Bal Bhawan
Bal Bhawan
Bal Bhawan
1.0 Preamble
Consistent with our corporate philosophy, we have provided ample amenities for learning, welfare and entertainment of our employees and
their families at site. A need, in this context, has been felt to augment such facilities for children of not only our employees but also of those
who are residing nearby. Facilitation of holistic development of children will go a long way in our service to the society, nay, to the Nation at
1.1 With a view therefore to nurture and nourish creative talent of children we may create a club where children from all walks of life get
opportunities to give expression to their latent energy/talent. Such a centre which could function at our school building or the like may be
called our Bal Bhavan.
1.2 The salient features/benefits of Bal Bhavan would be as under :--
i. Provide a platform where children, regardless of cast, colour and creed would learn and hone different skills and knowledge.
ii. It will be open to all children in/around our Plants/Project and will thus generate goodwill for us in the area.
iii. Children, from different strata of the society, will also learn to create and share amongst themselves.
iv. Bal Bhavan will thus help make them inculcate better values and thus grow into better citizens.
v. Leisure time of children of the area would be put to more meaningful use and would thus equip them to face challenges in life.
2.0 At national level, Government of India has, since long, ushered in concept of National Bal Bhavan. This institution provides all necessary
help to enrich various Bal Bhavans all over the country by providing national exposure, requisite training etc. For this purpose, they grant
affiliation to those Bal Bhavans which start functioning and show willingness to get connected to them. It provides following facilities:--
2.1 The aims and objectives of the National Bal Bhavan are enclosed at Annexure –I.
2.2 The terms and conditions for becoming members of National Bal Bhavan are enclosed as Annexure –II.
We are enclosing draft byelaws and rules of Bal Bhavan at Annexure-III to facilitate action at your end. You may make changes therein
depending on exigencies.
2.4. Draft rules on processes and structure of Bal Bhavan are enclosed at Annexure –IV for ready reference. These are subject to change as
per local exigencies. 1/11
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3.0 The Bal Bhavan may thus be started as per the above proposal. The Director of National Bal Bhavan, Smt. Amita Shaw has assured us of
all cooperation and assistance. Her contact numbers and address are as under:--
Tel : 23239141 / 23237856 Residence 32928669
Mobile : 9910119608 / 9312832322
Fax : 23231158
E-Mail :
She has also expressed a desire to visit our Raigarh facilities during the last week of January 2009, should it be so convenient to us
1.0 To be Creative Resource Centre for Schools, Educational Institutions and Children.
2.0 To offer guidance and learning facilities to schools in order to develop leadership and creativity among students through special training
courses, workshops, demonstration, seminar etc.
3.0 To inculcate in children a scientific temper and a spirit to challenge, experiment, innovate and create.
4.0 To develop new creative teaching methods and educational kits in Art, Science and Museum techniques for broadening and academic and
cultural horizons of schools, teachers and children.
5.0 To collaborate with those departments and agencies already working in different regions to start Rural Bal Bhavans/Rural Bal Bhavan
Kendras in villages.
6.0 To start Tribal Rural Bal Bhavans, Tribal Bal Bhavan Kendras.
7.0 To start Bal Bhavan Kendras, institution for handicapped and to develop and extend training, resource material, kits and exhibitions.
9.0 To develop a personal communication system through audio visual programmes and films to communicate with millions of children.
10.0 To develop software on creative educational methods and techniques for institutions, schools and researches.
11.0 To develop prototype children's theatre for State Bal Bhavans and Rural Bal Bhavans.
12.0 To start science corner and astronomical unit in all states through State Bal Bhavans.
13.0 To develop and organize international exhibitions for children.To encourage the children to be self reliant and disciplined and make them
realize the importance of dignity of labour.
14.0 To develop in the children the concept of right and wrong and train them to adopt basic moral values of life in a non-formal way.
1.0 The aims and objectives of the body to be affiliated should be similar to those of National Bal Bhavan.
2.0 The institution seeking affiliation must be a registered body under society registration act.
3.0 A Committee of National Bal Bhavan officials would visit the institute before affiliating it with National Bal Bhavan. On the basis of
recommendations of the committee, the affiliation for institution would be considered as Bal Bhavan or Bal Kendra on the basis of the
number of activities and availability of proper space/building, number of rooms/halls available with the applicants. In case the institution
is affiliated as Bal Bhavan Kendra, it would pay Rs. 250/- as the affiliation fee for financial year. In camps and other National Level
Programmes, the participation of children from affiliated Bal Kendra would be 50% of the criteria as prescribed for other affiliated Bal
Bhavans. If they increase their activities and facilities they can apply for affiliations as Bal Bhavan later on.
4.0 The institution affiliated as State/District Bal Bhavan must pay to National Bal Bhavan an affiliation fee of Rs.1000/- per financial year.
This amount can be revised by Board of Management of National Bal Bhavan from time to time.
5.0 Affiliated Bal Bhavans shall be required to send their yearly reports to National Bal Bhavan regularly.
6.0 Affiliated Bal Bhavans should have Director, National Bal Bhavan or his/her nominee in their Board of Management.
7.0 The institution should give an 'Undertaking' and fill the oath certificate mentioning that they would abide by all the terms and conditions.
8.0 They should provide a certificate/recommendation letter from the District Collector/State Commissioner or any other higher authority
certifying that the Bal Bhavan/Institution functions satisfactorily in their area.
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(i) Patrons:-
Persons of repute and status in Society who have made marked contributions in the fields of industry, agriculture, humanities or
academic, art, literature, philanthropy, etc. may be invited by the Managing Committee to become Patrons of the Society, and on their
acceptance shall have the privileges of membership of the Society as its patron member.
The Founder Member will cease to be a member if he becomes of unsound mind or becomes insolvent or is convicted of a criminal
offence involving moral turpitude by a court of law of competent jurisdiction.
Ordinary members admitted during the year will pay proportionate subscription for the rest of the year in one installment within
Fifteen days of admission. The admission of member shall be subject to the discretion of and acceptance by the Managing Committee
who shall not be obliged to give any reason for non-acceptance of membership of any applicant. An ordinary member shall cease to be a
member if he becomes of unsound mind or becomes insolvent or is convicted by a court of law of competent jurisdiction in a criminal
offence involving moral turpitude.
Advisory Members shall be such individuals, who advise the Society on legal, financial and other related matters and will be working
honorarily for the Society.
2.1 Admission Fees:As prescribed by the Management of the Bal Bhavan.
(i) A General Meeting of the Society shall be held atleast once in every year. It shall be called Annual General Meeting and not more
than 15 months shall elapse between two successive general meetings. All other General Meetings shall be called Extra-ordinary 3/11
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General Meetings.
(ii) Convening of meetings – General Meetings shall be convened by the Secretary or by such other person as aurhorized by the
Managing Committee.
(iii) Notice – Fourteen days notice of the general meeting shall be given in such manner as the Managing Committee may decide.
(iv) Quorum – Unless otherwise decided at the General Meeting, quorum of a General Meeting shall be 30 % of total members subject
to a minimum of the five members present in person or by proxy of which at least three shall be present in person. A corporate
member shall attend meeting through its authorized representative.
(v) Extra Ordinary General Meeting:- The President / Gen. Secretary / Joint Secretary may convene an Extra Ordinary General
Meeting of the Society on the resolution of the Managing Committee or on the written requisition of not less than one third of
the total members of the society.
Fourteen days notice shall be required for such a meeting. The requisition so made by the members of the Society shall express
the object for which the meeting is proposed to be convened.
At an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, no subject other than that stated in the notice or the requisition, as the case may be,
shall be discussed except with the permission of the Chair.
All the rules applying to the Annual General Meeting will mutatis-mutandis apply to Extra–Ordinary General Meeting.
(vi) Voting Rights - Every member of the Society shall have one vote whether present in person or by proxy. Corporate members may
vote through their representative duly authorized in writing and present the meeting, such authority to be filled with the
Secretary at least 24 hours before the time of the General Body Meeting.
No member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting unless the sum payable by such member in connection with his
membership in the society has been fully paid.
(vii) Question to be decided by majority vote – Every question submitted at the General Meeting shall be decided by a majority of
votes and in case of equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. In all cases voting shall be
by a poll, and the poll shall be held in such manner as the Chairman may decide.
(viii) Chairman of the meeting – The president of the Managing Committee, if present, shall preside at all the General Body Meetings.
In the absence of the President, the Managing Committee may elect one of the members of the Managing Committee to be the
Chairman of the meeting and in the absence of all the members of the Managing Committee, the members present may elect one
of them to be the Chairman of the Meeting.
(i) To optimize in rural slum areas the available resources by application of science and technology, managerial skill, technical know-
how, financial aid, conversing the fields of auricular, horticulture, forestry, dairy / poultry, piggery, pisciculture, animal
husbandry, bee-keeping, cottage and small scale industries processing industries and facilities of storage and marketing.
(ii) To undertake, promote, assist in programmes of conservation of natural resources, development of wasteland and utilization of
water resources with a view to maintain ecological stability.
(iii) To undertake work connected with rural slums development in collaboration with and on behalf of Central or State Governments
and various other National and International Voluntary Organizations, Societies, Trusts etc.
(iv) To create productive employment by improving the existing skills and introducing new skills by project training both in the field of
small scale and cottage industries.
(v) To undertake and / or provide welfare activities, such as education, medical health and family planning, nutrition to children and
child welfare, youth programme, building of rural like roads, etc.
(vi) To retain and / or employ skilled professional or technical advisers and other staff and workers in connection with the objectives
of the Society and pay such fees and remuneration as may be thought expedient and for this purpose to appoint suspend and
dismiss employees of the society.
(vii) To prepare, print, publish and propagate papers, literature, periodicals in furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
(viii) To solicit, obtain or accept subscriptions, donations, grants-on-aid, gifts and endowments, bequests and trust of movable or
immovable property of any kind from Government, Municipalities, other local and public bodies, co-operative societies or other
person or persons on such terms and conditions as considered fit and proper by the Managing Committee and otherwise to
receive money.
(ix) To purchase or to take by way of lease, sub-lease, gift, or charge, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property
and in particular any land, building, workshop, laboratory, machinery, plant, apparatus, appliances and any right or privilege
necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and to construct, erect, develop, alter, improve and maintain any building. 4/11
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(x) To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the Society on terms and conditions as may be considered fit and proper by the
Committee of Management.
(xi) To do all other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment or furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Society.
(xii) To make rules and regulations in connection with the management and control of the society.
(xiii) To establish, promote, cooperate with, become a member of any association, institutions and other bodies having similar object of
rural development or to appoint trustees, agents or delegates for control, management superintendence of such associations,
institutions and other bodies and afford financial assistance – to or otherwise asset the same.
(xiv) To establish, maintain, control and manage branches of the Society in India and elsewhere.
(xv) To establish, and support or aid in the establishment and support of association, institutions, funds, trust and conveniences
calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Society or the dependents of such person and to grant pensions and
allowances to make payments towards insurance of such person.
(xvi) To pay out of the funds belonging to the Society or out of any other particular part of such funds all expenses of or incidental
to the formation of the Society and for management and administration of any of the objectives of the Society including all
rents, license, fees, taxes, outgoing salaries, honorarium and other benefits of employees.
(xvii)To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount the cheques, notes or other negotiable instruments.
(xviii) For the purpose of the Society, to sign deeds, documents and assurances as may be necessary.
(xix) The income and profits of the Society whatsoever derived and obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the
objects of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst the members by way of profit.
(xx) To extend help to very individual who needs it without any consideration for his caste, creed or the region to which he originally
(xxi) To act as interface between the Govt. / underwriter for society security or any other similar measure by collecting funds and
acting as a trustee.
(i) The Management of the Society shall vest in the Management Committee consisting of the following:-
The total strength of the Managing Committee shall not exceed 25.
(ii) Until otherwise determined by a resolution by the Managing Committee, the Managing Committee shall comprise of a maximum of
25 members.
(iii) The Managing Committee shall continue for two years. New Committee shall take over after two years. Any new member in the
Committee in between shall be co-opted by the Managing Committee. The Managing Committee members shall continue for two
years and in case of any change new members shall be co-opted by the Managing Committee.
The Managing Committee before 60 days of expiry of its term by a resolution appoints any member to act as Election Officer who
shall be responsible for conduct of election within the stipulated time.
(iv) In case more than 50% members feel the need to change the committee or an individual member, an election can be held either
during the next Annual
(v) General Body Meeting or in an extra-ordinary General Body Meeting called by the President, General Secretary or Joint Secretary
for this purpose after receiving such a notice from more than 50% of the members. The President and General Secretary will
however, be nominated by Head of JSPL/Jindal Power.
(vi) A member of the Managing Committee may be removed by a resolution of the Managing Committee by 2/3rd majority.
(vii) Members of the Managing Committee may cease to be a member on death or resignation etc.
(viii) In case a member is transferred outside, his membership will cease automatically.
(a) All the properties, movable, immovable or any other kind shall stand vested in the Managing Committee. 5/11
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(b) The business and affairs of the Society shall be carried on and managed by Managing Committee who shall exercise all such
power and authority of the Society as are not specifically expressly vested by these rules and regulations in the General Body of
the Society.
(c) The Managing Committee shall have all such powers and shall perform all such functions as are necessary or proper for the
achievement and the furtherance of the objects of the Society.
(d) Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing provisions, the Managing Committee shall have the following rights and
· To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease or otherwise, lands, buildings or other immovable property together with all rights
pertaining thereto.
· To construct and maintain buildings including right to alter or improve them, and to equip them suitably.
· To accept donations or grants whether in case or kind including property and shares, contributions, subscriptions and
endowments on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Managing Committee may think proper.
· To borrow moneys.
· To receive moneys, securities, instruments and/or any other movable property for on behalf of the Society.
· To grant receipts, to sign and execute instruments and to endorse or discount cheques or other negotiable instruments through
its accredited agents.
· To make, sign and execute all such documents and instruments as may be necessary or proper for carrying on the management
of the property or affairs of the Society.
To control and administer the property and the funds of the Society in deposits with banks and others in shares, securities,
debentures, movable or immovable property whether authorized by the Indian Trust Act or not and from time to time realize and vary
such investments.
To make suitable grants of moneys or other assistance to a university, educational institution or other society, for conducting or the
prosecution of any research or investigation or study in which the Society is interested.
To sell, charge, hire, lease, demise, let mortgage, dispose or otherwise deal with and manage the assets and properties movable or
immovable of the Society.
To appoint any committee and or sub-committee consisting of members and/or non-member as and when necessary and assign to them
such duties and delegate to them such power as the Managing Committee may deem proper.
To assign from time to time, such functions and duties and delegate such powers, as it may deem fit, to any person or persons of sub-
To prescribe the powers, functions and duties of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and the Asst.
Treasurer and or other office bearers.
To perform all such acts and do all such things as may be necessary for the proper management of the properties and the affairs of the
To appoint, and at its discretion, remove or suspend officers, clerks and other employees of the society and from time to time
determine their powers and duties and fix their salaries or emoluments.
Generally to do such things, as it may consider. Necessary expedient for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the society.
The managing committee shall have powers to make Bye-Laws for conduct of its business and to repeal, amend and modify the same so
as to regulate.
The management of the properties, funds, service organization and works of the society.
The conditions and procedure under, and according to, which the several classes of members of the society may be enrolled.
(e) The President shall exercise overall control over the affairs of the society and shall give effect to the decisions of the managing
committee. If in the opinion of the President any emergency has arisen which requires that immediate actions should be taken, the 6/11
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President shall take such actions as he deems necessary and inform the members of the managing committee and shall report the same
for confirmation at the next meeting of the managing committee which in the ordinary course would have dealt with the matter.
(i) The president shall preside over all the meetings of the managing committee.
(ii) The president shall discharge such other duties and exercise and powers, as he may be required to, from time by the managing
committee or General Body.
(iii) The person presiding at the General Meeting, or Governing Body meetings or any special meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote in
the event of a tie.
(ii) Have custody of, and maintain in good order and condition all office furniture and other properties of the society.
(iii) Ensure that all-correspondence, records and documents connected with the business of the society are properly filed and reserved.
(iv) Arrange to keep a complete, correct and up-to-date record of properties of the society.
(v) Exercise general supervision over the employees, agents and contractors of the society.
(vi) Arrange to keep a register of the members and shall enter therein the particulars regarding name and address of each member, the
date of admission, the date on which member ceases to be a member of the society.
(vii) Prepare and lay before the managing committee annual report of the working of the society.
(viii) Cause minutes of all meeting of the managing committee and of the General Body and any special meeting to be correctly recorded,
confirmed and kept.
(ix) Have power to incur any expenditure, not exceeding a sum as specified by the managing committee for the time being in anticipation of
the sanction of the managing committee.
(x) Shall do all such acts and things as may, from time to time, be decided by the managing committee and as may be conducive to the
attainment and furthering of the objectives of the society.
(ii) Invest, deposit and / or advance the funds of the society not immediately required in such securities, bank or otherwise, as may, from
time to time, be determined by the Managing Committee.
(iv) Maintain or cause to be maintained the accounts of the society and shall be in-charge of all the books of account, records, and
documents which shall be kept at the Registered Office of the society.
(v) Shall get the accounts of the society audited by duly qualified Auditor and obtain the Auditors report thereon.
(vi) Shall prepare and submit before the Managing Committee at its first or second meeting of the financial year a draft budget of the
expected income and expenditure of the society for approval of the Managing Committee.
The Rules of the society shall not be amended unless the same has been approved by 2/3rd of the members of the society in the
General Body Meeting.
The Managing Committee may open account / accounts with any Bank in the name of the society and the same shall be operated jointly
by the following:-
(i) For withdrawal of less than Rs. 3,000/-.
General Secretary
Treasurer 7/11
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General Secretary
4.1.8 The funds of the society shall consist of:-
(ii) Contributions, donations and endowments received from any person, individual , corporation, Government or other body whatsoever.
(iii) Grants– in-aids, subsidiaries or other payments of like nature received from Government, local bodies, institutions societies, or any
corporation, or body whatsoever.
(vi) Receipts of money arising out of the investment of the funds the one or more activities of the society in pursuance of the objectives
of the society.
(vii) Loans received from Banks, Financial Institutions, Governments, Local Bodies, Corporations, Companies, or other persons, and
a) The society shall cause to be maintained such books of accounts and other books in relation to its accounts in such form and in such
manner as may, in consultation with the auditors of the society as prescribed.
b) The society shall, as soon as may be, after closing its accounts prepare a statement of accounts in such form as the Managing
Committee may, in consultation with the Auditors of the society, determine.
c) The accounts of the society shall be audited by such Auditors as the Managing Committee may appoint.
d) The annual accounts of the society together with the audit report thereon shall be laid before the General Body as far as practicable
at its annual meeting. If the statement of the audited accounts is not ready by the date of annual meeting it shall be placed before
the General Body at the subsequent meeting called for the purpose.
The tenure of the Managing Committee shall be two year.
Any amendment in the memorandum/rules and regulations of the society will be carried out in accordance with provisions of the Society
Registration Act, 1860 as applicable in the concerned State and as per decisions of the Management Committee. 8/11
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Action for dissolution of the society and steps for disposing off the dissolved properties shall be done in accordance provisions of the
Societies Registration Act and as per decision of the Management Committee.
4.0 Aims and Objective : (i) To provide forum for the children of employees to get
together with a view to enrich their social, educational
and recreational needs.
(ii) To encourage activities like vocational & educational
training for all round development of children of JSPL
& JPL employees and other children also especially the
girls residing in the vicinity i.e. the Districts of JSPL.
To organize training in Computer, Art & Crafts, Dance
& Music, Yoga, Painting etc. for the said group.
(iii) To organize various competitions for the children.
(iv) To organize Summer Camps, trips to various Museums,
Plants, Historical Places and Picnic Spots in order to
strengthen the spirit of brotherhood among the
(v) To organize various functions strengthen spirit of
Nationalism, other positive values and to promote
culture and discipline among the children.
(vi) To provide literacy and educational books, journals to the
children and to set up library and reading room for the
(vii) Any other activity as per bye-laws of Bal Bhavan.
5.0 All the income, earnings, movable, immovable properties of the society shall be solely
utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aim and objectives only as set forth in the
Memorandum of Association and no part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or
indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or
past members of the Society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the
present or past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any
movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profits whatsoever by virtue of
his membership.
4. Joint Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Assistant Treasurer
7. Executive Member
8. Executive Member
9. Executive Member
10. Executive Member
7.0 Process
(i) To take a decision at local level to set up Bal Bhavan as per model Bye-laws enclosed.
(iv) To appoint Director with approval from Director (HR). Teachers to be appointed with approval at the level of local Business unit
(v) Infrastructure and all capital items: To be provided by the company. A budget shall be prepared by the plant and approval taken
from Director (HR).
(vi) Operating expenses: To be provided as per the budget to be approved initially at Director (HR) level for three years. Subsequently,
it may be approved at local level, as per decisions of the Management Committee of the Bal Bhavan.
Funeral Expense
Bal Bhawan
Children's Films
Employee First
HR Initiatives
Policy & Procedures
Take a Moment
Employee Onboarding
Campus Connect
Corporate Communication
Social Media Policy
Social Media Training PPT
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