Cadet 'R.1t.~ll~ spent flve month. in the Lockhet*-4-~ tory, worldng on the XP 38. y1U,'~v j ~ ... were constructing, whl1e CAde1;a .-::3 " Sheldon.. worked al apprentice em1S4~!~: J. S. Plrruccello practiced lawafulc'-r;: ::ik~~b~~~ed lhe profes~~~~~~~~1Fqing Cadet J.N. King ..... engineer at experimental stationrWQ , e~aged ln research on locat1Ag'Jr"' cal hurricanes by means of ca~ojlEtl*q tub es . " ,~' I ' r Other profeleions listed b~ .thJ."~ oRe cla88 at the Primary Flyi~ S-chq oJ;,~.elude- chromium plater eleck,l~,.' ~, repalrman, brokerage clerk, bit" ous chemist, rancher, commercial,pilo :"1 forestry, surveyor, "beef rai~;~~. draftsman, fertilizer salesman,- f6di~a] stUdent, meteorologist. smbul8.Uc.e",:arlv er , Naval Aca~ stUdent, and,JDP,t'1lQp picture proJectionist.;:' .>;, ---000---
Hats off! to our defenders of the 8k,y Hats off! to the men who dare to fly. ' From shore to shore their praises sing Around the world let its echo ring , That all hunsni ty may hear end ~ That our Air Defenders will oonquer the foe. Salute those imoortals who gave their all That the Stars and Stripes rrs;y never fall. May the whir of your wings, the Spirit of the Air, Be heard t round. the world where borWs'burst
Onwardto glory, hold your banners high That Amerioa may forever clomi.M.t.the sky. Oh, Defenders of the Air to Liberty be true Write victory in the your will to do ' or die, For America and the Red, White BZld Blue. - By Laura Yeda }/lCIbwell Fisher 1030 Leroy Avenue, ' Ferndale, Detroit, Mich.
Under the direction of Lieut~ T.S. Moorman, Ass1stant Weather Of'ieer at Randolph Field, Texas, all Pe:r.'.8JO nJ3,ik. except graduates of the Weathet 00001 at Patterson Field! Ohio, are t'~, classes in meteoro oQ on Mon~.,'~ ..:.l,.';" Tuesdqs, Thursdays and FrldaY1C~N itep~ration for the ~ mechanlc:iJ<~ahon which will t placeon:'.~. ~ h, as well as for the observers': ,. tion on J'Wle 15th. Any A.M~'.tk ' held by the weather personn.e4'iif.' ed by the various flelds, but. .' ( Dtl July 1, 1939, the Weather SquAlrr,o :r will issue the ratiDl$s. -<,.~v,\,~.,:\ The classes are be1ng cond:\ipt'ed.W Sergeants A.W. Throgmorton ana-if. T. Treat. "d:. Lieut. D.Z. Zimmerman, WeatlUtXC:Ofi'lcer at Randolph Field, has spe8~.up work on a meteorology text boo~ ,h~ is wri tiD; t in order that lt ~,'be ;cbmpleted an time for use lnth8l' :c;1:1lJ:kJi118.n Primary Flyinc Schools. The:.boQk;i1dll have IIl8Jly Illustration., whlch $Di;u..'tee J.H. Sp1kes and W. . :Ba1r are ~. W Lieut. T. S. Moorman1s 8esistllng>.a. th the book.
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will be given th~s training and no one will be trained as a ciVilian. The term of enlistment is three yearB. Anyone who desireB to enliBt should apPlY to the nearest Army Recruiting Office. SUitably qualified men, citizens of the United states, between the ageB of 18 end 35 years are eligible, but i applicants under 2 years of age are require-d to have the written consent of their parenti or guardian. uPon acceptance by the Recruiting Officer, each man then becomes a private in the Regular Arrq and iB paid $21.00 per month, ~;:B board, uniforms and other cloth (except civilian clothes) He iB then assigned to an Air CorpB station where he 18 given basic training in the duUeB of a soldier. During this training the Boldier makes application to attend school in any of the foregoing selected subjects. He 1s then given tests to insure that he bas the ability to purBue the course which he has selected. SUch test consist of a mental alertnels test and a mathematical examination which covers the suh~ecta of arithmetic and algebra. If, upon completion of tnese tests, the applicant iB selected to attend the mechanic school and receive training in a;'!.lJ.l.&erf~malnd$r 6,495 will be ueed to one of these courles, he is then placed of fi~-1-Weting vacanC1.eBin .1ir COrpBor- upon the school eligibility list and will be transferred to one of the above " ~i.1'at'iOnl! both in the United State iii r s ~ ifilld"ore1gn possessione. schoolB for training &s vacancies occur. -'V.l~n:Wnber to be trained will be divid The present capacity of these schools 'e~ , ng .elected Civilian SchoolB; i B bei~ rapidly expanded to accolIl!loChanute Field, Rantoul, IllinoiB, and date the additional personnel which must be trained. It will be Bometime, Lowry Field, Denver, Oolorado, as fol ... .lQw.e: however, before most of the soldiers who now enlist will have an opportunity " ~- , ':At' Selected Civilian SchoolB to attend the schoole, but he ~ ex;'. . .!lo;, 'of pect to attend any course in one of the j,','1;:sUbject Studenta school B sometime during this three-year lti~ Be-"lIechanics 1,000 enl1 Btmen . t r cc;., . . :ute Field toul Illinoi Upon completion of hiB technical . training, he is then eligible for proif' ellechanic8 6,980 motion within the A:rrq, but if he does 323 no t care to remain in the Service he _ , .t. ~t, ':.J.iachinist8 ~ Welders 271 can be discharged at the end of the 3r.Wt- Metal Workers 590 year period and return to civil life as , :, ii~X:Lte, Riggers 414 a competent teChnician in hie ch08en . ,oacator ~ecialist8 240 : ,. . ~At speciaUst, 616 Une of work. The Civilian Schools referred io, pro: ~1'sP.cial18t. 498 t; r.~11tn' ~eclall.t. 336 viding for the training of 1,000 A:rJ1J Ratli<o.l.l!t$pa;ir and OperaUon 2.934 Air CO~8 enlisted men , are: Curtiss-Wright Techn l cal ID,'tOUte r ~~ ~~iner $pec~ali8ts 96 Aerona~tics, Grand Central Air 'rerm1nal, ;tOny Field. Denver. Coloraq.o Glendale,' CaUf. Aircraft Ar~rer8, etc. 1,872 The,Aeronautical University. Inc., - . \ ail' and ground) 600 1330 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. ,Ql~.,,~nistrat1ve, Supp~y, RooBevelt Field, Inc., Aviation , ~~ReeJ'ing and Operations) 2,400 School Division, RooBevelt Field, No.1, idln ~t~r. that all applicants for enMineola, L. I., NewYork. [!!'~t:'t~ have no false impreBsions Spartan School of Aeronaut1cs.L~pache J.kiono8Im1ng thiB ~ training, the folBoulevard & Chamberlain. Dr!ve , '!'1UBa, 9D~"regulations and pr.ocedure will Oklahoma. Casey Jones School of Aeronautic., '~~~1y enl1sted men of the Inc., 534 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. -13' V-8074, A.C. :~r~l~'~'iumpuncement by t~e War Del>artip;e~t ft5)1,.rune1, 1939.. WhiChiB deBlgned to' infOrm the eliglb!e young men of the nation of the opPQrtunity they ~ have ~ter July 1, 1939. to procure a well ~lanced ,technical educa t10n in the op"eration,repair and maintenance of modern aircraft and its acce880ries, the "~I:,H8.~y H. Woodring, Secretary of War .~1i~'d~thS.t under present plane, which -ar~, ~~.ndent on CongrelBional appropri"1' . ;:II','.;,~h"e Air Corps w111 be increaeed ~A~ authorized enUeted Btrength ',-+ '~tg44a:uring the year July 1, 1939, "~ee~30, 1940. All of the men.neeear,',th1s increase will not be en:' ti ~,~once but will be compoBed ot \' ' tlj- "1~crementB, a8 followl: " ,,"D\* ,the monthB of JulY, A~et, 'Si:ttt,. ~r,and October, 1939, 1200 men ~wtll"l;~"erilisted each month; for the -"'monthB'of November and December, 1939, o",olanuary and February, 1940, 1500 (!~ and for the months of March, ,u. rl11!(), end June 1940 3211 each -:llilJilh',;' ng a tot~l of ~3,644. "~.l'9ftl1iBillhumber the Arrq plens to tram 17,149"as.BPecialiBte in all the tech=~tC'6.~;..~jecte relating to the mainten.~ca:~~rrat1on of aircraft and its
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New England Aircraft School, 126 Newbury Street, :Boston, Mass. Parks Air College, Inc., Parks Airport, East St. Louis, Ill. ---000--j SONSOF AIR CORPS OFFICERS IGNED ASS TO ACTIVEDtJT!. Under Special Orders of the War Department, recently issued.!, two newly commissioned Air Re8erve officers, 2nd Lieuts. :Bailey Cavenaugh Cook and Tarleton Harvin Watkins, who graduated from the Air Corps Advanced Fl~1ng School, Kelly Field, Texas, May 26, 1939, were assigned to extended active duty - L1eut Cook to Mltchel Field, L.I., NewYork, and Lieut. Watkins to the Hawaiian Department. Lieut. Cook, son of the late Lieut. Colonel Seth W. Cook, Air Corps, U.S. Arrq, attended the U. S. Military .A.caderq at West Point, N.Y., for two years. He then attended George WaShington Univer8i ty WaShington, D.C., and Purdue Universl ty, West Lafayette, Indiana, each for a period of two yeare. While undergoing flying training at the .Air Corps Training Center, he specialize,d in Attack .Aviat1on. Lieut. Cook's father died at Chanute Field, Ill., February 10,1929, at which time he was in commandof that station. He entered the military service during the SpaniSh~rican War enlisting in the Cavalry on June ,1;;, i8~8J . A.ppointed from the ranks, he was commissioned a second lieutenant of Cavalry on February 2. 1901. After seeing service with the Punitive Expedition in Mexico under General Pershing, he was detailed to the Aviation Section, Signal Co~s; took flying training at ,the Aviat10n School at San Diego, Calif., and was rated a Junior Military Aviator on June 16, 1917. While with the .Air Corps, Colonel Cook served successively at Columbus, New Mexico, with the 1st Aero Squadron; at Kelly Field, Texas; Gerstner Field Lake i Charles La.; Scott Field, Ill.; E lington Fieid, Houston, Texas; and Taylor Field, Montgomery, .Ala. While at Ellington FIeld, he organized and commanded the Second Provisional Wing. Prior to the reorganization of the aviation branch of the service in 1920, Colonel Cook returned to the Cavalry,and after serving a brief period with the 1st Regiment at Douglas\. Arizona, he was permanently commissIoned in the .Air Corps and Berved at Kelly Field, Texas, and as Air Officer of the 6th Corps Area at Columbus, Ohio, prior to his being assigned on June 30, 1928, as Cormnanding Officer of Chanute Field.
Air Corps Training Center. his appointment as a Flying Cadet he attended three different institutions of learni, - the University of Ns.ry~, l~e& ~~V~~!t~e~f ~tOA-. ,,< ---000---, , ' , '1, ", NEW PLANES FOR27TH PURSUITsQu.A;lJ.Rdlf..
The 27th Pv.r Buit Squadron 0 f j;he,l~ t Pursuit Group, Selfrldge Field,"ttt
Clemens Mich., is now eguiPPe" (i,,'f!i,~:, its ful i complement of 29 p-36C,.a;t~~ planes and one C-40A. , ' ,: - "'. The twelve newly aBsigned pilO''Us' tit: this Squadron who are recent ~'dua~t'e'8 of the Air Corps Training Cent:&r'<~:tn". climax their training flight pe:r.1OOc:',: with a navigation flight over, a .'dt~ , tance of 1400 miles, to be aOJllllet.edc during one day. Theile pilot8;bp.ViI::b~I under the supervision of the,~l1ghl., ': Comnander, Captain Paul :B.~tmU,1;~h, 17th Pursuit Squadron, for tnre-e, I for the participation in co~i.;:f'" ....t assignments, beginni~ July .I,Iir~ ':. ,e proposed naVi,gatien flidlt, 'or*~t~ at Selfridge FieldL will fol1qw~.o:u.~ to Langley Field va.; :Bowman ,.1li(.td,. F Ky. f and return to selfridgeiIi.~Id,' . ,';,; Such an i tlnerary 1 beyona CQllI1P-liri~ B wi th the memories of these y.,~,' - "ol ,cers of their training dqs ,"'_ ~~."" '. Corps Training Center, when ~e".~~ the Horn" flight in P_12ts three dqs for approximately ~~,:'!~ distance. r ", .: ... ~ -- ..000--. ,..... . .... ~~.: '1"'...
; "f', ".
Second Lieut. Conrad F. N~c.X'~BO~i," Corps of the 3rd Pursuit S~:Q~,.-. Nichois Field, Rizal, p.I.tma:a.Ef.~auc, cessful parachute Jump frOlJ1,a,::1"~~~;:, airplane over LBgWlaDe :Bay"JU~~lj'l Luzon, P.I., on the morn1ng'(), ,l~r~t, f 20th. The accident occurred :!'li1~~uf::, was making a routine reconna~Ma~ . flight. " l'],:-'"'' The News Letter Correspon4i~'t,.~l'~,.s that the cause of the accldeJl~ )ec~e.;. lieved to have been the openl~, - ,pr, ~,;.\.h, . e Pursuit plane's flotation ge~~~~~ e maldl1& a climb to an elevatlop.- q~ ;t feet the gear opened and L}~p.:t. -,lT8@," son i ost control of the Plan~1.;"~,C,P! ~ dived toward ~ De :B81'. ,~e,:~t:t1'fW1 ed to right the plane and reJlllt,~!).~.;~, it until it had reached an altitude of about 2,000 feet. The craft wall .falling at the rate of about 250 m1~;'p~r hour, and the pilot had to"bai:!l ~I as a last resort. He landed 'nee.~o;~the Fort William McKinley Reserva.t1~'.< Lieut. watkin" the son of Captain W.W. about five miles from NicholS: 'Jleld~an( Watkins, Air Corps, U.S. Army, stationed sustained a slight injury to:: hl~~e. at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., also The Nichols Field .Aircrat~ AdC~ specialized in Attack Aviation at the :Board was cone1deriIlg the adviWt1illi~y of attempting to I&lvage the airplane. -14V-8074, A.C.
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dl1be~'Aet1ng Secreta~ of War. the lionCormnandedby Major Oliver P. Go thl1n , ~rab~e ].ouis Johnson, announced on MaT Jr Air Corps. tIie 72nd Bombardment 30th:4n award to the Douglas Aircraft Company. of Santa Monica. California; in Squadron~Hickam Field, T.R completed on March 25th their aerial ~iXnnery the amount of approximately $15.000.000 phase of the Training Year 1938-1939. fOft~e production of a new design of requir,ed by par86raph 20, ';l'raining Attack Bomber. 44O~ ~Tentative} .:..,!The,price includes epares. but not the ne~lat1ons on an open water range. roughlT 20 vdtl'st;of etlgines. propellers. Armament. miles off the west shore of Oahu. the r~~p .~u,:t1pment. etc furnished by the Squadron. ill spite Qf range restricgo_~en " tions and much interference by fishing Thls 'is en all-metal monoplane. power- sampans and other craft. nevertheless ll engin ~ ~ttA ,(~e large Wright II Cyclone set an envia.ble record wi th an average ~~~r:~ercharger. Some of these planes score of 509 per man. ~~~pped with Hamilton Standard proAll the fortT-two gun pod tions allocated to the Squadron are now filled pelim-sand some with Curtiss Electric with ~l1.f~ed expert aerial gunners p~llen. It is equipped with flaps (12. less 3 who returned to the main~,or~~:rf~rakes. retracta.ble landingJear, land'prior to completion of the course. '.~ad1~ land all the mo.1em aide to s ety were l'illed by previously qualified and.ettf.icient flying. gunners). In all. six oIficers and .. , '~!l'e~1lo~las Company's designation for thirty-two enlisted men qualified as <;~~~,p'1:ane is DB-7. The Arrrr:r Air Corps expert gunners during the course. As ~4~gnat~on has not yet been assigned. three off~cerl had previously quali.'.:.rue 1u."'Etsent ttack Bomber is the reA ied. l,OO~of the officer personnel 0~~1':tl.J:o.f 'U1tensive studies made of the including two attached) are now quali'~'i:r~, aftlused in operations in both ~ led expert aerial gunners. SPa1~anet China. By takiDg advantage of To Corporal Lloyd D. DeFreece went the'.'lellsonl'learned in these confllctt. the honor of havi~ the highest indi~,",j~bait"ti'eenpOSs1ble to combine in a vidual Beore - 776 out of a_'possible -', WM'plane the good features of the 800. First Lie'Ut. Jack W. Hlckman '( t:t~ ~ane. whiCh has been developed turned in the second highest individual Dtif'~1jl'1 by the United State.. and of a Icore. with a total of 704 hits. Third 1~i~.1t_t'~4S t Bomber. In recoIIlI1end1~the place went to Second Lieut. Lewis L. , ifuare of this Attack Bomber. Ma or Mundell. who obtained a score of 692. eneral Henry R. Arnold, Chief of e By the use of &IlIIIUlli tion which had Air Corps. advised the Acting Secretary the bullet noses painted with distinc,,91 W~- that "this plane hal a better tive colors. several men were permitted 'perforttisnce than any comparative airto fire into the same target, and thus plane in production or in service anyreduce the time requ.ired to return to " i .. he~(e;,~~ the world todq." their baBe to drop the target after " '. ~$.:.~ing Secretary of War also aneach event. No difficulty was experi_'j~~1n)ce~,..ward~ to the Glenn L. Martin enced in identifying hit . 'C'o~,BaltJ.more. Md' and the StearSecond Lieut. Conrad H. Diehl was l Range Officer during the conduct of the ~h~~ tttt=s~~~_ ~r),"~"'lij", amount of approximately half phase. '~e --000--s; DiU.li0n dollars each. 1J.'B:e'p'1.aneso be procured under the t BRITISH AIRMAN VISITS lliITCHEL FIELD "al'~~ ~C? ,the Martin and Stearman Com~e, essentially the sarne as the WiDg Commandef'D.F. Anderson. of the ~ich were entered at Dayton ROTal who re: .1.0', :1~' 'the Attack Bomber competitIon . British arrived Air Force.count~. just was a cently in this ~}.al' proposals for which were opened visitor at Mitchel Field, L.I., New ,~~!i'>U&rch: 17th. The improvements found York. on May 4th. CommanderAnderson -u"'.'!be.-a:8t1i"CJ:ble as the result of exten.~t!~.te,et. will be incorporated into the i8 on duty with the Air M~n1stry in London, and is ~n ihe United Stat~. fQr 'iil~s':.t,o be pr9duced al the result of the purpose of lnsp'ectiM American 'air ,.~h~,~-rdto the two companies. fields, manufacturing p18nts and V~~---000--~us technical faci11ti~. ~n connection w1th aviation. MitChel Fle~d was his ~~~-:,'~j;.J&CUcaltransportation Of t,he f1fst stop on an ~tine;t\ati"scheduled to '~~eu1t Group. Selfri:d8e F1el(\1 t~e him to thePaolfic Coast and reh.~,:yva8 ,1nepectedby the GrouP uom .. twn. 'He expect . to be in the United man~;qn,~ 20th. With Group Hqre. States about one month lin. ~~r.$quadron. opsrat1l1g under a -..... 000_. eF..:'t A.: ,.1!rength. the Sq'W!.dx'o~ad to h ~-'" :9~..qpmbat squadrons fQ~ personnel v.""9I.~n-~ thetransporta tion ..e :I:iJ. cr".: .... V-8074, A.C. - 5-
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To Bro s Fie d 'l' . r Captain C1a:t~1' ~~ Whee er, rom 4p. . Oanal ~~~; fO~ dutywlth the 22n4 ee.rvation To Barksd eFi ' ... : 1,t, ~t. Harold Q. u ,rom 'd, ON. ' To 1linp; Fie1~.. t MeJ~ ,Ul1em M. Lanagan, Offlce e the ChUt ,9' the Air Cb~s. , Corps, Washington, D.-C. Ih~9tt Field, Ill.. 1st Lieut. Charles, To CbaDute Field, Ijl.t Major Edward C. Wie, from Panama eati8l Department. BliCk, from HBi'Ililton~teld, Calif. He is asTo Washington,. D.C. : Captain Lawrence S. signed to duty as student at the Air Corps Kuter ,trom duty as iIiamber of Staff and TacticeJ. School, Maxwell Field, Ala., for a Facul ty. Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell period of three mmths, aDd will then report Field, ,.Ala.. to duty in the Office of the to the Air Co~s Technical School. Chief of Staff. To Fort Benmnp: Ge..: 1st Lieut. Harry N. To Wris'ht :rield Da~on3kOhio: 1st Lieut. BurlCh81'Eer, fromthe Philippines, for duty Donald t. H8i'd:r, rom ro s Field, Texas; with Flight B, 16th Observation Squadron. Captain Balph O. Brownfield, from the PhilipTo Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: CaDtain Wrn. L. pine n&partment; Captain Howard H. Couch end Ritohle, from duty as student at AIr Corps 1st Lieut. R. H. Lynn from the P~ Canal Tactical School, Me..xwellField, Ala., reporting Departmel1t. , not later than September 8, 1939. for duty &8 ProDXltions ~tqluv1J. student at the Conmmd aDd General Staff School. To Lieut. COlonel: r o"u.l1bert T. Collal ,In the intervening period he will be ~placed on fran May 20, 1939. ' ~orar,y duty in the Office of the Chief of To Coltnel: Lieut. Colonel Clinton ttl. the Air Corps, Washington, D.C. Previous orRu:ssell.lir Corps) General Staff Corps, frat ders in his case revoked. May 1. 1939. . To Fort Lewis, WashirQ0n: 1st Lieut.Kenneth T0:S:0r: Captain Th0D8SD. White, fran R. croSher. for duty" 91st Observation Ma;Y ,1939. ' ~ua4ron. upon expiration of tour of duty in ProIJX)t!ons ~.~ ~a.n&IXa Canal Department. To Lieut. COlonel I Lleut.' ~ ODel La:urenc( To Fort Sill. Okla.: 1st Lieut. George D. F. Stom, franMaciT 1,1939. C8JIPbell, Jr., from Fanama Canal Department, 1.T19~or: MajorlJJ.ysses~. ,Jones, from ~ for duty with night C, 12th Obs. Squadron. To Fort Lewis, Wash. = 1st Lieut. Telma W. Extended active dUty for Air }W,serveOffice1 Imlq, han the Phil ippines, for duty with the 1st LIeut. RiOh8i'd d'i8i1es KUgel, Bhine91st Observation Squadron. lander, Wis., continued on active duty at To Hamilton Field, Calif.: 1st Lieut. David Mitehel Field, N.Y., to June 16.1940. N. MOthen,ell, from the Philippine nepartment; 1st Lieut. .Arthur Yeaton Snell, Brockton, 1st Lieut. }S:ennethB. Hobson. from Panama Canal Mass., continued oJ? active duty at Mitchel Department {Previous orders in his case revokField to June .ss, 1940. ed). 2nd Lieut. Ralph Jerres Moore. ~ramento, To Houston, Texas: Captain Charles W. Calif., to active duty at Sacramento Air Depc Lawrence, upon completion of his present course to Mq 31,,1940. of instruction at the CoIIl:l8nd end General Staff , 1st Lieut. John Harold Turner, Corning,Io'l'll! School at Fort Leavenworth, Texas, for duty as .continued on active duty at March Field, Instructor, Air Co~s, Texas NatiOnal G\3ard. Calif until June 15, 1940. To Kel.lY Field~ Tems: Captain Edward H. 1st Lieut. Paul Wate1'Il8n, Washington, D.C., Urider.hUl; from e.tI8DB Canal Department. continued on active duty at Mitchel Field, Tot~ Field. Va.:. Lieut. CG1o~e1'Hillis N.Y., to July 1,1940. H. H81e 1st Lieut. Wll1iam T. Hudriell, from 1st Lieut. Gilbert Minnis, Hadlel, Pa., cox Pamua Canal Department;lst Lieut8~ Wendell W. tiDUed on active duty at Lang),ey Fle),d. Va., Bo1llIl8U and Frederick E.. 000000un, from the 'until June 15, 1940. Philippine Depe.rtment.thelatter ,for duty with t}w, 3rd Observation $Q'-Clron. " , Assignment of Major Rufus. B. Davidson. f~ To March field, Oa1!f.: . Csptab. lJU bert M. Baaoksdale Field, La., to Scott Field, 111100i Witlkop from Langley tleld, ~ ;l.tLieut. revoked. Bir.rel We, from P8:aBma ~ '1lepB;diuellt. To Mi. Field. N.Y.~: . 'Lis., ut~M.U1eri l4ajor David G. Lingle is relieved from d.ut) Lewls, ~P8D8ll8 C8Di1 'Deparimeat; ,also in the ,Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, 1st' Lieuf;.relix L. '11W. ' ' WaSb.on. D.C., and assigned as a msnber of To Mollett Field,~t.:1 '. Li4l.l1t. eo1onel theAIIl'oIButical Board, Washington, D.C. GeOrge .tt8her, fro Of'f10e of the Chief of ---000--the Air ,00X'ps, Wash iJ3gton, D.C. Previou,s orLieut. Colonel Tho!:Ila$ Hanley, Air Corps, J. dere inh;h case revo1Ced; Captaltl Fred O.Tally, stationed at Mitohel Field, N.Y., has been de f~ the Philippine tleparia:Dent. tailed. asa member of the General Staff Corps To NewYork Cit~: 2nd Lieut . Victor R. , and .assigned to duty in the Puerto Rican DeHaUgen, fran 1st ilisenation Squadron. Marshall partment, ~riviDg at Sen Juan b;yJune 28,'39 -16V ..80?4, A.C.
l\eld, Fort Riley, Kansas, for duty as sbndei at ~el Guggenheim School of Ael'onautics, , New York Un1versi ty. . To Bandol'j)h Field, Texas: 1st Lieut. Horn: B. Olsen, :trom Panaxm ca:neI Depa.rtltlent. To S!fl Juan,. Puerto Rioos Colonel Follett Bracuey, from MOffett ;field. Calif.! reporti] to the ColIlXBnding. Gene'rel, Puerto ~hcan n.-. partment, for assignment to duty W1 th the Ai:
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The chief ~08eof this ~lication is. to. distribute information on aeronaut1cs to the' fly1!1g personnel in the ,Regular A.raq. Reserve Corps. llational Guard, and others connected with aviatlon. ---000--THE PUERTO RICANINsPECTION FLIGHT (Narrated by Capt. F.E. Glantzberg, N~v1gator) For the purpose of fl~i!1g Major General' DelOS C. Emmons. commana1~ theGHQ Air FOrce. to Puerto Rico to inspect proposed landing field sites, Colonel Robert Olds. commanding the 2nd Bombardment Gro~. departed from Langley Field7 Va.. at 10:00 o'clock on the morning of Ma,y lOth for :Bolling Field. D.C. in a 13-17 :Bombardmen t .j)lane. Comprising the crew were Major Harold L. George, Captain F.E. Glantzberg. Staff Sergeants J.E. McDonald J.J. Boutt,v Corporal A.R. Jester! Privates 1st 01as8 J. H. Walsh and W.G. W Ison. Wemet General Enmonsat :Bolling Field at noon- and took off for Miami, Fla. The General desired to look over the proposed site for the South East Air Base at Tampa Fla., so we laid our course direct for Tanpa, and at 4: 30 p.m. circled over that city. Leaving Tampa for Miami. we enoountered a cold front about 60 miles out of Tampa. and for the last 30 minutes into Miami were constantly chaIlging course getting around and t~ough the excessl ve turbulence. Lieuts. Tor~ilB G. Wold, as Weather Officer, and James S. Sutton, as Communlcations Officer, had preceded the flight to Miami to make advance arrangemen~Bwith Pan American Air-.ys for utilizing their facilities to the best adar-~e;V:~i~!d~:eL.~t~xi~td went Over his forecast for the next ~ and listed the Pan .American stations from which weather reports could be obtained enroute. All reports were to be coordinated thro~ the Miami office and rellqed to the plane through the Army radio station at ChapmanField.. The cold front we had passed through getting into Miem1_s forecast to be in the vic1ni ty of Antilla, Cuba, at the time we would be there the next~. Except for that,, __owever. the weather would be genh eralJ.Y clear over the sea areas, although there would be CUIIlU-lus clouds and thundel' storms over the islands. At 8:10 the next morning. we took off for San Jtaan. Permission had not been obtained to fly over any f~reign countries enroute, 80 that we could not fly the direct course. Instead, we laid a couree for Guillermo Key, a point midon the l10rth coast of Cuba. :sTom there the course followed the north of Cuba and Haiti, keeping well outside the three-mile limit. The navigation involved on the ll50-mile flight from Miam1 to San Juan presented no particular problem. inasmuch as the longest we were out of s!ght of land was only an hour and a half on the 2GO-Dl. ile jump from Miam1to Cuba. Seventy-five miles out of Miami. while we were Btill climbing for altitude. we ran into a local thunderstorm area Which necessitated detouring 50 mile. to the southwest. Beyond this thunderstorm area, however. the sky cleared and the sea was a brilliant blue setting for the lighter amethyst patchee of shallow water. sparkling in the sunligllt around white coral reefs. In the vicinity of Antilla, Cuba. as predicted . we encountered the cold front but had no difficulty in topping it at 17,000 feet. We saw little of the coasts of Cuba and Haiti. Both were thickly covered with cumulus clouds and thunderstorms that obscured all but occasional glimpses. Excellent radio communication was maintained direct with the Chapman Field rel~ station throughout the entire flight. As Haiti was left behind,
:rn~~~:\;t~;~t:~t~~~~~ka~dS; ~~~s out of Miami - we flew low over Point Borinquen, a bluff about 250 feet high ovarlooking the water. on the northwest tip of Puerto Rico. After several circles over Point Borinquen Colonel Olds headed the plane east ai ong the coast toward San Juan. Puerto Rico is an island roughly oval in shape about 100 miles long by 25 miles in ;.!dth. The center is 9.,.uite rugged the mountains rising ab~tJ.y to 4,000 feet from the coastal plain. \bat surrounds the ieland. except for 1 western tip. This coastal plain is ts bordered by an almost continuous gentlyshelving, san~ beach. As we approached San Juan. we could lee the imposing walls of the historic Spanish fortress, El Moro, guarding the entrance to the har'Qor of San Juan. The single narrow runwa,at Isla Grande Airport remained ~ V-8096. A.C.
to be tested for its adequacy, but the tilent un1t.e from the States. wind was blowing 10 miles an hour at a 1&on IIlClrniJ38 the 15th, we left san __ i 45 degree angle across the field, and Juan at 8:05 o'c ock, and started back Colonel Olde Bet the big ship down for Miami. Fla. Weretraced our course easily ,barely using 'UP a thousand feet. down as far as the eastern 1i1:r;L01J Gl!Iiba, Wi h the gro~ wa1 ting to greet General then the last 500 miles sho't..Mre~~lf4r t Enmonswere Colonel John W. Wright, Com- Miami, passing .Andros;tuF manding Officer of the 65th Infantrfl at miles on our right. The trip :baclCI" San Juan, and Lieut. Jack Stanley. JUde uneventful, and we landed at M;em1'lat['q: to Governor Winship. 2:30 in the afternoon. It still liebg From the airport, we went direct to early, General Emmonsdecided: to.(.'st~ .. v the Palace to callan Governor Winship, for lunch and go on. thro~h to :Lang1fii who was kind enough to invite us to stay Field the ~e ~. Serv1cing .'W~8 QaBIIwith him as his guests while we were in pleted by 3.30 and. taking off. a~:.3,.4t5, Puerto Rico. Later in the afternoon, we we were back at Langley Field atj8:~:1 made a sigh t68ei~ tour of the J.rrq po st the.t eveni~. ' ) .-"I:- .. and some parts of San Juan. I was parSeveral hundred ~ears ago. the.::!: :tHo t1cularly impressed with the eimilari ty Spaniards bu11t a fortress at; San ~ of the place with the Philippines, except to control the c..ribbean area, i.n4dwjw that PUerto Rico's climate is far more again the importance of PuertoJlUu~a.r9a temperate. During our four-~ st~ on is realized as distances 8hri~lbvr8nl the island, the sun's declination was th leaps and bounds and Puerto 1ttlcOl'>~omei same as the latitude of San Juan, but within six hours of Florida"8Jl4iei@t1 even with the sun directlY overhead at hours of Virginia - for it 11;;ohlf!/1' n,on., we were never uncomfortabg warm. fifteen hundred miles direct,fremLSailo The prevailing easterly trade wind blow- Juan to Langley Field. : "j:.:,LVIO;!"q log steadily off the water keeps the --000--(~,{i. !lOU temperature down to an average of ?6 de' .. ~~J!':::~t;:f;:j grees throughout the year, and it would LONG RANGE OMMUNICA.TION C BY TD~.i:I.i:"r8! be difficult to find a more pleasing 10- SJroONDOM:B.AlUtlENT B GROUP. ,!; :.tbC;Bl! cality - California and Hanll enthuBi_ . ,) g~lC('J ast$ notwithstanding. Unusual radio communicatloZl- ~__ C M Fridq morning, )4q 12th after break- planes of the 2nd Bombardmen~ Groq,,,i::i fast, we started out on a two-dq, 400Langley Field. Va and PL-2. ,i-'taol.fe:,; mile automobile tour of the Island to ground station, is becomi~. rouiiA'eOdOn in~ect proposed Air Base Bites. On one occasion a B-18, sittingonLi~vl.D ~his tour of the Island I ~s even more ground at Orlando, Fla., co:b.tacte4lJlv i lmpressed with its simi ari ty to the Langley Field at the first ~~oInthe Phllippines by seeing an occasional key on prearranged schedule. 'for th&.s8 carabao, or water buffalo, and IDanY' weher. On another occasioD,"',.timH.a.rA Burma cattle both in the fields and resUlts were achieved with a.:p3.aae:r &1&pulling tWo-wheeled carts. In the tutti~ on the ground at Chanute:-~i.;: lying districts, bamboo frame and palmIll. ..: :,CdhE~ thatched huts are the predominant archiStation PL-2 has cons1stenttv:. .. rD4 tectural style. Like the, B-1?' s and B-18' s in the ait-lae' faiIas Puerto Rico is principally an' agricul tu- Denver, Colo., witbout any tl'QU1dev-..ts ral country, its main products being all, both dq and night. Thw~l~~ sugar, tobacco and cocoanuts, thougli of proved of inestimable value' in 'maiBM08 course, i~ raises sufficient tropicai taining both control of a1rplanev!~q fruita and vegetables for local consump- the air and in rece1v1ng for~<for tion. destinations, not always ava1a\));e:;t'~om After this interesting two-da..vautomo- Department of C01llI1erce tationat~,J ;,f;j S bile tour, Puerto Rico proved that it ---000--',:'L'\' ::":";03 could entertain most hospitably. On .hc:w ~H~j Saturday night we were guests at the The 5th Squadron, )(i tchel Field.tN~rt~, Officers' Club of the Post of San Juan during the month of MIq, carm:e!t,01it and at the Casa de Espana, the Spanish its program to qualify eve17,'oombat'lo Club. crew memberas an expert aeriail:.gurlher. Sun~ morning, the U. S S. NASHVILLE The results have been remarks,b~r<;gOO&', arri ved at san Juan, bringing General with every man who was run. tbr~~.the Marshall on his way to Brazil. General course qualifying. The Squadron,:biIta!:,l Marshall with his staff went up in the also concentrated on having a numb:elc'Of B-1? and personally inspecte4 all the expert bombardiers among t!i8 ~tcer proposed sites from the air. He was personnel as well as among tlie whted particularly impressed with the desiramen. ~,:':'.L, '_r,3~~ bility of the sltes selected for the ---000--") .i.e Wir:-:{\ main lnstallation, as well as with the ..... o~, '!iA potentiali ties of the Island ae a whole Major John P. Richter, Mrr'00t'P8\oo,,=, from the standpoint of aveJ.lable siteB who has been. holding a tempqr~ for auxiliary airdromes ahOuld the situminion in that grade, wa~~r .~o ation demand reinforcement bT Bombardthe permanent grade of Major,(~.t\&t. -2V-8096,- ro
servic from Fie]{,4':Jf'eus, was shown at the Inter~the. Canadian Australian and Indian 8~LOoIl6ress of Mil1tary Medic1neand medical services, a~ well as the Royal ~~, recently helde.ttheWillN"d.. ~. Medical Corps, were shown thro'i.1gh ~tel in'.'Washington. D.C. This Cqngx:'~~s the exhibits ... Officers from countries wasiconvened between the dates of I.." , M far awa:yas Siam were also noted as 7th: to the 19th, inclusive. The exhibit beillg: present. Practically every dele-_s opened to accOIlll;llOdate del~atesgat1on the from the South .American and ,dur1~.,the registration, which began o'n Oentral American countries attended the Ma7'lth. . . exhibit at one time or another. Medical representatives of 37 differThe greatest amount of interest was ent nattons were present at the Congress shown'in the pictures, charts, serial ManY: of ,these representatives were the action apparatus and proJectoscope. ailghBat rank1~officers of the medical Oopies :of- our 1,iterature were distribut. services of their respective countries, edto every delegate in attendance. incl~ng General A. Waldman, Surgeon This l1teratur~ describes the School of ielle"al:~of the German Arm:l! the only Aviation Medicine, its history, operafo~*.tar :medical.officer n the world. tion andfunct1ons. Th,I.displ~ consisted of four panels The exhibit was conducted by two offiofBp1.cnres, serial action apparatui, eel'S on duty at the School of Aviation Phorometer, Projectoscope, Depth Percep- Medicine - Captains Charles L. Leedham tion Apparatus, Crash nt, MeQical Atand Norman W. White, Medical Corps, U. S. tendance Kit Portable ExaminiD6 Unit, Army. Ishi-Hara-Oo i or Charts, School Texts --000--used in the Oorrespondence Oourse, DEMONSTRATION OF AIRCRAFT FF:OOTlVENESS E copies of Flight SUrgeon Topics, and lUIDlN'OU_ charts and d1S8rams of the actiy&:i1.' of the School of Aviation In order to acquaint the conmissioned Medicine., The picture panels mentioned personnel of other bre.nches of the serl1ebtW.e.t.eon_isted, roughlYr of 85 pictures, vice with the powers and limitations of dlv~dedabout equally be~ween the actithe aircraft in the Panama Canal Zone, vit1,~'to.t. the SChool of Aviation Medithe 16th Pursuit Group, baled at Albrool ",41n"8(,Qdthose of the Air Co~s Training Field, staged a demonstration of aerial ,Cen.tar. The Crash Kit and the Medical attacks on surface targets on the after. AtUndance Kit are recent developments noon of M~ 19th. Targets, in the form ..U:'t.het'School of Aviation Medicine. A of aluminum "sUcks," were laid on the mi~ture Battalion Aid Set, sent from surface of Panama Bay, just off the enCarUsle Barracks, was also included in trance to the Oanal, ana near the $ke-rexh~b1t space. islands Just off-shore where a large ;};:;Ther emibi t was well attended, both by group of officers of the Pacific Sector ae.-nee: ~people and ~n. The foreign and guests of the. OommandingOfficer of delep.tea were espec18.1ly interested, and the Group were gathered. someiofthem spent hours discussing the The 24th and 29th Pursuit Squadrons P~W.e8.: charts and apparatus. This demonstrated combined, simultaneous at'G4'sO\l"&slon often carried on thr~h was tacks with machine gun fire, fo llowed !c;~1tte1#eters. It was the pleasure' of by the 74th Attack Squadron dropping the eXll1.bitors to discuss our work with time-fused bombs. Tlie 44th Reconnaissome very notable medical officers of sance Squadron, acting as bombardment the world. A partial 11st of these infor the purposes of the demonstration, ~'.';" ;. concludell the show with high al ti tude .General A. Savornin, Surgeon General bombing. The effectiveness of the deof "the French Army; monstrat10n was evident from the en.-J.i.Generallliescu, Surgeon General of thusiasm of the spectators . UhaJ-~lan Army; --000--8i~jd~l'General Hippke, Director of the Medical:D:Lvisionof the German Air The following-named Air Corps;;,,, cers, upon the completion of their tour 1iur.geon Vice Admiral P.T. Nicholls, of duty in the Panama. Canal Department. ~G&neral of the .:aritish Navy; are assigned to stations, as follows: Rear Admiral Fikentecher, Surgeon Captain Thurston H. Baxter and 1st Ge~r;a~o~~~eG~~Wh~~Ingham Sur~~reth B. Hobson to Chanute ~eoA:~~ral of the Br~Ush RoYal Air O~ptains Oharles G. Goodrich, Robert .lCOJ'j)e;r1'lld , . . F. 'late and 1st Lieut. John J. O'Hara, 0,' S~r, Count Aldo CasteUoni di Jr., to March Field, Riverside, Oalif .~lIiu.lo ' of ItalY, recently in charge Oaptain Donald B. Smith to Lowry of me.dice.'i activities of the Ethiopian Field, Denver, 0010. -3V-B096 A.O. ,
.s~ @lib1t of the act1vi ties of the . . c~. . Th~ British medical -&ihOOll-tif Aviation Medicine, Randolph. ..' were '.well represented. Officers
NOTES ON THE BARKSDALE FIELD PURSUITERS . The 79th Pursuit Squadron 20th Pursuit Gro'!.IP6 has been operat l ng from 5:00 a.m. to 7: 0 p.m. during week: days, duriM the manth of Mq in an effort to com plete the ground gunnery course prescrib ed. The smooth air found in the ear ly morn iug and late afternoon has helped to raise the average individual score. Normal day operations have been confined to completion of individual train1ns whloh u.s greatly hamPered by the short8e of ai~lanes tor the firlt half of the filcal year. Evente II and VII of the Pur,u1t Aerial Gunnery Course is to be fired at Galveston, Texas, using the Galveston Municipal Airport as a base of operations. The new run~8 at this field are much more desirable for the operations of P-36.A.and B-IO airplanes than the grals field at Fort Crockett.
WORK STARTS AGAIN TACTICAL AT SCHOOL The first of the 1939-40 classes of the Air Co~s 'l'&ctical School, ~xwe.J.l Field. Alabama. began on Monclq;mo,~~ .. ing.Jua..e 5th. with 99 Btudents.pree~.and one not ;,yet reported. . ~-, ;:,.:, Colonel Walter R. Weaver, ..Ai,!"' C~.t~ Conmandant of the School. deli~erEtn::~ opening exercise address. . .. ~.:0:.,. ::,~:l Colonel Millard F. Harmon ~p.'. ~&:.:.':. other directors gave an outU~e,'O.r.;,~ to be carried out during the8chPO'.L ~~" term! and then Major F. G. ~~'i:~~(~.2~ Arti 1&;7, conducted the fir Sit' 'p-.ter;wJl1 this being in ~ readi1Ul". .', :-( '--. ~t .,mJe .. j i-: On June 6th, e 8 8. -, ':'Lt' 8cheduled to get down to their ~. ~:~ work of three classea during tlit(. ~~~ -...-000--- . :,,0':
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Aided b an almost uninterrq>~OC) t:'i~ stretch o~ cloudless sldes:,: bO.t.1i1 ..... ;... ~. ..... ' Pr1I!J&rYand Basic Stages a~ RWl. ~ r 55th Pursu1 t ~~uadron Every pilot an exper: Thiit was our Field Texas. cOJ!lPleted the1J" "l!:l._ <' train l ng on MaY 24th. Only v'1~eJf.'~' . goal on April 15th When "'e left Barksweeka of actual flyiDg 'tralni.~. . .,.30 dale Field for Galveston. Texas. On ~ needed by Clan 40-.1. now fin~:mt.' 1: 6th we returned to our home station, Ii. Primary Stue, to complete th,i4i. squadron of experts - well, almost anyof 65 hourBT flying tlme. One', ~! The weather was fine during the stay of the squadron there. Indi vidual ~ was lost as the result o:r..~., uni t and high al t1 tude gunnery were all field. and training waa di8COllti. .,' completed during the three .seks' encaptp- for lel8 than an hour on ano~h,r; ' .. ~; mente The enlisted personnel showed the sion when a sudden bve of mO~':'.~ , . air awept aeroas the airdrome .":!T, . ~.\ old 55th 8,Plrit in ma1ntaining the airplanes and keeping a maximum number in ceiling lowered from unlimit-ea' . ~"~ the air. But all was not lfOrk! For feet in a few minutea, but &js ~~ 1" those hale and hearty men, the ocean ofcleat'ed .. ~C' ~ .~ .? fered its cold waves as a form of recreaThe CialS on Basic Stage ,39"~ ~,c~a~~tion. For those who craved more gentle rapidly wound up their tri1ni~ ~oH~ with only a few hours more of':.:fP. . sport, fishing. gOlf! tennis. horse~hoes and siestas he d the 8PQtl1ght. and acrobatics needed to compl,t c~ h -, , 103 hour. of flying time :' ,.:~; ..~: .. Mess Sergeant Greco is still our pride ~d Joy - the food was fine, Sergeant. Eight members of the FiYiptc;Dem.:tLJ~ : May 1st bro'tJ8ht us a new add1 tion but ment of the Civil Aeronauti.~. '.~ r~1t . an old pilot - 2nd Lieut. A.B. Walker, all of whomhold Reserve co aome branch of the mill taryor ~ 1~; .... Air Reserve. For the last eight years he has been manager ot the airport and service, completed the In8trticto. ".' 13~ 4IQ course on the Primary St8&e Q1i .... -: \ ~I flying sohool at Miami! Oklahoma. Lieut. Walker's home 1s 1n Ok ahoma. preparato:rr to acting as SuPervi, ..ot.~Or Oh, unhappy day! Our Squadron Comthe new Civil Aeronautics Author1~7 ..~;~ college training program. '; t ~,~ mander, Captain M.R. Nelson. left us ---000--. ,. ..l.LJ ~ ~ June 1st, to be away for three monthe .; :".t ~_ s: L .! :) in order to attend the Air Co~s Tactical School at Maxwell Field .11a. We Captain Uzal G. Ent. Air COrP.~";tb4.~~ wiSh him the best of luck, and we find been relieved from duty with.ttl ':::r consolation in the man Who il to take Reconnaissance Squadron at M~ t . 'e~" ~;71 conrnand duriN!: his absence - Captain Fi e ld, N.Y. t and as signed to 4\11;11~1., r::; Homer L. "Tex'" Sanderl. Operations will Military A.tliaohe and Military ,.A.t:ta:44":~. be under" the guidance of and Lieut. for Air, .American DDbaBay,Llma:~:U:P~~'''' ..... Young, Air Reserve. ...... 000-.... Captain FrederiCk-E~-GlantZ. Corps, has been relieved from as' ,. Effective about September 1,1939, and duty at Langley Field, Va;" $i' 1'..h Capt. James G. Pratt, Air Co~ei is resigned to duty as a memb.erof ":t~,.;.l lieved from duty at Maxwell Fie d,Ala., United States Military Misslon.tfO,~~\-,.r and assigned to du.ty 1n the Office of Bogota, Colombia. . .::,~:~~'.~i::;j"': the Chief of the .A.1rCorpl, W'aeh1Dgton, ---000-, i ',. 1j;;~.v I 'Of, . D.C. V-8096, A. C. -4-
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FIFTH:BOMBARDMENT GROUP P.A.RflC !PATES Il'I "BLACKOUT." , ':By the: NewsLetter' Correspondent
't'.., ::'.; ,
cal radio stations, hardly ~. light co~d be seen in any direction. The city of Honolulu was ,especiallY effecOffw8 par,.t1cipated in.a.":BlaCkout" dri.ll t1v'e in this exercise, With all lights ~ch ,1,nvolvedtlil;l' en,t1re :lsland of Oahu. in the city, includ1Dtg automobile 1ieadThe. Gro~,act1ng 'as' an..liiln~ air forQe, lichte, being ext1ngu1shed iDll1ed1ate1 mada". nlQUlated night .:a.ttack against after the signals were given. The _~~r.~f.installatlonson. Oahu. In or-. Island of Oahu then appeared to be alaer .M,t'hviartthiB effort, the coopera- 'nlOs't uninhabited. Pilots of the air~~o. '.,:.&1~l civi11ansto .. aid in the planes reported that the very few re'"B~~'ui('f. was reqUested and obtained. . maining 11gl1ts, such as buoy markers ~ne of the most characteristic feature .end'a very few obstruction light8! gave of the 'f-sland, as it appears to pilots U ttle aid in determining the pOB t10n ~~~t. night, is the IIG'Tiadof 11ghts, ~ the Island. They were certainly of ce~' ih.t!:. at the city of Honolulu. no aid in locating objectives. Str'$' clling awrq from this brightly illuAfter circUJlg the Island for a' peminated area ~s the. sprinkling of light8 riod of approximately fifteen minu}es, tfffl..1Qh ;~Moate the smaller towns and the all airplanes dropped two flares "flilagei of the .B'Ugarand pineapple plan over several prearraDged posi tions tati<M1@j.,. The main roads are clearly in.- along the shore of the Island. Immedldi~ct~1S1' li~es. of light, which remind atelY after release of the flares, a on ~ rr ~th.~: J:l.e~V7 traffio surrounding any clear outline of the Island was v1sible ':e~ty, en the mainland. Here and to pilots and bombardiers. This advante '::.~attered 11ghts of automobiles 88e was short lived however, as the o~ . '8~,n as they move over the suranti-aircraft 8earctUght8 iIllI1ediately r ,'coUntry on road8 that are came into pl~. It was a spectacular , i-aveled. SUrrounding this ensight to see dozens of flare8 floating . ,e', ,t-lnfeBted area 18 the almost high over the Island and the beam8 of ~. '1hg blackness of tlie Pacific, brok- powerful searchlights searchillg the ak;y en' '. 'l~,w and then by occasional marine for ai~lanes. Wliile little effort was t.r 'c.~,' actuallY made to detect the P9s1tions ",' 'IP~~.:em involved in this "Blackout" of all airplanes by searchlight beam8, was"' " . the Island of Oahu 80 dark the problem as it was executed pre8enttlft ~ bl.aclmess would blend into the ed a realistic illustration of the part b .~, 'e's.s of the sea thus giving to that plqed by military and be pi 0 "s'of the nenemY~ airplanes the ilciviUan personnel alike in the event lusion -that the Island had vanished and of an actual air raid. One of the local .t1i.i, l~ ahead except the vastng' radio 8tations followed and broadcast , ""~ "the Pacific. Clear~, the opthe entire procedure careful1. It was ~ . 't1~i presented here for obtainillg not hard to visualize that the search8. e-oiDplete and effective "BlackOut" are lights, the flares and the unseen un. ~. . ,' No lines of automobile traffic i " planes, which could be heard so plainly ff!~t~:. blackout areas would point the above,might be a sort of dress rehearsal t5rrui,Ji~1~;~e~r~:Jd~:e~ff. posts. fO~t:s~Bi~~~~tI ~~~~:. was the first A\'I'~.. ,'7:.,e8'tUt extensive PUbl,iCity and ever conducted in the Hawaiian ..Departof 1'f1i1 :l>'~ization by military and mente The enthusiasm and thorOuglmess :, "~~~a\l~"itles, plans were made for with which the civilian population car'" e' .;..tllacltout" to be accomplished effecried out their part of the program tivehr~1ri:a short period of time. Every clearly indicated their interest and effort for cooperation was made by the dependabili ty in this all important civilians. The main power sm toh was means of air defense. Among the 188cu~I.;l:.;.;ex~~sh~ all street lights. sons learned by this .exercise Were that P '~a.rB, with headlighte the civilian population can be completepa~~l~.~e street8. stopp1Dg all traf- ly relied upon to carry out their part !~c ;#to.:7:. cillg b~ut ree"triction8. in this pass1 ve defense measure and Q~\S~ e,1ded the police I'll obtaining that there is no question about the efto J:~ii'tlaU~BB.. . , . fectiveness of a '~lackoutlt as a pro. l.ekO.u. t signals, given by sirens, tective means againlt air raid8. r~qi"o,~ ;bl1J:lking street 11ghts, were &t!tQ'~t''":Ljh~le. th.e "i. lane.s wereIDlDed1- A PURSUITERt S VIEW OF OAHU'S "BLACKOUT" at ~':'laPm'oachil'Jg the 18~d. . '!ft11'" ..' ,,'~lackoutn plan8went into effect. :'1Ji'eBBt1~~ed.time .for .the .nO-tiee Someonehad snuffed out the moon when to readii' aU' personjl~"'1J 81%m1l1Ut~8,but we, taxied out to take off indi vidual~ within one minute after. the initial 8igfrom Bellow8 Field! 80 we were tharikful nal wa:8 given overKGMBand IOU. the 10- t:or the emergenq- 19hting 8Y'stembeing
5th Bomb~dmentGl'o~iH1ck:.aIQ Fiald, 'i' ..Irq' with,plane and.
I:b~"'the,,~8n1ng ofMai'18,.1939,
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in operation - we could at least see our hands in front of our faees. Once off though, and up a few thousand feet, It was ea~ to see where one was going, especiallY with the mammoth Ohristmas tree that is Honolulu, glowing and twink:liDg in all its blue, green. red, yellow and white splendor against the background of mountains. Added to that were smaller clusters of ~arkling yellow facets of the m.any little towns and village!; the red and yellow outline of Wheeler I~eld looking for.ll the world like a 'fat sunfish gorg,d to tha gi 118 and glaring back wi th 1'a 'baleful green eyes. 'h~ lights of boats and . noulea encircling the islai14t;s ihdre; the cars on the 'busy highwqs and atreets looking like comets with full spreading tails but traveling in reverse alow motion along their undu.lati~ paths; and finally the whirling derviihes or revolv ing navigation beacons. .A.ll of this under the luscious tropical moon.glitters and sparkles in a selting of mottled shades of grq. :But tonight - no moon! So the islind shone forth a8 precious geme in a bed of deep black velvet. Ge.! '!'hie 18 grand! Nice comfortable formation, too. .A.nd see how the flight leader' 8 plane is dimly silhouetted by the .9.~veriIlg tongues of blue flame sticlC1ng out of the cherry red maws of the exhaust stacks! Wonder if my plane e1m11arly is silhouetted? Seems as though we're statio~ in ~ace. 'ow! What happened? Surely Itm not flying upside down? If I am, then every one else 1s too, because I'm still flying "left wing" position in the "V." Must be dreaming. Ouch! Nope, 1'm not dreaming. Just a minute ago. though, I was dreim1~ contemplating the vast ~lendor dillPlayed for rI11 pleasure. Now its vanished and there is nothing except stygian darkness. That's what YOU'd call a blackout in every sense of the word. .A.ndthat, my friend, apeaka volumes for the efficiency of Oahu'. defense forces and for this whole-hearted cooperation of its civilian population. Dropping our simulated bombs now will be "by guess and by gosh," Unless we aim them at those half dozen scattered speCk. of light resembling fireflies. If they aren't fireflies they must be light from habitation of some sort and they're l certainly somethiIlg more def nite to shoot at than that vast expanse of black. I came over here to drop bomb and drop s them I will! In cat. of a real enemr instead of our almulatl,ng him, that 11 undoubtecU what would ~en - if hiB neighbors didn't Iboot him first 1n behalf of their own safety tor refusing to dOUBe his lights. There go .,the flares! Lote of them~ But all that light helps the searchlight batteries, too, in spotting their targeta - the attacking planes. Which is
the signal for me to high-tail it for Wheeler Field before I have to start dodging antiaircraft shells.
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Sergeant Gilman H. Olark, of.'mea_ Range Office, Post Opera.tion1S>SecUon, Langley F1eld. Va., wal recen eLf. crad! ted with his second relcw! '-01 -a '; child from drowning. . .;;.'~ .. ,~. r.s. Late in the afternoon of J'IUi~'J1ii~,'L;ri Sergeant olark , who 1Btnarrled 6lri. ~'::l'~ Uves at :Bucla'oe:Beach. Va.j-"" ~ ing on the ihore with a -.11 at1 ~ ,Je when he chanced to glance ub ai1d'~o,:, a small form be1~ tOIled a'bollt':-by'/~ waves, a short d1ltance from'eliote:~ 0... Sensing that the bather m1ht,:'1j,t.~", trouble, Sergeant 01ark hurrIed O'l1!(Ud, brought the youngster to ahore-:' ;.lIeu~,proved to be Jean Gilman, III~J;-f6l:li4(:.G year. old, of Richmond. who waj,.vtj!tl~ w1th hi. grandfather, JeanGi~~ of Hampton.Institute. Here 18'one'i.cSl;those coincidences of similari~ .i~ltW names under rather dramatic *ti-__ iil:i.eel. Whenbrought to Bbore the 1)6yl.-m unconscious, but he was qu1ck1y;~~~., r vived. " .J..l'J A.pparently the 11ttle fell01(lia.'dc:'-;;l:J waded out beyond his depth and i~~bJ~ caught tIP by a wave. In all Pt \J'fof ~ i ty he would have lost his li~e~~::'~~ Sergeant Clark not been on hand.' ..v ... : Several years ago, sergean.t.'Cl~.'.k'l~_: saved from drowning a child _whq~,fOl'~-:off a pier at Marblehead, Maa8.:'~."O~~C" tha t occasion the rescue was' mQl'O~~J;tr~~ matic Sergftant Olark leapingt~()nl,~' pier to bring the child to .feW;:J~.~. ---000---, ..'":.._~ :. :'~'~,
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First Lieut. William G. Bo~er;~. Ur Corps, stationed at Kelly Fleld~ ~. ' received his degree of Master-o%':~lr from St. Mar7's University oh'J~:~J 1939. The fo llOJW1ng appeared ~~. 'w' "I St. Marra University official;'~l1.'~ tion: '" z C' ~<,;.t "William G. :Bo-qer. M.A. Li'me'ti8i1~ in United States Air Corps andi~tl~ed at Kelly Field. Recelved' bael$lb~ of science ~ee from West.P91li\.;J ;~ 1929 and bachelor of arts d~er f ' St. Mary. s in 1930. Will be" j)~'tecti to captaincy in June. MaJO~'f.16j'.'. '~. ;is,;" ter's degree in history. T1ie81BI'~,tten on tReminiscences from We t::'i'-9'ilt~J' ... taken from the Over 400 letter.[h, ':': wrote his mother while attendil~g"~1;~'~!-~ United Statel Military AcadetDi~:'.1 "~"; , practical iOker, humorous, very 'br1&~;t lia.nt. We1 read on current 'J:,.Wtd well verled in classical lit,r. a ' .. ';lriJ. Uncle Samneeds more of this tYn'R,l ..Jt1:te News Letter Correspondent adit;:":-i;'~l. think: 80. too!" r" .,: s i "J
e;.en1ll ..
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'!'he.flylrlg done by rated J.1r Qlrps pi~t~.:'fl.1;Randolph Field.T._.~ "taring theco.urse of. ayeart s op.eft,tlons, ''When redueed 'to a time total. assumed ;t;h." ' ~.iPq,;t.1o.n.s. of an a.tronODl1calf~g'Ul"e. , "~Il~~:f.ll.1~ represents the most strenUOus ttR"ofairllOrk. that the A1r Co!'Ps pl~,~,c~b.e called onto perforDll"It IncluCles daily hours 01: paiD@~. precise demonstration end Injt~t~n in such maneuverl &.-. acro'b.~f!,.frPina and sPin recoveries, In, 8trWft:r;l:;'f~Dg, night f~lng. precieion aC~"Work in simulated forced landi..M8.,(~l~ro.utine accuracy work incident (6- thi~~l of:l-1mt training curriculum. It ,i1l!:t,;e, ..~e fln-n& required by the War f.DiP'HJ t Training Direct! ve . It in'eTug~n8truction in hooded instrument qbal'andinstrument landingl. j ,,",*tbulk of th1, f'4ring repre8 i~~~~up. endoua total of lnd1vidu8.1 t ~oI1~url devoted to producing a ' 4::bourly masterpIece of fligq.t . ;' It represents a daily and ~ , I ivi~ for faultless flYing. ~-"It-, s~'. Air Corps pilots' Malter Tournament; which UJI1stbe played today. tOJDOJ)~w,'.:4Ild the ~ after, in an unlt~Mlrl'~c. eSlion of performancel, with ~~-t"~n taking the place of ~ on e;.~' , ~. llbeet and on the official. record o.f, the school. '!'here 1s a mental stro~t:'.a"cont1nuously keyed nervous al~' ~e. ~; ...ervous fatigue. .' n There ill coft t~watchtulne8s. _ '~,ccs.'~ln puQ 11c treaeure for the .QqO~~l~t of our mission here at KabdQ'lJh."J'teld is t~ enormou8, but the ~aitto the individual pilot engaged on this dutl can only be read between ~~1~s 'of the reports kept on f11e in ow Flight' Surgeon's Office. .-ring. work. 2 ", '1 ~pl.con.sider' the annual pilo t ef~ea~t on our last year's operatM'~!/ At' the present wri tinc. the r~~~1iQ."t personnel of this station. b.aVJ!!f wn. dUring the iilcal Year a tota'1 '0 g-;149 hour.. This figure of .mo~.a, "'h"""~58 000 pilot houri 1s a small _,~.~L,ed'w1th the total pilot time ~~{~leldl inCl.ud1ng student pilote. /t.Ota of all pilot houri for ' j'1;r,e ...even monthe reaClles the. atul . - ,'" e of 139,351 hoUl's. d reQ.Uire an indiVidua.l ~ilott _ -~ ~&11t liOur8 every dq ~65 lUqs . Ie .. a total of 20 years to equal e,.~ time accumulated by rated p110 "i , f'this station during thepalt ell"'" n.'iDQil.tha. And then he iould bave tg dd.1tional 64 ~I actually to r - rated pilot time figUre., ~ ) ,slan.t on thi wealth of 5 fJ.l E.rlence 'employed in carl7U1g ti11t:;> .'; 'ant train~ act1viUe8 al t~8 It&t ~~. Flfty~~our of ~. 175
1gIled to duty here have flown of 205,362 hours up to last lIOn-th. i'he .aver8&e total pilot time of .eac11 of the.e officers is 3,802 hours. InclUding observer'i time, eaCh of these pilots has spent an aver~e of !BOre than 4,000 hours in the !'-ir gain',.1Dgthe exper1ence they use daily in student flight training at Randolph Field. Here 11 one for the book: The total pilot time of all Air Corps pilots on duty at Randolph Field amounts to the neat total of ~92.078 hours. Considering observer's time and pilot time in this grand aggregate of flight eJQ;ler1, enee, we find the impressive total of more than five hundred thouaand houri of flight e~erience &S the principle eSlence of the atmotphere 1n which the present Alr Corpl flight atudent.~oW8 and develops into the Air CO:-fs pilot. A half mill10n flying hourI . A neat, round fia:are; a pretty sound foundation of eJr;Perlence upon which to operate the .beet flying schOol in the world. ---000"-METllDROLOGY TEXT nAliS COMPLETION Incorpor~ng near ly three years' work:, Lieut. D. Z. Zimmerman. aided by Lieut. T.S. Moorman Post Weather Off1cers at Randolph Fieid, Texal, almost completed their textbook on Meteorology, which w111 be used to instruct Fqing Cadete. Lieuts. A..J. Frol1ch and A. C. DappridJ also contributed to the book. as did the per,onnel of the Weather Office and Academic Department at Randolph F1eld. More than 300 pages in length and containing about .aoo illustrations and cloud pictures! the book will contain much of severa previous texts Wh1Ch Lieut. Zimmerman, as Instructor of Meteorology at the Gro'W'ldSchool at Randolph neld, has wri tten before. The text 11 written especially for the pilot. It give. a practical explanation of the theory of Meteorology and strelsel the importance and use of the study of weather to the p110t. The POlt Print Shop 1s printing the book.
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Under recent orders of the War Department. Wright Air Corp. officera, detailed ed at three Fleld, Ohio. were atationto duty a8 student8 to purllUe a course of instruction in aeronautical eng1neering at educational inlUtutiona, Viz: Captain Alfred R. Maxwell at the LlaS8&chuaetts Insti~te of Technology, Cambridi_, Wa ; lit Lieut. hank" N. M01:erl at :th!,. California Institute of !eChnol~G', ,Paaadena. Calif.; and lIt Lieut. Idwrd J Hale at the University of M1ch1g&r1 Arbor, M1ch. V-8096 , A.C.
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CIVILIAN INSTRUCmRS COURSE T.A.KE OF INSTRUCTIONPRIM.ARY FLYING AT SCJI>OL Seventy-two civilian instructor. trom the nine fly1ng .chools thro~ut the country whlch have been tentatlve~ lelected to participate 1.nthe .~ded .A.irCo!"PIp110t tralni~ programL rewrt ed at RandOlP!lField, Texas on June 1st for a two-weeks' cour.e of l netru.ction. in the Pr1marY St88e Instructorl School, prior to the inauguration of the plan on July 1st. MeanWhile,twenty-three Randolph Field officere, tentative1J scheduled to ~er viee the training at the civilian .chools, are Btand1~ b;y with their auit cases packed, awaiting final orders a..knlng them to the new duty. In additional detaChmentof civllian lnstructor., approximatelY the same size, w1ll report to Randolllh F1.eld on June 15th for the second of the two courses of the Instructors' School. The Spartan School of .Aeronautica, of Okla. t one of the Ichoole tentatively aelectea. for the Flying Cadet training, lent eeventeen instructor. for the two-weeks' couree. Other flying .chools and the number of instructors now in training, include: Alabama Institute of AeronauticI, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 6; Chi~o School of Aeronautics, 5; Dallas Aviation School, 14. Grand Central Flying Schoof. Los AngeleSinCalif., 3; Linea Airplane and Flying School, Lincoln, Neb., 8; Parke Air College, East St. Loui., Ill" 7; RYan School of Aeronautic., San. Diego, Callf 8; and Santa Maria School of FlyiDg, santa Maria, Callf., 8. . J.ccord1ng to the present plane, at least two .AJ.rCorps officer. experienoed in Primar;y stage work will be aee!.8ned to each of the nine clvlUan flylng .chools and. in addition! at lealt four enlisted men will be ase gned to duty at each of the schoOls. The flight trainlng will be oarrled on by the ciVi11an instructor., but under the 8\1PerVisionof Air Corps pereonnel. The A11-Corps detachment will be in charge of the mil1 t~ tra1n~ of the F1ing Cadet. and the general administrative work in connection with the operation of the school from a military Pr1mary training plane. will be ferried to the various schools by the civi11an instructors upon conclullon of the tra1ning period at Randolph Field. It 1s believed that at least one Corps .fficar will accompanyeach flight. ---000--. Upon the completion of hi' tour of .ervice in the Philippine Lieut. Col.nel Ralph Roycels assigned to Ham1ltonJ'ield, Cal1fornla.
NOTES NTHEnRST PURSUIT O GROUP Major WilUe R. Taylor, Con:mand1ng Officer of the 27th Pursu1t S~dron, Selfridge Field, Mlch i cap:ta~~. .. E. Brigg. and 1st Lieu~. JOhn"ffi.' ~'it~
=dron. and Cap~a1nJohn Fb'" ~~~ as~~~ t~fio~!et~e duty for three months as .ttl~~iv' the Air Corps Tact~~:.. Schoel.~:~~:J~iJ~b The GrollPTransportation ;"'L.a~l:tiifi& great deal of reconstruction;'~tl bi1nting of thelr gar8&e and worlt'::lliep~'1 cars and trucks are being rep~i~liJd:.~c complete overhauling 1s under .'WtKi .lCt':aE to put the transportation leoirionfj?li;!r tip-top condition. _____ ~ ',J ,., r..'.-,v.!.L ;: The 27th Pursuit S~onbA8,2~~"gone reorganization. The tra1~~ ..... " flight has been broken up and'the\"11 piloh assigned al membersof the ,': bat flights. .A. new training: fUght't;s organized in anticipa t10n of~ct'en. :ne.~; ~~tg~., to arrive on or: due
.:>J l.l(
"-."1 " ....
At thia wr1ti~,-32-Reserve,.'~iii~~"'~ are taking the final examinat1~~s,f~ ;commission. in the _____ .Ai'DVV'".'"::7'.,1 Regular ' -I .. ~ Since 10th, ten enli8t.e.. been ~ d ~'O. the 94th~Pul"eu1 t Squadron have ~ ....JI c~ Skeel. O.coda. Michigan,.~ I}8 ,lIt to', the perlDBnentdetachment the1'e..dTJr. ( r't aerial gunnery training. ~8",~f~*e. ij participating in gunnery tralii~ni~i't~ molt fortunale,&8 weather cotiditIcmi j have been favorable. The Jle8u1t.;..t~~~ been that all pilots who parti,cl!\lk~.o made "Expert" on ground t8rget.~. ',~ .. Squadron AdJutant. 2nd Lieut . ~,~.ttj~: W. Stark, sr., made special men t~ ..:" Of, and highlY complimented, the '!%left .~; of the ArmamentSection on thel,rgdO~ '; work. . .... .. ,; Captain John F. j~~;; i. the'~~~~~' Group AdJutant. Group Chemioa:l'!Q'ff1~'
'~,~' Jemee E :Briggs Oapta1n John:~', - Cjt: R Hawkinl'il tne Group Communlea1;i&ii1i ~,.S ~ Offlcer. relievlng lIt Lieut .. Otire~~:' F. H CaPtain Jiawk1nsi8 :a116 G ' v " Scho~ Officer and Group Opejte;.tl-64'r'~ Officer '",II ~.,;.i.
and COIlIIllOl1d1D1: Officer of Hoad, Squadron replacing the former A let L1eUt. John N. Stone. and be:
e :)~ro:",.
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Upon the termination of th u-;~o~r~ .. Field) _2& 11f i. Major W1ll1&Dl , . 'J.. to Wr~t 11e d, 0.; Qaptain -, iJ,trie. :' B J :mlUlOn to le111' Field TexM; !U1fl'!ei Lt. Chal. I.Wheatley, Jr . to MitchelJ'ld. V -8096. A.C.
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ADDRESS OF COLONEL HElU!EB.'l' A. WHITE, U.S .wa, DrIllED, Before Graduating C1& (39-13),KellY Fie1d, 'Way 25,1939.
~.tlI.\: ~.1.',:"~,.:i ~ .
~~~'~ntlemen of the graduating, cla .. ta1n tra1h or character certain w.n .. VEL, j;.oc:1q reached a porta,l belond lrtue., '1f I ~ 10 cali them, that ,".t ~.ta~8lour imagination hal here lOU 1IIl18' polle or attaln lt lOU are .' 'jio or ;dra1m fanciful pictures. Youhave to be ,lUCc.ssful men. .Andthl1 I shall t ~ " ',' ',tbit kaleidoscope of youth andhOP', do, spe8k1ng .to you collectively; whlch ". r-: etu.ture and 10U have been de11glit you. can ,take lnd1vldual~. e tn:, ,the myriad change. and the rlot !!'heflrat necessary tr&it. the one o{()~olo,;.' you bave leen reflec~.d. Let us molt .people would ment10n llOuld be ~P'" '.J.,; , .1 11 be many year. betore the honesty.:But lt 18 80 pa ipable that ralnoow tints of promise change to .the honesty ehould be above all other quald'Ull gr~Of the cODlDQnplace lose or 1tie. that I lhall a88umeyou are liont.heir .br t hues ln dila.ppointments. eat. If your experlence hal not al:Qi:l",b8ba,' I f ,Of the frlend. and, relative. rea~ demonstrated that honesty ls the - J: 1tre,:to.'~ and also those others not best pollQ. if you come from bomes 'f' . er.~J.. t nowb.ecolD81 Vduty and DVpleae where you were not taught to be honest, ) D a..5~" ~,.,oC~ngratulate you on your gr&duawhat I could eq would be no use to ~Mnfio.i:4ndthi8 I c1Q - not so JIIU.Ch on you. So we willaBsU1D8honeety. b&v1Dg reached th~B ~ but on reaching The first characteristic, 1;0 whlch I 1t with 10 JlI1Ch c,ed1,t to yourselvee. shall direct your attention,. therefore, T.bJ..a~ ~ riJi: wlth more earnestn."tban 1s that of accura~. Careleesnel8 is '1'"('1: Mjie: c-ape8k1ng, a gra4uat1ng cla.. to the pr1me caule ot fallure ln .11fe. I'tC:,;OJ'~nary 8Chool. You have ju.t will re~t th1,. Your work will never year of more grueling work be of value to anyone else lf it cannot . !.~.probably be found ln ~ other be depended upon; and if of no value to ~.l~ollexcept the 'sister IchOol of others. it can be of no value to your"~"-- at Pensacola. SPeak1ngfrom ua., lelvel. Life 18 too sho.rtto be con'.~er{.nce, 1- can 8tate that no mental or t1nual1Y correcting mistake ' Wehave p~e1cal weakling can flniSh the oour.e in~, office a red-headed g1rl al head ~;p,r, of the old academiee - Welt bOOlr:keeper,' who hae beenw1th ,us for ~~,:.q~~)Jmapolis. But in each of thOle twelve Years. Once every quarter-year i ~'t1tii.bQn8 the course 1s longer and our books and accowit, are gone over, there 18 'not crowded lnto one Drief year checked and aud1ted"br a cerUf1ed ~bgQ*plex elements &8 1n the cour.e llc accountant. For ,even year, we had 890,mpleted today. It 18 not too the aame accountant. One ~ he came j . ,- to: e~ that in winning ;your winge to me and said. "Jor eeven year8 I have o.p.j~.,e. nstrated an ab111ty, cone1d- been trying to catch your head bookI~Q,ii'i&bove the average, ehow1~' no men- keeper in a mistake. The other ~ I l\~ -' r.i-~11calweakne... Wefilld l~u found one and took 1t to her In' creat a ':ltl"to take It." My co~at - glee. She laid, 'Wait a moment.'.;Lett 8 t1 P. ~~.&iven not on;Lt with the ldea look at that. t In a few ,.cond, I o ~ ~1j~ you on the backe - much al.(ou found I _s wrong. Sh. 1. the most cl' ~l - but to enphaeize the tac ' fatally correct wotan I ever eaw." What , ....JB'.y~U, have demon.trated your worth; do you think are the chancel of that l ~ .~ govor ...... t will o;q>oct tho 70Wlg"""" lOllllg hOI' Job.. You could ". ;( ,you. .1nd you mq relt aenot pry her 100'. from our offlce . with IUt . th&~!'it won'tbe long now" before our consent. wlth a crowbar. Yeare ~dii Wil! 'geg1ven work ln which 1t will It&O - about 30 - I ran lJl) to St; Joe, ecom. ~.ed11f apparent whe~er or not Mi esourl , to lee Lleut, JOulola and ~ .~.l-!r~ent s expectation, are to be Lleut, Lahm tako off 1n our flr,t 41zt:tijl"' ,,'{~o,.en asked by your Command1~ r11ble. I.Itsald to horr1blemakeshlft was a . affair, them, "Well, I hope ..;,:tqspeak to you on th:h OCoa8On- you wontt make any m1stake... One of .~ ,~ ..~ao flattering that I feel & them repUe.d, and that the first de s~e~ pf pleasure and e.lf-satlstime I ' heard the '%Dresslon so wau fac ~,V;'Jot I realize that youth lisknown 1n the .Air Co~e, 'RCaptaln, we Ji~ ~l ears to the advice of are in a business where we are not ale:i~) qi:wremarks will be brief. hi lowed even one mistake.'l Makeit the aMY.rb~t. little, what I do I~ Should first rule of your life te be accurate. the Longer remain w1th you. .AndI am Never be careles conceited enough to state that,lf from In the second place I ahall ask you to !BY tew remarks you get nothlng that 1'111 be industrious. Weare livlng 1n a faIt rc~S'iW.Y.OU, will not bel on aeit a two-second world as it'were.He ~'ll~f ja~tlciency1n prelentation but who tarr1es will aoon find hims.lf outra~" '... ~e of stup1diq of t1on. dietan.ce, : he will never be. able to . d , ., ~'lc.ome to me 1nCi1v1d'Ua117 ancl catchup. There 18 no place in th1. a Mu.t ,1: m1ght .have to: .., to"70U modern world for the lazy man. for him a\B!U~ :\Ule, I ahouldenumeJ'at.ec8r... who' '~a "W&ita minute,f' for him who
~'.i '
~~. . M
V-8096 , .A.. C
who puts ott till tomorrow what he can CONm1CTS :roR O:BSmV.A.fION .A.IRPLANIS do todq. In the rapidlY ch@.ng1ng world ; S.J <,~ of todEq you men 1n the lir Corps occupy '!he Hon. Louis Johnson, lie a front position. You can keep thia po- retary of War, announced on 1111); l5!,.u.L si t10n on~ by such industry as reaponds than an a'nrd had been made leii'tOlI ....... to a generous ambition, t10n planes, as follows: ,.'1J:~J![,~,"( As to the third factor of BUCc.'a, I To the St1.neon Aircraft DiVf8io~.,f~~t:. e ~., '. 8ball mention lelf-reliance. As you beAviation Wanufactur~ Co~' , ; , . ":-, i come older you will find that men wbose "1ch ,... 0 ' r ox imat e.., 1 , opinions are valuable are thole who have .IlIl'J. ~., . their own opinions. Inasmuch aa you have To the .!:Selanca .A.ircraf CO:r:PO:r!Ji~'; been in the ArrtIl' for a Tear and have few Oastle. Del., appronma~'l-l:1():J -: gained some conception of that the term To ~~O~An .A.eronaUt1cal$CO"~" )S~"::",J).~~ di8cipline meanl. you ID8Y' think I hardlY C lif rtn -~ t ,... 50 fY1.'+T. ~know What I azn talk1ng about when I tell a., a:.c".rro~mae.., , .~OiJ"rli a man who bas a Oonmand.1ng Officer to This airplane is a sbort~e::'Ob have his own opinions. Now, of course, vat10n type particularly the Ar'f!V is on~ a team,and teamwork i8 contact in infantry l1aison.,!1Ul1. 1iIi!:., the only kind of work that can win. :But lui table primarily for the work'~:rs~~ what I mean is this: in the determinatl0 vision Aviation . " 1 ",.~L'\i .. of a plq, the estimate of the situation, '!he tendency in Corps and Obti.ft opinions a8 to acourBe of action will planes bas been toward larser: 8~~ . very. .Andfrom the varied opinions, greater speed. Such plane. areL :til cholce mat be made of the belt. Until to use the small fields usUal~ fitti8:L the choice is made, if your opinion is in the Division areas, and fori.f",,: requested give it boldly. After the rea80nl the present Corpa and~, ~4 decision l 8 made. then individual opinhas proven not essentially ada];) ~d'!.sS ion is dropped and everyone P11t. his the work of the Infant17 D1v~11 n~"rm: e shoulder to the wheel. SUCh 18 the pro- planes covered by this a198.rd:arjfi -e~ per conception of di8cipline And one cially designed to supply th."A.ed td that TOUwill find a8 you grow older i8 the Infantry Division. and to 'pr6 ... di.:-,1 i the onk one that controls in any 8UCfor aerial adjustment for the"'ut!n_ ce8sful h~ endeavor It 18 a two-place, 81ngle-englDe~ij6ao While material 8ucce~8 18 not all there plane end has full radio equip~t~':::;It is to 11fe, yet it il very necelsary to 1s eg,u1pped with flaps, stee1*"I~,-~! other and higher ideals; without it wheel, end other devlcee tend~,."r;~ those other finer things are most likely .prove its maneuverability an~'p~"t~~ to be starved to death. I certainly am &nce. . ~'!>t;:'~i.~ not going to tell you to run and Jump on .'. ' ; .. ,:,., r the valm1gh1;y dollar" aa the""ot or all allowance. .And one more th.~:41 evil. On the contrary, rrq advice to you economic lines. Take care of:1~~ is to ,take a run end Jump on 1t end hold and your family against rabiY-'~ii:i e on to it and copper &s many as you can. safest and best investment ror" 4 3If you feel Tou do not care tor the "long man 1s life 1nsurance. AI 1;ho".'iio " green ." you can pretty safely !amble world stands todq, I recomme~cl- ~;~,. to that you will never enough to make of you life insurance with an"Qll~r~ your back ache in carrying 1. t around. able comp~ u;p to at least :,$2O,t. '. ~ ~,e Nobo~ 1s going to force 1 t on you, and are in a period of 3% interest..:.. ~ if yours 1s the general experience you any investment that rill bri .... ~ ....,~'~.: -N-.will find it prett)" hard to rake ~. So er 11eld is in the field of' spe' ..~ do not .be aah8med to take your salary, ne-t in the field of investmen.t"',.::'f -D,ijit .; and do not be a fool and 108e it through have carried your $20,000 lite' -U~b want of t1'1]gal1t~. &nce succe 8IIfUlly , and want :t'lirtner "{nAll of this. Of courle. meant: do not vestment. then you can enter the in.... go into debt. .Andyet when I saY that 1 vestment field. But enter this ...f~~~ Jl1\l8t immediately make an exception. Such with caution. Enter it a8invritqn, c. are the conditione in this modern world not as ~eculator8 ... and cer.tB.1JiI<not that no sooner than you reach your staas gamblers. Men with more tJme tion you will find that efficiency reyou have to watch the stock auires the ownership et an automobile. been trying to beat it the.a ~'\p'i~. ;: At molt pOlte a car 18 a necesaity.:But years. You have heard of the ,~.. ~ in purcb8.aiDg an automobile, a second broke the bank at Monte Oa.rlo";J)~~,J ~ lieutenant does not require a Cadillac have heard of it only' in 80~ :~JY;~f'~r or. a Rolls Royce. The po8lesB1on of never ee:" such a man. because .. bigh_p.rriced care bT lecond lleutenantl was one, and there neVer w1~1. i8~iti'. ' .. 1& l1kelY to lead to adverse CODllleJ1t.. Invest your money carefully &rill. lJJCli that he 1. l1ving beyond h1s meanl, or p_lq the stock msrket until yoU: . ~.' that. he WIt have married moneT. Rel1the leisure ot retired age able 'ba,n'Q w111~e for pqm.entl on only when you have money to 10'.'1: a' 1 mod8l'ateg. priced C8.1'8, well within a Now I have mentioned only &4. rea,ol2B.b1.e d1apoB1tion of ;your)bUdgetary the major virtues and, I Bh&ll~ oair~ (Continued next column attention to only one of the mfnor ones. -10V -8096, A.C.
.1,.1.,.. ,
-~of ,~.rfulness
The Air Bale at Mitchel Field hal conc:J.eer:fulne8s, This spirit. tributed a tot .. l of 11xen11sted men al 1s not amiasin mllitarr to be on dut7 for the ltte.~o~ I realize that lome command ~de-attendant. pUrp08e of explaining exhibits, answer-.4~. ""ff~er8, from loJe8t' to. A1gl;a.e.', and to disseminate inforr~are 10 B1ngu],c,"lac;ld.W; in thl1 mation. TheBe men were choeen by Major ..',thatheIr sobeTnel1 degenerate. t ':fin,-p.r'into d.1scourteq that V'eJ:gel on stevena, five be1ng .elected from the 97th Observat1on Squadron (CO;rp8 and 1tiiiil't.", It, was not necelB&l7 for ~e Arm::!), and one from the 2nd Air Bale ver1 l -. ranking general ot Otvll"War. fame 'row in his later aql into '8l1Ch S~on. They are: Master Sergeant Joseph M. Cates .-Technical Sergeant a con tion that one could bardll enter his off1.ce 1ri thout being insulted. !he ~on Roeeke .. Staff Sergeant William '';~fd AttDichty hates a grOUCh! and 1.nthis J. MCl))nald Sergeant Charles R. Yo_. B [UCU1ai' I am dad he faoh ane4 Il8n in and Corpora i RObert. G. Hall and .AndrewYancy.. Jr. . _ "rown.i.mag. . 1I'So weave t.he 8Plrl.t of e OtrMnel8 into your livel 11ke the Auth.l'l t~ I"Or -the detail emanated , . if c40rd8 of an oper .. which, subdued from The Adjutant General's Office, and b_e I\nd, there a8 80me grand lIYlDDho~ .ubsequent IndorBements direoted that ewilli forth, yet run wi th the'lr- ,weet ier nnel recommended for the detall be particularly high type men. oa~ble 'i~wne. through the whole Icore." , , Wigi :that ,life is brief, you. ehould of answering queations on mechanical ~.. :..~:wnshine beet - and outsubjects. and of the appearance r educaaP.Rt.: .;t: _1l9~ the cloister and 01d.8 .And tion and general poll tenes. aB ee make them suitable for civilian contact. It yo~,,; key your heut-s1irlngs to that It _8 pointed out that the Navy De.::9.9-~'~~-'P. too that vibratel to the hap-J2~.r~JI1de things. of That man belt perpar tment had a e1m11ar exhlbl t in the ,,,fOrms,a~8 duty here on eartb who adds to tame building, and had provided e1x "ill..e- _&-i)f human happlnels. That man men of "exceptionally good appearance, Uaj. aUsw~s the reason ot hie be1~. of education, and of comparatively h1gh rank. II q, said "the world ie bapbe ---000--.: .i1.!t.-\J Iequently better, , G9.n for his haW:s
t .
up the sunbeam. lying all FIELD TRAINING 31ST :BOMB. BY SQUADRON and ref'rfI.C. them und1t. the medium of your own The 31lt Bombardment Squadron recenti~i ~ ture. for the beneti t of e therl ly completed i te annual t,wo weeki I round about you. Carry the emile at fIeld train1D, the entire time being -CbaerUlnels thro-ughout your daily lives. devoted to gunnery. The first echelon, :P,~Ucularly in your home. and perlonal ground, departed from Hickam Fleld for iQti~t . And BO, emiling, pall on Bellon Field, Waimanalo T. H., at 0600 ~~,.l~te 80 that when your final on April lOth. Sixty enhated men and 9t'&il@1n does come, you mq ltill be one officer CO~i88d thill unit. The .1ID~"8.8 you join those gone before. remainder of the Squadron, 7 offioer, ,. 'tt,.1t Be loftier far reachlIlg heights and 59 en118ted men, went by air in !.. 'jr~ ... rboom the li11e8 of eternal peace three B-18 airplanee. Three tripe were 4:-ihere &hine mid-sumner eun.s on gra8- requ1r'ed to complete the movement. ])].e '::'~ -.loopeaand green. II to BODle .taff misunderstanding with ~~.'Orac~' industry, . self-reliance, 10- Jupiter Pluviue, the air contingent was .~ibi:' ali ty and cheerfulnesB. ~ delqed to a considerable extent, and .:~l!~lUck 'a tend each one of you. WaY the la8t airplane did not arrive at ~~th&-~'bri,gQ.~:est qqs of your past be the )allo",. Field until 1405. What little dar"'ke8.~d.qs of your fut'q.l"e. portion of the mat at Hickam Fleld that -.-:" ':..: --000-could be leen at Icheduled time of A,iA:~ION'EXHI:BIT nw YORK AT WORLD'SilIR ~:~f~n~esembled a lake of no mean . .'"1Ji' ~e, ,141 tchel Field Correspondent The mo. vement c~m,pleted,and J . . ) ;.. _ . t Pluvl,. decided he m1ght a. well coop~:W;htn,~ go to the NewYOr'kWorld B arate,which he did in adD)1rable style. "7a'i1::"'~l:a summer, dOnttifo~!at t~'.~ibOPt "I the elements cause.d no more trouble. aretia 'to inspect the A r \,NrpS.III.AU"1 The lecond daY of the two week,' aj:tri~t:ofthe National Defen,e i;~Pbl't period found allguna going full t11t. 1~:\Ae"".A.v~ationl3u11d1~. Thi.8. ,1.. Prel1miDary 'l'R. 440-40 Gunnery. ground conj'f.ts -of three airplane_. other machine gunnery on the lOOO-inch raage, 1:9i'tC.;:,~ as models of' Arrrv "11~ftd" all "'ell al p1etol practice, oauaed conp'~e., -and items of aerona'\1t~c.l ..n '~derabl .. earache as well ae poor ~1t:art dress and eQUipment. J!AJor. f18hlg.' All offIcers and men aS81gned Al..,~t- .w.~Stevens1. .A.!r Co~ . of 4 ~t~lal oompleted firing of the piatol during plibl~~ic and i::ltratolphere n'"'6'-'t .- the :rtrat week of the period. Movement l'~e. -~i'~I.i-n~ge of the Cor'P8 cUI~, 'to mckam Field'8~ted at 0700. April 111&# '~c:h was' made 'W1der~angEPD8nts 22nd, and- tb' ~.,\ ~on~:I.~ent arrived ~~~ U.S .A.viation Jxbib1t,Inc. there at 1005. rea~ to r'eeume the .~.L:c. "1,'L :,' ; uaual garrison duties
, ; :Sq: p~.r
The Air :Bale at Mitchel Field hal conc~J.eerfu1nele, Thi8 spirit, men aa ess is not aDd in mll1tfU"l tributed a total of lixenllsted to be on duty for the liteI~o~ I realize that lOme command ~de-attendADtl pUrpOae of explaining exhibits, anlwer~.~'~;, .,,,,~'fk.r.,from 10JeS, t: to ,111g41 tl lng-q~ilt1ons. and to dis8eminate Inforr~ are 80 eingulU'J,y l&c;~Qg nth. mation. Theae me.nwere chosen by MaJor 'l~t,pn~t that theIr 80beThel. degenerate' five being .elected from the ;~finaut"into discourtel1' that 'ler.gel on Stev~; 91th Oblervat1on Squadron (CO:rP8 and 111iiil't..:. It. was not rieeeleary for one J.rrrq), and one from the 2nd Air :Bale ver:t ranking gene~al of C~vlltu fame~ 'frOW in his later dql 1nto.1J'I,1Ch S~on. They are: MAlter Sergeant a con t on that one could b8rdll enter Joseph M. Cate8, Technical Sergeant hie offl-ce 1'Ii. thout being insulted. !he 19ron Roelke .. Staff Se~geant William ,c%ICJf4 i~cbty hates a crouch! and in this J. Mcn:>nald Sergeant Charles R. Yoder, tiCU1ar I am lad he fam oneel man in and Corpora 1 Robert G. Hall and s _ "rown.image. .so weave ',he 8plrit of Andrew Yancy Jr. . c into your 11vel 11ke the .A.uth.l'l ty tor .the deta1l amanated [ f,rMnel. trom The Adjutant General' B Office, and . n@f cllords of an 0p8l'a which, lUhdued ~Ke and. there a8 80me grand lYmPhoD .ubsequent indorsements directed that .wills forth, yet run w1th thelr- ,weet nerl.nnel recommended for the detail 'Ttbeparticularly high type men, aa~ble .;~wne. through the whole score." . . Wi~ : that life i8 brief, you 8hould of anawering question8 on mechanical , iJ. ~. aunah1ne beet - youth t-nd out ... subjects, and of the appearance! educaa9,ftrao n9"t key your heut-B1irln&.1 to tbat tion and general poll tenee. as liOdmake the cloister and oldllge. And yo~. . them suitable for civilian contact. . ~~'I'~.1' tch that vibra.tes to the bapIt wes pointed out that the Navy Depar tment had a e1milar exhibi t ln the ~'fi-f.'e:rt'8i4e of things. That man be8t perrorme',a~8 ,duty here on earth who adds to same building, and had provided e1x " 8" human happinel.. That man men of "exceptionally good appearance, U.~.:,an."Q's the rea80n of hie being, of education, and of comparatively high be said "the world is bi.prank." --000--:~~sequentlY better, for his ba~
-;:,f 'U'l'f,u1n,'
elid' tllatis
''; :Sq: ptb,r
The 31lt Bombardment Squadron recentg~j~ture, for the benetit of ethers 11' cozapleted its annual t.wo weekI' round about you. Carry the emile ot fleld training, the entire time being -Cheerfulnes' throughout your daily 11ves, devoted to gunnery, The first echelon. p,arUC~lar,J.y in your homel and perIanal ground, departed from Hickam Field for iQti,~\. And '0, emUing, pall on :Bello .. Field, Waimanalo T.n at 0600 ~~,'.hte so that when your final on J.pril 10th. Sixty enhsted men and 9~11,pln does come, you meq still be one officer co.-ised this unit. The 'l1~" 8.1 you join thoae gone before. remainder of the Squadron, 7 offioers ,. 'ii "II a. loftier far reaching heightl and 59 enlisted men, 'Went by air in J 'er~,J1), oom the 1111es of eternal peace three :B-18 airplane.. Three tripe were 4:-whire lbine mid-sumner suns on graerequ~red to complete the movement. DJ.e ""I.v '.lOpee and green. II to sODleetaff mlsunder.tanding with Ta.k6C12raci. industry. self-reliance, 10- Jupiter Pluviu8, the air contingent _8 -~ebi' frugal1 ty and cheerfulnes8. ~ delqed to a cona1derable extent, and .:~l!-1l1ck 'attend each one of you. WaY the last airplane did not arrive at .;.r'\hl!tJbr1,gb~est days of lIour past be the !ellowl Field until 1406. What little dar'1teii.t-d.q8 of your tut~. portion of the mat at Hickam Field that -::", ." --000-could be seen at Icheduled time of -; . take-off resembled a lake of no mean J.'iJ:1ioN; EXHIBI T AT NlIlW YORK WORLD'S aIR dimension . :,:::i' tp,e.,w'tchel Field Correspondent'l'he movement ..... c~nwleted,and J. . ,~ .-' , Pluvi,. decided he ~t al well coop-:whin yOu go to the NewYork World' 8 arate, .whlch he did 1n ac:bUrable 8tyle, :3Ya'iT"tll'i.. summer, don't forget to drop as the elementa cauaedno more trOUble. ar6':ltilc1"to inspect the Air COrps Exhib'lt 'rhe lecond day of the two weeke , ai:ttiart"of the National Def~,e Display periOd found all guna going full tilt. 1~.:\Ae'"Aviation Build1pg. Thi.' Ixhlblt Prelim1Dar;y 'l!R. 440-40 Gunnery, ground coni!ita -or three &~lane. aDd. other machine ~e~ on the lOOO-inch raage, 'l3ftiin.~~ .~ as mode18 of Arr!IT &i1retaftd" . e well .1 pietol practice, caused conp'~e., -and item. of aeronaut 0.1 an .~ab18' earache as well a, poor JiPl.ltvt' dreBs and eQUipment. _-lor 1 f,i8bl:ng.' All officers and men ase1gned Al.. err:t,W~ S1)evens1 A{r Uo~., ot4~~~i.& comPleted firing of the piatol duri.:ng plQf~lc and :::>tratosphere ~~td1" thettret week of the period. Movement 1"aIIle, -.t:j'l$n cl1arge of the A1r V\I%'Ps .'~.,to Hickam F1e1d'.8.ted at 0700, April 1&# \'~iCb wae:made under~ang~ntl 22nd, and,. tbt ~., ~onUpgent arrived ~~~U..8. Aviation lxbiblt,Inc, there at 1005, reacw to ~eeume the "J~: !(;, L:t .: :,' usual garrison dut(es. ~ -1 _ ".3096, A. O.
,i~~) path and refr",c, t them undi.:tour JUii jh~4 through the medium of your own
m AlIi
There ~B ,~l1ahedin the ...., ..15. in the caee of phot()grap~ .Armament 1939,.iaJU,e of,the Air CorpBNe.,' Letter and radio. Certainq! But take this ".t.,.1.Cl.fe.f -.'}y. . equipment and and we still have, out ~~1 ',J,.i.rOorpe, Staff se~' ,e. an.t. s.liver 'pereett1'for.t}i . h18 I. of an ai;-plane it. componini parts aero:;:T'~f -:tj.~~.regard1~ t pre,lent -.indynamically, a complete airplane. :But , .. J;' .... ~8tem 'Of. the A1r UOrpl and hi, remove or render useless a carburetor "ri Q'" .~t1ons on the engineering letand see what happens. I agree nth 1J!', . t,~"prganizat1on. . . Sergeant King on his description of ::t.Il\~:i~6Ponee the invitation of the to Flight Hangar, or CrewChiefs running Newl=t,et'ter tor the viewl of other exthemeeive8'regged' up and down the l1nf per.!~~a maintenance and engineering' in quest of suppliel. :But I believe per,onnel of the .Air COrpl on the 1I'Ubthat" thie, even with its many inconveni ject matter under dilCUsB1on, Staff Ser- ence'l il a better system than for a c:nt li':r-lk. W. Lindhe .Air Corpe, of 'Spec alist' to tear into a Magneto ilton Field, Ca11f., submitted the Generator, or any other engine or alrfollow~:,' craft part only to find it da.nJBgedeb 1t$1~1927, I have been an Organ1zayond re~1r or requiring unobtainable tton', ~i'ij'12P, and Bale Technical Inspec- parte. 'Let the depot do it' is a gooc tCSrc1itWlous Air Corpl 8tationl, Prior .logan in thie case. to Wtiteh' I was a crew Chief, dating back .As to Sergeant King's idea of a 'setto 1923:, .Before then I had some e~eriup' for an engineering department I e~:tP.1h civilian av1atioll. would 11ke to quote, then analyze each .":" ~ti.. ~ 'for my e~erlence and the auparagraph: ~.~Cl t1 of the ~l) A competent; Eng1neer~ng Officer t"'ba~'e"mt views. information upon which I I M..:.not: .believe in special1zation to an ass1stant.' (Excellent). a degree g,uite as high &8mentioned b7 '(2) A competent Organization Inspec!!-_t~ll:1Dl1;. Accord1Dl1; S.rg .... t to tor "ith as IIlO>lT assistants as is deemK . "::.tAereShould be Iq)ecia.lized lnatru- ed neoe'B&r7, the inspector to function .: ,,"Oarburetion., Ignition, Airplane directlf under the organizat1on COlUan.4:~_1D.8Mechanics in e~ ~rg8.n1zamander. 'tea...,,<,~s ie] for qu1teov OU8re&s(One inspector should II'Q:ffice, and he :;Cn~811:JlottfeQ81Dle. should be re8ponsible dlrect4r to the .',:' A~.~tr these men could not accoIIlP&n1' Engineering Officer instead of to the an airplane during an extended crol'organization commander,inasmuch as the country t'l~t, and in cale of malfuncorganization commandingofficers are at tioning of any part or aSlemblJ aerioue the present time older officer8 with .;:e5~ (to.cause a forced landing, the varyIng degrees of engineering experlcrew 1tOuldnot be able to remedY the de- ence, but the maJority with no exper1fect and continue the flight. This ence in the case of modern aircraft). WO\ll:ct . 'Of course, be dne to the 'G!ecialI (3) Competent "trOUble shooter8" ilat10n' at the home ,tatlon. Lack of for airplanes, engines, instruments, training to become an all-around mechan- etc. Such men would be invaluable to :)l~c ;~-g.1..a"then cert&1n13 be evident. an organization if theY knew their :,'S~ .. ~ mo.dernaircra:tt il more lGadget- 51iness' lzft4,~.lhan were the Jenn1e8 and DR' 8 of ('1'fie , trouble shooting' should be ~one <Sq'l but we 8t1l1 have an 1nter- done by the crew chief and his aBsi8~, - .:~O.Ullt on engine and an arrangement tanh as a method of routine training). of wing8, fuselage, empe1Ul8&e, landand .~.i~.........FI1rthert.. we have a muchmore '(4) A competent epgineering clerk.' -':'t;~"e.t::8YBtem or conveying in8truc(YeB, very much BO!). tions to the meChanic than we ever have '(5) A co~tent crew of airplane bad .,j.JHtAe 'ur COrp8. f' i CB" 1 .1s an example, Bee Technical Order mec competent oremen. Q~~. : .Definite procedurel are laid '(6 A competent crew of engine medown on how to disa88emble, inspect and cha\liCB with competent foremen. t te.... exp.w,.each major a88emblYof the '( 7) At least three competent men on D-IB aircraft. Other handbooks of 1ncarburetor8, ignition~ and electrical ey,tems. ' on Engines, Engine AccesBOrie., ~The.e three groups should be comb1nI8t~tn8 rumentB and other maJor 1tems are d d f ..'" ,;-., i a:tt ) a~.~~v~entl1' located 1n 'G' and 'H' e an orm loUe regu.&.Br rcr a creWB. f1"1ea:where ~one able to read and with 1 (8) At leaBt three competent lnetru80meeElence a8 an aircraft mechanic mJt mechanici.' ~: sufficient know~.dge to avoid.' 'No. One instrument mechanio should .. ~l. 1;onand it.obviou8 hazard flco. bu.t .18 not even neceBsary . .11.1 ..' ~~t .. a1ntenance.. m . . Instrument My-intenanceshould be done ~:b~'e .61 .).~~ ~tsp~:aIrl:~ion ~ ~tt~;~e ~::~~in~:;1~n6fft~:;~.~iJ ., -13V-8096, .A.C.
.. l
The equipment neceB~ to ma.inta1l1 IUOb 'instruments as A-2 Pilots. other Gyro Instruments, and Bomblights are far too elaborate to be included in squadron equipment). '(9) A crew of "Cleaners' with a compe t en t f orema.n, who se so 1e m1 ss i on we uld be to keep airplanes, engine I , ~arB. Ip t 1 t 11 d a ....'" tlme~ar equ men c ean a a
Twenty-four student officers and FlyiIlg Cadets of Randolph 11e1\1. ,!r~B " 1rere marooned at Corpus recently when weather forced,,"a-, ~g., ,,; ment of their return fllghtto <'tij. ':' , . airdrome. Thefi made a striki,--").~!'ti+' .. , ('t6' '4oi '4at the NI1epes otel where they- ~t,~r.': two nights) garbed in cover~l'l'" ~ "qiii:~,; h amusement when the weather-~~., }': ;'''" I believe this crew we d clash ft4 t hopeless !or the second n1ght~,' : ,~,,~ the regular aircraft crews. Jor1ty rode on the ferris Wb$4'J.,' ,~~.;;i t(lO) A sufficient number of flight snap-the-wh1p at North :Beaohl.Q ~ff'.~~ mechanics who could be pooled and one or Park. They reached the conclue more of whom; ould be required to accom- the conce,sions were ~ te t.~t~i: w P8Jl1, in their turn. eacli and every importance of such small articl~1:l flight originating in the organization.' handkerchiefs. combs, razora'" (This group shoUJ,d constitute the regu neceesi tie. was rather forci,b}i-! lar aircraft grews). ed upon the group. eepeciall1 !'r,,<J~ ----financial prepara t10n had beeA';~ b In T.'I13' opinion .. a regular Maintenance ed, However, quite a number' '1'$ 1 --'. Section should De organized in each with $1.95 golf sui ta to keep a*i~ ~ squadron. This would prevent a we~ toe (after the first washing) of ~ ,,;:. crew from, after coming in from a long Corpus Chriati trip. " ~,_, ~l'r;' flight in the afternoon turning to a 40 __; -'C',. )---: ,'; r or SO-hour inspection that night in orAnent the Corpus Christi trlp\"rdii~~~~,' der to have the aircraft on tlie line for member of the Detachment waa :qv.,'l ':.::~'r an early schedule the next da3. This changrined when, after ilav1Dt;lotl"f1tl: practice does not teJ?-dto increase course he buzzed a sign to" C)rle-e;~':: ,,"';.; either morale or efflc1ency. himsel~ only to read this lnfiJq,'~~,,"Ji~~ This Maintenance Section should accom- "Eat Farina Oats."~ ;:i~.' j; .. p11sh all, inspections, engine changes, ---000--,:: ;;':'~',; and Technical Order compliance. ' ,-'.~:' ~~J:~;~
Chri,.~i.I'.' '
AAhi" lEt
Cl~ {~~s;n~~:e a!~i~~el :~t:~o~~ly M~~~~~s1~g~~~Jc~S~~tl~',~IJ~(~~ all breakage and malfunct oning equ1p_ ,:.0 (',"'.1. ment should be remov~d for replacement Effective May 31, 1939, the, or repair. While W<ing for these noncommissionea. officers of ~e: .~:, .. parts, the reGUlar inspections should be Corps were ret1red from act1~e Mt'Vig,!,"" accomplished, Lfaster Sergeant James C. ArnQJ;!1 ': "~ Upon completion, the airplane should Maxwell Field. Ala. :: :.~t"\;~' be thoroughly checked by the organizaMaster Sergeant George W. R1ttJ~~:,"~"'; tion inspector, at which time the Forms 'March Field, Calif.',., 60.1 and B, 61 and 41 should also be Master Sergeant John Tas800G r~lt$~,~ checked against the cond1tion ot" the dale Field La. " .. ,- ~ . _,....~ ' ail"plane. Master S~rge8.nt Don w. Whiteafa~~~ ~~', This crew should be rotated in such a March Field, Calif. ,,':' ;':~~'.".~ manner as to include all the Engineering Technical Sergeant Lyle Balli ')~ar.~~~ personnel, less, of course, the clerks. Field, Calif. "':J,",(:, In she it should be conunensurate ,'~_:j12 with the type and number of aircraft orThe following Technical SeJ!g~,.!~(; d1narily used in the organization. the Air Corps were promoted t<J: t~e ; ,)~" In conclusion, I would like to state grade of Master Sergeant,,~['~ii that, in rq opinion, Sergeant King dethe dates indicated: ' 1.I, .ervn a 10t of credi t for s tar t 1ng this George S. Lane. Selfridge. Field. j , ';, I Round Table' discussion on a subject of Mich. ' . ,';U r'," ~' such great interest to us, who are inJohn L. Giles, Hamilton Fie];4.QalSt~~ volved in it every dq of our lives. II Cecil F. Renno Hawaiian ~tmeii~~::' _____ June i,1939 ..';': r .. ,I, , Ed Note. John E. Fox. Langley Field.cVa.;.' ~ii;>' lpprec1ation is expressed to Staff June 3. 1939.,:, .~J "J:?I, Sergeant Lindhe for setting forth his The following Staff Sergeanls.6i' .~El . ideas on a subJect which, to quote his Air Corps were promoted tothe<gr8~~",c;,t words. 1s "of such great interest to us,' Technical Sergeant, Air CorpS( ,~ili'e';~'t '~ ~ who are involved in it every day of our first four on June 1st and the~.'la.t.l\ :.-= ~ lives," and for starting the ball a roll named on June 3rd, 1939: "".tel ,j Lor.;.. 1ng on a round table discussion thereon. Albert Uaslach and Jesse W. 1"~:Other experienced maintenance and engin- Hawaiian Department. .i: :.';,;',(, eering perllonnel in the Air Corps whomay Wm.R. Tanner, Randolph F~e:ld.:!t'r~"r have ~thing to add to the views already Wm.C. Neff, KellY Field! '1emB'. " ,_ o .. expressed are invited to torwardcoitlmente. James J. Murphy, Panama uanal Dep't. -1~V-8096,A.C.
"C"', ',' .,~ ~
18THPURSUIT GROUPARTICIPATES ISLAND P IN BLACKOUT V B.Y the Wheeler Field Correspondent _!rt1e:i8'th'Pursuit Group under the com- Island, and all anti-a1rcraft 8earch~a::.()_f ,~-ie'U.t. Colonel William E. Lynd. lights went into action. This luminous Ui'~ -~c1riSs.J. participated in an intere8td1spl~ lighted up the entire Island ~'_~ OJ;lihis SPring's Hawaiian Depart- both above, in and below the overcast. Jt!~t. '~$'U:.' :verso Departing at 0600 from causing the scene to be instantly WhM.~ Field, 'he Group landed at cnanged from one of total darlme.s to :Bel1o'f,8F,i'eld. one of the auxiliary land- one of the eeriest ktI14 ~inable. The i~,,ft$'~ds-on Oahu. and prepared to act area was illuminated so brilliant11 ,1 .viation, es1mulat~ attacks on that a newspaper could have been read , ~~llations on the is18nd. without d1fl"iculty. Impressed on every. fi~' the day, missions were run off one was the great number of anti-air-. Ii .~~I1' .the anti-aircraft artillery craft searchlights employed in the de'l~iOl1if by dive bombing. These atfense of Oahu. These lights were d1s'~~. ;ter,s'made difficult of accomplishper.ed in their tactical locations .iJt~. eeause of the excellent camoUflage around the Island and shot their ;ncils -&~., 'g<Lbt the anti-aircraft artillery. of light against the e Iouda, -t~ :1 t~ Air Base 6guadron .- ~en the attacldIlg airplanes to stand ou ~on of installing fieldprepara1 t1ng 1n a startling manner. eg"g, . ._t 'on :Bellows Field 1n The dropp1Dg of flaree was the signal tro :::o~..the night take-off to be made for the termination of the ":Blac]a)u"t," bY' e Group in i te participation in the eo the Group peeled off and landed at ":Blac]a)ut" of Oahu. Portable field Wheeler Field. Everyone -.8 mighty ligll~_ "~J;"~ used to illuminate the runglad to get back on the ground again, wtqi"anf'tour coal oil smoke pots were as typically Hawaiian liquid sunshine, u"d ~~ 'illuminate the far end of the lor maybe it should be moonshine, had ri1Ii~:.c,U was found that this lighting started to come down in the form of ~'-!fe 'to illuminate the field, both rain. forI . fi:1gand take-off. Great cred! t is due the civic or~aniStart ng at 2001, the Gro'Uptook off zations for puttiI18 this ":Blackout individually, averaging an interval of across, for there is no doubt that 1t 25 sec~ds between airplanes. This time was a complete success. This was ev1could lia'V'ebeen cut down without detract- denced by the vigilance shown by one ing from safe operating principles. Ren-' Japanese boy scout in Wahiawa. that d~;Y9\1'~Dg. southeast of Diamond Head at thriving suburb of Schofield Barracks. W,'OOQ'.feet the Group was off Honolulu His particular job was to check on the .h~~ ~thelignal was given for the blacklights on his s\reet. Seeing a light out:- -~e lights of Fort Kamehameha were, in the temple, he rushed in and con-the first to ~o out. JUdging by the fronted the aged priest. The priest speed. nth whlCh the area .s darkened, informed him that the light was an i t app~a.ted as thoUidl someone had pulled eternal one which burned in the temple thfk~li aritch. This is probably due to continuously. The scout insisted that tliir--teal1zation on the part of our Coast all lights Imlst go out for the duration Artil~~U' brethren of the seriousnes8 of of the ":Blackout," and out it went. indi~atlng'bombardment targets by out---000--lill'j,I)gthem with lights. Shortly the poif~t. supply was lowered. which was the SECOND :BOMBARIJ4ENT OFFICERS GROUP GO signal for the ":Blackout." and lights TOAIR CORPS TACTICALCHOOL. S s'kr~eQ.go1ng out over '\;he entire lee side ot tbe Island. Looking up the corThe following officers of the Second :J!.~dqr:Q,.tlw~en Koolau and Wai&t.le.e the :Bombardment roup, Langley'Field, G Va., Mountain Ranges, it appeared as though a were detailed for a course of instrucgiant (:1Jr,tain was Buddenly lowered, tion at the Air Corps Tactical School, Plunging ..the entire valley into pitchMaxwell Field, Ala., effective June 1, bJ:aok~r~ese. Within a minute and a 1939: half., .1-l:eh9uldjudge, the entire area Major David R. Stinson, Hq. and Hq. was an complete darlmess, with only a Squadron Group 6-1. ve~:;{)~w> l~gQ.ts showing, and theee in ~ lIiajor CorneliuB E. 0' Connor, Hq. and distant; remote places. Hq. Squadron., Group S-4. ~ ~1~te was the "Blac]a)ut." that Capt'ain Darr H. Alklre" ... 6th Squadron. 9 ~f, . .only with difficulty that one Ai~lane Comnander:B-17 7/'01. couIa"~1ent himself! and then with very Captain Ford J. Lauer, 20th Squadron, 11t U~ ,a.ceuracy . Th s was caused 1n Airplane Commander :B-17 #00. part"D~"'-the weather, which was poor with Captain Ralph E. Koon, 20th 6quadron~ low CQ ,Ungand a drizzling rain fa1ling Squadron S-3. the 1ftl e.' Captain Edwin L. 'lUcker, 49th Squad~t1me flares were eimult&ne- ron, Nav~gator, :B-17 #81. ous'"J.f . ased at points around the (Continued on P.age 18) j I ,~~~IT-, - : :r _ 15V-8096, A.O.
J\,~~'~t. r ...
.: (,~7 .1I,~,'.{
~1 ..c::=e;~dwel1
COrps of !l#iineers
Breit_her. Bobert Allen Colo. 1'reu.s8. !'aul Theodore Se;ymDU1'. 1m. Kieffer. William Brett Jackson Rts. ,L. I N.Y. Si~ CoMB Boach, George ArthUr ssion Beach. Cl4,if. Sights, .Albert Pete1'son.Jr. Clinton. 00... Tarver. Benjamin 14., Jr. Lookout Mtn.. TEIIUlo Snider. Robert Lee 1'8%88 Cavalry !aclcari. Ashley Burdett Bqer, llerrick Brett. Willian Peek Sherbwne. Cherles 'Winfield Knox. Omer EllS1lOrth Rulkoetter. Robert William L-=, Maurice ~ Cba'VUae. Nicholas Horace K~4. William Keith Field ArtUleu ac..r, William Ke:m.eth Zaiser. Bobert .Alu Douglas. Ariz. WeahiDgton. D.C. Statesboro, Ga. Evans~, Ill. Lyons. Kezw. St. Louis, 110. Carrizozo. N.M. Renderson, N.C. Middleport. Chio
r: .;'U'~"I ,.,VC lBccmbes", Clifford. Field I Frederick. Wm. ReD17. Jr. Ki~4Il~i%r{ }'hymes, Jemes Wills.. .;.j~~~ Ford. Wallace Stafford :Pass Harrison. Bertrem Cowgill MoImt::.~ l,:)., Yc;>rk,Edward Joseph . ~W!. 1 Luter, ~ph Brown B~~ ..~ :Pendleton. Aleander Bruce Beid'J'Jon.~N.( Bogner. Barrio EdW81'd lWaf:I~:"Ph: Luper. Jaxnes Bhea 1'o~t~_. 20~ Lipps. Mil ton J'dward W... t~ DeHart, Edward George .' . :1n8~ PI Neff. William Folwell ..rc' ud? PI Dean, Fred ~ KIlODiU~,-'eXli Isbell. James Rance UJliOD.fQ1t~:,JeDl Wallace. Rugh Douglas Fqrt 70~,r8Xl Wells, Joseph Breeoe ., .~~ Vi Bruton, Bobert John ~;Qibi':Wi: Note: All of the &bov nemedaWd~lIre ... .8Oom lieutElDlmts 1Ibo gnduateel.,ft'Cf1'~ United States Uilitazy lced~. 'f,81l\'~, NewYork, on June 14. 1938. ': . ;d'ld~
ran ~_~
, ,~:.tKJ
~~! :
.t :': '!:c,\J
Colo. Burlimgton. I~ 1\yant John tlal. Qle1'Okee, Ia.. Buglin, ~ tba:rl. . 1ab'fteld. Iowa lIc1h'U.., Bo'ber'b Carletou .. ich1 .... X8na. Ce.irae., Willi_ Dentozl lid. ltlarJCbarcl. Willl_!N8h Chels ... , Mass. Sturcli'9'8Dt. J'radc '}eaaants Minter Cit7.Wiss. Satmde:rs. nmeJ.d War~ Athens. N.Y. !!oPsonJ John Robert N.Y. ~ ..... eland Oscar :Ro&ester, N.Y. Wern'berg, LauretlOe E. Sea Cliff. L.I N.Y. Mo01'Dllm. John Deen Idabel. W... Coira. Louis Edward. Lock Haven.:Pa. . ~olhamB, Douglas Clinton Berryville. Va. Taber. Morris Frederick Seattle. Wash. Coast .A.rtillezz Cozp. R.... :Philip &bert Los .Angele Calif. Spansler. Jo1m Her'berl Briggsdale, Colo. Iierboth, John Bezmet.Jr. Glen nl;yn, Zoller, Virgil L.. Marion. MorriSOIl.L~ Cornelius iiclgefie1,cl la:rk,N.J. DImce.Il, var1ler Eugene ~lOCllllinston.
NATIONAL GgA:aJ? OFFICEBS _""di"hgla:04. Shelby 1'age,. ThC111a8 Jezmi~8 Su:on,:iclWBI'd Bernt .,
, . ':' (!;";-~~J.rl
;',: ~',"':'L:;.,rasJ
., f. " L.!!"
Jt,!I1IG 'CAII&'rS
Wilson. William Driver-3 Caton, ~t~ !lug .... Cook. Ea:rl B:rown-3a Bowen. Ferrell Le:oar-3 Ainsworth. WoodrowL. Leidy. Q1a:tles Allison.Jr. 1r'by V.l1e Batchelor. Jack Franklyn Thqson. Joe Cl)'de :Re.inS. Lawr.~ Fo.sltt Seeburger, J'ranois F.-5 Close. Winton :Balph-3a Ehret, Bolazad. Olristopher Cofield. Curtis Ii_th Merritt. Ralph L. ,Jr.-6 .Albin. George LRis Ruggles. John Iiowud
State College, Fa.. Boalder. Colo. Reed. James J'radclin Windber, Fa.. Pueblo, Colo. O1a, George Jo88Dh Victor 1'm11e Wysox. Pa. Bridgeport, Conn. Piollet. Harlford. Conn. Carragher. haDcia Dean-la !Drovid8DC8,:R.I. ~.~ille, S.C Wall !id , Conn. CUmcsoa1.s, Theodore Wash on. D. C. V.reen, Lindsey Harttord-la,Li ttle :River, S. C. Lien, J.. s Orin-3& Platte, S.D. GaiD8s le. na. Se1'asota. na. IbCoxmtll, Lemon Edward Bristol, TenrJ. M,ake1y. aa. StoD8, Bolle Edward.Jr. Ito-..h, Tenn Fort Ga1Des, Ga. Kim1Bri Claibome B. .Jr. P'nnklin, Tenn. Kolos. Xaual. T.B. Davie, ~ Areber,Jr. =,i814, Teno. N.... , Ic1ebo SaDders. :Ricbari C4Ddie-3a. City, Utah .'!tarl Eugene !Drestem, Idaho WerteJJbeker, Goo. L. ,Jr. Cbarlottuvl11e, Va. .:'!1tob~. ~les Gordon C':b.emPaign, Ill. Leckey,John Berbert.Jr ... Sa . Norfolk, Va.. '. '.QW8k, 'Albert c. 011ce,go, Ill. McElroy. Stephen Daveaport-4 tJp,)ervUle. Va.. u hank Edward Berbes. Idward lGlwaukee, Wis. C van, O1icaeo, Ill. 0:."'; 1tans1d.. ,Thaddeus Lewis-6 O1icaso. Ill. :Richardson. ~ohn L. -3& Eau Claire, Wis. b.; '.' William Howard-4a Ge1e.bur8, Ill Wood, Frame Lee, Jr.-la Laramie, Wyo :;-'1~~n, Roger ArmstZ'ODg Le'bezx)n, nl. XeYl "~~~.ttObeJ't., ),bert Jq, Jr. A Ott ... , Ill. l - 1st Lieut., Infantry Besens "PO'llit!.~te, Robert n.a.;n..4a Palest iDe , Ill. la- 2nd Lieut., Infantry Reserve ,,,,!b8tt~ J- Howard Spr~ield. Ill. 2 - 2nd Lieut., Cavalry:Reserve Bo~ Albert .A.msington, Ill. 3 .. 1st Lieut., Field .Artillery Reserve ~iJ J'cmf"-J()hn Willard IndiaDapolis. bd. 3a- 2nd Lieut., Field Artillery Beserva '.:.! 1'1L"':m,. ClareIlOe Negley, Jr. I:adia:D8pOUs, IDa. 4 - 1st Lieut., Coast Artillery Reserve db8:rles J'.clW.rd-3a ~e. In4. 4e,. 2DdLieut., C4ast ArtUlery :Reserve .:._.~; .Paul Constantine-1 Fort , Ind.. 5 - 1st Lt., Corps EDgineers Reserve .. -Yre-1iJto.'bert Stephen Cedar :a.,1d8, Iowa Sa -2Dd Lt., Corps of EDgiDeers Reserve . :.' ..;ef(~~l, "j Charles Idwin-la Iowa Oity, I~ 6 - 1st Lieut.. Bipl C4rps :Reserve . ':)(y~i'74."'d F~on-5a North Liberty, Iowa 2ad Lieut., Sip.1. C4rps Reserve ':. ':;So~'b. Ola.t-les David PoshUle, 1011& 7 .. 2nd Lieut., 0l8lllicel W8.;rfar. Reserve ~W.'~ger McKee-4a hedon1a. IeDa. ---000- ..... -'Fal~:hIt1cl . oran Redford-la L South :Portled, lLe. : ':''':WMre': . Alvan t-la t Queen .Azme, )Id. 301m R. ,Jr.-la New'on Center, II&Is. '. h'J __ Walter ArmstroDg Birming1wD, !doh. SecoDdLieut. JIID8SMarion Jones, 26, flying I _Itat, WUliam Hugh LeoDel'd, 14iob. ins~ruetor at the Adve:ooednying School, .;'" Stanton, 1:lobert Loub-la St. Joseph. Mich. Kelly Field. Te:zas, net instant death on Ma.y ... [."Straiohem. William ELlis Gilbert, liinn. 21st, when h1s P-12 Pursuit plane, which was .C':.~f,e., . I_a- Lyle Carlton. Minn. believed to have been in a. spin, crashed in ~":;-.IarM)'J'SD8S Harrison-l Boonville, 1&0. the vicinity of the AmericxmLegion Ilemorial .... )IQoltb., Bertram Claude Harlowton. Wont. Highlnq, about eight miles north of San ....: 'Walk5;Q~ Howard Elroy Grant, Neb. Antonio. '-:. .-1, lio'bert Rochester, N.H. Lieut. Jones bed been putting in same time in lQ,Ua,.-Berbert Sargent Ili_beth, N.J. the pla:oa, preparatory to its beiDg flown by . t.f.iaIb&'l'g; Allen Westfield, N.J. students. At the time of the crash he had Selby. David Collins-la. .Anthony. N.M. been in the air about 45 minutes, and it W$S Lynnton, Keith Xavier Cent1'81, N.M. previously lac by amther instructor for an Wilson, 'lt8ith streeter-Sa Bolivar, N.Y. houZ' and belf. h-r, Bennimc; 'tfODElJ.d Thomas Cbeutauqua, N.Y. According to civiliaD8 w:ltnessiDg the crash, :;:,/,)4'111en, Marcus Alfred-3 New 1lochelle. N.Y. the pl8D8 appoared to have been in a. spin .,'Barsh, Forrest :Ru.therford-la NewYork. N.Y. prior to the crash .... Stenglein, Joseph Arthur SeD8Q& Falls. N.Y. Funeral services were COncNcted on Way 22nd Walmsley, William Willi8JQ8 NewYork, N.Y. at the Cbarl BaDovau J\meral Heme by Chap.;;I!. p ....... ' John Thompson Charlotte. N.C. lain John W. Westermm. of Bandolph Field, ,,'J.}. t, .. _warren. Slmtor4 Hickery, N.C. the Co'"'llnclant, Staff, ed members of the r, Hq ".' .JTeder1c Grant AlliBDC8, Chio Faculty being in atten4aZJCe' FollowiDg the .. .. WQo.~,/_ward ~ Columbus. Ohio services, the rtalliLW of Lieut. Jones were '...' P~1; ',Don.Allen,Jr.-6 Lakewood. Ohio escorted to Teu:p1e, 'lezas, 'by 2Dd Lieut. Roy ,J. ohn Robert Toledo. Ohio W. Osborn. a fellow instructor, where Lieut. "',:'H"; ~~s Murry Trotwod, Ohio Jones' father .. Mr. C.B. JODU _ resides. :;:,_.~~, ', ..3~ 'Leslie Jf! Bristow. 00a. Lieut. Jones was gaduated fran Texas A.& M'.. " m;!'f1JI8:I1~Ward Gerald Cla1'elD)re, Olc1a. C411ege in 1935, aDd the follow1Dg yee;r gradu';~ ~~.i1.ohn ~I: Leonard-la l.'1:lau1a, <lela. a.ted. from Kell" Field. H. was then assigned '~7.i.~~. i'4.ward Frencis-3a Frederick. Old&. to duty at Mi~el Field, L.I., NewYork, and .,:. ~r~. ~ ~Stuart !loss l6lske8.e. Okla. SUbs.~t~ to T ....... 1111<7 Field, Va. ",_ NoveD:)On . ;~~. ,r~''''.A.aa-2 o.ta. Old&. ~-" tt;;~nald K.-Ia Co~li., Ore.. =i~fB:~~ OhiiIkfu;~rnon Christian Lepine. Ore. '!'he deep ~~ of the Air C4rpe is ex..;'~'f: ."1 ~rt Warren KiDBston, Pa. tended to the bereaved relatives o? the deWi-~ 'William Alfred :Pa. ceased YOlm8 officer 1:1.18 . -1V-8096, A.C. Hall. noyd D. )IcCorkle. John Dittrich, Robert Ivan .!'ia\t-,( 108- Nelson-la .':'bd~' ~~8e AlexaMer-1a ,t .~.treston Ce.rDa11 "'B~ijbeW, Cl.8Ude Downer-Sa "'-'=.aaderson, Geo. J'red'k-7 . ';'.'S~~'1 'William IUpont Chl~ty. Charles Dean, Jr. .oare. YeJ.colmArnot -:;:~r:~,ell Hale Vincent
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PURCHASE F PRIMARY O TRAINING PLANES Under date of June 14, 1939, the Hon. Louis Johnson, Assistant Secretary of War announced the ~chase of primary traIning planes for the Arrr:q I from the St. Louis Aircraft Corporatlon, St. Louis1_Mo., at a total cost of $139,419.00. The airplanes being procured under thi B contract are to be given the Army designation YFT-15 and are the same as the st. Louis Aircraft Corporation. PT-1W. They are powered wi ththe Wright Aeronautical Engine (ArmY designation R-760) of 225 horsepower, which in turn is equipped wi th a Hamilton. standard one piece, fixed blade, fixed pitcb, propeller. These single-engined two-place biplanes of metal construction. andfabric co.ered. ira equipped with steerabletail wheels and fixed cantilever type landing gear. They are capable of attaining a speed ofapproxima.tely 125 miles per hour at aea leve1.. The cockpits are arranged in tandem, with complete sets of co~ls \ and instruments in eaCh cockpit, in order that both instructor and student rJJB:3' have full control in either cockpit. As this is a student training plane, it is not equipped with radio or armament. Thi s plane is i dentical with the commercial type manufactured by this company, and in making purChases of this type the War Department thus is able to make savings both :in time and money. In addi tion, such procedure aids in developing a greater source of supply in time of emergency.
1ST O:BSmVATION SQDU.IN FIELD MANEUV'ERf The 1st Observation Squadron spent the period from May 24tli to June 5th on field maneuvers with the 14th Brigade ~reinforoed) of the 7th Corps Area at vamp McCoy. Wisconsin. The present landing field at CampMcCoybeing too small for the operatlonof the 0-47A's. the S~dron based at the Pfafflin Airport at LaCrosse, Wis. Nine officers and sixty enlisted men from Marshall Field, Fort Riley, Kansas participated in the maneuvers. Seven Reserve officers were left at home to str1J;gle with their examinations for Regular commissions. Lack of ground transportation neoessitated transporting over half of the personnel by air. Thi s wae accompli eh.ed in two air echelons, the ground eChelon completing the movement. In the last four days of the period, a free maneuver was held with the troop of the 6th Corps Area against the troops of the 7th Corps Area. The 15th Observation Squadron from Scott Field, Ill., based at~isconsin Ra~ids. Wis., furnished Observation AV1ation for the 6th Corps Area troops. The autogyro, piloted by 2nd L1euts. V.R. Haugen and G.H. Snyder, Air Corps. was used extensively throughout the maneuver. Its ~eatest use was for commandreCOnn&1ssance missions, especi ally locati~ and reportiJ{1; the actlon and disposit10n of friendly troops that had lost contact with the Command Post. ---000 ..-
CONTEST 1st Lieut. Curti. E. LeMay, 49th Squadron. Navi~ator :B-17 #80. 1st Lieut. R~chard S. Freeman, 49th S~ua.dron, Navigator B-15 #89. ~st Lieut. Eugene P. Mussett. Hqrs. and Hqrs. Squadron, Group Adjutant. ---000-TRANSITION ~INING ONB-17 AIRPLANIS
The News Letter Correspondent of the 2nd Bombardment Group, La.IU?:ley Field, Va., reports that new B_17Ts Will soon be off the assembly line in the Boeing Factory, and that the following pilots and co-pilots have Just completed or are receiving tranB~tion training on the B-17: Pilot,: Majors H.A. Halverson, F.D. Hackett, E. L. Eubank, Captains W.O. Eareckson, R.A. Wilson, and Lieut. T.R. LYnch, of arQa 11&14. Calif.: Majors ---000--D.H. Dunton., Capts. J.M. Fitzmaurice H.K. Baisley and n.F. Henry, of Lang ey i Lieut. Colonel George E. Lovell. Jr., Field, and Maior S.M.Connell,of Mitchel Air COJ:1>' was promoted to the grade of , Field. Co-Pi ot& Lieuts. W.B. David, Colonel \temporary) as of June 1. 1939. S.P. Triffy and . McKay. of Langley Field. -1 V-8096, A.C.
According to an announcement by Major General Henry H. Arnold Chief of the Air Corps. June 15, 193~. was set as the closing date for the Air Corps_So~ Contest. SPonsored by LIBERTY MAGAZINE. this contest has been in force for the past year, during which period the Air Corps received approximately 400 entries, all of whiCh have been carefully reviewed by the Air Corps Advisory Song Committee. From the number received, four songs have been selected. and these will again be reviewed in an effort to find one which ma-v be found sui table for adoption as the official Army Air Corps Song. All entries whiCh have not been considered sui table are being returned to the composer s w1th a no til'ica tion to that effect. In the event that a song is chosen for the award. it is hoped to make the announcement by October 1,1939.