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VANCOUVER 9/18/07 2:06 PM Page 174


hold conventions in the city,” it says. This lock. “[British Columbia is] a major pro- The Art of Superior Value
project will triple the center’s capacity ducer of this product and this project is PCL family of companies is a group of
and will generate an additional $107 mil- an opportunity to highlight and show- independent firms that work in Canada,
lion annually, it continues. case some innovative uses of our Prov- the United States and the Bahamas.
The existing convention center is in use ince’s forest products,” he says. The companies focus on the building,
during construction, he says, but so far, infrastructure and heavy industrial sec-
that has not impacted the project. “It has- Price Hike tors. “We believe in the art of bringing
n’t been difficult at all,” Podmore says. The main problem the project has faced is superior value to the construction
“We are coordinating all of our work price escalation – which went from $565 process – for all clients – from project
with the requirements of the clients using million in 2003 to $883 million today – start to project finish,” the company says.
the facility.” The two facilities will be inte- mainly due to the rising costs of materi- The company has more than 2,500 full-
grated with a glass-walled connector, als such as structural steel. “We are in a time employees and performs about $5
which will also provide harbor views. tight construction market,” Podmore says. billion worth of projects per year.
“Alberta, especially and British Columbia, It has received recognition from
Green Features have strong construction volumes and that Fortune’s Top 100 Best Companies to
To fulfill LEED Gold requirements, the results in higher prices.” Work For, Canada’s Top Contractors,
new Vancouver Convention Centre will The corporation negotiated a fixed Engineering News-Records’ Top 400
have a 6.5-acre green roof, Podmore says, price contract with PCL Construction val- General Contractors and Canada’s Top
the largest in Canada and one of the larg- ued at $499.5 million as a way to control 100 Employers. It also won the 2004
est in the world. It will be irrigated with costs, he adds. National Safety Award from the
purified water recycled from the facility’s Part of the center is being built over Bur- Canadian Construction Association.
black water treatment plant. rard Inlet adjacent to the building’s for- “We continually receive awards of
The building will utilize sea water in its mer rail yard site. After the rail yard was excellence for quality, innovation, safety
climate control. “We wanted this build- decommissioned, old equipment and de- and community spirit,” according to the
ing to be a demonstration of sustainabili- bris were dumped into the harbor, he says. company says. ■
ty building practices and green technolo- HAYWARD BAKER INC:
Hayward Baker Inc. is consistently the No. 1 specialty foundation contractor ranked by Engineering News Record. It
gies,” he says. provides the complete range of ground improvement services, and works from more than 20 offices nationwide with
The interior walls will feature hem- more than 60 years of experience. It has the resources to deliver effective solutions on time and on budget.


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