Indoor Vertical NFT Farm Setup

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Proposal For Indoor Vertical

NFT Hydroponics Setup

Sustainable Farm for Local, Healthy, Fresh & Delicious Food!

Integrated Hydroponics India Pvt. Ltd. | | 8505888800
Hydroponics : The Advantages of
Hydroponics Crop Production
21st Century Farming
Space Efficiency Less Water Usage Higher Yields High Quality Produce
The utilization of vertical Space Plants grown Hydroponicsal- Plants grown in well-managed That’s simple. If you give a
In Hydroponics farming Planta- ly can use only 10% of water Hydroponics systems are liv- plant exactly what it needs,
tion increases 4 to 10 times the compared to field-grown ones. ing the good life. Since roots when it needs it, in the amount
amount of crops in the same In this method, water is recir- are bathed in all the nutrients that it needs, the plant will be
The science of soil-less farming is called Hydroponics. It basically involves growing healthy space as traditional soil farm- culated. Plants will take up the they need, plants spend more as healthy as is genetically
plants without the use of a traditional soil medium by using a nutrient like a mineral rich water ing. Production increases 3 to necessary water, while run-off
time growing upward and less possible. With Hydroponics
time and energy growing ex- this is an easy task; in soil it
solution instead. A plant just needs select nutrients, some water, & sunlight to grow,and not only 10 times in the same amount ones will be captured and re-
tensive root systems to search is far more difficult amount of
do plants grow without soil, they often grow a lot better with their roots in water instead. of space. turn to the system.
for food. space.

Effective use of Hydroponics is Stress- Fewer Pests & Less use of Insecticide,

Growers can have Grower are able to manage pH and nutrients to make sure
plants are getting the exact nutrients they need. The sys-
In Hydroponics, you have a
Relieving Hobby
Tired after a long working day
And like weeds, getting rids of
and Herbicides
Since you are using no soils
and commute, you return to soils helps make your plants and while the weeds, pests,

total control over

100% control of the nutrients
tems are closed and recycle the water that is not used by (foods) that plants need. Be-
your small apartment corner, less vulnerable to soil-borne and plant diseases are heav-
it’s time to lay back everything pests like birds, gophers, ily reduced, there are fewer
plants. The technology allows growers to control tempera- fore planting, growers can and play with your Hydropon- groundhogs; and diseases like chemicals used. This helps

a Hydroponics check what plants require and ics garden. Reasons like lack
Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhi- you grow cleaner and health-
tures, humidity and lighting schedules to improve plant pro- the specific amounts of nutri-
of spaces are no longer right.
You can start fresh, tasty veg- zoctonia species.Also when ier foods. The cut of insecti-
duction. Systems can be designed to make use of vertical ents needed at particular stag- etables, or vital herbs in your growing indoors in a closed cide and herbicides is a strong

system. space and increase planting density.

es and mix them with water
small closets, and enjoy the
relaxing time with your little
green spaces.
system, the gardeners can
easily take controls of most
surrounding variables
point of Hydroponics when the
criteria for modern life and food
Labor and Time Savers Climate Control No Weeds Grow Everywhere
Besides spending fewer works Like in greenhouses, Hydro- If you have grown in the soil, Hydroponics plants can be
you will understand how irri- grown everywhere; you can
Future of
on tilling, watering, cultivating, ponics growers can have total
Hydroponics is a key tool in our collective challenge and fumigating weeds and control over the climate - tem- tating weeds cause to your grow at Commercial Farms, at
perature, humidity, light inten- garden. It’s one of the most your Indoor, or the spare balco-
to provide a growing global population with clean, pests, you enjoy much time
sification, the composition of time-consuming tasks for gar- ny or walkways as long as you

saved because plants’ growth have some spaces. it is said to
sustainable, local food. As venture capitalists in- is proven to be higher in Hy-
the air. In this sense, you can deners - till, plow, hoe, and so
convert any terrain into fertile
grow foods all year round re- on. Weeds are mostly associ-
vesting billions in the AgTech industry, Young droponics. When agriculture is gardless of the season. Farm- farming land With the tradition-
ated with the soil. So eliminate
has arrived
planned to be more technolo- ers can produce foods at the al farming, there are multiple
agripreneurs and urban Growers are taking to gy-based, Hydroponics has a appropriate time to maximize soils, and all bothers of weeds problems such as pest, climate
Hydroponics as new age of farming business. room in it. their business profits. are gone.accordingly. and soil diseases

Today, Hydroponics is thriving worldwide. Research

shows the global Hydroponics market is expected to
reach $17.9 billion by 2026 and Indian Hydroponics
market is likely to grow at a compound annual growth
rate of 13.53% between 2021 and 2027.

2 Integrated Hydroponics India Integrated Hydroponics India 3

What we do
About Inhydro
Commercial Hydroponics Farms
At Inhydro, we provide turnkey, one-stop solutions to
Develop both indoor and outdoor Commercial Hydro-
Complete One Stop Solutions for The 21st Century Hydroponics ponics farms. Our Design promote efficient water and
Farms & Greenhouse Projects. energy usage, high yields,easy maintenance.

InHydro is the nation’s leading manufacturer of food grade Hydroponics products, offers a
complete solution from technology innovation and R&D, feasibility studies, farm design & site Indoor Hydroponics Farms
planning, project management, training & consulting, farm operation & maintenance to agron- We Design and Develop Indoor/Home Hydroponics
omy support in commercial Hydroponics farms or small home/Indoor growing setups.
Farms to bring fresh, nutritious home grown veggies to
We combine practical experience and expertise with a comprehensive high quality system your table round the year as well as your Indoor will be
designed and manufactured to provide you with one source for your scalable, customized Hy- converted in profitable Hydroponics Farm
droponics growing needs. Ours is a complete solution and not just parts of a system. When
you choose InHydro you are backed by a complete team offering a complete solution with the
knowledge to make things work in your specific environment. Hobby Hydroponics Setups
At Inhydro we offer wide range of DIY Hydroponics

Sustainable InHydro Hydroponics brings sustainable technology based farm-

ing methods to agripreneurs. We have integrated agricultural
models for hobby growers or Hydroponics learners.
These models include everything you need to start

Growing sciences with the latest technology to produce healthy food with
high nutritional Value, free from harmful pesticides, herbicides,
growing leafy greens, herbs and more.

and fungicides. It’s done with incredible variety, with many differ-
Solutions ent plants growing vertically in only a square foot of floor space.
Greenhouse Projects
We at Inhydro, design and develop the ideal environ-
ment for your Plants where you can have Control on all
aspects of your growing Environment, from tempera-
Q F Improve the productivity of your growing operation by ture, Humidity Lighting, CO2 and much more
U A incorporatin our leading edge technology. our 21st
I C Century farms solution we will lower your capital costs
C T by reducing the resources required to produce high
K S quality crops Growing Supplies
Get everything including Hydroponics systems, NFT
Excels in Design & Development of sustainable Hydroponics
channels, irrigation kits, grow mediums, net pots &
farms for 21st century Agripreneurs
planters Hydroponics nutrients, meters & controllers,
pumps, air pumps, seeds, seedlings, other tools & ac-
cessories etc.

Pioneer in a New Excels in Hydropoics, High Value Design,

Engineering &
Age of Farming Aquaponics,Aeroponics
RND Center
Grower Support
Solutions Technologies
Do you have a challenge? Our Experts love to offer
all essential Training & guidance including agronomy
2000+ 50+ 80+ support to our growers with our Unique model of Build
Hydroponics Consulting engagement Professional agronmist
– Operate – Transfer to assure peace of mind to our
Farming Products! on Hydroponics farming to support our growers

2K 30+ 15+
Learning community Professionally Trained Crops includes Leafy The aim of InHydro is to provide best
members on Staff On Hydroponics greens, herbs, vine quality profitable and sustainable
Hydroponics Farm- Farming Technology crops and fruits
Hydroponics solutions for customers
world wide

4 Integrated Hydroponics India Integrated Hydroponics India 5

Our Values Dream Big With
Our Consultation
Each Hydroponics farm built by team Sustainability isn’t just about being

Inhydro for our clients is backed with smarter. It means changing the way
the expertise of the Chief Technology we think. We make sure every step
Officer, a dedicated R&D team, Design
of our process is consistent with
Engineers. Plant Scientists, Microbi-
eco-friendliness and the preservation In the New Age of Farming Technology, growers and
ologists, and Field Technicians pro-
vide the perfect conditions for healthy of nature. we can grow more produce agri-entrepreneurs need guidance and support to set
plants to thrive, taking farming to a (per square foot per year) using less
new level of precision and productivity up and run their dream farm. At InHydro we provide all
land, less water and less energy than
with minimal environmental impact.
is possible with conventional farming. essential products, training and guidance including our
R E G U L AT O R Y C O M P L I A N “grower support” services to build and operate a sus-
C U LT U R E tainable Hydroponics business.
Our latest greenhouses are advanced, We respect all rules and regulations
data-driven, climate-controlled facilities and adhere to global food safety stan-

the most efficient production systems dards. We employ the highest stan- APPLY WHERE AND WHEN IT
available today. These greenhouses
are some of the highest-yielding farms
dards including ISO and other inter- IS NEEDED MOST
around and use less energy, land & national and domestic standards and
water. protocol. Our Hydroponics consulting services and solutions enable
SCIENTIFIC METHOD TRANSFORMING us to increase yield, productivity and profit, and reduce
A G R I C U LT U R E risks by supporting growers control over where and when
We do not make any commitments We have integrated Agricultural Sci- it’s needed most.
or claims that are not scientifically ences with latest technology to pro-
proven. Our commitments are either duce healthy food with high nutritional
backed by renowned scientific re-
search or supported by clinical trials.
value, free from harmful pesticides GROWER SUPPORT
using less land, less water & less en-
Sharing Industry’s best practices with
ergy than field farms. Grower will have

our clients those are scientifically prov- Do you have a challenge? Our experts love to offer all es-
complete control over what they grow
en with a first-class customer services
make us stand out when it comes to a & how they grow & finally provide a sential Training & guidance including agronomy support to
nutritious choice to their customers.
relationship with our clients.
INDOOR our growers with our Unique model inf Build – Operate –

Why Choose us ?
PROJECTS Transfer to assure peace of mind to our customers.


Engineers and technicians, from Our experts love to offer all essen-
We do have well qualified & experienced Agronomist, spe-
InHydro, work together with expe- tial Training & guidance including
rienced growers worldwide to de- agronomy support to our growers cialists of agriculture, who assist in providing best growing
velop continuously new solutions with our Unique model of Build practices, plants health and environmental conditions that

for improving Hydroponics crop – Operate – Transfer to assure
may impact on crop performance to our growers.
yields and performance.. peace of mind to our Customers.
We do manufacture Our NFT Our team consists of experts and
Grow Channels and Grow Buckets well-trained professionals to pro-
with 100% FDA approved HDPE vide services of the highest quality. After sales services are also available to simplify your crop
(high density polyethylene). our All Our experts love helping growers cycles. Tell us about your crop production schedule and
Hydroponics products and acces- with custom design solutions for we can provide all your needs including seeds, seedlings,
sories are made from top quality their Hydroponics farms that opti- growing media, nutrients and more to you once per crop
food grade materials. mize crop production. cycle.
6 Integrated Hydroponics India Company Name 7
There are numerous benefits to installing a Indoor Hydroponics Setup. One of the most
obvious is the fact that vegetables and fruits grown in the greenhouse could be used by
residents of the building to offset their own food costs.

Precisely Delicious We changed everything about growing food, without changing

the food. Our produce tastes incredible, has lower environ-
Produce mental impacts, and we do it all at levels of precision that are
impossible through traditional farming.

Truly Sustainable Agriculture is long overdue for a technology update. As the

world’s population has increased, environmentally damaging
Food agriculture has increased to match. InHydro has redesigned

Indoor Vertical
the process for growing fresh produce to use vastly less ener-
gy and less water, on smaller amounts of space.

Hydroponics A Smarter Way to At InHydro we design and develop Hydroponics farms to en-
sure each individual plant receives the optimal levels of sun-
shine, water, and nutrients. Our approach lets us grow exactly
what’s needed, greatly reducing systemic food waste.

Offset the Urban Heat Another big benefit is that this sort of “greening” helps to offset
the urban heat island effect (UHI), and helps make cities not
Maximum Yield Explains about Indoor Vertical Island Effect (UHI) only more liveable, but healthier for humans.
Hydroponics Setup
The increased demand for fresh and chemical-free food
in cities has led to a boom in urban farming in India.
Hydroponics technology can save wa-
ter land and labour resources. Especial-
Local,Fresh,And We grow a diverse range of top quality produce includes herbs,
leafy greens, vegetables free from pesticides all year round,
Hydroponics, a method of farming that involves growing
plants without soil, today being used by many startups
ly in an urban and semi urban context HealthyFood right where you and your costumers are.
where space is available at a premium
and urban farmers. cost, Hydroponics goes a step further
Indoor Vertical Hydroponics Setup are becoming more com-
mon in urban areas where farmable land is scarce. It is con-
and solves for this constraint as well
since it eliminates the need for avail-
Farm the Indoor to Growing vegetables at home on a terrace/Indoor or balcony
is a great way to bring fresh, nutritious veggies to your table.
sidered easier to outfit a building with a Hydroponics system
on the roof, rather than a soil garden, because Hydroponics
able soil, and allows multiple layers of Your Plate Knowing where your food came from is just one benefit of
farming in a relatively confined space. home vegetable gardening.
gardens are cleaner and less cumbersome.

8 Company Name Integrated Hydroponics India 9

Typical Our Indoor Vertical Hydroponics
Indoor Vertical Farms Bundles
Hydroponics Setup We are able to grow where people live by making use of unused spaces of any resi-
dential and commercial building. Taking advantage of air conditioning system to easy
and effective control over growing environment and with the help of artificial grow lights
A Indoor Vertical Hydroponics Setup is essentially exactly what it sounds like – A Indoor
we can grow fresh and local food in indoor Hydroponics farm, which is affordable and
Vertical Hydroponics Setup that houses a Hydroponics system. Indoor Vertical Hydroponics
available in your own local supermarket.
Setup is a greenhouse located on the roof of a building that has been outfitted with a Hy-
droponics system, as opposed to conventional soil-based containers or raised beds. Indoor The climate-controlled environment maintains optimal growing conditions, we keep
Farming has been developed to provide urban gardeners with options for growing. pesky bugs and pests off our greens by growing them inside our Indoor greenhouse.
This is essential when we grow without pesticides and herbicides to keep your food

Commercial NFT Hydroponics farm with Climate Control Green House

Produc- Average
Area in No Of No of Total Pro- Total Profit Pay back
Capex Opex(A) tion Per sale
SqFt Plants Cycle duction Sales (B) (B-A) period
cycle Price
200 1500 610000 276000 0.2 10 3000 200 600000 324000 1.9
500 3000 1125000 442000 0.2 10 6000 200 1200000 758000 1.5
1000 6000 2130000 784000 0.2 10 12000 200 2400000 1616000 1.3
2000 15000 4950000 1860000 0.2 10 30000 200 6000000 4140000 1.2

Capital Expenditures (Capex)

Area in Cost of Grow Supply with Consulting & Agronomy
No Of Plants Total Cost
SqFt Hydroponics System system Support
200 1500 495000 15000 100000 610000
Urban farmers are 500 3000 975000 30000 120000 1125000
taking to Hydroponics, 1000 6000 1920000 60000 150000 2130000
a water-smart solution 2000 15000 4650000 150000 150000 4950000
to grow pesticide-free
produce on indoor Including supply and installation of NFT system with IOT Automation, Autodoseing, AC system, Grow
Vertical Setup lights, electrical setup

It’s now possible to produce large and consistent quantities and Operational Expenditure (Opex)
Indoor Vertical
quality of food using revolutionary vertical farming methods.
These Indoor Vertical Farms are the future of modern agriculture Hydroponics Area in No Of
Seed & Media
Electricity cost
Nutrients & Crop
cost @ 12 per Protection cost Lease
with several advantages Systems in SqFt Plants yearly (@ 9 Rs Unit) Cost yearly Opex
plant @12 Per Plant Cost
Reliable year-round crop production cities Produce
Unaffected by adverse weather conditions Vegetables that 200 1500 18000 120000 18000 120000 276000
Easy to control environment are Cheaper and 500 3000 36000 240000 36000 130000 442000
Better use of space
Health, fresh and local food Healthier than 1000 6000 72000 480000 72000 160000 784000
Reduces Usage of Water Rural Farms 2000 15000 180000 1200000 180000 300000 1860000
Cuts Down on Transport Cost
Reduced Pesticide Use

10 Integrated Hydroponics India Integrated Hydroponics India 11

Hydroponics System Components Grower Supply
Hydroponics Crop Production Data
& Specifications
Sr. No. Components Specifications Sr.No. Item Quantity Indoor Vertical Hydroponics Farm
1 NFT Channels Size: 100x50 mm internal , 105x55 1 oasis cubes for 3 harvest cycle Production Production Production in Kg Production
external Thickness 4 to 5 mm Material: 2 Seeds for 3 Harvest Cycle Crop Type Cycles-Days Cycles in Year per cycle in Kg/year
FDA approved food grade HDPE
3 Nutrients for 3 Harvest Cycle Lettuce 40 10 0.2 2
2 End Caps yes
4 PH Down Solution 1 Ltr Kale 40 10 0.2 2
3 Net Pot 2 inch HDPE Net pots Unbreakable
5 Germination Trays 50 Spinach 40 10 0.2 2
4 Rack Stand 1 Inch GI structure
6 Hygrometer 1 Swisschard 40 10 0.2 2
5 Inlet Line HDPE inlet line with push fitting
PH and EC Pen Rocket leaves 30 12 0.06 0.7
6 Out line UPVC plumbing and fitting 7 Meter 1 Basil 30 12 0.06 0.07
7 Tank HDPE tank with appropriate size 8 Hydrogen peroxide 1 Ltr Parsley 30 12 0.05 0.6
8 Pump Crompton or kirloskar Sticky trap for Sage 30 12 0.05 0.6
9 Grow lights 32 Watt High CRI bar Lights with control 9 insects 50
Stevia 30 12 0.05 0.6
10 AC System Voltas or blue star 10 Neem Oil 1 Ltr
Chinese cabbage 90 4 0.5 2
Pak choy 60 6 0.3 1.8
Hydroponics Farm Automation
Strawberry 120 3 0.3 0.9
1 Control unit IOT based temp, humidity controller
2 Autodoser unit IOT based autodoseing unit with PH, EC, Temp Monitoring for nutrient Management
3 Interface Cloud based dashboard and mobile app Hydroponics NFT Channel
4 Control unit Timer and program based control unit Made From FDA Approved UV Stabilized 100% Virgin HDPE (Not PVC!)
Our Grow Channels are made from FDA approved UV stabilized HDPE(High Density Poly-

Hydroponics Indoor Farm Includes

ethylene), Designed with ridges on bottom for consistent nutrient tracking/flow and having
maximum air circulation for root zone for best production.

Supply and Installation of fully automated Indoor Hydroponics farm with all part & Fittings including Grow
Light light controller temperature & humidity monitoring system etc Advantages Of Our HDPE NFT Grow Channels
Supply & Installation of Hydroponics NFT Setups with all parts and fitting including Structure, NFT Channels,
Net cups, Nutrient tanks, Pumps & valves of appropriate capacity. Easy to handle and install, Offering significant cost Made from FDA approved UV stabilized HD-
Grow supplies, like nutrients, growing media, pH buffer solutions etc. for first crop cycle. advantages and ROI. PE(High Density Polyethylene)
Tools like TDS & PH Meters for nutrient Management. Hygrometer, Data loggers etc.
Resistant against gamma-based and acidic envi- Flat bottom with ridges for maximum oxygenation
Seed Germination tray with all germination essentials like seeds, pro tray, grow media etc.
ronments as well as Many solvents and chemicals. and nutrient tracking
All Electrical & plumbing work related to Greenhouse development.
Training & growing support for first crop cycle High strength, flexibility and Impact resistant Resistant to microorganisms and rodents.

Not Included Client’s Scope of Work

The life of HDPE is estimated to be between 50 to Made in india
100 years
Taxes and Transport for supply of materials. Provide clear, clean and levelled Site to Install project
Civil work related to water proofing and roof Uninterrupted water and Electricity source to meet the
levelling etc. operational requirement of the Project.
Supply of Sand, Cement and Aggregate for Providing appropriate boarding facility for our work-
Foundation civil works force.
Electrical & Plumbing works related to Utilities All necessary civil work supplies will be done by client.
availability to terrace Safety and security issues will be taken by client
water filtration depending on water condition RO Plant if needed is taken care by client

* All Prices are Excluding GST and ex-factory

** All Numbers above are just representative values and not commited price.The
final cost of the project will be given after site visit or Survey.
12 Integrated Hydroponics India Company Name 13
Ready For Get Faster Maturity.
Growing ? Higher Yield
Indoor plant production is the practice of growing plants on top of residential, commercial and Urban farmers are taking to Hydroponics, a water-smart solution to grow
industrial buildings. The Indoor is an ideal landscape for growing plants in dense cities, as it pesticide-free produce on Indoors and terraces
typically has greater exposure to solar energy than ground below.
Grow varieties of Clean. Fresh. Healthy crops including leafy greens, herbs & medicine plants,
InHydro’s Hydroponics system experts love helping our growers in their environmental con- year-round with our custom designed Hydroponics farms.Our farms support year-round grow-
trols and design custom solutions that optimize crop turns. With our Hydroponics consultation
ing in any climate, from the densest of cities to the most remote area of the country.Our de-
services our Hydroponics experts will design Greenhouse, Hydroponics System, Farm Auto-
mation, lighting, and business solutions for your unique .situation. signs promote efficient water and energy usage,high yields, and easy maintenance

Improve the productivity of your growing operation by incorporating our leading-edge tech-
nology. we will lower your capital and operation cost by offering best solutions for 21st
What Can
I Grow ?
century farm development.

We are growing a global network of India’s Hydroponics market So many crops, so many possibilities.
urban farms that are closer to our
is expected to grow at a Explore a wide variety of Fruits, Vegetables, Crops, from classic herbs to exotic edible
communities and kinder to our flowers. The choice is yours.
environment. We grow a diverse compound annual growth
range of top-quality produce all rate of 13.53% between Lettuce, Kale, Pokchoy, Chinese Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Spinage,
year round, right where you are. Asparagus, Beans, Swiss Chard, Basil, Chives, Parsley, Rosemary, Mint, Sage, Thyme,
2021 and 2027. Coriader, Oregano, Celery
Our Indoor Hydroponics Farm comes with everything you need
Basil, Cutting Celery, Chervil, Chives, Cilantro, Mizuna, Fennel Leaf, Marjoram, Mint,
Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Shiso, Sorrel, Thyme etc

Indoor Greenhouse and gardens have been implemented in many

Cities in India

We havw Design and Develop Indoor Hydroponics growing system that is easy to install
and use, Witch come with everything you need to produce from farm to table vegetation.
Grower Subscription
HYDROPONICS FARMS OPTIONAL All the seeds, Seedling, nutrients, and grow-

ing media you will need, delivered to your
door when you need them. This subscription
is priced for each crop cycle. Supply for First
crop are included with system
Contact us to get a quote for additional
equipment and services to hassle free and
easy farm operation
Technical Consulting
Have a Inhydro growing specialist come to
your farm and really “dial-in” your system and
System Automation & Environmental
Take your Hydroponics greenhouse to a whole Lighting Package
new level of automation with state of art farm
Light up your whole greenhouse and create
automation solutions
longer growing days during the long dark win-
ter nights.

Climate Control System

Tank House Components
Automatic management of all aspects of green-
house climate control from temperature to CO2, An addition pressure PUMP and screen FIL-
TER KIT for Redundancy, tank heater and
lighting to humidity with an option to manage and chillers etc.
visualize remotely.

Nutrient Auto Dosing System Reverse osmosis (RO)

Automatic management of nutrient and pH lev- One of the most common practices in Hydro-
els, setting remote alarms with a nutrient dosing ponics is to use reverse osmosis (RO) water
in order to create your Hydroponics nutrient
system with an option to managing and visualiz-
solutions. InHydro offer a range of affordable
ing this remotely. Reverse Osmosis systems from 100LPH to
pH Controller
pH Controller will enable you to continuously Propagation System
maintain perfect pH levels in your reservoir, al- The propagation stage is one of the most im-
lowing you to walk away with complete peace of portant as it sets the pace for your harvest
mind knowing that your crops are in safe hands. times. Strong seedlings make for quicker crop
turns. The Propagation System is a stand-
alone system that come complete with every-
thing required.
Let ’s Grow Together!
Contact us today to know more about Profitable and Sustainable
New Age of Farming Technologies


Phone : 8505888800 Email : Address : A – 25, Sector 59,

8506818506 Web : Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

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