Sexy Palace Connection
Sexy Palace Connection
Sexy Palace Connection
by Erika Alsborn
Lying down in a comfortable position, naked or dressed. I invite you into a
beautiful, gentle process where you get to connect with your sexy palace.
This is a gentle breathing and awareness experience where you come
home to your sexual center, where you feel your genitals as an integral
part of your body. So valuable, so beautiful, so healthy.
And so begin with just feeling your body relaxing, feel yourself melting
onto the surface underneath you. Feel yourself become heavy, grounded.
Feel the earth underneath you. Feel the heavens above you. Feel that you
are a physical manifestation, a physical body of a beautiful, sacred,
perfect human being.
And from here, deepen your breath slightly and feel your chest rising and
falling, your belly expanding and coming down again. With each inhale
and each exhale, I invite you to feel yourself more deeply connected with
I invite you to feel the arising sensations moment to moment. Sensations
can feel like heat, coldness, warmth, pressure, a piercing sensation,
champagne bubbles, tickles, contraction, expansion, a sense of floating or
Moment to moment sensations arise and move away and that's just the
way it is inside of the body. That's how the body communicates with you
with itself.
I encourage you to inhale and exhale out of your mouth if you haven't
been doing that up until this point. But it's also okay to do any version,
any style of breathing, whatever is most comfortable to you. But it can
really help inhaling and exhaling through the mouth because the mouth
and the vagina are intimately connected. So as you open your mouth and
relax your jaw, your tongue, your face, your lips, so
Do you relax your pelvic floor, vagina, vulva, pussy? And we want to be
relaxed because a relaxed body is a body that can feel, that can sense,
express, receive and give.
And now move your awareness into your lower belly, from the belly
button, the area from your belly button, between your hips, all the way
down to your pubic bone. And let your awareness become this part of you.
Feel yourself as your lower belly and begin inhaling and exhaling out of
the lower belly as if your lower belly could breathe on its own.
and there's really nothing else you need to do but to stay aware and
present with the sensations that arise moment to moment inside your
lower belly and spend precious time connecting here. That's all you need
to do.
And from here I invite you to move your awareness into your vulva, vagina
and pussy. And now inhaling and exhaling out of your vagina as if your
vagina could inhale and exhale and move your awareness into the
essence of your sexuality, your vagina, vulva and pussy. And that's all you
need to do. Be present. Be here. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Feel.
Dance and be present.
And as you're breathing in and out of your vagina, in and out of your
pussy, really notice if you can feel any sensations here like tickles,
bubbles, pressure, contraction, expansion, warmth, coldness, heat, ice.
And don't judge whatever you're feeling. Just notice, just be aware.
There's nothing good or bad about it.
Feel, feel, feel and come home. Let your vagina vulva pussy come home
to you.
If there are any strong emotions arising, just let them move through. It's
energy in your body knows how to release and integrate, so accept and
meet any emotions that arise with love and compassion, or at least
acceptance. And then keep breathing, come back to the sensations and
feel what is here now.
And now you can invite some movement so you can shake your hips or
roll them in one direction and then the other direction when you feel like it
or snake your pelvis a little bit, bounce your pelvis, create some
movement and let that movement come through your whole body.
Take a deep inhale, fill your whole chest, belly, all the way down into your
pussy with big, fresh, beautiful air and oxygen. And on the exhale, give a
big sigh.
One more time, inhale deeply and on the exhale sigh.
And one final big deep breath and exhaling and sighing. Ah.
And now from here, you can either lie in stillness, you can cuddle yourself,
or you can get up and dance and move, whatever you feel like to
integrate the experience for this last minute.
And now go ahead and thank yourself because you have successfully
completed your sexy palace connection. Your practice is complete. Well
done my love!
lying down in a comfortable position, naked or dressed. I invite you into a
beautiful, gentle process where you get to connect with your sexy palace.
This is a gentle breathing and awareness experience where you come
home to your sexual center, where you feel your genitals as an integral
part of your body. So valuable, so beautiful, so healthy.
And so begin with just feeling your body relaxing, feel yourself melting
onto the surface underneath you. Feel yourself become heavy, grounded.
Feel the earth underneath you. Feel the heavens above you. Feel that you
are a physical manifestation, a physical body of a beautiful, sacred,
perfect human being.
And from here, deepen your breath slightly and feel your chest rising and
falling, your belly expanding and coming down again. With each inhale
and each exhale, I invite you to feel yourself more deeply connected with
I invite you to feel the arising sensations moment to moment. Sensations
can feel like heat, coldness, warmth, pressure, a piercing sensation,
champagne bubbles, tickles, contraction, expansion, a sense of floating or
Moment to moment sensations arise and move away and that's just the
way it is inside of the body. That's how the body communicates with you
with itself.
I encourage you to inhale and exhale out of your mouth if you haven't
been doing that up until this point. But it's also okay to do any version,
any style of breathing, whatever is most comfortable to you. But it can
really help inhaling and exhaling through the mouth because the mouth
and the vagina are intimately connected. So as you open your mouth and
relax your jaw, your tongue, your face, your lips, so
Do you relax your pelvic floor, vagina, vulva, pussy? And we want to be
relaxed because a relaxed body is a body that can feel, that can sense,
express, receive and give.
And now move your awareness into your lower belly, from the belly
button, the area from your belly button, between your hips, all the way
down to your pubic bone. And let your awareness become this part of you.
Feel yourself as your lower belly and begin inhaling and exhaling out of
the lower belly as if your lower belly could breathe on its own.
and there's really nothing else you need to do but to stay aware and
present with the sensations that arise moment to moment inside your
lower belly and spend precious time connecting here. That's all you need
to do.
And from here I invite you to move your awareness into your vulva, vagina
and pussy. And now inhaling and exhaling out of your vagina as if your
vagina could inhale and exhale and move your awareness into the
essence of your sexuality, your vagina, vulva and pussy. And that's all you
need to do. Be present. Be here. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Feel.
Dance and be present.
And as you're breathing in and out of your vagina, in and out of your
pussy, really notice if you can feel any sensations here like tickles,
bubbles, pressure, contraction, expansion, warmth, coldness, heat, ice.
And don't judge whatever you're feeling. Just notice, just be aware.
There's nothing good or bad about it.
Feel, feel, feel and come home. Let your vagina vulva pussy come home
to you.
If there are any strong emotions arising, just let them move through. It's
energy in your body knows how to release and integrate, so accept and
meet any emotions that arise with love and compassion, or at least
acceptance. And then keep breathing, come back to the sensations and
feel what is here now.
And now you can invite some movement so you can shake your hips or
roll them in one direction and then the other direction when you feel like it
or snake your pelvis a little bit, bounce your pelvis, create some
movement and let that movement come through your whole body.
Take a deep inhale, fill your whole chest, belly, all the way down into your
pussy with big, fresh, beautiful air and oxygen. And on the exhale, give a
big sigh.
One more time, inhale deeply and on the exhale sigh.
And one final big deep breath and exhaling and sighing. Ah.
And now from here, you can either lie in stillness, you can cuddle yourself,
or you can get up and dance and move, whatever you feel like to
integrate the experience for this last minute.
And now go ahead and thank yourself because you have successfully
completed your sexy palace connection. Your practice is complete. Well
done my love!
lying down in a comfortable position, naked or dressed. I invite you into a
beautiful, gentle process where you get to connect with your sexy palace.
This is a gentle breathing and awareness experience where you come
home to your sexual center, where you feel your genitals as an integral
part of your body. So valuable, so beautiful, so healthy.
And so begin with just feeling your body relaxing, feel yourself melting
onto the surface underneath you. Feel yourself become heavy, grounded.
Feel the earth underneath you. Feel the heavens above you. Feel that you
are a physical manifestation, a physical body of a beautiful, sacred,
perfect human being.
And from here, deepen your breath slightly and feel your chest rising and
falling, your belly expanding and coming down again. With each inhale
and each exhale, I invite you to feel yourself more deeply connected with
I invite you to feel the arising sensations moment to moment. Sensations
can feel like heat, coldness, warmth, pressure, a piercing sensation,
champagne bubbles, tickles, contraction, expansion, a sense of floating or
Moment to moment sensations arise and move away and that's just the
way it is inside of the body. That's how the body communicates with you
with itself.
I encourage you to inhale and exhale out of your mouth if you haven't
been doing that up until this point. But it's also okay to do any version,
any style of breathing, whatever is most comfortable to you. But it can
really help inhaling and exhaling through the mouth because the mouth
and the vagina are intimately connected. So as you open your mouth and
relax your jaw, your tongue, your face, your lips, so
Do you relax your pelvic floor, vagina, vulva, pussy? And we want to be
relaxed because a relaxed body is a body that can feel, that can sense,
express, receive and give.
And now move your awareness into your lower belly, from the belly
button, the area from your belly button, between your hips, all the way
down to your pubic bone. And let your awareness become this part of you.
Feel yourself as your lower belly and begin inhaling and exhaling out of
the lower belly as if your lower belly could breathe on its own.
and there's really nothing else you need to do but to stay aware and
present with the sensations that arise moment to moment inside your
lower belly and spend precious time connecting here. That's all you need
to do.
And from here I invite you to move your awareness into your vulva, vagina
and pussy. And now inhaling and exhaling out of your vagina as if your
vagina could inhale and exhale and move your awareness into the
essence of your sexuality, your vagina, vulva and pussy. And that's all you
need to do. Be present. Be here. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Feel.
Dance and be present.
And as you're breathing in and out of your vagina, in and out of your
pussy, really notice if you can feel any sensations here like tickles,
bubbles, pressure, contraction, expansion, warmth, coldness, heat, ice.
And don't judge whatever you're feeling. Just notice, just be aware.
There's nothing good or bad about it.
Feel, feel, feel and come home. Let your vagina vulva pussy come home
to you.
If there are any strong emotions arising, just let them move through. It's
energy in your body knows how to release and integrate, so accept and
meet any emotions that arise with love and compassion, or at least
acceptance. And then keep breathing, come back to the sensations and
feel what is here now.
And now you can invite some movement so you can shake your hips or
roll them in one direction and then the other direction when you feel like it
or snake your pelvis a little bit, bounce your pelvis, create some
movement and let that movement come through your whole body.
Take a deep inhale, fill your whole chest, belly, all the way down into your
pussy with big, fresh, beautiful air and oxygen. And on the exhale, give a
big sigh.
One more time, inhale deeply and on the exhale sigh.
And one final big deep breath and exhaling and sighing. Ah.
And now from here, you can either lie in stillness, you can cuddle yourself,
or you can get up and dance and move, whatever you feel like to
integrate the experience for this last minute.
And now go ahead and thank yourself because you have successfully
completed your sexy palace connection. Your practice is complete. Well
done my love!
lying down in a comfortable position, naked or dressed. I invite you into a
beautiful, gentle process where you get to connect with your sexy palace.
This is a gentle breathing and awareness experience where you come
home to your sexual center, where you feel your genitals as an integral
part of your body. So valuable, so beautiful, so healthy.
And so begin with just feeling your body relaxing, feel yourself melting
onto the surface underneath you. Feel yourself become heavy, grounded.
Feel the earth underneath you. Feel the heavens above you. Feel that you
are a physical manifestation, a physical body of a beautiful, sacred,
perfect human being.
And from here, deepen your breath slightly and feel your chest rising and
falling, your belly expanding and coming down again. With each inhale
and each exhale, I invite you to feel yourself more deeply connected with
I invite you to feel the arising sensations moment to moment. Sensations
can feel like heat, coldness, warmth, pressure, a piercing sensation,
champagne bubbles, tickles, contraction, expansion, a sense of floating or
Moment to moment sensations arise and move away and that's just the
way it is inside of the body. That's how the body communicates with you
with itself.
I encourage you to inhale and exhale out of your mouth if you haven't
been doing that up until this point. But it's also okay to do any version,
any style of breathing, whatever is most comfortable to you. But it can
really help inhaling and exhaling through the mouth because the mouth
and the vagina are intimately connected. So as you open your mouth and
relax your jaw, your tongue, your face, your lips, so
Do you relax your pelvic floor, vagina, vulva, pussy? And we want to be
relaxed because a relaxed body is a body that can feel, that can sense,
express, receive and give.
And now move your awareness into your lower belly, from the belly
button, the area from your belly button, between your hips, all the way
down to your pubic bone. And let your awareness become this part of you.
Feel yourself as your lower belly and begin inhaling and exhaling out of
the lower belly as if your lower belly could breathe on its own.
and there's really nothing else you need to do but to stay aware and
present with the sensations that arise moment to moment inside your
lower belly and spend precious time connecting here. That's all you need
to do.
And from here I invite you to move your awareness into your vulva, vagina
and pussy. And now inhaling and exhaling out of your vagina as if your
vagina could inhale and exhale and move your awareness into the
essence of your sexuality, your vagina, vulva and pussy. And that's all you
need to do. Be present. Be here. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Feel.
Dance and be present.
And as you're breathing in and out of your vagina, in and out of your
pussy, really notice if you can feel any sensations here like tickles,
bubbles, pressure, contraction, expansion, warmth, coldness, heat, ice.
And don't judge whatever you're feeling. Just notice, just be aware.
There's nothing good or bad about it.
Feel, feel, feel and come home. Let your vagina vulva pussy come home
to you.
If there are any strong emotions arising, just let them move through. It's
energy in your body knows how to release and integrate, so accept and
meet any emotions that arise with love and compassion, or at least
acceptance. And then keep breathing, come back to the sensations and
feel what is here now.
And now you can invite some movement so you can shake your hips or
roll them in one direction and then the other direction when you feel like it
or snake your pelvis a little bit, bounce your pelvis, create some
movement and let that movement come through your whole body.
Take a deep inhale, fill your whole chest, belly, all the way down into your
pussy with big, fresh, beautiful air and oxygen. And on the exhale, give a
big sigh.
One more time, inhale deeply and on the exhale sigh.
And one final big deep breath and exhaling and sighing. Ah.
And now from here, you can either lie in stillness, you can cuddle yourself,
or you can get up and dance and move, whatever you feel like to
integrate the experience for this last minute.
And now go ahead and thank yourself because you have successfully
completed your sexy palace connection. Your practice is complete. Well
done my love!