Effect of Nursing Teaching Protocol On Mastitis.13
Effect of Nursing Teaching Protocol On Mastitis.13
Effect of Nursing Teaching Protocol On Mastitis.13
Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Background
Assiut University, Egypt, bGeneral Surgery, Mastitis is a problematic issue because it may lead to many complications as early
Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt
termination of breastfeeding, formation of breast abscess, deformity of breast
Correspondence to Eman Mohammed tissue, and recurrence. Nursing management is conducted to deepen patients’
nYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 09/23/2024
mastitis prognosis, nursing, teaching protocol
Egypt Nurs J 20:308–318
© 2024 Egyptian Nursing Journal
Effect of a Nursing Teaching Protocol on Mastitis lactational mastitis among biopsies for benign breast
Prognosis: Quasi-Experimental Research Design diseases is 3% (Boakes et al., 1018).
© 2024 Egyptian Nursing Journal | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow DOI: 10.4103/enj.enj_23_23
Teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis Hashem et al. 309
or traumatized nipples; interruption in the nipples’ (Axelsson and Blomberg, 2019). Many complications
integrity provides a route for micro-organisms to may arise if mastitis not treated and managed
enter the breast. It may occur in one or both breasts. effectively such as breast abscess, long antibiotic
Diagnosis of mastitis is usually based on clinical course, recurrence, and in many lactating women
symptoms and signs, such as breast pain, heat, may contribute to discontinuation of breast feeding.
swelling, fever, and chills that lasts from two to Furthermore, from the researchers’ experiences in the
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three days up to a couple of weeks or more breast unit at general surgery department, in addition
(Crepinsek et al., 2020; Chou et al., 2022). to non-lactational mastitis cases; it has been noted that
patients with lactational mastitis referred from their
The most common complications of lactational obstetrician and came to the breast unit to seek more
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mastitis are early termination of breastfeeding. specialized care. Also, it was found that patients’
Breast abscess is another complication of lactational knowledge and practice about mastitis care are
mastitis which may require surgical treatment. Non- inadequate and need for improvement. Therefore,
lactational mastitis is associated with recurrence and this study is considered the first one in this
can lead to scarring and deformity of breast tissue. geographical location that try to help those patients
Mastitis may also contribute in some women to increasing their knowledge and practice about mastitis
experience negative emotions, including distress, care which may improve their prognosis.
depression and anxiety as well as a feeling of
helplessness (Nabil et al., 2019).
Mastitis should be treated immediately, as a delay in The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of a
treatment or inappropriate management can lead to nursing teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis.
breast abscess. The initial management of lactational
Outcome measures primary outcomes
mastitis is symptomatic treatment. Effective
management is essential to control the discomfort,
reduce the likelihood of discontinuation of (1) Knowledge level of participants regarding mastitis
breastfeeding, and recurrence of mastitis. Scientific care and management.
rehabilitation exercise and health education are (2) Practice level of participants regarding mastitis
effective measures to improve the outcomes of care and management.
mastitis (Wang and Sun, 2022).
Secondary outcomes
Sample size
The sample size was determined statistically by power A total score of 60% or higher was considered as
analysis. The calculation was done considering the adequate self-care practices and less than 60% was
following: Target population through the year of considered as inadequate. Three points scale was
2021 to 2022 was 300 cases. Type I error with used to grade the steps. Two points for doing
significant level (α)=0.5, Type II error by power test correctly. One point for doing incorrectly and zero
(1-B)=80% and found the minimum sample size was point for not doing at all (Nabil Hussien et al., 2019).
26 patients for each group. Although the minimum
number of 52 patients was required by power analysis, Tool III: Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS)
the researcher had obtained 60 patients in this study This scale was developed by (McCaffery and Beebe,
because non-response rate was expected to be lost from 1989). It was adopted in this study for assessing
the subjects. mastitis pain. It was asked from each patient to rate
pain level from 0 to10 with understanding that 0 is
Tools equal to no pain and 10 is equal to worst possible pain.
To accomplish the aim of the study; four tools were The NPRS is a valid, reliable measure that has test
utilized to collect data for this study. −retest reliability (0.79).
Teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis Hashem et al. 311
Scoring:0 is equal to no pain, 1-3 is equal to mild pain, analyzing the pilot study results, slight modifications
4-6 is equal to moderate pain and 7-10 is equal to sever were done accordingly. These patients had been
pain. omitted from the study and replaced by another.
of mastitis after three weeks from providing nursing Committee‘ of Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University
teaching protocol which may be either good prognosis (IRB:1120230422), according to the World Medical
(completely cured) or bad prognosis (breast abscess, Association Declaration of Helsinki (1997) Ethical
discontinuation of breast feeding and recurrence).
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course of antibiotics 2 times a day and pain relievers breast feeding and avoid sudden cession of
such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. However, the breastfeeding with correct latch and positioning
study group received nursing teaching protocol in of baby during breast feeding. As lactational
addition to the course of treatment. mastitis usually develops after a period of
incomplete drainage and milk stasis, also nipple
Implementation phase pain is a common complaint in breastfeeding
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The control group received the routine care in addition women and may lead to less frequent nursing.
to the medical treatment protocol. After filling the So, it was important to counsel patients on ways
study tools; sessions about mastitis care had been to manage and decrease their pain. Furthermore,
started for the study group. One of the family researchers clarified that breastfeeding with
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members was existing in the session to ensure mastitis is safe and it should be continued. If
patient support. The researchers worked with patients do not wish to continue breastfeeding,
surgeons, nurses regarding anticipated expectations they had been counseled on the importance of
of patients. continuing to empty the breasts by using
alternative methods such as the use of a breast
Sessions that were given during the implementation pump. Teaching method/media: Lecture,
phase to the study group were described as the demonstration and re-demonstration/ illustrated
following: pictures, recorded videos on mobile screen, and
printed hand out. By the end; a summary was
(1) The first face to face education session: Aim: To made and time allowed for questions and
empower patients with basic knowledge and skills answers& plan for next session was made.
about mastitis care. Time: 40 min. Contents: (3) Weekly follow-up phone calls: Objectives: To
Educate patients basic information about provide feedback and suggestions according to
lactational and non-lactational mastitis as: patients’ feedback. Time: 30 min. Contents:
definition, causes, clinical features, diagnosis and Ask and emphasize the compliance with nursing
complications. Demonstrate steps of self-care teaching protocol that should be followed by
practice skills and assist patients to select three participants to maintain the achieved results.
skills to practice it regularly from the following: Conclude what is discussed and encourage
(practicing relaxation techniques as deep breathing patients to contact healthcare providers when
exercises, walking 30 min two/three times per they have health problems. Teaching method/
week for three weeks, applying warm compresses media: Interactive conversation, active listening/
for affected breast for 20 min 3 times a day, and audio phone media.
massaging the breast gently for up to 30 to 45 min
with small circular motion from inner to outer Evaluation phase
toward the lymph nodes in the axilla). Help In this phase, both the study and control group
patients to use different strategies to apply the patients returned for follow-up after three weeks
selected three skills. Encourage patients to ask from the first assessment to the breast unit in
questions and confirm that patients understand general surgery department at Assiut University
what they were told. Teaching method/media: Hospital to evaluate their prognosis using tool II, III
Lecture, demonstration and re-demonstration/ and IV.
illustrated pictures, recorded videos on mobile
screen, and printed hand out. By the end; a Statistical analysis
summary was made and time allowed for Data analysis performed using the Statistical Package
questions and answers& plan for next session for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Categorical
was made. variables described by number and percent (N, %).
(2) 2ndface to face education session: Aim: To Continuous variables described by mean and
educate patients on the right information and standard deviation (Mean, SD). Chi-square test and
skills about healthy life style habits that are Fisher exact test had been used to compare between
necessary for good mastitis prognosis. Time: categorical variables. While T-test and Pearson’s chi-
40 min. Contents: Instruct patients to increase square used to clear the association between patients’
fluid intake and vitamin C. Wearing well fitted knowledge, practice, and mastitis prognosis before
supportive bra also, using cold packs when warmth implementation of nursing teaching protocol and
is felt to reduce pain. For lactational mastitis, three weeks post. P values less than 0.05 were
women were instructed to increase frequency of statistically significant.
Teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis Hashem et al. 313
Table 2 Knowledge level and self- care practices for study and control groups at base line and three weeks follow up (n=60)
Base line assessment Follow up after three weeks
Study (n=30) Control (n=30) χ2 P. Value Study (n=30) Control (n=30) χ2 P. Value
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Knowledge level
Satisfactory 3 (10.0) 4 (13.3) 0.16 1.00 28 ()93.3 5 (16.7) 21.4 0.001**
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Table 3 Comparisons between the study and control groups regarding pain level at base line and three weeks follow up (n=60)
Base line assessment Follow up after 3 weeks
Pain level Study (n=30) Control (n=30) χ2 P.value Study (n=30) Control (n=30) χ2 P- value
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
No Pain 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 20 (66.7) 6 (20.0)
Mild pain 4 (13.3) 2 (6.7) 7 (23.3) 5 (16.7)
Moderate pain 7 (23.3) 7 (23.3) 0.767 0.682 3 (10.0) 7 (23.3) 21.47 <0.001**
Severe pain 19 (63.3) 21 (70.0) 0 (0.0) 12 (40.0)
Mean±SD 6.47±2.26 6.87±2.15 t=0.7 0.484 1.07±1.74 4.9±3.46 t= 5.42 <0.001**
* *=statistically significant difference (P<0.01).
Figure 1 Illustrates that, there was statistically scores and pain level at three weeks follow up
significant difference (P=0.001**) between study interval. This means that as the patient’s knowledge
group and control groups (P=0.001**) regarding and practice increased, the pain score decreased and
prognosis of mastitis whether study group vice versa.
completely cured from mastitis at follow up while
one third of control group (33.3%) discontinued Table 5 Reflects that; there was a statistically
breast feeding and (20.0%) had breast abscess. significant relation between patient’s self- care
practice and mastitis prognosis among the control
Table 4 Shows that; there was a negative group at three weeks follow up interval with P.
correlation between patients’ knowledge, practice value = 0.005**.
Figure 1
Mastitis prognosis for both groups (study & control) at 3 weeks follow up (n=60).
Teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis Hashem et al. 315
Table 4 Correlation between patients’ knowledge, practice and pain level before nursing teaching protocol and three weeks post
protocol for the study and control groups (n=60)
Study(n=30) Control (n=30)
Base line assessment Follow up after Base line assessment Follow up after
three weeks three weeks
Variables knowledge practices knowledge practices knowledge practices knowledge practices
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knowledge 1 1 1 1
practices 0.087 1 0.799** 1 0.488** 1 0.499** 1
pain intensity scale −0.506-** −0.214 −0.571-** −0.370-* −0.102 −0.043 −0.127 −0.067
* *=statistically significant difference (P<0.01).
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Table 5 Relation between mastitis prognosis and practice score level for the control group three weeks post-protocol (n=30)
Self- care practice score level
Mastitis prognosis Inadequate N (%) Adequate N (%) χ2 P-value
Mastitis is completely cured 7 (30.4) 7 (100.0)
Breast abscess is formed 6 (26.1) 0 (0.0) 10.34 0.005**
Breast feeding is discontinued 10 (43.5) 0 (0.0)
* *=statistically significant difference (P<0.01).
that ‘Non-lactational mastitis is a breast inflammatory Also, the researcher emphasized up on the importance
condition in young women. In accordance Costa of reinforcement of patient’s knowledge. This result
Morais Oliveira et al. (2021) in their systemic review was in agreement with Wang and Sun, (2022) who
reported that non-lactational mastitis is a complex showed that there was statistically significant difference
public health problem with diagnostic and treatment regarding the mean knowledge score at two different
challenges. interval pre, post intervention regarding mastitis as a
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tenderness and erythema. From the researchers’ boosted their confidence in treatment.
point of view, patients complain from localized
breast pain because of engorgement and Regarding patient’s self-care practices, the present
inflammation of the breast. This result was in study revealed that the majority of the study and
harmony with Baeza (2016) who reported that a control groups had inadequate level of practice
higher percentage of women typically present with before application of nursing teaching protocol.
unilateral breast tenderness. While the study group showed significant
improvement at period interval of follow up 3 weeks
In relation to risk factors; the present study showed that post-intervention. From the researchers’ point of view
nipple damage or nipple crack was the most frequently these results could be because of lack of patient’s
investigated risk factor for mastitis followed by blocked knowledge about the disease that reflects on their
milk duct. This finding was in accordance with Nabil practice level of self-care. Gresh et al. (2019) were
Hussien et al. (2019) who carried out a cross sectional disagreeing with our study results and found that
study to assess the prevalence and risk factors of majority of the patients had adequate self- care
mastitis in lactating women and found that the most practices during the follow-up period and explained
frequent diagnosis among women was lactational this by mastitis may be clinically described as ‘self-
mastitis and 75% suffered from nipple cracks. limiting‘ as it usually resolves without medical
Another risk factor was more than half of women in intervention through self-management, for example
both groups was multiparous. This result finding was massaging the affected breast, feeding or expressing
consistent with Ding et al. (2021) who stated that the frequently enough to empty the affected breast, and
incidence of mastitis is prominent in multipara and using cold compresses to soothe the inflammation.
seriously affect quality of life and breast feeding after
delivery. In contrast Yin et al. (2020) reported that In addition, the study findings were consistent with
primiparous women were found significantly more Ren et al. (2022) who showed that the implementation
frequent in the mastitis group than in the control of effective clinical interventions can largely reduce the
group and rationalized that; as primipara is without clinical symptoms of mastitis in patients and enhance
previous experience of childbirth, lacks healthcare the quality of life of patients with the administration of
knowledge and preventive measures for postpartum care. conventional western medicine.
Concerning the patients’ knowledge; the present study As regard pain severity, the current study revealed that
revealed that, the majority of patients in both study and the majority of women in the study and control groups
control groups had unsatisfactory level of knowledge had severe pain before application of nursing teaching
before application of nursing teaching protocol. From protocol, this may be due to the presence of
the opinion of the researcher, level of knowledge was inflammation of the breast tissue. However, there
insufficient due to most physicians and nurses did not was statistically significant difference between the
routinely counsel women or providing written study and control groups concerning pain severity
information about mastitis and self-care practice. after application of intervention, in which about two
However, after implementing of nursing teaching third of the study group had no pain and more than one
protocol, the study group patients had a highly third in the control group had severe pain. This may be
statistically significant improvement than those of due to that women in the study group become
control in relation to all items of knowledge. This knowledgeable and performed self-care practices
might be due to health education and instructions such as warm compress, gentle massage and
given to study patients using different teaching relaxation techniques as it handled in teaching
strategies as lecture, discussion, and colored booklet. protocol.
Teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis Hashem et al. 317
In this regard Abd Elhakam and Abd Elmoniem follow up interval. Moreover, there was a statistically
(2016) stated that there was a highly significant significant relation between patient’s self- care practice
difference between study and control groups after and mastitis prognosis among the control group at
intervention as the most of study group recovered three weeks follow up interval.
from pain and reported significant reduction of pain
scores. Also, the current results agreed with Karaçam Recommendation
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and Sağlık (2018) who observed that effective A hand out copy of mastitis care teaching protocol
managements such as education, counseling and should be available for all patients diagnosed with
monitoring are essential to control the pain and mastitis to prevent complications and achieve better
discomfort of mastitis. outcome. Replication of the current study on a larger
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