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ARTS - the expression or application of human creative skill

and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or

sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power.


1. Fine Art or Aesthetic (Major Arts)

2. Utilitarian Art or practical (Minor Arts)


Division of Major Arts

 Visual or Space
 Auditory or Time
 Combined or Performing


 Painting - express by creating line, adding value,

color and form even texture.
 Sculpture - expressed by creating, shapes, carving
and molding human and animal figures, wood
carving and pottery.
 Architecture - creating of rhythmic features/patterns
(repetition of design).
AUDITORY OR TIME - it exist in time

 Literature
 Music - combination of sounds, including human
voice, most dynamic form of art.

COMBINED OR PERFORMING - visual and auditory

 Circus - acrobat, gymnast, animal training,

exhibition, pantomime.
 Dance - use of music and repeated movement
 Opera - dominant element orchestra accompany.
Involves acting, orchestral accompaniment.
 Pantomime -dramatic expression using body gesture
 Puppet show - theatrical performance with the use
of puppet, ventriloquism
 Drama -acting, stage decorating, script writing,
public speaking
 Theater - open stage with an audience, oldest
popular entertainment
 Singing - the use of sound through the use of ff.
musical instrument and human voice.
 Motion picture - series of still pictures projection
screen to create an illusion or motion.

 Industrial Art - involves changing of raw materials

into some significant product for the purpose of
human consumption.
 Household Art - things that we usually do in our
 Civic Art - Town planning, maintenance,
beautification/modification of parks, plaza and the
town itself.
 Commercial Art - different business activities form
an advertisements, newspapers, magazines, posters
and billboards, leaflets/fliers.
 Agricultural Art - agronomy, horticulture and
husbandry, crop production, gardening/orchard,
 Business Art - merchandising, accounting, book
keeping, typewriting.
 Distributive Art - marketing, warehousing, and
shipping of products/goods.
 Medical/Clinical Art - medical manufacturing, 1 aid
treatment, surgery.

 PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD - Ethnic Art & Islamic Art


In Pre-colonial Philippines, arts are for ritual purposes or for
everyday use.
 Ethnic Arts - Integral to life, most dominant element
is Tribal Pattern.
 Islamic Arts - It is characterized by geometric designs
and patterns eliciting focus from the believers.


Art became a handmaiden of religion, serving to propagate

the Catholic faith and thus support the colonial order at the
same time (Religion and Faith).


Commercial and advertising arts were integrated into the

fine arts curriculum. Moreover, Americans favored idyllic
sceneries and secular (Secularization) forms of arts.

 Secular - activities, or other things that have no

religious or spiritual basis.

Since they advocated for the culture of East Asia, preference

was given to the indigenous art and traditions of the
Philippines. This emphasized their propaganda of Asia
belonging to Asians.

 Orientalizing


This era in Philippine Art began after World War 2 and the
granting of Independence. Writers and artists posed the
question of national identity.


Was an offshoot of social realism brought about by Martial

Law, Arts became expression of people’s aspiration for a
just, free, and sovereign society.

 Social Realism - The term used by artist painters

and film makers to produce products which aims
to draw attention to the serious socio political
condition of the Philippines.
CONTEMPORARY ARTS - defined as "The art of today".

Arts form in Philippines

1. VISUAL ARTS - Is the art meant to be perceived by sight.

a. Drawing - is a practice in which images are created

by using medium (pencil and pen) on a surface by
marks of lines and shapes.
b. Painting - is both the Art of applying paint (using
brush, palette knife, airbrush etc.) on a surface. The
most common medium used are color, oil, acrylic
and spray paint.
c. Sculpture - The art of making 3D pieces.

Four Basic Technique

1. Carving - involves removing materials from the
medium using various tool such as knives and chisels
2. Modeling - the process of gradually adding and
reworking soft or malleable materials to form the
sculpture, rather than removing
3. Casting - more often used for mass productions of
piece. This involves using a mold which will be pulled
on with a liquid material such as plastic, which will
then harden and form a cast.
4. Assembling - refers to a technique of combining
different objects and material collectively called
"found object" and glue, attached or held together
into one piece.
d. Architecture - The art and science of designing and
planning structures, such as building and houses.

e. Print Making - A technique done for reproducing piece of

art. Process of transferring.

1. Relief- stamp or utilize a block that is carved, then

painted on the raised areas, after which pressed on a
2. Intaglio - the opposite of relief printing because the
engravings are used to apply paints on so that the
final product will have an embossed effect. This is
used in printing banknotes.
- Italian word "to engrave" copper
3. Serigraphy - refer to as silkscreen printing, technique
that uses a screen and squeegee to push paint onto
the surface below.

f. Applied Arts - the art of applying design to everyday


1. Fashion Design - the process of designing and

creating clothing.
2. Interior Design- aims to create an environment
inside a structure that is functional, safe as well as
aesthetically pleasing.
3. Graphic Design - combines images and typography
mainly done for commercial purposes such as
g. Photography - the process of capturing still images and
utilizing light with a camera.

Common type:

1. Portrait Photography - aims to capture still picture

of people.
2. Landscape Photography - aims to capture natural
landscape and wildlife.
3. Food Photography- which captures food.
4. Sports Photography - which capture moments in
5. Commercial Photography - meant to showcase or
advertise a producer.
6. Mobile Photography - the photographer uses a
mobile phones and camera.

h. Handicrafts - Creating by the use of hands. The art of

producing useful and decorative objects with simple tools.

2. PERFORMING ARTS - Art produced by using one's voices,

body, or presence usually presented in front of an audience.
This includes the ff.

 Music - The use of one's voice or instruments to

produce sound. Musical genres in the country
include pop, choir, rock, hip-hop and folk music.
 Dance - utilizes the artists’ body movements, facial
expressions, and presence to produce a piece, it is
usually accompanied by music.
 Theater - integrates spoken dialogue, acting with
body movements and facial expressions, literacy
elements (e.g., plot) design (e.g., costume, theater
space props) and music to create whole production.
 Spoken Word – a performance of a poem that
focuses on enunciation and delivery.

3. LITERARY ARTS - The arts of utilizing words and written


1. Poetry - Greek word poiesis: to make/form. A form

of lit, that as a rhythmic scheme and a unit of rhythm
called meter.
 Lyric - most common
 Ode - about happiness
 Elegy - grief and mourning

2. Novel - Lengthy narrative, usually of diff, individuals.

Genres of novel include mystery, science fiction,
horror or thriller, romance and history.
3. Short story - A short fictional work, when can usually
include anecdotes, fables, fairy tales and parables.
4. Legends - origin of one thing.
5. Electronic literature - A new form of literature made
to viewed in devices, such as computers and mobile
phones, and websites. Wattpad, all popular with the
public nowadays, especially teenagers, additionally
printed books, are converted to be viewed on
electronic devices which are called "e-books".

4. MEDIA ARTS - Forms of art that are produced, shown and

make use of media technologies, such as computers,
television, film, radio and mobile phones.

a. Video art - considered to be the abstract form of video

making because of traditional videos, such as actors,
dialogue and plot. CGI computer generated images.

b. Video games - interactive forms of art that are played on a

computer or console, arcade

c. Animation - The Art of making 2D or 3D figures and

images move.

d. Digital Art - recreating traditional, painting using a

computer or mobile device, such as a smart phone or tablet.

e. Photo manipulation-altering a photo through on editing

software, such as adobe photoshop, to create a surrealistic
f. Filmmaking - The process of capturing moving images is
generally made for media broadcasts the process of making
a film involves conceptualizing, writing and providing a story
that involve casting, talents, enacting the screenplay,
shooting scenes, recording sound, and music, editing and


- Development
- Pre-production
- Actual production
- Post production
- Distributing

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