RI Odisha GK Test - 15

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Kalinga is described in which part of the

Mahabharata? d) 1969

a) Vana Parva Ans - B

b) Uttara Parva 6. Odisha is believed to have derived its name

c) Shanti Parva
a) Orya
d) None of these
b) Urya
Ans - A
c) Udyayan
2. According to the Mahabharata the capital city of
ancient Kalinga was: d) Odra

a) Kalinga Kataka Ans - D

b) Dantapur 7. Which of the following historical names of

Odisha are mentioned in Kalidas'a Raghuvamsam?
c) Vijayanagar
a) Odra
d) Toshali
b) Kalinga
Ans - B
c) Ulkala
4. Who among the following was the first historian
to take up excavation at Sishupalgarh? d) Both (b) & (c)

a) Pyarimohan Acharya Ans - D

b) Satyanarayan Rajguru 8. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

c) Kedarnath Mohapatra Pre-historic Painting sites - District they are located

d) Braj Basi Lal a) Gudahandi - Kalahandi

Ans - D b) Vikramkhol - Jharsuguda

5. The first major historical site of Odisha, c) Jogimath - Koraput

Sisupalgarh was excavated by Braj Basi Lal in the
year: d) Manikmoda - Sundergarh

a) 1937 Ans - C

b) 1949 9. The original culture of Odisha was:

c) 1953 a) Aryan
13. Which of the following people? ancient works
b) Tribal describes Odras as an ancient

c) Dravidian a) Mahabharat

d) Western b) Manu Samhita

Ans - B c) Ramayana

10. According to some historians most of the tribals d) Jatak Katha

of Odisha belong to the:
Ans - B
a) Mongoloid group
14. Alberuni in his account (11th century A.D.)
b) Mediterranean group mentioned Odisha as:

c) Proto-australoid group a) Odyadesa

d) Brachycephalic group b) Urdavisau

Ans - C c) Odivisa

11. Which part (Parva) of the Mahabharat d) Odisa rajya

mentions Kalinga as a land where river Baitarani
flowed? Ans - B

a) Sabhaparva 15. Which of the names of ancient Odisha is NOT

mentioned in Kalidas's Raghuvamsam?
b) Virata Parva
a) Kalinga
c) Vanaparva
b) Utkal
d) Udaya Parva
c) Toshali
Ans - C
d) None of these
12. It is said that the ancient capital of Kalinga was:
Ans - C
a) Kalinganagar
16. Who among the following named his kingdom
b) Toshali as "Sakalotkal" (the whole of Utkal)?

c) Malyabanta Nagar a) Mahapadmananda

d) Dantapur b) Ashoka

Ans - D c) Chodagangadev
d) Samudragupta
b) Cleaver
Ans - C
c) Scraper
17. The ancient Trikalinga was geographically
confined to: d) All the Above

a) The east Ans - D

b) The west 21. The paintings of the natural rocks of the

Gudahandi hills in modern Kalahandi districts
c) The north belongs to:

d) The south a) Early Stone Age

Ans - B b) Paleolithic Age

18. The familiar historical nomenclature of Odisha c) Neolithic Age

is found in:
d) Mesolithic Age
a) The Ramayan
Ans - B
b) The Mahabharat
22. Who among the following archaeologists took
c) Buddhist literature up massive excavation work at Ratnagiri in Odisha?

d) All of these a) Devlal Mitra

Ans - D b) B. B. Lal

19. The word 'Odra' from which the present name c) Paramananda Acharya
of Odisha derived is referred to as an ancient
people according to the: d) G. C. Malhotra

a) Mahabharat Ans - A

b) Buddhist Literature 24. Which of the following is termed as "Diamond

Triangle" in Odishan archaeology?
c) Charak Samhita
a) Khandagiri - Udayagiri - Ratnagiri
d) Manu Samhita
b) Lalitgiri - Udayagiri - Ratnagiri
Ans - D
c) Ratnagiri - Dhauligiri - Udyayagiri
20. Which of the following were the tools of Early
Stone Age of Odisha? d) Udayagiri - Ratnagiri - Dhauligiri

a) Hand-Axe Ans - B
25. Which of the following is INCORRECT? Ans - D

a) The earliest coins available in Odisha are punch 28. Harichandanpur is reported to have specimen
marked coins. of the tools of Middle Stone Age. Harichandanpur
is located in which of the following districts of
b) The punch marked coins were made of silver Odisha?
and copper and were Irregular in shape and size.
a) Bhadrak
c) The punch marked coins did not bear punch
marks of human figures b) Cuttack

d) These coins could very well give a picture of c) Dhenkanal

ancient economy of Odisha.
d) Koraput
Ans - C
Ans - C
26. Consider the following inscriptions.
29. Which of the following is NOT a tool mostly
I. Bhadrak Inscription used in Middle Stone Age in Odisha?

II. Asanapat Inscription a) Hand - axe

III. Rithapur Grant b) Borers

Which of the following is CORRECT chronological c) Burins

order of the above inscriptions?
d) Blades
Ans - A
30. Consider the following statements.
I. The tools of Middle Stone Age were more and
d) III-II-I more specialized.
II. Tool for digging and chopping and other
Ans - A domestic purposes were manufactured in good
numbers during the Middle Stone Age.
27. In which of the following sites tools of Middle
Stone Age are reported? Which of the following is/are TRUE?

a) Jyoti Vihar a) Only I

b) Chalakamba b) Only II

c) Bhubaneswar c) Both (I) & (II)

d) All the above d) Neither (I) nor (II)

Ans - C c) Stone picks

31. in which of the following districts of Odisha d) All the above

Microlithic sites found?
Ans - D
a) Mayurbhanj
35. Neolithic pottery is reported at Baidipur which
b) Dhenkanal is located in the modern district of:

c) Bolangir a) Sundergarh

d) All the above b) Mayurbhanj

Ans - D c) Ganjam

32. In which of the following places Micorlithic d) Cuttack

tools have been found?
Ans - B
a) Manumunda
36. In Kalinga under Ashoka Somapa was the
b) Haldipali second headquarters after Tosali. Somapa belongs
to modern district of:
c) Khari
a) Koraput
d) All the above
b) Khurda
Ans - D
c) Ganjam
33. In the basins of which of the following rivers
Microlithic tools have been traced out? d) Balasore

a) Jhuan and Tel Ans - C

b) Salki and Ang 37. In the valley of which of the following rivers
Neolithic pottery is found?
c) Tel and Ang
a) Zonk
d) Sondur and Brutanga
b) Ang
Ans - C
c) Jira
34. Which of the tools were mostly in use in
Neolithic period in Odisha? d) Tel

a) Axe blades Ans - A

b) Chisels
38. During which age agriculture and
domestication of animals were first taken up?

a) Late Stone Age

b) Microlithic Age

c) Neolithic Age

d) None of the above

Ans - C

39. Metal celts of pre-historic period are found in

which of the following modern districts in Odisha?

a) Dhenkanal

b) Mayurbhanj

c) Sundergarh

d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans - D

40. Which of the following places where pre-

historic metal celts have been found, is not in
Mayurbhanj district?

a) Khiching

b) Kshetra

c) Baghada

d) Dunria

Ans - D

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