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R E SE A RC H Annual


Report 2020-2021

Department of Health Research

Annual Report


Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
New Delhi
© Department of Health Research
Department of Health Research


Chapter-1 Introduction 1

Chapter-2 Administration and Finance 9

Chapter-3 Establishment of Network of Research Laboratiories for Managing Epidemics 14

and natural calamities

Chapter-4 Establishment of MultiDisciplinary Research units MRUs in state Government 29

medical colleges/research institutions

Chapter-5 Establishment of Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs) in the states 39

Chapter-6 Grant-in-aid Scheme for Inter-Sectoral Convergence & Coordination For 47

Promotion And Guidance On Health Research


Chapter-8 Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn) year 2020-21 55

Chapter-9 Outbreak Of COVID Pandemic 67

Chapter-10 Implementation of Schemes in NER 71

Chapter-11 Indian Council of Medical Research 77

Annexure BE/RE actual expenditure 2019-20 and BE/RE 2020-21 with actual 81
expenditure upto December 2020 and BE 2021-22 in respect of Demand
no.43- Department of Health Research

Department of Health Research

1 Introduction

1.1 Department of Health Research (DHR) and abroad.

was created as a separate Department within
the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare by an 5) International co-operation in medical and
amendment to the Government of India (Allocation health research, including work related to
of Business) Rules, 1961 on 17.09.2007. The international conferences in related areas in
Department became functional from November India and abroad.
2008 with the appointment of first Secretary of the 6) Technical support for dealing with epidemics
Department. and natural calamities.
1.2 The aim of the DHR is to bring Modern Health 7) Investigation of outbreaks due to new and
Technologies to the people through research exotic agents and development of tools for
and innovations related to diagnosis, treatment prevention.
methods and vaccines for preventions; to translate
them into products and processes and, in synergy 8) Matters relating to scientific societies
with concerned organizations, introduce these and associations, charitable and religious
innovations into public health system. endowments in medicine and health research
1.3 The mandate of DHR is:
9) Coordination between organizations and
1) Promotion and co-ordination of basic, institutes under the Central and State
applied and clinical research including Government in areas related to the subjects
clinical trials and operational research in entrusted to the Department and for the
areas related to medical, health, biomedical promotion of special studies in medicine and
and medical profession and education health.
through development of infrastructure,
manpower and skills in cutting edge areas 10) Administering and monitoring of Indian
and management of related information Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
thereto. 1.4 With a view to fulfil its mandate, the DHR
2) Promote and provide guidance on research rolled out the following Schemes in 2013-14:
governance issues, including ethical issues in 1. Establishment of Network of Research
medical and health research. Laboratories for Managing Epidemics and
3) Inter-sectoral coordination and promotion Natural Calamities (VRDL).
of public - private – partnership in medical, 2. Establishment of Multi-disciplinary Research
biomedical and health research related areas. Units (MRUs) in Govt. Medical Colleges/
4) Advanced training in research areas Research Institutions.
concerning medicine and health, including 3. Establishment of Model Rural Health Research
grant of fellowships for such training in India Units (MRHRUs) in States.

Annual Report 2020-21

4. Human Resource Development (HRD) for July 15, 2019. The Lok Sabha approved the bill on
Health Research. the 5th of August 2019. The Bill defines Surrogacy
as a practice where a woman gives birth to a child
5. Grants in Aid scheme (GIA) for inter-sectoral
for an intending couple with the intention to hand
convergence & promotion and guidance on
over the child after the birth to the intending
research governance issues.
1.5 During the year under review, the
The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 proposes to
Department has made significant progress in
regulate surrogacy in India by establishing National
implementation of aforesaid schemes. 115 Viral
Surrogacy Board at the Central level and the State
Research & Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDLs), 80
Surrogacy Boards and Appropriate Authorities in the
Multi-Disciplinary Research Units (MRUs) and 25
MRHRUs were sanctioned up to 2020-21 (up to States and Union Territories. The major objectives
December 2020). of the Bill are to regulate surrogacy services in the
country, to provide altruistic ethical surrogacy to
1.6 Besides this, a total number of 200 the needy Indian couples, to prohibit commercial
fellowships were supported under HRD Scheme surrogacy including sale and purchase of human
during the year 2019-20 including 95 new embryo and gametes, to prevent commercialization
fellowships of 2019-20. During the year 2020-21 of surrogacy, to prohibit potential exploitation
(up to Dec 2020), a total number of ongoing 49 of surrogate mothers and protect the rights of
fellowships including fellowships of 2019-20 have children born through surrogacy.
been supported. In addition, a total number of 366
proposals have been received in response to online The Bill was placed in Rajya Sabha on the 6th of
call for proposals for the year 2020-21. November 2019 for consideration and on 21st of
November 2019 referred to the Select Committee.
1.7 A total number of 274 research projects The Select Committee report was tabled in the
were approved and funded under the GIA Scheme Rajya Sabha on the 5th of February 2020.The
upto 2019-20 including 31 new research projects of Cabinet Note pursuing the Surrogacy (Regulation)
2019-20. During the year 2020-21 (up to Dec 2020), Bill 2020 as reported by the Select Committee has
a total number of 62 research projects including been approved by the Cabinet in its meeting held
those pertaining to 2019-20 have been funded. on the 26th of February 2020 and a notice for
In addition, a total number of 1,027 proposals consideration of the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill,
have been received in response to online call for 2020 in Rajya Sabha was issued by HFM during the
proposals for the year 2020-21 and are under monsoon session and the Bill is pending in Rajya
consideration. Sabha.
1.8 About 62 VRDLs, 47 MRUs and 11 MRHRUs
1.10 Assisted Reproductive Technology
have already initiated research activities. These
Regulation Bill ,2020
schemes are largely helping in building up a strong
and effective eco-system for carrying out health The draft Assisted Reproductive Technology
research in the country and for introduction of Regulation Bill 2017 has been framed to
new technologies, new methods of treatment and establish the National Board, the State Boards
products/processes into the public health system. and the National Registry for the Regulation and
Supervision of assisted reproductive technology
1.9 SURROGACY REGULATION BILL, 2020 clinics and the assisted reproductive technology
The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 was banks, for prevention of misuse and for safe and
introduced by the Hon’ble Minister of Health & ethical practice of assisted reproductive technology
Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan in Lok Sabha on services in the Country.

Department of Health Research

The Cabinet Note for Introduction of the Assisted (COVID-19) started spreading rapidly across the
Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill, 2020 has world in December 2019, prompting the World
been approved by the Cabinet in its meeting held Health Organization (WHO) to declare the outbreak
on the 19th of February 2020 and introduced in the as a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. The
Lok Sabha on the 14th of September 2020.The Lok Government of India mounted a swift response to
Sabha Chairman on 3rd October 2020 referred “The COVID-19 starting mid-January which continues
Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill, to be calibrated to the fast-evolving situation.
2020 as introduced and pending in Lok Sabha , to A concerted and well-coordinated Government
the Department-related Parliamentary Standing approach has been adopted to ensure a
Committee on Health and Family Welfare for comprehensive and robust response to COVID-19.
examination and report thereon within 3 months.
1.13 Preparation of Standard Treatment
1.11 Health Technology Assessment in India Workflow (STW):
(HTAIn): Simple, self-explanatory treatment algorithms for
Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn) is an 53 common & serious medical & surgical conditions
institutional structure, established in 2017, under have been made. These workflows comprise of
the Department of Health Research (DHR), Ministry symptoms, signs, diagnostics, treatment etc. for
of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) entrusted concerned diseases. A dissemination strategy is
with the responsibility to analyze evidences related being planned for putting these up in all Medical
to cost-effectiveness, clinical- effectiveness and Colleges, District Hospitals, Primary HealthCare
equity issues regarding the deployment of health centres across the country. A high-level stakeholder
technologies viz. medicines, devices and health meeting was organized in January 2020 which was
programmes by means of HTA in India, in turn attended by NITI Aayog, DoHFW, WHO, Unicef and
helping in evidence-informed decision making a few identified States.
for an efficient use of existing health resources The treatment algorithms pertain to 22 medical
and provide people affordable, accessible and and surgical specialities. Work is in progress to
quality healthcare. The main objectives of HTAIn cover a total of 122 disease conditions. The initial
is maximizing health, reducing Out of Pocket publication of 53 workflows has been hosted in
Expenditure (OOP) and minimizing inequality ICMR website for wider dissemination.
in healthcare services. It will help in developing
systems and mechanisms to assess new and existing 1.14 NLEM (National List of Essential
health technologies based on available data on Medicines):
resource use, cost, clinical effectiveness and safety. The Secretariat of the Standing National
It will also ensure healthcare accessibility and Committee on Medicines and other Health Care
usefulness to inform health policy. Dissemination Products (SNCM) is housed by the DHR. The Core
of research findings and resulting policy decisions Committee, through a series of meetings and
will educate and empower the public to make consultations with experts from across the country
better informed decisions for health. Hence, HTAIn deliberates and revises the National List of Essential
could be a useful tool in taking India towards Medicines (NLEM) from time to time. DHR provides
Universal Health Coverage. The Health Technology administrative and IT support to the SNCM.
Assessment Board Bill 2019 has been proposed to Medicines in NLEM are categorised according to
institutionalize the structure and function of the the therapeutic class and listed with doses forms
HTAIn body. and references to the levels of healthcare, namely,
1.12 Outbreak of COVID Pandemic: Primary (P), Secondary (S) and Tertiary (T).

An outbreak of the novel corona virus disease 1.15 India TB Research Consortium

Annual Report 2020-21

India TB Research Consortium (ITRC) is a flagship This project envisages to screen 5 Lakh general
programme of Department of Health Research population from 625 pre identified clusters all
(DHR), Govt of India which was sanctioned by DHR over India excluding Andaman and Nicobar &
in December 2017 to tackle TB in a mission mode. Lakshadweep for Pulmonary Tuberculosis, using
The vision of ITRC was to accelerate development mobile medical units with inbuilt CBNAAT and
of new tools in areas of diagnostics, treatment, Chest X ray units .Confirmation of TB in suspected
vaccines and implementation research by individuals is being done by Sputum AFB and
harnessing interdisciplinary expertise and building, Sputum culture /sensitivity at state Intermediate
consolidating and strengthening scientific Reference Laboratories . The survey also intends to
capabilities by fostering in- country collaborations estimate prevalence of Latent TB infection in India
and global partnerships. using Quantiferon Gold testing (IGRA) of 41600
The first phase of ITRC was initiated in December general populations at 52 pre-identified clusters,
2017 and was successfully completed on 31st Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. Twenty three
March 2020. A total of 38 projects were sanctioned special teams were trained on protocol and various
and initiated in different thematic areas of research procedures of survey to execute this survey.
during the first phase of which 6 have been
Status- Total 172 clusters (155 completed and 17
completed and others are ongoing.
ongoing) are surveyed till 11th December 2020.
The significant activities of the Phase I are: Out of 172 clusters 20 clusters were paper based
1. Initiation of ‘TB Vaccine trial’ in July 2019 which
is a Phase III regulatory trial for evaluating In clusters conducted on soft-ware total
the safety and efficacy of two TB vaccines population enumerated are 173714. Total no of
(VPM1002 and MIP as against Placebo) of eligible participants are 121157. Total participants
which MIP is an indigenous vaccine. The trial Interviewed are110665.Total participants
has enrolled more than 11200 participants diagnosed with pulmonary TB 408.
till date out of the target enrolment of 12000
participants. This trial is being conducted in 6 In 20 clusters where survey was conducted on paper
states and at 7 main sites. total population enumerated are 24954.Total no of
eligible participants are 20723.Total participants
2. “TrueNat”, an indigenously developed, user- interviewed are 14773 .Total participants diagnosed
friendly, cost-effective & sensitive diagnostic with pulmonary TB78.
tool for TB diagnosis was taken up by ITRC for
feasibility studies in India and also for Global 1.16 NATIONAL ETHICS COMMITTEE REGISTRY
study coordinated by FIND. The TrueNat has FOR BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH RESEARCH
been adopted by National TB Elimination (NECRBHR)
Programme (NTEP) for use under National The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
programme and WHO has also recommended Government of India, had notified the 'New Drugs
its use for TB and MDR-TB after the Global and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019', which came into
study results were presented to WHO. force from the 19th March, 2019. As stipulated in
National TB Prevalence Survey Chapter IV of these Rules, which came into force
after 180 days, Ethics Committees (ECs), reviewing
The ongoing project National TB Prevalence (NTBP)
biomedical and health research, involving human
survey, funded by Central TB Division, Mo-HFW and
participants, shall register with the authority
supported by WHO, UNAIDS being conducted by
designated by the Central Government in the
DHR/ICMR was inaugurated by Dr Harsha Vardhan
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department
,Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family welfare on
of Health Research (DHR). Accordingly, National
25th September 2020 .

Department of Health Research

Ethics Committee Registry for Biomedical and put in place for registration of ECs and conferences
Health Research (NECRBHR) had been set up in DHR and training programmes in association with the
in September, 2019. For this purpose, a software, Indian Council of Medical Research.
namely, 'Naitik portal' (, has
also been developed and launched for online 3. After this registry started functioning, requests
submission, receipt and processing of applications for registration of ECs were received, and are being
received, from various organizations through
for EC registration. This is expected to bring out the
much-needed transparency, accountability and the said portal. More than 1019 login requests
organizational structure in the area of biomedical and 630 EC registration applications have been
and health research, involving human participants. received till December 2020. Against it, 401 ECs
have been issued Provisional Certificate during
2. Outreach measures for disseminating the the corresponding period, which includes more
requirements and necessity for registration of ECs than 104 Government institutions, 26 Universities
were extended through issue of notifications to and around 153 medical colleges (Private/Govt).
various stakeholders and nodal agencies under the Information of all these ECs are in public domain
Government for wide publicity of the arrangement on the Naitik portal.

Annual Report 2020-21

Hon'ble Home Minister Shri Amit Shah inaugurating the mobile COVID-19 RT-PCR Lab jointly developed
by ICMR & SpiceHealth that will revolutionize Covid-19 testing in India

Department of Health Research

Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Hon'ble Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare has released a book on
"100 years History of ICMR-NIN"

Secretary, DHR addressing the audience on the occasion of National Constitution Day at ICMR HQ

Annual Report 2020-21

Department of Health Research

2 Administration and Finance


2.1 The Department of Health Research has Research Consortium, Ethics Committee, response
formulated five Central Sector Schemes for to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Further,
implementation across the country. Over the years, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is
additional responsibilities have been entrusted administered by DHR. Presently, DHR has a total
to the Department which include HTAIn, National of 42 sanctioned posts in different grades with
List of essential Medicines (NLEM), Preparation incumbency position as under:
of Standard Treatment Workflow (STW), India T.B.

Table (1)

S. No. Name of the post Total sanctioned Incumbency Vacancy

strength position position
1. Joint Secretary 2 2 0
2. Director/Deputy Secretary 4 4 0
3. Scientist ‘E’ 2 0 2
4. Under Secretary 4 3 1
5. Scientist ’D’ 2 0 2
6. Section Officer 6 2 4
7. Assistant Section Officer 11 5 6
8. Sr. Principal Private Secretary 0 2* 0
9. Scientist ‘C’ 2 0 2
10. Principal Private Secretary 0 3* 0
11. Private Secretary 2 2 0
12. Personal Assistant 2 0 2
13. Stenographer Grade ‘D’ 2 0 2
14. Lower Division Clerk / Junior Secretariat Assistant 1 0 1
15. Junior Hindi Translator 1 0 1
16. Typist (Hindi) 1 0 1
17. Multi Tasking Staff 0 1* 0
Total 42 24 (6*) 24

* 06 incumbents are over and above the sanctioned posts.

Annual Report 2020-21

2.2 The process of filling up of the vacant posts is this is a suspended as per GOI
under consideration in consultation with the instructions to contain spread of Covid
concerned Departments/ Cadre Controlling 19 pandemic.
Authorities. Recruitment Rules for the posts
c. Official e-mail IDs of all staff members
of Scientists are under consideration in
have been created under the
consultation with the UPSC. Thereafter, these
Government of India e-mail services and
posts will also be filled up.
is used for all official communication.
2.3 Grievance Redressal Mechanism: The
d. All computer systems have Local
Department has Grievance Redressal
Area Network (LAN) connectivity
Mechanism with the Deputy Secretary as
through NIC and leased line circuits to
nodal officer.
facilitate speedy implementation of
2.4 Complaints Committee for Prevention e-Governance Policy of Government.
of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work
e. Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is a
Places: Department has setup a Complaint
paperless, cashless and system driven e-
Redressal Mechanism to look into the
market place that enables procurement
matters/cases of sexual harassment of female
of common use goods and services
employees of the Department.
with minimal human interface. As per
2.5 E-Governance Initiatives: In order to the latest General Financial Rules of
promote and strengthen ICT enabled e- Government of India, the Department
Governance in the country, Department of of Health Research uses GeM for
Health Research has taken several initiatives procurement of common use goods
to digitize certain activities, in the following and services in a transparent, efficient
manner: and cost-effective manner. During
2020-21 (till date), the procurement
a) The Department has been using
through GeM was above 95% of the
the e-Office software, designed and
overall procurement of Goods and
developed by the National Informatics
Services by the Department.
Centre, for online processing of
receipts and files. As per Government f. In the present Covid-19 pandemic
of India directive, e-filing system is situation, meetings and conferences are
to be implemented in Ministries/ arranged on virtual basis by following
Departments for a more effective and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
transparent inter and intra-government of M/o Home Affairs and M/o Health &
processes. Family Welfare.
b) The staff of DHR mark their attendance g. For initiating online application and
digitally through AADHAR based maintaining of DHR Schemes, an
Biometric Attendance System. It e-Project Performance Management
enables monitoring of attendance System (e-PPMS) portal has been
and generation of reports through the developed which is very useful for
website designed smooth functioning and monitoring of
and hosted by NIC. However, presently all schemes of DHR.

Department of Health Research

Allocations and Expenditure from 2015-16 to 2019-20 (14th Finance Commission period) and for 2019-20,
2020-21 and 2021-22 are as follows:

(Rs. in Crores)
Year BE RE Actual Expenditure
2015-16 1018.17 1012.51 992.77
2016-17 1144.80 1344.80 1323.60
2017-18 1500.00 1743.39 1731.68
2018-19 1800.00 1742.73 1727.87
2019-20 1900.00 1950.00 1934.03
Total (14th Finance 7362.97 7793.43 7709.95
Commission period)
2020-21 2100.00 4062.30 2716.45*
(expenditure upto 31st
December, 2020)
2020-21 - - 1345.85
(estimated expenditure
for January–March 2021)
2021-22 2663.00

*Including expenditure against COVID-19 Package

A statement indicating the scheme-wise BE/RE/actual expenditure for 2019-20 and BE/RE for 2020-21 with
actual expenditure upto 31st December, 2020 and BE 2021-22 in respect of Demand No.43-Department
of Health Research is given at Annexure.
Audit Observations:
There was no C&AG Audit Para pertaining to the Department of Health Research (DHR) during the year.
The position of PAC/C&AG Audit Paras pertaining to the Indian Council of Medical Research is as

I Status of PAC Reports

S.No. PAC Report No. Para No. Brief Subject of the Para Status of
submission of ATN
1. 2nd Report of The Public Para 17-18 Indian Council of Medical ATN has been
Accounts Committee Research (ICMR)-Overpayment furnished on 20th
(Seventeenth Lok Sabha) on the of Transport Allowance to October, 2020
Action Taken Note on 95th Report Scientists “G”
of the PAC on Health & Family
Welfare (Ministry Of Health &
Family Welfare) dated 06.12.2019
II. No C&AG Audit Para was pending during the year 2020-21

Annual Report 2020-21

Vigilance Awareness week (27.10.2020 to 02.11.2020) - Integrity Pledge by DHR officials

Schemes of Department of
Health Research (DHR)
Annual Report 2020-21



During the past few years, India has witnessed augmenting the quality parameters for consistent,
several outbreaks of emerging/ re-emerging reliable and high-quality diagnosis; initiated event-
viral infections. Annual epidemics of Dengue, based surveillance for fast detection of outbreaks;
Chikungunya, Influenza, Rotavirus, Measles Rubella, strengthened coordination of VRDLs with the
Japanese encephalitis etc. are reported from State Public Health System, Integrated Disease
all parts of the country. Besides, in the past two Surveillance Program (IDSP) and National Vector
decades, India has witnessed acute outbreaks or Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP); initiated
threats of infiltration of new or exotic viruses such structured research projects which would translate
as Nipah virus (2001; 2007; 2018 & 2019); SARS-CoV into information for drafting/refining public health
(2003); Avian Influenza H5N1 (2006); ECSA strain of policies. Some of the key contributions of VRDLs in
chikungunya (2006); pandemic influenza (2009); maintaining disease security is as below:
Zika virus (2016). Ebola, Yellow fever and MERS-CoV
(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-coronavirus)  Sentinel surveillance for Zika viruses (ZIKV)
are the other potential viral agents which pose a has been established through 35 VRDLs.
serious threat to the country.  Six VRDLs have been trained at NIV, Pune and
2. Realizing the high risk faced by the country are equipped with diagnostic capacity for
due to emerging/re-emerging viral infections Yellow Fever.
and limited capacity for timely detection of such  A significant achievement has been that
viruses, the Department of Health Research (DHR)/ 30 VRDLs are contributing to Influenza
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) took a surveillance (both type and subtype of
far-sighted decision of enhancing the country’s influenza) in the country and data, through
capacity for early identification and diagnosis of NIV, is being fed into WHO Flunet database.
all viral infections of public health importance.
This initiative of DHR/ICMR has been rolled out on  Integration of six VRDLs into WHO MR Labnet
approval of the VRDL Scheme by the Union Cabinet. and Six VRDLs have been involved in WHO-MR
Labnet to conduct case based surveillance for
3. Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDLs) Measles and Rubella, in line with India’s target
played a significant role in surveillance, diagnosis of measles elimination and Rubella control by
and detection of outbreaks. The Scheme is in the
2023. Inclusion of VRDLs are in the pipeline
mid phase for setting up of new VRDLs and creating
and nine more VRDLs are in pipeline, who
high quality systems for existing network which
have completed the phase II and entering in
has significant role in identification of emerging/
phase III.
re-emerging viral pathogens at an early stage and
preventing spreading of epidemics. The network  Thirty VRDLs are involved in diagnosis of
of VRDLs is now working in synchronized way by non-viral etiologies – Scrub Typhus and

Department of Health Research

Leptospirosis, of acute febrile illness. This has been trained on techniques and assays for
broadened the scope of VRDLs beyond viral diagnosing various virus etiologies (including
diseases but still taking care of diseases that SARS-CoV-2, Zika Virus, and Yellow Fever
are important from public health point of diagnostics) and biosafety and biosecurity
view. parameters.
 Scientists from nine VRDLs have been  Turnaround time reduced from 7 days to 24-
given hands-on training by ICMR-NIV, Pune 48 hours.
on handling emerging/re-emerging viral
infections such as Influenza, Nipah, Ebola  Research activities: Following multicentric
etc. This would serve as a stepping stone studies / activities are undergoing:
towards creating capacity for a countrywide  Influenza: Assessment of
biosecurity platform. Neuraminidase Inhibitor Susceptibility
 A sizeable number of VRDLs have been able in influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 viruses.
to establish robust linkages with State IDSP,  Dengue: Monitoring of Dengue and
NVBDCP and State public health departments,
Chikungunya viruses circulating in India
thus increasing outreach of public health
for changes in the serotypes, genotype
and lineages utilizing Viral Research &
 During the year 2020, VRDLs were actively Diagnostic Laboratories Network
involved in COVID-19 testing, this impacted
 Standard Operating procedures: A generic
the routine diagnosis of other viral agents of
SOP for molecular testing of Influenza
public health importance. Due to which no.
suspected samples has been written and
of tests conducted by the VRDLs were very
vetted by experts. This will be disseminated
less as compared to previous years. A total
to all the VRDLs so that labs develop their
of 105 VRDLs are currently diagnosing 15-35
viral etiology. Testing data are being fed into own SOP to have some uniformity of the
the Data Mining Centre at National Institute test procedure. Similar exercise for Flavivirus
of Epidemiology (NIE). Total test reported detection is underway.
to the NIE portal during the year 2020 was  Advocacy workshop: A Regional Advocacy
152575. A total of 6 outbreaks were actively Workshop was jointly organized by
investigated by the VRDL network during Department of Health Research (DHR),
January-October 2020. The major etiological Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
agents of the investigated outbreak are Government of India, New Delhi and ICMR-
(Dengue, Measles, Varicella Zoster virus, Rajendra Medical Research Institute for
Hepatitis E and Influenza H1N1.
Medical Sciences, Patna on 17th January
 Organizing training for Data Entry at NIE 2020 at RMRIMS campus. In this workshop
Chennai and Technical Training on Viral six Viral Research and Diagnosis Laboratories
Diagnosis at NIV Pune could not happen due (VRDLs) from Bihar and Jharkhand State have
to COVID-19 pandemic. However, several participated. Besides, representatives from
virtual training sessions have been conducted WHO, NCDC-IDSP, NVBDCP and State health
for VRDL staff. Technicians plus Scientists have authorities have participated.

Annual Report 2020-21

Physical Target
12th Plan Period (2012-2017)

Year Target Actual Achievement

Regional State VRDL Medical Regional State VRDL Medical
VRDL College VRDL College
2013-2014 2 5 10 2 4 6
2014-2015 3 10 40 3 3 13
2015-2016 5 15 40 0 4 10
2016-2017 0 0 30 0 4 16
Total 10 30 120 5 15 45
14th Finance Commission Period (2017-18 to 2020-2021)

Year Target Actual Achievement

Regional State VRDL Medical Regional State VRDL Medical
VRDL College VRDL College
2017-2018 5 10 15 2 1 11
2018-2019 0 0 30 2 4 10
2019-2020 0 0 0 1 2 9
2020-21 0 0 0 0 0 8
Total 5 10 45 5 7 38
The financial achievements from inception of the Scheme are given in the table below:
(Rs. in Crores)
Year BE RE Actual Exp.

2013-14 45.00 34.00 34.00

2014-15 35.00 30.00 30.00
2015-16 46.00 45.25 45.25
2016-17 39.25 44.25 44.25
2017-18 56.00 66.00 66.00
2018-19 70.00 55.00 52.14
2019-20 80.00 73 69.37
2020-21 83 83 52.40
(expenditure from 01.04.2020 to
2020-21 83 83 30.60
(estimated expenditure for
January-March 2021)

Department of Health Research

The List of Institute for establishment of 10 Regional Role of VRDL Network in COVID-19
Labs is given at Annexure-I. A decade ago, when India witnessed one of the
The State-wise list of VRDLs is given at Annexure-II. worst flu pandemic, swine flu in 2009, the public
health system was paralyzed due to severe dearth
Components of the Scheme and Funding Norms: of infrastructure for molecular diagnosis of viral
infections and the public health professionals
1. Regional Labs*: The non-recurring cost of a
helplessly watched the pandemic quickly escalating
Regional Level Lab would be Rs.14.95 crore for
to all parts of the country. Though the country was
development of infrastructure, which include civil
equipped to carry out serology-based ELISA or
works (Rs.4.20 crore), furnishing and furniture
rapid blood tests, but the virus was challenging and
(Rs.50 lakh) and equipment (Rs.10.25 crore). The
could not be detected in blood. Similar challenge
recurring cost of Regional Lab per annum is Rs 1.25
is posed by several other respiratory viruses, MERS-
crore, towards staffing (Rs.90 lakh), consumables,
CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID19
contingencies and training (Rs.35 lakh).
which pose a threat to us time and again.
2. State Level Labs#: The non-recurring cost
Molecular virological test was the only option for
of a State Level Lab would be Rs.3.975 crore for
detection of H1N1 which was there in only two
development of infrastructure which include civil
Institutions: ICMR-National Institute of Virology
works mainly for renovation/modification of the
at Pune and National Centre for Disease Control
building (Rs.50.00 lakh) and for equipment (Rs.3.475
in Delhi in a vast country like India. The event
crore). The recurring cost of a State Level Lab per
was an eye-opener for the public health system
annum is Rs.63.00 lakh which will be extended for a
of the country wherein glaring gaps in capacity
period of five years for engaging trained technical
were brought out. This in turn paved the way for
manpower on contractual basis (Rs. 38.00 lakh per
strengthening the molecular diagnostic facilities
annum) and for consumables, contingencies and
for viruses in India through the Virus Research
training (Rs.25.00 lakh).
& Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) Network of
3. Medical College Labs #: The non-recurring cost DHR. Contrary to 2009, in January 2020, when
of a Medical College Level Lab would be Rs.1.439 the threat of COVID19 epidemic knocked our
crore comprising of Rs.93.90 lakh for equipment and doors, the country could immediately scale up its
Rs.50.00 Lakh for civil works /renovation of building. preparedness by standardizing diagnostic assays
The recurring cost of a Medical College Level Lab at ICMR- National Institute of Virology in Pune and
per annum is Rs.39.00 lakh, towards staffing (Rs.24 immediately commissioning diagnostic facility in
lakh) and consumables, contingencies and training 13 DHR-VRDLs based on their location in cities with
(Rs.15 lakh). International airports.
*All the Regional Labs will be managed and fully  The first case of COVID-19 in India was
funded by the Department of Health Research. detected by the one of State level VRDL
laboratory NIV Field unit, Alapuzhha (Kerala)
#However, the cost towards establishment of and confirmed by ICMR-National Institute of
State Level Labs and Medical College Labs, will Virology, Pune.
be shared between the Central Government and
the concerned State Government in the ratio  In order to quickly enable resources for
of 75:25. For north- eastern states, hilly states, testing of suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2,
including Sikkim and J&K, the ratio would be network of 115 Virus Research and Diagnostic
90:10. The cost of land/building to be provided Laboratories (VRDLs) has been mobilized
by the State Governments will be reckoned for the preparedness against the COVID-19
towards its contribution. outbreak.

Annual Report 2020-21

 The NIV Pune being the apex laboratory for QA/QC Activity for COVID-19 Labs: India has
viral research served the role of resource expanded COVID-19 testing laboratories with
center for the VRDL network for technical different testing platforms in a phased manner.
guidance in testing, and had conducted In order to control the errors in performance of
optimization study on various testing assays testing and to have a reliable test result, a system of
Inter Laboratory Quality Control (ILQC) have been
targeting different genomic regions of SARS-
enabled with the help of VRDL Network. The labs
participate in this activity on quarterly basis. ILQC
 As on date, all 115 VRDLs are functional and of the labs is implemented through a three-tier
are involved in COVID-19 testing. Results are structure.
being reported to ICMR Data Portal.  National QC Lab

 More than 20 million samples have been  State QC Lab

tested till the month of October 2020.  Testing laboratories

Testing Lab State QC Labs National QC

(34) Lab (ICMR-
NIV, Pune)

All COVID-19 testing All 34 QC labs have ICMR-NIV, Pune

labs using conventional been mapped to ICMR- participates in a Global
open system RT PCR National Institute of QC activity of WHO.
have been mapped to Virology, Pune for QC
34 State QC labs in the activity.

Scientific Achievement: (1st Jan2020 to 31 Oct 2020): 40

• Total number of tests done since April 2014 to • No. of training conducted for NIE portal total
Oct 2020: 2492303 person trained since April 2014: 10
• Total no. of positive test reported since April • Total No. of Person trained since April 2014:
2014 Oct 2020: 372068 227
• No. of tests done in the year 2020 (1st Jan2020 • No. of training conducted in the year 2020
to 31 Oct 2020): 230778 (1st Jan2020 to 31 Oct 2020): 1
• No. of positive test reported in the year 2020 • Total No. of Person trained in the year 2020
(1st Jan2020 to 31 Oct 2020): 21178 (1st Jan 2020 to 31 Oct 2020): 33
• Total Number of outbreak investigated since • No. of VRDLs have started reporting to
April 2014: 1247 Data Mining Centre at National Institute of
Epidemiology (NIE):97
• No. of outbreak investigated in the year 2020

Department of Health Research


Regional Advocacy Workshops for DHR-ICMR VRDL Network:
A Regional Advocacy Workshop was jointly organized by Department of Health Research (DHR), Ministry
of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi and ICMR-Rajendra Medical Research
Institute for Medical Sciences, Patna on 17th January 2020 at RMRIMS campus. In this workshop six Viral
Research and Diagnosis Laboratories (VRDLs) from Bihar and Jharkhand State have participated. Besides,
representatives from WHO, NCDC-IDSP, NVBDCP and State health authorities have participated.
4th Workshop conducted at Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna on
17.01.2020 for network of 6 VRDLs.

Annual Report 2020-21

Annexure I

List of Regional Labs:-

1. The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
2. ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh, Assam
3. ICMR-National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, W.B.
4. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
5. Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala
6. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, M.P.
7. ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
8. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry
9. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
10. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Patna, Bihar

Department of Health Research

Annexure II
State wise list of VRDLs

State Level of VRDL S.No Name of VRDL Funded in

Andaman State Level 1 Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), 2018-2019
& Nicobar Portblair
Medical College Level 2 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Institute of 2020-2021
Medical Sciences, Port Blair
Andhra State Level 3 Guntur Medical College, Guntur 2018-2019
State Level 4 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, 2014-2015
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
Medical College Level 5 Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam 2019-2020
Medical College Level 6 Government Medical College (GMC), Anantpur 2015-2016
Medical College Level 7 Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Science 2015-2016
(RIMS), Kadappa
Medical College Level 8 Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, Andhra 2017-2018
Medical College Level 9 Siddhartha Medical College, Gunadala, 2014-2015
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
Assam Regional Level 10 Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh 2013-2014
State Level 11 Gauhati Medical College, Gauhati, Assam 2014-2015
Medical College Level 12 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College, 2017-2018
Barpeta, Assam
Medical College Level 13 Jorhat Medical college, Jorhat 2015-2016
Medical College Level 14 Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Assam 2017-2018
Medical College Level 15 Tezpur Medical College, Tezpur 2015-2016
Bihar Regional Level 16 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), 2019-2020
Medical College Level 17 Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga 2017-2018
Medical College Level 18 Patna Medical College, Patna 2013-2014
Medical College Level 19 Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of 2019-2020
Medical Sciences (RMRIMS), Patna
Medical College Level 20 S.K. Medical College, Muzaffarpur 2017-2018
Chandigarh Regional Level 21 Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & 2013-2014
Research, Chandigarh
Medical College Level 22 Government Medical College & Hospital, 2017-2018

Annual Report 2020-21

State Level of VRDL S.No Name of VRDL Funded in

Chhattisgarh State Level 23 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), 2017-2018
Medical College Level 24 Late Baliram Kashyap (LSBK) Memorial Govt. 2014-2015
Medical College, Jagdalpur, Chattisgarh
Delhi Regional Level 25 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), 2018-2019
Medical College Level 26 Lady hardinge Medical College, Delhi 2018-2019
Goa Medical College Level 27 Goa Medical College, Goa 2020-2021
Gujarat State Level 28 B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad 2013-2014
Medical College Level 29 Government Medical College, Surat 2018-2019
Medical College Level 30 Government Medical College, Vadodara 2018-2019
Medical College Level 31 Government Medical College, Bhavnagar, 2019-2020
Medical College Level 32 M.P. Shah Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar 2013-2014
Medical College Level 33 Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Government 2019-2020
Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat
Harayana Medical College Level 34 Bhagat Phool Singh (BPS) Medical college for 2015-2016
Women, Sonipat
Medical College Level 35 Pt. BD Sharma Post Graduate Institute of 2013-2014
Medical Education & Research, Rohtak
Himachal State Level 36 Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla 2013-2014
Medical College Level 37 Dr Radha Krishnana Government Medical 2020-2021
Medical College Level 38 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical 2014-2015
College, Tanda, Himachal Pradesh
Medical College Level 39 Lal BahdurShastri Medical College, Mandi 2020-2021
Jammu & State Level 40 Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, 2013-2014
Kashmir Srinagar
Medical College Level 41 Govt Medical College, Srinagar, Jammu & 2016-2017
Medical College Level 42 Govt. Medical College, Jammu 2013-2014
Jharkhand Medical College Level 43 MGM Medical College, Jamshedpur 2016-2017
Medical College Level 44 Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), 2016-2017

Department of Health Research

State Level of VRDL S.No Name of VRDL Funded in

Karnataka State Level 45 Bangalore Medical College & Research 2014-2015

Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka

Medical College Level 46 Government Medical College, Mysore, 2014-2015


Medical College Level 47 Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences, 2016-2017

Gulbarga, Karnataka

Medical College Level 48 Hassan Institute Of Medical Sciences (HIMS), 2015-2016


Medical College Level 49 Karnataka Institute of Medical Science 2020-2021


Medical College Level 50 Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, 2016-2017

Shimoga, Karnataka

Medical College Level 51 Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences 2016-2017

(VIMS), Bellary

Kerala Regional Level 52 Government Medical College (GMC), 2018-2019


State Level 53 National Institute of Virology (NIV) Field Unit, 2018-2019


Medical College Level 54 Government Medical College, Thrissur 2016-2017

Medical College Level 55 Government Medical College, Trivandrum, 2014-2015


Madhya Regional Level 56 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, 2014-2015
Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

State Level 57 National Institute of Research In Tribal Health 2018-2019

(NIRTH), Jabalpur

Medical College Level 58 Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar, Madhya 2018-2019


Medical College Level 59 Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya 2016-2017

Medical College Level 60 MGM Medical College, Indore, Madhya 2016-2017


Medical College Level 61 Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya 2017-2018

Annual Report 2020-21

State Level of VRDL S.No Name of VRDL Funded in

Maharashtra State Level 62 Govt Medical College (GMC), Nagpur 2019-2020

Medical College Level 63 Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial (VM) Government 2019-2020

Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra

Medical College Level 64 G.S Seth Medical college and KEM Hospital 2018-2019

Medical College Level 65 Government Medical College (GMC), 2019-2020


Medical College Level 66 Government Medical College, Akola 2019-2020

Medical College Level 67 Government Medical College, Miraj, Sangli 2017-2018

Medical College Level 68 Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur, 2014-2015


Medical College Level 69 Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Disease, 2018-2019

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Medical College Level 70 Shri Bhausaheb Hire Government Medical 2019-2020

College & Hospital, Dhule

Manipur State Level 71 Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), 2016-2017


Medical College Level 72 Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences 2014-2015

(JNIMS), Imphal, Manipur

Meghalaya State Level 73 North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute 2013-2014
of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS),

Mizoram Medical College Level 74 Zoram Medical College, Mizoram 2020-2021

Odisha Regional Level 75 Regional Medical Research Center (RMRC), 2017-2018


State Level 76 Srirama Chandra Bhanja (SCB) Medical 2015-2016

College, Cuttack

Puducherry Regional Level 77 Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical 2014-2015

Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry

Medical College Level 78 Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research 2016-2017
Institute, Puducherry

Punjab Medical College Level 79 Govt. Medical College, Amritsar 2013-2014

Medical College Level 80 Govt. Medical College, Patiala, Punjab 2014-2015

Medical College Level 81 Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Faridkot 2020-2021

Department of Health Research

State Level of VRDL S.No Name of VRDL Funded in

Rajasthan Regional Level 82 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), 2017-2018
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
State Level 83 Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Medical College, 2015-2016
Medical College Level 84 Jhalawar medical college, Jhalawar 2016-2017
Medical College Level 85 RavindraNath Tagore (RNT) Medical College, 2016-2017
Medical College Level 86 S N Medical College, Jodhpur Rajasthan 2014-2015
Medical College Level 87 Sardar Patel Medical College (SPMC) Bikaner 2016-2017
Tamil Nadu State Level 88 Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore 2016-2017
State Level 89 The King Institute of Preventive Medicine and 2016-2017
Research (KIPM&R), Chennai
Medical College Level 90 Government Medical College, Theni, Tamil 2014-2015
Medical College Level 91 Government Medical College, Thiruvarur, Tamil 2018-2019
Medical College Level 92 Government Medical College, Villupuram, 2018-2019
Tamil Nadu
Medical College Level 93 Government Mohan Kumaramangalam 2016-2017
Medical College, Salem
Medical College Level 94 Madras Medical College, Chennai 2016-2017
Medical College Level 95 Madurai Medical College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 2014-2015
Medical College Level 96 Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli 2016-2017
Telangana State Level 97 Gandhi Medical College, Telangana 2015-2016
Medical College Level 98 Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Telangana 2017-2018
Medical College Level 99 Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad 2013-2014
Tripura Medical College Level 100 Government Medical College, Agartala 2014-2015
Uttar Pradesh State Level 101 Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi 2016-2017
State Level 102 King George’s Medical University (KGMU), 2015-2016
Medical College Level 103 Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), 2015-2016
Medical College Level 104 Uttar Pradesh Rural Institute of Medical 2015-2016
Sciences & Research, Saifai, Etawah, UP

Annual Report 2020-21

State Level of VRDL S.No Name of VRDL Funded in

Uttarakhand State Level 105 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) 2019-2020

Medical College Level 106 Doon Medical College, Dehradoon 2019-2020

Medical College Level 107 Govt. Medical College, Haldwani, Uttarakhand 2015-2016

West Bengal Regional Level 108 ICMR Virus Unit, National Institute of Cholera & 2014-2015
Enteric Diseases, Kolkata

Medical College Level 109 Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan 2020-2021

Medical College Level 110 Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & 2015-2016
Research (IPGMER), Kolkata

Medical College Level 111 Malda Medical College, Malda 2018-2019

Medical College Level 112 Midnapore Medical College, Midnapore, West 2016-2017

Medical College Level 113 Murshidabad Medical college , Murshidabad 2016-2017

Medical College Level 114 North Bengal Medical College, Darjeeling 2016-2017

Medical College Level 115 RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata 2018-2019

Department of Health Research

Geographical spread of Viral Research & Diagnostic Network across India

Annual Report 2020-21

Department of Health Research

4.1 Health Research is predominantly carried Medical Colleges have not been pursuing newer
out in the Medical Colleges/Institutions providing methods of investigation for understanding the
education in allied subjects. Medical Colleges are pathological diagnosis, treatment and management
the backbone of both teaching and providing practices. Even for State Governments, Health
specialized services to patients in India. They are also Research has not been perceived as a priority area.
expected to set the trends in the thinking process This has also affected the quality of clinical services
and innovations to improve the understanding being provided.
of the diseases and their management. However,
4.3 Therefore to promote and encourage
over the years it has been noticed that the majority
quality medical research in the country and
of Medical Colleges have confined themselves
provide assistance to medical colleges to set up
to routine patient care and teaching based on
appropriate research facilities, the Department of
conventional methods. Presently quality medical
Health Research rolled out the MRU scheme in the
research is largely confined to a handful of
year 2013-14 during 12th five year plan and was
institutions and medical colleges in the country,
extended for the 14th Finance Commission Period
that too in few States only. The standard of papers
i.e. 2017-18 to 2019-20 with total estimated cost of
published / research projects undertaken by the
the project of Rs. 394.86 Crores. The Government
students of Post-graduate courses/PhD in most
has further extended the scheme for 2020-21.
of the Medical Colleges are not inspiring. The
Department observed that it may be attributed 4.4 The scheme aims to provide infrastructural
both to lack of appropriate facilities for conducting support, in terms of civil works, equipment and
research and a lack of motivation and knowledge recurring expenditure, to carry out research
on the part of faculty and students in Medical focused on non-communicable diseases, to various
Colleges for conducting research. State Govt. Medical Colleges across the country in
phased manner.
4.2 Due to lack of infrastructural facilities, the

Target during 14th Finance Commission

Year Physical Targets Estimated Cost Total (Rs. In Crores)
Non Recurring Recurring
2017-18 12 179.00 27.77 206.77
2018-19 10 112.50 33.42 145.92
2019-20 10 12.50 29.67 42.17
Total 32 304.00 90.86 394.86
For the Year 2020-21, a target of establishing 10 MRUs has been fixed with budgetary outlay of Rs. 60.00 Crores.

Annual Report 2020-21

4.5 The scheme entailed setting up of 90 MRUs in the Government Medical Colleges/ Research
Institutions till the 14th Finance Commission Period. However, 80 MRUs have been approved till
December, 2020 and admissible grant to 79 MRUs has been released.
Financial Achievements:
(Rs in Crore)

Year Budget Estimates (BE) Revised Estimates Actual Expenditure

2013-2014 45.00 37.10 36.25
2014-2015 80.00 31.00 31.00
2015-2016 45.50 28.00 25.20
2016-2017 24.25 24.25 24.25
2017-2018 36.00 45.00 45.00
2018-2019 50.00 37.00 36.00
2019-2020 58.00 55.00 55.00
2020-2021 60.00 58.00 39.43
(expenditure upto

2020-2021 - - 18.57
expenditure for
January-March 2021)

Physical Achievement
Year *Target as per SFC Approved against target
2013-14 35 36
2014-15 45 25
2015-16 - 9
2016-17 - -
2017-18 12 4
2018-19 10 5
2019-20 10 1
2020-21 10 **06
*Target includes spill overs from previous years
** 06 Proposals in pipeline

Department of Health Research


i. Against the total target of covering 90
4.6 Rs. 5.25 crore per MRU toward Equipment & medical colleges, 80 MRUs have been
Civil works. In addition, recurring expenditure approved and funds to 79 MRUs have been
of Rs. 47.44 lakhs per annum toward staffing released till December, 2020. However, one
on contractual basis and consumables, etc. college namely BJ Medical College, Pune,
Contribution from the State Governments: Maharashtra could not be released funds as
the matter is under discussion with the State
o To provide requisite space (minimum 300 Sq. Government.
mtr.), free of cost, at the concerned Medical
College. 4.7 List of Medical Colleges/Institutions
sanctioned & funded for establishment of
o Signing of MoA with the Department of Multi-Disciplinary Research Units (MRUs)
Health Research for taking over the liability of upto December, 2020 is as follows:
running the MRUs after five years.

List of 80 approved MRUs across the Country

S.No State Name of the approved medical college

1 Andhra Pradesh(4) Siddhartha Medical College, Vijaywada
2 Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinda, Andhra Pradesh
3 Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh
4 SV Medical College, Tirupati
5 Assam (3) Silcher Medical College and Hospital, Silcher
6 Zorhat medical College, Zorhat, Assam
7 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College, Barpeta, Assam
8 Bihar (1) Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna
9 Chandigarh (1) Government Medical College, Chandigarh
10 Chhattisgarh(1) Pt. JNM Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
11 Delhi (NCT) (3) University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi
12 Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute, Delhi
13 Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi
14 Goa (1) Goa Medical College,Bambolin
15 Gujarat (2) M.P.Shah Medical College, Jamnagar
16 SMIMER, Surat, Gujarat
17 Haryana(1) Pt. BD Sharma Medical College, Rohtak
18 Himachal Pradesh(2) Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
19 Dr. R.P. Govt. Medical College, Kangra at Tanda, HP

Annual Report 2020-21

S.No State Name of the approved medical college

20 J & K (3) Govt. Medical College, Jammu
21 Govt. Medical College, Srinagar
22 Sher-i-Kashmir Medical College, Srinagar
23 Jharkhand(2) MGM Medical College, Jharkhand
24 Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi
25 Karnataka(6) Dharwad Institute of Medical Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka
26 Mandya Medical College, Karnataka
27 Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli
28 Shimoga Instt. of Medical Sciences, Shimoga
29 Mysore Medical College, Mysore
30 Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan
31 Kerala (3) Govt. Medical College, Thiruvanthapuram
32 Calicut Medical College,Calicut
33 Govt. medical College, Kottayam, Kerala
34 Madhya Pradesh (5) S.S. Medical College, Rewa
35 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur
36 M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
37 Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
38 GR Medical College, Gwalior
39 Maharashtra (4) Seth G.S Medical College & KEM Hospital Mumbai
40 Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Sholapur
41 Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
42 B.J. Medical College, Pune
43 Manipur (1) Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal
44 Orissa (3) S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack
45 VSS Medical College, Burla
46 M.K.C.G. Medical College, Berhampur,
47 Punjab(3) Govt. medical College, Amritsar
48 Govt. Medical College, Patiala
49 Guru Gobind Singh Medical College,Faridkot
50 Rajasthan (7) Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur
51 Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner.

Department of Health Research

S.No State Name of the approved medical college

52 J.L.N. Medical College & Associated Group of Hospitals, Ajmer
53 SMS Medical College, Jaipur
54 R.N.T Medical College, Udaipur
55 Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur
56 Government Medical College, Kota
57 Tamil Nadu(9) Madras Medical College,Chennai
58 Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli
59 Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore
60 Dr. ALM Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Taramani
61 Medical College, Tanjavur
62 Govt. Mohan Kumarmangalam Medical College, Salem
63 Govt. Theni Medical College, Theni
64 Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu
65 Madurai Medical College,Madurai
66 Telangana(3) Osmania Medical College , Hyderabad
67 Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad
68 Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
69 Tripura (1) Agartala Govt. Medical College, Agartala
70 Uttar Pradesh (4) G.S.V.M Medical College, Kanpur
71 King George Medical University, Lucknow
72 Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras
73 Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Safai, Etawah
74 Uttarakhand(3) Govt. Medical College, Haldwani (Nainital)
75 Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Govt Medical Science & Research
Institute, Srinagar
76 AIIMS, Rishikesh
77 West Bengal(4) R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata
78 Medical College & Hospital , Kolkata
79 Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research , Kolkata
80 Nil RatanSirkar Medical College, Kolkata

Annual Report 2020-21

Map showing country-wide establishment of Multi-Disciplinary Research Units in Govt. Medical


Department of Health Research

4.8 Initiation of Research Activities by the MRUs:

i. As of now, a total of 686 Research Studies by 47 MRUs after approval by the Local Research Advisory
Committee (LRAC) of the respective Medical Colleges are underway on different aspects of Non-
Communicable Diseases (NCDs)such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, maternal child health,
diabetes, mental disorders etc. Details of Research Studies and the concerned Medical Colleges are
as under:

S.No Name of Medical Colleges Research Projects

1. Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 6
2. SV Medical College, Tirupati 43
3. Osmania Medical College , Hyderabad 40
4. Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad 19
5. Silcher Medical College and Hospital, Silcher 9
6. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College, Barpeta, Assam 16
7. Pt. JNM Medical College, Raipur, Chattisgarh 21
8. MGM Medical College, Jharkhand 14
9. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla 9
10. Dr. R.P. Govt. Medical College, Kangra at Tanda, HP 14
11. Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner. 13
12. SMS Medical College, Jaipur 16
13. Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur 12
14. Madras Medical College,Chennai 19
15. Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli 29
16. Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore 21
17. Dr.ALM Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Taramani 21
18. Medical College, Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu 22
19. Govt. Mohan Kumarmangalam Medical College, Salem, Tamil Nadu 13
20. Govt. Theni Medical College, Theni, Tamil Nadu 19
21. Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu 18
22. Madurai Medical College,Madurai 20
23. Agartala Govt. Medical College, Agartala 10
24. Govt. Medical College, Haldwani (Nainital) 6
25. R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata 4
26. Institute of Post Graduate MedicalEducation & Research , Kolkata 15

Annual Report 2020-21

S.No Name of Medical Colleges Research Projects

27. University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi 20
28. Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute, Delhi 11
29. S.S. Medical College, Rewa 6
30. S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack 2
31. VSS Medical College, Burla 8
32. M.K.C.G. Medical College, Berhampur, 12
33. Seth G.S Medical College & KEM Hospital Mumbai 18
34. G.S.V.M Medical College, Kanpur 3
35. King George Medical University, Lucknow 8
36. Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli 10
37. Shimoga Instt. of Medical Sciences, Shimoga 47
38. Mysore Medical College, Mysore, Karnataka 21
39. Govt. Medical College, Jammu 5
40. Govt. Medical College, Srinagar 3
41. M.P. Shah Medical College, Jamnagar 8
42. SMIMER, Surat, Gujarat 12
43. Medical College, Thiruvanthapuram 13
44. Calicut Medical College, Calicut 17
45. Govt. Medical College, Amritsar 3
46. Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Punjab 4
47. Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal 6

ii. Since each Medical College has constituted its own local Research Advisory Committee (RAC), which
decides research projects under MRU, the role of DHR & ICMR is limited to providing handholding
to the medical colleges on designing research proposals, monitoring of progress of the research
activities and achievement or outcomes. For this purpose, a National Level Research Advisory
Committee (NAC) consisting of three expert members has been constituted for making suggestion
and providing guidance from time to time. A suggestive structure/composition of the Local RAC has
also been conveyed to the medical colleges for effective & qualitative examination and approval of
research proposals.

Department of Health Research

Molecular Genetics Lab

Multi-Disciplinary Research unit (MDRU), Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad, Telangana

Annual Report 2020-21


MRU SMIMER, Surat Gujarat (COVID-19 testing)

MRU, PGIMS Rohtak (Workshop on Research Methodology)

Department of Health Research



5.1 Public health system in India has a wide operator (Centre/State Health services) and the
network of primary centres at the periphery, plus beneficiaries (community).
referral, secondary and tertiary level hospitals
at district, state and other levels. Over the last 5.4 The Model Rural Health Research Units set
more than 60 years, preventive, diagnostic and up under the Scheme undertake the following
therapeutic services have been provided through functions:
this network managed by States. It has been i. Develop state / area specific models
observed that a big gap exists between PHC/ depending upon the disease profile, morbidity
CHC and tertiary care hospitals with state-of-art- patterns and local conditions for transfer of
facilities created by centre and also by some of the the technology for providing better health
state governments. The professional and policy care services to the rural masses.
makers have a general view that modern methods
of diagnosis and management cannot be practiced ii. Training the health professional of State Health
a peripheral level. System for the use of modern field adaptable
methods and the model developed.
5.2 Further, wide variations exist in the pattern of
diseases prevalent in different geographical areas, iii. Undertake various research projects in closed
the local conditions which require development coordination with the State Government
of state/area specific disease; specific strategy to institutions and others that are relevant and
provide better health care facilities ensuring that beneficial to the rural population.
the modern technology is available to the general iv. The Units will develop State specific models
public. Transfer of research findings/technologies depending on the disease profile, topography
at the rural level has been found to be major lacuna and the local conditions as per the priorities &
for providing quality medical services to the rural location identified by the State Govt. in close
population. coordination with State Health Authorities.
5.3 To bridge the gap, Department of Health 5.5 The MRHRU will be an interface between
Research has rolled out a Scheme for ‘Establishment patient, health providers and health researcher
Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs) in to provide latest / sophisticated technology for
the States’ under the initiative of Infrastructure diagnosis and management of disease in rural
Development for Health Research in the country. The areas. The activity will be entirely supported by DHR
scheme is based on the experience of establishing for its sustenance. In total, 25 MRHRUs are to be
such a unit at Ghatampur under the National established during the 14th Finance Commission
Jalma Institute of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial period. Each MRHRU has to be linked to the nearest
Diseases (ICMR), Agra, where the methods of ICMR institute to mentor and guide the research
diagnosis and treatment as well as epidemiology activities of MRHRU relevant to local needs. The
are shown to be workable deep at the grass root research activities carried out at each MRHRU are
rural settings. These units have been envisaged to monitored/guided by a Committee, consisting
function as an interface between the developers of of eminent Scientists of National repute with
new technologies (Researchers in the medical and representation from State Govt. Medical Colleges,
other institution; State or Centre), health systems

Annual Report 2020-21

State Health Services and other concerned State in close proximity to the PHC/CHC, free of cost, to
Health Officials, constituted with the approval of tackle mainly the rural population of that area.
Secretary, DHR. Total estimated cost of the project
for 14th Finance Commission Period is 105 Crore. 5.8 Signing of MoA with the Department
The scheme has been extended for 2020-21 also. of Health Research for implementation of the
program. The MRHRUs will be developed and
FUNDING NORMS AS APPROVED BY THE SFC maintained as departmental units of Government
FOR EXTENDED PERIOD OF THE SCHEME: of India, Department of Health Research, Ministry
5.6 Rs. 3.075 crore per MRHRU towards of Health & Family Welfare.
Equipment & Civil works. Besides, recurring Status of Implementation
expenditure of Rs. 84.44 lakhs per annum towards
staffing on contractual basis and consumables/ 5.9 Till December 2020, 25 MRHRUs have been
contingency/training etc. approved and funds released .

Action Expected from the State Governments: 5.10 Against the Provision of Rs. 16.00 crores
in 2020-2021, grant of Rs. 6.05 crores has been
5.7 To provide requisite land sufficient to released till December, 2020.
construct covered space of about 620 sq. meters

Physical Target and Financial Achievement for the 14th Finance Commission Period.
5.11. Physical Achievements:

Year Physical

Target* Achievement

2013-2014 7 8

2014-2015 8 4

2015-2016 - -

2016-2017 - 2

2017-2018 5 -

2018-2019 4 4

2019-2020 4 7

2020-2021 5 -

* Targets include spill overs from previous years

Department of Health Research

5.12. Financial Achievements

(Rs in Crore)
Year Budget Estimates (BE) Revised Estimates (RE) Actual Expenditure
2013-14 10.00 12.50 12.40
2014-15 20.00 13.00 13.00
2015-16 10.00 6.50 6.50
2016-17 6.00 6.00 6.00
2017-18 9.00 11.00 8.12
2018-19 13.00 10.00 10.00
2019-20 15.00 19.00 17.50
2020-21 20.00 16.00 6.05
(expenditure upto
2020-21 - - 9.95
(estimated expenditure for
January-March 2021)

List of 25 MRHRUs in various States:

S.No State Location of MRHRU Linked Medical College ICMR Mentor Institute
1 Assam PHC Chabua Assam Medical College, Dibrugargh RMRC, Dibrugargh
2 Himachal CHC, Haroli, Una Dr. RPGMC, Tanda, Kangra NJIL&OMD, Agra
3 Tamil Nadu State Rural Health Centre at Tirunelveli Medical College, NIE, Chennai
Tirunelveli Tirunelveli
4 Tripura Kherengbar Hospital, Agartala Medical College, Agartala RMRC, Dibrugargh
5 Rajasthan Bhanpur Kalan, Govt. Health SMS Medical College, Jaipur DMRC, Jodhpur
Clinic, Jaipur
6 Maharashtra Sub District Hospital, Grants Medical College and JJ Group NIRRH, Mumbai
Dahanu, Thane of Hospital, Mumbai
7 Punjab CHC Bhunga, Hoshiarpur Govt. Medical College, Amritsar NIOP, New Delhi
8 Karnataka PHC, Sirwar, ManviTaluk, Raichur Instt. of Medical Sciences, RMRC, Belgaum
Raichur Raichur
9 Andhra Old RHTC Premises, S.V. Medical College, Tirupati NIN, Hyderabad
Pradesh Chandragiri
10 Odisha Block, CHC, Tigiria SCB Medical Collge, Cuttak RMRC, Bhubaneshwar
11 Madhya PHC Badoni, Datia GR Medical College, Gwalior RMRCT, Jabalpur

Annual Report 2020-21

S.No State Location of MRHRU Linked Medical College ICMR Mentor Institute
12 Chhattisgarh CHC Jheet, Patan Block, J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur NIRTH, Jabalpur
Durg District
13 West Bengal North Bengal Medical North Bengal Medical College, National Institute of Cholera
College (NBMC), Darjeeling Darjeeling and Enteric Diseases (NICED),
(A rural hospital and Kolkata
designated Rural Health
Training Centre)
14 Jharkhand Angara CHC, Ranchi Rajendra Institute of Medical NIMR, New Delhi AND NIMR
Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi field unit Itki, Ranchi
15 Gujarat RHTC Surat GMC, Surat NIOH, Ahemedabad
16 Kerala CHC, Chettikade, Alappuzha Govt. Medical College, Alappuzha National Centre for Disease
Informatics and Research
(NCDIR), Bangalore
17 Jammu & PHC Khag, Budgam Govt. medical College, Srinagar National Institute of
Kashmir Pathology (NIOP), Delhi
18 Nagaland PHC Niuland, Dimapur There is no medical College, so CHC Regional Medical Research
Niuland will be the linked to MRHRU Centre, Dibrugarh, Assam
19 Arunachal CHC Sagalee, Papumpare TomoRiba Institute of Health Regional Medical Research
Pradesh & Medical Sciences (TRIHMS), Centre, Dibrugarh, Assam
20 Meghalaya Sohra CHC East KhasiHills District Surveillance (IDSP), East Khasi Regional Medical Research
Hills Centre, Dibrugarh, Assam
21 Puducherry CHC Kanchepuram Pondicherry Institute of Medical VCRC, Puducherry
Sciences Rural Health Training Centre
Chunampet Kanchipuram
22 Haryana CHC, Khatpura Kalapana Chawla Govt. Medical NICPR, Noida
College, Karnal, Haryana
23 Andaman Chouldari, South Andaman ANIMS, Port Blair Regional Medical Research
& Nicobar District Center, Port Blair
24 Bihar PHC, Kudhani Muzzafarpur Sree Krishna College and Hospital, Rajendra Memorial Research
Muzzafarpur Institute of Medical
Sciences(ICMR), Patna
25 Telangana PHC Janampet, Govt. Medical College, National Institute of
Mahaboobnagar Mahabubnagar Nutrition, Hyderabad

Department of Health Research

Map showing distribution of Model-Rural Health Research Units in the States is as


Annual Report 2020-21

Initiation of research activities by the MRHRUs: 8. PHC, Sirwar, Manvi Taluk, Raichur, 34
5.13 Guidelines have been formulated for Karnataka
composition of Research Advisory Committee 9. PHC Badoni, Datia, Madhya Pradesh 2
(RAC), Terms of Reference and Procedure for 10. Block, CHC, Tigiria, Orissa 21
Land Transfer by State to Department of Health 11. CHC, Haroli, Una, Himachal Pradesh 17
Research. All MRHRUs have constituted the RAC and Total 204
submitted the research proposals after approval
5.15. Besides the above mentioned research
through respective RAC.
projects undertaken by individual MRHRUs,
5.14 All the research projects submitted by these Few Multi-centric projects have also been
MRHRUS have been reviewed by Research Advisory initiated.
Committee of respective MRHRU as below:
i. “Improving health and nutritional status
Table of vulnerable segment of population by
S.No. Name of MRHRUs No. of implementing multi-component health
Projects and nutrition education intervention as
1. Sub District Hospital, Dahanu, Thane, 19 sustainable model of intervention” has been
Maharashtra initiated at Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Punjab,
2. State Rural Health Centre at Tirunelveli, 36 Maharashtra and Karnataka MRHRUs.
Tamil Nadu
3. Old RHTC Premises, Chandragiri, Andhra 26 ii. The study has also been initiated in some
Pradesh MRHRUs titled “Snake Venom as Potential
4. CHC Bhunga, Hoshiarpur, Punjab 20 Inflammation Inhibitor and Antivenome
5. Kherengbar Hospital, Khumulwng, 11 Activity of plant extract”, considering this as
Tripura a widespread problem in most of the rural
6. PHC Chabua, Assam 14 areas in the country.
7. Bhanpur Kalan, Govt. Health Clinic, Jaipur, 4

New building of Model Rural Health Research Unit, Dahanu, Palghar, Maharashtra

Department of Health Research

Bio-Safety Level-II facility for COVID-19 diagnosis (Microbiology laboratory)

Quant Studio & Bio Rad RT-PCR machines Sample aliquoting

King fisher Flex automated Viral RNA Extraction machine

Annual Report 2020-21

Department of Health Research


6.1 The Scheme launched during 2013-14 aims 6.2 The Scheme was originally approved by
at providing support in the form of Grant-in-Aid Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)
for carrying out research studies to identify the on 6th February, 2014 at a total cost of Rs.1242
existing knowledge gap and translate the existing crore for the 12 th Plan period. Continuation of
health leads to into deliverable products. There will the scheme beyond 12th Plan period, from 2017-
be special focus on encouraging innovation, their 18 to 2019-20 (14th Finance Commission period)
translation, and implementation by collaboration has been approved in the meeting of the Standing
and cooperation with other agencies by laying Finance Committee (SFC) held on 18th September,
special stress on implementation research so that 2017 at a total estimated cost of Rs.297.08 crore,
there is a better utilization of available knowledge. and further extended upto March 2021 as follows:

( Rs. in Crore)
Year Physical Targets Grand Total
(including committed
No. of projects liabilities + administrative
2017-18 41 101.86
2018-19 41 99.36
2019-20 41 95.86
2020-21* SFC Period extended upto 31.03.2021
Total 123 297.08

* The process of screening and shortlisting of 1,027 proposals received during call for proposals for the current
financial year 2020-21, has been initiated. At this stage, it is not possible to mention the number of projects
sanctioned upto December 2020 and estimates for January - March 2021 separately.

6.3: The Scheme has the following components duration of 3 years and cost range between Rs.50
for funding: lakhs-Rs.3 crores each, were targeted to be funded
(i) Research studies with emphasis on public under this category at a total estimated cost of
health: Rs.135.00 crores during 14th Finance Commission
period (i.e.) 2017-2018 to 2019-2020 and extended
The objective of this component is to support upto 31st March 2021.
research studies on diseases burden, risk factors,
diagnosis & treatment, etc. of major diseases. The (ii) Translational Research Projects:
studies are limited to Non-Communicable Diseases. The objective of this component is to translate
A total number of 63 studies, with the maximum the already identified leads into products and

Annual Report 2020-21

processes in the area of human healthcare, through 1-3 years per project were targeted to be funded
coordination among the agencies involved in basic, under this category at a total estimated cost of
clinical and operational research for use in the Rs.45.00 crores during 14th Finance Commission
public health system. It is proposed to take up 75 period (i.e.) 2017-2018 to 2019-2020 and extended
leads already available with ICMR, 25 leads from upto 31st March 2021.
Extramural projects funded by ICMR and 15 leads
from other Science & Technology Departments/ (iv) Cost effectiveness analysis of health
Organizations. A total Number of 30 projects with technologies through a health technology
a duration of 1-3 years and cost range of Rs. 50 assessment system
lakhs-10 crores were targeted to be funded under The aim of the studies would be to come up with
this category at a total estimated cost of Rs.90.00 appropriate recommendations and guidelines
crores during 14th Finance Commission and on cost effective but viable technology/process/
extended upto 31st March 2021. diagnostics for managing various disease, to
(iii) Inter-sectoral Co-ordination including facilitate public choice and controlling health care
Funding of Joint Projects costs, while maximizing health outcomes. A total
number of 15 projects with a cost range of Rs.50
The objective of this component is to promote joint/ lakhs-Rs.2 crores and duration of 1-3 years were
collaborative research projects with other agencies targeted to be funded under this category at a
involved in bio-medical-health research in the total estimated cost of Rs.15.00 crores during 14th
country for optimum use of resources and transfer Finance Commission period (i.e.) 2017-2018 to
of knowledge. A total number of 15 projects with a 2019-2020 and extended upto 31st March 2021.
cost range of Rs.50 lakhs-10 crores and duration of


Financial Achievement:
(Rs. in Crore)
Year Budget Estimate (B.E) Revised Estimate (R.E) Actual Expenditure

2015-16 30.50 16.00 13.99

2016-17 14.25 16.99 15.99

2017-18 20.00 30.00 28.14

2018-19 35.00 5.00 4.50

2019-20 24.00 16.00 16.00

2020-21 27.00 23.00 7.54

(Expenditure upto
Dec 2020)

2020-21 - - 15.46
(estimated expenditure (approx.)
for January-March 2021)

Department of Health Research

Physical Achievement:
Components of the Scheme No. of Projects Sanctioned
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Research Studies with Emphasis 22 8 40 2 26 -

on Public Health
Translation Research 11 - 4 - 1 -
Inter-Sectoral Coordination 3 - 3 - 3 -
Cost-effectiveness analysis 5 3 2 - 1 -
Total 41 11 49 2 31 -
* The process of screening and shortlisting of 1,027 proposals received during call for proposals for the current financial year
2020-21, has been initiated. At this stage, it is not possible to mention the number of projects sanctioned upto December 2020
and estimates for January - March 2021 separately.

6.5 Funds released to private/voluntary organizations during 2020-21:

The following Principal Investigators of private/voluntary organizations received recurring grant-in-aid
from Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 25 lakh and non-recurring grant- in- aid from Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 50 lakhs for carrying
out research studies to identify the existing knowledge gap and to translate the existing health leads into
deliverable products during 2020-21 (upto Dec 2020).
(Amount of Rs.)
Grant- in-aid released to non-government organizations/ private organization for health research
projects during the financial year 2020-21.
S. No. Name of the PI and Address Name of Project Amount of GIA
1 Dr. Suhas Otiv, Consultant, Department Supplementation of vitamin B12 to
of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, K.E.M. improve B12-folate ratio in pregnancy 1108800
Hospital Pune - 411011 and its effect on birth outcome
2 Dr. Vrisha Madhuri, Professor & Transplantation of Autologous iliac
Head, Department of Paediatric crest physeal chondrocytes cultured
Orthopaedics, Christian Medical in monolayer to treat physeal bars in
College, Vellore, Tamilnadu - 632004 children

Note: Both the NGOs are registered on the Niti Aayog's DARPAN Portal.

6.6 Grant-in-aid Scheme for Inter-Sectoral Convergence & Coordination for Promotion and Guidance on
Health Research in North Eastern states:
(Rs. in Lakhs)
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21
(Expenditure upto (estimated expenditure
31.12.2020) for January-March 2021)
32.91 12.93 0 0 9.99

Annual Report 2020-21

Department of Health Research



7.1 Introduction (about the scheme and its age of 45 years. A stipend of $3000 per month
objectives) for foreign institute and Rs 40,000 per month for
The Human Resource Development Scheme of Indian institute is being given to the fellows. This
Department of Health Research is intended to component has also been transferred to the ICMR
create a pool of talented health research personnel for implementation. However, during 2020-21,
in the country by upgrading skills of faculty of fellowships for training in Institutes abroad have
Medical Colleges/Institutes, mid - career Scientists, been kept on hold due to Covid-19 Pandemic
medical students, etc., by specialized training across the world.
in priority areas of health research in leading III. Start-up grant for fellows undergone long
national and international institutions, encourage term/short term training supported by DHR:
and support the trainees to develop and take up
research projects for addressing critical national The Start-up grant, with an average cost of Rs.
and local health problems and financial assistance 30 lakhs per research project, for three years, will
to Institutions for up- gradation of infrastructure to be supported. In the year 2020-21 (till Dec 2020),
enable such Institutions to provide training with 13 start-up projects have been continued to be
state of the art technologies. supported under HRD scheme.

7.2 The scheme was approved during 12th Five IV. Fellowship Programme for Young
Year Plan period and support under the program Scientists:
is imparted in following categories:
This fellowships aims to fulfil the objectives of
I. Short Term Fellowship for training in Foreign creation of inclination / attitude of research among
Institutes/Indian Institutes: the young bright students from the medical colleges
Short Term Fellowship supports for training in / universities. In the year 2020-21 (till Dec 2020), 17
Foreign/Indian Institutes in identified areas (1-3 ongoing fellowships have been supported under
months) to persons employed as regular faculty this programme.
those who are not above the age of 55 years. A V. Fellowship Programme for Women Scientists:
stipend of $3000 per month for foreign institute
and Rs 40,000 per month for Indian institute is This fellowship aims to encourage women
being given to the fellows. During the year 2019- candidates to undertake biomedical research who
20 the programme was transferred to the ICMR for have break in their career. In the year 2020-21 (till
implementation. Applications for training in Indian Dec 2020), 15 ongoing fellowships have been
Institutions have not been invited during 2020- supported under this programme.
21due to Covid-19 Pandemic across the world.
VI. Support to Institute for imparting training:
II. Long Term Fellowships in India/abroad:
This program aims to provide support to selected
Long Term Fellowship supports for training abroad/ domestic Institutions for providing training. A grant
Indian Institutions in identified priority areas (6 to upto Rs.50 lakhs for equipments, up-gradation,etc.
12 months) is meant for the persons employed as and a grant of Rs. 10 lakhs per year upto a period of
regular faculty and those who are not above the 5 years for recurring expenses and for conducting

Annual Report 2020-21

training programme. In the year 2020-21 (till Dec 7.3. Major initiatives of the Scheme in 2020-21
2020), 2 institutes have been supported under this • During the year 2020-21 (till Dec 2020), 49
programme for imparting training in biomedical
ongoing fellowships have been supported.
• During the year 2020-21, the advertisements
VII. Strengthening of research through the for call for online proposals under 6 categories
establishment of online courses and web portal of HRD Scheme have been published in the
on health research for students, faculty and leading newspapers of English, Hindi and all
other researchers: the regional languages across the country*.
This programme will help prospective Institutions The categories are:
and individuals to access resources both financial 1. Long Term/Short Term Fellowship for
and technical on research and promote research training in Indian Institutes
across the country. This facility will include the
2. Fellowship Programme for Young Scientists
following facilities:
3. Fellowship Programme for Women
• Online courses along with contact
Programmes in relevant institutions
4. Support to Institute for imparting training
• On line resource material for researchers in identified areas
• On line mentoring for researchers 5. Strengthening of research through the
establishment of online courses and web-
• Inter active forums and e-groups for
portal on health research for students,
faculty and other researchers
• other stakeholders 6. Research grant and fellowship to encourage
In the year 2020-21 (till Dec 2020), 1 institute/ Health Research Personnel [Non-resident
individual has been supported for online course Indian (NRI), Persons of Indian Origin
and programme. (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)]
serving abroad, to come back to India for
VIII. Research grant and fellowship to encourage undertaking research in identified areas
Health Research Personnel [Non-resident Indian
* A total number of 366 proposals have been received
(NRI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas during call for online proposals for the year 2020-21.
Citizen of India (OCI)] serving abroad, to come The process of screening and shortlisting of these 366
back to India for undertaking research in proposals has been initiated.
identified areas:
III. Financial achievement of the Scheme in
This Scheme has been designed to provide 2020-21
contractual research positions to the Indian • In the year 2020-21, the Budget Estimate (BE)
scientists settled abroad who are willing to come of the scheme is Rs. 34.00 Crores, Revised
back to India on a fulltime basis or for short duration Estimate (RE) is Rs. 18.00 Crores and the
to pursue medical/ health research in India and take Actual Expenditure (AE) of the scheme is Rs.
up health research projects in collaboration with 6.04 Crores till December 2020.
Indian scientists, particularly in areas of national
priority. In the year 2020-21 (till Dec 2020), no 7.4. Status of Implementation of the Scheme
fellowship has been supported under this program Since the inception of the Scheme under 12th
so far. Five Year Plan, the achieved physical and financial
targets of the scheme are shown as below:

Department of Health Research

Year-wise Financial Achievement of HRD Scheme

(Rs. in Crores)

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21

(expenditure (estimated expenditure
upto Dec 2020) for January-March 2021)

BE 8.00 13.00 30.00 30.00 33.00 34.00 34.00

RE 10.00 16.00 26.00 15.00 27.00 18.00 18.00
AE 9.46 15.39 24.28 13.29 27.48 6.04 11.96 (approx.)

Year-wise Physical Achievement of HRD Scheme

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21

(upto (from January-
31.12.2020) March 2021)

Number of 70 104 191 92 200 49 *


* Subject to shortlisting of new proposals.

7.5 Progress of scheme component wise in the financial year 2019-20 and 2020-21 (till Dec 2020)

S.No. Components No. of No. of fellowships No. of fellowships

fellowships supported during supported during
supported 2020-21 2020-21
(upto Dec 2020) (Estimates for January-
during 2019-20 March 2021)

1. Long Term/Short Term Fellowship for 4 - *

training in Indian Institutes
2. Long Term/Short Term Fellowship for 50 - *
training in Foreign Institutes
3. Start-up grant for fellows undergone 14 13 *
long term/short term training
supported by DHR
4. Fellowship Programme for Young 83 17 *
5. Fellowship Programme for Women 35 15 *
6. Support to Institute for imparting 13 2 *
7. Strengthening of research through - 1 *
the establishment of online courses
and web-portal on health research for
students, faculty and other researchers

Annual Report 2020-21

8. Research grant and fellowship to 1 1 *

encourage Health Research Personnel
(Non-resident Indian (NRI), Persons of
India Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of
India (OCI)] serving abroad, to come
back to India for undertaking research
in identified areas
Total 200 49

* Subject to shortlisting of new proposals.

7.6 Significant Achievements of Scheme in 2020-21

• In the financial year 2020-21, 13 research projects have been completed.
• 30 Research Publications have been published in indexed journals from the projects funded under
the scheme.
• Prevailing strains of Orientia species of Scrub typhus were identified in Assam and its genetic
relationship studies with that of other established strains worldwide.
• Histopathological evaluation study of renal allograft biopsies was done for the diagnosis of humoral
rejection in kidney transplant.
• A natural inhibitor liquiritin was identified which may be served as a potential intervention strategy
for preventing pre-term birth caused by low progesterone level.
• Under support to institute category, two institutes have been supported in the following biomedical

S. No. Institute Title/Area

1. Indian Institute of Public Health, a. Evidence synthesis and Health technology

Gurgaon, Haryana assessment – blended learning
b. Operations Research in Public Health
2. ICMR-National Institute of Research in Support to Indian Institutes for imparting training
Reproductive Health, Mumbai

Department of Health Research

8 Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn)

CHAPTER Year 2020-21

Introduction Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn)

The Government of India is committed to extend HTAIn is an institutional body established in 2017,
healthcare services to its 1.37 billion population under the Department of Health Research (DHR),
as part of India’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW).
agenda. The main purpose of the HTAIn is to engage HTAIn is entrusted with the responsibility to analyze
in explicit and evidence-based priority setting of evidences related to cost-effectiveness, clinical-
health resources towards providing universal health effectiveness and equity issues regarding the
coverage for all individuals. HTA will help to bridge deployment of health technologies viz. medicines,
the evidence to policy gap and ensure alignment of devices and health programmes by means of HTA in
academic and policy interests through HTA towards India, and in turn help in efficient use of the limited
the common goal of improving decision-making health budget and provide people access to quality
for health resource allocation to improve the health healthcare at minimum cost.
of the Indian population.

Fig. 1: Components of HTA

Annual Report 2020-21

Objectives and Significance of HTAIn:

· Maximising health, reducing out of pocket
expenditure (OOP) and reducing inequity.
· To support the process of decision-making
in health care at the Central and State policy
level by providing reliable information based
on scientific evidence.
· Develop systems and mechanisms to assess Fig 3: HTAIn Structure
new and existing health technologies by a
transparent and inclusive process. Board: A HTAIn Board was set up in 2017, to take
final policy decisions on the recommendations
· To appraise health interventions and
of HTA studies based upon the feasibility,
technologies based on available data on
sustainability and challenges of implementation.
resource use, cost, clinical effectiveness, and
Board is the highest decision-making body of
HTAIn consisting of Policy-Makers, Bureaucrats and
· To collect and analyse evidence in a Experts from different Government Bodies (Central
systematic and reproducible way and ensure as well as States) etc. The role of the Board is to
its accessibility and usefulness to inform appraise the recommendations of the TAC for final
health policy. acceptance of the study – mainly the Outcomes
and Recommendations. The Board may also look
· Disseminate research findings and resulting
into the gaps in evidence and instruct for further
policy decisions to educate and empower the
research. i.e. Board can identify the area that require
public to make better informed decisions for
further research.
HTAIn Secretariat: HTAIn Secretariat is a DHR- in-
house body that coordinates between the User
Department, TAC, Technical Partners and Resource
Centres. Secretariat consist of Scientists, Economists,
Health Policy Analyst, Financial Consultants,
Programme Manager, Data Entry Operators and
Multi-Tasking Staffs etc. It provides necessary
assistance to the TP/ Resource Centres wherever
required. Secretariat may also undertake topic(s) to
study in certain situations. Besides that, secretariat
conducts all the TAC and Stakeholders consultation
meetings in DHR and ensures transparency at all
Fig. 2: Significance of HTA
stages of the study by consultation and regular
updates from the Technical Partners and Resource
Structure of HTAIn Centres.
HTAIn consists of a Board, Technical Appraisal
Technical Appraisal Committee: Technical
Committee (TAC), Project Appraisal Committee,
Appraisal Committee (TAC) is a multidisciplinary
Regional Resource Centres, Technical Partners (TP)
and HTAIn Secretariat, DHR (fig. 3.) body with experts drawn from different areas viz
economists, clinicians, researchers, social scientists,
health policy experts etc. There may be co-opted

Department of Health Research

members in the TAC depending upon the study Trivandrum

under consideration by HTAIn. The Committee is
invariably headed by an eminent person. It ensures 3. National Institute for Researchin Reproductive
the appraisal of the study at different stages viz. Health (NIRRH), Mumbai
support in analyzing feasibility of topic for HTA, 4. National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis
allocation, proposal development, outcome report (NIRT), Chennai
and recommendations. TAC does the quality
assurance and provides overall stewardship to the 5. Regional Medical Research Center (RMRC),
HTAIn. Till 31st December 2020, Twenty-Two (22) Bhubaneswar
TAC meetings have taken place in DHR regarding 6. Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH),
the appraisal of the HTA proposals submitted by Shillong
the TP and discussing potential challenges HTAIn
may face in the Indian scenario such as perspective, 7. Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH),
equity issues, availability of evidences, etc. Gandhinagar
Regional Resource Centres or Resource Centres: 8. Kalam Institute of Technology (KIT),
Some of the technical partners are upgraded to Hyderabad
the Resource Centres to become an extended arm
9. National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai
of the HTAIn Secretariat. DHR provides requisite
manpower support to these Centres in order to 10. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical
bridge the gap between Central and the State Education and Research, Puducherry.
Governments, assist capacity building, support a
bunch of States located in the vicinity and undertake 11. All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
the studies allocated to them by the Secretariat. Rishikesh
The mentor of the Centres liaise with the officials 12. State Cancer Institute and King George
of the State Governments and sensitize them about Medical University, Lucknow
a need for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for
any health intervention. Presently, the following 13. National Centre for Disease Informatics and
Regional Resource Hubs are in place: Research, Karnataka

1. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education 14. Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad
and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh.
15. National Institute of Virology, Pune
2. Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical
16. All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST),

Annual Report 2020-21

The Resource Hubs and Technical Partner so far have been depicted in the following map:

Figure 4: HTAIn Regional Resource Hubs and Technical Partners

PROCESS OF HTAIn public health authorities, policy makers, medical

Technical Partners: Technical Partners are insurers,regulatory agencies, industrial associations
Institutes of the Central/ State Government which (e.g. manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers,
have been identified by HTAIn secretariat, with distributors and retailers), academicians or
regards to their capacities, expertise and previous methodological experts, researchers, social groups,
experience in the area of HTA/ Multi-centric/ NGOs, patient group and so on.
Operational research. Technical Partners are the Stakeholders are distinct from the common public
research conducting body for HTAIn with their as they have direct interest in a certain HTA topic;
existing capacity/ manpower. The outcome reports therefore, their participation in a specific HTA is
of the studies conducted by technical partners are both rational and likely to contribute to the quality
submitted to the HTAIn Secretariat for approval and legitimacy of the process and outcomes. The
from the TAC and Board. stakeholders are informed when the topics are
Stakeholders: Stakeholders are individuals, selected for study and a consultation meeting is
organizations or communities that have a organized where TP present their proposal to the
direct interest in the process and/or outcomes stakeholders for their feedback and the same
of the study under consideration by the HTAIn. stakeholders are again consulted for a second
Stakeholders may include the user department meeting when outcomes are to be discussed.
e.g. Central/ State Govt., NHM, RSBY or NPPA, Conflicts of interests, if any, are addressed making
the process transparent and all inclusive.

Department of Health Research

Key Phases of HTAIn Process • After the appraisal and approval of the
proposal by the TAC TP/ Resource Centres are
allowed to conduct the HTA study and after
completion of the study come up with the
outcome report and recommendations to the
TAC once again for appraisal of the outcome
and approval of the recommendations.
• Once the outcome report is approved by
the TAC it is submitted to the Board for final
approval. TP/Resource hubs may also be
called to present the outcome before the
• The recommendations made by MTAB are
used to inform health services provided by
the Government like the National Health
Programs, the National Health Protection
Scheme (formerly RSBY), the National List of
Essential Medicines (NLEM), State-specific
Fig 5. Overview of HTA Process (At Macro Level) Health Insurance Packages, etc.
Progress of HTAIn:
The following is the progress of HTA studies that
PROCESS OF HTAIn have been deliberated upon and approved by TAC
• The User Department sends their topic(s) and HTAIn Board in the past:
to the Secretariat according to their priority A. HTA studies completed and approved by the
area with a clear policy question to conduct Board:
an assessment in order to address those
questions. HTA Studies
1) Health Technology Assessment of intraocular
• After prioritization Secretariat present the
lenses for treatment of age-related cataracts in
topic(s) to the TAC and a suitable Technical India
Partner/ Resource Centres is identified to
2) Cost‑Effectiveness of Therapeutic Use of
allocate those topic(s) to conduct the study. Safety‑Engineered Syringes in Healthcare
• The respective TP/ Resource Centres then Facilities in India
come up with a study proposal that contains 3) Health Technology Assessment of Strategies for
the policy question(s), research question(s), Cervical Cancer Screening in India – PGIMER,
objective(s), methodology, timeline,
manpower required and the estimated 4) Validation of Diagnostic efficacy of digital
hemoglobinometer (TrueHb), HemoCue and
budget. non-invasive devices for screening patients for
• The proposal is submitted to the TAC and the anemia in the field settings
TP/Resource hubs are called to present the 5) Health Technology Assessment of Uterine
same before the TAC in the TAC meeting held Balloon Tamponade for Management of
Postpartum Haemorrhage in India; NIRRH
at DHR.

Annual Report 2020-21

6) Cost effectiveness analysis Hypothermia C. HTA proposals approved by the Technical

detection devices (BEPMU, Thrmospot and fever Appraisal Committee and studies that are
Watch) for pre-mature and low birth weight underway:
neonates in India; IIPH Shillong
7) Health Technology Assessment of Long Acting 1) Economic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Bypass
Reversible Contraceptives in India – NIRRH, Graft surgery and Percutaneous Coronary
Mumbai. Intervention in comparison to Optimal Medical
8) Health Technology Assessment of Portable Therapy for the management of patients with
automated ABR Neonatal Hearing Screening Multi-Vessel Disease. (Proposal)
Device; RMRC Bhubaneswar. 2) A comprehensive HTA of Project Lifeline – A
9) Rapid Health Technology Assessment for portable ECG facility at PHCs of Ahmedabad
incorporating TrueNat as a diagnostic tool district of Gujarat, IIPH Gandhinagar. (Proposal)
for tuberculosis under RNTCP in India; HTAIn
Secretariat. 3) Cost-effectiveness of administering parenteral
10) Evaluation of Pulse Oximeter as the Tool to iron therapy through Iron-sucrose and Ferrous
Prevent Childhood Pneumonia related Mortality Carboxyl Maltose for first line management
and Morbidity; SCTIMST, Trivandrum of iron deficiency anaemia among pregnant
women in a natural program setting at
11) Health Technology Assessment of Automated Sabarkantha, Gujarat. (Proposal)
Resuscitation Device for Neonatal Resuscitation
at point of delivery in Indian healthcare system; 4) Economic Evaluation of the use of implantation
KIHT, Vizag of pacemakers in patients with Complete Heart
12) Health Technology Assessment of various Block. (Proposal)
RT-PCR kits for the diagnosis of Influenza A/
H1N1pdm09 virus in all age patients in India; 5) HTA of intravenous trenaxamic acid use in
NIV, Pune management of post-partum haemorrhage in
India. (Proposal)
13) Health Technology Assessment on population
based screening for Type 2 Diabetes and 6) Cost effectiveness of linking HIV to family
Hypertension in India; PGIMER, Chandigarh Planning services to prevent unintended
pregnancies in people living with HIV women.
B. HTA Outcome Reports approved by the Technical (Proposal)
Appraisal Committee awaiting the Board’s Approval:
7) Estimation of recurrent cost to deliver JSSK
1) Health Technology Assessment for screening of services in Public health facilities for budgetary
Hepatitis B and C at Primary Health centers in allocation. (Proposal)
Tamil Nadu, NIRT, Chennai.
8) EuroQol-EQVT study to develop Indian Value
2) HTA of Low cost portable ventilator, KIHT,
sets for EQ5D Quality of Life scores. PGIMER,
Vishakhapatnam. (Outcome)
3) Health Technology Assessment of Breast Cancer
Screening Techniques in India, NHSRC, New 9) Costing of Healthcare services in India by
Delhi. (Outcome) PGIMER, Chandigarh.
4) Economic Evaluation of Percutaneous Coronary
10) Price Regulation & Value-Based Pricing for Anti-
Intervention in comparison to Coronary Artery
Cancer Drugs: Implications for Patients, Industry,
Bypass Graft surgery in Left main with or without
Insurer and Regulator PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Triple Vessel Disease. (Outcome)
5) Economic Evaluation of Percutaneous Coronary 11) Health Technology Assessment for
Intervention in comparison to Optimal Medical implementation of blood counters for diagnosis
Therapy for the management of patients with of dengue at primary health care settings in
Single-Vessel Disease without left main coronary Tamil Nadu state NIRT, Chennai
artery involvement. (Outcome)

Department of Health Research

Multi-centric Studies: There are following multi- and develop efficient ways for collaboration. The
centric going on in different states across India: training was attended by all the PIs and Co-PIs of
the study.
I. EuroQoL-5-Dimension(EQ5D) study in India:
II. Costing of Healthcare Services in India: To
A. To facilitate the calculation of quality-adjusted assess the cost information from different parts of
life years (QALYs) that are used to inform economic the country, the study utilizes the Multidisciplinary
evaluations of health care interventions a multi- Research Units (MRUs) of DHR functional in
centric study is going on in the following institutes government medical colleges in different states of
located in the different representative zones of India. These MRUs along with the HTAIn Secretariat
India: in DHR and the HTAIn resource centre hosted in
i. PGIMER, Chandigarh. School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh is
identified and shortlisted as potential centres to
ii. JIPMER, Puducherry. gather this cost information.
iii. AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. A. This study is conducted in 15 states/UT across
iv. NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, Meghalaya the country in following institutes:

v. IIPH, Gandhinagar i. PGIMER Chandigarh, Punjab

vi. AMS, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ii. Madras Medical College Chennai,
iii. KGMU, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
iv. SMIMER, Gujarat
v. SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan
vi. VIMSAR Burla, Odisha
vii. Seth GSMC and KEM Hospital, Mumbai,
viii. IPGMER, Kolkata, West Bengal
ix. IGIMS, Patna, Bihar
x. SV Medical College, Tirupati, Andhra
xi. PGIMER & Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
New Delhi
xii. Government Medical College, Jammu,
Jammu & Kashmir

B. A training was organized by EuroQol Foundation xiii. NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, Meghalaya

on 14-15th February, 2019 in Amsterdam to xiv. SS Medical College, Rewa
introduce the local study team to the protocol for the
valuation study, demonstrate the software, discuss xv. Madhya Pradesh and PGIMS, Rohtak,
best practice for implementation of the protocol, Haryana (second phase).

Annual Report 2020-21

B. This multistate costing study aims to collect from healthcare centers. The second workshop was
cost information from 15 public tertiary medical intended to train the trainers with cost data analysis
colleges, 30 district hospitals and 40 private which was followed by refresher meetings with the
hospitals from across the above mentioned States. Investigators and data collection teams.
The First and Second National workshops for
training of the trainers on ‘Costing of Health Care C. The study was taken up in 2018 and since then
services’ were organized in PGIMER & DHR, MoHFW 855 packages have been completed. For first phase
respectively. wherein the investigators were trained of study, data collection and analysis for District and
with the costing methodology, familiarized with Private Hospitals in all states is ongoing. Now, the
the data collection tools & methods. It was also costing study has moved to its second phase. After
accompanied with field visits and data collection the completion of phase II, 1393 PM-JAY packages
will be covered by the study.

III. Establishing DHR-ICMR Advanced Government Medical Colleges that will ensure the
Molecular Oncology Diagnostic Services optimum utilization of facilities available there, in
(DIAMOnDS): terms of equipment and manpower and will also
provide the much required diagnostic services to
A. This Initiative aims to set up zonal oncopathlogy the cancer patients in those areas. A two-phase
labs to provide basic as well as high-end advance pilot development model will be followed. Detailed
diagnostic services to cancer patients and research Phase-wise Activities is provided in the DIAMoNDS
facilities for basic, translational and clinical Documents.
research. These laboratories will be established in

Department of Health Research

B. The following institute are now in place under DIAMoNDS project:

S No. Zone Established Centre To be Established Centre

(DIAMONDS Regional Hub) (DIAMONDS Centre)

1 North AIIMS (New Delhi) State Cancer Institute- Lucknow

2 South CMC (Vellore) JIPMER- Pondicherry

3 North East TMC (Kolkata) Cachar Cancer Hospital and Research Centre
(CCHRC)- Silchar
RIMS, Imphal

4 West Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) AIIMS-Jodhpur, Rajasthan


Figure 7: Institutes selected under DIAMOnDS study

IV. Price Regulation & Value-Based Pricing for A. This national level study will be conducted
Anti-Cancer Drugs: Implications for Patients, in collaboration with National Cancer Grid and
Industry, Insurer and Regulator: The study aims to data will be collected from cancer care centres
assess the impact of price regulation of anti- cancer associated with National Cancer Grid. The National
drugs on cancer patients, industry, insurers and Cancer Grid is a network of major cancer centers,
regulators. research institutes, patient groups and charitable

Annual Report 2020-21

institutions across India with the mandate of C. The data collection is underway and it was
establishing uniform standards of patient care for planned to submit the report in the next couple of
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, months but due to COVID-19 crisis the consultation
providing specialized training and education part is becoming a challenge.
in oncology and facilitating collaborative basic,
translational and clinical research in cancer. VI. Developing the Process Manual, Reference
Case and Guidelines for Budget Impact Analysis
B. Selected states for data collection proposed for India and Checklists for reviewing the
are Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, Haryana Proposals and Outcome Reports: The Process
Punjab and Assam. The proposed sites of data Manual for the HTAIn was developed in 2017
collection are: and there were gradual modifications with time.
The manual outline the steps for conducting the
i. Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai health technology assessment in India and for
ii. Christian Medical College Vellore guiding the technical partners and organizations
conducting HTA analysis. There were gradual
iii. Adyar Cancer Institute Chennai, PGIMER modifications in the checklists and the recent
Chandigarh revised Process Manual is ready for TAC’s perusal.
iv. Government Medical College and Hospital The Reference Case for India is being developed
Chndigarh to provides a guide as to how HTA analysis should
be conducted and reported as part of the HTAIn
v. AIIMS New Delhi program of work. This ensures that the way in
which all analyses carried out are done in the same
vi. Dr. BB Borooah Cancer Institute Guwahati.
way, according to the same fundamental methods
V. Costing of Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram and principles. Reference case will enable HTAIn
(JSSK): or other institutions and individuals wanting to
use economic evaluation to inform their decisions
A. Government of India launched Janani Shishu to do so in full knowledge of its limitations and
Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) on 1st June, 2011 to relevance to the decision problem at hand. Further,
eliminate Out Of Pocket expenditure for pregnant adherence to reference case would increase the
women and sick new- borns and infants on quality, interpretability and transferability of future
drugs, diet, diagnostics, user charges, referral economic evaluations. Currently the Reference case
transport, etc. The scheme entitles all pregnant for India in underway and soon it will be presented
women delivering in public health institutions to in the TAC. The Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) is a
absolutely free and no expense delivery including relatively recent method for economic evaluation
Caesarean section. This initiative also provides for of health-care interventions and technologies.
free transport from home to institution, between BIA can be defined as a tool to assess the financial
facilities in case of a referral and drop back home. consequences, either additional or displacement
Similar entitlements have been put in place for all from existing allocation, of the introduction of a
sick newborns & infants accessing public health new health-care interventions or technology in a
facilities. Recently, a new study proposal was specific setting in the short-to-medium term. By
approved by TAC for conducting costing of Janani the generation of this document, a BIA guideline
Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK). for its conduct specific to Indian context is being
developed, allowing for the flexibility to estimate
B. This is an in-house study involving analysis the financial impact for different budget-holders
of secondary literature and clinical opinion from and at different organizational level within Indian
experts of AIIMS and PGIMER, Chandigarh. health-care system. Currently the proposal has
been approved in principle by the TAC and the

Department of Health Research

revised proposal is circulated for approval. A Capacity Building

Quality Assessment Checklists has been developed HTAIn DHR, has also conducted the following
to check the quality of the Outcome Reports of HTA trainings and workshops with its resource centres
studies and approved by the TAC. Another checklist and technical partners for HTA capacity building
for proposals is recommended by the TAC. in India:

Workshop/Training Organized by Date

Mahidol University- 2 ICMR staff Department of Health Research 11 August 2017

Introduction To Economic Analysis For Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical 8-13 May, 2017
Health Technology Assessment Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum

Workshop On Systematic Review And Meta- Department of Health Research, in 29-30 May, 2017
Analysis collaboration with NIMS, ICMR

Proposal Development Workshop for HTAIn HTAIn Secretariat, 22 Dec, 2017

technical partners Department of Health Research
nd -
2 National Conference on Health School of Public Health, PGIMER, 24 -25 Feb 2018
Technology Assessment Chandigarh

Introduction to Economic Department of Health Research 28 Oct – 3 Nov 2018

Evaluation in Health Technology
Assessment (HTA)

2nd National Workshop on ‘Costing of Department of Health Research 19 Nov - 20 Nov 18

Health Services’
7 International Fellowship on Health School of Public Health, PGIMER, 19- 23 Feb 2018
Technology Assessment Chandigarh

Introduction to Economic Department of Health Research 20 – 24 May 2019

Evaluation in Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) Advanced Training

Orientation workshop with National Health Department of Health Research 29 June 2019
Mission, Tamilnadu NIRT, Chennai

Introduction to Economic Department of Health Research 16 – 20 Sep 2019

Evaluation in Health Technology
Assessment (HTA)

3rd National Workshop on ‘Costing of Health By HTAIn Resource hub, PGIMER 10 - 13 Dec 2019
Services’ for new centres Chandigarh

Advance Health Technology Assessment DHR and iDSI and Imperial College 07-09 September 2020
Training (Virtual Platform)

HTA Sensitization Webinar for State DHR and iDSI 5th November 2020
Government Health Officials(Virtual

Annual Report 2020-21

HTAB Bill (2019): A HEALTH TECHNOLOGY inequality so that maximum people can have
ASSESSMENT BOARD BILL, (2019) has been access to quality healthcare at minimum cost in the
proposed to institutionalize the structure and country. As per pre-legislative consultative policy,
function of the HTAIn body. The Bill is to provide HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD BILL,
for the constitution of a Board for providing (2019) has been uploaded on the website of the
evidences related to cost-effectiveness, clinical- Department i.e. inviting comments
effectiveness and safety of medicines, devices, from Stakeholders. As part of Inter-Ministerial/State/
vaccines and health programmes undertaking Union Territories consultation the draft HEALTH
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) studies for TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD BILL, (2019) is
decision making. It will evaluate affordability, sent to the respective Inter-Ministerial/State/Union
appropriateness and cost effectiveness of the Territories and comments and suggestions on the
available and new health technologies in India. It HTAB Bill, 2019 are being received. A draft Cabinet
will work on the objectives of maximizing health, Note is ready to be submitted to the Cabinet for
reducing 'Out Of Pocket' expenditure and reducing approval.

Budgetary Allocations for implementation of HTA are as follows:

(Rs. in Crores)
Year BE RE Actual Expenditure
2017-2018 5.00 6.00 5.81
2018-2019 6.00 7.01 5.83
2019-2020 25.00 23.00 22.75
2020-21 25.00 15.00 5.49
(expenditure upto till 31st
Dec 2020)
2020-21 - - 9.51
(estimated expenditure for
January-March 2021)

Department of Health Research

9 Outbreak of COVID-19
CHAPTER Outbreak of COVID pandemic

Department of Health Research through Indian India as on 1st December has reported 94,62,809
Council of medical Research (ICMR), an autonomous confirmed cases with 1,37,621 deaths.
organization under its administrative control, has
been on the forefront to address public health Testing for Sars Cov-2
challenges and finding suitable solutions through Covid-19 pandemic is a National Health Emergency
research for the nation. of unprecedented nature and of historic scale,
which has rendered human life at risk. In the early
COVID-19 pandemic is amongst the largest public stages of Pandemic, National Institute of Virology,
health crisis faced by the World that is having Pune was the only testing centre for Sars Cov-2.
unprecedented negative consequences on health,
economy and our social lives. The WHO declared A strategy was adopted to enhance the testing
the disease a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Since centres and sample collection centres. The existing
January 2020, India has responded proactively Viral Research and Diagnostics established labs
to this pandemic by multitude of measures by were trained to undertake RT PCR COVID testing.
following the principle of ‘Test, Track and Treat’ and
Secondly Strategy was adopted to address the
has undertaken several measures to finally contain
constraints for procuring COVID 19 diagnostic
and manage the spread of the disease including
material. Empowered group-3 set up by the
international and domestic travel restrictions,
Government of India, cutting across ministries, was
rational screening and mandatory quarantine.
tasked with the objective of increasing procurement
One of the key strategies for containing the and ensuring regular supplies. Indian missions and
disease is to undertake widespread testing for embassies abroad helped identify global suppliers
COVID-19 followed by isolation and treatment of in a highly competitive seller's market.
confirmed cases and containment measures for
Thirdly Strategy was to partner with domestic
clusters of confirmed cases. The WHO recommends
industry to work towards self sufficiency in testing.
the real-time reverse transcription-polymerase
Because of the nationwide lockdown, industries
chain reaction (RT -PCR) diagnostic panel for the
faced severe operational challenges related to
detection of 2019 novel corona virus with 140
movement of human resources and procurement
tests per million per day, a strategy that India has
of material and machinery. A task force at DHR was
also adopted. Today more than 2100 laboratories
set up principally to ease out these challenges and
spread across the length and breadth of the nation
handhold the industry to accelerate production of
are carrying out the testing in the fight against the
VTM, RNA extraction kits and RT PCR kits.
spread of the COVID-19
The scale up of testing laboratories started with
a network of 106 DHR funded Viral Research and
Diagnostic Laboratories, (VRDLs), which already
had the capacity to conduct testing for viruses
similar to SARS-CoV-2. Subsequently, the testing
was initiated in partnership with laboratories in
DST, DBT, ICAR, CSIR, DRDO, MHRD, medical colleges
and private laboratories. Private laboratories that

Annual Report 2020-21

had approval from the National Accreditation control for testing. States provided infrastructure
Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories and manpower for enhancing testing centres.
(NABL) were accepted. With its testing capabilities
now matching the most advanced countries in the In India, 14,13,49,298 tests have been conducted in
world, Indian institutions have risen to the occasion the last 10 months. The maximum tests conducted
in an emergency situation. per day was 14.94 Lakhs on 24th September 2020.
The national average tests per million per day has
ICMR established 24 Mentor Institutes for increased to 414.
approving testing centres and assuring quality

Department of Health Research

Testing Centres:
ICMR has 2170 approved centres for COVID 19 testing with 1176 government and 994 private labs.

Total No .of Labs

Govt Private Cartridge/
True Naat
523 653 989

Validation of Kits
1. ICMR has 24 centres which have been undertaking the process of validation. The institutes are as

Number of Institutes

Types of testing kits for diagnosis of Covid-19 and India is currently using
COVID-19 testing involves analyzing samples both open and closed systems of RT-PCR platforms
to assess the current (virus) or past (antibodies) (Open system RT-PCR machines and TrueNAT and
presence of SARSCoV-2 virus. Tests for viral CBNAAT also popularly known as GeneXpert).
presence include Real Time Reverse Transcriptase India recently introduced Antigen testing to ramp-
Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Antigen up testing in containment zones for point of care
tests. Real Time RT-PCR is considered gold standard diagnosis.

The total Number of kits validated till 1st of December is 1099 with 394 indigenous kits

Evaluated Recommended Indigenous Under

so far Products Process as on
out of those 01.12.2020
RT-PCR Kits 309 143 77 0
RNA Extraction Kits 251 156 98 1
VTM 222 188 176 0
Antibody Kits 178 23 17 4
ELISA/CLIA 81 24 16 8
Rapid Antigen Kit (NP/OP) 55 15 10 12
Saliva based Rapid Antigen Kit 3 0 - 1
TOTAL 1099 549 394 26

Annual Report 2020-21

Logistics for Distribution Empowered Group 3 constituted for the purpose

In order to ensure that the supplies reached every of procurement of materials related to Covid-19
laboratory in a timely manner amid the nationwide emergency scenario.
lockdown, the services of the Ministry of Civil The Ministry of Textiles and the coronavirus
Aviation and their airline partners in government taskforce of DHR engaged industry partners
and private sector under ‘Mission Lifeline Udan’ and scientific agencies to develop prototypes of
were availed. They carried consignments of COVID swabs. After ICMR validated them, commercial-
19 diagnostic material across the country. In the last scale mass production and distribution among
2 months, despite the lockdown, approximately 40 VTM manufactures were permitted. To augment
tonnes of testing material was transported in more production capacities, support was provided to run
than 150 flight operations, reaching out to the plants at full capabilities during the lockdown by
remotest corners of the nation. Doorstep deliveries helping travel of manpower, expansion of existing
were coordinated with several courier companies plants and reopening of ancillary industries such as
and state governments. As the lab network mould making and labelling factories.
expanded, a need was felt to rope in India Post,
which has country wide operations, to streamline COVID-19 Management Team for Testing
the flow of supplies to the last mile. To cut down India’s expertise in virology has resulted in speedy
transit times, logistic complications and risks of development of required diagnostics (RT-PCR and
stock outs, decentralized storage of these suppliesCOVID Kawach ELISA) and ensuring adequate
has been done by building a network of 16 storage supply of testing reagents through handholding
depots in a phased manner across the country. domestic players thus realizing our mission of
Procurement Process Atma-nirbhar Bharat. Also, ICMR isolated the
COVID-19 virus, which made India the fifth nation
The procurement of various essential testing in the world to do so and paved the way for vaccine
materials such as VTMs, RNA Extraction Kits, RT development in record time. The fully indigenous
PCR Kits, Rapid Antibody Test Kits and diagnostic vaccine candidate, COVAXIN, has now entered the
machines were carried out at ICMR Hqrs in three third phase of human trials. Also, it has partnered
distinct stages considering changing market with Serum institute for the clinical trials of
scenario, global lockdown, instructions from the COVISHIELD and NOVOVAX.
GoI from time to time and guidance provided by the

Department of Health Research



I. Establishment of VRDLs in Government Medical College:

(Rs. In lakhs)

Sl. Name of Name of VRDL Funds Released

No. State
2013-14 to 2020-21 2020-21
2019-20 (As on 11 Dec (estimates for
2020) January-March

1. Assam RMRC Dibrugarh 891.40 57.50 25

Guwahati Medical College, 535.82 63.00 NIL


Tezpur Medical College, Tezpur 226.85 39.00 NIL

Jorhat Medical college, Jorhat 236.90 06.00 18

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical 194.53 21.00 18

College, Barpeta, Assam

Silchar Medical College, Silchar 200.64 21.00 18

2. Manipur Regional Institute of Medical 314.57 208.25 25

Sciences (RIMS), Imphal

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of 269.13 06.00 NIL

Medical Sciences (JNIMS), Imphal

3. Meghalaya North Eastern Indira Gandhi 387.43 09.50 43

Regional Institute of Health and
Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS),

4. Mizoram Zoram Medical College, Mizoram - 182.90 NIL

5. Tripura Government Medical College, 271.92 06.00 33


Annual Report 2020-21

II. Establishment of MRUs in State Government Medical Colleges:

(Rs in Crore)

S. Name of Name of the Medical College Funds released

No state with sanctioned MRU
2013-14 to 2020-21 2020-21
2019-20 (upto December, (Jan-21 to
2020) March-21)

1 Assam Silchar Medical College and 3.7990 0.2000 1.09

Hospital, Silchar

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical 4.3107 0.2890 0.50

College, Barpeta

Jorhat Medical College, Jorhat 3.0873 -- 1.20

2 Manipur Regional Institute of 3.3552 1.84 0.50

Medical Sciences, Imphal

3 Tripura Agartala Government 6.2044 0.27 0.12

Medical College,Agartala

III. Establishment of MRHRUs in North Eastern States:

( Rs. in Crore)

S. State Location of ICMR mentor Funds released

No MRHRU institute/centre
2013-14 to 2020-21 2020-21
2019-20 (upto December, (Jan-21 to
2020) March-21)

1 Assam PHC Chabua RMRC, Dibrugarh 4.4779 0.4469 0.35

2 Tripura Kherengbar RMRC, Dibrugarh 4.2623 0.6455 0.15


3 Nagaland PHC, Niuland, RMRC, Dibrugarh 1.50 -- 0.80

Dist: Dimapur

4 Meghalaya CHC Sohra RMRC, Dibrugarh 1.4999 --

[0.5901 from
General Head and
0.9098 from (NER)]

5 Arunachal CHC Sagalee RMRC, Dibrugarh 1.50 – General -- 0.60

Pradesh Head

Department of Health Research

IV. Implementation of HRD Scheme in North Eastern States:

(Rs. in lakhs)
S. State Name of the Institute Funds released
No. 2013-14 to 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21
2018-19 (Upto Dec (estimates for
2020) January-March
1 Manipur Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical 14.66 19.76 Nil Nil
Sciences, Porompat, Imphat East,
Manipur, Pin: 795005
2 Assam Department of Biotechnology Tocklai 14.66 Nil Nil Nil
Tea Research
Institute Tea Research Association
3 Nagaland Yingli College Longleng, - 798625 3.10 Nil Nil Nil
4 Tripura C/O: Mr. Mrinal Kanti Paul 43, B. K., 1.80 Nil Nil Nil
Near Womens College Agartala, West
5 Nagaland Senior Nagaland State Department 1.80 Nil Nil Nil
of Health and Family Welfare
6 Nagaland Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of 1.80 Nil Nil Nil
7 Assam Regional Medical Research Centre- 15.70 Nil Nil Nil
NE Region, Indian Council of Medical
8 Assam Regional Medical Research Centre, 15.04 Nil Nil Nil
Northeast Region, ICMR, Dist-
Dibrugarh, Assam
9 Assam RMRC, Dibrugarh, ICMR, N.E. Region, 2.00 Nil Nil Nil
10 Assam Principal, Governing Body, Moinul 3.10 Nil Nil Nil
Hoque Choudhury
Memorial Science College, Algapur
11 Manipur Community Medicine, Imphal West, 5.96 Nil Nil Nil
12 Nagaland Department of Health & Family 1.80 Nil Nil Nil
Welfare, Govt. of Nagaland-797001
13 Assam Regional Medical Research Center, 45.12 Nil 16.95 Nil
N.E. Region (ICMR), Dibrugarh, Assam
14 Assam C/o Dr. H.K. Sharma, Department of 28.87 Nil Nil 7.23
Pharmaceutical Sciences Dibrugarh
University, Dibrugarh-786004, Assam
15 Assam C/O Dr. Siraj Ahmed Khan (Scientist 29.72 Nil 12.11 Nil
E), ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh, Post Box
No-105 Pin-786001

Annual Report 2020-21

S. State Name of the Institute Funds released

No. 2013-14 to 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21
2018-19 (Upto Dec (estimates for
2020) January-March

16 Tripura Department of Microbiology 61.21 Nil Nil Nil

Agartala Government Medical
College and GBP Hospital Post
Office: Kunjavan

17 Gauhati Dept. of Bioengineering and 68.81 Nil Nil Nil

Technology GUIST, Gauhati

18 Assam Dept. Of Biotechnology, Tocklai 28.07 Nil Nil Nil

Tea Research Institute Tea Research
Association Jorhat

19 Assam Deptt. of Community Medicine, 30.18 Nil Nil 9.71

Jorhat Medical College, Jorhat -

20 Manipur Community Medicine Department, 3.00 Nil Nil Nil

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of
Medical Sciences, Porompat, Imphal,
MANIPUR – 795005

21 Manipur Department of Forensic Medicine, 2.00 Nil Nil Nil

Regional Institute of Medical
Sciences, Imphal – 795004

22 Manipur Community Medicine Department 3.00 Nil Nil Nil

Regional Institute of Medical
Sciences, Imphal – 795004

23 Assam Dept. of Bioengineering and Nil 5.31 Nil Nil

Technology GUIST, Gauhati

24 Assam Department of Biotechnology Nil 8.72 Nil Nil

Tocklai Tea Research Institute Tea
Research Association Jorhat

25 Assam Tezpur University, Tezpur, Napaam, Nil 11.81 Nil Nil

Sonitpur, Assam - 784028

26 Assam Gauhati Medical College and Nil 11.06 Nil Nil

Hospital, Bhangagarh, Guwahati,
Assam, Guwahati

Department of Health Research

S. State Name of the Institute Funds released

No. 2013-14 to 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21
2018-19 (Upto Dec (estimates for
2020) January-March

27. Meghalaya Department of Pharmaceutical Nil Nil Nil 7.40

Sciences, Mairang Mission, West
Khasi Hills, District, Mairang,

28. Assam Gauhati University, Gopinath Nil Nil Nil 8.14

Bordoloi Nagar, Jalukbari, Guwahati,
Kamrup, Assam - 781014

Total 381.41 56.66 29.06 32.48

V. Grant-in-aid Scheme for Inter-sectoral Convergence and Coordination for Promotionn and
Guidance on Health Research in North Eastern States:
(Rs. in lakhs)
S. State Name of the Institute Funds released

2013-14 to 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21

2018-19 (Upto Dec (estimates for
2020) January-March

1 Meghalaya Martin Luthar Christian University, 52.73 - - -


2 Assam Sri Sankara Nethralaya - - -

Postgraduate Institute of Sri Kanchi
Sankara Health and Educational
Foundation, Guwahati, Assam 57.15
Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Nil Nil Nil
Institute, Guwahati

ICMR-Regional Medical Research Nil Nil 9.99

Institute, Dibrugarh

Total 109.88 - - 9.99

Annual Report 2020-21

Department of Health Research



Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New also includes research fellowships and short-term
Delhi, is the apex body in India for the formulation, visiting fellowships for up and coming researchers
coordination and promotion of biomedical research to expand their skills and knowledge early in their
and is one of the oldest medical research bodies in career. ICMR also offers Emeritus Scientist positions
the world. The ICMR is funded by the Government of to enable retired medical scientists and teachers to
India through the Department of Health Research, continue to carry out research on specific topics.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
The impact of ICMR spans across the globe with
The Governing Council of the ICMR is presided research collaborations spanning every continent.
over by the Union Health Minister. It is assisted Through ICMR’s Memoranda of Understandings
in scientific and technical matters by a Scientific (MoUs), ICMR has partnered with leading universities
Advisory Board comprising eminent experts in from around the world to concentrate efforts on
different biomedical disciplines. The Board, in its leading health issues such as cancer, diabetes,
turn, is assisted by a series of Scientific Advisory infectious diseases, and vaccine development.
Groups, Scientific Advisory Committees, Expert These collaborations facilitate the exchange of
Groups, Task Forces, Steering Committees etc. scientific information, training, joint projects, and
which evaluate and monitor different research co-authorship of meetings, workshops, seminars,
activities of the Council. and symposia presentations.
The Council's research priorities coincide with Intramural Research
the National health priorities such as control Intramural research is carried out through a
and management of communicable diseases, countrywide network 26 institutes/centres with
fertility control, maternal and child health, multiple field stations, 14 work in the area of
control of nutritional disorders, developing communicable diseases; 6 in Non-Communicable
alternative strategies for health care delivery, Diseases, 1in diseases related to Reproductive and
containment within safety limits of environmental Child Health (RCH); 1 in nutrition and nutritional
and occupational health problems; research on deficiencies, 3 in disease related to Basic Medical
major non-communicable diseases like cancer, Sciences including heamoglobinopathies and
cardiovascular diseases, blindness, diabetes and traditional medicine, 1 in the area of animal
other metabolic and haematological disorders; breeding and research.
mental health and drug research (including
traditional remedies). All these efforts are Extramural Research
undertaken with a view to reduce the total burden Extramural research is promoted by ICMR through-
of disease and to promote health and well-being of Setting up Centres for Advanced Research in
the population. different research areas around existing expertise
ICMR has also demonstrated its commitment to the and infrastructure in selected departments of
future of medical research through its professional Medical Colleges, Universities and other non-ICMR
development training and capacity building. This Research Institutes. Task force studies are also
includes training programs, workshops, and short- carried out which emphasize a time-bound, goal-
term research studentships for those preparing oriented approach with clearly defined targets,
for a career in medicine and medical research. It specific time frames, standardized and uniform

Annual Report 2020-21

methodologies, and often a multi-centric structure. individuals. The first sero survey demonstrated
0.79% prevalence and the second ser-survey
Open-ended research on the basis of applications
demonstrated 6.6% prevalence of SARS CoV-
for grants-in-aid received from scientists in non-
2 antibodies in the population.
ICMR Research Institutes, Medical colleges,
Universities etc. located in different parts of the • Promoting Make-in-India Efforts: ICMR is
country. validating COVID-19 diagnostics through fast
track mechanism. Till now, 135 (out of 285)
Achievements during the year:
RT-PCR kits, 25 ELISA/CLIA kits, 27 (out of 173)
• COVID-19 Pandemic: ICMR has been at the rapid antibody test kits have been found to
forefront in the fight against Covid-19. The be satisfactory. Also, ICMR is handholding
major achievements in this area are listed domestic players to expedite production
below: of diagnostic supplies through all possible
support. The Capacity has been developed
• SARS-CoV2 virus isolation: India is 5th in the
for production of 10 million RT PCR test and
world to isolate SARS-CoV2 virus. It aided in
5 million RNA extraction kits. Capacity of
COVID-19 testing development (ELISA) and is
VTM (Virus Transport Material) production
the starting point of fully indigenous vaccine
is up-scaled from 5L VTM tubes/yr to 5L
development. Also, ICMR is 1st in the country
VTM tubes/day. Synthetic swabs, used for
to sequence the complete genome.
sample collection, were not manufactured in
• 24X7 operational pan-India Lab network: India earlier and now the current in-country
In a very short span of time, ICMR led the production capacity is `1 Lakhs swabs/day.
building of testing grid consisting of 2045 Efforts are on to ramp up the production
laboratories spread across the nation from capacities of all supplies.
islands of Andaman & Nicobar, the tough
• Vaccine Development: ICMR has partnered
terrain of North Eastern region to difficult and
with Bharat Biotech India Limited for
hard to reach areas like Leh, Ladakh at 18000
indigenous vaccine development. The vaccine
ft. Today, we have testing capacity of `14 lakh
candidate has successfully completed phase I
tests/day. Exponential increase in testing has
and II clinical trials and approval for phase III
led to early identification, prompt isolation &
has been granted. Also, ICMR has partnered
effective treatment of Covid-19 cases along
with Serum Institute of India (SII) and Oxford
with effective contact tracing. These have
University to fast-track clinical trials of the live
eventually resulted in a sustained low fatality
attenuated recombinant vaccine. The vaccine
is under phase III trial.
• First Make-in India Covid Kawach ELISA
• Exploring the treatment options: ICMR
kit: ICMR developed a rapid, highly sensitive
is participating in WHO Global solidarity
human IgG ELISA kit for COVID-19. It helped
trial. The trial tested four repurposed drugs:
in conducting the National Sero-Surveillance
Remdesivir, Interferonβ1a, Lopinavir/
for guiding the future policies of COVID-19
Ritonavir and Hydroxychloroquine. Interim
analysis showed that no benefits of Remdesivir
• National Sero- Survey of COVID-19: ICMR in any groups of COVID-19 (asymptomatic /
conducted two national level sero Suro- mild / moderate /severe /critical) patients.
surveys of COVID-19 to understand the ICMR also demonstrated that plasma therapy
proportion of population exposed to SARS- under current conditions is not effective in
CoV-2 infection including asymptomatic treatment of COVID-19.

Department of Health Research

• International Symposium on novel ideas Requirements for Indians, the revised

in Science, Ethics of Vaccine: ICMR virtually Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs),
organized an International symposium on for the first time includes the Estimated
novel ideas in science and ethics of vaccines Average Requirements (EAR) and also the
against COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine experts Tolerable Upper Limits (TUL) of nutrients
from across the globe participated in this alongside RDAs.
symposium where discussions were held
“What India Eats” reports the dietary patterns
regarding the ethics of human vaccine
across the country for the first time the
challenge, scaling up of vaccine production
data has been analysed and projected
and India’s role in it, and prioritization of
based on food groups. This report gives
recipients of vaccine once available. Also,
details of ‘Regional Dietary Pattern of Indian
a vaccine web portal has been launched
Population’ and energy and protein sources
consisting of all the information regarding the
from different food groups in graphical form.
Indian efforts towards vaccine development
against various diseases including the most • Mapping of nutrition and health status – A
recent COVID-19. national level participatory real-time data
generation programme has been launched.
• National Clinical Trial Registry for
COVID-19: This registry collects systematic International Health Research Collaborations
data on clinical signs & symptoms, laboratory
• Newton Bhabha Researcher Link
investigations, management protocols,
workshops: ICMR has partnered with
clinical course of COVID-19 disease, disease
British Council, UK for the Researcher Link
spectrum and outcomes of patients. The data
Workshops under the Newton Bhabha Fund
will serve as an invaluable tool for formulating
programme. Grants are designed to provide
appropriate patient management strategies,
financial support to bring together UK/Indian
predicting disease severity, patient outcomes
cohorts of early career researchers to take
part in workshops to meet the overarching
Non-Communicable Diseases & Nutrition objectives. For the year 2020-21, the second
• Mobile Stroke Care Unit in North East: ICMR joint call of the programme has been
has initiated to provide stroke treatment advertised in the areas of Cardiovascular
through state of the art Mobile Stroke Unit pharmacotherapy in Covid-19 infections,
in Tezpur and Dibrugarh area of Assam. This Bio-banking, Public health preparedness and
would lead to saving lives of stroke patients response to emerging diseases outbreak/
through intervention of clot buster medicine pandemic, Capacity building of maternity
after CT / specialist decision through digital care providers to improve perinatal outcome.
platform. • India Africa Health Sciences Platform (IAHSP):
• Released The National Cancer Registry To strengthen South-South collaboration in
Programme Report 2020: The report advancing health sciences research and to
estimates that in 2020 cancer cases in the enhance local capacity and ownership, ICMR
in collaboration with AU-STRC announced
country will be at 13.9 lakhs and likely to
the 'Call for Applications for African Health
increase to 15.7 lakhs by 2025, based on
Practitioners/Researchers under ICMR/AU-
current trends.
STRC Capacity Building Scheme (Training
• Released Nutrient Requirements for Courses in India 2019) under India Africa
Indians & What India Eats: The Nutrient Health Sciences Platform (IAHSP). Call was

Annual Report 2020-21

for 7 training courses at 3 ICMR Institutes- Other Achievements

NICPR,Noida; NIN,Hyderabad; NIE, Chennai. • Unveiled the History Timeline of ICMR
A total of 95 African Health Practitioners/ showcasing the 108 years of journey in
Researchers from 26 African countries were service of nation. The timeline was unveiled
trained during 2019. The second call for 8 physically at ICMR Headquarters and online
courses announced in February 2020 is under on a dedicated web page.
process. Also Call for proposals 2020 for joint
research projects in the area of HIV/AIDS; • Launched an online course on Prescribing
Cancer; Tuberculosis; COVID-19 under ICMR- Skills for Indian Medical Graduates (pursuing
AUSTRC Research Grant Scheme is being or completed internship). The course is meant
finalized in consultation with AU-STRC. for improving prescription practices among
Indian Medical Graduates
New Infrastructure
o NIIH-Centre for Research, Management • Released First comprehensive estimates of
and Control of Haemolglobinopathies, district-level trends of child mortality and
Chandrapur: This centre will cater to child growth failure in India under India State-
the needs of entire Vidarbha region Level Disease Burden Initiative.
especially in the area of sickle cell • Under Human Resource Development (HRD),
anaemia. There are around 4,00,000 currently there are 525 Junior Research
Sickle cell disease patients in this region Fellowship(JRF), 76 Post-doctoral Research
along with approximately 40,00,000 Fellowship (PDF), 10 Nurturing Clinical
sickle cell carriers. Scientists Fellowship (NCS), 55 MD/Ph.D.
o Centre for One Health, Nagpur: The Fellowships, 400 ICMR-MD/MDS/MCh/MS
centre will address the issue of zoonosis Thesis financial support is ongoing.
and Anti-microbial resistance through Under extramural research programme, ICMR
inter-sectoral collaboration. MoU has has approved 815 adhoc fellowships and 773
been signed with MAFSU (Maharashtra adhoc projects and are currently funding
Animal and Fishery Sciences University) 1166 fellowships and 1040 adhoc projects in
and land has been transferred. various areas of health research during the

BE/RE/actual expenditure 2019-20 and BE/RE 2020-21 with actual expenditure upto December, 2020 and BE 2021-22 in
respect of Demand No.43-Department of Health Research
(Rs. in crores )

S. Scheme/ Budget Head 2019-20 2020-21 BE

No. Programme 2021-22
BE RE Actual BE RE Actual
Expr. Expr. upto
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Secretariat-Social Services Secretariat-Social Services 38.00 38.00 32.35 42.00 38.30 20.15 45.00
2. Human Resource Advanced Training in research in medicine and health 33.00 30.00 27.48 34.00 18.00 6.15 27.00
Development for Health
International cooperation in medical and health 1.00 6.00 5.58 6.00 5.03 4.73 6.00
3. Grant-in-aid Scheme for Inter-sectoral coordination in medical, biomedical and 28.00 18.00 16.00 27.00 19.00 7.54 27.00
inter-sectoral convergence health research
& promotion and guidance
Promotion & guidance on research governance issues. 25.00 23.00 22.75 25.00 15.00 5.76 23.00
on research governance
4. Managing epidemics and Matters relating to epidemics, natural calamities and 80.00 73.00 69.37 83.00 83.00 52.40 82.00
national calamities development of tools to prevent outbreaks
Development of Tools to prevent Outbreaks of 7.35 6.00 6.00 7.29 12.26 6.78 15.00
5. Development of Promotion, coordination and development of basic, 58.00 55.00 55.00 60.00 58.00 39.43 60.00
infrastructure for applied and clinical research-Establishment of Multi-
promotion of health Disciplinary Research Units (MRUs) in Govt. Medical
research Colleges.
Establishment of Model Rural Health Research Units. 15.00 19.00 17.50 20.00 16.00 6.05 20.00
6. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi 1474.65 1552.22 1479.17 1795.71 3797.71 2567.46 2358.00
(i) ICMR-Grant in Aid 1474.65 1552.22 1479.17 1795.71 1697.71 1322.46 1830.00
(ii) ICMR-Covid-19 Emergency Response - - - - 2100.00 1245.00 -
(iii) ICMR-PM-ABSY - - - - - - 528.00
7. Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre (BMHRC), Bhopal 140.00 129.78 129.78 0.00 - - -
Total 1900.00 1950.00 1860.98 2100.00 4062.30 2716.45 2663.00
Department of Health Research

Note: Figures include provision of Rs 104.00 crores in BE 2020-21 and Rs. 83 crores in RE 2020-21 and Rs.104 crores in BE 2021-22 under NE component.

* BMHRC has been merged with ICMR.
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M i n i s t r y o f H e a l t h & Fa m i l y W e l f a r e
Government of India
New Delhi

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