Minerialization in Soil and Microganisms
Minerialization in Soil and Microganisms
Minerialization in Soil and Microganisms
1. Introduction
technified crops [8, 9, 10] however, plant pathogens and pest diseases are a
common component of the agroecosystem, and by some degree all of them are
affected [11]. In this sense, a relevant and unavoidable problem is the soil
degradation and contamination in agroecosystems; plant diseases caused by
soilborne plant pathogens (SBPP) are of great importance because most of the
strategies applied for their control are directed to the soil [12]. Management of
SBPP and diseases require a broader view and a thorough ecological knowledge of
the soil ecosystem, considering the improvement and conservation of the soil
biodiversity and the soil food web structure and function, and studying the soil as a
dynamic ecosystem in time and space. Plant pathologist and agronomist mustknow
about the importance of the soil ecosystem, its biodiversity, the different and
multiple functions soil organisms perform, howevery and all soil organisms are
connected through different relationships established as a result of natural selection
forces, and how
Various species of bacteria and fungi play a key role in improv-ing soil fertility.
These microbes increase organic matter that booststhe availability of N, P, K and
Fe in soil (Egamberdiyeva and Höflich,2004; Caesar-Tonthat et al., 2014; Leifheit
et al., 2015). Additionally,they also produce organic acids for the mobilization of
nutrientsand facilitate their plant uptake from the rhizosphere. The simi-larities or
differences in bacteria and fungi to influence nutrientbioavailability and aggregate
formation are discussed in Table 1.In this manner, the application of chemical
fertilizers in agro-ecosystems can be greatly reduced (Figueiredo et al., 2011a).
Hence,application of microbial inocula would not only help the farmers toreduce
the additional costs of chemical fertilizers but also assistin obtaining high crop
yield. Most of the processes through whichmicrobial inocula promote soil fertility
are not fully understood,however it is believed that microbes use several direct and
indirectmechanisms (Glick, 2012). These are highlighted and reviewed
inforthcoming sections.2.1.1. Nitrogen fixationNitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient
required by plants fortheir growth and metabolism. It is often lost through leaching
oremission thus limiting its availability in most of the cultivatedsoils. Although N
is present abundantly in atmosphere in the formof diatomic (N2)molecule, but its
structure makes N2moleculeinert. However, reduction of N2molecule into N is a
complex pro-cess which requires input of huge amount of energy (Postgate,1982).
Prokaryotic microorganisms known as diazotrophs fix atmo-spheric N2in the form
of ammonia (NH3) through their normalmetabolic process (Riggs et al., 2001;
Galloway et al., 2008). Thesemicrobes are free living organisms present in the bulk
soil (Reedet al., 2011) that mainly includes Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria,Archaea,
and Firmicutes (Demba Diallo et al., 2004; Duc et al., 2009).Some of these
organisms (Azotobacter and Azoarcus genera) arealso present at comparable
densities in the rhizosphere and bulksoil. However, there are other bacteria from
genera Herbaspirillumand Azospirillum that colonize only in the rhizosphere
(Mrkovackiand Milic, 2001; Malik et al., 2002; Bashan et al., 2004; Bashanand
De-Bashan, 2010). Rhizobia has the capability to infect rootsand induce the
formation of root nodules (Stacey, 2007). There-fore in the field of N fixation,
most of the researchers speciallyfocus on rhizobium-legume symbiosis due to
higher impact onprimary productivity of the agricultural ecosystem (Rengel,
2002).The establishment of this association results in the formation ofhighly
specialized organ called ‘nodules’ that are formed on theintracellular root of
symbionts, on which bacteria colonize. Suchbacteria mainly belong to the family
Rhizobiaceae that develop ahighly specific interaction with the infected root. This
interactionconsists of several stages which involves the exchange of
complexsignals between the bacterium and plant (Sprent et al., 1989). Bac-teria fix
N2 through a complex enzyme system called nitrogenase(Kim and Rees, 1994) and
this enzyme system exists as two sep-arable components; (1) dinitrogenase
reductase (Fe-protein) and(2) dinitrogenase metal cofactor. The former enzyme
serves as anexclusive electron donor with high reducing power whereas thelater
(substrate reduction component) accepts the electrons energyand convert inert
N2molecule into NH3. In order to produce onemole of NH3, 16 moles of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is requiredby these microbes (Hubbell and Kidder,
2009), who obtain thisenergy by oxidizing organic molecules. Free-living bacteria
mustobtain this amount of ATP from other organisms, while photo-synthetic
microbes (cyanobacteria) use self-generated energy fromphotosynthesis process.
Other microbes like associative and sym-biotic nitrogen-fixer get these compounds
from the rhizosphereof their host plant (Hubbell and Kidder, 2009). The chemical
reac-tion of microbial N fixation (Postgate, 1998) is shown in followingequation.
N2 + 8 H+ + 8e− + 16MgATP → 2NH3 + H2 + 16MgADP + 16Pi
N2 fixation in degraded land Phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulphur are
generally lim-ited in degraded soils. Under nutrient limited conditions, these
nutrients affect the N2 fixation by reducing the growth of N-fixingbacteria, nodule
formation and functioning, as well as affecting host plant growth. Meta-analysis
study of Divito and Sadras (2014) confirmed that nodule production, activity and
their number arelimited more than plant shoot biomass in response to the
deficiencyof P, K and sulphur. Moreover, P limitation in soil decreases theactivity
of nitrogenase enzyme in N-fixing bacteria, because both autotrophic and
heterotrophic bacteria require high ATP for cellu-lar N2 fixation (Reed et al., 2007,
2011; Pérez et al., 2014). Similar to nutrient deficiency, soil moisture is another
major factor that influ-ences nodule formation or retardation of nodule growth.
Wateravailability in soil is related to water holding capacity which is verylow in
degraded soil (Montgomery, 2007). According to Sinclairet al. (1987) water
limiting conditions severely affect nodule for-mation in soybean crop. Thus in
degraded soils, N2 fixation andother related functions (decomposition,
mineralization, enzymesor organic production) of microbes are severely affected
due to lossof fertility and water holding capacity. Soil microbes adapt vari-ous
strategies to cope with such deficiencies. These strategies are . Mechanisms used
by microbes to reinstate the fertility of degraded soils3.1. Fungi and N2fixationIn
light and moderately degraded soils, AM fungi play an impor-tant role in
N2fixation by providing favorable environment for the bacteria to infect plant root.
As indicated by Puppi et al. (1994) and Nasto et al. (2014), AM colonization can
fulfill high demands of Prequired by nitrogenase enzymes for N2fixation when
inoculated with N2fixer rather than non-N2fixer to increase the growth ofhost
plant. Many studies reported that co-inoculation of bacteria orlegumes with AM
fungi increased N2fixation ability of legumes ortrees (Ibijbijen et al., 1996; Bona
et al., 2014). However, this increasein N2 fixation ability does not necessarily
mean that growth and productivity of host plants will increase. Meta analyses
studies by Larimer et al. (2010) and Kaschuk et al. (2010) have shown that co-
inoculation of AM fungi with rhizobia or free living N-fixingbacteria resulted in a
non-additive effect on the growth of hostplant. However, plant growth responses
were positive when AMfungi or N2fixer were inoculated alone. Extra-radical
hyphae of AMseem to have ability to fix atmospheric N2through N-fixing bacteria
present in mycelia. According to Bianciotto et al. (1996) and Minerdiet al. (2001),
extra-radical hyphae of AM fungi have the poten-tial to protect the intracellular
bacteria of the genus Burkholderia.One of the most important ecological
significance of these bacte-rial genera associated with fungi is to have the potential
abilityto fix atmospheric N2, either in the nodules or as free living form.In this
association, bacteria reside in the thickest host structures(i.e. mycelium) to shelter
the enzyme complex from oxygen and fixatmospheric N2in this structure (Minerdi
et al., 2001). However,the mechanism to fix N2in the mycelium (Kneip et al.,
2007), stillneeds to be determined and need continuous research efforts to focus on
this area especially for the recovery of nutrient depleted degraded soils.
During the interaction among Rhizobia, AM fungi and legume, AM fungi enhance
the growth and yield of legume by providing waterand nutrients, especially P
which increases Rhizobium N2 fixation through influencing energy production
pathways (Minerdi et al.,2001; Mortimer et al., 2008). Bacteria enhance P
availability foruptake of AM fungi and plant through phosphatase enzyme
andorganic acid production in the soil (Owen et al., 2015). Thus, theirco-
inoculation tends to increase P and N availability in soil (Table 4).Both fungi and
bacterial inocula increase the nutrient availabil-ity in the soil solution through
organic matter decomposition, Nfixation, P, K and Fe mobilization (Fig. 2). For
instant, effect ofco-inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria and Bradyrhi-
zobium increase the soybean seed yield up to 44% per hectare thantheir lone
(single) inoculant form (Prakamhang et al., 2015). Similarly co-inoculation of B.
thuringiensis or Ps. putida with AM fungiincrease P by 44 and 35% in Trifolium
repens respectively, while Kcontent was increased by 128 and 285%, than their
lone inocula-tion (Oritz et al., 2015; Table 4).
Hence, interactions among soil microbes in the soil rhizosphere positively affect
soil fertility and provide highly valuable ecosystem services. Therefore use of
these inocula can be exploited in order to increase yield, reduce chemicalinputs,
and develop an efficient form of sustainable fertilizer man-agement in agro-
ecosystems (Bhattacharjee et al., 2008; Nguyenand Bruns, 2015; Owen et al.,
2015) especially in degraded soils.In general, it is very clear from the above
mechanistic discus-sion that lone microbial inoculum could not be very effective
ininfluencing the bioavailability of various nutrients (Table 4); there-fore co-
inoculation of microbes could prove to be more beneficial in recovery of degraded
soil. However, some strains of bacteriaor fungi can possess more than one
mechanism and may prove to withstand under water limited or nutrient depleted
condition,therefore could be potential option for reinstating the lost functions of
degraded soils
4. Soil structure Destruction of soil structure is one of the most important indi-
cator of soil degradation which is mainly caused by loss of organicmatter through
intensive soil management practices and land use changes (Oldeman et al., 1990;
Montgomery, 2007).
However, soil structure plays a central role in crops management and thus agri-
cultural ecosystems sustainability (Rillig et al., 2002). This can be defined as size,
shape and three dimensional arrangementsof organic or mineral complexes
(aggregates) and pores in sucha manner that affect pore continuation, water
infiltration andwater holding capacity (Bronick and Lal, 2005). According to
Tisdall(1994), soil structure is an arrangement of individual soil parti-cles formed
from sand, silt and clay. These are bound togetherthrough organic, inorganic or
chemical forces in order to formaggregates. Single particles adhere together more
strongly with surrounding particles to form micro-, (<250 _m) and macroag-
gregates (>250 _m diameter) size fraction (Kemper and Rosenau,1986). Soil
aggregates support root growth, a wide array of soilfunctions and ecosystem
processes. These include carbon storage34 M.I. Rashid et al. / Microbiological
Research 183 (2016) 26–41
Direct Mechanism
Nitrogen (N) is most essential for plant growth and development and constitutes 78
of atmosphere. Although it exists in molecular form and not directly available to
plants use, it is available to plant through biological nitrogen fixation to in
ammonia. The process of nitrogen fixation carried out by oxygen sensitive,
nitrogenase enzyme complex. Nitrogenase enzymes convert atmospheric nitrogen
into ammonia using ATP as energy source. Biological nitrogen fixation is an
important growth parameter which affects plant growth and yield. Different
microbial species from various genera have ability of nitrogen fixation such as
Bacillus, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Flavobacterium, Erwinia, and
Rhizobium (Silva et al. 2016).
Phosphorus is essential micronutrient and most vital element for plant growth and
development. Plants acquire phosphorus in the form of phosphate ions from soil.
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) having phosphate solubilization
ability, available phosphorus to plant through mineralization, and solubilization.
(Naseem and Bano 2014). The solubilization of phosphate may result due to either
decrease in PH or cations chelation. The effects of phosphate solubilizing microbes
vary according to soil properties. Majority of plant associated with rhizobacteria
under phosphorus deficient condition improve phosphorus uptake from soil.
Phosphate solubilizing microbes (PSM) as biofertilizer enhancing plant growth and
provide phosphorus in sustainable way to plants (Meena et al. 2015; Naseem and
Bano 2014).The principle mechanism involved in this includes lowering pH,
production of organic acids acid phosphatase. The release of organic acids from
PSB decreases the surrounding pH and release of phosphate ions from H+. Oxalic
acid, succinic acid, malic acid, etc., are important acid produced by plants. These
organic acids compete with binding sites on soil and available phosphorus to
plants. 2-ketogluconic acid is the most potent phosphate solubilizing acid produced
by phosphate solubilizing microbes. A numbers of microbes have capacity to
solubilize phosphate (Istina et al. 2015). Therefore, use of phosphate solubilizing
Siderophore Production
Iron (Fe) is a principle nutrient for almost all life form crucial for respiration,
photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and DNA biosynthesis. Iron generally
inaccessible to plants because of very low solubility Fe3+, and it forms hydroxides
and oxyhydroxides. Almost all living organism require iron for physiological and
enzymatic activity. Bacteria obtain iron secretion of iron chelating
compoundsiderophore which available to microbes (Schalk et al. 2011).
Siderophore is water soluble and has high oscillation constant for complexing with
iron. Siderophore can be divided into two group extracellular and intracellular
siderophore. Most of iron acquisition by plants occurs through microbial
siderophore. The production of siderophore by microbes depends on immediate
surrounding environment, and microbes may modulate the environment.
Siderophore has higher affinity for iron (Mishra et al. 2011). Siderophore easily
binds with iron and transport inside bacterial cell. The transport of iron begins
through the binding of siderophore–iron complex on material membrane. The
transport of iron from through bacterial membrane involves different transporter.
Once inside, the iron–siderophore complex reduced, ligand exchange to convert
iron (Fe3+) complex on bacterial membrane reduced into soluble Fe2+ species
(Rajkumar et al. 2010). ABC transporter (ATP-binding cassette) is involved in
transport of siderophore–iron complex (Braun and Hantke, 2011) Plant
incorporates iron from the bacterial siderophore through 256 A. Kumar and J. P.
Verma different means either through direct uptake of iron–siderophore or ligand
change reaction. The major effect of siderophore–iron includes chlorophyll a and
(Egamberdieva et al. 2015, Cassán et al. 2014; Li et al. 2016). The IAA production
varies and depends on microbes and environmental conditions. The growth of
The indirect effect of plant growth promoting bacteria occurs when they either
decrease or inhibit deleterious consequence of pathogen through various
mechanisms. The application of microorganism to control disease in plants is
known as The Role of Microbes to Improve Crop Productivity and Soil Health 257
Biotic Stress
Plants have been evolved various sophisticated (physical and chemical) method to
(Beneduzi et al. 2012). Pseudomonas and Bacillus are acted as biocontroling agent
and well known for their antagonistic and induced systemic properties.
Bacteriocins, siderophore, and antibiotics are potential molecule and have
antagonistic properties. Application of PGPR to seed and seedling also results
induced systemic resistance (ISR). So plant growth promoting rhizobacteria play
an important role in defense against various disease-causing agents (Choudhary
and johri 2009). It is a sustainable approach to overcome disease-causing agents in
economic and sustainable way.
. Soil biodiversity
The soil is an ecosystem, a living system where interplay mineral and organic
materials. Soils are built up through millions of years, from the parent rock layer to
the small sand, lime and clay particles derived from physical and chemical
intemperization processes, and from biological activities which perhaps be the
most important factor in the soils formation. Of the total soil components, organic
material represents 5 to 10%, from this percentage 10 to 20% is the active fraction,
from the active organic fraction only 20 to 40% are living organisms, and from
these 50% are fungi, 30% are bacteria and actinomycetes, 10% are yeasts, algae,
protozoa, and nematodes,and 10% are fauna. This means, the active microbial
biomass represents 90% of the soil living organisms. Another essential component
in soil biodiversity is the soil fauna which is divided in function of their size (mm)
into micro-, meso- and macrofauna. Microfauna includes Protozoa, Rotifers from
0.005 to 0.2 mm; mesofauna is composed by nematodes, arthropods, enchytraeids,
mites, springtails from 0.2 to 10 mm; macrofauna include animals like insects from
10 to 20 mm; and megafauna includes earthworm (≥ 20 mm), macroarthropods and
small mammals (cm)
Plant roots are another fundamental component of the soil biodiversity, they
represent the primary source of organic matter in soil, and the amount of root
production is relevant in the process of decomposition and cycling into organic
matter in soils. Roots are the subterranean organ of the plant, and they fix them to
the soil. Plants take water and nutrients from soil through the roots and the root
vascular system transport them to the upper parts of the plant; in some cases, roots
are a storage organ [19]. Root exudates and rhizosphere are relevant components
for root functioning, and they are essential for all the biological and soil microbial
activities like attraction of mutualist symbionts and pathogenic microbes, release
and cycling of nutrients, allelopathic processes [5, 6] and also for physical and
chemical soil characteristics such as soil aggregation and structure, cation
exchange capacity and pH [20]. Plant roots represent the first trophic level
(autotrophs entities) in the soil trophic web, from which microbes and small fauna
obtain their nutrients and energy [18].
Soil-borne plant pathogens (SBPP) are a component of the soil ecosystem, and also
members of the soil biodiversity; these microorganisms live part of their life in soil
and in the plant rhizosphere, but they also infect and damage the plant roots from
which they feed; in some way plant roots are their habitat. SBPP include organisms
from bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, nematode, protozoa groups and mesobiotic
entities like virus and viroids [11, 21].
3. Importance and function of soil biodiversity ¿who are here and what they do?
Certain groups of the soil bacteria community participates in the N cycle which
involve four stages or reactions:
It must be noted that bacteria also participate in the C biogeochemical cycle, and
they play a crucial role in the regulation of C and N cycles during biological soil
crust succession in arid and semi-arid ecosystems [24].
Some bacteria specific strains also produce different antibiotics, e.g., Pseudomonas
fluorescens F113 produces 2,4-diacetyl-phloroglucinol againstPythium spp. [31],
Bacillus amyloliquefasciens FZB42 produces bacillomycin and fengycin against
Fusarium oxysporum [32]; enzymes, and siderophores e.g., Pseudomonas putida
WCS358 against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
raphani [33], which are important components in their performance as biological
control agents against plant pathogens [7, 34].
Another important activity performed by some soil bacteria is enhancing the plant
Fungi, organisms in the Kingdom Fungi, perform different and important functions
in soils, they are organic matter decomposers due to their great ability to degrade
complex substrates of plant origin [36]. Fungi participate in the mineral
degradation and in the release and cycling of nutrients; they are also involved in
the C and N cycling . These microorganisms are vital for soil functioning because
most carbon in our planet is stored in rocks and sediments [38]. They also
contribute to the soil particles aggregation and soil structure because of their
filamentous form and exudates [39]. In soils exist a complex and diverse fungal
community widely distributed [40]. This fungal community is composed by
different and important functional groups. One of the most studied is the
mycorrhizal fungi, which exists as mutualist symbionts in most of the plant species
in natural ecosystems and it has a long evolutionary history [41, 42]; some of them
develop a net of hyphae external to the roots and growing intercellularly in the root
cortex, they are ectomycorrhiza; but other mycorrhiza can penetrate the roots and
establish intracellularly in the cortex cells forming small
Fungal Endophytes are other important functional group of fungi, and they enter
and live inside the plants [25, 42]. Here, endophytes are defined as those
microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, virus) which live their life cycle or part of it
inside a plant, within asymptomatic tissues, performing and promoting a beneficial
functioning in the plant host, and enhancing its fitness in plant communities by
conferring abiotic and biotic stress tolerance; therefore, this relationship has
ecological and evolutionary importance .
Endophyte organisms can be found in different plant organs like roots, stems,
leaves, reproductive organs (e.g., vanilla flower ovaries)
and fruits (e.g., vanilla pods) [42, 48]. Endophytic fungi participate in different
plant functions, some of them enhance plant growth and nutrition and are referred
as Plant-Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF) [25], and they also strengthen plant
defense against pathogens and insects below- and above-ground [46, 47].
Endophyte fungi control plant pathogens attack through different processes: niche
exclusion, antibiosis, predation, mycoparasitism and ISR induction [25]; it is also
possible to find hypovirulent pathogen isolates which will control more virulent
isolates as happens with Monosporascus cannonballus against monosporascus root
rot vine decline [49], or with Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo47 [50, 51]. Endophyte
fungi can express simultaneously more than one control mechanism against
plant pathogens as it was showed with Trichoderma isolates that besides attack
directly Botrytis cinerea, also induced systemic resistance to this pathogen [52].
Other fungal endophytes additionally of increasing plant biomass, confer drought
tolerance, and produce chemicals that are toxic to animals like insects [46, 47],
birds and small mammals and decrease herbivory [53]. Certain endophytic fungi
have an important role in physiological and biochemical aspects during
development of flower and chemical compounds, as is the case of Vanilla
planifolia compound vanillin [48]; researchers have found that fungal endophytes
inoculum from soil get into the roots through rhizosphere, but other endophytes
come from the fungal airborne inoculum and enter into the flower ovaries, and
later in the vanilla pods, participating in the vanillin process and therefore in the
vanilla flavor [48]. Endophyte fungi described as PGPF include important genera
like Fusarium, Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Colletotrichum,
Cylindrocladium, and others; some of them are nonpathogenic or hypovirulent
strains of plant pathogenic fungi .
Some soil fungi are pathogens of other microorganisms like bacteria [54], fungi
and nematodes [55], plants [11], insects and arthropods [47]; for instance,
Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana are endophytic and pathogenic in
insects, while Paecelomyces lilacinus is endophytic and pathogenic in nematodes
[55]; these fungi take part in the regulation of their hosts populations and they are
of relevance in the biological control and management of agroecosystems [46]. As
mentioned above soil fungi are included in several functional groups:
decomposers, mutualists (mycorrhiza), endophytes, pathogens, parasites, and
everyone of these activities are of great relevance for the soil ecosystem function.
other soil organisms) [56]; they also perform horizontal gene transfer
(transduction) among bacteria [60]. Viruses impact the evolution and ecology of
their plant hosts, and they seem to have a mutualistic relationship rather than a
pathogenic one under experimental laboratory conditions [57]. On the other hand,
plant pathogen viruses cause great economic and yield losses in agroecosystems
where they are vectored by insects (aphids, white flies, trips, etc.), but they also are
transmitted by mechanical ways. There are just few soil borne plant pathogenic
viruses known so far, and they are transmitted by fungi and nematodes [61, 62].
Protozoa are other important component in the soil ecosystem and in the food web.
The free-living protozoa feed from microbes like bacteria and fungi (non-
pathogenic and pathogenic) [63], and also from algae; they are included in four
groups: flagellates, naked amoebae, testacea amoebae and ciliates. They contribute
to the regulation of these microbes population densities and dynamic. Protozoa
also play an important role in the nutrient turnover [64].
Soil nematodes are some of the most abundant invertebrate animals in soils, they
often reach densities of 1 million/m2; they are worm-like microorganisms and live
in water films or water-filled pore spaces in soils [64]. Many kinds of nematodes
are found in the rhizosphere of roots and root hairs because of the rich exudates.
They help to accelerate organic matter decomposition when they graze on bacteria,
fungi, and plant residues [18]. Nematodes biological characteristics like structure,
physiology, diverse reproductive patterns, and adaptability help them to inhabit
many and different environments [65].
3.7 Earthworms
Since the beginning of soil formation from the parental rock, biological activity is
fundamental, many biological interactions are
established, and they initiate the soil trophic web. At the beginning, trophic webs
may be simple and with few components, but as root
biomass and their exudates increase in amount and different types, the soil trophic
webs are more complex in their biological diversity,
structure and functions. Plant roots are key components in soil function, they
provide most of the organic matter to the soils [4], they are the first trophic level in
the soil food web and represent the autotroph organisms (photosynthesizers) from
which heterotrophs organisms in the next trophic levels obtain their food and
energy [83]. Plant roots and specifically the rhizosphere region have a
[84, 85]. Most of the root exudates are released at the root cap and the meristematic
zone behind the root cap; therefore, these regions are considered important for
determining the temporal and spatial activity and distribution of the microbial
communities [82, 84, 85].
Bacteria and fungi together with protozoa, plant pathogenic nematodes and fungi,
are in the second trophic level of the soil food web,
which include higher level predators like arthropods, small mammals, birds [83].
Soil protozoa is a group of microorganisms which has not been studied so deep and
frequently like bacteria or fungi, and their role in the soil food web is sometimes
considered only like predators and grazers of microbes; however, they interact with
the root systems and bacteria in several and particularly important modes.
Bonkowski and Brandt [86] worked with an Amoebae, specifically with
bacterial biomass”; these bacteria may also be involved in the different phases of
the soil nitrogen cycle. All these activities occur in the soil microbial loop [87], as
a relevant component of the soil food web.
Soil nematodes are considered important component in the soil food web; their soil
communities are usually large and species-rich, with different functional groups
(bacterivores, fungivores, herbivores, omnivores, predators, parasites and
pathogens), located in different trophic levels: root feeders nematodes in second
trophic level (decomposers), fungi and bacterial feeder nematodes in third
trophic level (grazers), nematode and protozoa predators in fourth trophic level
(higher level predators), in this way nematodes participate in the regulation of soil
microbial communities and indirectly in the flux of plant nutrients. Because of
their biological characteristics (they are ubiquitous, abundant and diverse), they
respond soon to changes in the soil environment, and for this reason
they have been considered as important indicators of the soil health [18, 70, 88,
Plant pathogens and therefore soilborne plant pathogens are also an important
component inside the soil food web and the
ecosystems [90, 91]. They can be considered as microherbivores because they feed
over root systems, and later they are food for the
4.1 Plant root diversity and their effects in soil diversity and soil food web
Plant roots are the principal biomass and C source in soils; as roots and their
exudates grow, they die and are decomposed by soil microorganisms and
incorporated into the soil organic matter [4]. Plant roots are of many different
types, lengths and architecture with a main and secondary roots and root hairs [92].
Roots produce different kind of exudates, and this is influenced by the plant
soil physical and chemical conditions, soil temperature and moisture [82, 93];
however, root exudates are also affected by the rhizosphere microbial community
[82]. Root exudates supply nutrients, they prevent invasion by other plant species
(allelopathy), they function also like especially important chemical signals for
attracting symbionts (chemotaxis) e.g., rhizobia and legume, and other beneficial
organisms as plant-growth promoter bacteria and fungi [94, 95, 96]. With all the
diversity of plant roots, exudates, microbes, and other soil organisms it is expected
that in soil occur different interactions and responses which will be reflected in the
soil food web structure, diversity, and function [87].
Complexity of soil food web involves the species number and the number of
different kind of species (trophic and functional groups);
other characteristics as connectedness, interactions strength and length of chains
are important in the food web stability [97]. Throughout the soil food web the main
relationship is the vital need to obtain food and energy to accomplish the life
functions and the species survival; however this relationship acquire different
tonalities when each microbe or protozoa; or arthropod species in the soil,
of symbionts are also components in the soil foo web; some of these relationships
are obligate or facultative, and others are intermediate between an obligate and
facultative behavior, depending on the press of natural selection forces and the
evolutionary time through which these species have been related [101]. What about
the role pathogens play in the soil food-web, and the role plant pathogens have in
different important functions for plant life: seed germination [77], seedlings and
young plant establishment [76], plant sexual reproduction and sexuality expression
[102, 103] and their role in plant community successional process? Ecological
To this point, we have seen that soil organisms play multiple and different
activities in the soil ecosystem and all of them are relevant for the soil dynamic
functioning (Table 1); in fact, the FAO Report of 2020 talks about “The
Multifunctionality of Soil Biodiversity” [107].
But what drives soil microbial diversity? Soil ecologists suggest that innate soil
spatial heterogeneity, or patchiness, would be a main environmental factor to
explain soil biodiversity at different spatial and temporal scales, arguing that soil
heterogeneity ‘provides unrivaled potential for niche partitioning, or resource and
habitat specialization, leading to avoidance of competition and hence coexistence
of species’ [1]. At the same time, the knowledge of the multiple and diverse
biological intra- and interspecies interactions that happen in the soil environment at
all levels of biological organization, and taking as a fundamental basis the structure
and complexity of the soil food web, we reason that these two factors: soil spatial
heterogeneity and ecological interactions (trophic and
Table 1.
Multiple and different functions performed by the soil organisms at the individual,
population and community organization levels in the
soil ecosystem and soil food web, considering the ecosystem services.
Food webs, and therefore soil food webs, are biological systems organized with
different subsystems (trophic levels), and subsubsystems
(functional groups in each trophic level). Food webs are also open systems, with a
spatio-temporal dynamic of the whole,
in which each subsystem and each subsystem component has also its own dynamic
function but interrelated with other components
in the web-system. Food webs are open systems with energy and material flow,
and in some cases there is also a flow of genetic
With all the information presented here, it is argued that most of the trophic
relationships in the soil trophic web has been established
soil food web can have irreparable consequences in the ecosystem functions, e.g.,
natural or managed systems. Disturbances that
occur in the soil environment will cause changes at different physical and
biological levels; these perturbations will affect the
its resilience and resistance capacities, expressed at the individual (e.g., dormancy),
population (temporal and spatial population
be evidenced in the complexity of the structure and diversity [108, 109] and in the
stability of the soil food web [97]; However, we must
also keep in mind that all the multiple and different soil organisms since plant roots
to microorganisms and to animals, all together as
a whole, participate in vital soil processes such as biogeochemical and nutrients
cycling, soil formation and conservation, and climate
regulation [2] (Table 1). In this sense De Ruiter and Moore [110], indicated that
‘soil food webs are thought to govern major components
Soil ecologists indicate that soil food web complexity improves the turnover of
nutrients, enhance soil structure, water holding capacity
soil fungi and bacteria have established with other soil microorganisms like
protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, microarthropods, mites,
ants, and root plants, establish the foundations for a complex soil food web with
direct and indirect biological and ecological
relationships. Complexity and performance of the soil food web is also affected by
physical and chemical soil factors; soil structure,
particles aggregation, pore size [111], soil texture, pH [22], amount of organic
matter, all of them affect direct and indirectly the soil
biological species diversity, their interactions, their population densities and their
spatio-temporal dynamics. At the same time, every
biological activity performed by the soil community will transcend and affect some
physical and chemical characteristics in soil. It is
time and they are ruled by natural selection forces, which mean, trophic food webs
have evolutionary and ecological basis [101].