Form - Locational Clearance
Form - Locational Clearance
Form - Locational Clearance
Province of Cagayan
Address: Address:
All conditions stipulated herein form part of this decision and are subject to monitoring.
Non-compliance therewith shall be a cause for cancellation or legal action.
The applicable requirements of other government agencies and applicable provisions of existing laws shall be
complied with.
No activity other than that applied for shall be conducted within the project site.
No major expansion, alteration and/or improvement shall be introduced without prior clearance from this
This decision shall not be construed as a certificate of this office as to the ownership by the applicant of the
parcel of land subject of this decision.
Any misrepresentation, false statements, or allegations materials to the issuance of this decision shall be
sufficient cause for its revocation.
Additional Conditions:
Provisions as to setbacks, yard requirements, bulk, easement, area height and other restrictions shall
strictly conform with the requirements of the National Building Code and other related laws.
This decision shall be considered automatically revoked if project is not commenced within one (1)
year from date of issue of this decision.
Any complaint against the location of the subject project shall be sufficient cause for denial
revocation and/or imposition of administrative sanction after valid hearing and proper investigation.
The original copy of this decision shall always be kept by the applicant for monitoring purposes.
Zoning Officer
O.R. No. :
Issued on :
Amount :