Modeling and CFD Analysis of Flow Over Aircraft Split Winglet and Blended Winglet
Modeling and CFD Analysis of Flow Over Aircraft Split Winglet and Blended Winglet
Modeling and CFD Analysis of Flow Over Aircraft Split Winglet and Blended Winglet
Modeling and CFD Analysis of Flow Over Aircraft Split Winglet and
Blended Winglet
T Ravikumar Reddy1, Prajwalkumar M Patil2 and G Sudarshan Reddy3
Assistant Professor1-3
Department of Mechanical Engineering
CMR Engineering College
Hyderabad, Telangana state
A winglet is a device used to improve aircraft efficiency by lowering the induced drag caused by wingtip vortices. A preliminary
Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD) study was conducted to compare the wingtip vortices and induced drag generated by
different wingtip configurations. The geometry of different winglets was modeled in CATIA and numerically analyses using
ANSYS Fluent solver. The results produced detailed contour and streamlines of the wingtip vorticity magnitude created by each
wingtip configuration. Using the design tool, two different designs were created one is split and the other is blended winglet and
comparison is made from the two configurations and found lift and drag coefficients at different angles of attack.
The main purpose of any winglet is to improve the aircrafts aerodynamic performance by reducing the induced drag
formation at the wing tips. The term winglet was previously used to describe an additional lifting surface on an aircraft. Wingtip
devices are usually intended to improve the efficiency of fixed-wing aircraft[1]. There are several types of wingtip devices, and
although they function in different manners, the intended effect is always to reduce the aircraft's drag by partial recovery of the tip
vortex energy. Wingtip devices can also improve aircraft handling characteristics and enhance safety[2]. Such devices increase the
effective aspect ratio of a wing without materially increasing the wingspan. Note that an extension of span would lower lift-
induced drag, but would increase parasitic drag and would require boosting the strength and weight of the wing [3]. Generalized
aircraft winglet is shown in below figure.1; Page 88
DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32952
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 4 (11), November - 2018
In this paper we have considered NACA 2424 airfoil with split winglet and blended winglet[5]. Numerical analysis has been
carried out for the above mentioned winglets. Therefore, blended winglet having high lift to drag ratio. Page 89
DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32952
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 4 (11), November - 2018
The following dimensions are considered to design the split winglet and blended winglet.
Tab1: Dimensions of split winglet
Upper surface Lower surface
Span 137 67
Span 137
The designed winglets with above dimensions are shown in below fig 5 & 6. Page 90
DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32952
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 4 (11), November - 2018
For numerical simulations the above mentioned winglets are selected. The 2D computational mesh designed in rectangular
type domain. It consists of 32331 elements for split winglet and 21752 elements for blended winglet shown in figure. And
simulations are done by ANSYS FLUENT Software. It uses a finite volume method. In this k-ε model is chosen for analysis and
for momentum equation second order upwind discretization, for pressure velocity coupling SIMPLE algorithm is chosen for both
winglets [6]. Second order upwind discretization is used for turbulence kinetic energy and first order upwind discretization is used
for turbulence dissipation rate. Fig 7 & 8 shows the mesh for split and blended winglets.
The numerical simulation is carried out by considering Mach number 0.6, at different angles of attack, i.e. 10 0 and 150. The
maximum lift to drag ratios was calculated, which is important parameter for starting of airplane. Based on the results, the
correlation between the lift coefficient and drag coefficient is higher, that is drag increases with respect to lift incase of split
winglet. But we found that lift to drag ratio is more for blended winglet at angle of attack 10 0. The figure 8 and 9 shows variation
of lift and drag coefficients for split and blended winglets with different angle of attack.
Cd and Cl
0 20
Angle of attack Page 91
DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32952
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 4 (11), November - 2018
Cd and Cl
0 20
Angle of Attack
The pressure coefficient, velocity coefficient and turbulence kinetic energy coefficient are un-symmetrical at different
angle of attack for split and blended winglets. But we observed that at 15 degree angle of attack the pressure coefficient, velocity
coefficient and turbulence kinetic energy coefficient are more for blended winglet. The graphical representations are shown below
for blended winglet at 15 degree angle of attack. Page 92
DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32952
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Vol 4 (11), November - 2018
1. This project proposes that Winglets will significantly yield a better performance of an aircraft and reduce the fuel
2. The present simulation of split Winglet and blended Winglet cases promises that Winglets installation reduces the tip
vortices, which leads to the reduction in induced drag.
3. The correlation between the lift and drag co-efficient are considered for all winglets. The lowest drag coefficient was
found for blended winglet [NACA 2424] even at higher lift co-efficient.
4. In this project the lift curve slope increases more with the addition of the blended Winglet at 10 0& 150 AOA and at the
same time the drag decreases more for the aircraft model with blended Winglet campare to split Winglet.
[1] Whitcomb, R.T “Methods for Reducing Aerodynamic Drag,” NASA conference publication 2211, proceedings of Dryden
[2] Fredrick W. Lanchester “Endplate wingtip device” British Aerodynamicist in 1897.
[3] Kuhlman, J.M., Liaw, P. (1988).Theoretical/Numerical study of feasibility of use of winglets on low Aspect Ratio wings at
Subsonic and Transonic Mach Numbers to Reduce Drag.NASA CR-4174.
[4] Mr. Prem Kumar. “The Simulation of a Subsonic Aircraft wing at various (AOA) of winglets” assistant Professor, kumara
Guru College of technology, Coimbatore Tamilnadu 641-049.
[5] Kasolong. Proceeding of the world congress on engineering 2011, VoL 1, WCE 2011, July 6-8, 2011, London, U.K.
[6] McLean, D. (2005). Wingtip Devices. `What They Do And How They Do It. Boeing Performance and Flight Operations
Engineering Conference, Article 4.
[7] Heyson, H. H, Riebe, G.D., & Fulton, C.L. (1977). Theoretical parametric study of the relative advantages of winglets and
wing-tip extension. NASA-TP-1020, L-11679. Page 93
DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32952