CTN2491 Ujjwal Pandey
CTN2491 Ujjwal Pandey
CTN2491 Ujjwal Pandey
DATE: 14-MAY-2022
Address:Kapashera Border
With reference to your application for employment, we are pleased to offer you an appointment as Executive in our
organization on a consolidated salary of Rs. 21000 (twenty-one thousand Rupees) per month. The Management
reserves the right to bifurcate the salary, merging with or bifurcating any other allowance / allowances. The same
for the present shall be as per Annexure A. Any and all taxes including those taxes which arise from any payments,
benefit etc. received by you from the Company in the course of employment will be borne by you. The Company
may deduct or withhold any amounts prior to effecting any payments to you in terms of this letter, in accordance
with any provisions of applicable law, rule or regulations as may be in force from time to time. The terms and
conditions of service shall be as follows:
1. In the first instance, you shall be under training within the premise. A trainee is aimed to learn the company
from the ground up. In simple terms, a trainee is an employee under training who will have to undergo a
program aiming to update on the processes required for a particular job role.
Please Note-
i) That in case, a Trainee completes his training program and is fit for the job, then his number of days for the
training program shall be paid by the Company
ii) Whereas, if a trainee does not fit the criteria as required for the job role, and fails in assessment process
due to any reason, he/she would be asked to go.
2. After you pass your training program, you shall be on probation for a period of six months from the date of
your joining. This period can be extended further for a period of 3(three) months at a stretch, twice, at the
sole discretion of the management keeping in view your performance on the job. Unless confirmed in
writing, you shall be deemed to be on probation after the expiry of the initial or extended period of
probation. During the period of probation, the employment contract can be terminated without any prior
notice or payment in lieu thereof. A resignation in the probation period shall require serving of notice for 7
3. After confirmation, the services are liable to termination from either side by giving one month’s notice or
sum equal to the basic salary being paid to you per month. However, the Company reserves the right to
accept your resignation with effect from such date as it may deem fit even before the expiry of the period of
notice given by you. In that event the Company may relieve you from duties without payment of any
compensation for the unexpired period of notice, after payment of your dues up to the date of your
relieving. Also the company shall be entitled to ask you to continue in the employment during the notice
period if you resign from the service.
4. In case you are incapacitated by reasons of illness, accident or any other cause and cannot perform your
duties, the Company may at its option grant leave for reasonable time on full pay or half pay or without pay
or alternatively terminate your services forthwith. Also, if you are found suffering from any infectious /
contagious disease, the Company may at its discretion terminate your services in cases of prolonged
absence caused due to such reasons. In the event you are suffering from any infectious / contagious disease,
you shall promptly inform the Management and the Company may at its discretion take all appropriate
actions as may reasonably be required to ensure the safety of its employees, and you undertake to provide
your support and cooperation to the Company in this regard.
5. For going on duty outside the place of employment, you shall be governed by TA / DA rules of the Company,
if applicable in your case.
6. Your place of posting at present will be Gurgaon. You are liable to be transferred to another branch, shift,
post or place or to sister concern or associate or any other concern whether in existence or which may
come into existence hereafter. Your terms and conditions of service and the emoluments will not be
adversely affected when you are transferred to sister concern or associate or any other concern.
7. Your job functions and responsibilities towards the post for which you are being appointed shall be issued in
due course of time.
8. That during the course of your employment, you shall not apply or seek employment elsewhere without
written permission from the Management, and in case it is so detected, it shall amount to breach of trust on
your part.
9. You shall work under the supervision of such officers as may be decided upon by the Management from
time to time. You shall diligently and satisfactorily carry out instructions given to you by your superiors in
connection with the work assigned to you to the best of your skill and ability.
10. You shall strictly observe punctuality. You shall employ yourself efficiently to the best of your ability, shall
devote your whole time to the work of the organization and shall not engage yourself directly or indirectly,
either honorary or on remuneration, in any service, business, trade, vocation or occupation (including
agency of an insurance company or in advisory capacity). Also, you shall not appear in any examination or
attend classes without prior and written approval of the Management.
11. Any notice, memo or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be effective and shall be
deemed to have been received:
a. Upon delivery when delivered by hand. (Refusal to receive any communication sought to be
delivered personally will amount to insubordination)
e. Upon SMS/ Whats App message sent on the contact cell number provided by you.
It shall be your duty to keep the Management informed in writing whenever there is any change in your
During your employment with the Company, the Management may use your personal email address for any
official communication which will be deemed lawful communication to you.
12. You shall be responsible for the safe keeping and returning in good order and condition all the properties
that may be in your possession, custody, care or charge. The Management shall have the right to deduct the
monetary value of such things from your salary / dues and take such other actions as it deems fit in the
event of any damage caused or your failure to account for such properties whether during the course of
service or otherwise. Withholding of any property of the Company pending settlement of your accounts
upon termination is not permitted and may invite legal proceedings.
13. Absence for a continuing period of 3 days, including absence when leave though applied for but not granted
and when over-stayed for a period of 3 days would make you lose lien on the service and the same shall
automatically come to an end without any notice or even intimation. In such an eventuality, the
Management shall draw an irresistible presumption that by remaining absent continuously and in an
unauthorized manner, you have abandoned your job.
14. Privilege / Earned Leave shall be allowed as per law. Grant of leave will depend on the exigencies of work
and shall be at the discretion of the Management. You shall have to abide with the leave policy of the
company as in force from time to time. Mere submission of application will not mean that the leave has
been granted. No Earned Leave, even if due, will be sanctioned during notice period.
15. You will be bound by and shall fully adhere to and comply with all work policies, rules and regulations
issued/ enforced by the Management, from time to time in relation to conduct, discipline, leaves, holidays
or any matter relating to service conditions which shall be deemed as rules, regulations and orders as a part
of these terms of employment. The Management reserves the right to modify, alter or delete the existing
Company Policies or to introduce fresh rules/ regulations /policies which will be considered to form part of
the Company Policies and shall be binding upon you forthwith upon the same being communicated to you
by way of email notification or in such other manner as the Company may deem appropriate.
16. During the tenure of service, you will keep your emoluments secret from other members of this
organization and will treat all information coming to you as strictly confidential and the information
contained in all the documents and papers and other matters relating to the Company will not be divulged
by you to any person other than those of the Management.
17. You shall not take any papers, books, computer software, materials, documents or any other property of
the organization out of the work premises, nor shall you in any way at any time(s) disclose, divulge to
anybody or make public any information or matter concerning the activities, accounts, transactions,
dealings, trade / business secrets, or information relating to or of the organization or its business or
otherwise, not only during your service, but even after you cease to be in the services of our organization.
You shall be responsible for and shall take proper care of all books, computer software, materials,
documents or any other property of the organization generally and specifically entrusted to you.
18. Your increments / promotions and demotions will depend at the sole discretion of the Management
depending upon your efficiency, intelligence, regular attendance, sense of discipline, loyalty and good
behavior and also subject to the prosperity of the organization.
Please note: If two or more warning letters are issued against you for any mis -conduct, appraisal for that
financial year would be impacted.
19. You understand and agree that, notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Company may terminate
your employment with the Company forthwith and without notice, if you:
(a) commit any criminal offence in India or in any other jurisdiction;
(b) breach the terms of this letter or any of the Company policy;
(c) engage in fraudulent, dishonest or criminal acts including, without limitation, conduct of a
felonious or criminal nature, conduct involving moral turpitude, embezzlement, or misappropriation of
(d) engage in acts of gross negligence, malfeasance or willful misconduct in the course of your employment
with the Company;
(e) make false statement in connection with the application for employment;
(f) are in service of other employer(s), that is DOUBLE EMPLOYMENT, which has not been disclosed to the
Provided that, in the event of termination of your employment with the Company in accordance with this Clause
and/or in the event of any act(s) detailed under this Clause by you which survives the termination of Your
employment, you shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company from all (i) costs and expenses incurred by the
Company towards your training and skill development and (ii) loss or damage that may be suffered by the Company,
due to such act(s) committed by you and that the Company may take all necessary steps with regard to such
indemnification, including where required, taking actions for the recovery of payments made to you during
employment. The provisions of this Clause shall survive the termination of your employment with the Company.
20. In case you are charged with any act of misconduct, you may be suspended from service pending inquiry.
During suspension period, you will be entitled to 50% of your salary towards suspension allowance subject
to your marking of attendance on the working days at any time during the working hours. While claiming
suspension allowance, you will give an undertaking or affidavit every month in writing that you were neither
employed nor self-employed during such period.
21. The Company reserves the right to conduct background investigations and/or reference checks on all of its
potential employees, including verification of criminal, education and/or employment background. Your offer
of employment with the Company, therefore, is contingent upon a satisfactory clearance of such a
background investigation and/or reference check, if any. For this purpose, you agree and hereby
consent/permit the Company to access any and all materials containing your personal information from any
source whatsoever.
22. Your appointment and continuance in employment will always be subject to your being found medically fit
and the Management shall have the right to get you examined / re-examined from any Registered Medical
Practitioner / Surgeon, whose findings shall be final and binding upon you. Your non-appearance for medical
examination will be treated as non-cooperation to the Management and your services are liable to be
terminated without any notice or pay in lieu of
23. By signing this offer, you represent that your employment with the Company and the performance of your
duties does not and will not breach any agreement entered into by you (i.e., you have not entered into any
agreements with previous employers that conflict with your obligations to the Company). Please provide us
with a copy of any such agreements.
24. You will automatically retire without any notice on your reaching the age of 58 years. Should you continue
in service even after attaining the age of retirement, you can be retired thereafter by giving you one
month’s notice or salary (BASIC) in lieu thereof.
25. This appointment is based on the information given by you to us in your employment / personal data form
and otherwise, and shall be considered null and void if a material error / suppression or false detail is
discovered therein at any time. In that eventuality, the Management can recover the payment made to you
towards your remuneration during employment.
26. Besides the above conditions, you will abide by the Service Rules / Regulations or Standing Orders as may be
in operation besides office orders which are issued from time to time. The Service Rules / Regulations can
be replaced by the Certified Standing Orders, if required under the law, which shall be binding upon you.
27. The terms of this letter shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India, with
exclusive jurisdiction conferred on the courts at Delhi. In the event of any dispute, you and the Company
shall make efforts to resolve all disputes amicably by discussion. If the disputes cannot be resolved by
discussion within a period of thirty days of the dispute arising, then such disputes shall be resolved by
arbitration before a sole arbitrator to be appointed jointly by you and the Company. The venue and seat for
the arbitration shall be at Delhi. Any award rendered upon such arbitration shall be final and conclusive and
binding on the parties
28. CONFIDENTIALITY/NON – DISCLOSURE - You will not, at any time either during or after the termination
of your employment with the Company, use or divulge to a third party any information, whether oral or
written, including details of clients, employees, partners & suppliers, trade secrets, trade data, and other
confidential business intelligence, business plans and any other information classified as “Confidential”,
communicated in confidence to you. Immediately upon termination of your employment with the Company
for any reason whatsoever, you will deliver to your direct supervisor all confidential information including
documents (whether copy or original), data recorded by any electronic means, concerning the business
operations or finance of the Company. You shall hold such Confidential Information in trust and confidence,
and not disclose or divulge such confidential information to any other person or entity or use any such
Confidential Information for your own benefit or benefit of any other party, unless so authorized by the
Company or required to be so disclosed or divulged in the course of the proper execution of your duties.
Notwithstanding all the above, the Company may even resort to LAYOFF in which eventuality any payment
thereof shall be at the total discretion of the Company.
30. Reporting date: - If you accept the above terms and conditions, you are requested to kindly join on or
before 14-Aug-2022
31. Bank Account: For the transfer of salary on a regular basis it is mandatory that you open a Bank account in
any Branch of HDFC/IDFC (Bank), and intimate the same to HR Department of the company on email ID
hr@creditrons.com at the time of joining for transfer of your salary and advances for office expenses. The
relieving/resignation acceptance letter from your previous organization has to be submitted on your joining
the Company. Any delay in submission of the same will require a formal approval from the Management
and should, in any event, be provided before disbursement of your first monthly salary.
In case the terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please sign the duplicate of this letter in token of your
having understood and having accepted the same and return the same.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of the Management of
Authorized Signatory
This document is computer generated and does not require the Registrar's signature or the Company's stamp
I have read this Appointment Letter carefully and I understand and accept the obligations which it imposes upon me without
reservation. No promises or representations have been made to me to induce me to sign this Appointment Letter. I sign this
Letter voluntarily and freely without being coerced and fully understanding the implications . I also hereby declare that the
company’s HR Code of Conduct, Travel and Other benefits related policies have been fully explained to me and I hereby
agree to accept and abide by the same.
Salary Structure
Employee Name Ujjwal Pandey
Designation Executive
Particular AMT(INR)
Basic 8598
HRA 8058
Special Allowance 4257
Gross 21000
PF 0
Esic 0.75 0
LWF 87
Total Deduction 87
Net in Hand 20913
Employer PF 0
Esic 3.25% 0
LWF 87
Total Contribution 87
CTC 21000