GM Toolkit
GM Toolkit
GM Toolkit
Data Analyst
Benn Graybeaton
Valya Mkrtchyan
© 2021 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its aliates in the
U.S and/or other countries.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is a trademark of Modiphius Entertainment. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
The 2d20 system and Modiphius Logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. 2015-2021. All 2d20 system text is copyright Modiphius
Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal. Any trademarked names are used in a ctional manner; no infringement
is intended. This is a work of ction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except
for those people and events described in an historical context.
Chapt One Chapt Two
OptionalRules 4 Ammunition 25
TravelandTerrain 9 SmallGuns 26
NavigatingtheWasteland 15 EnergyWeapons 28
CreatingScavengingLocations 17 BigGuns 31
MeleeWeapons 34
Explosives 38
ThrowingWeapons 39
Apparel 39
Armor 41
PowerArmor 46
RobotArmor 53
RobotModules 55
LootTables 56
Chapt One
There are several tools, not in the Core Rules chapter, test represents a problem that requires much greater
which do build upon them to provide optional modes eort to resolve. They can be tests that last a whole
of play or enhance your game. They can be a little session, or even a whole quest, and often provide
more complex, or require more bookkeeping, but mounting tension or pacing for a key objective.
provide you with ways to represent key experiences in
the world of Fallout. Extended tests use the same mechanics as characters
taking damage and injuries in combat, except these
injuries are called breakthroughs, and represent
actions that will take an uncertain amount of time and
EXTENDED TESTS eort to complete. To track an extended test, decide
how much eort it needs by assigning it a value of
Extended tests can provide a greater challenge for
health, between 5 and 20 points, just like you might
player characters than normal skill tests. While tests
an NPC. Then decide how many breakthroughs the
represent a single problem to overcome, an extended
players need to achieve to complete the extended task
Buy d20s (1–6 AP): Buy bonus d20s for a test. The rst
ACHIEVING BREAKTHROUGHS die costs 1 AP, the second costs 2, and the third costs 3.
If the C
D score is 5 or more, or the test’s points reduce
Reduce Time (2 AP): Halve the amount of time a
to 0, then one or more breakthroughs are made. It’s
test takes to attempt.
possible that a player can reduce an extended test’s
health to 0 and score 5 or more damage at once, and Make an Additional Test (2 AP): Make one addi-
therefore score two breakthroughs in a single roll. tional skill test immediately. They can only choose
this option once during an extended test.
Example: In order to track an Institute courser, Nora must Extra Damage: Players can spend up to 3 AP to
triangulate its signal—doing so is an extended test, and it increase your dice pool by up to 3 C
D. Each AP spent
looks like this: adds 1 C
D to their damage roll.
Efort: 20
If you want to help the players, or if the circumstances
She travels to the C.I.T. ruins north of Diamond City, tunes of the scene make sense, breakthroughs can have one
her Pip-Boy’s radio to the frequency and moves around the of the following eects, at your discretion.
ruins. She succeeds her INT + Science test and then rolls
D, scoring a total of 6 damage. This reduces the extended Diculty Reduction: Any remaining skill tests
test’s eort by 6, down to 14, and because Nora scored 5 or made to overcome the problem have their diculty
more damage at once, she also achieved a breakthrough! reduced by 1.
One of the three breakthroughs is checked o, and she
Resistance Reduction: The stress track’s resistance
begins to follow the signal east to Greenetech Genetics.
reduces by 2.
A hostile faction will not help you and most likely attack on sight. Or, if they do help you, it’s
0 (Hostile) only to sell you out, and they wouldn’t expect any better from you. They won’t be willing to
trade and will probably try to forcibly take whatever resources you have.
This faction is careful around you, and possibly has an issue with your previous actions or
another reputation you’ve cultivated. They’ll only help you if they can gain a real windfall
1 (Cautious)
from it, they’ll charge you extortionately for supplies, and most likely won’t give you shelter if
you ask for it.
Neither of you expect anything from the other without proper compensation, but it’s possible
2 (Neutral) you can get help from this faction if they have something to gain. This faction may have been
impressed by their rst interactions with you, or you have a complicated history with them.
You are friendly with this faction, and they may help you from time to time if the request
3 (Friendly) is simple enough. They’re open to trading gear and supplies and help you if it aligns with
their goals.
This faction trusts you, and you can rely on them for help from time to time. They readily
4 (Trusting) trade gear and supplies with you and sometimes offer you rare equipment or discounted
supplies. They help you if you request it or reach out to you for help if they think you can.
You get on well with this faction, trust each other implicitly, are helpful to one another, and
5 (Allied) you’ve both worked hard to keep it that way. This faction can provide you equipment and
shelter, sometimes for free. This faction will come to you for aid or help you if they can.
You can provide guidance about the scope and scale knows you by reputation, you may use your reputation
of each faction the player characters are connected to rank instead of a skill rank to create your target num-
in descriptive terms—a gang in downtown Boston has ber, rolling using your ATTRIBUTE + Reputation
less power than the Brotherhood of Steel, but the street rank, as you allow your renown to speak for you.
gang is much more pertinent to daily life in Boston
than the appearance of the Prydwen out by Boston air- IMPROVING FACTION REPUTATION
port. And it’s up to you how the dierent factions act,
Reputation and inuence change over time, improved
what resources they have, and what their objectives are.
by helping a faction or worsened by working against
them and attacking its members. At the end of a
A faction can provide assistance, and also serve as a
quest, consider its outcomes, the decisions the player
source of quests, but remember, rather than dealing
characters took, and choose which factors may
with a single person, you’re dealing with a group of
inuence a character’s reputation. You are the nal
people and the politics that comes with that.
arbiter of whether an action has a positive or negative
inuence on a character’s reputation with a faction,
FACTION REPUTATION but the simplest method is a list of simple yes or no
Each player character has a reputation rank between 0 questions. You can add questions as you see t, and
and 5 with each faction they’re in contact with. Their published quests may include additional questions
reputation rank measures their standing with that fac- specic to its conclusion.
tion and how well-regarded they are by its members.
Positive Inuences:
A player character begins with a reputation rank of 1
Did you complete the faction’s objectives of the quest?
with each faction they encounter.
Did you abide by the faction’s tenets or rules?
Did you kill a faction’s enemy?
When you attempt a task to convince, persuade, or
Did you complete a faction’s objective for free?
otherwise interact with someone in the faction who
Did you give the faction gear or supplies?