2. Guided Divine Mother Yoni Egg Ritual

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Guided Divine Mother Yoni Egg Ritual

by Usha Rose

Welcome to the Divine Mother Yoni Egg Ritual. Make sure you are in a
private space and that you have some massage oil with you.

It's ideal if you already have your yoni egg inserted for the entirety of this
ritual. However, if you have not prepared and inserted the egg already,
you can go ahead and start the ritual now. And after the breast massage
portion of the ritual, I will give you a cue where you can pause the audio
and take a little bit of extra time to insert your yoni egg.

As always, everything in these guided practices is an invitation, a
suggestion. Always listen to your own body, follow your own organic flow,
your own impulses, your own intuition, and your own pleasure.

As you're ready, I invite you to take a few deep breaths and take one or
both hands over your heart.

beginning to connect to the energy of the heart space. The intention of
this ritual is to connect with the energy of unconditional love, to use
pleasure as a source of nourishment and to cultivate the qualities of
compassion, forgiveness, self-love and self-acceptance.

So with one hand on the heart, I invite you to take the other hand and
either place it on the mattress or the floor that you're on and connect
down into the earth energy, or you can take that hand and stretch it up
and out, reaching out to the cosmos and to the universe. Whatever way
feels the most organic to you, but using one hand on the heart and the
other hand, either down into the earth or out into the cosmos,

to channel the energy of the Divine Mother in whatever form speaks to
you most. So it may be Gaia, the Earth Mother, it may be a goddess of the
Divine Mother, an image of the Divine Mother, but channeling in
unconditional love.

deep breaths, feeling the energy of generosity.

of forgiveness.

of patience and sweetness.

Taking a moment and speaking out loud an affirmation that feels true to
you Or an affirmation that you're trying on and learning to embody I love
and accept myself as I am in this moment right now

All my emotions and feelings are welcome here. I will be present with

I love myself. I love my body.

I welcome love to be present in this space with me. I'm feeling in to the
energy of the divine mother, the divine goddess, the feminine qualities of
nourishment, compassion, forgiveness surrounding you, holding you,
hugging you, embracing you.

Taking another deep breath in, letting out a sigh or a sound. Your sound is
always welcome throughout these practices. Remembering to take deep
breaths. You can hum, you can sigh, you can sing, you can tone. All
sounds and all expressions and all movements are welcome.

And then as you're ready, bringing both hands and cupping them over the
breasts. A symbol of nourishment and generosity.

Taking a moment to smile and shine down the energy of love and
compassion to the breaths. Just holding them and breathing. Maybe
remembering any moments that you judged your breaths or spoke badly
to them or criticized your body. Taking some deep breaths forgiving
yourself for any of those moments that you judged yourself.

Releasing any moments where you felt judged by others, any critical

Any toxic messages that you've received in your childhood or your
teenage years. And we'll start to circle in outward direction. So up the
center and down on the outside of the breasts. Circling around the
breasts. Releasing any of those negative thoughts, feelings or messages.

and sending that energy that wants to be released, that's ready to let go
into the earth as you circle the breasts in an outward direction. You can
massage one breast at a time or both at the same time, but just making it
sensual and soft and sweet.
And if you haven't already added massage oil, now is a good time to add
that massage oil as you massage the breath.

You can also send some energy down the arms and out the fingertips,
including the arms and the hands as you massage the breaths in an
outward direction. This is the moment for clearing, cleansing, and

Speaking any words out loud to the breast like I'm sorry for any times I
hurt you intentionally or unconsciously. Please forgive me. I love you.
You're beautiful.

Allowing it to feel good, you can do large circles around the circumference
and smaller circles around the nipples.

And then pausing, taking a few deep breaths.

making audible exhales, repeating out loud any affirmations that are
resonant for you. Maybe it's a thank you to the breasts. I love you. I'm
sorry. Please forgive me.

And then welcoming in those positive emotions by circling inwardly down
the center and up the outside of the breasts, smiling down at the breasts
with gratitude and appreciation, with self-love and self-acceptance.

inviting in the Divine Mother energy, knowing that you are loved, that you
are beautiful, that all parts of you are welcome.

making a sigh with each exhale.

I love you. I promise to honor you, to cherish you, to do a better job
adoring you and appreciating you.

Allow it to be sensual and pleasurable.

including some massage of the arms as well as massaging the breasts. So
sending some of this living energy down the arms and into the fingertips,
into the palms.

A few more circles of the breaths. Bringing that energy into the heart of
love, acceptance, compassion, joy, forgiveness.

And I want you to bring your hands together now.

Massaging the arms, feeling the connection of the heart, the breath, the
arms and the hands. Continuing to massage the breath, the arms and the
hands and recognizing that the arms and the hands are an extension of
this heart energy, generosity, giving, giving love, giving care, giving

And we're gonna slowly bring those hands to the vulva, to your pussy.

Sending love. And if your pussy is a yes to this touch and wants to be
massaged, you can gently stroke the pussy with this loving, nourishing
energy. The energy of the mother, of the goddess, of the earth.

Taking a moment to speak any loving words to your vulva. Letting her
know I'm sending you love. I am loving you. I am appreciating you. I am
here with you.

You can circle the hips, stretch out the body in any way that feels good, as
you start to bring this loving energy to the vulva, to your pussy.

And if you don't have your yoni egg inserted already, I'll invite you to
pause the audio and take a little bit of extra time massaging the yoni egg
against the opening of your vulva and taking a few minutes to slowly
invite the yoni egg inside.

And once you have the egg inside, and if you've started the practice with
the egg inside already, you're gonna place one hand over your pussy and
one hand over the heart. And just feel the energy of gravity connecting
you to the earth.

If your feet are not already on the ground with the knees bent, you can go
ahead and bend the knees, placing the feet on the mattress, feeling the
feet, the tailbone, the shoulders, the back of the head connected to earth
energy. Noticing if you can sense and feel the weight of the yoni egg
inside of your vagina.
noticing the weight of your bones, of your body, on the ground.

connecting with earth energy.

calling in the energy of unconditional love and acceptance, of generosity
and forgiveness. And I invite you to take a deep inhale into your heart.
And as you exhale, send that earth and heart energy down to your yoni.
And then inhale at your yoni. And as you exhale, send that energy up into
your heart. Inhale into the heart.

And exhale down to the yoni. Inhaling in the yoni.

And exhale the heart. We'll do this a few times, inhaling at the heart,
gathering the goddess energy, the earth energy, exhaling down into the
yoni, releasing it to the earth. And then inhale, gathering earth energy,
divine mother, goddess love energy. And exhale the heart. One more
round, inhaling the heart.

Exhaling the yoni.

Inhaling a peony.

And exhaling out the heart. Shake, sigh, stretch your body. Do a little more
self-touch, massaging the breasts, massaging the arms, the neck, the
yoni, the legs, the belly. Just using the touch to feel that energy flowing
between the pussy and the heart.
And then bringing your attention to the pelvic floor.

You can have one hand over the pussy and one hand over the heart or one
hand over the pussy and the other hand anywhere else, either on the
mattress, somewhere on the body, or the low belly.

So the imitation is to have your fingertips pointed down and just over the
pelvic floor, the vaginal opening, and the knuckles around the top of the
vulva and the palm on the pubic mound or the mons pubis, so that you're
resting your hand over the entire vulva.

And we'll move into some specific pelvic floor isolations.

And it's okay if you can't feel the yoni egg or if you have a hard time
isolating these specific muscles, but using your imagination, visualizing
the contractions as I'm describing them. So I'll be doing this with the

And on an inhale, you're going to squeeze and lift up at the pelvic floor
around the opening of the vagina as if you're lifting the yoni egg up, and
then exhale, relax. We'll repeat this twice more. Inhale, squeeze under the
yoni egg as if you could lift it up, and exhale, relax.

And then inhale, squeeze and lift.

and exhale, relax. Then you're gonna rest your knees together. So the
knees come together and separate your feet a little bit wider apart and
just allow your legs and your hips to relax as you rest and soften the
pelvic floor, soften the breath, soften the pelvis.

And this next round, we're gonna focus around squeezing around the yoni
egg, around the center of the egg, as if you could give the yoni egg a hug
with your vaginal wall muscles. So on your next inhale, squeeze around
the sides of the egg and exhale, relax. You can separate the knees if you
didn't already. Inhale, squeeze around the sides of the egg.

exhale relax

Inhale, squeeze, hugging the egg, squeezing the vaginal canal all around
the egg, and exhale, relax. Bring the knees together again, feet wide,
allowing the legs to rest on each other. Take a few deep breaths, fully
relaxing the pelvic floor, the pelvis, the hips, the legs, allowing the femur
bones, the thigh bones to rest back in the hip socket.

And this next round of pelvic contractions, going to imagine an attempt to
squeeze around the top of the yoni egg. So it's more at the top of the
vaginal walls near the cervix, squeezing the top of the egg. So on an
inhale, squeeze near the top.

And exhale, relax. The knees can come back to hips distance apart.
Inhale, squeeze around the top of the yoni egg.

exhale relax
Inhale, squeeze at the top of the yoni egg.

And exhale, rest and relax, resting the knees on each other, taking a few
deep breaths here.

Soften the belly, soften the butt and the hips.

noticing any thoughts or emotions, judgments, questions, doubts.

and just be present with what is here right now.

Trusting my body.

having gratitude, sending love to your pussy, love to your womb.

Forgiving yourself for any criticism, any judgment, any doubt.

If you need to, you can shake or stretch your body.

Adding a little touch, massaging the vulva again, massaging the inner
thighs, the pubic mound, the belly, the breasts, and using your touch to
spread love all around the hips, the pelvis, the pubic bone, the vulva, the
breasts, the arms.

Now we're going to do one more round of pelvic floor work with the egg.

So returning the feet to the floor, if you were stretching them out or
shaking the body with the knees bent.

And this time we'll be taking four sips of inhale. So.

and a big long exhale. And as we do that with each inhale, so it's one long
inhale just divided into four sips, you're going to squeeze the bottom of
the egg, the sides of the egg, the top of the egg, and the fourth breath is
filling all the way up into the heart. And then you'll exhale all the energy
out from the heart. So taking a regular breath in, exhale, release.

Inhale, squeeze the bottom. Inhale, squeeze the middle. Inhale, squeeze
the top. And inhale all the way up to the heart, filling up the heart energy.
And then exhale, make a sigh. Shake the body, release all that energy out
from the heart to the universe. Again, inhale, bottom, middle, top, all the
way up to the heart. And exhale, sigh, shake, release.

One more time. Inhale the bottom of the egg, the sides of the egg, the top
of the egg, all the way up into the heart. And exhale, sigh and release,
shake, stretch, feeling the energy in the body, letting it flow, letting it
move, filling up with that divine love, compassion, forgiveness and

And then taking one hand over the low belly in the space of the womb,
one hand over the heart.

visualizing a glowing light, either a white light or pink light or any light
that resonates with divine loving energy. Green light also is associated
with love. Whatever color comes to you and feeling your whole body
surrounded with this light energy of divine love, unconditional love. Take a
deep breath into the heart.

Take a deep breath into the space of the womb.

Breath into the space of the ovaries.

And a deep breath to the pussy, the vulva, the clitoris.

and feeling all these parts of your body lit up and radiant with divine
loving energy.

with compassion, with joy, with self-acceptance, self-forgiveness.

being generous with yourself, gentle with yourself.

And thinking of three things you are grateful for about this practice or
about yourself, your body. Speaking those three things out loud.
And then thinking of three ways you are loving yourself, loving your body,
your pleasure, your pussy right now.

speaking those three loving things about yourself out loud.

And from here, I invite you, if you have more time, to move into a pleasure
practice, bringing yourself into a fuller state of arousal, of pleasure,
bringing yourself into peak state of pleasure or orgasm as a way of
anchoring in even more deeply this energy of self-love, acceptance, and

And if you're feeling complete with your practice, you can store your
energy by taking your hands over your low belly and circling up on the
left, down on the right, gathering all of this self-love, compassion,
forgiveness and gentleness. Gathering it all into your center.

Collecting it, grounding this pleasure as power, and then circling in the
other direction up the right and down on the left, really packing it in,
anchoring it in.

knowing that all of this energy is here for you, feeling every cell vibrating
with self love and acceptance, with self forgiveness and compassion.

Feeling connected to the healing energy and power of the Divine Mother
within you within the earth and within the goddess all around us

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