TG Expressive Arts
TG Expressive Arts
TG Expressive Arts
3 – 4 & 5 – 6 Years
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Printed by:
Zambia Educational Publishing House
Light Industrial Publishing House, Chishango Road
P.O. Box 32708, Lusaka, Zambia
Table of Contents
The goal of learning in an Early Childhood Education Centre is for it to happen naturally through
real-life experiences at the child’s own pace. Children at this level learn better when they are actively
involved in learning through play. Their knowledge emerges as a result of the activities they are
engaged in as well as the relationships they form in their early life. The early years are a time of great
importance in determining the chances that a child will have for his/her later life. There are major
developmental changes that occur during this period. These results in Children, who are independent,
like to play on their own, have ability to pay attention for a long time, follow instructions, learn well
through imitation, repetition and have active imaginations.
There are two basic types of teaching methods at this level. These are teacher centred and learner
centred. An Early Childhood Education Centre is a social environment in which children learn about
their surroundings and how to play with their peers. Children engaged in active play learn about
taking turns, respecting one another, practicing social skills and learning other fundamental things
without knowing they are doing so. The role of a preschool teacher is to creatively present core
fundamentals while engaging children through play. Play is a child's work; therefore academic
teaching in an Early Childhood Education Centre takes 40% while play takes 60% of the teaching
learning process. Children are allowed to choose the activities that interest them, which will motivate
them to try new things, learn new activities, build confidence, self-esteem and use their own
creativity to learn new skills and the curriculum is very child-centred and more unstructured than
Teachers should allow for hands-on activities that promote teamwork and concentration by creating
an appropriate environment that will stimulate learner interest and allow for natural learning moments
for children in the Early Childhood Education Centre. There are various teaching methods suggested
in the syllabus that the teacher can explore and apply during the teaching learning process at this
level. However, teachers are encouraged to be resourceful and creative to make teaching and learning
3 to 4
to 4 years old
Under this topic it is cardinal that learners know how to move, correlate, manipulate, coordinate,
observe and express themselves.
Learners will attain skills of jumping, crawling, walking, kicking, stretching, hopping, throwing,
catching, running, team work, self-awareness, balancing, calculating, pulling, pushing, rolling,
distributing, packing, lifting and movements. By so doing the learners will attain the values of
cooperation, appreciation, self-confidence, independence, endurance, discipline, responsibility and
care of equipment. In all activities, please remember to cater for the learners with special needs.
Prepare materials in advance.
KEY WORDS: walking (to and from, left and right, fast/slow) and jumping
Take learners to the playground and start lesson by a warm-up specifically the stretching exercise.
Tell learners to observe you as you demonstrate walking e.g. to and from, left and right,
Ask learners to practice each activity with you.
Put learners in groups and give each group an activity.
Ask learners to alternate activities by a signal. Signal could either be a clap, whistle or word
of command.
Line up the learners, start a song and march with them to class.
Learners to do warm up activities by stretching.
Learners to walk individually to and from, left and right, fast and slow
In groups one group walk to and from, the other group walk left to right the other group walks
fast and slow at a signal they swap walking activity.
Lesson 2 – jumping
Take learners to the playing field and start lesson by a warm-up by walking slow and fast.
Tell learners to observe you as you demonstrate jumping up and down.
Ask learners to practice the activities with you.
Put learners in groups and give each group an activity.
Ask learners to alternate activities by a signal. Signal could either be a clap, whistle or word
of command
End lesson with song.
Line up the learners, start a song and march with them with them to class.
Learners to a warm up by walking fast and slow at a command.
Learners to jump up and down individually
Learners to jump and down in groups.
Take learners to the playing field and do a warm-up by jumping up and down.
Demonstrate kicking the ball freely.
A sk individual learners to practice with you.
Give balls to the learners to kick freely.
Put learners in pairs and ask them to kick the ball to each other.
End lesson with song.
Line up the learners, and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up by jumping up and down
Learners to kick the ball with you.
Learners to kick the balls in pairs.
Lesson 2 – crawling
Take learners to the playing field and start lesson by a warm-up (jumping freely).
Demonstrate crawling on hands, knees and feet.
Ask learners to practice crawling with you individually.
Instruct learners to crawl.
End lesson with song.
Learners to do a warm up by jumping freely
Learners to practice crawling with you.
Learners to crawl on their own individually
Lesson 3 – Hopping
Take learners to the playing field and start lesson by a warm-up e.g. free running.
Demonstrate hopping by doing 2 or 3 steps.
Ask learners to practice hopping 2 to 3 steps with you.
Let learners hop around randomly individually.
End lesson and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up by running freely.
Learners to hop 2 to 3 steps with you.
Learners to hop randomly individually.
Do a warm-up by doing breathing in and out exercise.
Demonstrate sitting and standing 2 or 3 times.
Ask learners to practice the activity with you.
Let learners sit and stand individually.
End the lesson with a song.
Learners to do a warm up of breath - in breath – out.
Learners to practice standing and sitting.
Learners to sit and stand individually.
Take learners to the playing ground introduce the lesson with a warm-up activity of finger
Use a learner to demonstrate with you throwing and catching a ball at a signal.
Ask learners to practice the throwing and catching activity at a signal in pairs.
Distribute balls to the learners in groups and ask them to do the activity in pairs at a signal
alternating chances.
Blow the whistle or give a verbal order to learners to throw and catch a ball.
End lesson with song.
Line up the learners, start a song and march to class.
Learners do a warm up of finger exercise.
Learners to throw and catch the ball at a signal in pairs.
Assessment – Observe learners throwing and catching the ball by going round.
Take learners to the playing field and start lesson by a warm-up random running.
Demonstrate running and kicking a ball at a signal e.g. run view and kick.
Ask learners to practice running and kicking the ball with you.
Put them in groups and instruct them to run and kick a ball by a signal.
End the lesson and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up of running randomly.
Learners to practice running and kick a ball at a signal.
Music is very important to learners at this stage because it soothes them and also assists them to
develop language because it is mental. This will help learners develop skills in singing, dancing,
creativity and attain the values of self-expression, independence, socialisation, self-confidence and
appreciation of cultural norms.
Lesson 1 - Singing
Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to breath in and breath out.
Ask learners to sing any familiar song one by one.
Teach a new song to which they will clap and dance as they to listen attentively then sing with
Instruct the learners to sing at a signal.
End the lesson.
Learners to breathe in and breathe out.
Learners to sing a familiar song.
Learners to sing a new song with clapping and dancing.
Demonstrate how to do the cat walk by singing ‘go, go, go teacher’.
Ask learners to practice cat walk with you.
Instruct learners to make a circle and you inside.
Ask learners to be coming in the circle one by one whilst doing the cat walk and singing “go,
go children go” x2.
End the lesson
Learners to practice the cat walk.
Learners sing “go, go children" x2, as they go towards the teacher inside circle one by one.
Demonstrate break dance.
Instruct learners to practice in pairs with you.
Ask them to do break dance in a group with one in the centre.
End the lesson.
Learners practice break dance in pairs.
Learners to do break dance in a group with one is at the centre.
Lesson 3 - Marching
Do a simple rhyme.
Demonstrate marching in a way that your steps move in line with the rhyme.
Instruct learners to practice marching with you.
Ask learners to march one by one in response to the rhyme.
End the lesson.
Learners to do a rhyme.
Learners to practice marching in line with the rhyme.
Learners to march one by one in response to the rhyme.
Assessment: Observe learners marching.
Introduce the lesson by asking learners to sing a familiar song.
Demonstrate dancing to simple songs.
Ask learners to practice dancing with you.
Put them in groups and instruct them to dance.
End with a song.
Activity –
Learners to sing a familiar song.
Learners dance to simple songs.
Learners to dance simple songs in a group.
SUB-TOPIC : Crafts
BACKGROUND - Under this topic, teach learners how to fold, tear and paste various objects. These
will help them gain the value of creativity and appreciation of beauty.
Lesson 1-Folding
Introduce the lesson by doing the finger exercises.
Demonstrate folding paper to form shapes e.g. Rectangle, Square and Triangle.
Ask learners to practice fold paper to form shapes with you.
Distribute paper and ask individual learners fold paper to form shapes.
Instruct them to display their work.
Tidy up the place.
Ask learners to sing a song.
Learners to do finger exercises.
Learners to fold paper to form; rectangle, square and a triangle.
Learners to display the shapes.
Learners to tidy up the place.
Sing a song.
Assessment - Go round observing learners fold paper to form the given shapes.
Introduce the lesson by stretching up and finger exercises.
Demonstrate tearing paper in different sizes and shapes e.g. A4 to A5, square to triangle
Learners to practice tearing paper to different shapes with you.
Ask learners to tear paper in different shapes e.g. rectangle and triangle.
Learners to display their work.
End by tidying up the place.
Learners to stretch and exercise their fingers.
Learners to practice tearing paper in different sizes to form shapes - A4 to A5, square to
Learners to display their work and tidy up.
Assessment - Go round observe learners tearing paper in different sizes to form shapes.
KEY WORDS : pasting, patterns.
Introduce the lesson by stretching up and finger exercises.
Demonstrate how to paste shapes torn in different sizes and shapes on the manila forming a
Learners to practice pasting torn paper with you.
Ask learners to paste different shapes and sizes torn in the previous lesson.
Instruct them to display their work and tidy up.
Learners to stretch and do finger exercises.
Learners to practice pasting torn paper on the manila to form pattern.
Learners to paste different shapes from torn paper on the manila to form patterns.
Learners to tidy up.
Take learners to the playing field and start lesson by a warm-up by walking around.
Demonstrate walking backwards.
Instruct learners to practice walking backwards with you.
Put them in groups and ask them to walk backwards.
End the lesson and go to class.
Learners to walk around freely.
Learners to practice walking backwards with the teacher.
Learners to walk back wards individually.
Indoor game / out door.
Warm up by walking backwards.
Demonstrate walking on tip-toes.
Ask learners to practice the activity (individually) with the teacher.
Learners to walk on tip toes on their own.
End lesson with a song.
Learners to walk backwards.
Learners to practice walking on tip toes with the teacher.
Learners walk on tip toes on their own.
Lesson 1 – balancing while standing on one foot and then alternate feet.
Outdoor or indoor.
Do a warm up by hopping 2 to 3 steps.
Demonstrate standing on one foot.
Tell learners to practice standing on one foot with you.
Put learners in groups and ask them to stand one foot and alternate feet at a signal.
Line up the learners, start a song and march to class.
Learners to hop 2 to 3 times.
Learners to practice standing on one foot with the teacher.
In groups learners to stand on one foot and alternate feet at a signal.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 6: Learners to perform various jumping and climbing activities.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: learners, teacher, rope, string, measuring tape.
Indoor or outdoor.
Do a warm up of e.g. by jumping up and down.
Demonstrate jumping from a height of not more than 5-10 cm.
Tell learners to practice jumping from a height of 5-10 cm with you.
Instruct them to jump from a height of not more than 5-10 cm individually.
End the lesson and go back to class.
Learners to jump up and down.
Learners to practice jumping with the teacher from a height of not more than 5-10 cm.
Learners to jump from the height of not more that 5 – 10 cm on their own.
Take learners to the playing field and start lesson by running and jumping up and down for
not more than 5 minutes.
Select 2 learners to hold a rope5-10 cm high.
Demonstrate stepping over a rope 5-10 cm high.
Tell learners to practice stepping over a rope 5 – 10 cm high with you.
Instruct learners to step over a rope 5 – 10 cm high in small groups.
End the lesson and march to class.
Learners to run and jump up and down
Learners to practice step over the rope 5 – 10 cm high with the teacher
Learners to step over a rope 5-10 cm high in small groups.
NB –Prepare stairs for the next lesson using blocks or find a safe place where there are at
least 3 stairs.
Lesson3 – climbing up and climbing down stairs.
Start the lesson by a warm up standing on one foot.
Demonstrate climbing up and climbing down 2 stairs.
Tell learners to practice the climbing up and climbing down 2 stairs one by one with you.
Instruct them to climb up and down stairs one by one.
End the lesson and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up, standing on one foot.
Learners to practice climbing up and climbing down stairs individually.
Learners to climb up and downstairs individually.
Learners to do a warm up activity.
Learners to practice running in various direction with the teacher.
Learners to run in various directions.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: -mattress, grass, carpet, card board teacher,
learners, reed mat.
Lesson 1– rolling
Do warm up.
Demonstrate rolling e.g. on mattress, carpet, grass, mattress, card
board, reed mat.
Tell learners to practice rolling with your support.
End with a song and march with the learners to the class.
Activities –
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to practice rolling with the support of the teacher.
Do a warm up.
Demonstrate packing materials and putting them away.
Divide learners into groups and distribute the materials to them e.g. balls, seed bags or boxes.
Ask them to pack the materials and put them away.
End the lesson.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to pick and pack the materials and put them away.
Learners to receive the materials in groups e.g. balls, seed bags or boxes.
Learners to tidy up the place.
Take learners to the playground and warm up.
Demonstrate movements of familiar animals.
Tell learners to practice movement of cat, dog, goat, cow, zebra, giraffe, and kangaroo with you.
End the lesson.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners practice movements of familiar animals with the teacher.
Learners to practice movement of cat, dog, goat, cow, zebra, giraffe, and kangaroo on their own.
Teach rhythm and movement to learners because they will gain skills in clapping, stamping, body
movement, beating drums and coordination. Learners will also attain the values of self-expression,
joy, love and appreciation.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 4: Learners to demonstrate minimal control and balance of their bodies.
Ask learners to sing a familiar song.
Demonstrate clapping and dancing.
Ask learners to practice with you.
Ask learners to dance one by one while clapping and balancing.
Wind up with a song.
Learners to sing a familiar song.
Learners to practice singing, clapping and dancing with you.
Learners to dance one by one while singing, clapping and balancing.
Do a warm up.
Demonstrate singing while stamping the feet.
Ask learners to practice with you.
Instruct them to sing and stamp their feet in groups.
End the lesson.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to practice singing while stamping their feet with the teacher.
Learners to sing while stamping on their own.
Assessment: Observe learners sing in line with the rhythm of their feet being stamped.
Lesson 1 –Playing common musical instruments.
Introduce the lesson by doing finger exercises.
Display different music instruments e.g. shakers, wood blocks,
rhythm sticks learners to identify them.
Demonstrate how to use shakers, wood blocks, rhythm sticks.
Ask learners to practice using the musical instruments with you.
Learners to use musical instruments in groups.
End the lesson.
Learners to do finger exercises.
Learners to identify music instruments e.g. shakers, wood blocks, rhythm sticks learners to
mention them.
Learners practice using shakers, wood blocks, rhythm sticks with you.
Learners to use the musical instruments in groups.
BACKGROUND - Learners should be taught how to trace and draw. This can be done if they are
taught and given chance to participate in various tracing, drawing and colouring activities and how to
hold a pencil. Make sure you help learners attain the values in creativity, concentration, patience and
Take learners outside.
Do finger exercises
Demonstrate how to draw lines in the air and on the ground.
Ask learners to practice both activities with you.
Go back to class and ask learners to draw lines freely in their books.
End the lesson
Learners to do finger exercises
Learners to draw lines in the air and on the ground with the teacher.
Learners to go back to class and draw lines freely in their books.
Lesson 2 - Tracing
Do finger exercises
Go outside or use a sand corner to demonstrate tracing and ask learners to trace on the ground
Demonstrate tracing a circle using pencils with you.
Ask learners to trace a shape e.g. circle on their own.
Ask learners to sing e.g. “small circle, big circle or mummy and daddy I love you”.
End with a song.
Learners to do finger exercises.
Learners to go outside or use a sand corner to trace on the ground (sand).
Learners to trace a shape e.g. circle on their own in their books.
Learners to sing a song e.g. “small circle, big circle or mummy and daddy I love you”.
Learners to do finger exercises.
Learners to practice drawing using templates with the teacher.
In groups learners draw to different templates e.g. shapes (circle, square and triangle).
Learners to tidy up the place.
Non-loco motor skills are skills that are performed in a static form e.g. bending, stretching, pulling
and pushing. It is important to do different non-loco motor skills for learners at this stage so that they
are able to do bending and other posture activities. These skills will promote independence self-
confidence and discipline in the learners.
Do a warm up.
Demonstrate bending and stretching.
Ask learners to practice individually with you.
Put them in groups and ask them to bend and stretch.
End the lesson.
Learners to do a warm up
Learners to practice bending and stretching with the teacher.
Learners to bend and stretch in groups.
KEY WORDS: pulling, pushing, and kneeling.
Go with learners to the playground and do a warm up.
Demonstrate pulling and pushing while standing.
Allow learners to pull and push while standing with you.
Put the learners in groups and let them push and pull each other on their own.
Line up learners and march with them to class.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to pull and push while standing with the teacher.
Learners in groups to push and pull each other.
Line up learners and march with them to class.
Take learners to the playground and introduce the lesson with warm up activities.
Demonstrate pulling and pushing while kneeling.
Ask learners to practice pulling and pushing while kneeling with you.
Instruct learners to pull and push each other on their own.
End with a song and march with them to class.
Take learners to do warm up activities.
Learners to pulling and pushing each other while kneeling with the teacher.
Learners to pull and push each other on their own.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 14: Learners to perform posture balancing activities with support.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: teacher, learners, desks, chairs, tables
Lesson 1 – posture
This lesson can be done as an indoor activity.
Start with a warm up exercise e.g. stand up sit down.
Demonstrate posture and balancing activities e.g. sit like
Leo (upright) or sit like jumbo (bending).
Allow learners to practice sitting like Leo or like Jumbo with support
From available furniture.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to sit Leo (upright) or like jumbo (bending).
This can be done as an indoor activity.
Do a warm up.
Demonstrate sitting and standing activities.
Tell learners to practice sitting and standing activities with you.
End the lesson with a song.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to sit and stand.
Go to the playground and do a warm up.
Demonstrate jumping on one spot.
Allow learners to jump on one spot with you.
Instruct learners to jump on one spot on their own.
End the lesson with a song and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to jump on one spot.
Learners to sing as they march to class.
In this topic teach learners simple different kinds of songs, dances with balancing of their bodies,
simple games and game rules. These will help them in singing, dancing, flexibility, playing,
balancing, creativity and coordination. Values to be gained by learners are self-expression,
cooperation, self-confidence and appreciation.
Go outside to the playing field.
Teach game songs and give instruction for each game e.g. kankuluwale.
Demonstrate how to play it and how one can be disqualified.
Ask learners to play the game in groups.
End the lesson by asking the learners to sing a song.
(Note: teacher to come up with different game songs other than kankuluwale)
Activities -
Learners to learn a game song.
Learners to participate in playing game song.
SUB-TOPIC: Colouring
BACKGROUND - Under this topic, learners should know how to colour using primary colours.
They learn skills like creativity. Learners will gain the value of appreciation, patience and self-
Hint/Note: At this age learners may not be able to colour within boundary as they are at scribbling
stage of development. They may also not fill the shape with colour.
Lesson 1 – Colouring
Draw different basic shapes for each learner i.e. triangle, circle and rectangle.
Demonstrate how to colour shapes using primary colours (red, yellow and blue)
Distribute the drawn shapes to each learner to colour.
Ask learners to colouring simple shapes using crayons.
Tidy up the place.
Activity –
Learners to colour shapes.
Learners to participate in tidying up activities.
BACKGROUND - Teach learners how to make simple printing patterns because it will help them
learn the skills of critical thinking and creativity. They will also learn to appreciate art work, have
patience and self-satisfaction.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 14: Learners to perform simple printing activities.
SUGGESTED TIME: 1 lesson – 30 minutes.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES – water colours, teacher, learners, A4 papers, dish
of water.
Display all the materials on the table and introduce them to the learners.
Prepare the material and demonstrate how to print using hand and feet using water colours.
Ask learners to print using their own hands or foot.
Ask learners to dry up their print work.
Tidy up the place and pack the materials.
Tell the learners to wash their hands and feet.
Ask learners to display their work and praise them.
Learners to select colours to use.
Learners to print their hands and feet.
Learners to pack and tidy up.
Learners to display the work.
Assessment–Go round and observe learners print their hands and feet.
BACKGROUND: Eye-hand and eye-foot coordination are important activities, e.g. throwing and
kicking that should be taught to learners at this level because they will help them manipulate objects
and develop proper judgement. This promotes self-confidence, cooperation, appreciation, alertness,
concentration, satisfaction and self-expression.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: pegs, papers, books, socks, jersey, fingers, local
materials available for clipping.
Lesson 1 – clipping.
Introduce the lesson by finger manipulation activities of clipping.
Demonstrate clipping of objects such as socks paper, socks, and jerseys using fingers.
Ask learners to clip the different objects.
End lesson with a song.
Learners to do warm up activities of finger play.
Learners to clip different objects using fingers.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: learners, teachers, ball, ball made with local
materials e.g. sock or plastic ball.
Take learners to the playground.
Introduce the lesson with a warm up activity of lifting arms up, down forward and backwards.
Demonstrate catching and throwing of a ball to the learner/helper.
Ask individual learners to throw and catch a ball.
Put learners in pairs and ask them to throw and catch balls at each other.
Wind up with a song and march to class.
Learners to throw and catch balls on their own.
Learners to throw and catch the ball in pairs.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: learners, teachers, ball
Go to the play field.
Introduce the lesson with warm activities of rolling and kicking in the air.
Demonstrate rolling and kicking of the ball.
Ask learners to roll and kick the ball.
Put learners in groups and ask them to alternate rolling and kicking the ball at each other.
Wind up the lesson and march to class while singing.
Activity -
Learners to roll and kick in the air.
Learners to roll and kick the ball individually.
Learners to roll and kick the ball in groups.
Learners to march to class while singing.
SUB-TOPIC – Threading
Under this topic, it’s important that learners are taught threading so as to make them make patterns
using e.g. big beads and plastic bottle lids. These will make them become creative.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Bottle tops, big beads, cotton reels, straws, big
buttons, shirts, strings, rings, fruits reels.
Hint / Note: Avoid using small holed beads and tiny cotton as learners are still at the stage of
developing their fine motor skills and eye hand coordination.
Display threading materials on the table or mat.
Start the lesson by introduce the threading materials e.g. strings, big beads bottle tops, buttons,
straws, cotton reels etc.
Ask learners to identify them by sorting.
Demonstrate threading.
Ask learners to thread rings, big holed buttons or beads using strings or big cotton.
Ask learners to display their work.
Ask learners to tidy up and pack their work.
Learners to identify and sort materials for threading.
Learners to thread and display their work.
Learners to participate in the tidying and packing up activities.
Assessment: Observe learners as they thread using strings and big holed buttons, beads or rings.
It is very important for the learners to be taught fine motor skills e.g. building, balancing, scooping,
screwing, unscrewing, zipping because these will help them develop object manipulation.
Additionally, these skills will help them acquire values such as patience, appreciation, concentration,
responsibility, independence, and self-confidence.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 19: Demonstrate ability to build a tower of at least five blocks.
Demonstrate building a tower using plastic bottle lids.
Ask learners to practice building a tower.
Put learners in groups and ask them to make a tower of 5 blocks.
Wind up with a song after tiding up.
Learners to build a tower using plastic bottle lids.
In groups learners to make a tower of 5 blocks.
Learners to tidy up.
Assessment: - Observe learners build a tower by going round.
Start with a warm up activity e.g. finger exercises.
Demonstrate arranging dominos.
Ask learners to practice in pairs.
Instruct learners to build a tower.
Wind up with a song.
Learners to warm up by a finger exercise activity.
Learners to arrange dominos.
Learners build a tower.
Learners to sing.
Assessment: Observe learners arrange dominos and builder a tower by going round.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: tins, learners, teacher, sand, water, container.
Lesson 1 - Scooping
Learners to go out to the playground.
Ask learners to swing up arms as warm up.
Demonstrate scooping by filling up and empting the container with sand and water.
Allow learners to scoop sand from one container to another on their own.
Ask learners to scoop water from a container to another.
Instruct learners to tidy up.
Learners to scoop from one container to another on their own.
Learners march to the playground in a single line.
Learners to swing up arms as warm up.
Learners to fill up and empting the container with sand.
Learners to fill up another container with water.
Allow learners to scoop sand from one container to another one by one.
Ask learners to scoop water from a container to another one by one.
Instruct learners to tidy up.
Hint / Note: Carry out the scooping of sand and water simultaneously as you stand on the middle.
This is to avoid learners being crowded on one place causing confusion.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME21: Learners to perform grasping and releasing activities using finger tips.
Indoor activity.
Demonstrate grasping and releasing.
Tell learners to grasp and release prepared objects e.g. pencils, paper, crayons
End the lesson with song and march to class.
Learners to do finger exercise in warm up for flexibility.
Learners to grasp and release objects.
Learners to sing a song and march to class.
Assessment – Observe learners grasp and release objects such as pencils, paper and crayons.
This can be an indoor or outdoor activity.
Prepare and put empty bottles with lids aside.
Start with a warm up of grasping and releasing.
Demonstrate screwing and unscrewing using a plastic bottle.
Put learners in small groups and distribute bottles to them and practice the exercise.
Ask individual learners to screw and unscrew a flexible tighten bottle top.
Wind up a lesson by tidying up.
Activity: -
Learners to do lab palms together as a warm up.
Learners to screw and unscrew a closed bottle top in small groups taking turns.
Learners to tidy up.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: bags with zips, dress, and shirts.
Lesson 1 – buttoning / zipping
This can be indoor activity.
Demonstrate to learners buttoning and zipping.
Tell the learners to button/zip shirts or bags in groups.
Ask learners to button / zip shirts or bags as individual.
End with a song and march to class.
Learners to warm up a standing and sitting down activity.
Learners buttoning and zipping.
Learners to button/zip shirts or bags in groups.
Learners to button/zip shirts or bags as individual.
Learners to sing a song and tidy up the classroom.
Lesson 2– Dressing
Indoor activity.
Ask learners to do a stretching exercise as a warm up.
Demonstrate to learners dressing using a doll.
Tell the learners practise dressing using dollies.
End lesson with a song.
Activity: -
Learners to do a stretching exercise as a warm up.
Ask learners dress up a doll.
Ask learners to sing and end the lesson.
Assessment – Observe learners dress dollies by going round.
BACKGROUND - Learners need to know modelling / moulding. Teach them different kinds of such
activities so that they can gain self-confidence, self-expression and satisfaction.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 17: Learners to mode and mould familiar objects using e.g. clay, plastacine
and dough.
Gather mode and mould materials in advance such as dough, clay and plasticine.
Display them and ask learners to identify each.
Demonstrate how to mode and mould e.g. a ball, tomato, orange using clay / plasticine.
Ask learners to mode and mould different objects e.g. ball, tomato, orange in groups.
Instruct learners to mode and mould as individuals.
Display the mode/mould objects and praise the learners.
Instruct learners to tidy up and wash their hands.
Learners to identify mode/mould materials such as dough, clay and plasticine.
Learners to mode/ mould object e.g. a ball, tomato, orange using clay/ plasticine in groups
then individuals.
Learners to display their work for appraisal.
Learners to tidy up and wash their hands.
5 to 6
SECTION B : 5 to 6 years
It’s important that learners perform gross motor activities so as to help learners to attain skills of
walking, balancing, focusing, concentration and climbing. Learners will also appreciate the values of
co-operation., self-confidence, endurance, patience, independence, courage appreciation of beauty
and overcome fear of height.
Start with a warm up by stretching.
Demonstrate walking on straight lines by walking on marked lines.
Ask learners to walk on straight lines individually and in groups.
End with a song.
March to class with a song.
Learners to do a warm up by stretching.
Learners to walk on straight line individually.
Learners to walk in a straight line in groups.
Start with a warm up by walking on straight line.
Demonstrate walking backwards on tip toes.
Ask learners to walk backwards on tip toes individually and in groups.
End with a song – follow, follow, follow the leader.
March to class with a song in a line.
Learners do a warm up by walking on straight line.
Learners to walk backwards on tip toes individually.
Learners to walk backwards on tip toes in groups.
KEY WORDS - Frog jumping, hoping on one leg, alternating feet, steps over a rope.
Start with a warm up by walking backwards on tip toes.
Demonstrate frog jumping.
Ask learners to do frog jumping individually and then in groups.
March back to class singing.
Learners to do a warm up by walking backwards on tip toes.
Learners to do frog jump individually.
Learners to do frog jump in groups.
Introduce the lesson with warm up activities such as frog jumping, walking around.
Demonstrate hoping on one leg and alternating feet from a height of 15 to 20 cm.
Ask learners to hop on one leg, alternating feet.
Ask learners to hop on one leg, alternating feet individually.
Ask learners to hop on one leg, alternating feet in pairs.
March to class.
Learners do warm up activities.
Learners to hop on one leg, alternating feet
Learners to hop on one leg, alternating feet individually and in pairs.
Assessment - Observe learners hop on one leg, alternating feet.
Lesson 3 - Step over the rope 10 to 15cm high
Start lesson with a warm up activity.
Demonstrate stepping over the rope 10 to 15 cm high.
Instruct learners to step over the rope 10 to 15 cm high individually and in groups
Go round observing and assisting learners where necessary
End with a song and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up activity
Learners to step over a rope 10 to 15 cm high.
Learners to step over the rope 10 to 15 cm high individually.
Learners to do the activity in smaller groups
Assessment - Observe learners step over the rope 10 to 15 cm.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES – Stairs, teacher, learners, (blocks/wood for making
Learners to do a warm activity
Learners to climb upstairs individually and in groups.
Assessment - Observe learners climb upstairs.
Under this topic, the learners will know how to move, correlate, observe and express themselves. This
will help the learners develop the skills of folding, pasting, drawing forming patterns, creativity,
critical thinking, problem, solving, basketry, weaving, threading, printing, modelling, cutting and
computer skills. Hence these will develop the values of appreciation, tolerance, patience, orderliness,
peace, self-confidence and satisfaction.
Demonstrate to learners how to make a boat using paper.
Ask learners to make a boat, kite and aeroplane using paper individually and in groups.
End with a song.
Activity -
Learners to fold paper to form objects such as boat, kite and aeroplane
Learners to fold paper to form objects such as boat, kite and aeroplane in groups
Ask learners to colour templates of objects such as apple, tomato, banana.
Ask learners to paste paper to form patterns individually and in groups.
Tidy up the place and sing a song.
Learners to colour templates of objects such as apple, tomato, banana individually
Learners to paste paper to form patterns individually and in groups.
Assessment - Observe learners colour templates of objects and paste them to form patterns.
It is important to teach music because through music learners are able to appreciate cultural norms,
express themselves, do things independently and have self-confidence. Learners will develop the
skills of singing, dancing, creativity, voice projection and coordination of voices.
Introduce the lesson by asking learners to sing a familiar song.
Demonstrate how to co-ordinate the voice.
Put learners in groups and ask them to practice co-ordination of their voices.
Ask learners to sing any song in Zambian language and bring out the correct words and voice
End the lesson with a song
Learners to sing a familiar song.
Learners to practice co-ordination of their voices individually
Learners to practice co-ordination of their voices in groups
Learners to sing any song in Zambian language and bring out the correct words and voice
Indoor outdoor activity.
Ask learners to breath in breath out.
Ask learners to sing any song they know individually.
Instruct them to make a circle and hold hands.
Teach a song e.g. any tribe according to your locality (Zambian).
Learners to breathe in breathe out.
Learners to sing any song in Zambian language.
Lesson 1 – Dancing.
Go to the play field with the learners and sing a familiar song.
Demonstrate how to dance.
Put learners in a circle.
Sing and dance to a song with them.
Ask learners to dance individually inside the circle and in pairs.
Learners sing a familiar song
Learners sing and dance to a song with teacher
Learners to dance inside the circle and in pairs
BACKGROUND - Learners should develop the skills of bending, stretching, twisting, throwing,
spinning, balancing and jumping .These will make them attain the values of appreciation, self-
confidence, independence and creativity.
KEY WORDS: Static body movements, bending, stretching and twisting.
Star the lesson with warm a up.
Demonstrate pulling and pushing.
Put learners in pairs according to their heights.
Ask them to pull and push.
End lesson with a song.
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to pull and push.
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate stretching and twisting.
Ask learners to stretch and twist.
March back to class with a song.
Activities –
Learners to do a warm up.
Learners to stretch and twist.
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate throwing a ball overhead.
Ask them to throw ball over head.
March back to class with a song.
Learners to do a warm up activity
Learners to throw ball over head
Lesson 1– Turning
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate turning left to right with arms stretched side wards while standing with legs
Ask learners to do the activity after you.
Ask learners to turn right and left while standing at a signal.
March back to class with a song.
Learners to do a warm up activity.
Learners do the turning from right and left, arms stretched side wards with legs apart at a
signal in pairs and in groups.
Assessment - Observe as learners are turning from right and left, arms stretched side wards with legs
Lesson 2 - Rolling
Spread the materials that you are going to use for rolling on e.g. a mattress, carpet, grass, mat.
Start with a warm up
Demonstrate rolling by turning left / right
Ask learners to roll.
Ask individual learners to roll in turns while others are observing.
March to class with a song.
Learners to do a warm up activity.
Learners to roll.
learners to roll in turns while others are observing.
Lesson 1 -Jumping
Indoor or outdoor activity
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate jump up and down in one place 5 to 10 times.
Ask learners to jump up and down in one place in pairs and groups.
March to class singing.
Learners to do a warm up activity
Learners to jump up and down in one place in pairs and groups.
In this lesson it’s important for learners to learn drawing and colouring in that it will help them to
express themselves, appreciate, tolerate, and have patience and concentrate. Through drawing and
colouring learners’ fine motor skills are developed.
TEACHING AND LEARNINGRESOURCES - Sticks, ropes, line chart, chalk board, pencils,
paper / exercise book.
Indoor or outdoor
Go to the sand corner.
Demonstrate how to draw straight lines on the ground.
Ask learners to practice individually on sand
Ask learners to draw straight lines in their books.
Learners go the sand corner
Learners to draw lines on sand.
Learners to draw lines in their books.
TEACHING AND LEARNINGRESOURCES - Sticks, ropes, line chart, chalk board, crayons,
Indoor and outdoor activity
Go to the sand pit.
Demonstrate how to draw an object e.g. cup/ball.
Ask learners to draw any object on the ground.
Go back to class and ask them to draw and colour objects in their books.
Learners to go to the sand pit and draw any object
Learners to draw and colour any object in their books e.g. cup, ball.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 5 –Learners to demonstrate ability to use stencils.
Display materials and give learners a clear view.
Demonstrate how to use a stencil.
Ask learners to practice drawing using a stencil.
Tidy up and end the lesson.
Learners to at materials
Learner to practice drawing using a stencil
Learners to trace and draw using stencils.
Start with finger exercises.
Demonstrate how to make shapes using geo boards.
Ask learners to practice making shapes using geo boards.
Ask learners to make shapes using geo boards groups.
Go round checking and assisting learners as they make different shape
Involve learners in tiding and packing of the materials.
Learners to do finger exercise.
Learners to practice making shapes using geo boards.
Learners to make shapes using geo boards in groups.
Assessment– Observe as learners make sha pes using geo boards.
Demonstrate how to construct structures using duploes.
Ask learners to practice.
Ask learners to construct structures using duploes in groups and pairs.
Involve them in tiding up and packing materials.
Learners to practice construction of structures using duploes.
Learners to construct structures using duploes in groups and pairs.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 8: Learners to demonstrate ability to build and assemble a tower of at least
10 pieces.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES – building blocks, bottle tops, tins, match boxes.
Lesson 1 -Building a tower.
Start by doing finger exercises.
Demonstrate how to build a tower of at least 10 blocks.
Ask learners to practice building in pairs.
Put them in groups and distribute blocks for them to build with.
End with a song e.g. building up the temple of the Lord.
Learners to do finger exercise.
Learners to build a tower of at least 10 blocks in pairs and groups.
Assessment – Observe as learners build a tower of at least 10 blocks.
It is important that learner should be given chance to do eye hand and eye foot coordination
activities for these will help them appreciate the skills in targeting, judging, creative thinking,
throwing, catching, kicking, holding, cutting, concentration and threading. Learners will also gain the
values of self-expression, satisfaction and appreciation.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 8 - Learners to demonstrate eye hand and eye foot coordination activities.
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate throwing and catching using a ball with both hands under and over arm.
Put learners in a circle and perform the throw and catch activity.
Ask them to throw and catch in groups.
March back to class with a song.
Learners to do a warm up activity
Learners in make a circle and perform the throw and catch activity.
Learners to throw and catch a ball under and over arm with both hands in pairs and groups
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate kicking a ball to a target.
Ask learners to kick towards a target.
March back to class.
Learners to do a warm up activity
Learners to kick towards a target.
Start with a warm up.
Demonstrate rolling a ball at a target.
Learners to roll a ball at a target.
Put learners in groups and let them do the activity.
End with a song and march to class.
Learners to do a warm up activity.
Learners to roll a ball at a target.
learners to roll a ball at a target in groups.
In this lesson the learners will acquire singing, dancing, correct response skills as well as creativity in
relations to musical rhythm and body movement.
Learners to do a warm up activity
Learners balance the body while singing and dancing
Learners to sing and dance to any familiar song.
Assessment - Observe as learners do the balancing of their bodies while singing and dancing.
Demonstrate rhythmic activities using rhythmic sticks, drums.
Put learners in groups and give them different rhythmic activities.
Ask learners to participate in guided rhythmic activities.
End with a song.
Learners use rhythmic sticks and drums.
Learners to do different rhythmic activities individually and in groups.
learners to participate in guided rhythmic activities.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: learners, teacher, drums, swift piano, guitar, banjo.
Demonstrate to learners how to use swift piano, guitar, banjo and drum.
Ask learners to use swift piano, guitar, banjo and drum.
Learners to march back to class with a song.
Learners to play the swift piano, guitar, banjo and drum.
Learners to play different musical instruments in groups.
Assessment - Observe as learners play the swift piano, guitar, banjo and drum.
Put learners in 3 groups.
One group plays any musical instrument, the other sings and the third dances.
Make sure you alternate the groups.
Learners to play musical instruments.
Learners to sing.
Learners to dance.
Assessment - Observe as learners sing, play musical instruments and dance.
It is important to teach computer to learners because we are living in a world were technology is
advancing. Computer is important because it will help learners to manipulate, have self-confidence,
patience and be able to solve problems.
Display the ICT gadgets e.g. TV, cell phone, radio, computer –
Lap top, Desk Top, I pad.
Ask learners to identify each.
Tidy up and pack the gargets carefully.
Learners to identify ICT gadgets e.g. TV, cell phone, radio, computer – Lap top, Desk Top, I pad.
Learners to pack the gargets carefully.
Demonstrate how to Switch on and Shut down/Switch off ICT gargets
Explain the use ICT gargets
Ask individual learners to switch on and shut down /switch off the ICT gargets .
Learners to switch on and shut down/ switch off the ICT gadgets.
Assessment: Observe as learners switch on and switch off the ICT gadgets.
Demonstrate how to play computer games.
Ask learners to practice playing computer games
Go round observing and assisting learners as play simple computer games practice.
Learners to play computer games individually and in pairs.
It is important to teach games and dances to learners in that as they are doing the games and songs,
they are able to interact with their friends freely; they can express themselves, appreciate each other
and cooperate with one another.
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 6 – Learners to participate in traditional and conventional games and songs.
SUGGESTED TIME: 1lesson – 30 minutes
KEY WORDS: coordinate.
Take learners to the playing field and do a warm up exercise.
Teach them a game song e.g. kalengalenga after making a circle.
Ask them to play game songs in pairs and in groups.
Go round observing learners playing games.
Learners to do a warm up activity.
Learners to play game songs e.g. kalengalenga after making a circle.
Learners to play game songs in pairs and in groups.
SUB-TOPIC: Weaving
BACKGROUND - This lesson is important to learners in that it helps them think critically, solve
problems and be able to make patterns.
Demonstrate weaving a paper chain.
Ask learners to weave paper chain.
Go round observing everyone as they weave in pairs and groups.
Involve learners in tiding up activities.
End the lesson.
Learners to weave paper chains.
Learners to weave paper chains in pairs and groups.
Lesson 2, 3 and 4 teach weaving: mat, hat and basket using methodology in lesson 1. .
SUB-TOPIC: Threading
BACKGROUND: This lesson is important to learners because it will help learners to think critically,
solve problems, concentrate and become creative. Learners also improve their accuracy throughout
their lives.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES - learners, beads, shoes and shoe laces.
Demonstrate to learners how to tie a shoe lace.
Ask learners to tie shoe laces, one by one.
Tell learners to tie shoe laces in pairs.
Learners to tie shoe laces one by one.
Learners to tie shoe laces in pairs.
Demonstrate how to thread small beads.
Ask learners to thread small beads.
Tell learners to thread in pairs and groups
Involve learners in tiding up
Learners to thread small beads.
Learners to thread in pairs and groups
BACKGROUND - Role play is very important to learners because it helps them appreciate working
with friends, cooperate and create self-awareness and self-confidence.
Ask learners to role play a family member.
Give different learners roles to play e.g. father, mother, children.
Ask them to role play given roles in groups
Learners to role play family members.
SUB-TOPIC: Colouring
It is important to teach colouring to learners because through colouring learners can have self-
confidence, patience and be able to express themselves freely. It can also help learners to appreciate
Lesson1 – Colour objects within boundaries using crayons.
Demonstrate how to colour within boundaries on an already made chart.
Distribute books with pictures for learners to colour.
Learners to colour pictures within boundaries in their books
Sing a song at end of lesson.
Learners to colour within boundaries
Learners to colour objects in their books within boundaries using crayons
Methodology - as in lesson1
This lesson is important to learners because the learners will acquire the knowledge in printing,
patterns making and have patience. Learners will also have self-confidence and appreciate the art of
craft work.
Display the banana leaf on the table.
Put learners in a semi-circle.
Demonstrate to learners how to do banana / potato print.
Ask learners to do the banana / potato print.
Tell learners to print in pairs and groups
Go round observing and assisting learners print
Involve the learners in tiding up
Learners to do the banana/potato print
Learners to do the banana/potato print in pairs and groups
Learners to be involved in tiding up.
Modelling is an art work which requires creativity and critical thinking. This lesson is important to
learners because it will instil in them a sense of appreciation and acquire a skill of creative and critical
Demonstrate to learners how to model/mould using clay, plasticine / dough.
Ask learners to model/mould e.g. pots, cars.
Tell learners to model/ mould in pairs and groups
Go round observing as learners model/mould
Ask learners to tidy up and wash their
Learners to model/mould objects such as pots, cars, dolls ...
Learners to model/mould objects in pairs and groups
Learners to be involved in the tiding up and washing their hands
SUB-TOPIC: Collage and Mosaic
Collage and mosaic work is designed to develop critical thinking, pasting, cutting, creativity and
problem solving abilities in the learners. They will also know that in mosaic we use one material
while in collage we can use different materials.
Identify materials used to make collage picture e.g. glue, paper, sticks.
Demonstrate to learners how to make a collage.
Ask learners to make a collage in groups using glue, paper and sticks.
Ask learners to tidy up and wash their hands.
Learners to identify materials used to make a collage
Learners to make a collage using glue, sticks and paper.
Learners to be involved in tiding up and washing hands
Identify materials for making a mosaic e.g. seeds, beads, glue and paper.
Demonstrate to learners how to stick the beads/seeds on paper to make a mosaic.
Ask learners to stick the beads /seeds on the paper to make mosaic in pairs and groups.
Ask the learners to tidy up and wash their hands.
Learners to identify materials used to make a mosaic e.g. beads, seeds, glue and paper
Learners to make a mosaic using glue, seeds, beads and paper.
Learners to be involved in tiding up and washing hands