DRAFT-2nd Sem. 2023-2024 Exam Timetable

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Second (2nd) Semester 2023/2024 Academic Session

DAY/DATE LEVEL MORNING (8.00-11.00 AM) AFTERNOON (11.30 AM-2.30 PM) EVENING (3.00-6.00 PM)
100 AGG 102 (e-TC) (8.00 – 11 AM) PHY 104 (NPL, B43, NADE)
ACP 202 (e-TC) (11:30 AM – 1:30 PM) ABM 208 (e-TC) (2:30 – 4:30 PM)
200 STA 242 (B74) CMP 232/CMP 232B
(SLT, B18, B19, A87, A91, B68, B69)


300 EME 310 (ETF 2) BOT 304 (NBL) MCB 310 (B10, 18 , B40, B74)
30th Sept., 2024 MTH 322/MTH 322B (Conv. Sq., SLT, CASEA)
STA 362 (Conv. Sq.)
BCH 408 (B10, B70, B40)
BAM 404 (AAA)
CHM 412 (B51, B49, B74 )
400 BSA 404 (AAA) BOT 410 (NBL, A87, A91)
PHY 482 (NPL)
CMP 462 (A87, B18, B19, B68, B69)
STA 422/STA 422B (Conv. Sq.)
100 GST 112 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 2 PM) CMP 122 (Conv. Sq.3,4,5,6)
EME 204 (AAA, Engr. Aud. – Old
200 MCB 202 (SLT, NBL, A87,91)
& New)

WEDNESDAY CMP 372/CMP 372B (SLT, B18, B74 )

2nd Oct., 2024 300 CHM 354 (NCL, B51, B40) MTH 352B (B19, A91)
PHY 372 (Conv. Sq.)
CHM 426 (B49, B51, B74)
400 MCB 402 (B10, NBL,B40) PHY 474 (Conv. Sq.1,2, NPL)
MTH 472B (Conv. Sq., B18)
100 CHM 102 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 12:00 PM) AGR 204 (e-TC) (12:30 – 3:00 PM) ABM 104 (AAA)
200 PHY 252 (NPL, Conv. Sq., NCL) BCH 212 (B10, B40)
THURSDAY CHM 324 (Conv. Sq.)
300 BCH 306 (B10, B19) BIO 304 (SLT, Conv. Sq.)
3rd Oct., 2024 STA332 (SLT)
BCH 406 (B10, B19, B74)
400 BOT 402 (NBL, A87, B40 INP 486 (B8, B43)
CHM 422 (B49, B51)
100 PHY 102 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 12 NOON)
CHM 232 (e-TC) (1:00 – 3:00 PM)
PHY 232 (Conv. Sq.)
4th Oct., 2024 300

MCB 302 (Conv. Sq., NBL)
STA 356 (B74, B18, B19, A87, B69)

CMP 432 (SLT)

STA 452 (SLT)
100 AGG 112 (e-TC) (8.00 – 11:00 AM) BIO 108 (e-TC) (2:30 – 4:30 PM)
ANP 202 (e-TC) (11:30 AM – 1:30 PM)
200 EDU 204 (AAA, CASEA) STA 212/STA 212B (SLT,B18,B19,B74,A87)
300 CHM 364 (NCL)
BCH 308 (Conv. Sq., NBL) BIO 306 (NBL, B10, B18, B19, B40, B69)
(Conv. Sq., B18, B19, B74)
7th Oct., 2024
INP 384 (NPL, B43)
CHM 436 (B49, B51) MCB 404 (SLT)
400 CMP 422B (SLT) CHM 434 (B49, B51, NCL) MTH 412 (Conv. Sq.)
ZOO 406 (NBL, B40) STA 442 (A87)
* Continuous Assessment (C.A.) should be taken prior to the semester examination for all CBT course examinations.
* This timetable should be strictly adhered to. Any proposed adjustment should be communicated to the Chairman, UCTC.
* Students and invigilators should be at least 30 minutes before the commencement of each examination (e-TC examination inclusive).
* Departments should send a minimum of two (2) invigilators for their students on course examinations taken in other Departments.
* Invigilator Attendance must be made available for any examination.
* Students should avoid all forms of examination misconduct e.g. possession of foreign materials and electronic devices (ON or OFF).
* Student should have in their possession proper means of identification e.g. Examination Card and School I.D./Library I.D.
* Deadline for entertaining any complaint is 16th September, 2024. Thereafter, the Final Examination Timetable will be released.

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Second (2nd) Semester 2023/2024 Academic Session

DAY/DATE LEVEL MORNING (8:00-11:00 AM) AFTERNOON (11.30 AM-2.30 PM) EVENING (3:00-6:00 PM)
100 BIO 102 (e-TC) (8.00 – 11 AM) GST 116 (e-TC) (11.30 AM–1:30 PM)
HSM 202 (College Venue)
200 CMP 212 (B74) BOT 202 (e-TC) (2:00 – 4:00 PM)
INP 272 (NPL, B43)
MCB 308 (NBL, A87, A91, B74)
TUESDAY 300 CMP 312/CMP312B (Conv. Sq.) MTH 332 (Conv. Sq.) PHY 342 (Conv. Sq., NPL)
8th Oct., 2024 ZOO 302 (B10, B40)
CHM 414 (B19, B49, B51)
STA 462B (B18, B19) BIO 404 (NBL, SLT, B10, B40)
400 CMP 452 (B74, B68, B69, B70, B18, B19)
STA 472B (SLT) MTH 422B (A87, A91, B18)
PHY 454 (SLT)
AMS 102 (e-TC) (12 NOON – 1:00 PM)
PSB 106 (NBL) (11:30 AM – 2:30 PM)
ANN 202 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 10:30 AM)
200 ZOO 202 (e-TC) (1.00 – 3:00 PM)
CHM 224 (B49, B51, NCL)
WEDNESDAY MCB 304 (NBL,B10,40, A87,91)
9th Oct., 2024 BOT 306 (SLT) MTH 372/MTH 342B
300 EEE 382 (ETF 2)
CHM 332 (B49,B51,NCL, B10, B40) (Conv. Sq. B19)
PHY 392 (SLT)
400 EDU 432 (AAA, CASEA) MTH 452 (Conv. Sq.,B18, B19, B68, B69) CHM 462 (B49)
100 MTH 102 (e-TC) (10.30 AM – 3:00 PM)
BIO 206 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 10:00 PM)
200 AEC 204 (College Venue) EDU 202 (AAA, CASEA)
CMP 252/CMP 252B (Conv. Sq., A87, A91)
BOT 302 (NBL, B40) CHM 352
10th Oct., 2024 300
EME 306 (NEA) (B49,B51,B74, NCL, B40)
BCH 410 (B10, B18)
400 BOT 406 (SLT) STA 432 (Conv. Sq.)
CHM 432 (B51)
100 PHY 108 (e-TC) (8.00 – 11:00 AM) AMS 104 (e-TC) (11:30 AM – 1 PM)
CHM 254 (e-TC) (2:00 – 4:00 PM)
200 FST 202 (College Venues)
PHY 262 (Conv. Sq., NPL)
300 BCH 310 (B10, B40) STA 392 (SLT)
11th Oct., 2024
CMP 412 (Conv. Sq.)
MCB 406 (NBL, B74, B18, B19)
PHY 464 (SLT)
CHM 132 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 1:30 PM)
STA 132 (B69)
MTH 222 (NCL, Conv. Sq., NPL, B18,
200 STA 232/STA232B (Conv. Sq.) BIO 202 (e-TC) (2.00 – 4.00 PM)
B19, A87, A91)
MONDAY CHM 362 (B49, NCL) INP 362 (NPL)
14th Oct., 2024 300 CMP 352 (A87, A91) PHY 362 (SLT)
MCB 306 (SLT, NBL, B40) STA 352 (Conv. Sq.)
MTH 442B (B68, B69)
400 ZOO 404 (SLT, B10, B40) BCH 402 (B10, B40)
CHM 464 (B49, B51, B74)
100 STA 112 (e-TC) (8:00 – 11:00 AM) PHY 144 (NPL, B8, B43)
BIO 204 (e-TC) (12:00 NOON – 2:00 PM)
200 EDU 206 (AAA, CASEA) MTH 252/MTH 252B
TUESDAY (SLT, B18, B74, A87)
15th Oct., 2024
CHM 322 (B49, B51, NCL)
300 BIO 302 (Conv. Sq., NBL, SLT) STA 342 (Conv. Sq., A91)
MTH 312/MTH312B (SLT)
CHM 466 (A87, A91) CHM 424 (B49, B51, NCL)
400 EDU 490 (CASE LT-RM I)
INP 412 (NPL) MTH 432 (A91, A87)
* Continuous Assessment (C.A.) should be taken prior to the semester examination for all CBT course examinations.
* This timetable should be strictly adhered to. Any proposed adjustment should be communicated to the Chairman, UCTC.
* Students and invigilators should be at least 30 minutes before the commencement of each examination (e-TC examination inclusive).
* Departments should send a minimum of two (2) invigilators for their students on course examinations taken in other Departments.
* Invigilator Attendance must be made available for any examination.
* Students should avoid all forms of examination misconduct e.g. possession of foreign materials and electronic devices (ON or OFF).
* Student should have in their possession proper means of identification e.g. Examination Card and School I.D./Library I.D.
* Deadline for entertaining any complaint is 16th September, 2024. Thereafter, the Final Examination Timetable will be released.
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Second (2nd) Semester 2023/2024 Academic Session

DAY/DATE LEVEL MORNING (8:00-11:00AM) AFTERNOON (11.30 AM-2.30 PM) EVENING (3:00-6:00 PM)
100 GST 114 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 11:00 AM)
CEP 204 (e-TC) (12 – 2:30 PM)
CMP 222B (SLT, Conv. Sq.)
16th Oct., 2024 MTH 382/MTH 382B (B19, B74)
300 CHM 366 (B49,B51,B74) PHY 374 (NPL, SLT)
ZOO 308 (SLT, NBL, B10, B40)
PHY 484 (Conv. Sq.) BCH 404 (B40)
400 BIO 402 (Conv. Sq., NBL, B40)
STA 412B (A87, A91) EDU 406 (AAA, CASEA)
100 CHM 108 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 12:00 PM) STA 132 (B74)
200 PHY 292 (SLT, NPL) SSA 202 (e-TC) (1:00 – 3:00 PM) MTH 242 (SLT, Conv. Sq.)
THURSDAY BCH 302 (B10, B40) BOT 308 (NBL, SLT)
17th Oct., 2024 300 ANN 304 (e-TC) (3:00 – 5:00 PM)
STA 322B (Conv. Sq.) CMP 332 (Conv. Sq., A91)
BCH 412 (B10,B40)
INP 474 (NPL, B74)
EDU 102 (CASE LT-RM I) PSB 102 (NBL)
JOSTUM-PHY 142 (B8, B43) STA 122 (e-TC) (1:30 – 2:30 PM)
GST 222 (e-TC) (8.00 AM – 1:00 PM) CHM 252 (e-TC) (2:30 – 4.30 PM)
18th Oct., 2024 STA222/STA222B (SLT, Conv. Sq.)

STA312B/*STA312 (SLT, A87, B69)
ZOO 304 (Conv. Sq.) BREAK BCH 304 (B10, B40)
PSB 104 (Conv. Sq.1,2)
100 PHY 110 (NPL)
STA 142 (Conv. Sq.3)
BCH 202 (e-TC) (8:00 – 10:00 AM)
PHY 242 (Conv. Sq.4,5, SLT, NPL, NCL)
21 Oct., 2024
BOT 408 (NBL)
300 EDU 322 (AAA, CASEA) MCB 408 (Conv. Sq.) PHY 314 (SLT, NPL)
PHY 414 (SLT)

 Continuous Assessment (C.A.) should be taken prior to the semester examination for all CBT course examinations.
 Deans and Heads of Department should ensure total compliance to this Time-Table. Any proposed adjustment should be
communicated to the Chairman, UCTC for consideration and approval.
 Venues indicated against courses in this timetable are for Colleges of Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences and College of
Agricultural Science & Science Education students.
 Students and invigilators should be at least 30 minutes before the commencement of each examination (e-TC examination inclusive).
 Departments should send a minimum of two (2) invigilators for their students on course examinations taken in other Departments.
 Invigilator Attendance must be made available for any examination.
 Students should avoid all forms of examination misconduct e.g. possession of foreign materials and electronic devices (ON or OFF).
 Student should have in their possession proper means of identification e.g. Examination Card and School I.D./Library I.D.
 Deadline for entertaining any complaint is 16th September, 2024. Thereafter, the Final Examination Timetable will be released.

Venue Abbreviation
1. ”A” – Block A, Southcore
2. AAA – Aper Aku Auditorium, Northcore
EWEH, E. J. 3. ”B” – Block B, Southcore
Chairman, University Central Timetable Committee 4. CASEA – College of Agric. & Sci. Edu. Auditorium
09043980464 5. Conv. Sq. – Convocation Square
cc: DVC Academic 6. NADE – New Auditorium, Engineering
Director Academic Planning 7. NBL – New Biology Laboratory
Dean College of Physical Sciences
Deans of other Colleges
8. NCL – New Chemistry Laboratory
College Exam Officers 9. NPL – New Physics Laboratory
Manager, e-T Centre 10. SLT – Science Lecture Theatre
Chief Security Officer 11. Conv. Sq.1,2,3,4,5= Convocation Square, column 1,2,3,4,5
9th September, 2024
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