Cost Calculation of Floor by Civil Works

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1 2 a
Earth work in foundation trenches up to 5'-0" depth and 100'-0" lead distance including protecting and maintaini
Considering 1,000.00 cft of work
1 Mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
2 Skilled labour 4.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
3 Ordinary labour 18.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
4 For lay-out:
i) Head mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Lime for marking 3.75 kg @ Tk. 8.50 Per kg =
iii) Bamboo for spikes 12.00 rft. @ Tk. 15.00 Per rft. =
5 Tools and plant, sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 9.70 per cft.


Add extra rate for each additional 2'-0" depth exceeding 7'-0"

Considering 1,000.00 cft of work

1. Mason 1.25 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =

2. Skilled labour /Helper 5.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 2.94 per cft.


Supply and fitting as per Instraction Bituminous Felt with hard bitumin

Considering 100.00 sft of work

1 Mason 0.25 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
2 Skilled labour 0.50 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
3 Ordinary labour 2.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
4 Materials
i) Bitumin Paper 103.00 sft @ Tk. 8.40 each =
ii) Hard bitumin (10 lbs per 100 sft) 4.54 kg @ Tk. 75.00 Per kg =
iii) Tools and plant, sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 25.68 per sft.


Driving & Removing for I-Joist pile (size: ¼" x 5" x 10") long of I-joist 20'
Considering 100.00 rft of work @ 8" c/c

A. a) I-Joist (Length 20'-0") 151.00 Nos. @ Tk. 16,500.00 per nos. =

b) I-Joist for bressing 5.00 Each @ Tk. 16,500.00 Each =
c) Driving, cutting I-Joist pile with all
151.00 Nos. @ Tk. 150.00 per nos. =
necessary equipments
d) I-Joist pile Removing 151.00 Each @ Tk. 1,500.00 Each =
B. Labour (Load-Unload) :
Skilled labour 0.60 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
Sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 28,238.20 per rft.

Fair consider @ 10% of Buy cost Tk. 705.96 per rft

Par I-Joist 150 kg, 5 Ton Weight Trak, 15-20 Nos I-Joist Carry, @ 2000/= par Trak, Load-Unload par Joist 100/=


Earth filling in foundation trenches and plinth (earth available at site)

Considering 1,000.00 cft. of work

1. Ordinery labour for filling

including local carriage 6.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
2. Head mason for supervision 0.25 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
3. Skilled labour for dressing
& consolidation 3.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
4. Sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 4.02 per cft.



Sand filling in foundation and plinth with local sand (F.M. 1.2)

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

1. Viti sand
30% for compaction 130.00 cft. @ Tk. 14.00 Per % cft. =
2. Head mason - No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
3. Ordinery Labour for levelling,
compacting, watering etc. 100.00 No. @ Tk. 4.02 each =
4. Sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 22.42 per cft.


Single layer brick flat soling in foundation or in floor.

Considering 100.00 sft of work

1. Bricks 350.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10,000.00 Per ‰ Nos. =

2. Fine sand 5.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
4. Mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
5. Skilled labour 0.50 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
6. Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

04. ALUMINIUM WORK FOR "MOSTAFA MANSION " Say, Tk. 39.60 per sft.


Brick on edge


Herring bonebond


Mass concrete in foundation (1:3:6) with brick chips & 100% local sand of F.M. 1.2

Considering 100.00 cft of work

1. Bricks (for 93 cft chips) 1,033.23 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 per nos. =
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 47.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 13.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
4. Breaking chips in/c screening 93.00 cft. @ Tk. 22.00 Per % cft. =
6. Curing L.S. =
(A) Total =
Considering 600.00 cft of work
7. Laying cost
a) Head mason 0.5 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 3 Nos. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
c) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1 No.
ii) Feeding sand 6 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 7 Nos.
Total = 14 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
e) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0 No.
ii) Belcha 2 Nos.
iii) Lifting 2 Nos.
iv) Pouring 2 Nos.
v) On the way 2 Nos.
vi) Poking 1 Nos.
vii) Watering 0 No.
Total = 9.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
g) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
Total =
(B) 100 cft Laying cost =

8. Extra cost of wood for side shutter: for 100 cft

2 x 60'-0" x 4" x 1"= 3.33 cft.
2 x 5'-0" x 4" x 1"= 0.28 cft.
10 x 6" x 2" x 1" = 0.07 cft.
3.68 cft.
Add 5% wastage 0.18 cft.
3.86 cft. @ Tk. 500.00 Per cft.
Using 6 times Tk. 83.33 Per cft. =
9. Labour for side shutter
2 x 40'-0" x 6" = 40.00 sft.
2 x 5' - 0" x 6" = 5.00 sft.
45.00 sft. @ Tk. 19.00 Per sft. =
(C) Total =

(A) Materials Cost

(B) Laying Cost
(C) Shuttering Cost
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate Per cft =

Say, Tk. 53.49 per sft.


(i) Mass concrete in foundation (1:3:6) with brick chips & 100% local sand of F.M. 1.2

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

1. Bricks for 90 cft chips 765.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10,000.00 Per % 0 Nos. =
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 45.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 13.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
4. Breaking chips in/c screening 90.00 cft. @ Tk. 22.00 Per % cft. =
5. Labour for casting:
i) Head mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.75 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Skilled labour 2.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
iv) Ordinary labour 2.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
6. Curing 07 days @ 1/8 nos per day =
7. Mixture machine, pump, local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
8. Extra cost of wood for side shutter: for 100 cft
2 x 60'-0" x 4" x 1"= 3.33 cft.
2 x 5'-0" x 4" x 1"= 0.28 cft.
10 x 6" x 2" x 1" = 0.07 cft.
3.68 cft.
Add 5% wastage 0.18 cft.
3.86 cft. @ Tk. 500.00 Per cft.
Using 6 times Tk. 83.33 Per cft. =
9. Labour for side shutter
2 x 40'-0" x 6" = 40.00 sft.
2 x 5' - 0" x 6" = 5.00 sft.
45.00 sft. @ Tk. 9.50 Per sft. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Cladding Tiles - Rustic Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 186.07 per cft.





75 mm thick artificial patent stone flooring (1 : 2 : 4) with 1/2" down graded brick chips for Patil terracing

Considering 100.00 cft of work

400.00 sft of area covering

1. Bricks @ 11.00 nos per cft chips 968 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per nos =
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 40% 17.6 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Sand (F.M. 2.5) 60% 26.4 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
4. Cement 18 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
5. Breaking chips in/c screening 88.00 cft. @ Tk. 12.00 Per cft. =
6. Labour for 7 days curing @
1/8 labour per day. 0.44 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
7. Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
9. Local carriage, sundries, T & P and washing of sand etc. L.S. =
Sub-total =
For 400 sft. of work =

8. Patil for terracing work 900.00 Nos. @ Tk. 7.50 Per nos =
10. Extra cement for finishing 2.00 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
11. Labour cost:
i) Head mason 4.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 8.00 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Skilled labour 16.00 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
iv) Ordinary labour 25.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

(i) Ground floor Say, Tk. 137.34 per sft.

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =


75 mm thick artificial patent stone flooring (1 : 2 : 4) with 1/2" down graded brick chips

Considering 100.00 cft of work covering 400.00 sft area

1. Bricks @ 11.00 nos per cft chips 955.46 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per nos =
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 22.5 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Sand (F.M. 2.5) 22.5 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
4. Cement 18 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
5. Breaking chips in/c screening 86.00 cft. @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per % cft. =
6. Labour for 7 days curing @
1/16 labour per day. 0.44 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
7. Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
8. Vibrator machine hire charge - day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
9. Local carriage, sundries, T & P and washing of sand etc. L.S. =
Sub-total =
Per 100 sft of work =

10. Extra cement for finishing 0.50 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
11. Labour cost:
i) Head mason No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Skilled labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
iv) Ordinary labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Extra cost of Garjan batten for side shutter
4 x 10'-0" x 6" x 1" = 1.66 cft.
Add 5% wastage 0.08 cft.
1.74 cft. @ Tk. 500.00 Per cft.
Using 10 times @ Tk. 50.00 Per cft. =
11. Labour for shuttering
4 x 10'-0" x 0'-6" = 20.00 sft. @ Tk. 19.00 Per sft. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

(i) Ground floor Say, Tk. 74.32 per sft.

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =


6" thick BBC
Considering 100.00 sft of work
1. 1st class Bricks for soling 155 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per nos. =
2. CC work 155 sft @ Tk. 53.49 Per sft. =
3. Labour charge for soling 100 sft @ Tk. 0.80 Per sft. =
L.S. =
Sub-total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 100.95 per sft.


Supplying and laying double layer polythene sheet

Considering 108 sft. of work

Assuming 2 Nos. 9'-0" x 12'-0" pieces with 6" over lap to cover 216 dft of area
Extra length required:
2 x 9'-0" = 18 rft.
2 x 12'-0" = 24 rft.
42 rft.

A. Cost of polythene sheet:

2 x 9'-0" x 12'-0" = 216 sft.
Lap: 42x 0'-6" = 21 sft.
= 237 sft. @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per sft =
0.5" sand cushion 9.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =

B. Skilled labour for laying polythene: 1/2 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 2,637.75 per sft.


Supplying and laying single layer polythene sheet
Considering 108 sft. of work

Assuming 1 Nos. 9'-0" x 12'-0" pieces with 6" over lap to cover 216 sft.
Extra length required:
1 x 9'-0" = 9 rft.
1 x 12'-0" = 12 rft.
21 rft.
A. Cost of polythene sheet:
1 x 9'-0" x 12'-0" = 108 sft.
Lap: 21 x 0'-6" = 10.5 sft.
= 118.5 sft. @ Tk. 4.00 Per sft =

B. Skilled labour for laying polythene: 1/4 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 5.43 per sft.


10" thick Brick work with first class bricks in superstructure (1:6)

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

1. Bricks 1,150.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per nos. =

2. Sand (F.M 1.2) in/c wastage 36.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 4.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.50 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 0.50 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Screening & washing sand, Local
9. 0.25 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
carriage, sundries, T & P etc etc.
10 Labour for 7 days curing @
1/12 labour per day: 0.58 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11 Scaffolding 25.00 sft. @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

(a) Ground floor Say, Tk. 161.71 per cft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor charges Tk. 14.50 @ 10% per cft =


8" Brick work with first class bricks in superstructure (1:6)

Considering 120.00 sft. of work

1. Bricks 970.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10,000.00 Per % 0 Nos. =

2. Sand (F.M 1.2) in/c wastage 24.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 3.50 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.08 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.75 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.75 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 1.50 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 labour per day: 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
14 Scaffolding 25.00 sft. @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft. =
15 Extra labour for carriage 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
16 Extra labour for curing 0.50 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
17 Screening & washing sand etc. 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

(a) Ground floor Say, Tk. 131.56 per sft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.25 Nos. lab per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =


5" thick brick work with first class bricks (1:4) in superstructure

Considering 100 sft. work

1. Bricks 550.00 Nos @ Tk. 10.00 Per % 0 Nos =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 18.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
3. Cement 1.75 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.10 No @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.50 No @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.75 No @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.25 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand, bricks 0.25 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing @
1/12 No. labour per day 0.44 Nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11. Scaffolding 25.00 sft @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft =
12. Local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft =

(i) Ground floor Rate per sft =

Rate per sqm =

Say, Tk. 84.13 Per sft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor Tk. 12.50 @ 10% Per sft =


3" thick brick work with first class bricks (1:4) in superstructure
Considering 100.00 sft. work

1. Bricks 288.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10,000.00 Per % 0 Nos. =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 7.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 1.50 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.08 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.35 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.15 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 0.15 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 0.50 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand 0.10 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 No. labour per day 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11. Scaffolding 25.00 sft. @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft. =
12. Local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

(i) Ground floor Rate per sft. =

Rate per sqm =

Say, Tk. 50.97 per sft.

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =


10” thick Exposed Hand made CFC 1st class brick works :


5” thick Exposed machine made facing brick (Std. Solid) works :

Considering 100 sft. work

1. Bricks 500.00 Nos. @ Tk. 12.00 Per Nos. =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 17.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 2.60 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 2.00 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 2.00 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 2.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 2.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand 2.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 No. labour per day 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11. Scaffolding 25.00 sft. @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft. =
12. Local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

(i) Ground floor Rate per sft. =

Rate per sqm. =

Say, Tk. 135.84 Per sft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per sft =


3” thick Exposed Hand made CFC 1st class brick works :


5” thick Exposed machine made brick (solid) works :

Considering 100 sft of work

1. Bricks 550.00 Nos @ Tk. 12.00 Per Nos =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 18.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
3. Cement 1.75 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.10 No @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.50 No @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.50 No @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 0.50 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 0.50 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand 0.25 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 No. labour per day 1.75 Nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11. Scaffolding 25.00 sft @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft =
12. Local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft =

(i) Ground floor rate Rate per sft =

Say, Tk. 98.85 Per sft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per sft =


3” thick Exposed machine made brick (solid) works :

Considering 100 sft of work

1. Bricks 156.00 Nos @ Tk. 5.00 Per Nos =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 7.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
3. Cement 1.50 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.08 No @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.35 No @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.15 No @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 0.15 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 0.50 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand 0.10 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 No. labour per day 1.75 Nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11. Scaffolding 25.00 sft @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft =
12. Local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft =

(i) Ground floor rate Rate per sft =

Say, Tk. 31.92 Per sft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per sft =


10” thick Exposed machine made brick (solid) works :

Considering 100 cft of work

1. Bricks 1054.20 Nos @ Tk. 5.00 Per Nos =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 36.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
3. Cement 4.00 bag @ Tk. 28.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.10 No @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.35 No @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.35 No @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.00 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 1.00 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand 1.00 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 No. labour per day 1.75 Nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11 Scaffolding 25.00 sft @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft =
12 Extra labour for carriage 0.35 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
13 Extra labour for curing 0.25 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
14 Screening & washing sand etc. 1.00 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft =

(i) Ground floor rate Rate per cft =

Say, Tk. 94.66 Per cft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % cft.) in/c charges Per cft =


10" thick Brick work with first class hollow partition blocks in superstructure (1:6)

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

1. Bricks 560.00 Nos. @ Tk. 16.75 Nos. =

2. Sand (F.M 1.2) in/c wastage 36.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement 4.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.35 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.35 No. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 labour per day: 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =

11 Scaffolding 25.00 sft. @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft. =

12 Extra labour for carriage 0.35 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
13 Extra labour for curing 0.25 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
14 Screening & washing sand etc. 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

(a) Ground floor Say, Tk. 150.83 per cft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 1.25 Nos. lab per % cft.) in/c charges per cft =


5" thick brick work with first class hollow burnt bricks (1:4) in superstructure

Considering 100 sft. work

1. Bricks 232.00 Nos @ Tk. 16.75 No =

2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) 10.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
3. Cement 1.75 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.20 No @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.50 No @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 0.22 No @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 0.20 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for soaking &
cleaning bricks 0.50 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Labour for screening &
washing sand 0.25 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
10. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 No. labour per day 1.75 Nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
11. Scaffolding 25.00 sft @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft =
12. Local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft =

(i) Ground floor Rate per sft =

Rate per sqm =

Say, Tk. 70.61 Per sft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per sft =


R.C.C work (1:1.5:3) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in Cast-in situ Pile with Shingles using steel casing etc.

Considering 100.00 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 12 mm down graded shingles 84.00 cft @ Tk. 170.00 Per cft =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 42 cft @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft =
c) Local sand 0 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
d) Cement 23.00 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
e) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Boring Cost of Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for 56.53 Rft pile
56.53 Rft @ Tk. 195.00 Per rft =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft =
Rate per rft =
Say, Tk. 384.00 per


R.C.C work (1:1.5:3) complete including the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in 18"Ø Cast-in situ Pile with Shingles using steel casing etc.

Considering 100.00 cft of work

56.59 rft pile
A. Cost of concrete:
a) 12 mm down graded shingles 83.00 cft @ Tk. 170.00 Per cft =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 20.75 cft @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft =
c) Local sand 20.75 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
d) Cement 22.00 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
e) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =
B. Cost of Reinforcement:
a) 16mm dia Main bar 174.87 kg @ Tk. 75.00 Per kg =
b) 10mm dia Stirrup 84.54 kg @ Tk. 75.00 Per kg =
c) Fabrication 259.42 kg @ Tk. 5.50 Per kg =
Cost of Reinforcement:

C. Boring Cost of Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for 56.53 Rft pile
56.59 Rft @ Tk. 110.00 Per rft =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Cost of reinforcement =
(C) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft =
Rate per rft =
Say, Tk. 533.00 per


R.C.C work (1:1.5:3) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in Footing, Pile cap etc with stone chips using steel shutter and props

Considering 100.00 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 19 mm down crushed stone cps 84.00 cft. @ Tk. 215.00 Per cft. =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 42.00 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
c) Cement 23.00 bags. @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
c) Foam Lub 7.40 ltr. @ Tk. 200.00 Per ltr =
d) Labour for 28 days curing:
0.25/8 labour per day. 0.88 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting

Considering 600.00 cft. concreting work
a) Head mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 2 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
c) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1 No.
ii) Feeding sand 2 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 4 Nos.
Total = 7 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
d) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0 No.
ii) Belcha 3 Nos.
iii) Lifting 4 Nos.
iv) Pouring 4 Nos.
v) On the way 3 Nos.
vi) Poking 1 Nos.
vii) Watering 0 No.
Total = 15.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
f) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant cost for 100 cft. of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 352.22 per cft

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 0.25 Nos. lab. per % cft. in/c charges per cft =


R.C.C work (1:1½:3) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in Gread Beam, slab etc stone chips 60 : 40 ratio using sand with steel shutter and props
Considering 100.00 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 19 mm down crushed stone cps 84.00 cft. @ Tk. 215.00 Per cft. =
b) S Sand (F.M. 2.5) 26.00 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
b) Local Sand (F.M. 2.5) 16.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
c) Cement 23.00 bags. @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
d) Labour for 28 days curing @
1/16 labour per day. 0.88 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting

Considering 600.00 cft. concreting work
a) Head mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 3 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
c) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1 No.
ii) Feeding sand 4 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 8 Nos.
Total = 13 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
d) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0 No.
ii) Belcha 2 Nos.
iii) Lifting 2 Nos.
iv) Pouring 3 Nos.
v) On the way 2 Nos.
vi) Poking 2 Nos.
vii) Watering 0 No.
Total = 11.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
f) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant cost for 100 cft. of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 334.91 per cft

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 1.25 Nos. lab. per % cft. in/c charges per cft =


R.C.C work (1:1¼:2) using 100% sylhet sand complete excluding the cost of reinforcement &
its fabrication and shutter in column , wall with stone chips using steel shutter and props

Considering 100.00 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 19 mm dn crushed stone cps 73.00 cft. @ Tk. 215.00 Per cft. =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 46.00 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
c) Local Sand (F.M. 1.2) 0.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
d) Cement 29.00 bags. @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
e) Labour for 14 days curing: @
1/16 labour per day. 0.88 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting

Considering 600.00 cft. concreting work
a) Head mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 3 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
c) Mixture Machine operator No. @ Tk. 700.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1 No.
ii) Feeding sand 4 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 8 Nos.
Total = 13 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
e) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting No.
ii) Belcha 2 Nos.
iii) Lifting 2 Nos.
iv) Pouring 3 Nos.
v) On the way 2 Nos.
vi) Poking 2 Nos.
vii) Watering No.
Total = 11.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
g) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
h) Fuel and lubricant for mixture
machine & vibrator day @ Tk. 350.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant cost for 100 cft. of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 346.08 per cft

(b) Add for each addl. floor @ 10 % of 20.00 per cft =


R.C.C work (1:1¼:2.5) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in column , wall with stone chips using steel shutter and props

Considering 100.00 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 19 mm dn crushed stone cps 82.00 cft. @ Tk. 215.00 Per cft. =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 41.00 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
c) Cement 26.00 bags. @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
d) Labour for 28 days curing:
@ 0.25/8 labour per day. 0.88 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting

Considering 600.00 cft. concreting work
a) Head mason 0.5 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 2 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
c) Mixture Machine operator No. @ Tk. 700.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1 No.
ii) Feeding sand 2 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 4 Nos.
Total = 7 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
e) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0 No.
ii) Belcha 3 Nos.
iii) Lifting 4 Nos.
iv) Pouring 4 Nos.
v) On the way 3 Nos.
vi) Poking 1 Nos.
vii) Watering 0 No.
Total = 15.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
g) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
h) Fuel and lubricant for mixture
machine & vibrator day @ Tk. 350.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant cost for 100 cft. of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(a) In ground floor Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 346.42 per cft

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 1.25 Nos. lab. per % cft. in/c charges per cft =


R.C.C. work (1:2:4) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication in (use 60:40 proportion
S & L sand) grade beam, with 3/4"stone chips using steel shutter.

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

A. Cost of concrete
a) 3/4" Stone chips 88.00 cft. @ Tk. 215.00 Per cft. =
b) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 18.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
c) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 26.00 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
d) Cement 18.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
e) Labour for 28 days curing @
.5/8 labour per day 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
g) Local carriage, sundries, T & P L.S. =
Total =
B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting
Considering 600.00 cft. of work
a) Head mason 0.50 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 2.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1.00 No.
ii) Feeding sand 2.00 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 4.00 Nos.
Total = 7.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
e) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting - No.
ii) Belcha 3.00 Nos.
iii) Lifting 4.00 Nos.
iv) Pouring 4.00 Nos.
v) On the way 3.00 Nos.
vi) Poking 1.00 Nos.
vii) Watering - No.
Total = 15.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
g) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Cost for 100 cft. of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work

(A) Cost of concrete Total =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting Total =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Say, Tk. 322.46 per cft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 1.25 Nos. lab per % cft. in/c charges per cft =


R.C.C. work (1:2:4) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication in (use 1:1 proportion S & L
roof slab & beam , stair with brick chips using wooden shutter.

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

A. Cost of concrete
a) Bricks for chips
(@ 90 cft for % cft. concrete). 765.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10,000.00 Per % 0 Nos. =
b) Breaking cost of chips in/c screening 90.00 cft. @ Tk. 22.00 Per % cft. =
c) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 22.50 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
d) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 22.50 cft. @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft. =
e) Cement 18.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
f) Labour for 28 days curing
@ 1/4 labour per day 7.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
g) Local carriage, sundries, T & P L.S. =
Total =
B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting
Considering 600.00 cft. of work
a) Head mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 4.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
c) Mixture Machine operator 1.00 No. @ Tk. 700.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1.00 No.
ii) Feeding sand 2.00 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 3.00 Nos.
Total = 6.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
e) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 1.00 No.
ii) Belcha 3.00 Nos.
iii) Lifting 9.00 Nos.
iv) Pouring 9.00 Nos.
v) On the way 9.00 Nos.
vi) Poking 2.00 Nos.
vii) Watering 1.00 No.
Total = 34.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
g) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
h) Fuel and lubricant for mixture
machine & vibrator 1.00 day @ Tk. 350.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Cost for 100 cft. of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work

(A) Cost of concrete Total =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting Total =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Say, Tk. 247.31 per cft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 1.25 Nos. lab per % cft. in/c charges per cft =


R.C.C. work with brick chips and using wooden shutter (1:2:4) complete excluding the cost of
reinforcement and its fabrication In sunshade , drop wall, parapet wall, louver (av. 3" thick).

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

A. Cost of concrete
a) Brick for chips:
@ 88 cft. of chips per % cft. of
concrete & 11.2 Nos. of
bricks per cft. of chips. 985.60 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per nos. =
b) Breaking bricks in/c screening 88.00 cft. @ Tk. 22.00 Per cft. =
c) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 45.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
e) Cement 18.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 each =
f) Labour for 28 days curing:
@ .25/8 No. of labour per day. 0.88 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
g) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting
Considering 600 cft. concreting work
a) Head mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 3 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1 No.
ii) Feeding sand 4 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 8 Nos.
Total = 13 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
e) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0 No.
ii) Belcha 2 Nos.
iii) Lifting 2 Nos.
iv) Pouring 3 Nos.
v) On the way 2 Nos.
vi) Poking 2 Nos.
vii) Watering 0 No.
Total = 11.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
g) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Cost for 100 cft. of work =
Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work
(A) Cost of concrete Total =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting Total =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Say, Tk. 60.50 per sft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 0.75 Nos. lab. per sft in/c charges per sft. =


R.C.C work (1:2:4) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication in lintels
with brick chips using wooden shutter

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

A. Cost of concrete
a) Bricks for chips
(@ 90 cft for % cft. concrete). 765.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10,000.00 Per % 0 Nos. =
b) Breaking cost of chips in/c screening 90.00 cft. @ Tk. 22.00 Per % cft. =
c) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 45.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
e) Cement 18.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
f) Labour for 28 days curing
@ 1/4 labour per day 7.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
g) Local carriage, sundries, T & P L.S. =
Total =
B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting
Considering 600 cft. concreting work
a) Head mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
b) Mason 4.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
c) Mixture Machine operator 1.00 No. @ Tk. 700.00 each =
c) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 1.00 No.
ii) Feeding sand 2.00 Nos.
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 3.00 Nos.
Total = 6.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
d) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 1.00 No.
ii) Belcha 3.00 Nos.
iii) Lifting 9.00 Nos.
iv) Pouring 9.00 Nos.
v) On the way 9.00 Nos.
vi) Poking 2.00 Nos.
vii) Watering 1.00 No.
Total = 34.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
f) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
g) Fuel and lubricant for mixture
machine & vibrator 1.00 day @ Tk. 350.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Cost for 100 cft. of work =
Abstract of cost for 100 cft. of work
(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

(a) Below plinth level and in ground floor Say, Tk. 240.11 per cft.

(b) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor: @ 1.25 Nos. lab. per % charges per cft =
Minimum 1/2" thick cement plaster (1:6) to walls (average of 1/2" on one side and 3/4" )

A. 1/2" thick cement plaster (1:6) on one side of the walls.

Considering 100.00 sft. of work

a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 6.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =

b) Cement 0.75 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.75 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 1.50 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
B. 3/4" thick cement plaster (1:6) on other side of the walls.
Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 8.25 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
b) Cement 1.10 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.75 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 1.50 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Average of A & B =
Rate per sft. =

i) For ground floor Say, Tk. 19.25 per sft.

ii) Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor (@ 0.25 lab. per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =


Minimum 1/4"~1/2" thick cement plaster (1:4)

Considering 100.00 sft. of work

A. 1/4" thick cement plaster (1:4) on all RCC surface

Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 2.50 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
b) Cement 0.50 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
b) Extra Cement for grouting 0.13 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.75 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 1.75 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
B. 1/2" thick cement plaster (1:4)
Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 5.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
b) Cement 1.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.75 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 1.75 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Average of A & B =
Rate per sft. =

i) For ground floor Say, Tk. 18.80 per sft.

ii) Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor (@ 0.25 lab. per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =


Cement plaster (1:6) to walls / RCC surface(average of 1" ~ 3/4" )

Considering 100.00 sft. of work

A. 3/4" thick cement plaster (1:6) on one side of the walls.

Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 8.25 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
b) Cement 1.10 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour =
i ) Head mason 0.20 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 2.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
B. 1" thick cement plaster (1:6) on other side of the walls.
Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 12.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
b) Cement 1.50 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.20 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 2.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Average of A & B =
Rate per sft. =

i) For ground floor Say, Tk. 26.12 per sft.

ii) Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor (@ 0.25 lab. per % sft.) in/c charges per sft =
1"~2" groove making
Considering 100 rft. of work
Head Mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 0.25 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Expenditure for making platform L.S. =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 8.48 per rft


Flush pointing / joint plaster



2" wide 2" depth mortar barrier making
Considering 100 rft. of work
Sand (F.M. 1.2) 4.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
Cement 0.50 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
Mason for finishing 0.25 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 0.50 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 7.77 per rft


Rule pointing


Decorative ceiling edge plastering 1:3: (2 steps)
Considering 100 rft. of work
Sand (F.M. 1.2) 6.75 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
Cement 2.00 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
Head Mason 2.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 5.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 5.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Expenditure for making platform L.S. =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 73.49 per rft


Decorative ceiling edge plastering 1:3: (3 steps)
Considering 100 rft. of work
Sand (F.M. 1.2) 12.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
Cement 3.25 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
Head Mason 2.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 6.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 5.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Expenditure for making platform L.S. =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit =
Overhead expenses =
Total =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 86.15 per rft


V groove making
Considering 100 rft. of work
Head Mason 0.15 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 0.10 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 0.15 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Expenditure for making platform L.S. =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 5.05 per rft


Drip course / nosing/ throating at the edge of sunshed
Considering 100 rft. of work
Head Mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 0.50 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Expenditure for making platform L.S. =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 12.25 per rft


MakinHEAVENSasonry Goondi work


6"~8" wide window seal making
Considering 100 rft. of work
Sand (F.M. 1.2) 10.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
Cement 5.00 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
Head Mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 2.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 2.50 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 53.55 per rft


3"~5" wide border plaster work making
Considering 100 rft. of work
A. Cost of Materials :
Sand (F.M. 1.2) 2.75 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
Cement 0.50 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
A. Cost of Labour :
Head Mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason for finishing 0.50 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =
i) For ground floor Say, Tk. 12.30 per rft

ii) Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor (@ 0.25 lab. per % sft.) in/c charges per rft =


NCF with cement plaster (1:4)
Minimum 1/2" thick with neat cement finishing to walls/ RCC surface
Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 5.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
b) Cement 1.50 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 1.15 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 1.15 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 20.75 per sft.


NCF without cement plaster
neat cement finishing to walls/ RCC surface
Considering 100 sft. of work
a) Cement 0.75 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
b) Labour
i ) Head mason 0.15 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 0.75 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 0.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
c) Washing of sand, local carriage, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 15.44 per sft.


Rough plaster


Hessian cloth with bamboo post
Considering 100 sft. of work
a). Hessian cloth 100.00 sft @ Tk. 2.50 Per sft. =
b). Bamboo post 45.00 rft @ Tk. 8.00 Per rft =
c). Head Mason 0.10 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
d). Labour 0.20 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, rope etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 8.30 per sft.


Coping work


C.C block making


Average 4" thick finished lime terracing with 3/4" down graded 1st class brick chips, surki and stone lime (7:2:2)
Considering 100 cft. of work 300 sft
A. Cost of materials
i) 1st class bricks 820.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per Nos. =
ii) Stone lime 539.33 kg. @ Tk. 12.50 Per kg =
iii) 1st class surki 34.77 cft. @ Tk. 27.00 Per cft. =
iv) Cost for breaking chips 96.47 cft. @ Tk. 22.00 Per % cft. =
B. Labour cost
i) Labour for slacking lime 0.50 No.
ii) Labour for dry mixing 1.00 Nos.
iii) Labour for wet mixing 3.00 Nos.
iv) Labour for lifting and casting 4.00 Nos.
v) Labour for beating 2.00 Nos.
vi) Labour for 21 days curing 2.63 Nos.
vii) Labour for finishing 1.00 No.
Total 14.13 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
ix) Head Mason 0.25 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
x) Mason for finishing (300 sft.) 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
C. Miscellaneous
i) Expenditure for making platform: soling excluding cost of bricks L.S. =
ii) Expenditure for providing polythene cover L.S. =
iii) Local carriage, storage, tools & plants, gumboot, koppa etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =
Rate per sft. =
Say, Tk. 238.52 per cft.


6" wide PVC water stoper
Considering 100 rft. of work
PVC materials 100.00 rft @ Tk. 45.00 Per rft =
Head Mason 0.60 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Labour 1.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Local carriage, wire etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 53.60 per rft


Facing brick work with 200 x 62 x25mm machine made klinker red strips (1:4) with out side pointing.
Considering 100 sft. of work
1. 200 x 62 x 25 mm machine made klinker
of best quality for brick facing work
in/c 5% wastage 720.00 Nos. @ Tk. 18.00 Per Nos. =
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) in/c wastage 14.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement in/c for pointing 2.75 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.10 No. No. Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 2.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 4.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 6.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for 7 days curing
1/16 labour per day 0.44 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Scaffolding 25.00 sft. @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft. =
10. Washing of sand, local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(i) Ground floor Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 203.13 per sft.

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.25 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per sft =


Fair Face Treatment over R C C surface

Considering 100.00 sft. of work

1. 12" x 12" paving tiles

in/c 5% wastage 105.00 sft @ Tk. 45.00 Per sft. =
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) in/c wastage 18.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
3. Cement in/c for pointing 2.75 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 0.50 No. No. Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 0.50 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 labour per day 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9 Washing of sand, local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(i) Ground floor Rate per sft. =

Say, Tk. 88.05 per sft.


Consider 1 no logo
Logo work

Marble 60.00 sft @ Tk. 600.00 Per sft. =

Bricks 300.00 Nos. @ Tk. 10.00 Per nos. =
Sand (F.M. 1.2) 10.00 cft. @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft. =
Cement 4.00 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
Head mason 0.50 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Mason 4.00 Nos. @ Tk. 550.00 each =
Labour 10.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
SS pipe
50mm dia. 25.00 rft @ Tk. 208.00 Per rft =
Logo Text 1.00 No @ Tk. 25,000.00 each
Others L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per no. =

Say, Tk. 77,933.33 per no.


Suitable soil for grouth of plant

Considering 100.00 cft. of work

1. Soil 100.00 cft. @ Tk. 270.00 Per cft. =

2. Head mason 1.00 No. @ Tk. 600.00 each =
Helper 2.00 No. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
4. others L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft. =

Say, Tk. 288.00 per cft.

ANALYSIS FOR Design cement plaster (1:3) on ceiling and wall joint

Considering 100.00 rft of work

a) Sand (F.M. 1.2) 6.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
b) Cement 1.60 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
c) Labour
i ) Head mason 2.50 No @ Tk. 600.00 each =
ii) Mason 12.00 No @ Tk. 550.00 each =
iii) Ordinary labour 12.00 No @ Tk. 400.00 each =
d) Washing of sand, local carriage, scaffolding, curing, & sundries etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 10.00% =
Overhead expenses 3.50% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft =

i) For ground floor Say, Tk. 161.12 per rft

ii) Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor (1/3 lab. per % sft.) in/c charges per rft =


Facing brick work with 8" x 4" x 1" (CT-6 red) machine made klinker red strips (1:4) with out side pointing.

Considering 100.00 sft of work

8" x 4" x 1" machine made klinker of

1. best quality for brick facing work in/c 472.50 nos @ Tk. 15.00 Per Nos =
5% wastage
2. Sand (F.M. 1.2) in/c wastage 14.00 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per % cft =
3. Cement in/c for pointing 2.75 bags @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag =
4. Head mason 1.00 nos @ Tk. 600.00 each =
5. Mason 2.00 nos @ Tk. 550.00 each =
6. Skilled labour 1.50 nos @ Tk. 450.00 each =
7. Ordinary labour 1.50 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
8. Labour for 7 days curing
@ 1/4 labour per day 1.75 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
9. Scaffolding 25.00 sft @ Tk. 5.00 Per sft =
10. Washing of sand, local carriage, storage & sundries etc. L.S =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
(i) Ground floor Rate per sft =

Say, Tk. 125.43 per sft

(ii) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per sft =


Drilling/Boring including equipment and labour for cast-in-situ piling
450mm dia

Considering execution 450mm dia & 65'-0" long pile in 1.25 days

1 Hire charge of rig set including fuel, lubricant, bentonite, mobilization, demobilization, maintanance
and insurance coverage etc. 1.00 days @ Tk. 7,000.00 set =
2 Foreman/ Supervisor 0.25 Nos. @ Tk. 700.00 each =
3 Diesel operated rig operator 1.00 Nos. @ Tk. 500.00 each =
4 Skilled labour 3.00 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
5 Ordinary labour 5.00 Nos. @ Tk. 400.00 each =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand Total =
Per rft =

Say, Tk. 169.62 per rft


R.C.C work (1:1.5:3) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in Cast-in situ Pile with Shingles using steel casing etc.

Considering 100.00 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 12 mm down graded shingles 83.00 cft @ Tk. 65.00 Per cft =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 20.75 cft @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft =
c) Local sand 20.75 cft @ Tk. 28.00 Per cft =
d) Cement 22.00 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
e) Labour for 28 days curing:
@ 1/4 labour per day. 7.00 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
f) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for 2 no's 18" dia 40' long pile
148.44 Cft of works
Considering 600.00 cft concreting work
a) Foreman 0.67 nos @ Tk. 700.00 each =
b) Healper to foreman 0.67 nos @ Tk. 600.00 each =
c) Mixture machine operator 0.67 nos @ Tk. 700.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 0.67 nos
ii) Feeding sand 1.00 nos
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 2.00 nos
Total = 3.67 nos @ Tk. 450.00 each =
d) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0.67 nos
ii) Belcha 2.00 nos
iii) Pouring bucket 2.00 nos
iv) Pouring to trime pipe 2.00 nos
v) Watering 0.67 nos
Total = 7.34 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
f) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
g) Fuel and lubricant for mixture
machine & vibrator 1.00 day @ Tk. 350.00 Per day =
h) Hire charge of cast in situ pile rig set for pouring concrete
0.67 day @ Tk. 7,000.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =
Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant cost for 100 cft of work =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for casting =
(C) Labour for boring in/c. all =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft =
Rate per rft =
Say, Tk. 440.00 per cft
R.C.C work (1:1.5:3) complete excluding the cost of reinforcement & its fabrication and shutter
in Cast-in situ Pile with Shingles using steel casing etc.

Considering 98.57 cft of work

A. Cost of concrete:
a) 12 mm down graded shingles 80.65 cft @ Tk. 65.00 Per cft =
b) Sand (F.M. 2.5) 40.32 cft @ Tk. 60.00 Per cft =
c) Cement 21.51 bag @ Tk. 455.00 Per bag. =
d) Labour for 28 days curing:
@ 1/4 labour per day. 7.00 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Cost of concrete: Total (A) =

B. Labour, machinery, fuel and lubricant for 2 no's 20" dia 45' long pile
206.99 Cft of works
Considering 600.00 cft concreting work
a) Foreman 0.67 nos @ Tk. 700.00 each =
b) Healper to foreman 0.67 nos @ Tk. 600.00 each =
c) Mixture machine operator 0.67 nos @ Tk. 700.00 each =
d) Skilled labour:
i ) Feeding cement 0.67 nos
ii) Feeding sand 1.00 nos
iii) Feeding chips in/c screening 2.00 nos
Total = 3.67 nos @ Tk. 450.00 each =
d) Ordinary labour
i) bag cutting 0.67 nos
ii) Belcha 2.00 nos
iii) Pouring bucket 2.00 nos
iv) Pouring to trime pipe 2.00 nos
v) Watering 0.67 nos
Total = 7.34 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
e) Mixture machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 2,000.00 Per day =
f) Vibrator machine hire charge 1.00 day @ Tk. 1,200.00 Per day =
g) Fuel and lubricant for mixture
machine & vibrator 1.00 day @ Tk. 350.00 Per day =
h) Hire charge of cast in situ pile rig set for pouring concrete
0.67 day @ Tk. 7,000.00 Per day =
Total of (B) =

C. Reinforcement
8 - 20Ø Main Bar 270.59 kg @ Tk. 75.00 Per kg =
8 - 25Ø Main Bar 206.70 kg @ Tk. 75.00 Per kg =
10Ø Striup 91.84 kg @ Tk. 75.00 Per kg =
Total of (C) =

Abstract of cost for 100 cft of work

(A) Cost of concrete =
(B) Labour for boring in/c. all =
(C) Reinforcement With Fabrication =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 2.50% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per cft =
Rate per rft =
Say, Tk. 804.00 per cft

Non-Scheduled Item:
For brick wall plaster work:
Considering 3500.00 sft of work

a) Manpower / Labour 5.00 nos @ Tk. 550.00 each =

b) Ordinary labour 3.50 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
c) Latex power 8.05 kg @ Tk. 560.00 per kg =
d) Vinegar 7.00 bottol @ Tk. 40.00 per bottol =
LS =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand Total =
Per sft =

Say, Tk. 2.57 per sft


For Kitchen and bath room wall tiles work:
Considering 850.00 sft of work

a) Manpower / Labour 3.00 nos @ Tk. 550.00 each =

b) Ordinary labour 0.75 nos @ Tk. 400.00 each =
c) Tapecrete 0.85 kg @ Tk. 450.00 per kg =
LS =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand Total =
Per sft =

Say, Tk. 2.80 per sft


100 sft work with caraset (Only fitting charge)
Considering 100.00 sft of work
a. Caraset 2.00 bag @ Tk. 25.00 per bag =
b. Labour 100.00 sft @ Tk. 12.00 per sft =
c. Quring (7days @ ¼ Labour/day) 1.75 Nos. @ Tk. 125.00 each =
d. Carrying LS =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand Total =
Per sft =

Say, Tk. 15.79 per rft


RCC work by Ready Mix Concrete Without Pump (Location Mirpur, Dhanmondi, Mohakhally) MIR CONCRET
Considering 1.00 cft of work
Concrete compressive strength
considered 3000 psi for 28 days.
Raw materials to be used in
a. Cement:- Scan; CA:- Stone chips ¾ 1.00 cft @ Tk. 195.00 per cft =
"; CA:- Stone Chips ½"; FA:- 100%
Sylhet sand; Admixture:- Scan mix
R-1; Water:-Drinking water
b. Labour rate 1.00 cft @ Tk. 5.50 per cft =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand Total =
Per cft =

Say, Tk. 200.50 per cft

(i) Add for each addl. floor upto 5th floor (@ 0.75 No. lab per % sft.) in/c charges Per cft =

Driving & Removing for I-Joist pile (size: ¼" x 5" x 10")
Considering 1.00 Pcs 20.00 rft of work

A. a) I-Joist (Length 19'-9") 1.00 Each @ Tk. 13,800.00 Each =

b) Driving I-Joist pile into
Ground up to required depth
including supplying of all
necessary equipments (winch 20.00 rft @ Tk. 32.00 per rft =
machine, driving hammer etc.)
to out the job as per direction
of project - in- charge
c) I-Joist pile Removing 1.00 Each @ Tk. 1,000.00 Each =
B. Labour (Load-Unload) :
Skilled labour 0.60 Nos. @ Tk. 450.00 each =
Sundries, T & P etc. L.S. =
Total =
Contractor's profit 0.00% =
Overhead expenses 0.00% =
Total =
VAT 0.00% =
Grand total =
Rate per rft. =

Say, Tk. 805.50 per rft.

rotecting and maintaining the

Tk. 137.50
Tk. 1,800.00
Tk. 7,200.00

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 31.88
Tk. 180.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 9,699.38
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 9,699.38
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 9,699.38
Tk. 9.70

per cft.

Tk. 687.50
Tk. 2,250.00
Tk. 2,937.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,937.50 1.00
Tk. 0.00 10% 0.10
Tk. 2,937.50 2.50% 0.03
Tk. 2.94 1.13
3.50% 0.04
per cft. 1.16

Tk. 137.50
Tk. 225.00
Tk. 800.00

Tk. 864.89
Tk. 340.29
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 2,567.68
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,567.68
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,567.68
Tk. 25.68

per sft.
Tk. 2,491,500.00
Tk. 82,500.00
Tk. 22,650.00
Tk. 226,500.00

Tk. 270.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 2,823,820.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,823,820.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,823,820.00
Tk. 28,238.20

per rft.

per rft

Unload par Joist 100/=

Tk. 2,400.00
Tk. 137.50

Tk. 1,350.00
Tk. 133.33
Tk. 4,020.83
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 4,020.83
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 4,020.83
Tk. 4.02

per cft.

Tk. 1,820.00
Tk. 0.00

Tk. 402.08
Tk. 20.00
Tk. 2,242.08
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,242.08
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,242.08
Tk. 22.42

per cft.

Tk. 3,500.00
Tk. 140.00
Tk. 55.00
Tk. 225.00
Tk. 40.00
Tk. 3,960.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 3,960.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 3,960.00
Tk. 39.60

per sft.

Tk. 10,332.30 154

Tk. 1,316.00 15.4
Tk. 5,915.00 12.32
Tk. 20.46 46.2
Tk. 100.00 92.4
Tk. 17,683.76

Tk. 300.00
Tk. 1,800.00

Tk. 6,300.00

Tk. 3,600.00 20.00

Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 15,200.00
Tk. 2,533.33

Tk. 322.05

Tk. 855.00
Tk. 1,177.05

Tk. 17,683.76
Tk. 2,533.33
Tk. 1,177.05
Tk. 21,394.14
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 21,394.14
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 21,394.14
Tk. 213.94

per sft.

Tk. 7,650.00
Tk. 1,260.00
Tk. 5,915.00
Tk. 19.80
Tk. 150.00
Tk. 412.50
Tk. 900.00
Tk. 800.00
Tk. 50.00
Tk. 700.00

Tk. 322.05

Tk. 427.50
Tk. 18,606.85
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 18,606.85
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 18,606.85
Tk. 186.07

per cft.
r Patil terracing

Tk. 9,680.00
Tk. 492.80
Tk. 1,584.00
Tk. 8,190.00
Tk. 1,056.00

Tk. 175.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 23,277.80
Tk. 23,277.80

Tk. 6,750.00
Tk. 910.00

Tk. 2,400.00
Tk. 4,400.00
Tk. 7,200.00
Tk. 10,000.00 60
Tk. 54,937.80
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 54,937.80
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 54,937.80
Tk. 137.34

per sft.


sft area

Tk. 9,554.60
Tk. 630.00
Tk. 1,350.00
Tk. 8,190.00
Tk. 1,032.00

Tk. 175.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 66.67
Tk. 22,998.27
Tk. 5,749.57

Tk. 227.50

Tk. 0.00
Tk. 137.50
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 400.00 9.88
Tk. 87.15

Tk. 380.00
Tk. 7,431.72
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 7,431.72
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 7,431.72
Tk. 74.32

per sft.

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 1,550.00
Tk. 8,290.23
Tk. 80.00
Tk. 175.00
Tk. 10,095.23
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 10,095.23
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 10,095.23
Tk. 100.95

per sft.

Tk. 284,400.00
Tk. 252.00

Tk. 225.00
Tk. 284,877.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 284,877.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 284,877.00
Tk. 2,637.75

per sft.
Tk. 474.00

Tk. 112.50
Tk. 586.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 586.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 586.50
Tk. 5.43

per sft.

Tk. 11,500.00
Tk. 1,008.00
Tk. 1,820.00
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 400.00

Tk. 200.00
Tk. 100.00

Tk. 233.33
Tk. 125.00 14.85
Tk. 16,171.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 16,171.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 16,171.33
Tk. 161.71

per cft.

Tk. 1.45

Tk. 9,700.00
Tk. 672.00
Tk. 1,592.50
Tk. 48.00
Tk. 412.50
Tk. 337.50
Tk. 400.00

Tk. 600.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 14,662.50
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 15,787.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 15,787.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 15,787.50
Tk. 131.56

per sft.

Tk. 1.00

Tk. 5,500.00
Tk. 504.00
Tk. 796.25
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 337.50
Tk. 500.00

Tk. 100.00 12.725

Tk. 175.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 40.00
Tk. 8,412.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,412.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,412.75
Tk. 84.13

Tk. 84.13

Tk. 905.55

Per sft

Tk. 1.25
Tk. 2,880.00
Tk. 1.96
Tk. 682.50
Tk. 48.00
Tk. 192.50
Tk. 67.50
Tk. 60.00

Tk. 200.00

Tk. 40.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 5,097.46
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 5,097.46
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 5,097.46
Tk. 50.97

Tk. 50.97
Tk. 548.69

per sft.

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 6,000.00
Tk. 476.00
Tk. 1,183.00
Tk. 600.00
Tk. 1,100.00
Tk. 900.00
Tk. 800.00

Tk. 800.00

Tk. 800.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 13,584.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 13,584.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 13,584.00
Tk. 135.84

Tk. 135.84

Tk. 1,462.18

Per sft

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 6,600.00
Tk. 504.00
Tk. 796.25
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 225.00
Tk. 200.00

Tk. 200.00

Tk. 100.00 10.6

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 9,885.25 9 1
Tk. 0.00 4 8
Tk. 0.00 2 6
Tk. 9,885.25 15 15
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 9,885.25
Tk. 98.85
2 7
Tk. 98.85 9 5
4 3
Per sft 15 15

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 780.00
Tk. 196.00
Tk. 682.50
Tk. 48.00
Tk. 192.50
Tk. 67.50
Tk. 60.00

Tk. 200.00

Tk. 40.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 3,191.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 3,191.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 3,191.50
Tk. 31.92

Tk. 31.92

Per sft

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 5,271.00
Tk. 1,008.00
Tk. 112.00
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 192.50
Tk. 157.50
Tk. 400.00

Tk. 400.00 367.7641

Tk. 400.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 140.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 9,466.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 9,466.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 9,466.00
Tk. 94.66

Tk. 94.66

Per cft

Tk. 3.00
Tk. 9,380.00
Tk. 1,008.00
Tk. 1,820.00
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 192.50
Tk. 157.50
Tk. 400.00

Tk. 400.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 200.00

Tk. 125.00
Tk. 140.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 15,083.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 15,083.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 15,083.00
Tk. 150.83

per cft.

Tk. 5.00

Tk. 3,886.00
Tk. 280.00
Tk. 796.25
Tk. 120.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 99.00
Tk. 80.00

Tk. 200.00

Tk. 100.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 7,061.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 7,061.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 7,061.25
Tk. 70.61

Tk. 70.61

Tk. 760.07
Per sft

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 14,280.00 28
Tk. 2,520.00 22.4
Tk. 0.00 42
Tk. 10,465.00 84
Tk. 66.67
Tk. 27,331.67

Tk. 11,023.18

Tk. 27,331.67
Tk. 11,023.18
Tk. 38,354.84
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 38,354.84
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 38,354.84
Tk. 383.55
Tk. 678.88

Tk. 14,110.00
Tk. 1,245.00
Tk. 581.00
Tk. 10,010.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 26,146.00

Tk. 13,115.51
Tk. 6,340.68
Tk. 1,426.79
Tk. 20,882.98

Tk. 6,224.73

Tk. 26,146.00
Tk. 20,882.98
Tk. 6,224.73
Tk. 53,253.70
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 53,253.70
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 53,253.70
Tk. 532.54
Tk. 942.59

Tk. 18,060.00 5.5
Tk. 2,520.00 28.00
Tk. 10,465.00 22.40
Tk. 1,480.00 17.92
Tk. 350.00 84.00
Tk. 80.00
Tk. 32,955.00

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 1,100.00

Tk. 3,150.00

Tk. 6,000.00
Tk. 2,000.00 17.33
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 13,600.00
Tk. 2,266.67

Tk. 32,955.00
Tk. 2,266.67
Tk. 35,221.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 35,221.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 35,221.67
Tk. 352.22

per cft

Tk. 2.00
Tk. 18,060.00 28.00
Tk. 1,560.00 22.40
Tk. 448.00 42.00 25.2 16.8
Tk. 10,465.00 84.00

Tk. 350.00
Tk. 66.67
Tk. 30,949.67

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 1,650.00

Tk. 5,850.00

Tk. 4,400.00 20.08

Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 15,250.00
Tk. 2,541.67

Tk. 30,949.67
Tk. 2,541.67
Tk. 33,491.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 33,491.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 33,491.33
Tk. 334.91

per cft

Tk. 2.00

Tk. 15,695.00 72.47
Tk. 2,760.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 13,195.00

Tk. 350.00
Tk. 66.67
Tk. 32,066.67

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 1,650.00
Tk. 0.00

Tk. 5,850.00

Tk. 4,400.00 20.08

Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00

Tk. 0.00
Tk. 15,250.00
Tk. 2,541.67

Tk. 32,066.67
Tk. 2,541.67
Tk. 34,608.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 34,608.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 34,608.33
Tk. 346.08

per cft

Tk. 2.00

Tk. 17,630.00
Tk. 2,460.00
Tk. 11,830.00

Tk. 350.00
Tk. 80.00
Tk. 32,350.00

Tk. 300.00
Tk. 1,100.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 3,150.00

Tk. 6,000.00 17.58

Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00

Tk. 0.00
Tk. 13,750.00
Tk. 2,291.67

Tk. 32,350.00
Tk. 2,291.67
Tk. 34,641.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 34,641.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 34,641.67
Tk. 346.42

per cft

Tk. 2.00

se 60:40 proportion

Tk. 18,920.00 22.00
Tk. 504.00 17.60
Tk. 1,560.00 44.00 26.4 17.6
Tk. 8,190.00 88.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 80.00
Tk. 29,954.00

Tk. 300.00
Tk. 1,100.00

Tk. 3,150.00
Tk. 6,000.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 13,750.00
Tk. 2,291.67

Tk. 29,954.00
Tk. 2,291.67
Tk. 32,245.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 32,245.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 32,245.67
Tk. 322.46

per cft.

Tk. 1.00

se 1:1 proportion S & L sand)

Tk. 7,650.00
Tk. 19.80
Tk. 630.00
Tk. 1,350.00
Tk. 8,190.00

Tk. 2,800.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 20,839.80

Tk. 600.00
Tk. 2,200.00
Tk. 700.00

Tk. 2,700.00

Tk. 13,600.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00

Tk. 350.00
Tk. 23,350.00
Tk. 3,891.67

Tk. 20,839.80
Tk. 3,891.67
Tk. 24,731.47
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 24,731.47
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 24,731.47
Tk. 247.31

per cft.

Tk. 1.00

Tk. 9,856.00 22
Tk. 1,936.00 17.6
Tk. 1,260.00 44
Tk. 8,190.00 88 11.2
Tk. 350.00
Tk. 66.67
Tk. 21,658.67

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 1,650.00

Tk. 5,850.00

Tk. 4,400.00 20.08333

Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 15,250.00
Tk. 2,541.67

Tk. 21,658.67
Tk. 2,541.67
Tk. 24,200.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 24,200.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 24,200.33
Tk. 242.00

per sft.

Tk. 0.95

Tk. 7,650.00
Tk. 19.80
Tk. 1,260.00
Tk. 8,190.00

Tk. 2,800.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 20,119.80

Tk. 600.00
Tk. 2,200.00
Tk. 700.00

Tk. 2,700.00

Tk. 13,600.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00

Tk. 350.00
Tk. 23,350.00
Tk. 3,891.67

Tk. 20,119.80
Tk. 3,891.67
Tk. 24,011.47
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 24,011.47
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 24,011.47
Tk. 240.11

per cft.

Tk. 5.00
Tk. 168.00
Tk. 341.25

Tk. 55.00
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 600.00 Tk. 13.05
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 1,814.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,814.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,814.25

Tk. 231.00
Tk. 500.50

Tk. 55.00
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 600.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 2,036.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,036.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,036.50
Tk. 1,925.38
Tk. 19.25

per sft.

Tk. 1.10

Tk. 70.00
Tk. 227.50
Tk. 56.88

Tk. 55.00
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 700.00
Tk. 200.00 14.05
Tk. 1,759.38
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,759.38
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,759.38

Tk. 140.00
Tk. 455.00

Tk. 55.00
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 700.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,879.69
Tk. 18.80

per sft.

Tk. 1.10

Tk. 231.00
Tk. 500.50

Tk. 120.00
Tk. 550.00
Tk. 800.00
Tk. 266.67 17.37
Tk. 2,468.17
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,468.17
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,468.17

Tk. 336.00
Tk. 682.50

Tk. 120.00
Tk. 550.00
Tk. 800.00
Tk. 266.67
Tk. 2,755.17
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,755.17
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,755.17
Tk. 2,611.67
Tk. 26.12

per sft.

Tk. 1.55
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 137.50
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 50.00
Tk. 847.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 847.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 847.50
Tk. 8.48

per rft

Tk. 112.00
Tk. 227.50
Tk. 137.50
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 777.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 777.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 777.00
Tk. 7.77

per rft

Tk. 189.00
Tk. 910.00
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 2,750.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 7,349.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 7,349.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 7,349.00
Tk. 73.49

per rft

Tk. 336.00
Tk. 1,478.75
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 3,300.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 8,614.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,614.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,614.75
Tk. 86.15

per rft

Tk. 90.00
Tk. 55.00
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 505.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 505.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 505.00
Tk. 5.05

per rft

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 1,225.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,225.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,225.00
Tk. 12.25

per rft

Tk. 280.00
Tk. 2,275.00
Tk. 600.00
Tk. 1,100.00
Tk. 1,000.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 5,355.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 5,355.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 5,355.00
Tk. 53.55

per rft

Tk. 77.00
Tk. 227.50

Tk. 150.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 1,229.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,229.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,229.50
Tk. 12.30
per rft

Tk. 1.00

Tk. 140.00
Tk. 682.50

Tk. 60.00
Tk. 632.50
Tk. 460.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 2,075.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,075.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,075.00
Tk. 20.75

per sft.

Tk. 341.25

Tk. 90.00
Tk. 412.50
Tk. 300.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 1,543.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,543.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,543.75
Tk. 15.44

per sft.

Tk. 250.00
Tk. 360.00
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 80.00
Tk. 80.00
Tk. 830.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 830.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 830.00
Tk. 8.30

per sft.

ki and stone lime (7:2:2)

Tk. 8,200.00
Tk. 6,741.63
Tk. 938.79
Tk. 21.22

Tk. 5,650.00
Tk. 150.00
Tk. 550.00

Tk. 400.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 800.00
Tk. 23,851.64
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 23,851.64
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 23,851.64
Tk. 238.52
Tk. 79.51
per cft.

Tk. 4,500.00
Tk. 360.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 100.00
Tk. 5,360.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 5,360.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 5,360.00
Tk. 53.60

per rft

e pointing.

Tk. 12,960.00
Tk. 392.00
Tk. 1,251.25
Tk. 60.00
Tk. 1,100.00
Tk. 1,800.00
Tk. 2,400.00 53.6

Tk. 175.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 50.00
Tk. 20,313.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 20,313.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 20,313.25
Tk. 203.13

per sft.

Tk. 1.00

Tk. 4,725.00
Tk. 504.00
Tk. 1,251.25
Tk. 300.00
Tk. 275.00
Tk. 450.00
Tk. 400.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 8,805.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,805.25
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,805.25
Tk. 88.05

per sft.

Tk. 36,000.00
Tk. 3,000.00
Tk. 280.00
Tk. 1,820.00
Tk. 300.00
Tk. 2,200.00
Tk. 4,000.00

Tk. 5,200.00
Tk. 25,000.00
Tk. 133.33
Tk. 77,933.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 77,933.33
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 77,933.33
Tk. 77,933.33

per no.

Tk. 27,000.00
Tk. 600.00
Tk. 800.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 28,800.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 28,800.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 28,800.00
Tk. 288.00

per cft.
Tk. 168.00
Tk. 728.00

Tk. 1,500.00
Tk. 6,600.00
Tk. 4,800.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 14,196.00
Tk. 1,419.60
Tk. 496.86
Tk. 16,112.46
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 16,112.46
Tk. 161.12

per rft

Tk. 1.33

out side pointing.

Tk. 7,087.50

Tk. 3.92
Tk. 1,251.25
Tk. 600.00
Tk. 1,100.00
Tk. 675.00
Tk. 600.00

Tk. 700.00
Tk. 125.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 12,542.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 12,542.67
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 12,542.67
Tk. 125.43

per sft

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 7,000.00
Tk. 175.00
Tk. 500.00
Tk. 1,350.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 11,025.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 11,025.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 11,025.00
Tk. 169.62

per rft

Tk. 5,395.00
Tk. 1,245.00
Tk. 581.00
Tk. 10,010.00

Tk. 2,800.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 20,231.00

Tk. 469.00
Tk. 402.00
Tk. 469.00

Tk. 1,651.50

Tk. 2,936.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00

Tk. 350.00

Tk. 4,690.00
Tk. 14,167.50
Tk. 9,544.22

Tk. 20,231.00
Tk. 9,544.22
Tk. 14,167.50
Tk. 43,942.72
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 43,942.72
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 43,942.72
Tk. 439.43
Tk. 777.79
per cft
Tk. 5,242.02
Tk. 2,419.39
Tk. 9,785.10

Tk. 2,800.00
Tk. 200.00
Tk. 20,446.51

Tk. 469.00
Tk. 402.00
Tk. 469.00

Tk. 1,651.50

Tk. 2,936.00
Tk. 2,000.00
Tk. 1,200.00

Tk. 350.00

Tk. 4,690.00
Tk. 14,167.50

Tk. 20,293.95
Tk. 15,502.33
Tk. 6,888.11
Tk. 42,684.39

Tk. 20,446.51
Tk. 14,167.50
Tk. 42,684.39
Tk. 77,298.40
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,932.46
Tk. 79,230.86
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 79,230.86
Tk. 803.82
Tk. 1,760.37
per cft
Tk. 2,750.00
Tk. 1,400.00
Tk. 4,508.00
Tk. 280.00
Tk. 50.00
Tk. 8,988.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,988.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 8,988.00
Tk. 2.57

per sft

Tk. 1,650.00
Tk. 300.00
Tk. 382.50
Tk. 50.00
Tk. 2,382.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,382.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 2,382.50
Tk. 2.80

per sft

Tk. 50.00
Tk. 1,200.00
Tk. 218.75
Tk. 110.00
Tk. 1,578.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,578.75
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 1,578.75
Tk. 15.79

per rft

hakhally) MIR CONCRETE

Tk. 195.00
Tk. 5.50
Tk. 200.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 200.50
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 200.50
Tk. 200.50

per cft

Tk. 3.00

Tk. 13,800.00

Tk. 640.00

Tk. 1,000.00

Tk. 270.00
Tk. 400.00
Tk. 16,110.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 16,110.00
Tk. 0.00
Tk. 16,110.00
Tk. 805.50

per rft.

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