Physics Project

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I would like to express a deep sense of thanks and

gratitude to my physics teacher Mr. PETER
MORRIS LINDSAY sir for guiding me immensely
through the course of my
project. Their constructive advice and constant
motivation have been responsible for the successful
completion of my project. My sincere thanks to my
parents for their motivation and support. I must
thank my classmates for their timely help and
support for compilation of this project.
The objective of this project is to have a clear
understanding about the LCR circuit and provide a
clear cut explanation about this topic including the
theory and usage , importance of the LCR circuit .
This circuit introduces some of the most useful and most amazing circuits in
electronics. They can be as simple as two or three components connected in
series, but in their operation they can perform many complex tasks and are
used perhaps, in more circuit applications than any other circuit arrangement.

Connecting an inductor , a capacitor and perhaps a resistor, either in

series or in parallel, makes some surprising things happen. Previous
modules in this series have examined capacitorsand inductors in isolation
and combined with resistors. These have created useful circuits such
as filters, differentiators and integrators.
An electronic LCR circuit which is also called as resonant circuit
contains a resistor of R ohms, a capacitor of C farad, and an
inductor of L Henry, all connected in a series combination with each
other. The name of the circuit is derived from the letters that are
used to denote the constituent components of this circuit, where
the sequence of the components may vary from RLC.


It was invented by Alessandro Volta and Felix Savary in the

early 19th century .

1. The three elements of the LCR circuit are connected in series, the current
passing through each of them is the same and is equivalent to the total current I
passing through the circuit.

2. A circuit that contains L, R, and C components at some particular frequencies

can make the L and C (or some of their electrical effects) disappear completely.

3. The LCR circuit can act as just a capacitor, just a resistor, or just an inductor
individually. The LCR circuit is also used to enhance the voltage to increase the
voltage passing through the individual components of the circuit.

4. This voltage can be much larger than the external voltage applied to the circuit.
LCR circuits are also useful to change the impedance of the circuit, to increase or
decrease the resistance to the current of different frequencies. All these effects
can either be used separately or can be used all together to get the desired results
in electronic devices.
The three Components of an LCR circuit work
together to Produce different Effects


The resistor limits the current flow. It helps in controlling the

power or voltage that is applied to the LCR circuit. The resistor is a
component in an electronic device that limits the flow of electric current.
The resistor helps control the amount of power or voltage that is applied
to the LCR circuit. This is important because it prevents too much
current from flowing through the other components in the circuit


A capacitor stores energy and releases it in a controlled manner

It helps in controlling the voltage or power that is applied to the LCR
circuit. The capacitor stores energy and releases it in a controlled manner
,which prevents too much current from flowing through the L resistor

An inductor resists change in current flow- It helps in controlling
the fluctuations in current flow. The inductor resists change in current
flow, which helps to stabilize the LCR circuit. The LCR circuit is used
as a part of electronic devices such as cellphones, televisions, and
computers to regulate the intensity of light emitted from these device
LCR Circuit Diagram

This diagram consists of all the components of the module, such as

inductance, capacitance, and resistance. It fulfills along with its
properties like Reactance, Impedance, and Phase.

This module discusses the overall effect of L, C, and R when connected

in series and supplied by an alternating voltage. In such arrangements,
the current provided passes through all the elements of the circuit equally.
VR, VC, and VL symbolize the amount of individual voltage across the
register, capacitor, and inductor, respectively.

There is some internal resistance on the applied voltage, which is measured

across the inductor. In the LCR circuits, the internal and external
resistance is usually there in the circuit. Therefore, it is easy to know that
the voltage across VR is the total voltage across the circuit which inhibits
the internal resistance L accompanied by a fixed resistor. Here

VsVs . is the applied supplied voltage

The phase relationship between the current of the circuit IS, and the supplied
voltage VS depends on both, the relative values of the capacitance, inductance
and frequency of the applied voltage. Various conditions arise depending upon
whether the inductive reactance
is smaller or higher than the capacitive reactance
XCXC Diagrams can illustrate this.
An inductor (L), capacitor (C), and resistor (R) are linked in series in the
electrical circuit, which is powered by an AC voltage supply. The alterna
voltage V is supplied by the voltage source.

As per the above diagram, one can infer that:


Since it is an LCR circuit, the equal current will pass through all
components. Therefore,




Using equation (1), (2), (3) and (4)

The angle between I and V is known as phase shift,


In terms of impedance, it is represented as,


Three Possibilities Arise Depending upon the Values of

XC and XL, XC and XL

1. If XL> XC, XL> XC, then tanϕ> 0

In this case, the voltage leads the current, and the LCR circuit is said to
be an inductive circuit.

2. If XL< XC, XL< XC, then tanϕ< 0

In this case, the current leads the voltage, and the LCR circuit is said to be a
capacitive circuit.

3. If XL=XC, XL=XC, then , tanϕ=0

And the current is in phase with the voltage, and the circuit is known as a
resonant circuit.
• LCR circuits are important in various applications. LCR circuits help
reduce power consumption by controlling too much current flow through a
device or component, causing it to overheat.

• Stores energy and releases it in a controlled manner which prevents too much
current from flowing throughout the L resistor. It consists of three components
L resistor, capacitor, and L inductor

• Helps in controlling the fluctuations of current flow, which stabilizes the

LCR circuit.

• To maintain good voltage profile in long and medium distance power

transmission capacitive and inductive compensation techniques are

• It is also useful in neutral grounding of generator/power transformer to

avoid sudden fault currents.

• In CFL bulbs RLC circuit is used to improve operating power factor of

the lamp in order to reduce the electricity consumption.

• In industries motors are mostly induction type which may lead huge
voltage drop at supply point to avoid this problem every industry
equipped with capacitor bank.

• Wave trap in combination with CVT act as low pass filter to stop
entering of communication signal in to power transformer. Here wave
trap act as inductor and CVT act as capacitor.

• A RLC circuit can be used in radio stations. For a particular radio station a
particular resonance frequency exist so tuning to this frequency we can hearis
connected to the power line, charges the base on which our phone is kept
The following references are as follows :





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