Employment Law LLM

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Programme Specification (Postgraduate) FOR ENTRY YEAR: 2023/24

Date created: 21/04/2021 Last amended: 30/11/2022 Version no. 1

1. Programme title(s) and code(s)

LLM in Employment Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Employment Law
Postgraduate Certificate in Employment Law*
* An award marked with an asterisk is only available as an exit award and is not available for students
to register onto.
HECOS Code %
100485 100%

2. Awarding body or institution

University of Leicester

3. a) Mode of study
b) Type of study
Distance learning

4. Registration periods
The normal period of registration for the LLM is 24 months
The maximum period of registration for the LLM is 48 months

The normal period of registration for the PG Diploma is 24 months

The maximum period of registration for the PG Diploma is 48 months

5. Typical entry requirements

Either a first or good second class honours degree or hold an approved professional qualification,
coupled with suitable practical experience.

6. Accreditation of Prior Learning


7. Programme aims
The programme aims:
• To provide an understanding of the legal basis of individual and collective employment
• To provide a working knowledge of the UK and European Union statutes and case law in the
employment sphere, and international instruments relating to employment law.
• To identify change in the structure of the contemporary labour market and contemporary
employment relations.
• To provide an understanding of the legal regulation and of the variation in the terms of
• To appreciate the scope and limitation of the law in relation to combating discrimination and
providing for equal opportunities.
• To understand the legal regulation of termination of employment, including alternative
dispute resolution.
• To analyse the role of collective bargaining and employee participation in the workplace and
the provision of a legal framework within which these activities may take place.
• To consider the interaction between national and supra-national law, including the
relationship between human rights and employment law.

8. Reference points used to inform the programme specification

• QAA Benchmarking Statement
• Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
• UK Quality Code for Higher Education
• University Learning Strategy
• University Assessment Strategy
• University of Leicester Periodic Developmental Review Report
• External Examiners’ reports (annual)
• United Nations Education for Sustainable Development Goals
• Student Destinations Data

9. Programme Outcomes
Unless otherwise stated, programme outcomes apply to all awards specified in 1. Programme title(s).
Discipline specific knowledge and competencies
i) Knowledge
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Employment law: Advanced Reading of course materials, Assessed essays, group discussion
knowledge of United Kingdom independent research, tutorials, and the dissertation.
and related EU and lectures, and seminars at residential
international law on teaching events and study schools,
employment relations. plus mid-module webinars

ii) Concepts
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Enhanced grasp of legal Reading of course materials, Assessed essays, group discussion
principles and concepts relating independent research, tutorials, and the dissertation.
to UK law and, where relevant, lectures, and seminars residential
European and international teaching events and study schools
employment law.

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iii) Techniques
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Command of bibliography, Reading of course materials, Assessed essays, group discussion,
research methods, writing, and independent research, tutorials, discussion board, and the
critical skills. lectures, and seminars at residential dissertation.
teaching events and study schools,
plus online workshop on study skills

iv) Critical analysis

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to apply command of Independent research, preparation Assessed essays, group discussion,
concepts and techniques with for assessed essays and the discussion board, and the
independence, rigour and dissertation dissertation.

v) Presentation
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to organise reading and Writing guide, course materials, Assessed essays, group discussion,
research material in a manner seminars and independent research, blackboard discussion boards, and
appropriate to the assessment plus online workshop on study skills. the dissertation.
Ability to be discriminating in
the use of material having
regard to relevance.
Writing essays and the
dissertation to a professional
standard using the conventions
of the discipline.

vi) Appraisal of evidence

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to analyse and assess a Writing guide, course materials and Assessed essays and the dissertation.
complex variety of sources both independent research, plus
primary and secondary. Foundations of Law online workshop
and online workshop on study skills.
Ability to mount and sustain an
independent level of enquiry at
an advanced level.

Transferable skills
i) Research skills
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Progressive improvement in the Through progression through the Assessed essays, discussion groups,
ability to locate, organise and course modules; use of research and the dissertation.
marshal evidence, report on techniques, participation in seminars
findings, analyse complex ideas and tutorials at residential teaching
and construct sophisticated events and study schools.
critical arguments

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ii) Communication skills
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to present written work Writing guide; feedback on assessed Assessed essays, group discussions
cogently and clearly, and to essays as course progresses; and the dissertation.
participate in group discussion proposals event for the dissertation;
at residential events. working with supervisor on
Ability to respond to questions,
defend ideas, and to contribute
to discussion.

iii) Data presentation

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to present written work Writing guide; online workshop on Assessed essays and the dissertation.
clearly and effectively using study skills; feedback on assessed
appropriate IT resources and essays as course progresses;
following the conventions of proposals event for the dissertation;
the discipline. working with supervisor on

iv) Information technology

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to access, search and use Presentation at teaching events and Word-processed assessed essays and
all electronic sources and tutorials on Blackboard, IT resource dissertation. Online submission of
databases available freely on based learning, online workshop on coursework. Successful use of
the internet and in the library. study skills, independent research Blackboard, internet resources and
To access and use Blackboard, email.
email and word-processing

v) Problem solving
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to solve problems in Presentation at teaching events and Assessed essay and the dissertation
relevant legal areas tutorials on Blackboard

vi) Working relationships

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Knowing how and when to Participation in residential teaching Assessed essays, group discussions
draw on the knowledge and events; encouragement to form and the dissertation.
expertise of others; ability to ‘remote’ study groups; specific
contribute and comment on dissertation residential; specific
ideas; developing effective dissertation proposal and writing
group work skills. workshops

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vii) Managing learning
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Organising time to read course Writing guide, course materials, Assessed essays and the dissertation.
materials and to write course tutorials and seminars at in
assessments; identifying a residential teaching events and
credible research project and study schools
completing it to an agreed

viii) Career management

Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Demonstrate ability to reflect Engagement with careers service, Discussions with personal tutor.
upon individual professional tutors and professional
Support of the Career Development
strengths and identify areas for practitioners.
Personal Tutor Meetings
Selection of a specific dissertation
topic (LLM level)

10. Special features

This is a distance learning course. Attendance at residential teaching events and study schools is
strongly encouraged, but not required. Independent learning is a key feature of this programme.

11. Indicators of programme quality

• Annual External examiners’ reports
• Degree results
• Annual and Periodic Development Review reports
• Periodic Development Review reports
• Peer review of teaching and peer review of marking exercises
• Student Feedback

12. Criteria for award and classification

This programme follows the standard scheme of taught postgraduate award and classification set out
in Senate Regulations – see the version of Senate Regulation 6 governing taught postgraduate
programmes of study relevant to year of entry.

13. Progression points

As defined in Senate Regulations - refer to the version of Senate Regulation 6 governing taught
postgraduate programmes of study relevant to year of entry.
In cases where a student has failed to meet a requirement to progress he or she will be required to
withdraw from the course and a recommendation will be made to the Board of Examiners for an
intermediate/exit award where appropriate.

14. Rules relating to re-sits or re-submissions

As defined in Senate Regulations - refer to the version of Senate Regulation 6 governing taught
postgraduate programmes of study relevant to year of entry.

15. External Examiners reports

The details of the External Examiner(s) for this programme and the most recent External Examiners’
reports for this programme can be found at exampapers@Leicester [log-in required]

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16. Additional features (e.g. timetable for admissions)
The course recruits to both the Master’s and the Postgraduate Diploma in Employment Law.
(i) Candidates who accumulate 60 credits from an approved list of the taught modules (that is
excluding the dissertation) and satisfactorily complete the assessment requirements for those
taught modules will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate.
(ii) Candidates who accumulate 90 credits from the taught modules (that is, excluding the
dissertation) and satisfactorily complete the assessment requirements for each of the taught
modules will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma.
(iii) Candidates who accumulate 180 credits and satisfactorily complete the assessment
requirements for each of the taught modules and submit a satisfactory dissertation will be
awarded the degree of Master of Laws.
The programme begins in October of each year. Admissions for that year are closed on 31 August
prior to the September start date.

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Programme Specification (Postgraduate) FOR ENTRY YEAR: 2023/24
Date created: 21/04/2021 Last amended: 21/01/2022 Version no. 1

Appendix 1: Programme structure (programme regulations)

The University regularly reviews its programmes and modules to ensure that they reflect the current status of the discipline and offer the best learning experience
to students. On occasion, it may be necessary to alter particular aspects of a course or module.

LLM in Employment Law/PG Diploma in Employment Law

Credit breakdown
Other delivery
Status Year long Semester 1 Semester 2 period
Core taught n/a n/a n/a 120 credits
Optional n/a n/a n/a n/a
Dissertation/project n/a n/a n/a 60 credits
180 credits in total

Level 7/Year 1 2023/24

Core modules
Delivery Code Module Title Credits
period Sequence
October- LW7513 Module 1 Individual Employment Relations 30 credits
February- LW7548 Module 2 Equality at Work 30 credits
Delivery Code Module Title Credits
period Sequence
June- LW7732 Module 3 Termination of Employment and Individual Dispute Resolution 30 credits

Level 7/Year 2 2024/25

Core modules
Delivery Code Module Title Credits
period Sequence
November- LW7522 Module 4 International Labour Law, Human Rights and Trade Union Law 30 credits
March- LW7803 Diss Dissertation* 60 credits

* Compulsory only for candidates for the degree of LLM

Appendix 2: Module specifications

See taught postgraduate module specification database (Note - modules are organized by year of delivery).

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