Training MCset 07.08.2010

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Training MCset

Table of contents

 Overview of Mcset
 Mcset range
 Measuring transformers for Mcset
 Withdrawable parts

 Circuit breaker LF1, 2 and 3

 Circuit breaker SF1 and 2
 Circuit breaker Evolis
 Contactor Rollarc
 Switch DI

 MCset safety systems

 MCset operating and main maintenance
 Earth saving

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MCset is a switchgear in metal clad enclosure designed to produce the medium

voltage of a high power substation up to 24 KV

 MCset works with SF6 gas technology or vacuum

 All products comply with communication

protocols : Modbus, Ethernet…

 Every switchgears is drawable

 MCset ensures you

 An easy installation
 A complete safe system
 Easy to operate and maintain
 Reduced maintenance

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Overview of MCset

Bus bar

Low voltage control cabinet


Withdrawable part
(circuit breaker)
Current transformer

Cables connections

Voltage transformer compartment

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Evolution of MCset

Belledone Fluair Venus MCset

1958 1980 1987 1996

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Cubicle for all functions

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VPIS system
(Voltage Presence indicator System)

 Pluggable device of 3 lights and capacitor

 Indicate the presence of tension on
incoming cable (for incomer) or outlet cable(
 Synchro check
 With or without fuses

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Mcset current and voltage ranges

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MCset technical characteristics

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Mcset dimensions cubicles

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Protection and remote control

● Sepam relay insure itself measure,

control monitoring and protection.

● Power Logic (SMS) program allowed

complete remote control of an
installation by PC computer

● MCset switchboards can also be

integrated in an other supervision

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MC set range
AD type : incomer / feeder

1- Busbar for cubicles interconnections

2 -Withdrawable part (circuit breaker, contactor /fuse or
disconnector switch/fuse)
3 -input/output connection box
4-Earthing switch
5-Current sensor
6-Voltage transformer (with fuse in option)
7-Low voltage auxiliaries (protection, monitoring and

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CL-GL type: bus-coupler / bus-riser

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CL-GL type

1- Busbar for cubicles interconnections

2 -Withdrawable part (circuit breaker, disconnector or
earthing )
3 -Current sensor
4-Voltage transformer (with fuse in option)
5-Low voltage auxiliaries (protection, monitoring and

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TT type : Metering and busbar earthing

1- Busbars for cubicles interconnections

2 -Earthing switch
3 -Voltage transformers
4-Low voltage auxiliaries (protection, monitoring and

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DI type : Switch fused feeder

1- Busbar for cubicles interconnections

2 -Switch and earthing switch
3 -MV fuses
4-Low voltage auxiliaries (protection, monitoring and

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Functional unit type
● MCset range is composed of 13 different functional cubicles
● The table below indicates the different functions depending on the need

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Functional unit type
For example : to supply a motor with a circuit breaker
The cubicle will be MF-B in an AD case

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Measuring transformers
Measuring transformers for MCset


 Current transformers or LPCT

 Toroid (earth fault)

 Voltage transformers

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Current transformers

● Measuring CT :
Saturated zone ● Good accuracy close to nominal current
Medium zone
● Design to protect measuring devices (by saturation)
Linear Zone
(no saturation)
● Protection CT
● Good accuracy for high current
● Wide range (tripping threshold)

● One, two or three secondary(s)

● Primary current from 50 to 2500 A
● Be careful of the direction between P1-P2 and S1-S2
(according to the drawing)

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CT wiring

Recommended Io minimum threshold: This wiring not allowed residual

-0,30 In CT with DT curve current measurement
-0,10 In CT with IDMT curve
(or DT and H2 restraint )

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LPCT (Low power current transformer)

Secondary winding

• New technology due to electronic relay
low consumption

Integrated shunt
• Wide operation range
(ex: 5A - 1250 A)

Twisted cable with screen • 2protection

functions: measurement and

RJ45 plug
• Accuracy guaranteed up to short circuit
(no saturation)

• Directly connected to Sepam

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Toroid CSH 120 and 200

● Current transformer for earth fault

● Same features for both except inside diameter (120 mm et 200 mm)

● Caution to the direction of the coil (P1- P2 and S1-S2 or arrow on the toroid)
according to drawing

● Allowed only for insulated cable

(low voltage insulation)

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Toroid CSH 30

● Current transformer for earth fault

● Design to convert CT output (1A or 5A) to

Sepam residual current input

● Caution to the direction of the coil (P1- P2 and

S1-S2 or arrow on the toroid) according to

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Residual current input

● CSH 120 or 200

● CT 1A or 5A + CSH30
connected to CT secondary
Ratio 1/470

●Recommended for detection of very low

default current

CT 1A : 2 Turn
CT 5A : 4 Turn

Recommended Io minimum threshold :

Recomended Io minimum threhold:
0,10 In CT (with DT curve)

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Residual current input
● CT 1A or 5A + CSH30
connected to CT secondary
1A: 2 turn
5A: 4 turn
● Accuracy can be increase by 10 on
Sepam by setting In0 = In/10

Recomended minimum threshold :

0,10 InCT (with DT curve)

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Residual current input

● ACE990 is an adaptator between MV

toroid with a ratio 1/n (50 < n < 1500) and
Sepam input

● This wiring allows to keep old toroid (in

case of revamping for example)

Range from 0,1 Ino to 15 Ino

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Toroid CHS 120 and 200

• Inside the shield of the incomer or out comer

power cable a residual current can be
generated due to various factors.

• This current could be enough to trip the

Sepam(and the circuit breaker).

• Always re-passing through the toroid a cable

connected to the shield.

• This way of cabling avoid troubleshooting

tripping order.

i i

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Voltage Transformer

● VT phase-neutral

● VT phase-phase

● Caution to the direction of the coil

(P1- P2 and S1-S2 or arrow on the
toroid) according to drawing

● 1, 2 or 3 transformer(s)

● Fuses integrated (option)

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TP wiring

● 3 Tension phase-neutal ● 1 Residual tension(delta open)

(Standard drawing)

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Withdrawable parts for MCset
Withdrawable parts


LF 3



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Circuit breaker LF1, 2 and 3
Circuit breaker
LF1, 2 and 3

 Designed to operate until 17,5 KV

 Breaking in SF6 with self expansion technique

 3 poles in a pressurized enclosure (1.5 bar)

 No filling is required

 Driven by energy accumulator which ensures

very fast operation and a speed independent of
the operator

 Operated by RI drive

 Included pressure sensor

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Energy accumulator

Open Open Close

Discharged Charged Discharged

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Arc cutting in SF6

Characteristics of the SF6 gas :

 5 times heavier than air

 Odorless and colorless, non-toxic
 Dielectric strength greater than air at an equivalent pressure
 Naturally stable gas at normal temperature but instable after
2 000°C

 Electron greedy gas (simplifies breaking)

 Gas self-regenerate by natural cooling, acceleration possible by a

 Gas used since 1947 in medicine, tire inflation, phonic insulation…

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Self-expansion technique
 Two electrical contacts are inside a sealed

 When these contacts are separated, the

electric arc generated increases the pressure

 This overpressure creates a natural convection

flow through the tubular contacts which is now

 A magnetic field makes the arc spinning

around the contact

 The field is created with a serial magnetic coil

by the current of the short circuit

 The arc extended, blown and cooled by this

technique, decreases rapidly and disappears

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Self-expansion technique

Circuit breaker
breaker open

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LF1, 2, 3 envelope

 Electrical contacts are inside a sealed chamber

 This chamber is composed of 3 independent

sealed compartment with 3 overpressure

 SF6 is under a pressure of 1,5 bars

 Contains 3 molecular absorber

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LF1, 2, 3 characteristics

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RI Operating mechanism

 Manual or powered by motor

 Driven by energy accumulator which

ensures very fast operation and a speed
independent of the operator

 Open/Close and charging/discharging


 Number of operation counter

 With or without key to lock the circuit

breaker (option)

 Trip with Mitop, shunt trip or/and under

voltage coil

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Tripping devices for MCset

• Trip coil (also called opening release )

Electric coil, single or double coil. Power supply AC or DC

• Undervoltage coil : This release unit causes the opening of the circuit
breaker when its supply voltage drops below a value less than 35% of the
rated voltage. Power supply AC or DC

• Mitop : low consumption release, with permanent magnet.

Used only with the Sepam 100 LA, VIP 3000, Satimax…
Work without auxiliary power supply

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RI drive characteristics

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Circuit breaker wiring

Closing External External

( Sepam) closing opening

Inhibit close
( Sepam)

External inhibit

Closing Anti pumping Opening

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Trip circuit supervision
This function check the complete tripping circuit (equipped with
shunt trip coil) and the auxiliary power supply

 Normal circuit:
 Device D closed, input I12 is excited,
input I11 is not excited.
 Device D open, input I12 is not excited,
input I11 is exited.

 Default circuit :
 I11 and I12 get a different position

 After 200 ms if there is no change on I11 and I12

or if inputs I11 and I12 are not correct SEPAM
send the message ”Control fault or TCS”

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Circuit breaker SF1 and 2
Circuit breaker SF1 and 2

 Designed to operate until 24 KV

 Breaking in SF6 with self compression technique

 3 poles in a pressurized enclosure (0,5 to 3,5 bar

depending on the performance level)

 No filling is required

 Operated by GMH drive (with stored energy)

 Pressure sensor (option)

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Self-compression technique

 When the arcing contacts are separated, they

drive (in a same axis) a piston.

 The SF6 gas compressed by this mechanism

goes out of the chamber through a hole in front
of the arc.

 The gas is exhausted with force and blows out

off the electric arc

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Self-compression technique

Arcing breaker
contact are
are closed

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SF1 and 2 envelope

● Leakage less than 0,3 % per year

● Molecular absorber

● Safety valve

● Underpressure sensor (or


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SF1 and 2 characteristics

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GMH operating mechanism

 Manual or powered by motor

 Driven by energy accumulator which
ensure very fast operation and a
speed independent of operator
 Open/Close and
charging/discharging indicator
 Number of operation counter
 With or without key to lock the
circuit breaker(option)
 Trip with Mitop, shunt trip or/and
under voltage

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GMH characteristics

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Evolis circuit breaker
EVOLIS Circuit breaker

 Designed to operate until 17,5 or 24 KV

 3 poles in a vacuum enclosure (10-2 Pa)
 Breaking with AMF technique
 Very simple and compact interrupter
 No maintenance is required for poles during
30 years(no need for contact wear inspection)

 Operated by P2 or RI drive (with stored energy


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Evolis casing

 Frontal breaker are available in fixe or

withdrawable version

 A fixed lateral version is equipped

with an integrated protection chain
(VIP control unit and current sensor

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Evolis Interrupter

 Two electrical contacts, one fixed and the other

mobile in an sealed enclose
 The latter enable a high level of vacuum (less
than 10-2 Pa)
 This type of enclosure provide a good insulation
and allows to reduce the gap between the open
 In order to keep the vacuum level required for
the correct operation of the breaker during 30
years the choice of materials and the sealed of
the chamber are very important
 “Getter” material are used inside to absorb the
residual gas

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Evolis AMF technique

 In vacuum breaking, the electric arc generated is

made up of plasma and metal vapour
 At low value of current, these vapours very quickly
condense on the shield and the arc disappeared
 At high current, the electric arc switches to a
concentrated mode which causes high localized
temperature rises on contacts
 The AMF technique(axial magnetic field) involve
applying an Axial Magnetic Field parallel to the
axis of the two contacts which allows a diffuse arc
to be maintained
 The arc energy is spread over the whole contact
surfaces area, therefore causing very low levels of

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Evolis interrupter

 In vacuum breaking, the electric arc generated

is made up of plasma and metal vapour
 Two different size are available depending of the
 The Axial Magnetic field is generated by
• A coil outside the interrupter for rated
voltage up to 17,5 KV
• A coil integrated inside the interrupter
contact structure for the 24 KV

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P2 Operating mechanism

 Manual or powered by motor

 Driven by energy accumulator which

ensure very fast operation and a speed
independent of operator

 Open/Close and charging/discharging


 Number of movements counter

 With or without key to lock the circuit


 Trip with Mitop, shunt trip or/and under


 Equipped with anti-pumping relay

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P2 Operating mechanism devices

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P2 Operating mechanism devices

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Circuit breaker Evolis range

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Evolis characteristics

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Rollarc contactor
ROLLARC contactor

 Designed to operate until 12 KV

 Breaking with rotating arc technique
 3 separate pressurized poles with SF6
 Electromagnetic operated mechanism
 3contactor)
HPC fuses with striker pin (trip the

 Included pressure sensor

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Rotating arc technique
 Arc rotation is obtained by electromagnetic
field (Laplace law)

 This field is created by a solenoid powered by

the mains

 Arc is blown away and cooled as it spins in the


 The fast rotational movement makes the arc

rapidly reduce

 This technique associated with SM6 gas allows

very fast arc extinction

 Allowed to modulate the cooling speed

according to current value

 This soft way of switching avoids tear-offs

current and dangerous overvoltage (advantage
for motors)

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Rollarc pole unit

Each pole unit consists of:

 A main circuit
 A breaking circuit with
arcing contact
 blowing coil
 An operating mechanism
 Electromagnetic coil and opening coil
(mechanic latch for 400D)
 Electromagnetic coil and latching coil
(Electro-magnetic latch for 400)

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Rollarc 400, electrical drawing

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Rollarc 400 D overview

1 : MV connections
2 : LV connections
3 : Auxiliary contacts
4 : Pressure Switch
5 : Electromagnetic drive
6 : Mechanical latch (R400D)
7 : Opening coil
8 : Fixing point
9 : Hard point
10: Description plate

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ROLLARC contactor Endurance

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ROLLARC characteristics

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Rollarc 400 electrical drawing

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Rollarc 400D electrical drawing

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DI switch

 Breaking capacity with SF6

 3 pressurized poles (0.4 bar)
 Including earthing switch
 Drive system with spring mechanism
(very fast operations )

 Breaking by rotating arc ( magnet inside)

 SF6 regenerator inside
 Overpressure safety valve

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DI operating mechanism

 Disconnector
switch and earthing

 Driven by lever or motor

 With spring accumulator
 Synoptic indicator
 Broken fuses indicator

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CI2 drive for DI
Switch function
 To close
 With the lever or the motor, run the mechanism until the end. It compress a spring
 ON push button or the trip coil release the energy stored and close the contact very fast
 To open
 OFF push button or trip unit release the energy stored and open the contact

Earthing switch function

 To close
 Operating energy is given by the compression of a spring which cause the closing of
earthing contact after passed a neutral point
 To open
 Same as above

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CI2 drive parts

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Mcset safety systems
Mcset safety systems

 By operating mechanism
 Operating lever designed to stop any attempt to re-open before complete
closing (for switch and earthing)
 Automatic padlock enables or disables the drive of switchgears
 key locking systems

 By indication on the front panel

 A synoptic is moving to indicate the status of the switchgear
 VPIS system (capacitor divider) indicates directly the presence of tension on the power cables

 By internal protection
 Metal clad enclosure
 Disconnector switch with earthing switch closure capacity
 Safety overpressure valve
 Evacuation system for hot gases which goes away from the operator from flaps

 By internal arcing flaps detection (option)

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Causes of internal fault

 Forgetting tools on busbar after

 Very corrosive atmosphere
 Forcing interlocking
 Overvoltage due to lightning
 Dust
 Presence of animals
 Protection system fault
 Component malfunction

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Overpressure discharge on MCset



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Internal arc detection

 Internal arc detector

 Limit the duration of the arc

 Limit the damage of the arc

Flaps opening – gas exhaust


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Internal arc detection

Flaps are opened

Signal treatment Breaking
+ auxiliary contacts

20 ms 30 ms 90 ms

(Tripping coil
supply at 85%)
Internal arc beginning
Information is send
to SEPAM Opening tripping order
for circuit breaker
End of Internal arc

Total treatment time with flaps less than140 ms

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Key lock systems A1 type

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Key lock systems A1 type

Aim of locking
 Prevent to close the earthing switch under power
 Access inside the cubicle without earthing


 Open and lock the Low Voltage circuit breaker. Key 0 is free
 Insert key 0 in earthing switch
 Open the disconnector switch
 Close the earthing switch
 Remove the front panel

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Key lock systems C4D type

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Key lock systems C4D type

 Prevents to close the earthing switch under power
 Access inside the cubicle if earthing switch is not closed
 Access to the transformer if earthing switch is not closed

 Open and lock the Low Voltage circuit breaker. Key 0 is free
 Insert key 0 in earthing switch
 Open the Medium Voltage circuit breaker
 Open the disconnector switch
 Close the earthing switch
 Remove the front panel
 Take the S key inside the cubicle
 Insert the S key inside the shutter’s protection connector
 Remove the transformer’s protection

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Heater resistor
when the cubicle is installed in a humid atmosphere or is de-energized for
extended periods of time.

Description :

● One heater resistor 50 W/230 Vac.

● The heater resistor is controlled by a miniature circuit
● The heater is switched off when the contactor is energized.

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Mcset maintenance

All the following operations described should be carried out

with the safety regulation in force and under the responsibility
of an authorized person.

Always keep in mind that electricity or storage energy spring

can cause serious injury in case of non compliance of safety

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Maintenance level

According to AFNOR rules there are 5 different level of maintenance

 First level : simple adjustments using accessible devices, without dismantling or opening
the equipment

 Second level : troubleshooting resolved by standard replacement of spare parts and

minor preventive maintenance operations

 Third level : identification and diagnosis of failures, repairs by replacement of spare

parts and by following all standard preventive maintenance operations

 Fourth level : all major corrective or preventive maintenance work

 Fifth level: Retrofit, modification or major repair work assigned to a central workshop.

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Maintenance program

MCset is designed for long life cycle with reduced maintenance. Only few operations
are required under normal operating conditions (temperature between - 25 °C and
55°C, clean environment, normal humidity…).

If possible these operations should be carried out once a year or at least every tree

 Operate the different functions

 Operate the key lock systems
 Clean and lubricate withdrawable parts
 Clean and lubricate earthing switch
 Check all fuses
 Clean MCset internal parts
 Measure wear of poles (if possible)
 Clean the exterior cubicle envelope and air vents. In case of forced
ventilation, cleaning is imperative.

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Withdraw circuit breaker from MCset

 Open low power compartment and open auxiliary

circuit breaker

 Make a discharge sequence: closing/opening/closing

 Press the red button 1 and in the same time turn the button 2 in
rotation position

 Plug the crank and turn anti clockwise until the end (turn back
quarter turn to release the mechanism)

 Remove the crank

 Turn the button 2 in position withdraw

 Open the breaker door

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Withdraw circuit breaker from MCset

 Release the Harting plug, disconnect it and place it on the holder

 Place the truck and adjust it to plug the two pins in their fixing

 Lock the pins by turning their cranks and break the truck with

 Turn the button 2 in release position

 Pull with both hands to extract the circuit breaker until the end

 Lock the breaker on the trolley by turning button 2 in position


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Draw in circuit breaker from MCset

 Re-connect truck to MCset and lock it with the two pin crank and breaks
 Push circuit breaker in its compartment until the end
 Lock it by turning the button 2 in withdraw position
 Release and remove the truck
 Re-connect the Harting plug (push the red button and cover) and close the front door
 Press the red button 1 and in the same time turn button 2 in rotation position
 Plug the crank and turn clockwise until the end (turn back quarter turn to release the
 The synoptic plugged appears
 Remove the crank

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Checking power connections

 Every two years (for example If possible) checking power

connections is suitable

 It means mainly (after switching off the power and earthing), to

check with a torque test key that every busbars’s bolts are
correctly tightened

 Check also that all connection cables are correctly connected to

the termination and that every bolt is correctly tightened

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Lubrication parts

 MCset is designed for long life cycle with reduced maintenance. No particular operation
is required under normal operating conditions (temperature between
-25 °C and 55°C, clean environment, normal humidity…)
 However, if possible, clean and lubricate every 3 or five years the operating mechanism

 Oil , grease and cleaner characteristic

 Mechanical grease : ISOFLEX TOPAZ L152

 Mechanical lubricant : MOBIL VACUOLINE 133 or SAE 15W40

 Electrical contacts grease: Vaseline MOTUL SUPRACO WP70

 Cleaner : type SRB2 or SRB

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Lubrication parts : Earthing switch

 Be sure that Power is off in all the plugs (incoming

and out coming bus bar !)

 Put electrical contact grease on the tree copper

earthing contacts (orange arrow )

 Grease the lever mechanism

 Grease the connecting roads of the traction lever

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Lubrication parts : Shutter

 Withdraw circuit breaker from MCset

 Be sure that Power is off in all the plug (incoming

and out coming bus bar !)

 Operate manually the shutters

 Clean and replace mechanical grease on shutter rail
 Clean and replace mechanical grease on operating
mechanism (axis and bearing)
 Check that shutter and mechanism are running well

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Lubrication parts : Power plugs

 Withdraw circuit breaker from MCset

 Be sure that Power is off in all plug (incoming and

out coming bus bar !)

 Operate manually the shutters

 Clean and replace electrical contact grease on the

six male contacts

 Clean and replace electrical contact grease on the

six female plugs

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Lubrication parts : Propulsion system

 Remove the withdrawable

part(circuit breaker, contactor...)
 Clean and grease the 2 lockers
 Clean and grease the finger
 Clean and grease (if possible)
the spinning arms

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Replacement parts for circuit breakers
Parts to be replaced Operated by Description
Breaking parts Exchange only

Key lock OR CLIENT

Closing spring

Closing coil OR CLIENT

Opening coil OR CLIENT

Motor reducer gear OR CLIENT

Micro switch OR CLIENT

M1, M2, M3 end of charging switch OR CLIENT

Anti pumping relays OR CLIENT

Auxiliary contacts OU CLIENT

Operating mechanism plate

Under voltage release (with lifter) OU CLIENT Or installation

Mitop Or installation

Operation counter

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Replacement parts for Rollarc contactor

Parts to be replace Operated by Description

Switching parts OR CLIENT Exchange only

Contacts insertion, draw in position, auxiliary OR CLIENT

Electronic board and relay support circuit OR CLIENT

Closing release OR CLIENT

Opening release OR CLIENT


LV and HV fuses OR CLIENT

Transformer operating mechanism OR CLIENT

HV fuse blowing contacts OR CLIENT

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Compartment accessibility
Access to the inter-cubicle fixing screws

Access to the LV compartment

Access to bus bar

Access to the removable part

Simplifies cable access

Access to the MV cables, earthing switch

Access to the rear jacks via the

service void or cable trench

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Replacement parts normally operated by
Schneider electric after sales service

 Replacing the upper and lower busbar insulator holder

 Changing bus bar rating
 Replacing earthing switch clamps and blades
 Installing an earthing switch.
 Earthing switch operating mechanism
 Installing or replacing a zero-sequence toroid
 Installing VT function
 Increasing the number of cables
 Replacing shutters and operating mechanism
 Extracting cubicle from switchboard
 Adding flap padlocking
 Replacing capacitive insulator
 Replacing draw-in stud

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Replacement parts available for customer

 "Power On" indicator lights

 Key-locking
 Zero-sequence toroid
 Operations on the VT compartment: MV and LV contacts, MV fuses, etc.
 Humidity resistor (drying)
 Cable connection insulator holder
 Moving part carrier and position contacts
 Position contacts of the earthing switch and removable part
 Surge arrester
 Winding ratio on CT or VT transformer

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Opening covers

 Switching off and earthing MCset

 Discharging energy storage spring

 Open the front door

 Remove the HARTING plug

 Remove the white cover (6 screws)

 Remove the black panel (4 plastic clips on the back

or 6 nylstop nuts )

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RI operating mechanism
1 2

1. Electrical anti pumping relay

3 3. Rotary auxiliary switch block

5. Terminal block

7. Shunt (or overcurrent) trip devices

9. Geared motor (optional)

7 11. Operating mechanism

13. Low energy trip device (optional)

6 15. Closing coil


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RI operating mechanism

9 Energy storage spring

10 Crank

10 11 End of charge switch


Schneider Electric Training

Lubrication parts for RI drive

 Pump with the lever to compress the Closing spring

until the end

 Grease the upper spring guide axis

 Grease all along the top rail spring guide

 Grease all along the bottom rail spring guide

 Grease the bottom spring guide axis

Schneider Electric Training

Lubrication parts for RI drive

 Grease the connecting road of manual lever

 Grease the ratchet wheel

 Grease the axis of motor gear (optional)

 Grease the ratchet wheel

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing closing coil

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker as
shown before
 Open the front door
 Remove the operating mechanism cover
 The trip device is located inside the RI drive
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it

 Remove the Coil (2 bolts)

 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing shunt trip coil

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the operating mechanism cover
 The trip device is located on the left side of RI drive
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it

 Remove the Coil (2 bolts)

 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing auxiliary block switch

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the operating mechanism cover
 The auxiliary switch is located in the middle of RI drive (red
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it

 Remove the terminal bloc (arrow orange) by unscrewing 2


Schneider Electric Training

Replacing auxiliary block switch

 Remove the spindle and the clip

 Remove the two nylon stop nuts

 Remove the auxiliary block switch

 Remove the screw with it’s nylon stop nut and then the
rectangular plate.
 Remove the crank and replace it on the new auxiliary
switch block. Take care to replace the crank in the good
position / axis (0 engraved on the spindle)
 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing end of charge switch

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the operating mechanism cover
 The switch on the left side of
RI drive (bottom)

 Mark the wiring and disconnect it

 Remove the switch (2 bolts)
 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble. Take care
when replacing bolts (tightening torque 0,15 mdaN).

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing anti pumping relay

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the operating mechanism cover
 The switch is placed on the top of RI drive
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it
 Slid a 7 mm spanner between the terminal block and relay
 Unscrew by few turn and disengage the relay (exit hole)
 To reassemble, engage the front pin first and proceed in
reverse order

Schneider Electric Training


1. Opening coil

3. Closing coil
5. Under voltage coil

4 4 7. Closing spring

9. Motor and reduction gear

5 11. Latching unit


Schneider Electric Training

Lubrication parts for GMH drive

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit
 Open the front door
 Remove the 2 operating mechanism covers
 Pump with the lever to compress the closing spring
until the end
 Grease the upper spring guide axis
 Grease all along the top rail spring guide
 Grease all along the bottom rail spring guide
 Grease the bottom spring guide axis
 Do the same for the left spring
 Grease all axis and bearings of drive

Schneider Electric Training

Lubrication parts for GMH drive

 Grease the moving parts of manual lever (axis and

bearing )

 Grease the ratchet wheel

 Grease the axis of the motor and reduction gear


 Grease the ratchet wheel

Schneider Electric Training

Lubrication parts for GMH drive

 To access to latching unit, remove opening

coil and key lock (option)

 Check BAUMAN clips

 Clean parts with lubricant cleaner and


 lubrify axis and bearing with lubricant

cleaner and brush

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing closing coil

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the operating mechanism cover
 The trip device is located inside the GMH drive
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it
 Unscrew the 2 fixing bolts and remove the coil

 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble

 Tighten torque 13 Nm
 Check that the half moon B release well the lever A during

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing shunt trip coil

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the 2 operating mechanism covers
 The trip device is located inside RI drive
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it

 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble

 Tighten torque 13 Nm
 Check that the half moon B release well the lever A during

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing end of charge switch

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharging energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the 2 operating mechanism covers
 The switch is on the left side of GMH drive (top)
 Remove the 2 closing springs
 Remove the top axis of left closing spring
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it
 Remove the 2 switch holders fixing screws and their washers
 Remove assembly and exchange switch
 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble. Take care when
replacing bolts (tightening torque 2,8 Nm for switch and 6 Nm
for metal holder )

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing anti pumping relay

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the 2 operating mechanism covers
 The switch is placed between the 2 auxiliary block
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it
 Unscrew the 2 nuts and washers.
 Remove the relay
 Proceed in the reverse order to reassemble
 Tighten torque 2 Nm

Schneider Electric Training

Replacing under voltage coil

 Switch off and earth MCset

 Discharge energy storage spring from circuit breaker
 Open the front door
 Remove the 2 operating mechanism covers
 The trip device is located inside GMH drive
 Mark the wiring and disconnect it
 Remove the coil (2 screw)
 Proceed in reverse order to reassemble
 Tighten torque 13 Nm
 Make sure when magnetic toroid is closed that the gap
between cylinder and tripping lever (after screwing) is
about 1 mm

Schneider Electric Training

Thermal diagnosis system
To reduce maintenance costs in MV substations, this system
continuously monitors temperature rise.

● The different temperatures are measured on most sensitive

area and send by optic fiber to the control unit.
● The sensors are located on power cable connections and on
top MV fuse holders.
● Optical fibres, avoid to introduce any risks of insulation or

● Permanent monitoring of temperature
● Tripping of a “pre-alarm”, then an “alarm” by activating dry
contact outputs,
● Indication of the zone and circuit involved.

Schneider Electric Training

Earth saving

All MCset products have been designed to be easily recycled to

reduce the impact on our environment

Recycling center

Service Généraux Environnement

38V. Varces
ZAC Champs St Ange
38760 Varces Alliére et Risset.
Tel +33(0)4 76 39 88 43

Schneider Electric Training

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