Course Guidebook-Aerospace Fundamentals and Design

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Bahir Dar University

Bahir Dar institute of Technology

Aerospace Engineering
Course Name Aerospace Fundamentals & design
Course Code ASeng2152
Degree Program B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering
Module Name Aerodynamics
Credit Points (CP) 5 CP/3Cr.Hr.
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Time Distribution (in Hr.)
2 0 3 5
At the end of the course, students will understand:
 To understand the history and basics of aircraft structures,
Course Objectives
propulsion, aerodynamics, performance, controls and various
aircraft systems.
The course introduces students with basic knowledge to be able to:
 Understand the historical background of air vehicles and
Discuss about forces and moments acting in an airplane.
 Explain important physical properties of atmosphere and
Evolution of Lift and Drag.
Course Description  Discuss the various Fuselage constructions and materials
used in air vehicles.
 Classify the types of power plants used in aircraft and
aerospace vehicles.
 Be able to apply basic principles of aircraft systems.
 Discuss the performance of aircraft.
1. Historical Aviation: Aviation and Aerospace milestone -
Components of an airplane - Different types of air vehicles –
Forces and Moments acting in an airplane- Types of Aerial
2. Principles of Atmospheric flight: Physical properties and
structure of the atmosphere – Temperature, pressure and
altitude relationships - Evolution of lift and drag –Mach
number – Airfoil and Wings- Basic flying Instruments.
3. Conformal Mapping: Aerofoil terminologies - Classification of
aerofoil - Transformation from circle to various shapes -
Course Contents Karman – Trefftz profiles – ideal and real flow – Magnus effect
– D’ Alembert paradox.
4. Structures & materials: General types of fuselage construction
- Typical wing structure - Metallic and non-metallic materials -
Composite materials.
5. Power plants: Basic ideas about piston and jet engines – Piston
engine -Turbofan engine – Turboprop engine – Turbojet engine
– Ramjet engine – Scramjet engine- Types of Propulsion-Types
of propellants.
6. Aircraft systems & performance: Types of systems-
Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Landing Gear, Anti icing- Deicing-
Fuel systems- Absolute Ceiling – Service Ceiling, Basics of –
Climbing, Gliding, Range & Endurance.
7. Elements of rocket propulsion; launch vehicle dynamics – basic
orbital mechanics – satellite applications and orbits – future
challenges in aerospace engineering.
Semester 2nd year 2nd semester
Status of Course Core course
Teaching & Learning Lecture supported by Laboratory Exercises
Assignments 20%,
Assessment/Evaluation Quizzes 15%,
method Mid-Exam 25%,
Final Examination 40%.
Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and 100%
Attendance Requirements attendance during practical work sessions, except for some
unprecedented mishaps.
1. Anderson, J.D., “Introduction to Flight”, 7th Edition, McGraw-
HILL, 2011.
1. Anderson, D. F. and Eberhardt, S., Understanding Flight,
2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (2009).
2. Anderson, J. D., Introduction to Flight, 7th ed., McGraw-
Hill (2011).

References 3. Szebehely, V. G. and Mark, H., Adventures in Celestial

Mechanics, 2nd ed., Wiley (1998).
4. Turner, M. J. L., Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion:
Principles, Practice and New Developments,
3rd ed., Springer (2009).

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