Nutritive Value of Azolla As Poultry Fee
Nutritive Value of Azolla As Poultry Fee
Nutritive Value of Azolla As Poultry Fee
(Azolla pinnata) provides a sustainable feed for Azolla caroliniana ; Azolla filiculoides are found in
poultry. southern South America through western North
America including Alaska; Azolla microphylla are
native to tropical and subtropical America; Azolla
The name Azolla is imitative from two greek Mexicana belongs to northern South America
words, Azo (to dry) and Ollyo (to kill), which means through western North America; Azolla nilotica
it is killed without water. It is otherwise known as found in upper reaches of the Nile to Sudan; The
mosquito fern, duckweed, fairy moss or water fern native soils for Azolla pinnata are found in most
(Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1982). Azolla (Lumpkin parts of Asia and the coastal region of tropical Africa
and Plucknett, 1982) belongs to Kingdom: Plantae, (Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1980). In early 1960s, the
Division: Pteridophyta, Class: Pteridopsida, Order: use of azolla was promoted in China and Vietnam
Salviniales, Family: Azollaceae, Genus: Azolla. The ensuing in its fast growth in these countries. It has
genus azolla consist of two subgenera and six living been identified as a useful plant in southern China
species. Subgenus Euazolla include four species: and northern Vietnam and exploited for use as a
Azolla filiculoides, Azolla caroliniana, Azolla biofertilizer and green manure in enriching rice crop
microphylla, Azolla mexicana. The Subgenus by virtue of its N-fixing abilities (Van Hove and
Rizosperma include two species: Azolla pinnata and Lejeune, 1996). However, in 1980s, azolla
Azolla nilotica. Azolla consists of a short, branched, production was decreased, due to constraints like
floating stem, bearing roots which drooped in the water unavailability, problems in safeguarding and
water (DeFrank, 1995). The leaves are arranged handling, high labour needs and inadequate
alternately and each consists of a thick aerial dorsal familiarity on the precise needs of each azolla species
lobe possessing green chlorophyll and a ventral lobe (Van Hove and Lejeune, 1996). The perception of
which is thin, colourless and slightly larger in azolla was not always positive as it was often
size. Sometimes, fern is reddish-brown colour due considered as harmful weed by the farmers
to presence of an anthocyanin pigment. The plant (Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1980). Azolla have
diameter varies from 1-2.5 cm (Azolla pinnata) to important qualities viz. the ability to fix atmospheric
15 cm or more (Azolla nilotica). Azolla are nitrogen; high productivity in ample environments;
triangular or polygonal in shape, and hang on the high protein content; malherbicide effect and the
water surface either individually or in the form of ability to reduce N-fertilizer volatilization. These
mats. The most important characteristic of azolla is beneficial reasons enables azolla to attract interest
its symbiotic relationship with the nitrogen-fixing again in the late 1990s, particularly as a constituent
blue-green algae (cyanobacterium) Anabaena of integrated farming systems such as rice-fish-
azollae. Azolla supplies nutrients and a protective azolla, rice-duck-azolla, rice-duck-fish-azolla
cavity in each leaf to Anabaena colonies in lieu of or pig-fish-azolla (Van Hove and Lejeune, 1996).
fixed atmospheric nitrogen and perhaps other
growth-promoting substances (Lumpkin and
Plucknett, 1980).
Investigation and support on azolla production
as a livestock feed has been increasing due to its
Natural sources of water which favours of higher protein content (19-30%) and essential amino
growth of Azolla are still water in drains ponds, acid composition for animal nutrition (particularly
rivers, canals, rice fields, water bodies and soggy lysine) (Hasan and Chakrabarti, 2009). Azolla has
lands in humid regions with temperature range of huge prospective as a livestock feed because it
15-350C. Every species of azolla has a distinctive contains high amount of proteins, essential amino
geographic range of distribution; viz eastern North acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12, â-carotene),
America and the Caribbean hold the native soil for growth promoters and minerals. It has ability to
Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2022. 39 (1): 1-11
Azolla as Poultry Feed
grow without inorganic nitrogen fertilization with a fixation of azolla depends on the species; and is
faster growth rate in water without the need to typically in the range of 20-30°C. on the other hand,
relocate existing crops or natural environmental Azolla mexicana is tolerant of temperatures more
systems. Azolla has been exploited as a potential than 30°C. Azolla filiculoides could survive at
feed resource for pigs, ducks, chickens, cattle, fish, temperatures as low as -5°C. During phosphorous
sheep and goats and rabbits throughout Asia and part deficient field condition, azolla may look reddish
of Africa. due to changes in the photosynthesis process. Azolla
shows optimum growth at 25-50% sunlight and 85-
Because of its easiness of farming, yield and
90% relative humidity. At relative humidity of less
nutritive value (Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1982; Van
than 60 %, Azolla becomes dry and fragile (Hasan
Hove and Lopez, 1983); the use of Azolla as a feed
and Chakrabarti, 2009; Lumpkin and Plucknett,
resource for fish, swine and poultry had been
1980). Application of phosphorous fertilizer (0.5 to
experienced with positive results (Castillo et al.,
1.0 kg P/ha/week) optimises azolla production
1981; Maurice et al., 1984; Becerra et al., 1995;
(Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1985).
Basak et al., 2002; Alalade and Iyayi, 2006; Sujatha
et al., 2013). Becerra et al. (1995), Lumpkin and PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF
Plucknett (1982) and Van Hove & López (1983) AZOLLA
opined that Azolla is generally a gifted aquatic plant
The production and management of Azolla is
for livestock feed due to its ease of farming, yield
well described (Anonymous, 2014-15 and 2015-
and good nutritive value. The use of Azolla as a
16). A water body is made under shade using a
feed for fish, swine and poultry was also suggested
silpauline sheet. Silpauline is a polythene tarpaulin
by Alcantara and Querubin (1985). Studies
which is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. A pit size
conducted by Dao and Tran (1979) suggested that
of 2m x 2m x 0.2m is dug and plastic gunny bags
one hectare of Azolla can generate 540-720 kg of
are spread over it to avoid the roots of nearby trees
protein per month. Cultivation of Azolla and its
damaging the silpauline sheet. The silpauline sheet
feeding to poultry can reduce feed cost, mortality
can be extended over the gunnies. An area under
rate and off smell and housefly menace in poultry
shade of tree with ample sunlight should be selected
shed (Mahantesh et al., 2018).
for the azolla production. The production pit can be
FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF covered with a green net or plastic net to prevent
AZOLLA falling of tree leaves in the pit. Care should be taken
to maintain uniform water level throughout the pit.
The important factors that affect the growth of
Approximately 10 kgs of sieved fertile soil is
azolla are water, salinity (pH), temperature, sunlight,
homogeneously spread covering the entire area of
humidity and phosphorus fertilizer. Water is the
the silpauline sheet. A mixture is made from 2kg 1-
primary necessity for the growth and development
2 days old cow dung and 30 gms of super phosphate
of Azolla. Azolla prefer a free-floating state even
dissolved in 10 litres of water and poured over the
though it can grow on wet mud surfaces. The pH
sheet. The water level is maintained at 10 cm level
range of Azolla is 3.5-10; however, it has most
by adding extra water to the pit. Nearly 500 gms of
favourable growth in the pH range of 4.5-7. The
unadulterated culture of azolla was inoculated in to
salinity tolerance of Azolla depends on the
the pit. In this way azolla will grow fast to fill up
species. The growth rate of Azolla pinnata declined
the pit within a period of 10-15 days. Afterwards,
at a salinity level of above 380 mg/l. The most
about 500-600gms of azolla can be harvested daily.
salt-tolerant species was Azolla filiculoides. Azolla
Azolla biomass @ 300-350 gm per square metre can
declines to grow and begins to die at temperatures
be removed daily to evade overloading and for
less than 5°C and beyond 45°C. The most
keeping the fern at faster growing phase. A mixture
advantageous temperature for growth and nitrogen
Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2022. 39 (1): 1-11
Swain et al.
of 1kg of cow dung and 20 gms of superphosphate Besides Azolla is rich in iron (283–1569 ppm
should be added once in a week to keep the azolla in dry weight), copper (7.33–16.7 ppm dry weight)
speedy growth phase. The mineral content of azolla manganese (83.9–2418 ppm dry weight), zinc (46.7-
can be increased by adding micro nutrient mixture 325 ppm dry weight) and carotenes (206-632 ppm
periodically. Appropriate nutrients should be added dry weight) (Bacerra et al.,1995; Lejune et al., 2000;
to the pit as and when, nutrient deficiency is noticed. Alalade and Iyayi, 2006;Mandal et al.,2012; Sujatha
Approximately 5 kg of used soil in the pit should be et al., 2013; Acharya et al., 2015;Kathirvelan et al.,
replaced with fresh soil once in 30 days to prevent 2015 and Anitha et al., 2016) . A study on
accumulation of excess nitrogen and to avoid paucity phytochemicals present in Azolla pinnata conducted
of micro nutrient. Replacement of 25-30 percent of by Mithraja et al.(2011) revealed that flavonoid is
water with fresh water is essential within an interval present in aqueous extract of A.pinnata and phenol
of 10 days to avoid accumulation of nitrogen in the is present in all extracts i.e. aquesous, acetone,
bed. After every six months, soil and water should benzene, chloroform and ethanol. Tannins were
be replaced with inoculation of azolla afresh. If there present in aqueous, benzene and ethanol extract and
is contamination of the azolla pit due to pest and saponins were present in benzene and chloroform
diseases, a fresh bed can be prepared with extracts.
inoculation of wholesome culture of azolla. In this Table 1. Chemical Composition of Azolla on DM basis
method of production, the cost of production of Sr. No. Attributes Range
azolla is about 65 paise/ kg. About 750 tonnes of Values (%)
azolla can be harvested from one acre area of 1 Crude protein 20.4-28.5
production. Azolla is a highly prolific in nature. The 2 Ether extract 2.37-6.70
biomass of azolla can be doubled in 3-10 days 3. Crude fibre 12.6-17.5
depending on situation and yield of up to 8-10 t /ha 4. Total ash 15.7-19.9
is recorded in rice fields of Asia region. In India 5. NFE 30.0-47.0
37.8 t fresh weight/ha (2.78 t DM/ha dry weight) 6. ADF 36.5-37.1
has been reported for Azolla pinnata (Hasan and 7. NDF 48.2-54.8
Chakrabarti, 2009). 8. Calcium 0.80-2.22
9. Total Phosphorus 0.35-1.29
10. Copper(ppm) 9.10-26.2
Azolla is rich in proteins, essential amino acids, 11. Manganese(ppm) 83.9-2418
vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12, â Carotene), 12. Zinc(ppm) 30.0-325
growth promoter mediators and minerals including 13. Iron(ppm) 283-1569
calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, iron 14. Carotene (ppm) 206-632
and copper. Azolla contains 4.70-6.60% dry matter; 15. Total flavonoid content
20.4-28.5% crude protein; 11.2-15.9% crude fiber; in methanolic
2.37-4.60 % ether extract; 12.3-19.9% total ash; extract(µg/ml) 56.2
30.0-47.0% nitrogen free extract; 0.80-2.22 % 16. Total phenolic content
calcium; and 0.35-1.29 % total phosphorous in methanolic
(Bacerra et al., 1995; Basak et al., 2002; extract (µg/ml) 87.3
Parthasarathy et al., 2002; Alalade and Iyayi,
Querubin et al., 1986; Bacerra et al., 1995; Lejune
2006;Indira et al., 2009; Sujatha et al., 2013; Rathod
et al., 2000; Thiripurasundari and Padmini, 2018;
et al.,2013;Saikia et al., 2014; Acharya et al., 2015;
Srinivas et al., 2012; Mandal et al., 2012; Sujatha et
Ashraf et al., 2015;Kavya et al., 2015; Anitha et al.,
al., 2013; Chatterjee et al., 2013; Rathod et
2016; Swain et al., 2018 and Shukla et al., 2018).
al.,2013;Saikia et al., 2014; Acharya et al., 2015;
Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2022. 39 (1): 1-11
Azolla as Poultry Feed
Ashraf et al., 2015; Swain et al., 2015; Gowda et with fresh azolla given ad libitum led to reduction
al., 2015; Anitha et al.,2016; Yadav and in performance and slaughtering parameters and the
Chhipa,2016; Rana et al., 2017; Gupta et al., 2018; group fed fresh azolla ad libitum supplementing the
Swain et al.,2018; Shukla et al., 2018 diet restricted at 45% exhibited optimal economical
efficiency. The performance of broilers was
maintained up to a level of inclusion of 7.5% dried
Fresh azolla is used as feed for poultry, wild azolla in their diet (Prabina and Kumar, 2010).
fowls, domesticated ducks and domestic fowl in Earlier workers (Balaji et al., 2009; Balaji et al.,
different countries (Dao and Tran, 1966). 2010) reported that addition of 4.5% azolla in the
Chicken diet of broilers resulted in decreased cholesterol
content in serum and meat without any undesirable
Subudhi and Singh (1978) concluded that about
effect on Production performance. Inclusion of dried
20% of commercial feed can be replaced by
azolla up to 5 % by replacing soybean meal had no
fresh Azolla in the diet of young chickens.
adverse effect on palatability, efficiency of feed
Approximately 9 kg fresh azolla is required for 100
utilization and carcass quality of broilers ( 6 week
chickens daily, which can be obtained by culturing
of age) and was profitable (Dhumal et al., 2009). A
azolla in a pond measuring 60 m² area. The growth
trial conducted by Naghshi et al. (2014) in Cobb
of White Leghorn female chicks given the diet with
broilers (1-42d) using 0-15% azolla in powder form
5% azolla was faster than the control group.
in corn-soybean meal diet revealed that 5 % azolla
However, the growth was slightly slower in those
dietary group had lowest feed intake, highest weight
given the diet with 12.5% dried azolla. On the other
gain and best feed conversion ratio. The carcass
hand, significant reduction in growth rate was
efficiency percentage was significantly higher in
observed when azolla was included in the diet at a
broilers belonging to azolla dietary group. The group
level of 16 % (Singh and Subudhi, 1978).
fed 5% azolla had the least feed cost per kg body
Maize and soybean meal can be replaced by 10% weight. Supplementation of azolla meal at a level
dried azolla on an equal digestible protein basis in of 5% replacing sesame meal of the diet improved
the diet of 14 day old broilers (Ali and Lesson, 1995). the body weight gain of broilers at 6 week of age
Depressed growth and protein efficiency ratio was (Basak et al., 2002).Inclusion of azolla at a level of
observed with no effect on survivability at 10-20 % 5-10 % by replacing fish meal of the diet improved
level of inclusion of azolla (Parthasarathy et al., the performance in terms of increased body weight
2002). Improvement in live weight, feed conversion and net returns per bird(Joysowal et al.,2018).
ratio, protein and energy efficiency, dressing
Inclusion of azolla in the diet of broilers more
percentage and profitability was reported in broilers
than 5% depresses nutrient utilization and
(7-42days) fed diet with 5 % azolla (Basak et al.
performance (Parthasarathy et al., 2002; Basak et
2002). Formulation of chick’s diet with addition of
al., 2002). Safe level of inclusion of azolla is up to
azolla meal (AZM) up to 10% resulted in best
10% in pullet chicks (Alalade et al., 2007).
performance in terms of Feed conversion ratio (FCR)
Commercial diet can be replaced by fresh azolla at
and efficiency of feed utilization (Alalade and Iyayi,
a level of 20% or more (Subudhi and Singh, 1978;
2006). An experiment was conducted in Nera brown
Namra et al., 2010). The dressing %, carcass weight
pullets (2 weeks) with 0 to 15% dried azolla in the
of thigh, breast and wing were not affected by
diet and it was concluded that Azolla could be
inclusion of 5-10 % azolla meal in the diet of broilers
included in the diet up to 10% for best performance
(Abdelatty et al.,2020). However, the redness and
(Alalade and Iyayi, 2006). Namra et al. (2010)
juiciness of breast meat significantly increased in
reported that when commercial diet was offered to
broilers fed 5% azolla meal. These workers also
broilers from 2-16 weeks at 15-45%, supplemented
Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2022. 39 (1): 1-11
Swain et al.
observed that the breast meat cooking loss decreased was detrimental to growth performance in native
linearly with inclusion of 5-10 % azolla meal in the ducks when fed fresh azolla + 40 or 60% of chicken
diet. The positive effect of azolla meal on meat grower mash fed to them. Fresh azolla can partially
quality might be due to the stimulation of muscle replace Whole soybeans can be partially replaced
protein synthesis through activation of mTOR/S6 by fresh azolla up to a level of 20% of the total crude
kinase signalling pathway. Rana et al.(2020) protein in diets of meat type ducks based on sugar
reported that broilers fed 5 % azolla meal had cane juice with no undesirable effect on growth rate
significantly (PÂ0.05) higher overall acceptability or health with lowest feed cost per kg weight gain
of cooked meat, breast meat yield and cooking yield. and highest net profit per bird. However, at higher
However, there were no significant differences in level of replacement than the above, poor growth
proximate composition of broiler meat of control rate and feed conversion efficiency were recorded
group and the azolla meal fed group. Addition of (Bacerra et al., 1995). Liu Xiang et al. (1998)
30% (w/w) azolla and 70% commercial feed supplemented fresh azolla to a formulated feed and
improved the average body weight gain and FCR observed that duckling (2-8 weeks) exhibited higher
whereas the mortality and cost of production were growth rate with feeding of azolla had compared
reduced compared to those birds fed 100 % (w/w) to the ducks of control group. Sujatha et al. (2013)
commercial feed (Mahanthesh et al., 2018). The conducted experiment in indigenous layer ducks and
FCR, performance index,egg weight,egg production, observed comparable performance by replacing 0-
egg shape index and yolk color were improved in 20% commercial layer feed with 200g fresh azolla
laying geese fed azolla-based diets (Riaz et al.,2022). per duck per day with daily saving of approximately
Rs. 1/- per duck, increase in Roche fan colour score
Inclusion of dried azolla at a level of 15% in the
and yolk colour score (6.0 vs 7.4), which may be
diet of commercial layers in a 16 week study could
due to the enrichment of azolla with â-carotene
not affect the performance of the laying hens in terms
of egg production (Khatun et al., 2008). Boitai et al.
(2018) reported that Vanaraja laying hens fed diets A sequence of feeding experiments were carried
incorporated with 10 % azolla meal during a period out by Escobin (1987) to find out the influence of
of 8 weeks did not show any adverse effect egg feeding fresh azolla by partly replacing traditional
production and egg quality. These workers also paddy rice-snail-shrimp (PSS) based diet for laying
reported that dietary inclusion of 10% azolla meal Mallard and growing Muscovy ducks. It was inferred
had no influence on egg quality indices like from the study that there was no significant
albumen,yolk, shell percentage and egg qualities like difference among the various dietary treatments
haugh unit score and shell thickness, Feed containing 0, 20, 30 and 40% azolla replacing
consumprion of birds decreases due to the increase matching levels of PSS, both in Mallard ducks for
in the inclusion level of azolla up to 15 % in the diet egg production and Muscovy ducks for meat
of poultry birds which might be due to the reduced production in terms of production efficiency. A study
palatability Sreemanarayana et al.,1993) and conducted by Sujatha et al. (2013) revealed that a
increased bulkiness of azolla (Bacerra et al.,1995) backyard duck farm with a capacity of 50 ducks will
which reduces its utilization. need about 10 kg of fresh azolla per day (200g fresh
azolla/duck) to substitute 30 percent of commercial
feed. Azolla cultivation in a shallow pond of
Alejar and Aragones (1989) observed dimension 68 m2 or 17 superficial tanks each of 4
comparable egg production and darker yolk color m2 with 30 cm in deepness will produce sufficient
in Mallard ducks by replacing rice grain-snail- azolla daily to meet the daily requirement of 50
shrimp diet partially (20%). Gavina (1994) ducks. Approximately Rs50/- can be saved on feed
concluded form a study that feeding of fresh azolla cost daily. These workers also observed that the
Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2022. 39 (1): 1-11
Azolla as Poultry Feed
Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2022. 39 (1): 1-11
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