ASTM-D1640-D1640M-14-2022 - Drying and Curing
ASTM-D1640-D1640M-14-2022 - Drying and Curing
ASTM-D1640-D1640M-14-2022 - Drying and Curing
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
nents and/or to determine the effect of cooler temperatures on
drying rates. Conversely, the drying/curing rate of certain
coatings can be accelerated under elevated temperature/
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responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
humidity conditions, while others may be adversely impacted
by elevated humidity. Method C is designed to evaluate the
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. effects of elevated temperature and relative humidity condi-
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- D1640/D1640M-14(2022)
tions on drying, curing, and film formation of paints and
coatings. The terms dry or drying, cure or curing, and film
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the formation are used interchangeably throughout this standard.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical 3.2 Test Methods A, B and C are limited to a comparison of
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. paints/coatings applied to smooth, non-absorbent substrates
and do not reflect the effect of absorption of the paint vehicle
2. Referenced Documents into the substrate material.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
D823 Practices for Producing Films of Uniform Thickness 4. Substrate, Coating Application Method and Film
of Paint, Coatings and Related Products on Test Panels Thicknesses
D4414 Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by 4.1 Obtain agreement between the contracting parties as to
Notch Gages the substrate, wet film thickness (WFT), and application
method for testing the specific coating involved. The product is
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on tested as manufactured (without reducer, unless otherwise
Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and are the direct agreed upon by contracting parties). Unless otherwise agreed,
responsibility of Subcommittee D01.23 on Physical Properties of Applied Paint the thickness of the cast film shall conform to the coating
Current edition approved June 1, 2022. Published June 2022. Originally manufacturer’s product data sheet. If the wet film thickness is
approved in 1959. Last previous edition approved in 2018 as D1640/D1640M – 14 not stated on the manufacturer’s product data sheet, it can be
(2018). DOI: 10.1520/D1640_D1640M-14R22.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
the ASTM website. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D1640/D1640M − 14 (2022)
calculated using the formula in 4.1.1 based on the manufac- If elevated temperature without consideration for humidity is
turer’s recommended dry film thickness (DFT) and percent desired, a convection oven can be used.4,5
non-volatile by volume (% solids by volume). If this informa- 5.3.2 Condition the substrate material, the coating to be
tion is not provided, contact the coating manufacturer to obtain tested, and the application device for a minimum of 1 h in the
the recommended wet film thickness for testing. temperature/humidity-controlled chamber prior to casting the
4.1.1 WFT5 ~ DFT ÷ % Solids by Volume ! wet film.
5.3.3 Make all measurements at a temperature and relative
5. Test Conditions humidity as agreed upon between contracting parties. Record
5.1 Method A (Laboratory Procedure—Normal Drying the actual temperature and relative humidity employed for
Conditions): testing. All dry time measurements are made with the coated
5.1.1 Conduct all drying tests in a well-ventilated room or panels in a horizontal position while drying.
chamber, free from direct drafts, dust, products of combustion, 5.3.4 Apply the wet film according to the coating manufac-
laboratory fumes and under diffused light (see 5.1.4). Make all turer’s instructions. In the absence of any specific material
measurements at an air temperature of 23 6 2 °C and 50 6 5 % specification or product data sheets, instructions for casting the
relative humidity with the coated panels in a horizontal film should be agreed upon between contracting parties.
position while drying. 5.3.5 Films to be tested should have practical thicknesses
5.1.2 Apply the wet film according to the coating manufac- commensurate with the coating manufacturer’s recommenda-
turer’s instructions. In the absence of any specific material tions. All testing should be performed within an area at least 15
specification or product data sheets, instructions for casting the mm [1⁄2 in.] from any film edge.
film should be agreed upon between contracting parties. 5.3.6 Minimize opening and closing of the temperature and
5.1.3 Films to be tested should have practical thicknesses humidity-controlled chamber to prevent fluctuation of condi-
commensurate with the coating manufacturer’s recommenda- tions.
tions. All testing should be performed within an area at least 15 5.4 Method D (Shop/Field Procedure):
mm [1⁄2 in.] from any film edge. 5.4.1 Measure and record air and surface temperature, and
5.1.4 Illumination of the films during the entire drying test relative humidity immediately prior to coating application.
iTeh Standards
period must be from low, non-radiant energy light sources,
such as normal laboratory or sky sources, never from direct
5.4.2 Apply the wet film according to the coating manufac-
turer’s instructions. In the absence of any specific material
5.2 Method B (Laboratory Procedure—Low Air Tempera-
specification or product data sheets, instructions for applying
the film should be agreed upon between contracting parties.
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ture Drying Conditions): 5.4.3 Apply the wet film to the same substrate and surface
5.2.1 Conduct all drying tests in a ventilated temperature texture using the same application equipment and parameters
and humidity-controlled chamber. Allow the temperature and as are intended to be used in the shop/filed during production.
relative humidity to stabilize within the chamber prior to use. 5.4.4 Films to be tested should have practical thicknesses
5.2.2 Condition the substrate material, ASTM D1640/D1640M-14(2022)
the coating to be commensurate with the coating manufacturer’s recommenda-
tested, and the application device for a minimum of 1 h in the tions.
temperature/humidity-controlled chamber prior to casting the
wet film. 6. Preparation of Test Specimens
5.2.3 Make all measurements at a temperature and relative 6.1 Carry out all tests as described in 6.1.1 – 6.1.5, unless
humidity as agreed upon between contracting parties. Record otherwise noted.
the actual temperature and relative humidity employed for 6.1.1 All test specimens (test surfaces for Method D) shall
testing. All dry time measurements are made with the coated be prepared and tested by one operator proficient in the
panels in a horizontal position while drying. methods to be used. Apply the coating material to the agreed
5.2.4 Apply the wet film according to the coating manufac- upon substrate in duplicate at a time arranged so that evaluation
turer’s instructions. In the absence of any specific material intervals will fall within the normal working hours of the
specification or product data sheets, instructions for casting the operator.
film should be agreed upon between contracting parties. 6.1.2 If the coating to be tested requires an induction time,
5.2.5 Films to be tested should have practical thicknesses cast/apply the wet film after the induction period.
commensurate with the coating manufacturer’s recommenda- 6.1.3 For Methods A, B and C, apply the materials to be
tions. All testing should be performed within an area at least 15 tested on clean glass panels, smooth cold-rolled steel panels or
mm [1⁄2 in.] from any film edge. other specific substrate of suitable dimensions agreed upon
5.2.6 Minimize opening and closing of the temperature and between contracting parties. Ground-glass plates are more
humidity-controlled chamber to prevent fluctuations in condi- suitable for certain types of coatings that tend to crawl, such as
tions. low-viscosity drying oils. Suitable plates can be prepared by
5.3 Method C (Laboratory Procedure—Elevated Air Tem-
perature and Humidity Drying Conditions): 4
Consider potential safety hazards associated with the flash point of any organic
5.3.1 Conduct all drying tests in a ventilated temperature
solvents included in the paint/coating vehicle.
and humidity-controlled chamber. Allow the temperature and 5
A hot plate may be used to generate different air and surface temperature, if
relative humidity to stabilize within the chamber prior to use. required.
D1640/D1640M − 14 (2022)
roughening the surface of polished glass by grinding a paste of (2) Cover the outer layer with a good grade of paper, except
silicon carbide (grit 1–F) and water between two glass plates. for two exposed strips, equally spaced, about 6.4 by 25 mm [1⁄4
6.1.4 For Methods A, B and C cast the coating materials to by 1 in.] in area on the top of the tester, and
the substrate with a wet film applicator having a clearance (3) Cover the paper on the contact side of the base with one
sufficient to yield the recommended wet and resulting dry film thickness of pressure-sensitive cellulose tape previously fixed
thickness. Other methods to produce a film of uniform thick- to the metal base of the tester. The cellulose tape serves two
ness such as those described in Practices D823 may be used as purposes: (1) to pull the layers of masking tape firmly against
agreed upon between contracting parties. the front of the metal base, and (2) to provide a smooth surface
6.1.5 Measure the wet film thickness in accordance with for the foil.
Practice D4414. (4) Attach the aluminum foil to the base of the tester by
pressing gently but firmly a 25 by 50-mm [1 by 2-in.] piece of
7. Procedure foil, 13 µm [0.0005 in.] in thickness against one of the 6.4 by
7.1 When test methods or end points other than those listed 25-mm [1⁄4 by 1-in.] exposed strips of masking tape on the top
in 7.2 – 7.8 are used, there shall be a prior agreement between surface of the base. Wrap the foil tightly and smoothly around
the contracting parties. the base, exposing the shiny side, and finally press the outer
end gently against the remaining exposed strip of masking
7.2 Set-To-Touch Time—Lightly touch the test film with the tape. When it finally becomes necessary to replace wrinkled or
tip of a finger (clean and free of grease) and immediately place soiled aluminum foil, the ends are easily removed from the
the fingertip against a piece of clean, clear glass. Observe if any masking tape by exerting a slow, even, upward pull sufficient to
of the coating is transferred to the glass. For the purpose of this overcome the tack of the tape without tearing the foil.
test, the pressure of the fingertip against the coating shall not be A film is considered to have dried tack-free when the
greater than that required to transfer a spot of the coating from
tack tester tips over immediately on removing a 300-g weight
3 to 5 mm [1⁄8 to 3⁄16 in.] in cross section. The film is
allowed to act for 5 s on the counter-weighted metal square
set-to-touch when it still shows a tacky condition, but none of
base fitted with masking tape and aluminum foil.
it adheres to the finger. Remove any coating from the fingertip
iTeh Standards
immediately. The use of a glove, finger cots or the presence of 7.5 Dry-To-Touch Time:
freshly-applied cosmetic products/hand creams may interfere 7.5.1 Continue testing after the set-to-touch time (7.2) has
with the test results. been observed. The film is considered dry-to-touch when it no
7.3 Dust-Free Times (Applicable to Methods A, B, and C longer adheres to the finger and does not rub up appreciably
when the finger is lightly rubbed across the surface. Remove
7.3.1 Cotton Fiber Test Method—Separate a number of
individual fibers from a mass of absorbent cotton with the aid
any coating from the fingertip immediately. The use of a glove,
finger cots or the presence of freshly-applied cosmetic
of tweezers. At regular drying intervals, drop several of the products/hand creams may interfere with the test results.
cotton fibers from a height of 25 mm [1ASTM in.] onto a marked
7.6 Dry-Hard Time:
section of the film. The film is considered to have dried dust 7.6.1 With the end of the thumb resting on the test film and
free when the cotton fibers can be removed by blowing lightly the forefinger supporting the test panel, exert a maximum
over the surface of the film. downward pressure (without twisting) of the thumb on the film.
7.4 Tack-Free Times (Applicable to Method A only): Lightly polish the contacted area with a soft cloth. The film is
7.4.1 Mechanical Test Method (Tack Tester6)—The tack considered dry-hard when any mark left by the thumb is
tester is comprised of a base or surface-contacting portion completely removed by the polishing operation. Remove any
25-mm [1-in.] square and a counter-balancing portion 25 by 50 coating from the thumb immediately. The use of a glove, finger
mm [1 by 2 in.] in area. Both portions are made up from a cots or the presence of freshly-applied cosmetic products/hand
continuous metal strip 0.41 to 0.46 mm [0.016 to 0.018 in.] in creams may interfere with the test results.
thickness. To prepare the apparatus for use (see, fit the 7.7 Dry-Through (or Dry-To-Handle) Time:
base with several thicknesses of masking tape and paper strips
7.7.1 For Methods A, B, and C, place the test panel in a
to provide a means of attaching the aluminum foil and so adjust
horizontal position at a height such that when the thumb is
the angle of the 1 by 2-in. counter-balancing strip so that a
placed on the film, the arm of the operator is in a vertical line
weight of 5 g placed in the geometric center of the base portion
from the wrist to the shoulder. For Method D, perform the
is just sufficient to overcome the unbalanced force.
testing on a coated horizontal surface when feasible. Bear The tester is prepared by following steps in se-
down on the film with the thumb, exerting the maximum
pressure of the arm, at the same time turning the thumb through
(1) Wrap the metal base with three thicknesses of masking
an angle of 90° in the plane of the film. The film is considered
tape, sticky side out,
dry-through or dry-to-handle when there is no loosening,
detachment, wrinkling, or other evidence of distortion of the
film. Remove any coating from the thumb immediately. The
A straight line or circular mechanical drying-time recording device described in
use of a glove, finger cots or the presence of freshly-applied
ISO 9117–4 can be used as an alternative to the tack tester. Follow the manufac-
turer’s instructions. Data generated using the tack tester should not be compared to cosmetic products/hand creams may interfere with the test
data generated using the mechanical drying-time recording devices. results.