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Agriculturally Important Microbes For Su

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Vijay Singh Meena

Pankaj Kumar Mishra

Jaideep Kumar Bisht
Arunava Pattanayak Editors

Important Microbes
for Sustainable
Volume I: Plant-soil-microbe nexus
Agriculturally Important Microbes
for Sustainable Agriculture
Vijay Singh Meena  •  Pankaj Kumar Mishra
Jaideep Kumar Bisht  •  Arunava Pattanayak

Agriculturally Important
Microbes for Sustainable
Volume I: Plant-soil-microbe nexus
Vijay Singh Meena Pankaj Kumar Mishra
ICAR-Vivekananda Institute of Hill ICAR-Vivekananda Institute of Hill
Agriculture Agriculture
Almora, Uttarakhand, India Almora, Uttarakhand, India

Jaideep Kumar Bisht Arunava Pattanayak

ICAR-Vivekananda Institute of Hill ICAR-Vivekananda Institute of Hill
Agriculture Agriculture
Almora, Uttarakhand, India Almora, Uttarakhand, India

ISBN 978-981-10-5588-1    ISBN 978-981-10-5589-8 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017950010

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Part I  Role of Soil Microbe Interaction

1 Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs):
Prospects for Increasing Productivity and Sustaining
the Resilience of Soil Fertility................................................................. 3
Abhijit Sarkar, Madhumonti Saha, and Vijay Singh Meena
2 Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards Soil
Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition................................................ 31
Mahendra Prasad, Manoj Chaudhary, Mukesh Choudhary,
T. Kiran Kumar, and Lokesh Kumar Jat
3 PGPR: Heart of Soil and Their Role in Soil Fertility........................... 51
Ishwar Prakash Sharma, Satish Chandra, Narendra Kumar,
and Dinesh Chandra
4 Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key
to Soil Health............................................................................................ 69
Nisha Sahu, D. Vasu, Asha Sahu, Narayan Lal,
and S.K. Singh
5 Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction..................................... 87
Raghavendra M.P.
6 Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil and the Rhizosphere:
Impact on Ecological Fitness of Bacteria............................................... 111
Meenu Maheshwari, Hussein H. Abulreesh,
Mohammad Shavez Khan, Iqbal Ahmad,
and John Pichtel
7 Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach
to Produce Valuable Metabolites............................................................ 131
Hamideh Vaghari, Hoda Jafarizadeh-Malmiri, Navideh Anarjan,
and Aydin Berenjian

vi Contents

Part II Beneficial Soil Microbe Interaction in Some

Economically Important Crops
8 Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding
the Mechanism and Function of PGPRs: Perspectives
for Sustainable Agriculture..................................................................... 163
P.V. Bramhachari, Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju,
and E. Kariali
9 Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-­Promoting
Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture.................................................... 183
Talat Parween, Pinki Bhandari, Sumira Jan, Mahmooduzzafar,
Tasneem Fatma, and S.K. Raza
10 Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils
and Low-Input Sustainable Agriculture Development......................... 207
Luis Andrés Yarzábal, Eduardo J. Chica, and Pablo Quichimbo
11 Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea
Organic Crop Protection......................................................................... 235
S.P. Shanthakumar
12 Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable
Vegetable Production............................................................................... 259
Kumari Shubha, Anirban Mukherjee, Meenu Kumari,
Kalpana Tiwari, and Vijay Singh Meena
13 Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol
Agents for Sustainable Rice and Maize Production............................. 279
Manoj Kaushal and Suhas P. Wani
14 Bacterial-Mediated Selenium Biofortification
of Triticum aestivum: Strategy for Improvement
in Selenium Phytoremediation and Biofortification............................. 299
Zain ul Abadin, Muhammad Yasin, and Muhammad Faisal
15 Role of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Mobilization
of Soil Phosphorus................................................................................... 317
M. Lalitha, K.S. Anil Kumar, S. Dharumarajan, N. Balakrishnan,
R. Srinivasan, K.M. Nair, Rajendra Hegde, and S.K. Singh
16 The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification.............................. 333
Darren Heenan Daly, Siva L.S. Velivelli,
and Barbara Doyle Prestwich
About the Editors

Dr.  Vijay  Singh  Meena is currently working as Scientist in ICAR-Vivekananda

Institute of Hill Agriculture, Almora, Uttarakhand, India.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Mishra is currently working as Principal Scientist in ICAR-

Vivekananda Institute of Hill Agriculture, Almora, Uttarakhand, India.

Dr. Jaideep Kumar Bisht is currently working as Principal Scientist & Head of

Crop Production Division in ICAR-Vivekananda Institute of Hill Agriculture,
Almora, Uttarakhand, India.

Dr. Arunava Pattanayak is currently working as Director in ICAR-Vivekananda

Institute of Hill Agriculture, Almora, Uttarakhand, India.

Part I
Role of Soil Microbe Interaction
Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes
(PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing 1
Productivity and Sustaining
the Resilience of Soil Fertility

Abhijit Sarkar, Madhumonti Saha, and Vijay Singh Meena

The efficient microorganisms in the vicinity of plant roots that exert positive
effects on plant growth are known as plant beneficial rhizospheric microbes
(PBRMs). One of the salient features for the effectiveness of PBRMs is their
ability to proliferate at hosts’ rhizosphere, rhizoplane or the root interior. They
are directly or indirectly involved in plant growth promotion and development by
releasing particular compounds, increasing the uptake of certain nutrients from
the soil and lessening or preventing the plants from deleterious pathogens.
Indirect plant growth promotion is achieved by the inhibition of the detrimental
effects of phytopathogenic organisms, which can be obtained by the production
of siderophores, i.e. metal-chelating agent. Several bacterial species also have
been reported in biocontrol of soil-borne phytopathogens and the synthesis
of antibiotics. Production of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and/or fungal cell wall
degrading enzymes (e.g. chitinase and β-1, 3-glucanase) help PBRMs to sup-

A. Sarkar (*)
ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar 751023, Odisha, India
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012, India
e-mail: asiari2012@gmail.com
M. Saha
Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan
Chandra KrishiViswavidyalaya, Mohanpur 741252, West Bengal, India
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India
e-mail: madhumonti2609@gmail.com
V.S. Meena
ICAR-Vivekananda Institute of Hill Agriculture, Almora 263601, Uttarakhand, India
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India
e-mail: vijay.meena@icar.gov.in

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 3

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_1
4 A. Sarkar et al.

press the effect of phytopathogens. Direct plant growth promotion involves sym-
biotic and non-symbiotic PBRMs which function through production of plant
hormones such as auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins and abscisic acid.
Some of the PBRMs are functioning as a sink for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-­
carboxylate (ACC), the immediate precursor of ethylene in higher plants, by
hydrolyzing it into α-ketobutyrate and ammonia and in this way promoting
root growth by lowering indigenous ethylene levels in the rhizospheric environ-
ment. PBRMs also help in solubilization of nutrient-bearing minerals (indige-
nous sources of phosphates, potash and other nutrients), enhance resistance to
plant stress, stabilize soil aggregates and improve soil structure and organic mat-
ter content. PBRMs could able to retain more soil organic N and other nutrients
in the plant-soil system, which can reduce the need for fertilizer N and P and help
in nutrient acquisition. Evidently, PBRMs maintain enormous prospects in
advanced and sustainable plant production, including, improved plant tolerance
to stress, better uptake of plant nutrient from soils and reduced application of
chemical inputs. Besides, PBRMs in the soil bear a peculiar relation to soil fertil-
ity. Various investigations have documented the increased health and productiv-
ity of different plant species by the application of plant beneficial rhizospheric
microorganisms under both the normal and abiotic-stressed conditions. Attempts
should be directed towards maximizing the identified benefits of PBRMs in all
developing countries. If the benefits of PBRMs in crop production can be
maximized, this will certainly help to fight against hunger. This chapter dis-
cusses the major functions of PBRMs in broad terms, but efforts were made to
present specific usage of PBRMs to enhance plant nutrient uptake, for better
plant response to environmental stress, and unexplored potentials in developing

Rhizosphere • PBRMs • Stress resistance • Nutrient acquisition • Sustainability

1.1 Introduction

Plants are the sources of food, oxygen, fuel, fibre, medicine and residence for every
animal on this planet Earth. Whereas, these plants uptake their own requirements
mainly from soil through its root system. Thus, root-soil interaction is running
simultaneously from the beginning and evolution of life, where they assemble ben-
efits from their symbiotic association with each other (Meena et al. 2013a, 2016a;
Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Ahmad et al. 2016; Parewa
et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016b). This root-soil-associated phase is known as
rhizosphere (rhiza = root, sphere = area of influence).The rhizosphere is the narrow
region of soil that is directly influenced by plant roots in association with root hairs,
plant-produced materials and concerted soil microorganisms (Hartmann et  al.
2009). It may expand up to 2–3  mm from the root surface, which can be
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 5

Fig. 1.1  Distribution of microbes in rhizospheric zoo (Coyne 1999; Mendes et al. 2013)

differentiated into two distinct classes, named inner rhizosphere (endorhizosphere)

and outer rhizosphere (ectorhizosphere). Endorhizosphere is a multilayered micro-
environment that is composed by root surface coated with mucoid layer, and the
ectorhizosphere is none other than rhizosphere soil. Largely, three distinct but con-
nected components are identified in the rhizosphere: the root itself, the rhizoplane
and the rhizosphere (soil).
There are important groups of organisms which are often present in soil: microflora,
macroflora, microfauna, mesofauna and macrofauna (Fig. 1.1). This marginal zone of
soil surrounding plant roots can encompass up to ~1011 microbial cells per gramme of
root and ~30,000 prokaryotic species which can increase plant productivity (Mendes
et al. 2013). On the basis of distance from root surface and microbial activity, plant
root’s micro-ecosystem is divided as rhizosphere (near root surface and higher micro-
bial activity) and non-rhizosphere (bulk soil and lower microbial activity).
In 1946 H.  Katznelson suggested the concept of R:S ratio which is the ratio
between microbial population in rhizosphere (R) and non-rhizosphere (S) soil. This
ratio is situation specific, and it varies from species to species of plants and rhizo-
spheric microbes. During seed germination and seedling emergence, the growing
plant interacts with a scale of microorganisms present in the adjoining
soil (Katznelson et al. 1948). This can impart a better idea of the relative stimulation
of rhizospheric microorganisms on the plant species (Prakash and Verma 2016;
6 A. Sarkar et al.

Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Meena et  al. 2015f, 2016b; Jaiswal et  al.
2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016; Kumar et al. 2016a).
As seeds germinate and roots grow throughout the soil, they secrete organic
metabolites which supply the driving force for the activation of microbial popula-
tions in a zone which includes plant root and the adjacent soil in a few millimetre
(mm) of thickness. This is referred as the rhizosphere effect (Morgan et al. 2011)
and considered as the qualitative estimation of the degree or extent of plant growth
that are affected by those microorganisms, while R:S ratio is used as quantitative
measure. These plant beneficial microbes (PBMs) are very indispensable in biogeo-
chemical cycles which are the determinants of plant health and soil fertility and
have been used for crop production for decades. Generally, the microbe functions in
different ways such as secreting regulatory chemical compounds for the plants,
facilitating resource acquisition of certain nutrients (N, P, K, Fe, S, etc.) from the
soil and reducing or impeding the plants from the inhibitory effects of various
pathogens in the forms of a biocontrol agent (Kumar et al. 2017; Raghavendra et al.
2016; Zahedi 2016; Meena et  al. 2015a, b; Das and Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-­
Nunez et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
Evidently, these rhizospheric microbes hold infinite potential in advanced and
sustainable plant production, including reinforced plant tolerance to stress, modu-
lated plant hormone levels and limited use of chemical inputs. Regular use of enor-
mous amounts of chemical inputs is causing unsuitable environment. Now, try to
better understand the function of inoculants as biofertilizers in nutrient absorption,
and plant response to environmental stress is more enthralling. The plant beneficial
rhizobacteria may reduce the worldwide dependence on precarious agricultural
chemicals which weaken the agroecosystems. This chapter emphasizes the compre-
hension of the rhizosphere and plant beneficial rhizospheric microorganisms under
the present aspects (Rawat et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2015e, 2016c,
d; Saha et  al. 2016b; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Teotia et  al. 2016; Bahadur et  al.

1.2 Rhizosphere Deposits and Priming Effect

The chemicals which are released by the roots within the soils are generally known
as root exudates. Then the root products contributed to the surrounding soil are
generally called as rhizodeposits. Root exudates, a fraction of rhizodeposition, are
abundant in carbon and energy sources that govern the occurrence and growth of the
microbes in the rhizosphere. Other fractions of rhizodeposition are lysates, muci-
lage, secretions and dead cell materials that may take part in plant development
(Sommers et al. 2004; Dardanelli et al. 2010).
It is learned that both the qualitative and quantitative formulations of root exu-
dates are influenced by different environmental factors such as pH, soil type, oxy-
gen status, light intensity, soil temperature, nutrient accessibility and the presence
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 7

Table 1.1  Various compounds in root exudates (rhizodeposits) of different plant species
Amino acids α-Alanine, β-alanine, asparagines, aspartate, cysteine, cystine,
glutamate, glycine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,
serine, threonine, proline, valine, tryptophan, ornithine, histidine,
arginine, homoserine, phenylalanine, aminobutyric acid,
α-aminoadipic acid
Enzymes Acid/alkaline-phosphatase, invertase, amylase, protease
Inorganic ions and gaseous HCO3−,OH−, H+, CO2, H2
Organic acids Citric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, succinic acid,
acetic acid, butyric acid, valeric acid, glycolic acid, piscidic acid,
formic acid, aconitic acid, lactic acid, pyruvic acid, glutaric acid,
malonic acid, tetronic acid, aldonic acid, erythronic acid
Purines/nucleosides Adenine, guanine, cytidine, uridine
Sugars Glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, xylose, rhamnose,
arabinose, desoxyribose, oligosaccharides, raffinose, maltose
Vitamins Biotin, thiamin, pantothenate, riboflavin, niacin
Adapted from Dakora and Phillips 2002

of microorganisms. These factors may have a significant effect on root exudation

than differences due to the plant species (Singh et al. 2004).
The exudation of a broad extent of chemical compounds (Table  1.1) which
improve the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil thus modulates the
structure of soil microbial circle in the adjacent region of root surface (Dakora and
Phillips 2002). There are six major regions of rhizodeposition in the immediate
vicinity of the root surface: (a) loss of cap and border cells, (b) loss of insoluble
mucilage, (c) loss of soluble root exudates, (d) loss of volatile organic carbon, (e)
loss of C to symbionts and (f) loss of C due to death and lysis of root epidermal and
cortical cells. Then these rhizodeposits may alter the soil properties such as pH and
carbon availability, influencing the diversity and activity of microbial populations
(Haichar et al. 2008).
Generally, structure of the rhizobacterial community is decided by the plant spe-
cies with their differences in the formulation and quantity of root exudates that pos-
sibly affects the microbial populations. Concerning how plant roots specify soil
microbes to build the microbial community in the rhizosphere is an important empiri-
cal idea when considering the use of beneficial microbes as plant growth promoters
(PGP); these vigorous communications of root exudates and activity of those microbes
can conduct to a better root growth (Adesemoye et al. 2009; Drogue et al. 2014).
Change in soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition as a result of plant root and
associated microbes activity is often analogous to rhizodeposition. It is also familiar
as rhizosphere priming (Kuzyakov 2002), which plays a pivotal role in microbial
activity, soil carbon (C) pools distribution and their reactions to global climate
change. Rhizosphere priming may be altered by soil nutrient availability, but it itself
can also influence nutrient supply to plants. These bilateral effects may be of spe-
cific importance in understanding the sustained increase in plant growth and nutri-
ent supply in response to the advancement in atmospheric CO2 level (Drake et al.
8 A. Sarkar et al.

2013; Saha et  al. 2016b; Verma et  al. 2014, 2015c; Meena et  al. 2014a, 2016e;
Sharma et al. 2016).

1.3 Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs)

1.3.1 Rhizospheric Microbes and Nutrient Acquisition

Increasing crop losses may be the result of underutilization of essential nutrients by

plants from soil. Presence and/or application of PBRMs in rhizosphere as biofertil-
izer enhances the nutrient recovery efficacy of plants, and increment in crop yield
subsequently occurs. For each and different nutrient, PBRMs and plants have spe-
cific mechanisms. So, let us know what are the possible mechanisms (Fig.  1.2)
involved in nutrient acquisition by PBRM plant interaction. In the following sec-
tions, it has been thoroughly discussed (Verma et al. 2015b; Meena et al. 2013b;
Shrivastava et al. 2016; Masood and Bano 2016).
Nitrogen (N) is the most essential nutrient for development and productivity of
crops. Minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers by using biological fertilizers
based on microorganisms inoculum involved in nitrogen fixation is one of the

Fig. 1.2  Schematic diagram representing the direct and indirect effects of plant beneficial rhizo-
spheric microbes (PBRMs)
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 9

worthwhile initiatives in sustainable agriculture. In the biological N2 fixation (BNF),

the atmospheric N2 is converted into plant accessible forms by nitrogen-fixing
microorganisms (NFM) utilizing a complex enzyme system known as nitrogenase
(Boddey et al. 1991; Shridhar 2012).
Generally NFM are categorized as (a) symbiotic N2-fixing bacteria (NFB) along
with the members of the Rhizobiaceae family having symbiotic association with
leguminous plants (e.g. Rhizobia) (Ahemad and Khan 2012; Zahran 2001) and (b)
non-symbiotic (free-living, associative and endophytes) nitrogen-fixing microbes,
such as cyanobacteria (Anabaena, Nostoc, Tolypothrix), Azotobacter, Azospirillum,
Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and Azoarcus, etc. (Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012;
Wani et al. 2013). Besides this, other NFB associated with non-legumes include the
species of Acetobacter, Achromobacter, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter, Azomonas,
Bacillus, Beijerinckia, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Derxia, Desulfovibrio,
Enterobacter, Erwinia, Herbaspirillum, Klebsiella, Lignobacter, Mycobacterium,
Methylosinus, Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodospirillum and Xanthobacter (Khan et al.
On a global scale, BNF provides the largest input of nitrogen to agricultural soils.
Inoculation of these efficient PBRMs species usually increases plant’s productivity.
If Rhizobium is inoculated as biofertilizer in the crops such as groundnut, pigeon
pea, soybean, etc., it can supply ~19–22 kg ha−1which can raise the production by
~17–33%. Similarly, the use of non-symbiotic bacteria Azotobacter and Azospirillum
in soybean (Alves et al. 2004), Burkholderia vietnamiensis in rice (Govindarajan
et al. 2008) and Pantoea, Bacillus and Klebsiella in maize crops (Ikeda et al. 2013)
can provide ~20–30 kg N ha−1 and simultaneously increased the crop yield by ~10–
30%. The relative contribution of BGA as a percentage of total nitrogen fixed in
paddy fields varies widely and is estimated to be ~15–35 kg N ha−1in the South Asia.
Phosphorus (P) is the second most essential plant growth-limiting nutrient after
nitrogen. Even though P has large reservoir, the amount of available forms is very
low to the plants. To conquer the P deficiency in soils, routine application of phos-
phate fertilizers is not only expensive, but also it is environmentally unacceptable.
In these circumstances, microorganisms accompanied with phosphate-solubilizing
and phosphate-mobilizing activity are termed as phosphate-solubilizing microbes
(PSMs) and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms (PMMs), which may supply the
accessible pool of P to the plants. Hence, it may be a replacement to the chemical
phosphatic fertilizers (Khan et al. 2009).
Bacterial/rhizobacterial genera like Azotobacter, Bacillus (B. megaterium, B. cir-
culans, B. subtilis, B. polymyxa)  (Kim et  al. 2003), Beijerinckia, Burkholderia,
Enterobacter, Erwinia, Flavobacterium, Microbacterium, Pseudomonas (P. striata)
and Serratia are described as the most significant PSB (Bhattacharyya and Jha
2012). However, commonly, the solubilization of inorganic phosphorus occurs as a
result of the exertion of low-molecular-weight organic acids (gluconic and keto-­
gluconic acids) which are secreted by various soil bacteria (Zaidi et  al. 2015).
Conversely, the organic phosphorus is mineralized by the synthesis of a variety of
different phosphatise enzymes, which catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphoric esters
(Glick 2012). Besides this, vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) are also very
10 A. Sarkar et al.

much convenient in making unavailable form of soil nutrients into readily available
form by exploring the large volumes of soil (Velazquez et al. 2016; Meena et al.
2014b, 2015c; Sindhu et al. 2016; Bahadur et al. 2016a).
Their hyphae developed superficially from the roots ranging from a few centime-
tres (cm) up to several meters in the soil. As a consequences, it increases the effec-
tive absorbing surface area of the host plant root by as much as ten times, resulting
in increased absorption of static nutrients such as phosphorus, zinc, copper, etc. in
the soil by ~60 times.
In India, inoculation with VAM fungi (Glomus mosseae, G. fasciculatum,
Acaulospora laevis and Gigaspora gilmorei) resulted increased plant productivity
(Kumar et al. 2009). These PSB and PSF (fungi) correspondingly represent ~1–50%
and 0.1–0.5% of the total population of microorganisms present in the soil (Chabot
et al. 1993; Khan et al. 2009).
The PSB solubilize inorganic soil phosphates, being Ca3(PO4)2, FePO4 and
AlPO4, through the production of organic acids, siderophores and hydroxyl and
carboxyl groups that chelate the cation bound to phosphate and the latter being con-
verted into soluble forms (Sharma et al. 2013). Bacterial isolates belonging to gen-
era Enterobacter, Pantoea and Klebsiella solubilize Ca3(PO4)2 to a greater extent
than FePO4 and AlPO4 (Chung et al. 2005). Hence, microorganisms play an impor-
tant role in the soil phosphorus cycle by mediating phosphorus availability to plants,
increasing the capacity of plants to acquire phosphorus from the P-deficient soil
directly by solubilizing inorganic phosphorus and facilitating their mobilization
through the enlargement of root surface area (Richardson and Simpson 2011).
India is blessed with sufficient supply of potassium (K) in soil, though the K reserve
is limited, which results to a huge foreign exchange to import K fertilizers. In this con-
text utilization of native sources such as K-bearing minerals (K-feldspar, phlogopite,
biotite, muscovite and green sands), waste mica as enriched compost (Nishanth and
Biswas 2008) and bio-intervention of these K-bearing minerals could be a viable and
alternative technology to solubilize insoluble K into plant available pool.
The usefulness of K-bearing minerals as K fertilizers in agriculture is less due to
their limited accessibility. Some efficient microorganisms play significant induction
in K solubilization and K release from K-bearing minerals (Reitemeir 1951); those
microorganisms are commonly described as potassium-solubilizing bacteria (KSB),
potassium-solubilizing rhizobacteria (KSR) and potassium-dissolving bacteria
(KDB). A broad group of bacteria named Pseudomonas sp., Acidithiobacillus fer-
rooxidans, Bacillus circulans, B. mucilaginosus, Burkholderia, B. edaphicus and
Paenibacillus sp. have been reported to release potassium in available form from
potassium-bearing minerals in soils (Liu et  al. 2012;  Bagyalakshmi et  al. 2012;
Saiyad et al. 2015; Verma et al. 2015a).
As per the finding of Hutchens et  al. (2003), they reported that some specific
bacteria generate mucilage like exopolysaccharides which form a cover on all the
sides of the bacterial cell and invade the silicate minerals chelating with silicon and
hence facilitate K from those silicate structure. It was found that various organic
ligands include exudates, extracellular enzymes, metabolic by-products and che-
lates, and both light and compound organic acids (oxalic, citric, gluconic acids) and
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 11

Table 1.2  Rhizospheric microorganisms and their produced siderophore

Microorganisms Siderophores
  Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Nocardia Ferrioxamines
  Azotobacter, Agrobacterium Catecholate
  Bacillus Schizokinen, Bacillibactin
  Staphylococcus Staphyloferrin
  Escherichia coli Enterobactin
  Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobactin
  Erwinia chrysanthemi Chrysobactin, achromobactin
  Salmonella sp. Salmochelin
  Bordetella sp. Alcaligin
  Pseudomonas sp. Pyoverdines
 Basidiomycetes (Ustilagosphaerogena) Desferriferrichrome
 Ascomycetes (Neurospora crassa)
 Zygomycetes (Rhizopus) Rhizopherin
 Deuteromycetes Fusarinines, malonichrome
   Fusarium roseum Fusarinines, triacetylfusarinines
   Aspergillus fumigants Pistillarin
Penicillium bilaii
 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae
  Wilcoxinarehmii and Cenococcum geophilum Fericrocin
Higher plants
 Graminaceous plants Phytosiderophores
Mugineic acid
Deoxymugineic acid
Epoxy-mugineic acid
Adopted from Hider and Kong 2010

siderophores improve the destruction of aluminosilicate mineral which could per-

form an essential role in the solubilization of elements such as K, Si and Fe from the
minerals like muscovite and biotite (Hutchens et al. 2003).
Potassium-solubilizing microorganisms (KSMs) have capability to perform mul-
tiple roles in agriculture. Thus, KSB can be applied as bioinoculants to maintain the
extraction of potassium and sustain its availability for the plant (Zhang and Kong
2014) and efficiently used as K-biofertilizer for sustaining crop production and
maintaining soil K (Meena et al. 2013c, 2015d; Singh et al. 2015, 2016).
Iron is essential for the survival and proliferation of all forms of life. In aerobic
(oxidized) conditions, iron occurs predominantly as Fe3+, which may probably form
insoluble hydroxides and oxy-hydroxides that results in unavailability of iron to
both plants and microorganisms (Rajkumar et al. 2009). Bacteria, fungi and mycor-
rhizae usually obtain iron by the secretion of siderophores (Table 1.2), which have
intensive specificity and affinity for chelating with the iron.
12 A. Sarkar et al.

Siderophores are chemically low-molecular-weight (<1000 Da) non-proteinous

amino acids, which are released from the rhizospheric microbes in response of iron
deficiency, having high association constants for complexing with the Fe3+
(Krewulak and Vogel 2008; Lemanceau et  al. 2009). Simultaneously, plants also
release low-molecular-weight phenolic root exudates, which have great importance
for the acquisition of the cationic micronutrients from the rhizosphere, known as
phytosiderophore (Marschner et al. 1986; Zhang et al. 1991).
These phytosiderophores are non-hydroxylated (deoxymugineic acid) and
hydroxylated (mugineic acid; epi-hydroxymugineic acid) in nature, which forms
single negatively charged Fe(III) complexes. Degree of hydroxylation improves sta-
bility of phytosiderophore-Fe(III) complex (von Wiren et al. 2000). However, it is
likely that phytosiderophore promoted nonsteady-state dissolution mechanisms that
contribute to the high iron efficiency of graminaceous plants (Takagi et al. 1984).
The reduction strategy (reduction of ferric chelates at the root surface by ferric-­
chelate reductase oxidase and iron-regulated transporter genes) of non-­graminaceous
plants and the chelation strategy of graminaceous plants (Kobayashi and Nishizawa
2012) are two distinct strategies developed by plants to acquire sparingly soluble
iron from the rhizosphere (Reichard et al. 2005).
Similarly, Fe-siderophore complex around the bacterial membrane is reduced to
Fe2+ and moreover is then liberated within the cell from the siderophore through a
gating process adjoining with the inner and outer membranes both in gram-negative
and gram-positive rhizobacteria. The bacterial genera Burkholderia, Enterobacter
and Grimontella impended different strains having the capacity of high siderophore
production. The secretion of siderophores by bacteria might encourage the plant
growth, therefore enriching nutrition (direct effect) or suppressing the growth of
phytopathogens (indirect effect) by the isolation of Fe from the surroundings
(Dimkpa et al. 2009).
Besides, inoculation of plant beneficial microorganisms can raise the uptake of
several other nutrients such as Ca, K, Cu, Mn and Zn by the plants. This uptake
mostly occurs due to acidification of the soil rhizosphere through the organic acid
production or through activation of proton pump ATPase. In this case, the soil pH is
decreased which improves the solubilization of these essential nutrients (Mantelin
and Touraine 2004).

1.3.2 B
 iocontrol Activities of Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric

Plant growth and development can be obtained indirectly via biocontrol activity in
opposition to plant pathogens. Representatives of the bacterial genera Bacillus,
Pseudomonas, Serratia, Stenotrophomonas and Streptomyces and the fungal genera
Ampelomyces, Coniothyrium and Trichoderma are well-defined microorganisms
which are responsible for resistant action and include hindrance of the pathogen by
the production of antibiotics, toxins and surface-active compounds (biosurfactants);
competition for nutrients, minerals and colonization sites (Table  1.3); and a
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 13

Table 1.3  Different biocontrol agents produced by PBRM that control disease, pathogen and
insect at different crops
Disease/pathogen/insect Crops PBRM
Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Bell pepper Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Fusarium avenaceum Chickpea Enterobacter sp.
Cotton aphids Cucumber Bacillus sp.
Root rot Mung bean Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Myzus persicae Pepper Bacillus licheniformis
Myzus persicae Pepper Bacillus subtilis G803
Rhizosphere fungi Prunus cerasifera L. Azospirillum brasilense
Myzus persicae Red pepper Bacillus cereus MJ-1
Fungal disease Sesame Paenibacillus polymyxa E681
Blue mould Tobacco Bacillus pumilus SE 34
Rhizoctonia bataticola Tobacco Pseudomonas sp.
Tobacco necrosis virus Tobacco Pseudomonas fluorescens
Tomato mottle virus Tomato Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Acyrthosiphon kondoi White clover Medicago Pseudomonas sp.
Adopted from Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012

procedure that grows extracellular cell wall deteriorating enzymes such as chitinase
and β-1,3-glucanase (Whipps 2001; Compant et al. 2005; Haas and Defago 2005).
Effective plant growth acceleration and biological control of plant maladies by
rhizobacteria include one or more procedures (Fig. 1.3), which involve the genera-
tion of phytohormones, parasitism, antibiosis, competition for niches and nutrients
and induced host defence (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2004; Adesemoye et al. 2009).
In general, niche ejection, induced systemic resistance (ISR) and production of
antifungal metabolites are the cardinal functions of biocontrol activity in
PBRMs (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009). Many rhizobacteria have been
described to grow antifungal metabolites such as HCN, phenazines, pyrrolnitrin,
2,4-­diacetylphloroglucinol, pyoluteorin, viscosinamide and tensin (Bhattacharyya
and Jha 2012). The ISR is the circumstance in which the mutual cooperation of
some rhizobacteria with the host root protects the plants from some pathogenic
bacteria, viruses and fungi (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009). Several strains from
Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Azospirillum genera are the dominant group of that
have been characterized for generating the ISR response.
Furthermore, ISR comprises jasmonate and ethylene signalling inside the
plants, and these hormones activate resistance capacity of the host plant against a
range of plant pathogens (Glick 2012). Many discrete bacterial ingredients induce
ISR, such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS), siderophores, flagella, cyclic lipopeptides,
2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol, homoserine lactones and volatiles like acetoin and
2,3-butanediol (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009). With the development of materi-
alistic PGPR in India, the sheath blight of rice due to Rhizoctonia solani was alleviated
over the control ~38%, and grain yields were significantly increased (~3901
and 1938 kg ha−1) over control (~2690 and 1550 kg ha−1) (Kumar et al. 2009). The
14 A. Sarkar et al.

Fig. 1.3  Nutrient acquisition and induced systemic resistance (ISR) against draught, salt and fer-
tility stress by different efficient PBRMs (Coyne 1999; Yang et al. 2009). The dashed arrows rep-
resent PBRMs secreted compounds; solid arrows indicate the components affected by PBRMs
secreted compounds (VAM vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza, ABA abscisic acid, ROS reactive oxy-
gen species, ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate, PBRM plant beneficial rhizospheric
microbes, IAA indole acetic acid)

practice of using microorganisms as bioinoculants for suppressing of the plant

diseases is a method of biological control, which is an eco-friendly approach
(Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009).

1.3.3 Rhizospheric Microbes in Plant Stress Resistance

‘Stress’ in plants can be defined as any external factor that negatively influences
plant growth, productivity, reproductive capacity or survival. This includes a wide
range of factors which can be broadly divided into two main categories: abiotic or
environmental stress factors and biotic or biological stress factors. Biotic stress can
be defined as the stress which is induced by living organisms, such as other plants,
weeds, fungi, bacteria, different faunal groups, etc., whereas abiotic stress is the
result of nonliving stressors, such as high winds, extreme temperature and rainfall,
drought and unwanted and devastated natural calamities, like cyclone, tornado, flash
flood, etc.
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 15

Under these abiotic and biotic stresses, endogenous ethylene production is sig-
nificantly increased which adversely affects the growth of the roots and as a whole
the growth of the plant. In this concern, some distinct soil microorganisms produce
some growth factors and metabolic products that positively influence plant metabo-
lism which is not directly associated with pest or pathogen resistance (biotic stress).
A number of mechanisms have been investigated aiming to reduce the levels of
ethylene in plants. One of these mechanisms involves the activity of the enzyme
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylase (ACC) produced by soil bacteria and degrades
an ethylene precursor that, in turn, depresses the plant’s stress response to a variety
of biotic and abiotic stress factors (Farajzadeh et al. 2012). Soil bacteria also pro-
duce the auxin, indole acetic acid (IAA) which influences plant physiology, often
resulting in enhanced root growth which stimulates plant growth. Naturally, micro-
bial metabolites that positively influence plant vigour also impact plant resistance to
pests and pathogens (Kim et al. 2011).
The AA’s rhizosphere is the immediate adjacent zone of plant root and a nutrient-­
rich environment due to adequate supply of sugars, amino acids, organic acids, fla-
vonoids, iso-flavonoids, phytohormones and enzymes; it is also the most vulnerable
environment during activity of stressors and stress conditions. Thus, controlling and
sustaining rhizosphere in its healthy manner are a major challenge for agricultural
science societies. The applications of beneficial microbes in agricultural production
systems were introduced long time ago, and there was enhancing manifestation that
beneficial microbes can increase plants’ tolerance to unfavourable environmental
difficulties, which comprises salt stress (Egamberdiyeva and Islam 2008), drought
stress (Zahir et al. 2008), weed infestation (Babalola 2010), nutrient deficiency and
heavy metal contaminations (Sheng 2005).
The term ‘induced systemic tolerance’ (Fig. 1.3) has been applied to define the
potentiality of PGPR to induce tolerance to salt and drought conditions (Yang et al.
2009). In this concern Rhizobium trifolii inoculated with Trifolium alexandrinum
(berseem) has shown excessive biomass and large number of nodulation under
salinity stress condition (Hussain et al. 2002; Antoun and Prevost 2005). Marulanda
et  al. (2009) rightly observed that the combination of Pseudomonas putida or
Bacillus megaterium and AM fungi had been efficiently mitigating the drought
stress. Photosynthetic ability and the anti-oxidative activity of rice plants liable to
drought stress had shown to increase after inoculation with the arbuscular mycor-
rhiza (Ruiz-Sanchez et al. 2010).
The auspicious effects of mycorrhizae have also been described under both the
saline and drought stress conditions (Aroca et al. 2013). Not only mycorrhizae but
also identification of diverse salt-tolerant rhizobacteria has displayed favourable
interactions with plants under stressed conditions. These PGPR (Rhizobium,
Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Arthrobacter and Bacillus) exert
osmoregulation, resistance to starvation, oligotrophic and endogenous metabolism
and useful metabolic methods to acclimatize under arid and brackish environments
(Lugtenberg et al. 2001; Egamberdiyeva and Islam 2008). When plants are illumi-
nated to the stress situations, they may increase ethylene inside the cell and cause
plant damage (Argueso et al. 2009).
16 A. Sarkar et al.

Higher accumulation of ethylene can be hazardous because it persuades defolia-

tion and other cellular mechanisms that exert influence on crop development
(Desbrosses et al. 2004). Many growth-promoting microorganisms damage 1-­amin
ocyclopropane-­1-carboxylate (ACC) (a precursor of the ethylene) through the pro-
duction of the enzyme ACC deaminase, which consequently accelerates plant
growth and development by lowering ethylene levels in plants. Production of calci-
sol by PGPRs, viz. Pseudomonas alcaligenes PsA15, Bacillus polymyxa BcP26 and
Mycobacterium phlei MbP18, may involve in stress tolerance against salinity and
high temperature (Egamberdiyeva 2007).
The PBRMs that produce 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase
alleviate various types of stresses, because these antagonistically affect the phyto-
pathogenic bacteria, and other stresses due to polyaromatic hydrocarbons, salt and
draught (Glick et al. 2007). It is argued that ACC deaminase producing PBRMs are
responsible for lower plant ethylene levels, often a result of various stresses. The
optimal functioning of these bacteria includes the synergistic interaction between
ACC deaminase and both plant and bacterial auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA).
These bacteria not only directly promote plant growth, they also protect plants
against flooding, drought, salt, flower wilting, metals, organic contaminants and
both bacterial and fungal pathogens. With their physiological adjustment and
genetic potential for increasing tolerance to drought, salinity and high temperatures,
the PBRMs could advance plant growth in deteriorated soil system (Maheshwari
et al. 2012; Yang et al. 2009). Corresponding production of siderophore and phyto-
siderophore from PGPR and plant root in the response of Fe deficiency may colo-
nize in the rhizosphere and acts as an aid to eliminate the stress imposed by high
levels of heavy metals, such as Al, Cd, Cu, Ga, In, Pb and Zn. The performance of
the microbial population in the rhizosphere to decompose the pollutants allows
plants to grow as natural vegetation under the polluted condition.

1.3.4 Rhizospheric Microbes and Crop Growth

The modes of action of growth-promoting microbes involve intricate mechanisms

to promote plant growth, development and protection against plant diseases. These
are accomplished by the two main processes: biofertilization (enhancing the acces-
sibility of nutrients to plant) and phytostimulation (regulation of plant growth, usu-
ally by the production of phytohormones). In the phytostimulation processes of
plant growth, phytohormones play an important role in a direct way. The phytohor-
mones which are produced by them include indole acetic acid (IAA), auxin, cytoki-
nins, gibberellins and inhibitors of ethylene (Table  1.4). These hormones can be
secreted by the plant themselves and with their associated microorganisms such as
Azospirillum sp., which is also having nitrogen-fixing potentiality (Steenhoudt and
Vanderleyden 2000).
Different strains of Pseudomonas and Bacillus can produce well-characterized
phytohormones or growth stimulator that leads crops to have higher amounts of fine
plant roots which have the enlarged surface area for the absorption of water and
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 17

Table 1.4  Plant beneficial rhizospheric microorganisms (PBRMs) as an efficient phytohormone

producer in various plants
Phytohormones Crops PBRMs
Gibberellin Alder Bacillus sp.
Cytokinin Soybean Pseudomonas fluorescens
Lettuce and rapeseed Rhizobium leguminosarum
Wheat Paenibacillus polymyxa
Indole acetic acid (IAA) Soybean Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Soybean Bradyrhizobium amyloliquefaciens
Wheat Azospirillum brasilense
Radish Bradyrhizobium sp.
Rice Enterobacter cloacae
Rice Aeromonas veronii
Lettuce Agrobacterium sp.
Lettuce Alcaligenes piechaudii
Lettuce Comamonas acidovorans
Jasmonic acid (JA) Soybean Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Soybean Bradyrhizobium amyloliquefaciens
Salicylic acid (SA) Soybean Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Soybean Bradyrhizobium amyloliquefaciens
Adopted from Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012; Masciarelli et al. 2014

nutrients from the surrounding soils. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is a commonly pro-
duced phytohormone by growth-promoting rhizospheric microorganisms and which
is believed to be associated with cell division, cell enlargement and root initiation
(Salisbury 1996). Auxin is a group of plant hormones significant in the advance-
ment of lateral root formation. Enhanced lateral root leads to an increased ability to
absorb the essential nutrients for the plant.
Auxins are mostly secreted by Azospirillum, and it is commonly described that
their formation, rather than the nitrogen fixation, is the main feature responsible for
the stimulation of lateral root growth and, hence, advanced plant development
(Bloemberg and Lugtenberg 2001). Other groups of plant hormones include gib-
berellins and cytokinins, both of which regulate shoot development; howsoever
their effects on root enlargement are not well researched (Fig.  1.3). They meet
important functions for plant growth and health by several processes. Immediate
plant growth promotion occurs either from enhanced nutrient availability or from
hormonal incitement. Variant methods are engaged in the inhibition of plant patho-
gens, which is mostly indirectly related with plant growth.
Plant growth and productivity are greatly affected by the mutual associations
between plant roots and the surrounding soil, including the microbial communities.
These microbes are either autochthonous or applied as crop inoculation such as
Azospirillum (Cassan and  Garcia de Salamone 2008), Bacillus (Jacobsen et  al.
2004), Pseudomonas (Loper 1988), Rhizobium (Long 2001), Serratia (De
18 A. Sarkar et al.

Vleesschauwer et al. 2007), Stenotrophomonas (Ryan et al. 2009) and Streptomyces

(Schrey and Tarkka 2008). Besides, some fungal genera like Ampelomyces,
Coniothyrium and Trichoderma have been stated also to be advantageous for the
host plant (Harman et al. 2004).

1.3.5 R
 ole of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil Fertility
and Sustainability

‘Zero Hunger Challenge’ is the major goal of human efforts. This goal can be
achieved by sustainable increment in the arena of agricultural productivity to satisfy
the demands of abruptly spreading human population. Growing more and more
foods from less and less farm holdings is a demand feature of our economy. Not
only we have touched the limits of land ready for cultivation, but agricultural mar-
gin is also narrowing at the proportion of a million acres per annum due to enlarge-
ment of our cities, industrial areas and highways construction. Then we should
consider our soil with great concern. Microorganisms in the soil show a unique
relation to soil fertility. The presence of rhizosperic microbial communities in asso-
ciation with PBRMs has pivotal role to prolong soil function, in both natural and
maintained agricultural soils (Bharti et al. 2016) (Table 1.5).
Soil organisms exceed soil fertility by doing a number of functions that are
advantageous for plants. This chapter assesses five of these functions of PBRMs:

1. PBRMs can accelerate the nutrient release from native source of nutrient in soil
and applied organic residues. Phosphate-solubilizing PBRMs and potassium-­
solubilizing PBRMs accelerate the weathering reactions of P- and K-bearing
minerals, especially when in direct contact with mineral surfaces either by pro-
duction of organic acids or formation of biofilms or may take part in nutrient
mobilization by proliferation of root length as mycorrhizal fungi (Basak and
Biswas 2009; Saha et al. 2016a; Hodge 2017).
2. In the symbiotic association, Rhizobia or Bradyrhizobia fix atmospheric nitro-
gen gas and make it available to the leguminous plants. Free-living (Enterobacter,
Azotobacter) and associative (Azospirillum) nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria, nev-
ertheless, absorb this gas and transform it into cell protein. When the cells waste
away, other microbes invade the protein and convert the nitrogenous components
to ammonium, so which becomes readily available for the plants.
3. The process of ‘the priming effect’ has described as early as 1926 but still poorly
understood. Positive priming (extra decomposition of SOM) or negative priming
(reduction of SOM decomposition) is depending on the metabolic activity of
PBRMs (van der Wal and de Boer 2017). In terrestrial ecosystems, large quanti-
ties of carbon are held in SOM ‘the key to soil fertility’ and altered by soil
microbes that supply SOC and organically bounded nutrients to plants.
4. Bioremediation of agricultural toxic chemical inputs (pesticides) in soil is mostly
acted by microorganisms (Zhuang et al. 2007). Some PBRMs having enzymatic
activity in soil, which can disintegrate agricultural pesticides or other toxic
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 19

Table 1.5  Different PBRMs of vegetable and food grains and their activities
Host plants PBRM inoculants PBRM abilities
Vegetables Brinjal Azotobacter spp., Azospirillum Biofertilizer
Pseudomonas fluorescens Biocontrol against bacterial
Tomato Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, Induced systemic resistance
Arthrobacter spp., Trichoderma and biocontrol against late
viride, Pseudomonas blight
fluorescens, P. putida, P.
marginalis, P. syringae
Potato Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, Biofertilizer, induced systemic
Azotobacter spp. resistance against late blight
Broccoli Bacillus cereus, Brevibacillus Biofertilizer
reuszeri, Rhizobium rubi
Cabbage Bacillus subtilis, B. Improved nutrient uptake,
megaterium, Pantoea induced systemic resistance
Okra Bacillus firmus, B. subtilis Induced systemic resistance
against root knot nematode
Radish Pseudomonas fluorescens, Induced systemic resistance
Bacillus subtilis
Chilli Bacillus spp., Arthrobacter and Induced systemic resistance
Serratia spp. against anthracnose disease of
chilli (Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides) and
endophytic bacteria
Spinach Bacillus megaterium Induced systemic resistance
B. subtilis against Rhizoctonia, Pythium,
B. licheniformis Fusarium and Phytopthora
B. cereus
B. subtilis
Paenibacillus polymyxa
Pseudomonas putida
Cucumber Bacillus pumilus Biocontrol against angular leaf
Bacillus spp. spot (Pseudomonas syringae)
Biocontrol against root rot
(Pythium sp.)
Food grains Rice Pseudomonas fluorescence Biocontrol against
Aur6, Magnaporthe grisea
Chryseobacterium balustinum, Salinity
BGA N fixation
Wheat Bacillus circulans, Glomas Biofertilization
spp., Cladosporium herbarum, Salinity controller
Calothrix sp., Anabaena sp.
Arthrobacter sp., Bacillus
20 A. Sarkar et al.

Table 1.5 (continued)
Host plants PBRM inoculants PBRM abilities
Maize Serratia liquefaciens, Bacillus Biofertilization
sp. Biocontrol to root pathogens
Pseudomonas spp. Phytostimulation
Azospirillum brasilense,
Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Soybean Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Biofertilization enhancer
Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus Phytostimulation
Pseudomonas flaviporus,
Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Bean Rhizobium tropici, Azotobacter Biofertilization enhancer (N
brasilence, Glomus sinuosum, and P)
Glomus intraradices, Biocontrol against Rhizoctonia
Gigaspora albida, solani
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Adopted from Choudhary and Johri 2009; Zaidi et al. 2015; Montano et al. 2014

­ aterials added to soil; either by bioremediation of contaminated soils through

seizing poisonous heavy metal species and/or destroying xenobiotic compounds
(Kuppusamy et al. 2016).
5. Biological functions in soil can ameliorate soil structure. Some bacteria and
fungi produce brown-coloured substances during organic matter decomposition,
which can bind soil particles both physically and chemically into m
­ icro-­aggregates.
The hyphal networks of fungi can cross-link with the soil particles that help in
the genesis and maintenance of soil aggregates (Lehmann et al. 2017).

Being an inherent part of soil and as most of the soil function is microbial
imparted, soil organisms play an essential role in conserving soil health and sustain-
able crop production even after decades. The main target in the upcoming decades
would be on secured and eco-friendly approaches by accomplishing the beneficial
microorganisms in sustainable crop production. Commonly, there are divergent in
naturally occurring microorganisms, whose inoculation to the soil ecological envi-
ronment improves soil physicochemical properties, soil microbial proliferation, soil
quality, plant growth and crop productivity (Morris and Blackwood 2015).

1.4 Future Prospects

Attempt should be directed towards enhancement of biological diversity and be a

beneficiary from identified soil microbes. Due to population growth and growing
food demand, accelerated, sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture is growing with
the use of biofertilizers and biopesticides, which have turned into the ideal model
for the Asian continent as well as Indian subcontinent. If the aids of these
1  Plant Beneficial Rhizospheric Microbes (PBRMs): Prospects for Increasing… 21

microorganisms in crop production can be widen, this will certainly take an action
against hunger. The production performance of a specific rhizospheric microorgan-
ism may be further enlarged with the development and adaptation according to the
prevalent soil conditions. Subsequently, they are supposed to partly substitute the
chemical fertilizers, pesticides and synthetic growth regulators which have numer-
ous side effects to sustainable agriculture (Verma et al. 2015c). Notwithstanding the
fact that a lot of associative and endophytic bacteria have indicated plant growth-
promoting properties at the point of laboratory and greenhouse level, but these bac-
teria have dimed to show their consistency under natural conditions. Accordingly, a
challenge is affixed for standard optimization of the applied efficient PGPR
(PBRMs) strains and the amount of fertilizers to be added to get the maximum out-
put. One of the major challenges encompasses the specification of plant genotype,
age and suitable associative bacteria. Considering this suitability, it would help to
increase productivity by adopting the specific strain for inoculation.

1.5 Conclusions

The current chapter is an attempt to illuminate the concept of beneficial rhizobacte-

ria in the present scenario. The latest criterions of a wide range of utilizations of
these beneficial microorganisms have been presented absolutely to extract large
prospects regarding their activity and applicability for sustainable agriculture. Thus,
these PBRMs manifested as biofertilizers are essential for conserving good soil
fertility, preferable soil conditions and prolonged agricultural productivity. The
diverse groups of soil microorganisms do not live unaided but form an intercon-
nected system, more or less in balanced condition with the environment. All have
played an enormous role in the advancement of soil fertility by weathering and solu-
bilization of the immobile nutrient sources. Soil organic matter decomposition,
humification, aggregate formation, bio-catalytic activity, biocontrol against plant
pathogens and parasites along with improving soil health with proper aeration cause
better soil fertility in sustainable manner. Their actions are concerned with the for-
mation of structural systems of soils which help in increasing agricultural produc-
tivity. Such plant growth-stimulating mechanisms might assist in higher production
of crop grains in a more feasible way, still on marginal farm, and thus assign to
avoid the alterations between food and balanced energy production. PBRMs
(mycorrhizae and rhizospheric bacteria) improved the soil health in different eco-
systems and provide a sustainable alternative to enhanced crop production.

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Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards
Soil Sustainability and Nutrient 2

Mahendra Prasad, Manoj Chaudhary, Mukesh Choudhary,

T. Kiran Kumar, and Lokesh Kumar Jat

The importance of soils and its function is conclusive; the soil is a living entity
that needs to be improved under sustainable approach. It is apparent that soil
biota contributes substantially to effective soil functioning and maintenance of
soil sustainability. The increase of food production to meet out the food security
demand of an ever-increasing population has been highly dependent on inte-
grated nutrient management input but ignores the potential of bioagents. The
significance of rhizosphere microorganism can be enormous as they are able in
managing nutrient transformation, nutrient acquisition and use, and thus crop
sustainability. The soil sustainability and nutrient use efficiency (NUE) can be
enhanced by modification of rhizosphere through the best management
approaches such as agronomic practices, nutrient management, use of organic
and biofertilizers, and regulation of rhizosphere processes.

Rhizosphere • Soil sustainability • Nutrient availability • PGPR • Bioremediation

M. Prasad (*) • M. Chaudhary • M. Choudhary • T.K. Kumar

Crop Production Division, ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute,
Jhansi 284003, India
e-mail: mahendra.meena18@gmail.com
L.K. Jat
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
BHU, Varanasi 221005, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 31

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_2
32 M. Prasad et al.

2.1 Introduction

Agriculture in the twenty-first century faces more challenges, like decline in pro-
ductivity and degradation in soil quality. As per the United Nations estimates, the
global human population is projected to reach ~9 billion by 2050 (Wood 2001). The
feeding of our ever-increasing population is one of the largest challenges for main-
taining the worldwide agricultural sustainability. The soil being a critical compo-
nent on the earth is not only for sufficient food production but also for maintaining
worldwide environmental sustainability for the next generation (Meena et al. 2013a;
Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2015, 2017a; Ahmad et al.
2016; Zahedi 2016). These existing technologies have reached to its plateau and are
hitherto extremely difficult to further increase the food production. Therefore,
exploring nonconventional resources is an urgent need not only to increase the
demand of ever-increasing population but also to sustain our ecosystem from the
further degradation. Sustainability in the agriculture production cannot be attained
without microbiological population in soil under the present circumstances
(Vaxevanidou et al. 2015; Patil et al. 2014).
These efficient microorganisms are key factor of the living biomass of the soil
system (Whitman et al. 1998). Soil microorganisms play significant roles in agricul-
ture mainly by improving plant nutrition and soil health, as well as soil quality
(Barea 2004; Barea et al. 2013; Lugtenberg 2015) and degrading organic pollutants.
The function of agriculture ecosystem depends largely on soil microbial dynamics
(Barea 2004). These efficient soil microorganisms maintain the organic matter
(OM) mineralization and thus regulate nutrient cycling. The beneficial saprophytic
rhizosphere microbes improve plant performance work as a decomposer of OM
substances, plant growth-promoting bacteria/rhizobacteria (PGPB/PGPR), and
other plant growth-promoting (PGP) activities. The efficient PGPR must have the
ability to survive and multiply in rhizosphere microbes with indigenous microbes,
at least for the time needed to express their beneficial PGP (Martinez-Viveros et al.
2010). The rhizosphere microorganisms improve nutrient cycling processes that
include N fixation, P mobilization, and the release of other nutrients to soil solution
for plant nutrition (Richardson et al. 2009; Barea and Richardson 2015).
The rhizosphere soils contain efficient microbes, and researcher differentiates
them into beneficial and harmful categories based on their beneficial effect on soil
sustainability, crop growth, and yield (Welbaum et  al. 2004; Bais et  al. 2006;
Brimecombe et al. 2007; Jat et al. 2015). Microbes play vital roles in soil sustain-
ability and nutrient acquisition. Without soil microbes life on the planet would not
be possible. An increased knowledge of rhizospheric chemistry-based symbioses in
plants could provide potential ways of developing sustainable agriculture with mini-
mal risk to the environment. Therefore, rhizosphere microorganisms have a key role
to improve NUE and crop sustainability simultaneously (Bahadur et al. 2016a, b;
Das and Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2014, 2015b;
Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Yasin et al. 2016).
2  Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards Soil Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition 33

2.2 Why Soil Sustainability Is So Important?

Providing as well as feeding rapidly growing human population is one of the great-
est challenges worldwide. The requirement of food will be ~29  Mt, while their
availability will be only ~22 Mt by 2020. Best management practices (BMPs) and
recommended management practices (RMPs) of soil system ensure that mineral
nutrients do not become deficient or toxic to plants as well as humans and that
appropriate crop/mineral nutrients enter the food chain. Soil management is impor-
tant, both directly and indirectly, to crop productivity, environmental sustainability,
and human health. Because of the projected increase in worldwide population and
the consequent necessity for the nutritional security, the management of soils will
become increasingly important in the coming years because the traditional agricul-
ture will not be able to meet the needs of the next generation (Altieri 2004).

2.3 The Rhizosphere: A Hot Spot for Microbial Activities

The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil system that is immediately near to the
root surface and that is more affected by rhizospheric phenomena. The term “rhizo-
sphere” was first time used by Lorenz Hiltner in 1904. The root exudates include
carbohydrates, sugar, organic acids, vitamins, flavonoids, nucleotides, enzymes,
hormones, and volatile compounds, inorganic ions, and gaseous molecules. The
exudates act as messengers that stimulate interactions between roots and soil organ-
isms. Therefore, rhizosphere is the most dynamic environment in the soil with a
high microbial diversity. It is well established that microorganism’s population is
higher in rhizosphere (Table 2.1) than bulk soil (Brimecombe et al. 2001; Bahadur
et al. 2017; Verma et al. 2017b; Kumar et al. 2017a).
In the rhizosphere, the populations of microorganisms may fluctuate from few thou-
sands to millions (Nihorimbere et al. 2011). This plant-microbe interaction has shown
many beneficial effects on plant growth and developments (Singh et al. 2004), PGP
increased availability and uptakes of nutrients, and disease suppression (Morrissey
et al. 2004; Haas and Defago 2005; Mendes et al. 2011). However, increased resistance
to abiotic and biotic stresses (Zolla et al. 2013; Badri et al. 2013), all these leads to
increases in crop productivity and soil sustainability as well as nutrient availability
(Bardgett et al. 2014; Nath et al. 2017; Sarkar et al. 2017; Verma et al. 2017a).

Table 2.1  Presence of microbes in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil system
Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere
Microorganisms Microbes g−1 dry soil R:S ratio
Bacteria 1200 × 106 53 × 106 23.0
Fungi 12 × 105 1 × 105 12.0
Actinomycetes 46 × 106 7 × 106 7.0
Algae 5 × 103 27 × 103 0.2
34 M. Prasad et al.

Table 2.2  Microbial-mediated soil nutrient availability

Nutrient Microbial transformation
Sulfur Mineralization, immobilization, oxidation, reduction
Nitrogen Immobilization, nitrification, denitrification, urea hydrolysis, N2 fixation
Phosphorus Mineralization, immobilization, extracellular P activity, facilitated uptake by
Potassium K solubilization, mobilization, and mineralization
Zinc Facilitated uptake by mycorrhizal fungi, Zn solubilization
Copper Facilitated uptake by exudates and mycorrhizal fungi
Iron Change in oxidation state, production of siderophores, chelation
Manganese Change in oxidation state in soil system

2.4  ole of Rhizosphere Microorganisms in Soil

Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition

Rhizosphere microorganisms play important roles in agriculture mainly by improv-

ing soil-plant nutrition and health, as well as soil quality of the ecosystem (Barea
et al. 2013; Lugtenberg 2015). The rhizosphere is a multifaceted, complex “melting
pot” of components and processes affecting plant growth and development and thus
ecosystem functioning (Table 2.2). The plant-microbe interactions may be classified
into beneficial, neutral, or harmful to the plant, depending on the beneficial and
harmful effect on specific microorganisms and plants (Bais et al. 2006). Exploring
this multicomponent complex of rhizosphere and its possible relationship to soil
sustainability will become crucial in order to maintain food production with reduced
fertilizers and pesticide inputs (Bakker et al. 2012; Dotaniya et al. 2016; Jaiswal
et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016; Kumar et al. 2016a, b; Singh et al. 2015;
Teotia et al. 2016; Velazquez et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a).

2.4.1 Organic Matter (OM) Decomposition

The OM has been considered as one of the most important components in improv-
ing soil health and agricultural sustainability. The rhizosphere microorganisms play
an important role in regulating soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and nutri-
ent cycling due to the direct influences by roots that are often referred as rhizosphere
processes. These rhizosphere processes may include exudates, water uptake, nutri-
ent mobilization by roots and microorganisms, and SOM decomposition. These effi-
cient rhizosphere processes are major paths for nutrient and water availability.
Therefore, rhizosphere effect on the SOM decomposition is significant in mediating
plant-soil interactions.
SOM decomposition is mediated by rhizosphere processes (Sallih and Bottner
1988; Cheng and Coleman 1990). This OM in the soil system is more or less con-
tinuously transformed by different chemical and biochemical mechanisms into vari-
ous ranges of compounds (Marschner and Rengel 2007). The SOM contains various
compounds which are the main energy source for the soil biota. Soil organisms have
2  Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards Soil Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition 35

appropriate biochemistries and life processes to embezzle such energy for their
growth; in doing so, the compounds are further transformed and cycled between
compartments (Masood and Bano 2016; Meena et al. 2016a; Shrivastava et al. 2016;
Sindhu et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2016; Kumar et al. 2017b).

2.4.2 Nutrient Transformation and Availability

Plant-microbe-soil interactions strongly modulate nutrient availability in soil sys-

tem. In rhizosphere soil, the activity of microbes and plant roots is clearly distinct
from the bulk soil (Marschner et al. 2003). The plant/crop roots must compete with
the root system of neighboring plant species for space, water, and mineral nutrients.
Next to water and temperature, nutrients are the most crucial environmental factors
required for growth and development of crops (Akhtar and Siddiqui 2010). Soil-­
plant-­microbe interactions have various effects such as positive, negative, and neu-
tral; these efficient systems help to remediate the polluted soil system (Morgan et al.
2005; Kuzyakov and Xu 2013).
These various efficient rhizosphere microorganisms like free-living and symbi-
otic nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria contribute a lot to meet nutrient demand.
Moreover, the phosphate and potassium solubilizing bacteria (PSB and KSB) have
the capability to convert inorganic unavailable P and K form to soluble forms avail-
able to plants. The soil biota are also involved in the cycling of other nutrient ele-
ments of pertinence to agricultural production systems including various macro- and
micronutrients (Tebo et  al. 2004; Weber et  al. 2006; Meyer et  al. 2007; Eriksen
2009). The mycorrhizae (VAM) can also influence the uptake of a range of elements
by plants, including macro- and microelements, its work mainly phytoremediation
or uptakes of heavy metals (Clark and Zeto 2000; Meena et al. 2015a, b, 2016b;
Saha et al. 2016b; Sharma et al. 2016).
Other than rhizobacteria, fungi are fundamental for soil ecosystem functioning
especially in agricultural soils. It was estimated that the 1.5 million fungal species
are present in the natural ecosystems but only few (5–10%) have been described
formally (Hawksworth 2001; Bianciotto and Bonfante 2002). The arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) increase the plant growth (Akhtar and Siddiqui 2008;
Akhtar and Panwar 2011). The AMF have a high affinity toward enhanced P nutri-
tion in plants (Verma et al. 2017a). These efficient AMF could also scavenge the
available P, Fe, and Zn through their extra radical hyphae (Akhtar and Siddiqui
2008). Additional to their contribution in plant nutrition, AMF are able to improve
soil structure and mitigate plant stress (Gianinazzi et al. 2010; Meena et al. 2013b,
2014a, 2016c, d; Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Raghavendra et  al. 2016;
Rawat et al. 2016; Saha et al. 2016a).
These efficient rhizosphere microbes have shown their influence toward the
uptake of various macro- and micronutrients (Table 2.3) (Wu et al. 2005; Adesemoye
et al. 2008). In another field study, inoculation of chickpea and barley with strains
of M. mediterraneum significantly enhanced the K, Ca, and Mg along with P and N
in both crop plants (Peix et al. 2001).
36 M. Prasad et al.

Table 2.3  Microbiological properties in bulk and rhizosphere soils of different plantations
Tree species mg kg−1 Microbial C/N
Siberian elm Bulk soil 36.8(4.9) 7.0(0.6) 1.8(0.1) 5.2(0.8)
Rhizosphere soil 52.7(5.2) 9.4(1.0) 2.1(0.2) 5.6(1.0)
T-test ** * NS NS
Simon poplar Bulk soil 73.6(7.2) 6.7(0.2) 2.6(0.1) 10.9(1.2)
Rhizosphere soil 90.7(6.4) 8.2(0.6) 2.8(0.2) 11.1(1.1)
T-test * * NS NS
Mongolian pine Bulk soil 45.6(3.2) 4.9(0.5) 1.6(0.1) 9.4(1.0)
Rhizosphere soil 48.4(4.2) 8.0(0.9) 1.8(0.2) 6.1(0.7)
T-test NS ** NS *
Adopted from Zhao et al. (2010)
Data are means with standard errors given in parentheses (n = 5). NS denotes no significant differ-
ence (by paired samples T-test)
* Significant differences between bulk and rhizosphere soils at P < 0.05
** Significant differences between bulk and rhizosphere soils at P < 0.01

2.4.3 Plant Growth-Promoting (PGP) Activities

The bacteria present in the rhizosphere act as PGPR; they have the ability to enhance
PGP atmospheric N fixation, hormone production, specific enzymatic activity, and
plant and insect protection by producing antibiotic and other pathogen-depressing
substances (Kamnev and Lelie 2000). However, the N2-fixing, PSB, and KSB are
important for crop plants as they increase N, P, and K uptake and play a crucial role
as PGPR in the biofertilization (Zhang et al. 2013). In general, huge bulk inorganic/
chemical fertilization is applied to replenish soil N and P demand with the resultant
in high cost and environmental risk. Most of the P-fixed in the form of insoluble
compounds is unavailable to plants. Thus, the application of such efficient microbes
as eco-friendly biological agents may contribute to minimize the use of expensive P
and K fertilizers.

2.4.4 Biocontrol Agents

A broad range of efficient microorganisms carry out biocontrol activities in the rhi-
zosphere soils. These microbes play a major role to control diseases, which is a
form of biological control and is an environment-friendly approach. Many rhizo-
sphere bacteria have been reported to produce antifungal compounds like HCN,
phenazines, pyrrolnitrin, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, and pyoluteorin (Bhattacharyya
and Jha 2012). The biocontrol ability of the PGPR depends on a wide variety of
traits, such as the production of various antibiotic compounds, iron chelators, and
exoenzymes (Meena et al. 2014b, 2015c, d; Prakash and Verma 2016).
2  Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards Soil Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition 37

Table 2.4  Effect of PGPR on various PGP activities under sustainable agriculture
PGPRs Responses Crop References
Pseudomonas and Stimulates growth and Chickpea Rokhzadi et al. (2008)
Azotobacter yield
P. putida strain R-168 Enhance seed Maize Gholami et al. (2009)
germination, growth
P. fluorescens strain R-93, Increase growth, leaf Banana Kavino et al. (2010)
P. fluorescens DSM 50090, nutrient contents and
P. putida DSM291, and yield
A. lipoferum DSM 1691
P. putida strains R-168 and Improves seed Maize Nezarat and Gholami
DSM-291 germination, seedling (2009)
growth and yield
R. leguminosarum and Enhance yield and P Wheat Afzal and Asghari (2008)
Pseudomonas sp. uptake
P. putida strain Growth stimulation Tomato Gravel et al. (2007)
Azospirillum brasilense Improve growth Wheat and Dobbelaere et al. (2002)
attributes maize
P. fluorescens strain Growth and yield Pearl millet Niranjan et al. (2003)
Azotobacter and Growth and productivity Canola Yasari and Patwardhan
Azospirillum strains (2007)
P. alcaligenes PsA15 and Enhance nutrient uptake Maize Egamberdiyeva (2007)
B. polymyxa
Rhizobium leguminosarum Direct growth promotion Canola and Noel et al. (1996)

2.4.5 Soil Bioremediations

The soil is an important habitat for thousands of microbes (Table 2.4); these effi-
cient microbes are habitats between soil particles and soil organic matter in rhizo-
sphere (Akhtar et  al. 2013). Many soil microbes are capable of degrading toxic
compounds including herbicides, pesticides, solvents, and other organic compounds
and might provide a reasonable and effective measure of disposing toxic compounds
(Murali and Mehar 2014).
Due to the degrading and sequestration capability of the microbial communities
toward the toxic compounds and heavy metals (HMs), microbes have been used for
bioremediation of soil contaminated with HMs (Table 2.5) (Dell’Amico et al. 2005;
Kao et al. 2006; Umrania 2006).
The organic pollutants can be degraded by plants/crops/microbes through bio-
chemical reactions taking place within the rhizosphere. The phytodegradation of
organic pollutants may also be enhanced by rhizospheric activity (Mirsal 2004). The
AMF were also demonstrated to PGP and degradation of toxic pollutants in soils
with increased pollutant concentrations especially ectomycorrhizal fungi (Table 2.6).
They promote the establishment of plants at HM-contaminated soil by immobiliz-
ing heavy metals in the soil, thereby reducing the availability of metals to plants
(Jentschke and Godbold 2000; Meharg and Cairney 2000; Fomina et al. 2005).
38 M. Prasad et al.

Table 2.5  PGPR as biocontrol agents against various plant diseases

PGPR conditions Disease References
Bacillus strain Greenhouse Blight of squash Zhang et al. (2010)
B. pumilus strain SE34 Laboratory Blue mold disease Zang et al. (2002)
in tobacco
B. pumilus strain INR7 Field Bacterial wilt in Zehnder et al. (2001)
B. pumilus strain SE34 and B. Greenhouse Cucumber mosaic Zehnder et al. (2000)
subtilis strain IN937b cucumovirus
(CMV) in tomato
B. cereus strains B101R, Greenhouse Foliar diseases in Silva et al. (2004)
B212R, and A068R tomato
Pseudomonas spp. Rice Rice sheath rot Saravanakumar et al.
P. fluorescens Saline field Saline resistance Saravanakumar and
in groundnut Samiyappan (2007)
P. fluorescens Rice Sheath blight Radjacommare et al.
disease (2002)
B. subtilis strain GBO3 and B. Greenhouse/ Downy mildew in Niranjan et al. (2003)
pumilus strain INR7 field pearl millet
Bacillus sp. and Azospirillum Greenhouse Rice blast Naureen Zakira et al.
strains SPS2 (2009)
B. amyloliquefaciens 937a and Field Tomato mottle Murphy et al. (2000)
B. subtilis 937b virus
P. fluorescens strain CHA0 + Greenhouse/ Banana bunchy Kavino et al. (2008)
chitin bio-formulations field top virus (BBTV)
B. strains BB11 and FH17 Greenhouse Blight of bell Jiang et al. (2006)
Burkholderia strains MBf21 In vitro/in vivo Maize rot Rodriguez et al.
and MBf15 (2008)

2.4.6 Drought and Nutrient Stress/Deficiency

Diverse environmental stresses like drought, salinity, and nutrient deficiencies are
connected to soil-derived limitations. These stresses are inducing a series of mor-
phological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular changes in the plant root sys-
tem to adapt to the stress conditions and/or to modify the environment from which
the stress is originated. Variation in the soil nutrient composition is a common con-
dition in agricultural systems. Indeed, only ~30 to 50% of applied N fertilizers and
~10 to 20% of P fertilizers are used in crops (Adesemoye and Kloepper 2009).
Furthermore, there is a general trend worldwide in reducing the use of chemical
inputs in agriculture due to environmental concerns (Meena et  al. 2013c, 2016e;
Parewa et al. 2014). Water and nutrient acquisition from soils is governed by plant
roots and their interaction with the abiotic and biotic components of soil (Hartmann
2  Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards Soil Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition 39

Table 2.6  Soil bioremediation of pollutants using plant-microbe interaction

Plant/crops Pollutants Microorganisms References
Populus deltoides 1,4-Dioxane Actinomycetes Schnoor et al. (1998)
Senecio glaucus Oil Arthrobacter Radvan et al. (1995)
Barley 2, 4-D Burkholderia cepacia Jacobsen (1997)
Populus deltoides PAH Kurthia sp. Bisht et al. (2014)
Micrococcus sp.
Alfalfa Pyrene, anthracene, Not identified Schwab et al. (1995)
and phenanthrene
Oat, lupine, and rape Pyrene Not identified Liste (2000)
Prairie grasses PAHs Not identified Qiu et al. (1994)
Grasses Naphthalene Pseudomonas putida Kuiper et al. (2001)
Wheat 2,4-D Pseudomonas putida Kingsley et al. (1994)
Sugar beet PCBs Pseudomonas Brazil et al. (1995)
PAHs polyaromatic hydrocarbons, PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls, 2,4-D
2,4-­dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

et  al. 2008). The soil biotic component includes microorganisms that are living
symbiotically or in association with plant roots. These microorganisms might
enhance acquisition of nutrients in low-nutrient soils and alleviate the effects of low
water availability. But there are only few studies that provided information regard-
ing rhizosphere soil microorganisms to plants in mitigating with stresses derived
from nutrient and water availability (Saleem et al. 2007; Hayat et al. 2010; Kang
et al. 2010; Smith et al. 2010; Meena et al. 2015e).

2.5  anagement of Rhizosphere System for Soil

Sustainability and Productivity

It is well known that nutrient has unsounded effects on many aspects of root
development, thus accompanying rhizosphere process (Zhang et al. 2010; Meena
et  al. 2015f). Most of the mineral nutrients were taken up by plants through the
rhizosphere where root exudates play a dominant role in driving interactions among
soil-­plant-­microbe system. However, the plant root exudates consist of a complex
mixture of various acids, sugars, and enzymes, which have major direct or indirect
effects on the acquisition of mineral nutrients required for PGP activities (Dakora
and Phillips 2002). The rhizospheric chemistry/phenomena can enhance P mobili-
zation and acquisition from soil by plants (Zhang et al. 2010). It is suggested that
optimizing crop combination and BMPs, RMPs, and INM in intercropping systems
through better understanding of rhizosphere interactions provides an effective
approach to improve sustainable crop production with high yield, significantly
higher NUE (Zhang et al. 2012).
40 M. Prasad et al.

2.5.1 The Cultural Management/Practices

Rhizospheric modification and root distribution along with the cropping system
play a significant role toward the sustainable rhizosphere management. The subsur-
face irrigation systems can be adopted to improve soil characteristics and root dis-
tribution/modification, in relation to the physical properties of the soil and
fertilization practices (Clothier and Green 1994; Yang et al. 2004).

2.5.2 Efficient Fertilization

The injudicious fertilization can result in considerable decreases of rhizosphere

microorganisms population and eco-friendly insects, crop susceptibility or aggrava-
tion of soil physical properties, and pollution (HMs) of water resources through
leaching causing irreparable damage to the overall system. One of the more promis-
ing practices is the innovative BMPs and RMPs, which reduces fertilization rate
(Hakim et al. 2013). Other practices for managing the fertility of soil-plant system
include supplying nutrients through drip irrigation (Postel et al. 2003; Palada and
Wu 2005), applying organic manures (FYM, VC) to increase soil-buffering capacity
(Glaser et al. 2002), and localized amendment as strategies for problematic soils.

2.5.3 Use of Organic and Biofertilizers

The organic farming (OF) system has become popular due to consumer concern
with human health and the environment safety. Organic fertilization for the nutrient
supply is more balanced, which helps to maintain soil sustainability and crop pro-
ductivity. Among the beneficial effects of organic manures include (1) enhancement
of soil biological activity, (2) enhancement of colonization of mycorrhizae, (3)
improved root growth due to better soil structure, and (4) slow release of nutrients
which contribute to the residual pool of organic N and P in the soil, reducing N
leaching loss and P fixation (Singh and Mandal 2000).

2.6 Concluding Remarks

The rhizosphere microbial activity in the rhizosphere contributes significantly to

sustainable agriculture. Efficient rhizosphere microorganisms, like AMF/rhizobac-
teria, contribute essentially to enhance NUE and crop sustainability. Application of
these efficient microbes in the soil-plant system has the capacity to improve the
plant fitness in unfavorable conditions of soils and increase the nutrient uptake
efficiency (NUE) as well as water use efficiency (WUE). The rhizosphere manage-
ment involves manipulating root growth, rhizosphere modification, RMPs and
BMPs in intercropping, and the use of efficient crop genotypes with an aim to
exploit the biological potential for efficient nutrient acquisition by plant roots rather
2  Rhizosphere Microorganisms Towards Soil Sustainability and Nutrient Acquisition 41

than overuse of chemical/inorganic fertilization. The nutrient inputs in intensive

farming systems should be optimized to achieve both high crop productivity and
high NUE through maximizing rhizosphere efficiency in nutrient mobilization and
acquisition. So all these activities make the rhizosphere the most dynamic environ-
ment in the soil.

Acknowledgments  Authors are thankful to the Division of Crop Production, ICAR-Indian

Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi, for providing the necessary facilities required for
the review to be conducted.

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PGPR: Heart of Soil and Their Role in Soil
Fertility 3
Ishwar Prakash Sharma, Satish Chandra, Narendra Kumar,
and Dinesh Chandra

Soil is an excellent niche for the growth of microorganisms which includes plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs). PGPRs have great potential for plant
growth promotion as they control pest and disease and have been considered
important in sustainable agriculture. PGPRs induce and/or synthesize various
growth-promoting and biocontrolling chemicals which are useful for sustainable
agriculture and environment. These chemicals are phytohormones, antibiotics,
enzymes, etc., which react with the soil and provide better health to the plants.
PGPRs directly or indirectly circulate their products to soil for better soil health
which further enhance the soil immunity followed by influencing plant growth,
productivity, and yield. Soil immune system works strongly by the activities of
soil microbes which are considered as a heart of soil. These soil microbes are
responsible for increasing soil fertility and productivity which are considered
important for sustainable agriculture.

PGPR • Immunity • Sustainable agriculture • Soil fertility • Biomolecules

I.P. Sharma (*) • S. Chandra • D. Chandra

Department of Biological Sciences, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, GBPUAT,
Pantnagar 263 145, India
e-mail: ipsharma.com@gmail.com
N. Kumar
Department of Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, GBPUAT,
Pantnagar 263 145, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 51

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_3
52 I.P. Sharma et al.

3.1 Introduction

Soil is an excellent niche for the growth of microorganisms including bacteria. Out
of these some bacteria are able to colonize soil surrounding plant roots, rhizosphere
(Hiltner 1904; Kennedy 2005); these bacteria are rhizobacteria. These bacteria have
the ability to induce plant growth and biocontrol activities (Meena et al. 2016e). In
the coming years, food security and feed will be a major global challenge for
increasing human population; now, we need to increase the sustainability of agricul-
tural productivity to meet the increasing demand for food. More than half of the
population still relies on agriculture as its principal source of income, and it is a
source of raw material for a large number of industries (Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur
et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Zahedi 2016; Kumar et al. 2017).
Therefore, these bacteria are an important biological tool for the abovementioned
Agricultural crops are mostly affected by diseases and/or pests which can be
biologically prevented by these PGPRs and other symbiotic rhizospheric microor-
ganisms which are mostly found in the rhizosphere of all plants (Trudgill and Blok
2001; Sharma and Sharma 2016). For the managing of pest and disease, a large
number of synthetic chemicals are being used, which pose environmental hazards,
besides being costly and uneconomical (Joshi et al. 2006; Maheshwari et al. 2012;
Youssef and Eissa 2014; Gupta et al. 2015). The quantity and quality of agricultural
production are affected by the use of chemicals in agriculture practices; recently,
these interactions are an important discussion subject under the agriculture-­
environment relationships (Ladha et  al. 1997; Eser and Geçit 2010; Gupta et  al.
2015; Meena et al. 2016f; Mahmood et al. 2016a, b; Ahmad et al. 2016a, b; Sharma
and Sharma 2016). PGPRs are used to replace these chemicals by a variety of mech-
anisms, viz., formation of soil structure, decomposition of organic matter, recycling
of elements, mineral nutrient solubilization, production of plant growth regulators,
degradation of organic pollutants, root growth stimulation, soil fertility enhance-
ment, biocontrol of plant pathogens, etc. (Ahemad and Khan 2009; Akhtar et  al.
2012; Sivasakhti et al. 2014; Gupta et al. 2015).
Many studies show that the use of microbial-based products is a common prac-
tice for controlling plant pest population and preventing diseases of crops (Lacey
et al. 2001; Goettel et al. 2010; Dogan et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2013c, 2015e). The
major influences that the rhizosphere microorganisms have on plants today become
an important biological tool to govern the health of plants in eco-friendly manner.
They are involved in various biotic activities of the soil ecosystem to make it
dynamic for nutrient turnover and sustainable for crop production (Ahemad and
Khan 2009; Akhtar et al. 2012; Gupta et al. 2015). Hence, PGPRs are economic and
secure alternative strategy for enhancing plant growth and development as they are
able to increase the soil health and immunity toward soil pests and diseases.
3  PGPR: Heart of Soil and Their Role in Soil Fertility 53

3.2 Role of PGPR in Soil Fertility

Soil is the natural niche for soil microorganisms which play an important role in soil
processes and determine plant productivity (Meena et al. 2014b, 2015c, d). PGPRs
are involved in all beneficial activities within the soil like decomposition of crop
residues, synthesis of soil organic matter (SOM), mineralization of SOM, immobi-
lization of mineral nutrients, phosphate solubilization, nitrification, nitrogen fixa-
tion, phytohormone synthesis, and disease suppression which help in soil fertility
improvement and ultimately enhancing the productivity (Prasad et al. 2015). Soil
moisture is a necessary condition for PGPR colonization in the rhizosphere
(Shrivastava et al. 2014). Rhizobacteria associated with roots are responsible for the
synthesis of large number of biomolecules which get mixed with the soil and further
improve soil health. They also act on the plant residues, where various organic com-
pounds undergo decomposition and mineralization (Kumar et  al. 2015; Ahmad
et al. 2016a, b; Bahadur et al. 2016a; Verma et al. 2014, 2015b; Yadav and Sidhu
2016; Yasin et  al. 2016). These mineralized chemicals enter the soil body where
they agitate and add value to the soil. Apart from this mechanism, they also synthe-
size many growth-responsible chemicals which ultimately affect plant root mor-
phology (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1  An overview of soil fertility enhancement mechanism through PGPRs

54 I.P. Sharma et al.

Rhizobacteria have great potential to increase nutrient availability in the soil

(Choudhary et al. 2011; Meena et al. 2013b, 2014a, 2015f). Nitrogen is essential for
amino acid and protein synthesis which is the most limiting nutrient to plants and
accumulated from atmospheric nitrogen through biological nitrogen-fixing mecha-
nism in the soil as well as in plant roots (Lloret and Martinez-Romero 2005;
Raymond et al. 2004). Some PGPRs have the ability to solubilize phosphate in the
soil body, resulting in an increased availability of phosphate ions in the soil which
are easily available to plants (Wani et  al. 2007; Bahadur et  al. 2016b; Das and
Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016; Teotia et al. 2016; Velazquez et al.
2016; Verma et  al. 2015a). Various volatile compounds and other metabolites
(enzymes, proteins, antibiotics, etc.) also produced by PGPRs are highly involved in
improving soil health and plant growth. Many bacterial species from different gen-
era including Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Serratia, Arthrobacter, and Stenotrophomonas
have been reported as volatile compound producers. Various enzymes (chitinase,
beta-glucanases, etc.) are release in the soil body by these bacteria which suppress
the growth of many pathogens in the soil and contribute to the biocontrol activity
(Vejan et al. 2016). Overall, the soil body is healthy through all these mechanisms,
and such healthy soil becomes potential for good yield and productivity, thus mak-
ing the soil highly fertile (Meena et al. 2016c, d; Parewa et al. 2014).

3.3 Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)

In vitro promotion of plant growth and root pathogen biocontrol through

Pseudomonas strains was the first evidence of the rhizospheric bacteria which could
be a good source for sustainable agriculture (Burr et al. 1978; Kloepper et al. 1980).
The term plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) was first suggested by
Kloepper et al. (1989). Previously, Theophrastus (372–287 BC) already suggested
and recommended the remedying defects of different soil samples because of the
presence of soil biota in the soil heart (Tisdale and Nelson 1975). The study of
Hellriegel and Wilfarth (1888) suggested that rhizospheric bacteria have the ability
to convert atmospheric N2 in the roots of legumes. Still there are several groups of
rhizobacteria that have been reported and have the ability to promote plant growth
and induce resistance against various stresses (Meena et  al. 2015b; Prakash and
Verma 2016; Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016). In the rhizosphere, very impor-
tant and intensive interactions take place between the plant, soil, microorganisms,
and soil microfauna as they share the same niche. Many biochemical interactions as
well as exchanges of signal molecules between plants and soil microorganisms have
been studied which significantly influence plant growth and crop yields (Pinton
et al. 2001; Werner 2004).
PGPRs may colonize in the rhizosphere, root surface, or intercellular spaces of
the host plant (Lugtenberg and Bloemberg 2004). They are free-living bacteria
(Kloepper et  al. 1989), while some PGPRs invade living plant tissue and cause
unapparent and asymptomatic infections (Sturz and Nowak 2000) and are referred
to as endophytes. However, in accordance with their degree of association with the
3  PGPR: Heart of Soil and Their Role in Soil Fertility 55

plant root cells, PGPRs can be classified into extracellular plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria (ePGPR) and intracellular plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(iPGPR) (Gray and Smith 2005; Meena et  al. 2015a, 2016b; Raghavendra et  al.
2016; Rawat et al. 2016; Saha et al. 2016a). iPGPRs can enter plant cells and are
able to produce specialized structures, so-called nodules. On the other hand, ePG-
PRs are found in the rhizosphere, or within the apoplast of the root cortex, but not
inside the cells. According to their close proximity to the plant root, ePGPRs can be
divided into three classes, i.e., living near the roots but not in contact, colonizing on
the root surface, and living in the intercellular spaces of the root cortex (Gray and
Smith 2005; Dotaniya et al. 2016; Jaiswal et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016;
Kumar et al. 2016a, b; Masood and Bano 2016; Singh et al. 2015, 2016).
PGPRs act against phytopathogens by secretion of many biochemicals like toxin,
enzymes, proteins, antibiotics, etc. Plant-associated microorganisms have been
extensively examined for their role in natural and induced suppressiveness of soil-
borne diseases. Applications of PGPRs have been reported to increase the produc-
tion of antibiotics and inhibit root penetration of phytopathogens (Handelsman et al.
1990; Sikora 1992; Sikora and Hergarten 1992; Liu and Sinclair 1992; Yu et  al.

3.3.1 Classification of PGPRs

PGPRs are classified on the basis of their locations, functions, and activities.


Basis of location Basis of function Basis of Activities

Extracellular Plant growth promoting Biofertilizers

PGPRs bacteria

Intracellular Phytostimulators
PGPRs Biocontroling bacteria


Stress homeoregulating

56 I.P. Sharma et al. On the Basis of Location

According to their location in the rhizosphere, they are divided into two categories
(Gray and Smith 2005; Martinez-Viveros et al. 2010).

Extracellular PGPRs (ePGPRs)

These PGPRs are found in the rhizosphere, in the rhizoplane, or in the spaces
between cells of the root cortex, but they are never present inside the cells. Examples
are species of Pseudomonas, Bacillus, etc., which are present in the soil as well as
in the intercellular space of cortical cells as endophytes.

Intracellular PGPRs (iPGPRs)

These generally exist inside the cells specially in specialized nodular structure.
Examples are Rhizobia and Frankia, both of which are associated with higher plants
and present inside the cells where they fix atmospheric nitrogen. On the Basis of Functionality

On this basis, PGPRs are divided into three groups, viz., plant growth-promoting,
biocontrol, and stress homeoregulating bacteria.

Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria

Some rhizobacteria directly induce plant promotion via nitrogen fixing (Glick et al.
1999; Rubio and Ludden 2008; Ahemad and Khan 2012; Glick 2012; Kuan et al.
2016), phytohormone production like IAA (Spaepen and Vanderleyden 2011; Glick
2012; Ahemad and Kibret 2014; Wang et al. 2015), cytokinin (Cassán et al. 2009;
Hussain and Hasnain 2009; Vacheron et al. 2013), GA3 (Richardson et al. 2009;
Dodd et al. 2010; Goswami et al. 2016), siderophore production (Glick et al. 1999;
Sharma et al. 2003; Khan et al. 2009; Rajkumar et al. 2010; Ahemad and Kibret
2014), and phosphate solubilization (Bashan and de Bashan 2010; Bhattacharyya
and Jha 2012; Glick 2012; Ahemad and Kibret 2014; Gupta et  al. 2014, 2015;
Meena et al. 2016) (Table 3.1).

Biocontrolling Bacteria
Bashan et al. (1993) for the first time suggested these bacteria. They indirectly pro-
mote plant growth by releasing phytotoxic substances such as hydrogen cyanide,
chitinase, pectinase, cellulase, ethylene, antibiotics, etc., which are responsible for
controlling plant pathogens (Ramamoorthy and Samiyappan 2001; Yu et al. 2002;
Bashan and de-Bashan 2010; Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012; Gupta et  al. 2015;
Sharma and Sharma 2016; Meena et al. 2016) (Table 3.2).

Stress Homeoregulating Bacteria

These bacteria suggested by Sgroy et al. (2009) can facilitate plant growth directly
or indirectly in biotic and abiotic stresses. Direct facilitation by these bacteria
includes releasing stress-related phytohormones, such as abscisic acid (Cohen et al.
2009, 2015), salicylic acid (Zhang et al. 2002; Beneduzi et al. 2012), and jasmonic
acid (Vejan et al. 2016; George et al. 2016); plant growth regulators, like cadaverine
(Sgroy et al. 2009; Kaushal and Wani 2016); and stress signaling molecules such as
3  PGPR: Heart of Soil and Their Role in Soil Fertility 57

Table 3.1 Some PGPR strains involve in phytohormone production in different plants

(Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012)
Phytohormones PGPR strain Host plant
IAA Aeromonas veronii Rice
Agrobacterium sp. Lettuce
Alcaligenes piechaudii Lettuce
Azospirillum brasilense Wheat
Bradyrhizobium sp. Radish
Comamonas acidovorans Lettuce
Enterobacter cloacae Rice
Rhizobium leguminosarum Radish
Cytokinin Paenibacillus polymyxa Wheat
Pseudomonas fluorescens Soybean
Rhizobium leguminosarum Rape and lettuce
Gibberellin Bacillus sp. Alder

Table 3.2  Some PGPRs and their antibiotic production and target pathogen (Bhattacharyya and
Jha 2012)
Antibiotics PGPRs Target organisms
Bacillomycin Bacillus Aspergillus flavus
Kanosamine B. cereus Phytophthora medicaginis
Zwittermycin A B. cereus, B. Phytophthora, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
thuringiensis, B. subtilis
Iturin B. subtilis Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani,
Fusarium oxysporum
Iturin A, surfactin B. subtilis Rhizoctonia solani
Pyrrolnitrin Burkholderia cepacia, Rhizoctonia solani, Gaeumannomyces
Pseudomonas fluorescens, graminis var. tritici, Agrobacterium
Enterobacter tumefaciens, Clavibacter michiganensis,
agglomerans Xanthomonas campestris, Pseudomonas
2,4-DAPG, Pseudomonas fluorescens Xanthomonas oryzae, Pythium ultimum,
pyoluteorin, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici
Phenazine-1-­ Pseudomonas fluorescens, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici,
carboxylate P. aureofaciens Sclerotinia homeocarpa
Phenazine-1-­ P. chlororaphis Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
carboxamide radicis-lycopersici
Viscosinamide Pseudomonas fluorescens R. solani, Pythium ultimum
Amphisin Pseudomonas fluorescens Pythium ultimum, R. solani
Geldanamycin A Streptomyces R. solani
Oligomycin A Streptomyces libani Botrytis cinerea
Polyoxin D Streptomyces cacaoi R. solani
58 I.P. Sharma et al.

1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (Glick et  al. 1999; Vejan

et al. 2016; Mahmood et al. 2016a, b). On the Basis of Activities

On this basis, Somers et al. (2004) divide PGPRs into following categories:

(A) Biofertilizers – Many of the PGPRs enhance soil fertility and productivity by
involving in nutrient cycling. Different types of biofertilizers are being used
such as:
Nitrogen-fixing biofertilizers like Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium,
Nitrosomonas, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, etc.
2. Phosphorus-solubilizing and phosphorus-mobilizing biofertilizers like

Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Mycorrhiza, etc.
3. Plant growth-promoting biofertilizers like Pseudomonas, Bacillus, etc.
(B) Phytostimulators – Certain bacteria stimulate the plant growth by producing dif-
ferent phytohormones like Pseudomonas, Azospirillum, Bradyrhizobium, etc.
(C) Rhizoremediators – Many of the bacteria are used in degradation of herbicides,
pesticides, and other hazardous organic compounds and/or pollutants in the
soil which could be helpful in plant growth by increasing soil fertility.
(D) Biopesticides – Many of the bacteria produce antibiotics and other toxic com-
pounds which are helpful in the reduction of pathogens, e.g., Pseudomonas and
Bacillus spp.
(E) Bioprotectants – Large numbers of bacteria are helpful in the disease suppres-
sion which directly and indirectly enhance plant growth.

3.4 PGPR Mechanism

PGPRs promote plant growth directly as well as indirectly (Castro et al. 2009) as

Direct Mechanisms Indirect Mechanisms

Nitrogen fixation Antibiotic production

Cyanide compounds

Potassium Polysaccharide
solubilization production

Hydrolytic enzymes
Siderophore production

Phytohormone Induce systemic

production resistance (ISR)
3  PGPR: Heart of Soil and Their Role in Soil Fertility 59

3.4.1 Direct Mechanism

Directly, PGPRs promote plant growth by providing essential nutrients (N, P, Fe,
etc.) and enhancing phytohormone level. Generally these bacteria are involved in
different nutrient cycles like N2 and P cycle; directly the nutrients are provided to
plants by these bacteria through nutrient mineralization and solubilization pro-
cesses. On the other hand, these bacteria are also involved in many phytohormone
(IAA, gibberellic acid, cytokinins) pathways (Kloepper et al. 2007). Among all the
phytohormones, IAA is the most common which is produced by PGPR (Barazani
and Friedman 1999).

3.4.2 Indirect Mechanism

PGPRs are the well source for biocontrol which inhibit the phytopathogen, so they
are indirectly helpful to plant growth (Glick 2012). PGPRs are powerful resource of
disease suppression which are economically as well as environmentally safe. PGPRs
have a variety of mechanisms which make them a biocontrol agent. They produce
antibiotics (Mazurier et al. 2009), cell wall-degrading enzymes like cellulose and
β-1,3-glucanase, and cyanide compounds like HCN (Duffy et  al. 2003; Ramatte
et  al. 2003) which are helpful in reducing phytopathogens and enhancing plant
growth. Some molecules such as 2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2, 4-DAPG) and pyo-
luteorin are also produced by some PGPRs (de Souza et al. 2003; Beneduzi et al.
2012) which are responsible for disease suppression.
By using the above mechanisms, PGPRs defense against phytopathogens and
pests results in resistance to the plant. This resistance is either systemic acquired
resistance (SAR) or induced systemic resistance (ISR). SAR is activated in plant
tissues after pathogen attacks, immediately plant signals are produced, and defense
responses occur in distal tissues through the vascular system (Pieterse et al. 2009).
As the resistance induced, the plant is protected from pathogenic fungi, bacteria,
viruses and nematodes. A large number of defense enzymes like phenylalanine
ammonia lyase (PAL), chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxi-
dase (PPO), lipoxygenase (LOX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT),
and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) are involved in the resistance and activate ISR
(Meena et al. 2016a; Saha et al. 2016b; Sharma et al. 2016; Shrivastava et al. 2016;
Sindhu et al. 2016).

3.5 Conclusions

Several microbes from soil have been studied and are responsible for the improve-
ment of soil fertility and productivity, crop production and protection, and compost
preparation and decomposition. The products from these soil bacteria have been
exploited to control many diseases. Recent development of molecular biology made
it possible to develop transgenic plants by improving genetics. Similarly, the
60 I.P. Sharma et al.

environmental exploitation is also well documented in the literature. Due to lack of

information on microbial diversity of various microorganisms, it is a novel approach
in exploring the uninformed microbial diversity in agriculture, environment, and
human health. The antagonistic effect of these bacteria toward pathogens is one of
the most important traits when they are present in quorum in the soil where they
interact with plant roots and other microorganisms also. The diversity of metabo-
lites with antagonistic activity produced by several bacteria some of these might
produce more than one compound simultaneously which act through several mech-
anism like two compounds (CHAO and Pf-5) are synthesize by P. fluorescens strains
they act simultaneously, first one acts as an antibiosis and other one acts on nutrients
competition (Bouizgarne 2013). These bacteria induce systemic resistance by syn-
thesizing several chemicals (DAPG, HCN, pyoverdine, etc.) which defends against
phytopathogens. All these biochemicals in soil regulate the soil immune system
where they circulate throughout the soil body; hence, they defense against the
pathogens and result in better health of soil for better productivity.

Acknowledgments  The authors are greatly thankful to all the supporting members of the
GBPUAT Pantnagar who encourage us to prepare this manuscript.

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Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling:
A Key to Soil Health 4
Nisha Sahu, D. Vasu, Asha Sahu, Narayan Lal,
and S.K. Singh

Nowadays, due to continuous degradation in soil quality, a healthy soil system is
the result of a complex network of physical, chemical, and biological soil quality
indicators. Healthy soils provide a balance between the needs of both farmers
and community. Soil organic matter (SOM) helps to sustain the soil health as
well as its quality, inactivate toxic compounds, suppress pathogens, and protect
environmental sustainability. It implies interactions among the soil’s internal and
external components for the sustainable food production system. The efficient
soil microbes play an important role, since they are responsible to drive various
biological transformations and different pools of carbon (C) and macro- and
micronutrients, which facilitate the subsequent establishment of soil-plant-­
microbe interaction. The diversity of microbes in soil system is enormous. This
article emphasizes the role of microbes for soil health through the decomposition
of SOM present in soil system. Toward the global knowledge of soil microbial
dynamics, its function is increasing rapidly, but the knowledge of rhizospheric
complex is limited, despite of their importance in regulating soil-plant systems.

Soil health • Microorganisms • Nutrient transformations • Sustainable

N. Sahu (*) • D. Vasu

ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
e-mail: nishasahu5@gmail.com
A. Sahu
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
N. Lal • S.K. Singh
ICAR-National Research Centre on Litchi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 69

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_4
70 N. Sahu et al.

4.1 Introduction

The importance of soil is increasing at an alarming rate due to the rapidly growing
worldwide population as healthy soils will be less to meet the future food supply
due to growing pressure on land for urban expansion, biofuel production, and natu-
ral resource extraction (Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Jha and Subramanian
2016; Kumar et al. 2016a, b). The soil develops by degeneration of rocks as well as
minerals, through biotic actions of microbes sustained by them (Bahadur et  al.
2017; Verma et  al. 2017b; Kumar et  al. 2017a; Nath et  al. 2017). It represents
dynamic ecosystems, making it appropriate to think about them in terms such as
health, vitality, and soil sustainability. Soils are the resources that provide humans
with ~90% of all the food we consume. Our one major challenge is to manage soils
in a sustainable fashion so that they will meet the needs of the next generation
(Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2015; Ahmad et al. 2016; Meena
et al. 2015f, 2016a; Parewa et al. 2014; Dotaniya et al. 2016; Jaiswal et al. 2016).
Meanwhile, measurement of soil processes and its properties linked to these also
depends on the use and location of the soil. Previously, not only the physical and
chemical properties were given importance, but nowadays also the role of soil bio-
diversity in maintaining soil fertility and crop productivity (Singh 2015).
Soils are establishment of all terrestrial ecosystems and are considered home to
a vast diversity of rhizospheric macro- and microorganisms. They provide food or
nutrients to the macro-/microorganisms that live above and below the ground and
play significant role in buffering and filtering of soil system. Therefore, soils are
very important to existing societies (mainly human) as we depend on our day-to-day
work (Dominati et  al. 2010; Prakash and Verma 2016; Meena et  al. 2016b;
Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et al. 2017a; Bahadur et  al. 2016b;
Das and Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016).
Soils support a diversity of life and conception is similar to human health; it is
not difficult to understand or recognize when the system is viewed as a whole. The
strength of soil comes from the life that exists within it – soil microorganisms, rang-
ing from genes and species to communities. It is an excellent indicator of soil health
(Nielsen and Winding 2002; Takoutsing et al. 2016). Variation in microbial popula-
tion and activities is considered as early signs of soil degradation and amelioration.
These efficient rhizospheric microorganisms are a vitally important component of
the soil habitat where they play significant roles in soil-plant systems functioning
through controlling nutrient cycling reactions essential for sustaining soil quality
and also contributing to the genesis and maintenance of soil structure (Meena et al.
2015a, b, e; Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Rawat et al. 2016; Yasin et al.
2016; Teotia et al. 2016).
There is an infinite abundance of microbes that exist within the soil system.
However, very little is known about the tiny creature which is responsible for numer-
ous processes occurring in soil and maintaining productivity in natural and man-
aged agroecosystems (Meena et al. 2016c, e; Saha et al. 2016a; Yadav and Sidhu
2016). Investigation on rhizospheric chemistry in relation to mainly nutrients and
microbes is difficult as we cannot see them, so they are out of sight and out of mind;
4  Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key to Soil Health 71

most methods for studying these critters are rife with difficulties, and though we can
identify thousands of different species, we only really know what a small percent-
age of them are doing in the soil. Only ~1% of the microbes’ species have been
identified or cultured. In short, we have a lot left to learn by understanding what
microbes are doing, under what conditions they dominate, and how to sustain nutri-
ent cycling (Meena et al. 2014a, 2016d; Saha et al. 2016b; Verma et al. 2014, 2015b;
Bahadur et al. 2016a; Masood and Bano 2016).
Soil microbes have an enormous influence on soil-plant-microbe interactions
and play a significant role for maintaining soil quality. The most important of these
interactions is nutrient cycling. Under the healthy soil-plant system, soil biota regu-
lates the flow, root growth, and storage of nutrients. Even fertilization may pass
through efficient rhizospheric microbes before being utilized by the crop/plant
(Dubey et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2017a).

4.2 Soil Health

In the long-term soil fertility, the more we are supporting the next generation. A
healthy, fertile soil laid the groundwork for a strong and resilient food production
system. Nowadays, one of the major tasks is to manage and maintain soil in a sus-
tainable fashion. In the mid-1990s, the term soil health was introduced; several
scientists gave various definitions of soil health, and one of the most commonly
proposed definition is by Doran and Safley 1997 “The continued capacity of soil to
function as a vital living system, within ecosystem and land-use boundaries, to sus-
tain biological productivity, promote the quality of air and water environments, and
maintain plant, animal and human health.” This definition encompasses a time com-
ponent, reflecting the importance of continuous function over time and the dynamic
nature of soil-plant system (Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Meena et al.
Soil is a finite and nonrenewable resource because regeneration of soil through
various weathering processes (physical, chemical, and biological) of underlying
rock requires geological time (Huber et al. 2001). The soil quality focuses on the
continued capacity or buffering capacity of soil to sustain plant growth promoting
(PGP) and is essential for the integrity of ecosystems to remain intact or to recover
from disturbances (Pankhurst et al. 1997). However, the deterioration of soil quality
is a major concern for human-animal-plant health (Singer and Ewing 2000).
Healthy soils are able to balance a range of functions to meet the needs of both
farmers and community. It functions to sustain soil biota and plant life, store and
cycle wastewater and nutrients, decompose SOM, inactivate toxic compounds, sup-
press pathogens, and protect soil and water quality. Meanwhile, healthy soil system
had a concept that implies that the soil functions as a balance of each other, and it
enhances the sustainability of production system (Meena et  al. 2013b, 2015c;
Shrivastava et al. 2016; Velazquez et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2015). The degradation
in soil-water quality is a symptom of poor soil health (Takoutsing et  al. 2016).
Healthy soils function to sustain biological productivity, store and cycle water and
72 N. Sahu et al.

nutrients, decompose organic matter, inactivate toxic compounds, suppress patho-

gens, protect water quality, and enhance catchment health. Hierarchy and emer-
gence are properties of all systems including soils and the composition of soil
(Dubey 2016). The soil health is the net result of undergoing conservation and deg-
radation processes, depending highly on the biological component of the soil eco-
system, and influences plant health, environmental health, and food safety and
quality (Parr et al. 1992; Halvorson et al. 1997; Singh 2015; Takoutsing et al. 2016).
A healthy soil functions to buffer nutrients as well as contaminants and other solutes
via sorption or incorporation with clay particles and SOM. The soil serves as an
environmental filter for removing undesirable solid and gaseous constituents from
air and water (Parr et al. 1992; Singer and Ewing 2000).

4.3 Soil as a Microbial Habitat

The biological activity in soil is largely concentrated in the topsoil, where the depth
may vary from a few to ~120 cm. In the topsoil, the biological components (soil
microorganisms) occupy a tiny fraction (<0.5%) of the total soil volume and make
up <10% of SOM. They play a significant role in the cycling of nutrients and the
decomposition of organic residues (Pankhurst et al. 1997). The organic residues are,
in this way, converted to biomass or mineralized to CO2, H2O, and nutrients (Bloem
et al. 1997). These efficient microbes are further associated with the transformation
and degradation of waste materials and synthetic organic compounds (Meena et al.
2014b, 2015d; Singh et al. 2016; Sindhu et al. 2016).
The roles of these efficient rhizospheric microbes possess the ability to give an
integrated measure of soil sustainability, an aspect that cannot be obtained with
physical/chemical measures and/or analyses of diversity of higher organisms.
Microbes respond quickly to changes; hence, they rapidly adapt to environmental
conditions. This adaptation potentially allows microbial analyses to be discriminat-
ing in soil health assessment, and changes in microbial populations and activities
may therefore function as an excellent indicator of change in soil health (Kennedy
and Papendick 1995; Pankhurst and Hawke 1995; Singh 2015). Soil is a dynamic
habitat for a variety of life-forms and provides a mechanical support to plants from
which they extract nutrients. Soil organisms are constantly interacting with one
another; sometimes these interactions are mutually beneficial, symbiotic, and com-
petitive. It improves soil health because the “good” bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and
insects are able to outcompete the “bad” ones and also contribute greatly by break-
ing down organic materials to make nutrients available to plants. Microorganisms
act as an important link in the process of nutrient recycling. Thus, the same funda-
mental soil structure in different locations is found to support different biological
communities. The microflora and microfauna present in the soil are depicted in
Fig. 4.1. Soils are combinations of sand, silt, and clay particles and provide a diver-
sity of microhabitats which supports a wide range of organisms. These organisms
interact to modify the atmosphere between soil particles. The atmosphere within the
soil differs from the above ground due to the use of the available oxygen present in

Algae Fungus Bacteria Protozoa

Blue greens Green greens Yeasts and yeast Molds and

(Cyanophyceae) (Chlorophyceae) like fungi true fungi
Amoeba Ciliates



Nitrogen Oxidising Carbon
Compounds Compounds
Bacteria requiring
Nitrogen fixing bacteria
combined nitrogen
4  Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key to Soil Health

Sulphur & its

Compounds Iron Hydrogen & its
Compounds Compounds
Symbiotic Non-Symbiotic Spore Non-Spore
forming forming

Aerobic Anaerobic

Aerobic Anaerobic

Fig. 4.1  The microflora and microfauna of the soil system

74 N. Sahu et al.

Table 4.1  Distribution of soil microorganisms

Depth Organisms per gram of soil
(cm) Aerobic bacteria Anaerobic bacteria Actinomyces Fungi
3–8 7,800,000 1,950,000 2,080,000 119,000
20–25 1,800,000 379,000 245,000 50,000
35–40 472,000 98,000 49,000 14,000
65–75 10,000 1000 5000 3000
135 100 400 3000

the soil by microbial and other metabolisms, and finally there is less oxygen beneath
the ground. Similarly, carbon dioxide is generated as a by-product of microbial
metabolism, and there is a higher concentration of carbon dioxide within soil than
above ground (Sarkar et al. 2017; Verma et al. 2017a; Kumar et al. 2017b).
Soils contain many aerobic and facultative organisms, and because of the micro-
bial manipulation of microenvironments, soils may harbor a large number of obli-
gate anaerobes. The distribution of soil microorganisms is presented in Table 4.1.
These rhizobacteria are the largest group of soil microbes, both in total number and
in diversity. Nowadays, the great advances of molecular biological techniques like
sensitive isotope studies which are yielding information on the metabolism of soil
microbes are being used for taxonomic studies (Singh 2015; Dubey 2016). The
cycling of nutrients is very important as without which, the continuation of life on
earth would be impossible, as essential nutrients would rapidly be taken up by
organisms and locked in a form that cannot be used by others. Soil is one part of the
ecosystem and supports all terrestrial life-forms; therefore, protection of soil is of
high priority, and a thorough understanding of soil enzyme activities is a critical
factor in assuring that soil remains healthy. A better understanding of soil enzymes
in maintaining the soil health will provide an opportunity for an integrated biologi-
cal assessment of soils. The response of microbes to environmental stress is rapid
compared to higher organisms, due to their high surface to volume ratio (Pankhurst
and Hawke 1995).
These efficient microbial communities can be considered as architects of soils
(Rajendhran and Gunasekaran 2008), and many ecosystem services that are linked
to ecosystems, including plant production, safeguarding of drinking water, or C
sequestration, are closely linked to microbial activities and their functional traits
(Torsvik and Ovreas 2002; Lombard et al. 2011). Studies on the development of
abiotic and biotic interactions are very complex (Ollivier et al. 2011). Microbes act
on a scale of μm3 and form biogeochemical interfaces with the soil matrix, shaping
their own environment (Totsche et al. 2010; Monier et al. 2011) Finally, most func-
tional traits, for example, the degradation of plant litter or the development of food
web structures and closed nutrient cycles, are not a result of a single organism but
of microbial communities which closely interact which each other (Aneja et  al.
2006; Simon and Daniel 2011; Sharma et al. 2012).
4  Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key to Soil Health 75

4.4  icrobial Decomposition of Organic Matter

and Nutrient Availability

Soil organic matter acts as a storehouse for nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. There
is very little inorganic nitrogen in soils and much of it is derived from organic forms.
The organic matter decomposition is largely an enzymatic process and facilitated by
extracellular hydrolytic enzymes produced by soil microorganisms. Soil enzymes
are involved in the biochemical processes during organic matter decomposition.
The important soil enzymes are amylase, arylsulfatase, cellulase, chitinase, dehy-
drogenase, phosphatase, and urease which are released from plants, animals, organic
compounds, and microorganisms and soils (Gupta et al. 1993; Ganeshamurthy et al.
1995). The rate of SOM decomposition is influenced by environmental factors such
as temperature, moisture content, and microbial diversity (Debnath and Hajra 1972).
In principle, the breakdown of organic matter involves four stages, viz., (a) break-
down of compounds that are easy to decompose – like sugars, starches, and pro-
teins; (b) breakdown of compounds that take several years to decompose like
cellulose (an insoluble carbohydrate found in plants) and lignins (a very compli-
cated structure that is part of wood); (c) breakdown of compounds that can take up
to ~10 years to decompose – like some waxes and the phenols; and (d) breakdown
of compounds that take thousands of years to decompose which include humus-like
substances which are the result of integration of compounds from breakdown prod-
ucts of plants and those generated by microorganisms (Chakroborty and Sen 1967).
Mineralization of organic matter is the biological process where organic compounds
in organic matter are chemically converted by the microorganisms in soil to simpler
organic compounds, other organic compounds, or mineralized nutrients (Fig. 4.2).
Therefore, incorporating organic matter into soils can change the amount of nitro-
gen (and other nutrients) available to plants, and those having a high C/N ratio will
probably cause some nitrogen deficiency in the crops/plants, at least in the short
term (Katherine et al. 2004; Ellert et al. 1997).

4.5 Mineralization and Humification

One of the most important functions of soil microorganism is the decomposition of

various forms of organic matter present in the soil. It chiefly consists of residues of
dead plant and animals and the excretory products of the living beings. These
organic constituents need to be converted into simple inorganic forms (minerals) to
make them available to the autotrophic organisms. This conversion of organic mat-
ter into simple inorganic forms is called mineralization which is rendered mainly
through decomposition of organic matter by soil microorganism, mainly fungi and
bacteria (Gupta and Germina 1988; Xu et al. 2015). The organic residues added to
the soil are categorized into three groups: the easily degradable, moderately degrad-
able, and difficultly degradable which are distinctly attached by different types of
76 N. Sahu et al.

source of SOM:
litter, roots, dead organisms,
excrements of living organisms

complex organic molecules: available plant nutrients

proteins release of ions (e.g.
lignins NH4+, Ca 2+, Mg2+)
fats, others

of ions in bodies
oxidative decomposition of organisms

humification: mineralisation:
synthesis of organic compounds organic compounds are converted
such as fulvic acids, humic acids to inorganic forms, release of minerals

chelation: formation of leaching of ions such as

organo-metal-complexes Ca 2+, Mg 2+, NO3-, SO42-

Fig. 4.2  An overview of SOM mineralization in the soil-plant system

The result of microbial mineralization is the release of energy, water, gases, etc.
on the one hand and formation of complex amorphous substance humus, called
humification, on the other hand. The rate of oxidation of biologically important ele-
ments such as nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, etc. during mineralization of
organic matter is of paramount importance to plants. Microorganisms play a vital
role to convert elements to usable forms to the plants for their use. Thus, the pro-
cesses of mineralization and humification run in nature hand in hand (Billings and
Ziegler 2005).

4.6 Role of Soil Enzymes in Organic Matter Decomposition

Soil enzymes are a group of enzymes whose usual inhabitants are the soil and are
continuously playing an important role in maintaining soil ecology, physical and
chemical properties, fertility, and soil health and responsible for overall process of
organic matter decomposition in the soil system (Dick et al. 1996). They are impor-
tant in catalyzing several vital reactions necessary for the life processes of microor-
ganisms in soils and the stabilization of soil structure, the decomposition of organic
wastes, organic matter formation, and nutrient cycling, hence playing an important
role in agriculture (Fig. 4.3). The enzyme levels in soil systems vary in amounts
primarily due to the fact that each soil type has different amounts of organic matter
4  Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key to Soil Health 77


Easily Moderately Difficulty

degradable degradable degradable

Simple sugars, Hemicelluloses, Tanins, lignin,
amino acid, celluloses, suberins,
amides, etc. proteins, etc. keratins,
chitin, etc.
Microbes Microbes
Microbes CO2, H2O,
CO2, H2O, Simpler compounds like NH3, etc.
NH3, etc. simple proteins, quinoid
Microbes substances, etc. Complex
substances like
Microbes quinines, Microbes
Residue withstanding
microbial degradation Condensation


Fig. 4.3  Overview of microbial decomposition of organic matter

content, composition, and activity of its living organisms and intensity of biological
processes. In practice, the biochemical reactions are brought about largely through
the catalytic contribution of enzymes and variable substrates that serve as energy
sources for various microorganisms (Mandels and Reese 1999; Kertesz and Mirleau
2004; Liebich et  al. 2007). The enzymes are the direct mediators for biological
catabolism of SOM and mineral components. Soil enzyme activities are closely
related to SOM and soil quality; the changes are much sooner than other parame-
ters, thus providing early indications of changes in soil sustainability (Dick et al.
These enzymes may include amylase, arylsulfatase, β-glucosidase, cellulase,
chitinase, dehydrogenase, phosphatase, protease, and urease released from plants,
animals, organic compounds, and microorganisms and soils (Ganeshamurthy et al.
1995; Xu et al. 2015). Factors affecting enzyme activity in soil are free enzymes
adsorbed or otherwise bound to soil organic and inorganic fraction, released into the
soil from lysed microbes through the action of bacteria, and accessible in dead non-­
lysed cells and any metabolic activity of living cells as roots present in soil
78 N. Sahu et al.

4.7 Amylase

The starch hydrolyzing enzyme amylase is known to be constituted by α-amylase

and β-amylase. The α-amylases are synthesized by plants, animals, and microbes,
whereas β-amylase is synthesized mainly by plants. It plays a significant role in the
breakdown of starch, which converts starch-like substrates to glucose and β-amylase,
which converts starch to maltose (Srinivasulu and Rangaswamy 2006). Plants may
however influence the amylase enzyme activities of soil by directly supplying
enzymes from their residues or excreted compounds or indirectly providing sub-
strates for the synthetic activities of soil-pant-microbe system.

4.8 Arylsulfatase

Arylsulfatases are typically widespread in nature as well as in soils and are respon-
sible for the hydrolysis of sulfate esters (Kertesz and Mirleau 2004). They are
secreted by rhizobacteria into the external environment as a response to sulfur limi-
tation, and its occurrence is often correlated with microbial biomass and rate of S
immobilization. This enzyme has a role in the hydrolysis of aromatic sulfate esters
(R–O–SO3) to phenols (R–OH) and sulfate or sulfate sulfur (SO42− or SO4–S). So
far, very little is known about specific microbial genera or species that play an
important role in the soil organosulfur circle in which arylsulfatases are the key
enzymes (Gupta et al. 1993; Ganeshamurthy et al. 1995).

4.9 β-Glucosidase

Glucosidase is a common, predominant enzyme in soils and named according to the

type of bond that it hydrolyses. It plays an important role in catalyzing the hydroly-
sis and biodegradation of various β-glucosidases present in plant debris decompos-
ing in soil-plant system (Xu et al. 2015). Its final product is glucose, an important C
energy source of life to microbes in the soil. It is characteristically useful as a soil
quality indicator and may give a reflection of past biological activity, the capacity of
soil to stabilize the soil organic matter, and can be used to detect management effect
on soils.

4.10 Cellulases

The cellulose is the most abundant organic compound in the biosphere, comprising
~50% of the biomass synthesized by photosynthetic fixation of CO2. Growth and
survival of microbes are important in most agricultural soils which depend on the
carbon source contained in the cellulose occurring in the soil (Srinivasulu and
Rangaswamy 2006). Cellulases are a group of enzymes that catalyze the degrada-
tion of cellulose; polysaccharides are built up of β-1,4-linked glucose units (Fig. 4.4).
4  Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key to Soil Health 79

Fig. 4.4 The
decomposition of cellulose CH2OH CH2OH
to glucose O O
(linear β 1,4 glucan)
1,000 to 10,000
glucose units
Unit n

Aerobic or anaerobic conditions

Cellulases (extracellular enzymes)

O (can be transported
into cell)

β 1,4-glucosidase






TCA Cycle Fermentation

Many researchers reported that cellulases in soils are derived mainly from plant
debris incorporated into the soil, and a limited amount may also originate from
fungi and bacteria in soils. Since, cellulase enzymes play an important role in global
recycling of the most abundant polymer, cellulose, in nature, it would be of critical
importance to understand this enzyme better so that it may be used more regularly
as a predictive tool in our soil fertility programs (Saha et  al. 2003; Muter et  al.

4.11 Chitinase

Chitinase or chitinolytic enzymes are key enzymes responsible for the degradation
and hydrolysis of chitin (poly-β-1-4-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy)-D-glucoside). They are
also considered as the major structural component for many fungal cell walls that
use the hyperparasitism mechanisms against pest/pathogen attack. These biological
agents also reduce disease-producing agents by using other mechanisms such as
80 N. Sahu et al.

antibiosis or competition mechanisms and are produced or released by various

organisms including plants and microorganisms.

4.12 Dehydrogenase

The dehydrogenase enzyme activity is commonly used as an indicator of biological

activity in soils. This enzyme is considered to exist as an integral part of intact cells
but does not accumulate extracellularly in the soil (Vasilchenko et al. 2004). It is
also known to oxidize soil organic matter by transferring protons and electrons from
substrates to acceptors.
Soil water content and temperature influence dehydrogenase activity indirectly
by affecting the soil redox status (Debnath and Hajra 1972; Xu et al. 2015).

4.13 Phosphatases

In soil ecosystems, these enzymes are believed to play critical roles in P cycles as
they are correlated to P stress and plant growth and are also good indicators of soil
fertility. For example, when there is a signal indicating P deficiency in the soil, acid
phosphatase secretion from plant roots is increased to enhance the solubilization
and remobilization of phosphate, thus influencing the ability of the plant to cope
with P-stressed conditions (Saha et al. 2003).

4.14 Proteases

Proteases in the soil play a significant role in N mineralization, regulating the

amount of plant available N and plant growth. They are associated with inorganic
and organic colloids (Chakroborty and Sen 1967). Extracellular enzyme activities
are not only indicative of biological capacity of soil for the enzymatic conversion of
the substrate but also have an important role in the ecology of microorganisms.
Hence, there is a need to study the properties and factors affecting naturally occur-
ring enzyme complexes as they reveal some unknown role(s) in maintaining soil
health and fertility.

4.15 Concluding Remarks and Future Prospectives

Soil organisms (macro and micro) play a significant role in soil processes, including
nutrient cycling. These efficient processes are essential to agriculture and forestry
and for protecting the quality of water, air, and habitat. Soil enzymes act as a cata-
lyst to sustain soil health and its fertility. Enzymes have significant effects on soil
biology, environmental management, growth, and nutrient uptake in plants growing
in ecosystems. However, their activities may be influenced by unknown cultural
4  Strength of Microbes in Nutrient Cycling: A Key to Soil Health 81

management practices either in a major or minor amount. Therefore, it is necessary

to consider the effects on the soil health. Despite of significant importance of soil
biological processes, the development of monitoring and management guidelines is
limited. In the future, researches focusing more on the discovery of new microbial
diversity in the soil might be significant practices that may positively influence the
microbial activities for improved plant growth as well as rendering friendly biologi-
cal environments in order to sustain other living beings.

Acknowledgments  The authors are grateful to ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land
Use Planning for technical support to carry out the work.

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Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe
Interaction 5
Raghavendra M.P.

The coordinated behaviors, at the population level, occur in bacteria due to com-
munication between the cells, which is defined as quorum sensing (QS). These
communications help the bacteria to respond in terms of extracellular factors
which are involved in scavenging for nutrients; biosynthesis of exopolysaccha-
rides, extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, siderophores, antibiotics, pigments,
hypersensitive reaction; aiding motility; and providing scaffolding for biofilms
to grow as well as those involved in conjugation and epiphytic fitness. Even in
parasitic species, these signals help in regulation of bacterial growth, virulence,
and damage caused to hosts. QS signal molecules are regulated by autoinduction
and positive feedback mechanism at high cell densities. A detailed mechanism
involved in QS is discussed in this chapter with special reference to rhizosphere
microflora. The rhizosphere is a digestive system of the plants wherein several
microorganisms influenced by root exudates in turn favor its growth. In the
future, understanding QS related to plant growth-promoting bacteria and its
interspecific bacterial communication may offer good opportunities to manipulate
bacterial community structure in the rhizosphere for the benefit of agriculture.

Quorum sensing • Rhizosphere microflora • Plant growth

R. M.P. (*)
Department of Microbiology, Maharani’s Science College for Women,
JLB Road, Mysuru 570005, Karnataka, India
e-mail: mpraghavendra@gmail.com

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 87

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_5
88 R. M.P.

5.1 Introduction

Revitalization of the native soil systems for improved crop yield was emphasized in
many literatures and even the study conducted by United Nations’ Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on “Sustainable agriculture and food
security in Asia and the Pacific” emphasizes the same. There is a need of carrying
out these processes using various eco-friendly biological amendments especially
microorganisms. These organisms colonized in the rhizosphere share symbiotic and
asymbiotic relationship with plants benefiting its growth directly or indirectly
(Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2016b).
Rhizosphere microflora along with other eukaryotic cell types is known to
produce specific small signaling molecules through which they are able to sense
their concentration in the environment. This behavior of accumulating signal
molecules in response to increase in population density of the specific organism is
named as quorum sensing (Fuqua and Greenberg 2002). The coordinated expres-
sion of the specific target genes of the entire population occurs when these signals
reach the threshold. These interactions help these organisms to occupy particular
habitat adapting to environmental conditions and resource levels and even to gener-
ate a coordinated protective response against several adverse conditions. These
coordinated responses are generally induced by a group of chemical signaling and
are referred to as quorum sensing (QS). QS signals produced by rhizosphere micro-
flora are significantly higher compared to other organisms isolated from bulk soil. It
is also evident from the work carried out on the QS signals with distinct chemical
structures produced by Gram-negative rhizosphere bacteria and their potential to
regulate a wide array of genes in the population (Hartmann et  al. 2014; Maurya
et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016a; Jha and Subramanian 2016).

5.2 Biocommunication in Rhizosphere

The rhizosphere is defined as the soil around the roots which is under the influence
of root exudates, whereas rhizoplane comprises of the microorganisms adhered
onto the root surface. Roots are reported to secrete exudates with a wide array of
chemicals involved in regulation of both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms
in the rhizosphere. The variation in these chemicals helps in stabilizing the equi-
librium of beneficial microbes in terms of its number and by which evading the
continuous attack by soilborne pathogenic bacteria (Walker et al. 2003; Bais et al.
2003). The cross talk between the plant roots and beneficial microbes is playing a
vital role in growth and development of the entire plant kingdom in general and
agricultural crops in particular (Manefield and Turner 2002; Kent and Triplett 2002;
Sharma et al. 2003). The release of chemicals involved in trans-specific communi-
cation from roots can occur passively upon decay and may export signals actively to
the extracellular environment.
Ten to 40% of the photosynthetic carbon assimilation is released by the plants as
root exudates, and it is a mixture of sugars, amino acids, organic acids, sugar
5  Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction 89

alcohols, and secondary metabolites (Bais et al. 2006). Due to its regular addition to
soil than the senescent plant debris, their role in regulating the microbial activity
through nutrient bioavailability and regulating phytotoxic elements is vital (Singh
and Mukerji 2006; Neumann 2007). Thus, microbial activity including cell division,
sporulation, and synthesis of secondary metabolites and even its number is very
high in the vicinity of growing roots than the non-rhizosphere soil. It is observed
that there is 12- to 25-fold difference in bacterial and fungal population between
these soils (Kennedy 2005; Parewa et al. 2014; Ahmad et al. 2016; Jaiswal et al.
2016; Meena et al. 2016a).
The rhizosphere is a hotspot of several communications involving a wide range
of microorganisms with diverse physiological importance (Bahadur et  al. 2017;
Verma et al. 2017b; Kumar et al. 2017a; Nath et al. 2017). Among these communi-
cations, quorum sensing and quorum quenching are attracting scientific community
for its beneficial exploitation in plant growth regulations ultimately leading to yield
enhancement. Gram-negative bacteria use homoserine lactones (LuxR/LuxI) as
communication signals (Swift et  al. 1999; Schauder and Bassler 2001), whereas
Gram-positive bacteria use oligopeptides in quorum sensing. The mechanisms of
quorum sensing are discussed in detail later in this chapter.
During quorum sensing, it is important for the organisms to differentiate between
species-specific signaling and signaling associated with interspecies behavior mod-
ulations (Bassler 1999; Federle and Bassler 2003; Waters and Bassler 2006). Hence,
they need to have competence in communication, which enables them to coordinate
behaviors related to species specifically and also to coordinate with other diverse
group of species (Hughes and Sperandio 2008). Mycorrhizal fungi stand as a best
example for this; these fungi support the growth of bacteria by releasing few nutri-
ents, and in turn soil bacteria with its wide array of enzymes degrade the complex
soil organic nutrients and make it easily available for the fungi (Bonfante 2003;
Bonfante and Anca 2009). It also supports the plant growth by extending its hyphae
to the areas where plant roots are not able to reach; due to this extension, the plant
gets sufficient nutrients supplied by both roots and fungi compared to uninfected
roots. Volumes of information are available in these interactions, and it is also docu-
mented that if mycorrhizal associations were not available, several plants would
have become extinct by this time (Meena et al. 2015f, 2016b; Dominguez-Nunez
et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016; Prakash and Verma 2016).
Smaller groups of the similar bacteria on the other hand use quorum sensing to
develop dialects required to occupy specific niche in the ecosystem. It also helps in
identifying the nonself species through species-specific and group-specific quorum
sensing. While facing the competition for specific niche, the complex coordination
among the species avoids the confusion and enables them to colonize the specific
habitat with specialized characteristics acquired through such interactions (Taga
and Bassler 2003). The law of limiting factor supported by adaptive radiation of
the species is favored by coexistence of bacterial life with suitable interactions to
scavenge the limiting factor required to colonize the specific habitat and suitably
favored in competition with other groups of organisms (Sarkar et al. 2017; Verma
et al. 2017a).
90 R. M.P.

Of late, understanding of QS revealed that it is common in all bacteria including

proteobacteria which exhibit QS mediated by N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL)
(Fray 2002). These bacteria need special mention because they are reported to be
common in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil (Cha et al. 1998) and constitute an
estimated two-thirds of temperate plant rhizospheres (Hawkes et  al. 2007). After
accepting the fact that quorum sensing plays an important role in rhizosphere colo-
nization and soil fertility, several novel techniques such as extracting DNA from
rhizosphere soil (Williamson et al. 2005), inoculating the specific bacteria to sterile
soil to understand the interaction in controlled condition (Steidle et al. 2001), and
understanding QS in natural habitat (DeAngelis et al. 2007) and compost (Burmolle
et al. 2005) have taken place, but the role of QS in soil processes associated with
biologically intact soils needs to be investigated thoroughly using sophisticated
methods to understand the difficult interactions and signals associated with it.
It is interesting to note that even higher plants are also reported to secrete molec-
ular compounds similar to bacterial AHL through root exudation (Bauer and
Teplitski 2001). Few plants such as legumes, pea, and alfalfa are known to secrete
mimic of the bacterial QS regulators required to regulate functions of plant-specific
PGPR, which helps them to colonize specific plant and release antifungal com-
pounds to inhibit the soilborne phytopathogens (Teplitski et  al. 2000). Another
interesting report is that the chemicals released in the root exudates are known to
modify the AHL signaling in microbial populations by promoting or inhibiting
AHL-mediated QS. To support this, Bauer and Teplitski (2001) reported the ability
of D. pulcra an alga to produce over 30 halogenated furanone compounds having
the ability to inhibit Gram-negative AHL signals. These compounds are similar to
bacterial AHL in structure but prevent the Gram-negative bacteria to colonize algal
surface, and by doing so, it favors the colonization by Gram-positive bacteria. This
gives an idea that QS plays a vital role in selective colonization of root surface either
regulated by chemicals released by plants or bacterial signaling system.
Understanding this delicate communication in soil is the need of the hour to develop
strategies for the next green revolution.

5.3 Mechanism of Quorum Sensing

QS in bacteria is explained related to the field of economics and is considered simi-

lar to the systems that control the production of public goods. Biologically, it is the
production of costly product individually when accumulated in concentration ben-
efits personally and also the population. For example, the exoenzyme, an enzyme
released by the bacteria into the environment to break down complex food/carbon
sources into simpler molecules, has to facilitate the easy uptake into the cells for
further degradation to derive the energy. This special physiological ability of one
organism keeps other organisms without this ability out of competition in a particu-
lar habitat. It is also true with pathogenic organisms having the ability to secrete/
excrete molecules which are often toxic to other animals including human beings.
5  Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction 91

(a) (b)
signal molecules
concentration mass transfer

individual sensing

collective sensing

individual response

collective response

mass transfer

public goods

Fig. 5.1  Individual sensing versus collective sensing and responses; (a) individual sensing,
(b) collective sensing (Popat et al. 2015)

Even antibiotics, which plays an important role in amensalism behavior, requires

quorum sensing specially regulated by cell density (Fig. 5.1).

5.3.1 General Mechanism

Generally, quorum sensing in bacteria falls into three classes: the first is, as men-
tioned earlier, AHL-dependent LuxI/LuxR-type QS observed in Gram-negative
bacteria, the second is the small peptide-mediated QS observed in Gram-positive
bacteria, and the third observed in both these bacteria is luxS-encoded autoinducer
2 (AI-2) QS. These signal molecules are operating with precise sensing and regula-
tory network (Dunny and Leonard 1997; Miller and Bassler 2001; Schauder and
Bassler 2001; Federle and Bassler 2003; Waters and Bassler 2005; Papenfort and
Bassler 2016).
The detailed QS mechanism associated with Gram-negative bacteria mediated
by AHL is available. AHL is freely diffusible and its concentration varies accord-
ingly in proportion to cell density. The specific target genes are activated when
LuxR-like protein recognizes AHL and binds to specific promoters on DNA, which
in turn positively regulates the genes leading to the production of proteins. LuxI-like
enzymes are reported to be responsible for production of specific AHL in associa-
tion with acyl-ACP of the fatty acid metabolism (Miller and Bassler 2001; Fuqua
and Greenberg 2002; Taga and Bassler 2003; Waters and Bassler 2005).
92 R. M.P.

Two types of quorum sensing systems are reported in Gram-positive bacteria in

contrast to Gram-negative bacteria (Dunny and Leonard 1997; Novick 2003;
Fontaine et al. 2010; Fleuchot et al. 2011). The first comprises of a three-component
signaling peptide referred to as autoinducing peptide (AIP) and the other is a two-­
component signal transduction system which specifically responds to an AIP (Miller
and Bassler 2001; Dunny and Leonard 1997; Schauder and Bassler 2001). The dif-
ference observed between AHL signals and AIP is that the latter is not permeable
through the cell membrane and hence requires an ATP-binding cassette transporter
to transport AIP into extracellular environment (Dunny and Leonard 1997; Novick
2003). A signal peptide precursor is generally produced by Gram-positive bacteria
which later cleaved at the double-glycine consensus sequence and obtained active
AIP.  Usually 5–25 amino acids with unusual side chains serve a signal peptide
(Novick 2003). Further, the two-component signal transduction system comprising
of membrane-bound histidine kinase and cytoplasmic regulator protein to regulate
specific gene in response to the specific AIP leads to QS (Dunny and Leonard 1997;
Schauder and Bassler 2001; Novick 2003).
Autoinducer 2 (AI-2) is the third type of QS observed both in Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacteria (Miller and Bassler 2001; Federle and Bassler 2003; Waters
and Bassler 2005). Compared to other two QS systems which are generally for
intraspecies interaction, AI-2 helps in interspecies communication and hence gener-
ally considered as “universal language” (Federle and Bassler 2003; Schauder and
Bassler 2001). AI-2 which is a furanosyl borate first characterized in a marine bac-
terium Vibrio harveyi is reported to regulate bioluminescence which is cell density
dependent (Chen et  al. 2002; Vendeville et  al. 2005). Further, its synthesis using
luxS-encoded synthase, signal transduction, and regulation of the gene expression
in cell density-dependent manner is well documented (Miller and Bassler 2001;
Schauder and Bassler 2001; Federle and Bassler 2003; Waters and Bassler 2005;
Vendeville et al. 2005).

5.3.2 QS Mechanism in Rhizosphere

Proteobacteria are reported as major colonizers of the rhizosphere, and hence the
QS signals N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) produced by them are significantly
high in the rhizosphere. More than 200 species of proteobacteria are known to
produce about 40 different acyl-HSL signals with different specificities and are pro-
duced by the LuxI family of signal synthases which binds to highly specific recep-
tors in the LuxR family that act as transcription factors. Most of the rhizosphere
microflora is reported to exploit this coevolved signal and receptor circuit for its
effective communication in the soil.
The major group observed in the rhizosphere is actinobacteria; in this group, QS
is dependent on the production of autoregulatory factors of different chemical
classes, mainly the butyrolactone class and the nucleotide-like B-factor class. The
5  Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction 93

first class includes the A-factor of Streptomyces griseus (Yamada and Nihira 1998)
and similar compounds found in other actinobacteria (Yamada et  al. 1987;
Kawabuchi et al. 1997). The nucleotide-like B-factor class has been isolated from
Amycolatopsis (Nocardia) mediterranei (Kawaguchi et al. 1988). In actinobacteria,
research efforts on QS have mostly focused on morphological differentiation and
secondary metabolism. The role of QS during the interaction between actinobacte-
ria and plants has not been examined in detail (Simao-Beaunoir et al. 2009).

5.4 Role of Biosurfactant in Rhizosphere Activity

It is observed that the production of biosurfactant is an important component of QS

along with motility, signaling, differentiation, and biofilm formation (Kearns and
Losick 2003; Van Hamme et al. 2006; Berti et al. 2007; Ron and Rosenberg 2011).
It is well documented in Pseudomonas spp. wherein QS regulates rhamnolipid (bio-
surfactant) production (Dusane et al. 2010). These green surfactants are reported to
enhance the plant microbe interaction leading to increased plant growth by enhanc-
ing the bioavailability of hydrophobic molecules, by increasing the wettability of
the soil, and by distributing the chemical fertilizers applied to the soil properly.
Hence, benefits of biosurfactants need to be exploited for sustainable agriculture.
There are also reports on biosurfactants playing a vital role in interaction between
rhizosphere microflora. Ingham and Jacob (2008) have isolated a Gram-positive
bacterium Paenibacillus vortex, a versatile swarmer with complicated colonial pat-
terns, from the rhizosphere soil and were found highly sensitive to environmental
conditions. These scientists provided greater insight into the transport of nonmotile
fungus Aspergillus fumigatus with the help of swarming ability of the isolated
bacteria. Both these organisms are reported to be inhabitants of the rhizosphere
enjoying the mutual interaction; another interesting observation with this interac-
tion is that the smaller bacterium is cooperatively transporting a larger one. The
interaction between the swarming bacteria and fungus is reported to have more
environmental impact and benefits in fungi in several ways (Ingham et  al. 2011;
Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et al. 2017b; Meena et al. 2015a, e;
Raghavendra et al. 2016; Bahadur et al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan 2016).
In a similar finding, Lindum et al. (1998) reported the synthesis of serrawettin
W2, a cyclic lipodepsipentapeptide required for swarming motility of Serratia
liquefaciens, which is regulated in a cell density-dependent manner by an acyl-­
homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing system. Even swarming of Bacillus sub-
tilis was reported to rely on the production of surfactin (Mendelson and Salhi 1996),
a cyclic lipopeptide biosurfactant whose synthesis is also controlled by quorum
sensing via two pheromone signal peptides, ComX and CSF (Solomon et al. 1996;
Lazazzera et al. 1997). Kohler et al. (2000) reported that Ps. aeruginosa rhlA mutant
was not able to swarm due to its inability to synthesize rhamnolipid.
94 R. M.P.

5.5 Quorum Sensing for Biosurfactant Production

Cell-to-cell signaling regulates the expression of the rhlAB operon responsible for
production of biosurfactants (Ochsner et al. 1994; Ochsner and Reiser 1995; Pearson
et al. 1997; Pesci et al. 1997). RhlI, N-butyrylhomoserine lactone autoinducer syn-
thase gene, and transcriptional activator encoding rhlR that are the major QS system
and rhamnosyltransferase encoded by rhlC which is coordinately regulated along
with rhlAB are responsible for biosurfactant production in microorganisms (Rahim
et al. 2001). These systems are under the influence of nutritional factor and QS sig-
nals (Guerra-Santos et al. 1986). They also came out with interesting observation
that the nutritional conditions supersede cell-to-cell communication and hence cor-
relate more positively with upregulation of quorum sensing-controlled genes such
as rhlAB. A similar conclusion was also expressed by Bollinger et al. (2001) related
to sodA encoding manganese-cofactored superoxide dismutase. These reports high-
light the need of understanding the role of nutritional factors and the QS signals in
cell density-based gene regulation in microorganisms.
Through social traits bacteria get several benefits such as coordinated population
behavior (Vibrio fischeri, Ps. aeruginosa, and Staph. aureus), biofilm formation to
get protection from adverse environmental conditions, nutrient and niche protection
in nocules (Rhizobium sp.), enhanced colonization and growth in specialized niches
(siderophores production for iron acquisition in bacteria), autolysis to provide nutri-
ents and DNA for biofilm development (Ps. aeruginosa), coordinated movement
toward nutrient source (Yersinia sp., Myxococcus xanthus, Ps. aeruginosa), antibi-
otic resistance through production of extracellular enzymes to break down antimi-
crobials (E. coli and Klebsiella spp.), and also immune modulation to facilitate
survival within the host (Ps. aeruginosa, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Helicobacter
pylori) (Diggle et al. 2007).

5.6 Biofilm Formation on the Root Surface

Plant growth-promoting microorganisms are observed in optimal ecological niches

having greater rhizodeposition. These organisms are concentrated on the root sur-
face where the microcolonies or biofilms form (Munch et  al. 2016). The biofilm
formation has a wider impact on the microbial interaction and its associated plant
growth-promoting ability. The biofilm forming beneficial and pathogenic bacteria
which are associated with plant roots is tabulated in Table 5.1.

5.7 Beneficial Aspects of Quorum Sensing

Microorganisms being small are suitable models to understand the basic questions
related to ecology and evolution of social interactions (Zahavi and Ralt 1984; Crespi
2001; Velicer 2003). In recent times, the beneficial traits acquired by these organ-
isms in high-density population are developing a new insight into their community
5  Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction 95

Table 5.1  Biofilm formation by beneficial and pathogenic bacteria associated with plant roots
Bacteria Nature of association Plant name References
Acinetobacter PGPR Duckweed Yamaga et al. (2010)
calcoaceticus P23
Azospirillum brasilense PGPR Wheat Kim et al. (2005) and
Sheludko et al. (2010)
Azorhizobium caulinodans PGPR Rice Van Nieuwenhove
et al. (2004)
Azotobacter chroococcum PGPR Cotton, wheat Kumar et al. (2007)
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PGPR, biocontrol Arabidopsis Fan et al. (2011)
S499 thaliana Nihorimbere et al.
Bacillus cereus Under conditions of Wild barley Trivedi et al. (2011)
stress by salt, heat, or
Bacillus pumilus Under conditions of Wild barley Trivedi et al. (2011)
stress by salt, heat, or
Bacillus polymyxa PGPR Cucumber Yang et al. 2004
Nihorimbere et al.
Bacillus subtilis Biocontrol Arabidopsis Ellis and Cooper
thaliana (2010) and
Beauregard et al.
Bacillus megaterium C4 Nitrogen fixation, Maize, rice Liu et al. (2006)
Burkholderia cepacia Lu Biocontrol Mulberry Ji et al. (2010)
Enterobacter agglomerans Biocontrol Cotton Chernin et al. (1995)
Enterobacter cloacae PGPR Rice Shankar et al. (2011)
Klebsiella pneumoniae Beneficial Wheat Dong et al. (2004)
and Liu et al. (2011)
Microsphaeropsis sp. Biocontrol Onion Carisse et al. (2001)
Micrococcus sp. NII-0909 PGPR Cowpea Dastager et al. (2010)
Paenibacillus lentimorbus Heavy metal Chickpea Khan et al. (2012)
Paenibacillus polymyxa Biocontrol Peanut Haggag and Timmusk
Pantoea agglomerans PGPR Chickpea, wheat Chauhan and Nautiyal
Pseudomonas Biocontrol Wheat Sigler et al. 2001
Pseudomonas Biocontrol Arabidopsis Lalaouna et al. (2012)
brassicacearum thaliana
Pseudomonas Biocontrol Wheat Chin-A-Woeng et al.
chlororaphis (2000) and Shen et al.
96 R. M.P.

Table 5.1 (continued)
Bacteria Nature of association Plant name References
Pseudomonas fluorescens Biocontrol Crop plant Silby and Levy
(2004) and Barahona
et al. (2010)
Pseudomonas putida Drought tolerance, Maize, Sandhya et al. (2009),
bioremediation sunflower, A. Matilla et al. (2011),
thaliana and Jakovleva et al.
Pseudomonas aurantiaca PGPR Maize, wheat Rosas et al. (2009)
Rhizobium alamii Heavy metal Arabidopsis Schue et al. (2011)
tolerance thaliana,
Rhizobium leguminosarum Nitrogen fixation, Various legumes Fujishige et al.
pv. viciae 3841 PGPR, drought (2006), Williams et al.
tolerance (2008), and Janczarek
and Skorupska (2011)
Rhizobium leguminosarum Beneficial Rice Janczarek and
Skorupska (2011)
Rhizobium sp. NGR234 Nitrogen fixation, Legumes Kysciak et al. (2011)
PGPR (cowpea)
Rhizobium Symbiosis Legumes Fujishige et al. (2006)
and Robledo et al.
Sinorhizobium Symbiosis Legumes Fujishige et al.
(2006), Khan et al.
(2012), and Amaya-­
Gomez et al. (2015)
Stenotrophomonas Biocontrol, PGPR Crop plant Ryan et al. (2008)
Shewanella putrefaciens Microbial mediated Huang et al. (2011)
CN-32 geochemistry
Cyanobacteria sp. PGPR, biocontrol Prasanna et al. (2011)

acquired behavior. Usually, microorganisms develop protective adaptations easily at

high density than at low density to adverse environmental conditions such as acidic
condition, alkalinity, pressure, etc. (Foster and Hall 1991; Foster 1995; Cui et al.
2001; Li et  al. 2001). Even pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus
require minimum cell density that is required to establish infections with upregula-
tion of genes associated with virulence factor (Ji et al. 1995; Zahedi 2016; Meena
et al. 2015b, 2016e; Rawat et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Masood and Bano 2016;
Teotia et  al. 2016). Even eukaryotic slime molds and prokaryotic myxobacteria
respond to nutrient stress through aggregation of high-density groups (Rosenbluh
et al. 1989; Rietdorf et al. 1996; vanOss et al. 1996).
The importance of rhizobacteria in the rhizosphere and the role of QS in regulating
its activity related to plant root colonization and nutrient uptake through effective
5  Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction 97

signaling pathways are well documented and described (Loh et al. 2002; Newton
and Fray 2004; Nihorimbere et al. 2011; Podile et al. 2014).
The link between soil signaling and nitrogen cycling is also investigated by
DeAngelis et al. (2008). They reported that many alpha-proteobacteria were newly
found with QS-controlled extracellular enzyme activity, and even cell division,
symbiotic plasmid transfer, gene expression in the rhizosphere, symbiosome
development and nitrogen fixation, and nodule number in Rhizobium bacteria are
regulated by QS. On the contrary, QS is also reported to play an important role in
expression of genes associated with virulence factors (Meena et al. 2013c, 2016c;
Saha et al. 2016a; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Singh et al. 2015; Bahadur et al. 2016a).
This supports an idea that developing QS mutants may be the next line of therapeu-
tic target for disease management.
There is a positive relationship between population growth rate and population
density in some species, which is first introduced by Allee et al. (1949) and hence
known as the Allee effect. He suggested that there exist threshold densities for some
species under some conditions, below which populations decline and thereby
increase the likelihood of extinction and above which population growth rate
increases as a function of density (Courchamp et al. 1999; Stephens and Sutherland
1999). This effect nowadays received renewed interest in conservation of plant and
animal diversity, and it also suits very well into the concepts of QS in microorgan-
isms (Darch et  al. 2012; Meena et  al. 2014b, 2015d, 2016d; Saha et  al. 2016b;
Verma et al. 2015b; Singh et al. 2016).

5.8 Quorum Sensing in Soil Microorganisms

Soil is the central organizer of the terrestrial ecosystem, and its physical, chemical,
and biological processes have enormous impacts on ecosystem productivity, ser-
vices, integrity, and human welfare. It is considered as a natural media for growth of
several microorganisms associated with plant growth. The overall contribution of
soil to the growth of plants is defined as the soil fertility. Several microorganisms
inhabit the soil plant interface and create microenvironment which is physiologi-
cally dynamic supporting the biogeochemical cycle. These microorganisms in turn
develop interactions which is an additional benefit for the plant growth (Verma et al.
2014; Meena et al. 2013b, 2014a, 2015c; Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a;
Shrivastava et al. 2016; Velazquez et al. 2016; Sindhu et al. 2016). To sense environ-
mental conditions and to change patterns of gene regulation accordingly, soil bacte-
ria have evolved sophisticated signal transduction mechanisms. Soil microorganisms
in general and rhizosphere microflora in particular are considered as treasure houses
of the soil defining its fertility and plant growth promotion. Table 5.2 represents QS
signals and its regulated functions.
Table 5.2  Activities of soilborne bacterial functions regulated by QS signals

Representative genus or
Taxonomic class species QS signals produced Known regulated functions References
Actinobacteria Streptomyces sp. Gamma-­butyrolactones Antibiotic compound synthesis, Chater (1993) and Shaaban
differentiation et al. (2016)
Alpha-­ Agrobacterium tumefaciens OOHL Ti plasmid transfer, virulence White and Winans (2007)
proteobacteria Bradyrhizobium sp. AHLs Not determined Pongsilp et al. (2005)
Bradyoxetin Expression of nod genes Loh et al. (2002)
pCHL Not determined Schaefer et al. (2008)
Rhizobium leguminosarum OHtDeHL, HHL, HHL, Growth inhibition, induction of rhi genes, González and Marketon (2003)
pv. viciae OHL, OHOHL, OOHL plasmid transfer, nodulation
Sinorhizobium meliloti OHL, OHOHL, OOHL, EPSII synthesis, motility, nodulation González and Marketon (2003)
DDHL, OtdHL, HDHL, kinetics, plasmid transfer
Mesorhizobium loti OHHL, OHL, DHL, dDHL Nodulation Yang et al. (2009)
Rhodopseudomonas pCHL Chemotaxis Schaefer et al. (2008)
Beta-­ Burkholderia glumae OHL Toxoflavin synthesis Ferluga et al. (2008)
proteobacteria Burkholderia kururiensis OHHL, OHL, DHL, Not determined Ferluga et al. (2008)
Ralstonia solanacearum OHL Not determined Ferluga et al. (2008)
Firmicutes Staphylococcus aureus AIPs (thiolactone Virulence, antimicrobial peptides synthesis, Sturme et al. (2007) and Lyon
peptides) genetic competence and Novick (2004)
Gamma- Erwinia amylovora OHHL Virulence, EPS synthesis, hydrogen Ferluga et al. (2008)
proteobacteria peroxide tolerance
Pectobacterium OHHL Varbapenem production, exoenzymes, hrp Braeken et al. (2008)
carotovorum secretion system
Dickeya dadantii HHL, OHHL, DHL Not determined Ferluga et al. (2008)
Pantoea stewartii OHHL, OOHL EPS synthesis, biofilm, adhesion, xylem Braeken et al. (2008)
dissemination, pathogenicity
R. M.P.

Serratia liquefaciens BHL Swarming, biofilm, protease Ferluga et al. (2008)

Representative genus or
Taxonomic class species QS signals produced Known regulated functions References
Pseudomonas aeruginosa BHL, OdDHL Biofilm, elastase, lipase, alkaline protease, Braeken et al. (2008) and
HCN, pyocyanin, exotoxin A, swarming, Ferluga et al. (2008)
lectins, rhamnolipids, virulence.
PQS Elastase, pyocyanin synthesis, LecA lectin, Dubern and Diggle (2008)
biofilm, AHL signaling, motility + intrinsic
functions (antibiosis, iron chelation)
DKPs (e.g., cyclo Unclear, cross-linked to AHL signaling Holden et al. (1999)
Pseudomonas syringae pv. OHHL Cell aggregation, epiphytic fitness, disease Elasri et al. (2001) and
syringae development, hydrogen peroxide tolerance, Quin˜ones et al. (2005)
Pseudomonas aureofaciens HHL Phenazine production, rhizosphere Braeken et al. (2008) and
colonization, protease activity Ferluga et al. (2008)
Pseudomonas fluorescens OHHL, OHL Biofilm formation, wheat rhizosphere Wei and Zhang (2006)
2P24 colonization, biocontrol ability
Xanthomonas campestris DSF (cis-11-methyl-2- Extracellular enzymes, LPS and EPS He and Zhang (2008)
5  Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interaction

dodecenoic acid) synthesis, multidrug resistance and

detoxification, motility and chemotaxis, HR
and pathogenicity (hrp), iron uptake,
primary metabolism
DF (butyrolactones) Xanthomonadin production (light He and Zhang (2008)
protection), colonization
BHL N-butyryl-homoserine lactone, dDHL N-dodecanoyl-homoserine lactone, DHL N-decanoyl-­homoserine lactone, HHL N-hexanoyl-homoserine lactone,
OdDHL 3-oxo-N-dodecanoyl-homoserine lactone, OHDtDeHL 3-hydroxy-N-7-cis-tetradecenoyl-homoserine lactone, OHHL 3-oxo-N-hexanoyl-homoserine
lactone, OHL N-octanoyl-homoserine lactone, OOHL 3-oxo-N-­octanoyl-homoserine lactone, OtDHL 3-oxo-N-tetradecanoyl-homoserine lactone, DKP
100 R. M.P.

5.9 Future Prospective and Concluding Remarks

Several studies revealed that QS is playing a vital role in inducing protection against
abiotic factors, environmental challenges (Popat et al. 2015), and production of bio-
surfactant along with plant growth promotion. Biosurfactants produced by the rhi-
zosphere and plant-associated microbes are associated with rhizosphere activity,
plant microbe interaction, and plant pathogen elimination, increasing the bioavail-
ability of nutrient for beneficial plant-associated microbes. They are proven effec-
tive even in improving the agricultural soil quality through soil remediation.
Screening of biosurfactant-producing microorganisms from soil biosphere needs to
be accelerated, and the application of advanced methodologies such as functional
metagenomics will aid in obtaining unculturable biosurfactant-producing microbes
(Sachdev and Cameotra 2013). These studies add more insights into the understand-
ing of the QS mechanisms and their role in soil fertility enrichment.
Agriculture is one of the most significant factors contributing to the economic
growth of India, and sustainable agriculture economic development is the need of
the hour. Hence, a major focus in the coming decades would be on safe and eco-­
friendly methods by exploiting the beneficial microorganisms in sustainable crop
production. Even genetic engineering of rhizosphere microflora and transgenic
plants which can alter quorum sensing in microbes will have several benefits in
agriculture including yield enhancement and effective plant pathogen management.
Besides the growing information on the production of growth regulators and com-
petitiveness of the microbes in the rhizosphere, microsymbionts, and other factors,
their effect upon plant growth will become more evident.
Of the ongoing emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, there is a current
need for development of alternative management strategies. An antivirulence
approach by which quorum sensing is impeded is caught on as a viable means to
manipulate bacterial processes, especially pathogenic traits that are harmful to
human and animal health and agricultural productivity (LaSarre and Federle 2013).
The identification and development of chemical compounds and enzymes that facil-
itate quorum sensing inhibition by targeting signaling molecules, signal biogenesis,
or signal detection are gaining momentum.
Nowadays, screening for quorum quenching compounds is another interesting
area which can be carried out in high-throughput screenings since several assays
targeting the formation of autoinducers or their receptors are available (Abraham
2016; Reuter et al. 2016). However, the entire mechanism for quorum sensing is
known only for a small number of microorganisms, and still very little is known
about interspecies cross talks.

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application in agriculture. In: Meena VS, Maurya BR, Verma JP, Meena RS (eds) Potassium
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Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil
and the Rhizosphere: Impact 6
on Ecological Fitness of Bacteria

Meenu Maheshwari, Hussein H. Abulreesh,
Mohammad Shavez Khan, Iqbal Ahmad, and John Pichtel

The ecological fitness of soil- and root-associated bacterial communities is a key
element for soil fertility and plant health as well as plant stress tolerance. Genetic
variability in bacterial populations is maintained through mutation and gene
acquisition. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is accomplished by conjugation,
transformation, and transduction both in  vitro and under natural conditions.
Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) play a significant role in gene dissemination in
bacterial communities and increase their adaptability, survival, and ability to
colonize different environmental niches. In this context, bacterial conjugative
plasmids encoding resistance genes, degradative genes, and tolerance to stress
conditions are of much significance. The biofilm mode of bacterial growth fur-
ther enhances gene exchange and increase the fitness and competitiveness of
bacteria. Microcosm studies reveal a number of factors influencing the HGT pro-
cess in soil. Considering the importance of HGT, a better understanding of
genetic processes in the rhizosphere will further help in effective exploitation of
naturally engineered bacteria for sustainable agriculture.

M. Maheshwari • M.S. Khan

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
H.H. Abulreesh
Department of Biology, Faculty of Applied Science, Umm Al- Qura University,
Makkah, Saudi Arabia
I. Ahmad (*)
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
Department of Biology, Faculty of Applied Science, Umm Al- Qura University,
Makkah, Saudi Arabia
e-mail: iqbalahmad8@yahoo.co.in
J. Pichtel
Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, USA

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 111

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_6
112 M. Maheshwari et al.

Bacteria • Horizontal gene transfer • Conjugative plasmid • Microcosm • Biofilm
• Rhizosphere • Ecological fitness

6.1 Introduction

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) refers to the transfer of genetic material between
prokaryotes. The process occurs in one of three ways: (1) transformation (the uptake
of free DNA by competent bacteria from the surrounding environment), (2) trans-
duction (gene transfer mediated by bacteriophages), and (3) conjugation (gene
transfer by means of plasmids or integrative conjugative elements). Conjugation is
the process by which a DNA molecule (i.e., plasmid or conjugative transposon) is
transferred from a donor cell to a physically attached recipient cell via some conju-
gation apparatus (Zechner et al. 2000). Although most conjugative plasmids shared
common mechanistic principles, e.g., synthesis of conjugative pili, there is a remark-
able diversity of conjugative systems in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria,
depending on the shape and other characteristics of the plasmid-encoded pili.
Nonconjugative plasmids are transferred to recipient cells by mobilizing/helper
plasmids (Heuer and Smalla 2007). Transfer of conjugative plasmids or transposons
has been demonstrated to occur in various ecological habitats, for example, the
plant surface, rhizosphere, surface water, and human and animal intestines (Aminov
2011; Madsen et al. 2012; Huddleston 2014; Juhas 2015; Pinto-Carbo et al. 2016;
Sun et al. 2016). In contrast to conjugation, transduction provides a means of DNA
acquisition in which nonviral DNA is transferred from an infected host bacterium to
a new host via infectious or noninfectious virus particles (Meena et  al. 2013a;
Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jaiswal et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian
2016; Kumar et al. 2016a, b).
Defective phage particles released from lysed host cells attach to new host cells
and deliver their DNA into the new host. The injected bacterial DNA is subse-
quently integrated into the recipient genome. Unlike conjugation, transduction does
not require cell-to-cell contact; however, most bacteriophages infect only a narrow
range of hosts (Wommack and Colwell 2000). Evidence for the importance of trans-
duction as an HGT process in the natural environment arises from studies on the
abundance of bacteriophages in different settings, primarily soil (Ashelford et al.
2003) and from bacterial genome sequences (Canchaya et  al. 2003). The role of
bacteriophages in contributing various genes to bacterial genera of medical and
ecological significance is well documented (Weitz et  al. 2013; Broszat and
Grohmann 2014; Dalmasso et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2015; Obeng et al. 2016).
Horizontal gene transfer plays an important role in formulating bacterial
genomes, promoting intra- and interspecies variability and distributing functional
genetic modules within communities. HGT provides a means for enhanced under-
standing of ecological adaptation and bacterial evolution in the biosphere. Extensive
gene exchange during bacterial evolution is made evident by the marked similarity
6  Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil and the Rhizosphere: Impact on Ecological… 113

of genes among distantly related species, variation of gene content between closely
related strains, and incongruent phylogenetic trees. Horizontal gene transfer is a
major force in bacterial evolution; a well-documented example of HGT is the spread
of antibiotic resistance genes among pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria
(Barlow 2009; Boto 2010; Davies and Davies 2010; Abulreesh 2011, 2012; Baltrus
2013; Wellington et al. 2013). The driving force for the acquisition of foreign genes
via HGT is believed to be the need for bacteria to overcome environmental stresses
for survival and to compete successfully in their ecological niches (Hacker and
Kaper 2000).
Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) such as plasmids, bacteriophages, integrative
conjugative elements, transposons, insertion sequences (IS) elements, integrons,
gene cassettes, and genomic islands are the key vehicles among HGT mechanisms.
In many species, a high proportion of horizontally transferred genes can be attrib-
uted to plasmid-, phage-, or transposon-related sequences, as remnants of these
mobile elements have been located adjacent to genes identified as horizontally
transferred (Ochman et al. 2000; Brussow et al. 2004; Frost et al. 2005; Gyles and
Boerlin 2013). It has been suggested that MGEs add some metabolic burden to their
host, and adaptation occurs to minimize this impact (Dahlberg and Chao 2003;
Heuer et al. 2007). The prevalence of plasmids, however, indicates that they benefit
bacteria and compensate for any burden they might impose on the cell. Plasmids
persist because bacterial communities and their environments are continuously
changing; the variability carried by these genetic elements increases the speed at
which adapted strains arise, and the adapted strains retain the MGE so they can
propagate rapidly (Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2015; Ahmad et al. 2016; Meena
et al. 2015f, 2016a; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
The MGEs that enhance an organism’s adaptability evolve and survive at the
expense of those that do not. Thus, MGEs confer an improved fitness to the bacterial
community and its ability to colonize different environmental niches. MGEs addi-
tionally increase the possibility of new strains arising with novel or increased selec-
tive advantages over neighboring communities. Metagenomic approaches have
revealed a large and untapped diversity of resident MGEs in soil- and plant-­
associated bacteria. Approximately 18% of bacterial isolates from the phytosphere
of sugar beets was found to contain plasmids (Powell et al. 1993), and a large pro-
portion were able to mobilize non-self-transferable but mobilizable Inc-Q plasmids
(Kobayashi and Bailey 1994). The extensive presence of plasmid-related sequences
in soil DNA (directly extracted) indicates a significant abundance of plasmids in soil
(Heuer et al. 2009). The abundance of transferable plasmids in soil is believed to be
related to the presence of contaminants (e.g., antibiotics, xenobiotics). Several stud-
ies have indicated that genes encoding the enzymes involved in catabolism of envi-
ronmental pollutants are present on plasmids (Smets and Barkay 2005; Kopmann
et al. 2013).
Different methods involving various molecular techniques have been employed
to detect and study soil plasmid structure, organization and function (Heuer and
Smalla 2012). Moreover, metagenomics methods such as pyrosequencing of soil
DNA have proved to be highly sensitive and have led to the discovery of novel
114 M. Maheshwari et al.

plasmid sequences (Kristiansson et  al. 2011). Genome sequencing data have
revealed the modular character of conjugative plasmids, where different modules
(e.g., a compactly arranged gene) are dedicated toward carrying out specific func-
tions (de la Cueva-Méndez and Pimentel 2007; Norman et al. 2009). The overall
genetic makeup of conjugative plasmids can be divided into four distinct categories
of modules: (1) modules affecting plasmid replication and copy control, (2) mod-
ules affecting plasmid stability, (3) modules affecting plasmid propagation, and (4)
modules affecting plasmid host adaptation, along with numerous other subcatego-
ries (Norman et al. 2009). The first three categories are considered “plasmid core”
or plasmid “backbone” genes. Sequence analysis of plasmid backbone genes is con-
sidered a consistent and reliable foundation for plasmid classification, as opposed to
traditionally used methods (Heuer and Smalla 2012). Apart from plasmid backbone
genes, a highly diverse, accessory, or flexible set of genes within soil plasmids
occurs as a fourth module which carries genes responsible for environmental adap-
tation. These accessory genes often differ greatly among plasmids with identical
plasmid backbones and impart the ability to adapt to varied environmental condi-
tions such as exposure to antibiotics, heavy metals, and xenobiotics (Dennis 2005;
Schluter et al. 2007; Heuer et al. 2009).
Degradative genes resident on MGEs have been isolated successfully from soil
treated with the herbicide 2, 4-D but not from untreated control soil. Similarly, self-­
transferable plasmids which confer resistance toward antibiotics have been isolated
from animal manures used for soil fertilization (Heuer and Smalla 2007; van
Overbeek et  al. 2002). Sequencing of plant-associated bacteria reveal that many
phytopathogenic and symbiotic bacteria carry plasmids (Zhao et al. 2005; Bardaji
et al. 2011), pathogenicity islands (Gardiner et al. 2014), or integrons (Gillings et al.
2005). These studies reveal the significance of horizontal gene transfer in bacterial
adaptation and evolution under changing environmental conditions (Parewa et al.
2014; Prakash and Verma 2016; Meena et  al. 2015e, 2016b; Teotia et  al. 2016;
Bahadur et al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan 2016).
In recent years, the importance of biofilm formation and its relationship to gene
transfer has received significant attention (Burmolle et  al. 2014; Stalder and Top
2016). It is well recognized that horizontal gene transfer via plasmids occurs more
effectively on surfaces, e.g., in biofilms than among planktonic cells. Biofilms are
highly structured bacterial communities embedded in a self-produced matrix com-
posed of exopolysaccharides (EPSs), proteins, and DNA. These films adhere to bio-
logical and non-biological surfaces (Hall-Stoodley et  al. 2004) and provide a
favorable environment for genetic elements to be transferred horizontally.
Rhizobacterial biofilms associated with plant roots support bacterial survival and
host plant colonization, reduce biotic and abiotic plant stress, and enhance agricul-
tural productivity (Lopez et al. 2010; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Meena et al. 2016d;
Saha et  al. 2016b; Verma et  al. 2014, 2015b). All these advantages conferred by
biofilms are directly or indirectly associated with a high frequency of horizontal
gene transfer in the biofilm mode of growth. In this chapter, we focus on horizontal
gene transfer in soil- or plant-associated (rhizosphere) bacteria that contribute to
6  Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil and the Rhizosphere: Impact on Ecological… 115

Fig. 6.1  Gene transfer in the rhizosphere: mechanisms, factors, and outcomes

genetic variation in microbial populations and ultimately broaden their range of

environmental niches by increasing their fitness and competitiveness (Fig. 6.1).

6.2  GT in Environment and Its Role in Evolution

of the Bacterial Genome

Discovery of the transferable nature of multidrug resistance by Watanabe in 1963

resulted in the recognition of horizontal gene transfer. Since then, HGT has become
a topic of extensive investigation worldwide, particularly in medical microbiology.
The occurrence of HGT among bacteria in the natural environment was subse-
quently recognized; such processes are believed to relate to the risk of genetically
modified bacteria released into the environment (Heuer and Smalla 2012). In view
of the use of genetically modified (GM) crops and microbes in agricultural settings,
the role of mobile genetic elements (MGE; plasmids, transposons, bacteriophages,
etc.) associated with plant and soil and factors influencing this mobility has received
attention from many scientists (Smalla et  al. 2000; van Elsas and Bailey 2002).
Studies have demonstrated that HGT is a major, if not the dominant force in bacte-
rial evolution (Frost et al. 2005; Davies and Davies 2010; Wiedenbeck and Cohan
2011; Dutta and Sarkar 2015; Navarre 2016). Up to 20% of a typical bacterial
genome acquired from other species and MGE acts as a vector for HGT (Ochman
et al. 2000).
HGT affects only those bacteria that readily exchange genes, and members of
such rapidly exchanging communities have shown similar characteristics such as
genome size, GC content, carbon utilization, and oxygen tolerance (Jain et al. 2003).
116 M. Maheshwari et al.

On the other hand, considerable evidence indicates that HGT is an ongoing process
that plays a primary role in real-time ecological adaptations of prokaryotes (Smets
and Barkay 2005). MGEs play an essential role in the process by shaping the bacte-
rial genome, promoting intraspecies variability, and distributing functional genetic
modules among communities. Consequently, HGT of genetic modules that allows
adaptation to rapidly changing biotic interactions has frequently been observed
(Smets and Barkay 2005). The interactions include:

1 . Antibiotics production by microorganisms

2. Dissemination of antibiotic resistance
3. Release of xenobiotics or new secondary metabolites
4. Dissemination of degradative gene and pathway assemblies (McManus et  al.
2002; Top and Springael 2003; Larrain-Linton et al. 2006)
5. Symbiotic or pathogenic interactions and speed of the spread of genomic islands
(Arnold et al. 2007; Heuer and Smalla 2012)

The most widely studied examples of genetic exchange through HGT in natural
environments is the dissemination of multiple antibiotic resistance via MGE, which
allows bacterial populations to adapt rapidly to strong selective pressures (Cordero
et al. 2012; Wellington et al. 2013; Ojala et al. 2014). MGEs involved in transmis-
sion of antibiotic resistance include combinatorial genetic evolution of MDR facili-
tated by transposons, IS elements, and integrons. Transposable elements like ISCRs
(insertion sequence common regions) mobilize DNA adjacent to their insertion site
via rolling circle replication (Toleman et  al. 2006). ISCRs are closely associated
with antibiotic resistance genes on conjugative plasmids (Priyadharsini and
Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et al. 2017; Masood and Bano 2016; Meena et al. 2016e).
It is interesting to observe that under natural conditions, especially in wastewater
and soil, the presence of several toxic pollutants (e.g., metals and pesticides) may
increase selective pressure and co-selection of resistant strains. These pollutants
may further increase the ecological fitness and survivability of bacterial strains (De
Lipthay et  al. 2008; Imfeld and Vuilleumier 2012). Various degradative plasmids
have been characterized from bacteria which degrade PCBs, chloroaniline, and
other recalcitrant molecules (Merlin et al. 1999; Boon et al. 2001; Springael and Top
2004). Many self-transferable plasmids participate directly in active gene transfer.
Russell et  al. (2011) reviewed the evolutionary trends of enzymatic machinery
involved in the degradation of xenobiotics and concluded that horizontal gene trans-
fer among bacteria is one of the major determinants in the acquisition of new and
efficient enzymatic functions. New enzymatic pathways have emerged from a wide
variety of enzyme families.
Metagenomic mapping studies for two discretely located hexachlorocyclohex-
ane (HCH)-degrading strains of Sphingobium japonicum (Sphingobium japonicum
UT26 from Japan and Sphingobium indicum B90A from India) have shown that the
previous common ancestor was unable to degrade HCH isomers, but descendants
acquired degrading genes by transposon-mediated HGT (Sangwan et  al. 2014).
Likewise, Pearce et  al. (2015) showed that different HCH-degrading bacteria
6  Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil and the Rhizosphere: Impact on Ecological… 117

yielded a distinct set of metabolites during degradation of HCH isomers. The analy-
sis confirmed the role of horizontal transfer mediated by an insertion sequence in
the acquisition of the pathway.

6.3 Gene Transfer in the Rhizosphere

Among the conditions occurring within the phytosphere, the rhizosphere is opti-
mally suited for the growth and intensive interaction among microbial communities.
The availability of essential elements (C, N, P, K), moisture, and other critical con-
stituents (e.g., organic acids) in the vicinity of plant roots make the rhizosphere the
preferred site for gene transfer, such that it is referred to as a “hotspot” for genetic
evolution (van Elsas et al. 2003). The rhizosphere provides an ideal environment for
HGT processes and may support rapid adaptation of bacteria against environmental
changes as compared with bulk soil. Conjugative plasmid transfer frequency
between bacterial species is enhanced under high nutrient availability and water
movement (Kroer et  al. 1998). Bacterial colonization and adherence to the root
surface in response to the presence of root exudates impart significant effects on
gene transfer.
Due to intimate contact among cells and higher metabolic activity in response to
the presence of an ample nutrient supply, elevated plasmid transfer in the rhizo-
sphere has been observed (Kroer et al. 1998; van Elsas et al. 2003). Musovic et al.
(2006) demonstrated the exceptionally broad host range of the pKJK10 plasmid in
the barley rhizosphere. They describe the potential of mobile genetic elements,
crossing large phylogenetic distances, i.e., gene swapping between Actinobacteria
and Proteobacteria, in bacterial evolution. Organic acids and other constituents of
root exudates stimulate the transformation in Acinetobacter sp. BD413 (pFG4) in
sterile soils. The organic acids, acetate, lactate, and alanine, resulted in the highest
transformation frequencies (Nielsen and van Elsas 2001). Molbak et al. (2007) stud-
ied conjugal transfer in the rhizospheres of pea and barley. The experiments showed
that a higher rate of root exudation and root growth rate in pea was responsible for
higher conjugal frequency. The distribution pattern of donors on pea roots was
shown to affect genetic transfer. Transfer of the plasmid RP4 derivative between
Pseudomonas fluorescens and Serratia sp. was studied in a sand microcosm and
found to be related to the availability of root exudates and bacterial metabolic activ-
ity (Kroer et  al. 1998). Regardless, however, the direct relationship between the
metabolic activity of transforming bacteria and gene transfer is in need of further
investigation (Meena et al. 2013c, 2015a; Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016;
Singh et al. 2015; Bahadur et al. 2016a).
Genetic transfer of various contaminant-degrading genes has also been shown to
take place effectively in the rhizosphere and is concurrently responsible for enhanced
plant growth (Wang et al. 2007, 2014a, b; Jia et al. 2013). Using an in silico metage-
nomic prediction method, Cabezon et al. (2015) and Lopes et al. (2016) revealed a
significantly higher abundance of predicted genes associated with HGT in the rhi-
zosphere compared with bulk soil. The pilus assembly protein CpaE and type IV
118 M. Maheshwari et al.

pilus assembly protein PilV as well as genes involved in transformation/conjuga-

tion, such as the type IV secretion system proteins VirB4, VirB5, VirB6, and VirB9,
among other transduction and transformation stimulating genes, were prevalent in
the rhizosphere.
Bacteriophages present in the rhizosphere serve as another important agent
responsible for genetic variation and evolution of indigenous bacterial communi-
ties. Because phage DNA is often packaged in relatively resilient phage coats, it is
possible that transducing phages provide a reservoir of bacterial genes under local-
ized conditions where the host may not survive (Van Elsas et al. 2003). Studies have
shown that soil conditions affect the burst size of the lytic phage thus indirectly
affecting the frequency of gene transfer and lysogeny (Burroughs et al. 2000). One
of the mechanisms responsible for interspecies gene transfer in the rhizosphere is
the overlapping susceptibility to phages among bacterial communities (Ashelford
et  al. 2000). Ashelford et  al. (2003) highlighted the importance of soil bacterio-
phages in controlling bacterial populations and in mediating gene transfer in soil.
Moreover, studies have shown that the lysogenic mode is preferable and common
under different soil environments (Williamson et al. 2007; Ghosh et al. 2008).
Biofilm development and succession of microbial communities are now recog-
nized as an important arena of rhizosphere biology. Different rhizospheric factors
are known to influence bacterial biofilm formation. The beneficial effects of root
exudates on biofilm development have been extensively investigated and reviewed
(Bais et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2014; Yuan et al. 2015).

6.4 Gene Transfer in Biofilms

Genetic variability among bacterial populations occurs via mutation and acquisition
of new genes through various genetic exchange mechanisms. Gene transfer in a
single species results in the propagation of specific traits. Interspecies gene transfer
may result in an entirely new genetic combination which may be of significance to
human health and the environment. The relationship between biofilms and HGT has
been investigated by numerous workers (Ghigo 2001; Tormo et al. 2005; Antonova
and Hammer 2011; Madsen et al. 2012; Cook and Dunny 2014). In general, HGT
rates are higher in biofilm communities compared with those in the planktonic state.
Biofilms are also implicated in the promotion of plasmid stability and may enhance
the host range of MGEs that are being transferred (Madsen et al. 2012; Broszat and
Grohmann 2014).
Several authors have reported enhanced HGT in biofilms via conjugation
(Sorensen et al. 2005; Maheshwari et al. 2016); however, certain spatial constraints
within biofilms may hinder the dispersal of plasmids (Krol et al. 2011; Merkey et al.
2011). Lili et al. (2007) indicated that plasmids which are maintained through high
transfer frequencies may only be able to persist in biofilms. Interestingly, other
mechanisms of gene transfer, for example, transformation, occur at higher rates in
biofilms. Gene transfer via both small DNA fragments as well as plasmid transfor-
mation has been documented (Maeda et al. 2006; Etchuuya et al. 2011). It has been
6  Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil and the Rhizosphere: Impact on Ecological… 119

reported that competence of cells in the biofilm mode is triggered by extracellular

DNA (eDNA) molecules within the biofilm matrix (Molin and Tolker-Nielsen 2003;
Meena et al. 2014a, 2016c; Saha et al. 2016a; Sharma et al. 2016). Thus, transfor-
mation triggers and stabilizes biofilms and vice versa.
Conjugative pili formation is best studied among other biofilm-associated factors
encoded by backbone genes of plasmids. There is much evidence in support of
greater effectiveness of conjugative plasmids, compared to deficient strains, in bio-
film formation (Reisner et al. 2006; Burmolle et al. 2008; Roder et al. 2013; Madsen
et al. 2016). Other factor encoded by plasmid accessory regions includes different
types of fimbriae and conjugative pili. These adhesions play a significant role in cell
surface adherence and cell-to-cell contact, mainly in members of family
Enterobacteriaceae. Three pathways in enteric bacteria are known for synthesis of
surface-associated fimbriae: (1) the type IV pili pathway, (2) the nucleation path-
way, and (3) the chaperone/usher pathway (Clegg et al. 2011; Madsen et al. 2012).
These fimbriae perform a number of functions, and genes are located both on plas-
mids and on chromosomes. Several such plasmid-encoding cell surface adhesion
factors are known in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, for example,
Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid, Lactococcus lactis pAMb1, and Azospirillum
brasilense plasmids (D’Alvise et al. 2010; Petrova et al. 2010). Thus, the plasmid’s
role as a social evolutionary platform has been described in accordance to plasmid
functions including (a) host fitness, (b) multicopies of gene present on the plasmid,
(c) high gene expression rate, (d) mobility of gene, and (e) high turnover of plasmid-­
encoded gene (Madsen et al. 2012).
The interconnection between biofilm formation and gene transfer has been a
topic of investigation in recent years. Madsen et al. (2012) published an excellent
article on this issue and concluded that plasmid biology and biofilm community
structure and related functions are interconnected through various interactions at
both community and genetic levels. Biofilms provide an excellent environment for
bacterial interaction due to their high cell density and extensive communication
network within the biofilm matrix. Since bacterial communities within biofilms are
heterogeneous and often multispecific, variations within specific bacterial lineages
have been recorded (Stewart and Franklin 2008). These variations provide recipi-
ents that are more accessible for plasmid transfer than in planktonic culture. Thus,
bacterial genetic heterogeneity is maintained and promoted by HGT and mutation
provided via the biofilm mode of growth (Jefferson 2004; Conibear et  al. 2009;
Rankin et al. 2011).

6.5 Gene Transfer in the Soil System

Most of our knowledge of gene exchange, however, comes from investigations of

the planktonic mode. The study of gene transfer under complex natural conditions
such as bulk and rhizosphere soil remains a challenging task. Many factors are
known to affect gene transfer occurring in the soil system; therefore, careful inves-
tigation using soil microcosms is suggested. Hill and Top (1998) reviewed gene
120 M. Maheshwari et al.

transfer in soil using microcosms with special focus on transfer of broad host range
plasmids and catabolic soil plasmids. The importance of gene transfer in soil and
other natural habitats has been recognized due to (a) interest in the possible spread
of genetically modified microorganisms, (b) spread and exchange of antibiotic
resistance, (c) the role of HGT in the evolution of new bacterial traits, and (d) the
possible role of introducing catabolic genes to enhance bioaugmentation strategies
to enhance bioremediation of soil contaminants.
Laboratory microcosms are used to assess gene transfer for a number of potential
benefits as mentioned above. Although microcosms are not exact replicas of the soil
system, they possess many of the same chemical and physical attributes. Microcosms
must be calibrated to ensure that they reflect natural conditions (Bolton et al. 1991).
Microcosms can be used to obtain vital information on (1) survival and dispersal of
bacterial strains, (2) ability to compete with indigenous microflora, (3) capacity to
exchange genetic information, and (4) stability of heterogeneous DNA in soil. Most
of the well-studied examples mainly comprise various conjugative plasmids and
their exchange by conjugation using suitable recipient strains. Some of the widely
used plasmids described by Hill and Tops (1998) are RP4, RP4p (RP4::pat),
pBLK1-2 (pRK2073::Tn5), RP4::Tn4371, pJP4, pEMT3k (pEMT3::mini Tn5),
pEMT1k (pEMT1::miniTn) R57.b, R388::Tn1721, pLF40, pFT30, pJB5JI::Tn5,
and pIJ673. Other plasmids studied include fluorescent marker-tagged plasmids
such as pB10 (De Gelder et al. 2005), pKJK10 (Musovic et al. 2006; Claudia et al.
2013), gfp-tagged IncP-1α plasmid RP4 (Musovic et al. 2010), pBP136, pCAR1,
NAH7 (Shintani et al. 2014), and low GC-type plasmid pHHV216 (Jechalke et al.
Soil microcosms utilized in gene transfer studies vary in complexity from simple
closed vessels containing a few grams of soil in a conical flask or falcon tube to
more complicated systems including vertical soil columns. Other microcosms
include continuous flow reactors through which water or nutrients are percolated.
Microcosms for studying bacterial interactions in the rhizosphere/rhizoplane were
elaborated by Hill and Top (1998). The microcosm system adopted depends upon
the objectives of the study. Care should be taken to assess the desired factors affect-
ing gene transfer in the soil/rhizosphere (Meena et al. 2013b, 2014b, 2015b, c, d;
Rawat et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Shrivastava et al. 2016;
Velazquez et  al. 2016; Sindhu et  al. 2016; Singh et  al. 2016). Important factors
include inoculum treatment and mode of application, concentration and sampling
methods, soil temperature, soil depth, concentrations of media, and types and
amounts of degradable chemicals (Hill and Top 1998; Wang et  al. 2014a, b).
Table  6.1 shows the various soil factors affecting gene transfer studies in
6  Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil and the Rhizosphere: Impact on Ecological… 121

Table 6.1  Soil factors affecting gene transfer

Factors Effects/explanation
Drying and sieving Disturbing the soil results in poor survivability of strains
and ultimately poor conjugation
Earthworm activity Varying influence, depending upon the depth at which
earthworms are present
Nutrient availability Nutrient availability enhances survival and therefore gene
Plant rhizosphere High concentrations of root exudates and nutrients in the
rhizosphere positively affect gene transfer
Selective pressure such as heavy In most of cases, heavy metals/recalcitrant organics
metals or recalcitrant organics enhance the number of transconjugants
Soil type Soil variables such as types and amounts of clay, organic
matter, pH, moisture, and incubation temperature
influence gene transfer
Spatial separation between donor Moisture content helps in movement and survivability of
and recipient strains strains thus directly affecting gene transfer
Sterilization Sterilization of soil increases transfer frequencies
Temperature Higher transfer frequency observed at environmentally
relevant soil temperatures
Adopted and modified from Hill and Top (1998)

6.6 Conclusions

The current state of understanding of HGT in soil and other natural environments
demonstrates that HGT is a mechanism of bacterial chromosomal evolution which
provides real-time adaptation among bacteria. HGT also provides genetic diversity
through its gene pool, which helps bacteria adapt to changing environmental condi-
tions. The availability of nutrients in the plant rhizosphere attracts bacteria, thus
offering a greater opportunity for HGT compared to bulk soil. Microcosm and bio-
film studies demonstrate that bacteria receive advantages and long-term ecological
benefits for survival and adaptation through HGT. However, the exact mechanisms
and magnitude of HGT in unsterile soil and in the rhizosphere must be explored
further, as factors influencing gene transfer in such situations are complex and
Considering the untapped diversity of MGEs in soil- and plant-associated micro-
biomes, the impact of HGT on influencing plant-microbe interactions must be fur-
ther explored for possible exploitation in sustainable agriculture.

Acknowledgments  We thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their constructive com-
ments, which helped us to improve the manuscript.
122 M. Maheshwari et al.

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Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological
Approach to Produce Valuable 7

Hamideh Vaghari, Hoda Jafarizadeh-Malmiri,
Navideh Anarjan, and Aydin Berenjian

Hairy root (HR) cultures are attracting more attention due to their unique ability
in degrading different pollutants and production of metabolites with therapeutic
or industrial applications. This specific type of plant cell culture is derived from
explants that are infected by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The HR cultures
are categorized by their growth rate as well as their genetic and biochemical
stability. Progress in design of innovative bioreactors and process intensification
for HR growth will allow successful industrial production of metabolites. This
chapter will present advances in work on HR cultures related to the detoxifica-
tion of pollutants, production of valuable metabolites, and their cultivation in
large-scale intensified bioreactors.

Hairy root • Metabolite • Scale up • Bioreactor • Process intensification

H. Vaghari • H. Jafarizadeh-Malmiri (*)

Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
e-mail: h_jafarizadeh@sut.ac.ir; h_jafarizadeh@yahoo.com
N. Anarjan
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tabriz, Iran
A. Berenjian
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Waikato,
Hamilton 3240, New Zealand
e-mail: aydin.berenjian@waikato.ac.nz

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 131

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_7
132 H. Vaghari et al.

7.1 Introduction

Plants are able to produce a wide range of primary and secondary metabolites
(Yazaki et  al. 2008; Sharma et  al. 2013). However, the large-scale production of
these valuable compounds has been limited by low growth rates, climate depen-
dency, restricted cultivation areas, plant diseases, pests, overharvesting, and intense
labor requirement (Sharma et al. 2013; Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014;
Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2016b; Rates 2001). Moreover, the
chemical synthesis of plant-derived metabolites is not a feasible choice due to their
complex structures and their specific stereochemical requirements (Sharma et  al.
2013; Namdeo 2007). All these issues emphasize the need for developing new
methods and protocols for the industrial-level fabrication of plant-derived
Suspension culture of plant cells has been considered as another promising
source for biosynthesis of valuable secondary metabolites (Sharma et  al. 2013).
More than 25% of the available pharmaceuticals are either based on originally
found compounds in plants or are extracted from them (Giri and Narasu 2000).
Production of secondary metabolites by using suspended plant cell culture is usu-
ally a challenging task as these compounds produce at distinct developmental
stages. Therefore, in vitro studies of differentiated and organized tissues (mainly the
roots) have been developed and were reported to be a more predictable approach as
compared to cell suspension cultures (Sharma et al. 2013; Kumar et al. 2015; Ahmad
et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016a; Parewa et al. 2014).
The plant roots are suitable for large-scale production since they are the key
point for synthesis and/or storage of certain chemicals. The biotechnological fabri-
cation of wide range of valuable secondary metabolites by using plant cultures can
be seen as an alternative to the extraction of whole plant material (Namdeo 2007).
Several strategies have been investigated in order to further enhance the production
of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants. Some of these include high yield-
ing cell line screening, media modification, elicitation, precursor feeding, large-­
scale cultivation system, plant cell immobilization, hairy root culture,
biotransformation, and others (Rao and Ravishankar 2002; Vanisree et al. 2004).
Recently, hairy root (HR) culture has been developed in order to inhibit the use
of large volumes of plants that are needed to be purified. Totipotency is among the
major characteristics of plant cells; therefore, HRs could successfully produce pri-
mary and secondary metabolites similar to intact roots (Giri and Narasu 2000;
Qaderi et  al. 2016). HR culture is a tool that makes use of soil bacterium
Agrobacterium rhizogenes ability to transfer genes to the genome of the host plant
(Sharma et al. 2013; Thwe et al. 2016). This technique was developed as the innova-
tive path for bulky production of secondary metabolite and phytochemicals which
allows developing large amount of roots and secondary metabolites in short time for
continuous supply of improved value products (Korde et al. 2016). These HRs have
also been used for root physiology and biosynthetic pathway (Giri and Narasu
2000), regeneration of whole plants with desirable phenotypes, and phytoremedia-
tion of toxic substances and reactive dyes (Talano et al. 2012; Prakash and Verma
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 133

2016; Meena et  al. 2015a, 2016b; Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar
et al. 2017). Finally, HR cultures include other aspects such as molecular metabolic
engineering, bioreactor design, and optimization (Ono and Tian 2011). In this chap-
ter, we present advances in work on HR cultures related to the detoxification of
pollutants, production of valuable metabolites, and fabrication in large-scale inten-
sified bioreactors. A suggestion to overcome current challenges and emerging trends
for future progression of research has also been provided.

7.2 Definition and Basic Features of HRs

HR production is carried out through the plant tissue culture technique in order to
study the plant metabolic processes or to manufacture precious secondary metabo-
lites with the use of plant genetic engineering. HR culture is also called as trans-
formed root culture from gram-negative soil bacterium A. rhizogenes that contains
root-inducing plasmids (Ri plasmids) (Korde et  al. 2016; Pistelli et  al. 2010). It
infects roots of dicot, and some monocot plants cause them to produce the opines
which is a type of unusual amino acids (octopine, agropine, nopaline, mannopine,
and cucumopine). Such opines are used by the bacterium as a carbon, nitrogen, and
energy source (Ferdosi and Kashefi 2014).
The morphology of HRs is significantly different from the normal roots as they
are much more branched and have much lateral meristematic growth, which will
lead to higher biomass. The abnormal roots however are easier to grow in artificial
media without hormone, and they are neoplastic in nature, with hazy growth.
Fabricated HRs by infection of A. rhizogenes have a high growth rate as well as
genetic and biochemical makeup (Korde et al. 2016).
However, new techniques are developed in order to make HRs by the use of new
plant species (Georgiev et al. 2011). HRs have numerous advantages such as indefi-
nite and fast in vitro growth even in the absence of phytohormones as well as high
genotype and phenotype stability (Ono and Tian 2011). HR culture is among the
main cultures that are used to investigate metabolic processes of plants, secondary
metabolites production, recombinant proteins, plant genetic engineering, phytore-
mediation, artificial seed production, biofortification, and biopharmaceuticals.
Applications of these efficient technologies also include several aspects as meta-
bolic engineering, bioreactor design, and process optimization (Raghavendra et al.
2016; Zahedi 2016; Meena et al. 2015b; Rawat et al. 2016; Kumar et al. 2016a).

7.3 Mechanism of HR Cultures

The interaction between plants and A. rhizogenes in HR establishment involves a

complex series of events. A. rhizogenes is responsible for a neoplastic outgrowth of
fine roots at the infection site, and infected plants show reduced vitality. These
symptoms came to be known as the hairy root disease. Roots arising at the site of
infection can be cultured aseptically, and the resulted transformed root clones may
134 H. Vaghari et al.

LB TL rol A rol B rol C rol D TR RB

Left Border Right Border

Ti Plasmid

Region Origin of

Fig. 7.1  Schematic overview of a Ri plasmid of A. rhizogenes

be subcultured indefinitely on basal medium, growing at rates several times quicker

than normal roots (Flores and Filner 2012). Agrobacterium recognizes various phe-
nolic compounds that have been produced from wounded plant cells, namely, ace-
tosyringone and α-hydroxy acetosyringone.
After microbial colonization, consequently their attachment to plant cells T-DNA
will be inserted (Sharma et al. 2013). This T-DNA is a transferable DNA from bac-
terium to plant cell. The T-DNA has a set of genes that are capable to encode
enzymes required for cytokinin biosynthesis, phytohormone auxin control (iaaM,
iaaH, ipt), and synthesis of sugar and amino acids (unusual amino acids). These
segments have eukaryotic regulatory sequences and approximately 10–30  kbp in
size and encode for the Ri conjugation, catabolism, opine synthesis, and integration
of the T-DNA itself (Pistelli et al. 2010). Genes of T-DNA fragment facilitate the
formation of neoplastic crown gall tumor and HR tissues followed by the synthesis
of opines (Sharma et al. 2013; Yasin et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016c; Jaiswal et al.
2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016). Depending on the bacterial strain, these metabo-
lites are used as a carbon and nitrogen source for the bacteria. A. rhizogenes strains
were categorized into two main classes, namely, Agropine-type and Mann opine-­
type strains. Among these, agropines are the most often used strains due to their
strongest virulence (Sharma et al. 2013). The virulent strains of A. rhizogenes con-
tain the Ri plasmids with different gene sequences (Fig.  7.1). Plasmids can be
divided in strains producing mannopine and cucumopine with single DNA and
strains producing octopine and agropine with two T-DNAs. The two T-DNAs are
classified in the TR-DNA (right DNA) and the TL-DNA (left DNA). The root-­
inducing genes (rol A, rol B, rol C, rol D) are found in the center of TL-DNA of the
agropine-producing strains. Parts of the TR-DNA are genes for the biosynthesis of
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 135

auxins and the synthesis of mannopine and agropine. After the transfer of the TL-­
DNA and TR-DNA, they are integrated in the genome of the plant cell. The TL-DNA
is vital for the hairy root induction (Chandra 2012).

7.4 Establishment of HR Cultures

Successful HR culture system requires several essential check marks, namely, selec-
tion of best A. rhizogenes strain, appropriate explants and antibiotic, and a suitable
culture medium (Sharma et al. 2013). Strains of A. rhizogenes are widely varying in
their transforming ability. HRs that are fabricated by using different types of bacte-
rial strains show significantly different morphologies. These observed virulence and
morphology differences could be justified by the different strain plasmid harbored
(Saha et al. 2016a; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Nguyen et al. 1992; Meena et al. 2015f).
Most plant materials like hypocotyl, stem, cotyledon, leaf, tuber, or storage root
may be applied to make HRs (Królicka et al. 2001; Sevón and Oksman-Caldentey
2002; Giri et al. 2001). In order to induce HRs, explants should be infected with
strains of A. rhizogenes either by cocultivation or direct inoculation (Giri et  al.
2001; Ur Rahman et al. 2004). Subsequently, roots are subculture using a medium
such as MS or B5 (Fig.  7.2) (Sevón and Oksman-Caldentey 2002; Le Flem-­
Bonhomme et al. 2004; Palazón et al. 2003a, b).

7.5 Application of HR Cultures

The HR culture shaves diverse and abundant applications (Fig. 7.3). They tradition-
ally have been used to investigate root physiology in conjunction with biosynthetic
pathway elucidation (Ibanez et al. 2016). Nowadays, HR culture technique is now
being used for the fabrication of bioactive compounds, secondary metabolites, and
phytochemicals. HRs are popular for regeneration of whole plants with desirable
phenotypes by infection of ornamental plants with A. rhizogenes (Meena et  al.
2016d; Saha et al. 2016b; Verma et al. 2015b; Bahadur et al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan
2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
Moreover, HR cultures have been used for phytoremediation of toxic substances
and reactive dye. Presently, several high-value bioactives are fabricated by using
HRs from various plant sources which have application in pharmaceutical and cos-
metic products (Ono and Tian 2011). Furthermore, recombinant protein production
using this system was found to be a sustainable method for producing cytokines as
well as protein therapeutics (Talano et al. 2012).
136 H. Vaghari et al.

Fig. 7.2  An overview of the HR culture establishment

7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 137

Fig. 7.3  The systematic applications of HR cultures

7.5.1 A
 pplication of HR Cultures for Secondary Metabolites

Plants are known as chemical factories since they pose the ability to fabricate impor-
tant phytochemical. However, the major issue is that their growth is dependent to
the outside environmental stress. HR cultures are promising source for phytochemi-
cal due to sizable biomass production and biosynthetic capacity.
Furthermore, HR cultures frequently accumulate phytochemical at much higher
levels than cell or callus cultures (McCoy and O’Connor 2008; Ono and Tian 2011).
Secondary metabolites as summarized in Table 7.1 are naturally more complex as
compared to primary metabolites. These compounds have been categorized into
terpenoids, phenolics, and alkaloids (Chinou 2008).
Several HR cultures have attracted significant amount of attention due to their
potential in production of valuable phytochemical including Artemisia annua,
Catharanthus roseus, Arachis hypogaea, and Camptotheca acuminata/Ophiorrhiza
pumila (McCoy and O’Connor 2008). List of secondary metabolites produced by
wild HR cultures is summarized in Table 7.2. Although, non-transgenic HR cultures
continue to serve as a good source for phytochemicals and secondary metabolites
(Ono and Tian 2011).
However, application of metabolic engineering methods requires acritical under-
standing about the regulation of secondary metabolite pathways and the metabolic
138 H. Vaghari et al.

Table 7.1  Classification of secondary metabolites (Rao and Ravishankar 2002)

Phenols (composed of
Terpenes (composed sugars, benzene ring, H
of C and H) and O) Alkaloids Steroids
Monoterpenes Phenolic acids Acridines Cardiac glycoside
Sesquoiterpenes Coumarins Glucosinolates Pregnenolone
Diterpenes Lignins Betalains derivatives
Triterpenes Flavonoids Quinolizidines
Tetraterpenoids Tannins Furonoquinones
Anthocyanins Harringtonines
Hydroxycinnamoyl Isoquinolines
Phenalenones Indoles
Proanthocyanidins Purines
Stilbenes Pyridines
Tanins Tropane alkaloids

phenotype of the HR culture to regulate the dynamic distribution of metabolites

between different biochemical pathways (Kruger and Ratcliffe 2009; Talano et al.
2012). Table 7.3 tabulated the common secondary metabolites that are produced by
transgenic HRs.

7.5.2 Application of HR Cultures in Phytoremediation

Environmental remediation is a method that deals with the removal of toxins in

order to support the environment (Macek et al. 2008). Remediation processes can be
expensive; therefore, efficient and inexpensive technologies are still developing to
address the needs in the field. Bioremediation includes the environmental treatment
with the use of microorganisms and plants (Novakova et al. 2007; Najmanova et al.
2007). In case of using plants, this is so-called phytoremediation (Garbisu and
Alkorta 2001; Korde et  al. 2016). The use of plants to absorb and accumulate
organic and inorganic pollutants or to transform toxic molecules to harmless once
has attracted attention (Eapen et al. 2007; Doty 2008; Macek et al. 2008; Ibanez
et al. 2016).
Phytoremediation process usually occurs through several complex interactions
between the key involved sources (Krystofova et  al. 2009; Guillon et  al. 2006).
Roots are normally the main contact point between contaminants and the plant tis-
sues they are the key point of assessment of the phytoremediation potential (Verma
et al. 2014; Meena et al. 2014a, 2015e; Teotia et al. 2016).
However, in this sense HR culture has been found suitable in order to study the
xenobiotic detoxification without the soil matrix or microbes interaction (Talano
et al. 2012). Figure 7.4 summarizes how a plant deposits the toxin efficiently. Plants
are able to chemically modify toxic substances through their direct metabolism
(Krystofova et  al. 2009). Greater genotypic and phenotypic stability are the
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 139

Table 7.2  List of the secondary metabolites that are produced by wild HR cultures
Secondary metabolite Function HR References
Ajmalicine, ajmaline Antihypertensive Rauvolfia micrantha Sudha et al.
Artemisinin Antimalarial Artemisia annua Weathers et al.
Azadirachtin Biopesticide Azadirachta indica Srivastava and
Benzylisoquinoline Analgesic, antibiotic Papaver somniferum Park and
alkaloids (morphinan, Facchini (2000)
codeine, and and Le
sanguinarine) Bonhomme
et al. (2004)
Betalain Red pigments for food Beta vulgaris Rudrappa et al.
industry, strong (2004) and
aphrodisiac, laxative Pavlov et al.
Camptothecin Antitumor, AIDS, Ophiorrhiza alata Ya-ut et al.
falciparum malaria, Craib, Ophiorrhiza (2011) and
colorectal and ovarian pumila Sato et al.
cancers treatment (2001)
3,4-Dihydroxyl-L-­ Therapeutic agent Stizolobium hassjoo Sung and
phenylalanine against Parkinson’s Huang (2006)
Dopa and dopamine Neurotransmitters Beta vulgaris Rudrappa et al.
Flavone glycosides Anti-inflammatory Catharanthus roseus Talano et al.
action (2012)
Flavonoids Meant for the treatment Glycyrrhiza Li et al. (2002)
of gastric ulcers, anti- pallidiflora
inflammatory, and
Flavonoids Antimutagenic, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Zhang et al.
antiulcer, antitumor, (2009)
Glycyrrhizin Artificial sweetener and Glycyrrhiza inflate Wongwicha
pharmaceutical products et al. (2011)
(peptic ulcers treatment)
Glycyrrhizin Diuretic, tonic, Abrus precatorius Dixit and
alexiteric, antifertility Vaidya (2010)
Hyoscyamine Narcotic and Datura stramonium Pavlov et al.
antispasmodic activity, (2009)
used against Parkinson’s
Indole alkaloids Anticancer Catharanthus roseus Ayora-Talavera
(vinblastine, vincristine) et al. (2002)
Iridoid glycosides Anti-inflammatory, Harpagophytum Georgiev et al.
analgesic, antidiabetic procumbens (2006)
140 H. Vaghari et al.

Table 7.2 (continued)
Secondary metabolite Function HR References
6-Methoxy-­ Anticancer Linum album, Linum Wink et al.
podophyllotoxin persicum (2005)
Physalins Diuretic, febrifuge, Physalis minima Azlan et al.
vermifuge (2002)
Plumbagin Diuretic, antibacterial Plumbago zeylanica Sivanesan and
and used against leprosy Jeong (2009)
Resveratrol Anti-inflammatory, Arachis hypogaea Kim et al.
antioxidant, anti-­ (2008)
infective, anticancer
Rosmarinic acid Astringent, antioxidant, Nepeta cataria Yang (2010)
antimicrobial, antiviral
Rutin Antioxidant, Fagopyrum Kim et al.
anticarcinogenic, esculentum (2010)
Rutin, hispidulin, and Anti-inflammatory; Saussurea involucrata Fu et al. (2005)
syringin antifungal
Serpentine Diabetes treatment Catharanthus roseus Datta et al.
Sesquiterpenes Phytoalexins Hyoscyamus albus Kawauchi et al.
Shikonin Dye for silk and food Arnebia Talano et al.
industry, anti-­ (2012)
inflammatory, anti-­
allergic, and
antineoplasic activities
Stilbenoids (resveratrol, Antioxidant, anticancer, Arachis hypogaea Medina-Bolivar
pinosylvin, and antiatherosclerosis, et al. (2010)
derivatives) neuroprotective, and
estrogenic activities
Tropane alkaloids Narcotic, anticholinergic Datura metel, Moyano et al.
and antispasmodic Hyoscyamus muticus (2003)
Tropane alkaloids Narcotic, anticholinergic Hyoscyamus niger Zhang et al.
and antispasmodic (2004)
Tropane alkaloids Narcotic, anticholinergic Datura innoxia Dechaux and
(scopolamine and and antispasmodic Boitel-Conti
hyoscyamine) activity (2005)
Tropane alkaloid Used against Parkinson’s Atropa belladonna Richter et al.
(hyoscyamine, atropine, disease (2005)
and hyoscine)
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 141

Table 7.2 (continued)
Secondary metabolite Function HR References
Tropane alkaloids Parasympatholytic Przewalskia tangutica Lan and Quan
(scopolamine and (2010)
Withanolide A Brain regenerative Withania somnifera Praveen and
properties Murthy (2012)
Xanthotoxin Leucoderma Ammi majus Krolicka et al.
(furocoumarin) (2001)

important advantages of HR cultures which provide a more promising system over

time for phytoremediation (Doran 2009). Additionally, the organized nature of HR
cultures offers an added advantage that makes them more useful for cultivation in
bioreactors at large scale (Angelini et al. 2011; Bahadur et al. 2017; Verma et al.
2017b; Kumar et al. 2017b). HRs that have been functionalized by genetic engineer-
ing are expected to become a new solution for environmental treatment in near
future (Guillon et al. 2006).
HRs produced by hyper-accumulators are capable to uptake nickel, uranium, or
cadmium from polluted environment (Boominathan and Doran 2003; Boominathan
et al. 2004; Eapen et al. 2003; Agostini et al. 2003; Suresh et al. 2005; Gujarathi
et al. 2005). Phytoremediation of several environmental pollutants by wild-type and
transgenic HR cultures is shown in Table 7.4.

7.6 Recent Advances in HR Cultures Scale-Up

Root tissues are not identical to microbial cultures in many ways. Therefore, biore-
actors for HR cultures are more challenging to be controlled, operated, and scaled
up. Development of innovative bioreactors and process intensification will allow to
optimize cell growth and large-scale production (Sharma et al. 2016; Meena et al.
2013c, 2016e; Verma et al. 2015a; Bahadur et al. 2016a; Masood and Bano 2016).

7.6.1 D
 evelopment of Groundbreaking Bioreactors in HR

Design and optimization of bioreactors have been the great advance in HRs for
industrial-scale production of metabolites (Huang and McDonald 2012). Production
of HRs in bioreactors helps to have a better control on operating conditions and
consequently optimize the growth and biosynthesis of the secondary metabolite
(Eibl and Eibl 2008). Bioreactor optimization for fabrication of HRs is of critical
importance for scale-up strategies.
HR bioreactors can be in general divided into gas or liquid phase. In liquid-phase
bioreactors, roots are always placed in the medium; as a result they are called sub-
merged reactors. On the other hand, in gas-phase reactors, the roots are almost exposed
142 H. Vaghari et al.

Table 7.3  List of secondary metabolites produced through transgenic HR cultures (Talano et al.
metabolite Function Transgenic HR Foreign genes
Solanoside Antineoplastic agent Solanum Gene encoding a
khasianum specific antibody that
binds solanoside
Indole Beneficial effects on cancer, Catharanthus Modified anthranilate
sedative and hypotensive roseus synthase (AS) alpha
action subunit (trp5) and
decarboxylase gene
Ginseng Traditional Chinese Panax ginseng cs gene for cycloartenol
medicine, tonic, antiaging, synthase enzyme
anticancer, and anti-­
diabetes properties
Scopolamine Hyoscyamus Putrescine
niger N-methyltransferase
pmt) and hyoscyamine
6ß-hydroxylase (h6h)
Catharanthine Anticholinergic agents that Catharanthus Geraniol
act on parasympathetic roseus 10-hydroxylase (G10H)
nervous system and a jasmonate-­
responsive transcript
factor (ORCA3)
Hyoscyamine, Scopolia Putrescine
scopolamine parviflora N-methyltransferase
(pmt) and hyoscyamine
6ß- hydroxylase (h6h)
Anisodamine, Anisodus Putrescine
anisodine, acutangulus N-methyltransferase
hyoscyamine, (pmt) and gene
scopolamine codifying tropinone
reductase I (TRI)
Glycyrrhizin Medicine, healthcare Glycyrrhiza Chalcone synthase
products, food (sweetener), uralensis
and cosmetics
Flavones: Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, Scutellaria Chalcone isomerase
baicalin, antiseptic, antispasmodic, baicalensis
baicalein, and anticancer
Vitamin C Antioxidant properties Solanum gal UR gene
Total sterols Hypocholesterolemic, Centella asiatica Farnesyl diphosphate
anticarcinogenic properties synthase from Panax
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 143

Fig. 7.4  Types of phytoremediation. Plant metabolizes the pollutant via organic and inorganic
phytoremediation or rhizospheric metabolism. Phytoremediation includes several approaches,
namely, phytostabilization, phytoextraction, phytodegradation, and phytostimulation

to air or another gas mixture (Kim et al. 2002a, b; Stiles and Liu 2013). The design of
the reactor also depends on the product location, which is either intracellular or extra-
cellular (Meena et al. 2013b, 2015d; Shrivastava et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2015).
HR cultivation is usually associated with clumps formation that are naturally
composed of primary roots and their bridged lateral roots. It is very difficult to find
appropriate bioreactor for HR cultures because the rheological properties of HR
cultures vary from one species to another and even within clones of a single species.
Several bioreactor designs have been reported for HRs (Mishra and Ranjan 2008).
Schematic diagrams of promising bioreactor types that have been successfully
tested are depicted in Fig. 7.5. Liquid-Phase Bioreactors

In liquid-phase reactors, the culture space is filled up with liquid medium, and sev-
eral techniques are used to provide the required aeration to the media. Since the
roots are submerged, therefore, mixing and mass transfer are the main issues in
scaling up the process (Eibland Eibl 2008; Curtis 2000; Nath et al. 2017; Sarkar
et al. 2017; Verma et al. 2017a).
144 H. Vaghari et al.

Table 7.4  Phytoremediation of several environmental pollutants by wild-type and transgenic HR

nature of
pollutant Nature of HR Pollutant Plant species References
Inorganic Wild type Arsenic Nicotiana tabacum Talano et al.
Cadmium Thlaspi Nedelkoska and
caerulescens Doran (2000)
Cadmium and lead Brassica juncea Eapen et al. (2007)
Chromium Brassica napus and Ontañon et al.
Pantoea sp. FC1 (2014)
Nickel Alyssum murale Vinterhalter et al.
Nickel Alyssum bertolonii Boominathan et al.
Uranium Armoracia Soudek et al.
rusticana (2011)
Uranium Daucus carota Straczek et al.
Zinc and nickel Brassica juncea Ismail and
Theodor (2012)
Transgenic Copper Nicotiana tabacum Ibanez et al.
Organic Wild type
Explosives (DNT, Armoracia Nepovim et al.
TNT; ADNTs; rusticana (2004)
N-acetyl-4-­ Armoracia Huber et al. (2009)
aminophenol rusticana
PCBs Solanum nigrum Rezek et al.
(2007), (2012)
Phenol and chloro Brassica juncea Singh et al.
derivatives (2006), Coniglio
et al. (2008), and
Gonza’lez et al.
Daucus carota, De Araujo et al.
Ipomoea batatas L. (2006)
Nicotiana tabacum Talano et al.
Helianthus annuus Jha et al. (2013)
Nicotiana tabacum Talano et al.
Solanum Khoudi et al.
lycopersicon (2012)
Solanum Gonzalez et al.
lycopersicum (2006); (2008)
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 145

Table 7.4 (continued)
nature of
pollutant Nature of HR Pollutant Plant species References
Reactive red 198 Tagetes patula L. Patil et al. (2009)
Tetracycline, Helianthus annuus Gujarathi et al.
oxytetracycline (2005)
Textile dye: Methyl Brassica juncea. Telke et al. (2011)
Textile dye: reactive Sesuvium Lokhande et al.
green 19A- HE4BD portulacastrum L. (2015)
Transgenic Phenol Nicotiana tabacum Alderete et al.
Brassica juncea Gonzalez et al.
inoculated with two (2013)
Solanum Oller et al. (2005)
Brassica juncea Ontañon et al.
inoculated with (2014)
Pantoea sp. FC1
Nicotiana tabacum Sosa Alderete
expressing tpx1 et al. (2009),
and/or tpx2 genes (2012)
Nicotiana tabacum Ibanez et al.
expressing tpx1 (2011)
gene + AMF
TCE Atropa belladonna Banerjee et al.
DNT 2,4-dinitrotoluene, PCB polychlorinated biphenyls, TNT 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, DANTs diami-
nonitrotoluenes, ADNTs aminodinitrotoluenes, AMF Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, TCE

Design considerations comprise of mechanisms to provide adequate nutrient to

the roots. Mixing and aeration strategy represents the main design differences
between the various types of liquid-phase bioreactors. The most commonly used
liquid-phase bioreactors are, namely, pneumatic reactors and stirred tanks. Methods
for immobilizing HRs include cages, meshes, and polyurethane foam (Eibl and Eibl
Past studies evaluated the use of stirred tank reactors (STR) for HRs cultivation.
In order to supply required amount of oxygen, compressed air is always spared into
the bioreactor from a placed device in the impeller region. STRs are normally not
useful for HR cultures despite their wide range of application in biotechnology. This
is mainly because of the callus formation and wound response which are usually a
response to the impeller rotation shear stress (Taya et al. 1989; Mishra and Ranjan
2008). Pneumatic bioreactors are the ones that include both airlift and bubble col-
umn reactors.
146 H. Vaghari et al.

Air in Air out

Air out Air in

Cooling jacket
Baffle Sparger Wire mesh
Wire mesh Agitator

Stirred tank reactor (STR) Bubble column reactor (BCR)

Air in Air out Medium in Air out

Plastic liner

Mesh draught tube


Sparger Sparger

Air in Medium out

Plastic lined vessel (PLV) Air lift reactor (ALR)

Medium Air in
Air ut Mist
Air out Medium
Air in
Air in

Gas phase Culture chamber

Culture chamber

Mist generator

Medium Media reservoir

Trickle bed reactor (TBR) Nutrient mist reactor (NMR)

Fig. 7.5  Schematic diagrams of the bioreactors used for HR culture

Bubble column reactors (BCR) are among the simplest bioreactors that are easy
to scale up. The use of bubbles instead of mechanical mixers minimizes the shear
stress on the cultures (Choi et al. 2008; Huang and McDonald 2012). However, the
major drawback with BCRs are the undefined flow pattern of the liquid (Choi et al.
2008) and the reduced growth performance (Kwok and Doran 1995). In the
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 147

presence of high biomass, the bubbles may coalesce resulting in the reduction of
gas-liquid interface area (Huang and McDonald 2012). BCRs are liquid-phase bio-
reactors in which the roots are submerged in the medium. Liquid mixing is obtained
by the upflow of air bubbles generated from an air distributor situated at the bottom
of the column. In contrast to BCRs, airlift reactors (ALRs) contain a draft tube
(either internal or external) to avoid coalescing bubbles. ALRs distribute shear stress
more evenly, reduce shear stress, consume little energy, and promote a cylindrical
mixing of the medium (Stiles and Liu 2013).
The draft tube in ALRs prevents bubble coalescence by forcing the bubbles to
move in one direction. It also distributes shear stresses equally throughout the reac-
tor. As a result, cells are able to grow in a more stable physical environment than
those growing under high shear, a condition causing cell damage and lower produc-
tivity in STRs. It has also been shown experimentally that shear stress rates gener-
ated in ALRs are lower than those generated in BCRs.
ALRs have been extensively used for HRs since the initiation of HR bioreactor
studies for species including Panax ginseng (Yoshikawa and Furuya 1987),
Armoracia rusticana (Taya et al. 1989), Trigonella foenum-graceum (Rodriguez-­
Mendiola et al. 1991), Lippia dulcis (Sauerwein et al. 1991), Lithospermum eryth-
rorhizon (Shimomura et  al. 1991), Ophiorrhiza pumila (Sudo et  al. 2002), and
Echinacea purpurea (Abbasi et al. 2009).
Conventional ALRs have been extensively used for scale-up cultures of HR
lines; however, they are generally not appropriate for high-density cultures due to
inadequate mixing and oxygen mass transfer (Choi et al. 2008). This phenomenon
is mainly based on uneven distribution of root tissue at certain regions as well as
excessive gas-phase channeling (Taya et al. 1989). Gas-Phase Bioreactors

In gas-phase reactors, roots are exposed to a mixture of air or gas mixture. The liq-
uid nutrient is usually sprayed onto the top of the root bed (Kim et al. 2002a, b).
These reactors have been widely used in plant tissue and HR cultures due to their
abundant oxygen supply (Stiles and Liu 2013; McKelvey et al. 1993; Katuri et al.
2011; Wyslouzil et al. 1997). However, gas-phase reactors yet require a matrix for
anchoring the HRs. These can be mesh trays or mesh cylinders. In addition, these
reactors are labor intensive as their requirement for uniform loading (Eibl and Eibl
2008; Choi et  al. 2008; Srivastava and Srivastava 2007; Velazquez et  al. 2016;
Meena et al. 2014b, 2015c; Sindhu et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2016; Ramakrishnan and
Curtis 2004).
Nutrient mist reactors (NMRs) are another one of gas-phase-type reactors. In
these systems plant organ is usually dispersed in the air phase with the help of a
mesh support. NMRs have definite advantages, such as easy operation, high dis-
solved oxygen tension present in the mist, lack of shear, and ease of scaling up.
Whitney (1992) investigated the performance of different types of bioreactors for D.
stramonium and Nicotiana tabacum cultivation. Authors stressed that the growth
rate and yield of tobacco HRs were greater in NMRs than in STRs, TBRs, and
ALRs. Recently, HRs of Stizolobium hassjoo (velvet bean) were cultivated in 3 and
148 H. Vaghari et al.

9 l NMRs by Huang et al. (2004) to evaluate the oxygen uptake rate, effects of inter-
mittent medium supply, and other growth-related parameters.
Several other comparative studies also have been evaluated the optimal bioreac-
tor type for a particular species of HRs. The production of Artemisia annua HRs
was compared both in bubble and mist bioreactors. Based on the results, authors
suggested that the overall biomass was higher in the BCR (Kim et al. 2002a, b).
However, the mist reactor usually accumulates lower amount of biomass as com-
pared to the BCR. This behavior could be due to insufficient nutrient availability
(Choi et al. 2008; Srivastava and Srivastava 2012a, b). Novel Bioreactors

Hybrid reactor can be seen as a method to address this issue, a reactor which allows
the roots to attach uniformly to the anchoring system (Stiles and Liu 2013).
Disposable bioreactors could also be seen as another alternative to the traditional
protocols. These reactors can significantly reduce the operation costs by eliminating
the need for cleaning or sterilization though out the process (Eibl and Eibl 2006).
Disposable wave bioreactor systems could also be another advancement in the bio-
reactor design area (Mishra and Ranjan 2008). These systems work on the basis of
using wave for agitation purpose which in turn reduces the stress levels (Palazón
et al. 2003a, b). Large-scale wave bioreactors having the capacities of up to 600 L
are now commercially applicable (Mishra and Ranjan 2008; Eibl and Eibl 2006).

7.6.2 Process Intensification

Process intensification methods could also be utilized in plant and tissue culture
works (Stiles and Liu 2013). The ability to exploit HR cultures as a source of bioac-
tive chemicals depends on the development of a suitable bioreactor system where
several physical and chemical parameters must be taken into consideration. Selection
of highly productive cell lines, manipulation of nutrients, optimizing the culture
environment, elicitation, metabolic engineering, in situ product removal, and ultra-
sound have been applied for process intensification in HR bioreactor cultures
(Mishra and Ranjan 2008; Stiles and Liu 2013). Optimization of Bioreactor Parameters

Development of an appropriate bioreactor depends on several physical and chemi-
cal parameters, such as optimum pH, sufficient substrate, controlled temperature,
salts for nutrition, product and by-product removal, oxygen, inoculation size and
density, and product recovery. The agro-bacterial concentration has an important
role in the production of transformed roots (Mishra and Ranjan 2008). Dissolved
oxygen is another important factor in the bioreactor microenvironment. HRs
cultured in bioreactors have the affinity to form clumps which critically inhibits
the oxygen transfer (Bordonaro and Curtis 2000). Nutrient availability is also a
major point for scale-up, and minerals are an important regulatory factor for HR
growth (Sivakumar et  al. 2005). Furthermore, periodic measurement of nutrients
7  Hairy Root Culture: A Biotechnological Approach to Produce Valuable Metabolites 149

concentration during periods in bioreactors would provide key information regard-

ing metabolic production (Wilhelmson et al. 2006; Sivakumar et al. 2005).
Light also plays a key role for both growth and production of secondary metabo-
lites. The stimulatory role of light on the production of secondary compounds has
been demonstrated using plant species “Perilla frutescens and Artemisia annua”
(Zhong et al. 1991; Wang et al. 2001; Abbasi et al. 2007; Taya et al. 1994; Jacob and
Malpathak 2004). Elicitation
Elicitation is the effective technique which is currently used for improving the pro-
duction of secondary metabolites (Zhao et al. 2005; Baenas et al. 2014). Overall,
based on origin, elicitors are classified biotic and abiotic. Basically, biotic elicitors
are either physical factors or chemical factors such as ultraviolet light heavy metals
and salts (Stiles and Liu 2013). Salts including AlCl3, AgNO3, CdCl2, CaCl2, CuCl2,
CoCl2, KCl, HgCl2, MgSO4, VOSO4NiSO4, and Zn ions have been used to increase
the secondary metabolite production in a variety of plant (Ramirez-Estrada et al.
2016; Li et al. 2006; Vasconsuelo and Boland 2007). Abiotic elicitors are usually
cheaper than biotic; however, they are not as efficient for the cultivation of the target
microorganism (Georgiev et  al. 2007). Specificity of the elicitor, culture growth
stage, treatment interval, the concentration, medium composition, and light are the
main factors that affect the effectiveness of elicitation (Sharma et al. 2013). Metabolic Engineering

Metabolic engineering of biosynthetic pathways has been established recently to
enhance the fabrication of secondary metabolites. In this case some general issues
have to be taken into account, namely, competing pathways, cofactors for the reac-
tion, and rate-limiting enzymatic steps which are among the major metabolic engi-
neering issues (Ludwig-Müller et  al. 2014; Georgiev et  al. 2010; Chandra and
Chandra 2011).

7.7  oncluding Remark and Future Developments of HR


To date, significant progresses have been made in the genetic transformation and
tissue culture in order to amplify the key pathways for the biosynthesis of targeted
metabolites. Commercial production of HRs has attracted much attention recently
as compared to the other plant cells. HR cultures are unique due to their much
higher genetic and biosynthetic stability. However, exploration into inexpensive
novel elicitors and bioreactors are required in order to warrant their industrial imple-
mentation. Further, generated knowledge from plant metabolic pathways and
advancements in genetic engineering will help HRs to become a promising and
sustainable fabrication system in the near future.
150 H. Vaghari et al.

Acknowledgments  The authors would like to thank Food Research Institute of Sahand University
of Technology for cooperation in preparation of this review.

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Part II
Beneficial Soil Microbe Interaction in Some
Economically Important Crops
Metagenomic Approaches
in Understanding the Mechanism 8
and Function of PGPRs: Perspectives
for Sustainable Agriculture

P.V. Bramhachari, Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju,
and E. Kariali

The rationale of this article especially emphasizes the potential contributions of
metagenomics to the study of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs)
which play an important role in the sustainable agriculture. Several studies are
currently focused to unravel the molecular mechanism implicated in plant–
microbe interactions to comprehend the functionality of PGPRs. In this context,
researchers are presently using advanced molecular techniques, modern sequenc-
ing technologies, and metagenomics, to explore the structural and functional
aspects of genes that analyze the protein composition. Metagenomics has a huge
prospective to endow with fundamental knowledge on plant–microbe interac-
tions necessary for new innovations to increase sustainable agricultural produc-
tivity. This review summarizes the main features of PGPRs in sustainable
agriculture and gives a brief outlook on the recent trends in plant–microbe
metagenomics. It also critically discusses the current knowledge of plant–soil–
microbe-mediated interactions and the impact of enhanced genomic technolo-
gies and our perception to understand how these relationships impact plant
performance and sustainable improvement of plant productivity. Metagenomic
applications in framework of plant–microbe interactions are also highlighted that
profit from these novel technologies.

P.V. Bramhachari (*)

Department of Biotechnology, Krishna University, Machilipatnam 521001,
Andhra Pradesh, India
e-mail: veerabramha@gmail.com
G.P. Nagaraju
Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Winship Cancer Institute,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
E. Kariali (*)
School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha 768019, India
e-mail: ekamberk@rediffmail.com

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 163

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_8
164 P.V. Bramhachari et al.

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) • Sustainable agriculture • Crop
productivity • Plant–microbe interactions • Metagenomics

8.1 Introduction

The rhizosphere is a biologically dynamic zone of the soil contiguous to plant roots
that encompass soilborne microbes, where the biochemical and physical character-
istics together influence the roots (Zeyaullah et  al. 2009). Studies on the plant–
microbe interactions in the rhizosphere are greatly imperative for understanding an
array of intrinsic metabolic and physiological processes, such as nutrient geocy-
cling, carbon sequestration, and ecosystem functioning. There are aplethora of
reports on the role of rhizosphere–microbe interactions in nutrient cycling; plant
diversity and carbon sinks raised noteworthy interest and enthused further researches
on plant–microbe interactions (Opik et al. 2003; Bahadur et al. 2017; Verma et al.
2017b; Kumar et al. 2017a). The microbial diversity present in soil is exceptionally
incredible, with ~109 bacteria per gram of soil representing surplus 5000 bacterial
species (Fierer et al. 2012). However, soil microbiome is very essential in shaping
the following parameters, viz., plant nutrition plan, health/disease, soil gene pool,
pesticide/pollutant decomposition, bioindicators, nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and
soil structure. Each gram soil contains 109–10 bacterial cells (107–8culturable, 104
The soil metagenome has a greater biodiversity than any other habitat,
>1,000,000 Gb per gram soil estimated from 109 bacterial cells with 5 Mb genomes),
when compared to 6 Gb Sargasso sea metagenome sequenced, 3 Gb human genome,
gut metagenome 0.5 Gb, 577 Gb sequenced from 124 individual gut microbiomes
(Qin et  al. 2010). Nonetheless, the ecologists face a colossal challenge to link
microbial diversity studies in the rhizosphere. Primarily the molecular interactions
between microbes and plants have been contemplated as an effect. However, as
indicated in the recent literature, it was recognized as an effective process with high
level of complexity wherein at least two genomes share information devoid of shar-
ing the same ecological niches from a cellular perspective (Sharma et al. 2016a, b).
More recently, the extent of influence among the organisms involved in the interac-
tions is therefore claimed important that the biotechnological management of
microorganisms has evicted to be an indispensable target for improving the func-
tions of plant (Swarupa et  al. 2016). Therefore, the technologies that overcome
these limitations in agricultural production are highly inevitable. Several solutions
that can increase agricultural yield include better agricultural practices and land
management, use of biofertilizers, integrated pest management and farm mechani-
zation, transgenic crops, and extended use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(Glick 2014). Numerous approaches will only have short stint benefits as the world
is finite with limited resources and, they count to several environmental reparations.
Sustainable agriculture devoid of causing environmental damage is one of the key
8  Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Mechanism and Function… 165

solutions to congregate the augmented food demand. It is worth mentioning that

such problems can be achieved by introducing new practices by employing poten-
tial PGPR (Nath et al. 2017; Sarkar et al. 2017).
Plant-associated microbes present a striking and promising source to this end but
are virtually unexploited. Consequently, bioprospecting of plant microbiomes is
gaining progressive attention (Muller et al. 2016). Nevertheless, traditional micro-
biological approaches present severe limitations, as only a petite portion of the soil
bacteria is cultivable by means of standard methods (Torsvik et  al. 1996; Verma
et al. 2017a). Consecutively to attain sustainable agriculture production and produc-
tivity, metagenomics is no doubt a promising tool to comprehend the plant–microbe
interaction that aids in sustainable agriculture.
A triumphant metagenomic approach of the plant–microbe interaction that tar-
gets a physiological function warrants a befitting experimental design. An interest-
ing analysis of the rhizosphere by comparative metagenomics holds an immense
challenge to divulge several important questions apropos the unculturable fraction
of the rhizosphere community. Consequently, in the last two decades, numerous
molecular approaches were proposed (Bloem et  al. 2006; van Elsas et  al. 2007;
Sorensen et al. 2009), and until recently, the exploration of entire genomes present
in a soil sample, metagenomics, also provided a novel approach for comprehensive
assessment (Handelsman 2004; Daniel 2005).
In fact, although metagenomics have led to the discovery of novel molecules,
meager understanding of soil complexity, practical approach biases, and diverse
microbial spatial distribution makes a debatable question on the value of such efforts
in linking soil functions with microbial diversity. In recent years, sequencing of soil
metagenome provided innovative insights into the ecology of soil microorganisms
and proved to be a powerful tool for resurgence of novel genes and biomolecules
(Daniel 2005). Apparently, metagenomics is an uncomplicated culture-independent
approach and generally consists of cloning and analyzing the microbial DNA
extracted directly from an environmental sample. It involves the following main
steps: (a) DNA isolation from soil, (b) fragmentation and insertion of DNA into
appropriate vectors, (c) cloning of DNA and transformation of appropriate host
cells, (d) developing a metagenomic library, and (e) screening of the clone library
(Handelsman 2004).
The rapid growth of metagenomics entails an expanded focus on plant microbes
in a wide range of basic and applied research fields, ranging from molecular micro-
biology to agriculture biotechnology. Nevertheless it can be anticipated that the
numerous novel genes identified through metagenome technologies will possibly
surpass the number of genes identified through sequencing individual microbes
(Streit and Schmitz 2004). As a consequence, metagenomic tools shall perhaps
facilitate the recovery of a high amount of new antibiotics, enzymes, and other mol-
ecules from a small fraction of the soil metagenome (Simon and Daniel 2009) in the
near future. Nonetheless these interesting molecules along with their molecular
structures and functions hold enormous value to industrial applications. Likewise,
the invention of novel genes with PGPR abilities may possibly be applied in agricul-
ture by synthesizing the enzyme of interest in large bioreactors for application to
166 P.V. Bramhachari et al.

crops. To add impetus to these efforts, bioinformatics-based tools along with

advanced software’s were of great significance toward the interpretation of the
metagenome (Hoff et al. 2008). Metagenomic analysis is a revolutionary technique
for understanding the microbiological ecology (Kennedy et al. 2010) and biocata-
lytic applications (Fernandez-Arrojo et al. 2010). The present review recapitulates
the main features of PGPRs in sustainable agriculture and gives a brief stance about
the trends in plant–microbe metagenomics. This review also discusses the contem-
porary knowledge of plant–soil–microbe-mediated interactions and the impact of
improved genomic technologies on plant performance which sustainably improve
plant productivity. Potential applications in the framework of plant–microbe inter-
actions are also emphasized that yield from the new technologies, focusing on

8.2 Portraying the Mechanistic Insights of PGPRs

Approximately 15% of the root surface is covered by microbes that belong to differ-
ent microbial species (Haldar and Sengupta 2015). The roots secrete a variety of
different sugars produced by photosynthesis (~5 to 30%) which are sequentially
utilized by rhizosphere microbes (Glick 2014). Bacteria that efficiently colonize the
rhizosphere and stimulate plant growth through direct or indirect mechanisms are
referred to as PGPRs (Ahemad and Kibretm 2014). PGPRs include a group of natu-
rally occurring soil microbial flora that inhabit in the rhizosphere and thus inflict
beneficial effect on the overall growth of the plant. PGPRs include bacteria that
belong to genera Agrobacterium, Arthrobacter, Acinetobacter, Azospirillum,
Azotobacter, Bradyrhizobium, Burkholderia, Frankia, Serratia, Rhizobium,
Pseudomonads, Thiobacillus and Bacillus (Vessey 2003). These bacteria assist the
plants by employing nutrient transport of minerals and uptake through roots (Glick
1995). Several researchers are actively involved in understanding the underlying
mechanism of plant growth promotion by PGPRs (Fig. 8.1). These mechanics are
broadly divided into direct and indirect mechanisms. Nonetheless the direct mecha-
nism involves the straight use of required nutrients and/or growth regulators for
promoting plant growth. However, if the plants were protected from various stresses
factors (biotic and abiotic stress), their healthy growth may come under indirect
mechanics (Prakash and Verma 2016; Bahadur et al. 2016; Masood and Bano 2016;
Meena et al. 2015e, 2016e; Teotia et al. 2016).
The direct mechanism of PGPRs includes indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), sidero-
phores (Jahanian et al. 2012), 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deami-
nase, hydrogen cyanate (HCN), nitrogenase (Glick 2012), and phosphate
solubilization (Ahemad and Khan 2012). Perhaps some PGPRs also possess more
environment-specific PGP traits such as heavy metal-detoxifying activity (Ma et al.
2011), salinity tolerance (Tank and Saraf 2010), and biocontrol of phytopathogens
and insects (Hynes et al. 2008). PGPRs have become of interest as inoculants for
phytoremediation because of their diverse plant growth-promoting capabilities (Liu
et  al. 2013). Among these, phytohormone production by PGPRs plays a very
8  Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Mechanism and Function… 167

Nitrogen fixing PLANT-MICROBE Plant

Bacteria INTERACTIONS nutrition

PGPRs Bacteria
and fungi Plant
Po4 Solubilzing
microbes, phytohormones,

Mycorrhizae Soil nutrient


Other endophytic
Soil fertility/Soil
bacteria, heterotrophic SUSTAINABLE structure

Fig. 8.1  Schematic diagram of plant microbial interactions in the rhizosphere

important role in promoting plant growth as phytohormones can intercede with the
processes including cell division, plant cell enlargement, and extension in symbiotic
as well as nonsymbiotic roots (Glick 2014). Systematic analysis of whole genome
data and the identification of genes that contribute to the beneficial activity of PGPR
will aid our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of many bacterial species
and also help in the development of PGPR-assisted phytoremediation technology
(Fig.  8.1). NGS have recently been employed to study the genomes of several
PGPRs such as Pseudomonas sp. (Duan et al. 2013), Bacillus sp. (Song et al. 2012),
and P. polymyxa (Li et al. 2014). A thorough understanding of the plant growth-­
promoting (PGP) metagenomics is highly inevitable to explore the rhizospheric
flora in order to maximize the processes that robustly augment plant productivity.

8.3 Role of PGPRs in Sustainable Agriculture

As a consequence of population growth, food consumption is also alarmingly

increasing. Conversely, both the cultivable agricultural land and crop productivity
are significantly reduced as a result of drought, salinity, global warming, and global
industrialization (Gamalero and Glick 2012). Perhaps this sort of setback could
only be addressed by practicing the sustainable agriculture that protects the fitness
of the ecosystem. It is noteworthy that the vital principle of sustainable agriculture
168 P.V. Bramhachari et al.

is to significantly minimize the impediments of insecticide and herbicide usage,

chemical fertilizers, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses. Nonetheless
the exploitation of plant microbiome has immense prospective in reducing the inci-
dence of pests and diseases (Van Oosten et al. 2008), promoting plant growth and
plant fitness and improved productivity (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009). However,
the treatment with single strains or mixed consortia was shown to induce resistance
to multiple plant diseases (Jetiyanon and Kloepper 2002). Most recently, several
microbial biofertilizers and bioinoculants were formulated, produced, marketed,
and effectively used by farmers worldwide (Bhardwaj et  al. 2014). Even though
plants are considered as metaorganisms (East 2013), the concept of understanding
of this microbiome on plant health in terms of phenotypes is hitherto scarce. In
order to trance for a sustainable agricultural vision, the produced crops need to be
operational with disease resistance, salt tolerance, drought tolerance, and heavy
metal stress tolerance along with an enhanced nutritional value (Meena et al. 2013c,
2015d, 2016b; Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Singh et al. 2016; Singh et al.
2015). Despite the accomplishment of above desired crop properties; one possibility
of employing soil microbes (algae, fungi, bacteria, etc.) that augment the nutrient
uptake competence and water holding efficiency (Armada et al. 2014), among these
potential rhizospheric bacteria known as PGPR’s are the most promising, despite
the fact that PGPR may be used to enhance plant health and promote plant growth
rate exclusive of environmental contamination (Calvo et  al. 2014). For decades,
varieties of PGPRs have been studied, and only a few of them have been commer-
cialized so far, including the species Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Klebsiella,
Enterobacter, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Variovorax and Serratia (Glick et  al.
2012). However, the utilization of PGPR in the agriculture represents only an under-
sized portion of agricultural practices worldwide (Bashan et al. 2014).
Nonetheless this is attributable to incoherent properties of inoculated PGPR, fur-
thermore, which could influence the crop productivity (Fig. 8.1). The triumphant
utilization of PGPR is merely reliant on its survival in soil, the compatibility with
the crop on which it is inoculated, the interaction ability with native microbes in
soil, and environmental factors (Martinez-Viveros et al. 2010). An additional chal-
lenge is that the modes of action of PGPR are diverse, and not all rhizobacteria
possess the same mechanisms (Dey et al. 2004; Choudhary et al. 2011). Conversely
many achievements have been reached with the application of microbial biotechnol-
ogy in agriculture, but many challenges as well as opportunities need to be explored
for the future sustainable agricultural developments (Kumar et  al. 2017b; Meena
et al. 2014b, 2015a, b, c; Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Shrivastava et al.
2016; Velazquez et al. 2016; Sindhu et al. 2016).
In recent times, there has been enormous surge to comprehend and investigate
the genomic prosperity of rhizosphere microbes by linking soil community struc-
ture to both the general soil biophysical context and the social science perspective
in order to understand human impacts and drivers of human decision-making for
sustainable soil management. Therefore, this update in due course will focus on
handy knowledge anchored in the root microbiome, its functional importance, and
its potential association to the establishment of a host phenome, toward attaining
8  Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Mechanism and Function… 169

sustainable agriculture. Therefore, by linking the soil biodiversity and functions to

the ecosystem services, the soil ecosystem can be better conserved and managed for
sustainable agricultural intensification (Rawat et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Meena
et al. 2016c).

8.4  olecular Sequencing Techniques for Studying Plant


Traditionally, the components of the plant microbiome were characterized by isolat-

ing and culturing microbes on different culture media and growth conditions. These
culture-based techniques missed out immense preponderance of microbial diversity
in an environment or in plant-associated habitats, which is at this time obvious by
modern culture-independent molecular techniques for analyzing whole environ-
mental metagenomes. Over the preceding 5 years, these culture-independent tech-
niques have noticeably changed our perception on microbial diversity in a particular
environment, from which only <1% are culturable (Hugenholtz et  al. 1998).
Subsequent to discovering the significance of the conserved 16S ribosomal RNA
(rRNA) sequence (Woese and Fox 1977) and the first use of DGGE of the amplified
16S rRNA gene in the microbial community analysis (Muyzer et al. 1993), never-
theless, there was an immediate flare-up of advanced research toward microbial
ecology using various molecular fingerprinting techniques. Apart from DGGE,
TGGE, and FISH, clone library construction of microbial community-amplified
products and DNA sequencing techniques emerged as other supporting tools for the
better understanding of microbial ecology (Muyzer 1999). Furthermore, there are
many newer techniques to understand the microbiome, from metagenomics to meta-
proteomics (Rincon-Florez et al. 2013; Schlaeppi et al. 2014; Yergeau et al. 2014)
(Fig.  8.2). However, these techniques cover the whole microbiome, instead of
selecting particular species, unlike conventional microbial analysis.

8.5  odern Sequencing Technologies for Studying Plant


In the analysis of whole microbiome, the initial effort was started with the discovery
of a conserved 16S rRNA gene sequence and its PCR applications in the identifica-
tion of microorganisms (Woese and Fox 1977). Thus far, there are meticulous
improvements achieved with these techniques, consenting to metagenomics, in
order to study and understand the microbiome in a holistic insight in a petite period.
The comprehensive assessment of soil ecosystems and more significantly functional
genes allied with ecosystem processes are fastly curved into cost-efficient facets.
This is primarily through the development of a range of whole metagenome sam-
pling, followed by purification, separation, sequencing, and finally data analysis and
interpretation. Particularly, the sequencing technology is going through speedy
development, as it provides wide and thorough views of metagenomics, and
170 P.V. Bramhachari et al.

Soil Enrichment Isolations;
Nucleic acid extractions
Function driven Cloning of DNA fragments Sequence driven
Metagenomics Metagenomics
Soil Metagenomic library

Screening of Recombinants

Bioassays/enzymatic (specific clones and sequence

activity homology for biocataltyic clones)

Novel soil biocatalysts Novel soil gene clusters

Nitrogen fixation, IAA, Siderophore Gene clusters Bioactive natural

production, ACC, Phytohormones, Metagenomic products Antibiotics Biogeocycling
Antioxidants, Induced systemic approaches Biodiversity Gene transfers
resistance, Enzymatic activity, Metabolism related genes Stress
Bioremediation, nutrient cycling, of PGPRs tolerance Metal Chelation
EPSs production-Stress tolerance


Fig. 8.2  Scheme of metagenomics for the discovery of novel soil biocatalysts and gene clusters
from soil microorganisms

nowadays the largely named are (a) high-throughput sequencing (HTS) and (b)
next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. These HTS techniques include the
use of 454 Genome Sequencer (Roche Diagnostics), the HiSeq 2000 (Illumina), and
the AB SOLiD System (Life Technologies Rincon-Florez et al. 2013; Yergeau et al.
2014; Saha et al. 2016a; Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Meena et al. 2013b).
Furthermore, other advanced techniques, such as DNA/RNA-SIP and DNA arrays
(PhyloChip and functional gene arrays), moreover have promising features in the
analysis of microbiomes, particularly their functional parts (Rincon-Florez et  al.
2013; Uhlik et  al. 2013). At present, there is a transition from metagenomics to
metatranscriptomics, as the latter answers the diversity and functional part of the
microbiome, rather than only showing the diversity. Nonetheless, it was also appar-
ent in recent times that the functional flexibility and function-based diversity of the
microbiome may possibly be central factors in niches somewhat than mere diversity
(Barret et al. 2011; Chaparro et al. 2012).
However, in metatranscriptomics approaches, RNA-SIP, quantitative reverse
transcription-PCR, and complementary DNA analysis coupled with pyrosequenc-
ing provide advanced functional insights into microbiome activities in the soil and
rhizosphere (Schauss et al. 2009; Uhlik et al. 2013). Predominantly, the significance
of RNA-SIP was underlined in forthcoming studies for sequential analysis of the
flow of root-derived carbon and differentiation of primary and secondary microbial
utilizers, which have elevated rates of labeling than their genes and need not depend
on cell division, unlike DNA-SIP (Bressan et al. 2009; Uhlik et al. 2013). In order
8  Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Mechanism and Function… 171

to surmount the broader constraints of quantitative PCR and microarray technology

in analyzing the gene expression of a complex community, these sophisticated tech-
nologies still facade enormous challenges in the years to go.

8.6  nderstanding the Mechanism and Functions of Plant–

Microbe Interactions

A wider variety of novel endophyte phylogenetic lineages were discovered (Sun

et al. 2008), underscoring a larger gap in understanding the total endophyte com-
munity in plants than previously realized. In addition to that, putative protein coding
sequences associated with root colonization competence and PGPR were also
explored (Barret et  al. 2011; Sessitsch et  al. 2012). Interestingly the advent of
molecular techniques in microbial ecology has enabled more widespread studies of
endophyte abundance, community composition, and functional genetic analysis;
genes involved in detoxification of ROS, protein secretion systems, and flagellar
motility have been explored as significant determinants for successful plant coloni-
zation and microbial competition (Hardoim et al. 2008; Cheng et al. 2010). However,
the genes involved in the production of siderophores, abscisic acid, indole acetic
acid, and quorum sensing (QS) autoinducer signaling genes were also associated
with biocontrol, phytostimulation, and colonization (Forchetti et al. 2007; Ramesh
et al. 2009; Faure et al. 2009) (Fig. 8.2). Perhaps this area of research will advance
our insight in not only microbial interspecies communication but also the factors
influencing the colonization success of potential endophyte inoculants. Undoubtedly,
the metagenomic analysis of diverse plant species may signify that bacterial protein
families identified to hinder with the plant immune response can distinguish between
the rhizosphere and soil microbiota (Bulgarelli et al. 2015), suggesting that immune
system mediated microbial insight, at least in part, and bacterial colonization of the
rhizosphere. Interestingly the culture-independent approaches evidenced that
microbial diversity of soil and rhizosphere microbiomes is highly underestimated.
Notably the dawn of next-generation DNA sequencing methods has undeniably
sparked a new era in molecular characterization of environmental ecosystems
(Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Meena et al. 2014a, 2016d; Saha et al. 2016b; Verma et al.
2014, 2015b). Recent metagenomic studies have also revealed a wide range of anti-
biotic resistance genes (ARGs) and mobile genetic elements and virulence factors
from different ecosystems (Kristiansson et al. 2011; Bengtsson-Palme et al. 2014).
In a very recent study of Mendes et al. (2014), the epiphytic rhizosphere micro-
biome of soybean was compared to that in bulk soil with regard to taxonomic and
functional composition. Likewise, functions that may be of benefit for the plant in
terms of growth promotion and nutrition were detected. Unno and Shinano (2013)
investigated the rhizosphere metagenome of plants that demonstrated enhanced
growth in the presence of phytic acid and detected genes encoding enzymes associ-
ated to phytic acid utilization, for instance, alkaline phosphatase or citrate synthase.
Chhabra et al. (2013) applied a targeted metagenomic approach by constructing a
fosmid library in Escherichia coli, which was screened in an assay for mineral
172 P.V. Bramhachari et al.

phosphate solubilization activity. Interestingly the genes and operons with homol-
ogy to phosphorus uptake, regulatory system and solubilization mechanisms were
The phyllosphere metagenomic datasets generated in these studies were addi-
tionally characterized in combination with a metagenomic dataset from Tamarix-­
associated phyllosphere bacteria to screen for photosynthetic genes that were further
identified from other microorganisms to be involved in light-driven energy genera-
tion and diverse microbial rhodopsins (Atamna-Ismaeel et al. 2012a, b). Another
metagenomic project was performed with the aim to attain a full sequence of a
complete genome sequence of uncultured phytopathogen and insect symbiont
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus which causes citrus huanglongbing disease
(Duan et al. 2009).

8.7  pplications of Plant–Microbe Metagenomics

in Agricultural Research

In the rhizosphere makes a source of gene pool with a huge potential, particularly
for agricultural applications with the aim to improve crop productivity and quality
of agricultural products and shield crops from pests. Perhaps this could be per-
formed by exploring the genes responsible for PGPR activities and application of
the recombinant molecules to soil. A functionally competent chitinase may perhaps
be used as an effective fungicide in a research experiment by Ikeda et al. (2007),
who used T-RFLP and clone library analysis to identify chitinase genes in maize
rhizosphere. The same group of researchers established novel bacterial chitinase
genes and found significantly large differences in chitinase gene diversity between
the bulk and rhizosphere soils.
An additional example of Hjort et al. (2010) also explored the potential of chitin-
ases in phytopathogen-suppressive soils. An activity that improves the plant fitness
and, hence, improves crop production is apparently ACC deaminase activity.
Interestingly Nikolic et al. (2011) also analyzed ACC deaminase genes (acdS) of
bacterial endophytes colonizing field-grown potato plants and discovered the pres-
ence of two unique types of acdS genes, the dominant one showing high homology
to an acdS gene derived from P. fluorescens through PCR analysis. The fundamental
study on siderophores is mainly fascinating due to its triple function application,
nutritional, systemic resistance inductor (ISR) and biocontrol (Bakker et al. 2007;
Ramos Solano et al. 2008). Despite its significance in agriculture, the only instance
to date that has been reported in marine settings, through expression-dependent
methods, and resulted in a cluster composed by five ORFs that synthesized vibrio-
ferrin, a siderophore explored in V. parahaemolyticus (Fujita et al. 2011).
The sequencing of whole genomes from a number of species permits to delineate
their organization and provides the basis for understanding their functionality
(Morrell et  al. 2012), as a consequence favoring metagenomic–agricultural prac-
tices. Additionally metagenomic analyses also depicted several metabolic pro-
cesses, adaptations, and plant growth-promoting characteristics in rice (Sessitsch
8  Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Mechanism and Function… 173

et al. 2012). In a metagenomic analysis of the barley rhizosphere, gluconate produc-

tion was identified as a key mineral phosphate solubilization mechanism in an
uncultivated microbiome (Chhabra et al. 2013). Similarly, the metagenomic charac-
terization of the microbial communities associated with cucumber and wheat roots
revealed that genes involved in the microbial degradation of plant cell wall polysac-
charides were enriched in both species, and their differential recruitment could be
used to classify their associated microbiota (Ofek-Lalzar et al. 2014). Nonetheless,
efforts addressed to the success of an apt data of associated molecular information
on transcriptome and proteome sequencing are also crucial to depict the gene pool
of a genome and its central functionalities. Notably these efforts undeniably led to
the most important step forward in biological sciences (Barh et al. 2013) as well as
agriculture (Van Emon 2015).
Furthermore, the revelation of the complexity of genes and their networking is
also crucial for being translated into breeding practice for crops or livestock, con-
tributing to their health, resistance, and productivity. In actual fact, the contribution
of genomics to agriculture spans the identification and manipulation of genes linked
to specific phenotypic traits (Zhang et al. 2014) in addition to molecular breeding by
marker-assisted selection of variants (Iovene et al. 2004). Eventually in the coming
years, the agricultural metagenomics without doubt aims to reveal several innova-
tive solutions through the study of crops or livestock genomes, achieving informa-
tion for protection and sustainable productivity for food industry, however, for
alternative facets like energy production or design of pharmaceuticals (Wilson and
Roberts 2014). In a metagenomic assay of the barley rhizosphere, Bulgarelli et al.
(2015) identified a positive selection on microbe interaction traits (e.g., type VI
secretion system (T6SS) as well as those putatively involved in microbe interac-
tions. Interestingly, T6SS sequences were also found in high abundance in a metage-
nomic study of the soybean rhizosphere (Mendes et al. 2014).
However, little information is available for microbe–plant communities wherein
they are integrated. Seeing that an example, it is accepted that soil is one of the
principal carbon reservoirs on earth, and prokaryotes include a significant amount
of the soil biomass (Whitman et  al. 1998). However, in the last three decades,
culture-­independent methods showed that, albeit fast-evolving sequencing strate-
gies, the great majority of bacterial species are still unidentified (Rappe and
Giovannoni 2003). The application of metagenomics in agriculture also proved to
be suitable for depicting the multifarious patterns of interactions occurring among
microorganisms in soil (Carbonetto et al. 2014) and in plant rhizosphere (Mendes
et al. 2014). Metagenomics are recently revealed to be useful to trace the shift in
taxonomic composition and functional redundancy of microbial communities in
rhizosphere soils in association to environmental changes (Pan et al. 2014) and agri-
cultural management (Souza et al. 2015).
Metagenomic studies can also help decipher the role of soil microbes in plant
nutrition (Pii et  al. 2016) or in the cycle of elements (Stempfhuber et  al. 2015).
Plant, soil, and microbiome also play a crucial role in agriculture provided that it
determines plant fitness (Haney et  al. 2015) and soil biogeochemical properties
(Acosta-Martinez et al. 2014) and affects both yield and quality traits (Deusch et al.
174 P.V. Bramhachari et al.

2015). Furthermore, the applications can lead to the discovery of new genes, bio-­
products, and plant growth-promoting microorganism consortia, useful for under-
standing relevant aspects such as response to stresses (Timmusk et  al. 2014) or
dysbiosis (Handelsman 2004; Vayssier-Taussat et al. 2014). Therefore, the amount
of metabolic diversity present in soil to harness novel gene encoding is undeniably
vast which could be explored with the help of metagenomic techniques. Interestingly
the metagenome represents the genomes of uncultured microbes as a rich source for
isolation of many novel genes. In consequence, metagenomics not only provides us
innovative insights into microbial taxonomic/genetic diversity life but also access to
genes (metabolic diversity) producing novel biomolecules (Fig. 8.2).

8.8 Future Perspectives in PGPR Metagenomics

PGPRs that are difficult to culture are hardly understood and make up a huge part of
soil sequencing techniques that allow us to do more researches. Therefore, the trans-
lational research like metagenomics is highly indispensable to apply these tools for
the benefit of agriculture, particularly by evaluating the effects of decisions on
microbes known to have positive or negative effects on productivity and identify
microbes that are indicators for higher and lower productivity (Souza et al. 2015).
However, preceding works highlighted numerous approaches to harness microbe–
rhizosphere interactions for increased farm productivity (Kaymak 2010; Altomare
and Tringovska 2011; Shen et al. 2013); nevertheless, how these interactions may
perhaps be exploited for biotechnological applications is not completely explored.
Remarkably these rhizosphere–microbe interactions are modulated by numerous
chemical molecules produced by plant roots which in turn communicate with soil
microbes. However, identifying these signal molecules and harnessing them to
improve interaction between beneficial microbes and plant roots can further improve
resource availability. Interestingly one such mechanism explored so far is the
metagenomics of plant microbial signaling that can undoubtedly dole out this ratio-
nale. However, using metagenomics it is now possible to identify mechanisms and
isolate genetic resources for maximizing nutrient cycling and nutrient use efficiency
without cultivating soil microbes (Abhilash et al. 2012).
Nonetheless, utilizing metagenomics to characterize soil microbial communities
facilitates regulation of plant performance through enhanced bioavailability of
nutrients and secretion of bioactive compounds for pest control and hormones to
excite plant growth. In the years to come the plant microbiome may shed light on
solutions to modify plant genetics, function, and ecology for survival in unique
habitats or environmental conditions (Fig. 8.2). Noteworthy, such resolutions may
help to meet rising food demands, curtail land and biodiversity loss, and mitigate the
impacts of climate change. Furthermore understanding the physiological interac-
tions among the microbiomes may allow feasible expression of specific bacterial
traits, viz., nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, ACC deaminase, quorum
sensing, siderophores, chitinases, auxins, gibberellins, or antibiotic production.
Eventually detection of novel genes coding for known activities associated to the
8  Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Mechanism and Function… 175

microbial interaction with plants is undoubtedly a prudent attempt; nevertheless, a

real progress is inevitable toward the invention of presently unknown mechanisms
of the plant–microbe interactions. However, the application of metagenomic ser-
vices can perhaps contribute to improved disease detection/protection in crops
which may further improve crop health by exploiting the association between
microbes and plants. Metagenomics can be applied to the development of next-­
generation pesticides and fungicides in addition to improving the efficiency of
organic agriculture.

8.9 Conclusions

The advanced tools of metagenomics offer many avenues into a broadened view of
PGPR and their activities in particular. Quantifying the impacts of plant microbi-
ome has advanced our conceptual understanding in plant–microbe metagenomics,
with real-world applications that have the potential to increase crop production dur-
ing enhanced plant trait expression and/or increased utilization of insignificant habi-
tats. Recent advances in metagenomics augmented our overall understanding of
plant–microbe and microbe–microbe interactions in the rhizosphere and also out-
lined quite a few questions for the future. Notably the field of metagenomics, with
reference to soil microbial ecosystems has immense potential, it is hitherto not stud-
ied and explored to a great extent. Interestingly, the discovery of novel PGPR activi-
ties, either by functional screening or sequence information, will add a great deal to
our current understanding of mechanistic variations that exist in PGPR phenotypes.
Additionally, metagenomics can also unravel the gene clusters of biosynthetic-­
related genes, synthesis of antimicrobial compounds. Hoping for further advance-
ment of metagenomics in developing successful research and development, PGPR
use will certainly befall a reality and will be helpful to fundamental biochemical and
physiological processes that ascertain the stability and productivity of agroecosys-
tems, thus leading us toward an ideal sustainable agricultural system. The use of
metagenomics in parallel with established or novel molecular approaches will cer-
tainly lead to the discovery of novel mechanisms of PGPR activity, newer types of
PGPR identity, and a spanking new look on the biology and practical applications
of PGPR.

Acknowledgments  Authors acknowledge the kind support and encouragement extended by

Krishna University, Machilipatnam, and Sambalpur University, Odisha.

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Role of Bioinoculants as Plant
Growth-­Promoting Microbes 9
for Sustainable Agriculture

Talat Parween, Pinki Bhandari, Sumira Jan,

Mahmooduzzafar, Tasneem Fatma, and S.K. Raza

The green revolution bought amazing consequences in food grain production but
with insufficient concern for agriculture and environmental sustainability. The
efficient biofertilizers are gaining importance in sustaining agriculture. Various
complementing combinations of microbial inoculants for management of major
nutrients are necessary for agriculture sustainability. In such case, microorgan-
isms are useful for biomineralization of bound soil and make nutrients available
to their host and/or its surroundings. Nitrogen and phosphorus are major plant
nutrients which occupy a key place in the balanced use of fertilizer. Leguminous
crop fixes the atmospheric nitrogen by Rhizobium which requires optimum level
of phosphorus in plant tissue. Mineral solubilizers play an important role in seed-
ling setting because more of the tropical soils are phosphate fixing and make it
unavailable to the plants. Phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) that
solubilize bound form of phosphorus and AM fungi act as uptaker of phosphorus
and make it available to the host plants. Microorganisms facilitate plant mineral
nutrition by changing the amounts, concentrations and properties of minerals
available to plants. Because of the various challenges faced in screening, formu-
lation and application, PGPB have yet to fulfil their promise and potential as
commercial inoculants. This chapter focuses on some important information

T. Parween (*) • P. Bhandari • S.K. Raza

Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology,
Sector-20, Udyog Vihar, NH-8, Gurgaon 122016, India
e-mail: talat.jmi@gmail.com
S. Jan
ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Rangreth, Srinagar 190007, India
Jamia Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi 110062, India
T. Fatma
Jamia Millia Islamia University, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 183

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_9
184 T. Parween et al.

regarding the various types of biofertilizing potential of some important group of

microbes, their formulations, their application for the development of sustain-
able technology, their scope of improvement by promising new technique and
commercially available biofertilizer and its application in India.

Beneficial bacteria • Inoculant • Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR) •
Sustainable agriculture

9.1 Introduction

In the late 1960s, agriculture system focused on food crop productivity, though
high-yielding varieties (HYVs), agrochemicals, irrigation system and chemical fer-
tilizers were extensively used throughout India. About 50% of the yield growth was
contributed by the use of fertilizer alone. In fact, India is the world’s largest user of
chemical fertilizers, consuming each year ~16% of the world’s N consumption, ~
19% of phosphatic and ~15% of potassic nutrients of the global total (Anonymous
2008). As per the Raghuwanshi (2012) report, out of the ~329 M ha of India’s geo-
graphical area, ~114  M ha are under cultivation. Farmers inoculate the soil with
fertilizers in order to reap a better harvest. Fertilizers function as catalysts for growth
and development of plants by providing proper nutrients. These can be categorized
into chemical and biofertilizer which has its advantages and disadvantages (Tables
9.1 and 9.2).
For the balanced nutrient management for crop growth, these advantages need to
be integrated in order to achieve optimum performance by each type of fertilizer.
High inputs of chemical fertilizers during the last 150 years left soils degraded, pol-
luted and less productive but have also posed severe health and environmental haz-
ards. The use of biofertilizers would solve these issues and make the ecosystem
healthier. It is reported that the ~22  M ha of land are now cultivated organically
which represents <1% of the world’s conventional agricultural production and ~9%
of the total agricultural area (Mishra and Dash 2014).
Essential elements are required for proper growth and functioning of plant. The
shortage of any of these essential nutrients to plant, listed in Table 9.3, can lead to
damage to crop health. Primary macronutrients or micronutrients such as nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium are required in the greatest quantities, whereas second-
ary macronutrients or micronutrients are needed in smaller quantities, and are found
in adequate quantities in soil, and therefore do not often limit crop growth.
Micronutrients, or trace nutrients, are needed in very small amounts and can be
toxic to plants in excess. Silicon (Si) and sodium (Na) are sometimes considered
essential plant nutrients. Due to their omnipresent nature, they are never in short
supply of these nutrients in soil (Parikh and James 2012).
Biofertilizers play an important role in improving the nutrient supplies and their
availability in plant which includes selective organisms, like bacteria, fungi and
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 185

Table 9.1  Advantage and disadvantage of chemical fertilizer

Advantage Disadvantage
Nutrients are soluble and Overuse can result in negative effects such as leaching,
immediately available to pollution of water resources, destruction of microorganisms
plants, creating a direct and and beneficial insects, crop susceptibility to disease attack,
fast effect acidification or alkalization of the soil or reduction in soil
fertility, all of which cause irreparable damage to the overall
The price is lower and more Oversupply of nitrogen leads to softening of plant tissue
competitive than organic resulting in increased susceptibility to diseases and pests
fertilizer, which makes it
more popular with farmers
They are quite high in They reduce the colonization of plant roots with mycorrhizae
nutrient content; only and inhibit symbiotic nitrogen fixation by rhizobia due to high
relatively small amounts are nitrogen fertilization
required for crop growth They enhance the decomposition of soil, which leads to
degradation of soil structure
Nutrients are easily lost from soils through fixation, leaching or
gas emission and can lead to reduced fertilizer efficiency

Table 9.2  Advantage and disadvantage of using biofertilizer

Advantage Disadvantage
The nutrient supply is more balanced, which They are comparatively low in nutrient
helps keep plants healthy content, so a larger volume is needed to
provide enough nutrients for crop growth
They enhance soil biological activity, which The nutrient release rate is too slow to meet
improves nutrient mobilization from organic and crop requirements in a short time; hence,
chemical sources and decomposition of toxic some nutrient deficiency may occur
They enhance the colonization of mycorrhizae, The major plant nutrients may not exist in
which improves phosphorus supply organic fertilizer in sufficient quantity to
sustain maximum crop growth
They enhance soil structure, leading to better The nutrient composition of compost is
root growth highly variable
They increase the organic matter content of the The cost is high compared to chemical
soil, thereby improving the exchange capacity fertilizers
of nutrients, increasing soil water retention,
promoting soil aggregates and buffering the soil
against acidity, alkalinity, salinity, pesticides and
toxic heavy metals
They release nutrients slowly and contribute to Short shelf life, lack of suitable carrier
the residual pool of organic nitrogen and materials, susceptibility to high temperature
phosphorus in the soil, reducing nitrogen and problems in transportation and storage
leaching loss and phosphorus fixation; they can are all biofertilizer bottlenecks that still
also supply micronutrients need to be solved in order to promote
They encourage the growth of beneficial effective inoculation
microorganisms and earthworms
They help to suppress certain soil-borne plant
diseases and parasites
186 T. Parween et al.

Table 9.3  Essential plant nutrient elements and their primary form utilized by plants
Essential plant element Symbol Primary form
Carbon C CO2 (g)
Hydrogen H H2O (l), H+
Oxygen O H2O (l), O2(g)
Mineral elements
Primary macronutrients Nitrogen N NH4+, NO3−
Phosphorus P HPO42−, H2PO4−
Potassium K K+
Calcium Ca Ca2+
Secondary macronutrients Magnesium Mg Mg2+
Sulphur S SO42−
Iron Fe Fe3+, Fe2+
Manganese Mn Mn2+
Zinc Zn Zn2+
Micronutrients Copper Cu Cu2+
Boron B B(OH)3
Molybdenum Mo MoO42−
Chlorine Cl Cl−
Nickel Ni Ni2+
Parikh and James (2012)

algae. These organisms are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and make it
available to the soil for the plant growth. They are eco-friendly, cost-effective and
renewable source of plant nutrients. The biofertilizer plays a vital role in maintain-
ing long-term soil fertility (Mishra et al. 2015). Biofertilizers are economical, eco-­
friendly, productive and accessible to small farmers over chemical fertilizers after
the long-term use (Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat
et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2016b).

9.2 Types of Bioinoculants and Their Role

The efficient biofertilizers are the outcome of most advance microbial technology
required to support sustainable and non-polluting agriculture. The biofertilizers
contained living microorganism that, when applied to seed, plant surfaces or soil,
accelerate their microbial processes which result in the availability of nutrients for
easy assimilation by plants (Sharma et al. 2012; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016a; Ahmad
et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016a; Jha and Subramanian 2016). Since nitrogen is inert
in nature, the plants cannot utilize it from the atmosphere. At ambient temperature
and pressure, diazotrophs mediate nitrogen fixation under enzymatic reaction by a
process known as biological nitrogen fixation (Table 9.4).
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 187

Table 9.4  Types of biofertilizers

Group Example
Biofertilizer for micronutrients
N2-fixing biofertilizers
(a) Free-living Azotobacter, Beijerinckia, Derxia, Nostoc
(b) Symbiotic Rhizobium, Frankia, Anabaena azollae
(c) Associative symbiotic Azospirillum, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus
P-solubilizing biofertilizers
(a) Bacteria Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus circulans, Pseudomonas striata
(b) Fungi Penicillium sp., Aspergillus awamori
P-mobilizing biofertilizers
Biofertilizer for macronutrients
(a) Arbuscular mycorrhiza Glomus sp., Gigaspora sp., Acaulospora sp.,
Scutellospora sp. and Sclerocystis sp.
Sulphur oxidizers Thiobocblus thioxidans
(a) Zinc solubilizers Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Aspergillus niger
(b) Potassium and silicate Erwinia, Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Fracturia
solubilizers auerentia
(c) Manganese solubilizers Penicillium citrinum
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
 Bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus sp., Burkholderia
 Fungi Piriformospora indica
Biofilmed biofertilizers
Fungal-bacterial biofilms (FBB), fungal-rhizobial biofilms (FRB)

9.3 Biofertilizer for Macronutrients

9.3.1 N2-Fixing Biofertilizers Asymbiotic/Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Biofertilizers

Most important bacteria in this group are Azotobacter, Derxia and Beijerinckia
which are found in soil system.
Azotobacter  Azotobacter is a potential biofertilizer in rhizosphere of leguminous
and nonleguminous crops due to availability of various readily utilizable carbon
compounds. Amutha et al. (2014) worked on mass production of Azotobacter and
phosphobacteria using specific medium of Pikovskaya’s media for phosphobacteria
and Ashby’s agar for the Azotobacter production. Initially, the organism was iso-
lated from the soil sample, and conformation was done using the biochemical test;
the cell count reached to 108–109 cells mL−1, and the broth is used as inoculant. It
increases crop yield by 20–30%, replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by
~25% and stimulates plan growth.
188 T. Parween et al.

Cyanobacteria  Cyanobacteria are excellent N2 fixers. Earlier they are known as

blue-green algae such as Anabaena, Nostoc, Aulosira and Tolypothrix. Cyanobacteria
include unicellular colonial species in which some filamentous species have the
ability to differentiate into different cell types:

(a) Vegetative cells: normal photosynthetic cells found under favourable growing
(b) Akinetes: climate resistant spores formed under environmental stress
(c) Heterocysts: thick-walled cells containing nitrogenase enzyme vital for N2 fixa-
tion. Heterocysts are specialized structures for N2 fixation and able to fix nitro-
gen (N2) into ammonia (NH3+), nitrites (NO2-) or nitrates (NO3-) which can be
utilized by plants. Symbiotic Nitrogen-Fixing Biofertilizers

Rhizobium  Rhizobia are the most important of all the biofertilizers which fix the
atmospheric nitrogen by forming root nodules which act as mini-factories of nitro-
gen fixation in legume plants. Atmospheric nitrogen fixation is carried out by the
enzyme nitrogenase of Rhizobium with the help of nodulins (legume plant protein)
and transfers to plant for effective symbiosis. It has been shown in recent findings
that there are more crop-enhancing and biofertilizer attributes in cereal crops due to
rhizobial inoculation. In addition, plant nutrients like P, K, Ca, Mg and even Fe
accumulation were observed (Baset Mia and Shamsuddin 2010; Parewa et al. 2014;
Prakash and Verma 2016; Meena et  al. 2015f, 2016b; Dominguez-Nunez et  al.
2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016; Jaiswal et al. 2016).
Frankia: Casuarina (nonleguminous tree) Symbiosis  Nonleguminous tree nod-
ules with Frankia are called actinorhizal plant. Nodules are formed by filamentous
spore-forming actinomycetes. The actinorhizal nodules represent the cluster of
modified roots with Frankia-infected cells found in the cortex. Nodules first appear
as swelling and later develop vesicles which are the sites of N2 fixation.
Anabaena azollae  Anabaena azollae is a cyanobacterium that forms symbiotic
association with a water fern Azolla and used as biofertilizer for rice cultivation.
Apart from nitrogen fixation, Azolla is also known to suppress weed population in
wetland rice and provides additional economic advantage to rice cultivation. Associative Nitrogen-Fixing Biofertilizers

Azospirillum  Azospirillum colonizes the root zone and fixes nitrogen in loose asso-
ciation with C4 plants such as maize, sorghum, sugarcane, etc. Azospirillum fixes
atmospheric N2, mineralizes nutrients from soil, sequesters Fe, survives in stressed
environmental conditions and also favours beneficial mycorrhizal plant associa-
tions. Azospirillum biofertilizers are suitable for C4 crops such as maize, sorghum
and other cereals like rice, wheat, barley and ragi and various horticultural crops.
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 189

Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus  Nitrogen-fixing bacteria G. diazotrophicus

earlier known as Acetobacter diazotrophicus were discovered from sugarcane crop.
The bacterium colonizes the internal tissues of sugarcane and fixes nitrogen up to
200 kg ha−1. It is an acid and sucrose loving (~30% of sucrose) with highest pH (5.5)
and oxygen-tolerant bacterium. An experiment was conducted by Murumkar et al.
(2016) who studied the effect of set treatment of G. diazotrophicus and PSB on seed
yield, quality and saving of chemical N and P fertilizers for sugarcane seed plots.
The set inoculation of G. diazotrophicus and PSB coupled with ~78% recommended
N and 75% recommended P2O5 significantly improved the growth, two eye bud-set
yield and quality.

9.3.2 Phosphorus Biofertilizers Phosphorus-Solubilizing Biofertilizer

Another plant nutrient such as phosphorus plays an important role for the growth
and development of plants. Only 15–20% of applied phosphorus is recovered by the
crops and the remaining gets fixed in the soil. Several microorganisms have the abil-
ity to solubilize this fixed phosphorus by producing various organic acids (butyric
acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, etc.) and enzymes that make them available to the
crops (Sharma et  al. 2012). Several soil bacteria belonging to genera Bacillus,
Aspergillus, Penicillium and Trichoderma have the ability to solubilize inorganic
phosphate and make it available to plants. The basic mechanism for mineral phos-
phate solubilization is the production of organic acids and acid phosphates which
play an important role in mineralization of organic phosphorus in soil. Vahed et al.
(2012) during their study suggested that consumption of biofertilizer was able to
stimulate growth and increase grain yield, and it will be decreased in the presence
of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar
et al. 2017a; Meena et al. 2015a; Bahadur et al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan 2016). Phosphorus-Mobilizing Biofertilizer

P mobilizers facilitate mobilization of soluble phosphorus from distant places in
soil where plant roots cannot reach. Mycorrhiza is a prominent P mobilizer in a
symbiotic association with plant roots. Fungus get benefited by obtaining its carbon
requirements from hosts through photosynthates, and the plant in turn gains the
much needed nutrients which would otherwise be inaccessible to the host (Bahadur
et al. 2017; Verma et al. 2017b; Kumar et al. 2017b). This uptake of nutrients is
facilitated with the help of hyphae of the fungus. These fungi are associated with
majority of agricultural crops. Probably vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is
the most abundant fungus in agricultural crops and accounts for 5–50% of the bio-
mass of soil microbes (Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Meena et al. 2015b, e;
Teotia et al. 2016).
Seven genera of VAM which these fungi produce symbiosis with plants form a
large number of spores that penetrate into the plant root and form two types of struc-
tures, i.e. vesicles and arbuscules. Vesicles are smooth oval bodies that are most
190 T. Parween et al.

likely storage structures. Arbuscules are formed inside the plant cells. Nutrients
travel from soil through fungal hyphae to these arbuscules which gradually degener-
ate and provide nutrients to plants. Thus, the association helps in higher uptake of P
and better utilization of other nutrients like N, Cu, Zn, S, etc. (Sharma et al. 2012).

9.3.3 Sulphur Oxidizers

For the growth of plant and soil health, sulphur is an essential nutrient, and the
genus Thiobacillus is an important group of sulphur oxidizer. The application of
sulphur coupled with thiobacilli renders alkali soils fit for cultivation of crops. The
formation of sulphuric acid by Thiobacillus in soil increases the level of soluble P,
K, Ca, Mg, Al and Mn ion. The sulphuric acid produced in the mixture dissolves the
phosphate and thereby enhances phosphorus nutrition of plants (Sharma et  al.

9.4 Biofertilizer for Micronutrients

9.4.1 Zinc (Zn) Solubilizers

Zn is an important element present as cofactor and metal activator. Exogenous

application of soluble zinc sources, similar to fertilizer applications, has been advo-
cated to various crops. This causes conversion of ~96 to 99% of applied available
zinc to various unavailable zinc that can be reverted back to available forms by
inoculating Zn solubilizers like Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp. and Aspergillus niger
(Sharma et al. 2012). Among fungal genera, A. niger possesses immense potential
of solubilizing zinc. Vaid et al. (2014) studied the effect of zinc-solubilizing bacteria
(ZSB) on zinc nutrition of rice which increased the mean dry matter yield/pot
(~13%), productive tillers/plant (~15%), number of panicles/plant (~13%), grains/
panicle number (~13%), grain yield (~17%) and straw yield (~12%) over the control
and Zn fertilizer treatment.

9.4.2 Potassium- and Silicate-Solubilizing Bacteria

Soil microorganisms have the ability to absorb and mobilize the fixed form of nutri-
ent from trace mineral sources. Silicate bacteria are known to release organic acids
during solubilization (Nath et al. 2017; Sarkar et al. 2017; Verma et al. 2017a). It is
known to dissolve potassium, silica and aluminium. Soil microorganisms for solu-
bilization of silicate minerals are Erwinia, Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp.
(Sharma et al. 2012; Rawat et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016c, e;
Saha et al. 2016a; Masood and Bano 2016).
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 191

9.4.3 Manganese (Mn) Solubilizers

Penicillium citrinum present in soil is known to solubilize manganese from the low-­
grade manganese ores from the soil. It produces reductive compounds such as
organic acids which help in solubilizing manganese.

9.4.4 P
 lant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
as Biofertilizer

Rhizobacteria aggressively colonize plant roots and multiply and colonize on the
roots in the presence of a competing microflora and enhance plant growth.
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-catrboxylate (ACC) deaminase is the PGPR enzyme that
is able to hydrolyse ACC by lowering ethylene concentration in seedlings; these
PGPR stimulate seedlings’ root length (Sharma et al. 2012). Several PGPR inocu-
lants are commercialized which function as bio-protectants, biofertilizers and bio-­
stimulators (Sharma et al. 2012). Several bacterial species such as Pseudomonas,
Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter,
Burkholderia, Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Microbacterium and Serratia have
reported as the most significant phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Saharan and Nehra
2011; Bhattacharya and Jha 2012; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Meena et al. 2016d; Saha
et al. 2016b; Bahadur et al. 2016a).
Piriformospora indica  Piriformospora indica is a wide-host root-colonizing endo-
phytic fungus which promotes plant growth and performance. The use of P. indica
as a growth and biomass-stimulating fungus in agriculture is well known because:

(a) Single infection processes are sufficient for the efficient root colonization.
(b) It can survive under adverse environmental conditions, viz. such as cold (<0 °C),
extreme heat (>45 °C), salt and heavy metal-polluted soils and soils with varied
pH values (3.3–9.2).
(c) It promotes micro (e.g. Fe)- and macro (such as P, S and N)-nutrient uptake
from soil.
(d) It confers resistance to root and leaf pathogens through induced systemic resis-
tance (ISR).
(e) It stimulates plant growth and biomass though root exudates.

9.4.5 Biofilmed Biofertilizers

Recently, application of developed biofilm as biofertilizer has a great potential in

crop production; biofilm is an assemblage of microbial cells (algal, fungal, bacterial
and/or other microbial biopolymer (EPS) produced by the cells). Fungal-bacterial
biofilms (FBBs) enhanced metabolic activities compared to monocultures.
Beneficial biofilms developed in  vitro-cultured conditions in both fungal and
192 T. Parween et al.

bacterial strains were used as biofertilizers for nonlegume species with good effi-
cacy results (Verma et  al. 2014, 2015b; Meena et  al. 2013c, 2014a; Singh et  al.
2015). Recently, Hettiarachchi et al. (2014) worked on the fungal-bacterial interac-
tion as biofilmed biofertilizers (BFBFs) in Hevea seedlings and observed that BFBF
application increased root growth of the seedling rubber plants.

9.5 Mode of Action of Biofertilizer

Several mechanisms encourage the crop growth by the use of biofertilizers. The
mode of action of commercially available biofertilizers is not always understood;
growth promotion has been identified as the result of indirect or direct mechanisms.
Conversely, direct growth promotion mechanism may provide some compounds
essential for crop growth which stimulate nutrient uptake. Biofertilizers solubilize
the insoluble forms of phosphates like tricalcium, iron and aluminium phosphates
into available forms (Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Meena et al. 2013b).
Biofertilizers compose organic matter and help in mineralization in soil. Core
mechanism for mineral phosphate solubilization is the production of organic acids
and acid phosphatases. It is generally accepted that the major mechanism of mineral
phosphate solubilization is the action of organic acids synthesized by soil microor-
ganisms (Shrivastava et al. 2016; Velazquez et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2015c; Sindhu
et al. 2016). The production of organic acids results in acidification of the microbial
cell and its surroundings. The most frequent mean of mineral P solubilization is
gluconic acid and ketogluconic acid. Other organic acids, such as glycolic, oxalic,
malonic and succinic, have also been identified among P solubilizers. Chelating
substances and inorganic acids such as sulphideric, nitric, and carbonic acid are
considered as other mechanisms for P solubilization. However, the efficacy and
their contributions to P release in soils seem to be less than organic acid production.
In recent years, the use of artificially produced inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi has
increased its significance due to their varied role in plant growth and yield and resis-
tance against climatic and edaphic stresses, pathogens and pests (Meena et  al.
2014b; Singh et al. 2016).

9.6 Types of Biofertilizer Formulation

Various industries and research institutes are involved in a formulation containing

an effective bacterial strain (Bashan 1998). A microorganism which is optimally
functional under laboratory conditions might not be able to produce same efficacy
under field conditions after formulation production. Once an inoculant formulation
which works in situ has been developed, it must be allowed for the sophistication of
the end user (Stephens and Rask 2000).
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 193

9.6.1 Carriers

The delivery vehicle of live microorganisms from the factory to the field is called
carrier (Trevors et al. 1992). A good carrier should therefore possess as much of the
following properties:

(a) Excellent moisture absorption capacity

(b) Lump-free forming materials
(c) Easy to sterilize by autoclaving
(d) Low cost and availability in adequate amounts
(e) Good pH buffering capacity

In case the inoculant is used as seed coating, the carrier shall assure the survival
of the PGPM on the seed. A good carrier should have one essential characteristic:
the capacity to deliver the right number of viable cells in good physiological condi-
tion at the right time (Trevors et al. 1992; Meena et al. 2015d).

9.6.2 Peat Formulations

Peat formulations have been the carriers of choice and are the most commonly
used in the rhizobia inoculation industry (Kaljeet et  al. 2011). Peat inoculant
applied to the seed as slurry is the most commonly used method to inoculate grain
legumes with rhizobia (e.g. Bradyrhizobium sp., Mesorhizobium sp., Rhizobium
sp., etc.). Peat slurry inoculants are made using finely milled peat that has been
sterilized by gamma irradiation, and these sterilized inoculants can support high
concentrations of rhizobia, generally 109–1010 cells g−1 peat at manufacture (Hartley
et al. 2005).

9.6.3 Vermiculite Formulation

Vermiculite is a naturally occurring layer silicate mineral.

For example, increased amount of N and P availability in the final product can be
achieved by adding N-fixing and P-solubilizing bacteria to a vermicompost
(Vassileva et  al. 2010). Vermiculite has become a very attractive material for the
inoculant production due to the various properties exhibited by it like antic-rusting
(Hemphill 1982), moisture-holding and plant growth-promoting (Lima et al. 1984;
Reid et al. 1983) abilities.
194 T. Parween et al.

9.7 Talc Formulation

Talc, chemically referred as magnesium silicate [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2], is used as a car-

rier for formulation development due to its inert nature and easy availability as raw
material from soapstone industries. The potential of talc to be used as a carrier was
demonstrated by Kloepper and Schroth (1981). Rhizobacteria could survive in talc
for 2 months. The fluorescent pseudomonads after storage for 2 months in talc mix-
ture with ~20% xanthan gum at 4 °C did not decline in number. While P. fluorescens
isolate Pf1could survive up to 240 days in storage (Vidhyasekaran and Muthamilan
1995), P. putida strains 30 and 180 could survive up to 6 months (Bora et al. 2004),
and B. subtilis survived up to 45 days in talc-based formulations (Amer and Utkhede
2000). Saravanakumar et  al. (2007a) demonstrated that application of talc-based
bioformulation of P. fluorescens Pf1 consistently reduced the blister blight disease
and increased the yield on tea plants. The same research group has demonstrated
that P. fluorescens Pf1 effectively controlled the dry root rot disease on mung bean
plants (Saravanakumar et al. 2007b). Further, seed treatment, soil application and
seedling dip of talc-based bioformulation of Pf1 effectively reduced the sheath rot
disease on rice plants under glasshouse and field conditions (Manikandan et  al.

9.8 Press Mud Formulation

Press mud is a by-product of sugar industries. Its usefulness as fertilizer is based on

the nutrient content of the mud. It is rich in micronutrients and can reduce the
requirement of chemical fertilizers. It also provides suitable conditions to bacteria
for carrying out nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization that keep the soil
healthy and develop the self-reclamation cycle.
The fertilizer produced is free from all pathogens, harmful bacteria, weeds and
seeds due to the high temperature produced during bio-composting. Fertilizer is
easy to handle, to pack and to transport. The biocompost contains 25–30% organic
carbon, 1.2–2.0% nitrogen, 1.5–2.0% phosphorus and 2.5–3.0% potash (Partha and
Sivasubramanian 2006). This carrier maximizes the survival of Azospirillum sp. by
providing favourable conditions in comparison to lignite, which is predominantly
used as a carrier material in India (Muthukumarasamy et al. 1999).

9.9 Promising New Technologies

A popular method for storing and delivering microorganisms through liquid formu-
lations is water-in-oil emulsions (Vandergheynst et  al. 2006). This formulation
slows down water evaporation as the oil traps the water around the organism which
is particularly beneficial for organisms that are sensitive to desiccation. Thickening
the oil phase using hydrophobic silica nanoparticles significantly reduced cell sedi-
mentation and improved cell viability during storage (Vandergheynst et al. 2007).
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 195

Recently, a new process named PGSS (particles from gas saturated solutions), based
on the application of supercritical fluid properties, is used which is carried out at
low temperatures and uses carbon dioxide as a supercritical fluid. Another new tech-
nology is proposing the exploitation of the natural production of bacterial biofilms
as a possible carrier. Application of a biofilmed inoculant containing a fungal rhizo-
bia consortium significantly increased N2 fixation in soybean compared to a tradi-
tional rhizobium inoculant (Jayasinghearachchi and Seneviratne 2004).
Interestingly, beneficial endophytes were observed to produce higher acidity and
plant growth-promoting hormones than their mono- or mixed cultures with no bio-
film formation (Bandara et  al. 2006). Wheat seedlings inoculated with biofilm-­
producing bacteria exhibited an increased yield in moderate saline soils (Ashraf
et al. 2004). Inocula made with biofilms were shown to allow their rhizobia survive
at high salinity (400 mM NaCl) by 105-fold compared to rhizobial monocultures
(Seneviratne et al. 2008). Bio-nanotechnology applications which employ nanopar-
ticles made of inorganic or organic materials could also provide new avenues for the
development of carrier-based microbial inocula (Malusa et al. 2012).

9.10 C
 ommercially Available Biofertilizer in India and Its

Around 170 organizations in 24 countries are engaged in commercial production of

biofertilizers. NifTAL (USA) has played a major role in the popularization of
Rhizobium inoculants. The Philippines implemented the National Azolla Action
Programme (NAAP) in 1982 to develop farm-based technology for the use of Azolla
fertilizer for rice. The current global market for organically raised agricultural prod-
ucts is valued at ~US$ 30 billion with a growth rate of ~8%. The organic cultivation
represents less than 1% of the world’s conventional agricultural production and
~9% of the total agricultural area (Mishra and Das 2014). The Government of India
and the different state governments have been promoting the use of biofertilizers.
The GOI has been providing the National Biofertilizers Development Centre act
Ghaziabad with six regional centres at Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Jabalpur, Hisar,
Imphal and Nagpur. Different commercial available biofertilizers in India are listed
in Table 9.5.

9.11 Conclusions

Microbial inoculants have long been incorporated into field practices worldwide.
The demand for natural biofertilizers is rising steadily in all parts of the world.
Public awareness about the environment is increasing, while the apprehension about
pollution and health hazards due to synthetic chemicals especially in rich countries
is growing. Significant advances have been made by some Asian countries in the
development and use of biofertilizers, but their potential remains largely underuti-
lized due to the difference in efforts and experiences in different countries. Peat
Table 9.5  Microbial biofertilizer available in India

Biofertilizer Active ingredient Mode of action Dose Manufacturer

A. Phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms
Grotop PSB powder Phosphate-solubilizing Solubilize unavailable Seed: 5–10 g kg−1 seed MD Biocoals Pvt. Ltd.,
microorganisms (Bacillus sp.), organic and inorganic Soil: 0.5–1 kg acre−1 Haryana
powder 107−109 CFU g−1 and liquid forms of phosphorus along with 40–50 kg
109 CFU ml−1 (80%) manure
Foliar: 3 ml l−1 water
Mani Dharma’s biopromoter Bacillus megaterium + Aspergillus Biopromoter facilitates Foliar: 200 g/ 200 ml−1 Mani Dharma Biotech
niger root formation and plant of ‘rice kanji’ or 5% Private Limited, Tamil
growth jaggary water Nadu
It improves soil quality
with subsequent uses. It
should not be mixed with
antibacterial agents and
inorganic fertilizers
Multiplex Nalapak Homogenous mixture of It produces amino acids, Soil: 500 ml 5 kg−1 Multiplex Bio-Tech Pvt.
Azotobacter + Azospirillum + vitamins and growth-­ acre−1 along with Ltd., Karnataka
phosphate solubilizer + potash promoting substances like 100 kg well
mobilizer IAA, GA and cytokines, decomposed FYM
which help in better growth Foliar: 10 g l−1 water
and development of crop
plants. Improves physical,
chemical and biological
properties of the soil
Ambiphos Phosphate-solubilizing PSM secretes organic Foliar: 3-5 ml l−1 water Ambika Biotech & Agro
microorganism (Aspergillus niger) acids, which dissolve Services, Madhya Pradesh
unavailable phosphate into
soluble form and make it
available to the plants
T. Parween et al.
Biofertilizer Active ingredient Mode of action Dose Manufacturer
Biophos Bacillus megaterium var. PSM secretes organic Seed: 5–10 ml kg−1 of Biotech International
phosphaticum acids, which dissolve seed Limited, Delhi
unavailable phosphate into Seedling: 125–250 ml
soluble form and make it in 25–50 litre of water
available to the plants as coating, sett
treatment 125–250 ml
in 60–80 l ha−1 for
30 min
Soil: 500–625 ml ha−1
mixing with 250–
375 kg FYM
BioP-P Phosphate-solubilizing PSM secretes organic Foliar: 3–5 ml l−1 water Sundaram Overseas
microorganism (2 × 108 CFU g−1) acids, which dissolve Cooperation, Gujarat
unavailable phosphate into
soluble form and make it
available to the plants
PSM Phosphate-solubilizing PSM secrete organic Soil: 0.5−1 kg acre−1 Shree Biocare India, Shree
microorganisms acids, which dissolve along with 40–50 kg Biocare Solution Pvt. Ltd.,
unavailable phosphate into FYM Gujarat
soluble form and make it
available to the plants
PSM Phosphate-solubilizing PSM secretes organic Soil: 0.5−1 kg ha−1 KRIBHCO, UP
microorganisms acids, which dissolve along with 100 kg
unavailable phosphate into FYM
soluble form and make it
available to the plants

9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable…
Table 9.5 (continued)

Biofertilizer Active ingredient Mode of action Dose Manufacturer

B. Phosphate-mobilizing biofertilizer
Mani Dharma VAM Vesicular-arbuscular Solubilize phosphate and Soil: 200 g/m2 or 2–5 g Mani Dharma Biotech Pvt.
endomycorrhiza (VAM) supplies P, Zn, Mn, Fe, seedling−1; 50–200 g Ltd., Tamil Nadu
Cu, Co and Mo to the trees−1; 3–5 kg acre−1
plants. Increases the plant (2–3 cm depth)
vigour by inducing
drought resistance in
young seedlings. Protects
the plants from the fungal
Ecorrhiza-VAM/ Arbuscular mycorrhiza Improved uptake of Soil: 3–5 kg acre−1 with TERI, New Delhi
Nurserrhiza-VAM nutrients, root the 200–250 kg FYM,
development and growth one tablet plant−1 in
in plant 2–4 inch deep hole near
the plant root
Root care Mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices) Improved plant health, Soil: 5 kg acre−1. Ambika Biotech, MP
uptake of nutrients and
reduction of
environmental stress
Mycorrhizae 105 propagules/kg with carrier Mobilize major nutrients Soil: 5–10 kg of VAM Dr. Rajan Laboratories,
material (talc powder/vermiculite) like phosphorus and ha−1 is recommended Tamil Nadu
potassium and certain along with the 1 q of
micronutrients like zinc, FYM; 25 g plant−1
calcium, etc.
JOSH Super/JOSH Plus Mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices) Root development in plant Soil: 5 kg acre−1 for all Cadila Pharmaceuticals
enhance growth crops, 60 infective Limited, Gujarat
propagules g−1
T. Parween et al.
Biofertilizer Active ingredient Mode of action Dose Manufacturer
Shubhodaya Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (with Improved uptake of Soil: 5–10 kg acre−1 Cosme Biotech, Goa
three species – (1)isolated from desert nutrients
and adoptable to harsh water strained
condition, (2) adoptable to water
lodging conditions and (3) adaptable
to general and acidic/basic soil
TARI VAM Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza Mobilize nutrients like Soil: 5–10 kg acre−1 TARI Biotech, Tamil Nadu
phosphorus and zinc
BioCarry Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza Helps in efficient Soil: 5 kg acre−1 Sundaram Overseas
(VAM) mobilization and uptake of Operation, Gujrat
fertilizers and other
nutrients by plants
Symbion VAM Solid formulations of arbuscular Improved uptake of Soil: 5 kg acre−1 T. Stanes and Company
mycorrhiza nutrients, root Limited, Tamil Nadu
development in plant and
CAMBAY’s VARDHAK Arbuscular mycorrhiza (powder and Helps in efficient Soil: 5 kg acre−1; one Neesa Agritech Food and
tablets) mobilization of nutrients tablet plant−1 Limited
Mycorrhiza – VAM Arbuscular mycorrhiza Mobilize nutrients like, P, Soil:10 kg acre−1 KCP Sugar and Industries
Zn, Cu and B Corporation Ltd
Mycorrhiza-AM Biofertilizer Arbuscular mycorrhiza Helps in efficient Soil: 5 kg acre−1 Majestic Agronomics Pvt.
mobilization of nutrients Ltd., HP
and improved plant
Colonizer Arbuscular mycorrhiza (powder) Colonizes living plants Soil: 2–3 kg acre−1 Krishidhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.,
roots. Improves Maharashtra
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable…

phosphorus uptake and

imparts stress and disease

Table 9.5 (continued)

Biofertilizer Active ingredient Mode of action Dose Manufacturer

C. Enriched compost
Multiplex Sagar (Compost Homogenous mixture of Nitrogen-fixing potential, Soil: 1 kg acre−1 along Multiplex Bio-Tech Pvt.
Poly Culture) Azospirillum + Trichoderma + biopesticidal activity, with 1000 kg well Ltd., Karnataka
Pleurotus enhances compost decomposed FYM
degradation Foliar: 100 ml 10 l−1
Enriched compost culture Trichoderma harzianum+ Enhances compost Foliar: 100 ml 10 l−1 Organic Biotech Pvt.
Aspergillus+Penicillium degradation water Limited, Maharashtra
Bio-manure culture Trichoderma Enhances compost Foliar: 100 ml 10 l−1 Uno Natural and Greens
harzianum+Aspergillus degradation water Private Limited, Tamil
LignoBiocompost culture Trichoderma reesei, Phanerochaete Enhances compost Foliar: 75–100 ml Peak Chemical Industries
chrysosporium and Aspergillus degradation 10 l−1 water Limited, West Bengal
T. Parween et al.
9  Role of Bioinoculants as Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes for Sustainable… 201

formulations have been developed into effective carriers which are accepted world-
wide, but their development has almost reached its limits. It is quite early to declare
these carriers as potentially universal due to the lack of information about new
developments from research institute. Special attention should be paid to the needs
and constraints of developing countries that need easy-to-use and inexpensive for-
mulations as agriculture in developed countries is the major promoter of microbial
inoculants that are environmentally friendly. For the future, more research should be
focused on the development of better and more economical feasible, synthetic inoc-
ulant carriers, while sustaining peat-based inoculant production for agriculture.

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Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean
Soils and Low-Input Sustainable 10
Agriculture Development

Luis Andrés Yarzábal, Eduardo J. Chica,

and Pablo Quichimbo

The Tropical Andes spans over 1,540,000 km2 from western Venezuela to north-
ern Chile and Argentina and is currently considered the most biologically rich
and diverse region on Earth. The rural populations from the Andean highlands
depend largely on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. In spite
of a long history of agriculture in the region, crop production in these highlands
is constrained by adverse natural factors such as low soil fertility, rugged ter-
rains, water deficit, and cold climates. In the last decades, a better understanding
of the functioning of microbial communities in agricultural soils has led to the
development of technologies that could alleviate some of these natural con-
straints and increase productivity sustainably. A promising approach to take
advantage of the functioning of these microbial communities is the development
of bioinoculants, products containing live or latent cells of agriculturally benefi-
cial strains of microorganisms. When applied to seeds or soils, these bioinocu-
lants boost the populations of beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere and
accelerate certain microbial processes that result in increased nutrient acquisition
by plants and in augmented antagonism to pathogens. A key step in the process
of developing this kind of bioinoculants is the study of the indigenous microbial

L.A. Yarzábal (*)

Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes,
Mérida, Venezuela
e-mail: yluis@ula.ve
E.J. Chica
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
P. Quichimbo
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Institute of Landscape Ecology, WWU-University of Münster, Münster, Germany

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 207

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_10
208 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

biodiversity of the agricultural and natural ecosystems in which these inoculants

will be applied, in order to select microbes that are well adapted to the particular
conditions of these ecosystems. Here we review the most recent descriptions of
the microbial diversity of Tropical Andean soils, the potential use of these
microbes for improving the functioning of crop production systems, and impor-
tant experiences in the development of inoculant technologies in the region.

Bioinoculants • Plant growth-promoting microorganisms • Tropical Andes •
Sustainable agriculture • Biofertilization • Biocontrol

10.1 Introduction

The Tropical Andes is a vast and diverse territory spanning north to south from
western Venezuela to northern Chile and Argentina, next to the Pacific coast of
South America. Home to ~70 million people – almost half of the population of the
Andean countries – the region represents a melting pot of cultures in which both
ancient and modern traditions hybridize (Sandor and Eash 1995; Stanish 2007)
(Fig. 10.1a). The livelihoods of the people living in the Tropical Andes are strongly
linked to agriculture. Indeed, mixtures of indigenous and introduced crops are cul-
tivated by Andean farmers to satisfy national food demands, in agricultural produc-
tion systems mostly dominated by smallholders and family farmers (Fonte et  al.
2012) (Fig. 10.1b, c).
During the last decades, a tremendous demographic growth in the region has led
to unprecedented pressures on natural resources and to an increase of rural poverty
and hunger. To satisfy food demands of this growing population, the use of natural
resources has been intensified in an attempt to achieve higher productivities. Alas,
agriculture in the Andean highlands faces several challenges that limit productivity
gains. For instance, besides lacking the financial resources needed to afford fertil-
izers, pesticides, irrigation systems, machinery, and/or improved crop varieties,
small Andean farmers must frequently deal with harsh climate conditions and
nutrient-­limited soils (Fonte et al. 2012). These production conditions have caused
many farmer families to suffer food shortages of varying degrees, exacerbating the
poverty-resource degradation-scarcity-poverty cycle (Jodha and Shrestha 1993;
Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar
et al. 2015, 2016b; Ahmad et al. 2016).
It is, therefore, imperative to explore new options aimed at increasing the pro-
ductivity and carrying capacity of farms, in order to improve the livelihoods of
Andean farmers and allowing them to compete favorably in the modern world with-
out causing further environmental degradation (Partap 1999). Among these options,
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations identified the follow-
ing: (1) cultivation of high-value cash crops (like fruits and vegetables), (2) adop-
tion of sustainable farming practices (which avoid the abuse and misuse of synthetic
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 209

Fig. 10.1 (a) The Tropical Andes Region. ©2005 CI/CABS (Reproduced with permission of
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund). Available at: http://www.cepf.net/where_we_work/regions/
south_america/tropical_andes/Pages/default.aspx. (b) Small farms in the Andean region of
Ecuador (Highlands or Páramos). Copyright: Luis Andrés Yarzábal (Reproduced with permission)

agrochemicals and fertilizers), and (3) rescue of native species, varieties, and breeds
known as neglected crops, which have played an important role in the human diet
and traditional cultures for millennia (FAO Reports 2003, 2013).
A complementary and promising strategy for improving the agricultural produc-
tivity of Andean farms  – without serious social, economic, or environmental
impacts – is the proper use of biotechnological products, such as bioinoculants (also
termed microbial inoculants). A bioinoculant can be defined as a product containing
individual strains or consortia of known microbes that have plant growth-promoting
effects (plant growth-promoting microorganisms; PGPM) when added directly to
the soil or as a seed coating during planting (Owen et al. 2014). Among currently
used bioinoculants, we can mention commercial formulations containing nitrogen-­
fixing bacteria (NFB or N-fixers), phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), and/or
mycorrhizal fungi (MF).
The use of such kind of bioinoculants has allowed to increase agricultural pro-
ductivity and sustainability worldwide, without harming the environment (Fuentes-­
Ramírez and Caballero-Mellado 2006; Singh et al. 2011a; Velivelli et al. 2014a),
thus becoming a real alternative to synthetic agrochemicals. Contrary to the general
opinion, adoption of bioinoculants by the local farmers in underdeveloped coun-
tries, particularly in the Andean region, can be achieved successfully and perceived
favorably if adequately planned and addressed. More importantly, in the long-term,
210 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

the use of bioinoculants, together with appropriate land management and selection
of suitable cultivars, may positively impact the livelihoods of individual farmers and
their families (Meena et al. 2016a, b; Parewa et al. 2014; Prakash and Verma 2016;
Jha and Subramanian 2016; Kumar et al. 2016a).

10.2 The Agricultural Landscape of the Tropical Andes

The Tropical Andes hold an old and rich tradition in agriculture. Alongside Central
America, the Tropical Andes are considered the cradle of agriculture in the Americas,
with archeological evidence of farming dating back to ~9000 years before the pres-
ent (Dillehay et al. 2007; Piperno 2011). Dominated mainly by the influence of the
Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyu) formed by the assimilation of different peoples, just
prior to the arrival of European conquistadores, agriculture in the Tropical Andes
exhibited an advanced degree of ecological specialization and technological inten-
sification that allowed cultivation on steep mountain slopes. Inca agriculture took
advantage of the natural altitudinal gradient formed in the slopes of the Andes, to
cultivate crops with different temperature requirements in a highly organized fash-
ion that allowed feeding a population of about eight million at its height (Borsdorf
and Stadel 2015).
Water and soil management was an important issue in Inca agriculture, and sev-
eral strategies such as long-distance irrigation canals (acequias), raised bed (waru-
waru), sunken fields (qochas), and field terraces (andenes) were used to conserve
these resources (Borsdorf and Stadel 2015). Incan farmers managed also practices
such as intercropping (chacras), crop rotation, and planned fallows to maintain and
restore soil fertility and point manage the incidence of pests (Borsdorf and Stadel
2015; Pestalozzi 2000). To date, many of these traditional agricultural practices are
still commonly used among Andean farmers.
Modern agriculture in the Tropical Andes is hard to define because of the diver-
sity of technologies and traditions it is made of. Different criteria could be used to
classify these production systems (Borsdorf and Stadel 2015; Mulligan et al. 2009);
however, by integrating several of these criteria, three broad categories can be iden-
tified, namely, (1) smallholder commercial and subsistence farms, (2) large-scale
commercial export-oriented farms, and (3) managed pastures and rangelands. These
three systems are roughly distributed along an altitudinal gradient, with large farms
located at lower altitudes, where soils are more fertile, and small farms and pastures
located at higher altitudes, on marginally fertile lands. These systems also differ
among themselves in terms of their demand for external inputs, their impact on
natural resources, their productivity and their level of technological intensification
(Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et  al. 2017; Meena et  al. 2015a;
Jaiswal et al. 2016).
By large, agriculture in the Tropical Andes is dominated by smallholder com-
mercial and subsistence farms. These farms concentrate around towns and cities, in
the valleys, on hillslopes, and in the high plateaus (altiplanos) up to ~4200 m asl
(Borsdorf and Stadel 2015; Mulligan et  al. 2009) (Fig.  10.1b, c). Agricultural
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 211

Table 10.1  Commercially cultivated crops in Tropical Andean agricultural production systems
Smallholders farms Large-scale farms Pastures and rangelands
Native cultivars Introduced cultivars Forages Livestock
 Corn  Tomato  Rose  Kikuyu  Cattle
 Bean  Peppers  Gypsophila  Ryegrass  Sheep
 Potato  Broccoli  Hypericum  Alfalfa  Goats
 Squash  Cauliflower  Tomato  Clover  Llamas
 Quinoa  Cabbage  Broccoli  Alpacas
 Amaranth  Radish  Alcachofa  Vicuñas
 Oca  Spinach  Sugarcane
 Mashwa  Onion
 Ullucus  Lettuce
 Chili pepper  Carrot

production in these farms is devoted to local and national markets and to self-­
consumption by farmer families. In general, a greater share of agricultural produc-
tion is used for self-consumption in upland communities that are farther away from
urban centers (Mulligan et al. 2009).
Although productivity in these smallholder farms is low compared to large-scale
commercial farms, they supply most of the national demand of fresh fruits and veg-
etables in their corresponding countries and, thus, have a significant socioeconomic
impact (Devenish and Gianella 2012). Crops cultivated in these small farms are
highly diverse and represent a mixture of native and introduced crops (Table 10.1),
which are cultivated using a combination of traditional practices and modern tech-
nology. However, low productivity, inappropriate adoption of production practices
and technologies, and lack of research oriented to understand and improve these
production systems threaten the sustainability and environmental health of these
small farms (Bojaca et al. 2010; Cole et al. 2011).
In contrast with smallholder farms, large-scale commercial and export-oriented
farms in the Tropical Andes are concentrated almost uniquely in the warmer valleys.
The main crops cultivated in these systems are vegetables (e.g., broccoli, artichoke,
tomato, peppers, lettuce), cut flowers (e.g., roses, Gypsophila, Hypericum), and sug-
arcane. The production of these systems is destined in part to supply national super-
market chains, but the majority of it is exported to foreign markets. These systems
exhibit high productivity and intensification and contribute to rural economies by
providing rural employment and generating external revenue; however, they gener-
ate a larger environmental impact than small farms and increase the dependence on
external inputs (Mulligan et al. 2009). In the last decades, market preferences and
environmental regulations have promoted the introduction, in many of these large-­
scale operations, of practices that reduce the negative impacts they generate on the
environment (Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Meena et al. 2015b, f; Rawat
et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016).
The third type of agricultural production system in the Tropical Andes is the
managed pastures and rangelands for livestock grazing. These systems can be found
212 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

typically at greater elevations (>3000 m asl) on mountain slopes and high plateaus
up to ~4500 m asl (Borsdorf and Stadel 2015). The most common species managed
in these systems are dairy cattle, sheep, goats, and Andean cameloids (llamas,
alpacas, and vicuñas) (Borsdorf and Stadel 2015). Among these species, dairy cattle
are the most commercially important species in the Tropical Andes. Both large and
small dairy cattle farmers (2–30 cattle) with different levels of technological inten-
sification coexist in the Tropical Andes (Aubron et al. 2009). Most of the dairy cattle
are fed on rangelands or on crop residues, with few farmers actually establishing
and managing pastures and fodder crops (Aubron et al. 2009).
In certain parts of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, elaborated long rotations
(~12 years) of crops (potato, quinoa, oats, barley) and fallows are used (Pestalozzi
2000). Common fodder crops used by dairy cattle ranchers are kikuyu, ryegrass,
clover, and alfalfa, whereas common breeds include Holstein, Brown Swiss, and
Criollos (Aubron et al. 2009). Historically, cattle farming in the Tropical Andes has
been one of the main drivers for the deforestation and ecosystem degradation since
native forests are normally cleared to create new rangelands and later abandoned
when productivity starts to decrease (Lozada 2006). These abandoned rangelands
are difficult to recover either to reestablish commercial production or for restoring
the original ecosystem (Posada et al. 2000).
Agricultural production systems in the Tropical Andes are also strongly influ-
enced by local natural and cultural factors. Depending on their location and the
scale of operations, different systems show different levels of sophistication in
terms of cultural practices and inclusion of technology, which in turn affect the
sustainability of these systems. Being the most numerous, a better understanding of
the functioning of smallholder production systems, as well as their optimization and
sustainable intensification, would have a greater overall impact on the sustainability
of agriculture in the Tropical Andes in the face of emerging challenges (Devenish
and Gianella 2012; Fonte et al. 2012; Haller 2014; Mulligan et al. 2010).

10.3 Andean Soils

The Tropical Andes exhibits a high diversity of soil types (Gardi et al. 2014), whose
detailed description goes beyond the scope of this chapter. However, considering
that the most vulnerable population (small farmers) are established in the Andean
highlands (over 2500  m asl) (Fonte et  al. 2012) and that they depend mostly on
agriculture for their livelihoods, it is of the utmost importance to describe some
characteristics of the most representative soils in this region.
Soils in the Tropical Andes can be defined as those located between the Tropic of
Cancer (23°26′16″N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23°26′16″) (Gardi et al. 2014)
and above 2500 m asl. Alpine soils dominate above the tree line and, among them,
páramo soils stand out, with Andosols as the most extended soil type (Poulenard
and Podwojewski 2006; Podwojewski and Poulenard 2006). Nevertheless, Histosols,
Leptosols, and Regosols are also present (Buytaert et  al. 2011), mainly in large
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 213

extensions at the Puna highland region of the Central Andes (Gardi et  al. 2014;
Ochoa-Tocachi et al. 2016).
Andosols are, in essence, volcanic ash soils (Shoji et  al. 1993). These soils
exhibit different features depending on the factors present during their formation.
For example, zones of Holocene (with materials from recent glaciations) and
Pleistocene (older glaciers) deposits have promoted the development of allophanic
and non-allophanic Andosols, respectively (Poulenard et al. 2003; Harden 2007).
Topography and vegetation are other important key factors involved in the forma-
tion of these soils: for instance, according to Zehetner et al. (2003), additions of
high amounts of organic matter from the páramo vegetation in combination with its
slow decomposition rate promoted the presence of allophanic materials over 3200 m
asl in the Ecuadorian Andes. However, as altitude decreases, those allophanic mate-
rials transformed into other types of colloids – like halloysites – thus modifying the
properties of Andosols to such a degree that they transformed into Entisols or
Human activities commonly performed in Andean páramos – such as burning,
grazing, cultivation, and afforestation  – also affect the variability of Andosols.
Although Andosols present a good physical fertility due to their high water reten-
tion capacity, good hydraulic conductivity, and low bulk density (Podwojewski and
Poulenard 2006; Buytaert et al. 2011), they seriously limit agriculture development
owing to their strong capacity to fix phosphate ions, their low pH, and their high
aluminum content (Saigusa and Matsuyama 1998; IUSS Working Group WRB

10.4 Soil Microorganisms and Agriculture

According to Rajendhran and Gunasekaran (2008), microbial communities are the

architects of soils. Indeed, the formation of fertile soils from bedrock implies a
complex interaction of physical, chemical, and biological processes, with microbes
playing a paramount role catalyzing the weathering of mineral surfaces. Soil micro-
organisms play also a significant role in the major global biogeochemical cycles,
regulating the dynamics of organic matter decomposition and – consequently – the
availability of plant nutrients such as N, P, and S (De La Peña and Loyola-Vargas
Even though many such microorganisms are found in the bulk soil, the majority
of them thrive in the rhizosphere (i.e., the zone surrounding and influenced by
root  exudates). In fact, plant roots are able to recruit soil bacteria by secreting a
panoply of molecules (sugars, amino acids, flavonoids, etc.) that act as attracting
signals (Zhang et al. 2014). In this densely populated environment, microorganisms
interact with plants in several ways: whereas some of these microorganisms are
pathogens that cause plant diseases and consequently reduce productivity, many
others act positively on plant growth and development, through direct or indirect
mechanisms, and are collectively known as “plant growth-promoting microorgan-
isms” (PGPM). While some PGPM exert their positive effect by inhibiting or
214 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

antagonizing plant pathogens (termed “bioprotectants” or “biocontrollers”), others

promote plant growth either by releasing phytohormone-like metabolites (“bios-
timulants”), by mobilizing mineral nutrients such as N and P (“biofertilizers”), or
by activating the plant defense systems (“bioelicitors”) (Glick 2012). Another group
of microorganisms promote indirectly plant growth by degrading toxic xenobiotics
(“bioremediators”). Very often, a single microorganism can stimulate plant growth
by a combination of these activities (Meena et al. 2016c, d; Saha et al. 2016a; Yadav
and Sidhu 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
Although there are still many uncertainties on the exact mechanism through
which PGPM promote plant growth in different crops and under different environ-
mental conditions, it is supposed that this effect might be based on interactions
among biotic (nutrient supply, competitiveness, rate of multiplication, etc.) and abi-
otic (temperature, humidity, soil pH, etc.) factors (Lucy et  al. 2004). It is also
becoming clear that the plant growth-promoting traits involved do not work inde-
pendently of each other but additively (Ahemad and Kibret 2014).
The rational use of PGPM in the field of agriculture is nowadays a well-­
established technology that has permitted to reduce significantly the use of fertiliz-
ers and pesticides – and, consequently, drastically lowered production costs – but
also minimized the risk of deleterious and hazardous environmental impacts caused
by the misuse and abuse of agrochemicals (Adesemoye et al. 2009). In this context,
PGPM are of paramount importance for the development of sustainable agriculture
practices. For example, nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB) are widely used to enhance
crop yield, particularly through the improvement of root nodulation and biological
fixation of N2 in legumes (Herridge et al. 2008). Another important group of PGPM,
phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), is also used, but less frequently. These bac-
teria have the ability to readily and efficiently solubilize mineral forms of P making
them available for plant uptake (Saha et al. 2016b; Verma et al. 2014, 2015b; Meena
et  al. 2014a, 2015e; Teotia et  al. 2016; Bahadur et  al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan
Several mechanisms are employed by PSB to perform this inorganic P solubili-
zation, although the details are beyond the scope of this chapter. However, it is
important to highlight the production and excretion of large amounts of organic
acids like gluconic and keto-gluconic acids (in the case of Gram-negative bacteria,
mainly produced through the direct oxidation pathway of glucose) or citric acid (in
the case of fungi) (Jones 1998; Rodríguez and Fraga 1999). These acids mobilize P
from Fe or Al oxides by efficiently chelating the metal ions, particularly in acidic
soils (Johnson and Loeppert 2006).
When considering P mobilization in the rhizosphere, another very important
group of PGPB has to be mentioned: organic P-mineralizing microorganisms. These
microbes hydrolyze organic forms of P (phosphate esters, phosphonates, and anhy-
drides) by secreting specific enzymes (mainly phosphatases) to release PO42−
(Turner et al. 2006; Richardson and Simpson 2011). This process, called “substrate
mineralization,” is very often underestimated in spite of being essential to release
plant-available orthophosphate. Some microorganisms are capable of simultane-
ously solubilizing inorganic P and mineralizing organic P (Oliveira et al. 2009).
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 215

Among the many microorganisms able to promote plant growth and develop-
ment, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) deserve a special place. Estimated to be
present in up to 80% of all terrestrial plant species, arbuscular mycorrhiza is the
most frequent type of symbiosis established between plants and members of the
Glomeromycota phylum (Wang and Qiu 2006; Brundrett 2009). More than 225 spe-
cies in this phylum have been described; however, it is likely that this number does
not reflect the actual richness of AMF (Kivlin et al. 2011).
AMF colonize cortical cells of the roots of vascular plants where they develop
their characteristic arbuscular structures that allow nutrient exchange between the
host plant and the fungus. By extending the volume of soil that can be explored by
AMF hyphae (soil scouting), these fungi help their host plants to reach distant nutri-
ents – primarily phosphorus but also sulfur, nitrogen, and micronutrients – and to
uptake and transfer water (Parniske 2008; Baum et al. 2015). Additionally, they can
alleviate plant biotic and abiotic stresses (Gianinazzi et al. 2010; Singh et al. 2011b)
and also act as biocontrollers of a wide range of pathogens, mostly fungi but also
bacteria and nematodes (Harrier and Watson 2004; Whipps 2004; Jung et al. 2012;
Schouteden et  al. 2015). In addition to the direct benefits provided to their host
plants, AMF also favors plant growth and development by improving soil structure
and aggregation through the formation of an intricate network of hyphae and an
abundant secretion of exopolysaccharides (Wright and Upadhyaya 1998) (Fig. 10.2).

10.5 P
 GPM Prospection in the Tropical Andean Region

Many of the abovementioned types of PGPM have been tested both in greenhouse
and field trials and proven to be very efficient at promoting plant growth (Glick
2012). Consequently, numerous commercial PGPM-based biofertilizers have been
developed and are currently marketed worldwide. However, their effectiveness in
the soil-plant system is uncertain, particularly under field conditions. Still, they
remain a very attractive alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, particu-
larly in less developed regions (Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Meena et al.
2013b, 2016e; Masood and Bano 2016).
Often, commercial products formulated from exogenous PGPM result in poor
performances when applied to different crops. This is frequently due to a low sur-
vival rate of exogenous microbial strains when applied to soils different than those
from which these strains were isolated. Among the reasons explaining this phenom-
enon, we can mention (1) the different edaphic characteristics or climatic conditions
these microorganisms encounter, (2) a fierce competition by better-adapted indige-
nous microorganisms during plant colonization, and/or (3) predation by other
microorganisms (Bashan 1998). Therefore, in order to guarantee an adequate per-
formance of bioinoculants, isolation and screening of indigenous PGPM strains are
more than justified (Shrivastava et  al. 2016; Velazquez et  al. 2016; Meena et  al.
2015c; Bahadur et al. 2016a).
216 L.A. Yarzábal et al.



Mainly exhibited by Mainly exhibited by

Plant Growth Promoting Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Bacteria (PGPB) Fungi (AMF)

Organic-P mineralization Improved wáter supply

Extended soil scouting
Salinity tolerance
Phytohormone production
Heavy-metals toxicity alleviation
Iron-sequestration (siderophores) Metal tolerance
Antibiotic production Plant-parasitic nematodes
Lytic enzymes production
Herbivory resistance (insects)

Common to both:
Nutrient mobilization and acquisition
Resistance against pathogenic fungi
Drought tolerance
Cold tolerance (antifreezing)
Plant defense induction (Induced Systemic Resistance)
Altered rhizosphereinte ractions

Fig. 10.2  Prominent plant-beneficial traits exhibited by rhizospheric soil microorganisms. Some
of the most important functions performed by these microorganisms are also included

Traditionally, this prospection has been performed by first analyzing the soil
characteristics where the plants will be grown and taking into consideration their
specific requirements, to identify then the required bacterial traits that might be
beneficial to these particular conditions. Following such a scheme, Andean environ-
ments have been increasingly prospected during recent years to isolate and charac-
terize potential indigenous PGPM in order to develop new biotechnological
products, well fitted to increase crop yields under the particular environmental con-
ditions of the Andes. Since most of these microorganisms are frequently associated
with plant roots, several research groups have focused on studying the microbiology
of the rhizosphere of the most important food crops in the Central Andes. The cases
of potato and quinoa are reviewed in the following pages considering their relevance
in terms of global markets, food security, and tradition (Sindhu et al. 2016; Meena
et al. 2014b, 2015d; Singh et al. 2015, 2016; Meena et al. 2013c).
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 217

10.5.1 PGPM and Potato

With a worldwide annual production of ~385 Mt per year (FAO Stat 2014), potato
(Solanum tuberosum) is the fourth most important food crop after maize, wheat, and
rice and is considered critical for food security in an increasingly populated world
(Birch et al. 2012). Potato, which originated in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia,
has been cultivated locally by farming communities for centuries (Spooner et  al.
2005) and is nowadays the main staple crop in the Andes Mountains.
Potato plants are often grown at high altitudes under harsh climatic conditions
and in fields where nutrients are often unavailable due to high soil acidity, which
may explain why their average production yields are so low. Because it requires
large inputs of expensive chemical fertilizers, the productivity of potatoes in small
farms is severely constrained. Additionally, fungal diseases that affect potato yield
and tuber quality (such as late blight, black scurf, and dry rot) are still common in
the Andes (Finckh et al. 2006). The aforementioned reasons explain why research-
ers have devoted great efforts to characterize the microbes colonizing potato root
system in order to search for potential growth promoters and biocontrollers.
The International Potato Center – founded in 1971 with the aim of delivering
sustainable solutions to the pressing world problems of hunger, poverty, and the
degradation of natural resources (www.cipotato.org) – implemented in 2005 a strat-
egy directed toward exploring the use of rhizobacteria to improve potato production
in a sustainable way. The final goal of this project was to develop biofertilizers for
small-scale farmers in the Central Andean Highlands. Initial studies were performed
with commercial products based on either a Peruvian strain of Azotobacter sp.
(Azotolum from Peru) or a Bacillus subtilis strain from Germany (FZB24). In a field
trial performed at 4000 m asl, biofertilization of three Peruvian potato varieties –
Yungay, Putis, and Queccorani –increased tuber yields by up to 25% compared to
the control plants (Oswald et al. 2007). In a second field trial, performed at 3200 m
asl, a total of 23 potato varieties – mainly Peruvian potato landraces – were planted
and biofertilized. The results were not as clear-cut as the previous ones, and differ-
ent responses to PGPB were observed depending on the potato variety (Oswald
et al. 2007).
Following these encouraging results, bacteria colonizing the rhizosphere of pota-
toes were subsequently isolated from rhizospheric soils sampled in different prov-
inces of the Peruvian Andes, tested in vitro for their PGP abilities, and inoculated to
potatoes grown in aeroponic systems (Calvo-Vélez et al. 2008; Calvo et al. 2009).
The results obtained showed significant increases in tuber numbers per plant, rang-
ing from 40% to 100%, depending on the potato cultivar (Oswald and Calvo 2009).
In a follow-up of this work, Oswald et al. (2010) isolated bacteria from the rhizo-
spheric soil of potatoes cultivated in Huancavelica and Puno, at locations situated
between 3900 and 4200 m asl in the Central Andean Highlands of Peru.
On the basis of the PGP activities recorded in vitro, 56 isolates – belonging to the
genera Bacillus and Azotobacter and actinomycetes – were selected for a pot experi-
ment conducted under greenhouse conditions and including seven commercial
potato varieties. Inoculation of plants with more than 80% of these strains increased
218 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

total plant and tuber weights between 50% and 200%. Using some of these strains,
a field trial was conducted in Puno (3820 m asl), where the authors recorded higher
tuber yields in inoculated potato plants than those obtained in the uninoculated
The characterization of bacteria colonizing the rhizosphere of potato was also
performed by other research groups in Peru. For example, Calvo and Zuñiga (2010)
and Calvo et al. (2010) studied the PGP abilities of several Bacillus sp. strains, for-
merly isolated in the highland Peruvian regions of Huancavelica and Puno – Titicaca
Lake – at 3900–4200 m asl by Calvo-Vélez et al. (2008). Besides exhibiting several
PGP characteristics in vitro, the isolates inhibited growth of R. solani and F. solani.
Taken together, the results showed the potential of these strains to develop PGP
More recently, Ghyselinck et al. (2013) investigated the bacterial communities
colonizing potatoes grown at different altitudes in the Central Andean Highlands of
Peru and Bolivia. Fifty eight strains out of 585 isolates exhibited antagonism against
R. solani and P. infestans. Additionally, 14 isolates (belonging to the Pseudomonas
koreensis subgroup, the P. fluorescens subgroup and the Bacillus genus) protected
potato plantlets challenged with R. solani. On the other side, 12 strains significantly
increased plant growth and development when tested in vitro. These results clearly
indicated that some of these isolates might be used to develop new biocontrol
Field trials to investigate the effects of PGPM on potato productivity were also
conducted in the Andean region of Bolivia, particularly at Lope Mendoza (3440 m
asl, Carrasco Province), Tiraque highlands (3453 m asl, Tiraque Province), La Villa
(2650 m asl, Cochabamba Province), and Colomi (3200 m asl, Chapare Province)
(Franco et  al. 2011). In these trials, native isolates of B. amyloliquefaciens and
B. subtilis, as well as a commercial B. subtilis strain (FZB 24WG), were tested as
single microbial treatments on the native potato cultivar Waycha (S. tuberosum
sub-­sp. andigena Hawkes) with the participation of local farmers. Treatments com-
bining native B. subtilis strains with organic amendments resulted in superior and
uniform plant emergence, higher plant vigor and development, improved plant
health, and higher yield of tubers. Also, a suppressive effect on the incidence of
R. solani in tubers was observed. The commercial B. subtilis strain did not perform
well in regard to plant growth and yield.
Aside from the beneficial effects of PGP bacteria on potatoes, it has been repeat-
edly shown that AMF can also promote potato production (Hijri 2016). These ben-
efits do not only rely on the ability of AMF to increase nutrient uptake (mainly P)
by plant roots, but also has to do with an enhanced water uptake, a greater disease
resistance, and a significant alleviation of cultural and environmental stresses
(Berruti et  al. 2015). However, these benefits depend on several factors among
which we can mention the potato genotype (Vosatka and Gryndler 2000), the AM
fungal species or strain (Davies et al. 2005a), and the soil P levels (Herrera-Peraza
et al. 2011).
Whatever the case, positive responses of S. tuberosum were recorded by
McArthur and Knowles (1993) after inoculation with AMF, in experiments
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 219

conducted in growth chambers under P deficiency. Following these initial observa-

tions, some early studies were performed in Peru and Colombia (Moreno Díaz
1988; Sieverding et al. 1991). The results confirmed the positive effects of AMF
inoculation on potatoes; however, at least in one of these studies, nonnative AMF
isolates were used.
In which can be considered as the first report of its type, Davies et al. (2005a)
used a mixed inoculum of Andean native strains of Acaulospora sp., Glomus sp.,
Scutellospora sp., Gigaspora sp., and Sclerocystis sp. as biofertilizers to inoculate
plants derived from minitubers of Yungay potatoes – an important Peruvian cultivar.
The mycorrhizal inoculation resulted in enhanced growth and yield of plants at low
P supply as compared to uninoculated controls. Furthermore, direct application of a
flavonoid produced by a number of plants (formononetin), previously shown to
enhance AMF sporulation and effectiveness of mycorrhizal plants, induced greater
extra-radical hyphae formation and a better development of plants and tubers.
The positive effect of formononetin on potato production was further assessed in
a field study conducted at 3900  m asl in San Jose de Aymara (Department of
Huancavelica), in the central highlands of Peru (Davies et al. 2005b). The produc-
tion site had very acidic soil (pH 3.6), with low P availability and high Al content.
In this case, six Andean potato cultivars were treated directly with formononetin
applied as a soil drench when shoots began to emerge from tubers. The treatment
did not only induce greater soil sporulation levels of naturally occurring AMF
(predominantly Gigaspora, Glomus, and Scutellospora) but also increased tuber
dry mass and/or grade quality in three out of six cultivars. This particular form of
biostimulation demonstrated the possibility of using a radically different approach
to reach more cost-effective levels of AMF inoculums, rather than solely relying on
indigenous AMF present in the soil of the crop production site.
The development of mixed bioinoculants, combining the PGP abilities of bacte-
ria and the biocontrol capacities of some particular fungi, is another promising
approach to increase the yields of different crops. For instance, co-inoculation trials
of potato cultivars Waycha (S. tuberosum sub-sp. andigena Hawkes) and Desiree (S.
tuberosum sub-sp. tuberosum) with B. subtilis and the AMF Glomus fasciculatum
allowed a significant increase in tuber yield and a suppressive/inhibitory effect on
soilborne diseases, when assayed in the field (Franco et al. 2011).
The positive effect of mixed bioinoculants was also demonstrated by Pérez et al.
(2015). In this work, the authors monitored the effect of bioinputs on 15 native
potato cultivars’ tolerance to drought stress, at 3309 m asl in Cochabamba (Bolivia).
Even though application of poultry manure to potatoes during planting reduced the
severity of drought injure and increased the yield, the combined use of earthworm
humus and Mibac (a commercial product that combines native strains of B. subtilis
and G. fasciculatum) permitted also to record satisfactory results on both parame-
ters, even though some of the responses were cultivar dependent.
In light of these results and in collaboration with PROINPA, a Bolivian national
foundation dedicated at promoting the sustainable use of natural resources through
research and innovation, a biofertilizer was formulated with a native isolate of B.
amyloliquefaciens and used by farmers dedicated to organic production both as a
single treatment or mixed with G. fasciculatum and vermicompost.
220 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

10.5.2 PGPM and Quinoa

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is another economically important and ances-

trally grown crop in the Central Andes. Exceptionally rich from a nutritional point
of view, this seed crop – whose grains may even surpass the nutritional values rec-
ommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) (Hirose et  al. 2010)  – has
been cultivated in the Andes for thousands of years. It is currently considered a food
security crop, especially in the face of the predicted future world scenario of increas-
ing salinization and aridity. Indeed, owing to its exceptional tolerance to abiotic
stresses – including frost, salinity, and drought – quinoa is remarkably well adapted
to the harsh conditions prevailing in the high Andean mountains (Ruiz et al. 2014).
Quinoa grows satisfactory in Andean poor soils; however, to reach adequate levels
of production, some amendments are applied including animal and green manures
(Jacobsen 2011). The crop has been traditionally grown by small farmers in the
Andes and the ancestral knowledge is passed through generations from parents to
children. However, in recent years, increasing worldwide demand for quinoa and
the subsequent industrial development associated to it are putting in danger this
cultural and biodiversity legacy (Jacobsen 2011).
Preservation of small-scale farming in order to continue cultivating quinoa in a
sustainable way requires a multidisciplinary approach. Even though according to
some authors quinoa is an under-researched and neglected crop (Rojas et al. 2009),
some efforts have been made in order to promote organic production of this grain in
Andean countries like Bolivia. For instance, Ortuño et al. (2013) reported the devel-
opment and successful use of bioproducts consisting of mixtures of biofertilizers
and biocontrollers, to reduce the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers and pesti-
cides in the environment and to produce quinoa free of contaminants and at lower
In which can be considered the first report on its type, suitable microbes for
stimulating quinoa production were isolated and characterized by Ortuño et  al.
(2013, 2014). Two microbial strains (Bacillus sp. and Trichoderma sp.), exhibiting
PGP- and antagonistic abilities, were large-scale produced in simple and inexpen-
sive culture media and then formulated to obtain bioproducts that were distributed
among local farmers. When tested in the field, the bioproducts increased quinoa
yield compared to the untreated controls. Besides, inoculated plants exhibited a
healthier and more vigorous appearance than untreated plants.

10.6 O
 mic Technologies and Agriculture Development
in the Andean Region

Until now, prospection of the microbial communities colonizing Andean crops has
relied on culture-based techniques. Consequently, the major flaw in these studies is
that the great majority of microbes – the unculturable ones – remain to be identified
and their functions revealed. Therefore, our understanding of these communities
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 221

and their changes over time, plant species and age, soil properties, and/or manage-
ment is at its infancy.
Phenotypic and genotypic approaches are currently available to characterize soil
microbial community structures. Metagenomics—defined as the direct genetic anal-
ysis of genomes contained within an environmental sample—provides access not
only to the microbial diversity of a given community (the so-called phylogenetic
surveys) but, more importantly, also to the functional gene composition of microbial
communities (Thomas et al. 2012). For example, in a recent study based on pyrose-
quencing, Barnett et al. (2015) studied the variability of the potato root-associated
bacterial community with regard to different locations and potato clones. From a
total of 26 potato clones collected at three sites, 123 bacterial operational taxonomic
units (OTUs) were correlated with tuber yield and/or tuber nutrient content, a major-
ity of them belonging to the order Rhizobiales. Interestingly, 23 of these bacterial
OTUs were present in at least 50% of samples at each site and, therefore, were
considered as part of a core bacteriome likely involved in supporting potato crop
With a similar objective in mind, two studies were conducted in three different
Andean countries (Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador), at different altitudes (from 2658 to
4075 m asl), and at three potato plant developmental stages (emergence, flowering,
and senescence) (Senés-Guerrero et al. 2014; Senés-Guerrero and Schüssler 2016).
In both studies, the AMF communities associated with potatoes were described,
although the methods used differed: the first report relied on soil DNA extraction,
PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing of selected molecular markers (SSU,
LSU, and ITS region), while the second report was based on metagenomic analyses
of LSU rRNA gene PCR amplicons by pyrosequencing methods (454-GS FLX+).
According to the results of the first study, potato plants were colonized by diverse
species from 8 of the 11 Glomeromycota families, a much higher AMF diversity
than those reported for potato in other ecosystems (Senés-Guerrero et  al. 2014).
Besides, the composition of the AMF community was affected by potato plant
developmental stages, and most of the AMF species detected in potato roots at the
emergence stage did not persist during later stages. Contrary to what is characteris-
tic in other alpine environments, the highest AMF diversity occurred at the highest
altitude (4075 m asl) in both soil and root samples. The study also highlighted the
importance of three OTUs  – namely, Funneliformis mosseae, an unknown
Claroideoglomus sp., and Rhizophagus irregularis,  easily cultivable generalists
which colonize early plant developmental stages, as promising candidates for the
development of biofertilizers for sustainable potato agriculture.
The second work cited analyzed in depth, for the first time, the composition of
the AMF community colonizing Andean potatoes (Senés-Guerrero and Schüssler
2016). In this study, the SSU-ITS-LSU rRNA gene region used was defined as an
extended DNA barcode which allowed resolving closely related AMF species
(Stockinger et al. 2010; Schoch et al. 2012). Following this methodology, the results
showed that almost 92% of the individual root systems studied contained between 1
and 25 AMF species. Additionally, OTU analyses clearly revealed that the AMF
community structure varied according to altitude, plant stage, or plant variety.
222 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

Of the 41 species detected in total, Acaulospora spp. were identified as dominant

colonizers (present in 85% of the samples); it was also established that species of
this genus co-occurred with Cetraspora nodosa and certain Claroideoglomus and
Rhizophagus species in most potato root samples. Surprisingly, these species were
relatively conserved throughout the rhizosphere of plants collected in the studied
region, even though some samples were collected at distant locations (>3000 km
distance). Therefore, as stated before, these AMF species were considered as
belonging to a conserved core-species community of native potatoes in the Andes.
According to the authors, identification and characterization of some of these yet
unnamed AMF species would facilitate the selective design of AMF-based bioin-
oculants with the purpose of improving sustainable agricultural practices.
Even assuming that the great majority of microorganisms colonizing the rhizo-
sphere of important crops belong to the unculturable category, there is no doubt that
the information gained through metagenomic approaches will certainly shed more
light on the potential use of this microbial source for biotechnological purposes. In
fact, it is increasingly acknowledged that these so-called unculturables might be
cultured in vitro if key factors influencing colony formation are appropriately opti-
mized (Stewart 2012). Improvement of culturability of these hitherto-unculturable
microorganisms will presumably reveal a range of novel important functions in the
rhizosphere, including functions involved in enhancing crop growth and develop-
ment as well as rhizosphere competence of microbes (Nunes da Rocha et al. 2009).
Among the omic technologies, metabolomics – defined as the systematic identi-
fication and quantification of all low molecular weight molecules present in the cells
in a particular physiological or developmental state and which constitute the end
products of cellular processes – can also play an important role in identifying poten-
tially useful microbes to develop bioinoculants. Besides allowing understanding, at
least in part, the complex interactions and chemical conversations and warfare
established among the biological partners which colonize the rhizosphere (Persello-­
Cartieaux et  al. 2003), metabolomic techniques also allow to detect microbial
metabolites involved in the biocontrol of phytopathogens.
Some of these metabolites are soluble and have been thoroughly studied in the
past; in recent years, however, there has been an increased interest in understanding
the effects of microbial volatiles on plants and pathogens (Schmidt et al. 2015). By
making use of such an experimental metabolomic approach, Velivelli et al. (2014b)
identified the microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs) of 27 potato rhizo-
bacterial isolates. Analysis of the complex mixture of mVOCs emitted by the rhizo-
bacteria tested confirmed the presence of some organic volatiles previously shown
to act as antifungal; in vitro experiments confirmed the antifungal activity of these
mVOCs against R. solani. The authors also showed that volatiles able to stimulate
plant development or trigger induced systemic resistance (e.g., acetoin and
2,3-butanediol) were present as well.
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 223

10.7 D
 oes Biotechnology (and Bioinoculants) Represent
a Real Alternative for Small Andean Farmers?

The practical implementation and social acceptance of modern biotechnologies

remain a subject of heated debates. Although there has been a strong academic,
scientific, and technological development in underdeveloped countries (Eakin and
Lemos 2006), typically the development, promotion, and marketing of these tech-
nologies have been controlled by large corporations. Consequently, in order to avoid
what Rosset and Altieri (1997) termed the threat of input substitution in smallholder
sustainable agriculture, it is necessary to transfer the technologies to local stake-
holders and/or small farmer’s cooperatives. On the other hand, the knowledge and
confidence of farmers concerning the use of agricultural biotechnological products
are also fundamental in order to achieve an adequate perception of their usefulness.
Thus, an objective and transparent communication of knowledge in the area as well
as a fluid exchange of information between academia, government, business, and
farmers is absolutely necessary (Wolt and Peterson 2000). Furthermore, if the
impact of biotechnology on the livelihoods of Andean smallholders is to be maxi-
mized, then accessibility and costs of development/implementation should be con-
sidered alongside technical optimization.
It is also important to emphasize that a change in the scheme of development of
agricultural biotechnologies will not only benefit the farmers as final users of these
technologies but could also foster – with the cooperation of academia, government,
and business – diversification of the rural economies in the Andes through the cre-
ation of small and medium biotechnological enterprises able to develop, adapt, and
optimize biotechnological solutions for local problems.
Recently, Barragan-Ocaña and del Valle Herrera (2016) investigated the impact
of endogenously generated technologies on the lives of farmers from underdevel-
oped countries. The results obtained confirmed that (1) it is possible to generate
technologies in local areas of knowledge, and (2) when managed by small national
or local companies, such technologies can contribute to the sustainable develop-
ment of economies and better conditions for rural producers. Irrespective the fact
that this study was conducted in Mexico, their main conclusions do certainly apply
to other Latin-American regions. Indeed, there have been some promising results in
the Andean region in this way: for instance, Davies et al. (2005a) developed local,
on-farm methods for inoculating Andean crops with AMF using roots of infected
crops that often performed better than commercial inoculants.
Another good example of success in this area would be the projects developed by
the Foundation for Research and Promotion of Andean Products (PROINPA).
Together with the International Potato Center (IPC), PROINPA launched several
studies aimed at evaluating the potential use of indigenous microorganisms for
potato production (Ortuño et al. 2010; Oswald et al. 2007). Some microbial isolates
were subsequently tested in Bolivia and Peru in a collaborative project financed by
the European Union, COMMINANDES, among whose objectives were stimulating
local collective capacities to develop composting systems and management of
224 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

microbial inoculants to reduce chemical dependence of small-scale farmers. Later

in this project, massive culture media were developed, and subsequently liquid and
solid formulations were produced. All the bioinoculants developed were tested in
farmers’ fields to verify their actions and application forms (Ortuño et al. 2010).
Some of these microbial resources were used to formulate commercial products
currently commercialized by BioTop, a private company based in Cochabamba
(Bolivia) that acts as the commercial branch of the PROINPA Foundation
(PROINPA/BioTop catalog). A similar approach was followed also by PROINPA
researchers to develop bioinoculants that improve quinoa production in the altiplano
region (Ortuño et al. 2013). Native microorganisms were prospected, characterized,
selected, and used to develop the bioinoculants to reduce the disturbance of the
altiplano soil ecosystem and to keep the technology as simple as possible, in order
to provide cost-effective technologies for Andean farmers.
Following these successful experiences, an ambitious initiative was launched
that deserves to be considered with some detail: the VALORAM project (http://
valoram.ucc.ie/). This EU-funded project – whose acronym highlights the impor-
tance of exploring and valorizing Andean soil microbial diversity to develop alter-
native, efficient technologies to intensify potato-based farming systems in a
sustainable way – was a collaborative effort between five European and three Latin
American partners. Besides isolating, identifying, and characterizing indigenous
microbes colonizing the potato rhizosphere in traditionally managed fields, the
VALORAM project aimed at assessing and comparing these microbial communities
using metagenomic techniques. Furthermore, one of the main objectives of this
project was to test and evaluate selected microbial isolates for their plant growth-­
promoting and protecting properties in field trials, studying their interactions with
potato varieties and native rhizosphere microorganisms (VALORAM Report 2015).
According to the participants, several of these objectives have been achieved so
far. For instance, as already stated, from an initial collection of ~600 rhizobacterial
strains, isolated from eight different potato fields from the Central Andean Highlands
of Peru and Bolivia, 23 exhibited antagonistic abilities against P. infestans and R.
solani and were associated with plant growth-promotion and/or disease suppres-
sion, during growth room experiments (Ghyselinck et al. 2013). Five of these strains
were later shown to increase potato tuber number and yield  – depending on the
inoculant – when applied to soils amended with organic manure in field trials con-
ducted in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador (Velivelli et al. 2014b). Additionally, a sup-
pressive effect of one Pseudomonas strain against R. solani was also observed in a
field trial conducted in Bolivia. In a similar study performed in Bolivia, 17 bacterial
strains showing PGP abilities in vitro were tested in potato fields. Even though the
potato tuber yield did not vary significantly among plants treated with these micro-
bial inoculants, two Pseudomonas sp. isolates and one Bacillus sp. isolate appeared
to promote potato growth (Franco et al. 2015).
At the time this chapter was written, the results of several of these studies have
not yet come to light. However, detailed preliminary information is available from
the VALORAM Final Report (2015). According to this report, several assays were
conducted in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru to evaluate the potential of Andean
10  Microbial Diversity of Tropical Andean Soils and Low-Input Sustainable… 225

microorganisms to increase the productivity and health of potato plants grown under
high- and low-input cropping systems. These assays did not only include the pilot-
scale production of AMF and PGPR inoculums, but were followed by participatory
field trials conducted with local farming communities and NGOs. The farmers
themselves were asked to evaluate the success or failure of these trials and selected
the most accepted technologies in each community. As can be deduced from these
results, the VALORAM experience, as a whole, seems to confirm that when a bio-
logical approach is combined with suitable plant genotypes, appropriate land man-
agement, and inoculation with beneficial microorganisms, then a valuable
opportunity results for the sustainable intensification of potato-based farming sys-
tems in the Andean region (VALORAM Final Report 2015). Furthermore, prelimi-
nary cost-benefit analyses indicate that farmers may reduce their expenses to almost
50% – for example, by reducing their dependence on agrochemicals.

10.8 Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives

The use of microbial inoculants in modern agriculture represents an extremely

important tool that may not only increase the productivity of crops at much lesser
costs but also reduce concomitantly the environmental impacts that result from
farming activities. The literature is full of reports confirming at different levels of
experimentation – laboratory, greenhouse, experimental plots, and open field – that
such expectations can be met. However, the use of bioinoculants remains well below
its full potential, a fact that can be attributed to several factors among which the cor-
rect choice of suitable microbial strains is one of the most important. As already
stated by Trivedi et al. (2012) the ecological specificity associated with the naturally
occurring microorganisms must orient the efforts of the scientific community in
order to end with successful inoculants. Consequently, it is not only necessary to
prospect for microorganisms exhibiting remarkable PGP traits, but also to select
those able to colonize the rhizosphere of crops and to resist the challenges imposed
by the particular climatic conditions that prevails in the Andean mountains. That
means that, besides the abilities mentioned in the previous pages  concerning the
selection of appropriate microorganisms, care must be taken in selecting cold-­
tolerant or cold-adapted strains, as already established for the Indian Himalayan
region (Yarzábal 2014).
On the other side, before engaging in the process of developing and producing of
a given bioinoculant, it is necessary to fully understand the ecology of plant-microbe
interactions and to apply these ecological lessons throughout the process. As we
have seen, it is also absolutely necessary to establish a proactive interaction with the
potential users of such technological assets, during experimentation and adaptation
to local needs, in order to maximize the chances of a successful incorporation of
such resources in their agricultural practices.
In their paramount work on alternative pathways to intensify soil fertility man-
agement by smallholder farmers in the Andean highlands, Fonte et  al. (2012)
insisted on developing proper strategies for taking full advantage of the functioning
226 L.A. Yarzábal et al.

of soil microbial communities, either by adequately managing the soil or by inocu-

lating beneficial microbes. In order to achieve this goal, one of the steps has been
precisely the subject of this chapter, namely, the development of microbial inocu-
lants well suited to each plant crop and properly adapted to the local conditions; the
other fundamental step, namely, the characterization of the microbial communities
colonizing different Andean agro ecosystems and their shifts owing to alternative
management strategies, still needs much work to be accomplished. The possibility
of using next-generation sequencing technologies, together with more classic
molecular biology techniques, will certainly boost such detailed characterization.
Historically, the Andean region and the population settled in these mountains
have dealt with challenges that will certainly increase in the coming years.
Nevertheless, it is also true that this region offers unique attributes that, if ade-
quately exploited, may allow a successful intensification of agroecological practices
and an improvement of the livelihoods of mountain farmers (Fonte et al. 2012). As
pointed by Sinha (1997) and by Trivedi et al. (2012), the experience gained during
the past decade in the Indian Himalayan Region – in many aspects similar to the
Tropical Andean region – shows that it is indeed possible to reconcile agricultural
production and nature, through a harmonic relationship that results in an increased
sustainability of the former and a decreased entropy of the latter.

Acknowledgments  LAY acknowledges Proyecto Prometeo of the National Secretary of Science,

Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT).

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Entomopathogenic Bacteria
and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic 11
Crop Protection

S.P. Shanthakumar

Global food produce is contributed largely by agriculture and agro-based indus-
tries which is crucial for food security. But importance given to the organic crop
protection for sustainable farming and land use is trivial across the countries.
Recent upgradation in agro-farming systems by techno-crafts for higher yield
and crop protection should also place microbes as an important entity in pest
management. Development of new biocontrol agents from the microbial com-
munity is being reported which should gain lead in organic product development.
Earlier microbial pesticide was found to be a slow action pest control or preven-
tion tool in biological control approach. Many target-specific pest control agents
like entomopathogenic bacteria and virus were found to be swift in action when
compared with entomopathogenic fungi; henceforth, product developers and
biocontrol specialists have reclaimed the hope on biological pest control because
they could reduce pest population instantly and ecofriendly. In present articles
focus on various examples, process and related information on entomopatho-
genic bacteria for development of biocontrol products against major chickpea
crop pest Helicoverpa armigera. Special reference is given to chickpea crop
since India is the largest producer of chickpea facing the highest crop loss due to
pod borer.

Insect pathology • Bacteria • Arthropods • Rhizosphere • Non-target organisms

S.P. Shanthakumar (*)

M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, III Cross Road, Taramani Institutional Area,
Taramani, Chennai 600 113, India
e-mail: spshanthakumar@gmail.com

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 235

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_11
236 S.P. Shanthakumar

11.1 Introduction

Global food production of all types stood at ~5.2 billion tons, representing some
~2.7 billion tons of edible dry matter, of which legumes and oil seeds contribute
gross tonnage of ~165 Mt. with maximum of ~39 Mt. of dry protein (Borlaug 2003).
The Indian agriculture is at the crossroad; our population may reach ~1750 million
by 2050. Per capita cropland will then be 0.089 ha, and per capita fresh water supply
will be ~1190 m3/year. Food grain production must be doubled, and the area under
irrigation should go up from the current ~60–114  M ha by 2050 (Swaminathan
Major investment of the farmers in agriculture is on pesticides for control of pest.
Achieving sustainable pest control and finding equilibrium levels often take many
years, and the result is not the instant pest ‘extermination’ that is wished for by
many farmers (Neuenschwander 2004). Low crop productivity is related to abiotic
and biotic factors, viz. damage caused by insect pests, which are realized as a major
biotic constraint to sustainable crop production (Sharma and Yadav 2001). Crop loss
due to insect pests is estimated to ~14% of the total agricultural production. The
global monetary loss due to insect pests accounts to US$ ~90 billion in rice, wheat,
maize, potato, cotton, soybean, barley and coffee (Andersen and Cohen 2000). India
has the distinction of world’s largest producer of pulses, but the average productiv-
ity of ~614 kg/ha is very low because of biotic stress in terms of insect infestation.
Among all the insect pests, the lepidopteran insect, H. armigera, poses a serious
threat to the pulses especially to chickpea and pigeon pea (Rabindra et al. 2005;
Behere et al. 2013). Not all pests are amenable to classical biological control; many
more biocontrol agents should be identified and explored. Parasitoids, predators,
pathogens and nematodes have all been used for control of pestiferous arthropods
(Figs. 11.1 and 11.2).

11.2 C
 hickpea Production: Global, National and State

The chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the third most important food legume grown in
the world. In India, chickpea is an important pulse crop in terms of both area and
production. India is the largest producer of chickpea in the world sharing the range
between ~65% and 66% (FAOSTAT 2008) of the total area of ~12 M ha and produc-
tion of ~9 Mt., respectively. As per FAO report, Mexico has registered highest pro-
ductivity (~1809 kg/ha) followed by Canada (~1580 kg/ha) and Australia (~1268 kg/
ha). In India, chickpea cultivation is being done in ~6 M ha with the production of
~4 Mt. of the grains during 2002–2003. During 2008–2010, chickpea production
reached to ~7 Mt., and it was ~71% production at global scenario (FAOSTAT 2010).
Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are the major chickpea-producing states in India.
Coimbatore, Erode, Perambalur and Dindigul are the highest chickpea-producing
districts in Tamil Nadu (INDIASTAT 2012).
11  Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic Crop Protection 237

Fig. 11.1  Global status in chickpea production (FAOSTAT 2010)

Perambalur Dindigul
Erode 6% 9%
7% Salem


Fig. 11.2  Chickpea production status in Tamil Nadu (INDIASTAT 2012)

238 S.P. Shanthakumar

In the case of Dindigul district, more than 500 acres of cultivable land is being
used for chickpea cultivation, and an average of 203 tonnes of chickpea production
per year is the statistical projections by national database (INDIASTAT 2012).

11.3 Crop Loss and Economical Impact Due to H. armigera

Insects are the most widely distributed and successful animal class in the world. The
indispensable reasons for this phenomenon are rapid reproduction, short life cycle
and a robust immune system (Kranthi and Kranthi 2004; Gayatri Priya et al. 2012;
Behere et al. 2013). The crop production losses have shown an increasing trend over
the years. In 1983, the losses due to insect pests were estimated worth Rs. 6000
crores (Krishnamurthy Rao and KSRK 1983) which increased to Rs. 20,000 crores
in 1993 (Jayaraj 1993) and to Rs. 29,000 crores in 1996 (Dhaliwal and Arora 2010).
Birthal and Sharma (2004) have reported that H. armigera alone causes an annual
loss of about Rs. 1000 crores in India. The American bollworm, H. armigera, is a
polyphagous pest of worldwide occurrence inflicting annual crop damage in India
worth US $1 billion (Subramanian and Mohankumar 2006). Global crop losses due
to H. armigera are estimated to be over US $ 2 billion annually, of which 50% loss
occurs in India, causing widespread misery and frequent crop failures (Subramaniam
Gopalakrishnan et al. 2011).
In India, this insect occurs as a major pest in many economically important
crops, including cotton, pigeon pea, chickpea, tomato, lady’s finger and black gram
(Ge et  al. 2003; Subramanian and Mohankumar 2006; Nguyen et  al. 2012; Guo
et al. 2012). Severe outbreaks were recorded on soybean and mustard in Madhya
Pradesh (Singh 2005), pigeon pea in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh (Singh 1994),
black cumin and strawberries in Himachal Pradesh (Singh 1999), finger millet and
sweet orange in Andhra Pradesh (Reddy and Reddy 1999) and chickpea, linseed and
mustard in Orissa (Patnaik and Lenka 2000).
It has also been observed that H. armigera attacks few new host plants such as
rose and gherkin (Malarvannan 2004). During the off season, H. armigera is
observed to survive on few weeds like Abutilon indicum, Achyranthes aspera,
Cleome monophylla, Solanum viarum, Datura metel, Acanthospermum hispidum
and Gynandropsis gynandra (Rao et al. 1991).
In Tamil Nadu, the data collected on cotton from 1985–1986 to 1987–1988
revealed that H. armigera reached the economic threshold level of 10% damage to
fruiting parts. The districts of Coimbatore, Erode and Salem had a higher incidence
in 1987–1988, and to some extent, a similar trend was noticed in the earlier 2 years
(Jayaraj et al. 1990). Intensive field surveys on H. armigera incidence in southern
districts (Aruppukottai, T.Kallupatti and Thirumangalam) of Tamil Nadu, India, in
different rainfed cotton cropping systems (cotton alone and cotton intercropped
with cow pea, black gram, green gram, sun flower and sorghum systems) recorded
maximum H. armigera under pure cotton (Saminathan et  al. 2003; Meena et  al.
2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2016b).
11  Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic Crop Protection 239

11.4 Chemical Control of H. armigera

In the Indian conditions, most of the farmers use insecticides as a dominant tool
among the various options for the management of the insect pest. However, the
indiscriminate use of insecticides has resulted in resistance development of H. armi-
gera to almost all groups of insecticides. In India, resistance was first reported in
cotton-growing belt of Andhra Pradesh in 1987 (Reddy 1988). Low to moderate
levels of resistance have been reported in Maharashtra; moderate to high in Tamil
Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Punjab; and high in Andhra Pradesh and Madhya
Pradesh (Kranthi et  al. 2006). Excessive use of insecticides has resulted in an
increase in severity of sucking pest which was considered as minor pests in addition
to environmental pollution. In order to avoid the development of insecticide resis-
tance, it is essential to curtail the indiscriminate use of the insecticide (Nimbalkar
et  al. 2009; Kumar et  al. 2015, 2016a; Ahmad et  al. 2016; Meena et  al. 2016a;
Parewa et al. 2014; Jaiswal et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016).
The pest is primarily controlled by biological and chemical means, yet the
insect’s wide-ranging host preference, high population density throughout the
breeding season and tendency to develop resistance to insecticides hamper attempts
to overcome the damage it causes (Gunning and Moores 2002; Landers 2007).
However, increased use of chemical pesticides has posed serious health hazards and
widespread ecological damage (Rejaul Hassan and Karim 2005). Though chemical
insecticides have contributed largely in the management of pest, it has resulted in a
number of ecological and health hazards due to the accumulation of undesirable
residues in the food crops besides promoting insecticide resistance of pests with
negative impact on non-target species (Arti and Sujoita 2009).
India produces more than 200 pesticides and formulations, the largest in Asia
and twelfth in the world. The agricultural sector consumes ~67% of the pesticides
produced, with two-third alone taken by crops like cotton, paddy, vegetables and a
fruit; the largest usage is recorded in Andhra Pradesh followed by Tamil Nadu. The
insecticides chlorpyriphos, phosalone and malathion were also highly superior in
reducing the pest incidence (Biradar et al. 2001). Bioassay against H. armigera on
pigeon pea revealed that fenvalerate and monocrotophos are more toxic, followed
by endosulfan and dimethoate (Sharma and Yadav 2001). On chickpea, the efficacy
of acephate alone and in combination with other synthetic pyrethroids was superior
against H. armigera. Similarly, deltamethrin resulted in lowest fruit damage due to
H. armigera on tomato followed by cypermethrin and acephate (Mehta et al. 2001;
Prakash and Verma 2016; Meena et  al. 2015a, f, 2016b; Priyadharsini and
Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et al. 2017; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
A troublesome aspect of H. armigera is their ability to develop resistance to
insecticides. The pest has build-up resistance to commonly used pesticides metho-
myl, chlorpyriphos, quinalphos, acephate, fenvalerate, endosulfan and monocroto-
phos and synthetic pyrethroids up to 20- to 60-folds depending on the location
(Singh et  al. 2002). Resistance to DDT, organophosphorus insecticides and syn-
thetic pyrethroids has bedevilled chemical pest control application and, in some
240 S.P. Shanthakumar

cases, has forced abandonment of cropping due to inability to control the pest
(David 1997).

11.5 Biological Control of H. armigera

Farmers mainly use inorganic pesticides against insect pests (Malik et  al. 2002).
The outbreak of H. armigera has been attributed to the development of insecticide
resistance and the use of broad spectrum insecticides, which are known to have a
detrimental effect on populations of its natural enemies and nutritional and biocli-
matic factors in host plants (Naseri et  al. 2009). Therefore, alternative measures
have been adopted, and considerable attention has been directed towards ecofriendly
insecticides in the past few years (Arti and Sujoita 2009). In Indian agriculture, the
IPM programme has commenced during the last decade, and one of the important
steps in biocontrol is using beneficial organisms for the control of insect pest (Prasad
et al. 2007; Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Meena et al. 2015b; Rawat et al.
2016; Das and Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016).

11.6 Microbial Pesticides

India has been bestowed with varied diversity, rich in beneficial bacterial, viral,
fungal and entomopathogenic nematodes. This, apparently, offers a greater scope
for microbial control making it more feasible and cost-effective to the resource-poor
farmers. Microbial pesticide would help to manage insecticide-resistant pest popu-
lation of H. armigera, prevent the rise of secondary pest problems and fit well in
agriculture (Zhou et al. 2013; Pawar and Borikar 2005). Microbial pathogens are
distinguished from commensal microorganisms by their ability to enter, proliferate,
persist and disseminate from host sites that are inaccessible to commensal organ-
isms (Finlay and Falkow 1997).
Almost half (~49%) of the total introductions of traditional fungi for biocontrol
of insect pests were conducted (Hajek et al. 2007). The most commonly introduced
species were Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana in India (Hajek and
Delalibera 2010). However, ~700 products of different microbial are currently
available worldwide. Thirty-eight fungal formulations based on Metarhizium,
Beauveria and Lecanicillium and ~45 baculovirus-based formulations for the con-
trol of Helicoverpa and Spodoptera are available (Vasantharaj and Ramamurthy
2008). Fungal pathogens particularly Beauveria bassiana (Saxena and Ahmad
1999; Uma Devi et  al. 2008), Metarhizium anisopliae (Gopalakrishnan and
Narayanan 1989; Khaderkhan et al. 1993; Shanthakumar et al. 2009), Lecanicillium
lecanii and Nomuraea rileyi (Lingappa et al. 2005; Shanthakumar et al. 2010b) have
been widely used as insecticides globally.
Next important microbial agent is the entomopathogenic virus. The most preva-
lent viruses in the environment, three families (Baculoviridae, Polydnaviridae,
Ascoviridae), are specific for insects and related arthropods. The most widely
11  Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic Crop Protection 241

exploited virus groups for biocontrol of insects pests are the baculoviruses (Evans
2000; Monobrullah and Nagata 2000). Some of the viral organisms pathogenic to H.
armigera are nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV), cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus
(CPV) and granulosis virus (GV).
The average mortality of H. armigera due to the above pathogens was ~21% and
could reach ~57% in an epidemic year (Fan et al. 1999). Application of different
doses of Splt MNPV showed dose-related mortality on final instars of Spodoptera
litura (Mohammad and Uma 2008). Entomopathogenic viruses are generally con-
sidered to be environmentally safe and do not leave toxic residues (Morris 1980;
Monobrullah 2003). However, widespread use of viruses for pest management has
been hampered by their relatively high cost, slow activity and susceptibility to UV
degradation (Moscardi 1999).
Followed by entomopathogenic virus, entomopathogenic nematodes are other
important biocontrol agents for agricultural insect pest management. It is well
known that entomopathogenic nematodes, which are classified into Steinernematidae
and Heterorhabditidae families, have great potential as biological control agents in
plant protection (Klein 1990). Their activity against different pest insects is already
well studied (Ebssa 2005; Laznik et al. 2008; Forst et al. 1997). Endemic nematode
was tested successively against various insect pests at the laboratory and field
(Ehlers 1995; Woodring and Kaya 1988 and Legaspi et al. 2000). Virus and nema-
todes even though perform well in controlling insect but when it comes to product
development at large scale for growing demand, both the group have some limita-
tions as they need living host system which is not required in case of bacterial ento-
mopathogens (Yasin et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2015e, 2016c, d; Saha et al. 2016a, b;
Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Teotia et al. 2016; Bahadur et al. 2016b).
Thus bacterial entomopathogens are versatile and can be produced in large scale
in fementers with limited resource which is economical and time saving in terms of
mass production. Naturally available soil bacteria from plant rhizosphere can be
chosen for a simple ecological compatibility reason to make the product effective in
field condition after augmentation. Many studies on soil bacterial insecticides were
carried out and reported against a wide range of pests as discussed in the following

11.7 R
 ole of Soil and Rhizosphere Entomopathogenic

Rhizobacteria have been studied as plant growth promoters for agricultural produc-
tion as well as biocontrol agents against both diseases and pests (Kloepper and
Beauchamp 1992). A few bacterial isolates with pesticidal activity against
Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera (Shah and Goettel 1999) are commercially
available. Notably the soil-dwelling insect pathogen, B. thuringiensis, is suitable for
use in biological control, and certain strains have been developed as commercial
bioinsecticides (Clara et al. 2004).
242 S.P. Shanthakumar

Different isolates of B. thuringiensis have been proven to be successful against

various insects and nematode pests under field conditions. Pseudomonas gladioli
showed antifeedant activity and growth reduction of H. armigera that fed on P.
gladioli-treated cotton plants (Qingwen et al. 1998). The diet contaminated with the
bacteria, Pseudomonas maltophilia, B. subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
epidermidis, showed insecticidal potential against Helicoverpa zea. Among the four
species, P. maltophilia caused severe losses in all stages of H. zea, with the larval
stage being the most susceptible which led to more than a 60% loss in adult emer-
gence (Bong and Sikorowski 1991). Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas
chlororaphis harbouring the Fit gene cluster colonize and kill S. littoralis, H. vires-
cens and Plutella xylostella via oral infection (Beat et al. 2013).
Similarly, rhizobacteria isolated from cotton roots exhibiting antagonism towards
seedling blight and leaf blight of cotton were tested for their efficiency against H.
armigera. The bioformulation developed using B. subtilis (isolate DGL9) + chitin
was found to be detrimental to the developmental stages of H. armigera (larva, pupa
and adult) by causing larval mortality and pupal and adult malformation with
reduced adult emergence (Ayyathurai et al. 2009). Maria et al. (2008) have shown
the first evidence that the two root-associated bacteria, P. fluorescens strains CHA0
and Pf-5, also exhibit potent insecticidal activity and kill larvae of Manduca sexta
and Galleria mellonella within time frames that were comparable to those of the
known insect pathogens, Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus. Zehnder et  al. (1997)
evaluated induced resistance in cucumber by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(PGPR) P. putida, S. marcescens, Flavimonas oryzihabitans and B. pumilus on the
spotted cucumber beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata and striped cucumber beetle
Acalymma vittatum.
Ramamoorthy et al. (2001) reviewed that certain fluorescent pseudomonads are
effective rhizosphere colonizers and are endophytic in nature in the plant system.
Genetically engineered fluorescent pseudomonads with the insecticidal crystal pro-
tein effectively control lepidopteran insect pest. Transgenic P. cepacia strain 526
with the crystal protein gene has consistently shown insecticidal activity against
tobacco hornworm (Stock et al. 1990). Thus, PGPR treatment of crops can be effec-
tive for insect pest management and has a great potential for future use. The increase
in hymenopterous parasitoid and spider population in the crop because of bacteria
Pseudomonas is reported and synergistically was found responsible for the reduced
incidence of leaf folder under field conditions (Radjacommare et  al. 2002). The
increased natural enemy population might have associated with host-bacteria-based
pathways (octadecanoid pathway) leading to the production of volatile compounds,
which attract the natural enemies. The activation of octadecanoid pathway and
increased amount of volatile substance have been reported (Bell and Mullet 1993).
11  Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic Crop Protection 243

11.8 M
 olecular Characterization and Identification
of Entomopathogenic Bacteria

Comparison and analysis of the 16S rRNA gene has been extensively used as a
diagnostic method to determine phylogenetic relationships of bacterial isolates.
Moreover, this gene is characterized by having areas of secondary structure which
have also proven useful for diagnostic purposes. The size of this gene is approxi-
mately 1.6 kb and is composed of regions with different levels of variability thus
providing valuable information for differentiation of taxa (Stackebrandt and Goebel
1994). The study of the genetic diversity among bacterial species and strains has
also had an impact in assessing relatedness among species and understanding their
diversity (Boemare and Tailliez 2009). Bacteria are characterized by having single
chromosome within the nucleoid. The size of this chromosome varies among spe-
cies. For example, the bacterial genomes of B. thuringiensis (the widely studied
insect pathogen), B. cereus and B. anthracis are around 5.4 Mb (Carlson and Kolsto
1993 and Ivanova et al. 2003). Other species such as B. subtilis and B. licheniformis
have a smaller chromosome (4.2 Mb) (Rey et al. 2004).
Entomopathogenic nematode symbiotic bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens
have a genome size of 5.7 Mb (Duchaud et al. 2003). Many bacteria also contain
extrachromosomal elements (plasmids), which are smaller double-stranded DNA
(dsDNA) molecules that replicate independent of the chromosomal DNA.  Genes
located in bacterial plasmids usually code for proteins that determine specific phe-
notypes but do not code for products needed for bacterial survival and growth.
Bacterial genes are organized in operons or cassettes that consist of a promoter, a
series of genes and a transcription terminator (Verma et  al. 2014, 2015b; Meena
et al. 2014a, 2016e; Bahadur et al. 2016a; Masood and Bano 2016).

11.9 Microbial Mode of Action and Active Principle

The microbial entomopathogenic agents like bacteria and fungi infest the insect
primarily, and then after colonization, they secret toxins which curtails the normal
metabolism and decease. Entomopathogenic fungi like Beauveria sp. produce sev-
eral metabolites, including bassianin, beauvericin, bassianolide, beauveriolide,
bassiacridin, oosporein and tenellin (Vining et  al. 1962; Strasser et  al. 2000;
Quesada–Moraga and Vey 2004). Beauvericin is toxic to H. zea, Culex pipiens,
Aedes aegypti and Calliphora erythrocephala rupturing the midgut epithelium and
dissolving the ribosomes (Zizka and Weiser 1993; Grove 1985; Champlin and Grula
1979). Metarhizium sp. produces destruxins and cytochalasins (Roberts 1981); P.
tenuipes produces tenuipesine (Kikuchi et  al. 2004); Akanthomyces gracilis pro-
duces akanthomycin (Wagenar et  al. 2002); Cordyceps pseudomilitaris produces
coryanhidrides (Isaka et  al. 2000); Tolypocladium spp. produce efrapeptins
(Krasnoff and Gupta 1992); Aschersonia aleyrodis produces destruxins and
homodestruxins; and Aschersonia tubulata produces dustanin (Krasnoff et al. 1996).
244 S.P. Shanthakumar

Different types of Cry proteins isolated from B. thuringiensis could directly bind
to peritrophic membrane and disintegrate the columnar cells and microvilli and
cause imbalance in gut pH and kill the lepidopteran insects (Garczynski and Siegel
2007). Oral injection with P. entomophila bacterial cells and monalysin toxin iso-
lated from P. entomophila could cause significant mortality in Drosophila melano-
gaster (Takayuki Kuraishi et al. 2011). Novel toxin complexes (Tc) A and (Tc) B
from bacterium Yersinia entomophaga against Plutella xylostella were reported by
Landsberg et al. (2011).

11.10 Bacterial Source for Insect Toxins and Biopesticides

The entomopathogenic toxins in the form of proteins and secondary metabolites

were reported from many bacterial species. As far as the protein insecticidal toxins
are concerned, it is the crystal insecticidal proteins or cry toxins and corresponding
Cry genes that were reported from the spore-forming bacterial genus, B. thuringien-
sis. The presence of Cry genes is not unique to Bt, but also several other bacterial
species including B. sphaericus, P. popilliae, P. lentimorbus and Clostridium bifer-
mentans produce Cry proteins (Barloy et al. 1998; Zhang et al. 1997; Yokoyama
et al. 2004). Pseudomonas fluorescens CH0 and the related strain Pf-5 possess an
insecticidal toxin named fluorescence insecticidal toxin (Fit) reported by Maria
et al. (2008) on lepidopteran insect pest, Manduca sexta. The Fit toxins produced by
the above two P. fluorescens strains were similar to the MCF (makes caterpillar
floppy) toxin produced by the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus lumine-
scens (Daborn et al. 2001). Currently, 145 holotype crystal protein genes have been
assigned to 50 sets at the primary rank (cry1–50), and 9 cyt genes have two primary
ranks (cyt1–2).
In addition to the ICPs, 21 holotype vegetative insecticidal protein (vip) genes
with three primary ranks (vip1–3) have been classified. Bacillus thuringiensis, B.
sphaericus, B. cereus, Brevibacillus laterosporus, Clostridium bifermentans and
Paenibacillus popilliae are important entomopathogenic bacteria which was
reported for the presence of toxin-producing genes, viz. Cry1A(a-i), Cry1B(a-g),
Cry1C(a-b), Cry1D(a-b), Cry1E(a-b), Cry1F(a-b), Cry1G(a-c), Cry1H(a-b),
Cry1I(a-f), Cry1J(a-d), Cry1Ka, Cry1La, Cry2A(a-e), Cry9Aa, Cry9B(a-b),
Cry9Ca, Cry9E(a-d), Cry15Aa, Cry26Aa, Cry28Aa and Cry32Aa (Garczynski and
Siegel 2007).
The action potential of the above-mentioned active principles was proved against
different ecological population of H. armigera across India. The baseline suscepti-
bility of Indian populations of H. armigera to the insecticidal protein Cry1Ac from
B. thuringiensis was determined through bioassays conducted in 1999 and 2001.
Populations of H. armigera were collected from cotton fields of nine major cotton-­
growing states in India, which included Punjab (Bathinda), Haryana (Sirsa),
Rajasthan (Sri Ganganagar), Madhya Pradesh (Barwaha and Khandwa), Gujarat
(Rajkot, Vadodara and Anand), Maharashtra (Jalgaon, Jalna, Akola and Yavatmal),
Andhra Pradesh (Adilabad, Warangal, Khammam and Guntur), Karnataka (Raichur,
11  Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic Crop Protection 245

Davangere and Ranebennuru) and Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore and Dindigul) and were
found susceptible to crystal protein toxins (Jalali et al. 2004).
Secondary metabolite produced by bacteria for their insecticidal activity was not
much explored, and only few studies were taken up in the recent past. Detailed
analysis of liquid cultures of the entomopathogenic bacteria (Brachmann et  al.
2006; Lang et al. 2008) showed that these bacteria are in fact very important second-
ary metabolite producers that can produce several structurally diverse compounds.
Therefore entomopathogenic bacteria can be regarded as a novel source of potential
biocontrol products which have been studied only recently. Eleftherianos et  al.
(2007) show that Photorhabdus species produced a small-molecule (E)-1,3-­
dihydroxy-­2-(isopropyl)-5-(2-phenylethenyl)benzene (ST) that acted as an inhibitor
of phenoloxidase (PO) in the insect host Manduca sexta.
The entomopathogenic bacteria Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus produce phage-­
derived bacteriocins (Thlaer et al. 1995), colicin E3-type killer proteins (Singh and
Banerjee 2008) and insect toxin complexes (Ffrench-Constant and Waterfield 2006)
as well as several other secondary metabolites (Piel 2004). Insecticidal compounds
from bacteria described in the literature represent mostly small molecules like ben-
zylideneacetone (Ji et al. 2004), iodinine (Fodor et al. 2004), phenethylamines and
indole derivatives (Li et al. 1995; McInerney et al. 1991a), and comparatively less
number of complex compounds like the xenorhabdins and xenorxides (Li et  al.
1998) and xenocoumacins (XCNs) (McInerney et al. 1991b) was reported.
Despite their simple structure, different biological activities have been described
for these compounds, and their biosynthesis genes have not been identified yet
except for the XCNs (Helge and Bode 2009). Additionally, it should be mentioned
that other entomopathogenic bacteria reported have not been analysed for second-
ary metabolites and/or genes encoding the corresponding biosynthesis genes but are
members of well-known insecticidal genera like Serratia entomophila and Erwinia
carotovora (Grimont et al. 1988; Vallet-Gely et al. 2008). Entomopathogenic activ-
ity of E. carotovora has been reported only under lab conditions and has to be
proven for its insecticidal activity under field conditions.

11.11 Frontiers of Microbial Pesticides in Field Application

The definite evaluation of the efficacy of an entomopathogen attacking a pest is

often the determination of the reduction of pest damage and increase in crop yield
(Hajek and Goettel 2007). Naturally, the most useful information on the effects of
pathogens on non-targets is gained from field studies. By knowing the physiological
host range of a pathogen, we can attempt to predict its ecological host range.
However, it is fairly typical that hosts can be infected in the laboratories that are
never found infected under field conditions (Hajek and Butler 1999).
On contrary, few reports on microbial biocontrol agents which were found suc-
cessful at laboratory level also performed well at field scale as reported by
Radjacommare et al. (2002) which demonstrated that the talc-based formulation of
two P. fluorescens strains (PF1 and FP7) and its mixture (with and without chitin)
246 S.P. Shanthakumar

were tested against sheath blight and leaf folder in rice. The application of talc for-
mulation through seed, root, soil and foliar spray significantly reduced the sheath
blight and leaf folder incidence both under greenhouse and field conditions. Several
Pseudomonas strains have been found to control many fungal, bacterial, viral and
insect pests at laboratory level (Ramamoorthy et al. 2001). The laboratory biocon-
trol efficacy and PGPR activity of fluorescent pseudomonads were further increased
by mixing two or more strains of Pseudomonas species (Garica and Sarmiento
2000; Nandakumar et al. 2001; Nakkeeran et al. 2004) or in combination with other
bacterial or fungal antagonists (Duffy et  al. 1996) or mixed with chitin or other
substances (Benhamou et al. 1998). Even though many reports on the entomopatho-
genic bacteria have been recorded, only limited studies were made on its efficacy at
field level which should be given importance in future studies for sustainable organic
crop protection (Shanthakumar et al. 2010a; Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a;
Meena et al. 2013b, c; Singh et al. 2015).

11.12 Biosafety of Microbial Pesticides on Beneficial Insects

Beneficial microbes proposed to have biocontrol potential against various pests

should pass through various regulations for commercial product development. The
major criterion in the regulatory forum is nothing but the biological safety of the
microbes against higher animals, and human must be tested safer according to stan-
dard protocol. Protocols for testing the effects of pathogens on non-targets have
been suggested for a few specific entomopathogen/host systems (Hokkanen and
Hajek 2003). Studies of potential effects of entomopathogens on non-target organ-
isms generally begin with laboratory assays for host specificity. Bioassay methods
for different groups of pathogens are described in detail by Lacey (1997). Insect
pathogens may have indirect effects on non-target organisms, and consequently
impacts could also occur at the field level. In addition, such community level influ-
ences may occur across time and space. To investigate non-target effects on com-
munities, standard ecological measurements, such as diversity indices, would be
appropriate (Magurran 2004).
The microbial pesticides developed should be safer against beneficial insects as
they were used worldwide to control pests. As deployment of beneficial insect pred-
ators and parasitoids against the insect pests has been found as an effective and
feasible method of augmentative biological control in several countries (Gurr and
Wratten 2000; Gurr et al. 2000; Shanthakumar et al. 2010b), the entomopathogens
should be evaluated for its non-specificity against natural predatory insects like
green lacewings (Chrysoperla sp.), true bugs (Geocoris, Orius and Nabis sp.), vari-
ous predatory beetles (Cheilomenes sp. and Coccinella sp.) and spiders.
Advantage of bacterial insect pathogens is that they are naturally less harmful to
Hymenopteran families like Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, Trichogrammatidae and
Tachinidae which are common natural enemies of insect pests in all agro-systems
(Luttrell et  al. 1994). Generally, entomopathogens appear to be harmless against
natural enemies. Bts and baculoviruses are safe to natural enemies, while fungi and
11  Entomopathogenic Bacteria and Biorationals in Chickpea Organic Crop Protection 247

nematodes may affect some natural enemies. These effects are usually limited to
some natural enemies and are minor. Many studies have been published on compat-
ibility of entomopathogens and natural enemies; however, reports on greenhouse
and field evaluations are limited (Ravensberg 2011; Shrivastava et  al. 2016;
Velazquez et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2014b, 2015c, d; Sindhu et al. 2016; Singh et al.
If the product developed does not pass through these safety parameters, it will
have deleterious effect on habitat management which is directly linked to the distur-
bances in diversity of natural enemies and the quality of the environment in which
they occur. As a result of frequent and intense disturbance regimes, many agricul-
tural systems are recognized as particularly difficult environments for natural ene-
mies (Landis and Marino 1999). This is significant for annual monocultural cropping
systems where the rates of establishment of imported natural enemies, and their
success in controlling the target pest are lower than in more stable cropping systems
(Hall et al. 1980).
Beneficial organisms are generally considered to be more susceptible to chemi-
cal insecticides than their hosts. Croft (1990) studied interactions between benefi-
cial insects and pesticides intensively in field crops, orchards, vineyards and
glasshouses. Most microbial control agents are generally considered to be host spe-
cific and pose a lower risk than associated with many chemical pesticides (Goettel
and Roberts 1992). Exposure of honey bees to high inoculum densities of B. bassi-
ana resulted in very low mortality that was not different from the control suggesting
that B. bassiana can be applied for pest control in fields where honey bees are used
for pollination (Al mazrawi 2007).
Earlier report on non-infectivity of HaNPV to Bombyx mori was confirmed by
Sanjay et al. (1991), where they found that B. mori fed on HaNPV-infected leaves
did not affect larval weight, larval duration, cocooning percentage, weight of
cocoons and percentage adult emergence of silkworm, thus reported to be non-­
infective. Neem extract did not affect the parasitization of Trichogramma pretiosum
and T. principium (Klemm and Schmutterer 1993) as same as oils from neem, citro-
nella and lemon grass were not repellent to Coccinella undecimpunctata (Matter
et  al. 1993) and hence can be used as biorationals in combination with bacterial
insect pathogens.

11.13 Rationale and Future Prospects

Microbial contrivances shows selective sweep in insect pest population without any
negative impact on environment and crop production. Need for laboratory and field
evaluation on the active microbes is felt necessary for product development to vali-
date their ecological impact precisely other than target pest control. This review
highlights the bright scope for bacterial entomopathogens both in action potential
and low-cost production over the entomopathogenic fungus, virus and nematodes.
Moreover, the secondary metabolite produced by the entomopathogens should be
given importance rather than protein toxins for future product development as the
248 S.P. Shanthakumar

bacterial system is good source for production of life-sustaining concentrations of

target-specific metabolites. Composite cultures and use of safer insecticidal biora-
tionals like neem and other plant-based products are highly recommended as organic
pest control strategy.

Acknowledgements  I thank Dr. Vasantharaj David for helpful comments on an earlier finding.
The author is also indebted to Prof. M. S. Swaminathan for the facilities provided to work on bio-
logical control.

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Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards
the Sustainable Vegetable Production 12
Kumari Shubha, Anirban Mukherjee, Meenu Kumari,
Kalpana Tiwari, and Vijay Singh Meena

In the context of changing climatic scenario, depletion of natural resources and
increasing hunger and malnutrition, it is necessary to ensure sustainable agricul-
tural production and resource utilization. Bio-stimulants are a viable alternative
in this condition. Bio-stimulant consists of various substances and microorgan-
isms which have found to be effective in enhancing plant growth enhance
nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and crop quality traits. Vegetables are
a rich and relatively cheaper source of vitamins. Consumption of vegetable
provides palatability and taste, increases appetite, supplies fibre for digestion and
helps in preventing malnutrition. To enhance the sustainability of vegetable
production, bio-stimulants can be effectively used. In this chapter, status of
vegetable production worldwide and in India, categories of plant bio-stimulants
and its importance in vegetable production enhancement and factors contributing
towards the expansion of the bio-stimulants market in the world have been
discussed. The impact of PGPR carrying plentiful multifunctional plant growth-
promoting activities on vegetable crops is discussed. Furthermore, this chapter

K. Shubha (*)
ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, Delhi 110012, India
e-mail: shubha.veg@gmail.com
A. Mukherjee
ICAR-Vivekanad Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora 263601, Uttarakhand, India
ICAR-Indian agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India
M. Kumari
ICAR-IIHR, Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751001, India
K. Tiwari
ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulse Research, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208024, India
V.S. Meena
ICAR-Vivekanad Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora 263601, Uttarakhand, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 259

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_12
260 K. Shubha et al.

has summarized recent advancement in bio-stimulant commercial products and

vegetable disease interaction and has drawn lines of future research that can aid
to improve the effectiveness of the use of bio-stimulants in sustainable quality
vegetable production.

Microorganism • Horticultural crops • Biofertilizers • Nutrients • Food security

12.1 Introduction

The decline of natural resources and environmental misbalance inflicted by current

agricultural practices has posed a severe challenge to the sustainability of food and
nutritional drift. Global population has been constantly rising (1.13% per annum),
resulting in the steady demand for food. The adverse impact of ecological threats as
a result of the nonjudicial use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the sustain-
able management of soil fertility have become a major concern nowadays (Wezel
et al. 2014). Undesirable changes in soil biological and chemical properties have not
only questioned the sustainable food production but alarming malnutrition too.
Apart from this, the changing climatic scenario has added huge unforeseen costs in
cultivation practices. Today growing food is much costlier economically and envi-
ronmentally than the last decades. To combat with such situations, cost-effective
and environmentally friendly agricultural practices are essential. In such context,
bio-stimulants are a viable alternative (Meena et  al. 2013a; Bahadur et  al. 2014;
Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016b).
Bio-stimulant is an organic material neither a plant nutrient nor a pesticide but
has a positive impact on plant health when applied in small quantities. The level of
response from bio-stimulants cannot be attributed to the application of traditional
plant nutrients (Gallant 2004). Bio-stimulant consists of various substances and
microorganisms (microbial inoculants, fulvic acid humic acid, seaweed extracts,
trace minerals, protein hydrolysates, amino acids), which have found to be effective
in enhancing plant growth (du Jardin 2012; Calvo et al. 2014).

12.2 Importance of Vegetable in Food Basket

Vegetables are a rich and relatively cheaper source of vitamins. The consumption of
vegetable provides palatability and taste, increases appetite, supplies fibre for diges-
tion and helps in preventing constipation. It plays a key role in neutralizing the acids
produced during digestion of pretentious and fatty foods and also provides valuable
roughages which help in the movement of food in the intestine.
Some of the vegetables are good sources of carbohydrates (leguminous vegetables,
potato, sweet potato, garlic, onion and fenugreek), proteins (peas, leafy vegetables,
beans and garlic), vitamin A (carrot, drumstick, tomato, leafy vegetables), vitamin
12  Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable Vegetable Production 261

B (garlic, peas and tomato), vitamin C (drumstick leaves, green chillies, leafy
vegetables, cole crops and leaves of radish) and minerals (leafy vegetables,
drumstick pods). As per nutritionist, the daily requirement of vegetables is 75–125 g
of green leafy vegetables, 85 g of other vegetables and 85 g of roots and tubers with
other food.
All these vegetables are important dietary sources of micronutrients. The World
Health Organization (WHO) approximates that less fruit and vegetable intake
contributes to ~16 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). The DALYs is a
measure of overall disease burden expressed as the potential life lost through prema-
ture mortality and the years of productive life lost through ill-health and disability.
The approximately 1.7 million losses of life worldwide are attributable to low fruit
and vegetable consumption (FAO STAT 2014). In this regard, WHO recommended
the dietary allowance of 400 g of fruit and vegetables per day – excluding starchy
root crops for the prevention of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity, heart
disease and cancer and for the prevention and relief from several micronutrient
deficiencies, especially in developing countries (WHO 2003). There is a huge gap
in the recommended dietary allowances and actual intakes in fruits and vegetables
worldwide due to lack of availability and accessibility for the poor masses. A low
production trend has been observed worldwide.

12.3 Status of Vegetable Production

The annual growth rate of vegetable in the world has been declined from 6.7% in the
decade 1990–2000 to 3.4% in 2000–2011. The trend is applicable to nearly about all
countries in Asia and Pacific region except Iran (Table 12.1). Due to the increased
resource use efficiency, Iran has maintained increasing return.
India is the second largest producer of vegetables in the world (next to China)
and produces ~15% of the world’s vegetable biomass. It produces over ~90 Mt veg-
etables in ~6.2 M ha which are ~3% of the total area under cultivation in the country.
In India, more than 40 types of vegetables belonging to different groups are com-
mercially cultivated. These include solanaceous, cucurbitaceous, Allium groups,

Table 12.1  Vegetable producers and their productivity in major countries in Asia and Pacific
Area Production
(‘000 ha) Growth percent (‘000 tonnes) Growth percent Growth percent
Countries 2011 (2000–2011) 2011 (1990–2000) (2000–2011)
China 24,213 2.9 562,596 10.7 4.2
India 7571 3.0 105,795 4.0 3.5
Asia 40,228 2.6 802,500 8.4 4.0
Iran 885 4.3 23,764 1.2 6.7
Africaa 5388 2.1 36,846 4.7 3.4
World 56,734 2.1 1,090,425 6.7 3.4
Regional Office for Africa; (Source: FAO STAT 2014)
262 K. Shubha et al.

leguminous, cruciferous, root crops and leafy vegetables. Among these the five
crops, viz. potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), onion
(Allium cepa), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica
oleracea var. botrytis), account for ~60% of the total vegetable production in the
country. Vegetables including root and tuber crops occupy an important place in the
diversification of agriculture and have played a pivotal role in food and nutritional
security of the ever-growing population of our country (Maity et al. 2013). Still, the
sector is surrounded by some issues that hinder the sustainable development of the
vegetable sector of India. The major issues are described below.

12.3.1 Use of Quality Inputs

The vegetable sector suffers from a lack of availability of good quality seeds, planting
material (Shubha and Shridhar 2016; Shubha et al. 2016), fertilizer and plant protec-
tants. Availability of critical inputs is very much essential for achieving a good har-
vest. Bio-stimulants can complement the fertilizers and plant protection material.

12.3.2 Ecological Issues

Indiscriminate use of fertilizers and agrochemicals in vegetable crops has chal-

lenged the environment and ecological balance. To restore the ecological balance,
bio-stimulants can help in promoting conservation agriculture.

12.3.3 Quality Control

Although India produces ~15% of vegetables but hardly 1% of the produce is

exported. The main constraint is the quality of vegetables. The quality requirements
for export differ from those for domestic needs. Nevertheless, uniformity in size and
colour is a universally accepted attribute; there are quite a lot of other specific qual-
ity requirements for the world market. The export consignments are rejected at the
destinations for not meeting the recommended international standards due to pesti-
cide residues and contamination with fungicides and other agrochemicals. Different
markets require different qualities. For example, in onion Japan and European mar-
kets demand yellow or brown varieties, while Southeast Asian and West Asian
countries require light to dark red varieties. The season of demands also differs in
several countries as per climate and consumers’ preferences.

12.3.4 Post-harvest Management

Vegetables are highly perishable in nature, ~25–40% of the produce get wasted due
to lack of sufficient post-harvest handling measures, which cuts down the export
quantities and increases competitiveness.
12  Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable Vegetable Production 263

This issue can effectively be resolved by using the bio-stimulants as it can

supplement the inputs like fertilizer and agricultural chemicals and is safe to the
environment. It enhances the quality and quantity of produce which helps to fetch
better market.

12.4 B
 io-stimulant and Its Importance in Vegetable
Production Enhancement

Bio-stimulants are mixtures of one or more things such as microorganisms, trace ele-
ments, enzymes, plant hormones and seaweed extracts rather than chemical fertiliz-
ers, which meant to correct severe nutrient deficiency. It has shown to influence several
metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, ion uptake and nucleic acid
synthesis. Bio-stimulants enhance nutrient availability, increase antioxidants, enhance
metabolism water-holding capacity and increase chlorophyll production. Besides
many advantages, the use of bio-stimulants in agricultural practices is proposed as a
safe tool to enhance the nutritional properties of food crops (Ahmad et  al. 2016;
Meena et al. 2016a; Parewa et al. 2014; Prakash and Verma 2016; Kumar et al. 2016a).
Agricultural bio-stimulants comprise diverse formulations of substances, com-
pounds and microorganisms that are applied to plants or soils to improve crop
vigour, quality, yield and tolerance to abiotic stresses. It promotes plant growth and
development throughout the crop life cycle from germination to maturity in a num-
ber of established ways. Better germination and root development, greater vigour
and stress resistance, more efficient energy and nutrient uptake and transport are
possible through the use of bio-stimulants (Fig. 12.1). By improving the efficiency
of the plant’s metabolism to induce yield increases and enhance crop quality, it
helps in increasing plant tolerance to abiotic stresses and recovering from stresses;
facilitates nutrient assimilation, translocation and use; enhances quality attributes of
produce, viz. sugar content, colour and fruit seeding; and enhances soil fertility,
mainly by fostering the growth of complementary soil microorganisms (Meena
et  al. 2015a, f, 2016b; Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et  al. 2017;
Raghavendra et  al. 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et  al. 2016; Dotaniya et  al. 2016;
Jaiswal et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016).
The bio-stimulants are established as ecofriendly compounds having beneficial
effects on plants (Schiavon et al. 2008). In particular, they decrease the use of chem-
ical fertilizers by escalating the amount of macro- and micronutrients taken up by
plants, positively influencing root morphology and plant growth (Nardi et al. 2009;
Ertani et al. 2013). They exhibit hormone-like activity and influence plant metabo-
lism through interacting with the biochemical processes. The manipulation of
physiological mechanisms, such as nitrogen assimilation and glycolysis are induced
to enhance plant quality parameters (Ertani et al. 2009). The mechanisms behind the
biochemical and physiological effects of bio-stimulants on vegetable are often
unidentified. It is because of the heterogeneity of the raw materials constituents
used for vegetable production (Zahedi 2016; Meena et  al. 2015b, 2016c; Rawat
et al. 2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Saha et al. 2016a; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Bahadur
et al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan 2016).
264 K. Shubha et al.

Fig. 12.1  Benefits of bio-stimulant in vegetable production

These effects are influenced by many components that may act synergistically in
different ways. Current studies suggest that the active molecules in bio-stimulants
can promote assimilation of nitrogen through stimulation of the activity and
transcription of nitrogen assimilation and Krebs’ cycle enzymes (Schiavon et  al.
2008). The induction of the metabolic pathway linked with the synthesis of phenyl-
propanoids in plants treated with bio-stimulants may explain the reason behind the
plants to overcome stress situations (Ertani et al. 2013).
Pepper is an important agricultural crop known for the nutritional value. It is an
excellent source of a wide range of phytochemicals with renowned antioxidant
properties. The major antioxidant compounds include capsaicinoids, carotenoids
and phenolic compounds, particularly quercetin, flavonoids and luteolin (Howard
et  al. 2000). In recent studies, the application of certain bio-stimulant to pepper
plants was found to exert affirmative effects on plant growth and yield devoid of
fruit quality degradation (Azcona et al. 2011; Meena et al. 2014a, 2016d; Saha et al.
2016b; Verma et al. 2014, 2015bVerma et al. 2014; Meena et al. 2014a).
Bio-stimulants improve nutrient availability at root rhizosphere, enhance water-
holding capacity, increase antioxidant activities and proliferate metabolism and
chlorophyll production (EBIC 2013). It distinguish themselves from traditional
crop inputs in three ways: (1) operate through different mechanisms than fertilizers,
no matter the presence of nutrients in the products, (2) act only on the plant’s vigour
and do not have any direct actions against pests or disease and (3) play a comple-
mentary role in cropping nutrition and crop protection (EBIC 2013).
Bio-stimulants have a significant impact on crop yield, thereby helping nations
cater to the surging demand for food. Keeping this in mind, the global population
explosion is one of the foremost factors driving the bio-stimulants market. The
12  Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable Vegetable Production 265

Fig. 12.2 Global
bio-stimulant market share 4%




Europe South America North america Asia Pacific Others

Fig. 12.3 Bio-stimulants
active ingredient sources




Sea weeds Microbes, Chitin, plant extracts Humic and Fulvic acid

bio-stimulants can increase crop yield by 5–10% while increasing the fertilizer use
efficiency by at least 5–25% and reducing the cost of pesticides ~10–15% (EBIC
2013). The global market of bio-stimulant was mainly concentrated in
Europe  (Fig.  12.2), although is projected to be spread across the world and will
reach from $1.69 billion in 2016 to $2.24 billion by 2018 (Calvo et al. 2014) and
$3.08 billion by 2022 at 10.50% CAGR (Anonymous 2016).

12.5 Categories of Plant Bio-stimulants

The bio-stimulant includes a diverse group of products, technologies that have dif-
ferent modes of action and are derived from naturally occurring microorganisms,
plant extracts or other organic matter. Worldwide the bio-stimulants’ active ingredi-
ent sources are majorly classified in three as humic acid and fulvic acid (~51%),
seaweed extracts (~37%) and microbes, and chitin and plant extract (~12%)
(Figs. 12.3). The details are presented below.
266 K. Shubha et al.

12.5.1 Humus and Humic Acids

Humic substances are natural elements of the soil organic matter, consequential to
the decompositions of the animal, plant and microbial residues as a result of the
metabolic activity of soil microbes by means of these substrates. The best sources
of humic acids are found in layers of leonardite. It is an organic matter alike the soft
brown coal but differs by its degree of oxidation. Both the humic acid and fulvic
acid have been shown to possess an affirmative impact on plant growth through
providing an effective growing environment for plants by increasing surface water
infiltration, penetration and soil water-holding capacity. They also enhance the
availability of phosphorus potassium and some essential micronutrients (Gallant
2004). Humic acids play an important role in physiological and morphological
effects on plants (Eyheraguibel et al. 2008) The humic acids retain nutrient ions and
thus prevent them from leaching. They also act as a buffer for plants from too high
concentrations of fertilizer salts. Other than these the humic acids have been shown
to boost germination rates and promote greater fibrous root growth (EBIC 2013).
The bio-stimulants act in synergy with plant nutrients. The application of humic
acid and nitrogen in combination has promoted better root growth than with only
nitrogen. They also enhance chlorophyll content of plant leaves and improve stand
uniformity by influencing metabolism (Sharma et  al. 2016; Verma et  al. 2015a;
Meena et al. 2013b, 2015e; Teotia et al. 2016).

12.5.2 Fulvic Acids

The fulvic acids are a kind of humic substances recognized to be powerful organic
electrolytes which help to dissolve soil minerals and metals (Huang and Deller
1970). Fulvic acids transform minerals to readily available form for easy absorption
by plants (Jackson 1993). They act more in the plant than in the soil and enhance
vitamins, coenzyme, auxin, nutrient and metabolism, which help significantly to
plant health. Furthermore, the fulvic acids help plants to resist wilting indirectly by
raising the amount of carbohydrates which results in soluble sugars accumulation in
the cell. To deal with drought stress, they increase the osmotic pressure on the cell
walls. Finally, fulvic acids help to enhance the nutrient uptake by increasing the
permeability of the cell membrane.

12.5.3 Cytokinins

Cytokinins promote cell division in plants. They have been reported to promote cell
expansion, enlarge leaf surface area that results in more chlorophyll production and
amplify photosynthesis. A low concentration of cytokinins has been used as a seed
treatment to promote lateral root development in young seedlings (Laplaze et al. 2007;
Werner et al. 2010). They also have the ability to promote nutrient translocation within
plants which is responsible for increased plant metabolism (Chang et al. 2013).
12  Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable Vegetable Production 267

12.5.4 Protein Hydrolysates and Other N-Containing Compounds

Protein hydrolases are actually amino acids and peptide mixtures which are obtained
by enzymatic and chemical protein hydrolysis produced from agro-industry as by-
products, from both animal (e.g. epithelial tissues, collagen) and plant sources (crop
residues) (Calvo et  al. 2014; Halpern et  al. 2015).  In biostimulants some other
nitrogenous molecules like polyamines, betaines and ‘nonprotein amino acids’ are
there (Vranova et al. 2011). Protein hydrolysates are established for having a role in
increasing microbial biomass and activity, soil respiration and thus overall soil fer-
tility. Significant improvements in yield and quality traits have been reported in
agricultural and horticultural crops (Calvo et al. 2014). A number of commercial
products prepared from protein hydrolysates of animal and plant origins are avail-
able in the European market (Table 12.2).

Table 12.2  Examples of commercialized bio-stimulants and their use in vegetable disease
Products Product origin Manufacturer Crop Disease targets
Vacciplant® Laminarian extract Laboratoire Tomato Bacterial spot, bacterial
from brown algae, Goemar, speck, grey mould,
Laminaria digitata France powdery mildew,
Phytophthora blight,
early blight, Anthracnose
Egg plant Powdery mildew,
Phytophthora blight
Cucurbits Powdery mildew,
 Zucchini Phytophthora blight
Leafy vegetable Downy mildew
 Lettuce Grey mould
Cabbage Downy mildew
Grey mould
Elexa® 4PDB Chitosan-based Plant Defence Cucumber, Downy mildew
natural product Boosters Inc., melon, Powdery mildew
USA pumpkin,
Peas Powdery mildew
Milsana® Alcoholic extract KHH Greenhouse as Powdery mildew
from dried plant part Bioscience, well as open
of a weed giant USA; BIOFA field cucumber
knotweed (Reynoutria AG, Germany
Tomato and Powdery mildew
ChitoPlant ® Chitosan-based ChiPro GmbH, Tomato Powdery mildew Scab
natural product Germany Potato
Cucurbits Downy mildew
268 K. Shubha et al.

12.5.5 Beneficial Bacteria

The bio-stimulants, in agriculture point of view, can be considered of two types

within the taxonomic, functional and ecological diversity: first mutualistic endo-
symbionts like Rhizobium and second mutualistic, rhizospheric-like ‘plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria’ (PGPR). Rhizobium and related taxa are commercialized
as biofertilizers. The PGPRs are multifunctional and influence all aspects of plant
life: morphogenesis and development, nutrition and growth, interactions with other
organisms in the agroecosystems, response to biotic and abiotic stress, etc.
(Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012; Gaiero et al. 2013; Vacheron et al. 2013; Shrivastava
et  al. 2016; Velazquez et  al. 2016; Meena et  al. 2015c). Plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR) are now increasingly applied in vegetable crops (Table 12.3).
PGPR inoculants are nowadays regarded as some type of plant ‘probiotics’, i.e.
efficient contributors to plant nutrition and immunity (Berendsen et al. 2012). Plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is such group of microorganisms that act as
a bio-stimulant in a wide range of soil and plant interactions including improvement

Table 12.3  Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) application in vegetable crops

PGPR spp./strain Crop Effect on plant growth References
Rhizobium und Nicola; Broccoli, Increased yield, Yildrim et al.
Rhizobium spp. carrot, lettuce enhanced macro and (2011), Bhagat et al.
Mesorhizobium, micronutrient uptake, (2014), and Ghosh
R.leguminosarum, et al. (2015),
Sinorhizobium meliloti
Azotobacter chroococcum, Cucumber, Increased germination, Fasciglione et al.
Azotobacter spp. A. lettuce increased length and (2012) and
vinelandii Azospirillum weight of roots, Mangmang et al.
lipoferum, A. brasilense, improved vigour index (2015),
of germinating seeds
Pseudomonas P. aeruginosa, Broccoli, Enhanced nutrient Kohler et al. (2009),
fluorescens, P. putida, cucumber, uptake, increased plant Dursun et al. (2010),
Pseudomonas sp. lettuce, growth, increased dry and Tanwar et al.
matter and mineral (2014)
content of fruits,
increased yield in
terms of number of
fruits and weight
Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Cucumber, Increased plant height, Egamberdieva et al.
Stenotrophomonas potato dry weight, fruit yield, (2011) and Dawwam
maltophilia, Achromobacter tuber dry matter et al. (2013)
sp., A. xylosoxidans
Bacillus subtilis, Cucumber, Induced systemic Wang et al. (2012),
B. Megaterium, B. cereus, B. pepper tolerance to drought Kokalis-Burelle
amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus stress, increased root et al. (2002), and
sp., vigour, increased fresh Lim and Kim (2013)
root and shoot weight
and their length
12  Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable Vegetable Production 269

in the availability of nutrients, production of volatile organic compounds, hormone

release or hormonal changes within plants, enhancement of tolerance to abiotic
stresses and much more. Beside these low cost, easy access and simple mode of
application have attracted the agrarian stakeholders (Sindhu et al. 2016; Meena et al.
2014b, 2015d, 2016e; Singh et al. 2016; Masood and Bano 2016).

12.6 Strategies for Bio-stimulants Adoption

The farmers of developing countries will not adopt bio-stimulant and biocontrol
management practices until and unless the successes are guaranteed. The small-
scale farmers in developing countries do not always welcome the suggestion of
using alternative methods with much enthusiasm (Bashan et al. 2014). Among the
bio-based products, majority of the farmers are using bio-stimulants and biopesti-
cides. In North America, it represents ~40% of the biocontrol market as compared
with ~25% in Europe, ~20% in Asia, ~ 10% in South America and ~5% in the rest
of the world (Cox and Wong 2013).
The main reason for farmer’s laggardness about these alternative methods of
agro-ecological management is the variable efficacy in the field as compared with
conventional chemical inputs (Arora et al. 2011; Walters et al. 2013). These prod-
ucts have shown variable field performances as compared with the laboratory or in
greenhouse condition. Such inconsistency in practical conditions made this technol-
ogy not fully reliable does the farming community (Gozzo and Faoro 2013).
Naturally, the bio-stimulants depend on the concentration and interaction with
the environmental condition. As, for example, the PGPR, bacteria concentrations in
commercialized products may fall below the desired threshold level (108–1011 cells/
mL). The concentration varies under a long term or in any inadequate storage condi-
tions. Similarly, the performance of bio-stimulants greatly depends on the field
environmental condition (temperature, relative humidity, the intensity of sunlight,
concentration of UV radiation, disease pressure), crop systems (nutritional require-
ments, plant genotype, physiology) and the formulation (Walter et al. 2014).
The farmers’ adoption decision depends mainly on the label of change that they
want from the current agricultural practices and the potential of a new technology.
The level of change can be manipulated by creating a need for development through
effective utilization of extension strategies. The benefits of the technology have to
be clearly demonstrated to educational programmes, awareness campaigns obvi-
ously backed by pragmatic field results. Development of detailed package of prac-
tices about the agronomic parameters crop management techniques, the time and
frequency of dosage application procedures and other important practices (Singh
et al. 2015; Meena et al. 2013c; Bahadur et al. 2016a).
In developing countries like India, certain other things have to be considered for
successful transfer of technology. The first is the availability of the product in the
right time at the right place. It has been reported that the basic input like the seed,
fertilizer is still partially available to the farmers. In such a condition the products
like bio-stimulants have to be readily available in  local markets during the pick
270 K. Shubha et al.

application period. Agricultural Extension strategies required here to demonstrate

the beneficial elements of the technology and convince the farmers about the better
return on investment by means of better resource use efficiency and good environ-
mental benefits.

12.6.1 Factors Contributing Towards the Expansion of the Bio-

stimulants Market in the World

• Rising global population and food demand

• The need for sustainable increase in the crop yield
• To minimize the abiotic stress in plants
• The growing concerns about sustainable agriculture
• Eco-friendly properties of bio-stimulants over pesticides and fertilizers
• The increase in government grants and funding to encourage the use of bio-
stimulant products
• Proven performance and acceptance from NGOs, governmental bodies and
• The rising awareness regarding the use and benefits of bio-stimulants
• The growing popularity of natural and organic ingredient-based agriculture
• Effort on the part of the market players to develop cost-effective products
• Demand from farmers and consumers for environmentally safe and organic
products that provide alternatives to synthetic inputs

There are two indispensable factors for effective adoption of any particular tech-
nology knowledge about technology and compatibility of the technology with local
condition. This is true for bio-stimulants too. The knowledge factor can be taken
care of through research in applications of bio-stimulants in vegetable crops, types
of vegetable crops may be covered with the level of concentration, etc. Agronomic
field research in vegetable crop particular to Indian condition is very less which
needs to be promoted.
The compatibility of a technology depends on several other factors such as the
cost of the product, ease of application and efficiency. For that purpose, detailed
studies are required for (1) long-term survival and good shelf-life of bio-stimulant,
specificity in applications in a wide range of agroecological conditions in the veg-
etable crop, (2) cost reduction mechanisms, (3) suitable conditions dosage, concen-
tration and (4) farm machinery applications of bio-stimulants.
Presently, India does not have much production units of bio-stimulants. It majorly
depends on imports. In 2016, India has imported 492 tonnes of bio-stimulants worth
$ 15.78 Million. The United States is the largest supplier of bio-stimulants account-
ing for imports worth $ 9.75 Million followed by Mexico and Israel which exported
bio-stimulants worth $ 2.93 Million and $ 1.37 Million, respectively (Zauba.com
2016). Although very less amount is used for plant growth promotion. Efforts are
required to production, promotion and adoption of bio-stimulants. In such a condi-
tion, public-private partnership and convergence approach are required (Mukherjee
et al. 2012a; Mukherjee and Maity 2015).
12  Bio-stimulants: An Approach Towards the Sustainable Vegetable Production 271

A strong extension strategy is required which shall be focused on the promotion

of bio-stimulants and its use in vegetable production. Development of strong hub
and spoke model like some private extension system (Mukherjee et  al. 2011) is
required for effective delivery of bio-stimulants products at farmers’ doorsteps.
Targeting large farmers can be another option. Large farmers and the progressive
have greater risk-absorbing capacity in case of inadvertent loss. Study depicts that
marketing orientation, education, economic motivation, social participation, family
size and extension agency contact are such factors that can influence farmers pro-
gressiveness (Mukherjee et al. 2012b). Large-scale and progressive farmers can be
motivated towards the adoption of bio-stimulants which further be upscaled as per
the theories of diffusion. Farmers are facing severe losses due to unseasonal rains,
the risk of droughts and natural calamities (Mukherjee 2015) which can be addressed
to some extent by the use of bio-stimulant technology.

12.7 Conclusions

In order to enhance the sustainable food production, food and nutritional security
with a significant reduction of synthetic fertilizers, agrochemical use and environ-
mental pollution and natural resource productivity enhancement through the use of
bio-stimulants in the vegetable are essential. It promotes plant growth and develop-
ment throughout the crop life cycle from germination to maturity in a number of
established ways. Better germination and root development, greater vigour and
stress resistance, more efficient energy and nutrient uptake and transport are possi-
ble through the use of bio-stimulants. India is a larger import of plant bio-stimulants.
For better adoption of bio-stimulants, research and extension are both required.
Especially the knowledge and awareness about the bio-stimulant technology and
compatibility of the commercial product which Indian farmers’ condition are

Acknowledgements  We would like to thank the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for
providing support and facilities and reviewers and editors of the book for their valuable

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Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments
and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable 13
Rice and Maize Production

Manoj Kaushal and Suhas P. Wani

Exploiting the agroecosystem services of soil microbes appears as a promising
effective approach to alleviate the negative impacts on soil systems and crop
production. Lack of soil organic matter (SOM) is a prevalent feature of degraded
soils. Different biological soil amendments, such as organic manure, compost,
vermicompost, indigenous microbes, and crop residues, are widely used in rec-
lamation of degraded soils. The biological soil amendments also furnish a valu-
able source of fertilizer for growing rice and maize and also boost physicochemical
and biological parameters of soil such as water holding capacity, moisture con-
tent, electrical conductivity, organic carbon content, and population of beneficial
microbes which directly correlates to soil health and fertility. However, effi-
ciency of amendments applied based on variety of factors including the composi-
tion and characteristics, soil microflora, and environmental conditions can
accelerate initial reclamation and lead to self-sustaining primary productivity of
crops. On the other hand, high cost of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and other
agricultural inputs and their harmful environmental legacy have encouraged
researchers to explore the use of microbial-mediated amendments to play a cen-
tral role in raising productivity and inhibition/suppression of pathogenic popula-
tion below levels at which they cause economic and other effects to the crops as
well as the environment. Biological control can be achieved through one or more
mechanisms, viz., antibiosis, competition for nutrients and/space, induced resis-
tance, plant growth promotion, and rhizosphere colonization ability. Potent bio-
control agents such as Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Tricoderma sp. prove
to be very promising in controlling soilborne diseases of rice and maize crops
employing both antibiosis and induction of host resistance. Determination of the

M. Kaushal (*) • S.P. Wani

Research Program-Asia, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics,
Patancheru 502324, India
e-mail: kaushal.mbg@gmail.com

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 279

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_13
280 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

modes of action of biocontrol agents is obligatory to provide higher level of pro-

tection to crop under a particular environmental condition that exists in divergent
agroecosystems. This chapter reviews an insight of mechanisms of biological
soil amendments and biocontrol agents and their emphasis on soil amelioration
with the goal of a sustainable agricultural system.

Biological soil amendments • Biocontrol mechanisms • Intermediate metabolites
• Induced systemic resistance • Rhizobacteria • Sustainable agriculture

13.1 Introduction

Rice (Oryza sativa L.), a widely grown crop in tropical and subtropical regions, is
the most important staple foods for ~50% of the world’s human population and
requires ~10 Mt. of N fertilizers every year (Zhang et al. 2014). N source supplied
to crop is usually by commercially available N fertilizers such as urea, which results
in a substantial amount of loss through different mechanisms and thus becomes one
of the predominant factors for environmental hazards and deterioration of soil fertil-
ity as well (Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al.
2015; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016b; Ahmad et al. 2016).
The sustainable maize production systems also face major challenges of appro-
priate management of N fertilizers to maximize economic return while minimizing
environmental pollution. Maize, grown in rotation with legume crops (alfalfa or
soybeans), often yields more, so organic N in crop residues derived from biological
N2 fixation by legume crops has been an effective alternative to meet this challenge
(Raaijmakers and Lugtenberg 2013). Increase maize yield from ~5 to 20% attrib-
uted to the beneficial effect of crop rotation including improved soil physical prop-
erties (Barea 2015), a better balance of plant nutritional factors, increased root
activity, a shift in soil mycorrhizal populations, lessen disease severity (Reid et al.
2001), and magnified seasonal N mineralization (Browne et al. 2013). A large effort
has been devoted to the studies of legume effects on subsequent cereal crops grown
in rotation systems (Barea et al. 2013a; Lugtenberg 2015). The use of biological soil
amendments such as manure and compost improves soil fertility and soil quality as
well as enhances the population of beneficial microbes in rice and maize fields.
Biological soil amendments of animal origin such as manure and compost that
include animal waste and human waste serve as a potential vector for soil- and root-­
borne pathogens and also critical in sustainable farming systems and certified
organic production. Addition of dairy farm manure provides partial or complete N
and other nutrient elements, as well as increases soil N release through seasonal N
mineralization and availability to the plant (Zolla et al. 2013). However, nutrient (N)
availability from manure varied greatly due to source of manure, method of storage
(Eghball 2000), and time and method of application. Manure application usually
increases crop yield due to plant nutrient availability (Ma et al. 1999b) and improved
13  Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable… 281

Table 13.1  List of major rice diseases and their causal organisms
Disease Causal organism Biocontrol agents
Bacterial blight and leaf Xanthomonas oryzae Streptomyces sp.
Blast Pyricularia grisea P. fluorescens
Brown spot Bipolaris oryzae P. aeruginosa
Crown sheath rot Gaeumannomyces graminis P. fluorescens
False smut Ustilaginoidea virens Pseudomonas sp.
Foot rot Erwinia chrysanthemi Azotobacter sp.
Grain rot Burkholderia glumae Bacillus sp.
Leaf scald Rhynchosporium oryzae Pseudomonas sp.
Leaf smut Entyloma oryzae Pseudomonas sp.
Pecky rice (kernel spotting) Curvularia sp.; Fusarium sp. Pseudomonas sp.
Root rots Pythium spinosum P. fluorescens
Seedling blight Sclerotium rolfsii B. glumae
Sheath blight Rhizoctonia solani P. fluorescens
Sheath brown rot Pseudomonas fuscovaginae B. amyloliquefaciens
Sheath rot Sarocladium oryzae P. aeruginosa
Sheath spot Rhizoctonia oryzae Pseudomonas sp.
Stem rot Sclerotium oryzae P. fluorescens
Seed-rot and seedling disease Fusarium sp.; Pythium sp. Pseudomonas spp.

soil structure (Spence and Bais 2013). The N fertilizer application can be reduced
by the use of biological N2 fixation technology which further minimizes environ-
mental risks (Raimam et al. 2007).
N-fixing bacteria may be free-living or symbiotically associated to rice plants
mostly species of Alcaligenes, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Enterobacter, Herbaspirillum,
Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, and Rhizobium (Hirsch et al. 2013b). The most serious
constraint on high productivity of rice (Table 13.1) and maize (Table 13.2) crop is
the diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, or nematodes (Manandhar et  al.
1998) causing annual yield losses in very high amount. Beyond good agronomic
practices (resistant cultivars and application of pesticides), a wide variety of
approaches may be used to prevent, mitigate, or control rice diseases such as heavily
use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
However, many resistant cultivars have very short life span due to the breakdown
of the resistance in high pathogenic variability of the pathogens. Also, the environ-
mental pollution caused by excessive use of agrochemicals as well as strict regula-
tions on chemical pesticide has led to considerable changes in attitudes of people’s
toward the use of more pesticides in rice and maize crops. Among the alternatives,
a variety of biological controls are available for use in rice as well as maize crops,
but their effective adoptions will require a greater understanding of the complex
interactions among plants, soil, and microbes (Meena et  al. 2016a; Parewa et  al.
2014; Prakash and Verma 2016; Jaiswal et  al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016;
Kumar et  al. 2016a). This article presents an advanced survey of biological soil
282 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

Table 13.2  List of major maize diseases and their causal organisms
Disease Causal organism Biocontrol agent
Anthracnose leaf blight Colletotrichum graminicola Torulaspora globosa
Aspergillus ear Aspergillus flavus Streptomyces sp.
Bacterial leaf spot Xanthomonas campestris B. subtilis
Bacterial stalk and top rot Erwinia carotovora B. subtilis
Bacterial stripe Pseudomonas andropogonis Microbacterium maritypicum
Black bundle disease Cephalosporium acremonium Glomus fasciculatum
Charcoal rot Macrophomina phaseolina Trichoderma sp.
Cladosporium rot Cladosporium herbarum Trichoderma sp.
Fusarium ear Fusarium subglutinans T. harzianum
Holcus spot Pseudomonas syringae M. maritypicum
Leaf spots, minor Alternaria alternata Pseudomonas sp.
Penicillium ear rot Penicillium sp. Trichoderma sp.
Seedling blight Gibberella fujikuroi Bacillus sp.
Sheath spot Rhizoctonia solani T. harzianum
Smut Ustilago maydis T. viride
Stalk rot Physoderma maydis T. machilonis
Stewart’s disease Erwinia stewartii M. maritypicum
Yellow leaf blight Phyllosticta maydis Pantoea ananas

amendments and biocontrol agents applied to the suppression of plant diseases for
sustainable rice and maize production (Zancarini et al. 2013).

13.2 Biological Soil Amendments (BSAs)

Any material of plant or animal origin added to the soil to brush up its physico-
chemical and biological properties in relation to plant growth or ameliorate the
WHC, avoiding contamination of pathogens, is considered as biological soil amend-
ments (BSAs). The BSAs consist of whole or a part of materials of animal/plant
origin, such as manure, blood meal, and fish emulsion and human waste, compost,
or table waste, used alone or in consortium. Moreover, BSAs increase soil microbial
activity, uptake of nutrients, decomposition rate, and crop vigor and yield while
reducing fertilizer need leading to maximize yields (Fig. 13.1). However, there is
still lack of information available with regard to utility of BSAs, organic amend-
ments, growth regulators, and other biological stimulants. BSAs may be treated or
untreated and transform depleted soil into healthy soil (Zolla et  al. 2013; Meena
et  al. 2015a, f, 2016b; Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et  al. 2017;
Dotaniya et al. 2016).
Treated BSAs are substitute in which microbial/bacterial inoculums are added
that have been isolated from highly fertile soils and exhibit optimum abilities to
produce organic nutrients and beneficial enzymes. This can increase availability of
labile organic carbon and more accumulation of soil organic carbon such as azolla-­
algal biofertilizers which increases accumulation of ferric iron oxide in soil and
13  Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable… 283

Biological Soil Amendments

(Compost, Manure, Peat Moss,
Wood Chips etc.)

Nitrogen Sources (Plant Mineralization OM (Carbon Source)


Improved soil physico-chemical properties (pH,


Soil Microbial Flora

(Enzymatic assay e.g. Soil Quality and Microbial Respiration
Chitinase, Cellulase) Stability (CO2 – Evolution)

Crop Health

Fig. 13.1  An overview of biological soil amendments (BSAs) and their role toward the soil

ultimately increases soil redox value and soil porosity in rice cropping system.
Azolla anabaena treatment also diminishes CH4 emission rate during the rice grow-
ing seasons due to the lower C/N ratio (14:1) and maximizes cellulose and lignin
content. Agnihotri et  al. (1999) also reported that rice straw application before
flooding and the biofertilizers after flooding enhanced CH4 efflux from rice fields,
while CH4 fluxes were decreased by composts of cow dung. Composted livestock
manure application in rice field increased rice yield by ~30% and dwindle CH4
emissions 56% per unit of grain yield compared to the non-fertilized control treat-
ment. Availability of major nutrients such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Si, soluble Fe, etc. can
also be increased to rice and maize plants by adding BSAs, organic materials, inor-
ganic fertilizer, and other amendments (Ali et al. 2012), which further stimulated
plant growth and yield (Hu and Wang 1995; Lee et al. 2004).
284 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

Overall BSAs such as straw compost, cattle manure compost, green plant bio-
mass, and azolla anabaena improve soil quality parameters such as porosity, total
nitrogen, MBC, MBN, SOM, CEC, and nutrient availability to plants in paddy and
maize fields alone or as consortium or in combination with other chemical fertiliz-
ers. In addition to nutrients released from the added BSAs, they also accelerate the
rice and maize plant growth, photosynthetic carbon assimilation and root exudation,
and microbial activity and increased the MBC that eventually resulted in organic C
accumulation in soil (Ali et al. 2012). Conclusively, to minimize the use of conven-
tional NPK fertilizers, reducing CH4 emissions and sustaining rice productivity,
BSAs could be introduced in rice and maize cropping systems.

13.2.1 Beneficial Soil Microorganisms

Naturally occurring soil microbes are nature’s most constructive fertilizer producers
and serve as supreme agents of BSAs. Thus, BSAs are adopted for their multiple
benefits to sustained plant growth and overall soil productivity and disease suppres-
sion. They are also effective in different soil conditions and provide unique propen-
sity to fix both atmospheric and chemical nitrogen and thus selected for utmost
adaptability. These rhizospheric bacteria are ruling in this category due to their natu-
ral enzyme production capabilities which transform insoluble form of phosphorus
and potassium to soluble form. Besides they also produce antibiotics and other plant
hormones that stimulate root and shoot growth of rice plants. These microbes are
isolated, screened, and grown in the laboratory under aseptic conditions to provide
a pure microbial culture.
Thereafter, pure microbial culture is combined with other BSAs and applied to
soil so that indigenous bacteria multiply, grow, and get adapted to conditions rap-
idly. BSAs improve the biological health of soil, thereby increasing nutrient uptake
by 150–250% and reducing volatilization (gaseous escape) and leaching run off and
seepage. Increasing BSAs of a soil makes the soil more permeable to absorb addi-
tional water and healthy populations of microbes metabolizing nutrients, making
them available to plants (Duarte et al. 2006).

13.2.2 Humus

Decomposed parts of plant and animal organic matter within the soil that resists
further decomposition are called humus, and the process of formation is called
humification. Humus profoundly improves soil structure and permeability, enhances
water holding capacity of soil, and naturally chelates unavailable micronutrients.
Active humus within the soil is created by both biological and chemical processes
and is composed largely of three organic acids: humic acid, humin, and fulvic acid
(Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Meena et al. 2015b, 2016c; Rawat et al.
2016; Yasin et al. 2016; Das and Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016).
13  Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable… 285

These small organic materials join together to form complex chemical structures
called polymers. Chemically, these are polyphenolic acids, and synthesis of these
polymers results from primary transformative mechanism, i.e., release of enzymes
from different microbes. Humus is considered as “Black Gold” of soil as it darkens
soil color and increases absorption of organic compounds that aid plant nutrition,
buffering capacity of soil, thereby helping to stabilize the soil’s pH and thus plants
for absorbing mineral nutrients as well in cleaning of toxic materials in the soil
(Mercado-Blanco 2015).

13.2.3 Biostimulants

Biostimulants include diverse formulations, microorganisms, plant extracts, and

other bioactive compounds applied to improve crop yields, quality, and tolerance of
biotic and abiotic stresses in a cheaper way. They are used as BSAs (microbial
inoculants, humic and fulvic acids, seaweed extracts, protein hydrolysates, amino
acids) to escalate plant growth. Moreover, these BSAs also increased leaf pigments
(chlorophyll and carotenoids) and stimulate root growth and enhance the antioxi-
dant potential of plants (Nardi et al. 2009; Ertani et al. 2013). Biostimulants influ-
ence biochemical and physiological mechanisms (glycolysis and nitrogen
assimilation) and thus sway plant metabolism (Ertani et  al. 2009; Vaccaro et  al.
2009; Azcona et al. 2011). In maize plant, a protein hydrolyzate-based fertilizer was
proved to overcome salinity stress through stimulation of enzymes, enhancement of
phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity and transcription, and increase of fla-
vonoid synthesis (Ertani et al. 2011; Saha et al. 2016a, b; Yadav and Sidhu 2016;
Meena et al. 2015e, 2016d; Verma et al. 2015b; Teotia et al. 2016; Bahadur et al.

13.2.4 Intermediate Metabolites

This category of BSAs is derived from plant and animal soluble comprising simple
and complex sugars, amino acids, carbohydrates, peptides, lignin, and cellulose.
They help to break soil compaction, improve CEC, and serve as an immediate
source of energy for soil microbes and plants.

13.3 Biological Control and Its Mechanisms

The rhizosphere region of plants is surrounded by diverse types of microbes which

can contribute to biological control due to secretion of a variety of root exudates in
higher amount. Biological control refers to the inhibition/suppression of activities
and populations of one or more plant pathogens through introduced or native micro-
bial species. Microbes that contribute most to disease control are most likely genera
of bacteria (Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Lysobacter, and Streptomyces),
286 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

Plant- Plant-pathogen
rhizobacterial interactions

Jasmonic acid Salicyclic acid

Ethylene Pathogenesis related proteins (PRs)

Enhanced defensive capacity Enhanced defensive capacity


Lytic enzymes/ antibiosis/ Root exudation/siderophore/

reduced virulence hypovirulence

Direct action Indirect action

Pathogen suppressed/ inhibited

Healthy plants with improved


Fig. 13.2  Different mechanisms carried out by BCAs leading to biological control (mainly rice
and maize crops)

fungi (Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Dactylella, and Paecilomyces), and some VAM

fungi (Glomus sp.) considered as biocontrol agents (BCAs). These microbes pro-
vide biological control in a variety of ways (Fig. 13.2), including niche exclusion,
bio-antagonism, and induction of induced systemic resistance (ISR) against infec-
tion by fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens in different plant species (Compant
et al. 2005).
Plant diseases may be suppressed by one or more microbes and codified as gen-
eral and specific suppression. When inoculation of a biocontrol agent results in sub-
stantial levels of disease suppression, it leads to specific suppression. Biocontrol
agents are also responsible for depletion of available soil nutrients making less
available to the pathogens for their proliferation and becomes as causal agents for
plant disease. Selection and desired effects of applying microbial cultures may vary
13  Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable… 287

based on their adaptability to new ecological and environmental conditions, so they

are applied in soils as single inoculation or repeated applications to produce the
anticipated results. Also in rice cropping system, more than 95% of the agricultural
land devoted to crop production worldwide can be classified as having disease-­
inducing soils, which have poor physical properties, and large amounts of energy
are lost as greenhouse gases (Verma et al. 2014, 2015a; Meena et al. 2013b, 2014a,
2016e; Sharma et al. 2016; Shrivastava et al. 2016).
Biological factors have been identified as the most important element disease
suppressive soils (Mazzola 2002). Disease suppressive soils are the soils in which
the pathogen may persist in the soil but causes little or no damage to crops. A promi-
nent example of disease suppressiveness is Pseudomonas fluorescens producing 2,
4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Raaijmakers and Weller 1998); siderophore-mediated
competition for iron has been studied in detail over the last three to four decades
(Weller 2007).
16S rRNA-based techniques have also been used to identify additional bacterial
taxa such as Pseudomonas, Azospirillum, Gluconacetobacter, and Burkholderia
that are involved in take-all decline (Sanguin et  al. 2009; Schreiner et  al. 2010).
Fusarium wilt suppressiveness (Alabouvette 1999), tobacco black root rot disease
suppressiveness (Kyselkova et  al. 2009), and Rhizoctonia solani suppressiveness
(Mendes et al. 2011) are other well-examined examples of disease suppressive soils.
Besides good cultural practices (soil and water management), commercialization of
biocontrol agents governed by several factors such as stability, efficacy, specificity
toward host, and reliability has also a number of constraints. Significant biological
control arises from manipulating different associations/interactions between
microbes and host plants or antagonisms between microbes and pathogens. Plants,
pathogens, and BCAs interact in a variety of ways for successful biological control
in rice and maize cropping system.
Microbial interactions are comprehensive analyses of symbiotic microorganisms
(bacteria, fungi) interacting with plants, viz., competition, mutualism, commensal-
ism, antagonisms, predation, and protocooperation. Mechanism of both beneficial
and antagonistic functions exhibited by symbiotic microbes toward their hosts could
enable the development of microbe-based sustainable agriculture (Velazquez et al.
2016; Meena et al. 2014b, 2015c; Sindhu et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2016; Masood and
Bano 2016).

13.3.1 Antagonism

Interaction involving physical contact of the pathogen with BCAs and other organ-
isms would be required to exert a suppressive effect referred to as direct antago-
nism. Indirect antagonisms do not involve targeting a pathogen by BCAs, for
example, stimulation of plant host defense pathways by nonpathogenic ones.
288 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

13.3.2 Mutualism

Mutualism is an obligatory interaction between two or more species in which both

species are benefitted such as mycorrhizal association between higher plants and
fungi. For example, bacteria in the genus Rhizobium can reproduce in mutualistic
association with legume plants and Glomus and Gigaspora sp. with some horticul-
tural plants. In this type of mutualism, BCAs stimulate host defense and improve
nutrition to plants which can contribute to biological control (de Bruijn 2015).

13.3.3 Commensalism

Some microbes live in a symbiotic interaction with plants, where one gets the ben-
efit and the other is neither harmed nor benefitted creating challenges to soilborne
pathogens. Increasing iron uptake efficiency of the commensal microbes is also an
important factor to colonize plant roots which leads to the displacement of patho-
gens from infected areas/sites.

13.3.4 Protocooperation

Both partners count in association do not depend on each other for survival. Some
microbes isolated and classified as BCAs are involved in protocooperation depend-
ing on environmental conditions leading to disease suppression.

13.3.5 Competition

The rhizosphere region of plant secretes root exudates such as flavonoids, sugars,
carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, etc. for which competition exists between
pathogens and BCAs, thus becoming an important factor for limiting disease inci-
dence and severity. For example, soilborne pathogens (Fusarium and Pythium)
infect through mycelial contact and are more susceptible to competition than other
microbes. These microbes produce secondary metabolites that suppress soilborne
fungal pathogens. Another example of biological control is iron limitation in the
rhizosphere region which depends on soil pH to support the growth of microorgan-
isms, generally iron (ferric form) which is insoluble in water (pH 7.4) needed with
concentrations of 10−6 M. However, highly oxidized and aerated soil contains much
lower concentration (10−18 M) (Barea and Richardson 2015).

13.3.6 Antagonism

Microbes produce lytic enzymes which hydrolyze compounds such as cellulose,

hemicellulose, proteins, and DNA.  Secretion of lytic enzymes resulted in
13  Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable… 289

suppression of plant pathogens directly by lyse cell walls and act to decompose
plant residues. For example, Lysobacter and Myxobacteria are known to produce
lytic enzymes and thus suppress fungal plant pathogens. Serratia marcescens pro-
duce chitinase for the control of Sclerotium rolfsii (Ordentlich et al. 1988), and a
b-1, 3-glucanase significantly contributes to biocontrol activities of Lysobacter
enzymogenes strain C3. Microbes also produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which
effectively blocks the cytochrome oxidase pathway and is highly toxic to all aerobic
microorganisms and thus suppresses plant pathogens. HCN production by fluores-
cent pseudomonads is involved in the suppression of root pathogens. P. fluorescens
CHA0 produces antibiotics, siderophores, and HCN and inhibits the growth of
Thielaviopsis basicola (Olivares et  al. 2013). Enterobacter cloacae suppress
Pythium ultimum-induced damping-off by producing volatile compounds such as

13.3.7 Predation

Predation mediated by microbes (BCAs) is pathogen nonspecific and provides dis-

ease control at different levels under nutrient-limited conditions. For example, chi-
tinase enzymes produced by Trichoderma attack cell walls of fungi (Rhizoctonia
solani) by decreasing the concentration of cellulose. BCAs directly attack the fun-
gal pathogen that kills it or its propagules. Obligate bacteria (Pasteuria penetrans)
are the prominent example to be used as BCA against fungal parasites (Coniothyrium
minitans that attacks sclerotia and Pythium oligandrum that attacks living hyphae)
of plant pathogens. Fungi (Acremonium alternatum, Ampelomyces quisqualis, and
Cladosporium oxysporum) are some of the other examples that attack powdery mil-
dew pathogens (Meena et al. 2013c, 2015d; Singh et al. 2015; Bahadur et al. 2016a).

13.4 Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR)

It is the state of enhanced defensive capacity developed by a plant when appropri-

ately stimulated (Van Loon et al. 1998), where plants trigger biological or chemical
inducers for protection of nonexposed parts against attack by pathogenic microbes.
Both biotic and abiotic agents protect crops against pathogens by eliciting induced
systemic resistance (Da Rocha and Hammerschmidt 2005; Reglinski and Walters
2009). Bacteria such as Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas sp. (Bakker et al. 2007), and
Serratia sp. (Press et al. 1997; Schuhegger et al. 2006) and fungi like Trichoderma
sp. (Segarra et al. 2009), Piriformospora indica (Shoresh et al. 2010), Penicillium
simplicissimum (Elsharkawy et  al. 2012), Phoma sp. (Sultana et  al. 2009), non-
pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (Fravel et al. 2003), and arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi (Pozo et al. 2009) have been implicated as BCAs to elicit induced systemic
resistance (ISR). ISR elicitors identified include flagella (Meziane et al. 2005), iron-­
regulated metabolites (Audenaert et al. 2002; Meziane et al. 2005; Ongena et al.
2005; Ran et  al. 2005; De Vleesschauwer et  al. 2008), the antibiotics
290 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Iavicoli et al. 2003; Weller et al. 2012) and pyocyanin

(Audenaert et al. 2002; De Vleesschauwer et al. 2006), biosurfactants (Ongena et al.
2007; Tran et al. 2007), and volatile organic compounds (Ryu et al. 2004).
Siderophore, flagellar peptides and lipopolysaccharides, 2, 3-butanediol, cyclic
lipopeptides, and other volatile substances are some of the other chemical elicitors
of ISR produced by the rhizobacterial strains (Van Loon et al. 1998; Ryu et al. 2004;
Compant et al. 2005; Van Wees et al. 2008). Kloepper et al. (1980) were the first to
demonstrate the importance of siderophore production as a mechanism of biological
control of Erwinia carotovora by Pseudomonas fluorescens strains A1, BK1,
TL3B1, and B10. Also, a direct correlation was established in vitro between sidero-
phore synthesis in fluorescent pseudomonads to inhibit germination of chlamydo-
spores of F. oxysporum.
Siderophore-producing PGPR have also been identified as molecules able to
activate ISR for protection of plants against diseases (Leeman et  al. 1996a;
Audenaert et al. 2002; Meziane et al. 2005). An important determinant of ISR sid-
erophore pseudobactin was developed against blast disease in rice (De Vleesschauwer
et al. 2008).
BCAs and other nonpathogenic microbes stimulate the pathways of ISR as a
result of infection by a pathogen, upon colonization or after treatment with specific
chemicals. ISR is mediated by a network of interconnected signaling pathways such
as jasmonic acid (JA) and/or ethylene produced by some nonpathogenic rhizo-
spheric bacteria. Another systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is mediated salicylic
acid (SA)-dependent induced resistance triggered by a localized infection and leads
to the expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins produced by pathogen infec-
tion (Fig. 13.2).
Generally, ISR is not accompanied by the activation of PR genes, but enhanced
defensive capacity of SAR is associated with the accumulation of PRs (Van Loon
2007). SA accumulation occurs locally and at lower levels with the development of
SAR, and its application induces SAR in many plant species (Van Loon et al. 1998).
Tissue necrosis development is a necessary feature for SAR activation
(Vleesschauwer and Hofte 2009), but SAR can also be triggered without tissue
necrosis in Arabidopsis thaliana (Mishina and Zeier 2007). PR proteins include
some enzymes that acts directly to reinforce cell wall boundaries to resist infections
lyse invading cells and induce localized cell death. In general, ISR-mediated protec-
tion is significantly less than that of SAR (Van Loon 2000); however, combination
of ISR and SAR provides a better protection indicating that they act additively in
inducing resistance to pathogens (Van Wees et al. 2000). Despite local site of induc-
tion, induced resistance is expressed systemically in plant parts that are separated
from the inducer conferring an enhanced level of protection against a broad spec-
trum of pathogens. Root-colonizing microbes having biocontrol strains
(Pseudomonas sp. and Trichoderma sp.) are known to strongly induce plant host
defenses (Harman et al. 2004).
To overcome the SA-mediated pathway, pathogenic strains of Pseudomonas
syringae produce JA. Sometimes absence of production of inducing components in
the rhizosphere or an inability of the particular plant species to perceive such
13  Efficacy of Biological Soil Amendments and Biocontrol Agents for Sustainable… 291

compounds leads to the failure to elicit ISR in certain hosts (Van Loon 2007). P.
putida WCS358r and P. fluorescensWCS374r act differently depending on the plant
species: in Arabidopsis, WCS358r elicits ISR, but not in radish and carnation plants
(Van Peer et al. 1991; Van Peer and Schippers 1992; Leeman et al. 1995; Van Wees
et al. 1997).

13.5 Suppression by Antibiotics Production

Antibiotics are one or more compounds secreted by one microbial species at low
concentrations to inhibit/kill other microbial species. BCAs must produce antibiot-
ics biosynthesized by different genes in sufficient quantities near the pathogen to
induce positive biological control. Several BCAs that produce in situ antibiotics
have been measured (Thomashow et al. 2002); however, the effective quantities are
still required to be estimated because of the presence of other organic compounds.
Few examples of BCAs that are known to produce multiple antibiotics are Bacillus
cereus strain UW85 that produces both zwittermicin (Silo-Suh et  al. 1994) and
kanosamine and can suppress one or more pathogens. This ability of producing dif-
ferent antibiotics by single bacterial species suppresses diverse plant pathogens and
thus enhances biological control in rice and maize cropping systems.

13.6 Conclusions and Future Prospective

An ideal agricultural system is considered as sustainable if it supports and improves

soil health as well as fortifies the environment while fulfilling the world’s food
demand for increasing population. Biological soil amendments offer an environ-
mentally sustainable approach to increase crop production and good soil health. The
utilization of BSAs can decrease the use of synthetic fertilizers, prevent the exhaus-
tion of soil organic matter, and diminish environmental pollution, thus enriching
soil fertility and enhancing rice and maize yield. Also, biological control led by
BCAs offers excellent model systems that furnish novel genetic constituents and
bioactive compounds with multifold use in agriculture and environmental sustain-
ability. Current and future progress in our understanding of BCAs and mechanisms
of actions, formulations, and applications could facilitate their development as the
reliable components in management of sustainable agroecosystems. The use of
molecular tools has enhanced our capacity to understand and manipulate the differ-
ent biocontrol products with improved effectiveness. Genetic enhancement of BCAs
with native microbial strains may involve addition of one or more traits associated
with effective disease control and plant growth promotion. Genetic manipulation of
native microbes from rice and maize cropping systems to enhance establishment
and proliferation of beneficial microorganisms is being pursued.

Acknowledgments  Financial assistance provided by ICRISAT is highly acknowledged.

292 M. Kaushal and S.P. Wani

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Bacterial-Mediated Selenium
Biofortification of Triticum aestivum: 14
Strategy for Improvement in Selenium
Phytoremediation and Biofortification

Zain ul Abadin, Muhammad Yasin, and Muhammad Faisal

The increasing world population has forced the world to improve the productivity
of crops. Among other important cereals, wheat is one such a crop which has
increasing demands all over the world. It provides ~20% of caloric and protein
needs worldwide. Although the use of modern technologies enhanced the
production of wheat, it also resulted in decreased mineral content of crops, which
include Ca, K, Na, Zn, Fe and Se. The selenium (Se) content in wheat is highly
variable ranging from 5 to 720 μg Se/kg. Meanwhile the Se distribution is highly
uneven worldwide, ranging from a low value of 0.01 mg Se/kg of soil to a higher
value of 1200 mg Se/kg of soil in seleniferous soils. Wheat is among one of the
major sources of Se supply for humans in areas where wheat is an important
component of daily diet, so it must be maintained in healthy concentration to
ensure adequate supply of Se to humans. The use of selenate and selenite with
urea crystals and foliar application proved to enhance selenium content, but these
measures have their own drawbacks. Bacterial inoculation to wheat resulted in
remarkable increase in the accumulation of selenium in wheat plant along with
Ni, Mn, P, Mo, K, Fe and Ca. Selenium-fortified wheat is a best option for the
daily intake of selenium by humans.

Biofortification • Phytoremediation • Wheat • Selenium • Bacteria

Z.u. Abadin • M. Yasin • M. Faisal (*)

Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab,
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore 54590, Pakistan
e-mail: mohdfaysal@yahoo.com

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 299

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_14
300 Z.u. Abadin et al.

14.1 Introduction

The selenium (Se) is a metalloid, which belongs to the group VI-A of the periodic
table. Selenium shows several beneficial as well as toxic effects on organisms that
depend on the quantity of available Se in soil for plant uptake, accumulation in food
stuff and its daily intake by humans and other organisms. Selenium requirement for
humans is ~55 to 60 μg day−1; however, daily intake of <40 μg Se may lead to Se
deficiency, and daily intake of ~400 μg Se may cause toxic effects in humans (WHO
1996). Se exists in six isotopes with 80Se as the most abundant one. In nature, Se is
found in four different oxidation states, 2 in halides, 0 in elemental form, 4+in sel-
enite and 6+in selenate. It belongs to group VI-A, and its chemical properties are
very similar to sulphur (S). In environment, Se occurs in both inorganic and organic
forms in soil, water and air. Inorganic forms include selenite/selenate salts, while
organic forms are the Se products from decomposition of Se-rich plant material
(Barceloux and Barceloux 1999). Shale rock-derived soils are one of the natural rich
sources of Se. Selenium distribution is highly uneven worldwide, and Se quantity in
soil may vary from a low value of 0.01 to 2 mg Se kg−1 to a high value of 1200 mg
Se kg−1 of soil (Mayland 1994). Anthropogenic activities are one of the major fac-
tors for the imbalance of Se in the environment, e.g. the use of Se metalloid in
metallurgy and glass manufacturing industry constitutes ~60% of the total Se used
(USGS 2011).
Selenium plays a significant role in the biological systems, as it is the main com-
ponent of many selenoproteins in living organisms. About 30 selenoproteins are
encoded by 25 human genes. Glutathione peroxidases (GPxs) are such eight pro-
teins (GPx1-GPx8) having antioxidant properties with multidimensional roles in
living cells, ranging from H2O2 homeostasis to regulation of apoptosis (Brigelius-­
Flohe and Maiorino 2013). Other selenoproteins are deiodinases and thioredoxin
reductases which play a significant role in thyroid hormone metabolism, intracel-
lular redox potential, DNA synthesis, cancer prevention, fertility and reproduction
(Suttle 2010). Selenium in combination with vitamin E plays a synergistic effect on
muscle activity as it improves endurance and recovery of muscles cells (Cabaraux
et al. 2007).
Low Se content in diet may reduce the efficiency of immune system which may
result in occurrence of various diseases, both in animals and humans (Table 14.1).
In animals, deficiency of Se affects the heart, skeletal muscles and liver. White mus-
cle disease, a degenerative myopathy, is a common disease of animals due to Se
deficiency. Commonly cattle, poultry and horses are affected by this disease. In
humans Se deficiency results in Keshan disease (cardiomyopathy) and Kashin-Beck
disease (osteoarthropathy). Investigations showed that these diseases are common
in areas where daily intakes are between 10 and 15 μg Se day−1.
On the other hand, high Se intake may result in low haemoglobin level, decreased
sperm motility and increased incidence of pancreatic and skin cancer. It is estimated
that over 800 million people worldwide might have been affected due to selenium
deficiency (Fordyce 2013; Meena et al. 2013a, 2016a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya
et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016b; Ahmad et al. 2016).
14  Bacterial-Mediated Selenium Biofortification of Triticum aestivum: Strategy… 301

Table 14.1  Impact of Se deficiency on various organisms

Organism Effects References
Mouse Se deficiency causes increase in inflammatory lesions Gao et al. (2016)
caused by S. aureus mastitis
Chicken Low Se intake results in an increase in NO and Hsps which Zhao et al. (2016)
may play special role in chicken erythrocyte injury
Rats Low selenium concentration in the kidney of a growing rat Han et al. (2016)
leads to damages of the ultrastructure and extracellular
matrix (ECM) of the kidney
Chicken Se deficiency caused changes in autophagy-related genes, Khoso et al. (2016)
which increased the autophagic process and also caused
structural damages to the immune organs of chickens
Chicken Se deficiency decreases the expression of selenoproteins, Du et al. (2016)
reduces antioxidant function, and increases the expression
of inflammatory factors in chicken aorta vessels
Human A low concentration of selenium in blood serum in the Pieczynska and
early stage of pregnancy has been proved to be a predictor Grajeta (2015)
of low birth weight of a new born baby

It is very important to address new strategies to manage Se status in human’s

population. Various strategies can be used to cope up with Se deficiency in food
such as Se foliar application in crops and Se-enriched fertilizers (urea granules)
which showed improved Se content of food crops. Selenium biofortification, a pro-
cess in which agronomic practices like conventional plant breeding or modern bio-
technology are applied to produce crops with greater nutritional value, can enhance
Se content of food crops. Plants with the ability to store and volatilize Se can be
used for removing excess Se from seleniferous or contaminated areas (phytoreme-
diation) and produce Se-enriched dietary material to eliminate Se deficiency in
areas with low Se (biofortification) content in food. The three important compo-
nents for a successful biofortification strategy include (1) increase in nutrient con-
tent as well as yield of the crop; (2) increased efficacy, i.e. improvement in nutrient
status of mineral; and (3) the adoptability of the strategy by the farmers. Additionally,
the rhizospheric plant growth-promoting microbes can perform a significant role in
absorption of nutrients by plant roots, through plant root growth promotion espe-
cially root elongation and increasing its number (Ker et al. 2014). Previous studies
showed that Se biofortification coupled with microbes is an effective strategy to
enhance Se content in plants (Table 14.2).

14.2 W
 orldwide Importance of Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
as Food Crop

Wheat is one of the oldest forms of nutrition available to humans and considered to
be one of the main crops to ensure global food security. Introduction of new tech-
nologies in agriculture sector and development of high-yield strains of crops had
helped a lot to reduce hunger and poverty worldwide. In developing countries, it is
302 Z.u. Abadin et al.

Table 14.2  Bacterial-associated Se biofortification in different crops and its effects on Se uptake
in plants
Mineral for
Crop biofortification Bacteria used Results References
Wheat Selenium Paenibacillus sp.; Bacillus Se associated Acuña et al.
sp. with STB was (2013)
translocated into
the leaves
Wheat Selenium, iron Bacillus sp. Increase in Se and Yasin et al.
Fe amount in (2015a)
wheat kernels
Enhanced growth
of plants
Wheat Selenium Bacillus sp., Paenibacillus P-solubilization, Duran et al.
sp., Klebsiella, high IAA (2014)
Acinetobacter sp. production
Wheat Iron, copper, Providencia sp., Increased protein Rana et al.
zinc Anabaena sp., Calothrix content (2012)
Saltmarsh Selenium, Rhizosphere bacteria Se and Hg were De Souza
bulrush, mercury accumulated in et al.
rabbitfoot wetland plants (1999)
Wheat Selenium Stenotrophomonas sp., Rise in selenium Duran et al.
Enterobacter sp., Bacillus content of wheat (2013)
sp., Pseudomonas sp., G. grains
Chickpea Iron PGPR Increase in iron Khalid
content of grain et al.
and shoot (2015)

projected that the demand will increase by ~60% till 2050 (Nelson et al. 2010). To
meet this increasing demand, several developing countries are importing colossal
amounts of wheat, and it is estimated that wheat has the highest percentage (~46%)
out of total food imports (Dixon et al. 2009).
Wheat is an important source of calories and proteins. It helps to meet one fifth
of daily calories and proteins to human population. According to the available data,
~19% of daily caloric needs and ~21% of daily protein intake globally are met by
wheat consumption. Developing countries have higher demand for wheat. In Central
Asia ~47% of the daily calories and proteins are provided by wheat intake; on the
other hand this percentage falls dramatically to ~20% in high-income countries
(Parewa et  al. 2014; Prakash and Verma 2016; Meena et  al. 2015f, 2016b;
Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Jaiswal et  al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian
2016; Kumar et al. 2016a).
However, the ~2.5 billion deprived people of the world are dependent on wheat
as the main component of their diet. With regard to wheat as an important cereal
crop worldwide, Se-supplemented or Se-rich wheat grains can be an important
14  Bacterial-Mediated Selenium Biofortification of Triticum aestivum: Strategy… 303

Table 14.3 Percentage Share in cereal intake

dependence of people on Region Calories (%) Proteins (%)
wheat in different regions of
Australia 78 85
the world
Central Asia 89 91
Eastern Europe and Russia 81 84
High-income countries 70 79
North Africa 66 71
North America 73 80
West Asia 78 84

source of Se supply to humans, Table 14.3 shows the dependence on wheat as the

main constituent of the food of the world populations (Shiferaw et al. 2013).

14.3 C
 ontent of Se in Wheat Under Natural Conditions

Selenium content of the soil varies significantly across the globe, which in turn
affects the Se content of crops growing in those regions. Studies show that selenium
content of wheat varies from as low as 0.001 mg/kg in the areas of southwestern
Australia to as high as 30 mg/kg in some areas of South Dakota, whereas the world’s
average wheat content is between the range of 0.02 and 0.60 mg Sekg−1. A study
conducted by Lyons et al. (2005a) in different areas of Mexico and Australia showed
the variation of the Se content of wheat varieties in these regions. The results of the
study provided a range 5–720 μg Se kg−1 in wheat samples. Survey conducted to
find out Se content of wheat grown at Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de
Maiz y Trigo (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre) showed a range
from 9 to 244 μg Se kg−1 in hundred wheat samples, whereas at the same place, field
trials showed a range of 40–110 μg Se kg−1.
Field trials of wheat grown at three different soils near Tamworth, New South
Wales, over a period of 27 years also showed large variations in Se content. Neutral
soils showed large amount of Se in wheat ranging from 61 to 510 μg Sekg−1 in 27
samples of wheat during the year of 1971. This range narrowed in 1996 and became
140–490 μg Sekg−1. While for black cracking soil with slightly acidic pH, the range
almost remained the same, i.e. from 35 to 210 μg Se kg−1, over the period. For more
acidic soil, Se content of wheat was very low it ranged from 18 to 22 μg Se kg−1.
These results also supported the idea that Se absorption by plants decreases in acidic
soils (Lyons et al. 2005a). Selenium concentrations determined in different areas of
the world are shown in Table 14.4.
304 Z.u. Abadin et al.

Table 14.4  Concentration of Country Selenium (mg/kg)

Se in wheat worldwide Algeria 0.021–0.153
Belgium 0.003–0.303
China Deficient 0.001–0.105
Colombia 180
Greece 0.019–0.528
India Seleniferous 0.742
Non-seleniferous 0.010
Ireland 0.060–0.069
Russia 0.044–0.557
Scotland 0.003–0.006
World (average) 0.1–1.9
Adopted from Fordyce (2013), Hira et al. (2004)
and Fordyce et al. (2000)

14.4 Factors Influencing Selenium Availability in Soil

There are many factors which determine availability of Se in soil (Fig. 14.1). These
factors include organic matter content, pH of soil, redox conditions in the crop field,
speciation of Se, soil texture and mineralogy, etc. (Fordyce 2013).
In natural conditions, the inorganic form of Se, i.e. selenite (SeO3−2), is more
stable because it is absorbed by ligand exchange which is pH dependent. Decrease
in pH increases adsorption by ligand exchange. This adsorption and formation of
insoluble iron oxide and oxyhydroxide makes selenite less available for absorption
by plants (Fig.  14.1). On the other hand, selenate (SeO4−2) is more soluble and
mobile at neutral and alkaline pH, that is why it is easily taken up by plants. This is
also supported by comparing uptake of selenate and selenite by plants (Alloway
2013; Kumar et al. 2017; Meena et al. 2015a, b; Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi
2016; Rawat et  al. 2016; Yasin et  al. 2016; Das and Pradhan 2016; Dominguez-­
Nunez et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
Other inorganic forms of Se present in soil are selenides (Se2−) and elemental
selenium (Se0), which are present in acidic and organic-rich environment. These
forms of Se are less available to plants due to their low solubility and oxidation
potential. Organic forms of selenium in soil are selenomethionine (C5H11NO2Se)
and selenocysteine (C3H7NO2Se). Both of these organic forms are readily available
to plants. Order of Se bioavailability of these forms of Se, starting with the most
soluble and mobile forms are as follows: selenate (Se+6) > selenomethionine > sele-
nocysteine > selenite (Se+4) > selenium (Se0) > selenide (Se−2) (Jacobs 1989; Neal
1995; Yanai et al. 2015).
14  Bacterial-Mediated Selenium Biofortification of Triticum aestivum: Strategy… 305

Fig. 14.1 Factors
influencing Se availability Less Bioavailability Higher Bioavailability
in soil (Fordyce 2013)

pH < 7 pH > 7
Reducing oxidizing
conditions conditions
Immobile mobile
SeO32+ SeO 2+
SeO 2+

14.5 Plant-Microbe Interaction (PMI) and Plant Growth

To meet the ever-increasing demand of food, it is important to increase per hectare

yield of staple food crops; current strategies include the use of fertilizers and chemi-
cal pesticides. Although these techniques helped to achieve the target of enhanced
production, it also resulted in environmental and health-related problems (Leach and
Mumford 2008). So there is a need to introduce ecologically favourable methods to
cope up with these nuisances. In this regard, application of plant-microbe interaction
can be a good strategy to meet these challenges of high-yield, less pollution, eco-
friendly and cost-effective production of food. The rhizosphere microbes (bacteria,
fungi, algae, etc.) interact with plant roots and can improve nutrient uptake in plant
through root growth promotion, solubilize inorganic nutrients in soil as well as pro-
tect plants from various pathogens (Ehlers 2006; Berendsen et al. 2012).
The microbes improve plant growth by the production of different phytohor-
mones such as cytokinins, ethylene, gibberellins and IAA.  Although these hor-
mones are also synthesized by plants, these microbes, in particular, play a role for
balanced quantity of these hormones in plants, for instance, the role of these
microbes in balancing ethylene, inhibitor of plant growth, by controlling its precur-
sor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboyclic acid (ACC) (Glick 2005). Besides this bal-
ancing of hormones, nutrient acquisition helps in direct growth enhancement. One
such example is nitrogen fixation by bacteria. These are plant growth-­promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR), which use root exudates and metabolize it to provide nitro-
gen to plants in turn. Free-living bacteria in soil such as Azospirillum, Burkholderia
and Stenotrophomonas also have the capacity to fix nitrogen. Sulphur is also such a
nutrient which is provided to plants through oxidation by these microbes (Banerjee
and Yesmin 2009).
306 Z.u. Abadin et al.

Another mechanism of supporting plant is by microbial antagonism which

includes secretion of diffusible antibiotics, biosurfactants and volatile organic com-
pounds (VOCs) to inhibit pathogenic microorganisms, degradation of toxins and
pathogenicity factors and competition for minerals like iron through synthesis of
competent siderophore uptake systems. These microbes can help plants by induced
systemic resistance (ISR), a phenomenon by which microbes activate the plant to
defend itself (Van Loon 2007).The inoculation of efficient microbe in soil and plant
systems has a number of advantages when compared to synthesized pesticides and
fertilizers. These microbes are safer, because they create less damage to environ-
ment and pose less risk to human populations. They are more specific in their activ-
ity as small quantities can show high effectiveness with high decomposition rates
and can be good candidates for integrated pest management (Berg 2009; Meena
et al. 2015e, 2016c, d; Saha et al. 2016a, b; Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Bahadur et al.

14.6 R
 ole of Selenobacteria (Se-Tolerant Bacteria) in Wheat
Growth Promotion and Selenium Uptake

Numerous studies (Yasin et al. 2015a; Duran et al. 2014) in the last two decades
support the idea of microbe-supplemented biofortification of wheat. Selenobacteria
(Se-tolerant bacteria) isolated from different ecological niches have been explored
and studied for their potential in the bioremediation and biofortification of soils
(Eswayah et  al. 2016). Duran et  al. (2013) showed that inoculation of bacteria
enhanced translocation of Se to shoots and ultimately increased the Se content of
the wheat grain. Another study conducted by same research group shows that ACC
deaminase activity of selenobacteria not only protects plant against stress but also
improves the Se content of plant and eliminates stress produced due to Se toxicity
(Acuna et al. 2013).
Studies conducted by Yasin et al. (2015a) on wheat also showed strong relation
between selenobacteria (Fig. 14.2) and wheat growth and their positive role in bio-
fortification of Se and other essential mineral elements in plants. Bacillus strains
with high tolerance for Se showed significantly improved Se uptake in wheat plants
and different plant growth-enhancing attributes including auxin production, more
differentiated roots, greater number of leaves, greater dry weight and increased
shoot length and higher acid phosphatase activity (Yasin et  al. 2015b). Another
study by our group showed that bacterial inoculation increased acid phosphatase
activity in T. aestivum by ~40% (Yasin and Faisal 2013).
14  Bacterial-Mediated Selenium Biofortification of Triticum aestivum: Strategy… 307

Fig. 14.2  Pure culture of

selenium-resistant bacteria
showing characteristic red
colonies on LB agar
supplemented with sodium
selenite (Na2SeO3)

14.7 Uptake of Selenite and Selenate in Microbes and Plants

Less work was carried out on the transport of selenate and selenite into the bacterial
cells. Available data showed that two different mechanisms are used by bacteria for
uptake of these oxyanions. Selenate ions are transported by sulphate ATP-binding
cassette transporter complex (consists of five proteins) which is encoded by the
cysAWTP operon (Sirko et al. 1990). This complex includes two CysA, which are
ATP-binding proteins; CysT and CysW, which are transmembrane proteins; and
CysP which is periplasmic sulphate-binding protein. While selenite is transported
by sulphate permease in E. coli along with ABC transporter complex, blocking of
transport complex does not completely prevent the selenite uptake (Turner et  al.
1998; Rosen and Liu 2009).
As discussed earlier, Se has similar properties as that of S, so they have some
common enzymes for their metabolism. Selenium non-accumulator plants cannot
tolerate high Se, and they contain generally less than 25 μg Se gramme−1 dry weight
(DW) of the plant (White et al. 2004), whereas hyperaccumulator species of plants
have high selenium content of 10–15  mg Se gramme−1dry weight of plant. One
hypothesis is Se hyperaccumulator plants have the ability to bear high Se content
due to their capability to restrict integration of selenomethionine and selenocysteine
(SeCys) into cellular proteins (Brown and Shrift 1982; El Mehdawi and Pilon-Smits
2012). This restriction is achieved by conversion of SeMet into amino acids which
are not involved in protein formation like ɤ-glutamyl-Se-methylselenocysteine,
Se-methylselenocysteine and selenocystathionine (Burnell 1981). The available
data shows that Se is not required by plants as there is no codon found for SeCys in
plants. However, plants are ought to be significant sources of Se for animal and
humans (Sors et al. 2005a, b).
308 Z.u. Abadin et al.

Three readily available forms of Se in soil are selenate, selenite and organic com-
pounds of Se. Uptake of these compounds depends on physiochemical status of soil,
i.e. amount of phosphate and sulphate ions and pH. Selenate and sulphate ions com-
pete for transport into the cell; however, these ions are transported against their
electrochemical gradients, by cotransport of three protons against one ion (Boldrin
et al. 2016). Sulphate is transported via high- and low-affinity sulphate transporter
proteins. Literature review showed that high-affinity sulphate transporters are
responsible for selenate transport into the plant (Shibagaki et al. 2002). On the other
hand, selenite and organic Se compounds have different mechanisms for their trans-
port into the cell. There uptake is passive as compared to selenate which is taken
actively (Abrams et al. 1990; Supriatin et al. 2016).
Experiments with wheat showed similar results for the transport and assimilation
of Se, and selenate uptake was through high-affinity sulphate transporters in wheat,
because S starvation increased selenate uptake. Similarly, selenite uptake in wheat
roots is through phosphate transporters, and it is metabolically dependent active
process. Assimilation of these two oxyanions is also different as selenate remains in
roots and shoots, especially in xylem sap, because its assimilation into organic com-
pounds is quite low, whereas selenite is rapidly metabolized into organic forms in
plant tissues. Furthermore, studies show that selenite presence in the soil inhibits
selenate uptake (Li et al. 2008; Verma et al. 2014, 2015a, b; Meena et al. 2013b,
2014a, 2016e; Sharma et al. 2016; Masood and Bano 2016; Teotia et al. 2016).

14.8 S
 elenium Fortification Strategies and Their Worldwide

There are various methods and strategies to improve Se content in food and its con-
sumptions by humans. One way is to take Se directly either by supplementation of
livestock or by Se pills, while the other way, as discussed in this chapter, is to use
agronomic biofortification strategies. Agronomic biofortification is an important
tool to enhance Se status of crops. Several recent studies proved that this strategy
enhances Se content of crops (Ros et al. 2016). Another strategy is to apply Se fertil-
izers directly to the soil; however, Se uptake in plants may be affected by various
factors such as application time of specific fertilizer, chemical speciation and type
of Se in soil. Among the inorganic anions such as selenate and selenite, supply of
selenate to plants results in the highest crop response regarding Se uptake in plants
(Cartes et al. 2005).
Another strategy is the foliar application of Se fertilizer. This strategy is more
effective as compared to Se application through soil, as studies showed that it almost
doubles the Se content of the crop. A study by Ducsay and Lozek (2006) showed
that the foliar application of 10–20 g Se hector−1 increased the Se content of wheat
grains. Se content in unfertilized samples was 0.045 mg/kg−1dry weight, whereas
when 10  g Sehector−1 was applied, this content was raised to 0.088 mg/kg dry
weight. It was a combination of foliar and soil-applied Se because the foliar fertil-
izers are applied before extensive leaf cover. Such fertilizers showed different crop
14  Bacterial-Mediated Selenium Biofortification of Triticum aestivum: Strategy… 309

responses when applied on different times of the season. However, Se application

through foliar sprays lasts for shorter time in comparison to Se application through
soil. Other strategies include granule fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, seed enrichment
and use of organic Se fertilizers, but these techniques produce less significant results
as compared to the two techniques discussed earlier (Ros et al. 2016; Shrivastava
et al. 2016; Velazquez et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2014b, 2015c; Sindhu et al. 2016;
Singh et al. 2016).
The Finnish government made it compulsory to include Se in all multi-­nutritional
fertilizers since 1984. As a result, an increase in Se content of ~125 analysed food
items was noticed, and daily human intake was also increased from just below 25 μg
day−1 in 1975 to a slightly above 124 μg day−1 (Eurola et al. 1991). In Australia, the
addition of selenate at a rate of 4–120 g Se hector−1 resulted in 133-fold rise in the
Se concentration of crops (Lyons et al. 2005b; Meena et al. 2013c, 2015d; Singh
et al. 2015; Bahadur et al. 2016a). Similarly, in Romania this technique was also
applied because of low levels of Se in the soil, and selected plant growth-promoting
bacteria were inoculated to enhance Se concentration in crops (Oancea et al. 2014).

14.9 Conclusions

As selenium is an essential micronutrient for animals and humans. Above certain

level it is toxic to the biological system. Several strategies are adapted to overcome
the deficiency of selenium in human diet. The use of wheat and other crops which
accumulate selenium in association with selenium-resistant bacteria not only boosts
the selenium accumulation by plant but may also be a way to amend the selenium-­
deficient soil with considerable amount of this metalloid. Selenium-biofortified
crops can be a good and cheap source of selenium for daily requirements of human

Acknowledgements  The author would like to thank Higher Education Commission Pakistan and
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, for the support for the research work to our group.

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Role of Vesicular-Arbuscular
Mycorrhizae in Mobilization of Soil 15

M. Lalitha, K.S. Anil Kumar, S. Dharumarajan,

N. Balakrishnan, R. Srinivasan, K.M. Nair, Rajendra Hegde,
and S.K. Singh

The microorganisms play a vital role in sustaining the crop production through
improving the soil properties and plant nutrition. Among the microorganisms
VAM (vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae) is a beneficial fungus that plays an
important role in soil nutrient dynamics and improving soil physical, chemical
and biological properties. Though phosphorus is the second macronutrient
required in relatively large amounts by plants next to nitrogen, it is one of the
most difficult nutrients for plants to acquire because of its low solubility, low
mobility and fixation in soil. The mycorrhizal symbiotic association between
fungi and plants plays an important role in the uptake of phosphorus. Many
experiments have specified that VAM is able to alter mobilization of soil phos-
phorus of its host plants. The paper summarizes about mycorrhizal symbiosis of
VAM involving multistep colonization process, soil phosphorus dynamics in the
rhizosphere and mycorrhizal mechanism and pathways involved in phosphorus
availability and uptake.

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae • Colonization process • Soil phosphorus
dynamics • Phosphorus availability and uptake

M. Lalitha (*) • K.S. Anil Kumar • S. Dharumarajan • R. Srinivasan • K.M. Nair • R. Hegde

Regional Centre, ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning,
Hebbal, Bangalore 560024, India
e-mail: mslalit@yahoo.co.in
N. Balakrishnan
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore 64100, India
S.K. Singh
ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning,
University P.O., Nagpur 440033, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 317

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_15
318 M. Lalitha et al.

15.1 Introduction

The microorganisms play a vital role in sustaining the crop production through
improving the soil properties and plant nutrition. Though the agricultural produc-
tion has been continued to increase to feed the blooming population in one side, the
soil fertility has attained the statue and started to decline because of faulty agricul-
tural practices. Because of that fertile lands are going out of cultivation and increased
degradation results increased area under current fallows. In this situation, we must
go for a combined use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers in judicious combi-
nation based on soil nutrient status to improve and sustain the soil fertility and
productivity which is called as integrated nutrient management (INM). One of the
major components in INM practices is the use of bio-fertilizers which are prepared
from many beneficial microbial inoculants (Meena et  al. 2013a, 2016a; Bahadur
et al. 2014; Maurya et al. 2014; Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2015, 2016b; Ahmad
et al. 2016).
The main beneficial activities of microorganisms are increased availability of
plant nutrients, improvement of nutrient uptake, production of plant growth regula-
tors, plant protection against root pathogens etc. According to their relationships
with the plant, the microorganisms can be divided into saprophytes, parasitic
symbionts (pathogen) and mutualistic symbionts (symbionts). The mutualistic sym-
bionts are commonly used in bio-fertilizers because it carries out functions for the
plants that they are unable to perform for themselves. For example, the host plant
receives mineral nutrients by the organisms, and the microorganism obtains photo-
synthetically derived carbon compounds from the host plant (Finlay 2008). Among
these the microorganism VAM is a beneficial fungus that plays an important role
in soil nutrient dynamics and improving soil physical, chemical and biological
properties (Parewa et  al. 2014; Prakash and Verma 2016; Meena et  al. 2016b;
Jaiswal et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016; Kumar et al. 2016a).

15.2 Mycorrhizal Symbiosis

Frank was the first person to coin the term “Mykorrhizen” in the year 1885 for fun-
gal association in the trees of pines. Mykorrhizen is a Greek term meaning “fungal
root”. Paleobotany dates these associations to the Devonian era (~400 million years
back). These mycorrhizal associations played predominant role in the transforma-
tion of primitive aquatic plants to highly evolved terrestrial plants during the course
of evolution. Today, mycorrhiza is the most widespread symbiotic association exist-
ing in the ecosystems throughout the world (Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016;
Kumar et al. 2017; Meena et al. 2015a, b, f; Raghavendra et al. 2016; Zahedi 2016;
Dominguez-Nunez et al. 2016; Dotaniya et al. 2016).
Members of several fungal taxa are involved in mycorrhizal associations and
possess a few common characteristic features such as ubiquitous distribution,
strong biotrophic dependence on host plants and rarely free-living saprophytes.
To date, seven types of mycorrhizae are recognized, viz. ectomycorrhiza,
15  Role of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Mobilization of Soil Phosphorus 319

ectendomycorrhiza, endomycorrhiza, arbutoid mycorrhiza, monotropoid mycor-

rhiza, ericoid mycorrhiza and orchidoid mycorrhiza (Smith and Read 1997). Allen
(1991) defined a mycorrhiza as a mutualistic symbiosis between plant and fungus
localized in a root or root-like structure in which energy moves primarily from plant
to fungus and inorganic resources move from fungus to plant (Rawat et al. 2016;
Yasin et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016c; Saha et al. 2016a; Bahadur et al. 2016b; Das
and Pradhan 2016).

15.2.1 Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae

Among the mycorrhizal associations, VAM is most widespread in their distribution

both genetically and geographically. These fungi lacks sexual reproduction and are
classified on the basis of their characteristic chlamydospore size, shape, colour and
wall characters. This group includes members of order Glomales in class
Zygomycotina. It encompasses seven genera, viz. Glomus, Gigaspora, Modicella,
Acaulospora, Sclerocystis, Endogone and Glaziella with more than 150 species.
VAM is beneficial symbionts that colonize a wide range of host roots that include
both agricultural and horticultural plants. However, a few plant families such as
Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae, Cruciferae, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae,
Juncaceae, Cyperaceae and Polygonaceae do not exhibit any association (Smith and
Read 1997; Brundrett 2009).

15.2.2 Multistep Colonization Process

Mycorrhiza formation is the multistep colonization metabolic process, which

involves plant fungal colonization followed by a series of root-fungus interactions.
The results give way to the integration of both organisms and development of a
well-adapted unity (Fig. 15.1). This efficient mycorrhizal colonization begins with
hyphae that arise from soil borne propagules which are called large resting spores
of the mycorrhizal plant or mycorrhizal root fragments. Upon the arrival of the fun-
gal hyphae at the root surface, an appressorium is usually formed on the epidermal
cells. The appressoria facilitate the hyphae to pass through the intercellular spaces
and then enter into root tissues through cortical root layers. Once the hyphae reach
the inner cortex, they will grow into the cells as repeated dichotomous branching
which forms tree-like structures called arbuscules (Garg and Chandel 2010).
The lifespan of individual arbuscules is about 4–14 days. Arbuscule formation
therefore represents a large surface of cellular contact between both symbionts. This
facilitates the exchange of metabolites between host and fungus. In fact, the arbus-
cule is probably the main transfer site of mineral nutrients from the fungus to the
plant and C compounds to the fungus (Smith and Smith 1990). This mycelial
network could extend several centimetres outside the root surface and bridge the
nutrient depletion zone around roots with the bulk soil to absorb low-mobile ions
(Yadav and Sidhu 2016; Saha et al. 2016b; Verma et al. 2014, 2015b; Meena et al.
320 M. Lalitha et al.

Spore germination Spore


Hyphal elongation epidermis


Hyphal branching

Hyphal fans


External hyphae
spore formation

Fig. 15.1  Mycorrhizal multistep colonization (Adapted from Gadkar et al. 2011)

2013b, 2014a, 2015e, 2016d, e; Sharma et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Shrivastava
et al. 2016; Bahadur et al. 2016a; Masood and Bano 2016; Teotia et al. 2016). The
factors which influence the mycorrhizal association are host plant, mycorrhizal
fungi, soil and environmental conditions (Barea 1991). If any one of these factors is
inhibitory to mycorrhizal fungi, the symbiosis will be inhibited even if other factors
are optimum (Liu et al. 2000).

15.3 Soil Phosphorus Dynamics in the Rhizosphere

The adequate amount of soil phosphorus is required to enhance shoot and root
growth and promote early maturity which in turn help to increase water use
efficiency (WUE) and yield potential because it is the element, which helps
to  store and transfer energy produced by photosynthesis (Tairo and Ndakidemi
2013). Though phosphorus is the second macronutrient required in relatively large
amounts by plants next to nitrogen, it is one of the most difficult nutrients for plants
to acquire because of its low solubility, low mobility and fixation in soil (Balemi and
Negisho 2012).
The availability of soil phosphorus is affected by the presence of  Fe and Al
oxides which fix phosphorus as Fe and Al phosphates and clay minerals in highly
weathered alfisol, ultisol and oxisols and as Ca phosphates under calcareous soils
(Amanullah et  al. 2010). Despite its availability, the phosphorus uptake is influ-
enced by the rooting type, soil properties and soil moisture availability. Since the
P availability depends on many factors, most of the plant phosphorus requirement
15  Role of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Mobilization of Soil Phosphorus 321

has been met by diffusion process rather than by mass flow and root interception. In
the diffusion process, once the phosphate is adsorbed strongly by the soil, its effec-
tive diffusion coefficient value becomes low, which creates a steep concentration
gradient in the soil (Kanno et al. 2016). Hence the soil phosphate near the root zone
only could reach the root surface to meet the plant requirements and ultimately plant
express phosphorus deficiency when the demand is more than the availability exist
in soil.

15.3.1 Mycorrhizal Effects on Phosphorus Availability


The mycorrhizal symbiotic association between fungi and plants plays an important
role in the uptake of phosphorus. Phosphorus has very limited mobility in soils and
despite of its low availability it has been utilized quickly around roots and form
depletion zones. Thus to obtain more phosphorus, plants must bypass these deple-
tion zones by further root activity. The increased P uptake of mycorrhizal plants is
mainly due to absorption and translocation of P from distant areas, which are other-
wise inaccessible to plant roots. Hyphae absorb P in the form of orthophosphate and
transported actively as polyphosphates (Tinker and Nye 2000; Hinsinger 2001;
Plassard and Dell 2010).
The increase in absorption of P by mycorrhizal plants has been attributed to
increase in surface area for absorption (Smith and Read 2008; Smith and Smith
2011a). The fineness of hyphae has twofold advantages over root hairs by increase
in the surface area of hyphae for greater absorption of nutrient and increase the area
of exploration by enabling the entry of hyphae into soil pores which cannot be
entered by root hairs. Rapid absorption of soluble form of P by the extra radical
hyphae leads to a shift in the equilibrium towards the release of bound P from the
soil reserves. It has often been observed that mycorrhizal roots on a unit weight
basis absorbed much higher amounts of P than non-mycorrhizal plants. This sug-
gests that mycorrhizal fungus hyphae have higher affinity for phosphate ions at
lower threshold concentration for absorption than do plant roots (Bolan 1991).

15.3.2 Mycorrhizal Pathway of Phosphorus Uptake

There are two possible ways in which soil phosphorus has been taken up by the
plants: (i) direct pathway and (ii) AM pathway (Smith et al. 2011). Generally plants
uptake phosphorus through direct pathway as negatively charged H2PO4− ions which
increase negative electric potential inside the cell membrane because of high cell
concentration compared to soil solution. Hence an additional metabolic energy
required for the Pi uptake, and it needs high-affinity transporter proteins. So the
pathway is more effective in the root apex which has high-affinity transporter
proteins (PiTs) in the epidermis. But after a certain period of time, two things will
happen. The first is when loss of root hairs started, the transporter protein (PiT)
322 M. Lalitha et al.

3. P is transferred from
fungus to plant at intra-
cellular interfaces via AM-
inducible Pi transporters

P depletion Mycorrhizal Pathway

1. Pi uptake via DP faster

than replacement; P close
to roots depleted,
inhibiting further uptake
2. P uptake and translocation
Direct Pathway by hyphae of AM fungi deliver P
rapidly from soil to cortical cells

Fig. 15.2  The phosphorus uptake pathways of mycorrhizal root (Adapted from Smith et al. 2011)

activity will reduce, and certainly direct uptake will decline. Second, the uptake of
phosphorus as orthophosphate (Pi) by root epidermal cells leads to lower the Pi
concentrations in the root rhizosphere making zone of depletion (Smith and Smith
2011b; Balzergue et al. 2011).
Accordingly plants developed a range of strategies to enhance Pi uptake capacity
(Marschner 1995) and among one is AM pathway (Fig. 15.2) in which soil phospho-
rus is foraged from large volumes of soil and transported to cortical cells evaded
direct uptake. In the mycorrhizal pathway AM fungal hyphae uptake the orthophos-
phate (Pi) by fungal Pi transporters from the root and directly translocated into the
intracellular fungal structures of arbuscules and hyphal coils which is present in root
cortical cells (Smith et al. 2011). The fungal Pi transporters are specific to AM path-
way, and it is different from the direct uptake expressed exclusively in the colonized
cortical cell. The plant Pi transporters induced in colonized cells transfer Pi from the
interfacial apoplast to the plant cortical cells and meet the plant requirement
(Velazquez et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2013c, 2014b, 2015c, d; Sindhu et al. 2016;
Singh et al. 2015, 2016).

15.4 Mycorrhiza and Soil Phosphorus Uptake

The association between concentrations of extractable soil phosphate and the extent
of mycorrhizal colonization in plants are ambiguous. Sites with large amounts of
extractable phosphate may have high levels of infection and large numbers of
spores, whereas sites with small amounts of extractable phosphate may have low
levels of colonization or low numbers of spores (Gianinazzi-Pearson et al. 1980;
Almagrabi and Abdelmoneim 2012). In contradictory Rathore and Singh (1995)
and Ezawa et al. (2005) reported that plant inoculation with VAM in the absence of
added P significantly increased the available soil P because of the release of organic
15  Role of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Mobilization of Soil Phosphorus 323

Table 15.1  Available soil phosphorus (mg kg−1) under maize crop at 45 DAS as influenced by
VAM inoculation
Phosphorus doses (kg ha−1)
Mycorrhizal strain 0 15 30 45 60 Mean
Uninoculated 5.1 6.5 8.3 8.8 10.5 7.9
G. margarita 5.8 6.5 8.8 10.6 11.4 8.6
G. fasciculatum 6.5 7.5 8.8 11.3 12.6 9.4
VAM mixed endophyte 6.0 7.5 8.4 10.9 11.5 8.9
CD(P = 0.01) M 0.1 P 0.1 M × P 0.2
Rathore and Singh (1995)

exudates in the rhizosphere and concluded that mycorrhizal inoculam may substi-
tute phosphatic fertilizer equivalent of 30 kg P ha−1 (Table 15.1).
However, in some studies a negative association has been found between the
amounts of extractable phosphate in soils and the abundance of VAM fungi as
assessed by infection (Liu et al. 2000). Adding phosphate fertilizers has been shown
either to have no effect (Kahiluoto et al. 2001) or to decrease (Ryan and Graham
2002) the level of mycorrhizal infection in a range of agricultural crops. This
relationship is probably correlated with effects of phosphate on lengths of root
colonized. The low percentage of root length colonized at high phosphorus avail-
ability does not necessarily imply plant suppression or control of fungal activity;
there may be no effects of high phosphorus on the fungus per se (Marschner 1995;
Mathimaran et al. 2005; Beauregard et al. 2010). But very high phosphorus applica-
tion can definitely alter root colonization particularly reducing arbuscule develop-
ment and decrease mycorrhizal fungal biomass per plant (Smith and Read 2008).
In addition reductions in appressorium formation were also observed in Pisum
sativum roots at high phosphorus which was arbitrated by internal plant-derived
signals (Balzergue et al. 2011). When phosphorus is abundant, a direct possibly less
costly uptake pathway is preferred and the rate of root colonization also low (Nagy
et  al. 2008). However, a group of secondary metabolites called strigolactones
which mediate signalling necessary for root colonization has strong negative effect
with high phosphorus supply in various species (Lopez-Raez et al. 2008) which is
also one of the reasons for the less colonization. Furthermore, the effect of soil
phosphorus on mycorrhizal fungal diversity is also confounded by factors such as
host species (Gosling et al. 2013).

15.4.1 Rate and Source of P Application vs. VAM Colonization

The sources of different phosphorus fertilizer do not have any significant effect on
mycorrhizal infection when it was applied in low rate. The effect of phosphorus
source is evident where the rate of fertilizer application is high. The high root length
infection is always associated with rock phosphate compared to superphosphate.
Phosphate in the soil solution derived from the Ghafsa phosphate rock source is
expected to be different from the superphosphate source, and so the difference in
324 M. Lalitha et al.

infectivity associated with the higher rate of superphosphate application could also
have been due to the differences in the rates of dissolution of superphosphate and
phosphate rock to provide phosphorus in the soil solution over a given period
(Asmah 1995).

15.4.2 Phosphorous Interaction with Zn

It is believed that soil phosphorus has antagonistic interactions with Zn, when any
one of the nutrients available in soil is in excess (Gianquinto et al. 2000), and such
a relationship is a result of the dilution effect of plant growth due to improved P
nutrition. Further a study by Lu et al. (1998) demonstrated an increase in P avail-
ability caused no significant change in Zn concentrations of Brassica napus, and
interactions of P and Zn in Oryza sativa and Triticum aestivum were additive and
beneficial to the concentrations of P and Zn (Islam et  al. 2005). The interaction
remains uncertain, and the presence or absence of mycorrhizal association on the
relationship was hypothesized, despite the fact that much literature has indicted that
mycorrhizal fungal colonization promotes P or Zn nutrition of host plants indepen-
dently. The high avaialble P (P addition up to 40 mg kg−1) in soil has increased plant
available zinc, whereas at higher P levels, the zinc translocation was inhibited (Rupa
et al. 2003) (Table 15.2).
There was a synergistic interaction between P and Zn, which had resulted in
extensive root growth in colonized plants. There is a strong positive relationship
between Zn and P contents in the roots (r = 0.95; P < 0.001) and also in shoots
(r = 0.96; P < 0.001) (Subramanian et al. 2008).

Table 15.2  Effects of different rates and sources of phosphorus application on root infection,
nutrient concentration and uptake of soil phosphorus in maize crop (Asmah 1995)
Root infection Nutrient concentration Nutrient uptake
Soil Treatment (%) (μg g−1) (mg/pot)
Paleustal Control 47.50 1.26 1.65
TSP1 78.30 1.27 2.58
TSP2 52.30 2.18 4.38
PR1 68.90 1.61 2.71
PR2 75.00 1.61 3.73
Haplustoll Control 58.00 0.99 1.12
TSP1 63.80 1.40 2.81
TSP2 50.00 1.37 3.21
PR1 77.60 1.12 2.18
PR2 80.25 1.16 2.33
LSD (P < 0.01) 16.48 0.39 0.68
TSP1 triple superphosphate at 44 kg P ha−l, TSP2 triple superphosphate at 22 kg P ha−1, PR1 rock
phosphate at 44 kg P ha−1, PR2 rock phosphate at 22 kg P ha−1
15  Role of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Mobilization of Soil Phosphorus 325

15.4.3 Phosphatase

Soil phosphatase plays an important role in the P nutrition of plants because it medi-
ates the release of inorganic phosphorus from organically bound phosphorus.
Mycorrhizal colonization has been shown to influence the phosphatase activity, par-
ticularly the increased alkaline phosphatase activity in the presence of mycorrhizal
hyphae (Tarafdar and Marschner 1994). Acid phosphatases have also been reported
in mycorrhizal fungi, and although their function is unclear, they may be associated
with the growth and development of the fungus within the host tissue as well as with
phosphorus acquisition in the rhizosphere. Subramanian et al. (2009) reported that
acid phosphatase activity of VAM-colonized soils was higher irrespective of
the stages of observation, but the increase was well exhibited at early stages than in
the later stages.

15.5 Phosphorus Uptake Under Drought

Plant water use efficiency has been accounted to decrease, increase or remain
unchanged with mycorrhizal colonization depending on plant or fungal species com-
bination considered (Auge 2001). The positive effects of mycorrhizal colonization
on plant water relations could be explained simply in terms of the improved phos-
phorus nutrition and larger biomass size of mycorrhizal plants. Increased phosphorus
uptake promoted root growth, which in turn enhanced the hydraulic conductivity and
transpiration rate in mycorrhizal colonization plants (Bethlenfalvay et  al. 1988).
Hence the contribution of mycorrhizal colonization towards plant drought tolerance
may be due to the impact of accumulative physical, nutritional, physiological and
cellular effects imposed by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (Davies et al. 1992).

15.6 Conclusions

The fertilizer phosphate is becoming one of the most expensive commodities, and its
availability is uncertain; the crop production will be critical, particularly in rainfed
regions, where the fertilizer application is mainly based on rainfall distribution. In
this situation mycorrhizal plant colonization is very useful in conserving energy by
reducing fertilizer requirement of crops and in meeting the production targets in
nutritionally deficient soils. The omnipresent nature, increased phosphorous uptake,
drought tolerance and increased plant growth benefit by mycorrhizal colonization,
which is important to increase the absorption of other relatively immobile elements
in soil and a step towards the sustainability of the healthy soil and plant ecosystem.

Acknowledgements  We thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their constructive com-
ments, which helped us to improve the manuscript.
326 M. Lalitha et al.

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The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop
Biofortification 16
Darren Heenan Daly, Siva L.S. Velivelli,
and Barbara Doyle Prestwich

Agronomic practices across the planet are becoming largely unsustainable in
their current forms. With a growing population expected to reach ~9 billion by
the year 2050, more sustainable ways to produce the world’s main crops are
needed. The main focus of current agronomic practices, especially in the case of
cereal crops, is increased grain number and weight sometimes at the expense of
nutritional content leading, in some instances, to micronutrient deficiencies.
Micronutrient deficiencies are often termed hidden hunger, giving the false
appearance that an individual is consuming sufficient amounts of nutrients. To
counteract this problem, it is crucial that a sustainable solution to increase
micronutrient concentration in a diverse range of crops is found. Plant growth-­
promoting microbes (PGPM) represents a sustainable solution to this problem.
These PGPM can be divided into two main groups: plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR) and plant growth-promoting fungi (PGPF). These
microbes are capable of increasing micronutrient concentrations in many crops
worldwide. This chapter will focus on the use of these microbes to increase
micronutrient content, in particular selenium, iron and zinc, using studies
conducted over the last two decades right up to the present day, revealing
how plant-microbe interactions and our ever-growing knowledge of these inter-
actions can aid in the micronutrient biofortification of crops in a sustainable and
environmentally friendly way.

D.H. Daly • B.D. Prestwich (*)

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, University College Cork,
Butler Building, Distillery Fields, North Mall Campus, Cork, Ireland
e-mail: 108590052@umail.ucc.ie; b.doyle@ucc.ie
S.L.S. Velivelli
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, 975 North Warson Road, St. Louis, MO 63132, USA
e-mail: svelivelli@danforthcenter.org

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 333

V.S. Meena et al. (eds.), Agriculturally Important Microbes for Sustainable
Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5589-8_16
334 D.H. Daly et al.

Plant growth-promoting microbes • Sustainability • Micronutrients • Biofortification

16.1 Introduction

The pressure to produce sufficient nutritionally rich food in a sustainable manner

has never been greater. With a growing global population (~9 billion by 2050),
changing demographics and climate, pressure on resources such as water and land
use, emergence of novel and more virulent pests and pathogens and changes in
regulations with respect to the use of agrichemicals, food security is predicted to
become increasingly vulnerable (FAO 2016). The United Nations through the
‘Sustainable Development Goals Project’ (UN 2015) has identified 17 goals to
transform our world. Second on this list is the goal to ‘end hunger, achieve food
security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture’.
Nowadays, ~800 million people are undernourished with the vast majority living
in developing countries. It is estimated that malnutrition contributes to the death of
~3.0 million children annually. Micronutrient deficiencies also known as hidden
hunger where the intake of various vitamins and minerals (e.g. iron, iodine, sele-
nium, zinc, folic acid and vitamin A) is too low for optimal health are a global issue
affecting ~2 billion people (Trijatmiko et al. 2016). Nutritional deficiencies not only
impact on an individual’s health but also on their economic prosperity. The
economic cost of micro- and macronutrient deficiencies has been estimated at ~2
trillion US dollars annually. Therefore, improving nutritional health is probably the
major socio-economic challenge of this century. The nutritional content of our food
crops can be enhanced in various ways. This enhancement is termed ‘biofortifica-
tion’ which according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is defined as
‘the process by which the nutritional quality of food crops is improved through
agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding, or modern biotechnology’ (WHO
Probably the most famous biofortification project using genetic modification is
the production of Golden Rice (Golden Rice 2016), whose benefits although clearly
identified has faced much public opposition where it is perceived by many as the
‘Trojan horse’ for genetically modified crops. Genetic modification, particularly in
Europe, is anathema to many, and as a consequence, Golden Rice is still not com-
mercially available (International Rice Research Institute 2016). Besides genetic
transformation approaches to biofortification, other biofortification strategies,
including initiatives such as those followed in programs by HarvestPlus (2016) for
the biofortification of rice, involve a combination of conventional breeding strate-
gies for the exploitation of existing genetic variation in crop germplasm coupled
with agronomic strategies, e.g. foliar and soil application of fertilizers (Nakandalage
et al. 2016; Amanullah et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2013a; Bahadur et al. 2014; Maurya
et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2016c).
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 335

More recently, an understanding of the complex interactions between plant roots

and microbial communities in the rhizosphere has fuelled research into the role and
application of soil microbes in the biofortification of crops. There are many reports
in the literature on the role of bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi in the mobilization of
micronutrients in plants (Wu et  al. 2015; Wang et  al. 2014; Krishnakumar et  al.
2013; Berruti et al. 2016). This chapter will focus in particular on crop biofortifica-
tion by bacterial- and mycorrhizal-mediated mobilization of the micronutrients iron
(Fe), zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) from the rhizosphere (Jat et al. 2015; Kumar et al.
2015, 2016b; Ahmad et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016a, b; Parewa et al. 2014; Prakash
and Verma 2016; Jaiswal et al. 2016; Jha and Subramanian 2016).

16.2 T
 he Application of Plant Growth-Promoting
Rhizobacteria for the Biofortification of Crops

The rhizosphere, an important interface between plant roots and the soil, can con-
tribute to sustainable agriculture when the interaction between plants and beneficial
bacteria is exploited. It has been ~35 years since Kloepper first described the role of
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in plant growth and defence
(Kloepper et al. 1980). PGPR when associated with rhizosphere/plant roots play a
major role in the direct or indirect promotion of plant growth. The direct plant
growth promoter mechanisms, biofertilization and phytostimulation, are two exam-
ples of methods that simultaneously minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and
promote plant growth, and bacteria with both biocontrol and biofertilization/phyto-
stimulation properties offer advantage to plants in terms of both enhanced nutrient
supply and control of disease (Adesemoye and Kloepper 2009; Lugtenberg and
Kamilova 2009; Glick 2012; Velivelli et al. 2014).
The recent work in the area of plant-microbe interactions has focused on the
biofortification of staple crops using these PGPR, showing significant results. The
WHO has identified micronutrients which are essential to the correct functioning of
the human body, i.e. selenium (Se), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn), and these constitute a
significant portion of the current research on PGPR-mediated biofortification
(Priyadharsini and Muthukumar 2016; Kumar et al. 2017; Meena et al. 2015a, b, f;
Raghavendra et  al. 2016; Zahedi 2016; Dominguez-Nunez et  al. 2016; Dotaniya
et al. 2016). These three micronutrients will be discussed further in relation to the
biofortification of crops using PGPR.

16.2.1 Selenium T  he Importance of the Trace Element Selenium

in the Human Diet
Selenium (Se), a significant trace element in the human diet, is classified as a met-
alloid and occurs in the environment in different valences as selenide (2−), selenite
(4+), selenate (6+) or elemental Se (0). Se has implications for biological processes,
336 D.H. Daly et al.

such as anti-oxidation and prevention of certain cancers, e.g. liver cancer (Carlson
et al. 2012) and colorectal cancer (Meplan and Hesketh 2012). Selenoproteins, i.e.
proteins that contain a selenocysteine amino acid residue, facilitate adequate DNA
synthesis, protection against diseases such as HIV, reproduction and thyroid hor-
mone metabolism (Sunde 2012; Hatfield et al. 2014). A delicate balance occurs in
humans between having too much and too little Se in the diet. Se levels that are
too high can lead to selenotoxicity, resulting in symptoms ranging from nervous
system disorders to nail and hair loss (Li et al. 2012), and selenium levels that are
too low can lead to inadequate levels of protection against radioactive damage to
DNA, which can result in micronuclei formation and potentially cancer (Baliga
et al. 2008). T  he Role of PGPR in the Mobilization of Selenium

for the Biofortification of Plants
Plant roots have the capacity to absorb Se as selenate, selenite or organo-selenium
compounds such as selenocysteine and selenomethionine, but lack the ability to
absorb metal selenides or elemental Se (White et  al. 2004, 2007). Generally, Se
concentrations found in plants grown in seleniferous soils are less than 25 mg kg−1
dry weight (Bell et al. 1992; Terry et al. 2000; Yasin et al. 2015a, b), but in the case
of a few hyperaccumulator species, these values can reach over 1000 mg kg−1 dry
weight in plant material (Ellis and Salt 2003).
Selenate is the most widely utilized form of Se by plants, and in non-­
hyperaccumulators selenate is transported across the plasma membrane of root cells
by high-affinity sulphate transporters (Terry et al. 2000; White et al. 2004, 2007;
Sors et al. 2005; Broadley et al. 2006; Hawkesford and Zhao 2007). Plant growth-­
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have the potential to increase plant Se levels and
subsequently benefit the Se status of humans and livestock in areas of the world
which may be Se-deficient. Over the past two decades, a number of studies have
examined the potential of PGPR to act as Se-biofortification agents. A study by de
Souza et al. (1999) found that Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) can be supported
by PGPR to enhance selenium accumulation and volatilization (Rawat et al. 2016;
Yasin et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2016c, d; Saha et al. 2016b; Yadav and Sidhu 2016;
Bahadur et al. 2016b; Das and Pradhan 2016).
In B. juncea, dimethyl selenide is the predominant volatilized form of Se and is
typically 500–700 times less toxic than inorganic forms of Se (McConnell and
Portman 1952; Ganther et al. 1966; Wilber 1980) making it a suitable vector for
biofortification of the human food chain with Se. A number of Se-tolerant rhizobac-
terial isolates from the rhizosphere of a range of Se-accumulating plants were used
in this study. Antibiotic experiments using ampicillin revealed that bacteria were the
key factor in enhanced Se uptake by Indian mustard (de Souza et al. 1999). When
added to the plant nutrient solution, ampicillin inhibited Se volatilization by ~35%
and tissue Se accumulation by ~70%.
The rhizobacterial strains designated BJ2 and BJ15 were used in axenic plant
experiments to examine the role of rhizobacteria in Se accumulation and volatiliza-
tion. When these two strains were inoculated within the rhizosphere of axenic Indian
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 337

mustard plants, the Se volatilization rate from selenite was four times higher than
that of axenic control plants, and plants accumulated more Se in their tissues when
compared to axenic controls. Both BJ2 and BJ15 rhizobacterial strains increased Se
concentrations in shoots and roots 1.4-fold and fivefold, respectively. As with many
PGPR species, these isolates were thought to increase Se uptake via enhanced root
hair production. In addition, seedlings with PGPR had a significantly higher Se tis-
sue concentration of 1.3–2 times greater than axenic plants across the spectrum of
Se concentrations tested (de Souza et al. 1999).
Acuña et  al. (2013) investigated ash-derived volcanic andisol soil in Southern
Chile, which is characteristically low in Se content, for the presence of PGPR with
the ability to supply increased Se to host plants. Inoculation with two isolates,
namely, Pseudomonas sp. R8 and Stenotrophomonas sp. B19, in the rhizosphere of
wheat resulted in higher Se content in roots and leaves compared to uninoculated
controls. When plants were inoculated with B19 in soils where the Se concentration
was 5–10 mM, a significantly higher Se content was observed in wheat root and leaf
tissues compared to plants grown in soil containing 2 mM Se (Acuña et al. 2013).
In the same region, Durán et  al. (2014) isolated endophytic bacteria from
Se-supplemented wheat that shows potential for plant growth promotion, biofortifi-
cation and biocontrol in wheat cultivation (Saha et  al. 2016c; Verma et  al. 2014,
2015b; Meena et al. 2014a, 2015e; Teotia et al. 2016).
Endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from both uninoculated control and
Se-supplemented wheat plants from the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Klebsiella,
Enterobacter and Acinetobacter and 15 strains selected according to tolerance of
high Se levels (~50 mM). A number of these endophytes are highly tolerant to Se,
ranging from 60 to 180 mM, and thus have the potential to be used as biofortifica-
tion agents in areas of the world with low soil Se concentrations. Furthermore, some
of these isolates displayed the ability to act as biocontrol agents for the endemic
soilborne fungal pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici that causes take-­
all disease, one of the most severe wheat diseases in Southern Chile. Isolates from
the genera Acinetobacter (strain E6.2), Bacillus (strain E8.1), Bacillus and Klebsiella
(strains E5 and E1) inhibited the growth of G. graminis var. tritici mycelia by
~100%, 50% and 30%, respectively, in vitro; this adds to the potential of PGPR for
biofortification agents that not only increase Se concentration in the plant but also
act as sustainable crop protectants (Durán et al. 2014).
Two studies by Yasin et al. (2015) investigated the potential for Se biofortifica-
tion in crop plants. First, an experiment with B. juncea to investigate the potential of
two Se-tolerant rhizobacterial consortia to increase plant Se uptake using naturally
seleniferous soil containing ~8 mg Se kg−1 was carried out with both rhizobacterial
consortia consisting of four to five strains each, designated G1 and G2. B. juncea
accumulated Se to 358 mg kg−1 in seeds, 711 mg kg−1 in leaf dry weight (DW) and
276 mg kg−1 in pod husks. Inoculation of G1 had a positive effect on plant growth
compared to controls but did not accumulate Se with a significant difference com-
pared to the control. G1-incoulated plants produced 40–45% more leaf and seed
biomass compared to controls however; therefore, these plants were more effective
in extracting Se from the soil compared to control plants. G2-inoculated plants had
338 D.H. Daly et al.

an overall decreased plant growth compared to control plants. However, nonprotein

thiol levels were increased threefold in G2-inoculated plants compared to controls.
Nonprotein thiols are often used by plants as antioxidant defence compounds, and
it may be the case that one or more members of the G2 consortia initiated this
response to a perceived bacterial threat (Yasin et al. 2015a). In a second experiment
using two individual isolates, namely, Bacillus cereus YAP6 and Bacillus lichenifor-
mis YAP7, inoculation of wheat plants with either bacteria increased Se concentra-
tion in the grain by up to 375% compared to uninoculated Se-treated plants (Yasin
et al. 2015b).
As mentioned previously, plants grown in seleniferous soil that can accumulate
very high tissue levels of Se are termed ‘Se hyperaccumulators’. This poses the
question of whether this hyperaccumulation of Se can be attributed to any specific
microbe associated with Se-hyperaccumulating plants. Given the current depth of
knowledge in plant-microbe interactions, we might reasonably expect such a
microbe would be identified. The answer appears to be ‘no’. An experiment by
Sura-de Jong et  al.  (2015) compared the endophytic population of both non-­
hyperaccumulating and hyperaccumulating plants, with two plant families per
grouping, Brassicaceae and Fabaceae growing on the same seleniferous site (Sharma
et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2015a; Meena et al. 2013b, 2016e; Shrivastava et al. 2016).
Terminal restriction fragment length (T-RFLP) analysis of bacterial isolates
identified equal T-RF diversity between hyperaccumulators Stanleya pinnata and
Astragalus bisulcatus and related non-hyperaccumulators Physaria bellii and
Medicago sativa. Cultivable endophytes from hyperaccumulators were isolated,
and of the 66 morphotypes isolated, seven were selected to be co-cultivated with B.
juncea and M. sativa. Although plant growth promotion occurred in both plants,
there was no effect on their Se status, suggesting that hyperaccumulation cannot be
induced by the application of Se-tolerant PGPR alone (Sura-de Jong et al. 2015).
Studies like these highlight the importance of understanding the complex interac-
tions between all constituents of the plant-microbe interaction and how not all bac-
teria can benefit plant biofortification (Velazquez et al. 2016; Meena et al. 2015c;
Sindhu et al. 2016; Bahadur et al. 2016a; Masood and Bano 2016) (Fig. 16.1).

16.2.2 Iron The Importance of Iron in the Human Diet

Iron (Fe) is arguably one of the most important micronutrients in the human diet; it
is the basis for the correct function of haemoglobin, and deficiency in iron can lead
to anaemia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Fe deficiency is
the only micronutrient deficiency that is prevalent in both the developing and devel-
oped worlds (WHO 2016b). In developing countries, up to ~50% of pregnant
women and ~40% of preschool children suffer from anaemia (Beard 2008).Values
for recommended daily intake are displayed in Table 16.1. In children under 5 years
of age, 0.2% of deaths can be linked to deficiency in iron (Bhutta 2008). Children
suffering from anaemia and Fe deficiency are better protected against mortality or
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 339

Se Se Sample

Se Se

a b


Fig. 16.1  Rationale for selection of PGPR involved in biofortification taking Se as an example.
(a) Se-enriched soils. (b) Isolation of bacteria from (a) on Se-supplemented growth media to iden-
tify Se-tolerant bacteria. (c) Inoculation of PGPR from Se-enriched soils to Se-deficient soils to aid
Se biofortification in plants

Table 16.1  Recommended daily dietary intake of Se, Zn and Fe, WHO (2006)
Se Zn Fe
Category mg
Infants (1–3 years) 17 2.4–8.3 3.9–11.6
Children (4–6 years) 22 2.9–9.6 4.2–12.6
Adult female 26 3–9.8 19.6–58.8
Adult male 34 4.2–14 9.1–27.4
Pregnant women 28 4.2–14 >50
Lactating women <3 months 35 5.8–19 10–30
Values for Zn and Fe run from low to high as bioavailability increases in the diet. A diet of low
bioavailability is defined as a diet low in vitamin C and animal protein; the opposite is true for a
diet with high bioavailability. Socioeconomic and dietary factors play a major role in the potential
uptake of micronutrients in the human body

hospital admission when supplemented with iron; however, supplementation with

iron to the point where children become iron replete and no longer iron deficient
may be harmful as in the case of malaria, whereby the causative agent, Plasmodium,
can benefit from excess iron levels in the blood (Sazawal et  al. 2006; Weinberg
340 D.H. Daly et al.

1999; Nuberger et al. 2016). So, as for all (bio)fortification strategies, the relative
benefits and risks must be balanced (Meena et al. 2013c, 2014b, 2015d; Singh et al.
2015, 2016). The Acquisition of Iron by Plants

Plants acquire Fe via one of two strategies, depending on whether the plant is mono-
cotyledonous or dicotyledonous. Appreciating these different mechanisms in the
overall process of Fe acquisition by plants can help in the optimization strategies of
Fe translocation from the rhizosphere to the plant. The reduction strategy, used by
dicotyledonous plants, involves the secretion of H+ and organic acids to acidify the
rhizosphere which reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ and make it available for uptake into the
plant. The chelation strategy, used mainly by monocotyledonous plants, involves
the secretion of phytosiderophores (e.g. mugineic acid) that can bind Fe3+ which is
subsequently taken up by the root cells (Gamalero and Glick 2011; Bulgarelli et al.
2013). T  he Role of PGPR in Iron Acquisition and Plant

The enzymes involved in the mugineic acid pathway were deduced from sequence
comparison with bacteria, as it is now well known that bacteria can also act to help
plants acquire Fe (Crowley 2006; Saha et al. 2016a). In one of the early experiments
to determine microbial contribution to plant Fe acquisition, Masalha et al. (2000)
experimentally determined that soil microbial activity was enhancing Fe acquisition
using sterile and non-sterile soil as growth media. Non-sterile soil was associated
with increased Fe uptake, suggesting that the microbial community of the soil may
be contributing to Fe uptake in the plant. In sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), root
dry weight Fe concentrations were ~1748 ± 48 μg g−1 for non-sterile soil, whereas
in sterile soil, Fe concentration was ~248 ± 29 μg g−1, suggesting microbial activity
was enhancing Fe translocation from the soil to the plant (Masalha et al. 2000).
The microbial siderophores can be classified into four groups; the most common
are the hydroxamate siderophores, followed by catecholates, carboxylates and
pyoverdines. Examples of siderophores within these four respective groups include
ferribactin, pyoverdine, enterochelin and rhizobactin; these are produced by P. fluo-
rescens, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and R. meliloti, respectively (Maurer and Keller-­
Scheirlin 1968; Smith and Neilands 1984; Schalk and Guillon 2013; Vansuyt et al.
2007). Upwards of ~500 different siderophores have been reported to date, with
~270 being well characterized (Boukhalfa et al. 2003).
Siderophores can also be involved in a biocontrol capacity, sequestering iron
away from the rhizospheric soil and making it inaccessible to any potential patho-
gens (Siddiqui 2006). These microbes can further enhance Fe acquisition in plants
by inducing Fe-deficient responses, such as the production of hormonal compounds
analogous to plant hormones, which microbes can produce independently. B. subti-
lis GB03 has the ability to enhance Fe acquisition in Arabidopsis via transcriptional
upregulation of the Fe deficiency-induced transcription factor 1 (FIT1) which is
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 341

required for induction of ferric reductase FRO2 and the IRT1 iron transporter to
acquire Fe in the plant (Zhang et al. 2009).
A group of major microbial-derived plant growth-promoting (PGP) hormones
called auxins have been implicated in enhanced Fe uptake. The ratio of auxin-­
producing microorganisms in soil that contains phenolic root exudates of Fe-deficient
red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is higher than that observed in phenolic-free soil
solution controls, thus indicating that Fe deficiency in plants may contribute to the
abundance of auxin-producing microbes in the rhizosphere. Not only the increase of
auxin-producing microbes was observed, but the plant phenolics also inhibited the
growth of the majority of microbes, suggesting iron-deficient plants can select for
organisms which have the ability to produce auxin and siderophores, ~71% and
86% of the total microbial population, respectively (Jin et al. 2006, 2008). Exogenous
application of the major auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), enhances Fe deficiency-­
induced reduction of ferric Fe and expression of FRO2 and IRT1, which are critical
for enhanced Fe uptake in the plant and growth of lateral roots and root hairs to
provide increased surface area for Fe uptake (Jin et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2010; Wu
et al. 2012). IAA also contributes extra nutrients for rhizobacterial growth by modu-
lating the quantity of root exudation via an increase of porosity in the cell wall of
plants (Glick 2012).
Utilizing two of the most important cereal crops, rice (Oryza sativa L.) and
wheat (Triticum aestivum) in a rice-wheat cropping system, Rana et al. (2015) dem-
onstrated that PGPR and cyanobacteria led to both higher macro- and micronutrient
concentration in cereal grain. In rice, bacterial-cyanobacterial consortia increased
Fe concentration from ~4 to 14% over the fertilizer-only control. While bacterial-­
cyanobacterial consortia had a significant Fe increase over uninoculated controls,
isolate Providencia sp. PW5 alone increased the Fe concentration by ~45% com-
pared to the fertilizer-only control in wheat grains. Adak et al. (2016) also observed
increased acquisition of Fe through cyanobacteria inoculation in rice of ~13 to 46%
compared to uninoculated controls.
Recent publications from India on the biofortification of chickpea (Cicer arieti-
num L.), a major pulse crop grown under semiarid conditions, have highlighted the
potential for Fe biofortification in chickpea. Nineteen Acinetobacter isolates statis-
tically significantly increased mineral content in PGPR-inoculated chickpeas com-
pared to uninoculated controls; Fe in plants varied from ~10 to 38% higher (Sathya
et al. 2016). All 19 isolates increased Fe in the plant within the range of ~10 to 38%.
Gopalakrishnan et al. (2016) also recorded increases in Fe concentration following
PGPR treatment. Fe concentration in chickpea grain was increased up to 18% with
isolates E. ludwigii SRI-229 and P. monteilii SRI-360, the two strains displaying the
greatest performance over uninoculated controls (Gopalakrishnan et al. 2016). It is
important to note that postharvest processing and cooking can affect micronutrient
concentrations in the grain. Both Saytha et  al. (2016) and Gopalakrishnan et  al.
(2016) reported that Fe concentration can be affected by cooking and can reduce
from 5 to 30% and in some cases gain ~21% (Sathya et al. 2016; Gopalakrishnan
et al. 2016).
342 D.H. Daly et al.

16.2.3 Zinc The Importance of Zinc to Human Health

Zinc (Zn) is typically the most abundant transition metal in living organisms after
Fe and is the only metal resident in all enzyme classes (King 2006; Broadley et al.
2007). Zn plays a critical role in human health and is involved in correct functioning
of the immune system to fight infections such as pneumonia (Black et al. 2008). Zn
is also involved in protein synthesis, metabolic homeostasis and modulation of gene
expression through Zn-containing proteins (Welch 2001) and plays a critical role in
male fertility with Zn deficiency resulting in inhibition of spermatogenesis and
abnormal sperm production (Prasad 2008). In contrast to Fe, Zn is not stored in the
human body in sufficient amounts and as a result must be ingested daily (King
2011). Zn, along with Fe, iodine (I) and Se, i.e. the major micronutrients, is often
found in insufficient quantities in plant staple foods to meet human nutritional
requirements, and as a consequence, nearly half the global population suffers from
Zn micronutrient deficiency (White and Broadley 2009; Cakmak 2008). The PGPR-Mediated Biofortification of Plants with Zinc

Processing of staple grains such as rice and wheat decreases the micronutrient con-
centration of the grain, especially in the case of Zn in wheat (Zhang et al. 2010;
Kutman et al. 2011). Grain concentration of Zn is also hindered by the presence of
the well-documented ‘anti-nutrient’ phytic acid, which reduces mineral bioavail-
ability because it can form insoluble complexes with essential minerals such as Zn2+
and Fe3+ (Urbano et al. 2000; Srivastava 2016). Tariq et al. (2007) investigated the
potential of a PGPR consortium to increase Zn concentration in rice; the consor-
tium, named ‘BioPower’, consists of two Azospirillum lipoferum strains, two
Pseudomonas sp. strains and one Agrobacterium sp. strain (Hafeez et  al. 2002;
Tariq et al. 2007).
Rana et  al. (2012) showed that inoculation of wheat with Providencia sp. +
N60P60K60 significantly increases grain Zn accumulation to ~42 mg kg−1, along with
a threefold increase in the concentration of Fe compared to control plants. Zinc-­
solubilizing bacteria (ZSB) have also been shown to increase Zn concentration in
shoots and roots of soybean and wheat (He et al. 2010). Rana et al. (2015) docu-
mented an increased Zn concentration in wheat and rice grains over a 2-year-long
rice-wheat cropping sequence. In wheat grains, Zn concentration was ~41 mg kg−1
post-treatment with N60P60K60 and a bacterial consortium consisting of B. pumilus
PW1, Providencia sp. PW5 and B. diminuta PW7.
Zinc concentration in the wheat grain was measured at ~38  mg kg −1 post-­
treatment with N60P60K60 only and was measured at ~33  mg kg−1 for the control
without the application of fertilizer or bacteria. At the end of the 2-year cycle, Zn
concentration in wheat grain had increased 1–7% overall in plants that had been
treated with both fertilizer and bacteria compared to fertilizer-only controls.
In rice, Zn concentration in grain increased by ~14% when treated with N90P60K60
and a PGP bacterial consortium consisting of the strains Providencia sp. PR3,
Brevundimonas diminuta PR7 and Ochrobactrum anthropi PR10 (Rana et al. 2015).
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 343

Table 16.2  A selections of microbes which have been shown to contribute to the process of
micronutrient biofortification
Microbe Micronutrient Reference
Bacillus subtilis (GB 03) Fe Zhang et al. (2009)
Pseudomonas sp. R8 Se Acuña et al. (2013)
Stenotrophomonas sp. B19 Se Acuña et al. (2013)
Providencia sp. PW5 Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu Rana et al. (2012)
Pseudomonas sp. Z5 Zn Yasmin (2011)
Flavobacterium sp. Zn He et al. (2010)
Anabaena sp. Fe Manjunath et al. (2016)
Azotobacter sp. Fe, Zn Manjunath et al. (2016)
Calothrix sp. Zn Manjunath et al. (2016)
Pseudomonas fluorescens C7 Fe Vansuyt et al. (2007)

Manjunath et al. (2016) recorded increased Zn concentration in okra (Abelmoschus

esculentus (L.) Moench). During midcrop stage, Zn concentrations were ~60 to
70% higher in plants treated with Azotobacter sp. and a cyanobacterium (e.g.
Calothrix), compared to uninoculated controls (Majunath et al. 2016). Shakeel et al.
(2015) observed that zinc-solubilizing bacteria (ZSB) increased zinc translocation
in two rice varieties, basmati-385 and super basmati. A consortium of Bacillus sp.
SH-10 and B. cereus SH-17 yielded a Zn concentration in grain of ~31  mg kg−1
compared to a concentration of ~18 mg kg−1 in the basmati-385 control. Application
of ZSB with Zn fertilizer did not increase Zn concentration in the grain; this may be
due to the increased Zn uptake potential of the varieties tested (Shakeel et al. 2015)
(Table 16.2).
Isolates hail from diverse genera based on respective abilities to fix or solubilize
nutrients within the rhizosphere for plant growth promotion (Fig. 16.2).

16.3 T
 he Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF)
to Biofortification in Crops

Most plants, including all major food crops, form a symbiotic below-ground asso-
ciation with AMF that supplies the host plant with water and mineral nutrients, such
as phosphorus (Senés-Guerrero et al. 2014). Plants colonized by AMF can effec-
tively acquire nutrients from a larger soil volume, beyond the nutrition depletion
zone to where the plant roots cannot extend. Thus, AMF helps the plant to grow
better and increase its productivity. In return, the host plant provides AMF with
carbohydrates required to complete its life cycle (Zhang et al. 2015).
The AMF acquire essential nutrients such as P, Zn, Cu, Fe, N and K from the soil,
and thus AMF contact with roots provides the plant with access to essential nutri-
tional elements, leading to solubilization, mobilization and uptake of the essential
nutrients needed by plants for their growth (Clark and Zeto 2000; Kumar et  al.
2016a). Plants colonized with AMF have significantly greater zinc concentrations in
all tissue types compared to non-mycorrhizal plants, although the effect is primarily
344 D.H. Daly et al.




Zn Root Exudates
Fe Se

c Se
Se Se

Fig. 16.2  Schematic representation of the reciprocal relationship between PGPR and the host
plant; (a) represents the plant rhizospheric space, (b) represents beneficial PGPR. The plant pro-
vides root exudates which are consumed by bacteria as a carbon source, and endophytic PGPR
have the option to potentially colonize the plant and avoid adverse environmental conditions. (c)
Represents the increased uptake of micronutrients in the rhizosphere where PGPR activity leads to
micronutrient biofortification of the plant. (d) Represents micronutrients in the soil which would
be either unavailable or diminished in available supply to the plant without PGPR.  Based on
numerous PGP activities, PGPR can increase the translocation and concentration of key micronu-
trients which would otherwise be unavailable to the plant. Especially in the case of siderophore-­
producing PGPR, which can have a beneficial effect on Fe sequestration from the soil and
subsequent transfer to the plant. In return, the plant can supply the PGPR with a carbon source in
the form of root exudates and where there are endophytic PGPR present; the plant endosphere can
act as a suitable environment for endophytic proliferation

due to soil property differences (Lehmann et al. 2014). Improved total uptake of
N-P-K was observed in both shoots and roots of Plantago minuta under variable soil
water conditions, when inoculated with AMF (Shi et al. 2015). Under field condi-
tions, inoculation of AMF in the soil of chickpea plants increased plant biomass and
yield, and also increased the nutritional value of the legume, leading to Fe and Zn
biofortification (Pellegrino and Bedini 2014).
In addition, AMF increases positive interactions with rhizobacteria, including
beneficial rhizobacteria known to induce spore germination of AMF and root colo-
nization directly. AMF hyphal exudates influence surrounding microbial communi-
ties and may drive beneficial bacterial-plant interactions and consequently improve
plant fitness and productivity (Scheublin et al. 2010; Cruz and Ishii 2011; Qin et al.
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 345

2016). Co-inoculation of AMF and beneficial bacteria, such as Pseudomonas

strains, substantially increases wheat yield and mineral nutrient concentrations of P,
K, Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn in wheat grains (Mader et al. 2011). The co-inoculation of
selenobacteria and AMF significantly improves selenium (Se) content in wheat
grain, suggesting a synergistic effect between these microbes (Durán et al. 2013).
Dual inoculation of AMF and Rhizobium in the soybean/maize intercropping sys-
tem significantly increased the efficiency of N fixation of soybean and enhanced the
transfer of N from soybean to maize, leading to the yield enhancement of both crops
(Meng et al. 2015).
Another important benefit of AMF is its secretion of a high molecular weight
glycoprotein that helps in soil aggregation stability, promotes a better soil structure
and healthy plant-soil system (Wu et al. 2014) and mitigates against phytoremedia-
tion of Al, As, Cd, Hg and Pb (He and Nara 2007). The AMF also show resistance
to several biotic (e.g. pathogen) and abiotic stressors (e.g. drought). Under drought
stress, a significant increase in plant growth and photosynthesis was observed when
citrus plants were colonized by AMF (Wu et al. 2013). In another study, the AMF-­
inoculated strawberry has shown enhanced tolerance to drought stress (Boyer et al.
2015). AMF are capable of significantly improving plant innate system, mainly
through the priming mechanism (Gallou et al. 2011).
The tomato plants colonized with AMF showed increased plant resistance to
early blight, which requires JA signalling pathway (Song et al. 2015). Beneficial
microbes provide plants with essential nutrients through a variety of mechanisms,
and microbe interactions with plant roots are critical for nutrient uptake and crop
productivity. Hence, a better understanding of microbial interactions and subse-
quent controlling of pathogens are essential for the use of microbes in agriculture.
The role of AMF in nutrient uptake and crop production is a key factor for bio-
fortification of crops using essential mineral elements from the soil. With plant-­
microbial interactions, crops benefit through symbiosis with AMF, and this could
help minimize the application of chemical fertilizers and improve nutrient avail-
ability. As a result, AMF could play a vital role in biofortification of crops with
essential nutrients, thereby contributing to sustainable crops with improved nutri-
tion that could curb global malnutrition (He and Nara 2007). Increasing the nutri-
tional levels of economically important food crops, without requiring the
consumption of more food, is achievable through the use of AMF and other benefi-
cial microbes. Thus, unravelling the potential of AMF as a biofortification agent to
increase the nutritional content in edible tissue plant parts is essential in the context
of modern agriculture. As such, biofortification using AMF and other beneficial
microbes in agriculture is important, including an increase of iron biofortification,
zinc biofortification, provitamin A carotenoid biofortification and amino acid and
protein biofortification of economically important crops, such as potato, sorghum,
cassava, rice, wheat, maize, etc. (Mayer et al. 2008; Khush et al. 2012).
346 D.H. Daly et al.

16.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives

The threats to global food security have been highlighted by many authors to date
(Tai et al. 2014; Sundström et al. 2014). National governments through the interna-
tional forum of the United Nations have agreed on 17 goals to be achieved by 2030
(Sustainable Development Goals project), amongst them the eradication of world
hunger and improved nutrition (FAO 2016). A number of these goals, particularly in
relation to food security, can be addressed by crop biofortification. Many successful
strategies for biofortifying crops are detailed in the peer-reviewed literature with the
most famous biofortification project concerning the expression of provitamin A in
Golden Rice which was based on a genetic engineering strategy. Even though the
Golden Rice project was awarded the Patents for Humanity prize by the United
States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in 2015 in recognition of this lifesav-
ing technology and the humanitarian nature of the project, the product is still not
available on the market due to public opposition, in the main led by Greenpeace.
This year (2016), 121 Nobel Laureates called on Greenpeace to end its opposition
to this lifesaving technology (Support Precision Agriculture 2016).
Aside from genetic modification, other successful strategies including conven-
tional breeding strategies have been utilized for crop biofortification. This year
(2016), the World Food Prize was awarded to a group of scientists in recognition of
their role in crop biofortification using breeding strategies to increase provitamin A
in sweet potato by incorporating germplasm from the Andean region in South
America to generate orange-fleshed sweet potatoes suitable for Africa (ISAAA
2016). This breeding strategy is reliant on natural diversity in the germplasm of a
crop for the production of a particular vitamin or micronutrient.
In the absence of natural germplasm diversity, other strategies for crop bioforti-
fication can be utilized including foliar application of micronutrients and/or the
exploitation of the natural microbial diversity in soils, i.e. plant growth-promoting
microbes (PGPM) most especially bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. Being environ-
mentally safe and cost-effective are major advantages to the proliferation of PGPM
throughout agriculture. Indeed this can be seen by the vast number of commercially
available PGPM products released in recent years with up to 4% of the global
biocide share being directly related to microbial volatile organic compounds
(mVOCs) isolated and synthesized from PGPM (Glare et  al. 2012; Wilson et  al.
2013; Velivelli et al., 2014; Kanchiswamy et al. 2016), and this trend is set to
continue. A historic problem in the biofortification of crops using foliar and soil
application of micronutrients particularly in relation to Fe has been the low uptake
of the micronutrient post-application. This has been highlighted recently by
Kromann et al. (2016) with regard to Fe and Zn biofortification of Andean potatoes.
It was found that both foliar and soil application of Zn fertilizers led to a ~three- and
twofold increase, respectively, in tuber Zn concentration. However, there was no
increase in Fe tuber concentration post-application. In this instance, it can be
suggested that application of Fe fertilizer in conjunction with a PGPM capable of
increasing Fe translocation and concentration in the tuber could be tested. The study
16  The Role of Soil Microbes in Crop Biofortification 347

also highlights the need to understand soil parameters within diverse environments,
as these can have a significant effect on crop biofortification (Kromann et al. 2016).
Regulatory mechanisms in the plant-microbe micro-/macronutrient cycling path-
ways and their reciprocal interactions need to be further elucidated to determine the
best course of action for formulation of appropriate treatments to specific soil/cli-
mate/temperature/crop scenarios. Indeed, this can be further seen in the observation
that nitrogen status of the plant can have a positive correlation on the content and
translocation of Fe and Zn in plants (Kutman et al. 2010, 2011), and many plant
growth-promoting microbes are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen (Prasanna
et al. 2012). Genome mining of selected PGPR or wild relative/stress-tolerant culti-
vars of major crops may reveal genes involved in nutrient cycling pathways that,
through GM technology, could be incorporated into agriculturally important crops
to optimize delivery of micronutrients to deficient populations in the developing
Using genomics, identifying changes in gene expression during microbial inter-
actions is critical to understanding the role of microbes in biofortification. In par-
ticular, more attention needs to be focused on the following research questions: how
microbes influence the nutritional content of economically important crops; identi-
fying appropriate microbial strains; exploiting synergistic microbial activity, e.g.
between AMF and other beneficial bacteria; and assessing constant field efficacy
under different environmental regimes, to ensuring adequate uptake by plants and
improving crop quality. Supplying essential nutrients using beneficial microbes
naturally found in soils across the planet, such as AMF and PGPR, will help to alle-
viate the problem of hidden hunger and provide a promising sustainable agricultural
strategy for improving current crop micronutrient content and in developing future
biofortified crops.

Acknowledgements  The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Crawford-­
Hayes fund at the University College Cork, Ireland, for its contribution to the writing of this

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