Biophotonic Scanner Frequently Asked Questions

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What does the BioPhotonic Scanner measure? The BioPhotonic Scanner measures the level of carotenoid antioxidants in the skin. The level of skin carotenoids is a good reflection of carotenoids in the body, which in turn is an important indicator of the strength of your body's antioxidant defense system. How is the scan test performed? The person being tested simply places the palm of his/her hand in front of a low-energy blue light laser. There is no feeling, no pain, and no danger. How does the BioPhotonic Scanner work? BioPhotonic technology is a new advancement in laser technology and is made possible by applying optics concepts to the investigation of living human tissues. In the BioPhotonic scanner we use the fact that each species of molecules in the body can generate a different set of colors of light when stimulated with a laser beam. Therefore, this color spectrum is a unique optical fingerprint of a particular molecule species. The instrument uses a blue laser with a wavelength of 473 nm. When this laser hits a carotenoid molecule, a unique fingerprint spectrum with a prominent peak at 510 nm is generated by the carotenoid molecules. The green light is emitted out of the skin and captured by a highly sensitive light detector. A computer analyzes the amount of this green light and produces a numeric reading called the Body Defense Score. Are there any side effects from using the BioPhotonic Scanner? There are no side effects or potential health risks when properly using the scanner. The BioPhotonic Scanner uses a well-researched low-energy laser and is exposed to only a dime-sized portion of your body for less than 30 seconds. The BioPhotonic Scanner is a safe and non-invasive technology and is safe for all ages. How did the BioPhotonic Scanner come about? The scanner was developed by Dr. Werner Gellermann from the University of Utah, Department of Physics, and several collaborators from the University's School of Medicine. Initially Dr. Gellermann and his research group set out to find a way to measure the level of carotenoids in the eyes of people with age-related macular degeneration. Studies show that people

with age-related macular degeneration have much lower levels of carotenoids in their eyes and, therefore, it was necessary to develop an early-age screening test. Using Raman technology Dr. Gellermann and his team developed an instrument that projected laser light on the back of the eye and reflected back to a detector measuring carotenoid content in the retina. They then applied the same Raman technology to measure carotenoid antioxidant levels in skin tissues. What is the significance of this new technology? Why is it important to consumers? Each day we are exposed to a dangerous and common group of molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that steal or "scavenge" electrons from other molecules. Fortunately, nature has provided a solution to the threat of free-radical damage--antioxidants. Persons participating in the scanner testing can obtain an immediate reading of their own antioxidant activity--their Body Defense Score. Consumers are then empowered with a personalized assessment that can be used to develop an antioxidant defense strategy. Who should get scanned? Anyone who is mindful of his or her current and future health should take the opportunity to get scanned. BioPhotonic measurement is destined to become the dietary assessment of the future. Where can I get scanned? We are a Certified BioScan Operator and are able to scan you at your convenience. Simply contact us at (727) 895-2020 to schedule an appointment. Are there scientific studies validating the BioPhotonic Scanner? In accordance with the Pharmanex 6S process , the BioScan technology is substantiated with both independent and Pharmanex sponsored research. Scientific reviews of the technology and application to measure skin carotenoids were published by Hata et al. (J. Invest. Dermatology 155:441-448, 2000) and Gellermann et al.(Optics Letters 26:1179-1181, 2001). Furthermore, a good article describing the technology in layman's terms has been published by Gellermann et al. in the September 2002 issue of the journal, Cosmetic Dermatology. Pharmanex performed an in-house study with 1,375 subjects, showing that the Body Defense Score correlates well with LifePak usage and fruit and vegetable consumption. Another in-house study showed that LifePak supplementation leads to dramatic increases in the Body Defense Score within 4 weeks with further increases at 8 and 12 weeks. More clinical studies are being conducted that will result in scientific publications. With the ability to scan thousands of people easily and safely, Pharmanex will be able to obtain valuable data about fruit and vegetable consumption, assess overall antioxidant nutrition and make advancements in such areas as skin and antioxidant health. Has the medical community endorsed the BioPhotonic Scanner? Biophotonics is a new, cutting edge method of measurement used regularly in the medical community. The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is a new application for biophotonic technology and being used by top physicians around the country to help their patients achieve optimal health. Is it true that this technology is only available from Pharmanex? Yes. Pharmanex is the exclusive owner of the patented BioPhotonic Scanner technology.


What are free radicals? When we breathe, we take in oxygen and generate free radicals. Free radicals are atoms that have at least one unpaired electron, thus making them unstable and highly reactive. Free radicals then roam throughout the body causing damage to our cells by stealing stable electron partners from other cells, causing more free radicals, more instability and more damage. This cell damage can impair our body's ability to fight against illness. Antioxidant nutrients protect against this oxidation by rendering free radicals harmless. Free radicals are affected by your diet (including supplements and medications), body fat percentage, physical activity, and your exposure to sun, pollution, and cigarette smoke. They are also affected by your genetic ability to absorb carotenoids. What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are stable molecules that have electrons to spare. When antioxidants come in contact with free-radical molecules, they freely share their electrons and stop the degenerative chain reaction of free-radical oxidation. What is the antioxidant defense system? In the body, a comprehensive network of antioxidants works together in synergy to afford effective protection from free radical damage. This is known as the antioxidant defense system. The antioxidant defense system consists of both intrinsic and extrinsic antioxidants. Intrinsic antioxidants are made in the body, often from nutrients we obtain in our diet. The antioxidant enzymes (SOD, GPX, catalase, etc.), L-glutathione and coenzyme Q10 are important intrinsic antioxidants. Extrinsic antioxidants can not be made by our body and so must be obtained from our diet. Examples of extrinsic antioxidants include vitamins E & C, alpha-lipoic acid, carotenoids and flavonoids. To promote an optimal antioxidant defense system, it is important to include all of these nutrients in the diet. What are carotenoids? Carotenoids are red, yellow and orange pigments distributed throughout nature, particularly in the fruits and vegetables we eat. They are among the most beneficial antioxidants and work to balance out the destructive effects of free radicals. Recent research indicates a strong link between free radicals and the risk of disease. LifePak, a group of supplements produced by Pharmanex, contains the most important carotenoids: lycopene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lutein.

Why is it important to know the level of carotenoids in your body? There are many different kinds of antioxidants but carotenoids are important because they are some of the more potent antioxidants, protecting our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Higher levels of antioxidants in the body may indicate a higher level of cellular protection. The carotenoids are an important part of the body's antioxidant network, and their tissue (skin) levels are an important indicator of the overall strength of the body's antioxidant defense system. Why are carotenoids found in our skin and why is the palm of our hand the site of action? Carotenoids are absorbed with the aid of dietary fat. Thus they are found predominately in the "fatty" areas of the body, including your skin. The fatty tissue in our palm is a prime area for testing because it is easily accessible, has a relatively high carotenoid content due to the higher amount of fatty tissue, and there is a minimal difference in skin pigmentation between subjects in this tissue area. How else are carotenoids measured? Carotenoids are typically measured by invasive techniques requiring blood samples or urine tests. These tests are expensive and may take weeks before you receive your results. Also, these tests may only reflect what was recently consumed, i.e. the previous meal. The BioPhotonic Scanner is a great way to measure your carotenoid level safely and non-invasively.


What is the Body Defense Index? The Pharmanex Body Defense Index (BDI) is a summary of Body Defense Scores from participants scanned to date. By correlating numeric readings with a comprehensive dietary and lifestyle survey, scientists have been able to determine how Body Defense Scores relate to antioxidant protection. Based on this comparative index, you can determine if your antioxidant level is weak, marginal, average or optimal. However, since individual results may vary, it is most important to track the change in your own Body Defense Score, by getting scanned every 60 days to see how your diet or supplement program is improving your health. What does my Body Defense Score mean? Your Body Defense Score is a measurement of the presence of carotenoid antioxidants in your skin. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants found in abundance in certain fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids neutralize damaging free radical molecules and are absorbed in human plasma and tissue, providing an excellent indicator of a person's overall antioxidant health status. Unlike other methods of measuring antioxidants that require the invasive collection of body fluids (in which antioxidant levels will fluctuate throughout the day), your Body Defense Score is a measurement of the presence of carotenoid antioxidants in your tissue-providing you with a more accurate biomarker of your antioxidant defense level. The scoring system was developed specifically for the BioPhotonic Scanner and has no relation to other biomarkers that you may be familiar with.

What are the factors that contribute to my Body Defense Score? There are several variables that factor into your Body Defense Score, such as your genetic ability to absorb carotenoids, your diet (generally fresh fruits and vegetables contain the highest level of nutrients), antioxidant supplements, medications, smoking, sun exposure and your environment. People will absorb carotenoids from foods, and from their supplements differently. How can I improve my score? You can begin by eating more fruits and vegetables that are rich in carotenoid antioxidants. Daily consumption of a dietary supplement such as LifePak that provides a full spectrum of powerful antioxidants including 15 mg of antioxidant carotenoids may also result in a higher score. Remember, high body fat percentage and exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke, and sunlight may negatively impact your antioxidant defense levels. Changes to your diet or lifestyle activities will take about 30 to 60 days before they are reflected in your Body Defense Score. How did Pharmanex come up with the number ranges that indicate the Body Defense Index? The number ranges are based on research involving the scanning of 1,375 people. The scanning resulted in carotenoid levels ranging from a low of 1,500 to a very high 73,000. The mean average was 19,000. Subjects in the study who reported eating a recommended diet of six or more fruits and vegetables per day, and/or using supplements, measured 25,000 and above. This study suggests that readings of 25,000 or above provide healthy levels of antioxidants. How does my score compare to other people's scores? Your individual score may vary based on a number of factors that include diet, physical activity, and exposure to the sun and toxins such as cigarette smoke. Your score may also vary depending on your genetic ability to absorb carotenoids. Although Pharmanex will continue to provide a summary of all scores for a population comparison in the Body Defense Index, your own Body Defense Score is unique to you. Tracking your subsequent scores will provide you with a more personalized insight to your antioxidant defense level than comparing your initial score to the Body Defense Index. My Body Defense Score is different from my last scan, why does it vary? It is normal to have slight variations in the Body Defense Score due to several factors. First, the instrument's measuring variability is accurate within +/-5%, causing a small variability between repeated measurements. Second, skin carotenoids vary slightly depending on the exact location that is being scanned on the palm of the hand. Lastly, dietary changes, dietary supplementation, sun exposure, and smoking causes more long-term changes in skin carotenoids that can result in a different score. Since the Body Defense Score reflects only skin carotenoids, how good is it to assess my overall antioxidant defense? The carotenoids are an important part of the body's antioxidant network, and their tissue (skin) levels are an important indicator of the overall strength of the body's antioxidant defense system. As a member of an important network, it is likely that carotenoid levels will be in balance with other components of the antioxidant defense system. As with all health tests, the biophotonically measured Body Defense Score is one of several possible indicators of your health.


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