Grade9 - The Sound of Music - Question Bank

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Class: IX AB 184 – English Language and Ref.

Book: Beehive
Question Bank - 2 Topic: The Sound of Music Type: MCQ, SAQ, LAQ


1 What was Evelyn not going to give up?
(A) Leading a normal life (B) Interest in music
(C) Her dream of joining the Royal (D)Both (A) and (B)
Academy of Music
2 Why was pungi banned from the court by Aurangzeb?
(A) It was inauspicious. (B) It could be used as a weapon
(C) It had a very unpleasant (D)It caused deafness
3 Where was the Shehnai played traditionally?
(A) In temples (B) In wedding ceremonies
(C) In auspicious ceremonies (D)All of these
4 From where did the new instrument get its name?
(A) By combining the names of (B) It was named by a barber.
King and Barber.
(C) A king gave its name. (D)It was named by a writer.
5 Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the
students below.

1. I think Bismillah took the instrument to new heights.

2. I think Bismillah was forced to learn Shehnai as a family heritage.

3. I think Bismillah was prodigal.

4. I think Bismillah was bought up in a rural setting.

(a) F-1,2 and O-3,4 (b) F-1,4 and O-2,3
(c) F-1,3 and O-2,4 (d) F-1 and O-2,3,4
6 How did Bismillah Khan students promise to recreate the atmosphere of
(A) By recreating the Indian (B) By constructing temples like

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
landscape with the flora and that in Benaras.
fauna artificially.
(C) By creating an artificial river to (D)All of these
replicate Ganga
7 In which way did sitting near Ganga benefit Khansaab?
(A) He would sit for hours taken (B) He would improvise and
by its beauty. invent raagas.
(C) He would go into a state of (D)He would take time to clear
flow. his head space.
8 Which of the following were among Khansaab's favourite haunts?
(A) Temple of Balaji (B) Temple of Nanda Devi
(C) Vishnu Temple (D)Girija Devi Temple
9 What was so special about the raagas Khansaab invented?
(A) They were rare. (B) They were earlier considered
(C) They were earlier considered (D)They were similar to those of
beyond the range of shehnai. Pungi.
10 What happened when Evelyn turned eleven?
(A) Her marks had deteriorated (B) Her headmistress urged her
parents to take her to a
(C) It was discovered that her (D)All of these
hearing was severely
11 How did Evelyn manage her growing deafness?
(A)She concealed it from friends (B) She concealed it from her
and teachers. parents.
(C) She used it as an excuse. (D)She considered it just another
12 Why did Evelyn end up becoming deaf?
(A) Due to an accident (B) Due to genetic disorders
(C) Due to gradual nerve damage (D)None of these
13 Who had spotted Evelyn's potential?
(A) Mother (B) Ron Forbes
(C) Headmistress (D)Teacher
14 What advice did Forbes offer that helped Evelyn?
(A) He told her to read lips. (B) He told her to sense music
instead of hearing.
(C) He told her to keep trying and (D)He told her to aspire to attain
working hard. a state of flow

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
15 When was Evelyn presented with the Royal Philharmonic Society's prestigious
Soloist of the Year Award?
(A) 1997 (B) 1996
(C) 1995 (D)1991
16 What does Evelyn confess to?
(A) Being sensitive (B) Being workaholic
(C) Being happy (D)Reading lips
17 What does master percussionist James Blades has to say about Evelyn?
(A) What we hear, Evelyn feels (B) She expresses music so
(C) God has given her back (D)All of these
something extraordinary.
18 While playing xylophone Evelyn senses the sound passing up _________
(A) the stick into her body (B) the stick into her hands
(C) her gloves (D)the stick into her fingertips

19 Ali Bux was employed to play the shehnai at __________

(A) Raghav Temple (B) Shiva Temple
(C) Vishnu Temple (D)Devi Temple
20 What is Bismillah Khan lovingly called?
(A) Khaan Saab (B) Guruji
(C) Bismillah (D)Khan
21 Which two cities are Bismillah Khan's favourite?
(A) Lucknow and Benares (B) Benares and Dumraon
(C) Benares and Mumbai (D)Mumbai and Delhi
22 The tonal quality of pungi was improved by ______
(A) The court musicians (B) The Emperor
(C) A cobbler (D)A barber

23 The barber played his new instrument in front of ________ and impressed
(A) the villagers (B) his customers
(C) the royalty (D)his family
24 Besides his family members being his inspiration, Bismillah’s creativity was
also inspired by
(A) the teachings of other famous (B) the beauty of the temples
musicians where he sang
(C) the flowing waters of the (D)his ambition to be well known
river Ganga
25 When India gained Independence on 15th August 1947, he

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
(A) was very happy (B) became the first Indian to
greet the nation with his
(C) got a break on All India Radio (D)became the first Indian to
meet Jawaharlal Nehru at Red
1 Why was Evelyn nervous while going to the Royal Academy of Music?
Ans. Evelyn was nervous while going to the Royal Academy of Music as it was
her first day at the prestigious Academy. Moreover, she was just a seventeen-
year-old teenager at that time and felt nervous.
2 How did Evelyn become able to sense different notes?
Ans: Evelyn became able to sense different notes by making her body and
mind receptive to sounds and vibrations. She could sense the sounds of music
flowing into her body. She used to stand barefoot on a wooden platform so
that she could sense the vibrations easily.
3 What did Evelyn say about sensing the music?
Ans. Evelyn said that she could sense the music through every part of her
body. It creates a tingling sensation in her skin, cheekbones and hair. She
could sense the xylophone's sound passing up stick into her fingertips. Her
legs could feel the vibrations of the drum.
4 What special achievement did Evelyn have in the history of the Royal
Ans. The special achievement that Evelyn had in the history of the Royal
Academy was that she scored one of the highest marks in the history of the
Academy. Further, at the end of her course in the Academy, she got most of
the top awards.
5 Why did Evelyn use to remove her shoes on a wooden platform?
Ans. On a wooden platform, Evelyn used to remove her shoes so that she
could sense the vibrations passing through her bare feet. With shoes, she
could not get the vibrations properly and therefore she would not be able to
feel the music.
6 How was Evelyn able to express music so beautifully?
Ans. Evelyn was able to express music so beautifully because she was able to
feel it far more deeply than others. Others could only hear music by ear,
Evelyn could sense music through her body but Evelyn could sense music
through her body.
7 Where did the shehnai get its due place and why?
Ans: The shehnai got its due place in temples and weddings, as its sound was
considered auspicious. In the past, it had a place in the traditional group of

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
nine musical instruments at the royal courts. It is an indispensable part of any
North Indian wedding.
8 Mention the event that used to take place regularly when Bismillah was five
years old.
Ans: When Bismillah was five years old, he would go to the nearby Bihariji
temple in Dumraon regularly to sing the Bhojpuri Chaita'. At the end of this,
he used to get a big laddu as a prize from the local Maharaja which weighed
1.25 kg.
9 Describe the family members of Ustad Bismillah Khan.
Ans: The family members of Bismillah Khan were well-known musicians. His
grandfather, Rasool Bux Khan, played the shehnai in the Bhojpur king's court.
His father, Paigambar Bux and other paternal ancestors were also great
shehnai players.
10 How did Bismillah get the first lesson in the playing of the shehnai?
Ans: Bismillah got the first lesson in playing the shehnai by accompanying his
maternal uncle Ali Bux, who visited the Vishnu temple at Benaras to play the
shehnai. In his company, young Bismillah was captivated and inspired to
practice the instrument.
11 What did Ustad Faiyaz Khan say to Bismillah?
Ans: Ustad Faiyaz Khan patted Bismillah on his back and asked him to work
hard. He encouraged Bismillah by saying that he could succeed in the field of
12 Where was Bismillah's first journey abroad? What impact did it leave there?
Ans. Bismillah's first journey abroad was to Afghanistan. Bismillah's
performance there impressed the king of Afghanistan so much that the king
gifted him many of his priceless Persian carpets and other things.
13 Despite being successful, why did Bismillah not take to the celluloid world?
Ans. Despite being successful in the celluloid world (film world). Bismillah did
not take to it because he did not like the artificiality and glamour of the film
14 What did Bismillah say after getting the Bharat Ratna award?
Ans. After getting the Bharat Ratna, Bismillah said that Indians should value
their music and teach it to their kids. Indian music is so rich that the West is
now learning this art. This was a word of encouragement for the youngsters.
15 Which were the most beautiful towns for Bismillah Khan? Why?
Ans. The most beautiful towns for Bismillah Khan were Benaras and Dumraon.
Bismillah grew up in these two towns and developed a life-long attachment
towards them, particularly to the Ganga and the unique 'Mattha' of Dumraon.
He learnt music in these places, therefore these towns remained the most
beautiful towns for him.

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
16 Why and how was Bismillah a perfect example of India's cultural heritage?
Ans. Bismillah was a perfect example of India's cultural heritage because he
was a symbol of its secularism. Despite being a Muslim, he played the shehnai
at the temples. He reflected India's core principle of 'Unity in Diversity.
17 How did Evelyn's deafness come to light?
Ans. Evelyn's loss of hearing had been gradual. Her mother noticed that there
was something wrong when Evelyn was only eight years old. When her name
was called, she didn't move. Her mother suddenly realised that she hadn't
heard. Moreover, for quite some time, Evelyn managed to conceal her
deafness from her friends and teachers.
18 Who helped Evelyn to continue with music? What did he do and say?
Ans. Evelyn was a girl of strong determination. Ron Forbes discovered her
talent in music. He helped her to continue with music. He asked her not to
listen through ears but in some other way. Suddenly she realised the tunes
from the waist up and down. Forbes repeated the exercise. Then Evelyn
sensed certain notes flowing in different parts of her body.
19 How was Evelyn able to get admission to the Royal Academy of Music?
Ans. Ron Forbes created Evelyn's interest in music. She never looked back
from that point. By the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music
her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and scored the
highest marks in the history of the academy.
20 What does Evelyn say about music?
Ans: According to Evelyn music pours through every part of her body. It
tingles in the skin, her cheekbones and even her hair. When she plays the
xylophone, she can feel the sound passing up the stick into her fingertips. By
leaning against the drums, she can feel resonances flowing into her body. On
a wooden platform, she removes her shoes so that the vibrations pass
through her bare feet and up into her body.
21 What was Evelyn’s main achievement?
Ans: Evelyn has accomplished more than most people twice her age. She has
brought percussion to the front of the orchestra. She has given inspiration to
those who are handicapped. Besides this, she has brought great pleasure to
22 What was the challenge that Evelyn faced on her first day at the Royal
Academy of Music in London?
Ans. Evelyn was a small and thin girl of seventeen. She was nervous yet
excited. It was her first day at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in
London. She was a teenager fresh from a Scottish farm. But she faced a bigger
challenge than most. She was deaf.
23 How was Evelyn determined to lead a normal life?

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
Ans. Evelyn's deafness didn't hamper her determination. She was not going to
give up. She was determined to lead a normal life. She wanted to pursue her
interest in music. One day when she saw a girl playing the xylophone, she
decided to play it too. While most of her teachers discouraged her, Ron
Forbes spotted her talent and potential. From then she learned to open the
mind and body to sounds and vibrations.
24 How could Evelyn go right to the top?
Ans: Evelyn defied her handicaps in life. She was determined to pursue her
interest in music. Ron Forbes taught her how to open her mind and body to
sounds and vibrations. Her determination and hard work led her to capture
most of the top awards in music. She became the world's most famous
percussionist with a mastery of thousands of instruments.
25 "God may have taken her hearing but He has given her back something
extraordinary, says James Blades. Do you also think so?
Ans. Evelyn never allowed deafness to come in her way. No doubt, God had
taken her hearing. However, He had given her back something extraordinary.
What others heard, she could feel far more deeply than any of them. This was
the reason she expressed music so beautifully. Yes, God more than
compensated for what he had taken away from her.
26 What was the thought about the sound of shehnai?
Ans. The sound of shehnai began to be considered auspicious. This is why it is
still played in temples. It has become an essential part of any North Indian
wedding. Till recently was used only in temples and weddings. The credit for
bringing this instrument up to the classical stage goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan.
27 How did Bismillah Khan take to music early in life?
When he was three-year-old, his mother took him to his maternal uncle's
house in Benares. Bismillah Khan was fascinated watching his uncle practice
the shehnai. Soon Bismillah began to accompany his uncle to the Vishnu
temple of Benares. Meanwhile, he started getting lessons in shehnai and did a
lot of practice also.
28 Give an account of Bismillah Khan's memorable performances abroad.
Ans. Bismillah Khan gave many memorable performances abroad. His first trip
was to Afghanistan. King Zahir Shah was so impressed by his performance that
he gifted him priceless Persian carpets and other souvenirs. Then Bismillah
Khan became the first Indian to be invited to perform at the Lincoln Centre
Hall in the U.S.A. He also took part in the World Exposition in Montreal, the
Cannes Art Festival and the Osaka Trade Fair.
29 What was Bismillah Khan's tenure in the film world? Why did he leave the
world of films?
Ans. Bismillah Khan made compositions for two films. His composition, "Dil ka

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
Khilona Hai Toot Gaya" in Vijay Bhatt's film 'Goonj Uthi Shehnai' was a huge
success. But his film journey was for a short time. He could not come to terms
with the artificiality and glamour of the film world.
30 Why did emperor Aurangzeb ban pungi? Ans. Emperor Aurangzeb was a
puritan. He had little taste for music and fine arts. He banned the playing of
'pungi' in the royal residence. Due to its shrill and unpleasant sound, 'pungi'
became infamous. It was considered 'reeded noisemakers'. The fortune and
prestige of 'pungi' were revived by a barber. He belonged to a family of
professional musicians. Later on, it came to be known as 'shehnai'.
31 What did Evelyn do after the advice of percussionist Ron Forbes?
Ans. Evelyn followed Forbes's advice strictly. She realised that she could feel
the higher drum from the waist up. She could feel the lower one from the
waist down. She also discovered that she could sense certain notes in
different parts of her body. She learnt to open her mind and body to sounds
and vibrations.
32 What was so 'magical' about Evelyn's getting to the top? What did she
Ans. Evelyn's determination and hard work proved 'magical' for her. She told
that if one worked hard and knew one's goal in life, one would get there. And
she got to the top. She became the world's most sought-after multi-
percussionist. She has the mastery of some thousand instruments
33 "Men with bushy beards give me trouble", says Evelyn. Why?
Ans. Evelyn says that men with bushy beards give her trouble. She says so
because she wants to read the lips. But to do so she has to look at the whole
face. The face of the bearded man hides the lips. So, she can't read the lips.
34 What does master percussionist James Blades say about Evelyn?
Ans. In 1991, Evelyn was awarded the 'Soloist of the Year Award'. It is the
most famous award of the Royal Philharmonic Society. Master percussionist
James Blades said, "God may have taken her hearing, but he has given her
more than that." He also said that what people heard Evelyn felt more deeply.
That is why she expressed music so beautifully.
35 What message do you get from the life of Evelyn Glennie?
Ans. The message we get is never to allow adversity to come in the way of
your pursuit of success. If one sense organ is damaged, make good use of the
other sensory organs but never give up hope. Life is a precious gift; it should
not be wasted. We should not give up just because we don't know how to
face challenges. Work towards success.
1 How was Evelyn Glennie able to become the world's most wanted
percussionist? What are her achievements?

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
Ans. Evelyn Glennie was able to become the world's most wanted
percussionist through her hard work and determination. It is hard to believe
how a deaf person like her could become a great musician. Evelyn did not let
her hearing disability become a hurdle/hindrance in achieving her goal of
making music her life. Her determination and willpower helped her to learn
the xylophone. She tuned her mind and body to be receptive to the sound
and vibrations as she was unable to hear from her ears. She joined the
orchestra and then moved on to become a solo player. Evelyn has achieved a
lot in her life, she scored the highest marks in the audition for the Royal
Academy of Music in London. She had received most of the awards at the end
of her three-year course at the Academy. She has a mastery over thousand
instruments and is the world's most sought-after multi-percussionist. In 1991,
she was given the Royal Philharmonic Society's Soloist of the Year award. She
works very hard and performs at many places. She gives free concerts in
prisons and hospitals and has become a source of inspiration for disabled
2 How does Evelyn's life become a source of inspiration for the handicapped?
Ans. Evelyn has become a source of inspiration for the deaf because she did
not let her deafness come in the way of becoming a world-famous musician.
She had become completely deaf at the age of eleven due to gradual nerve
damage. Despite this disability, she was determined to lead a normal life and
pursue her interest in music. She was discouraged by most of the teachers
when she went to learn music. However, Ron Forbes (a percussionist), spotted
her potential and urged her to sense the sounds through different parts of her
body. With time, Evelyn discovered that she could sense certain notes in the
different parts of her body. She learnt to open her mind and body to different
sounds and vibrations. Evelyn has won many prestigious awards and
performed around the world. She is the most popular multi-percussionist in
the world. She has already accomplished more than most people twice her
age. With all these achievements, she is surely a symbol of success and a
source of inspiration for the handicapped.
3 The naming of the shehnaí has a story behind it. What values are associated
with this naming?
Ans. Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of the pungi in his royal court
because it had a very loud and unpleasant sound. After some time, a barber
from a family of professional musicians decided to revive the pungi. He chose
a longer and broader pipe and made a few holes in its body. When he played
on this pipe by opening and closing the holes, it produced a very melodious
sound. As it was invented in the court of the shah (king) by a nai (barber), it
got the name 'shehnai’. Therefore, the barber revived a musical instrument

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
that was considered a noisemaker. This reflects the idea that with a positive
mindset even noisemakers can be turned into melodious instruments. It is all
about creativity, determination and understanding. The barber had all those
values and therefore, we still have the pungi with us in the form of the
4 Describe the importance of shehnai in India. How did Bismillah contribute to
its development?
Ans. The shehnai's sound is considered very auspicious. It is played in temples
and has become an indispensable part of North Indian weddings. In earlier
times, it was a part of the traditional group of nine instruments (naubat)
found at the royal courts. Any North Indian wedding is incomplete without
the shehnai. Therefore, it can be said that shehnai was very important in
Indian music. Bismillah contributed to the development of the shehnai by
bringing it out of temples and weddings to the classical stage. He changed
how the shehnai was played by inventing ragas that were earlier considered
to be beyond the range of the shehnai. He made it a global instrument and
took it to the world stage. Bismillah Khan pioneered the journey of the
shehnai and made it a huge success. Without his contribution, it would not
have reached its current place in Indian classical music.
5 Justify Bismillah Khan as a true Indian.
Ans. Undoubtedly, Bismillah Khan was a true Indian. Despite being a devout
Muslim, he used to play the shehnai in the temples. He loved his country,
India very much. When one of his students offered him to head a shehnai
school in the USA, he refused the offer by saying that he wouldn't find the
river Ganga there. He once said that whenever he was out of India, he kept on
thinking of his motherland and missed the Ganga River. On getting the Bharat
Ratna, he said that the parents of India should teach their children music and
supported it by saying that even the West was coming to learn music from
India now. He was the true representative of India and the core Indian values.
He never believed in glamour and the world of artificiality. He always believed
in simplicity which is the epitome of Indian civilisation. Hence, he was a true
6 How was Bismillah Khan associated with the film world?
Ans. Film director Vijay Bhatt heard Bismillah Khan at a festival. He was so
impressed by Bismillah Khan that he named a film after the instrument 'Gunj
Uthi Shehnai'. The film was a huge hit. One of Bismillah Khan's compositions
"Dil ka khilona hai toot gaya", turned out to be very popular. Despite his great
success in the film world, Bismillah Khan's film music was limited to two films,
Vijay Bhatt's 'Gunj Uthi Shehnai and Vikram Srinivas's 'Sanadhi Apanna'. But
Bismillah made it clear that he could not come to terms with the artificiality

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
and glamour of the film world.
7 “Evelyn confesses that she is something of a workaholic". What do you think
are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a workaholic?
Ans. There is no doubt that there are many advantages of being a workaholic.
In fact, most great people of the past and the present are said to be
workaholics. These people are determined to achieve a goal for which they
work day and night with full dedication. No doubt, they get a name and fame
and if they so want a lot of wealth. However, it does not mean that there are
no disadvantages to being a workaholic. First and foremost, their life often
suffers from a lack of variety. They concentrate on one goal. In fact, the ideal
situation is one when a workaholic is devoted not just to one big goal but to a
variety of goals even if they are not so big.
8 How Evelyn Glennie in “The Sound of Music' becomes a great xylophone-
playing musician shows up the value of determination and devotion despite
being deaf. Explain the statement.
Ans. Evelyn Glennie truly describes how despite being unable to hear she
became a great musician. Behind this achievement lie her determination and
devotion. She became a great percussionist. The moment she saw a girl
playing the xylophone she decided to become one. She decided to make
music her life. She rightly said, "If you work hard and know where you are
going, you'll get there.” She senses music through every part of her body. She
removes her shoes to let the vibrations pass through her bare feet and up her
legs. Through the values of determination, devotion and hard work she
inspires the handicapped to achieve high. She has also given pleasure to
9 In The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan', the author says, “Awards and recognitions
came thick and fast". Mention the important rewards and recognitions got by
Ustad Bismillah Khan.
Ans: Bismillah Khan was born on March 21, 1916, at Dumraon in Bihar. He
moved to Benaras at the age of six. His maternal uncle Ali Bux taught him all
the nuances of 'shehnai' playing. He would practice for hours at the banks of
the holy Ganga in solitude. The flowing waters of the Ganga inspired him to
invent many 'raagas'. He was invited by Jawaharlal Nehru to play the 'shehnai'
for free India on 15th August 1947. He participated in the Osaka Trade Fair
and Cannes Art Festival. An auditorium in Teheran is named after him "Tahar
Mosiquee Ustaad Bismillah Khan.' He was honoured with the highest national
award-the ‘Bharat Ratna’ for his contribution to music. He had also received
Padmashri, Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan.
10 It was eight years old when Evelyn gradually began to lose the ability to hear.
Write a paragraph, expressing the feelings that might have gone through her

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan
Ans. It was on the day of the piano recital. My mother was in the audience.
She noticed that something was seriously wrong when I was not responding
when my name was being announced to play the piano. My mother suddenly
realised that I was not able to hear. I was too young to realise the
predicament (difficult situation) I was in. Gradually, the seriousness of my
impairment began seeping into my mind, and I began to cry bitterly. My love
for music! If I can't hear, it would be impossible to enjoy or play music. My
world seemed to come crashing down, everything suddenly looked black. She
could not spot even a faint glow at the end of the tunnel. She folded her little
hands and looked at the stars, that shone in the sky, and cried with a heavy
heart, "Why me oh! Lord!"

Prepared by: Mr. Remin Paulson & Ms. Rajasry Viswanathan H.O.D.: Mr. Deepak D. Hariharan

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