Investigation of Water Length Effects On The Modal Behavior of A Prototype Arch Dam Using Operational and Analytical Modal Analyses

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Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 37, No.

6 (2011) 593-615 593


Investigation of water length effects on the modal

behavior of a prototype arch dam using operational
and analytical modal analyses
Barisç Sevim*1,2, Alemdar Bayraktar2 and Ahmet Can Altunisçik2
Department of Civil Engineering, Gümüsçhane University, 29100, Gümüsçhane, Turkey
Department of Civil Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey

(Received September 11, 2009, Accepted November 17, 2010)

Abstract. This study determines the water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch
dam using Operational and Analytical Modal Analyses. Achievement of this purpose involves construction
of a prototype arch dam-reservoir-foundation model under laboratory conditions. In the model, reservoir
length was taken to be as much as three times the dam height. To determine the experimental dynamic
characteristics of the arch dam using Operational Modal Analysis, ambient vibration tests were
implemented for empty reservoir and three different reservoir water lengths. In the ambient vibration tests,
the dam was vibrated by natural excitations provided from small impact effects and the response signals
were measured using sensitive accelerometers. Operational Modal Analysis software process signals
collected from the ambient vibration tests, and Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition and
Stochastic Subspace Identification techniques estimated modal parameters of the dams. To validate the
experimental results, 3D finite element model of the prototype arch dam was modeled by ANSYS
software for empty reservoir and three different reservoir water lengths, and dynamic characteristics of
each model were determined analytically. At the end of the study, experimentally and analytically
identified dynamic characteristics compared to each other. Also, changes on the natural frequencies along
to water length are plotted as graphs. Results suggest that reservoir water complicates the modal behavior
of the arch dam significantly.
Keywords: ambient vibration test; dynamic characteristic; prototype arch dam-reservoir-foundation
model; water length effect.

1. Introduction

Arch dams are required sophisticated engineering knowledge to design and construct. In fact,
failure of the dams retaining large quantities of water presents a hazard for life and property during
earthquakes. In addition, the structural damage to these structures can be a considerable economic
loss for the governments. During the earthquakes, reservoir water affects the dynamic behavior of
arch dams significantly. Earthquake behavior of the dams was incomprehensible until 1960s. After
1960, Finite Element Method (FEM) has been developed and studies have been enhanced

*Corresponding author, Ph.D., E-mail:

594 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

considering subjects such as earthquake behavior, dam-reservoir and dam-foundation interactions

(Akköse et al. 2007, Lotfi 2006, 2007, Akköse 2004, Lotfi and Espander 2004, Nasserzarea et al.
2000, Guan and Moore 1997, Fok and Chopra 1986, Wilson and Khalvati 1983, Porter and Chopra
1981, Dungar 1978, Chopra 1968). In the present, three approaches are used to consider reservoir
water effects in the dynamic analyses: Westergaard (Westergaard 1933), Euler (Dungar 1978) and
Lagrangian (Wilson and Khalvati 1983) approaches. From theses approaches in Lagrangian, the
displacements are the variables in both the fluid and the structure. So there is no need any extra
interface equations to solve the coupled system in this approach. For that reason, compatibility and
equilibrium are automatically satisfied at the nodes along the interfaces between fluid and structure.
Beside these studies, it is stated that modal behavior of the arch dams must be determined
experimentally. The modal behavior of an arch dam is related to its dynamic characteristics such as
natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. One of the important inspections is to apply
vibration tests to existing dams to determine their dynamic characteristics. In the literature, there are
two experimental modal procedure called as Ambient Vibration Testing-AVT (Operational Modal
Analysis-OMA), and Forced Vibration Testing-FVT (Experimental Modal Analysis-EMA). In AVT,
the structure is excited using natural excitations such as earthquake, wind etc. effects which are
exactly unknown. This method is also called as Only-Output Modal Identification. On the other
hand in FVT, the structure is vibrated using known inputs as impact hammer or shaker. So this
method is called as Input-Output Modal Identification. In OMA, the structure is excited by
unknown input force and responses of the structure are measured. Some heavy forced excitations
become very expensive and sometimes may cause the possible damage to the structure. However,
ambient vibrations such as traffic, waves, winds, and their combination are environmental
excitations. In OMA, dynamic characteristics of a structure are extracted using techniques such as
Peak Picking (PP), Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD), Stochastic Subspace
Identification (SSI), etc. From these techniques EFDD modes are simply picked locating the peaks
in Singular Value Decomposition plots (SVD) calculated from the spectral density spectra of the
Recently years, modal behavior of large dams are started to investigate using OMA method
(Alves and Hall 2006, Mendes et al. 2004, Darbre and Proulx 2002, Proulx et al. 2001, Ghanaat et
al. 2000, Zhou et al. 2000, Daniel and Taylor 1999). In these studies it is highlighted that although
the physical conditions are hard as difficulties to excite of large dams, and test become too
expensive; results obtained OMA is very attractive and useful. Such kind of conditions made to
researchers to construct prototype dam models to study experimentally (Mendes and Oliveira 2007,
Wang and He 2007, Wang and Li 2007, Oliveira and Faria 2006, Wang and Li 2006).
In this study, the water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam model were
investigated using OMA and FEM. For this purpose, a prototype model of Type-1 arch dam-
reservoir-foundation system presented in the literature was constructed in the laboratory conditions.
Ambient vibration tests were conducted to the arch dam to identify dynamic characteristics for
different water lengths. On the other hand, 3D finite element model of the prototype arch dam was
modeled for empty and three different water lengths and dynamic characteristic of each model were
determined analytically. The reservoir water was modeled using Lagrangian approach. The
experimental and analytical results were compared to each other. Schematic view of the study plan
appears in Fig. 1.
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 595

Fig. 1 Schematic view of the study plan

2. Formulation

In this study, experimental dynamic characteristics are extracted using EFDD technique. Also,
reservoir water is represented by Lagrangian approach in finite element analysis of Type-1 arch
dam. This approach is important for the purpose of giving fluid-structure interaction or dam-
reservoir water interaction. So, the basic formulations of EFDD technique and Lagrangian approach
are given in below to support the readers who are interested in such kind of studies.
596 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

2.1 Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) technique

In Operational Modal Analysis method, ambient excitation does not lend itself to Frequency
Response Function (FRFs) or Impulse Response Function (IRFs) calculations because the input
force is not measured in an ambient vibration test. Therefore, a modal identification procedure will
need to base itself on output-only data (Ren et al. 2004). In OMA method, there are several modal
parameter identification techniques available such as Peak Picking (PP), Stochastic Subspace
Identification (SSI), and Frequency Domain Decomposition techniques (FDD). These techniques are
developed by improvements in computing capacity and signal processing procedures. In this study,
Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) technique is used to extract dynamic
characteristics of the arch dam.
EFDD technique is an extension to FDD technique. FDD is a basic technique that is extremely
easy to use. In the technique, modes are simply picked locating the peaks in Singular Value
Decomposition plots (SVD) calculated from the spectral density spectra of the responses. Animation
is performed immediately. As FDD technique is based on using a single frequency line from the
Fast Fourier Transform analysis (FFT), the accuracy of the estimated natural frequency depends on
the FFT resolution and no modal damping is calculated. Compared to FDD, EFDD gives an
improved estimate of both the natural frequencies and the mode shapes and also includes damping
(Jacobsen et al. 2006).
In EFDD, the SDOF Power Spectral Density function, identified around a peak of resonance, is
taken back to the time domain using the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT). The natural
frequency is obtained by determining the number of zero-crossing as a function of time, and the
damping by the logarithmic decrement of the corresponding SDOF normalized auto correlation
function. The SDOF function is estimated using the shape determined by the previous FDD peak
picking-the latter being used as a reference vector in a correlation analysis based on the Modal
Assurance Criterion (MAC). A MAC value is computed between the reference FDD vector and a
singular vector for each particular frequency line. If the MAC value of this vector is above a user-
specified MAC rejection level, the corresponding singular value is included in the description of the
SDOF function. For example, the number of singular values included in the identification of the
SDOF function will be larger for the lower MAC rejection levels (Jacobsen et al. 2006).
In FDD technique, the relationship between the unknown input and the measured responses has
the expression (Bendat and Piersol 2004, Ewins 1984)
[ Gyy ( jω ) ] = [ H ( jω ) ] * [ Gxx ( jω ) ] [ H ( jω ) ] (1)

where Gxx ( jω ) is the rxr Power Spectral Density (PSD) matrix of the input, r is the number of
inputs, Gyy ( jω ) is the mxm PSD matrix of the responses, m is the number of responses, H ( jω ) is
the mxr Frequency Response Function (FRF) matrix, and * and superscript T denote complex
conjugate and transpose, respectively. Solution of the Eq. (1) appears in detail in the literature
(Brincker et al. 2000).

2.2 Fluid and fluid-structure systems by lagrangian approach

The formulation of the fluid system based on Lagrangian approach is given according to
references (Calayir 1994, Wilson and Khalvati 1983). In this approach, fluid is assumed to be
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 597

linearly elastic, inviscid and irrotational. For a general three-dimensional fluid, stress-strain
relationships can be written in matrix form as follows

⎧ P ⎫⎪ C11 0 0 0 ⎧⎪ εv ⎫⎪

⎪ Px ⎪ 0 C22 0 0 ⎪ wx ⎪
⎨ ⎬= ⎨ ⎬ (2)
⎪ Py ⎪ 0 0 C33 0 ⎪ wy ⎪
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎩ Pz ⎭ 0 0 0 C 44 ⎩ wz ⎭

where P, C11, and εv are the pressures, which are equal to mean stresses, the bulk modulus and the
volumetric strains of the fluid, respectively. Since irrotationality of the fluid is considered like
penalty methods (Bathe 1996, Zienkiewicz and Taylor 1989), rotations and constraint parameters are
included in the stress-strain equation (Eq. (1)) of the fluid. In this equation, Px, Py, Pz are the
rotational stresses; C22, C33, C44 are the constraint parameters and wx, wy and wz are the rotations
about the cartesian axis x, y and z, respectively.
In this study, the equations of motion of the fluid system were obtained using energy principles.
Using the finite element approximation, the total strain energy of the fluid system may be written as
1 T
πe = --- Uf Kf Uf (3)
where Uf and Kf are the nodal displacement vector and the stiffness matrix of the fluid system,
respectively. Kf is obtained by the sum of the stiffness matrices of the fluid elements in the
e ⎫
Kf = ∑ Kf ⎪
e eT e ⎬ (4)
K f = ∫ Bf Cf Bf dVe ⎪
V ⎭
where Cf is the elasticity matrix consisting of diagonal terms in Eq. (2). Bf is the strain-
displacement matrix of the fluid element.
An important behavior of fluid systems is the ability to displace without a change in volume. For
reservoir and storage tanks, this movement is known as sloshing waves in which the displacement is
in the vertical direction. The increase in the potential energy of the system due to the free surface
motion can be written as
1 T
πs = --- Usf Sf Usf (5)
where Usf and Sf are the vertical nodal displacement vector and the stiffness matrix of the free
surface of the fluid system, respectively. Sf is obtained by the sum of the stiffness matrices of the
free surface fluid elements in the following
e ⎫
Sf = ∑ Sf ⎪
e T e⎬ (6)
Sf = ρ f g ∫ hs hs dA ⎪
A ⎭
598 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

where hs is the vector consisting of interpolation functions of the free surface fluid element. ρf and
g are the mass density of the fluid and the acceleration due to gravity, respectively. Also, kinetic
energy of the system can be written as
1 T
T = --- U· f Mf U· f (7)
where U· f and Mf are the nodal velocity vector and the mass matrix of the fluid system,
respectively. Mf is also obtained by the sum of the mass matrices of the fluid elements in the
e ⎫
Mf = ∑ Mf ⎪
e T e⎬ (8)
Mf = ρf ∫ H H dV ⎪
V ⎭
where H is the matrix consisting of interpolation functions of the fluid element. If Eqs. (3), (5) and
(7) are combined using the Lagrange’s equation (Clough and Penzien 1993), the following set of
equations is obtained

Mf U·· f + Kf Uf = R f

where Kf , U·· f and Rf are the system stiffness matrix including the free surface stiffness, the nodal

acceleration vector and time-varying nodal force vector for the fluid system, respectively. In the
formation of the fluid element matrices, reduced integration orders were utilized. For the eight-
noded three-dimensional fluid element, reduced integration order is chosen as (1x1x1) (Wilson and
Khalvati 1983).
The equations of motion of the fluid system (Eq. (9)), have a similar form with those of the
structure system when Lagrangian approach is considered in the formulations. To obtain the coupled
equations of the fluid-structure system, the determination of the interface condition is required.
Because the fluid is assumed to be inviscid, only the displacement in the normal direction to the
interface is continuous at the interface of the system. Assuming that the positive face is the structure
and the negative face is the fluid, the boundary condition at the fluid-structure interface is
– +
Un = Un (10)

where U is the normal component of the interface displacement (Akkaçs et al. 1979). Using the
interface condition, the equations of motion of the coupled system to ground motion including
damping effects are given by

Mc U·· c + Cc U· c + Kc Uc = Rc (11)

in which Kc, Cc , and Kc are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices for the coupled system and
Uc, U· c, U·· c and Rc are the vectors of the displacements, velocities, accelerations and external loads
of the coupled system, respectively.
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 599

3. Operational and analytical modal analyses of prototype model of Type-1 arch dam

3.1 Description of Type-1 arch dam

A Type-1 arch dam suggested at the “Arch Dams” Symposium in England in 1968 (Arch Dams
1968) was selected for the experimental application. The geometrical properties of Type-1 arch dam
appear in Fig. 2. As seen in Fig. 2, Type-1 arch dam has a single curvature, constant radius and
constant central angle. In addition, it has six unit height and constant 0.6 unit widths. To construct a
prototype model, one selected unit was 10 cm. Therefore, dam height (H) and crest width are
designed as 60 cm and 6 cm, respectively.
Type-1 arch dam was developed considering reservoir and foundation. To investigate the water
length effects, reservoir of the dam was extended as 3H (H: dam height). To obtain the rigidity
abutments, foundation of the dam was extended as H in the downstream and downward directions,

Fig. 2 Geometrical properties of Type-1 arch dam

Fig. 3 3D representation of Type-1 arch dam-reservoir-foundation system and its dimensions

600 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

Fig. 4 Some photographs of Type-1 arch dam-reservoir-foundation system

and as reservoir length in upstream direction. Such kind of modeling is appropriate to represent the
dynamic behavior of concrete dams (USACE 2003). Definitive dimensions of Type-1 arch dam-
reservoir-foundation system are shown in Fig. 3.
Construction of a Type-1 arch dam-reservoir-foundation system considered the dimensions given
in Fig. 3, and construction of the model system consumed approximately 6.5 m3 concrete. Fig. 4
shows some photographs of the model.

3.2 Ambient vibration tests – operational modal analysis

Ambient vibration tests, conducted on the Type-1 arch dam model determined its natural
frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. Measurements were performed for empty, H, 2H and
3H water lengths. In the ambient vibration tests, a B&K 3560 data acquisition system with 17
channels and a B&K 4507-B005 type uni-axial accelerometers were used. During the tests, the
frequency span selected was 0-1600 Hz according to the initial finite element results. Measurements
occurred during five-minute intervals, and small impact effects provided excitation. However, the
excitation was natural and unknown. It means that the impact hammer was used as natural
excitation. But it was not defined to the data acquisition system as a hammer. Signals obtained from

Fig. 5 Locations of accelerometers used in the ambient vibration tests

Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 601

the tests were recorded and processed by the commercial software PULSE (PULSE 2006) and
OMA (OMA 2006), respectively. Dynamic characteristics of Type-1 arch dam were extracted by
EFDD technique. During the ambient vibration tests, eleven accelerometers were located to the
normal direction of the water along to the crest (Fig. 5).

Fig. 6 Some photographs from ambient vibration tests for empty reservoir

Fig. 7 SVSDM and AASD of the data set for empty reservoir
602 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

Fig. 8 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for empty reservoir

3.2.1 Empty reservoir

Ambient vibration tests for empty reservoir were conducted to Type-1 arch dam after 45 days of
pouring concrete. Some photographs from ambient vibration tests for empty reservoir of Type-1
arch dam model appear in Fig. 6. Singular values of spectral density matrices (SVSDM) of the data
set and average of auto spectral densities (AASD) of the data set obtained from EFDD technique
are shown in Fig. 7. As seen in Fig. 7, more than eight natural frequencies are obtained between 0-
1600 Hz frequency span. The mode shapes, natural frequencies and damping ratios obtained from
the tests appear in Fig. 8. Due to locations of the accelerometers, only symmetrical and anti-
symmetrical modes were obtained.

3.2.2 H (60 cm) reservoir water length

Ambient vibration tests for H (60 cm) reservoir water length were conducted to Type-1 arch dam

Fig. 9 Some photographs from ambient vibration tests for H water length
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 603

Fig. 10 SVSDM and AASD of the data set for H water length

Fig. 11 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for H water length

after 90 days of pouring concrete. Some photographs from ambient vibration tests for H water
length of Type-1 arch dam model appear in Fig. 9. SVSDM of the data set and AASD of the data
set obtained from EFDD technique is shown in Fig. 10. As seen in Fig. 10, only 3-4 frequencies are
obtained between 0-1600 Hz frequency span. The mode shapes, natural frequencies and damping
ratios obtained from the tests are shown in Fig. 11.

3.2.3 2H (120 cm) reservoir water length

Ambient vibration tests for 2H (120 cm) reservoir water length were conducted to Type-1 arch
dam after 100 days of pouring concrete. Some photographs from ambient vibration tests for 2H
water length of Type-1 arch dam model appear in Fig. 12. SVSDM of the data set and AASD of
the data set obtained from EFDD technique is shown in Fig. 13. The mode shapes, natural
frequencies and damping ratios obtained from the tests are shown in Fig. 14.
604 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

Fig. 12 Some photographs related from vibration tests for 2H water length

Fig. 13 SVSDM and AASD of the data set for 2H water length
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 605

Fig. 14 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for 2H water length

3.2.4 3H (180 cm) reservoir water length

Ambient vibration tests for 3H (180 cm) reservoir water length were conducted to Type-1 arch
dam after 170 days of pouring concrete. Some photographs from to ambient vibration tests for 3H
water length of Type-1 arch dam model appear in Fig. 15. SVSDM of the data set and AASD of
the data set obtained from EFDD technique is shown in Fig. 16. The mode shapes, natural
frequencies and damping ratios obtained from the tests are shown in Fig. 17.

3.3 Finite element procedure – analytical modal analysis

The ANSYS (ANSYS 2008) finite element program was used to obtain dynamic characteristics of
Type-1 arch dam, analytically. To obtain realistic earthquake behavior of arch dams;
• The arch dam must be modeled as three dimensional,
• The dam-reservoir-foundation effects must be considered.
In this study, the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects are represented by Lagrangian
approach. In this approach, the displacements are the variables in both the reservoir and the dam. So
there is no need any extra interface equations in this approach. For that reason, compatibility and

Fig. 15 Some photographs from ambient vibration tests for 3H water length
606 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

Fig. 16 SVSDM and AASD of the data set for 3H water length

Fig. 17 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for 3H water length

equilibrium are automatically satisfied at the nodes along the interfaces between dam-reservoir-
3D finite element model of the dam was constituted using geometrical properties and dimensions
given in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The dam is modeled for empty, H, 2H, and 3H reservoir water
lengths. In the finite element model, solid elements for the dam and foundation, and fluid elements
for the reservoir water are used. Both solid and fluid elements have 8-nodes and each node has
three degree of freedom: x, y, z translations. The element types and material properties used in the
analysis are summarized in Table 1.
According to Lagrangian Approach, to obtain the coupled equations of the fluid-structure system,
the determination of the interface condition is required. Because the fluid is assumed to be inviscid,
only the displacement in the normal direction to the interface is continuous at the interface of the
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 607

Table 1 Material properties of dam-reservoir-foundation system

Material Properties
Element Type Elasticity Modulus Mass Density
Poisson Ratio
(MPa) (kg/m3)
Dam Solid 45 15500 0.2 2300
Reservoir Fluid 80 2070 - 1000
Foundation Solid 45 20000 0.2 -

Table 2 Quantity of concrete components used in dam and foundation

Component Dam Foundation
Volume (m ) 0.044 6.21
Aggregate (10-22 mm) - 712 kg/m3
Aggregate (3-9 mm) 1556 kg/m3 874 kg/m3
Aggregate (0-2 mm) 175 kg/m 175 kg/m3
Cement (C) 360 kg/m3 360 kg/m3
Water (W) 210 kg/m3 180 kg/m3
C/W 0.58 0.50
Admixture 3.14 kg/m3 3.24 kg/m3
Total 101.4 kg 14309.3 kg

system. So, coupled elements are used to represent the interaction between the reservoir-dam and
reservoir-foundation. They have 0.001 m length are used. Main objective of the coupled elements
are hold equal the normal displacements between two reciprocal nodes according to Lagrangian
The arch dams have two main structural behaviors as arch and cantilever. They transmit water
loads to abutment due to these two behaviors. So they are built using more little concrete compared
to gravity dams. However, the abutments must have strength to carry loads. Therefore, the rigidity
of foundation abutments is generally more than body concrete. In the construction of prototype arch
dam, it is designed that the foundation must be more rigidity than the body concrete. In the
construction of the system, the quantity of concrete components used in dam and foundation are
given in Table 2.
On the other hand, some compressive and ultrasonic velocity tests are applied to foundation and
dam samples. The results show that the elasticity modulus of the foundation is higher than the
concrete of the dam. Also, the length of the foundation was taken into account as much as the dam
height in the downstream, downward and cross directions. Because of the massless foundation, the
analyses considered only the effects of foundation flexibility. So the foundation model extended to a
distance beyond which its effects on deflections and natural frequencies of the dam become
negligible (USACE 2003).
608 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

3.3.1 Empty reservoir

3D finite element model of Type-1 arch dam for empty reservoir is shown in Fig. 18. In this
model, 2732 finite elements are used: 148 solid elements for the dam and 2584 solid elements for
the foundation. First six natural frequencies and mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam are shown in
Fig. 19. Mode shapes are obtained as symmetrical and anti-symmetrical similar to OMA results.

Fig. 18 3D FEM of Type-1 arch dam for empty reservoir

Fig. 19 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for empty reservoir

Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 609

3.3.2 H (60 cm) reservoir water length

3D finite element model of Type-1 arch dam for H reservoir water length is shown in Fig. 20. In
this model, 3324 finite elements are used: 148 solid elements for the dam, 2584 solid elements for
the foundation and 592 fluid elements for the reservoir. First three natural frequencies and mode
shapes of Type-1 arch dam are shown in Fig. 21.

Fig. 20 3D FEM of Type-1 arch dam for H water length

Fig. 21 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for H water length

Fig. 22 3D FEM of Type-1 arch dam for 2H water length

610 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

Fig. 23 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for 2H water length

3.3.3 2H (120 cm) reservoir water length

3D finite element model of Type-1 arch dam for 2H reservoir water length is shown in Fig. 22. In
this model, 3916 finite elements are used: 148 solid elements for the dam, 2584 solid elements for
the foundation and 1184 fluid elements for the reservoir. First three natural frequencies and mode
shapes of Type-1 arch dam are shown in Fig. 23.

Fig. 24 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for 3H water length

Fig. 25 Mode shapes of Type-1 arch dam for 3H water length

Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 611

3.3.4 3H (180 cm) reservoir water length

3D finite element model of Type-1 arch dam for 3H reservoir water length is shown in Fig. 24. In
this model, 4508 finite elements are used: 148 solid elements for the dam, 2584 solid elements for
the foundation and 1776 fluid elements for the reservoir. First three natural frequencies and mode
shapes of Type-1 arch dam are shown in Fig. 25.

3.4 Comparison of OMA and FEM Results

In this study, the natural frequencies obtained from OMA and FEM for empty, H, 2H and 3H
reservoir water lengths are given in Table 3. As seen in Table 3, the natural frequencies are reduced
with the extending of water level. But the ratio of this reduction is decreased with the extending of
water level. The variation of the natural frequencies obtained from OMA and FEM for empty, H,
2H and 3H reservoir water lengths is plotted in Fig. 26. As seen in Fig. 26, natural frequencies are
reduced immediately when the reservoir is filled water. Also, frequencies obtained from OMA and
FEM are nearly closed to each other.
In addition, Modal Assurance Criteria (MAC) graphics related to empty and full reservoirs are
plotted in Figs. 27 and 28. As seen in Figs. 27 and 28 that the MAC values are near to 1. This

Table 3 Natural frequencies of Type-1 arch dam obtained for empty, H, 2H, and 3H reservoir water lengths
Reservoir Water Length-Frequencies
Mode Empty H = 60 cm 2H = 120 cm 3H = 180 cm
OMA (Hz) FEM (Hz) OMA (Hz) FEM (Hz) OMA (Hz) FEM (Hz) OMA (Hz) FEM (Hz)
1 339.2 348.9 259 256.8 251.1 254.9 248.3 252.8
2 372.6 364.8 273.3 258.8 274 256.9 278.0 254.9
3 552.3 510.s2 366.8 380.5 343.6 376.6 362.7 374.4
4 619.8 658.5 - 485.0 - 477.6 - 473.7
5 741.1 680.0 - 494.1 - 486.6 - 482.0
6 839.0 873. - 645.9 - 636.1 - 630.7
7 875.5 898.7 - 672.3 - 662.0 - 655.5
8 1088 1056 - 850.6 - 837.8 - 830.5

Fig. 26 The variation of frequencies of Type-1 arch dam along to water length
612 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik

Fig. 27 MAC values related to empty reservoir case

Fig. 28 MAC values related to full reservoir case

shows that experimental and analytical modes are almost overlapped. When the mode shapes related
to empty and full reservoirs are examined, it can be seen that the modes shapes are near to each
other. It means that reservoir water does not affect the mode shapes of the arch dam. The MAC
values between modes related to empty and full reservoir are about 0.90-1.
On the other hand, in this study, more than ten modes are obtained from ambient vibration testing
of empty reservoir case. However, when the reservoir is filled with water, the only 3-4 modes can
be obtained. Authors think that the water is damps the vibration signals of the systems and the
quality of the signal data is reduced and influence of higher modes is disappeared for full reservoir.
This is true for real dams and the other fluid-structure interaction systems. In this study, many
ambient vibration tests are conducted to the dam using several excitation methods. But the water
always complicates the behavior of arch dams. However, there is not a similar situation for
analytical results. Many modes can be obtained analytically in case of empty reservoir or full
Investigation of water length effects on the modal behavior of a prototype arch dam 613

reservoir. But this is the difference between analytical and experimental studies. Experimental
studies are always difficult compared to analytical studies.

4. Conclusions

This study investigated the water length effects on the natural frequencies, mode shapes and
damping ratios of Type-1 arch dam using OMA and FEM procedures. For this purpose, a Type-1
arch dam constructed under laboratory conditions and its reservoir were extended as three times of
its height. Ambient vibration tests were conducted to arch dam for empty, H, 2H, and 3H water
lengths, and dynamic characteristics were obtained. The following observations can be made from
this study:
• Natural frequencies and mode shapes obtained from OMA and FEM are almost closed to each
other. So, these two methods can be used to together to compare the dynamic characteristics of
prototype Type-1 arch dam.
• When comparing to the first natural frequency of Type-1 arch dam for empty reservoir and H
water length, frequencies are changed 25% approximately. When comparing to the first natural
frequency of Type-1 arch dam for empty reservoir and 2H water length, frequencies are changed
26.8% approximately. When comparing to the first natural frequency of Type-1 arch dam for
empty reservoir and 3H water length, frequencies are changed 27.5% approximately.
• Natural frequencies are reduced immediately when the reservoir is filled water. So it can be
stated that reservoir water complicates the dynamic behavior of Type-1 arch dam. However,
reduction ratio is decreased along to reservoir water length. It means, dynamic behavior of Type-1
arch dam is not affected more for longer water lengths than 3H. So such a modeling is enough to
represent the dynamic behavior and dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects of Type-1 arch
• Natural frequencies and damping ratios obtained for empty, H, 2H, and 3H water lengths using
OMA are not distributed regularly. The reason of this is thought that the ambient vibration tests
are not conducted to arch dam at the same time for each reservoir water length. So it may be
some changes of physical structure of the concrete depended on the time such as shrinkage and
• The mode shapes are obtained as symmetrical and anti-symmetrical for each water length, and
they are closed to each other and literature. Beside, the MAC values between experimental and
analytical modes are generally 90-100%.
• It is difficult to obtain modes from OMA method when reservoir is filled with water. Although
8-9 modes can be obtained for empty reservoir, only 3-4 modes can be obtained for H, 2H, and
3H reservoir water lengths. It can be stated that the full reservoir complicates the dynamic
behavior of Type-1 arch dam, because of the fact that the water damps the vibration signals of the
arch dam. Therefore, the quality of the signal data is reduced and influence of higher modes is
disappeared for full reservoir.
• The damping ratios are generally obtained about 1-2% and 2-4% related to empty and full
reservoir respectively, which are the compatible with the literature.
614 Barisç Sevim, Alemdar Bayraktar and Ahmet Can Altuniçsik


The TUBITAK and Karadeniz Technical University supported this research through Research
Grant No. 106M038, 2006.112.001.1 and 2005.112.001.1. The authors thank to KTU Hydraulic
Laboratory workers for their assistance.


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