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Degree Level 2

Managing Business

BM027-3-2-MBUS Individual Assignment

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Demings 14 Points ............................................................................................. 4 2.1 Create consistency of purpose towards improvement. ...................................... 4 2.2 Adopt the new philosophy. .............................................................................. 4 2.3 Stop depending on inspections. ........................................................................ 5 2.4 Use a single supplier for any one item. ............................................................. 5 2.5 Improve constantly and forever. ....................................................................... 5 2.6 Use training on the job. .................................................................................... 6 2.7 Implement leadership. ...................................................................................... 6 2.8 Eliminate fear. ................................................................................................. 6 2.9 Break down barriers between departments. ...................................................... 7 2.10 Eliminate slogans and target........................................................................... 7 2.11 Eliminate management by objectives. ............................................................ 7 2.12 Remove barriers to pride of workmanship. ..................................................... 8 2.13 Implement education and self-improvement. .................................................. 8 2.14 Make transformation everyones job. .......................................................... 8 3.0 Demings Philosophy .......................................................................................... 9 3.1 Pride and Joy ................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Reduction in variation ...................................................................................... 9 3.3 More output ..................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Sustaining long term competitive advantage .................................................... 9 3.5 Top management must overriding responsibility .............................................. 9 4.0 Deming Cycle .................................................................................................... 10 ............................................................................................................................ 10 4.1. Plan .............................................................................................................. 10 4.2. Do ................................................................................................................ 10 4.3. Check ........................................................................................................... 10 4.4. Act................................................................................................................ 10 5.0 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 11 6.0 Reference .......................................................................................................... 12

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

1.0 Introduction
Base in the assignment, it is use of Demings 14 Points, Demings Philosophy and Deming Cycle to plan the class and learn academic environment. Deming is a good strategy for the student and lecturer to practice a good lesson. It can improve for us how to improve and manage our learning lesson. The List of Demings 14 Points are: 1. Create consistency of purpose towards improvement 2. Adopt the new philosophy 3. Stop depending in inspections 4. Use a single supplier for any one item 5. Improve constantly and forever 6. Use training on the job 7. Implement leadership 8. Eliminate fear 9. Break down barriers between department 10. Eliminate slogans and target 11. Eliminate management by objectives 12. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship 13. Implement education and self-improvement 14. Make transformation everyones job The List of Demings Philosophies are: 1. Pride and joy 2. Reduction in variation 3. More output 4. Sustaining long term competitive advantages 5. Top Management must overriding responsibility The List of Deming Cycle: 1. Plan 2. Do 3. Check 4. Act

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

2.0 Demings 14 Points

How can learn and classroom performance be improved by applying Demings philosophy?

2.1 Create consistency of purpose towards improvement.

When the student chooses a University specialize Honorary Degree, he or she would choose a subject which is interest. The main objective is having a long term future potential. Its importance by chosen a correct subject for a correct direction after graduated to get a right job. Other than having a university degree, a student also need to have more extra reading and research for a knowledgeable mind set. If the student prepare well during the university time, sure they will know what they want and get the goal with mission and vision strongly.

For Example: Nowadays, Mobile Communication is anywhere and 4G is coming out with fast transmission. It helps a lot of people to carry out their need in Mobile Devices. Thus, Im doing an Honorary Degree Information Technology in Network Computing. It can help me moving forward to Mobile Communication.

2.2 Adopt the new philosophy.

Adopt the new philosophy and objective to start a new subject for a semester. When we are having a new subject for study, we should have a goal to earn the subject. It makes our result difference when we have a new philosophy to do our degree.

For Example: When we learn C++ programing; we should have more research and more practices during the Lab and extra time practices. Thus, we should get a good result by having new objective and philosophy to learn new things.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

2.3 Stop depending on inspections.

When we do an assignment, most of the time the lecturer will guide us step by step to do the assignment. As a University student, we should stop depending on lecturer. We should have get the requirement and do the research by our own. It is because we can learn things base on research and experience.

For Example: A student study on one of the subject, he always request help by getting tips from the lecturer help. Base on this, the student cant learn things and only pass for Assignment and Exam.

2.4 Use a single supplier for any one item.

It is better for a classroom and university has a single and fix supplier. It is because of a reliability supplier can customize the product that need. In addition, if the university has a good relationship with the supplier, it reduces the cost of product by getting offer from them. Thus, the student can get a better offer price than the other book stores.

For Example: Universities which need order books for the students. The supplier which is only one and it is reliable to get order. Thus, the student get better discount than the other book stores.

2.5 Improve constantly and forever.

Human is not a perfect, especially as a student. When we doing something wrong, we should find out what is the problem and solve the problem. Life nervy perfect but will be better. It is same like a learning process with the improvement every day.

For Example: A student is having late summation assignment. It is a lesson for the student who is doing last minutes work. It makes the student trouble by summit the CSS form. Thus, the student should constant an improvement to summit the assignment early and no last minute work.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

2.6 Use training on the job.

Before or after the university student have been graduated. They should send for some special company training or internship to get more experience. It can help them know more except for the class. Self-experience is better than only lesson in class.

For Example: Some of the students have internship on between Level 2 to Level 3 Degree holiday. It helps them to getting more experience and motivates them to do things better.

2.7 Implement leadership.

Leadership is very importance for any place and organization. Thus, most of our group assignment has to get a group leader. It can help the student more perfect by handle a team work project on future time.

For Example: Computer Technology which having a group work assignment. It help student to handle their team and good leadership by group leader.

2.8 Eliminate fear.

Fear is something barrier for the student who always do wrong things. They might ignore to try again when doing something wrong or get bad result for the exam. Thus, the lecturer should help the students when he or she knows the problem of the student facing.

For Example: Some of the student face fear when do the maths subject, thus the lecturer should reserve more consultation time for the students who need help for their maths subject.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

2.9 Break down barriers between departments.

Lecturer should break down barriers for difference students. Most of the time, students are facing problem to answer question paper during the tutorial class. Thus, the lecturer should break down the student in a group and let them discuss the question together to reduce the barriers.

For Example: Managing Business tutorial class is one of the examples, lecturer break down the group to reduce the barriers of students facing.

2.10 Eliminate slogans and target.

When the lecturer announces and releases the assignment to the student. He or she should give the objective clearly to the student what should do. If the lecturer mention the slogans unclear, it will bring negative impact to the student didnt do good work for their assignment.

For Example: When CRI subject lecturer realise the assignment, she mention the objective clearly what should we do and clear define the guideline of the assignment. Thus, in the end of the day, every student can get the good result because of the clear slogans

2.11 Eliminate management by objectives.

The university cant only just follow the fix rule and regulation of all modules. It is because every one of student has difference weakness. Thus, the university should have counsellor and lecturer consultation hour for the student who cant follow the management objective because of personal issues.

For Example: One of the UCTI students cant summit the assignment on time. Thus, he has to summit the EC form to admin, and meet the manager to tell them the problem. It is good of having a meeting with board rather than follow the fix rule and regulation because of something personal issues.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

2.12 Remove barriers to pride of workmanship.

Sometime, some of the classes might have this kind of problem. Some of the student they feel proud by his or her self because of getting better result than the others. The lecturer should teach every student equally and ask the talent student to help each other. This kind of moral value should have been teaching everyone. Thus, the barriers of workmanship will be removed because of good ethical and moral value to implement by lecturer.

For Example: The management of UCTI University College, they having a talk and event by the lecturer to provide the student a speech. This speech and activities is regarding help each other and dont be proud ethic.

2.13 Implement education and self-improvement.

Education is must by everyone on current century. It is because every one of us also knows that education and knowledge is helping people moving forward for a better life and good future. Thus, the lecturer should advise the students should have self-improvement rather than just having 6 subjects in a semester is not enough.

For Example: One of the student in UCTI, he always have his free time in library. It is because he uses his free time for self-learning rather than going out with friends. It know that the knowledge can prove him in better future because of he know more than the others.

2.14 Make transformation everyone s job.

A transformation is need for a class with better knowledge and better way to learn things. It is useful for the lecturer teaching with a transformation new way rather than traditional way to teach the student. Most of the student will feel tired and boring when the lecturer is teaching. Thus, the new transformation teaching way is to let the class more active.

For Example: Some of the lecturer they willing to ask student have a group discussion and presentation in front of the class. Thus, it will help for the student think more by having a group discussion and find out the method for the presentation. It will make the class more interesting by having some activities.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

3.0 Demings Philosophy

3.1 Pride and Joy
In learning environment, classroom activities are more interactive rather than only listen to the lecturer for lecture. An interactive programme can bring the student effective understanding. For example: getting group discussion, and a lesson video.

3.2 Reduction in variation

Some of the lecturer will talk about something out of the topic in the lecturer. It is because they want to let the student know more about the extra from the class lesson. But, it might make some of the student confuse because of variation in class topic. Thus, this Demings Philosophy is good for some of the student confuse in class, because of out of topic.

3.3 More output

This also can improve the student result with getting more output in practice. A more output of practice sure will get a good result.

3.4 Sustaining long term competitive advantage

When a student choose a subject or specialise, he or she should know what they want after graduated. It is a long term competitive to know what to do after graduated.

3.5 Top management must overriding responsibility

The quality management of the university should be standard by Malaysia Government MQA. Thus, the top management of university should have the quality survey from the student after finish the modular and take action after get the survey.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


Degree Level 2

Managing Business

4.0 Deming Cycle

Plan Act Check

Figure 1: Show about Deming Cycle


4.1. Plan
The students should be having a plan first before do an assignment or start a new subject. They should plan a schedule, when they can finish the assignment and how to finish it.

4.2. Do
After the proper plan, the student should follow the schedule or plan and complete it on time.

4.3. Check
When the assignment is almost complete, the student should check the whole assignment for a double conform it is correct. If possible, check by the lecturer as well.

4.4. Act
After check, the correction should be done and summit it on time.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation



Degree Level 2

Managing Business

5.0 Conclusion
Base on the Deming above, it have a lot of strategies to implement for our lesson. It can help us to manage our learning environment in good process and improvement. Thus, the Demings 14 points, Deming Philosophy and Deming Cycle is good strategies and practice for us to manage our lesson environment. It is the good recommended have a Deming Philosophy to be implemented in University. It is because it very helpful for a university to improve their quality management. Thus it is good to use it.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation



Degree Level 2

Managing Business

6.0 Reference
6.1 Books
W.Edwards Deming, 2000. Out of the Crisis. London, England: The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, Ch1, pp. 11-17, pp. 23-43.

W.Edward Deming, 1994. The New Economics. United States of America: Cambridge, Mass, MIT, Center for Advance Educational Services, Ch5&Ch6, pp116-121

Mary Walton, 1985. The Deming Management Method, United States of America: Carol Estornell, Ch3, pp33-38.

William Edwards Deming, 1950. Some Theory of Sampling, United States of America: Dover Publications, Inc, Ch2, pp23-32

Wiley Classics Lilrary, 1976. Deming Sample Design in Business Research, Canada: John Wiley & Son, Inc,

Stanley N. Deming & Stephen L. Morgan, 1993. Experimental design: a chemo metric approach, Netherlands: Elservier Science Publishers B.V.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation



Degree Level 2

Managing Business

6.2 Online
Anon, 2001, Deming 14 Points Plan [Online], available from Accessed [5 August 2011]









from [5 August 2011]








from [5August 2011]

Leadership Institute inc, 2006, Dr.W. Edwards Deming [Online], Available from [5 August 2011]

Curious Cat Management Improvement Library-Dictionary, 1990 [Online], Available from [6 August 2011]







from [6 August 2011]







quality/project-planning-tools/overview/pdca-cycle.html [6August 2011]

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation


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