Rishit Yadav New Ress
Rishit Yadav New Ress
Rishit Yadav New Ress
Phone: 8090151012
Rishit Yadav | Linkedin
Rishit_yadav |Codechef
Rishityadav02 | Github
Rishityadav2002 | GFG
Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bachelor of Technology - Information Technology September 2021 - July 2025
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++
Frameworks: React.js
Tools: Figma, Canva, MySQL
Platforms: VS-Code, Github, Git
Soft Skills: Leadership, Punctuality, Communication, People management
SmartInternz- Google Virtual Externship Aug 2022 ~ Sept 2022
Worked in Android studio with help of Kotlin.
Made an application based on Grocery and food delivery.
Kalakaar | LINK
A web application crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, designed to empower local vendors by enabling them to sell
their products online.
It provides vendors with a user-friendly platform to showcase their offerings, manage inventory, and reach a wider
audience, thereby enhancing their sales opportunities and fostering support.
Devfest Lucknow | Organizing team October 2022
I was actively engaged in volunteering of the speaker's team, where I devoted my time and effort to assist with the planning
and execution of the presentations.
I was a key member of the managing team responsible for overseeing the procurement, distribution and inventory of all the
goodies and giveaways for the event.