Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Com (Sem-V)
Business Administration
Asst. Prof. Dr. Richu Juneja
Social responsibility can be said to be the obligation on the part of business
enterprises to protect and promote society’s welfare. The activities of
businesses should be organized in such a way that the society is benefited and
not affected.
Business enterprises exist to satisfy needs of the society. It is the society that
provides them the inputs and serves as the market for their produce.
The basic requisites expected in this regard are trust, honesty, integrity,
transparency and compliance with the laws of the land.
Corporate social responsibility focuses on the idea that a business has social
obligation above and beyond making a profit. It requires a management to be
accountable to the full range of stakeholders.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by
the business to behave ethically and contribute to the economic
development of the country while improving the quality of life of the
workforce and their families and local community and society at large.
CSR is achieving commercial success in the ways that honor ethical
values and respect people, communities and the natural environment.
The concept of social responsibility has been in practice in India for over
several decades. The concept of trusteeship propounded by Gandhiji
and the pioneering welfare measures undertaken by Tata Company
comes under social responsibility.
Today, CSR in India has gone ahead of only charity and donations. It is
approached in a more organized and structured fashion. It is now
considered as an essential part of the corporate strategy. Companies have
CSR teams that develop specific policies, strategies and goals for their
CSR programs and set aside budgets to sustain them.
Click on the link and read the article how big or small business
players contributed for the benefit of the society and nation in
the tough times:
1) Self-interest: It is in the self-interest of the business to have a social
responsibility as it opens opportunities for understanding the problems
and issues of society.
2) Better Public Image: Each firm must enhance its public image to secure
more customers, better employees and higher profit. Acceptance of social
responsibility goals lead to improve public image.
and Workers
Investors /
Community Relationships
A business cannot work without consumer. The survival and growth of
business depends on consumer satisfaction, service and support. The
commercial organization should win the confidence of the customers. This
is possible by following a positive attitude towards customers and fulfilling
following social responsibilities towards them:
(1) Quality: The company should produce quality goods. The company
should try to improve its quality because at no time quality can be 100%.
There is always room for improvement of quality.
(2) Fair Prices: The customers should not be cheated by charging high
prices. It is not possible to fool the customer at all the time. Thus, fair price
convert a customer into permanent customer.
(3) Honest Advertising: The customers want to know the facts, features,
advantages, side-effects, etc. of the product. The advertisement conveys this
information. Thus, the company must see that the advertisement is not
being misleading and it must be done by providing the true and actual
(4) After Sales Service: The company is expected to provide after sale
service for maintenance of goods during the period of warranty. Efficient
and effective after sale service helps to establish good relation between the
customers and the company.
(5) Research and Development: The consumers require that the business
organization must conduct research and development for the purpose of
improving the quality and reducing the cost of production. That is, it must
provide ISI or AGMARK products to the customers.
(6) Consumer's Safety: The business must ensure that the product supplied
will not adversely affect on the life and health of the customers. Unsafe
product must not be marketed by the company.
(7) Regular Supply: Consumer should be supplied with the goods
regularly as and when required by them. The commercial organization
should not create artificial shortage of goods.
(1) Meaningful Work and Job Satisfaction: In a country like India, the job
opportunities are limited with a serious problem of unemployment. Therefore,
to provide a good work, proper working conditions and job security are the
social responsibilities of commercial organizations.
(2) Fair Returns: Workers should be paid sufficient wages and salaries, other
incentives like bonus, medical allowance, traveling allowances, etc. Prompt
payment to the workers results in higher motivation to the work force.
(3) Best Physical and Mental Atmosphere: Fresh and decent working
conditions, proper sanitary facilities, cool and fresh drinking water and etc.
items are the essentials of employees. Therefore, by taking into
consideration these requirements, proper attention should be given to the
Hence, it should develop and improve its business and build up its
financial independence. Needless to say, to provide dividend, the
company should earn sufficient profit. Adequate reserves should be
built up so that it will be able to declare a reasonable dividend during a
lean period as well. If a company fails to cope with changes in a
changing and dynamic world, its position will be shaken, and the
shareholders’ interests will be affected. By innovation and growth, the
company should consolidate and improve its position and help
strengthen the share prices.
The shareholders are interested not only in the protection of their
investment and the return on it but also in the image of the company.
It shall, therefore, be the endeavor of the company to ensure that its
public image is such that the shareholders can feel proud of their
company. It may be mentioned here that the shareholders also have
certain responsibilities, which they have to discharge to protect their
own interests.
(2) Payment of Taxes: The business organizations must pay taxes and duties
regularly to the government such as Goods and Service Tax (GST), income tax,
custom duty, or any other taxes in place, etc. Non payment of taxes is an offense,
because it would be difficult for the government to undertake development
programs in absence of tax revenues.
(5) Advising the Government: The business organization has to provide timely
advice to the government in respect of framing important policies such as
Industrial policy, Import & Export policy, Licensing policy, etc.
(6) No Favors: The commercial organization should not take any type of favor
from government officials by bribing or influencing them.
(8) Political Stability: For economic growth the national security, political
stability is required. A stable government often brings more returns and peace in a
democratic society. Business units should not support those groups or individuals
who are interested in creating political disturbance.
Business organization has certain responsibilities towards the society at a
large. They are as under:
7. Responsibility to provide
1. Responsibility to make profit
quality of life