Gartner Global Supply Chain Top 25 For 2024
Gartner Global Supply Chain Top 25 For 2024
Gartner Global Supply Chain Top 25 For 2024
Reflecting the very best in supply chain for 20 years and beyond
Superior supply chains
deliver on the business’s
They don’t just push products; they understand customer value, invest
in demand management and promote innovation against ESG. The
Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 is a renowned annual ranking of the world’s
superior supply chains. From financial and corporate social responsibility
data and community opinion, we identify, celebrate and profile companies
demonstrating excellence in supply chain management. Clients use the
peer benchmarks to make the business case for supply chain transformation
and the best practices to accelerate supply chain performance.
Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2024
Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 companies Supply chain organizations are actively Today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and
differentiate themselves by consistently funding assessing the potential of generative AI (GenAI) ambiguous (VUCA) environment demands
people-centric strategies. Many of them are to improve customer service, planning and that CSCOs embrace uncertainty, learn
using AI to redesign and automate processes to manufacturing, but many are struggling to from it and evolve toward a state called the
reduce work friction and investing in knowledge find clear use cases. “antifragile supply chain.” Being in the antifragile
management and learning and development state helps a complex global supply chain
Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 companies
(L&D) systems. Their CSCOs understand that understand how it can achieve its enterprise
have built solid foundations in data and digital
redefining the skills, roles, relationships and objectives despite disruption and uncertainty.
capabilities. They evaluate both traditional
structures within their organization are critical
nongenerative AI techniques and GenAI to Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 companies
to driving high performance and engagement.
build practical use cases that benefit most understand that advancing toward antifragility
from AI-driven advances. requires several shifts in decision-making
processes, technology, network design and
many other elements of strategy.
Download our supply chain employee Explore Gartner’s supply chain AI resource Play our on-demand webinar featuring
turnover report to learn 3 key talent shifts. center. research on antifragile supply chains.
01 02 03 04 05
Schneider Cisco Colgate- Microsoft Johnson &
Electric Systems Palmolive Johnson
06 07 08 09 10
Diageo NVIDIA The Coca-Cola Walmart Lenovo
and L’Oréal
12 AstraZeneca 18 Inditex 22 Danone Turn the page to read profiles of the companies ranked
1 – 10. Clients may read additional profiles (the companies
13 PepsiCo and Nestlé 19 Dell Technologies 23 BMW ranked 11 – 25) at See the Gartner Supply
14 NIKE, Inc. 20 Pfizer 24 Heineken Chain Top 25 most relevant to your geography or industry
15 Intel 21 HP Inc. 25
16 Siemens
Schneider Cisco
01 Electric 02 Systems
Schneider recently completed its STRIVE In the area of integrated sustainability,
(sustainable, trusted, resilient, intelligent, Cisco’s focus on embedding circular design
velocity and efficiency) program, a three-year principles and driving circular revenue
initiative aimed at transforming the supply targets means that 99.8% of materials used
chain to provide customers with a strong can be recycled or repurposed. Reflections
regional presence, build stronger partnerships
with leading suppliers and improve the Cisco is regionally diversifying its network as Reaching
resilience of supply chain operations. it tries to develop an antifragile supply chain new heights:
with significant investments such as laying Construction on
The World Economic Forum recognized down manufacturing capacity in India to the Burj Khalifa
Schneider as one of only three companies to support growing local demand. begins in 2004.
attain its “Circular Lighthouses in the Built
Environment” designation for the company’s The company also: has implemented a digital
E2E circularity solution, which has avoided twin of its service supply chain; is innovative
sending about 513 million tons of CO2e to in the use of AI/ML; continues to lead in
customers since 2018 and uses 27% green- enterprise security offerings; and is planning
material content across products. a total customer solution that protects clients
from network security threats.
03 Palmolive 04 Microsoft
Colgate-Palmolive maintains a digital Microsoft is a leader in the development of
fluency and upskilling effort touching both AI and GenAI and, with the growth in
16,000 employees across the E2E global computing power required, its cloud services
supply chain. are seeing powerful revenue growth supported
by strong capital investment. Reflections
This commitment to strengthening digital
skills has helped foster innovation through Microsoft signed a new five-year agreement Going in depth:
adoption of new AI-based solutions. Two key with Brookfield Renewable for more than 10.5 In 2004, explorers
examples: customer delivery appointment GW of new clean energy capacity, which will reach the bottom of
bots that have driven a 95% reduction in order add nearly 50% more green energy purchasing Krubera Cave, known
touches; and an AI-based bot that converses power. This significant move forms a key part as the “inverted
with end users and responds to detailed of attaining the company’s commitments to its Mount Everest.”
supply chain queries including granular out- Near-Term SBTI validated goal. That agreement
of-stock information within specific retailers. with Brookfield Renewable is nearly eight times
larger than the largest single corporate power
purchase agreement (PPA) ever signed
Johnson &
05 Johnson
J&J is a leader in promoting best practices for
a responsible supply base, including supplier-
enabled innovation, sustainability and DEI. Its
E2E capability leverages digital solutions and
risk and resilience strategies to protect supply Reflections
chains from disruption.
Going beyond: The
J&J’s Global Operations Leadership largest expansion
Development (GOLD) program identifies, of NATO takes place
attracts, hires and develops high-potential, in 2004.
early-in-career supply chain talent. J&J also
has leadership development programs for
middle managers and senior leaders.
06 Diageo 06 L’Oréal
Society 2030: Spirit of Progress is Diageo’s L’Oréal maintains a strong record in ESG
plan to respond to ESG opportunities it has performance. The company has five internal
deemed most critical to its business. One packaging labs aiming to achieve 100%
example of leadership in this area is Diageo eco-designed products by 2030. Using an
Sustainable Solutions, an open-source ecosystem approach, they are driving Reflections
approach to soliciting ideas from the public innovation in sustainable packaging leading
to help drive its sustainability agenda. to the first cosmetics bottle made entirely Charting new
of recycled plastic. territory: The Spirit
Diageo’s ongoing supply chain transformation and Opportunity
is focused on delivering global brands while A key enabler of L’Oréal’s customer-centricity rovers land on Mars
ensuring local relevance — what it calls a approach is their supply chain organization in 2004.
“glocal” approach. design leveraging an integrated, centralized
strategy coupled with a decentralized,
Diageo’s supply chain is helping to enable differentiated operational footprint to offer
commercial success through a commitment agility at scale.
to agility with substantial investment in an
approach to optimizing logistics resilience Investments in digitization preserves L’Oréal’s
through network design and optionality. position as a leader within Industry 4.0 Smart
Manufacturing. Efforts are focused on rapidly
customizing product offerings to a global, diverse
consumer base using 3D printing, virtual reality
and an agile production methodology.
The Coca-Cola
07 NVIDIA 08 Company
NVIDIA’s strong financial performance Coca-Cola recently announced a partnership
has led to market capitalization growth with Microsoft to support a five-year
of over $2 trillion. NVIDIA posted a 75% investment in cloud and AI capabilities to
three-year weighted revenue growth. Its drive increased productivity. Technology
three-year weighted ROPA and three-year investments are part of Coca-Cola’s Reflections
weighted ROPA change were both more transformation to “Cola 3000,” an AI capability
than 200%, which indicates a high level supporting demand planning, real-time Making connections:
of supply chain agility. visibility and improved logistics operations. “The Facebook”
launches on the
As the inventor of the graphics processing Coca-Cola manages a vast distributor network campus of Harvard
unit (GPU), NVIDIA originally benefited from that allows it to be agile in supporting the University in 2004.
growth in the gaming market. But its financial delivery of high levels of customer service in
performance metrics are now primarily driven many locations around the world. This strength
by leadership in the GPU technology that has been leveraged in a partnership with the
powers the emerging AI market as a first mover Last Mile Project throughout Africa, with Coca-
with little competition. This has enabled NVIDIA Cola lending its expertise to deliver cold-chain
to capitalize on the hardware needs of the vaccines across the continent.
emerging GenAI Hype Cycle.
09 Walmart 10 Lenovo
Walmart’s Luminate tool for suppliers offers Lenovo continues to innovate and build
a comprehensive report suite that provides a resilient supply chain that utilizes AI and
full visibility into commerce and performance ML in its Supply Chain Intelligence (SCI)
data, enriched with consumer insights. platform to analyze data, identify potential
issues and propose solutions in real time. Reflections
Walmart is expanding the GenAI-powered SCI includes almost 80% of all the data
tool “My Assistant” to its global teams. This inputs to the Lenovo supply chain and is Lighting a spark:
tool frees up associate time for distinctly used by more than 70% of its supply chain Ron Chernow
human tasks like generating new ideas employees. SCI has contributed to a 5% publishes “Alexander
and building relationships. uplift in on-time-in-full delivery performance. Hamilton” in 2004 —
the biography that
After a 16-month proof of concept, Lenovo demonstrated a strong commitment inspired Lin-Manuel
Walmart is rolling out 19 autonomous Fox to reducing e-waste by repairing 76.5% of Miranda to write his
Robotics-developed forklifts across four failed warranty parts that can be reutilized for seminal Broadway
high-tech distribution centers to fully future PC repairs, extending the life cycle musical.
automate the warehouse loading docks, of the parts and devices.
complementing its existing automated
storage and retrieval system.
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