Aakash Ioqm Ocap03
Aakash Ioqm Ocap03
Aakash Ioqm Ocap03
Medical|IT-JEE| Foundations
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa
Road, New Delhi-110005
Topics Covered :
Mathematics : Number Theory
values of S.
digitof (N then find sum of all distinct possible
1+16\1t 1 t1Foauo -2018J1+2019/1+2020.2022
Considera number
N=234 52345234... 23 4 23 4 5 5
800 digits
Ifn, digits from starting and n, digits from the end are eliminated N so that
from the sum of remaining digits
5. Find number of ordered pairs of natural numbers (a, b) such that Ja +b =201900
6 Abha has a faulty calculator in which '6 button not working.
It means she can't enter a number that
contains the digit 6. Moreover,calculator
does not display the digit '6'which means
while multiplying 13 and
2, answer displayed as 2 and while multiplying 12 and 14 answer
displayed as 18. If Abha multiplies a one
digit number by a two-digit number and
answer displayed as 42 then hoW many possibilities
could she has
8 How many prime numbers less than 10 are there whose sum of digits is less than 4?
9. If n be a two digit natural number such that last two digits of the number (2002) and (2006)005 are identical.
Find the largest value of n.
(ForVIll, IX & X Studying Students) to 2150 he S
10. 29h 10
Then find the value of
that it will fall on a Sunday is P,
from the set (1, 2, 3, 4, ...,15), so that product
numbers be deleted
minimum sum
of the
11. Find the
remaining numbers is a perfect square.
0<*<90. the range of
and (x) =
greater than x
12. I denotes the greatest integer not
4 1 16
13. If X= then find the value of-s16
516 41)
14. N is the smallest natural number such that in decimal representation it ends with 6 and if we move last digit
17. When a3-digit number 986 is added to another 3 digit number pq5, we get a four digit number 17rs, which is
18. abc and cba are, respectively,the bae nipe andbase seven numeráls same postive integer. Find
the sum of digits of this integer when expressed in base ter
19. Let p be the smallest positive integer n for-whichi thelast thfee 2007n are 837. Find the value of
30 Foufaatiora,