Pathfit. Mod.2 Reviewer

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FITT PRINCIPLES Principle of Specificity

The body will adapt specifically to the

The FITT Principles are an
workload it experienced. It implies that
exercise prescription to help participants
improvements in fitness level will be
understand how long and how hard they
limited to the activities that one is
should exercise. The acronym FITT stands
for: performing.
Principles of Individuality
Frequency – how often you do physical states that no two persons are the same
activity in a week and that their rate of adaptation to the
Intensity – How hard you are working same workload differs. This principle
while performing the activity emphasizes the need to create an exercise
program that is individual-specific.
Time – How long you are doing the
activity Principles of Reversibility
- is another way of stating the principle of
Type – What type of activity you are doing disuse. If your energy systems are not
When adopting or modifying a physical utilized, they deteriorate to a level that
activity routine, it is important to set matches your level of activity. It indicates
realistic goals. that disuse or inactivity results in loss of
benefits achieved in overloading.
 Specific is the what, where and
how of the goal.
 Measurable is how you will
evaluate whether or not you met the What is core?
goal. It is central part of your body. Core
 Achievable is setting a goal that is a group of muscles that stabilizes and
you can accomplish. controls the pelvis and spine. Core
 Realistic is setting a goal that is strength is less about power and more
challenging, but attainable. about the subtleties of being able to
 Timely relates to when you want to maintain the body in ideal postures — to
achieve your goal by, and what time unload the joints and promote ease of
frame you have to reach your goal. movement.

Principles of Exercise Your core is your entire support

Training system.
Your core muscles play a huge role
Principle of Overload in your everyday activities, from getting
most basic principle of exercise. This out of bed, to walking down the street,
principle states that the only way to gain and bending over to grab your purse-but,
health benefit through physical activity most importantly, they literally help you
involvement is to place a higher demand stay upright.
on the body to exert more effort than it Core strength is crucial in every
normally does.
movement you do
Principle of Progression
"A weak core is the number-one risk for
This explains that the level of the intensity
potential injuries, especially lower-back
of your exercise should be increased
Core exercises improve your balance Understanding Muscle
and stability Contractions
The stomach muscles sometimes are
Isotonic Contraction
called abs. Core exercises train the
muscles in your core to work in harmony. Isotonic contractions are those
in which there is consistent tension
MUSCLE CONTRACTION as the muscle length changes. These
Muscle contraction is the can be either concentric (muscle
tightening, shortening, or lengthening of shortening) or eccentric (muscle
muscles when you do some activity. It can elongation).
happen when you hold or pick up
something, or when you stretch or Concentric Contractions
exercise with weights. Muscle contraction This type of contraction happens
is often followed by muscle relaxation, when your muscle is actively shortened.
when contracted muscles return to their
normal state. Eccentric Contractions.

Why Do Muscles Contract? This type of contraction happens

when your muscle is actively lengthened
Muscles serve several purposes in during normal activity.
your body. Your muscles contract for any
number of reasons, but they primarily do Isometric Contraction.
the following: This type of muscle contraction
Offer stability to your joints and happens when your muscle is actively
connective tissues – Your muscles held at a set length.
lengthen and shorten, sometimes Or as if your holding something.
involuntarily, as your body needs them.
Key Terms
Produce heat to maintain your body
temperature – Around 40% of your body’s  Isometric: A muscular contraction
temperature converts into muscle work. in which the length of the muscle
Shivering is your body’s response to does not change.
feeling cold, and your skeletal muscles  Isotonic: A muscular contraction
activate to warm your body. in which the length of the muscle
Maintain posture – Muscles help changes.
you maintain a position like sitting or  Eccentric: An isotonic contraction
standing. where the muscle lengthens.
 Concentric: An isotonic
How Your Muscles Contract contraction where the muscle
Your muscles contain fibers called shortens.
myosin. Depending on how you need to
use your muscles, the myosin fibers
either tighten up and shorten or loosen up
and stretch out. Myosin is also
responsible for muscle contractions like
your heartbeat that happens at regular

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