AWARE Fish Identification

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Fish Identification
Specialty Course
Instructor Outline

Developed in association with the

Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF)

Product No. 70240 Rev. (5/05) Version 1.04

Points for the instructor to consider that give
Note to instructors:
additional qualifying information about con-
ducting the course. Not intended to be read to
Required information. Read to students as
Note to students:

Important information. Read to students.

By the end of this session, you will be
Objectives always precede individual Academic
able to:
Topics and open-water dives.
• Objective
• Objective
• Objective

AWARE — Fish Identification Specialty Course
Instructor Outline

© International PADI, Inc. 1998-2005

All rights reserved.

No part of this outline may be reproduced in any form
without permission from PADI.

Published by International PADI Inc.

30151 Tomas St.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-7006 USA

Printed in the USA

Product No. 70240 (Rev. 5/05) Version 1.04

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

Please read this first.
Qualifying To Teach PADI Specialty Diver Courses

To apply for a Specialty Instructor rating, an individual must be certified as a

PADI Underwater Instructor or higher. There are two ways to qualify to teach
PADI Specialty Diver courses: 1) Attend Specialty Instructor Training Courses
conducted by PADI Course Directors or 2) apply directly to PADI.

Specialty Instructor Training Course attendance is highly recommended and

encouraged. These courses provide hands-on training, technique demonstra-
tions, course marketing information, current PADI Standards information and,
when applicable, instructor-level open water training.

Application made directly to PADI requires either: 1) use of a PADI standard-

ized Specialty Course Instructor Outline (this document) or 2) the submission
of a self-generated specialty course outline for Training and Education Depart-
ment review. To speed outline approval, reduce liability exposure and assure
educational validity of your specialty courses, it is highly recommended that
you use the PADI standardized Specialty Course Instructor Outlines for courses
they have been developed for.

The Specialty Course Instructor Application is to be used whether attending a

Specialty Instructor Training Course or applying directly to PADI.

Important: Prior to promoting or teaching a PADI Specialty Diver course,

you must first receive written confirmation of instructor certification in that
specialty from PADI.

For more information on certification as a PADI Specialty Instructor, please

refer to the “General Standards and Procedures” section of the PADI Instruc-
tor Manual. If you still have questions after reading this section, call your PADI

AWARE – Fish Identification

This course is designed to introduce divers to the most common families and
species of fish found in temperate and tropical waters. Divers learn basic fish
identification and scientific surveying techniques. Through an overview of
Project AWARE and other preservation and research efforts, such as the REEF
Fish Survey Project, divers also learn the importance of personal involvement
in aquatic environment conservation.

To qualify for the AWARE - Fish Identification Diver course, an individual
1. Be certified as a PADI Open Water Diver, Junior Open Water
Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training
2. Be at least 10 years old.
The AWARE - Fish Identification Dive from the PADI Adventures in Diving
program may be counted toward the certification requirements of this specialty
at the discretion of the instructor conducting the specialty course.

Instructor Supervision
The AWARE - Fish Identification Diver course may be conducted by a Teaching
status PADI Underwater Instructor (or PADI Instructor with a higher rating)
who has been certified as a PADI AWARE - Fish Identification Instructor.
The maximum student-to-instructor ratio for open water train-
ing dives is eight students per instructor (8:1). Certified assistants may
assist with supervision and accompany students during the training dives.

Considerations for Open Water Training

The AWARE - Fish Identification Diver course includes two open
water training dives. The first dive allows divers to practice basic fish iden-
tification techniques and the second dive prompts divers to collect fish identifi-
cation data for submission to the REEF Fish Survey Project, if appropriate.
Training dives may be conducted at night for divers who have
completed the Night Adventure Dive or the first dive of the PADI
Night Diver specialty course, or have qualifying night diving experi-
After the training dives, student divers are required to log
their dives in their personal log books.

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

This course covers the knowledge and techniques for identifying fish common
to the local area. To conduct a AWARE - Fish Identification Diver
course, include the following:
1. The Project AWARE philosophy about protecting worldwide
aquatic ecosystems.
2. Fish family groupings and common characteristics of fish spe-
cies found in the local area.
3. Fish surveying techniques and strategies for collecting valid
4. The planning, organization, and procedures for identifying
fish families and species while diving.

The certifying instructor obtains a AWARE - Fish Identification Diver certifica-
tion by submitting a completed, signed PIC to the appropriate PADI Office.
The instructor who conducts the student’s final open water training
session is the certifying instructor. The certifying instructor must
ensure that all certification requirements have been met.

Prerequisite Certification: PADI Open Water Diver, Junior Open
Water Diver or qualifying certification
Minimum Age: 10
Recommended Minimum Course Duration: 12 hours
Minimum Open Water Training: 2 dives
Student-to-Instructor Ratio: 8:1*
Minimum Instructor Rating: AWARE - Fish Identification Diver
Specialty Instructor
* For dives that include 10-11 year olds, direct supervision is required at a maximum ratio of
4:1. No more than two of the four divers may be age 10 or 11.

AWARE – Fish Identification

Introductory Information AWARE –
Fish Identification Specialty Course
Instructor Outline

The Presentation provides specific information that you present/review with

your students. It precedes both Fish Identification Dives.

Fish Identification Dive One includes “General Open Water Tips and Consid-
erations,” which provide suggestions and factors that may affect conducting
the course dives. The dive outlines guide you with performance requirements
and suggested organization and considerations; they are not intended to be
presented to students.

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

I. Course Overview
A. The purpose of the AWARE — Fish Identification Specialty Course
is to introduce divers to the most common families and species of
fish found in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world.
The course is designed to emphasize the importance of Project
AWARE and involve people personally in the conservation of
marine ecosystems.

B. The course introduces divers to the Fish Survey Project — a

joint effort between the Reef Environmental Education Founda-
tion (REEF) and The Nature Conservancy. Participants learn fish
surveying techniques that allow them to provide valid scientific
information to researchers and resource managers. Recreational
divers and snorkelers can substantially increase the amount of
biodiversity data available to scientists and conservationists by
participating in this project.
1. REEF produces several sets of color slides (modules) of fish
from various geographic regions. These slide sets along with
other teaching aids — fish identification slates, reference
books, videos and survey materials — are extremely useful in
conducting this course. REEF modules exists for:
a. Tropical Western Atlantic — including Florida, Caribbean
and Bahamas
b. Northern California
c. Southern California
d. Pacific Northwest — including Oregon, Washington and
British Columbia
2. If REEF has modules or other materials that are appropriate
for the locations where you will conduct this course, you’re
encouraged to obtain them directly from REEF.
Reef Environmental Education Foundation, Inc. (REEF)
P.O. Box 246, Key Largo, FL 33037
(305) 451-0312, FAX (305) 451-0028
or on the internet at
3. When using materials produced by REEF, student divers may
conduct actual fish surveys, record sightings on underwater
slates, transfer data to the REEF Fish Survey Project computer
scansheet and submit the scansheets to REEF.

C. This standardized course outline describes fish that are most

commonly found on coral reefs. You’re encouraged to elaborate
beyond the detail in the outline to cover specific fish species that
are common in the local area or areas where student divers are
likely to visit. It’s strongly recommended that you show photos of

AWARE – Fish Identification

as many fish as possible during academic development and make
marine life/fish identification reference books accessible to stu-
dents during training.
In the UK, reference materials are available from:
Marine Conservation Society, 9 Gloucester Rd.,
Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5BU, England
Phone: +44 (0) 1989 566017, FAX: +44 (0) 1989 567815.

D. The Elective AWARE — Fish Identification Dive from the PADI

Adventures in Diving program may be counted toward Fish Iden-
tification Dive One of this specialty at the instructor’s discretion.
Similarly, Dive One of this specialty may be counted as the Elec-
tive AWARE — Fish Identification Dive in the PADI Adventures in
Diving program.

II. Course Requirements

A. Prerequisite certification: PADI Junior Open Water Diver or

B. Minimum age requirement: 10 years.

C. Maximum student-to-instructor ratio: 8:1, to certified assistant


For dives that include 10-11 year olds, direct supervision is required at a maxi-
mum ratio of 4:1. No more than two of the four divers may be age 10 or 11.

D. Confined water training may be added at your discretion to reme-

diate/assess student dive skills.

E. Dive data
1. Two scuba dives may be conducted on the same day.
2. Dive depths.
a. The maximum depth for any training dive is 30
metres/ 100 feet. To allow ample no decompression time,
it’s recommended that you keep training dives shallower.
b. It’s recommended that if training dives will be made
deeper that 18 metres/60 feet, student should have a PADI
Deep Diver certification.

For 12-14 year olds, Adventure Dive maximum depth is 18 metres/60 feet or
21 metres/70 feet if they have taken the Adventure Deep Dive.
For 10-11 year olds, the maximum depth is 12 metres/40 feet.

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

III. Equipment and Materials
A. Student equipment and materials
1. All personal equipment required by the local environment
a. mask, snorkel and fins
b. exposure suit appropriate for local diving environment
and depth
c. weight system
d. regulator with submersible pressure gauge
e. alternate air source suitable for sharing air with other
f. BCD with low-pressure inflator
g. complete instrumentation, including a means to monitor
depth, time and direction
h. Recreational Dive Planner (Table or Wheel). If using a dive
computer, it’s recommended that divers have RDPs for
backup planning.
i. diving tool or knife capable of cutting line.
j. slate with pencil.
k. whistle.
l. log book (PADI Adventure Log recommended)
2. Recommended student materials
a. REEF student kit, if available for course location. (Kits
include underwater fish identification guide, data col-
lection slate, survey data scansheets, REEF membership
materials, etc.)
b. Fish identification slate
c. Data collection slate
d. Discover the Underwater World — Snorkeler’s Field Guide
e. Nav-Finder
f. A.W.A.R.E. Our World, Our Water manual
B. Instructor equipment
1. All personal standard and specialty equipment required of
2. Recommended safety equipment:
a. first aid kit and emergency oxygen
b. dive flag and surface float with descent line as required by
the local dive environment and regulations
3. PADI materials that may be used to teach this course.

AWARE – Fish Identification

a. General materials and teaching aids:
1) Student Record File
2) Log book (PADI Adventure Log recommended)
3) PADI Instructor Manual
4) Dive Roster
b. PADI reference materials:
1) The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving
2) Discover the Underwater World — Snorkeler’s Field
3) A.W.A.R.E. Our World, Our Water manual
4) Ten Ways a Diver Can Help Protect the Aquatic
Realm brochure
c. Recognition materials:
1) PlC envelopes
2) Project AWARE Certificate of Recognition
3) Project AWARE decal.
4. Fish identification and surveying materials
a. REEF teaching modules, if available for course location
b. Slides, photos and/or fish identification reference books
c. Fish identification slate
d. Data collection slate
e. REEF Fish Survey Project scansheets and instructions
f. REEF membership information

The following presentation makes up the actual course content. The presenta-
tion outline is designed to be your presentation notes. Notes to you are in
brackets. The curriculum has been developed for maximum flexibility; notes
will guide you to options in conduct and sequence.

IV. Presentation Notes

This presentation should precede all open water training dives and any
optional confined water skill practice sessions.

A. Introductions
1. [Introduce yourself and your assistants.]
2. [Have students introduce themselves and explain why they
are interested in learning more about fish identification and
preserving the aquatic environment -get to know your stu-
dents and encourage a relaxed atmosphere.]

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

3. [Ask students to explain what, if any, courses, training or expe-
rience they have that might be relevant to this program.]

B. Course Goals
1. To familiarize you with the role Project AWARE plays in pre-
serving the aquatic environment.
2. To introduce you to the fish species you are likely to see on a
dive in temperate or tropical waters. Being more knowledge-
able about the fish you encounter will enhance your enjoyment
and appreciation of various aquatic ecosystems.
3. To provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to con-
duct fish counts. This will enable you to collect valid scientific
data on the distribution and abundance of fish at the dive sites
you visit.

C. Course Overview
1. Schedule [Explain the course schedule including presentation
and dive times and locations.]
2. Dives — at least two fish identification training dives are
required. [Advise Adventure and Advanced Open Water
Divers who made the Elective AWARE — Fish Identification
dive that it applies as the first dive, if appropriate.]
3. Certification
a. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive
the AWARE — Fish Identification certification.
b. Certification means you’re qualified to:
1) Plan and organize a dive involving fish identification.
2) Participate in dives that include fish surveys and
3) Apply for the rating of Master Scuba Diver if you are a
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or have a quali-
fying certification from another organization) and a
PADI Rescue Diver (or have a qualifying certification
from another organization) with certification in four
other PADI Specialty ratings.
4. Course Requirements
a. Cost of course [Explain all course costs]
b. Equipment and materials requirements [Explain what
students are expected to provide]
5. Administration
[Complete paperwork including: enrollment forms, Standard
Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding, PADI Medi-
cal Statement, Liability Release and Assumption of Risk — the
Student Record File contains all of these.]

AWARE – Fish Identification

V. Project AWARE: Protecting Our Aquatic
Learning Objectives.
After this discussion, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1. Why are divers and snorkelers the natural ambassadors for the
aquatic environment?
2. What is Project AWARE’s purpose and mission?
3. What steps are PADI and Project AWARE taking to protect the aquatic
4. What is the Project AWARE Foundation?

A. Noticing both short and long term changes in the

aquatic realm, be it marine or freshwater, is unavoidable for people
who regularly put on masks and venture underwater.
B. Because of intimate familiarity with the underwater world, divers
and snorkelers are the natural ambassadors for the aquatic envi-
ronment. Today they are some of the strongest supporters of
programs and initiatives such as:
1. Underwater and beach cleanups.
2. Marine parks and protected areas.
3. Legislative actions to protect fisheries and endangered habi-
C. Because of this special potential as advocates and protectors of the
aquatic environment, in 1989 PADI introduced Project AWARE
(Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility and Education).
D. Project AWARE’s Purpose and Mission:
1. To cultivate interest in programs and initiatives within the
dive community in preserving the aquatic environment and its
2. To teach the world about the importance and responsibility of
preserving the aquatic environment.
3. To develop and disseminate educational materials, create
public awareness, promote and organize industry efforts, pro-
vide direct financial support for worthwhile endeavors, create
innovative projects, build alliances and partnerships with other
organizations to strengthen common goals and commitment to
the conservation of the aquatic environment.
E. Since its inception, Project AWARE has resulted in:
1. An increased emphasis in PADI training programs on environ-
mental education — including this course.
2. A corporate commitment to ensure environmentally friendly
production practices and business operations.

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

3. Creation of the Project AWARE Foundation to expand aquatic
environmental projects, research and advocacy.
4. Emphasis on environmentally sound approaches to dive
practices, dive operations, and dive skills, especially buoyancy
F. The Project AWARE Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, public
benefit corporation that encourages and supports aquatic ecol-
ogy and education. The Foundation funds and assists worthwhile
projects that enrich mankind’s awareness and understanding of the
fragile nature of the aquatic world, and also supports research and
education in accordance with these purposes.
G. Through Project AWARE, each year nearly a million people world-
wide are exposed to environmental awareness through interactions
with PADI Professionals. For up-to-date information, visit the
Project AWARE Foundation’s homepage at
or PADI’s homepage at

VI. Fish Identification Strategy

Learning Objectives.
After this discussion, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1. Approximately how many different species of fish exist worldwide?
2. What simple strategy can divers use to identify fish during a dive?

A. There are more than 21,000 species of fish worldwide with more
than 4000 species found on coral reefs. Because there are so many
different species, it would be impossible to learn all of them or
even most of them. However, regardless of where you dive in the
tropics, the most commonly encountered fish tend to belong to the
same few families which makes general identification a little more
1. The most common species are represented by between 30 to
50 families. Therefore, the emphasis of fishwatching is, first,
on identifying common characteristics of these families rather
than individual species. Then, secondly, focusing only on the
most common and representative species of the area.
2. Through a basic understanding of key characteristics of these
common families — along with some essential ecological infor-
mation — you will have a foundation to identify and under-
stand the role of the majority of fish you see in most tropical
and temperate environments.
B. A simple way for nonscientists to identify fish is to categorize
families that have similar visual characteristics into groups. [See
Reef Fish Identification: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, Paul Humann,
Second Edition 1996]

AWARE – Fish Identification

1. One technique is to divide a slate into boxes that represent the
family groups you expect to see on the dive. If you also have
a fish identification slate, you can use it to remind you of the
family characteristics. When you spot a fish that fits the family
characteristics you can note it in the appropriate box on your
2. For example, if you know that groupers tend to be large, soli-
tary fish with wide mouths and you spot a fish you’ve never
seen before with those characteristics, you could describe its
distinguishing features in the grouper family box. This will
allow you to more easily find the fish on a fish identification
slate or reference book.
3. You also want to have room on your slate to sketch or describe
a fish that doesn’t appear to easily fit into a family group.

C. Keep in mind that fish identification is a passive diving activity.

Avoid chasing fish to get a better look. You’ll find that remaining
still or moving very slowly will be more productive than aggres-
sive behavior.
1. Buoyancy control is a valuable skill when observing or noting
fish characteristics. It’s also important to avoid becoming so
focused that you accidently land on or drift into other crea-

This portion of the course is designed to familiarize students with the major
families and representative species of fish. The fish described in this outline are
found in tropical waters, most often on coral reefs. The common names given for
these fish may vary from region to region. You need to adapt this segment
to the location where your students will make training dives.
If possible, use REEF slide sets (modules), training materials and student
kits to conduct this segment. If REEF materials are not available, gather
resource materials that are appropriate for the dive location — slides, photos,
fish identification slates, reference books, etc. Supplement the following outline
as necessary to prepare students for identifying fish on their training dives.

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

VII. Fish Groups and Characteristics
Learning Objectives.
After this discussion, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1. What are the 12 groupings commonly used to identify fish in tropical
and temperate waters?
OR What are the common groupings used to identify fish in the local
2. What are the key characteristics of at least 30 of the most common
fish families found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide?
OR What are the key characteristics of the most common fish families
found in the local area?

A. The 12 commonly used groups that include more than 30

different fish families are:
1. Butterflyfish, angelfish and surgeonfish
2. Jacks, barracuda, porgy and chubs
3. Snappers and grunts
4. Damselfish, chromis and hamlets
5. Groupers, seabass and basslets
6. Parrotfish and wrasse
7. Squirrelfish, bigeyes and cardinalfish
8. Blennies, gobies and jawfish
9. Flounders, scorpionfish, lizardfish and frogfish
10. Filefish, triggerfish, puffers, trunkfish, cowfish, goatfish, trum-
petfish and drums
11. Eels
12. Sharks and rays
B. Common Characteristics and Examples
1. Butterflyfish, angelfish and surgeonfish usually have thin
bodies and are oval or disk shaped. These fish generally have
bright colors and interesting patterns that add to the beauty of
the reef areas they typically inhabit.
a. Butterflyfish usually are round, small bodied and have
concave foreheads. Many have elongated mouths that
allow them to pick out tiny invertebrates from crevices.
1) Common names: Banded, Foureye, Spotfin, Racoon,

AWARE – Fish Identification

b. Angelfish are usually darker in color, have long dorsal fins
and have rounded foreheads. They are one of the few fish
that eat sponges.
2) Common names: Queen, Blue, French, Gray, Rock
Beauty, Flame, Emperor, Royal
c. Surgeonfish, also called tangs, are usually a solid color
with minor color accents. They can be identified by the
spines that stick out from each side the tail base. Surgeon-
fish are herbivores that help to control algae growth.
1) Common names: Blue tang, Ocean surgeonfish, Doc-
torfish, Achilles tang, Convict tang, Longnose unicorn-

2. Jacks, barracuda, porgy and chubs are usually silvery in color

and have forked tails. These fish may be some of the largest crea-
tures you spot on or near the reef.
a. Jacks, sometimes called trevally, are large silver or bluish
fish that swim in open water often near outer reefs or over
the reef fringe. Some jacks are solitary fish while others
may congregate in small groups or schools. They are
strong swimming predators.
1) Common names: Bar, Crevalle, Big-eye, Amberjack,
Bluefin trevally

b. Barracudas have long cylindrical silver bodies with faint

markings or black blotches. They are usually identified by
their big mouths full of sharp looking teeth. Large barra-
cudas may swim alone and are often very curious. Smaller
species may gather into huge schools.
1) Common names: Great, Chevron

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

c. Porgies, in some areas called sea bream, are usually oval
shaped with steep sloping heads. Some species have blue
or yellow markings over their silvery base. They are often
found nosing around in sandy areas adjacent to the reef.
1) Common names: Sheepshead, Saucereye, Doublebar
sea bream

d. Chubs, or rudderfish, have elongated oval shaped bodies

and are usually solid silver in color. It’s likely that you’ll
see chubs higher up in the water column off the reef.
1) Common names: Yellow, Bermuda, Brassy rudderfish

3. Snappers and grunts have long tapered bodies and heads that
slope down toward their mouths. These fish are often caught
commercially and are valuable food sources in many areas.
a. Snappers have upturned snouts and mouths, with visible
canine teeth, that often snap open and shut when caught,
which is how they got their name. Snappers often gather
in small or loosely grouped schools and swim well the
1) Common names: Gray, Cubera, Dog,
Schoolmaster, Yellowtail, Twinspot, Bluestriped

b. Grunts were named because they emit a grunting sound

when caught. They often congregate in small groups or
large schools on the reef during the day then at night
move off singly along the sand flats or grass beds to feed.
Grunts may be colorful with various striped markings. In
some areas, the family is known as sweetlips.
1) Common names: French, Bluestriped. Blackspotted,

AWARE – Fish Identification

4. Damselfish, chromis and hamlets are small oval shaped fish
that dart in and out of crevices. They can be quite colorful with
many different patterns and shadings.
a. Many damselfish are algae-eaters that tenaciously defend
their territory. It’s common for a damselfish to charge a
larger fish or even a diver that ventures too close to its
algae patch or nest. The anemonefish of the Indo-Pacific
region is a member of the damelfish family. These fish live
in unique partnership with sea anemone
1) Common damselfish names: Sergeant Major, Dusky,
Yellowtail, Sulfur, Humbug

2) Common anemonefish names: Clown, Twobar,


b. Chromis are closely related to damselfish, but have a

slightly different appearance. They tend to feed on plank-
ton and are less territorial than damsels. Their bodies are
usually more elongated and have deeply forked tails.
1) Common names: Blue, Brown, Purple, Bluegreen,

c. Hamlets are actually members of the seabass family, but

are small and oval shaped like damselfish. Hamlets tend to
have flatter, sloping head profiles. Common hamlet species
are colorful and many have stripes or markings that make
them easy to identify. They are predators.
1) Common names: Barred, Indigo, Black, Blue

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

5. Grouper is the commonly used name for the larger members
of the seabass family. These fish are usually big-bodied fish
with large mouths and lips. In some areas, groupers may be
the largest fish you see on the reef. They tend to be solitary fish
that hang out in the shadows. Because they are highly sought
after food fish, they are susceptible to overfishing. They are
sometimes also called rock cod.
a. Groupers are often dark brown, black or reddish in color
with splotchy markings. However, they have the abil-
ity to change colors and markings, making it difficult to
determine the exact species. To go with their large stocky
bodies, groupers have a short spiny dorsal fin that softens
as it tapers down to the tail.
1) Common names: Jewfish, Nassau, Yellowfin, Black.
Peacock, Coral, Potato

b. Other members of the seabass family tend to be smaller

and have more elongated bodies than groupers. They are
often dark in color with lighter spots and varied markings.
Most seabass stay on or near the bottom.
1) Common names: Graysby, Rock Hind, Coney, Harle-
quin, Soapfish, Kelp

c. Basslets are tiny, usually colorful fish that are closely

related to the seabass family. They usually inhabit deeper
reefs or walls. The multicolored fairy basslet is one of the
few basslet species commonly spotted on shallower reefs.
Indo-Pacific reefs often swarm with bright fish called
anthias that are referred to as basslets but are actually a
subfamily of the seabass family.

AWARE – Fish Identification

6. Parrotfish and wrasse add color and variety to the mix of
creatures found on the reef. Parrotfish were named for their
beak-like teeth plates and rainbow colors not unlike tropical
birds. The wrasse family also has many fish with birdlike char-
acteristics, yet the variety of shapes, sizes and colors of wrasse
make them more difficult to categorize.
a. Parrotfish are often observed using their bony beaks to
scrape hard surfaces for algae. Often juvenile, adult and
terminal phase parrotfish will have completely different
coloration. They swim using their pectoral fins, while their
tails are used for burst of speed.
1) Common names: Rainbow, Blue, Queen, Stoplight,
Redband, Longnose, Bicolor

b. Wrasses are generally smaller than parrotfish and have

more elongated bodies. You are likely to see wrasse forag-
ing for small invertebrates, such as shrimp and crusta-
ceans living in the sand. Wrasse often go through several
color and pattern changes as they develop from juveniles
into adults. Hogfish and razorfish are also members of the
wrasse family although they are a different shape than
most wrasse.
1) Common names: Creole, Yellowhead, Bluehead,
Clown, Rainbow, Senorita, Bird, Cleaner

7. Squirrelfish, bigeyes and cardinalfish all tend to be nocturnal.

They swim freely over the reef in the dark and hide deep in
cracks and crevices during the day. Their reddish color and big
eyes identify them as night adapted creatures and also make
them easy to spot during the day.
a. Squirrelfish have a pronounced rear dorsal fin that sticks
up similar to a squirrel’s tail, thus the name. During the
day, you’re most likely to see groups of fish hiding under
ledges and in crevices.
1) Common names: Longspine, Reef, Giant, Blackbar

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

b. Bigeyes can be distinguished from squirrelfish by their
larger eye, continuous dorsal fin and less scaly appear-
1) Common names: Glasseye, Bigeye, Goggle-eye

c. Cardinalfish are small reddish fish with short snouts and

two separate dorsal fins. They usually hide deep within
the reef during the day.
1) Common names: Barred, Flamefish, Fiveline

8. Blennies and gobies are small fish with long bodies that often
spend time perched in small holes or on the bottom. When
looking for these fish, you’ll often see only their head protrud-
ing from their hiding places.
a. Blennies generally perch themselves up on their pectoral
fins and appear to be looking about curiously. One of their
most distinguishing features are the fleshy appendages,
called cirri, above their eyes that look like little horns or
bushy eyebrows. Blennies come in a variety of colors.
1) Common names: Saddled, Redlip, Seaweed, Chestnut,

b. Gobies tend to rest on their pectoral fins in a straight, flat

and motionless position. Some species are referred to as
cleaner fish for their behavior of picking parasites from
larger species. They come in a variety of color variations.
1) Common names: Neon, Bridled, Blue, Steinitz,
Maiden, Citron

c. Jawfish have long bodies and large jaws, which is how

they got their name. They are often spotted in holes that
they have constructed by moving stones and sand with
their mouths.
1) Common names: Yellowhead

AWARE – Fish Identification

9. Flounders, scorpionfish, lizardfish and frogfish all tend to be
bottom dwellers that have excellent camouflage and unusual
a. Flounders are flat fish that have both eyes on one side
— the side that faces the surface. Flounders often blend
into the bottom color and further hide by settling down
into the sand.
1) Common names: Peacock, Eyed, Gulf, Panther

b. Scorpionfish are often camouflaged to match their sur-

roundings. Many species have fleshy appendages that
resemble local flora. These fish have stocky bodies and
spiny dorsal fins that carry venom. Scorpionfish, includ-
ing the stonefish, are difficult to spot because they remain
motionless when approached, only raising their venomous
spines in defense. Lionfish, the more flamboyant members
of the family, swim over the reef singly or in pairs with
their plume-like fins spread wide.
1) Common names: Spotted, Reef

c. Lizardfish have elongated bodies with large, upturned

mouths. They often rest on the bottom blending in well
with their surroundings. Lizardfish are often pale and
mottled in colors that match the sandy bottom.
1) Common names: Sand Diver, Snakefish, Common

d. Frogfish, also referred to as anglerfish, have bulky bodies,

webbed pectoral and ventral fins, and large upturned
mouths. They often blend in perfectly with their surround-
ing and move by walking on their pectoral fins. Frogfish
attract small fish by dangling a wiry appendage in front of
their mouths. When the fish approach the bait, the frogfish
slurps them up.
1) Common names: Sargassumfish, Longlure, Freckled

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

10. Filefish, triggerfish, puffers, trunkfish, cowfish, goatfish,
trumpetfish and drums are all free-swimming fish that have
unusual body shapes or characteristics.
a. Filefish and triggerfish make up a family called leather-
jackets because they have rough textured skin. These fish
have thin bodies that range from long ovals to diamond
shapes. Triggerfish get their name from their elongated
forward dorsal fin that is shaped like a gun’s trigger.
Filefish also have this appendage, however it is usually
more spikelike. Filefish and triggerfish also have distinc-
tive mouths with prominent lips. They come in a variety of
colors and patterns.
1) Common filefish names: Scrawled, Orangespot,
Whitespotted, Broom, Longnose

2) Common triggerfish names: Queen, Black Durgon,

Ocean, Titon, Clown

b. Puffers get their name from the ability to draw water

in to puff up their bodies. Some puffers have spines
that become erect when they puff up while others have
smoother textures. All puffers have powerful jaws and
most species have dark spots or blotches.
1) Common names: Sharpnose, Balloonfish, Porcupine-
fish, Masked

c. Trunkfish and cowfish make up the boxfish named for

their triangular shape and bony scales. These fish move
slowly using sculling fin motions. They come in a variety
of colors, many with spots or repetitive patterns.
1) Common trunkfish names: Smooth, Spotted, Cube

2) Common cowfish names: Scrawled, Honeycomb


AWARE – Fish Identification

d. Goatfish have long, cylindrical bodies and barbels that
hang down from their chins. They are often observed feel-
ing around the bottom with their barbels for food. Goat-
fish have many color variations and may gather in schools
or roam around in small groups.
1) Common names: Spotted, Yellow, Red Patch, Long-
barbel, Yellow saddle

e. Trumpetfish have tubelike bodies and long mouths that

can flair open to suck in prey. They are often observed
stalking by hanging head-down and waiting for small fish
to swim near enough to slurp up. Trumpetfish may either
be brown to blue-grey or bright yellow with shades in

f. Drums are easily identified by their extremely long fore-

dorsal fin and striking black and white coloring. These
fish are often seen under ledges.
1) Common names: Spotted, Jackknife fish, Highhat

11. Eels you are likely to encounter in tropical or temperate areas

include the moray eel, conger eel and snake eel. Eels are fish
that have long snakelike bodies. Most eels spend the day in
crevices, holes or under ledges, and are more likely to be seen
free-swimming at night. Some eels are dark and solid colored,
while many are uniquely patterned.
a. Common moray eel names: Green, Spotted,
Reticulated, Viper, Giant

b. Other eels: Conger, Blue Ribbon,

Dragon, Wolf

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

12. Sharks and rays are scientifically classified as cartilaginous
fish, which means that their structure is made of flexible
cartilage. Spying a large shark or ray cruising over a reef is
not common in most areas. However, smaller shark and ray
species sightings are possible. Sharks use their tales to propel
them while rays have modified pectorals they use to swim in a
flying motion.

a. Common shark names: Nurse, White Tip, Black Tip,

b. Common ray names: Skate, Southern stingray, Eagle Ray,
Manta Ray

VIII. Fish Surveys

Learning Objectives.
After this discussion, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1. How can divers turn their observations of reef fish into valid data for
use by scientists?
2. What is the roving diver survey technique and why is it a desirable
method for recreational divers to collect data?
3. What method is recommended for identifying a mystery fish?
4. How are observations properly recorded, transferred to data sheets
and submitted?

A. What is REEF and how can recreational divers get

1. REEF is a private, nonprofit organization established in 1990
by underwater photographers and marine life authors Paul
Humann and Ned DeLoach.
a. REEF’s mission is educate, enlist and enable divers and
nondivers to become active stewards in the conservation
of marine habitats. One way that REEF carries this out
is to provide vital reef and inshore fish biodiversity data
to marine scientists, resource managers, conservationists
and other interested parties by enlisting and mobilizing
volunteer recreational divers and snorkelers to conduct

AWARE – Fish Identification

underwater surveys.
b. Through REEF’s program, fishwatching becomes more
than an enjoyable activity — you can personally contrib-
ute to the understanding and conservation of the aquatic
2. The REEF Fish Survey Project is an ongoing cooperative effort
between REEF and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). TNC is a
private, nonprofit organization established in 1951 to preserve
plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the
diversity of life on earth by protecting the lands and waters
they need to survive.
a. Through the Project, volunteers gather large amounts of
species and abundance data, which is transferred into
the Project database. REEF developed the procedures for
gathering, transferring and organizing data in cooperation
with biologists from TNC, the University of Miami, and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
Southeast Science Fisheries Center.
b. The database will provide the scientific, resource manage-
ment, and conservation communities with access to a long
term and geographically broad database of species inven-
tories as well as historical records of reef fish populations.
3. To participate in the REEF Fish Survey Project, you need to
have basic fish identification skills and become a member of
REEF. [If using REEF materials to conduct this course, explain
how students become REEF members.]

B. Data Collection

If students will participate in the REEF Fish Survey Project, review data col-
lection procedures for the Project. If students are collecting data for personal
use or other reasons, explain how they can start their own database and adapt
their data collection techniques to meet their goals.

1. The REEF Fish Survey Project uses the roving diver technique
to gather data. This means that divers do not have to alter or
restrict their normal dive pattern. When conducting a survey,
you simply swim along as usual while trying to spot and iden-
tify fish along your route. As you see fish you can positively
identify, you record the sightings on an underwater slate.
2. To turn in survey data, you do not need to have exact fish
counts, however, you do need to estimate the relative abun-
dance of each species. For example, you would record S for
Single (1), F for Few (2-10), M for Many (11-100), or A for

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

Abundant (>100).
3. You should begin recording sightings as soon as you enter
the water and continue throughout the whole dive. This may
include exploring sand flats, grass beds and rubble fields for
species unique to those environments and looking in cracks
and crevices for less common or harder-to-find species.

C. If you discover a mystery fish (one you can’t identify),

take notes and sketch distinguishing characteristics on the
underwater slate. When you get out of the water, check
your field guide and/or consult with an experienced fish-
watcher. Add the sighting to your survey data, only if you
can positively identify the species.
D. Reporting Data

If students will participate in the REEF Fish Survey Project, review the
proper steps for completing a Project Scansheet. If students are collecting data
for other reasons, review appropriate reporting procedures.

1. After the dive, transfer your sighting information onto a REEF

Fish Survey Project computer scansheet.
a. Scansheets may either be used to record:
1) Species and Abundance Survey — positively identi-
fied species as well as their abundance for a single
2) Species Only Survey — sightings taken over a series
of dives. Mark the “S” bubble to do this. [Explain that
Species and Abundance surveys are far more useful
and, therefore, preferred]
b. Record only positively identified fish species and pay spe-
cial attention to those species marked with a black triangle
on the scansheet.
c. Mark the location of the survey site as accurately as
possible. Use navigational coordinates (longitude and
latitude) from a global positioning satellite (GPS) receiver
when available.
d. Check that you have filled in all of the information
requested on the scansheet (member identification, name,
survey type, date of survey, etc.)
2. Use a number two pencil to fill in the bubbles on the data sheet
and thoroughly erase any mistakes.
3. Mail your completed scansheets to: REEF Fish Survey Project,

AWARE – Fish Identification

P.O. Box 246, Key Largo, Florida 33037 USA
IX. AWARE — Fish Identification Dive One
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this dive, you will be able to:
1. Identify fish by placing them in appropriate family groups, and iden-
tify specific species when possible.
2. Record sightings on a slate, including abundance and habitat infor-
mation when possible.
3. Draw diagrams and describe characteristics of unfamiliar fish, then
attempt to determine their identities after the dive.
4. Demonstrate appropriate and responsible diving practices and behav-
iors to minimize negative environmental effects.

If students have previous experience conducting fish sightings, their data may
be transferred to REEF Fish Survey Project scansheets. However, to avoid
task loading, it’s recommended that you conduct Dive One for experience and
enjoyment without the pressure of collecting data for submission.

A. General open water considerations

1. Involve students in dive planning activities. Have students
prepare underwater slates, training buoys and reference lines
as appropriate.
2. Conduct a thorough briefing. Emphasize that students should
interact responsibly with the aquatic life by maintaining neu-
tral buoyancy, avoiding unnecessary contact, securing dan-
gling equipment, and moving slowly to minimize disturbing
the aquatic life.
3. Assign logistical duties to staff and review emergency proto-
4. The use of qualified assistants is highly recommended. Assis-
tants can help keep track of buddy teams, help with check-in,
checkout procedures and be prepared to help in an emergency.
Certified assistants may also be assigned to help students find
particular fish, identify them by name, and point out unique
behaviors or interesting interactions.
5. The bottom time should never exceed the no-decompression
limits on the Recreational Dive Planner or each student’s dive

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

computer (if used). Preferably, plan dives to end with a margin
of extra conservatism.

B. Briefing
1. Evaluate the conditions
2. Facilities at the dive site
3. Entry technique and location
4. Exit technique and location
5. Depth ranges
6. Interesting and helpful facts about the dive site
7. Emergency procedures
8. Buddy assignments
C. Predive procedures
1. Equipment preparation
2. Prepare underwater slates and gather appropriate fish identifi-
cation cards/field guides.
3. Calculate no-decompression limits.
4. Predive safety check
D. Entry — appropriate for local environment
E. Dive Activities
1. Identify fish families and species [Emphasize that until stu-
dents become adept at identifying individual species they
should concentrate on distinguishing fish families]
2. Record sightings, abundance and habitats [Encourage students
to not only record fish sightings, but to also note abundance
and environments where fish where seen, if possible]
3. Sketch or describe unfamiliar fish [Encourage students to use
reef fish identification cards/slates, when available]

F. Ascent and Exit — safety stop at 5 metres/15 feet (if appro-

G. Postdive procedures
1. Stow equipment and exchange tanks as appropriate.
2. Calculate repetitive group at the end of the dive.
H. Debriefing
1. Comment on student performance.
2. Discuss fish observed
3. Use reference materials to identify unfamiliar fish
4. Explain how students may build a life list of their sightings

AWARE – Fish Identification

5. Log dive (Instructor signs log.)

X. AWARE — Fish Identification Dive Two

Learning Objectives.
By the end of this dive, you will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to independently plan and execute a fish
identification dive to include recording fish families, species, abun-
dance and habitat information and drawing diagrams of unfamiliar

If students are participating in the REEF Fish Survey Project, review fish
surveying techniques and data collection procedures. If students are identi-
fying fish for other reasons, encourage them to look for species they did not
encounter on the Dive One.

A. Briefing
1. Evaluate the conditions
2. Facilities at the dive site
3. Entry technique and location
4. Exit technique and location
5. Depth ranges
6. Interesting and helpful facts about the dive site
7. Emergency procedures
8. Buddy assignments
9. [Review REEF Fish Survey Project procedures, if appropriate]
B. Predive procedures
1. Equipment preparation
2. Prepare underwater slates and gather appropriate fish identifi-
cation cards/field guides.
3. Calculate no-decompression limits.
4. Predive safety check
C. Entry — appropriate for local environment
D. Dive Activities
1. Identify fish families and species
2. Record sightings, abundance and habitats
3. Sketch or describe unfamiliar fish

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

E. Ascent and Exit — safety stop at 5 metres/15 feet
(if appropriate)
F. Postdive procedures
1. Stow equipment and exchange tanks as appropriate.
2. Calculate repetitive group at the end of the dive.
G. Debriefing
1. Comment on student performance.
2. Discuss fish observed
3. Use reference materials to identify unfamiliar fish
4. [Complete REEF Fish Survey Project scansheets, if

AWARE – Fish Identification

Specialty Course Instructor Outline
5. Log dive (Instructor signs log.)
Name ____________________________________________________________________ Date ________________

AWARE – Fish Identification

Knowledge Review
To the student: Answer the following questions, then review this knowledge review with your instructor.

1. Why are divers and snorkelers the natural ambassadors for the aquatic environment?

2. A.W.A.R.E. is an acronym for:

A ________________________
W ________________________
A ________________________
R ________________________
E ________________________

3. Part of Project AWARE’s mission is to teach the world about the importance and responsibility of pre-
serving the aquatic environment.
□ True □ False

4. The Project AWARE Foundation supports environmental efforts by:

□ a. Encouraging aquatic ecology and education.
□ b. Funding and assisting worthwhile projects that enrich mankind’s awareness
and understanding of the fragile nature of the aquatic world.
□ c. Supporting environmental research
□ d. All of the above.

5. Approximately how many different species of fish exist worldwide? ______________

6. Beginning fishwatchers should concentrate on identifying fish families, not specific species.
□ True □ False

7. Fish identification is a(n) ____________ diving activity. Avoid _________ fish to get a better look.
□ a. interactive/photographing
□ b. passive/staring at
□ c. passive/chasing
□ d. interactive/drawing

AWARE – Fish Identification

8. List at least four common family groupings used to identify fish in your local area.
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________

9. List at least four key characteristics that assist in distinguishing between different fish families.
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________

10. What is the roving diver survey technique and why is it a desirable method for recreational divers to col-
lect data?

Student Statement: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I missed.

Name _____________________________________________________________________ Date _________________

Adventure Dive: AWARE – Fish Identification

Skills Overview
• Slate preparation
• Briefing
• Equipment preparation
• Predive Safety Check
• Entry
• Observe and identify fish families
• Record sightings
• Sketch/describe unfamiliar fish
• Ascent and exit
• Post dive procedures
• Use reference materials to identify unfamiliar fish
• Debrief
• Log dive

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

Name _____________________________________________________________________ Date ________________

AWARE – Fish Identification

Knowledge Review Answer Key
To the student: Answer the following questions, then review this knowledge review with your instructor.

1. Why are divers and snorkelers the natural ambassadors for the aquatic environment?
Divers and snorkelers notice both short and long term changes in the aquatic
realm. This intimate familiarity with the underwater world, makes them the
natural ambassadors for the aquatic environment.

2. A.W.A.R.E. is an acronym for:

Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility, and Education

3. Part of Project AWARE’s mission is to teach the world about the importance and responsibility of pre-
serving the aquatic environment.
✔ True
□ □ False

4. The Project AWARE Foundation supports environmental efforts by:

□ a. Encouraging aquatic ecology and education.
□ b. Funding and assisting worthwhile projects that enrich mankind’s awareness
and understanding of the fragile nature of the aquatic world.
□ c. Supporting environmental research
✔ d. All of the above.

5. Approximately how many different species of fish exist worldwide?


6. Beginning fishwatchers should concentrate on identifying fish families, not specific species.
✔ True
□ □ False

7. Fish identification is a(n) ____________ diving activity. Avoid _________ fish to get a better look.
□ a. interactive/photographing
□ b. passive/staring at
✔ c.
□ passive/chasing
□ d. interactive/drawing

8. List at least four common family groupings used to identify fish in your local area.
(Answers vary depending on location)

AWARE – Fish Identification

9. List at least four key characteristics that assist in distinguishing between different fish families.
Possible answers include:
1. Size
2. Color
3. Body shape
4. Fin configuration
5. Mouth/jaw shape
6. Habitat and behavior
7. Propulsion method

10. What is the roving diver survey technique and why is it a desirable method for recreational divers to
collect data?
A technique that allows diver to swim along as usual, spotting fish along
the way. The divers do not have to alter or restrict their normal dive pat-

Student Statement: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I missed.

Name _________________________________________________________________ Date _________________

Adventure Dive: AWARE – Fish Identification

Skills Overview
• Slate preparation
• Briefing
• Equipment preparation
• Predive Safety Check
• Entry
• Observe and identify fish families
• Record sightings
• Sketch/describe unfamiliar fish
• Ascent and exit
• Post dive procedures
• Use reference materials to identify unfamiliar fish
• Debrief
• Log dive

Specialty Course Instructor Outline

PADI Adventure Dive Training Record
Adventure Dive:
AWARE - Fish Identification Dive
Skills Overview
• Knowledge Review • Sketch/describe unfamiliar
• Slate preparation fish
• Briefing • Ascent and exit
• Equipment preparation • Use reference materials to
• Predive Safety Check identify unfamiliar fish
• Entry • Debrief and postdive proce-
• Observe and identify fish dures
families • Log dive – Complete Training
• Record sightings Record

Instructor Statement
"I verify that this student has satisfactorily completed the Knowledge Review
and Performance Requirements (as described in PADI's Adventures in Diving
Program Instructor Guide) for this PADI Adventure Dive. I am a renewed,
Teaching status PADI Instructor for the current year."

Instructor Name
First Middle Initial Last

Instructor Signature

PADI No. Dive Completion Date


Instructor Contact Information (Please Print)

Instructor Mailing Address

City State/Province

Country Zip/Postal Code


Student Diver Statement

"I verify that I have completed all of the Performance Requirements for this
Adventure Dive. I realize that there is more to learn about fish identification and
that completion of a PADI AWARE - Fish Identification course is highly recom-
mended. I also agree to abide by PADI Standard Safe Diving Practices."

Diver Signature Date


AWARE – Fish Identification

PADI Specialty Training Record
AWARE - Fish Identification Diver
I verify that this student has satisfactorily completed all academic and/or any confined water training
sessions as outlined in the PADI Specialty Course Instructor Outline for AWARE - Fish Identification.
I am a renewed, Teaching status PADI Instructor in this specialty.
Instructor Name ________________________________________________________ PADI#____________
Instructor Signature __________________________________________ Completion Date ______________

Open Water Dives

Dive One
I verify that this student has satisfactorily completed Dive One as outlined in the PADI standardized out-
line for AWARE - Fish Identification including:

• Identifying fish by placing them in appropriate family groupings

• Recording fish sightings
• Drawing diagrams of unfamiliar fish for later identification
• Demonstrating responsible diving practices to minimize negative environmental effects

I am a renewed, Teaching status PADI Instructor in this specialty.

Instructor Name __________________________________________________________ PADI #______________
Instructor Signature ______________________________________________ Completion Date ______________

Dive Two
I verify that this student has satisfactorily completed Dive Two as outlined in the PADI standardized out-
line for AWARE - Fish Identification including:

• Planning and executing a dive using appropriate fish surveying techniques

I am a renewed, Teaching status PADI Instructor in this specialty.

Instructor Name __________________________________________________________ PADI #______________
Instructor Signature ______________________________________________ Completion Date ______________

I verify that I have completed all performance requirements for this AWARE - Fish Identification
Diver Specialty. I am adequately prepared to dive in areas and under conditions similar to those in
which I was trained. I agree to abide by PADI Standard Safe Diving Practices.
Student Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature ______________________________________________________Date ______________

Specialty Course Instructor Outline


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