Tec 40 Knowledge Review

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Instructor Guide Appendix

Independent Study Assignments

You may copy the following independent study assignments to hand out to students.
See the instructor guides for required presentations. In the Tec 40 course, see the notes
relating to Other Delivery Content, Tec 40, and Tec 45, Knowledge Development One, II.
Equipment about the appropriate study assignments for the equipment your students will
use in the course.

Tec 40
Tec 40 Knowledge Development One
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs xi, pg xiii Your Obligations and
Responsibilities, pg xiv Diver Accident Insurance, pg 1-9 including Tec Exercise
1.1. Disregard Tec Deep and Apprentice Tec Diver Certification Limits discussions.
You may skip question 6 in the exercise.
Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-1
Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 1
Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-2
Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 2
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 84-87, Oxygen Compatibility
Review, Manufacturer Warranties and Hyperoxic Gases
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 35-50, Gas Planning I,
Tec Exercise 1.3

Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-3

Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 3
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 51-54, Team Diving I, Tec Exercise 1.4
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 54-59, Techniques and Procedures I,
Tec Exercise 1.5, pgs 107-109, Team Diving Gas Handling Considerations,
Tec Exercise 2.4 questions 4-8, pgs 115-122, Techniques and Procedures III,
Tec Exercise 2.5
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 60-64, Emergency Procedures I,
Tec Exercise 1.6, pgs 123-129, Emergency Procedures II, Tec Exercise 2.6


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Appendix Instructor Guide

Tec 40 Knowledge Review One

 Please complete this review to hand in to your instructor. If there’s something you
don’t understand, review the related material. If you still don’t understand, be sure to have
your instructor explain it to you.

1. Define “recreational diving”, “technical diving”, and explain what is not technical diving.

2. List six general risks and hazards that technical diving presents that either don’t
exist or aren’t as severe in recreational diving.

3. What single statement sums up the difference between recreational and technical diving?

4. What are the goals of the Tec 40 course?


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5. What are the limits of the Tec 40 certification?

6. What are the six characteristics of a responsible technical diver:

7. What should you do if you can’t or won’t accept the risks and responsibilities
demanded by technical diving?


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8. Describe the proper types, number, location and configuration within your rig of
the following equipment components as to how your gear will look when worn.
Valves & Cylinders:

Right Regulator accessories:

Left Regulator accessories:

BCD and harness:



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Cutting tools:



9. List the three types of dive computer you can use for technical deep diving with air
and enriched air, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Standard Air Computer:

Enriched Air Computers:


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Multigas Computers:

10. What are the recommended maximum oxygen partial pressures for technical
deep diving?

11. Using the maximum depth formulas, what are the maximum depths and decom-
pression depths for EANx48?

(Metric) if your SAC rate is 24 litres/min, how much gas volume do you need for 20
minutes at 30 metres? What would your total volume be with a reserve based on the
rule of thirds?

(Imperial) if you SAC rate is .8 cubic feet/min, how much gas volume do you need for
20 minutes at 90 feet? What would your total volume be with a reserve based on the
rule of thirds?


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12. What are the signs and symptoms of CNS oxygen toxicity, and what’s the primary
way you avoid it?

13. What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary oxygen toxicity, and what is the
primary way to avoid it?

14. List your responsibilities as a team member when technical diving.

15. What is the rule regarding aborting a technical dive?

16. What is the primary hazard of diving negatively buoyant, and how do you manage
this hazard?


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17. What is the primary hazard of excessive positive buoyancy, and how do you man-
age this hazard?

18. Describe how to find the minimum weight and the minimum buoyancy you need
for a technical deep dive.

19. How does a technical dive in a dry suit differ from a recreational dive in a dry suit?
What’s the recommended number of recreational dives in a dry suit that you
should have before technical diving in one?


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20. Describe the procedure for sharing gas with your long hose.

21. What are the emergency procedures for a massive regulator (second stage) free
flow at depth?

22. What are the emergency procedures for a damaged doubles manifold at depth?

23. What is the over-riding mission of all technical dives?

24. How and why does “cutting corners” lead to accidents in technical diving?


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Tec 40 Knowledge Development Two

Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 64-64, Thinking Like a Technical
Diver I, Tec Exercise 1.7
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 88-93 Introduction to
Decompression Stop and Gas Switch, Extended No Stop Diving, Equivalent
Air Depths (Continued) and Equivalent Narcotic Depths, Ideal Enriched Air
for a Particular Depth, Determining Gas Supply and Reserve Requirements for
Multiple Depths and Decompression stops (first page only); pgs 97-99 Desk Top
Decompression Software Tec Exercise 2.2, Questions 1-8 & 10. Pg 157 down to
“Example” on pg 158, Planning a Decompression Dive Using a Single Gas Computer.
Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-4
Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 4
Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-5
Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 5
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 101-107, Thinking Like a
Technical Diver II, Team Diving II, Tec Exercise 2.3, pgs 109-113, Predive Check,
Technical Diving Hand Signals, Tec Exercise 2.4, questions 1-3 and 9-15.
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pgs 167, When to Make Cylinder
Switches, pgs 162-166, Emergencies III, Tec Exercise 3.3

Tec 40 Knowledge Review Two

Please complete this review to hand in to your instructor. If there’s something you
don’t understand, review the related material. If you still don’t understand, be sure to have
your instructor explain it to you.

1. Describe a suitable, rigged stage deco bottle “package.”


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2. Briefly list the guidelines regarding material and equipment compatibility using
enriched air and oxygen. What do you risk if you fail to follow these guidelines?

3. Explain how you determine your required decompression stops using a single gas
computer or table, and how to use switches to enriched air or oxygen to make the
decompression more conservative.


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4. What do you assume your END is with enriched air? Why?

5. What are the advantages and risks of using desk top decompression software?

6. What should you assume about every technical dive, and what should you take
for granted?

7. What is your most important resource in a tec diving emergency, and what provides
this resource?

8. What is the principle of your gas reserve?


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9. What is the recall phrase for the seven segments of planning a tec dive, and what
does the phrase stand for?

10. Why do all team members on a technical dive usually use the same gases?

11. What four markings should be on every cylinder used on a technical dive? Which
should be easy to read by all team members while worn? Why are these markings


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12. Who must check the pressure and oxygen analysis of every cylinder used for a
technical dive?

13. What is the predive check recall phrase in tec diving? What does it stand for, and
what steps does the predive check include? Being Wary Reduces All Failures.

14. What is your turn pressure if you have 190 bar or 2800 psi in your cylinders and
your are using a reserve of one-third?

15. Describe how to perform a bubble check and a descent check.

16. The thumbs up means_________________________ .


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17. What is the ideal position and stop depth level when decompressing? What is the
most important skill you need for decompressing?

Student Diver statement: I’ve reviewed the questions I answered incorrectly or incompletely
and I now understand what I missed.

Signature__________________________________________ Date _________________


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Instructor Guide Appendix

Tec 40 Knowledge Development Three

Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-6
Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 6
Other Delivery Content, Tec 40-7
Study assignment: Tec 40 Handout 7
Manual Supported Content
Study assignment: Tec Deep Diver Manual, pg 204, sidebar, How Do I Figure 1.5
Times with a Computer?

Tec 40 Knowledge Review Three

Please complete this review to hand in to your instructor. If there’s something you
don’t understand, review the related material. If you still don’t understand, be sure to have
your instructor explain it to you.

1. What is one of the most common preventable causes of death in technical diving?

2. What is the recall acronym for gas switches? Describe the gas switch procedure and
how the acronym prompts you.

3. List five guidelines that reduce the chance of accidentally switching to an unsafe gas
blend at depth.


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4. Describe what to do if you experience possible symptoms of CNS oxygen toxicity.

5. What is the “ideal” gas blend for a dive to 25 metres/83 feet?

6. What is the general procedure if you can’t return to your planned ascent line?

7. How do you learn to account for environmental variables, such as current, visibility,
temperature and waves when planning a tec dive?

8. What are four guidelines to consider when planning a tec dive in an unfamiliar


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9. What assumption do technical divers make when they plan a dive?

10. List six principles for surviving a tec dive.

11. As a Tec 40 diver, what should you do if you exceed your planned depth and time?

12. As a Tec 40 diver, what should you do if you omit decompression?

Student Diver statement: I’ve reviewed the questions I answered incorrectly or incompletely
and I now understand what I missed.

Signature__________________________________________ Date _________________


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