Semiconductor Laser

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Semiconductor laser:-

Semi conductor laser is demonstrated by Dr. Robert.N.Hall in 1962.

Semiconductor lasers are used in optical data transmission, optical data storage,
Metrology, laser spectroscopy and laser material processing

Important Components:

The essential components of semiconductor lasers are

Active Medium: Highly doped Pn Junction diode
Energy source: Forward Bias
Optical cavity: Polished surfaces

Basic Principle: Recombination

On the basis of recombination processes, semiconductors are classified into two

1. Direct band gap semiconductors.

2. Indirect band gap semiconductors.

Direct band gap semiconductors are useful to construct semiconductor laser because there
is large scope of emitted radiation, whereas, in Indirect band gap semiconductor there is
less scope for emitted radiation

Semiconductor laser systems are classified into two types, they are
(i) Homojunction diode laser systems.

(ii) Heterojunction diode laser systems.

A homojunction is formed between n-type and p-type semiconductors of same
material where as hetero-junction is formed between n-type and p-type semiconductors of
different materials.
Construction of Homojunction GaAs Diode laser:-
In this laser system, the active medium is p-n junction diode formed between
n-GaAs and P-GaAs. The impurities, germanium and tellurium are dopping into GaAs
semiconductors to obtain p-type GaAs and n-type GaAs respectively. The thickness of
p-n junction layer is very narrow. At the junction two sides which are parallel to each
other are well polished through which laser is emitted and the other sides are roughened
to avoid laser emission. To provide forward bias two metal contacts are provided in the
top and bottom of the diode as shown in figure.
Drawbacks of Homojunction laser:-
1. Current density is very large.
2. Only pulsed mode output is obtained.
3. Laser output has large beam divergence.
4. Poor coherence and poor stability.

Construction of heterojunction diode laser:-

A layer of GaAs is sandwiched between two layers of GaAlAs that has a wider
energy gap than GaAs and also a lower refractive index .The below figure shows a
double hetero structure strip laser diode in which the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 are indicating
the various layers and the corresponding materials used.

Working principle:-
The working principle is same for the homo and hetero junction diode laser
systems. Working principle can be explained in three parts as
i. Unbiased or equilibrium
ii. Small bias
iii. Large bias
1. Unbiased or equilibrium
When forward bias is not connected then energy diagram will be shown in the figure.

In this case no electrons and holes present in the depletion region, so there is no emitted

2. Small bias is applied

When small forward bias is given to the p-n junction then small number of electrons and
holes will be injected into the depletion region from respective regions as shown in the
figure. The output is small
Fig : Large bias is applied

3. Large bias is applied

When a relatively large current is passed through junction then large number of
electrons and holes will injected into the depletion region and direct recombination
processes take place efficiently so the output is more .Further the emitted photons
increase the rate of combinations. Thus more number of photons produced. Hence the
emitted photons from induced recombination are having the same phase and frequency as
that of original inducting photons.

Advantages of Hetero junction laser:-

1.Current density is very low at room temperature.
2.Continuous wave operation is possible.
3.Very narrow beam with high coherence and monochromacity is achieved.
4.It is highly stable with longer life.
Output depends on concentration of donor or acceptor impurities If concentration is 1024
then emitted outputs are

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