ISO - 11998 - Wet Scub Resistance and Cleanability

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The key takeaways are that this standard specifies a method for determining the wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of paint and varnish coatings through an accelerated test procedure.

The purpose of this standard is to specify an accelerated method for determining the wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of paint and varnish coatings to evaluate how well they can withstand repeated cleaning and resist staining.

This standard uses an abrasive pad attached to a scrub testing machine that is run over the coated panel for 200 cycles to determine wet-scrub resistance.

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First edition

Paints and varnishes — Determination of

wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of
Peintures et vernis — Détermination de la résistance au frottement humide
et de l'aptitude au nettoyage des revêtements

A Reference number
ISO 11998:1998(E)
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ISO 11998:1998(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented
on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.

International Standard ISO 11998 was prepared by Technical Committee

ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes, Subcommittee SC 9, General test
methods for paints and varnishes.

Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.

© ISO 1998
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
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Printed in Switzerland

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Paints and varnishes — Determination of wet-scrub resistance and

cleanability of coatings

1 Scope

The ability of coatings to withstand wear caused by repeated cleaning operations and to resist
permanent blemishing by stains is an important consideration both from a practical point of view and
when comparing and rating such coatings. This International Standard specifies an accelerated method
for the determination of wet-scrub resistance. With regard to the cleanability of coatings, only the
method itself and not the soiling agents are specified.

NOTE — Since these properties depend not only on the quality of a coating but also on the substrate, the method of
application, the drying conditions and other factors, the results obtained are not directly transferable to actual
practice. In this standard the evaluation of the coating is based on a defined substrate, a fixed application method,
specified drying conditions and a defined method of wet scrubbing.

2 Normative references

The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 1512:1991, Paints and varnishes — Sampling of products in liquid and paste form.

ISO 1513:1992, Paints and varnishes — Examination and preparation of samples for testing.

ISO 2808:1997, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film thickness.

ISO 3270:1984, Paints and varnishes and their raw materials — Temperatures and humidities for
conditioning and testing.

ISO 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods.

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.

3.1 cleanability: The ability of a dry coating film to withstand penetration by soiling agents and to be
freed from them through the cleaning process without removing more than a defined film thickness.

3.2 scrub cycle: One reciprocal movement of the scrub pad over the full stroke length in both

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3.3 stroke length: The total distance, end to end, traversed by the scrub pad in a scrub testing

3.4 wet-scrub resistance: The ability of a dry coating film to sustain less than a specified loss in film
thickness, averaged over a defined area, when exposed to 200 wet-scrub cycles.

4 Principle

The test coating is applied to a test panel using a film applicator at the specified gap clearance. After
drying and conditioning, the coated panel is weighed and subjected to 200 wet-scrub cycles in a scrub
testing machine. It is then washed, dried and weighed again to determine its loss in mass, from which
the mean loss in film thickness is calculated.

For the determination of cleanability, soiling agents are applied to similarly prepared coated panels. The
soiling agents specified are left in contact with the coating film for a specified time. The coated, soiled
panels are then subjected to 200 wet-scrub cycles.

Through comparison of the mean loss in film thickness with a specified value, as agreed between
interested parties, the coating can be rated in wet-scrub resistance classes.

When the applied soiling agent is observed to be removed and the coating is wet-scrub resistant, the
coating is said to be cleanable in terms of the soiling agent used.

5 Reagents

5.1 Washing liquid

Use a 2,5 g/l solution of sodium n-dodecylbenzenesulfonate in water of grade 3 purity as defined in
ISO 3696. The solution shall be allowed to stand before use until all air-bubbles and foam have

5.2 Soiling agents

The soiling agents and manner of application shall be agreed between the interested parties.

6 Apparatus

6.1 Test panel,1) made of PVC film free of migration-susceptible chemical plasticizers, of sufficient
rigidity to ensure a flat surface, impervious to and unaffected by water or aliphatic organic solvents and
of nominal thickness 0,25 mm, 430 mm long and not less than 80 mm wide.

Other types of plastic film may be used where the coating contains solvent which may adversely affect
the PVC film. If the coating delaminates before or during the test, another, more suitable substrate shall
be used.

6.2 Film applicator (preferably an automatic film applicator), used at an application speed of 10 mm/s

1) Suitable plasticized PVC film can be obtained from the Leneta Co., 15 Whitney Road, Mahwah, NJ 07430-3129,
USA, or Erichsen GmbH, Am Iserbach 14, 58675 Hemer, Germany, or Sheen Instruments, Unit 4, St George's
Industrial Estate, Richmond Road, Kingston, Surrey KT2 5BQ, UK.

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© ISO ISO 11998:1998(E)

to 15 mm/s and fitted with a doctor blade with an appropriate gap clearance and a gap width of at least
60 mm.

6.3 Wet-scrub tester apparatus: a reciprocating scrub testing machine with an effective stroke length
of (300 ± 5) mm and operating at approximately (37 ± 2) scrub cycles per minute shall be used. A
counter for recording the number of scrub cycles shall be provided.

6.4 Scrub pad holder,2) consisting of a metal plate fitted with pins to hold the abrasive pad. A mounting
device with elongated holes is loosely fitted on the top of the plate (see figure 1).

The mass of the scrub pad holder and the supporting mechanism which exerts a downward force on the
test panel shall be (135 ± 1) g.

6.5 Abrasive pad,3) of non-woven plastic material, with embedded abrasive, measuring
(90 ± 0,5) mm × (39 ± 0,5) mm. A new abrasive pad shall be used for every test.

6.6 Analytical balance, shielded from draughts, capable of weighing the test panel with applied coating
to an accuracy of 1 mg.

6.7 Straight-edge ruler, with 0,5 mm divisions.

7 Sampling

Take a representative sample of the coating to be tested, as described in ISO 1512.

Examine and prepare the sample, as described in ISO 1513.

8 Procedure

8.1 Film application

8.1.1 Using the film applicator, make a draw-down of the prepared sample of coating material on the
test panel to achieve an even film at least 10 mm longer than the stroke length (see 3.3).

Ensure the gap clearance is sufficient that the resulting dry film is of such a thickness that, after 200
wet-scrub cycles, the substrate is not exposed.

8.1.2 For the determination of wet-scrub resistance, dry the film in a standard atmosphere, as defined in
ISO 3270, for the specified period. Weigh the test panel with the dried coating film (rolled up to fit onto
the balance, where possible) to the nearest 1 mg.

8.1.3 Either prepare panels for the determination of cleanability at the same time as for the
determination of wet-scrub resistance, or use one half of a panel for cleanability and the other half for
wet-scrub resistance (see note). Dry the film in a standard atmosphere, as defined in ISO 3270, for the
specified period. Apply the specified soiling agents (see 5.2) in the manner agreed 24 h before
completion of the drying period.

2) A suitable holder can be obtained from Erichsen GmbH, Am Iserbach 14, 58675 Hemer, Germany; Order No.
3) Suitable pads may be cut from "3M Scotch Brite" handpads, No. 7448, Type S, Grade UFN, grey, manufactured
by 3M France, Avenue Boulé, BP 28, 95250 Beauchamp, France.

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ISO 11998:1998(E) © ISO

NOTE — Duplicate panels are best prepared by using a standard panel measuring (165 × 430) mm and making a
draw-down approximately 150 mm wide. After drying, the panel may then be cut in half lengthwise.

8.2 Wet-scrub resistance

8.2.1 Place the test panel with the applied coating film in the base pan of the scrub testing machine on
a float glass support and hold it down with clamps (see figure 2), but not so tight as to cause warping of
the test panel.

8.2.2 Spread the washing liquid with a soft paint brush on the surface of the coating. Leave the liquid in
contact with the coating for 60 s.

8.2.3 Ensure that the transporting threads are parallel to the surface of the test panel and that the
mounting device is not in contact with the scrub pad holder (see figure 3).

8.2.4 Saturate the abrasive pad with washing liquid to a final mass of (4 ± 0,5) g. Place the abrasive
pad on the scrub pad holder and in contact with the coating film. The unprinted side of the pad shall be
the side in contact with the coating during the test.

8.2.5 Start the scrub testing machine and run for exactly 200 cycles. The excess washing liquid applied
with the brush will be removed within the first cycle.

8.2.6 Detach the test panel from the machine and the float glass support, rinse it immediately with tap
water, and leave it to dry to constant mass in the same standard atmosphere already used in 8.1.

8.2.7 Record the residual dry mass of the test panel and coating film to the nearest 1 mg.

8.3 Cleanability

8.3.1 Carry out the procedure as specified in 8.2.1 to 8.2.5.

8.3.2 Detach the test panel from the machine and float glass support, rinse immediately with tap water,
and leave it to dry for the same time and under the same conditions as the test panel for the
determination of wet-scrub resistance (see 8.2.6).

8.3.3 Visually compare the scrubbed area where the soiling agents were applied with the scrubbed area
on a duplicate panel or on the other half of the same panel (see 8.1.3).

9 Expression of results

9.1 Calculation of the loss in coating mass

9.1.1 Area traversed by the scrub pad

The area A, in square metres, traversed by the scrub pad is given by

W × S
A =

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