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> basis application programs

System structure: Operating System > intermediary between user and hardware
1) system startup Program manage computer : convenient (mobile computers)
2) I / O hardware : efficient (mainframe computers)
3) storage

Computer System Organization Computer = Hardware + OS + Apps + Users

What are all the parts, and how do
they fit together?  OS serves as interface between HW and ( Apps & Users )
 OS provides services for Apps & Users
 OS manages resources ( Government model, it doesn't
produce anything. )
#1 Introduction  Debates about what is included in the OS Just the kernel,
or everything the vendor ships? ( Consider the distinction
between system applications and 3rd party or user apps. )

 Main memory ( RAM )

> Programs must be loaded into RAM to run.
> Instructions and data fetched from RAM into registers.
> RAM is volatile
> "Medium" size and speed
 Other electronic ( volatile ) memory is faster, smaller, and more expensive per bit:
> Registers
> CPU Cache
 Nonvolatile memory ( "permanent" storage ) is slower, larger, and less expensive per bit:
Computer System Operation Storage Structure > Electronic disks
> Magnetic disks
 Shared memory between CPU and I/O cards > Optical disks
 Time slicing for multi-process operation > Magnetic Tapes

 Interrupt handling clock, HW, SW

 Implementation of system calls
Single-Processor Systems
Computer-System Architecture One main CPU which manages the computer and runs user apps.
Different Operating Systems for Different Kinds of Computer Environments Other specialized processors ( disk controllers, GPUs, etc. ) do not run user apps.

Multiprocessor Systems
Two or more processors close communication share computer bus + clock + memory +
1. Increased throughput Faster execution, but not 100% linear speedup.
Blade Servers
2. Economy of scale Peripherals, disks, memory, shared among processors.
Multiple processor boards, I/O boards networking boards placed same chassis
3. Increased reliability
Each blade-processor board boots independent
Failure of a CPU slows system, doesn't crash it.
Runs own operating system
Boards multiprocessor (multiple independent multiprocessor system) Redundant processing provides system of checks and balances. ( e.g. NASA )

Clustered Systems
Independent systems, with shared common storage and connected by a high-speed
LAN, working together.
Special considerations for access to shared storage are required, ( Distributed lock
management ), as are collaboration protocols.
Operating-System Structure A timesharing (multiuser multitasking) OS requires:
 Memory management
 Process management
 Job scheduling
 Resource allocation strategies
 Swap space / virtual memory in physical memory
 Interrupt handling
 File system management
 Protection and security
 Inter-process communications

Operating-System Operations Interrupt-driven nature of modern OSes requires that

 User mode when executing harmless
erroneous processes not be able to disturb anything else. code in user applications
Dual-Mode  Kernel mode ( a.k.a. system mode,
and Multimode Operation supervisor mode, privileged mode )
when executing potentially
dangerous code in the system kernel.
 Certain machine instructions (
 Modes extended beyond two, requiring more than single privileged instructions ) can only be
 Before kernel begins executing mode bit executed in kernel mode.
user code, a timer set to  CPUs support virtualization use one extra bits indicate  Kernel mode can only be entered by
generate interrupt.
when virtual machine manager, VMM, in control of making system calls. User code
 Timer interrupt handler reverts system. VMM ore privileges than ordinary user programs, cannot flip the mode switch.
control back to kernel. not many as full kernel.  Modern computers support dual-
 Assures no user process take  System calls implemented software interrupts, causes mode operation in hardware, and
over system. hardware's interrupt handler transfer control to therefore most modern OSes support
 Timer control privileged appropriate interrupt handler, part of operating system, dual-mode operation.
instruction, ( requiring kernel
switching the mode bit to kernel mode in the process. The
mode. )
interrupt handler checks exactly which interrupt
generated, checks additional parameters ( generally
passed through registers ) if appropriate, calls appropriate
kernel service routine to handle the service requested by
the system call.
 User programs' attempts to execute illegal instructions (
privileged or nonexistent instructions ), or to access
forbidden memory areas, also generate software
interrupts, which are trapped by the interrupt handler and
control is transferred to the OS, which issues an
appropriate error message, possibly dumps data to a log (
core ) file for later analysis, and then terminates the
offending program.
OS responsible tasks with regards to process management:
Process Management 1) Scheduling processes and threads on CPU s Memory Management
(program in execution) 2) Creating and deleting both user and system processes
3) Suspending and resuming processes OS responsible tasks regards to memory management:
4) Mechanism process synchronization 1) Keeping track parts of memory currently use, and which processes.
5) Mechanism process communication 2) Determining which process (or part of) and data to move in and out
of memory.
3) Allocating and deallocating memory space as needed.
Storage Management Mass-Storage

OS responsible tasks regards mass-storage management:

FileSystem OS responsible tasks regards to file-system management: Free space management
Management 1) Creating and deleting files Storage allocation
2) Creating and deleting directories tp organize files Disk scheduling
3) Supporting primitives for manipulating files and directories Note tradeoffs regarding size, speed, longevity, security, and
Caching 4) Mapping files onto secondary storage. rewritability between different mass storage devices, including
5) Backing up files onto stable (nonvolatile) storage media. floppy disks, hard disks, tape drives, CDs, DVDs, etc.

 Many cases smaller higher-speed storage space serves as cache, temporary storage, for
frequently needed portions of larger slower storage areas.
 Hierarchy of memory storage CPU registers to hard drives and external storage.
 OS responsible determining information store in what level of cache, and when transfer data
one level to another.
 Proper choice cache management impact system performance.
 Data read from disk follows migration path from hard drive to main memory, to CPU cache,
to registers before used, while data written follows reverse path. Each step (other than
registers) fetch data than needed, cache excess for future requests faster.
 Writing, small amounts data frequently buffered until enough fill entire "block" on next
output device in chain.
 Complicated when multiple processes access common data, important ensure every access
reaches most up-to-date copy of cached data (amongst several copies in different cache

I/O Systems

I/O subsystem consists of several components:

1) Memory-management component includes buffering, caching, and spooling.
2) General device-driver interface.
3) Drivers for specific hardware devices.
Protection and Security Protection: ensuring no process access or interfere with resources to which not entitled, design or accident.
Security: protecting system deliberate attacks, legitimate users of system attempting to gain unauthorized
access and privileges, or external attackers attempting to access or damage system.

Kernel Data Structures

Data items linked to one another

Linked List

Last in first out principle (LIFO)

Sequential order data structure

First in first out (FIFO)

Linked through parent-child relationship
(binary tree have parent have two children,
left and right child

Hash Functions and Maps

Data as input, perform numeric operation, return

numeric value used as index in table


String binary digits represent status of items

1) Traditional Computing
Computing PC connected to network, with servers providing file and print services
2) Mobile Computing
1) Traditional Computing
 Computing small handheld devices such as smart phones/tablets. (opposed to laptops traditional computing)
2) Mobile Computing  May take advantage of additional built-in sensors, GPS, tilt, compass, inertial movement.
 Connect to Internet using wireless networking ( IEEE 802.11 ) or cellular telephone technology.
3) Distributed Systems  Limited storage capacity, memory capacity, and computing power relative to PC.
 Slower processors, consume less battery power and produce less heat.
4) Client-Server Computing
 Two dominant OSes today are Google Android and Apple iOS.
5) Peer-to-Peer Computing
3) Distributed Systems
6) Virtualization  Multiple, possibly heterogeneous, computers connected together via network, cooperating some way, form, or fashion.
 Networks range small tight LANs to broad reaching WANs.
7) Cloud Computing
WAN = Wide Area Network, such as an international corporation
MAN =Metropolitan Area Network, covering a region the size of a city for example.
8) Real-Time Embedded Systems LAN =Local Area Network, typical of a home, business, singlesite corporation, or university campus.
PAN = Personal Area Network, such as the bluetooth connection between your PC, phone, headset, car, etc.
 Network access speeds, throughputs, reliabilities, important issues.
 OS view network range from just special form of file access to complex well-coordinated network operating systems.
 Shared resources include files, CPU cycles, RAM, printers, and other resources.

4) Client-Server Computing
 Server provides services ( HW or SW ) to other systems as clients. (clients and servers processes, not HW, and may coexist on same computer.
 Process may act as both client and server of either same or different resources.
 Served resources include disk space, CPU cycles, time of day, IP name information, graphical displays ( X Servers ), other
5) Peer-to-Peer Computing
 Any computer or process on network provide services to any other which requests it. No clear "leader" or overall organization.
 May employ central "directory" server looking up location of resources, or may use peer-to-peer searching find resources.
 E.g. Skype uses central server locate desired peer, further communication is peer to peer.

6) Virtualization
 Allows one / more "guest" OS run on virtual machines hosted single physical machine and virtual machine manager.
 Useful for cross-platform development and support.
 Example, UNIX on virtual machine, hosted by virtual machine manager on Windows computer. Full root access to virtual
machine, if crashed, underlying Windows machine unaffected.
 System calls caught by VMM and translated into (different) system calls made to underlying OS.
 Virtualization slow down program run through VMM, can also speed up things if virtual hardware accessed through cache
instead of physical device.
 Programs can also run simultaneously on native OS, bypassing virtual machines.

7) Cloud Computing
 Deliver storage, applications as service over a network.
 Types of cloud computing:
> Public cloud = anyone willing pay for service.
> Private cloud = Run company for internal use only.
> Hybrid cloud = Cloud with both public and private components.
> Software as a Service – SaaS = Applications (word processors) available via Internet
> Platform as a Service – PaaS = Software stack available for application use, (database
> Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS = Servers or storage available on Internet, backup
servers, photo storage, file storage.
> Service providers may provide more than one type of service
 Clouds contain thousands physical computers, millions virtual ones, petabytes total storage.
 Web hosting services offer (one or more) virtual machine(s) to each client.

8) Real-Time Embedded Systems

 Embedded into devices (automobiles, climate control systems, process control)
 Involve specialized chips, generic CPUs applied to particular task.
 Process control devices require real-time (interrupt driven) OSes. Response time critical
 Open-Source software published (sold) with source code, can see and optionally modify the code.
Operating Systems  Open-source SW developed and maintained by small army of loosely connected often unpaid programmers, each working
towards common good.
 Critics argue open-source SW is buggy, proponents counter bugs found and fixed quickly, many eyes inspecting code.
 Open-source operating systems good resource studying OS development, students examine source code and change it

 Developed by Linus Torvalds Finland 1991 as first full operating system developed GNU.
 Different distributions Linux evolved from Linus's original, including RedHat, SUSE, Fedora, Debian, Slackware,
Ubuntu, each geared toward different group end-users and operating environments.
 Linux on Windows system using VMware, steps:
1. Download free "VMware Player" tool from http://www.vmware.com/download/player
2. Choose Linux version virtual machine images at http://www.vmware.com/appliances
3. Boot the virtual machine within VMware Player.

 Originally developed ATT Bell labs, source code available to computer science students.
 UCB students developed UNIX further, released product as BSD UNIX binary and source-code format.
 BSD UNIX not open-source, license needed from ATT.
 Several versions of BSD UNIX, including Free BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and DragonflyBSD
 Source code located in /usr/src.
 Core of Mac operating system is Darwin, derived from BSD UNIX, available at

 UNIX operating system computers from Sun Microsystems.
 Based on BSD UNIX, migrated to ATT SystemV as basis.
 Parts of Solaris opensource, some are not because covered by ATT copyrights.
 Can change open-source components of Solaris, recompile, and link in with binary libraries of copyrighted
portions of Solaris.
 Open Solaris from http://www.opensolaris.org/os/
 Solaris allows viewing of source code online, without download and unpack entire package.

 Free software movement gaining popularity, thousands ongoing projects involving untold numbers programmers.
 Sites such as http://freshmeat.net/ and http://distrowatch.com/ provide portals to many of these projects.
#2 System
 OS provides environment execution of programs
 Provides certain services to programs and users
 Services differ between OS, can identify common
 Services make programming task easier

 User Interfaces: users issue commands to system. May be command-line interface ( e.g. sh, csh, ksh, tcsh, etc. ), a GUI interface ( e.g.
Windows, XWindows, KDE, Gnome, etc. ), or batch command systems.
 Program Execution: OS must be load program into RAM, run program, and terminate program, normally or abnormally.
 I/O Operations: OS responsible transferring data to and from I/O devices
 File-System Manipulation: Addition raw data storage, OS responsible maintaining directory and subdirectory structures, mapping file
names to specific blocks of data storage, providing tools for navigating and utilizing file system.
 Communications: Inter-process communications, IPC, between processes running on same processor, or between processes running
on separate processors or separate machines. May be implemented as shared memory or message passing, (or some systems may
offer both.)
 Error Detection: Hardware and software errors detected and handled appropriately, minimum harmful repercussions. May include
complex error avoidance or recovery systems, including backups, RAID drives, redundant systems. Debugging and diagnostic tools aid
users and administrators in tracing down the cause of problems.

Systems aid in efficient operation of OS itself:

 Resource Allocation: E.g. CPU cycles, main memory, storage space, and peripheral devices. Resources managed generic systems and
others carefully designed and specially tuned systems, customized for particular resource and operating environment.
 Accounting Keeping: track system activity and resource usage, billing purposes or statistical record keeping used optimize performance.
 Protection and Security: Preventing harm to system and resources, internal processes or malicious outsiders. Authentication,
ownership, restricted access. Highly secure systems log process activity to excruciating detail, security regulation dictate storage of
records on permanent medium for extended times in secure (offsite) facilities.
User OperatingSystem Command Interpreter
Interface  Gets and processes user request, launches requested programs.
 CI may be incorporated directly into kernel.
 CI separate program launches when user logs in or accesses system.
 UNIX provides user with choice different shells, either configured launch automatically at login, or changed on the fly. (Each uses different
configuration file initial settings and commands executed upon startup.)
 Different shells provide different functionality, certain commands implemented directly by shell without external programs. Least
rudimentary command interpretation structure in shell script programming (loops, decision constructs, variables, etc.)
 Processing of wild card file naming and I/O redirection UNIX details handled by shell, program launched sees only list filenames generated
by shell from wild cards. DOS system, wild cards passed to programs, can interpret wild cards as program sees fit.

Graphical User Interface, GUI

 implemented as desktop metaphor, file folders, trash cans, resource icons.
 Icons represent item on system, respond accordingly when icon activated.
 First developed 1970's Xerox PARC research facility.
 Some systems GUI is front end activating traditional command line interpreter running in background . Others GUI true graphical shell.
 Mac traditionally provided ONLY GUI interface. Advent of OSX (based partially UNIX), command line interface available.
 Mice and keyboards impractical for small mobile devices, use touchscreen interface, responds patterns swipes or "gestures".

Choice of interface
 Modern systems allow individual users select desired interface, customize operation, switch between different interfaces as needed.
System administrators determine interface user starts with when they first log in.
 GUI provide option terminal emulator window for entering command-line commands.
 Command-line commands also entered shell scripts, run like programs.
 Use "strace" to see examples system calls invoked by
single simple command. (strace mkdir temp, strace cd
System Calls  System calls provide user or application programs call services of operating system. temp, strace date > t.t, strace cp t.t t.2, etc. )
 C or C++, some written assembly for optimal performance.  Most programmers not use low-level system calls
 Figure illustrates the sequence of system calls required to copy a file: directly, use "Application Programming Interface", API

Use APIs instead of direct system calls

provides greater program portability
between different systems. API makes
appropriate system calls through system
call interface, using table lookup access
specific numbered system calls

Parameters generally passed to system calls via

registers, or by values pushed onto stack.
Large blocks data accessed indirectly, through
memory address passed in register or on stack, as
shown in Figure 2.7:
Process control: WINDOWS UNIX
> end, abort Process CreateProcess() fork()
Types of System Calls
> load, execute Control ExitProcess() exit()
> create process, terminate process waitForSingleObject() wait()
Six major categories: > get process attributes, set process attributes
1) Process Control > wait for time File CreateFile() open()
2) File manipulation > wait event, signal event Manipulation ReadFile() read()
3) Device manipulation > allocate and free memory WriteFile() write()
4) Information maintenance CloseHandle() close()
5) Communications File management:
6) Protection > create file, delete file Device SetConsoleMode() ioctl()
> open, close Manipulation ReadConsole() read()
> read, write, reposition WriteConsole() write()
> get file attributes, set file attributes
Device management: Information GetCurrentProcessID() getpid()
> request device, release device Maintenance SetTimer() alarm()
> read, write, reposition Sleep() sleep()
> get device attributes, set device attributes
> logically attached or detach devices Communication CreatePipe() pipe()
CreateFileMapping() shm.open()
Information maintenance:
MapViewOfFile() mmap()
> get time or date, set time or date
> get system data, set system data
Protection SetFileSecurity() chmod()
> get process, file, or device attributes
InitializeSecurityDesciptor() unmask()
> set process, file, or device attributes
SetSecurityDesciptorGroup() chown()
> create, delete communication connection
> send, receive messages
> transfer status information
> attach or detach remote devices
1) Process Control
 Process control system calls (end, abort, load, execute, create process, terminate process, get/set process attributes, wait for time or event,
signal event, and allocate and free memory.
 Processes created, launched, monitored, paused, resumed, and eventually stopped.
 One process pauses or stops, another must be launched or resumed
 When processes stop abnormally it may be necessary to provide core dumps and/or other diagnostic or recovery tools.
 Compare DOS (single-tasking system ) with UNIX (multi-tasking system ).
> When process launched in DOS, command interpreter first unloads as much of itself as it can to free up memory,
loads process and transfers control to it. Interpreter does not resume until process completed
> UNIX multitasking system, command interpreter resident executing process. User switch back command interpreter, place
running process in background. Command interpreter first executes "fork" system call, creates second process exact
duplicate (clone) of original command interpreter. Original process as parent, cloned process as child, own unique
process ID and parent ID. Child process executes "exec" system call, replaces its code with desired process.
Parent (command interpreter) waits child complete before issuing new command prompt, also issue new prompt right
away, without waiting for child process to complete. (child running "in background")
2) File Management
 Include create file, delete file, open, close, read, write, reposition, get file attributes, an set file attributes.
 Operations supported directories as well as ordinary files.
 (Actual directory structure may be implemented using ordinary files on file system, or through other means.
3) Device Management
 I include request device, release device, read, write, reposition, get/set device attributes, and logically attach or detach devices.
 Devices may be physical ( e.g. disk drives ), or virtual / abstract ( e.g. files, partitions, and RAM disks ).
 Mays represent devices as special files in file system, accessing "file" calls upon appropriate device drivers in OS.
4) Information Maintenance
 Information maintenance system calls include calls to get/set time, date, system data, and process, file, or device attributes.
 May also provide ability dump memory at any time, single step programs pausing execution after each instruction, tracing operation of
programs, all of which can help to debug programs.
5) Communication
 Calls create/delete communication connection, send/receive messages, transfer status information, attach/detach remote devices.
 Message passing model must support calls to:
> Identify a remote process and/or host with which to communicate.
> Establish a connection between the two processes.
> Open and close the connection as needed.
> Transmit messages along the connection.
> Wait for incoming messages, in either a blocking or non-blocking state.
> Delete the connection when no longer needed.
 The shared memory model must support calls to:
> Create and access memory that is shared amongst processes ( and threads. )
> Provide locking mechanisms restricting simultaneous access.
> Free up shared memory and/or dynamically allocate it as needed.
 Message passing simpler and easier, ( for inter-computer communications ), for small amounts data.
 Shared memory is faster, better approach large amounts data shared, (when processes reading data rather than writing it, or only one or a
small number of processes need to change any given data item. )
6) Protection
 Protection provides mechanisms controlling users / processes access to system resources.
 System calls allow access mechanisms adjusted, non-privileged users grant elevated access permissions controlled circumstances.
 Once only of concern multiuser systems, protection important on all systems, in the age of ubiquitous network connectivity.
System Programs
 Provide OS functionality separate applications, not part of kernel or command interpreters. (system utilities or system applications.
 Also with useful applications such as calculators and editors, ( e.g. Notepad ). Debate border system and non-system applications.
 Categories:
> File management programs: create, delete, copy, rename, print, list, and generally manipulate files and directories.
> Status information Utilities: check date, time, number of users, processes running, data logging, etc. System registries used
store and recall configuration information for particular applications.
> File modification: e. g. text editors and other tools change file contents.
> Programming-language support: E.g. Compilers, linkers, debuggers, profilers, assemblers, library archive management,
interpreters for common languages, and support for make.
> Program loading and execution: loaders, dynamic loaders, overlay loaders, etc., as well as interactive debuggers.
> Communications: Programs providing connectivity between processes and users, mail, web browsers, remote logins, file
transfers, and remote command execution.
> Background services: System daemons started when system booted, and run for as long as the system running, handling
necessary services. Examples include network daemons, print servers, process schedulers, system error monitoring services.
 Also come complete with application programs provide additional services, copying files checking time and date.
 Views of system determined by command interpreter and application programs. Never make system calls, even through the API, ( with
exception of simple ( file ) I/O in user-written programs. )

1) Design Goals
 Requirements define properties finished system must have, necessary first step in designing any large complex system.
OperatingSystem > User requirements: features users care and understand. Do not include implementation details.
Design and Implementation > System requirements: written for developers, include details about implementation specifics, performance requirements,
compatibility constraints, standards compliance, etc. Serve as "contract" between customer and developers
 Requirements operating systems can vary depending planned scope and usage of system. ( Single user / multiuser, specialized system /
general purpose, high/low security, performance needs, operating environment, etc. )

2) Mechanisms and Policies

 Policies determine what is to be done. Mechanisms determine how it is to be implemented.
 If properly separated and implemented, policy changes easily adjusted without rewriting code, adjusting parameters or possibly loading
new data / configuration files. For example relative priority background versus foreground tasks.

3) Implementation
 Traditionally OSes written assembly language. Direct control hardware-related issues, inextricably tied OS to particular HW platform.
 Advances compiler efficiencies modern OSes written in C, or C++. Critical sections code still written assembly language
 Operating systems developed using emulators of target hardware, if real hardware unavailable, or not suitable platform development
Operating-System Structure
Efficient performance implementation OS partitioned into separate subsystems, each defined tasks, inputs, outputs, and
performance characteristics. Subsystems arranged various architectural configurations:

1) Simple Structure
DOS written developers no idea how big and important become. Written by few programmers relatively short time, without
benefit of modern software engineering techniques, gradually exceed original expectations. Does not break system into
subsystems, has no distinction between user and kernel modes, allowing programs direct access to underlying hardware.

2) Layered Approach
 Break OS into number smaller layers, each rests on layer below it, relies solely on services provided by next lower
 Approach allows each layer developed and debugged independently, assumption all lower layers debugged and
trusted deliver proper services.
 Problem deciding order place layers, no layer can call services of higher layer
 Less efficient, request service higher layer filter all lower layers before reaches HW, significant processing each step.
original UNIX OS used simple layered approach,
almost all OS one big layer, not really breaking OS
down into layered subsystems:
3) Microkernels
 Remove nonessential services from kernel, implement as system applications, making kernel small and efficient as possible.
 Basic process and memory management, message passing between services.
 Security and protection enhanced, services performed in user mode, not kernel mode.
 System expansion easier, only adding more system applications, not rebuilding new kernel.
 Mach first and most widely known microkernel, major component of Mac OSX.
 Windows NT originally microkernel, performance problems relative to Windows 95. NT 4.0
 improved performance moving more services into kernel, XP more monolithic.
 QNX, a real-time OS for embedded systems.

4) Modules
 Modern OS development is object-oriented, small core kernel and modules linked dynamically.
 Modules similar to layers, each subsystem clearly defined tasks and interfaces, module free contact any other module, eliminating the
problems of going through multiple intermediary layers
 The kernel relatively small architecture, similar microkernels, kernel does not have to implement message passing since modules are free to
contact each other directly.
5) Hybrid Systems
Most OSes today do not strictly adhere to one architecture, but are hybrids of several.

Mac OS X
Architecture relies on Mach microkernel for basic system management services, BSD kernel for
additional services. Application services and dynamically loadable modules ( kernel extensions )
provide the rest of the OS functionality

Developed by Apple for iPhones and iPads. Less memory and computing power needs than Max OS
X, supports touchscreen interface and graphics for small screens

Developed for Android smartphones and tablets by Open Handset Alliance, primarily Google.
Open-source OS, lead to its popularity.
Includes versions of Linux and Java virtual machine both optimized for small platforms.
Developed using special Java-for-Android development environment.
Kernighan's Law Operating-System
Debugging includes both error "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Debugging
discovery and elimination and Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
performance tuning. definition, not smart enough to debug it."

1) Failure Analysis
 Debuggers allow processes executed stepwise, provide examination of variables and expressions execution progresses.
 Can document program execution, produce statistics how much time spent on sections or even lines of code.
 Ordinary process crashes, memory dump of state of process's memory at time of crash saved for later analysis.
> Program specially compiled to include debugging information, slow down performance.
 Approaches don't work well for OS code:
> Performance hit caused adding debugging code unacceptable.
> Parts of OS run kernel mode, direct access to hardware.
> Error during kernel's file-access or direct disk-access routines, not practical write crash dump into file.
# Instead the kernel crash dump saved to unallocated portion of disk reserved for that purpose.
2) Performance Tuning
 Requires monitoring system performance.
 System record important events into log files, analyzed by tools. Traces evaluate proposed system perform under same workload.
 Provide utilities report system status upon demand, unix "top" command. ( w, uptime, ps, etc. )
 System utilities may provide monitoring support.
3) DTrace
 Special facility for tracing running OS, developed for Solaris 10.
 Adds "probes" directly into OS code, queried by "probe consumers".
 Probes removed when not use, DTrace facility zero impact on system when not used, proportional impact in use.
 Consider, for example, the trace of an ioctl system call
 Probe code restricted to be "safe", (no loops allowed), use minimum system resources.
 When probe fires, enabling control blocks, ECBs, performed, each having structure of if-then block
 When terminates, ECBs associated with consumer removed. When no more ECBs remain interested in particular probe, probe also removed.
 Example, following D code monitors CPU time of each process running with user ID of 101.
uid == 101
self-> ts = timestamp;
self-> ts
@time[execname] = sum( timestamp – self->ts );
self->ts = 0;
 DTrace is restricted, due to direct access to (and ability to change) critical kernel data structures.
 DTrace is opensource, being adopted by several UNIX distributions.
OperatingSystem  Oses designed/built specific HW configuration specific site, designed with number variable parameters and components, configured particular operating environment.
Generation  Systems need reconfigured after initial installation, add additional resources, capabilities, or tune performance, logging, or security.
 Information needed configure OS include:
> What CPU(s) installed on system, optional characteristics does each have?
> RAM installed? (determined automatically, either at install or boot time.)
> Devices present? OS determine which device drivers include, as well as some device-specific characteristics and parameters.
> OS options desired, values set for particular OS parameters. Include size of open file table, number buffers use, process scheduling (priority), disk scheduling
algorithms, number of slots in process table, etc.
 OS source code can be edited, recompiled, and linked into new kernel.
 Configuration tables determine which modules link into new kernel, what values to set for some key important parameters. Require configuration of complicated make-
files, done automatically or through interactive configuration programs; Make used to generate new kernel specified by new parameters.
 System configuration may defined by table data, "rebuilding" of system requires editing data tables.
 Once system regenerated, required to reboot system to activate new kernel. Possibilities errors, systems provide mechanism for booting to older or alternate kernels.

 System powers up, interrupt generated loads memory address into program counter, system begins executing instructions found at address. Address points to
"bootstrap" program located in ROM chips (or EPROM chips) on the motherboard.
System Boot  ROM bootstrap program first runs hardware checks, determining physical resources present and doing power-on self tests (POST) of all HW.
> Some devices, such as controller cards may have own onboard diagnostics, called by the ROM bootstrap program.
 User has option pressing special key during POST process, launch ROM BIOS configuration utility. Allows specify and configure certain hardware parameters as
where to look for OS and whether or not restrict access to utility with password.
> Some hardware provide access to additional configuration setup programs, RAID disk controller or some special graphics or networking cards.
 Assuming utility invoked, bootstrap program looks for nonvolatile storage device containing OS. May look for floppy drive, CD ROM, primary or secondary hard drives.
 Find first sector on hard drive and load up fdisk table, contains information about how physical drive divided logical partitions, where each partition starts and ends,
which partition "active" partition used for booting system.
 Also small amount system code in portion of first disk block not occupied by fdisk table. Bootstrap code is first step not built into hardware, i.e. first part which might be in
any way OS-specific.
 Generally code knows just enough access hard drive, load and execute a (slightly) larger boot program.
 For a single-boot system, boot program loaded off of hard disk proceed locate kernel on hard drive, load into memory, transfer control over to kernel. Opportunity to
specify particular kernel to be loaded, may be useful if new kernel generated and doesn't work, or multiple kernels available different configurations.
 For dual-boot or multiple-boot systems, boot program give user opportunity specify particular OS to load, default choice if user not pick within given time. Boot program
finds boot loader for chosen single-boot OS, runs program as described in previous bullet point.
 Once kernel running, may give user opportunity enter into single-user mode (maintenance mode). Launches very few services, does not enable logins other than primary
log in on console. This mode used primarily for system maintenance and diagnostics.
 When system enters full multiuser multitasking mode, examines configuration files determine system services to start and launches each. Spawns login programs ( gettys )
on each login devices configured to enable user logins.
The Process
 Process is instance of program in execution.
 Process memory is divided four sections:
> Text section comprises compiled program code, read in from
 Batch systems work in terms of "jobs". Modern process
nonvolatile storage when the program is launched. concepts still expressed in terms of jobs, (e.g. job
> Data section stores global and static variables, allocated and scheduling ), two terms often used interchangeably
initialized prior to executing main.
> Heap used for dynamic memory allocation, managed via calls Process Control Block
to new, delete, malloc, free, etc. Each process has Process Control Block, PCB, stores following
> Stack used for local variables. Space on stack reserved for process-specific information:
local variables when declared ( function entrance or  Process State: Running, waiting, etc., as discussed above.
elsewhere, depending language ), space freed up when
variables go out of scope. Stack also used for function return
 Process ID: and parent process ID.
values, mechanisms of stack management language specific.  CPU registers and Program Counter: Need saved and restored
Note stack and heap start opposite ends of process's free when swapping processes in and out of CPU.
space and grow towards each other. If ever meet, stack  CPU-Scheduling information: Priority information and pointers to
overflow error occur, or call to new or malloc fail due to scheduling queues.
insufficient memory available.
 When processes swapped out of memory and later restored,
#3 Process Concept  Memory-Management information: page tables or segment
additional information also stored and restored. Also program  Accounting information: user and kernel CPU time consumed,
counter and value of all program registers. account numbers, limits, etc.
 I/O Status information: Devices allocated, open file tables, etc.
Process State
1) New: Process is in stage of being created
2) Ready: Process has all resources available to run, CPU not currently working on Threads
this process's instructions.  Modern systems allow single process have multiple threads of
3) Running: CPU working on process's instructions. execution, which execute concurrently.
4) Waiting: Process cannot run at moment, waiting for resource become available
or some event to occur.
5) Terminated: Process completed.

 Load average reported by the "w" command indicate average number of

processes in "Ready" state over last 1, 5, and 15 minutes, i.e. processes who have
everything they need to run but cannot because CPU is busy doing something
(2) Schedulers
Process Scheduling  Long-term scheduler is batch system (heavily loaded system). Runs infrequently,
(such when process ends selecting one more to be loaded in from disk in its
place), can afford take time implement intelligent and advanced scheduling
 Two main objectives of process scheduling system are keep algorithms.
CPU busy at all times and deliver "acceptable" response times
 Short-term scheduler ( CPU Scheduler) runs very frequently, 100 milliseconds,
quickly swap one process out of CPU and swap in another one.
 Process scheduler must meet objectives implementing suitable
policies for swapping processes in and out of the CPU.
 Some systems employ medium-term scheduler. System loads get high, this
scheduler swap one or more processes out of ready queue system for few
 (Note objectives can conflict. Every time system steps in to seconds, to allow smaller faster jobs finish quickly and clear system.
swap processes it takes up time on CPU)
 Efficient scheduling system select good process mix of CPU-bound processes and
(1) Scheduling Queues I/O bound processes.
 Processes stored in job queue.
 Processes in Ready state placed in ready queue.
 Processes waiting for device or deliver data, placed in device
queues. Separate device queue for each device.
 Other queues may also be created and used as needed.

(3) Context Switch

 Whenever interrupt arrives, CPU must do a state-save of currently running process, switch
into kernel mode to handle interrupt, do state-restore of interrupted process.
 Similarly, context switch occurs when time slice for one process expired and new process to
be loaded from ready queue. Instigated by timer interrupt, cause current process's state
saved and new process's state restored.
 Saving and restoring states involves saving and restoring all registers and program counter(s),
as well as process control blocks described above.
 Context switching happens VERY VERY frequently, overhead switching is lost CPU time, so
context switches (state saves & restores) need to be fast as possible. Some hardware has
special provisions for speeding this up, single machine instruction for saving or restoring all
registers at once.
 Sun hardware has multiple sets registers, context switching speeded up switching which set
registers currently in use. Limit processes switched between, attractive implement medium-
term scheduler to swap some processes out
Operations on Processes

(1) Process Creation

 Processes may create other processes appropriate system calls, fork or spawn. Process creating is
termed parent of other process, termed its child.
 Each process given integer identifier, process identifier, (PID). PID stored for each process.
 UNIX systems process scheduler termed sched, PID 0. At system startup time it launch init, gives that
process PID 1. Init launches all system daemons and user logins, becomes ultimate parent of all

 Child process may receive shared resources with parent. May or may not limited subset resources
originally allocated to parent, preventing runaway children consuming system resource.
 Options for parent process after creating child:
1. Wait for child process terminate before proceeding. Parent makes wait( ) system call, either
specific child or any child, causes parent process block until wait( ) returns. UNIX shells wait for
children to complete before issuing new prompt.
2. Run concurrently with child, continuing process without waiting. Operation seen when UNIX shell
runs process background task. Possible for parent run, then wait for child later, might occur parallel
processing operation. (parent fork off number children without waiting for any of them, then do a
little work of its own, and then wait for the children.)
 Two possibilities address space of child relative to parent:
1. The child may be exact duplicate of parent, sharing same program and data segments in memory.
Each have their own PCB, program counter, registers, and PID. Behavior of fork system call UNIX.
2. Child process new program loaded into its address space, all new code and data segments.
Behavior spawn system calls in Windows. UNIX implement as second step, using exec system call.
Process Termination Cooperating Processes
 Process executes last statement and then asks the operating system to delete it using the exit() Processes within a system may be independent or cooperating
system call.  When processes execute produce some computational results
Returns status data from child to parent (via wait())  Independent process cannot affect (or affected) by such results of another process
Process resources are deallocated by operating system  Cooperating process can affect (or affected) by such results of another process
 Parent may terminate the execution of children processes using abort() system call. Some reasons
for doing so: Advantages of process cooperation
Child has exceeded allocated resources  Information sharing
Task assigned to child is no longer required
Parent exiting and operating systems does not allow child to continue if its parent terminates
 Computation speed-up
 Some OSes don t allow child exists if parent has terminated
 Modularity
> cascading termination - if process terminates, all its children, grandchildren, etc also terminated.  Convenience
> Termination initiated by operating system
 Parent process may wait for termination of child process by using wait() system call.
> Call returns status information and pid of the terminated process
pid = wait(&status); Interprocess Communication – Message
 If no parent waiting (did not invoke wait()) process is a zombie
> All its resources are deallocated, but exit status is kept
Mechanism for processes to communicate and to synchronize
 If parent terminated without invoking wait , process is an orphan their actions
> UNIX: assigns init process as the parent > Message system – processes communicate with each other
> Init calls wait periodically Interprocess Communication – Shared Memory without resorting to shared variables
> An area of memory is shared among the processes that wish to communicate > IPC facility provides two operations:
Interprocess Communication > The communication is under the control of the users processes, not the OS. send(message)
> Major issue is to provide mechanism that will allow the user processes to receive(message)
For fast exchange of information, cooperating
synchronize their actions when they access shared memory. > Message size is either fixed or variable
processes need some interprocess communication
(IPC) mechanisms
If processes P and Q wish to communicate, they need to:
> Two models of IPC Producer-Consumer Problem Establish a communication link between them
> Shared memory Common paradigm for cooperating processes
>Message passing Exchange messages via send/receive
> Used to exemplify one common generic way/scenario of cooperation
among processes Implementation issues:
Producer process How are links established?
> produces some information Can a link be associated with more than two processes?
> incrementally How many links can there be between every pair of
Consumer process communicating processes?
> consumes this information What is the capacity (buffer size) of a link?
> as it becomes available Is the size of a message that the link can accommodate
Challenge: fixed or variable?
Producer and consumer should run concurrently and efficiently Is a link unidirectional or bi-directional?
Producer and consumer must be synchronized
> Consumer cannot consume item before it is produced Logical implementation of communication link
Direct or indirect
Shared-memory solution to producer-consumer Synchronous or asynchronous
Uses a buffer in shared memory to exchange information Automatic or explicit buffering
unbounded-buffer: assumes no practical limit on the buffer size
bounded-buffer assumes a fixed buffer size
Direct Communication Indirect Communication
Messages directed and received from mailboxes (also referred to as ports)
Processes must name each other explicitly:
> Each mailbox has a unique id
send (P, message) – send a message to process P
> Processes can communicate only if they share a mailbox
receive(Q, message) – receive a message from process Q
Properties of indirect communication link
Properties of a direct communication link
> Link established only if processes share a common mailbox
> Links are established automatically
> A link may be associated with many processes
> A link is associated with exactly one pair of communicating processes
> Each pair of processes may share several communication links
> Between each pair there exists exactly one link
> Link may be unidirectional or bi-directional
> The link may be unidirectional, but is usually bi-directional
create a new mailbox (port)
send and receive messages through mailbox
destroy a mailbox

Primitives are defined as:

send(A, message) – send a message to mailbox A
receive(A, message) – receive a message from mailbox A

Mailbox sharing issues

> P1, P2, and P3 share mailbox A
> P1, sends; P2 and P3 receive
> Who gets the message?
Allow a link to be associated with at most two processes
Synchronization Allow only one process at a time to execute a receive operation
Message passing may be either Allow the system to select arbitrarily the receiver.
Blocking, or Sender is notified who the receiver was.

Blocking is considered synchronous

> Blocking send -- the sender is blocked until the message is received
> Blocking receive -- the receiver is blocked until a message is available
Non-blocking is considered asynchronous
> Non-blocking send -- the sender sends the message and continues
> Non-blocking receive -- the receiver receives:
- A valid message, or Buffering in Message-Passing
- Null message Queue of messages is attached to the link.
Different combinations possible Implemented in one of three ways
> If both send and receive are blocking – called a rendezvous 1. Zero capacity – no messages are queued on a link.
- Sender must wait for receiver (rendezvous)
2. Bounded capacity – finite length of n messages
- Sender must wait if link full
3. Unbounded capacity – infinite length
- Sender never waits
Communication in ClientServer Systems
Socket is an endpoint for communication.
Two processes communicating over a network often use a pair of connected sockets as a communication channel .
Software that is designed for clientserver operation may also use sockets for communication between two
processes running on same computer - Example UI for database program may communicate with backend
database manager using sockets.
A socket is identified by an IP address concatenated with a port number, e.g.

Communication channels via sockets may be of one of two major forms:

1) Connectionoriented ( TCP, Transmission Control Protocol ) connections emulate a telephone connection. All
packets sent down the connection are guaranteed to arrive in good condition at the other end, and to be delivered
to the receiving process in the order in which they were sent. The TCP layer of the network protocol takes steps to
verify all packets sent, resend packets if necessary, and arrange the received packets in the proper order before
delivering them to the receiving process. There is a certain amount of overhead involved in this procedure, and if
one packet is missing or delayed, then any packets which follow will have to wait until the errant packet is delivered
before they can continue their journey.
2) Connectionless ( UDP, User Datagram Protocol ) emulate individual telegrams. There is no guarantee that any
particular packet will get through undamaged ( or at all ), and no guarantee that the packets will get delivered in
any particular order. There may even be duplicate packets delivered, depending on how the intermediary
connections are configured. UDP transmissions are much faster than TCP, but applications must implement their
own error checking and recovery procedures.

Sockets are considered a lowlevel communications channel, and processes may often choose to use something at a
higher level, such as those covered in the next two sections
Remote Procedure Calls, RPC
> Concept of RPC is to make procedure calls similarly to calling ordinary local procedures, except
procedure being called lies on a remote machine.
> Implementation involves stubs on either end of the connection.
- Local process calls on the stub, much as it would call upon a local procedure.
- RPC system packages up ( marshals ) the parameters to the procedure call, and transmits
them to the remote system.
- On the remote side, the RPC daemon accepts the parameters and calls upon the
appropriate remote procedure to perform the requested work.
- Any results to be returned are then packaged up and sent back by the RPC system to the
local system, which then unpackages them and returns the results to the local calling

Difficulty formatting of data on local versus remote systems.

Resolution involves an agreedupon intermediary format, such as XDR ( external data

Another issue identifying which procedure on remote system particular RPC is destined for.
> Remote procedures identified by ports, not same ports as socket ports.
> One solution is for calling procedure to know port number to communicate with on
remote system.
> Problematic, port number would be compiled into code, break down if remote
system changes port numbers.
> Matchmaker process employed, acts like telephone directory service. Local process
must first contact matchmaker on remote system, looks up desired port number and
returns it. Local process can then use that information to contact desired remote
procedure. Involves an extra step, but is more flexible.

One common example of a system based on RPC calls is a networked file system. Messages are
passed to read, write, delete, rename, or check status, as might be made for ordinary local disk
access requests.
Pipes are one of the earliest and simplest channels of communications between ( UNIX ) processes.
Key considerations in implementing pipes:
1. Unidirectional or Bidirectional communication?
2. Is bidirectional communication halfduplex or fullduplex?
3. Must a relationship such as parentchild exist between the processes?
4. Can pipes communicate over a network, or only on the same machine?

Ordinary Pipes
Ordinary pipes are unidirectional, reading end and writing end. ( If bidirectional communications needed, a second pipe is required. )
UNIX ordinary pipes are created with the system call "int pipe( int fd [ ] )".
> Rreturn value is 0 on success, 1 if an error occurs.
> The int array must be allocated before call, values filled in by pipe system call:
- fd[ 0 ] is filled in with a file descriptor for the reading end of the pipe
- fd[ 1 ] is filled in with a file descriptor for the writing end of the pipe
> UNIX pipes accessible as files, using standard read( ) and write( ) system calls.
> Ordinary pipes are only accessible within the process that created them.
- Typically a parent creates the pipe before forking off a child.
- When the child inherits open files from its parent, including the pipe file(s), a channel of communication is
- Each process ( parent and child ) first close the ends of pipe they are not using.
example, if parent writing to pipe and child is reading, parent should close reading end of its pipe
after fork and child close writing end.
Ordinary pipes in Windows are very similar
> Windows terms them anonymous pipes
> They are still limited to parentchild relationships.
> They are read from and written to as files.
> They are created with CreatePipe( ) function, which takes additional arguments.
Named Pipes > In Windows it is necessary to specify what resources a child inherits, such as pipes.
Support bidirectional communication, communication between non parentchild
related processes, and persistence after process which created them exits.
Multiple processes can also share a named pipe, typically one reader and multiple

UNIX, named pipes are termed fifos, and appear as ordinary files in the file
> ( Recognizable by a "p" as the first character of a long listing, e.g. /dev/
initctl )
> Created with mkfifo( ) and manipulated with read( ), write( ), open( ),
close( ), etc.
> UNIX named pipes are bidirectional, but halfduplex, so two pipes are still
typically used for bidirectional communications.
> UNIX named pipes still require that all processes be running on the same
machine. Otherwise sockets are used.
Windows named pipes provide richer communications. Fullduplex is supported.
Processes may reside on the same or different machines
Created and manipulated using CreateNamedPipe( ), ConnectNamedPipe( ),
ReadFile( ),and WriteFile( ).
#4 Multithreaded
 Thread is basic unit of CPU utilization, consisting of program counter, stack,
and set of registers, a thread ID.
 Traditional ( heavyweight ) processes have single thread control There is one
program counter, and one sequence of instructions that can be carried out at
any given time.
 As shown in Figure, multithreaded applications have multiple threads within a
single process, each having their own program counter, stack and set of
registers, but sharing common code, data, and certain structures such as open

 Most modern applications are multithreaded
 Threads run within application
 Multiple tasks with the application can be implemented by separate threads
Update display
Fetch data
Spell checking
Answer a network request
 Process creation is heavy-weight while thread creation is light-weight
 Can simplify code, increase efficiency
 Kernels are generally multithreaded

1) Responsiveness
> may allow continued execution if part of process is blocked
> especially important for user interfaces
2) Resource Sharing
> threads share resources of process: easier than shared
memory or message passing
3) Economy
> Thread creation is faster than process creation
- Less new resources needed vs a new process
- Solaris: 30x faster
> Thread switching lower overhead than context switching
- 5x faster
4) Scalability
> Threads can run in parallel on many cores
Multicore or multiprocessor systems Concurrency vs. Parallelism
 Putting pressure on programmers  Parallelism implies a system can perform more than one task simultaneously
 How to load all of them for efficiency  Concurrency supports more than one task making progress
 Challenges include: True parallelism or an illusion of parallelism Types of Parallelism
Dividing activities Single processor / core, scheduler providing concurrency 1) Data parallelism – distributes subsets of the same data
Balance across multiple cores, same operation/task on each
Data splitting Example: the task of incrementing elements by one of an
Data dependency array can be split into two: incrementing its elements in the
Testing and debugging 1st and 2nd halfs
2) Task parallelism – distributing threads across cores, each
User Threads and Kernel Threads thread performing unique operation
User threads
Support provided at the user-level In practice, people often follow a hybrid of the two
Managed above the kernel
> without kernel support
Management is done by thread library
Three primary thread libraries:
POSIX Pthreads, Windows threads, Java threads Many-to-One Many-to-Many Model
Kernel threads Many user-level threads mapped to single kernel thread > Allows many user-level threads to be mapped to (smaller or equal
Supported and managed by OS Advantage: number of) kernel threads
Virtually all modern general-purpose operating systems Thread management in user space > Allows the OS to create a sufficient number of kernel threads
support them Hence, efficient The number is dependent on specific machine or application
Disadvantages: It can be adjusted dynamically
One thread blocking causes all to block > Many-to-one
Multithreading Models Multiple threads may not run in parallel on multicore system Any number of threads is allowed, but low concurrency
Relationship between user threads and kernel threads > Since only 1 may be in kernel at a time > One-to-one
Three common ways of establishing this relationships > So, few systems currently use this model Great concurrency, but the number of threads is limited
1) Many-to-One model > Many-to-many
2) One-to-One model Gets rid of the shortcomings of the precious two
3) Many-to-Many model

> Each user-level thread maps to kernel thread
> Creating a user-level thread creates a kernel thread
More concurrency than many-to-one
High overhead of creating kernel threads Two-level Model
Hence, number of threads per process sometimes restricted > Similar to Many-to-Many
Examples > Allows user thread to be bound to
Windows kernel thread
Linux IRIX
Solaris 9 and later HP-UX
Tru64 UNIX
Solaris 8 and earlier
Thread Libraries Threading Issues
Provides programmer with API for creating and managing threads Semantics of fork() and exec() system calls
Primary ways of implementing Many other issues
Semantics of fork() and exec()
1) Library entirely in user space Does fork()duplicate only the calling thread or all
Signal handling
2) Kernel-level library supported by the OS threads?
> Synchronous and asynchronous
Examples of thread libraries > Some UNIXes have two versions of fork
Thread cancellation of target thread
Pthreads, exec() usually works as normal – replace the running
> Asynchronous or deferred
Java Threads, process including all threads
Thread-local storage
Windows threads Scheduler Activations

Lightweight process
Lightweight Process (LWP) Pthreads
> Intermediate data structure between user and kernel threads The POSIX standard ( IEEE 1003.1c ) defines the specification for pThreads, not the implementation.
> To user-level thread library, it appears as a virtual processor pThreads are available on Solaris, Linux, Mac OSX, Tru64, and via public domain shareware for Windows.
on which process can schedule user thread to run Global variables are shared amongst all threads.
> Each LWP attached to a kernel thread One thread can wait for the others to rejoin before continuing.
> LWP are used, for example, to implement Many-to-many and pThreads begin execution in a specified function
two-level models
Java Threads
> ALL Java programs use Threads even "common" singlethreaded ones.
> Creation of new Threads requires Objects that implement the Runnable Interface, which means they
contain a method "public void run( )" . Any descendant of the Thread class will naturally contain such a
method. ( In practice the run( ) method must be overridden / provided for the thread to have any
practical functionality. )
> Creating a Thread Object does not start the thread running To do that the program must call the
Thread's "start( )" method. Start( ) allocates and initializes memory for the Thread, and then calls the
run( ) method. (Programmers do not call run( ) directly. )
> Because Java does not support global variables, Threads must be passed a reference to a shared Object
in order to share data, in this example the "Sum" Object.
> Note that the JVM runs on top of a native OS, and that the JVM specification does not specify what
Linux Threads model to use for mapping Java threads to kernel threads. This decision is JVM implementation dependant,
Linux refers to them as tasks rather than threads and may be onetoone, manytomany, or many to one.. ( On a UNIX system the JVM normally uses
Thread creation is done through clone() system call clone() allows a PThreads and on a Windows system it normally uses windows threads. )
child task to share the address space of the parent task (process)
Flags control behavior
struct task_struct points to process data structures (shared
or unique)
#5 Process Scheduling As a process executes, it changes state
> new: The process is being created
> ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor
> running: Instructions are being executed
Maximum CPU utilization obtained with multiprogramming > waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur
waiting for I/O is wasteful > terminated: The process has finished execution
1 thread will utilize only 1 core
CPU–I/O Burst Cycle Levels of Scheduling
Process execution consists of:
High-Level Scheduling
> a cycle of CPU execution
> See Long-term scheduler or Job Scheduling from Chapter 3
> and I/O wait
> Selects jobs allowed to compete for CPU and other system resources.
CPU burst followed by I/O burst
Intermediate-Level Scheduling
CPU burst distribution is of main concern
> See Medium-Term Scheduling from Chapter 3
> Selects which jobs to temporarily suspend/resume to smooth
fluctuations in system load.
Low-Level (CPU) Scheduling or Dispatching
> Selects the ready process that will be assigned the CPU.
Dispatcher > Ready Queue contains PCBs of processes.
a module that gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term
scheduler; this involves: CPU Scheduler
switching context Short-term scheduler
switching to user mode > Selects 1 process from the ready queue
jumping to the proper location in the user program to restart that @ then allocates the CPU to it
program > Queue may be ordered in various ways
Dispatch latency CPU scheduling decisions may take place when a process:
Time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running 1. Switches from running to waiting state
This time should be as small as possible 2. Switches from running to ready state
3. Switches from waiting to ready
4. Terminates
Scheduling under 1 and 4 is called nonpreemptive (=cooperative)
Scheduling Criteria All other scheduling is called preemptive
How do we decide which scheduling algorithm is good? > Process can be interrupted and must release the CPU
Many criteria for judging this has been suggested > Special care should be taken to prevent problems that can arise
Which characteristics considered can change significantly which algo is @ Access to shared data –race condition can happen, if not handled
considered the best @ Etc.
> CPU utilization –keep the CPU as busy as possible
> Throughput–# of processes that complete their execution per time unit
> Turnaround time –amount of time to execute a particular Process
Scheduling Algorithm Optimization Criteria
> Waiting time –amount of time a process has been waiting in the ready queue
Max CPU utilization
> Response time –amount of time it takes to stat responding
Max throughput
- Used for interactive systems
- Time from when a request was submitted until the first response is produced Min turnaround time
Min waiting time
Min response time
First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling

Suppose that the processes arrive in the order: P1, P2, P3

The Gantt Chart for the schedule is:

Waiting time for

P1 = 0
P2 = 24
P3 = 27
Average waiting time: (0 + 24 + 27)/3 = 17
Suppose that the processes arrive in the order: P2, P3 ,P1
The Gantt chart for the schedule is:

Waiting time for FCFS Scheduling: Convoy Effect

P1 = 6 when several short processes wait for long a process to get off the CPU
P2 = 0 Assume
1 long CPU-bound process
P3 = 3 Many short I/O-bound processes
Average waiting time: (6 + 0 + 3) / 3 = 3 Execution:
- The long one occupies CPU
Much better than previous case The short ones wait for it: no I/O is done at this stage
Average waiting time of FCFS not minimal And it may vary substantially No overlap of I/O with CPU utilizations
FCFS is nonpreemptive - The long one does its first I/O
Releases CPU
Not a good idea for timesharing systems Short ones are scheduled, but do I/O, release CPU quickly
FCFS suffers from the convoy effect - The long one occupies CPU again, etc
Hence low CPU and device utilization
Shortest-Job-First (SJF) Scheduling
> Associate with each process the length of its next CPU burst Advantage:
SJF uses these lengths to schedule the process with the shortest time SJF is optimal in terms of the average waiting time
> Notice, the burstis used by SJF, Challenge of SJF:
Not the process end-to-end running time Hinges on knowing the length of the next CPU burst
implied by word job in SJF But how can we know it?
Hence, it should be called ``Shorted-Next-CPU-Burst Solutions: ask useror estimateit
However, job is used for historic reasons In a batch systemand long-term scheduler
> Two versions of SJF: preemptive and nonpreemptive Could ask the user for the job time limit
Assume The user is motivated to accurately estimate it
A new process Pnew arrives while the current one Pcur is still executing – Lower value means faster response
The burst of Pnew is less than what is left of Pcur – Too low a value will cause time-limit violation and job rescheduling
Nonpreemptive SJF –will let Pcur finish In a short-term scheduling
Preemptive SJF –wil preempt Pcur and let Pnew execute Use estimation
This is also called shortest-remaining-time-first scheduling Will be explained shortly

Average waiting time = (3 + 16 + 9 + 0) / 4 = 7

Average waiting time = [(10-1)+(1-1)+(17-2)+5-3)]/4 = 26/4 = 6.5

Priority Scheduling
> A priority number (integer) is associated with each process
> The CPU is allocated to the process with the highest priority
(smallest integer highest priority)
> SJF is priority scheduling where priority is the inverse of predicted next CPU burst time
> Problem Starvation–low priority processes may never execute
> Solution Aging–as time progresses increase the priority of the process

Average waiting time = 8.2 msec

Round Robin (RR)
> Each process gets a small unit of CPU time
Time quantum q
Usually 10-100 milliseconds
> After this time has elapsed:
the process is preempted and
added to the end of the ready queue
> The process might run for q time
For example, when it does I/O
> If
n processes in the ready queue, and
the time quantum is q
Each process gets 1/nof the CPU time
Incorrect statement from the textbook
in chunks of qtime units at once
Each process waits (n-1)q time units
Example of RR with Time Quantum = 4
> Timer interrupts every quantum to schedule next process
> Performance
q large FIFO
q small overhead of context switch time is too high
> Hence, q should be large compared to context switch time
q usually 10ms to 100ms,
context switch < 10 usec

> Higher average turnaround (end-to-end running time) than SJF

> But better response than SJF
Multilevel Queue Multiple-Processor Scheduling
> Another class of scheduling algorithms when processes are classified into groups, > Multiple CPUs are available
for example: Load sharing becomes possible
foreground(interactive) processes Scheduling becomes more complex
background(batch) processes > Solutions: Have one ready queue accessed by each CPU
> Ready queue is partitioned into separate queues, e.g.: Self scheduled -each CPU dispatches a job from ready Q
Foreground and background queues - Called symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)
> Process is permanently assigned to one queue - Virtually all modern OSes support SMP
> Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm, e.g.: Master-Slave -one CPU schedules the other CPUs
foreground –RR - The others run user code
background –FCFS - Called asymmetric multiprocessing
- One processor accesses the system data structures
>Scheduling must be done between the queues: = Reduces the need for data sharing
Fixed priority scheduling
For example, foreground queue might have absolute priority over background queue
– Serve all from foreground then from background
– Possibility of starvation
Time slice scheduling
Each queue gets a certain amount of CPU time which it can schedule amongst its processes, e.g.:
– 80% to foreground in RR
– 20% to background in FCFS

Real-Time CPU Scheduling

> Special issues need to be considered for real-time CPU scheduling
They are different for soft vs hardreal-time systems
> Soft real-time systems
Gives preference to critical processed over over non-critical ones
But no guarantee as to whencritical real-time process will be scheduled
> Hard real-time systems
Task mustbe serviced by its deadline
Otherwise, considered failure
> Real-time systems are often event-driven
The system must detect the event has occurred
Then respond to it as quickly as possible
Event latency–amount of time from when event occurred to when it is services
Queueing Models Different types of events will have different event latency requirements
> Defines a probabilistic model for > Two types of latencies affect performance
Arrival of processes 1. Interrupt latency
CPU bursts time from arrival of interrupt to start of routine that services interrupt
I/O bursts Minimize it for soft real-time system
> Computes stats Bound it for hard real-time
Such as: average throughput, utilization, waiting time, etc 2. Dispatch latency
For different scheduling algorithms time for scheduler to take current process off CPU and switch to another
Must also be minimized
Critical Section Problem
> Consider system of n processes {P0, P1, ,Pn-1}
#6 Synchronization > Each process has critical section segment of code
- Process may be changing common variables, updating table, writing
file, etc
- When one process in critical section, no other is allowed to be in its
Processes can execute concurrently critical section
> May be interrupted at any time, partially completing execution > Critical section problem is to design protocol to solve this
Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency > Each process
Maintaining data consistency requires mechanisms to ensure the orderly execution of cooperating processes - must ask permission to enter critical section in entry section,
- may follow critical section with exit section,
Illustration of the problem: - then remainder section
Suppose that we wanted to provide a solution to the consumer producer problem that fills all the buffers. We
can do so by having an integer counter that keeps track of the number of full buffers.
Initially, counter is set to 0. It is incremented by the producer after it produces a new buffer and is decremented
by the consumer after it consumes a buffer.

Race Condition
> counter++ could be implemented as
register1 = counter
register1 = register1 + 1
counter = register1
> counter-- could be implemented as
register2 = counter
register2 = register2 – 1
counter = register2

> execution interleaving with count = 5 initially: Requirements to Critical-Section Problem

S0: producer execute register1 = counter {register1 = 5} > Assume that each process executes at a nonzero speed
S1: producer execute register1 = register1 + 1 {register1 = 6} > No assumption concerning relative speed of the n processes
S2: consumer execute register2 = counter {register2 = 5} 1. Mutual Exclusion
S3: consumer execute register2 = register2 – 1 {register2 = 4} Only one process can be in the critical section at a time – otherwise
S4: producer execute counter = register1 {counter = 6} what critical section?
S5: consumer execute counter = register2 {counter = 4} 2. Progress
Intuition:No process is forced to wait for an available resource –
Race condition – Situation when: otherwise very wasteful.
> several processes access the same data concurrently Formal:If no process is executing in its critical section and there exist
> the outcome of the execution depends on the order of the accesses some processes that wish to enter their critical section, then the
selection of the processes that will enter the critical section next
cannot be postponed indefinitely
3. Bounded Waiting
Intuition:No process can wait forever for a resource – otherwise an
easy solution: no one gets in
Types of solutions to CS problem Formal: A bound must exist on the number of times that other
1 Software-based processes are allowed to enter their critical sections after a process has
2 Hardware-based made a request to enter its critical section and before that request is
Software-based solution to CS Mutex Locks
Solutions assume that load and store machine-language instructions are atomic; that is, Previous solutions are complicated and generally inaccessible to application programmers
cannot be interrupted OS designers build software tools to solve critical section problem
> In general, this is not true for modern architectures Simplest is mutexlock
- Peterson s algorithm does not work in general Protect a critical section by:
-Can work on some machines correctly, but can fail on others - first acquire()a lock
> But good algorithmic description, allows to understand various issues - then release()the lock
The two processes share two variables: - Boolean variable indicating if lock is available or not
int turn; Calls to acquire()and release()must be atomic
Boolean flag[2] - Usually implemented via hardware atomic instructions
The variable turn indicates whose turn it is to enter the CS But this solution requires busy waiting
The flag array is used to indicate if a process is ready to enter the CS - This lock therefore called a spinlock
flag[i] = true implies that process Pi is ready!

Synchronization Hardware
> Many systems provide hardware support for implementing the critical section code.
>All solutions below based on idea of locking
- Protecting critical regions via locks
>Uniprocessors – could disable interrupts
-Currently running code would execute without preemption
That is, without being interrupted
-Generally too inefficient on multiprocessor systems
OSes using this are not broadly scalable
>Modern machines provide special atomic hardware instructions
Atomic = non-interruptible
test_and_set instruction
test memory word and set value
swap contents of two memory words
Deadlock and Starvation
> Synchronization problems
> Deadlock – two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for an event that can be caused by only one of the waiting processes
> Let Sand Q be two semaphores initialized to 1
P0 P1
wait(S); wait(Q);
wait(Q); wait(S);
... ...
signal(S); signal(Q);
signal(Q); signal(S);
> Starvation (= indefinite blocking)
Related to deadlocks (but different)
Occurs when a process waits indefinitely in the semaphore queue
For example, assume a LIFO semaphore queue
- Processed pushed first into it might not get a chance to execute
> Priority Inversion
A situation when a higher-priority process needs to wait for a lower-priority process that holds a lock

Classical Problems of Synchronization

Classical problems used to test newly-proposed synchronization schemes
Bounded-Buffer Problem
Readers and Writers Problem
Dining-Philosophers Problem
Deadlock – two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for an event that can be
#7 Deadlocks caused by only one of the waiting processes
System Model
> System consists of resources
> Resource types R1, R2, . . ., Rm
CPU cycles, files, memory space, I/O devices, etc
> Each resource type Ri has Wi instances.
- Type: CPU
2 instances - CPU1, CPU2
-Type: Printer
3 instances - printer1, printer2, printer3
> Each process utilizes a resource as follows:
Request resource
A process can request a resource of a given type
E.g., I request any printer
System will then assign a instance of that resource to the process
E.g., some printer will be assigned to it
If cannot be granted immediately, the process must wait until it can get it
Use resource
Operate on the resource, e.g. print on the printer
Release resource
> Mutexes and Semaphores
Special case:
Each mutex or semaphor is treated as a separate resource type
Because a process would want to get not just any lock among a group of
locks, but a specific lock that guards a specific shared data type – e.g., lock that
guards a specific queue
Deadlock Characterization
Deadlock can arise if 4 conditions hold simultaneously: Methods for Handling Deadlocks
1. Mutual exclusion: only one process at a time can use a resource 1. Ensure that the system will never enter a deadlock state:
2. Hold and wait: a process holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire additional resources held by Deadlock prevention
other processes Deadlock avoidance
3. No preemption: a resource can be released only voluntarily by the process holding it, after that process has 2. Allow the system to enter a deadlock state and then recover
completed its task 3. Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks never occur in the system
4. Circular wait: there exists a set {P0, P1, , Pn} of waiting processes such that Used by most operating systems, including UNIX
P0 is waiting for a resource that is held by P1, and so on: One reason: Handling deadlocks can be computationally expensive
P0 P1 P2 Pn–1 Pn P0
Notice: Circular wait implies Hold and Wait
Why then not test for only the Circular wait ?
Because, computationally, Hold and wait can be tested much more efficiently than Circular wait
Some algorithms we consider only need to check H&W
Deadlock Prevention
If we ensure at least one condition is not met, we prevent a deadlock

Deadlock Prevention: Mutual Exclusion

#1 Mutual Exclusion: only one process at a time can use a resource
> Mutual exclusion is not required for sharable resources
Example: Accessing the same files, but only for reading
So do not use mutual exclusion for such cases
> However, it must hold for non-sharable resources
:Use mutual exclusion only when you really have to

Deadlock Prevention: Hold and Wait

#2 Hold and Wait: a process holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire additional resources held by other processes
Idea: must guarantee that whenever a process requests a resource, it does not hold any other resources
Solutions include:
1. Require process to request and be allocated all its resources before it begins execution, or
2. Allow process to request resources only when the process has none allocated to it
Cons: Low resource utilization; starvation possible

Deadlock Prevention: No Preemption

#3 No Preemption: a resource can be released only voluntarily by the process holding
it, after that process has completed its task
One possible solution (is to implement preemption):
Process P is holding some resources - (set) R
P then requests another resource r
But r cannot be immediately allocated to P
That is, P must wait for r
All resources R are preempted
That is, they are implicitly released
Deadlock Prevention: Circular Wait
Resources from R are added to the list of resources for which P is waiting #4 Circular Wait: there exists a set {P0, P1, , Pn} of waiting processes such that
P0 is waiting for a resource that is held by P1, and so on
P will be restarted only when it can regain R , as well as r
P0 P1 P2 Pn–1 Pn P0
One possible solution:
impose a total ordering of all resource types, and
OrderOf(Rj) – gives order of Rj
require that each process requests resources in an increasing order of enumeration
Rewrite the code such that this holds
If a process holds a lock for Rj it should not request a lock for any Rk such that
OrderOf(Rk) < OrderOf(Rj)
Order resources A,B,C,D,E as D < E < C < A < B
Assume: Process holds a lock for, say, A and C
Then, the process should not request locks for D or E
Deadlock Avoidance Basic Facts
Idea: Require system has some additional priori information about how resources will be used > If a system is in safe state no deadlocks
Simplest and most useful model requires that each process declare the maximum > If a system is in unsafe state possibility of deadlock
number of resources of each type that it may need > Avoidance ensure that a system will never enter an unsafe state
The deadlock-avoidance algorithm dynamically examines the resource-allocation state > Solution:Whenever a process requests a resource that is available:
to ensure that there can never be a circular-wait condition Decide:
Resource-allocation state is defined by: If the resource can be allocated immediately, or
1. number of available resources If the process must wait
2. number of allocated resources Request is granted only if it leaves the system in the safe state
.3maximum resource demands of the processes

Deadlock Detection
Safe State If no deadlock-prevention or deadlock-avoidance algorithm is used
The deadlock avoidance algorithm relies on the notion of safe state Then system can enter a deadlock state
A state is safe if the system can allocate resources to each process (up to its maximum) in In this environment, the system may provide
some order and still avoid a deadlock. Deadlock detection algorithm
System is in safe state only if Deadlock recovery algorithm
There exists a safe sequence (of processes) -- explained shortly
That is, it is possible to order all processes to form a safe sequence
Example of Detection Algorithm
Safe Sequence > Five processes P0 through P4;three resource types A (7 instances), B (2 instances), and C (6
System is in safe state only if there exists a safe sequence instances)
Safe sequence - is a sequence (ordering) <P1, P2, , Pn> of all the processes in the systems, > Snapshot at time T0:
such that: Allocation Request Available
for each Pi -- the resources that Pi can still request can be satisfied by: ABC ABC ABC
> currently available resources, plus P0 0 10 0 00 0 00
> resources held by all the Pj, with j < i (that is, by P1, P2, , Pi -1) P1 2 00 2 02
P2 3 03 0 00
Intuition behind a safe sequence: P3 2 11 1 00
ifPi resource needs are not immediately available P4 0 02 0 02
then Pi can wait until P1, P2, , Pi-1 have finished Sequence <P0, P2, P3, P1, P4> will result in Finish[i] = true for all I
- at that stage Pi will be guaranteed to obtain the needed resources
so Pi can execute ,return allocated resources ,and terminate P2 requests an additional instance of type C
P0 0 00
P1 2 02
P2 0 01
P3 1 00
P4 0 02
State of system?
Can reclaim resources held by process P0, but insufficient resources to fulfill other
processes; requests
Deadlock exists, consisting of processes P1, P2, P3, and P4
Recovery from Deadlock: Process Termination
> Abort all deadlocked processes
Cons: Very costly – processes could have been running for long time.
They will need to be restarted.
> Abort one process at a time until the deadlock cycle is eliminated
Cons: High overhead since the deadlock detection algorithm is called each time one
process is terminated
> In which order should we choose to abort?
1. Priority of the process
2. How long process has computed, and how much longer to completion
3. Resources the process has used
4. Resources process needs to complete
5. How many processes will need to be terminated
6. Is process interactive or batch?

Recovery from Deadlock: Resource Preemption

> Resource preemption is another method to recover from deadlocks
> Selecting a victim – which process to choose to preempt its resources?
Minimize cost .
> Rollback – return to some safe state, restart process for that state.
Process cannot continue as is , since its resources are preempted
The rollback state should be such that the deadlock breaks
> Starvation – same process may always be picked as victim One solution: include number
of rollback in cost factor
#8 Memory
> Register access in 1 CPU clock (or less)
- 0.25 – 0.50 ns (1 nanosec = 10-9 sec)
> Main memory can take many cycles, causing the CPU to stall
- 80-250 ns (160-1000 times slower)
- How to solve? – caching
> Cache sits between main memory and CPU registers

Base and Limit Registers

> Protection of memory is required to ensure correct operation
Protect OS from processes
Protect processes from other processes Address Binding
> How to implement memory protection? > In most cases, a user program goes through several steps before being executed
Example of one simple solution using basic hardware Compilation, linking, executable file, loader creates a process
A pair of base and limitregisters define the logical address space Some of which may be optional
> CPU must check every memory access generated in user mode to be sure it is between base and limit for that user > Addresses are represented in different ways at different stages of a program s life
Each binding maps one address space to another
> Source code -- addresses are usually symbolic
E.g., variable count
> A compiler typically binds these symbolic addresses to relocatable addresses
E.g., 14 bytes from beginning of this module
> Linker or loader will bind relocatable addresses to absolute addresses
E.g., 74014

Binding of Instructions and Data to Memory

Address binding of instructions and data to memory addresses can happen at 3 different stages:
1. Compile time:
If you know at compile time where the process will reside in memory, then absolute code can be generated.
Must recompile the code if starting location changes
Example: MS DOS .com programs
2. Load time:
Compiler must generate relocatable code if memory location is not known at compile time
If the starting address changes, we need only reload the user code to incorporate this changed value.
3. Execution time:
If the process can be moved during its execution from one memory segment to another, then binding must be delayed until run time
Special hardware must be available for this scheme to work
Most general-purpose operating systems use this method
Logical vs. Physical Address Space
> The concept of a logical address space that is bound to a separate physical address space is central to proper memory management
- Logical address (=virtual address) – generated by the CPU
This is what a process sees and uses
- Physical address – address seen by the memory unit
Virtual addresses are mapped into physical addresses by the system
> Logical address space
is the set of all logical addresses generated by a program
> Physical address space
is the set of all physical addresses generated by a program
> Logical addresses and physical addresses
Are the same for
- compile-time and load-time address-binding schemes
Different for
- execution-time address-binding scheme

Memory-Management Unit (MMU)

> Memory-Management Unit (MMU)
- Hardware device that (at run time) maps virtual to physical address
- Many methods for such a mapping are possible
Some are considered next

> To start, consider simple scheme:

- The value in the relocation register is added to every address generated by a user process at the time it is sent to memory
- Base register is now called relocation register
- MS-DOS on Intel 80x86 used 4 relocation registers

> The user program deals with logical addresses

- It never sees the real physical addresses
- Execution-time binding occurs when reference is made to location in memory
- Logical address bound to physical addresses
Dynamic Loading Dynamic Linking
> In our discussion so far, it has been necessary for the entire program and all data of a > Some OS es support only static linking
process to be in physical memory for the process to execute - Static linking – system libraries and program code combined by the loader into the
> Dynamic Loading -- routine is not loaded (from disk) until it is called binary program image
> Better memory-space utilization; unused routine is never loaded > Dynamic linking
> All routines kept on disk in relocatable load format Linking is postponed until execution time
> Useful when large amounts of code are needed to handle infrequently occurring cases
Similar to dynamic loading, but linking, rather than loading, is postponed
> No special support from the operating system is required
Usually used with system libraries, such as language subroutine libraries
Implemented through program design
Without this, each program must include a copy of its language library (or at least the routines
OS can help by providing libraries to implement dynamic loading
referenced by the program) in the executable image.
This wastes both disk space and main memory
Swapping > Dynamically linked libraries are system libraries that are linked to user programs when
> A process can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing store, and then the programs are run
brought back into memory for continued execution > With dynamic linking, a stub is included in the image for each library routine reference.
: Total physical memory space of processes can exceed physical memory > The stub is a small piece of code that indicates:
: This increases the degree of multiprogramming in a system how to locate the appropriate memory-resident library routine, or
> Backing store – fast disk how to load the library if the routine is not already present
: large enough to accommodate copies of all memory images for all users > Stub replaces itself with the address of the routine, and executes the routine
: must provide direct access to these memory images Thus, the next time that particular code segment is reached, the library routine is
> System maintains a ready queue of ready-to-run processes which have memory images executed directly, incurring no cost for dynamic linking.
on disk or in memory Under this scheme, all processes that use a language library execute only 1 copy of
> Roll out, roll in – swapping variant used for priority-based scheduling algorithms; the library code
: lower-priority process swapped out so higher-priority process be loaded and executed > Dynamic linking is particularly useful for libraries
> Major part of swap time is transfer time; total transfer time is directly proportional to the > System also known as shared libraries
amount of memory swapped Extensions to handle library updates (such as bug fixes)
> Modified versions of swapping are found on many systems A library may be replaced by a new version, and all programs that reference the library will
- For example, UNIX, Linux, and Windows automatically use the new version
- Swapping normally disabled - No relinking is necessary
- Started if more than threshold amount of memory allocated > Versioning may be needed
- Disabled again once memory demand reduced below threshold In case the new library is incompatible with the old ones
More than one version of a library may be loaded into memory
- each program uses its version information to decide which copy of the library to use
Versions with minor changes retain the same version number, whereas versions with major
changes increment the number.
> Unlike dynamic loading, dynamic linking and shared libraries generally require help from the OS
If the processes in memory are protected from one another, then the OS is the only entity that
can check to see whether the needed routine is in another process s memory space
or that can allow multiple processes to access the same memory addresses
We elaborate on this concept when we discuss paging
Contiguous Allocation Contiguous Allocation: Memory Protection
> Main memory must support both OS and user processes > Relocation registers used to protect user processes from each other, and from changing
1. Limited resource, must allocate efficiently operating-system code and data
2. How? -- Many methods - Relocation register contains the value of the smallest physical address for the process
> Contiguous memory allocation is one early method - Limit register contains range of logical addresses for the process
each process is contained in a single section of memory that is contiguous to the section : each logical address must be less than the limit register
containing the next process - MMU maps logical address dynamically
> Main memory is usually divided into 2 partitions:
1. Resident operating system
- usually held in low memory
2. User processes
- usually held in high memory
- each process contained in single contiguous section of memory

Contiguous Allocation: Memory Allocation

> Multiple-partition allocation
- One of the simplest methods
- Originally used by the IBM OS/360 operating system (called MFT)
: no longer in use
- Divide memory into several fixed-sized partitions
- Each partition may contain exactly 1 process
: Thus, the degree of multiprogramming is limited by the number of partition
- When partition is free, process selected from input queue and loaded into free partition
- When the process terminates, the partition becomes available for another process

> Variable-partition scheme

- Generalization of the previous method
- Idea: Variable-partition sizes for efficiency
: Sized to a given process needs
- Initially, all memory is available for user processes and is considered one large block of
available memory (a hole).
- Hole – block of available memory;
: Holes of various size are scattered throughout memory
- Operating system maintains information about:
a) allocated partitions
b) free partitions (holes)
- When a process arrives, it is allocated memory from a hole large enough to accommodate it
- Process exiting frees its partition
: adjacent free partitions combined
Dynamic Storage-Allocation Problem
How to satisfy a request of size n from a list of free holes?
1) First-fit: Allocate the first hole that is big enough
2) Best-fit: Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough
> Must search entire list, unless ordered by size
> Produces the smallest leftover hole
3) Worst-fit: Allocate the largest hole
> Must also search entire list
> Produces the largest leftover hole
First-fit and best-fit are better than worst-fit in terms of speed and storage utilization Fragmentation
Memory allocation can cause fragmentation problems:
1. External Fragmentation
2. Internal Fragmentation
External Fragmentation
> Both the first-fit and best-fit strategies for memory allocation suffer from external fragmentation
> As processes are loaded and removed from memory, the free memory space is broken into little pieces
> External Fragmentation – total memory space exists to satisfy a request, but it is not contiguous
- If all these small pieces of memory were in one big free block instead, we might be able to run several more processes
> Analysis of the first-fit strategy reveals that, given N blocks allocated, another 0.5 N blocks will be lost to fragmentation
- That is, 1/3 of memory may be unusable!
- This is known as 50-percent rule
Fragmentation: Compaction
Some of the solutions to external fragmentation: > Compaction
1. Compaction - Shuffle memory contents to place all free memory together in 1 large block
2. Segmentation - Compaction is possible only if relocation is dynamic, and is done at execution time
3. Paging : If addresses are relocated dynamically, relocation requires only:
1. moving the program and data, and then
2. changing the base register to reflect the new base address
> I/O can cause problems
- Latch job in memory while it is involved in I/O
- Do I/O only into OS buffers

Internal Fragmentation
> Consider a multiple-partition allocation scheme with a hole of 10,002 bytes
> Suppose that the next process requests 10,000 bytes.
> If we allocate exactly the requested block, we are left with a hole of 2 bytes.
> Problem: The overhead to keep track of this hole will be substantially larger than the hole itself
> Break the physical memory into fixed-sized blocks
> Allocate memory in units based on block size.

Issue: With this approach, the memory allocated to a process may be slightly larger than the requested memory.
> The difference between these two numbers is internal fragmentation— unused memory that is internal to a partition.
> Example:
- Block size is 4K
- Process request 16K + 2Bytes space
- 5 blocks will be allocated, (4K – 2) bytes are wasted in the last block
Segmentation: a Memory-Management Scheme
Motivation: Do programmers think of memory as a linear array of bytes, some containing instructions and others containing data
> Most programmers would say no.
> Rather, they prefer to view memory as a collection of variable-sized segments
- with no necessary ordering among the segments
> The programmer talks about the stack, the math library, and the main program without caring what addresses in memory these elements occupy
> The programmer is not concerned with whether the stack is stored before or after the sqrt() function
> What if the hardware could provide a memory mechanism that mapped the programmer s view to the actual physical memory?

> Solution: Segmentation – a memory-management scheme that supports programmer/user view of memory
> A logical address space is a collection of segments.
> A segment is a logical unit, such as:
- main program, procedure, function, method
- object, local variables, global variables, common block,
- stack, symbol table, array
> Each segment has a name and a length
> The addresses specify both
- the segment name, and
- the offset within the segment
> For simplicity of implementation, segments are numbered and are referred to by a segment number, rather than by a segment name.
Segmentation Architecture
> Logical address consists of a two tuple:
<segment-number, offset>
> How to map this 2D user-defined address into 1D physical address?
> Segment table – each table entry has:
base – contains the starting physical address where the segments reside in memory
limit– specifies the length of the segment
> Segment-table base register (STBR)
Points to the segment table s location in memory
> Segment-table length register (STLR)
Indicates number of segments used by a program;
Segment number s is legal if s < STLR

Segmentation Main Idea of Paging
Pros: permits the physical address space of a process to be noncontiguous > Divide physical memory into fixed-sized blocks called frames
Cons: can suffer from external fragmentation and needs compaction - Size is power of 2
- Any alternatives to it? - Between 512 bytes and 16 Mbytes
- Paging -- another memory-management scheme > Divide logical memory into blocks of same size called pages
Benefits of Paging > Keep track of all free frames
> Physical address space of a process can be noncontiguous > To run a program of size N pages, need to find N free frames and load program
> Process is allocated physical memory whenever the latter is available > Set up a page table to translate logical to physical addresses
> Avoids external fragmentation - One table per process
> Avoids problem of varying sized memory chunks > Still have internal fragmentation

Address Translation Scheme

Address generated by CPU is divided into:
> Page number (p) – used as an index into a page table which contains base address of each page in physical memory
> Page offset (d) – combined with base address to define the physical memory address that is sent to the memory unit
> For given logical address space 2m and page size2n
Paging (Cont.)
> Calculating internal fragmentation
- Page size = 2,048 bytes
- Process size = 72,766 bytes
- 35 pages + 1,086 bytes
- Internal fragmentation of 2,048 - 1,086 = 962 bytes
> Worst case fragmentation = 1 frame – 1 byte
> On average fragmentation = 1 / 2 frame size
> So small frame sizes are desirable?
- Not as simple, as each page table entry takes memory to track
- Page sizes growing over time
: Solaris supports two page sizes – 8 KB and 4 MB
Implementation of Page Table
> Page table is kept in main memory
> Page-table base register (PTBR)
- Stores the physical address of page table
- Changing page tables requires changing only this one regist
: Substantially reduces context-switch time
Process view and physical memory now very different > Page-table length register (PTLR)
By implementation a process can only access its own memory - Indicates the size of the page table
The 2 memory access problem Associative Memory
Problem: > Associative memory – parallel search
In this scheme every data/instruction access requires 2 memory accesses:
1. One for the page table and (to get the frame number)
2. One for the data / instruction
Efficiency is lost

> Address translation (p, d)

- If p is in TLB then get the frame # out
: Hardware searches in parallel all entries at the same time
: Very fast
- else get the frame # from page table in memory

Implementation of Page Table (Cont.)

> Some TLBs store address-space identifiers (ASIDs) in each TLB entry
- ASID uniquely identifies each process to provide address-space protection for that process
- Otherwise need to flush at every context switch

>TLBs typically small (64 to 1,024 entries)

> On a TLB miss, value is loaded into the TLB for faster access next time
- Replacement policies must be considered
- Some entries can be wired down for permanent fast access
> Solution: (Use of TLB s)
- Use of a special fast-lookup hardware cache, called:
: associative memory, or
: translation look-aside buffers (TLBs)
- Caches (p,f) tuples for frequently used pages
: That is, the mapping from p to the corresponding f
- Small
- Very fast
Effective Access Time
> Associative Lookup = ε time unit
- Can be < 10% of memory access time
> Hit ratio = α
- Percentage of times that a page number is found in the TLB
- Hit ratio is related to number of associative registers in TLB
> Effective Access Time (EAT)
EAT = (1 + ε) α + (2 + ε)(1 – α)
// 1 memory access plus TLB access time, or 2 memory accesses +TLB
> Consider α = 80%, ε = 20ns for TLB search, 100ns for memory access
- EAT = 0.80 x 120 + 0.20 x 220 = 140 ns
> Consider more realistic hit ratio α = 99%, ε = 20ns for TLB search, 100ns for memory access
- EAT = 0.99 x 120 + 0.01 x 220 = 121 ns

Typical Page Table Entry

Memory Protection
> Memory protection in paged environment accomplished by protection bits associated with each frame
> For example, protection bit to indicate if
1) read-only or
2) read-write access is allowed
Can also add more bits to indicate page execute-only, and so on
> Normally, these bits are kept in the page table. Valid (v) or Invalid (i) Bit In A Page Table
> Valid-invalid bit attached to each entry in the page table:
- valid indicates that associated page is in process logical address space, and is thus a legal page
- invalid indicates that the page is not in the process logical address space
> Some system have page-table length register (PTLR)
- Can also be used to check if address is valid
> Any violations result in a trap to the kernel
Shared Pages
> An advantage of paging is the possibility of sharing data and common code
> Shared code
- Particularly important in a time-sharing environment
: Ex: A system that supports 40 users, each executes a text editor
- A single copy of read-only (reentrant) code shared among processes
: For example, text editors, compilers, window systems
: Reentrant code is non-self-modifying code: never changes during exec.
- This is similar to multiple threads sharing the same process space
- Each process has its own copy of registers and data storage to hold the data for the process s execution
- The data for two different processes will, of course, be different.
> Shared data
- Some OSes implement shared memory suing shared pages.
> Private code and data
- Each process keeps a separate copy of the code and data
- The pages for the private code and data can appear anywhere in the logical address space

Structure of the Page Table

Memory structures for paging can get huge using straightforward methods
> Consider a 32-bit logical address space as on modern computers
> Page size of 1 KB (210)
> Page table would have 4 million entries (232 / 210= 222)
> Problem: If each entry is 4 bytes -> 16 MB of physical address space / memory for page table alone
# This is per process
# That amount of memory used to cost a lot
# Do not want to allocate that contiguously in main memory
> Solution: One simple solution to this problem is to divide the page table into smaller pieces
> We can accomplish this division in several ways, e.g.:
- Hierarchical Paging
- Hashed Page Tables
- Inverted Page Tables

Hierarchical Page Tables

Break up the logical address space into multiple page tables
A simple technique is a two-level page table
Two-Level Paging Example
> 32-bit virtual address is partitioned
# 10-bit PT1 field
# 10-bit PT2 field
# 12-bit offset
> 12-bit offset => pages are 4K(=212) and 220 of them
> The secret to the multilevel page table method is to avoid keeping all the page tables in memory all the time.
- In particular, those that are not needed should not be kept around
> Suppose, that a process needs 12 MB
- the bottom 4 MB of memory for program text
- the next 4 MB for data, and
- the top 4 MB for the stack
- Hence, a gigantic hole that is not used
: in between the top of the data and the bottom of the stack

Two-Level Paging
> The top-level page table, with 1024 entries, corresponding to the 10-bit PT1 field.
> When a virtual address is presented to the MMU, it first extracts the PT1 field and uses this value as an index
into the top-level page table
> Each of these 1024 entries in the top-level page table represents 4 MB
# 4 GB (i.e., 32-bit) virtual address space has been chopped into 1024 chunks
# 4 GB / 1024 = 4 MB
> The entry located by indexing into the toplevel page table yields the address or the page frame number of a
second-level page table.
> Entry 0 of the top-level page table points to the page table for the program text
> Entry 1 points to the page table for the data
> Entry 1023 points to the page table for the stack
> The other (shaded) entries are not used
@ No need to generate page tables for them
@ Saving lots of space!
> The PT2 field is now used as an index into the selected second-level page table to find the page frame number
for the page itself.
Hashed Page Tables
> Common in address spaces > 32 bits
> The virtual page number is hashed into a page table
- This page table contains a chain of elements hashing to the same location
> Each element contains Inverted Page Table
(1) the virtual page number > Motivation: Rather than each process having a page table and keeping track of all possible logical pages,
(2) the value of the mapped page frame track all physical pages
(3) a pointer to the next element > One entry for each real page of memory
> Virtual page numbers are compared in this chain searching for a match - The entry keeps track of which (process, virtual page) is located in the page frame
If a match is found, the corresponding physical frame is extracted > Pros: tends to save lots of space
> Cons: virtual-to-physical translation becomes much harder
> When process n references virtual page p, the hardware can no longer find the physical page by using p
as an index into the page table
> Instead, it must search the entire inverted page table for an entry (n, p).
> Furthermore, this search must be done on every memory reference, not just on page faults
> Searching a 256K table on every memory reference is slow
> Other considerations:
- TLB and hash table (key: virtual address) is used to speed up accesses
- Issues implementing shared memory when using inverted page table
#9 Virtual-Memory
Code needs to be in memory to execute, but entire program rarely used
> Example: Error code, unusual routines, large data structures
> Entire program code is not needed at the same time

Consider advantages of the ability to execute partially-loaded program

> Program no longer constrained by limits of physical memory
> Each program takes less memory while running
* Thus, more programs can run at the same time
* Increased CPU utilization and throughput with no increase in response time or turnaround time
> Less I/O needed to load or swap programs into memory
* Thus each user program runs faster

Virtual memory – separation of user logical memory from physical memory

> Only part of the program needs to be in memory for execution
> Logical address space can therefore be much larger than physical address space
> Allows address spaces to be shared by several processes
> Allows for more efficient process creation
> More programs running concurrently
> Less I/O needed to load or swap processes
> Virtual memory makes the task of programming much easier
* the programmer no longer needs to worry about the amount of physical memory available;
* can concentrate instead on the problem to be programmed.

Virtual address space – logical view of how process is stored in memory

> Usually start at address 0, contiguous addresses until end of space
> Meanwhile, physical memory organized in page frames
> MMU must map logical to physical

Virtual memory can be implemented via:

> Demand paging
> Demand segmentation Virtual-address Space
> Usually design logical address space for stack to start at Max logical address
and grow down while heap grows up
- Maximizes address space use
- Unused address space between the two is hole
No physical memory needed until heap or stack grows to a given
new page
> Enables sparse address spaces with holes left for growth, dynamically linked
libraries, etc
> System libraries shared via mapping into virtual address space
> Shared memory by mapping pages into virtual address space
Policies for Paging/ Segmentation
(1) Fetch Strategies
When should a page or segment be brought into primary memory from secondary (disk) storage?
> Demand Fetch
> Anticipatory Fetch
(2) Placement Strategies
When a page or segment is brought into memory, where is it to be put?
> Paging – trivial
> Segmentation - significant problem
(3) Replacement Strategies
Which page/segment should be replaced if there is not enough room for a required page/segment?

Demand Paging
> Bring a page into memory only when it is needed.
1. Less I/O needed
Basic Concepts 2. Less Memory needed
 When a process is to be swapped in, the pager guesses which pages will be used 3. Faster response
4. More users
before the process is swapped out again.
> Demand paging is kind of a lazy swapping
 Instead of swapping in a whole process, the pager brings only those pages into - But deals with pages instead of programs
memory swapping deals with entire programs, not pages
 Thus, it avoids reading into memory pages that will not be used anyway, - Lazy swapper– never swaps a page into memory unless page will be needed
decreasing the swap time and the amount of physical memory needed - Pager -- swapper that deals with pages
 How to determine that set of pages? > The first reference to a page will trap to OS with a page fault
> Need new MMU functionality to implement demand paging > OS looks at another table to decide
- Invalid reference – abort
 If pages needed are already memory resident
- Just not in memory – bring it from memory
> No difference from non demand-paging
 If page needed and not memory resident
> Need to detect and load the page into memory from storage
* Without changing program behavior
* Without programmer needing to change code

Valid-Invalid Bit
> With each page table entry a valid–invalid bit is associated:
- v in-memory – memory resident
- i not-in-memory
> Initially, valid–invalid bit is set to i on all entries
> Example of a page table snapshot:
> During MMU address translation, if valid_invalid_bit =i page fault
Page Fault
> If the process tries to access a page that was not brought into memory,
> Or tries to access any invalid page:
- That will trap to OS, causing a page fault
- Such as when the first reference to a page is made

Handling a page fault

1. Operating system looks at another table to decide:
- Invalid reference abort the process
- Just not in memory => continue
2. Find free frame
3. Swap page into frame via scheduled disk operation
4. Reset tables to indicate page now is in memory
- Set validation bit = v
5. Restart the instruction that caused the page fault

What happens if there is no free frame?

> Page replacement if not free frame
- Find some page in memory that is not really in use and swap it.
* Need a page replacement algorithm
* Performance Issue - need an algorithm which will result in minimum
number of page faults.
- Same page may be brought into memory many times
Aspects of Demand Paging
> Pure demand paging
- Extreme case
- Start process with no pages in memory
- OS sets instruction pointer to first instruction of process,
* non-memory-resident -> page fault
Performance of Demand Paging (Cont.)
* page faults for all other pages on their first access > Three major activities during a Page Fault
> A given instruction could access multiple pages 1. Service the page fault interrupt
- Causing multiple page faults Fast - just several hundred instructions needed
* E.g., fetch and decode of instruction which adds 2 numbers from 2. Read in the page
memory and stores result back to memory Very slow - about 8 millisecs., including hardware and software time
- Pain decreased because of locality of reference 1 millisec = 10-3 sec, 1 microsec = 10-6 sec, 1 ns = 10-9 sec
> Hardware support needed for demand paging 3. Restart the process
- Page table with valid / invalid bit Fast – similar to (1)
- Secondary memory (swap device with swap space) > Page Fault Rate 0 p 1
- Instruction restart if p = 0 no page faults
if p = 1, every reference is a fault
> Effective Access Time (EAT)
Performance of Demand Paging EAT = (1 – p) * memory access +
Stages in Demand Paging (worst case) + p * (page fault overhead + swap page out + restart overhead)
1. Trap to the operating system
2. Save the user registers and process state
3. Determine that the interrupt was a page fault Demand Paging Example
4. Check that the page reference was legal and determine the location of the page on the disk > Memory access time = 200 nanoseconds
5. Issue a read from the disk to a free frame: > Average page-fault service time = 8 milliseconds
i) Wait in a queue for this device until the read request is serviced > EAT = (1 – p) * 200 + p (8 milliseconds)
ii) Wait for the device seek and/or latency time = (1 – p) * 200 + p * 8,000,000
iii) Begin the transfer of the page to a free frame = 200 + p * 7,999,800
6. While waiting, allocate the CPU to some other user > If one access out of 1,000 causes a page fault, then
7. Receive an interrupt from the disk I/O subsystem (I/O completed) EAT = 8.2 microseconds (10-6 of a second)
8. Save the registers and process state for the other user This is a slowdown by a factor of 40!!
9. Determine that the interrupt was from the disk > If want performance degradation < 10 percent
10. Correct the page table and other tables to show page is now in memory 220 > 200 + 7,999,800 * p
11. Wait for the CPU to be allocated to this process again 20 > 7,999,800 x p
12. Restore the user registers, process state, and new page table, and then resume the p < .0000025
interrupted instruction Less than 1 page fault in every 400,000 memory accesses
Page Replacement
> Over-allocation
* While a user process is executing, a page fault occurs
* OS determines where the desired page is residing on the disk
Basic Page Replacement
1. Find the location of the desired page on disk
- but then finds that there are no free frames on the free-frame list
2. Find a free frame:
- all memory is in use
- if (a free frame exist) then use it
> We need to prevent over-allocation of memory
- else
* by modifying page-fault service routine to include page replacement
use a page replacement algorithm to select a victim frame
> Page replacement
write victim frame to disk, if dirty
* If no frame is free, we find one that is not currently being used and free it.
3. Bring the desired page into the (newly) free frame;
- as explained next
- update the page and frame tables accordingly
* completes separation between logical memory and physical memory
4. Continue the process by restarting the instruction that caused the trap
* large virtual memory can be provided on a smaller physical memory
Note: now potentially 2 page transfers for page fault
> Use modify (dirty) bit to reduce overhead of page transfers
> Increasing EAT
* The dirty bit is set for a page when it is modified
* Only modified pages are written to disk
- No need to save unmodified pages, they are the same
Page and Frame Replacement Algorithms
> Frame-allocation algorithm determines
* How many frames to give each process
* Which frames to replace
> Page-replacement algorithm
* Want the lowest page-fault rate on both first access and re-access
> Evaluating different page replacement algorithms
* By running them on a particular string of memory references (reference string) and
* Computing the number of page faults on that string
> String is just page numbers, not full addresses
> Repeated access to the same page does not cause a page fault
> Results depend on number of frames available
> In our examples, the reference string of referenced page numbers is

Page Replacement Strategies

> The Principle of Optimality
Replace the page that will not be used again the farthest time into the future
> Random Page Replacement
Choose a page randomly
> FIFO - First in First Out
Replace the page that has been in memory the longest.
> LRU - Least Recently Used
Replace the page that has not been used for the longest time.
> LFU - Least Frequently Used
Replace the page that is used least often
> NUR - Not Used Recently
An approximation to LRU
> Working Set
Keep in memory those pages that the process is actively using
First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Algorithm
Reference string: 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1
3 frames (3 pages can be in memory at a time per process)

Optimal Algorithm

15 page faults
> How to track ages of pages?
Just use a FIFO queue
> FIFO algorithm
> Called OPT or MIN
Easy to implement
> Replace page that will not be used for longest period of time
Often, not best performing
9 page faults is optimal for the example
> How do you know this?
You don t, can t read the future
> Used for measuring how well other algorithms performs –
against the theoretical optimal solution

Implementation of LRU Algorithm

> Counter implementation
* Every page entry has a counter
- Every time page is referenced through this entry,
copy the clock into the counter
* When a page needs to be replaced
- LRU looks at the counters to find the smallest value
Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm
- Search through the table is needed
> Use past knowledge rather than future
> Stack implementation
> Replace page that has not been used in the most amount of
* Keep a stack of page numbers
- Most recently used – at the top
> Associate time of last use with each page
- Least recently used – at the bottom
- Implemented as a double link list
Easier to remove entries from the middle
Head pointer
Tail pointer
* Page referenced
- move it to the top
- requires 6 pointers to be changed
> 12 faults – better than FIFO but worse than OPT
* No search for replacement
> Generally a good algorithm and frequently used
- But each update is more expensive
> But how to implement?
> LRU and OPT don t have Belady s Anomaly
> Most visible aspect of operating system
> Mechanism storage and access data and programs of operating system and users
#10 File System > Consist 2 parts:
1) collection of files, each storing related data
2) directory structure

File Attributes: File Operations

> Name symbolic file name, readable form > Create file Two steps – find space in file system, entry for new file made in directory
> Identifier unique tag, identifies file within file system (non human readable name) > Writing file make system call specifying both name of file and information to be written
> Type needed for system support different types files > Reading file system call specify name of file and where in memory put next block of file
> Location pointer to device and location of file on device > Repositioning within file directory searched appropriate entry, current-file-position
> Size current file size (bytes, words or blocks) pointer repositioned to given value
> Protection access-control information determines who can read, write, execute > Deleting file search directoryfor named file, release all file space to reuse by other files
> Time, data, user identificationkept for creation, last modified, last use. Useful for and erase directory entry
protection, security and usage monitoring > Truncating file erase contents of file but keep attributes, file reset to length zero

Information associated with open file

Common file types > File pointer
Executable exe, com, bin, none ready-to-run machine language program - system keep track last read-write location as current-file-position pointer
Object obj, o compiled, machine language, not linked > File-open count
Source code c, cc, jave, perl, asm source code in various languages - as files closed, OS reuse open-file table entries
Batch bat, sh commands to command interpreter > Disk location of file
Markup xml, html, tex textual data, documents - require system modify data within file, information needed to locate file on disk kept
Word processor xml, rtf, docx variuos word-processor formats in memory so system not read from disk for each operation
Library lib, a, so, dll libraries of routines for programmers > Access rights
Print or view gif, pdf, jpg ASCII or binary file in format for printing or viewing - process open file in access mode
Archive rar, zip, tar related files grouped into one file (compressed) - information stored per-process table so operating system allow or deny subsequent
Multimedia mpeg, mov, mp3, mp4, avi binary file containing audio or A/V information I/O requests
#11 Implementing
Basics: File-System Structure
File System
> File structure
- Logical storage unit
- Collection of related information
> File system resides on secondary storage (disks)
- Provided user interface to storage
mapping logical to physical
- Provides efficient and convenient access to disk by allowing data to be stored, located, and retrieved easily
> Disk provides in-place rewrite and random access
- It is possible to read a block from the disk, modify the block, and write it back into the same place
- I/O transfers performed in blocks of 1 or more sectors
A sector is usually 512 bytes
> File control block (FCB) – storage structure consisting of information about a file

Directory Implementation
> The choice of the directory implementation is crucial for the efficiency, performance, and reliability of the file system
> Linear list of file names with pointer to the data blocks
Pros: Simple to program
Cons: Time-consuming to execute -- Linear search time
Keep sorted + binary search
Use indexes for search, such as B+ tree
> Hash Table – linear list with hash data structure
Hash on file name
Decreases directory search time
Collisions– situations where two file names hash to the same location
Each hash entry can be a linked list - resolve collisions by adding new entry to linked list

Allocation of Disk Space

> Low level access methods depend upon the disk allocation scheme used to store file data
Contiguous Allocation
Linked List Allocation
Indexed Allocation
> allocation method refers to how disk blocks are allocated for files
Contiguous allocation
each file occupies set of contiguous blocks
Allocation Methods -Linked
> Best performance in most cases each file a linked list of blocks
- Commonly, hardware is optimized for sequential access > Blocks may be scattered anywhere on the disk
- For a magnetic disk – reduces seek time, head movement > Each block contains pointer to the next block
> Simple – only info required: - Disk space is used to store pointers,
- starting location (block #) and if disk block is 512 bytes, and pointer (disk address) requires 4 bytes, user sees
- length (number of blocks) 508 bytes of data.
> Problems include - Pointers in list not accessible
- finding space for file - File ends at nil pointer
- knowing file size > Pros: No external fragmentation
- external fragmentation - No compaction
- need for compaction off-line(downtime) or on-line > Cons: Locating a block can take many I/Os and disk seeks
Can be costly

> Mapping from logical address o physical

> Block to be accessed is the Q-th block in the linked chain of blocks representing the file
> Displacement into block = R + 4

> For simplicity, assume 1 block = 1 sector

> Mapping from logical to physical - <Q, R>
> Block to be accessed = Q + starting address
> Displacement into block = R

> Slow - defies principle of locality

- Need to read through linked list nodes sequentially to find the record of interest
> Not very reliable
- System crashes can scramble files being updated
> Important variation on linked allocation method
- File-allocation table (FAT) - disk-space allocation used by MS-DOS and OS/2.
File Allocation Table (FAT) Disk Defragmentation
> Instead of link in each block > Re-organize blocks in disk so that file is (mostly) contiguous
- put all links in one table > Link or FAT organization preserved
- the File Allocation Table (FAT) > Purpose:
> One entry per physical block in disk To reduce disk arm movement during sequential accesses
- Directory points to first & last blocks of file
- Each block points to next block (or EOF)
- Unused block: value =0
Allocation Methods -Indexed
> If FAT is not used, linked allocation cannot support efficient direct access,
- since the pointers to the blocks are scattered with the blocks themselves all over the
disk and must be retrieved in order.
- How to solve this?
> Indexed allocation
- Each file has its own index block(s) of pointers to its data blocks

> Advantages
- Advantages of Linked File System
- FAT can be cached in memory
- Searchable at CPU speeds, pseudo-random access
> Disadvantages
- Limited size, not suitable for very large disks
- FAT cache describes entire disk
not just open files!
- Not fast enough for large databases
> Used in MS-DOS, early Windows systems
> Two-level index (generalizes to multi-level)
Indexed Allocation (Cont.)
4K blocks could store 1,024 four-byte pointers in outer index –
> Dynamic access without external fragmentation, but have overhead of index block
1,048,567 data blocks and file size of up to 4GB
> Mapping from logical to physical
- in a file of maximum size of 256K bytes and
- block size of 512 bytes
- We need only 1 block for index table

Q = displacement into index table

R = displacement into block
> A single index block might not be able to hold enough pointers for a large file
- Several schemes to deal with this issue (e.g., linked, multi-level, combined)
> Linked scheme – Link blocks of index table (no limit on size)

> Combined Scheme: used in UNIX UFS

> 4K bytes per block, 32-bit addresses
Free-Space Management Linked Free Space List on Disk
> File system maintains free-space list to track available blocks/clusters > Linked list (free list) -- keep a linked list of free blocks
- (Using term block for simplicity) > Pros:
- Several ways to implement - No waste of space
> Bit vector or bit map (n blocks) - No need to traverse the entire list (if # free blocks recorded)
> Cons:
- Cannot get contiguous space easily
- not very efficient because linked list needs traversal

Free-Space Management (Cont)

> Linked list of indices – Grouping
- A modification of the free-list approach
- Keep a linked list of index blocks
- Each index block contains:
Bit Vector (contd.) 1. addresses of free blocks and
> Pros 2. a pointer to the next index block
- Relative simplicity - Pros: A large number of free blocks can now be found quickly
- Efficiency in finding the first n consecutive free blocks on the disk Compared to the standard linked-list approach
Easy to get contiguous files > Counting
> Example: one technique for finding the first free block - Linked list of contiguous blocks that are free
- Sequentially check each word in the bit map if it is not 0 - Free list node contains pointer + number of free blocks starting from that address
0-valued word contains only 0 bits
represents a set of allocated blocks
- First non-0 word is scanned for the first 1 bit
which is the location of the first free block
Efficiency and Performance
> The calculation of this free block number is > In general, the efficiency of a file system dependents on:
- (number of bits per word) * (number of 0-value words) + offset of first 1 bit - Disk allocation and directory algorithms
- Types of data kept in file s directory entry
- Fixed-size or varying-size data structures used
> Even after basic file-system algorithms have been selected, we can still improve performance in several ways
Free-Space Management (Cont.)
> Performance improved by:
> Bit map requires extra space
- Keeping data and metadata close together – generic principle
Do not want to perform a lot of extra I/O just to get file information
block size = 4KB = 212 bytes
- Using buffer cache – separate section of main memory for frequently used blocks
disk size = 240 bytes (1 terabyte)
> Optimize caching - depending on the access type of the file
n = 240/212 = 228 bits (or 32MB)
- E.g., a file being accessed sequentially then use read-ahead
if clusters of 4 blocks -> 8MB of memory
- Read-ahead -- a requested page and several subsequent pages are read and cached
Example: BSD File syste
These pages are likely to be requested after the current page is processed
Retrieving these data from disk in one transfer and caching them saves considerable time
> Files and directories are kept both in main memory and on disk
- Care must be taken to ensure that a system failure does not result in loss of data or in data inconsistency
- How to recover from such a failure
> Consistency checking – compares data in directory structure with data blocks on disk, and tries to fix inconsistencies
- Can be slow and sometimes fails
> Use system programs to back up data from disk to another storage device
> Recover lost file or disk by restoring data from backup
Goals of Protection
 To prevent malicious misuse of system by users or programs
 To ensure each shared resource used only in accordance with system policies, which may be set either by
#14 System Protection system designers or by system administrators.
 To ensure errant programs cause minimal amount damage possible.
 Note protection systems only provide mechanisms enforcing policies and ensuring reliable systems. It is up
to administrators and users to implement those mechanisms effectively.

Principles of Protection Domain of Protection

 Principle of least privilege dictates programs, users, and systems given just enough privileges to perform > Computer can be viewed as collection processes and objects (both HW & SW)
their tasks. > Need to know principle states process should only have access objects it needs
 Ensures failures do least amount of harm and allow least of harm to be done. to accomplish its task, only in modes for which it needs access and only during
 example, if program needs special privileges to perform task, better make it a SGID program with group time frame when it needs access.
ownership of "network" or "backup" or some other pseudo group, rather than SUID with root ownership. > The modes available for a particular object may depend upon its type
This limits the amount of damage that can occur if something goes wrong.
 Typically each user given own account, has only enough privilege to modify their own files. Domain Structure
 Root account should not be used for normal day to day activities > Protection domain specifies resources that process may access.
The System Administrator should also have an ordinary account, and reserve use of the root > Each domain defines set objects and types operations may be invoked on each
account for only those tasks which need the root privileges object.
> Access right is ability to execute operation on object.
> Domain is defined as set of < object, { access right set } > pairs.
Note some domains may be disjoint while others overlap.

> Association between process and domain may be static or

> If association static, need-to-now principle requires a way of
changing contents of the domain dynamically.
> If association dynamic, then there needs to be a mechanism
for domain switching
Domains may be realized in different fashions as users, or as processes,
or as procedures. E.g. if each user corresponds to a domain, then that
domain defines the access of that user, and changing domains
involves changing user ID
#15 System Security

Most common types of violations include:

1) Breach of Confidentiality Theft of private or confidential information, such as creditcard numbers, trade
secrets, patents, secret formulas, manufacturing procedures, medical information, financial information, etc.
2) Breach of Integrity Unauthorized modification of data, which may have serious indirect consequences. For
example a popular game or other program's source code could be modified to open up security holes on users systems before being released to the public.
3) Breach of Availability Unauthorized destruction of data, often just for the "fun" of causing havoc and for bragging rites. Vandalism of web sites is a common form of this violation
4) Theft of Service Unauthorized use of resources, such as theft of CPU cycles, installation of daemons running
an unauthorized file server, or tapping into the target's telephone or networking services
5) Denial of Service, DOS Preventing legitimate users from using the system, often by overloading and overwhelming the system with an excess of requests for service

One common attack is masquerading, in which the attacker pretends to be a trusted third party. A variation of this is the maninthe-
middle, in which the attacker masquerades as both ends of the conversation to two targets.
A replay attack involves repeating a valid transmission. Sometimes this can be the entire attack, ( such as repeating a
request for a money transfer ), or other times the content of the original message is replaced with malicious content.

Levels at which a system must be protected:

1) Physical Site contain systems physically secured entry by intruders. Both machine rooms and terminals
2) Human Authorization assure appropriate users access system.
Via social engineering:
i) Phishing – email or web site misleading user entering confidential information
ii) Dumpster diving – information gained in trash, phone books, notes containing passwords
iii) Password cracking – divining user passwords, watching typed, words from common dictionaries
3) Operating Systems System protect itself from accidental or purposed security breaches
4) Network Intercepting data from Internet, wireless connections
Program Threats
1) Trojan Horse
> Program secretly performs maliciousness in addition to its visible actions.
> Deliberately written, others are result of legitimate programs that have become infected with viruses
> Dangerous opening for Trojan horses is long search paths, paths which include current directory ( "." ) as part of the path. If dangerous program having same name as legitimate
program placed anywhere on path, then unsuspecting user may be fooled into running wrong program by mistake.
> Another classic Trojan Horse is a login emulator, records users account name and password, issues "password incorrect" message, logs off system.
User then tries again ( with a proper login prompt ), logs in successfully, and doesn't realize information has been stolen.

Solutions to Trojan Horses:

> System print usage statistics on logouts,
> Require typing of non-trappable key sequences such as Control-Alt-Delete in order to log in.

Spyware is version of Trojan Horse included in "free" software downloaded off Internet. Generate popup browser windows, accumulate information
about user and deliver it to some central site.

2) Trap Door
> Programmer deliberately inserts security hole use later to access system.
> Once system in untrustworthy state, system can never be trusted again. Backup tapes may contain copy of some cleverly hidden back door.
> Could be inserted into compiler, any programs compiled would contain security hole. Inspection of code being compiled would not reveal any problems

3) Logic Bomb
> Code not designed to cause havoc all the time, only when certain circumstances occurs, as particular date or time or noticeable event.
> Example DeadMan Switch, designed check certain person logging in every day, if don't log in for long time ( presumably fired ), then logic bomb goes off and opens security holes or
causes problems.

4) Stack and Buffer Overflow

> Exploits bugs in system code that allows buffers to overflow.
i) Overflow input field until it writes into stack
ii) Overwrite current return address on stack with address of expoit code
iii) Write simple code for next space in stack include commands attacker want executed

> Fragment code embedded in legitimate program, designed to replicate itself, wreaking havoc.
> Infect PCs than UNIX, latter systems have limited authority to modify programs or access critical system structures
> Viruses delivered to systems in a virus dropper, some form of Trojan Horse, via email or unsafe downloads.
> Take many forms
Forms of viruses (program threats)
1) File attaches itself to executable file, run virus code first then jump to start of original program. Termed parasitic, do not leave new files on system, original program is still fully functional.
2) Boot occupies boot sector, runs before OS loaded. Known as memory viruses, operation reside in memory, do not appear in file system.
3) Macro exist as script run automatically by certain macro-capable programs (MS Word or Excel). Can exist in word processing documents or spreadsheet files.
4) Source code look for source code and infect it in order to spread.
5) Polymorphic change every time they spread - not underlying functionality, just their signature, by which virus checkers recognize them.
6) Encrypted travel in encrypted form to escape detection. Self-decrypting, allows to infect other files.
7) Stealth avoid detection modifying parts of system that could be used to detect it.
8) Tunneling attempt avoid detection inserting themselves into interrupt handler chain, or into device drivers.
9) Multipartite attack multiple parts of system, such as files, boot sector, and memory.
10) Armored are coded to make hard for antivirus researchers to decode and understand. Files associated with viruses are hidden, protected, given innocuous looking names such as "...".

System and Network Threats

1) Worms is process that uses the fork / spawn process to make copies of itself in order to wreak havoc on system.
Consume system resources, often blocking out other, legitimate processes.
Worms that propagate over networks especially problematic, can tie vast amounts network resources and bring down large-scale systems.
2) Port Scanning technically not an attack, search for vulnerabilities to attack.
Systematically attempt to connect to every known network port on some remote machine, attempt make contact.
Once determined computer listening to particular port, next determine what daemon is listening, whether or not it is version containing known security flaw be exploited.
Because port scanning easily detected and traced, it launched from zombie systems, i.e. previously hacked systems used without knowledge or permission of rightful owner.
Important protect "innocuous" systems and accounts as well as those contain sensitive information or special privileges.
Also port scanners available administrators use check own systems, report weaknesses but do not exploit weaknesses or cause problems.
3) Denial of Service
Denial of Service ( DOS ) attacks do not attempt access or damage systems, but clog up badly that cannot be used for any useful work.
Tight loops repeatedly request system services obvious form attack.
DOS attacks can also involve social engineering, chain letters that say "send this immediately to 10 of your friends, and then go to a certain URL", clogs up Internet
mail system also the web server to which everyone is directed.
Security systems that lock accounts after number failed login attempts are subject to DOS repeatedly attempt logins to all accounts with invalid passwords to lock up all accounts.
DOS is not result of deliberate maliciousness.

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