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MUTUAL CONST 9/13/07 4:39 PM Page 259

from various construction sectors where drogen fuel stations for a 93-mile hydro- cast twin cell box girders – A $3.5 mil-
typically contractors would stay within gen highway, which will run from North lion project at the Olympic Nordic Venue
their own specific sector,” the company Vancouver to Whistler, British Columbia. at Whistler.
says. “We believe this diversity is a key Led by Sacre-Davey Engineering, the ob- “We often focus on projects that
factor in our ability to provide clients jective of the Integrated Waste Hydrogen require innovative solutions and special
with a complete package on a variety of Utilization Project is to provide hydrogen- or unique efforts in order to achieve the
project requirements.” fueling stations for hydrogen vehicles, project objectives,” the company says.
Hardwick explains. The company takes The company self-performs most of its
Sustainability Projects hydrogen from a chemical plant in Van- work, which gives it better control of the
Mutual Construction is striving to per- couver, refines it, stores it in high-pres- projects. “However, we do maintain, and
form more sustainability projects. Earlier sure cylinders and transfers it to the fuel- are proud of, our long-standing relation-
this year, it completed the first LEED Plat- ing stations. ships with many well-established trade
inum office building in Canada. The project is set to be completed by contractors for reinforcing steel, structur-
The $1.3 million, 4,500-square-foot proj- the start of the 2010 Winter Olympics in al steel, electrical and mechanical scope
ect in Burnaby involved renovation and Vancouver. In the future, the company items,” the company says.
seismic upgrades to the existing facility, hopes to expand the highway to Calif- “Because we cater to a diversified mar-
such as constructing timber piles and cast- ornia and connect it to the hydrogen ket, we ensure a full service civil/industri-
in-place tilt-up panels with a full exterior highway established there. al/building contractor with a commit-
rain screen system. ment to customer satisfaction,” the com-
Hardwick says the company developed Major Projects pany continues.
a fully integrated architectural and struc- Other company projects include:
tural design to make it an efficient build- ■ Golden Ears Bridge – A multimillion- Future Vision
ing. For example, it used recycled glue- dollar four-span cable-stay bridge across Hardwick says Mutual’s objective is to
lam beams, photovoltaic skylights, auto- the Frazer River continue to grow and expand into the
mated climate control system, and a radi- ■ The world’s longest gondola – A two- greater British Columbia area.
ant floor heating and cooling system using mile line in the Whistler Blackcomb Ski “We want to grow the company,
energy from a nearby industrial plant. Resort expand and increase the level of service
Also, the company is constructing hy- ■ Twelve cast-in-place bridges with pre- over a larger geographic area,” he says. ■


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