Dynamic Nutrition Advantage

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D.N.A | Dynamic Nutrition Advantage

Functional foods are, by definition, those foods, which provide an additional physiological benefit
beyond their basic nutritional needs. The purpose of the Dynamic Nutrition Advantage formulation
is to provide a convenient, palatable fruit and vegetable-based functional beverage that delivers plant
bioactives not regularly consumed in human diets. Dynamic Nutrition Advantage is different from
apparently similar products that promote only a high-ORAC value (antioxidant activity).
It is largely the health of each cell, which determines the overall health of the individual. The Dynamic
Nutrition Advantage hero ingredient CellActiv functions by enhancing the bodys own internal
defense systems by directly interacting with the expression of the cells DNA, the genetic Master Code
of the body. This epigenetic function of the product elevates it into an entirely new class of functional
food. CellActiv activity extends well beyond the antioxidant claims made for so many superfood
supplements. CellActiv switches on the cells own antioxidant-manufacturing machinery to produce
antioxidant potential far more powerful than any found regularly or most any superfood.
Carefully developed by biochemists and clinical nutritionists to include a diverse and complementary
range of exotic ingredients, the Dynamic Nutrition Advantage formula is also a breakthrough and
dramatic new approach to cellular health. The potent plant ingredients provide a vast array of
phytochemicals supporting CellActiv cellular defense function which combined hold the potential to
act favourably to positively influence the health of each cell providing a physiological environment
conducive to overall wellness.
To put the antioxidant story into perspective, it is useful to consider that antioxidants function by
quenching (neutralising) highly reactive molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are generated
by exposure to all sorts of environmental effects radiation, pollution, cigarette smoking, barbecued
meats, emotional stress, poor internal detoxification processes, obesity, and diabetes and so on.
We are constantly being bombarded by free radicals and our cells have a continuous need to quench
these very unstable molecules which trigger all sorts of diseases including heart disease and cancer
as well as inflammatory diseases of all types. Healthy cells are perfectly capable of dealing with free
radicals; the cells own generated antioxidant enzyme defences are so powerful that they can quench
millions of free radicals each minute. Because these antioxidants are enzymes, they can continue to
recycle themselves for days quenching untold numbers of free radicals a very efficient system!
By contrast, a diet generated antioxidant such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, resveratrol,
coenzyme Q10 and so on, are all able to quench to just one free radical per antioxidant molecule!
This is not a misprint! One diet-derived antioxidant molecule quenches just one free radical, end of
story! One cell-generated antioxidant enzyme quenches millions of free radicals every minute
According to renowned UC Berkeley molecular biologist Dr. Bruce N. Ames, each cell in your body is
hit by free radicals 10,000 times every day. Your body needs a varied supply of antioxidants powerful
enough to protect each of those cells. With this huge army of free radicals waging war, we must
support the body in more ways than one.
Background to the Product
Health authorities in all countries stress the importance of plant foods in the prevention of disease.
The Brassica family, which includes broccoli, is especially recommended for its disease-preventive
effects. Plant foods are not only good sources of vitamins and minerals but perhaps more importantly
they are sources of phytochemicals that modern Science is now recognising as having powerful
effects on the chemistry of our cells. Plant foods contain many thousands of such phytochemicals,
many of them unique to particular species. Most of these substances can be considered to be
antioxidants but their physiological value is far greater than provided by antioxidant function alone.
The ORAC value which is often used to rate the antioxidant potential of plant foods is a simple in vi tro
tool to categorise some plant foods that have high antioxidant potential. However it fails to identify
other plant foods, which have exceptional bioactivity, unrelated to ORAC. Some antioxidant products
claim that they can influence the ORAC value in an individuals blood sample. This is completely
invalid as ORAC has no meaning within the body. Products that claim to improve the individuals
antioxidant status are based on erroneous and invalid assumptions.
Beyond ORAC
The ORAC scale was developed as a tool to compare the antioxidant capacity of various food
samples assessed in a test tube. This test has no relationship to the effect of that food when
consumed and metabolised. What is important is the nature of the food-derived molecules that finally
reach the human cell, after being absorbed. A high ORAC food as measured in a test tube may be so
poorly absorbed that it never reaches the cells in sufficient quantity to have a significant effect.
Biochemists and other scientists who are experts in this field have developed the DNA formulation. A
good example of serious misperceptions about the effect of phytochemicals in humans ; to obtain the
human equivalent quantity of resveratrol used in these studies, an individual would have to consume
several hundred bottles of red wine daily! is the currently popular resveratrol from grape skins.
The laboratory and animal studies on this compound have never been supported by human studies.
This is because it is not practical for humans to consume the quantities, which were given to the
laboratory animals. For these reasons, the DNA formulation contains some premium exotic fruits with
high ORAC values but, more importantly, contains other key bioactive ingredients that dont have a
particularly high ORAC value. All things considered, ORAC is not particularly relevant to the potential
biochemical effects at cellular level.
Sulforaphane Switch
The broccoli family of vegetables for example do not have particularly high ORAC values, yet
contribute a far greater benefit to cellular health than most, if not all, known plant foods. The
Sulforaphane compound, which characterises the bioactivity in the broccoli family, is nothing short of
remarkable in its diverse benefits in cellular defence.
In particular, the broccoli sprout is a very concentrated source of Sulforaphane that enables the cell to
switch on its own antioxidant manufacturing plant. The antioxidants made by the cell itself are far
more powerful in their effects than those provided by foods. The premium exotic fruits selected for
inclusion in Dynamic Nutrition Advantage contain a range of different bioactives that have been
shown to impact on human health in different ways. These other effects may be completely unrelated
to the plants ORAC value.
Switching on DNA expression
The most significant phytochemicals influence critical processes in cellular defence within human cells.
The human cell uses many complex mechanisms for defending itself against disease processes.
Plant chemicals are beneficial to human cells because they send signals to important parts of the
cells chemistry, enabling the cell to switch on or switch off processes involved in self-protection.
The most important of these signals send messages to the genes, telling the cell to make more or less
of key cellular substances. The genes are made up of chromosomes and each chromosome is made
up of strands of DNA, which contains the codes for every single aspect of our being.
We inherit DNA from our parents, so that we may inherit our hair colour from our mother but our eye
colour for example from our father. But the DNA contains code for far more intricate aspects of each
of us. It even codes for how efficiently we can detoxify alcohol or nicotine or caffeine. This means
that we are born with certain genetic tendencies that determine how efficiently our cells work.
This might imply that we are stuck with what we inherit. Luckily this is not true because we know that
food molecules can epigenetically modify the way our DNA operates. And this opens up the really
exciting prospect of using functional foods to dramatically influence our health and wellbeing.
The concept of using food molecules to switch on or off the genetic code is now the subject of very
active scientific investigation. Nutrigenomics is the study of food molecules that influence our genes.
In many ways, it could be considered that our food chemicals talk to our DNA. If we consume those
foods, which are rich sources of the phytochemicals, which tell our DNA to switch on our cellular
defense mechanisms, we are more likely to resist disease.
If instead, we consume foods, which contain substances that damage our cells or keep our defense
processes switched off, we leave ourselves open to disease. In fact, this is exactly why a poor diet will
tend to promote disease. Apart from the fact that a bad diet may leave us deficient in vitamins and
minerals or that too much fatty or sugary food will cause disease in their own way, a diet low in plant
phytochemicals leaves us very vulnerable to disease because our cellular defences are not optimally
switched on. Good health is largely determined by how well our cellular defenses function. This
defense is now within our personal control by selecting a diet and other lifestyle practices that switch
on our internal defences.
The Dynamic Nutrition Advantage has been designed to include plant phytochemicals known to
promote these defence mechanisms. Each of the ingredients has its own important phytochemical
profile. Whilst it has been designed to include a broad array of antioxidant substances, its power lies
more in the way in which key phytochemicals talk to your cells DNA.
Features and Benefits of the Product

Features Benefits Comments

CellActiv Broccoli contains a powerful A small quantity of sprout is
bioactive, sulforaphane often absent equivalent in sulforaphane yield to
Broccoli Sprout
from modern diets. consuming large amounts of broccoli
Broccoli sprouts are around 50
times more powerful in their effect Our modern environment exposes
than fully-grown broccoli. us to many toxins (air pollution,
pesticide residues etc) all of which
Sulforaphane is well researched as
must be detoxified by the cells if they
a bioactive which has a
are stay healthy. Sulforaphane taken
nutrigenomic effect it switches on
daily provides a simple means of
genes of the cells own defense
keeping the cells in spring cleaning
mode. This minimises the likelihood
The better the cells own defenses of disease. Cancer is known to be
work, the better the overall health associated with cellular toxicity,
and healthy ageing. which leads to damaged DNA.

Chicory root (Inulin) Inulin is a soluble fibre which has Inulin is completely soluble and quite
many health-promoting properties tasteless. Diets low in plant foods
which include cholesterol-lowering, are usually very low in essential
promotion of intestinal health and fibre, especially the soluble fibre as
regularity, improves absorption of found in chicory root.
calcium, provides food for good
bacteria within the intestines.

Hibiscus Calyx Studies show Hibiscus Calyx to Although claims about blood
have a blood-pressure lowering pressure are not permitted for foods,
effect when consumed regularly. Hibiscus Calyx has a long history as
High blood pressure is common and a traditional medicine in many
contributes to heart disease. cultures.

Super fruits blend The fruits selected have high levels Some of these ingredients have high
of individually unique bioactives, ORAC levels but this concept is not
many of which have high antioxidant the most important property of the
potential. product.
Many of these fruits are also rich Vitamin C, beta-carotene and
sources of Vitamin C and lycopene are considered to be
carotenoids including beta-carotene antioxidants but have many other
and lycopene. valuable properties apart from their
The Mediterranean fruit, antioxidant effect.
Pomegranate has been shown to
Mediterraneans are known for their
have a range of health benefits in a
cardiovascular health, attributed to
range of scientific studies.
the use of particular plant-based
Purple grapes, another traditional foods. The French Paradox
Mediterranean fruit is well-known for explains the way in which the French
its role in prevention of whose diet is high in animal fats
cardiovascular disease. have surprisingly low rates of heart
disease. This phenomenon is
attributable to the protective effect of
the red wine consumed with meals.

Features Benefits Comments

Australian Contains Wattle seed & Tasmanian Bioavailability refers to the efficiency
indigenous plants Mountain Pepperberry. Piperine in of absorption of a substance from
Pepperberry helps to improve the the digestive system into the
bioavailability of other nutrients. bloodstream and then into the cells.

Phytochemically- A small amount of the food supplies Small amounts of these foods can
dense ingredients a relatively high amount of these be more valuable than larger
bioactive substances. amounts of more common foods.

Foods not It is recommended that we consume The product provides a range of

commonly a wider variety of foods to ensure bioactives which may not be found in
consumed that deficiencies are minimised. common fruits and vegetables

All natural plant Contains no additives that need to Australians (and other populations)
ingredients be detoxified by the cells. do not consume sufficient fruits and
vegetables. Only 11% of Australian
adults and 8% of adolescents
consume the required levels.

No artificial Avoids the adverse reactions that The flowing agent, is a form or
additives some people experience from silica, silicon dioxide. Silica is
artificial food additives. naturally found in the body and has
beneficial properties.

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