ML060730040 - Dry Storage
ML060730040 - Dry Storage
ML060730040 - Dry Storage
A o
Report :
Volume 3
1.2.5 Other Subsystems, not Provided as Part of the DTS .... . . 1.2-8
... ....... ...
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4.7 Spent Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Handling Operation System ... 4.7-1
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5.2 Spent Fuel or High-Level Radioactive Waste Handling Systems ......... .. 5.2-1
5.2.1 Receiving and Source Cask Transfer Subsystem ................. .. 5.2-1
5.2.2 Receiving and Source Cask Mating Subsystem ................. .. 5.2-7
5.2.3 Receiving and Source Cask Transfer Confinement Port Cover Handling
Subsystem ......................................... . 5.2-13
5.2.4 Receiving Cask Shield Plug and Source Cask Lid Handling Subsystem 5.2-16
. Receiving and Source Cask Upper Shield Port Covers ...... 5.2-16 Upper Crane ................................... . 5.2-17
5.2.5 Fuel Assembly Handling Subsystem ........................ . 5.2-23
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5.0 Control and Monitoring of the Equipment under Normal Operating Conditions ..... 14
5.1 Introduction .. 14
5.2 Control and monitoring of the mechanical equipment . .25
5.2.1 Control and monitoring of the Cask Transfer Subsystem .... .... 25
5.2.2 Control and monitoring of the Transfer Confinement Cask
Mating Subsystem .................................. 34
5.2.3 Control and monitoring of the Transfer Confinement Port/Shield
Handling Subsystem ................................ 41
5.2.4 Control and monitoring of the Receiving Cask Shield Plug and
Source Cask Lid Handling Subsystem .................... 54
5.2.5 Control and monitoring of the Fuel Assembly Handling
Subsystem ....................................... 86
5.3 Control and monitoring of the Structural Subsystem's doors ... 11......
5.4 Interfaces with the HVAC Subsystem ............... 116
5.4.1 Description ....................................... 116
5.4.2 Monitoring and alarms of the HVAC Subsystem .... ......... 116
5.4.3 Control of the HVAC Subsystem ........................ 117
5.5 Interfaces with the Radiation Monitoring Subsystem ...... ......... 120
5.5.1 Monitoring requirements .............................. 120
5.5.2 Interlocking requirements ............................. 120
5.6 Interfaces with the CCTV and Lighting Subsystems .... ........... 121
5.6.1 Description ....................................... 121
5.6.2 Interfaces with the Transfer Confinement Cask Mating Subsystem . 121
5.6.3 Interfaces with the Transfer Confinement Port/Shield Subsystem 121
5.6.4 Interfaces with the Source Cask Lid and Receiving Cask Shield
Plug Handling Subsystem ............................. 121
5.6.5 Interfaces with the Fuel Assembly Handling Subsystem .... ..... 122
5.7 Transition conditions validation synthesis ....................... 123
6.0 Control and Monitoring of the Equipment under Off Normal Operating Conditions . 132
6.1 Alarms, Warnings and Emergencies .......... .. .............. 132
6.1.1 Principles ....................................... 132
6.1.2 Classification .................................... 132
6.2 Control and monitoring ................ .................. 134
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7A.4.1 SCALE 4.3/QADS Input Files - DTS Shielding Evaluation - Open Source
Cask Containing Four Fuel Assemblies ............................ 7A-90
7A.4.2 SCALE QADS Input Files - DTS Shielding Evaluation - Open Receiving
Cask Containing Twenty One Fuel Assemblies ...................... 7A-93
7A.4.3 SCALE QADS Input Files - DTS Shielding Evaluation - One Fuel
Assembly at Start of Fuel Transfer Fully Removed from Source
Cask and in Position closest to Sliding Door ....................... 7A-95
7A.4.4 SCALE QADS Input Files - DTS Shielding Evaluation - One Fuel
Assembly During Fuel Transfer in the Position Closest to the DTS Roof .... 7A-97
7A.4.5 SCALE 4.3/SASI Input Files - Source Cask Shielding Evaluation .... ..... 7A-99
7A.4.5.1 Radial Model ....................................... 7A-99
7A.4.5.2 Axial Model ....................................... 7A-100
7A.4.6 SCALE 4.3/SAS1 Input Files - Receiving Cask Shielding Evaluation .... .. 7A-102
7A.4.6.1 Radial Model ...................................... 7A-102
7A.4.6.2 Axial Model ....................................... 7A-103
7A.4.7 SCALE 4.3/SASI Input Files - Spherical Shielding Evaluation .... ...... 7A-104
7A.4.7.1 Source Cask Spherical Model ........................... 7A-104
7A.4.7.2 Receiving Cask Spherical Model ......................... 7A-104
7A.4.8 SKYSHINE II Input Files .................................... 7A-105
7A.4.8.1 Input File - Fuel Assembly in Transfer Position Near Roof
with Filled Receiving Cask ................. . . ......... 7A-105
7A.4.8.2 SKYSHINE Input File - Open Receiving Cask Containing
Twenty one Fuel Assemblies ........................... 7A-106
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8A.2.1 Source Cask Transfer Subsystem General Description .... ........ 8A.2-1
8A.2.2 Receiving Cask Transfer Subsystem General Description .... ...... 8A.2-5
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9.7 Physical Security and Safeguards and Contingency Plans ................... 9.7-1
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1. Organization . ............................................. 1
2. Quality Assurance Program .......................................... 6
3. Design Control . ............................................. 9
4. Procurement Document Control .1...................................... 1
5. Instructions, Procedures and Drawings .......... ....................... 13
6. Document Control ............................................. 14
7. Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Material 16
8. Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components ..... ............ 18
9. Control of Special Processes . ........................................ 19
10. Inspection . ............................................... 20
1. Test Control ............................................... 21
12. Control of Measurement and Test Equipment ........ ..................... 22
13. Handling, Storage and Shipping . ...................................... 23
14. Inspection, Test and Operating Status .......... ........................ 24
15. Nonconforming Materials, Parts or Components ....... .................... 25
16. Corrective Action ............................................... 26
17. Quality Assurance Records . ........................................ 27
18. Audits . ................................................. 28
Appendix A . ................................................. A-1
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Table 4.3-1 Dimensions and Weight of Major HVAC Components ... .......... 4.3-6
5.1-1 Locations of Area Radiation Monitors within the DTS ................. 5.1-35
5.2-1 Receiving Cask Transfer Subsystem Specified Dimensions ... ............ 5.2-4
5.2-2 Source Cask Transfer Subsystem ................................. 5.2-6
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5.7.1.a Viewing and Means Requirements for Transition Conditions Valadation .123
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7.2-1 Estimated Fission Gas and Volatile Nuclides Inventory . ... 7.2-2
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7A-8 Dose Rate Analysis Results One Fuel Assembly at Start of Fuel
Transfer Fully Removed from Source Cask and in Position Closest
Sliding Door ............................................ 7A-:21
7A-9 Dose Rate Analysis Results One Fuel Assembly at Start of Fuel
Transfer Fully Removed from Source Cask and in Position Closest
Sliding Door .7A-' 27
7A-10 Material Densities One Fuel Assembly During Fuel Transfer in
Position closest to the DTS Roof .7A-. 29
7A-1 1 Dose Rate Analysis Results - Scenario 1 Open Receiving Cask
Containing Twenty One Fuel Assembies and One Fuel Asembly
Suspended Near Sliding Door .7A-: 32
7A-12 Dose Rate Analysis Results - Scenario 2 Open Receiving Cask
Containing Twenty One Fuel assemblies and One Fuel Assembly Suspended Over
Receiving Cask .7A-: 34
7A-13 Gamma Source Spectrum Used in SASI .7A-: 38
7A-14 Top Fitting Zone - Gamma Source Terms Used in SASI .7A-: 39
7A-15 Normalized Neutron Source Spectra for Fuel Region Spontaneous
Fission and Alpha-N Reaction Sources .7A-: 39
7A-16 Source Cask Evaluation - Material Densities .7A- 41
7A-17 Dose Rate Analysis Results Source Cask Radial Analysis .7A- 45
7A-18 Dose Rate Analysis Rsults Source Cask Axial Analysis .7A-' 47
7A-19 Operational Doses around the Source Cask .7A- 48
7A-20 Receiving Cask Material Densities .7A-' 55
7A-21 Dose Rate Analysis Results Receiving Cask Radial Analysis .7A-' 56
7A-22 Dose Rate Analysis Results Receiving Cask Axial Analysis .7A-' 59
7A-23 Basis Operations - Estimated Exposures from DTS .7A-I *63
7A-24 Material Densities - Source Cask Spherical Model .7A-' 70
7A-25 Dose Rate Analysis results Source Cask Spherical Model .7A-' 71
7A-26 Dose Rate Analysis Results Receiving Cask Spherical Model .7A-, 75
7A-27 Doses at Long Distances from the One Fuel Assembly at
Start of Fuel Transfer Fully Removed from Source Cask and in
Position Closest to Sliding Door .7A-, 76
7A-28 Doses at Long Distances from the One Fuel Assembly
During Fuel Transfer in Position closest to the DTS Roof .7A-' 77
7A-29 Skyshine Dose Factors .7A-, 79
7A-30 Skyshine Dose Analysis Results Fuel Assembly in Transfer
Position Near Roof with Filled Receiving Cask .7A-1 *81
7A-31 Design Basis Operations - Estimated Source Cask Times .7A-1 *3
7A-32 Dose at Long Distances from Source Cask Receipt Operations .7A-1
7A-33 Design Basis Operations - Estimated Exposures from DTS .7A-E *84
7A-34 Off Site Doses from Fuel Transfer .7A-E *86
7A-35 Design Basis Operations - Estimated Exposures from DTS .7A-1 87
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7A-36 Dose at Long Distances from Receiving Cask Removal Operations . . ..... 7A-88
7A-37 Calculated Maximum Offsite Exposures .................... .. ... 7A-88
8.2-1 Radiological Consequences from a Stuck Fuel Assembly .... ....... 8.2-4
8.2-2 DTS Reinforced Concrete Wall Enveloping Load
Combination Results ............. ...................... 8.2-8
8.2-3 DTS Reinforced Concrete Structure - Building Sheer Stress ... ...... 8.2-9
8.2-4 DTS Reinforced Concrete Structure - Building Stability .... ....... 8.2-10
8.2-5 Summary Source Cask Transfer Trolley Stressses ...... ......... 8.2-15
8.2-6 Summary Receiving Cask Transfer Trolley Stresses ..... ......... 8.2-16
8.2-7 Summary - Stresses in the Cask Mating Device Lifting Components 8.2-17
8.2-8 Summary of Results - Shield Plug and Source Cask Lid Handling
Subsystem ........................................... 8.2-18
8.2-9 Fuel Handling Crane Results .............. ................ 8.2-20
8.2-10 Confinement Failure Dose .............. ................. 8.2-32
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8A.6-1 Fission Gas and Volitile Nuclides Inventory ...... . . . ... .... . . 8A.6-3
8A.6-2 Fission Gas Inventory ..................... . . . . . .... . . 8A.6-6
8A.6-3 Exposure to Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation . . . .. .. . 8A.6-7
8A.6-4 Estimated Doses from Off-Normal Conditions ..... . . . .. .. 8A.6-10
9.2-1 Receiving Cask TC Port Cover Instrumentation Logic Table .... ..... 9.2-3
9.2-2 Source Cask TC Port Cover Instrumentation Logic Table .... ....... 9.2-4
9.2-3 Source and Receiving Cask Upper Shield Ports Instrumentation ...... 9.2-4
Logic Table
10.1-1 General Areas Where Control and Limits are Necessary ... ........ 10.1-2
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7A-1 QADS Model for the Open Source Cask Containing Four Fuel Assemblies ... 7.A-5
7A-2 Dose Point Locations Open Source Cask Containing Four Fuel Assemblies ... 7A-10
7A-3 QADS Model for the Open Receiving Cask Containing
Twenty One Fuel Assemblies ................................. 7A-12
7A-4 Dose Point Locations Open Receiving Cask Containing
Twenty One Fuel assemblies .................................. 7A-17
7A-5 QADS Model for the one Fuel Assembly at Start of Fuel Transfer
Removed from Source Cask and in Position Closest Sliding Door ........ 7A-19
7A-6 Dose Point Locations One Fuel Assembly at Start of Fuel Transfer
Fully Removed from Source Cask and in Position Closest Sliding Door .... 7A-24
7A-7 QADS Model for the One Fuel Assembly During Fuel Transfer
Position Closest to the DTS Roof ............................... 7A-26
7A-8 Dose Point Locations One Fuel Assembly at Start of Fuel Transfer
Fully Remove from Source Cask and in Position Closest to the DTS Roof 7A-30
7A-9 Dose Point Locations - Scenario 1 Open Receiving Cask Containing
Twenty One Fuel Assemblies and One Fuel Assembly Suspended
near Sliding Door .......................................... 7A-35
7A-l ODose Point Locations - Scenario 2 Open Receiving Cask Containing
Twenty One Fuel Assemblies and One Fuel Assembly Suspended
Over Receiving Cask ....................................... 7A-36
7A-l 1 Source Cask Analysis - Radial Model ............................ 7A-42
7A-12 Source Cask Analysis - Axial Model ............................. 7A-43
7A-13 7A46
Dose Point Locations Source Cask Radial and Axial Analysis ...........
7A-14 Receiving Cask Analysis - Radial Model ..........................
7A-15 Receiving Cask Analysis - Axial Model ...........................
7A-16 7A-57
Dose Point Locations Receiving Cask Radial Analysis .................
7A-17 Dose Point Locations Receiving Cask Axial Analysis .................
7A-18 Source Cask Spherical Model .................................. 7A-69
7A-19 Receiving Cask Spherical Model ................................ 7A-73
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Positioned at 550 mm Top View ................
ANSYS Model and Boundary Conditions Trolley
8A.5-19 .
Positioned at 550 mm Isometric View ............ 8A.5-20 .
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The design bases for the DTS are described in Chapter 3.0. The structure will be
constructed from reinforced concrete and structural steel work, the design of which complies
with the following principle specifications:
American Concrete Institute ACI 349-85: Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety
Related Concrete Structures.
* American Concrete Institute ACI 318-89: Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
Concrete with Commentary.
The primary functions of the DTS structure are to provide radiation shielding, tornado
missile protection, and confinement of radioactive material. The Dry Transfer System
Overview is shown on Figure 8A.1-l.
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Figure 8A.1-1
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In preparing the design of the DTS, the loadings and other input parameters have been
based upon the following principle codes and standards:
* American National Standards Institute, Design Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation. ANSI/ANS 57.9-1992.
* American National Standards Institute, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures. ANSI/ASCE 7-88-1990.
* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.61. Damping Values for
Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants, 1973.
* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.76. Design Basis Tornado
for Nuclear Power Plants, 1974.
Since the design presented in this report is based on a non-site specific location,
conservative assumptions have been made for the selection of input parameters (wind loading,
seismic loading, soil conditions, missiles, etc.).
The reinforced concrete structure forms a heavy rigid box structure with substantial
stiff cross walls in both directions.
A. Seismic Analysis
The seismic analysis is performed assuming the structure is founded on a hard rock
site. A response spectrum analysis was used to verify the structural design. The seismic
input was taken from 10 CFR 72.102.
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B. Tornado Missiles
The design of the structure has taken into account the missiles produced by the design
basis tornado. The most damaging missiles are the automobile, wood utility pole and 12"
(305 mm) diameter pipe. The automobile and utility pole impacts are limited to a height of
no more than 30' (9.1 m) above grade.
The automobile does not create local damage since it is a "soft" missile and crushes
on impact. It is considered with respect to overall barrier stability and energy absorption.
Similarly, the wood utility pole is subject to considerable deformation and will not locally
deform the structure. Thus, the 12" diameter (305 mm) Schedule 40 steel pipe is considered
the missile that can produce the worst local damage effects.
Table 8A.1-1 shows the normal operating loads for which the DTS structural
components are designed. The table also lists the individual components which are affected
by each loading. The magnitude and characteristics of each load are described in Section
The method of analysis and analytical results for each load are described in sections
8A.1.5.2 through 8A.1.5.6. The mechanical properties of materials employed in the structural
analysis of the DTS system components are presented in Table 8A. 1-2.
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Table SA.1-1
Affected Component
Load Type
Concrete Protective Mezzanine Sliding
Structure Cove Roof Plate Plate Dpor
Dead Loads x x x x x
Handling Loads x x x
Live Loads x x x x
Normal Thermal
Loads x x x x x
Internal Pressure x x x x x
Design Basis Wind
Pressure x x
8A. 1-5
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Table 8A.1-2A
1. For thickness 3/4 in. (19 mm) and under
2. For thickness over 3/4 in. to 1-1/2 in. (19 mm to 38 mm)
3. For 1 in. bolt
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Table 8A.1-2B
1. For thickness 3/4 in. (19 mm) and under
2. For 1 in. bolt
8A. 1-7
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Table 8A.1-2C
Axle A-514 70 22 45
Sliding A-514 70 100 110
Sliding A-441(1) 70 42 63
Shear Pin
Sliding A-514 70 100 110
1. For thickness over 3/4 in. to 1-1/2 in. (19 mm to 38 mm)
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Table 8A.1-2D
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The normal operating loads are described in detail in the following paragraphs.
A. Dead Loads
Table 8A. 1-3 shows the weights of various components of the DTS. The dead weight
of each component is determined based on nominal component dimensions.
The operational handling loads are included in the weight of the equipment presented
in Table 8A.1-3.
C. Live Loads
As discussed in Chapter 4.0, a live load of 250 lbs/ft2 (11,970 Pa) is conservatively
selected to envelope all postulated live loads acting on the DTS, including the effects of snow
and ice.
The DTS is subject to thermal expansion loads associated with normal operating
conditions. The range of normal operating temperature used for the design of the DTS is
60 0F to 100 0F (16 0 C to 38 0C) in the Preparation Area and 40'F to 1300 F (40 C to 540 C) in
other areas.
E. Internal Pressure
The internal pressures (created by the HVAC system) during operation are as follows:
Design wind pressures for the structure have been determined at 25 ft (7.6 m), 50 ft
(15.2 m) and 55 ft (16.8 m) above grade, and are summarized in Table 3.2-3.
8A. 1-10
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Table 8A.1-3
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Chapter 4, Section provides the detailed description of the reinforced concrete
structure. The configuration details including dimensions are shown on drawings 1051-12,
1051-16, and 1051-28. The structure is designed to withstand a number of different loads and
combinations of loads. The relevant normal operating loads are as follows (Refer to Table
* Dead loads
* Operational handling loads
* Live loads
* Normal thermal loads
* Internal pressure
* Design basis wind pressure
The compressive stress of the reinforced concrete wall due to dead weights and
operating loads are calculated as:
The thermal analysis of the concrete building is also evaluated. Thermal loads within
the structure due to the presence of the fuel assemblies and operating equipment induce two
effects in the concrete walls.
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Thermal loads are assessed in accordance with ACI-349-IR (Reference 8A.1.7-1) and
are calculated in Tables 8A.1-4 and 8A.1-5. These calculated bending moments are to be
combined with other loads for reinforced concrete wall design. The wall expansion due to
bulk rise in temperature is found to be negligible.
8A. 1-13
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Table 8A.1-4
r- 6 m (379-.j
=43 C/m
7.1 m (280) =39eC TOTAL
.9 m (36)
8A. 1-14
._ _._ .
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Table 8A.1-5
M~l= XT X L (1-COl )
HS /DST FROX ACI 3 R9.11-91, YIG. 2.6
LT * O a. e
l R1
=!>Ml w 2.0, C0O- 0.37
LT MT1' 547 Xi2 (1-0.37)
22 2
I |*45 3 KN=
INSIDE l 3,054 S-XIllS
/-MSSEJD~t T0w N X"ffil1-Co
UT 2 }
CtROX AC% 349.1K, FIG. 2.11
7 L w L *0.6L, r - 0.5(L-LT)
X TO *-X0 * 2.t, COoa 0.°s2
LT .
MTV 547 X .2 (1-0.62)
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Chapter 4, Section provides the detailed description of the protective cover
structure. The configuration details including dimensions are shown on drawing 1051-27.
For normal operating conditions, a design load of 250 lbs/fl2 (11,970 Pa) is conservatively
used to calculate the stress in the protective cover roof plate. The shell stress in the plate is
evaluated using Roark, page 225, case 36, conservatively assuming the plate is simply
supported with a uniform load over the entire surface (Reference8A. 1.7- 2).
f wi 2
S =--
where w = design load + dead load = 250 lbs/ft2 +.29 (1.5) = 1.736 lbs/in 2 + 0.435 lbs/in 2
= 2.171 lbs/in 2
a= 120
b = 90
a/b = 1.33
= 0.42
2.171 x9O2
S = 0.42 x --- ---- =3,283 psi
The analysis results show a maximum stress of 3,283 psi (22.8 MPa) which is less
than the allowable stress of 21,600 psi (149 MPa).
The protective cover is a free standing structure which permits free thermal expansion.
Therefore, there are no significant thermal stresses.
Chapter 4, Section provides the detailed description of the roof plate structure.
The configuration details including dimensions are shown on drawing 1051-27. Normal
operating loads on the roof plate and supporting beams are conservatively evaluated
assuming all the weight (weight of roof plate, support beam and equipment loads) is
supported by the five (5) W 14 x 550 beams only. An ANSYS (Reference 8A.1.7-3) finite
element model was developed using stiff 4 3D beam element. The material properties for
finite element analysis are calculated in Table 8A.1-7 and the finite element model, loading
conditions, and boundary conditions are shown on Figure 8A.1-2. The analytical results and
comparisons with the acceptance criteria defined in Chapter 3 are also presented in Table
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8A.1-6. The maximum calculated stress in the beams is 8,850 psi (61 MPa) which is much
less than the allowable stress of 25,200 psi (174 MPa).
Table 8A.1-6
The thermal expansion between the roof plate and reinforced concrete wall is
calculated as follows:
concrete = 0 (conservative)
Both the roof plate and beam are bolted to the reinforced concrete. 1-1/4 in. diameter
oversized holes (1 in. bolt) are provided at the plate and beam connection points to allow
free thermal expansion.
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Table 8A.1-7
Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis - Roof Plate Support Beams
b 17,
A = 162 IN. 2
IX c 9430 IN.
I y = 3250 IN. 4
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Figure 8A.1-2
Finite Element Model, Loading and Boundary Conditions - Roof Plate Support Beams
5 - . - - - - - - - '- &8.5- 6 I 1i
=166,875 + 56,741 + 27,258
=250,874 # (1,116 KN)
8A. 1-19
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Chapter 4, Section provides the detailed description of the mezzanine plate
structure. The configuration details including dimensions are shown on drawing 1051-27.
Normal operating condition loads on the mezzanine plate consist of the plate weight, the
support beam dead weight, the Receiving and Source Cask Mating Subsystem dead weight,
the Receiving and Source TC port cover weights, the receiving cask shield plug weight and
the source cask lid weight The analysis was performed conservatively assuming all the loads
are supported by the beams only. A finite element (stiff 4) model of the assembly is utilized
to evaluate the beam stress.
The material properties for finite element analysis are calculated in Table 8A.1-9 and
the finite element model, loading conditions, and boundary conditions are shown on Figure
8A.1-3. The analytical results and comparisons with the acceptance criteria defined in
Chapter 3 are also presented in Table 8A.1-8. The analysis shows a maximum stress of
22,500 psi (155 MPa) in the beams which is less than the allowable stress of 27,600 psi (190
Table 8A.1-8
For thermal expansion, the required minimum clearance between the end of the plate
and the inside surface of the concrete wall is approximately 0.125"(3 mm) (Reference Section
8A. 1.5.4). An adequate clearance is provided between the plate and the concrete wall to
permit free thermal expansion under the maximum differential temperatures expected during
normal operation. The mezzanine plates are bolted to the support beams and the beams are
bolted to the reinforced concrete. The 1-1/4 in. diameter oversized hole has been provided in
the support beams and will permit free thermal expansion of the support beams and thus
minimize thermal stress.
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Table 8A.1-9
Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis - Mezzanine Plate Support Beams
Go= 12.327
I A 35,3 IN2
Yt/Y .
TY U 3=
8A. 1-21
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Figure 8A.1-3
Finite Element Model, Loading and Boundary Conditions - Mezzanine Plate Support
8A. 1-22
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Chapter 4, Section provides the detailed description of the sliding door
structure. The configuration details including dimensions are shown on drawing 1051-5. The
design of the sliding door is based on shielding requirements. For the dead load analysis, the
most limiting conditions are considered. By considering the sliding door to be supported at
the rails, the weight of the sliding door is conservatively increased by a factor of 1.5.
The weight of the sliding door is 85,000 lbs (Reference Table 8A.1-3). This load is
increased by 1.5 to include the handling load. The total design load becomes:
This is much less than the allowable stress of 0.6 x Sy= 0.6 x 36,000 = 21,600 psi.
Other loads are much smaller; for example, the internal pressure is 2.59 lb/ft 2 (124 Pa), and is
much less than the suction on the door due to the tornado wind, which is 419 lb/ft2 (20,100
Pa). In general, loads which are clearly non-limiting are not considered explicitly; brief
checks are included on less obviously unimportant loads. The stress calculations due to the
DBT and SSE loads are described in Section 8A.1.6.5)
The sliding door is a free standing structure which permits free thermal expansion.
Therefore, there are no significant thermal stresses.
The other components of the sliding door affected by the normal handling loads are
door wheels and door wheel axle, axle bracket, door rail, and support bracket. The stresses of
these components are calculated in:
The summary of the analytical results and comparisons with the acceptance criteria
define in Chapter 3 are also presented in Table 8A.1-14.
8A. 1-23
__ _
DOE - DTS -TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-10
4.SM-¢ 4^
DOOR *XIGau * 85,000 I
_DSIGEN WXERT a 1.S x 65.000 * 127.500 0
if _ 12
yp * 31,87S
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-11
v - 31,87S #
1.56a I.D. X 1.94 O.D.
4.56 F±/ BEARING (SAE CA905)
"In LO
3187955 c 21,2S0sVL<45,000psL
1 X1.5
9 =( 5 131875 - = 6*375psi<00,000psi
(4.5-2) X I X 2 635s< O ~ ~ s
g a .1M3xi2-) a 7,969PSL60(,O0pL8
1 X (G'2
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-12
23 5
2.875- 4(-
*I- 1.5*
6. 6 8 7 S- -4 _ | l 1.1
N S153XASA00- 63,750 1
8A. 1-26
Rev. 0
DOE - DTS - TSAR September 30, 1996
Table sA.1-13
P 31,875 #
L* l 31.975 ; 25 s 7 125
1 278
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-14
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-15 shows the accident loads for which the DTS structural components are
designed. The table also lists the individual components which are affected by each loading.
In the following sections, each accident condition is analyzed to demonstrate that the
requirements of the applicable codes are met and that adequate safety margins exist for the
DTS design.
Table 8A.1-15
Affected Component
Concrete Protective Roof-PLate Mezzanine Sliding
Load Type Structure Cover Pate Door
Seismic Load X X X X X
Tornado Wind Load x X X
Tornado Missiles x X X
8A. 1-29
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
8A. Tornad I,
Regulatory Guide 1.76 (Reference8A.1.7- 4 ) are assumed for the design basis tornado. The
design parameters are specified in Section and Table 3.2-4. These loads are applied to
the exterior of the DTS structure.
The bending moments of the local wall due to the tornado wind pressure effect are
calculated in Table 8A.1-16 and the results are:
The global building effects including overturning moment at the base and base shear
force are calculated in Table 8A.1-17 and the results are:
The stabilizing and overturning moments due to the tornado wind pressure are
calculated in Table 8A.1-18 and the results are:
Since the overturning moment is smaller than the stabilizing moment, the DTS
building will not overturn. The resulting factor of safety against overturning effects for
Design Basis Tornado ( DBT) wind loads is 1.98.
8A. 1-30
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
First assume sliding resisted by base friction. Assumed reasonable friction angle
between basemat and subsoil, 30°.
8A. 1-31
DOE - DTSI I -TAK Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-16
P = 21.5 KRN/m 2
P -20.1 KN/m 2
8.7m ]8.7m
8A. 1-32
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-17
8A. 1-33
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-18
X , pY
rjj I
< ~15.1 m
The side walls of the reinforced concrete are 36 inches thick (914 mm). The walls are
designed to provide adequate radiation shielding and easily meet the minimum acceptable
barrier thickness requirements for local damage against tornado generated missiles, specified
in Chapter 3.0. Nevertheless, in order to demonstrate the adequacy of the DTS design for
tornado missiles, detail analysis of the concrete wall has been performed and presented in
Section The items evaluated include the resistance to penetration, spalling, scabbing
and perforation for a postulated missile impact.
Based on the analysis shown on Section, tornado missile impacts on the
structure cause only superficial damage. The structure thickness is far greater than the
minimum required thickness. Local damage to the outer surfaces of the structure will not
compromise their confinement capability. Local repair to the structure will be performed if
required after a missile impact.
The concrete superstructure stability due to impact of the postulated DBT massive
consisting of 1,800 Kg automobile, 28 sq. ft'. frontal area travelling at 59 m/sec., is evaluated
at Table 8A.1-19.
*for calculating the bending moment in the structural wall, 21sq. ft. was conservatively used
(see calculation in Table 8A.1-19).
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-19
Global Effect For Automobile Impacting "Head On" Into Center of Longer Wall
I_ FRONTAL AREA 21 FT 1.95 m2
_X = 1810 KG
Lv~m k0 9 V = 59 Mf S
F = 15.5 2/3V1.62
* + A s~s~elo2/3 (59)1.62
I IMPACT = 1700 KN
3.5Q = 1.95 M x . 15 X 8-7=632 KNm
6 X 3.55
- o.a m EFFECTIVE DEPTR N - 632 KRm
8A. 1-36
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
The design basis response spectra of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.60 (Reference 8A.1.7-
6) is selected for the DTS design earthquake as defined in lOCFR72.102. From the
Regulatory Guide 1.61 (Reference 8A.1.7- 7) Table 1, a damping value of seven (7) percent
of critical damping is used for the reinforced concrete superstructure. The horizontal and
vertical components of the response spectra (in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, of the NRC
Regulatory Guide 1.60) correspond to a maximum horizontal and vertical ground acceleration
of 1.0g. The maximum ground displacement is taken to be proportional to the maximum
ground acceleration, and is set at 36 inches for a ground acceleration of 1.0g.
NRC regulatory Guide 1.60 also states that for sites with different acceleration values
specified for the design basis earthquake, the response spectra used for design should be
linearly scaled from Regulatory Guide 1.60, Figures 1 and 2, in proportion to the maximum
specified horizontal grounding acceleration. The maximum horizontal ground acceleration
component selected for design of the DTS superstructure is 0.25g. The maximum vertical
acceleration component selected is two - thirds of the horizontal component which is 0.17g.
These ground acceleration values comply with the recommendations of the 1OCFR72.102 for
sites underlaid by rock east of the Rocky Mountain front, except in the areas of known
seismic activity. The input response spectrum for this analysis is shown on Figure 8A.1-4.
The seismic analysis of the DTS assumes that the structure founded on competent
rock. In this circumstance, the phenomenon of Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) in which
dynamic interaction between the structure and supporting soil medium need not be considered.
Furthermore the structure can be analyzed as fully fixed at the base of the shear walls
at the top of the basement.
8A. 1-37
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-4
-, *- '
0.2341- e- ___…-IC
11-82 - l{FT
_il T_ _l ~ .1Tt iT
8.09 .49 .42 2.5 4.6 7.7 12.5 264 346 58.67 188.
. RE. <H2)
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
B. Model Generation
The structure has been modeled for seismic analysis purposes using the computer code
The superstructure of the DTS facility comprises a relatively stiff shear wall structure
in reinforced concrete supporting plant items and equipment on two flexible internal structural
steel floors. In common with normal practice, equipment and internal structural steel floors
are assumed not to contribute to the stiffness of the supporting reinforced concrete structure.
All concrete walls assumed 36" thick. Wall overall center line dimensions assumed
343" x 244" O/A in plan by 570.8" high.
8A. 1-39
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-5
i _ _ A
. . _W
, .. .. .
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-6
14 X 550, TYP.
- -
_MAS^S 25% TO
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-7
, 13
_ _ as
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-8
- wwvvrvellwq
`;7 2711
W12 X 120' LUMPED MASS (91,550 LB.)
SPAN 343w
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-9
f a. .
_V 5 7 0. 8 6
I' _V 4L238
280 la
t#SL°' L r7 0#-0o
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
C. Analysis
A fixed base modal analysis technique was used to predict the structure response (in
terms of acceleration) to the design earthquake input motion. A damping level of 7% was
used which reflects the overall damping in a reinforced concrete structure stressed to levels
approaching yield at the SSE.
A separate modal analysis has been carried out for each earthquake direction. The
results from the 3 runs were combined using the square root sum of the squares method
(SRSS). Results for individual earthquake direction analysis have been combined using the
Complete Quadratic Combination technique (CQC).
* Mode shapes, frequencies and mass participation factors for all structure modes of
vibration up to approximately 50 Hertz.
For global considerations, use acceleration values from "Middle Wall" positions.
Figure 8A.l-10 shows both the global average seismic accelerations and global average
seismic acceleration combined with ZPA. These accelerations are also listed in the Table
8A.1-20 and to be used for the reinforced concrete superstructure design.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-10
V 14.45
'f 7.S
V 4.31
0.170.25 03 1.-
0 0.2 O 0.6 OA 1.0
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-20
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
First calculate total weights of structure and equipments (From Table 8A.1-3):
166,875 +56,741 + 27,258 = 250,874 lbs (286,600 lbs is used for calculation)
286,600 + 2,240 x 9.81 = 1255 KN
25,230 + 8,220 + 49,500 = 82,950 lbs (125,000 lbs is used for calculation)
125,000 + 2,240 x 9.81 = 550 KN
Consider X - Direction:
Base Shear,
F, = 1255 x 0.61 + 100 x 0.37 + 550 x 0.34 + 210 x 0.34 + 380 x 0.47 + 9790 x 0.34
= 766 + 37 + 187 + 72 + 179 + 3329 = 4,570 KN
Base Moment
M. = 766 x 14.45 + 37 x 7.9 + 187 x 6.89 + 72 x 8.82 + 179 x 10.7 + 3329 x 7.9
= 11069 + 292 + 1289 + 491 + 1915 + 26299
= 41,355KNm f 41,360 KNm
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Consider Y - Direction:
Base Shear.
Fy = 1255 x 0.71 + 100 x 0.5 + 550 x 0.46 + 210 x 0.46 + 380 x 0.59 + 9790 x 0.46
= 891 + 50 + 250 + 97 + 225 + 4505
= 6,021KNt 6050 KN
MK= 891 x 14.45 +50 x 7.9+253 x 6.89+97 x6.82+225 x 10.7+4505 x 7.9
= 12,875 + 395 + 1743 + 662 +2408 + 35,590
=53,673 KNm = 53,680 KNm
Consider Z - Direction:
Vertical Force.
F, = (1255 +100 +550 + 210 + 380 + 9790) x 0.2
= 12,285 x 0.2
= 2,460 KN
Base Moment.M
There are very small eccentricities in both directions, M0 = 0
The above calculated forces and moments are summarized in Table 8A.1-21.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-21
8A. 1-50
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Accelerations appropriate for a competent rock site are listed in the Table 8A.1-22 for
selected locations on the concrete structure and flexible structural steel floors.
Table 8A.1-22
8A. 1-51
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figures 8A. 1-11 to 19 present the secondary response spectra which is to be used for
equipment design. Spectra at 7% damping have been derived using the following data from
the fixed base model analysis:
8A. 1-52
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September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-11
8A. 1-53
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-12
I 1 - T 111 111111
A S1 f1111 1
=I I/- hI IIA I
I 1 __ Ii= If-
ow I----
8A. 1-54
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-13
0.1 I
8A. 1-55
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-14
os I
wto VA= Ibc eF
8A. 1-56
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-15
I, X030
01 1 100
(Gus , fw%=Mb
8A. 1-57
Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-16
A ' - 1 - T 11 1 -
8A. 1-58
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-17
40O0O -
I am
al 1 t0o
8A. 1-59
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-18
I 3000
CLI I 100
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-19
01 I
TWpti diw
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
H. Basemat Design
Building stability due to DBT loading is discussed in Section 8A. The stability
due to SSE is calculated as follow.
Stability and bearing pressure calculations based on area of basement local to TC/LA area
only, ie. Area 15.5m x 15.1m. This approach is considered reasonal and conservative.
The stabilizing and overturning moments due to the SSE loading are calculated in Table
8A.1-23 and the results are:
Since the overturning moment is smaller than the stabilizing moment, the DTS building
will not overturn. The resulting factor of safety against overturning effects for SSE loads is 2.3.
First assume sliding resisted by base friction. Assumed reasonable friction angle between
basemat and subsoil, 300.
Fx = 4,570 KN
FY = 6,050 KN
F, = 2,460 KN
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Foundation bearing pressures due to weight of concrete and equipment combined with
SSE or DBT loads are calculated in Tables 8A.1-24 and 8A.1-25 and the results are:
Thickness - 1.50m
SSE loading govern, at root of cantilever;
L = 0.0028
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
=>0.0028 xlO00 x1400 = 3920 mm/m = 1.86 in2/ft => #10 at 8" (1.9 in2 /ft)
Internal Slab
8A. 1-64
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-23
15.1 m
IN Y DIRECTION y- 6050 Ku ly= 53680 ZMm
IN X DIRECTION ri- 4570 IX 1 41360 IKE
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-24
1<*F Prmy
_ 1t3.12
a 15.1 a
RESULTANT N - 6275(2 1 SX
148M ) 65650 IN
e .-IL. 65
95 3.1 6 L' -* 3.16) X 3 *3.1
V 20765 2
15.6 X 13.1
a 202 IN/a 2
8A. 1-66
DUE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-25
1< L o12 A
lly a 6050 IN=
e6°500 +i6s6 X 15 - 39
* 20765
2LLt 3.39) 3-248 12A .
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Horizontal Spn
=o = 0.0048
As = 0.0048 x 1000 x 800 = 3840 mm2 /m = 1.82 in2 /ft = use # 10 at 8" C/C (1.90 in 2/ft)(each
face horizontal)
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
In Plan Shear
SSE 6050
DBT 3960
(Wind Load)
DBT 1140
Vertical Span
As = 0.0018 x 1000 x 900 = 1620 mx 2 /m = 0.76 in 2 /ft => use # 8 at 8" (1.18 in2/ft)
Check top of wall for roof beam horizontal seismic force F (Reference Table 8A.1-22):
F = (1255/2 No. beams) x 0.77g = 483 KN (Assume taken on one side only)
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
In Plan Sher
Y. - direction:
Front wall
V; = (6560/2 sides)/0.8 x (280" + 120" -150") x 25.4 x 900 = 0.71 N/mm = 104 psi
8A. 1-70
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
i~ Back wall
V; = (6560/2 sides)/0.8 x 280"x25.4 x 900 = 0.64 N/mm = 93 psi
Shear on front wall just over allowable, hence by inspection nominal reinforcement will be
adequate. i.e. # 10 at 8" horizontal & # 8 at 8" vertical.
X - direction
2 OK
V; = 4570/2x 0.8 x 379" x 25.4 x900 = 0.33 N/mm = 48 psi < 93 psi
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Acel X = 0.69g
Acel Y = 0.77g
Acel Z = 0.40g
Floor steel beams are supported on two sides vertical and anchored on one side only
horizontally (conservative assumption)
Weight of roof plate, beams and equipment = 286600 lbs = 1255 KN ( Reference Section
8A. D).
By inspection, there is no seismic uplift occurring on the roof and beams, hence nominal hold
down connection is adequate. The hold down detail is shown in Figure 8A.1-21.
8A. 1-73
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Acel X = 0.37g
Acel Y = O.50g
Acel Z = 0.70g
By inspection use as roof details. The hold down detail is shown in Figure 8A.1-22.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-20
7^1 PLAT~g 1
1 SQ. X 1.50a
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-21
1.38' NOR
8A. 1-76
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.1-22
2 SO. x 3' Di
8A. 1-77
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
The applicable loads for the DTS reinforced concrete superstructure include the dead
weight, handling loads, tornado wind/missile loads, and seismic loads. The load combinations
are based on ANSI - 57.9 as shown in Chapter 3. Table 8A.1-26 shows the maximum
combined stress and are compared to AISC code allowables (Reference Chapte 3). Table
8A.1-27 summary the building shear stresses and are compared to the Code allowables. The
results of the building stability analysis are also shown in Table 8A.1-28, The minimum
margin of safety against overturning is 1.98.
Table 8A.1-26
8A. 1-78
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-27
Concrete Shear Allowable Concrete
Governing Lad Stress Shear Stre
Wall at Roof 540" 55 psi 93 psi
Level (0.038 MPa) (0.64 MPa)
* Shear Stress on the front concrete wall just over the allowable. Shear reinforcements
are calculated per ACI-349, Section 11.5.6.
Required Rebar Area = 0.06 in 2/ft
Provide Rebar Area = 1.58 i 2/ft
Table 8A.1-28
Loading moment Stabilizing Moment Factor of Saft
62,755 kNm 144,205 kNm 2.3
(555,434 in-kips) (1,276,333 in-kips)
Wt 70,340 kNm 138,225 kNm 1.98
(622,567 in-kips) (1,223,409 in-kips)
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
* Tornado winds,
* Tornado generated missiles, and
* Design basis earthquake.
Tornado Winds
The maximum DBT wind load pressure at protective cover is 630 lbs/ft 2 . The
maximum force applied to the wall of the protective cover is;
The shear stress in the bolt is 7,270 psi (50.12 MPa) which is less than the allowable
shear stress of 52,500 psi (362 MPa).
For calculating the tensile stress in the bolts, conservatively assuming the maximum
lifting load is equal to the maximum horizontal force applied to the wall. This force is held
by 32 bolts (one side), the maximum tensile stress is:
S = 177,419/32 x 0.226 = 24,532 psi < 0.7 S_ = 87,500 psi (603 MPa)
The protective cover is analyzed to verify its adequacy for local barrier impingement
of a DBT missile. Detail analysis of the protective cover has been performed and presented
in Section Based on the analysis shown on Section, there is a adequate
protection against local design basis tornado missile impact damage. Local bending and
distortion to protective cover is acceptable, since the DTS will not be operated during a
tornado watch or warning.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
The maximum calculated seismic accelerations for the roof plate are 0.77g horizontally
and 0.4g vertically. With the protective cover plate bolted to the support beam, the beam
stresses due to the resulting 0.4g vertical acceleration are calculated by factoring the normal
operating condition load analysis results reported in Section 8A.1.5.3;
This maximum combined stress of 4,596 psi (31.68 MPa) is much less than the
allowable stress of 44,160 psi (304 MPa).
For the load evaluation of the protective cover plate due to seismic accelerations in the
lateral direction, the resulting equivalent acceleration of 0.77g is assumed to be resisted by the
one hundred and ten (108) - 5/8"(16 mm) bolts:
The shear stress in the bolt is 4,184 psi (28.84 MPa) which is less than the allowable
shear stress of 52,500 psi (362 MPa).
The maximum calculated seismic accelerations for the roof plate are 0.77g horizontally
and 0.4g vertically. With the roof plate bolted to the support beam, the beam stresses due to
the resulting 0.4g vertical acceleration are calculated by factoring the normal operating
condition load analysis results reported in Section 8A.1.5.4;
This maximum combined stress of 12,390 psi (85.4 MPa) is much less than the
allowable stress of 44,160 psi (304 MPa).
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
For the load evaluation of the roof plate due to seismic accelerations in the lateral
direction, the resulting equivalent acceleration of 0.77g is assumed to be resisted by the one
hundred and ten (110) - 5/8"(16 mm) bolts:
The shear stress in the bolt is 7,770 psi (53.6 MPa) which is less than the allowable
shear stress of 52,500 psi (362 MPa).
The maximum calculated seismic accelerations for the mezzanine plate are 0.5g
horizontally and 0.7g vertically. With the mezzanine plate bolted to the support beam, the
beam stresses due to the resulting 0.7g vertical acceleration are calculated by factoring the
normal operating condition load analysis results reported in Section 8A.1.5.5.
The maximum combined beam stress obtained from this analysis is 38,250 psi (264
MPa) which is less than the allowable stress of 44,160 psi (304 MPa).
For the load evaluation of the mezzanine plate due to seismic accelerations in the
lateral direction, the resulting equivalent acceleration of 0.5g is assumed to be resisted by the
sixty three (63) - 5/8" (16 mm) bolts:
The shear stress in the bolt is 2,913 psi (20 Ma) which is less than the allowable shear
stress of 52,500 psi (362MPa).
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
The design of the sliding door is based on shielding requirements. Analyses are also
performed to evaluate the effects of tornado wind, tornado missiles and seismic loads.
The sliding door design is evaluated for the effects of tornado wind loads in
accordance with the design criteria indicated in Section 3.0. The maximum stresses induced
in the sliding door by DBT wind pressure loads are very conservatively calculated using the
correlation presented in Roark, page 228, Case 48 (Reference 8A.1.7- 2). The wind pressure
load, 419 lbs/fl2, (0.02 Ma) is applied as a uniform load over the entire surface.
Jiw b2
S = -------
The analysis results show a maximum stress of 564 psi (3.9 Ma) which is less than the
allowable stress of 34,560 psi (238.3 Ma). Since the resulting sliding door stress is a small
fraction of the code allowable, DBT wind loads are not considered further.
The thickness of the sliding door is 7" (bottom) and 9" (top) (178 mm and 229 mm,
respectively). The walls are designed to provide adequate radiation shielding and easily meet
the minimum acceptable barrier thickness requirements for local damage against tornado
generated missiles, specified in Section 3.0. Detail analysis of the sliding door has been
performed and presented in Section Based on the analysis shown on Section,
tornado missile impacts on the sliding door cause only superficial damage. The sliding door
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
thickness is far greater than the minimum required thickness. Local damage to the outer
surfaces of the sliding door will not compromise their confinement capability.
The maximum stress induced in the sliding door by the automobile impact load is
calculated using the correlation presented in Roark, page 226, Case 38. The impact pressure,
196 psi (1.35 MNa) is applied as a uniform load over the impact area, 4029.4 in2 (2.6 m2 ).
Substituting the sliding door physical dimensions and the pressure load into the correction, the
maximum calculated stress is 8,704 psi (60 MPa) which is less than the allowable stress of
21,600 psi (148.9 MPa).
The maximum calculated seismic accelerations for the sliding door are 0.7g vertically,
0.37g longitudinally, and 0.5g laterally. With the sliding door hanging on the support rails,
the door stresses due to the resulting 0.7g vertical acceleration are calculated by factoring the
dead load analysis results reported in Section 8A.1.5.6. Table 8A.1-29 summarized the
combined stresses.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Table 8A.1-29
For the stress evaluation of the sliding door due to seismic acceleration in the lateral
direction, the resulting equivalent static acceleration of 0.5g is assumed to be resisted by four
(4) - 2"(508 mm) dia. pin. The local bearing stresses of the sliding door at the support pin
locations are calculated to be;
Sbeari,,g = 42,500/87.96 = 483 psi < 1.6 x 0.6 x42000 = 40,320 psi
Sshew sf= 42,500/25 = 1,700 psi < 1.4 x 0.4 x42000 = 23,520 psi
Since the resulting sliding door stress is a small fraction of the Code allowable, SSE
load is not considered further.
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8A.1.7-1 American Concrete Institute ACI 349-IR: Code Requirements for Nuclear
Safety Related Concrete Structures - Thermal effects.
8A. 1.7-3 ANSYS Engineering Analysis Systems User's Manual Volume 1 and 2,
Revision 4.4A.
8A.1.7-4 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.76, "Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power
Plants," April 1974.
8A. 1.7-5 Guidelines for the Design and Assessment of Concrete Structures Subjected to
Impact, UKAEA, SRDR439, Issue 3, May 1990.
8A. 1.7-8 J.R. Mcdonald, K.C. Mehta, and J.E. Minor, "Design Guidelines for Wind
Resistant Structures," Institute for Disaster Research and Department of Civil
Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, June 1975.
8A.1.7-9 "Design of Structures for Missile Impact," Bechtel Topical Report, BC-TOP-
9A (8.51).
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This appendix describes the analysis performed on the cask transfer subsystems. The
Cask Transfer Subsystem accepts vertical casks at the entrance to the Preparation Area and
moves it laterally in the X direction to the Lower Access Area, aligns it with the Cask Mating
Subsystem and supports it during transfer of the spent fuel assembly.
The Cask Transfer Subsystem is designed to receive 157 shipments of PWR fuel or
133 shipments of BWR fuel per year (or approximately 53 shipments of PWR fuel or 44
shipments of BWR fuel per 100 day operating period).
The operating period is defined as the calendar year less the annual maintenance
periods. The standard operating period is 300 days/year (24 hours/working day), with an
average cycle of a 100 day operating period followed by a 21 - 22 day maintenance period.
The production period is defined as the operating period less the shutdown periods due
to routine maintenance or due to equipment failure and the corresponding repair time.
The cask transfer subsystem is designed to operate at temperatures between 40 F to
1300F, or at temperatures between 20'F to 2000F for short periods of time.
The transfer of the source cask is performed by a motor driven trolley on rails. This
trolley is designed to be loaded with the source cask. Centering guides ensure that the cask is
properly positioned on the trolley.
The source cask is held onto the trolley by means of its lower trunnions. Single-piece
devices, all-bolted on the trolley plate and above the trunnions, are removable and cask
specific. The bolted plates weigh a maximum of 60 pounds (27 kg) and are manually
The trolley structure and the cask holding system prevent the cask from falling due to
any design event.
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The cask is elevated 15.7 inches (400 mm) above the base of the trolley, to allow
proper alignment with the source cask mating subsystem.
When the trolley is stopped in a specific position in the Preparation area or in the
Lower Access Area, it is locked at its front by means of a vertical pin actuated by a jack,
which penetrates into the concrete base mat of the DTS. The locking pin prevents the trolley
from accidental forward and backward movement along the rails, and also prevents the trolley
from moving due to a seismic event.
The general characteristics of the source cask transfer trolley are presented in Table
8A.2- 1.
Table 8A.2-1
Source Cask Transfer Trolley Characteristics
The trolley moves along the X-axis through the use of an synchronous motor/brake
with a manual brake disengagement. Two of the four trolley wheels (one on each side) are
driven. The trolley has two speeds 0.7 ftlrnin (0.2 m/min) and 10 ft/nin (3 m/min). The
trolley has 2 braking systems: a service brake and an emergency brake. The emergency brake
is used as a parking brake.
Trolley guidance is made by two sets of lateral rollers on one of the two runway rails.
An anti-taking off device is implemented on both rails. See Figure 8A.2-1. Source cask
guidance, during loading, is made by four centering guides.
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Figure 8A.2-1
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Table 8A.2-2
The transfer of the receiving cask is performed by a motor driven trolley on rails.
This trolley is designed to be loaded with the receiving cask. The structure of the trolley
prevents the cask from tipping under all design events. Centering guides ensure that the cask
is properly positioned on the trolley.
The receiving cask is held onto the trolley by means of its lower trunnions. Single-
piece devices, all-bolted on the trolley plate and above the trunnions, are removable and cask
specific. The bolted plates weigh a maximum of 60 pounds (27 kg) and are manually
When the trolley is stopped in a specific position in the Preparation area or in the
Lower Access Area, it is locked at its front by means of a vertical pin actuated by a jack,
which penetrates into the concrete base mat of the DTS. The locking pin prevents the trolley
from accidental forward and backward movement along the rails, and also prevents the trolley
from moving due to a seismic event.
The general characteristics of the receiving cask transfer trolley are presented in Table
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Table 8A.2-3
The trolley moves along the X-axis through the use of an synchronous motor/brake
with a manual brake disengagement. Two of the foul trolley wheels (one on each side) are
driven. The trolley has two speeds 0.7 f/min (0.2 m/min) and 10 ft/min (3 rn/min). The
trolley has 2 braking systems: a service brake and an emergency brake. The emergency brake
is used as a parking brake.
Trolley guidance is made by two sets of lateral rollers on one of the two runway rails.
An anti-taking off device is implemented on both rails. See Figure 8A.2-1. Receiving cask
guidance, during loading, is made by four centering guides.
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Table 8A.2-4
The same runway rails are used by the source and receiving cask transfer subsystems.
The runway rail length is 49 feet (15 m). At the end of each runway, there is a bumper
guard. The rail tolerances are shown in Table 8A.2-5.
At the attachment position (beneath the cask mating subsystems), the overall tolerance
shall be, in the vertical direction (for rails + trolley on rails + cask on trolley) E 5 mm/m (±
0.005 in/in).
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Table 8A.2-5
Rail Tolerances
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Figure 8A.2-2
Runway Rails
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8A.2.4. 1 Assumptions
It is assumed that the trolley is protected from environmental loads such as wind and
snow by the DTS or the Preparation Area Roof. When the trolley is in the cask loading area,
the cask is fully sealed and locked. It is assumed that damage due to the source cask during
loading on to the trolley has been evaluated as part of the licensing process of the source
The trunnion hold downs and the anti-derailing devices are calculated with the seismic
load and the live load. The guiding roller wheels are calculated with the live load with
The material properties used in the analysis are taken from NOG-1, Tables NOG
4211-1 and 422 1-1 and are presented in Table 8A.2-6 below.
The trolley and casks are assumed to be rigid. The length of the source cask is 4,826
mm (190 inches). The outside diameter of the source cask is 1,028 mm (40.5 inches).
Table 8A.2-6
Properties of Materials
The design criteria are taken from ASME NOG-4300 and are repeated below. The
nomenclature of NOG-4120 is used.
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CabX and aby are the stresses due to the bending moment.
The maximum allowable shear stress under seismic load is 0.5 cy.
An additional safety factor of 1.2 is used to take into account imprecision of the data.
F/A + MbXx/ Ix + Mbyy/ Iy < 0.9 ay /1.2 = 186 MPa = 27.0 ksi (2)
The allowable stresses in the bolts are taken from NOG-4513. For seismic loading, the
maximum allowable tensile load is 0.5 cu , and the maximum allowable shear stress is 0.26
Cu. An additional safety factor of 1.2 is used to take into account imprecision of the data.
Therefore, the allowable tensile stress is 0.5 x 100 ksi / 1.2 = 287 MPa =41.6 ksi. The
allowable shear stress is 149 MPa = 21.6 ksi.
The source cask and source cask trolley are assumed to be rigid. Since the trolley and
source cask are not perfectly rigid, an addition factor of 1.5 is used.
The trolley is analyzed for a horizontal g loading of 0.25 g x 1.5 = 0.375 g and a
vertical g loading of 0.17 g x 1.5 = 0.255 g.
The trolley's response to each of the three components of seismic input are combined
by taking the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) per NOG-4153.10:
The seismic analysis was performed for two load combinations: seismic loading +
static loading and seismic loading - static loading. The static load is the live load of the cask
and the trolley due to gravity.
_30, 1996
* The live load of the cask and trolley under gravity (Used for t ov.ulating the stresses
on the wheels)
* The transverse horizontal load (5% of the live load of the cask and the trolley dead
load in the transverse direction per NOG-4133(b)) This load is used to size the
guiding rollers.
An isometric sketch of the cask on the trolley is shown in Figure 8A.2-3. A top view
of the cask on the trolley is shown in Figure 8A.2-4. The bumpers are welded to the beams
of the trolley.
The trunnion cradles are shown in Figure 8A.2-5. Six M30 (1.2 in. diameter) bolts are
evaluated using the maximum vertical reaction in the + Z direction on the cradle. This
reaction is obtained by subtracting the static load from the seismic load.
The seismic load in the X direction is applied at the center of gravity of the cask, G.
The load is reacted at the point C (Figure 8A.2-3) which is the center of the compression
The seismic loading in the X direction is reacted by the trolley base at C and by the
cradle supports.
The force in the x direction is the seismic acceleration in the x direction times the
mass of the cask.
FX = ma.
The distance to the center of the compression zone is L, = D/3 where D is the
diameter of the cask.
OG is the distance between the center of gravity and the base of the cask. Assuming
that the cask weight is approximately equally distributed along its length, OG = L/2.
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The reaction forces in the z direction due to the x axis seismic acceleration at the
trunnion locations are equal due to symmetry:
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Figure 8A.2-3
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Figure 8A.2-4
kz uwsi.F
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RBm + RAZX + 0
F. x OG - (R0 + RBzx)LI = 0 or
The x axis reaction is equally taken by the two bumpers. Figure 8A.2-4)
The seismic load in the Y direction is applied at the center of gravity of the cask, G.
The load is reacted at the point B (Figure 8A.2-3) which is the center of the compression
zone and by one cradle at location A.
The force in the y direction is the seismic acceleration in the y direction times the
mass of the cask.
FY = may
OG is the distance between the center of gravity and the base of the cask. Assuming
that the cask weight is approximately equally distributed along its length, OG = L/2.
FYOG - RAzyAB = 0
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The Z direction seismic loading is equally divided between the two cradles:
Fz = ma,
PZ = -Mg
The vertical reactions at the two cradle locations are RAzs and RBZs.
Load Combination
Rjx = ma. /2
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Solving numerically:
R~n = ma /2 = 37,524 N
Therefore, the maximum reaction force in the Z direction on the cradle is:
Six M30 bolts attach each cradle. The vertical force RAZ is the tension in the bolts.
The safety factor in the bolts is SF = 287/96 = 3. Therefore the stresses in the bolts are
The Anti-taking off device is shown in Figure 8A.2-1. The anti-taking off device
prevents the trolley from tipping during a seismic event. This section calculates the stresses
on the anti-taking off device. Figures 8A.2-6 through 8A.2-8 are used to perform this
The anti-taking off device is sized to withstand the maximum vertical force in the Z-
direction. This force is obtained by combining the static and seismic loads. The reaction
forces for each load step (x-direction seismic load, y-direction seismic load, z-direction
seismic load and static load) are calculated and then combined to determine the maximum
reaction force.
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The seismic load on the trolley (Mi) is applied at G' shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The
seismic load on the cask (M) is applied at G shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The seismic load is
reacted by compression on the wheel at locations A & D and tension in the anti taking-off
devices at locations B and C.
The vertical reaction forces due to the x direction seismic load at the anti-taking off
devices are defined as RBzx and Rczx. From symmetry, RBzx = RCZX .
O'G is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the cask and the base of
the anti-taking off device.
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Figure 8A.2-6
Cask on Trolley
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Figure 8A.2-7
Rails of Trolley
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Figure 8A.2-8
Cask on Trolley
Showing Distances between Reaction Forces
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O'G' is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the trolley and the base of the
anti-taking off device.
O'G0= Lz /2.
Summing the moments to zero about AD:
Rx = (M + MK )ax
The seismic load on the trolley (M, ) is applied at G' shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The
seismic load on the cask (M) is applied at G shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The seismic load is
reacted by compression on the wheel at locations C & D and tension in the anti taking-off
devices at locations A and B.
The vertical reaction forces due to the y direction seismic load at the anti-taking off
devices are defined as RBAzy and RBzy. From symmetry, RAzy = RBzy .
O'G is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the cask and the base of
the anti-taking off device.
O'G' is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the trolley and the base of the
anti-taking off device.
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O'G' = Lz /2.
The y direction force is taken by the superior plate under the rail on the two anti-
taking off devices at A and B.
The z direction seismic loads are taken equally by the four anti-taking off devices:
RBzz = (M + MK )a / 4
The static compression load is taken equally by the four wheels. The dead load is:
RBzs = - (M + M )g/4
Load Combination
The maximum vertical force on the anti-taking off device is the combination of the
static + seismic load:
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Rx = (M +M )ax
The maximum force in the Y direction on the anti-taking off device is:
RBY = (M + M )ay/ 2
Solving numerically:
given M = 30 tons
L = 4,826 mm
= 15 tons
L= 2000 mm
Ly= 2550 mm
LZ 600 mm
a= 0.375 g
ay = 0.375 g
The dimensions of the Anti-Taking Off Device are shown in Figure 8A.2-9. The anti-
taking off device is made from A36 carbon steel, with A193 B7 bolts.
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F = tension in bolt
Ab = bolt cross sectional area = 157 mm2
Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.2-9
.; (I l
u). 4zd f 4nI
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Solving for F:
SF = 287/19 = 15
The locking pin is shown in Figure 8A.2-10. The pin diameter is D = 2L = 80 mm.
The shear stress in the pin is r = R.; / A = 33 MPa < 103 MPa = 15 ksi where
R.= 165,544 N = 37,216 lbf
and 2/4 = 5,026 mm2
A = nVD
The wheels are sized based on static loads. The trolley wheels are 450 mm in
diameter (17.7 in. The effective width of the rail head is 40 mm (1.6 in). The allowable
wheel load is taken from NOG 5452.3:
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Figure 8A.2-10
Locking Pin
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The load is equally distributed between the four wheels. Therefore the load on each
wheel is:
The allowable load is P.= KbD = 1393(1.6)(17.7) = 39,449 lbf. Therefore the loads
on the wheels are acceptable. The safety factor is SF = 39449/24811 = 1.5.
The guiding rollers are calculated based on static loads. The rail width, b = 1.2 in.
(30mm). The roller diameter, D, is 5.9 in (150 mm). The allowable load is taken from NOG
The total load is equally distributed between the 2 guidance rollers. From NOG
4133(b), the lateral load is taken as 5% of the vertical load:
The allowable load is Pa= KbD = 1393(1.2)(5.9) = 9863 lb. Therefore the loads on
the wheels are acceptable. The safety factor is SF = 9863/2481 = 3.9.
The sizes of the structural components of the source cask trolley, together with the
calculated stresses and allowable stresses are presented in Table 8A.2-7.
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Table 8A.2-7
8A.2.5.1 Assumptions
It is assumed that the trolley is protected from environmental loads such as wind and
snow by the DTS or the Preparation Area Roof. When the trolley is in the cask loading area,
the cask is fully sealed and locked. It is assumed that potential damage to the receiving cask
during loading on to the trolley has been evaluated as part of the licensing process of the
source cask.
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The trunnion hold downs and the anti-derailing devices are calculated with the seismic
load and the live load. The guiding roller wheels are calculated with the live load with
The material properties used in the analysis are taken from NOG-1, Tables NOG
4211-1 and 4221-1 and are presented in Table 8A.2-6.
The trolley and casks are assumed to be rigid. The length of the receiving cask is
5,290 mm (208.3 inches). The outside diameter of the receiving cask is 1,855 mm (73.0
The design criteria are taken from ASME NOG-4300 and presented in Section 8A.2.4.
The receiving cask and receiving cask trolley are assumed to be rigid. Since the
trolley and source cask are not perfectly rigid, an addition factor of 1.5 is used.
The trolley is analyzed for a horizontal g loading of 0.25 g x 1.5 = 0.375 g and a
vertical g loading of 0.17 g x 1.5 = 0.255 g.
The trolley's response to each of the three components of seismic input are combined
by taking the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) per NOG-4153.10:
The seismic analysis was performed for two load combinations: seismic loading +
static loading and seismic loading - static loading. The static load is the live load of the cask
and the trolley due to gravity.
The live load of the cask and trolley under gravity (Used for calculating the stresses
on the wheels)
The transverse horizontal load (5% of the live load of the cask and the trolley dead
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load in the transverse direction per NOG-4133(b)) This load is used to size the
guiding rollers.
An isometric sketch of the cask on the trolley is shown in Figure 8A.2-3. A top view
of the cask on the trolley is shown in Figure 8A.2-4. The bumpers are welded to the beams
of the trolley.
Six M30 (1.2 in. diameter) bolts are evaluated using the maximum vertical reaction in
the + Z direction on the cradle. This reaction is obtained by subtracting the static load from
the seismic load.
The seismic load in the X direction is applied at the center of gravity of the cask, G.
The load is reacted at the point C (Figure 8A.2-3) which is the center of the compression
The seismic loading in the X direction is reacted by the trolley base at C and by the
cradle supports.
The force in the x direction is the seismic acceleration in the x direction times the
mass of the cask.
F. = max
The distance to the center of the compression zone is L, = D/3 where D is the
diameter of the cask.
OG is the distance between the center of gravity and the base of the cask. Assuming
that the cask weight is approximately equally distributed along its length, OG = L/2.
The reaction forces in the z direction due to the x axis seismic acceleration at the
trunnion locations are equal due to symmetry:
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Fx x OG - (ROAz +RPzxL =O or
The x axis reaction is equally taken by the two bumpers. Figure 8A.2-4)
The seismic load in the Y direction is applied at the center of gravity of the cask, G.
The load is reacted at the point B (Figure 8A.2-3) which is the center of the compression
zone and by one cradle at location A.
The force in the y direction is the seismic acceleration in the y direction times the
mass of the cask.
FY = may
OG is the distance between the center of gravity and the base of the cask. Assuming
that the cask weight is approximately equally distributed along its length, OG = L/2.
FYOG - R~zyAB = 0
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The Z direction seismic loading is equally divided between the two cradles:
Fz = ma,
Pz = -Mg
The vertical reactions at the two cradle locations are RAM and RBzs.
Rjx = ma /2
Solving numerically:
RA = ma /2= 156,348 N
RA = -Mg/2 = -613,125 N
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Therefore, the maximum reaction force in the Z direction on the cradle is:
Six M30 bolts attach each cradle. The vertical force RAZ is the tension in the bolts.
The safety factor in the bolts is SF = 287/172 = 1.6. Therefore the stresses in the
bolts are acceptable.
The Anti-taking off device is shown in Figure 8A.2-1. The anti-taking off device
prevents the trolley from tipping during a seismic event. This section calculates the stresses
on the anti-taking off device. Figures 8A.2-6 through 8A.2-8 are used to perform this
The anti-taking off device is sized to withstand the maximum vertical force in the Z-
direction. This force is obtained by combining the static and seismic loads. The reaction
forces for each load step (x-direction seismic load, y-direction seismic load, z-direction
seismic load and static load) are calculated and then combined to determine the maximum
reaction force.
The seismic load on the trolley (Mi) is applied at G' shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The
seismic load on the cask (M) is applied at 0 shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The seismic load is
reacted by compression on the wheel at locations A & D and tension in the anti taking-off
devices at locations B and C.
The vertical reaction forces due to the x direction seismic load at the anti-taking off
devices are defined as RBzx and RP . From symmetry, RBzx = Rz .
O'G is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the cask and the base of
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O'G' is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the trolley and the base of
the anti-taking off device.
O'G' = Lz /2.
Rm = (MAaO'GU + MkO'G)/2L. or
Rx = (M +M )a.
The seismic load on the trolley (M ) is applied at G' shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The
seismic load on the cask (M) is applied at G shown in Figure 8A.2-8. The seismic load is
reacted by compression on the wheel at locations C & D and tension in the anti taking-off
devices at locations A and B.
The vertical reaction forces due to the y direction seismic load at the anti-taking off
devices are defined as RBAzy and RBzy. From symmetry, RAZy = RBzy .
O'G is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the cask and the base of
the anti-taking off device.
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O'G' is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the trolley and the base of
the anti-taking off device.
O'G' = Lz /2.
The y direction force is taken by the superior plate under the rail on the two anti-
taking off devices at A and B.
The z direction seismic loads are taken equally by the four anti-taking off devices:
RBzz = (M + M )a. / 4
The static compression load is taken equally by the four wheels. The dead load is:
PZ = (M + MK)g
Rms = - (M + M )g/4
Load Combination
The maximum vertical force on the anti-taking off device is the combination of the
static + seismic load:
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2 + RBZZ2 )- RBZS
Rx = (M +M )a.
The maximum force in the Y direction on the anti-taking off device is:
RBy = (M + M )a, 2
Solving numerically:
Then Rm = 289,617 N
RBzy = 306,654 N
RBzz = 90,683 N
RBzs = -355,612 N
The dimensions of the Anti-Taking Off Device are shown in Figure 8A.2-11. The
anti-taking off device is made from A36 carbon steel, with A193 B7 bolts.
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F = tension in bolt
Ab = bolt cross sectional area = 353 mm 2
Solving for F:
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Figure 8A.2-11
V_ f
k za gelof r zhe
uric 4- Softst Mn24
II I V Alu
. _e i
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SF = 287/153 = 1.8
The locking pin is shown in Figure 8A.2-10. The pin diameter is D = 2L = 120 mm.
The shear stress in the pin is X = R, / A = 47 MPa < 103 MPa = 15 ksi where
R= 533,420 N = 119,919 lbf
and A = D2/4 = 11,310 mm2
The wheels are sized based on static loads. The trolley wheels are 700 mm in
diameter (27.6 in). The effective width of the rail head is 100 mm (3.9 in). The allowable
wheel load is taken from NOG 5452.3:
The load is equally distributed between the four wheels. Therefore the load on each
wheel is:
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The allowable load is Pa= KbD = 1393(3.9)(27.6) = 151,141 lbf. Therefore the loads
on the wheels are acceptable. The safety factor is SF =151141/79946 = 1.9.
The guiding rollers are calculated based on static loads. The rail width, b = 1.97 in.
(50mm). The roller diameter, D, is 7.1 in (180 mm). The allowable load is taken from NOG
The total load is equally distributed between the 2 guidance rollers. From NOG
4133(b), the lateral load is taken as 5% of the vertical load:
The allowable load is Pa= KbD = 1393(l.97)(7.1) = 19,490 lbf. Therefore the loads
on the wheels are acceptable. The safety factor is SF = 19490/7995 = 2.4.
The sizes of the structural components of the source cask trolley, together with the
calculated stresses and allowable stresses are presented in Table 8A.2-8.
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Table 8A.2-8
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This appendix describes the calculations performed to ensure that the Receiving and
Source Cask Mating Subsystem functions safely. The only portion of the Cask Mating
Subsystem which is important to safety is the lifting of the cask lid, through the use of the
overlid. Calculations are presented which evaluate the thickness of the overlid pintle, the
thickness of the shield plug pintle, and the size of the overlid gripping device.
The source cask lid pintle and the shield plug pintle are identical. The grapple for the
source cask lid and the grapple for the shield plug are also identical. Since the source cask
lid is lighter than the shield plug, the analysis is performed on the shield plug pintle.
The forces are taken from the ANSYS analysis of the upper crane presented in
Appendix 8A4. There are 4 fingers on each grapple. Any two opposing fingers can
accommodate the entire load. The vertical force Fz is taken from the ANSYS model and is
150,000 N. This is the maximum force at the finger location for all positions analyzed. The
mass used in the ANSYS analysis is 7000 kg.
The fingers, pintle and axis are all made from A36 forged carbon steel, with the
following minimum properties:
The mass of the plug and overlid is less than that used in the ANSYS analysis.
Therefore, the force is corrected below.
P. = F.(computed) x m/mT
where m is the mass of the system and mT is the mass used in the analysis (7000 kg).
The maximum force on the pintle of the plug due to seismic loading is:
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The maximum force in the static case (including a factor of 6 to yield for a
nonredundant lift system) is:
Therefore the static case is limiting. The pintle of the plug is shown below:
D- - 3.94"(100mm)
l I lDo= 6.94"(176mm)
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Using the loading from the static analysis, the force on one finger is:
T = F, /2 = 19,827 lbs
The contact length t is the width of the finger, 2" (50 mm). The modulus of inertia of the
bending resistant section is:
S = te2/6 where e is the thickness of the pintle, 2" (50 mm) and t is the width of
the finger
F = 19,827 lbs
A sketch of a finger is shown below. The following dimensions are used for the
L2 = 60 mm = 2.36 in
LI =S0 mm=2.0 in.
L3 = 20 mm = 0.8 in.
t= 50 mm = 2.0 in.
b 20 mm =0.8 in.
d =25 mm = 1.0"
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as = T/L2 t + MS
Then a = 19,827/2.36 x 2 + 39,257/1.86 = 4,200 + 21,106 = 25,306 psi < 36,000 psi
The maximum force due to the static case using a safety factor of 6 for nonredundant
loading is:
We conservatively assume that the load is handled by 2 fingers only. Then the
maximum force applied to each finger is:
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t, = 40 mm =
1.6 in.
t2 = 40 nm = 1.6 in.
es = M/S = 6T t1j2 = 6 x 29,786 /7c x 1.62 = 22,220 psi i < 36,000 psi
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Summary of Results
The summary of the stresses in the cask mating subsystem are shown below.
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Appendix 8A.4 Shield Plug and Source Cask Lid Handling Subsystem Analysis
This appendix describes the analysis performed on the upper crane, TC port covers
and upper shield port covers. The upper crane has been analyzed using the finite element
analysis program ANSYS 4.4. Certain components of the crane, such as the grapple, have
been evaluated using hand calculations.
The seismic analysis is performed on the crane to ensure retention of the load and the
prevention of any component from becoming a missile that would be detrimental to the DTS's
safety related equipment. Seismic evaluation is performed with and without the rated load.
The crane is analyzed with the rated load with the trolley in two positions: over the
source cask and over the receiving cask. The crane is evaluated with the trolley at mid-span
without the rated load. The length of the cable is calculated and introduced to have the
vertical frequency at the maximum of the vertical spectrum. This position is more severe
than the position with the hook in the full up or full down positions.
The following loads are used for the seismic evaluation. The symbols and
nomenclature are taken from NOG-1.
Note that the rated load of the crane is equal to the credible critical load, Ps = PI,
The following load combinations were evaluated for the seismic event, as specified in
Polo = Pdt + Pd& + P. + P. (evaluated with trolley positioned over a cask - Load
Combination 1)
P11 = Pdt + Pdb + Pe (evaluated with the trolley at mid-span - Load Combination 2)
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The force in the cable is obtained from Load combination 1. The stresses in the
supporting structure of the compensator and the support of pulleys #1 and #6 are obtained
from this cable force. This is load combination 5.
Load combination 1 and 5 are combined to take into account the forces in the trolley
induced by the cables in the seismic calculation. This is load combination 6.
Load combinations 2 and 6 are used to analyze the crane during a seismic event.
Load combination 6 is used to analyze the supporting structure of the compensator and the
support of pulleys #1 and #6 during a seismic event. Combinations 3 and 4 are used to verify
the girder deflection.
The properties for the structural components of the crane were taken from Tables
NOG-4211-1 and NOG-4221-1 of NOG-1, and are summarized below:
The plates and beams will be constructed from A36 Steel, with a minimum yield
strength of 36 ksi (248 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 58 ksi (399 MPa).
The structural connections will be constructed from A193 Grade B7, with a minimum
yield strength of 75 ksi (517 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 100 ksi (689 MPa).
The cable minimum ultimate strength used in the analytical model is 256.7 ksi (1770
MPa). A shape factor including the strand factor of 0.57 is used in the analysis.
The design criteria for the crane are taken from NOG-4300 and are repeated following.
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The allowable axial compression stress shall not exceed the value:
where FS = factor of safety and the other variables are as noted above.
For severe environmental loads, the value of N is 0.67. For compression members
with an equivalent slenderness ratio kl/r > C, , the allowable axial compression stress shall
not exceed the value:
Members subjected to both axial compression and bending stresses shall satisfy the
following requirements:
a / aa + C. abx / ((1 - a/pe )45abx ) + Cmyaby / ((1- /0'y )Caby ) < 1-0 (10)
The subscripts x and y, combined with subscripts b, m, and e, indicate the axis of
bending about which a particular stress or design property applies; and a., a b are the
allowable axial and bending stresses respectively.
The I is the actual unbraced length in the plane of bending, r is the corresponding
radius of gyration, K is the effective length factor in the plane of bending and N is the
loading condition factor, 0.67 for extreme environmental loading.
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Members subjected to both axial tension and bending stresses shall satisfy equation
(11). The computed bending tensile stress, taken alone, shall not exceed the 0.9cay.
The maximum allowable shear stress under seismic load is 0.5 ay.
An additional factor of 1.2 is applied to all stresses to account for uncertainties since
the loading may change from site to site.
F/A + M,,x/I 1 + Myy/I < 0.9 ay/1.2 = 186 MIPa = 27.0 ksi (13)
The allowable stresses in the bolts are taken from NOG-4513. For seismic loading,
the maximum allowable tensile load is 0.5 ay, and the maximum allowable shear stress is
0.26 asy. For bearing type joints, the stresses shall meet the following criteria:
The maximum allowable tensile stress due to seismic loading, assuming an additional
safety factor of 1.2 is therefore 41.6 ksi (287 MPa). The maximum allowable shear stress,
assuming an additional safety factor of 1.2 is 21.6 ksi (149 MPa).
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Allowable Deflections
The total vertical deflection of the girder during operational loading for the rated live
load plus trolley (Pd. + PIr ), and not including impact or dead load of the girder, shall not
exceed 1/1000 of the span.
For the cables, a,,= 1770 MPa = 256.7 ksi. For the static case,
where Pd = the credible critical load and the weight of the load block
n = the number of parts of the rope
-i= the efficiency, which is taken as 0.94 to start.
The following masses were used in the model of the upper crane:
A model of the upper crane was made to evaluate it under seismic loading. The
response spectrum method was used according to the requirements of NOG 4153.1. The
response of the crane to the input response spectra in three directions was determined on a
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modal basis. An ANSYS model was used to perform the analysis. The program searches the
frequency and the modal participation factor up to the cutoff frequency (around 33 Hz). If
the sum of the participation of the mass is less than 90% in a direction, the program is
completed with the equivalent static component in this direction. The residual mass is
affected with the acceleration of the cutoff frequency in this direction.
The dynamic responses of the structure are combined using the "grouping method" in
accordance with NOG 4153.10. The three directional components of the earthquake motion
are combined by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the maximum
representation values of the codirectional responses caused by each of the three components
of earthquake motion at each mode of the crane mathematical model.
The trolley is represented by STIF 4 beams with corrected densities to simulate the
weight of the trolley. A sketch of the trolley model is shown in Figure 8A.4-1. The dotted
lines are rigid beams with nearly no mass (material density of 0.1 x 10-" kg/m3). The single
solid lines represent rectangular structural tubing 12 in. x 18 in x 1/2 in with a density of 0.55
x I0' kg/mm 3. The double solid lines represent rectangular structural tubing 16 in. x 12 in. x
1/2 in. with a density of 0.347 x 1i0 kg/mm3. These corrected densities give a total mass of
2.67 metric tons or 5,732 lbs.
The cable is modeled as a spar element (LINK 8 of ANSYS) with a stiffness and a
length which provides a vertical frequency of 10 Hz:
F = (l/27r)'1k/m = 10 Hz
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Figure 8A.4-1
r nk
Ifit I ASS
l ln iZ7~~
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The truss element area and length are chosen to provide resonance at the spectrum
peak of 10 Hz. The actual cable stiffness is much less than a truss. However, we are only
interested in resonance at 10 Hz in order to obtain a peak load from the truss.
The rails and poles are modeled as beam elements (ANSYS STIF 4). A sketch of the
model shown in Figure 8A.4-2. The dotted lines represent W 10 x 60 beams with 2 lateral
shells reinforcing them. The double lines represent W1O x 60 beams. The single lines
represent W 6 x 25 beams. The density used for the beams is 7,850 kg/zn3 . All beams are
made from A36 steel.
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Figure 8A.4-2
- _ _ a a.
I\\-a a a
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The link between the trolley and the rails is shown in Figure 8A.4-3. STIF 14 spring
dampers with a high degree of stiffness are used to model the coupled nodes. The node
constraints are summarized in Table 8A.4-1.
Table 8A.4-1
Node Constraints
Translation Rotation
Nodes X Y Z ex I ey I 0Z
AA' Free Coupled Coupled FREE
BB' Coupled Coupled Coupled
CC' Coupled Coupled Coupled
DD' Free Coupled Coupled
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Figure 8A.4-3
'A' - - - - - -
- B'
8A.4-1 1
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The left support of the pulleys is a beam structure modeled as shown in Figure 8A.4-
4. The dotted lines represent W 10 x 60 beams (STIF4 ANSYS). The solid lines represent
W10 x 60 beams reinforced by two lateral plates. The beams are made from A36 carbon
steel, with a density of 7850 kg/r 3 .
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Figure 8A.4-4
I \
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The right support of the pulleys is a beam structure modeled as shown in Figure 8A.4-
5. The solid lines represent W 8 x 35 beams, and the dotted lines represent W6 x 25 beams.
The beams are made from A36 carbon steel with a density of 7,850 kg/in3 .
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Figure 8A.4-5
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The roof plate is modeled using ANSYS shell element 43. The analysis was made
using a 4 inch thick plate. Since the analysis was performed, the plate was increased to 7
inches to provide additional shielding. This analysis is expected to be conservative. The
plate is made from A36 steel with a density of 7,850 kg/m3. The plate is reinforced by 5
W14 x 550 beams.
The plate consists of 4 shells which are attached by bolts at the level of the fillets A,
B and C. The boundary conditions are shown in Table 8A.4-2.
Table 8A.4-2
Restraint Conditions - Roof Plate
Translation Rotation
Fillet X Y Z O Ix yz
The coupling conditions between the 2 fillets are realized by coupled set equations.
The fixed degrees of freedom are imposed by displacement constraints. (No displacement in
the given degree of freedom).
The W14 x 550 beams are welded to the plates. Therefore, the nodes are coupled in
all directions. For conservatism, the neutral axis of the beams are set coincident with those of
the plate as shown in Figure 8A.4-6.
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Figure 8A.4-6
hzbJ F'
Protective Cover
The protective cover is considered as a mass. The weight of the protective cover used
in the analysis is 16 metric tons, or 35,274 lbs. The mass is uniformly distributed on the
intersection of the plate and the protective cover. ANSYS mass elements 21 are used to
represent the protective cover.
The crane supports and the roof plate are shown in Figure 8A.4-7. The node restraints
are summarized in Table 8A.4-3.
je-ppme 30, A996
.K' I*1
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Table 8A.4-3
Restraint Conditions between the Roof Plate and the Crane Supports
Translation Rotation
Nodes X VY z ex YF
AA' Coupled
BB' Coupled
CC' Coupled
DD' Coupled
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Figure 8A.4-8
- . .--..
-I / ... . . ,
let i't * s
i \
hi "
S . %
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Figure 8A.4-9
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Figure 8A.4-10
.. A.;
3 11
i 1;
i I
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Figure 8A.4-11
Model of Trolley
.- II
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Figure 8A.4-12.
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Figure 8A.4-13
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The spectra is presented in Figures 8A.4-14 and 8A.4-15. The spectrum is based on a
hard rock site (a basemat founded on competent bedrock with shear wave velocity > 1100
m/s. It is not valid for other site conditions such as sands, gravel, silt or clay. Note that the
spectrum used for this analysis is slightly different from the spectrum determined in Appendix
8A.1. This analysis will be redone when a site location is determined with actual site
spectrum. This analysis is only used to size the equipment and to be representative of the
expected spectrum at the various potential DTS locations.
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Figure 8A.4-14
or i
ff 3Wr 9if-M
wo IT I.II
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Figure 8A.4-15
_ - - - .- - - - - : _
; . ~l H
A. O,. 'C
I I - Fw
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The maximum stresses in the beams and plates due to load combination 1 are
summarized in Table 8A.4-4. All the stresses are well below the allowable stress.
Table 8A.4-4
Seismic Stresses
Load Combination 1
The maximum stresses in the beams and plates due to load combination 2 are summarized in
Table 8A.4-5. All the stresses are well below the allowable stress.
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Table 8A.4-5
Seismic Stresses
Load Combination 2
The maximum stresses in the beams and plates due to load combination 6 are
summarized in Table 8A.4-6. All the stresses are well below the allowable stress.
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Table 8A.4-6
Seismic Stresses
Load Combination 6
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The maximum deflection in the rails is obtained from combination 3 and 4. The
maximum deflection with the trolley over a cask due to the trolley dead load and rated load
(combination 3) is 1.063 mm. The maximum deflection from the trolley dead load only with
the trolley positioned at midspan 0.08 mm. The allowable deflection, from NOG 4341 is
1/1000 of the length of the girder, or 4.9 mm. Therefore, the rail deflection is acceptable.
The results of the modal analysis are presented in the two following tables. Two cases
are presented: the trolley at midspan and the trolley positioned over a cask.
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TABLE 8A.4-7
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TABLE 8A.4-8
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The static load is the limiting case, due to the safety factor of 10 on ultimate strength.
The maximum credible critical load, P¢i= Mg = 70,000 N.
The number of parts to the rope is 2 x 4 = 8. The force on the rope is therefore:
From NOG-5427.1, the pitch diameter of all sheaves except equalizer sheaves shall be
not less than 24 times the diameter of the hoist rope. The sheave diameter is 300 mm (11.9
in) which is > 24 x 12 = 288. Therefore the sheave diameter is acceptable.
SF = P/P 1 = 1.25
The wheels are sized using the static case plus the impact load during lifting. The
bridge rail dimensions are shown in Figure 8A.5-16. The effective width of the rail head is
37 mm (1.45 in.) The diameter of the wheel is 139 mm (5.5 in.) The allowable wheel load
is taken from from NOG-5452.3:
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The operational load is equally distributed between the four wheels. Therefore each
wheel takes a load of P/4 = 25,125 N = 5,540 Lbf.
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Figure 8A.4-16
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The guidance rollers are calculated using the impact load in the transverse direction.
The lateral rail width is 13 mm = 0.51 in. The roller diameter is 1.4 in (36 mm). The
allowable load is taken from from NOG-5452.3:
P. = KbD (ibs)
The operational load is equally taken by the two guidance rollers. Therefore for each roller
Fx = p/2 = 2250 N = 496 Wbf. The safety factor is therefore 994/496 = 2.0.
To evaluate the anti-taking off devices, the static and seismic reactions must be added.
The maximum reaction force from the seismic analysis is used. This occurs for the load
combination with the trolley above a cask opening. The force F. = 3,731 N (Node 439). The
maximum bending moment in the plate occurs along the plane 2-2 in Figure 8A.4-17. The
bending moment = Fza = (3,731)(50 mm) = 187 N-m. The maximum bending moment in
the plate is at the plane 2-2.
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Figure SA4-17
i I,-
a I
I I..
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The maximum bolt tension is on the two bolts at 2. The bolts are M16, made from
A193 Gr B7 steel. The cross sectional area of each bolt is 157 mm2 . The force in each bolt
is Fb:
The section modulus of the plate is: S = (H-2*18)t3/6t = 6,900 mm3 where the
thickness of the plate, t = 20 mm = 0.8 in.
The bending stress is C = M/S = 187 mN/6,900 mm 3 = 27 vPa = 3.9 ksi. This is
well below the allowable stress of 186 MPa. The safety factor is 186/27 = 6.8.
The anti-derailing device is the lateral stop on the rail and is fixed to the trolley.
K. There are four anti-derailing devices on the trolley. To calculate the stresses on the anti-
derailing device, the maximum lateral force is needed. This is obtained from the seismic
analysis. The lateral force is extracted from the ANSYS output.
The maximum force is FY = 59,848 Ibs and is obtained from load combination I with
the trolley positioned above the cask, at node 1178.
RA = Fy
RA (15/2) + Fy * C - RB*a/2 = 0 (Summing moments about 0)
Rc = RB = Fy (C + 15/2)/(a/2) = 67,329 N for C = 60 mm
Two M16 bolts hold the anti-derailing device in place. The tensile force in each bolt is
Fb= Rc /2 = 33,665 N
The tensile stress in each bolt is cSb = FWAb = 215 MPa = 31.1 ksi < 287 MPa= 41.6 ksi.
The cross sectional area of each bolt is 157 mm 2. The safety factor is 287/215 = 1.3.
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Figure 8A.4-18
Anti-Derailing Device
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Seismic Loads
The forces are taken from the ANSYS seismic analysis. For conservatism, the force is
assumed to be carried by only two of the four fingers. The vertical force Fz is taken from
the ANSYS model and is 150,000 N. This is the maximum force at the finger location for all
positions analyzed. The mass used in the ANSYS analysis is 7000 kg.
The fingers and axis are all made from A36 forged carbon steel, with the following
minimum properties:
The allowable stress is 0.9 V/1.2 = 186 MPa = 27 ksi. Note that an additional safety
K. factor of 1.2 has been added to allow for uncertainties in the dimensions. The shear stress
allowable is 0.5 c/1.2 = 103 MPa = 15 ksi.
The mass of the plug and overlid is less than that used in the ANSYS analysis.
Therefore, the force is corrected below.
F. = F.(computed) x m/mT
where m is the mass of the system and mT is the mass used in the analysis (7000 kg).
The maximum force on the pintle of the plug due to seismic loading is:
For a nonredundant lift, a safety factor of 6 to yield and 10 to ultimate is used. For
this component, the ultimate strength is limiting.
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The maximum force in the static case including a factor of 10 to ultimate strength for
a nonredundant lift is:
Using the loading from the seismic analysis, and assuming that the load is handled by
2 fingers, the force on one finger is:
T=Fz/2=2.2x 10 5N
F = T/2 = 1.1 x IO' N (because the axis is a rod supported at the ends)
r = F/A = 1.1 x 105/707 = 156 MPa = 22.6 ksi < 200 MPa = 29 ksi
A sketch of a finger is shown below. The following lengths are used for the finger:
L2 = 60 mm = 2.4 in
LI = 30 mm = 1.2 in.
L3 = 30 mm = 1.2 in.
t = 60 mm = 2.4 in.
b 20 mm =0.8 in.
T = T/Ljt = (2.2 x 105)1(30*50) = 147 MPa = 21 ksi < 200 MPa = 29 ksi
T= T/L3 t = (2.2 x 105)/(30*50) = 147 MPa = 21 ksi < 200 MPa = 29 ksi
a = T/L2 t + M/S
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Then car = (2.2 x 105)/(60*60) + 1.1 x I10 / 36 = 367 MPa = 53.2 ksi < 399 MPa = 58 ksi
The maximum force on the compensator axis occurs in the event of a cable breaking
combined with the seismic load. The compensator is shown conceptually in Figure 8A.4-18.
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Figure 8A.4-19
Sketch of Compensator
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RA+ RB = P
P(a + b) - RAb = 0
P = Mg/2 = 35,000 N
where M is the mass of the rated load = 7,000 kg
g = 10 m/sec2
K> There are two shear areas on the axis. Therefore the shear stress is:
The force taken from the seismic analysis is 75,OOON. Therefore, the static case is limiting.
The maximum force on the locking pin is taken from the seismic analysis. The
maximum force is from load combination 1 at node 1123, where FX = 15,600 N and at node
1178, where F.= 17,045 N. The force on the pin is the suam of the two reactions.
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The pin is used to stop the port cover in the direction of the port cover railway. The
covers are assumed to be rigid. The horizontal acceleration in the Y direction is ay = 0.74 x
9.81 x 1.5 = 10.9 m/sec2 at the 27' level and ay = 0.88 x 9.81 x 1.5 = 13 m/sec2 at the 46'
level. The forces in the Y direction due to seismic loading are shown in Table 8A.4-9.
Table 8A.4-9
I _Mass |FY
US Units Metric Units US Units Metric Units
Upper Shield 1.9 tons 1700 kg 4873 lbf 22,100 N
Port Cover
Receiving Cask . 9.3 tons 9500 kg 20426 lbf 92,650 N
TC Port Cover
Source Cask 6 tons 5500 kg 13217 lbf 59,950 N
TC Port Cover
The locking pins are selected such that the distance between the lower part of the port cover
and the plate is less than D/2 to ensure that there is no bending moment on the pin.
The diameter of the pin D = 24 mm = 0.95 in. The cross sectional area A = 452
mm2. Therefore, the shear stress T = F/A = 49 MPa = 7.1 ksi. The safety factor is SF =
103/49 = 2.1.
The diameter of the pin D = 40 mm = 1.6 in. The cross sectional area A = 1256
mm2. Therefore, the shear stress r = F/A = 48 MPa = 7 ksi. The safety factor is SF =
103/48 = 2.1.
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The diameter of the pin D = 50 mm = 2 in. The cross sectional area A = 1963 mm.2
Therefore, the shear stress T = F/A = 47 MPa = 6.85 ksi. The safety factor is SF = 103/47 =
A summary of the analysis results on the Shield Plug and Source Cask Handling
Subsystem is presented in Table 8A.4-10 below:
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Table 8A.4-10
Summary of Results
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Summary of Results
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The fuel handling crane has been analyzed using the finite element analysis program
ANSYS 4.4. Certain components of the crane, such as the grapple, have been evaluated
using hand calculations.
The seismic analysis is performed on the crane to ensure retention of the load and the
prevention of any component from becoming a missile that would be detrimental to the DTS's
safety related equipment. Seismic evaluation is performed with and without the rated load.
The crane and the trolley can have any position during the earthquake. This section
evaluates the possible positions of the crane and trolley to determine the worst orientations for
A. Bridge Position
The bridge rails are each simply supported by three equally spaced supports, one on
each end and one at the center of the beam. The position of the bridge which results in the
maximum bending moment in the bridge rails is where one of the two bridge wheels is
located at mid span between an end support and the center support. (See Figure 8A.5-1).
This is also the position which results in the maximum force on the rail support. This
position is possible provided that the distance between the 2 wheels of the bridge along the
X-axis, e, is greater than or equal to 0.586L, where L is the span. For the DTS, e = 2400
mm and L = 2000 mm. Therefore, e 2 0.586L = 1,172 mm. Therefore, the bridge is
analyzed with one wheel at mid-span.
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Figure 8A.5-1
T 4t
L = span
B. Trolley Position
The beams supporting the trolley on the bridge are simply supported on two supports
of span L. The distance between the two wheels of the trolley is e. A sketch of the forces
imposed by the trolley on the beam is provided in Figure 8A.5-2. The forces applied by the
trolley in any direction are approximately equally distributed. Then if e < 0.586 L, for a < b,
the maximum bending moment is at M2, where:
a = L/4(2-3e/L) (1)
The distance between trolley wheels is e = 2.4 m = 94.5 inches. The span, L = 4.7 m
= 185 in. Therefore, a = 0.55 m = 21.6 inches. The position which results in the maximum
bending moment is at the position b = L - a - e = 1.75 m = 68.9 in.
The position which results in the maximum force at a support is where one wheel is at
the end of the span.
Therefore, two positions of the trolley have been analyzed: a = 0.55 m = 21.6 in. and
a = 0 (end of span).
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Figure 8A.5-2
C. Cable Position
The length of the cable, L, is selected such that the cable under load will have the first
vertical frequency at the peak of the spectrum. This cable length will result in higher stresses
than would occur if the hook were in the full up or full down position. The peak acceleration
during the seismic event occurs at around 10 Hz. The weight of the load on the cable is 1500
kg = 3,300 lbs. The spring constant of the cable which would result in a natural frequency of
10 Hz is derived below:
Of= R1 (3)
2xn M
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The length of the cable, L, which results in the first vertical frequency at 10 Hz is:
L = EAIK (5)
where E = the modulus of elasticity = 201,000 MPa = 29.2 x 10 6psi and A = the cross
sectional area of the cable. The cable is modeled as a spar element of length = 1 meter. To
get a natural frequency of 10 Hz, the area of the spar is input as A = 29.46 mm 2 = 0.046 in2.
The following loads are used for the seismic evaluation. The symbols and
nomenclature are taken from NOG-1.
Note that the rated load of the crane is equal to the credible critical load, PCS = PI,.
The following load combinations were evaluated for the seismic event, as specified in
Pco= Pdt + P s++ P. (evaluated with the trolley at 0.55 m (21.6 in.) from the end
and under load - Load Combination 1)
POcO = Pdt + Pdb + P.s + Pe (evaluated with the trolley at the end under load - Load
Combination 2)
PCI= P& + Pdb + Pe (evaluated with the trolley at 0.55 m (21.6 in. ) from the end and
no load - Load Combination 3)
PCI = Pd. + Pdb + Pe (evaluated with the trolley at the end with with no load - Load
Combination 4)
The length of the cable was fixed to have the vertical frequency at the peak of the
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The position of the bridge for all cases was with one wheel at mid-span.
Additionally, the girder deflection was evaluated with the trolley at 0.55 m (21.6 in.)
under the maximum rated load using the following load:
The properties for the structural components of the crane were taken from Tables
NOG-4211-1 and NOG-4221-1 of NOG-1, and are summarized below:
The plates and beams will be constructed from A36 Steel, with a minimum yield
strength of 36 ksi (248 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 58 ksi (399 MPa).
The structural connections will be constructed from A193 Grade B7, with a minimum
yield strength of 75 ksi (517 Ma) and a minimum tensile strength of 100 ksi (689
The cable minimum ultimate strength used in the analytical model is 256.7 ksi (1770
MPa). A shape factor including the strand factor of 0.57 is used in the analysis.
The design criteria for the crane are taken from NOG-4300 and are repeated following.
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The allowable axial compression stress shall not exceed the value:
where FS = factor of safety and the other variables are as noted above.
For severe environmental loads, the value of N is 0.67. For compression members
with an equivalent slenderness ratio kl/r > C¢ , the allowable axial compression stress shall
not exceed the value:
Members subjected to both axial compression and bending stresses shall satisfy the
following requirements:
CT / Ga + C.X abx / ((1 - CY/G. )aab. ) + Cmyaby / ((1- a/hey ) ) < 1-0 (10)
The subscripts x and y, combined with subscripts b, m, and e, indicate the axis of
bending about which a particular stress or design property applies; and a. , aab are the
allowable axial and bending stresses respectively.
The I is the actual unbraced length in the plane of bending, r is the corresponding
radius of gyration, K is the effective length factor in the plane of bending and N is the
loading condition factor, 0.67 for extreme environmental loading.
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loading between their supports in the plane of bending. M, /M2 is the ratio of
the smaller to the larger moments at the ends of that portion of the member
unbraced in the plane of bending under consideration.
(c) For compression members in frames braced against joint translation in the
plane of loading and subjected to transverse loading between their supports, C.
= 0.85 for members whose ends are restrained, and Cm = 1.0 for members
whose ends are unrestrained.
Members subjected to both axial tension and bending stresses shall satisfy equation
(11 ). The computed bending tensile stress, taken alone, shall not exceed the 0.9ay.
The maximum allowable shear stress under seismic load is 0.5 ay.
An additional factor of 1.2 is applied to all stresses to account for uncertainties since
the loading may change from site to site.
F/A + Max Ix +Mbyy/ Iy < 0.9 cy /1.2 = 186 MPa = 27.0 ksi (13)
The allowable stresses in the bolts are taken from NOG4513. For seismic loading,
the maximum allowable tensile load is 0.5 a, , and the maximum allowable shear stress is
0.26 C;.. For bearing type joints, the stresses shall meet the following criteria:
The maximum allowable tensile stress due to seismic loading, assuming an additional
safety factor of 1.2 is therefore 41.6 ksi (287 MPa). The maximum allowable shear stress,
assuming an additional safety factor of 1.2 is 21.6 ksi (149 MPa).
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Allowable Deflections
The total vertical deflection of the girder during operational loading for the rated live
load plus trolley (Pd. + Pi, ), and not including impact or dead load of the girder, shall not
exceed 1/1000 of the span.
For the cables, a. = 1770 MPa = 256.7 ksi. For the static case,
where P,, = the credible critical load and the weight of the load block
n = the number of parts of the rope
i= the efficiency, which is taken as 0.94 to start.
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The following loads were used in the model of the fuel handling crane:
A model of the fuel handling crane was made to evaluate the crane under seismic
loading. The response spectrum method was used according to the requirements of NOG
4153.1. The response of the crane to the input response spectra in three directions was
determined on a modal basis. An ANSYS model was used to perform the analysis. The
program searches the frequency and the modal participation factor up to the cutoff frequency
(around 33 Hz). If the sum of the participation of the mass is less than 90% in a direction,
the program is completed with the equivalent static component in this direction. The residual
mass is affected with the acceleration of the cutoff frequency in this direction.
The dynamic responses of the structure are combined using the "grouping method" in
accordance with NOG 4153.10. The three directional components of the earthquake motion
are combined by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the maximum
representation values of the codirectional responses caused by each of the three components
of earthquake motion at each mode of the crane mathematical model.
The model consists of 900 elements and 680 nodes. The model is made up of a
trolley, a vertical beam with a cable and a mass, a bridge, and rails.
Trollcy Model
The trolley is made up of frame of beams W12 x 12 x 0.5 linked with rigid beams to
a square plate with a circular centered hole receiving a rotating circular plate. See Figure
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8A.5-3. The link between the circular plate and the square one is made with spring elements
as shown in the figure. The circular plate is reinforced by rigid beams.
The nodes identified as AA' are coupled in the radial and vertical directions, and are
free in the rotational direction. The nodes identified as BB' are coupled in the radial
direction, and free in all other directions. The square plate is 3.0 inches thick and the circular
plate is 3.0 inches thick.
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Figure 8A.5-3
Trolley Model
rat A bawns
* hc4A, A- A
8A.5-1 1
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Vertical Beam
The vertical beam is a square beam of 400 x 400 x 15 mm (15.75 in x 15.75 in. x 0.6
inch). It is linked with the circular plate in all degrees of freedom. The additional weight of
the equipment supported by the vertical beam (crud catcher, pulleys, etc. are modeled by
mass elements all along the length of the beam to get a total weight of 1.5 tons in the x and y
directions. The model consists of 25 mass elements, each 57.7 kg.)
A cable with a mass of 1.5 metric tons is fixed to the beam. Since we want the cable
and the mass to have a vertical frequency of 10 Hz, we model the cable using a spar element
with a length of 1 meter. The cross sectional area is calculated below:
F = (1/27r)41(k/m) = 10 Hz (18)
where k = EA/L
E is the modulus of elasticity of the cable
A is the cross sectional area
L is the length of the cable
and m is the mass = 1.5 metric tons
Solving equation (18) for k results in k = 5.922 x 106 kg.
The cable has an elastic modulus, E of 201,000 MPa. Therefore the cross sectional
area which results in a frequency of 10 Hz is 29.46 mm2.
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Figure 8A.5-4
_za AoIf S
- - 2a L
1, err)
AL 4 h
Z= *473
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The bridge is modeled by two kinds of beams (W12 x 8 x 0.5 and W14 x 82)
reinforced by 2 lateral shells.
Material Densities
The material densities used in the model are corrected to have the following mass:
The bridge rails are supported by brackets. The rail nodes which contact the bracket
are fixed in the x, y z and Ox directions. To ensure that there is no instability, the mass
element at the end of the cable is fixed in the x and y directions. The connection between
the trolley and bridge is shown in Figure 8A.5-5.
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Figure 8A.5-5
L2wI IL,)LeOjf
MAWA, ix X
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The connection between the bridge and the rails is shown in Figure 8A.5-6.
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Figure 8A.5-6
* ,.4 lv sz
c9c UKl{. L 1a4-ZJ se&a
-, wizxgxear
vWii X IL 2 4A{LI4 A L alJ]tgobe TAh4e.
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September 30, 1996
The node coupling between the bridge and the rails is summarized below:
The model and boundary conditions of the trolley positioned at 550 mm is shown in
Figures 8A.5-7 and 8A.5-1 1. The model of the trolley positioned at the end is shown in
Figures 8A.5-12 through 8A.5-14. The boundary conditions for this case are identical to
those for the trolley positioned at 550 mm.
The accelerations due to the seismic event used for evaluation of the fuel handling
crane are presented in Figures 8A.5-15 and 8A.5-16. The spectrum is based on a hard rock
site (a basemat founded on competent bedrock with shear wave velocity > 1100 m/s. It is not
valid for other site conditions such as sands, gravel, silt or clay. Note that the spectrum used
for this analysis is slightly different from the spectrum determined in Appendix 8A1. The
analysis will be redone when a site location is determined with actual site spectrum. This
analysis is only used to size the equipment and to be representative of the expected spectrum
at the various potential DTS locations.
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Figure 8A.5-7
ANSYS Model & Boundary Conditions Trolley Positioned at 550 mm
Top View
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Figure 8A.5-8
ANSYS Model & Boundary Conditions
Trolley Positioned at 550 mm
Isometric View
*H e He *t----
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Figure 8A.5-9
ANSYS Model & Boundary Conditions
Trolley Positioned at 550 mm
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Figure 8A.5-10
ANSYS Model & Boundary Conditions
Trolley Positioned at 550 mm
End View
.... . . .
Ii111 1
I.. .'_ § SS_
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Figure 8A.5-11
ANSYS Model & Boundary Conditions
Trolley Positioned at 550 mm
Second Isometric View
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Figure 8A.5-12
Trolley Positioned at End
Isometric View from Top
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Figure 8A.5-13
Trolley Positioned at End
Isometric View from Side
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Figure 8A.5-14
ANSYS Model & Boundary Conditions Trolley Positioned at End
End View
( ( (
__ - -F1ll\
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sto 04
,j flecondjyt ,repw*pedtf W
ft vp'e*dvhry d*OW~gPaapseeci
- ,
q (
- Ntfer~ r4 rrd
w~ef < v
0 C0
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September 30, 1996
8A.5.8 Results
The stresses in the main beams due to load combination 1 are presented below in
Table 8A.5-1:
Table 8A.5-1
As shown in the Table, the stresses in the beams are well below the allowable stresses.
The forces in the links are presented in Section 8A.5.9-1. All units are metric.
The maximum stress in the plates (both the rotational table and the trolley plates ) is
101 MPa (14.4 ksi). This value is well below the allowable stress of 186 MPa (27 ksi). A
plot of the stresses in the plates is shown in Figures 8A.5-17 through 8A.5-20. The stresses
are plotted in metric (MPa).
The reaction forces at the brackets are presented in Section 8A.5.10-1. Metric units
are used. In Section 8A.5.1 1, the first frequencies below the critical frequency are presented.
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Figure 8A.5-17
Plate Stresses
Top of Plate
Load Combination 1
Primary + Secondary Stresses
DXF -422
gm -175098
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Figure 8A.5-18
Plate Stresses
Middle of Plate
Load Combination 1
Primary + Secondary Stresses
NstYS 4 4A
APR 26 1995
___5 .6
_ Sr22 23.115
8A.5-3 1
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September 30, 1996
Figure 8A.5-19
Plate Stresses
Middle of Plate
Load Combination 1
Primary - Secondary Stresses
ANSYS_ 4 .4A
APR 26 199 5
1101 MO. 5
DIX -1.644
StO -0.073565
- SMX -92.154 -
82 .456j
92 .754
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Figure 8A.5-20
Plate Stresses
Top of Plate
Load Combination 1
Primary - Secondary Stresses
ANSYS 4. 4k
APR 26 1995
PS -. 717STES
ZF a-115
1x 90. 681
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The stresses in the beams due to load combination 2 are presented in the table 8A.5-2 below.
Table 8A.5-2
As shown in the Table, the stresses in the beams are well below the allowable stresses.
The forces in the links are presented in Section 8A.5.9-2. All units are presented in
The reaction forces at the brackets are presented in Section 8A.5.10-2.
In Section 8A.5.1 1, the first frequencies below the critical frequency are presented.
The maximum stress in the plates (both the rotational table and the trolley plates) is 102 MPa
(14.8 ksi). This value is well below the allowable stress of 186 MPa (27 ksi). A plot of the
stresses in the plates due to this load is shown in Figures 8A.5-21 through 8A.5-24.
The maximum deflection of the bridge rails under normal loads (Load combination 5)
is 1.065 mm. This is below the allowable deflection of 1/1000 (span) = 1/1000 x 4700 mm =
4.7 mm. Therefore the deflection is acceptable.
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Figure 8A.5-21
Plate Stresses
Top of Plate
Load Combination 2
Primary + Secondary Stresses
101-Ii.03 -
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Figure 8A.5-22
Plate Stresses
Middle of Plate
Load Combination 2
Primary + Secondary Stresses
STc -10.5
PLO -0.197
.. S X 102.995
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Figure 8A.S-23
Plate Stresses
Middle of Plate
Load Combination 2
Primary - Secondary Stresses
mu -z_ 018
ZTR -115
24 .2422
l! 35r. 5216100
___ 46.63
___ 9.68
___ 81.04
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Figure 8A.5-24
Plate Stresses
Top of Plate
Load Combination 2
Primary - Secondary Stresses
-S~ 213.373
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The reaction forces for Load Combinations 1 and 2 are provided in the following
pages. All units are metric.
The sheave to rope ratio is 24 in accordance with NOG-5427.1. The minimum sheave
diameter is therefore 24 x 12 = 288 mm. A sheave diameter of 300 mm has been selected.
The wheels are sized using the static case plus the impact load during lifting. The
bridge rail dimensions are shown in Figure 8A.5-25. The effective width of the rail head is
37 mm (1.45 in.) The diameter of the wheel is 153 mm (6.1 in.) The allowable wheel load
is taken from from NOG-5452.3:
P. = KbD (lbs)
where K = 1300 (BHN/260)"33 = 1393
b= the effective width of the rail head
D = diameter of the wheel.
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The operational load is equally distributed between the four wheels. Therefore each wheel
takes a load of P/4 = 27,530 N = 6,070 Lbf.
The safety factor is therefore 12321/6070 = 2.03
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Figure 8A.5-25
The wheels are sized using the static case plus the impact load during lifting. The
trolley rails are identical to the bridge rails. The effective width of the rail head is 37 mm
(1.45 in.) The diameter of the wheel is 99 mm (3.9 in.) The allowable wheel load is taken
from from NOG-5452.3:
P. = KbD (lbs)
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where M, is the mass of the trolley, MK is the mass of the rotating platform and Ml is the mass
of the rated load. G is the 9.81 m/s2.
The operational load is equally distributed between the four wheels. Therefore each wheel
takes a load of P/4 = 27,530 N = 6,070 Lbf.
The guidance rollers are calculated using the impact load in the transverse direction.
The lateral rail width is 13 mm = 0.51 in. The roller diameter is 1.1 in (28 mm). The
allowable load is taken from from NOG-5452.3:
Pa = KbD (lbs)
The actual load P = 5% (weight of trolley + rotating platform + rated load) = 0.05(Mt +Mr
where Mt is the mass of the trolley, Mr is the mass of the rotating platform and MNis the
mass of the rated load. G is the 9.81 m/s2 .
The operational load is equally taken by the two guidance rollers. Therefore for each roller
Fx = p/2 = 1717 N = 379 lb. The safety factor is therefore 781/379 = 2.06.
To evaluate the anit-taking off devices, the static and seismic reactions must be added.
The maximum reaction force from the seismic analysis is used. This occurs for the load
combination with the trolley at 550 mm. The force F. = 35,638 N (Node 526). The
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September 30, 1996
maximum bending moment in the plate occurs along the plane 2-2 in Figure 8A.5-26. The
beinding moment = Fza = (35,638)(50 mm) = 1782 N-m.
The two bolts on the plane 2-2 see the maximum tension. The cross sectional area of
each bolt is 157 mm 2. The Tensile force in each bolt is:
This results in a tensile stress in each bolt of a = FJA = 177 MPa. The bolt allowable stress
is 287 MPa. Therefore the safety factor is SF = 287/177 = 1.6.
3 3
The plate stress is evaluated below. The section modulus = S = (H-2x18)t /6t = 15,600 mm .
The bending stress is car = MIS = 1782 mN/15,600 mm = 114 MPa = 16.6 ksi. This is well
below the allowable stress of 189 MPa. The safety factor is 186/114 = 1.6.
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Figure 8A.5-26
- 4 - --41
I I t
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The trolley anti-taking off device is identical to the bridge anti-taking off device
shown in Figure 8A.5-26. The maximum reaction force from the seismic analysisis taken
from the case with the trolley at the end. The maximum force F, = 46,973 N (Node 439).
The maximum bending moment in the plate occurs along the plane 2-2 in Figure 8A.5-26.
The bending moment = Fza = (46,973)(50 mm) = 2,349 N-m.
The two bolts on the plane 2-2 see the maximum tension. The cross sectional area of
each bolt is 157 mm2 . The tensile force in each bolt is:
This results in a tensile stress in each bolt of a = F1/A = 233 MPa. The bolt allowable stress
is 287 MPa. Therefore the safety factor is SF = 287/233 = 1.2.
The plate stress is evaluated below. The section modulus = S = (H-2x18)t3 /6t = 15,600 mm 3.
The bending stress is a = M/S = 2349 mN/15,600 mm 3 = 150 MPa = 21.8 ksi. This is below
the allowable stress of 189 MPa. The safety factor is 186/150 = 1.2.
The anti-taking off device of the rotating platform is shown in figure 8A.5-27. The
vertical force is taken from the results of the ANSYS analysis. The maximum vertical force
is 41,445 N (element 396) and occurs with the trolley at 550 mm.
The cross sectional area of each bolt is 157 mm2 . The Tensile force in each bolt is:
A =200 mm
B = 200 mm
C= 300 mm
Bolt cross sectional area = 157 mm2
This results in a tensile stress in each bolt of a = FbA =132 MPa. The bolt allowable stress
is 287 MPa. Therefore the safety factor is SF = 287/132 = 2.1.
The plate stress is evaluated below. The plate thickness , t, is 25 mm, and section modulus =
S =ndt3 /6t = 13.08 cm 3.
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Figure 8A.5-27a
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Figure 8A.5-27b
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The bending moment on the plate is M = Fd = 829 inN. The bending stress is therefore
a = MIS = 64 MPa = 9.2 ksi < 0.5 au / 1.2 = 186 MPa = 27 ksi
FZ C = M = 12,437 mN
The section modulus of inertia of the beam is 219 cm3 . The cross sectional area A = 37.8
cm'. The tensile stress in the beam is therefore:
C= (Fi/A + MWS) = 68 MPa = 9.9 ksi < 0.9 vy/2 = 186 MPa= 27 Ksi
The safety factor is SF = 186/68 = 2.7.
Anti-Seismic Transverse Bumpers
Thc transverse bumpers are the lateral end stops on the rails. They are fixed on the
bridge and the trolley. There are four bumpers on the bridge and four bumpers on the trolley.
The-ateral forees exerted due to the seismic event, taken from the ANSYS runs are used for
this analysis.
Bridge Anti-Seismic Transverse Bumpers
The anti-seismic bumpers used on the bridge and trolley are shown in Figure 8A.5-28.
They are made of A36 steel and held in place using two A193 Gr B7 bolts. The maximum
transverse force due to the seismic loading, F. is ten from node 526 from the case with the
trolley located at 550 mm.
The equations of static equilibrium are:
RA= FY and
RAx 15/2+FY xC- RBXa/2=0(ato')
Solving the equations RC = RB= FY( C + 15/2)/ (a/2) = 69,964 N with C = 60 mm
The tensile force on cach of the two bolts is Fbo1h = RC / 2 = 34,982 N
The bolt diameter is 16 mm = 0.63 in. Therefore A = 157 mm'
The tensile stress in each bolt is therefore:
a = Fwtt/A = 223 MPa= 31.1 ksi < 0.5 a. / 1.2 = 287 MPa = 41.6 ksi
The safety factor is SF = 287/223 = 1.2.
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Figure 8A.5-28
Anti-Seismic Transverse Bumpers
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PWR Gpple
The mass for a PWR fuel assembly is MF = 780 kg. The grapple pivot axis, fingers
and pintle will be made from A36 forged carbon steel. The properties of this material are
provided below:
Yield Strength, ay 36 ksi 348 MPa
Tensile Strength, c, 58 ksi 399 MPa
The weight of the fuel assembly is less than the number used to evaluate the seismic event
using ANSYS. (MT = 1500 kg was used for the ANSYS analysis). Therefore the force
exerted on the grapple (corrected) is:
F, = F2 (computed) x MF/MT = 43,580 x 780/1500 = 22,661 N = 5,094 lbs.
The maximum force in the static case (including a factor of 6 to yield for a nonredundant lift
system) is:
F 2 =780x6=4680kg= 10,317 lbs.
Therefore the maximum stress is found from the static case:
F(per finger) = 10,317/2 = 5,159 lbs.
Stresses on the Pivot Axis
The diameter of the pivot axis is 18 mm = 0.7 in.
The cross sectional area is 254 mm 2 (0.385 in2)
The shear force is T = 5,159 lbs.
The shear stress is r = T/2A = 5159/(2 x 0.385)= 6,700 psi < 36,000 psi (6 to yield strength)
or T = 6,700 x 10/6 = 11,170 psi < 58,000 psi (10 to Ultimate Strength)
Stresses in the Grapple Finger
The grapple finger is shown in Figure 8A.5-29. The shear stress in the LI section is:
X= F/(Ljt) = 5159/(0.6x 0.8) = 10,748 psi < 36,000 psi
c = F/(Ljt) = 10,748 x 10/6 = 17,913 psi < 58,000 psi
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Figure 8A.5-29
Grapple Finger
X t)
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BWR Grapple
The mass for a BWR fuel assembly is MF = 330 kg. The grapple pivot axis, fingers
and pintle will be made from A36 forged carbon steel. The properties of this material are
provided below:
Yield Strength, a3y 36 ksi 348 MPa
Tensile Strength, a. 58 ksi 399 MPa
The weight of the fuel assembly is less than the number used to evaluate the seismic
event using ANSYS. (MT = 1500 kg was used for the ANSYS analysis). Therefore the force
exerted on the grapple (corrected) is:
F2 = F2(computed) x MF/MT = 43,580 x 330/1500 = 9,588 N = 2,155 lbs.
The maximum force in the static case (including a factor of 6 to yield for a
nonredundant lift system) is:
F, = 330 x 6 = 1,980 kg = 4,365 lbs.
Therefore the static case is limiting. The force per finger is 4,365 lbs (The force is exerted
on one finger only).
Stresses on the Pivot Axis
The diameter of the pivot axis is 18 mm = 0.7 in.
The cross sectional area is 254 mm2 (0.385 in2)
The shear stress is T = T/2A = 4365/(2 x 0.385)= 5,670 psi < 36,000 psi (6 to yield
or 'r = 5,670 x 10/6 = 9,450 psi < 58,000 psi (10 to Ultimate Strength)
Stresses in the Grapple Finger
Since the forces are lower in the BWR case than in the PWR case, the stresses are
8A.5.11 Sunmarn of Results
The results of the analyses on the Fuel Handling Crane are summarized in Table 8A.5-
3. All the stresses are below the allowable stresses, and are therefore acceptable.
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Table 8A.5-3
Fuel Handling Crane Results
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Table 8A.5-3 (Continued)
Fuel Handling Crane Results
September 30, 1996
8A.6 .1 Introduction
For the dose assessment for off-normal conditions, the worst scenario considered is
that the HEPA filters are inoperable while the receiving cask is open and filled with 21 fuel
For this analysis, the irradiation is performed on a per MTU basis using a
Westinghouse 17 x 17 assembly. For the Curie content of burned fuel, the values calculated
from a B&W 15x15 assembly will be similar to the Westinghouse 17x17. The Westinghouse
17x17 assembly will lead to slightly more conservative results.
Material compositions are taken from Reference SA.6-2 and adjusted for 3.85 W/o
enrichment. Of particular interest is the amount of Co-59 in each material. From Table 4.3:
Zr-4 0.001 W0 /o
Inconel-718 0.4694 w%/o
SS304 0.08 w0/o
For the irradiation of the materials outside of the fuel region, the methodology of
Reference 8A.6-2 is used; i.e., to account for the axial flux variation and the neutron
spectrum, the flux and material quantities are modified as follows. The flux for the end
fittings and plenum are multiplied by 0.011 and 0.042, respectively. The quantity of Mn, Co,
and Zr in these regions is multiplied by 0.8, 0.67 and 0.40, respectively.
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From the ORIGEN2 run, fission gases and volatile nuclides were selected. The
following values were calculated:
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Table 8A.6-1
Nuclide QiAMfl {x0.461 (MTU/assy)}
H-3 2.084E+2 + 4.922E+2 323
Co-60 4.493E+03 2,070
Kr-85 8.235E+03 3,800
Sr-90 7.948E+04 36,600
Ru-106 1.937E+04 8,930
I-129 3.722E-02 0.0172
Cs-134 3.698E+04 17,000
Cs-137 1.11 7E+05 51,500
The concentration of gaseous nuclides at a given distance from the DTS is determined
by the method of Reference 8A.6-3, Section 1.3, assuming stable (Pasquill F) conditions and
a wind speed of 1 m/s.
This method provides short term relative concentrations (X/Q) for releases at a low
height above ground level. Unlike stack releases, ground level release relative concentration
declines monotonically with distance from the release point; so a maximum need not be
found. Short term relative concentrations are conservative because they do not account for
the fluctuations in wind speed and direction and atmospheric conditions which occur over a
longer time.
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The dose is calculated according to Reference 8A.6-4, assuming that the major dose
components are from immersion in a semi-infinite gas cloud and from inhalation. The dose
conversion factors are taken from references 8A.6-5 and 8A.6-6. The gaseous radionuclide
inventory is taken from ORIGEN2 runs for 5 years decay time. The only gaseous
radioisotopes of significance are H-3, Kr-85 and 1-129. Tritium occurs both as a fission
products and from activation in the cladding.It is assumed that 30% of the Kr-85 escapes
from the pellet into the fuel rod plenum as a free gas and that 10% of other noble gases
become free gas.
The worst scenario considered is that the HEPA filters are inoperable while the
receiving cask is open and filled with 21 fuel assemblies. Two distances from DTS are
considered; 100 m (minimum controlled boundary distance) and 500 m.
X/ Calculation
The atmospheric diffusion from vents and other building penetrations at 100 meters
(Reference 8A.6-3, Section 1.3.1) is calculated below:
X 1(1
" = I A (1)
Q U_ 1G0 +A
+2 (2)oo
Q U (3 an oyoz)(2)
X = 1
Q Uu F 0.a
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A= 7.11 mx 13.8m=98.1 m2
For 100 m, substituting into Equations (1), (2), and (3) yields:
(1) X/Q = 1 / 1(7 * 4 * 2.3 + 98.1/2) = 1.28E-2 sec/in
(2) X/Q = 1/1@l( * 3 * 4 * 2.3 ) =1.l5E-2 sec
(3) x/Q = I / l(n * 16 * 2.3) = 8.65E-3 sec/m 3
Choosing the larger of calculations (1) and (2), and the lesser of that selection and (3) yields:
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Choosing the larger of calculations (1) and (2), and the lesser of that selection and (3) yields:
The radioactive gas inventory was taken from the ORIGEN2 results. From Reference
8A.6-7, for assumptions related to the release of radioactive material from a fuel handling
accident "the gap activity in the damaged rods released consists of 10% of the total noble
gases other than Kr-85, 30% of Kr-85." Therefore a 30% release is assumed for the Kr-85
and 10% release is assumed for the I-129.
The tritium was assumed that of the gap activity, 10% is released. Cs-134 and Cs-137
are not typically considered volatile nuclide following a fuel handling accidents (Reg Guide
1.25 considers the release of noble gases and radioactive iodine following a fuel handling
accident. Other nuclides are not considered). As an estimate, these gases are considered
volatile and available for release. These are assumed to release 10% of the activity. (Table
Table 8A.6-2
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The exposure-to-dose conversion factors for inhalation effects are taken from Reference
8A6-5 and for air immersion are taken from Reference 8A6-6.
Table 8A.6-3
_ 6 _ AAAAAA_ _ _ A_ _ _ _ A_ A_ A_
.JViNW Fprfam
nnop s SVlil Tnhalation of Non-Noble Radionuclides
Dose%,m.p = R * X * DCFwm.ONjSOtOPe
01 = R * X/Q * Q * DCFww.,j. .jn
Dosej ,,O,,
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8A.6.6.2 Dose from Exposure to Semi-Infinite Cloud Effective Dose from Air
For Kr-85:
DCF-imm n Dos
Isotope (uCi-Xr/cmA3) (mrcmj W3)(uCj/cm^3!
H-3 1.86e-07 3.87E+04 7.19e-03
Kr-85 6.57e-06 2.57E+07 1.69E+02
1-129 9.90e-12 7.78E+07 7.70e-04
Subtotal (Fission Gases): 169
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IQotomp (uci=y3cm3) (mrem/yr(aCi/cm3 )
H-3 1.02E-08 3.87E+04 3.94E-04
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Table 8A.6-4
At 100 meters, the total inhalation plus immersion dose is 721 mrem.
At 500 meters, the total inhalation plus immersion dose is 39.6 mrem.
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8A.6.9 References
8A.6-2 Croff, et al, "Revised Uranium - Plutonium Cycle PWR and BWR Models for
the ORIGEN Computer Code," ORNL/TM-6051, September 1978.
8A.6-5 Environmental Protection Agency Federal Guidance Report No. 11, "Limiting
Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion
Factors for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion," EPA-520/1-88-020,
September, 1988.
8A.6-6 Environmental Protection Agency Federal Guidance Report No. 12, "External
Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil" EPA402-R-93-081,
September, 1993.
8A.6-7 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.25, (Safety Guide 25)
Assumptions used for evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a
Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Facility for Boiling
and Pressurized Water Reactors," March, 23, 1972.
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The organizational structure for the DTS is site specific and will be addressed in the
site specific license application.
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The detailed pre-operational testing program will be submitted as part of the site-
specific application. The testing shall prove compliance with the capabilities, features and
parameters presented in this Topical Report and the site-specific design and specifications
upon which approval of a specific installation is based. Testing shall progressively include
components, subsystems and complete systems. Testing shall include compliance in
manufacturing, shop and field fabrication and processes, assembly operations and interfaces
with other systems.
The monitoring function of the Control Subsystem shall be validated during the system
testing as well as all the interlocks between the equipment. Bypasses can be used to set
equipment status or conditions linked indirectly with the control (HVAC with sliding door
position for example). Bypasses can not be used to test alarms.
Structural Subsystem
Normal operations:
Test the opening and closing functions of the sliding door. Test the inflating of the
seal. Process the locking operation.
The interface with the HVAC Subsystem (including sealing effectiveness) and the TC
Cask Mating Subsystem (for HVAC) shall be tested during HVAC tests.
Interlock testing:
The opening of the sliding door is interlocked with the closed position of the two TC
port covers and the radiation monitoring information. The TC port covers shall be
placed in the "not closed" position to test the interlocks. The radiation monitoring
interface shall be tested by manually generating a radiation alarm.
HVAQ Subsystem
All components of the HVAC Subsystem shall be factory tested to ensure that design
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specifications are met. Prior to operation, the exhaust fans will be run to verify proper
operation. The heat pump and cooling units will also be run to verify that they are
operating properly.
The temperature monitoring equipment will be calibrated. The temperture sensors and
alarms will be checked by locally cooling and heating the sensors.
The temperature of the DTS will be monitored for at least 96 hours to ensure that the
system is operating properly.
Test the capability of the HVAC Subsystem to establish the pressure differential
between the three areas. Check the proper monitoring of the pressure in each room.
After establishment of the proper pressure differential between the three areas, bypass
automatic damper and fan control and check that alarms corresponding to the
incapability of the HVAC to maintain the proper pressure differential are generated.
Test the automatic switching from lead to backup fan by shutting off the lead exhaust
fan power. Test the monitoring and alarms linked to this status. Shut off the backup
exhaust fan (loss of double confinement). Check that proper alarms are activated.
Check that in each case the damper associated with the fan is closed.
Check that each damper failure (detected by the equipment) triggers an alarm and that
the failing equipment can be identified (monitoring display).
With the sliding door closed, the source and receiving cask mated, the pressure
differential between areas established, open the sliding door or disengage one or the
other cask and check that in each case the exhaust fan speed is kept constant.
Reestablish the conditions and check that the pressure differential is reestablished.
Bypasses can be used to change the conditions.
Test the positioning of the transfer trolleys, generate off-normal operations activating
different sensors (over travel, collision...) while the trolleys are running.
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Test the locking operation. Check that the monitoring system displays the locking
With the casks (or a mockup of a cask) in position, test the mating operations under
normal conditions. Visually check the platform position. Check that the vertical
positioning of the three electrical jacks and the mating status are displayed in the
Control Center.
Verify that the Cask Mating Subsystem moves to the full up position without binding.
Test the positioning of each TC port cover. Check the proper alignment of the port
covers with lines drawn on the mezzanine plate. Test off-normal operations (over
Test the locking operation when the TC port cover is open. Test the time-out
detection. Test inconsistencies between lock and port cover positions as shown in
Tables 9.2-1 and 9.2-2.
Table 9.2-1
Receiving Cask TC Port Cover Instrumentation Logic Table
Open X X 0 0
Closed X X X 0
Off Centered X X X 0
Locked 0 X X X
Unlocked 0 0 0 X
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Table 9.2-2
Open X 0 0
Closed X X 0
Locked 0 X X
Unlocked 0 0 X
Verify proper operation of manual backup system for TC port covers, including
moving platforms from worst condition positions.
Source Cask Lid and Receiving Cask Shield Plug Handling Subsystem
The two upper shield port covers opening, closing and locking functions shall be
tested independently.
Test the positioning of the upper shield port. Test off-normal operations (over travel).
Test the locking operation when the upper shield port is closed. Test the time-out
detection. Test inconsistencies between lock and shield port positions as shown in Table 9.2-
Table 9.2-3
Source and Receiving Cask Upper Shield Ports Instrumentation Logic Table
Open _ x x 0
Closed X 0 0
Locked X 0 X
Unlocked 0 0 X l
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Preoperational testing of the upper crane shall be performed in accordance with NOG-
7420. Inspections prior to performance testing shall be in accordance with NOG-7520. A
load test of the hoist and grapple will be performed at 125% of the rated load in accordance
with NOG-7523.
Perform an operation functional check on the hoist lowering and lifting. Verify that
the positions of the hoist do not result in any interferences. Verify that the grapple engages
and disengages properly. Verify that the gripping device engages and disengages properly.
Verify that all sensors are functioning including verification of proper position and function of
limit switches for positioning trolley and function of the over travel limit switches. Verify
absolute positioning of the hoist with and without load. Verify functionality of all limit
switches and associated instrumentation.
Verify that the load cell is reading correctly by lifting known loads.
Verify that the upper crane hoist can not operate of the lid/shield plug handling
grapple is not stopped in its upper z position. Verify that the upper crane trolley can not be
operated unless the upper shield ports are closed.
Verify that the upper shield ports cannot be closed unless the lid/shield plug grapple is
in the upper z position or if the hoist is loaded.
Verify that the upper shield port covers cannot be opened if the opposite TC port
cover is not closed.
Verify that the upper shield ports cannot be unlocked if the fuel handling system is in
Verify that only one upper shield port can be open at one time.
Verify that the upper shield ports cannot be locked in the closed position.
Verify that motion of the hoist is stopped when the cables are under loaded during
Verify that the motion of the hoist is automatically stopped when the grapple reaches
the upper position (with no load) and the position above the TC port cover when the cables
are loaded.
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Verify that the hoist cannot be operated unless the fuel assembly handling crane
carriage is stopped in the parking position.
Verify that the hoist cannot be used for lifting unless the grapple is totally disengaged
from the overlid or unless both the gripping device and grapple are fully engaged.
Verify that the grapple can not be disengaged if the cables are loaded or if the grapple
is not in its proper z position.
Perform a functional test to ensure that the crane carriage and the rotating platform
can move to locate the fuel transfer tube above all locations in both the source and receiving
Perform a complete checkout of the positioning system to ensure that the gross
positioning is programmed correctly. Verify that all operations can be monitored visually
with the assistance of the CCTV's.
Verify that the crane carriage and the rotating platform will not move unless the fuel
assembly grapple is in the upper z position.
Verify that the crane carriage and the rotating platform cannot be moved if the crud
catcher is not closed.
Verify that the crane carriage cannot be moved unless the two upper shield ports are
locked in the closed position. Verify that the crane carriage cannot be moved unless the two
TC port covers are locked in the open position.
Verify that the crud catcher cannot be opened unless the crane carriage is stopped in
both the x and y directions and the rotating platform is also stopped.
Verify that the crud catcher cannot be closed unless the grapple is in the upper z
Verify that the hoist operates properly under load and without load. Verify, using a
dummy fuel assembly that the pass through to the fuel transfer tube is smooth and no binding
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Verify that the grapple fully engages and disengages. Verify that disengagement will
not occur if the cable is loaded or if the grapple is not stopped in the proper position.
Verify proper operation of all sensors including verification of grapple fingers closed
and open and fuel assembly presence. Verify proper operation and readout of the load cell.
Verify proper operation of all manual backup positioning equipment and verify proper
operation of all electrical backup equipment.
The Radiation Monitoring System shall be calibrated and functionally tested prior to
operation. It is expected that these tests will be incorporated into the reactor's instrumentation
maintenance program.
Verify proper positioning of all cameras and lights. Verify that all operations which
require visual monitoring can be seen using the cameras and monitors.
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The training program plans for the DTS are site specific and will be submitted with
the site-specific license applications.
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9.4.1 Procedures
Detailed written procedures for all normal operating, maintenance, and testing
procedures will be prepared and in effect prior to operation of the DTS. These procedures are
briefly described in the following subsections.
These procedures will be expanded in detail, presented on a site specific format and
included in the submission of the
Regularly scheduled surveillance will be required, but calculations show that dose
received by personnel from anticipated activities are within the guidelines set forth in 10 CFR
20. There are no credible events during normal operations that could lead to high radiation
releases. Accident analyses in Chapter 8 also show no credible event leading to high
radiation releases.
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Operating procedures will provide instructions for the use of DTS subsystems.
Periodic test procedures will be developed to ensure that DTS subsystems, equipment,
and components are observed on a routine basis to verify operability.
Quality assurance procedures will be established to ensure that the operation and
maintenance of the DTS is performed in accordance with 1OCFR72 Subpart G or 1OCFR50
Appendix B, as applicable.
9.4.2 Records
Records will be maintained in accordance with the site specific program and will be
described in the site specific license application.
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The site specific Emergency Plan will describe the organization, assessment actions,
conditions for activation of the emergency organization, notification procedures, emergency
facilities and equipment, training, provisions for maintaining emergency preparedness, and
recovery criteria used at the site utilizing the DTS.
A comprehensive analysis of the DTS due to various accidents has been performed
and is presented in Chapter 8. For each postulated accident, appropriate corrective action and
recovery procedures, which would minimize the consequences of the accident, have been
Detailed emergency plans will rely heavily on the emergency services and
organizations available at the on-site reactor. Details of how the DTS will be incorporated
into the Emergency Plans will be provided by the utility applying for certification of a
specific site.
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The DTS is designed so that the major components can be disassembled and
transported as LSA material to a new site for reuse. The concrete structure, interior walls and
floor, can be decontaminated and disposed of as either low level waste, or preferably, as
normal debris, minor equipment items will be disposed as low level waste.
The DTS is designed to confine contamination within its three areas. After each
completed dry transfer, equipment and structure surfaces of the DTS are decontaminated to
levels that permit maintenance activities. The level of radiation and the contamination in the
three areas is expected to be low. This approach facilitates decontamination at the
termination of the DTS use.
All three areas will be vacuumed to remove any loose contamination. Each equipment
item will be wiped with damp cloths, surveyed and removed to appropriate disposition. The
only equipment which is expected to present high contamination levels is the fuel transfer
tube and its associated crud catcher. Efforts will be taken to decontaminate the fuel transfer
tube. If unsuccessful, the fuel transfer tube may be disposed of. All other major equipment
which is decontaminated on site will be packed and transported to the next location. This
equipment includes: upper crane, CCTV and lighting, fuel assembly handling, cask mating,
upper shield cover, roof plate, cask mating, TC port cover handling, mezzanine plate, cask
transfer, cask, lid handling, HVAC. Only the sliding door, the protective cover, and concrete
structure will not be removed.
Once only the shell of the DTS remains, the inside walls of will be cleaned as
required. The walls of the DTS are painted to facilitate decontamination and to prevent the
need for scabbling the concrete.
No residual contamination is expected to be left behind outside the DTS. The rails
and peripheral utility structure will be decommissioned when all equipment inside the DTS
building is removed.
Decommissioning is estimated to use a 5 member crew and last for 60 days. Waste
from decontamination and decommissioning will consist of cloths, protective clothing from
workers, HEPA filters, and minor equipment.
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Demolition of the DTS structure is not included in this waste volume estimate. The
DTS building is not expected to be contaminated following cleaning and it will be demolished
and disposed of through standard construction methods.
The DTS is designed for its ease of decontamination. The fuel during the fuel transfer
process is enclosed in a steel tube with a crud catcher. The majority of crud from a fuel
assembly is expected to be captured by this crud catcher. When the fuel is lowered into the
receiving cask, this spalled material is expected to fall into the receiving cask. Therefore, the
amount of loose contamination in the DTS is expected to be minimal.
The concrete walls are coated with paint to eliminate the need to scabble the concrete.
The painted walls will only require wiping with damp cloths or at most high pressure water
cleaning for decontamination.
Due to the design features of the DTS, the amount of material requiring disposal
generated from decontamination is minimal.
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The physical security and safeguards and contingency plans are site specific and will
be discussed in the site specific license applications.
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The general areas where controls and limits are necessary for safe operations of the
DTS system are shown in Table 10.1-1. The conditions and other items to be controlled have
been selected based on the safety assessments for normal and accident conditions provided
mainly in Chapter 8.
In addition to the operating controls and limits proposed herein, there will be specific
operating controls related to welding of the receiving cask lids, inerting of the receiving cask,
and site specific controls. These controls and limits will be specified in the site application.
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Table 10.1-1
General Areas Where Controls and Limits are Necessary
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This section provides a description and discussion of the operating controls and limits
specified in this Topical Report. These specifications cover generic issues associated with the
operation of the DTS so as to ensure the protection of operators, the environment and the
public's health and safety. Any additional operating controls and limits on site specific issues
will be supplied by site license applicants.
10.2.1 Functional and Operational Limits. Monitoring Instruments and Limiting Control
This category of operating controls and limits applies to operating variables that are
observable and measurable during operation of the DTS.
Specification: The source cask shall provide shielding for the design basis fuel at least
as well as the design basis fuel. The maximum contact dose rate at
axial midpoint on the top of the cask shall not exceed 250 mrern/hr.
The maximum contact dose rate at the radial midpoint at the side of the
cask shall not exceed 300 mrem/hr. (Gamma and Neutron)
Objective: Ensure that the operational dose rates to workers are within site
acceptance criteria and ALARA.
Action: Casks with higher surface dose rates will not be permitted inside the
Surveillance: Surface dose rates on all incoming source casks will be surveyed. Alignment of the Source Cask or Receiving Cask with the TCS
Specification: All source casks and receiving casks must mate properly with the cask
mating system.
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Objective: Maintain confinement between the Lower Access Area and the TCS to
minimize the spread of contamination and ensure proper alignment.
Action: If cask will not fitup properly, operators can investigate the cask mating
system by entering the lower access area after verification that both
casks are closed, and that radiation levels within the Lower Access Area
are low enough to permit entry.
Surveillance: The mating of the casks with the cask mating subsystem will be verified
by video camera from the Control Center. Shield plug or source cask
lid removal will not be performed prior to verification of proper fitup.
Basis: ALARA
Specification: All source casks and receiving casks must interface with the DTS to
ensure proper operation.
Objective: Ensure that the DTS will properly function, and prevent operational
Action: All cask designs shall be verified to ensure that the cask height,
diameter, inside diameter, lid diameter, shield plug diameter, fuel cell
opening, trunnion sizes and locations and pintle dimensions are
acceptable for proper interface with the DTS.
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Decay Heat /
Fuel Assembly < 0.74 kW
Objective: To avoid exceeding the ranges for which the thermal, shielding,
criticality and release calculations are valid.
Action: Spent Fuel which do not meet these specifications may not be
transferred in the DTS.
Basis: The basic design of the DTS against the physical and radiological
parameters specified.
Title: Locking of Source Cask and Receiving Cask Trolleys in the Preparation
Area and the Lower Access Area.
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Action: The cask trolleys will be locked in place in the Preparation Area prior
to removing the lid bolts of the source cask and prior to initiating
closure operations on the receiving cask. Both cask trolleys will be
locked in place in the Lower Access Area after positioning of the cask
below the opening in the Mezzanine plate.
Action: Cask shall be securely fastened to the trolley prior to movement of the
trolley into the Preparation Area.
Applicability: Cranes
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Applicability: Fuel Handling Crane Grapple, Cask Mating Subsystem Gripping Device
and Upper Crane Grapple
Objective: Ensure grapples stay engaged while under load, can be easily
disengaged with no load, and all sensors operate properly.
Action: Full check out of grapple and gripping device operations including
operational testing of all sensors, load indicators, and grapple
movements prior to first use and during each scheduled maintenance
Applicability: Fuel Handling Crane, Cask Mating Subsystem, Shield Plug and Source
Cask Lid Handling Subsystem, Cask Transfer Subsystems
Action: 1. Prior to first use of the DTS, all equipment shall go through
complete system functional testing including verification of
proper positioning of all sensors, proper indications, proper
activation of interlocks, proper disengagement of interlocks
through the use of bypasses. This shall include functional
testing of all backup instrumentation.
Basis: Assurance that operators and the control system are provided with
accurate information from the equipment.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Applicability: Upper shield port cover locking in closed position and TC port cover
locking in open position.
Objective: Upper shield port covers: Ensure that radiation dose rates on the roof
of the DTS are within calculated values, thus ensuring that off-site dose
rates are within allowable limits.
Action: The upper shield port cover will be locked in the closed position during
fuel transfer. The TC port covers will be locked in the open position
during fuel transfer.
Surveillance: Verification that sensors and interlocks are working properly prior to
first use and during scheduled maintenance periods. Verification of
proper operation and fitup of locking devices prior to first use.
Specification: Upper crane must align with the lifting pintle on the cask mating
Objective: Ensure proper fitup and operability of grapple and gripping device.
Action: Locate crane above each cask opening and engage and disengage with
overlid pintle.
Basis: Ensure that source cask lid and shield plug can be removed and
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Objective: Ensure proper fitup and operability of grapple and gripping device.
Specification: Fuel Handling Subsystem must be able to safely lift one fuel assembly
out of the source cask and place it into a specified location in the
receiving cask.
Action: Demonstrate using a dummy fuel assembly that the fuel handg
subsystem works properly prior to first use of the DTS. Full
operational testing would include verification of crud catcher operation,
full operation of bridge, trolley and rotating platform and all sensors.
Verification of all computer assisted positioning.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Basis: The fuel handling subsystem must transfer fuel from the source cask to
the receiving cask.
Specification: The sliding door must properly shield the preparation area from
radiation during fuel transfer.
Action: Sliding Door must interlock with radiation monitoring system to ensure
that door will not be opened during fuel transfer. Sliding door must
provide adequate shielding during fuel transfer.
Limiting conditions for operation of equipment, systems and components (in terms of lowest
acceptable level of performance, minimum number of components available, etc.) will be
concerned with operating systems.
Technical conditions and characteristics are provided in terms of allowable levels of operating
variables which are measured before operation of the equipment is permitted. Also included
in this section are interlocks which automatically inhibit operations unless certain conditions
are met.
Specification: Fans are running. Pressure differences across HEPA filters within
range, typically 1-4 in. wg. Pressures in each of the DTS areas (TCA,
Lower Access Area, and Preparation Area) are within range.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Action: If fans are not running, shift to backup system. Investigate cause of
problem and repair. Adjust flow rates to ensure pressure differentials.
Surveillance: Check flows, pressure differentials and operation of fans before starting
each shift. Replace filters when casks are moved out of Lower Access
Area if required, and as part of scheduled maintenance.
Action: If filters fail test, change them. Also change filters as part of scheduled
Specification: Air samples from the exhaust stack shall be monitored and meet site
specific limits.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Action: The exhaust stack will be equipped with a continuous air monitor,
which collects and monitors airborne particulate, iodine and noble gases.
This will be addressed in the sit e specific health physics control procedure.
Action: Loaded trolleys will not be moved until casks are sedurely fastened.
Basis: The cask holddown devices are designed against the design basis
earthquake loadings assuming that they are securely fastened. Interlocks
Title: Interlocks
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Action: Interlocks are provided per Table 5.4-1 which prevent the operator from
performing operations which would result in an unsafe condition.
Basis: DTS is designed so that operators cannot render the system unsafe by
incorrect commands.
This section addresses the routine checking or continuous monitoring carried out to
ensure that no undetected radiation or gas leak may occur tend to ensure no degradation of air
flow through the DTS.
Objective: To warn operators of high radiation fields where they might otherwise
be working.
Action: If alarm triggered, evacuate/do not enter affected area. Supervisor will
arrange to find source of radiation and correct fault under health physics
Surveillance: Permanent monitoring with alarms locally, in the Control Center and
repeated as a general alarm in the on-site Reactor Control Room.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Applicability These will be addressed in the site specific
Objective Health Physics Procedure
Specification: If a tornado watch or warning is issued for the vicinity of the DTS, the
DTS will be shut down.
Applicability: Any tornado watch or warning within a specified radius of the DTS.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
Basis: Ensure that the fuel assemblies can be removed from the DTS safely
after the DTS is struck by a tornado missile.
Any minor changes in the design of essential equipment to suit specific site
requirements will be covered in site-specific license applications. Control of further changes
will be addressed then, and therefore no design controls are provided in this Topical Report.
Site specific license applications will contain a full description and discussion of
organization and administrative systems and procedures, record keeping, review, audit and
reporting necessary to ensure that the operation of the DTS is performed in a safe manner.
Therefore, no administrative controls are provided in this report.
DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
This chapter describes the quality assurance controls which apply to activities that
affect the components and systems important to safety. "Quality Assurance" includes quality
control, which comprises those quality assurance actions related to control of the physical
characteristics and quality of the material or components to predetermined requirements.
The design of the DTS was performed in accordance with Transnuclear Quality
Assurance Program that has been established in conformance with the requirements of 10
CFR 72, Subpart G. -Likewise, the organizations that select the site, construct the facility,
fabricate and install the equipment, test the systems, operate the systems and decommission
the facility and site shall have a Quality Assurance Program appropriate to these activities.
The QA programs shall be implemented for all activities which are important to safety
including those that are subcontracted for this project. The components and systems
important to safety are listed in Section 3.4, "Classification of Structures, Components and
Supplier organizations and their subcontractors shall be made aware of the mandatory
QA requirements including the applicability of Codes and Standards by identifying such in
procurement documents. These requirements must cover the activities identified throughout
the life of the activity.
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DOE - DTS - TSAR Rev. 0
September 30, 1996
A copy of TN's Quality Assurance Program for Design, Fabrication, Inspection and
Testing of Storage Systems for Spent Fuel and Associated Radioactive Materials (E-9213) is
enclosed attached as Appendix 1IA.I for reference.
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Rev 2
Transnuclear, Inc.
Two Skyline Drive
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Rev 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
1. Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3. Design Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6. Document Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
10. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
18. Audits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Appendix A
Matrix of Existing QA Procedures Against the
Applicable Criteria of Appendix B of 10 CFR 50.
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C ( E-9213 (
Rev 1
Qualification of QA Program X X X X X X X X
Audit Personnel
Qualification of Operations X X X X X X X X
Control of Engineering X X X X X X
3.2 Design Control
Procurement Document X X X X X X X X X X X X
Preparation and Control
of Commercial Grade Items
Drawing Control X X X X X X
C C E-9213 (
Rev I
C if
E-9213 (
Rev 1
18.3 QA Audits X X X X X X X X X