CS - AI - 16 Weeks Plan
CS - AI - 16 Weeks Plan
CS - AI - 16 Weeks Plan
This course will introduce the basics of artificial intelligence (AI), its scope and application domain. The course will
Course cover topics such as knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms, propositional logic, search methods,
Description learning paradigms, automated reasoning, knowledge based systems, knowledge application and machine learning
techniques and some of deep learning techniques etc.
To introduce the principles of AI methods.
To equip students with the developments, justifications, implementation, and use of representational,
formalism and search methods.
Aims & Objectives To provide an opportunity to students to learn methods most useful under complex computational uncertain,
and vague situations.
Enabling students to study advanced courses in the field such as machine learning, neural networks, text and
Learning Outcomes mining.
Demonstrate the ability to apply AI and Computational Intelligence techniques to a variety of research and
application projects.
Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach. Russell and Norvig, 3rd edition Pearson Education Series in AI
Text Book
Luger, George & Stubblefield, William (2004), Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex
Reference Books Problem Solving (5th ed.),
& Mathematical Methods in Artificial Intelligence. (Edward A. Bender).
Material Principals of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Development. (David W. Rolston)
Nils J Nilson, Artificial Intelligence – A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Elsevier, USA.
Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Third Edition, Pearson Education Series in AI.
Assignment(s): 10%
Grading Breakup and Quizzes: 5%
Policy Project: 10%
Midterm Examination: 25%
Final Examination: 50%
Collaboration and group work is encouraged but each student is required to submit his/her own contribution(s).
Plagiarism Policy: Your writings must be your own thoughts. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be referred to the
HoD & Dean for appropriate action(s).
for Learning
Week# Lecture # TOPICS (Mention Assignments,
(Book, Chapter No)
Test, Case Study,
Projects, Lab Work or
Reading Assignments)