BSC Bs All Specialisms - 2021 22

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Programme Specification (Undergraduate)

For 2021/22 entry

Date amended: 1 August 2023

1. Programme title(s) and UCAS code(s):

BSc Biological Sciences C100

BSc Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) C700

BSc Biological Sciences (Genetics) C400

BSc Biological Sciences (Microbiology) C500

BSc Biological Sciences (Physiology with Pharmacology) B1B2

BSc Biological Sciences (Zoology) C300

BSc Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) - B140

With optional Year in Industry or Year Abroad (in Europe, USA or Japan)

2. Awarding body or institution:

University of Leicester

3. a) Mode of study: Full time

b) Type of study: Campus-based

4. Registration periods:

The normal period of registration is three years (four years for degrees ‘with a year in

The maximum period of registration is five years (six years for degrees ‘with a year in

5. Typical entry requirements:

A-levels: typical offer AAB/ABB, normally including at least two relevant science subjects from
Biology (preferred), Chemistry, Physics or Maths.

EPQ with A-levels: typical offer BBB + EPQ at grade B. A-level subjects to include two relevant
science subjects from Biology (preferred), Chemistry, Physics or Maths. General Studies not
GCSE: At least Grade C in both English Language and Maths (if not held at A-level)

Access to HE Diploma: Pass relevant diploma with 45 credits at level three, with distinctions in
some subjects.

International Baccalaureate: Pass Diploma with 32/30 points, including at least two relevant
science subjects at Grade 6 at higher level.

BTEC Nationals: Pass relevant Diploma with DDD plus five GCSEs at B or above including two
relevant sciences.

6. Accreditation of Prior Learning:

Direct 2nd year entry is considered subject to completion of a level 4 programme of

comparable content to those studies in year 1 of this programme, passing all modules and with
a year mark of at least 65%.

7. Programme aims:

The programme aims to provide:

• a flexible teaching and learning programme of high quality that is informed by an active
research environment in which students develop their own interests

• a stimulating and supportive working environment;

• an education that will enable graduates to follow a variety of careers including higher degrees
and research;

and to enable students to:

• have a broad appreciation of biological sciences or of biomedical and related disciplines with
an emphasis on human health and disease, and advanced knowledge of one or more areas
including appreciation of aspects of the underpinning research;

• develop a range of skills including practical and transferable skills;

• gain experience, within the 4 year Industry/abroad options, by working in in an external

research laboratory or an American, Japanese or another European University.

8. Reference points used to inform the programme specification:

• QAA Benchmarking Statement

• University of Leicester Learning and Teaching Strategy 2016-2020
• University of Leicester Periodic Developmental Review Report
• External Examiners’ reports (annual)
9. Programme Outcomes:

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning How Demonstrated?

Outcomes Methods
(a) Discipline specific knowledge and competencies
(i) Mastery of an appropriate body of knowledge
Demonstrate an Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination, coursework (e.g.
awareness of main practical classes, computer practical reports, written
principles of biological classes, discussions, fieldwork, reports, data analysis, field
sciences, biomedical research projects, group work, reports, oral presentations,
sciences and related directed reading, resource- group reports, video
disciplines and explain based learning, and private production, poster production,
core concepts of their study. dissertation)
chosen discipline.
Describe current areas of
advance in their chosen
(ii) Understanding and application of key concepts and techniques
Describe and apply safely Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
appropriate experimental practical classes, computer
procedures in biological classes, discussions, fieldwork,
sciences, biomedical research projects, group work,
sciences and related directed reading, resource-
disciplines. based learning, and private
Apply a scientific approach
to the solution of
problems in the context of
their chosen
specializations and
appreciate the rationale of
experimental design.
Explain core concepts of
their chosen discipline.
(iii) Critical analysis of key issues
Demonstrate a capacity Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
for critical scientific practical classes, computer
analysis of issues in the classes, discussions, fieldwork,
context of biological research projects, group work,
sciences, biomedical directed reading, resource-
sciences and related based learning, and private
disciplines study.
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning How Demonstrated?
Outcomes Methods
(iv) Clear and concise presentation of material
Communicate orally and in Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
writing concepts and practical classes, computer
arguments in biological classes, discussions, fieldwork,
Sciences, biomedical research projects, group work,
sciences and related directed reading, resource-
disciplines. based learning, and private
(v) Critical appraisal of evidence with appropriate insight
Demonstrate the capacity Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
to analyse and criticise practical classes, computer
evidence from both classes, discussions, fieldwork,
experimental procedures research projects, group work,
and the literature. directed reading, resource-
based learning, and private
(vi) Other discipline specific competencies
In the year in Laboratory work, research Research report, practical
industry/abroad project reports.
programmes, demonstrate
the capacity to work in an
industrial or other
research laboratory or
study in another
European, American or
Japanese University.
(b) Transferable skills
(i) Oral communication
Communicate orally, with Tutorials, seminars, practical Oral presentations, group
clarity and coherence, classes, computer classes, reports, tutorials.
concepts and arguments discussions, fieldwork,
in biological sciences, research projects, group work.
biomedical sciences and
related disciplines.
(ii) Written communication
Communicate in writing, Tutorials, seminars, practical Examination and coursework
with clarity and classes, computer classes,
coherence, concepts and discussions, fieldwork,
arguments in biological research projects, group work.
sciences, biomedical
sciences and related
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning How Demonstrated?
Outcomes Methods
(iii) Information technology
Demonstrate the effective Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
use of IT for accessing practical classes, computer
databases and scientific classes, discussions, fieldwork,
literature; manipulating, research projects, group work,
processing and presenting directed reading, resource-
data; presenting written based learning, and private
assignments. study.
(iv) Numeracy
Understand and Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
manipulate numerical practical classes, computer
data, solve problems using classes, discussions, fieldwork,
a variety of methods and research projects, group work,
apply numerical and directed reading, resource-
statistical techniques to based learning, and private
data analysis. study.
(v) Team working
Demonstrate the ability to Tutorials, group work, Group reports, use of class
work as part of a group research projects. data to generate practical
(vi) Problem solving
Apply a scientific approach Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
to the solution of practical classes, computer
problems in the context of classes, discussions, fieldwork,
their chosen research projects, group work,
specialisations and directed reading, resource-
appreciate the rationale of based learning, and private
experimental design. study.
(vii) Information handling
Demonstrate the capacity Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination and coursework
to access a variety of practical classes, computer
resource materials and to classes, discussions, fieldwork,
analyse evidence from research projects, group work,
both experimental directed reading, resource-
procedures and the based learning, and private
literature. study.
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning How Demonstrated?
Outcomes Methods
(viii) Skills for lifelong learning
Demonstrate the Lectures, tutorials, seminars, Examination, coursework,
acquisition of the skills practical classes, computer personal development
and attributes necessary classes, discussions, fieldwork, planning.
for lifelong learning, research projects, group work,
including: intellectual directed reading, resource-
independence, effective based learning, private study,
time management, the career development
ability to work as part of a programme.
team, the use of IT and
the capacity to access and
utilise a variety of
resource materials.

10. Progression points:

In cases where a student has failed to meet a requirement to progress he or she will be
required to withdraw from the course.

The programme follows the standard scheme of progression set out in Senate Regulation 5
with the following additional requirements.

The Board of Examiners reserves the right to determine the progression of students who carry
failed credits but have the right to a further resit: where these credits are in modules that are
pre-requisite for subsequent modules or where the student has a low overall level of
attainment, the Board can require the student to resit the failed modules without residence
rather than proceed to the next year carrying failed modules to be resat alongside the current

In cases where a student has failed to meet a requirement to progress he or she will be
required to withdraw from the course

11. Scheme of Assessment

The programme follows the standard scheme of award and classification set out in Senate
Regulation 5.

12. Special features:

Students receive a broad education in biological sciences, biomedical sciences and related
disciplines in the first year, along with training in key skills. As the course progresses into the
second and third years the students have the flexibility to specialise progressively within the
specified subject streams or to retain a broader perspective. Opportunities are available to take
placements within related industries, or to study in other European, American or Japanese

The School has a strong reputation for research and the range of staff expertise enables
provision of research-led programmes that offer breadth and depth.

13. Indications of programme quality

External examiner evaluations.

14. External Examiner(s) reports

The details of the External Examiner(s) for this programme and the most recent External
Examiners’ reports for this programme can be found at exampapers@Leicester [log-in

Appendix 1: Programme structure (programme regulations)

Appendix 2: Module specifications

See module specification database

Appendix 3: Skills matrix

Appendix 1: Programme structure (programme regulations)

BSc Biological Sciences

Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core module:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2009 Genomes (15)

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1
BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2014 Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)

BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

BS2066 Behavioural Neurobiology (15)

BS2077 Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour (15)

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry (option)

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Semester 1

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)


iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3000 Evolutionary Genetics (15)

BS3010 Gene Expression: Molecular Basis & Medical Relevance (15)

BS3015 Molecular and Cellular Immunology (15)

BS3031 Human Genetics (15)

BS3054 Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology (15)

BS3055 Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience (15)

BS3064 Comparative Neurobiology (15)

BS3068 Microbial Biotechnology (15)

BS3070 Structural Biology (15)

NT3100 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

BS3016 Neuroscience Futures (15)

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

BS3056 Cellular Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (15)

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)

BS3080 Behavioural Ecology (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions

BSc Biological Sciences (Biochemistry)
Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core modules:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2009 Genomes (15)

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

Choose ONE or TWO modules from:

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2014 Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)

BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

BS2066 Behavioural Neurobiology (15)

BS2077 Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour (15)

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Semester 1

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)


iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

Plus core modules:

BS3070 Structural Biology (15)

BS3010 Gene Expression: Molecular Basis & Medical Relevance (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

Semester 2

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1
BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

BS3016 Neuroscience Futures (15)

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

BS3056 Cellular Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (15)

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)

BS3080 Behavioural Ecology (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions.

BSc Biological Sciences (Genetics)
Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core modules:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

BS2009 Genomes (15)

Choose ONE or TWO modules from:

Semester 1

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

Semester 2

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

Semester 1

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core modules:

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

Semester 2

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2014 Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)

BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

BS2066 Behavioural Neurobiology (15)

BS2077 Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour (15)

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Semester 1

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)


iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

Plus core modules:

BS3000 Evolutionary Genetics (15)

BS3031 Human Genetics (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Choose ONE OR TWO modules from:

BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

BS3016 Neuroscience Futures (15)

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

BS3056 Cellular Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (15)

BS3080 Behavioural Ecology (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions.

BSc Biological Sciences (Microbiology)
Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core modules:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2009 Genomes (15)

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core modules:

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)


BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2014 Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

BS2066 Behavioural Neurobiology (15)

BS2077 Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour (15)

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Semester 1

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)

iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

Choose THREE OR FOUR modules from:

Semester 1

BS3015 Molecular and Cellular Immunology (15)

BS3068 Microbial Biotechnology (15)


BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

Semester 1

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3000 Evolutionary Genetics (15)

BS3010 Gene Expression: Molecular Basis & Medical Relevance (15)

BS3031 Human Genetics (15)

BS3054 Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology (15)

BS3055 Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience (15)

BS3064 Comparative Neurobiology (15)

NT3100 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1
BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

BS3016 Neuroscience Futures (15)

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

BS3056 Cellular Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (15)

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)

BS3080 Behavioural Ecology (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions.

BSc Biological Sciences (Physiology with Pharmacology)
Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core modules:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

Choose ONE or TWO modules from:

Semester 1

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

Semester 2

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

Semester 1

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2009 Genomes (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS2014 Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)

BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

BS2077 Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour (15)

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry (option)

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Semester 1

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)


iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

Core module:

BS3054 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (15)

Choose TWO or THREE modules from:

Semester 1

BS3055 Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (15)

Semester 2

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

MB3057 Current and Future Therapeutics (15)

Semester 1
For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3064 Comparative Neurobiology (15)

BS3000 Evolutionary Genetics (15)

BS3010 Gene Expression: Molecular Basis & Medical Relevance (15)

BS3015 Molecular & Cellular Immunology (15)

BS3031 Human Genetics (15)

BS3068 Microbial Biotechnology (15)

BS3070 Structural Biology (15)

NT3100 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS3056 Cellular Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)

BS3080 Behavioural Ecology (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project 15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions.

BSc Biological Sciences (Zoology)
Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core modules:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

Choose THREE OR FOUR modules from:

Semester 1

BS2009 Genomes (15)

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

Semester 2

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

Semester 1

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS2077 Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2014 Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)

BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry (option)

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)


iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

Choose THREE OR FOUR modules from:

Semester 1

BS3064 Comparative Neurobiology (15)

Semester 2

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)

BS3080 Behavioural Ecology (15)

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

Semester 1

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3000 Evolutionary Genetics (15) (Recommended module)

BS3010 Gene Expression: Molecular Basis & Medical Relevance (15)

BS3015 Molecular and Cellular Immunology (15)

BS3031 Human Genetics (15)

BS3054 Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology (15)

BS3055 Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience (15)

BS3068 Microbial Biotechnology (15)

BS3070 Structural Biology (15)

NT3100 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

BS3016 Neuroscience Futures (15)

BS3056 Cellular Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions.

BSc Biological Sciences (Neuroscience)
Year 1

Semester 1

BS1030 The Molecules of Life – An Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology (30)

BS1040 The Cell - An Introduction to Microbiology & Cell Biology (30)

Semester 2

BS1050 From Individuals to Populations - An Introduction to Genetics (15)

BS1060 Multicellular Organisation - An Introduction to Physiology, Pharmacology and

Neuroscience (30)

BS1070 Biodiversity & Behaviour - An Introduction to Zoology (15)

Year 2

Semester 1

Core modules:

BS2000 Research Topic (15)

BS2015 Physiology of Excitable Cells (15)

Choose ONE or TWO modules from:

Semester 1

BS2013 Physiology and Pharmacology (15)

Semester 2

BS2040 Bioinformatics (15)

Semester 1

For semester 1, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2009 Genomes (15)

BS2030 Principles of Microbiology (15)

BS2092 Molecular and Cell Biology (15)

MB2020 Medical Microbiology (15)

BS2059 Global Change Biology and Conservation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS2066 Behavioural Neurobiology (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS2004 Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis (15)

BS2026 Genes, Development & Inheritance (15)

BS2032 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (15)

BS2033 Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (with Science Enterprise Trip) (15)

BS2078 A Field Guide to Evolution (15)

BS2091 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (15)

BS2093 Protein Control in Cellular Regulation (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

With a Year in Industry (option)

Core module:

BS3400 Year in Industry Research Placement (0) (Year-long)

Year 3

Semester 1

Core modules

Research Project: 30/45 credits.

Choose ONE from the following five options:

i) BS3101 Experimental Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


ii) BS3201 Analytical Research Project (30)


iii) BS3301 Education Research Project A (15) and

BS3302 Education Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)


iv) BS3401 Steered Experimental Research Project (30)


v) BS3501 Field Research Project A (15) and

BS3102 Experimental Research Project B (30) (Year-long module)

Core module:

BS3055 Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience (15)

Choose TWO or THREE modules from:

Semester 1

BS3064 Comparative Neurobiology (15)

BS3054 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (15)

Semester 2

BS3033 Physiology, Pharmacology and Behaviour (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

Semester 2

Core module:

BS3016 Neuroscience Futures (15)

For semester 2, make the credits add up to 60 by choosing from the modules listed below: 1

BS3003 Cancer Cell & Molecular Biology (15)

BS3011 Microbial Pathogenesis and Genomics (15)

BS3013 Human and Environmental Microbiomics (15)

BS3073 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (15)BS3080 Behavioural Ecology


MB3057 Current and Future Therapeutics (15)

NT3200 Sustainability Enterprise Partnership Project (15)

Semester total: 60 credits

1 Module selection subject to timetable restrictions.

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